Mmq I)al|y Thermometer, 3; Maxi- Hay At 8.86 o'clock this Afternoon In the CORNISH WAS TWISTED. mum Thermometer, 7: Minimum Ther- OPfcMO CAM OF BEEF. library of tbe eaooutlva mansion. There IaDICTED IN PORTLAND. mametoi. —1; Max. Velooity Wind, 20 woe little formaltt obeerred. although a of NWj Total I’reclpltatloo, 0. number persons wers present by In- vitation of the President. While signing the document the President and tho Sec- Weather Oheerretlee. retary of State set at the round table In CURED OF GRIP! The the oenter of the The was BE agricultural denartraent weather library. pen Swindlers Constitutes Itself War Allied Arrested In Athletic Director Hakes a Poor Wit- Cabinet an ordinary gold one which tlie Ae„ bureau fur February 10, taken Presi- yesterday, dent frequently uses In hi* oflloe work. at * p. m., meridian time, the abasrratlon 1 be York. V * ness. Investigation Board. ceremony occupied only a very few for eaoh section being given la this order: minutes and at Ita conclusion Secretary la tied the Temperature, direction of wind, eta re of Hoy rep document In its crimson velvet case and look It to the | weather: state de- partment for transmission to Madrid of tfesldes th» OX BENCH WARRANT ISSIEH BY in Case 3 New President the SO there were The Wonderful Results Obtained TOLD SEYKKAL STORIES ABOUT Boston, degreee, NW, p.oldy; BEEF EXAMINED WAS WOOD present Fork, 3 Philadel- Mrs McKinley, and degrees. NN, olear; Secretary liny daugh- JCD«E WEBB. POISOSISO CASE, phia. 0 degrees, NW, clear; Washington, ALL WAS. ters, Mr. end Mrs. J. J. Urooks, and Mr —3 degrees, w, clear; Albany, 4 degrees, and Mrs. Spenocr Warden, who are guests W, p.oldy, Buffalo, —8degreee, N, p.ekly; at the White House. Mr. Abner MeKln- Davidson, —4 and Lieut. Supt. Detroit, degree* W, clear; Cbloago try Col. Montgomery, U. S. —3 degrees, W, olear; Bu Paul, —10 Dak., —10 '•■nailHlowri' Report Declared to be They lied fTo ;i>o (Willi [Ihe Sawyer rir.t Bald II* Knew Bn. Moline*** degrees, NW, clear; Huron, — IS de- FROM degreee, SW, enow; Bismarck, In Bln bense a Whitewash-Message QEN. Publishing Co. of Watrrvlll. end and Then He Didn't—Hr. Moline*** grees, NW, clear; Jacksonville, td degrees, OJIS. NW, to Congress Calling for Poetfle Coble the Falrflrld Floral Compear— an Stand and Bay* He la Innocent p,cloudy. Aleo Heed. Hsports Regarding (he Attack on arhrmr of the Littrr Concern. of Crime, A PACIFIC CABLE WANTED. Cal oornn. Cabl- New York, February 1(X — United State* New 10.—Tha two men Washington, February 10.—Atjthe York. B’eornaiy Marshal tienekl tbt. alt.rnuon President gentle a Messnge To Con* ■et the President read a arrested whom names hare been moat meeting today Intimately a man and two wotuen brief extract from th« of the war Washington, February la-The follow- who. It Is sail, gonneoted with the death of Mr*. Kata greee on gobject. report commission, end the matter ing despatch from Uenersl Otis was re- Ly the police, Inspectors are ooncernet; J.Adam, ware on tha wltnaaa stand nveetlgatlt.n today oelrad In an extensive scheme for erss discussed Daring the tonight obtaining before Coroner Hart and a and wars Id— The Presi- Informally. Jwy Washington, February from tbe readers of mnveristlon a can of roast beef, which Manila, February 10. money alluring adrer a nation dent's on the Paollo cable trans- put through rigid ore ea-ex ami message Adjutant Ueneral: tlsements. tad been taken from tbe coramssary army by Assistant District Osborne, mitted to Congress today la as follows: Insurgents collected considerable form Attorney The arrests were made on bench war itoree, was In and The between Manila and 3. who tha Ae a of tbe ratification of brought opened. Lstluocan where Harry Cornish, gave poison consequence rents Issued Webb of tbe member* examined tt as well as Aguliiahlo reported t be end threatemd by Judge Unit- to Mrs. waa tha lint wltnaaa tbe treaty of Part* byfthe deflate of the present Adams, attack and uprising In This altar- ed States Circuit oourt of on in- Untied .States and Its retlflca- >ould be done with the means at band city. Maine, railed tbla and at tha afternoon expootod noon swung left ol -Mc morning the Arthur’s division dictments found the federal grand tlon by tbe 8panlab government, •nd all declared that so fsr as they oonld which Is north of by tension, Holand H. Mol torn ax who had of Pasig river Into Ualoo- United States will hum Into possesion jury for the dlstrlet of Maine. Tbe per- leterinlne It was In condition, oon. enemy easily. i)Ur ialt now bean named Cornlah on tha aland as on the farther perfect driving by the Philippine telsnds at Cnloooan. Our I.-s SOBS arrested are William K. Glenda wholesome and sweet. The of light; that of In- Skinner, Ihe man he believed to have mat the chores of the PaulOa The Howell question surgents In of the com- and Guam LaMad Btataa territory die to Cuba of tbe 13,000,000 considerable—particulars manager Sawyer Publishing bromo saltier throagh tha mails being transporatlon morning. polaonsd and forming convenient stopping places pany at Watarville Me., who has an ofl.ce with which tbe Insurgent army Is to be Attaok precede I by uns-half hour’s eras oallad. on tbe way across tbe sea, tbs nacaeilty In thla Mm. Viola H. Kae, the off and the kinds of money to be firing from two of Admiral ves- city; pro- Cornlah waa somewhat for cable communication between laid Dewvy’s again today speedy sels. of tbe Helen Marke a tee and all tbe Parldn lei- was considered. It was prietor company, and anaweia to tbe United St tent, briefly agreed reticent equivocal in his (Signed) OTIS. hair concern ande kas become imps re tire. Bach com- hare kind of superfluous reviving also dis- Lhat the Cubans oonld any questions put to him by tha assistant munication should be established In sueb a with offices In tble and Mrs. A. U. whether silver THE Mill TARY city one least the control of money they wished, geld, LAW. trict