DISPLAY MANIPULATION PROGRAM APPLICATION Create new program ...... CTRL+N Closes Detail View ...... CTRL+F4 Create new user macro ...... CTRL+M Closes SIMPL Windows ...... ALT+F4 Opens program or macro ...... CTRL+O Display context-sensitive help ...... F1 Saves program or macro ...... CTRL+S Hide/view both Symbol Prints program ...... CTRL+P and Program View ...... ALT+B Opens Port Settings dialog box ...... ALT+C Hide/view Program View ...... ALT+P SIGNAL Hide/view Symbol Library ...... ALT+Y Refresh window ...... F5 NAME Add a new name ...... ENT, ENT DIALOG BOXES Displays startup dialog box ...... CTRL+T Add a signal suffix from prompt ...... ALT+6 Displays Zoom Percentage Add the signal suffix dialog box ...... ALT+Z set in Preferences ...... ALT1 thru ALT5 Add inputs and/or outputs NODE one at a time ...... ALT+= Collapses current node ...... CTRL+SHIFT+E Add inputs or outputs in Expands current node ...... CTRL+E specified multiples ...... ALT+SHIFT+= PANE Assign sequential names to highlighted Display next pane ...... F8 signals (based on first signal) ...... SHIFT+F4 Display previous pane ...... SHIFT+F8 Assign sequential names to highlighted signals (based on last signal) ...... F4

NAME continued SYMBOL Copy selected input signal to its output Edit symbol comment ...... CTRL+R (or vice-versa) ...... F6 Find symbol ...... CTRL+F Cursor remains with current signal after signal assignment ...... CTRL+ENT Find next symbol ...... F3 Delete a signal ...... DEL Move symbol or enter a new symbol without placing it inside a subsystem ...... Delete a signal and highlight the input or ...... SHIFT+drag output below it ...... CTRL+DEL Remove a symbol ...... DEL Removes inputs and/or outputs one at a time ...... ALT+- Resize a symbol (in Detail View) ...... F7

GETTING AROUND GENERAL EDIT Moves cursor between inputs and Cancels Edit ...... ESC outputs (in a top to bottom, left to right direction) ...... TAB Copy ...... CTRL+C Moves cursor Cut ...... CTRL+X (in any direction) ...... ARROW KEYS Paste ...... CTRL+V Select a variable range of inputs or Undo ...... CTRL+Z outputs ...... SHIFT+CLICK Select inputs or outputs in a downward direction (from present cursor position to last input or output) ...... SHIFT+END Select inputs or outputs in an upward direction (from present cursor position to first input or output) ...... SHIFT+HOME Signal routing (show) ...... F2 Signal routing (highlight) ...... F3