Confirmation of the Open Minutes of the Meeting of the Derry City
1 Derry City and Strabane District Council Minutes of Meeting of Derry City and Strabane District Council held in the Council Chamber, Guildhall on Thursday 17 December 2015 at 4.00pm _____________________ Present:- Councillor McCallion (in the Chair), Aldermen Bresland, Devenney, M Hamilton, Hussey, Kerrigan, Ramsey, Thompson and Warke; Councillors Boyle, Carlin, Carr, Cooper, Cusack, Diver, Donnelly, Duffy, Fleming, Gallagher, Hassan, Hastings, Jackson, C Kelly, D Kelly, P Kelly, Logue, McGinley, McGuire, M McHugh, R McHugh, McKeever, McMahon, O’Reilly, Reilly Robinson and Tierney. In Attendance: Chief Executive (Mr J Kelpie), Director of Environment and Regeneration (Ms K Phillips), Director of Health and Community (Mrs K Mc Farland), Director of Business and Culture (Mr S Gillespie), Lead Legal Services Officer (Mr P Kingston), Lead Democratic Services and Improvement Officer (Ms E Cavanagh), Lead Audit, Assurance and Risk Officer (Mrs D McDonnell), Lead Finance Officer (Mr A Dallas), Head of Culture and Business (Ms L Williams), Communications Officer (Mr C Gray), Business Manager (Mrs S Maxwell) and Committee Clerk (Ms D Melaugh). ______________________________ C307/15 Notice and Summons for Meeting The Chief Executive read the Notice and Summons for the Meeting. C308/15 Webcast Announcement by the Mayor The Mayor read the Webcast Announcement for the meeting, however advised that there were current technical difficulties which may affect the ability to provide a visual recording of the meeting. C309/15 Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Aldermen R Hamilton and McClintock, Councillors Campbell and Dobbins. C310/15 Declarations of Members’ Interest Item Ref C322/15 2 The following Members of the Planning Committee expressed an interest in the above item and withdrew from discussion thereon.
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