attorney and In loatanoe at way ae tu be wholly under Wing, tbe mother of Mrs. Kae time of >r silver certificates or a of each. They a of In an the United States whether In part oooaaloned good deal surprise. were taken before Comnisetoner Shields or war. At present the Philippines of eaob probably will Interview with a number of peace ■Shipments (OOO.OOU ■oms Important Made By newspaper onn be reached sables wbluh pass Changes and were held la IS,OOP ball each for a only by bs made at Intervals of a few days ar ss representatives previous to tha commence- foreign oountrles and the Newate Conimlttev. tomorrow Mrs. through many of an hearing morning. Wing Hawaiian Islands and Guam can only rapidly as nesdsd. The question ment of the examination, Cornlah whan furnished a bond, bat the others were oommunlcatad with •teamen. In- ixtra session of was also dls- asked If ha knew Mrs. Molioeaax and If be by Congress eecb Inetanoe of at least unable to do so, and were looked up Id volelng delaye In inseed and It Is the opinion of members a Washington, February 10.—The sob* •ha oonld have any connection with tbs a week. The conditions should Ludlow atr*«el Tbe iDdiotiu*ne* present if the csblnet that In the oase of the ooruuilUee of the Senate committee on jail. earn, said that he wlebed the assistant not be allowed to oontinue or a moment found the Maine out an affairs, in by grand jury ohurg- louger than Is necessary. [allure or toe army reorganization military having hand the bill district attorney would ask him that sbeolutely the defendants with sections Ihe time has now arrived when a cable ixtra session will be The for the reorganization of the ariuy, to- violating nnentlon on the stand. "A man la hud- necessary. extend as lar as Ma- M40 und 54HU ol the United States He-' in the Pacific matt President during tbe meeting called at- day, placed its labors In tho bands of the to buneelf for a at the Hawaiian Islands vised .Statute# end posed perjure woman,'* nila, teaching oomnitttee. A defining conspiracy 1 wo methods of tention to tbe urgency for an Amerloan full large number of com- scheme# to defraud. It la that said Cornlsb, “but I am here to tell the and Guam on the way. charged communication across tbe Paotflo and read tbe mes- unimportant amendments the Fairfield Floral cum truth If they ask me auoh a question." establishing thin cable zable paratively they organized once themselves. Flrs^ con- were the puny of Fairueld, with an 'ibis seemed s significant statement, at suggest lage to oongrese which be had prepared on made, most significant being Me., alleged of such a capital of $100,OUU, but when Assistant District Attorney struction and maintenance the The House advertising extensively the subject. following: provision to of tbat Cornish cable at the of the United States give a $J5 course instruction abso- Osborne put very queetlon, expense the canteen is stricken government and second, construction and Members of tbe cabinet declare that tbe abolishing aut lutely free of charge on sending two post- replied: of such a cable a no and the age stamps. Those who answered this ad- “I never eaw Mrs.fMollneaux to know maintenance by private report of the war commission to be in following substituted for It: under such vertisement found that wore her end never eaw her when she was United Mates corporation sense a whitewashing report. On the “That In the canteens established tinder they request- shall ed to sead 32 cents additional “to nlanohe Cheshrough." safeguards as Congress Impose. oontrary It is stated that the commission pur- recommendations to regulations of the army no liquors shall chase a outfit" for $2.10 and "Didn't you, asked Mr Oeborne, 1 do not make any has not failed to point out where there beginners’ as to which of these methods be sold, malt and non- that they were to “•ay to two men tble morning when Congress was error or fault. For instance, It has except liquors finally required pur- drsitable. A cable of chase fifty down artificial rose seked If you knew Mrs. Mollneaux, that would be the more not passed without criticism the arrange- intoxicating beverages, and this shall bengal of that reaTires so of the bud# for the sum of $1.10. All this money, you wished I Would ask you that ques- tt.e length proposed ments for transportation troops to all encampments and forts and time for construction ana apply it was in tbe would tion, and although some men would per- much laying and it also has found some thlnsg to havs explained circular, that at least two years all premises used for military purposed by be returned to the employe when he nad themselves, you would tell the truth t that, it Is estimated been amiss in tho supply of medical stores jure the order for the finished bis work ot the bud# Cornish denied this at first but later must elapse alter giving and assistance to the troops though it the United States." Another amend- opening cable before the entire system could be and had returned them to t e company, be admitted that be might have said It as had set out the palliating circumstances, ment provided that in time of war retired laid and In with tor the work done One he had said so many things and tbat be sleoesstully put operation such as tbe nate of unpreparedness of tbe officers of the army may in the discretion together Further sea soundings must be tak- the of of the witness## who appeared before the was very much rattled at the time. Cor- deep country and dlllioulty suddenly of the secretary of war be employed on west of the Hawaiian Islands before men Maine grand jury testiUed that -05 000 niMi old not prove to be a very good wit- an training green to discharge heavy active duty, other than In the command fhe best route for the cable can be select- the much had been received by the manager ness, at he threw bat little light on tbe duties Touching discussed of troops and that when so employed they replies ed. Under these circumstances, it