Log of Bridges on State Highways October, 2018 DISTRICT 03 03-SAC-005

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Log of Bridges on State Highways October, 2018 DISTRICT 03 03-SAC-005 October, 2018 LOG OF BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAYS i October, 2018 LOG OF BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAYS California Log of Bridges on State Highways Contents Bridge List Items and Keys to Coded Information...................................................ii County Table................................................................................................................v Alphabetic City Code Table.......................................................................................vi District Log..................................................................................................................1 Index of Bridge Numbers...........................................................................................I1 Prepared by California Department of Transportation Structure Maintenance & Investigations The information in this publication is available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/structur/strmaint/brlog2.htm ii October, 2018 LOG OF BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAYS BRIDGE LIST ITEMS AND KEYS TO CODED INFORMATION Postmile Entries in BOLD type show DISTRICT-COUNTY-ROUTE. Other entries show postmile prefix followed by postmile to the nearest hundredth of a mile. Prefixes of R, M, and N refer to re-aligned routes. Prefix L refers to a section or route paralleling another route. When the route is on the deck of the bridge, the postmile is recorded at the beginning of the structure (i.e. the lowest postmile on the bridge). When the route goes under the structure, the postmile is recorded on the underpassing route where the structure is first encountered. All other measuerments in this publication are given in meters. Bridge Number The official structure number assigned by CalTrans. The Bridge Number Suffix carries information about the function of the structure. Blank Structure carrying two-way traffic C Center structure E Connector structure F Connector structure G Connector structure H Connector structure J Outer outer left K Left outer highway structure L Left structure of left inner structure M Burried Hazard or miscellaneous structure R Right structure or right inner structure S Right outer highway structure T Outer outer right W Drainage pumping plant Y Structure on State-owned and maintained connections no on main highway (may be closed) Z Access to private property or closed with no access OU "O" Indicates that the route is carried on the deck of the structure "U" Indicates a route crossing under the structure. O - Structure Name U - Roadway Under or Route Information When route traffic is on (O) the structure, the structure name is shown. When route traffic is under (U) the structure, the roadway name is shown, otherwise, miscellaneous route information is shown. iii October, 2018 LOG OF BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAYS Structure Types Code for main span type followed by approach span type (if different). First character (Material): Second & Third characters (Design): 1 = Concrete 01 = Slab 2 = Concrete continuous 02 = Stringer/Multi-beam or Girder 3 = Steel 03 = Girder and Floorbeam System 4 = Steel continuous 04 = Tee Beam 5 = Prestressed concrete 05 = Box Beam or Girders - Multiple 6 = Prestressed concrete continuous 06 = Box Beam or Girders - Single or Spread 7 = Wood or timber 07 = Frame (except frame culverts) 8 = Masonry 08 = Orthotropic 9 = Aluminum, wrought iron, or cast iron 09 = Truss - Deck 0 = Other 10 = Truss - Thru 11 = Arch - Deck 12 = Arch - Thru 13 = Suspension 14 = Stayed Girder 15 = Movable - Lift 16 = Movable - Bascule 17 = Movable - Swing 18 = Tunnel 19 = Culvert 21 = Segmental Box Girder 22 = Channel Beam 00 = Other City CalTrans alphabetic code for the city or government land within whose limits the bridge exists. The Alphabetic City Codes Table shows the full city names corresponding to these codes. Where a name is preceeded by an asterisk, it indicates a bridge on government lands not within any city limits. Bridge Length The length of the structure from paving notch to paving notch in meters. Width The out-to-out width of the structure to the nearest tenth of a meter. For through structures, the lateral clearance between superstructure members. For flared structures, the minimum deck width. No width is shown for non-grade-top culverts or structures not carrying vehicular traffic, such as underpasses or pedestrian overcrossings. Number of Spans The number of span in the structure. Upper-level spans of double deck structures are not included in this count. Min VC Over Roadway The minimum vertical clearance over the traveled way portion of the ROUTE in meters. In the case of arches, tunnels, through trusses, etc, where the minimum clearance does not give a true picture, an asterisk ("*") is shown after the clearance. In such cases, an accurate depiction of the available vertical clearance may be obtained from the structure clearance diagram which resides within the office of Structure Maintenance and Investigations. Sidewalk Widths The minimum width of left and right sidewalks or curbs, to the nearest tenth of a meter. Where this value is 1 meter or greater, the structure is considered to carry pedestrian traffic. iv October, 2018 LOG OF BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAYS Year Built (Original Construction) and Year Widened or Extended The year of original construction. For some older bridges, this may be an estimate. Permit Rating Permit ratings are shown for information only. They should not be used for permit issuance. The permit rating is usually a string of five characters showing permit capacity for 5,7,9,11, and 13 axle vehicles. Where a single character is shown, it represents an "administrative" rating. P Purple permit capacity G Green permit capacity O Orange permit capcity X No permit capacity Permit rating are for information only. They are not to be used for permit issuance. P (Posting) Posting - B Open - posting recommended D Open under temporary conditions E Open - temporary structure G New structure - not yet open K Closed to all traffic M Closed or partially closed pending repairs J Posted for load v October, 2018 LOG OF BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAYS COUNTY NAMES, NUMBERS AND ABBREVIATION County No. Abbr. County No. Abbr. Alameda 33 ALA Del Norte 1 DN Alpine 31 ALP Siskiyou 2 SIS Amador 26 AMA Modoc 3 MOD Butte 12 BUT Humboldt 4 HUM Calaveras 30 CAL Trinity 5 TRI Colusa 15 COL Shasta 6 SHA Contra Costa 28 CC Lassen 7 LAS Del Norte 1 DN Tehama 8 TEH El Dorado 25 ED Plumas 9 PLU Fresno 42 FRE Mendocino 10 MEN Glenn 11 GLE Glenn 11 GLE Humboldt 4 HUM Butte 12 BUT Imperial 58 IMP Sierra 13 SIE Inyo 48 INY Lake 14 LAK Kern 50 KER Colusa 15 COL Kings 45 KIN Yuba 16 YUB Lake 14 LAK Nevada 17 NEV Lassen 7 LAS Sutter 18 SUT Los Angeles 53 LA Placer 19 PLA Madera 41 MAD Sonoma 20 SON Marin 27 MRN Napa 21 NAP Mariposa 40 MPA Yolo 22 YOL Mendocino 10 MEN Solano 23 SOL Merced 39 MER Sacramento 24 SAC Modoc 3 MOD El Dorado 25 ED Mono 47 MNO Amador 26 AMA Monterey 44 MON Marin 27 MRN Napa 21 NAP Contra Costa 28 CC Nevada 17 NEV San Joaquin 29 SJ Orange 55 ORA Calaveras 30 CAL Placer 19 PLA Alpine 31 ALP Plumas 9 PLU Tuolumne 32 TUO Riverside 56 RIV Alameda 33 ALA Sacramento 24 SAC San Francisco 34 SF San Benito 43 SBT San Mateo 35 SM San Bernardino 54 SBD Santa Cruz 36 SCR San Diego 57 SD Santa Clara 37 SCL San Francisco 34 SF Stanislaus 38 STA San Joaquin 29 SJ Merced 39 MER San Luis Obispo 49 SLO Mariposa 40 MPA San Mateo 35 SM Madera 41 MAD Santa Barbara 51 SB Fresno 42 FRE Santa Clara 37 SCL San Benito 43 SBT Santa Cruz 36 SCR Monterey 44 MON Shasta 6 SHA Kings 45 KIN Sierra 13 SIE Tulare 46 TUL Siskiyou 2 SIS Mono 47 MNO Solano 23 SOL Inyo 48 INY Sonoma 20 SON San Luis Obispo 49 SLO Stanislaus 38 STA Kern 50 KER Sutter 18 SUT Santa Barbara 51 SB Tehama 8 TEH Ventura 52 VEN Trinity 5 TRI Los Angeles 53 LA Tulare 46 TUL San Bernardino 54 SBD Tuolumne 32 TUO Orange 55 ORA Ventura 52 VEN Riverside 56 RIV Yolo 22 YOL San Diego 57 SD Yuba 16 YUB Imperial 58 IMP vi October, 2018 LOG OF BRIDGES ON STATE HIGHWAYS ALPAHBETIC CITY CODES City Code City City Code City City Code City 0000 00000 BLV BELVEDERE CMAD CORTE MADERA ADA ARCADIA BLY BLYTHE CMB CAMPBELL ADEL ADELANTO BMT BELMONT CML CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA AGRH AGOURA HILLS BMTN BLOOMINGTON CMRC COMMERCE ALA ALAMEDA BONT BONITA CMRL CAMARILLO ALB ALBANY BOST BOSTONIA CMS COSTA MESA ALH ALHAMBRA BPK BUENA PARK CMSA CALIMESA ALMO ALAMO BRB BURBANK CND CONCORD ALT ALTURAS BRE BREA CNG CORNING ALTA ALTADENA BRW BRAWLEY CNLK CANYON LAKE ALV ALISO VIEJO BSBN BRISBANE COA COACHELLA AMA AMADOR CITY BSW BARSTOW COL COLTON AMCN AMERICAN CANYON BTWD BRENTWOOD COM COMPTON ANA ANAHEIM BURE *BUREAU OF RECLAMATION COR CORONA AND ANDERSON BURL BURLINGAME CORD CORONADO ANDP ALONDRA PARK BVHS BEVERLY HILLS COTI COTATI ANG ANGELS BWP BALDWIN PARK COV COVINA ANT ANTIOCH BYWD BAYWOOD-LOS OSOS CPO CUPERTINO APLV APPLE VALLEY CADE CASA DE ORO-MOUNT HELIX CPTL CAPITOLA ARC ARCATA CAEL CARMICHAEL CRC CRESCENT CITY ARDN ARDEN-ARCADE CAL CALABASAS CRCN CORCORAN ARGD ARROYO GRANDE CALC CALIFORNIA CITY CRSN CARSON ART ARTESIA CAMA CAMP PENDLETON SOUTH CRTS CERRITOS ARV ARVIN CAMN CAMP PENDLETON NORTH CSTG CALISTOGA ASHD ASHLAND CAPA CAMERON PARK CTHC CATHEDRAL CITY ATAS ATASCADERO CARP CARPINTERIA CYP CYPRESS ATN ATHERTON CAVA CASTRO VALLEY CYTN CLAYTON ATW ATWATER CBD CARLSBAD DAPT DANA POINT AUB AUBURN CDHY CUDAHY DBA DINUBA AVA AVALON CER CERES DBLN DUBLIN AVDH AVOCADO HEIGHTS CFX COLFAX DHSP DESERT HOT SPRINGS AVNL AVENAL CHC CHICO DLC DALY CITY AZU AZUSA CHLD CHERRYLAND DLMR DEL MAR BAN BANNING CHN CHINO DLN DELANO BAU BEAUMONT CHNH CHINO HILLS DMBR DIAMOND BAR BBL
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