free! DAYTON - MARCH 2014 - ISSUE 25 Photo# Chyanneweekly Moore Contributors Stephanie Baker Kerry Duane Brown Jacob S. Combs Randy Cornett Coco Gagnet Justin Gault Danny Hamen Victoria Harley Brian Johnson Eric Keck Emily Mendenhall Tom Morgan Chyanne Moore M Ross Perkins Vince Williams Lisa Patrick-Wright Illustrators Sophie Dannin Erin Dreis Adam Eckley Ben Riddlebarger Brittany Schwarck Wakka Christopher ‘ETCH’ Weyrich Jason Young Publisher: Brian Johnson
[email protected] Editor: Kerry Duane Brown
[email protected] 937-580-8551 Copy Editor: M Ross Perkins Designer: Justin Gault
[email protected] Director of Photography: Stephanie Baker
[email protected] © Copyright 2014 by Telephone Media 2014. Reproduction of any content, in whole or in part,without written consent of publisher is strictly prohibited. # weekly Photos Stephanie Baker table of contents PHOTONS|6-7 Photography by Chyanne Moore WHAT WE’RE DRINKING |8 Craft Beer Writer Tom Morgan KALIMOTXO, WINE SPRITZERS & YOU|9 Emily Mendenhall love chemicals|10 Coco Gagnet / Illustrated by Erin Dreis DIY: BREAST AND TESTICLE SELF EXAM |11 Lisa Patrick-Wright / Illustrated by Adam Eckley RECORD ROULETTE: |12 PROCOL HARUM, FLEETWOOD MAC & ROTARY CONNECTION M Ross Perkins POKEMON FEVER: THE ECONOMICS OF JAPANESE MONSTERS|14 Danny Hamen / Illustrated by Brittany Schwarck GUIDED BY VOICES INFOGRAPHIC |16 Erin Dreis/M Ross Perkins/Vince Williams SUBARUS AND MICROBREWS: THE ETYMOLOGY OF “HIPSTER”|18 Victoria Harley / Illustrated by Erin Dreis OFF THE RADAR: BECAUSE POP STARS ARE PEOPLE TOO|20 Jacob S Combs / Illustrated by Sophie Dannin ANGELS IN AMERICA|22 Mindy Parade / Illustrated by Adam Eckley STATUTORY ROCK|24 Randy Cornett / Illustrated by Adam Eckley TELEPHONE ASKS..