be- to the und that the great majority of those who ease. He staled that he hod suspected question as the character of shall receive the full pay and allowances that meas had were satisfied to lose tbe Mollneaux at having prepared tbe poison come a paramount necessity meat furnished to the army tbe com- of their grades. replied origi- ures should be taken before the close of tbe food nal money deposited by them with me because a chemist, e friend of his had mission declares that generally The corps of oadets at West Point Is in- * h* to provide such censures company rather than risk the lar*e sum suggested, on account of a sediment left present Congress was of good quality and General creased to one from each Congressional means as seem suitable for the estab- eventually demanded. In tbe glass from which Mrs. Adams may Miles for bis alleged failure to acquaint district, one from each territory,one from of a cable drank, that the bromo seltzer preparation lishment system. tbe war with tbe faults said the District of Columbia, two from each 1 commend the whole to the department ANDKhiE’b BALLOON FOUND. had been put up by a balf chemist, a man subject by him to have been discovered at Porto state and twenty from the United Staten careful consideration of the Congress and who had some knowledge of cbemletry Ktoo. at large Krasnovarsk, Siberia, February 10. —A to such action as may seem ad- but uot a complete knowledge. As Mol- prompt A proviso added to the re- mine owner here naxueJ Mo nasty- visable. paragraph geld lneaux knew something of chemistry hie FROZEN the enlistment of received a letter chut a William BOSTON HARBOR OVER. garding Infantrymen rscbluhs saying name Itself. An- (Signed) McKinley, far enlistments in the 1" naturally suggested limits the age original tribe of llmur S Executive Mansion, Washington, Feb- lungusos. Inhabiting other reason tor suspecting Mollneaux army from 18 to 3j years. A change in leninsula, north Siberia, recently In- 1800. lee Jam Likely To Slop Landings al was tbat be had a with him. ruary 10. the for of second formed the Hussian chief of the i while the disease not quarrel regulation appointment pdioe two months—and the proprietors of this having left him he on the H arbors. what !s the grip? Cornish gave way stand tempo- lieutenants to 1111 vacancies provides for district that on January *7ih lust between Now, have never known so great a call was advis'd to try Paine’s celery ocm- KEEPING VEKY QUIET. remedy rarily to Molloeaux, who took his pli.ee appointment by two methods, only, one Km mo und Fit, In the province of Vun- Can It be avoided or prevented? for It—has been due to it* use thous pound. He waft soon back at his office in by there after a wrangle between assistant 10.—The two from of the West IselsX found a cabin oonstrui ted cf Washington, February 10. — At sunset to- being among graduates they And oan It bo cured? and* of for whom it has been pre- the department of public works, n well Boston, February people District Attorney Osborne and Uarlnw Lopez anJ Losada, leff here by Point academy and the other "from on cloth and cordage, apparently belonging scribed to re- man, and forthwith wrote a letter to the Filipinos, a Ice covered Boston har- is characterised by a continued by intelligent physicians, 3. Weeks, Mollneaux's counsel. Mr. of the who fled to night held of listed men and from civ II life as now to a balloon, close weru the bodies or Grip the of the in which he their associates junta, pro- by store the vitality, to purify proprietors remedy, on tbe tbat Mol- water a to inflammation of patient's Weeks objected giound Montreal are very quiet. Loeada bor. Only a narrow ohanuel of fr£e vided by law." three men, t*ie head of one badly crushed. fever, by tendency blood of the to restore says: keeping enervating poison, lneaux had Dot been properly subpoenaed Is not out of tied and The House provision for the Around them were u number of instru- nn.1 been told of the won- yet Lopes spends led Pr« sident's roads. Broad appoint- the ratinbraneH of the digestive often the nervous to healthy action and “I had by friends a through system tud during the course of wrangle, a tils time mostly In his hotel apartments, ment of graduates of private military ments, the use of which were not under- in the to vital organs. derful results obtained by them from the sound was one great 1 oe floe, and a few the respiratory tracts, by pain strengthen’the ■eoond subpoena was prepared which from over •obools is eliminated. stood uy the Tnngusoa. continue to suffer from use of Paine’s After refraining talking Philippine muscles, and by debility. A person will celery compound. Uolineuux apparently n and at tho Narrows und at Stats Vacancies below the rang of lieuten- J he chief ha# started for the of the acoeptrd being affairs to any one, especially evading Dpen places police The In individual oases varies from the evil effects of grip for many months ray severe attack grip I deter witness Mr.Osborne slated grin rery willing newspape interviews were being rabidly frozen over ant colonel caused by the provision In re- spot to investigate uaIt Is believed the severe forms with unless he attacks the disease by getting mined to try It. I have already found ledge, a eight indisposition to bat It oould go on the record that Mol- gard to the adjutant general's and injp2C- bodies arc those of ilerr A octree and his rid of the unnatural, unhealthy poisons that my friends’ were not at all On Wednesday night, he ioe formed in grave sytnpt ms—these variations depend- reports lneaux bad appeared as a witness at bis tor general’s office* are to be filled by noiunanioD#. the in the the body with exaggerated, and I wi-h to join most rivers and to a thickness of ing wholly upon health, age, temper- system, supplying •quest, and then asked toe witness the bays the appointment of captains from the or nervous condition the new b the healthful