Distributed programming I (socket - nov'09) Warning for programmers network programming is dangerously close to O.S. Network programming: sockets kernel, and therefore: It can easily hang the O.S. verify the results of every operation, without assuming anything as granted Antonio Lioy <
[email protected] > APIs can vary in details that are minimal but important consider every possible situation to create english version created and modified by “portable” programs Marco D. Aime <
[email protected] > we will try to use Posix 1.g Politecnico di Torino Dip. Automatica e Informatica ISO/OSI, TCP/IP, network programming Exercise – copying data copy the content of file F1 (first parameter on the application command line) into file F2 (second parameter on the 7. application details application command line) user 6. presentation (l6: XDR/XML/... process l5: RPC/SOAP/...) 5. session network programming 4. transport TCP UDP SCTP interface 3. network IPv4, IPv6 kernel communication 2. data link device driver details 1. physical and hardware OSI model IP suite ref. UNP Intro copyfile.c Error messages Error functions must contain at least: best to define standard error reporting functions [ PROG ] program name which accept: [ LEVEL ] error level (info, warning, error, bug) a format string for the error [ TEXT ] error signalling, the most specific as possible a list of parameters to be printed (e.g. input file name and line where the problem has UNP, appendix D.4 (D.3 in 3rd edition) occurred) errno? termination? log level [ ERRNO ] system error number and/or name (if applicable) err_msg no no LOG_INFO err_quit no exit(1) LOG_ERR suggested format: err_ret yes no LOG_INFO err_sys yes exit(1) LOG_ERR ( PROG ) LEVEL - TEXT : ERRNO err_dump yes abort( ) LOG_ERR errlib.h errlib.c © A.Lioy - Politecnico di Torino (2009) B-1 Distributed programming I (socket - nov'09) stdarg.h stdarg.h usage example variable list of arguments (ANSI C) create a function named my_printf declared with an ellipsis (.