action cheerfully with them In recoin mend lug ■a smp aj ament of person. ood, uroumug kbruptly If be was lnnooent of tbe poison- shout six inches. With tho ebb tide the line. Those to heuiuatism sutler of the kidneys, liver und digestive or- the remedy to others.” The balloon Kagl«% with Prof. Andrew predisposed ing of Mrs. Adfma. into harbor and lbe number of surgeons who arc to of and nourishing and th<* Hundreds of grateful letters have been ioe was borne down the and two Strlnderberk and great pain in the muscles; persons gans, upbuilding Mollneaux replied : “I um absolutely have the rank of colouel is increased to companions, be on me low over exerted and debilitated nervous svs- written to the proprietors of Paine's oel- made a foundation upon which new Ioe Freinkel. in the car, left Danes nervous temperament spir- Innocent.” ten ana loose wun me runs oi neuieimni | Island, have if not tern. All this and this Paine's celery ery compound since the appearance of Not for seveial years has any of the group, on J 11, ited, often hysteria, and, just Mollneenx told of his connection with gathered. colonel to 20. All persons ap|>ointed to hpilzborgen uly will do. In the rnnltlt ide of this year, of the re- Sure sort been seen. Can in un to cross the North Po- have been known to grip telling perfect of this buoys, i8«7, attempt oloeely watched, oompound ihe Knickerbocker and New York Atb- thing be assistant surgeons are to Le required commit suicide. Several cases of this sort cases where it has been used it has never coveries It has effected. The letters come gas and even spar buoys were lar No defluite news of the etlo club, and Mid tbat he bad left tbe buoys to pass "a satisfactory moral, mental and point. failed. from men and women of many condt In tbe cakes and dragged " aeronauts has been received beyond the have been reported this month in the 'orraer olnb largely beoanee of bit quarrel naught floating steal examination A onse well known in is cited tlons Pew are so poor can- From their which attached to a carrier newspapers. Hea'aohe is a oonstant Chlagco persons they with Cornish He was asked If be knew for I positions. Spar buoys ho of natives for service ine.sfage pigeon oivanivaiion who is < nc of not afford to have this con- were down tuc ■' tom. The bowels are con- Mr. Frank K. Davidson, great remedy he was Cure were not dragged weighted tonnu by whaling ship Fulks, which rap generally Henry C. Barnet and replied that in Cuba, Porto Kioo and the islands of form disease takes the inot brilliant and best known engl- stantly In the house, and none are so jut of nubbles of ioe as big as arrived at .September U. The stipated. Whatever the pros- a warm 1 friend of tint man, a sight by the Pucltlc is at the dis- Copenhagen, finished the that for tboir health’s sake persons j placed entirely 10.30 s in had which formed round their read: 13, there is Invariably extreme prostration. uee the world, just perous they faUndshln that haH In ginrl —ikfasTttl W»fhfri barrels hail cretion of the Pre"id**ut. mestuige "July p. m., lati- to in health- for the great intercepting sewer can afford to be wthout It. Yfrben so '1 he bell buoy which is run tude icii.0- north, longitude UJ.05 east. The danger person* previous plan* Me could suggest no motive why anyone tops. patent 'lhe full commit**** received the army is to divert the men and women whose n ful condition is i-ysrein of Chicago, which rnsny words UJ «ID\ VIIUIIJ Tiwiu ailUUipowu » Good voyage eastward. All well.” slight. mould send poison to Barnet an I do- Colds bill at a special meeting held at 2.30 It has be«n that there entire sewerage ol the city from lg*ke carry the utmost weight In the commu- was frozen up and non«< of the bell buoyw absolutely proven ilared that ba bad not known that.Barnet When the children their o’clock but without taking action ad- Is one certain of seriouv oases Mid lgan, the famous Chicago nities in which thev live testify as they do or can he relied upon. preventive through was sink until a fsw days before his d ath get yrttt buoy* until Monday. THU liALTlMOHU-BHOOKL YN DfiAI canal and down the kj!**!*- to the benetit have wet and take cold them at a late hour were for an journed of grip; and that there is one remedy for drainage great they received be be broaum feet give lne prospect* ind this learned, explained, flna with or Davidson had from Paine’s celery compound there can a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot ice which would atop all New York, February 10.—The person* suffering It, beginning slppi. ■hiperiDtendcnt le ih to give a dinner at wnloh Barnet jam practically be convalescent from its attack. worked for months on this scheme He be no hesitancy In trying It. A tingle at the inlands of the harbor until THE EMBALMED BEEF COURT. conference between the Baltimore end to was to be present. A mutual friend told drink, a doae of Ayer’s Cherry landing lie for was well nigh exhausted and took to bis trial is the test which le In- It should be broken by the high tide Brooklyn magnates was held to »ay and The unexampled pu‘ demand confidently him of Barnet's Illness. and them to bed. up 10.—Next to with an attack of the grip A Her a vited. Pectoral, put cold weather continues the channel Washington, February the deal was put through. A duplicate Paine’s oelerv ooninnnnd during tee la«r bed then described tbe rooms be if tbe Molineaux The chances are they will news from the Philippines Interest in the slock is to be Issued to the on Its dr may become impracticable, except of the missing it tbe Knickerbocker Alhletlo club all in the Con- war centers on February 15th, right morning. [or steam vessel*. department byrne estate by the Brooklyn club aud FiTZSl M M t, NS ANO JEFFREYS. tbe second door, occupied by blmaelf large when of to tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few the court Inquiry investigate then it will bo turned over to F. A. Barnet Uornlsb and Aaams. a'ter wblcb, the Miles "embalmed beef*' will days, until all cough has dis- charge Abell tor $10 QUU cash. rr.-1 the trip of tbe yacht Viator, CARRIED CALOOCAN. Information even as to the yaobtlog oonven*. All it was agreed that the courts of New Heavy-Weights Sign Articles for a 15 which baa recently been introduce) iDto appeared. is and court routine jealously guarded Jersey should be applied to for power to the case earns up for consideration. Old coughs are also cured; Hound or Finish Fight. American Troupe Drive Philippine officers refrain from expressing any opin- Usue him new certificates. Mr. Byrne Uollneaux said tbat be bed been on rev- we mean tne of bron- Vitos” coughs ion or making any forecasts In the case. have to suitable bond in order Further Back. will give irsl cruises on this ynoht bat that Bar- weak throats and irritable Insurgents thut chitis, It is well understood, however, to protect the Brooklyn club should the Sow 10.— Bob Fitzsim- net had never been with him. tie met Even the hard Miles and the York. February lungs. coughs both General commissary missing stock be produced by any outsid- Is a breakfast the 4 Mias Cheahrough on one of these trips, of are are u 4| cereal, mons and Jim Jeffteys signed articles to- consumption alwaya 8.40 a. general’s department preparing er at a future date. The suit will be a Manila,". February 10, m.—Tbt being Introduced to ber by ber married made and cured mass of evidvnoe, which will be sub- and cheapest In the 2 (»r a some time between easy frequently etriotiy friendly affair and the petition day tight April ilatst. American forces at 8 05 tbls afternoon to the the one to the continued use of mitted court, tending will te readily granted. All the papers market, ▼ 24 and May 26, before the club At this Interesting the bearing by Miles’ statements as to offering point made a combined attack upon Caloocau sustain General will be signed ns soon as the court orders. was until Tuesday morning character of meat furnished the the largest parse. The light Is to be for adjourned end reduced It In short order. At a signal the army Charles Ubbitts Is to be president of next. and tbe other any criticism 2& ro or to a finish if that oan be ar- discounting th«< new organization aud Udwurd Hanlon t nnds, [rorn the tower of the Uela Lome church and of the material bought, passed upon manager. Mr. Hanlon is president of ranged. Marquis of Queensberry rules are double turretwl rnonl THE WEATHER the United States issued by tbe commissary department. the Baltimore club bat will probably Miles and Ibest to govern, with the exoeptlon that there lire from tha Both the testiufony of General from that soon, lie will and tor Monad nock, opened bay retire position will con- no la the or on of the commissary department south next week to select 1s to be bitting oltnches Auer’s with thu of her forward turret go training big sist in the matu of official reports and break-away. quarters for the Grooms and Orioles. Is a |♦ the on the curthworks with great effect. will be voluminous. 2 rapidly becoming both The articles of agreement provide that 2 favorite, because of Its 2 Soon afterwards tbs Utah battery bom WHAT COSTS TO KUN AN UMPIKU. neither of the lighters shall band- from tbe land Tbt 4 a Mamma me horded tbe plu • side. HE KNOWS OF COURSE. merit as food product. ? My gives wey Washington, February 10.— The army ages on the hands; that the gloves shall retels reserved their tire until the bom- BROWN'S INSTANT RELIEF, Cherry Montreal, February 10.—Agoucillo appropria tlon bill was completed by the not less than live ounoaa Collo. weigh each; j bardment when tbey lired that he had au- House committee on military affairs aud ii For Coughs, Colds, Cholera ceased, volleyi staled todav positively the wlnuer shall take the entire to tho effect that uiut of severe out of numer- fj Morbus, Dysentery, Croup, 8or% that of musketry ae tbe Montana regiment thentic information by pretty ing t Diphtheria, eto. that the referee Is to did not want a eeesasion of ous items it was broughtoowu $Tu.ooi,- Throat, purer; and be agreed advanced on tbe The Knmuu Aguinaldo jungle. hostilities and had not asked for it When 373. It is framtd on tin* usis of :»• army It’s Backer I THINK IT IS REAL NICE TO TAKE. when the men sign articles with with thu j; upon regiment on the extreme left ask**d how he obtained this information, of about »00,000 en undjo n temp late ihu the the f rispuwl by NoBWAT MbiMCIXB Co., Norway Ms the olub offering parse. Pectoral third artillery de.d yit-g right charged he refused to say. enactment of tne iruh uni io» t..e ii.- j ocrues the suu oarried the eat in or the retout.oi. of doctor knows that wild open cm. se of the army % __ Every ! > is Pillsbury, of "Best" 2 j works under a lire. to that n m cherry bark is the best remedy oheenng hea.y IN THE SENATE. volunteers and regulars up Flour who T by tbe artillery at the obutch is made for nine ] I renown, pro- ; known to medical science for Supported bcr. Specific provision Boston, Feb. 9.—Fair; continued cold; the troops further advnuceo, driving tbt February 10 —During tbe ».nd twelve brigadier en '1 duces no but the 4 and Inflamed Washington, major generals goods soothing healing Into the tbe senate west winds. enemy, lighting every foot right entire open sjsaion today had erals. and ______! host 2 ! throats lungs. town Hue, and penetrated to the oburoh under consideration the legislatuve, exe- session of the hous* < sepSO Tu.Th*8 4 Feb. 10.—Forecast for and reilrientlal and lower quarters. Tbt cutive and judicial appropriation bill. ~At the eteutng IMPRISONED Washington, Pot OHO Of a of Filipino flag was pullsd down at 5.30 p. Little i regress was made tho time largely a bill was passed granting pension 2 Saturday for New and Eastern * month to ex-Seuutor M. 4 |4ii44**4** AAAAAAAe a A A A AaZ England at. with debate on minor $50 Johnj v WWWWW WWW being occupied WWWW WWW W W W WWW New York; Fair Saturday; fresh winds, The enemy's sharpshooters in the topics. Palmer. Dr. on tbe bred at on continued cold weather for at least two Ayer’s juugle right long range for Infringing upon tbe Pennsylvania regiment, but tbr ^4pOlllHClfiS or three days. Pectoral rebels were soon silenced by shrapnel YOU . WANT- Cherry remained .hells and the Pennsylvanians Local Weather Paper 1. In the trenches. and Beaten. bottles Plasters udvanned burned Carpets Hogs A party who REFILLED Apolllnarls As tbe Americans they Portland, Fob. 10.—Tbe local weatbar ovor tbe native huts. The rebels were mowed and also used counterfeits of your lungs down like but the Ainerloan low bearing the genulpe labels, bureau records as to tbe weather ere ae grass, In was slight. WE WANT the labels, was recently confined FIVE WEEKS followe; Apolllnarls SIGNS TREATY 8 a. m Thermom- PKKS1UKNT To Beat Them For Yon. PRISON, Philadelphia. —Barometer. *9.861; MOYAMENSING eter. —1; Dew Point, —9; Humidity, 66; Washlt goto, February 10.—The official Wind, W; Velocity. U; Weather, of tbe treaty o. peace wlta Spain, & attention If addressed to copy ??????? COMPLAINTS will receive vigorous clear. bearing the signatures uf the Spanl.h commissioners which wat Royal and American to* “> Qw House and 508 Fifth Avenue, New York, Sole Agents of 8 p. m.—Barometer. 80.017'. Thermom- wholesome FOSTER’SrVMtn 0 United Agency Co., ratified by the Senate last Monday, or Makes the food more delicious and Umn brptt Worh- eter, zero; Dew Pemt, —11: Humidity Ountag ttfeathex, certlbed by V loe President Hobart, wot 18 St., su. Preble Hettse, APOLUNARIS COMPANY. UNITED, LONDON. 54; Wtad, W; ▼etoeky, 9; the President sad Secretary ^mm■■■ PreM| THE elear. ■i^aed by UtWtWSnrelMWKi every I \ I, ertnln suit instituted by one Leroy Hal y PRACTICAL IMPERIALIST HPBfcCH. DT lit SUBS CABAL. VERDICT FDR MR. STURGIS | sgntmt tho pliant Iff on a writ sued out of the Vuv.olpal court of Biddoford, In the Homo l Utoaitn of Discomforts of Noli* that to tke c simple Mnlnnrat Way T of York on August last Snllif Au returnable to said court on t« Oriaat lir.il Monday of Septembu* last, on a note Auburn Nan a obtained tho an K In Smvm in Snit fraudulently and Illegally by (■■■>■'« *|»mb In Be* St hr pr rlenretl Marian Prefers I defendant of t.fie on ^teugmauiNH Nervous plaintiff Augout It*, (hr I ln!f »f HHrf«rhmriit_Tbf Big Renwdlng Hera-Mar Igallaa In' nnd transferred People. afterwards endorsed, Against Lawyers. Urilrlt a Sandstorm -Uththanm aa Okrla- I TrtMirf Whirl* fa In. y and delivered \by the ••aid defendant to evitable. dM. 1 rriin Haley; and for unlawfully and V Nervous people not only the said to (From the Washington Keening I«i ) ; illegally requiring plaintiff • IFiCIlt TO THE HIM ) themselves but cause RESULT OF A CASE IN WHICH A pay $.* fot the writ in the adit aforusalri, Hus* Canal! Humph 1 suffer more Washington,February la—On lhursdsj ^ Instead of the amount alldwcd by law; 11 "I've bwn around the Horn and l’».> | 1 or less to PORTLAND WAN FIGURE*. for the Orel time In Ihe National Hours misery everyone around ami also tho sum of fjO.ftO to the barn through tba canal—a doian tin an paid the 1 of Hepresrntatlve* member* listened We ol them. are Saco National bank of Saco aforesaid to each way. the China trade know y They fretful, easily to a practical imperialist speech. It was tatre up a slkty day note, fraudulently both trails squall well, amt It matters worried and a ! neither on the side of the nnd obalncd the defendant of Imperlallete little to a sailor which bis owners order ff therefore worry Threat- Illegally by Lawyer Joltnsau of Blridcferil nor of the anti-Imperialists, had no pre- to the plaintiff on August ^5, IWW and after- him to take others. , ened to One Parmer for Slan- to or rfr.nuatio Nfnrgls words endorsed.transferred anti delivered, tentions oratory effect, "It isn't pleasant coming by the Capo nor \ When der and to Settle the Core Wee tUecn de- and neither propheeled recriminated. Horn are j before tho saiuo was due by the said way. Tbsrs sure to be Iceberg* everything annoys It was a statement In mat hematics Two Hates for MO, W'hleh Amount I fondant, to wild Saco National bank.'* simple ■nd storms, snow, fog and gales, and jo M when beats ex- to enable the House to know tbs you; your pulse Hr. Stnrgla Haa How Recovered. In Ms opening for the defense lawyer exactly take your ohance of a terrible hammering f •Itnation before It and the duties connect- u when are startled / said that he would show that, what- evrry time you Invade the southern do- FRANK DANIELS. An echo of the New fair hold Haley cessively; you lingland ed therewith. Ihe the of ever Mr. Hates and Mr. Johnson did was orator—although main* Horace. at at latl oomea from f the least sound, / H» calls tlio Magic Cure. Hlgby pork August wai a talk rather than an unexpected “Hyomei" t] and was within bounds. They •pen'h quiet "Hut the thing* a man la prepared for Auburn in the form of a law suit and a leg Mr. U. Cannon of thoea are denied intimidation or anything cf tin oration—was Joseph are less trying In realisation than V nerves in-a bad state New Dec. trial whioh haa raoaed no end of talk of your York, i, 1898, kind and Mr. Johnson clnlmed that be Illinois, chairman thagreat committee that come to vex him from uninspected down on and which I and should th* Androscoggin, He wus Into be atten- had for a slander suit and on appropriations. bringing sources In unnenal ways. And In my promptly THE E. T. BOOTH CO.: has Interosted Portland and good grounds lawyers House the civil ean tom told Mr. so and rather than face tho Sundry appropriation opinion, tbs Host Canal up U ded to. others not a Sturgis believe that little. bill of morn than one Gentlemen—I the music Mr. Sturgis settled. The trial bill, a very large more uncanny tronblaa for a sailor tt an To tell the etoiy according to the (acts w i in its hundred printed pages and appropriating to meet off the Horn. That Nervousness i there is but one was a most interesting ono and he's likely isaques- remedy .as related in the trial at Anbttrn will per- millions of dollars. In wore out about sixty-three don't eunnd likely, bnt It's true." be the this course many thing- brought i tlon nutrition. Food llie haps simplest way of making Is Included the mil- of for as magic which did not adu much in support of this amount twenty Ho spoke First Officer Jett of ths Big y j great "Hyomei,” case to the roader. Wil- Interesting plain of dollars to be to f -r the of Mr. Hates and Mr. Johnson. lions p.Id Spain Mogul liner Ubaiee. just arrived from \ the nerves is what liam farmer. claims j you J cure for P. Is an Auburn Colds, Coughs, Sturgis the Islands and the of the When the arguments came to bh made peoples Philip- Hong Koog with a sorgo ot tea and a Une day last August he oame to Portland 1 need to and of at sen aud In put you Catarrh, Asthma and like Judge Wing had many sharp things to pines g-ury wslrd experiences right, and attended the New Kcgland fair at in tbit bill about, the of certain attor- Mr. Cannon presenting the Hues Canal the best nerve in the is say practices 1 food troubles, and that Hlgby. Unlike many others who went to to and characterized Megan. Bates, called attention the pree-nt condition "It aan't be regarded as prtper end j -^ga Mr. started for home with neys Hlgby Sturgis of the national finances. He said that the | n world is Dr. Williams’ Pink the Johnson and Haley as having been party decent for a eblp to rua right over a -'SHE Balm, very a well lined and It woe ‘'Hyomei” pocket book Just Her of the 1 at the time of to something which was not greatly to rotary reusury lighthouse and tear It down," continued was that Pills Pale effective for all as he boarding the welting train bad estimated that for People. remedy their credit as men. Lawyer bis annual report Mr. Best solemnly. "Hut that la the un- [J hit troubles professional began. this 11 seal which ends on the w and J Hale? was also very acrimonious In his during year, natural thing the brltleh steamer Strath diseases of the skin. a They give strength In front of him was a man wearing of next the arguments for the defence and finally the 30th day June, expenditures ard. that want through the oanal abend in straw hat and him was another V tone to nerve the Ml Yours behind of the would eioeed the rr ! truly, ease was given to the jury. government of ut, did. And her people, from Capt. every wSjr man who was crowdtug Mr Sturgis up one hundred and twelve mi o ■ and make At 4..'U> o'clock the jury returned a ver- oelpte by l McIntyre down, ate uot to bo blamed In X despondent, ] Into the car. Suddenly Mr. Sturgls^telt a body, \lf dict for plaintiff for $108,07 the full of dollars. lint this estimate hud b< cn Iho slightest degree for the accident. hand in bis ami bis book irritated 1 pocket pocket inado some time and Mr. Cannon feel amount claimed. It was charged in the ago, "How did It happen! Mirage—des. I Jo easily people ns he illsnptoured. He tuined around conservative plaintiff's writ that Mr. llaley, counsel asserted that the most oalcu mirage— ne of those cussed one not U that has renewed its f stood half the oar and ssw 'lo those who have to cure way up steps salt and Ir. in view of recent life ^ attempted for the defendant lu this latlons, developments, things I was speaking of the' make It and man him his hands out- I Coughs, Colds Catarrh, Hronchltis the liehlnd with -hotted that the deficit this cannot charms, here is v* whose name the suit on the notes was year tnor-bother to oome through *t at canal V proof: Consumption with sprays, douches, ato- stretched and Mr. he Sturgis thought for be less than one hundred and of Mr. !. C. of Wk mizers or steam vu]Hirs the effect of a brought had charged the plaintiff $fi fifty-nine then to trot around the Horn untl r can- ’w Mis* Con Watrous, tbe sixteen-year-old daughter Watrous, to the man who was of must pns-ed something millions of dollars. Kven this estimate srss seized with a nervous disorder which threatened few moments’ inhalation Hyomei the writ when the law provided only for vae 1 it Clarion St., Bradford, Pa., front of indeed ee«m like magic; yet it should in him. did not Inolude the to was slow— m to end her life. Eminent the trouble wss from a of $3 .>4. This w is an over Indemnity hpaln. "The Htrathard steaming physicians agreed impoverished 11 «r .nrnrUu unvnno with hvrii a mmmon charge The rrowd pushed Mr. up onto are allowed to go all knots A but failed to relief. Mr. Watrous heard Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Stusgls of 1.46 and In bis to the For the next fiscal year, that is, tbe year you only blood, give tohool education for they ought to know charge $ charge out oanai J the idol form and the man who was be through the canal—and of the Pale were highly recommended for nervous disorders and gnve them s trial. I »hat molHturo of kind cannot enter Savage Indicated that the ending June 30, 1VU0, the Secretary of the H People any jury Judge company's crack pilots «a* on the bridge 'J Before the first box baa been taken condition After six M hind Mm and who had Ms _ ra..a rasa e. -1 » thcgirl's improved using the bronchial tubes and lung*, while plokeu pocket to recover this some time ago nmi estimate.! 'I ha# V plaintiff would be entitled ireu-ury W boxes her returned, the pain in her head ceased and she was than A being the Air Her was also forced into the oar. The appetite stronger •Hyouaei,” only Dry pick found a ver the deficit In the at mil 5 o’clock tn the morning. amount whether tho panel treasury thirty I I ever before. life was saved Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale #7 nitride ever discovered. 1* carried to all ocket endeavored to off the oar from van into the Bit- "My daughter's by l get lions of but Mr. Cannon called 'The ship Just pasting of the organs in the diet for plaintiff on the other Items or dollars; section of Ihe ditch—wb»re V said Mrs.Watrous. "Her condition was almost hopelrss when she com- m part* respiratory the other end but the were stream ter lakes People." « people to the fact that this estimate but now she is and I cannot recommend air we breath. utn attention Moses and his Israelites turned toward the \ menced taking them, strong healthy. W Into the car at this end too and so the ‘tiyoroei” is the only guaranteed cure lug did not take Into account at least twenty- Ked Sea In their flight f ora fcgypt: at ^ these pills too highly."—Brad/ord l*a.) Era. wk tot these diseases. thief could not Mr. Sturgis where the natives escape. kept DItSTUHUKU IBKH. live millions of dollars which it would be least, that's say they his on the man who had taken the turned are reliable. are M eye 10.—On the to for claims of American 1 Molt Some not. A dealer San Francisco, February necessary pay “It was broad daylight, of course, and druggists i ocketbook and accused him of having Yokohama cafre •Hyomrl Trial Outfit*. 25c. steamer from today citizens In Cuba under the treaty, or lha the ltgbthot se, n tower eighty feet high, he as as Dr. it. The man denied it and while the "Cisneriil" X Hinge do J)los and donor vfho tells that enlarged expenses of the navy or the coat built on piles driven into the sand at ff you has“something just good" JJ Hyouaei Oiullf*. $l.oo. was in two men weie M. Klvlcrn, who are Aguinuhlo's “special of the canal loomed scene progress the of the the bottom up. F Pink Pills Pale is unreliable. Insist I commissioners" to Washington. ‘they of the occupation 1’billppine*. about thie<- Williams’ for People Extra Bottle*, 50c. surrounded a crowd 6f among lartng white, apparently by people, were much disturbed when tolo of he considered that the estimate very Therefore ni Ion off the port bow. The lantern Is Mr. Lewis a liid- on the At all whom was F. Johnson the latest in the oom JL-4TV Hyoanei Dyapapsia ('are (gunr* development* Philip- of thirty millions of detlclt wus under kept burning all the lime, fed by V —"aJfl,,Mwmmwv■ h*v,ng genuine. J deford Mr. Johnson is a young lawyer. pines. _ gam or sent »0c. what would In reality result. pren-ed postpaid by V aisteed), man and wore a straw hat and Mr. Stur- “ off Is that light?* Caps. Mc- ] druggists, There w *re in the treasury on the first foil, ...... lericnii CDnscng. Intyre asked the pilot Hyouaei Balm. 25c. gis thought he recognized in him the " J the Dr. Williams Medicine Co, The efforts of the of •lay ol this February two hundred and “About three miles the man an- whu was In front of him when the department agri I§)jE£^EEi^ ^ THER. T. BOOTH CO., 131 TrcmontSt, man of of swered. “Just then the Quartermaster culture in encouraging the cnliivation seventy-four millions dollars, which u N Y on J Boston. was taken. didn’t you on watch sounded the hour on the ship » receipt of pockctl>ook "Why two hundred millions had been In Schenectady, of have met with put was three bells. take hold of the man if he has your ginseng gratifying bell for’ard It cents there the war and of which one l box,six success. An of by loan, “Now, 1 don’t know, and nobody else MalwlffriFMigigCT price, fifty per Mr. Johnson said to Mr. Stur- investigation theanbject /f THE DAILY PRESS money?” hundred millions to the gold re knows, what Influences a bell *•»* on de was liegnn in 1 s«3 and a report issned belongs U gis. "I don’t believe you had any money for sert mirages but as soon as th«B rat hard's Tomeboxes, $2.50. in the year At that time the demption fund, a fund sacredly kept 3 and never had a book." following bell sounded that lighthouse just seemed pocket own the zealous cure of announced the cultivation Its purpose by to run toward the and brought up. made Mr. mad and department ship This Sturigs partic- of it onder her o.vs. t an be found at tha of the root as feasible, but could of all statesmen havl g charge during j all standing, right always periodla so as he believed Mr. Johnson ularly there < “The r-arathnrd was steam ng half sp* I course no information as to the this generation, iiy next July wllj stores of: have known something abont the give but she couldn't be sto, ped, and she might be in the outside manner in which cultivated root would probably left treasury, that m and E. W. Roberts. 109 street So he went on to a.50 to *t> pi t' slightly sy ; but declared that both himself and a card pound, or tall m- ami** • It 41b Commercial street, Finally Mr. Johnson produced T hose mirage* of the desert are won- have a*t>uo{ground pa COAL. CAPITAL, b. P. Dennis, of the best wild root. The who should serve in the next Con- $100,000.00 in advance those j ten 1 he signals are f. S. Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxford street. and showed it to Mr. Mturgls who conld derful things," continued Mr. best reflec- of gar around toe®. J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street. therefor*. fttlly indorses would render that service and go condition* from oones or ball*, hoisted to a a man department, gress tively. “Under ordinary conveyed l*y street not read without his glasses and and Und videJ Profits, $25,000.00 W. L. Crane, 76 Exchange the cultivation of American ginseng as before the people for their approval the deck of u ship passing through the jftckfclnlT signal yard. At night colored Surplus WesUnan A West, 93 ana 95 ”A*k Commercial behind him read the card for him canal we can seethe desert, stretch.ng lights are mud A Full Assonmeit oi end Free Jol n H. Allen, 881 V* Congress street. an additional resource of the American again before there would be a reduction Lehigh Solicits the accounts of Bank«..'Vler. said the for a wn»te ot “When a cotnev to stop and tie Dennet&Co, 645 su««ei. him if he has another card,” itwty miles, glittering signal Cougress farmer of tuxation. in of exntilt- firm*. 4 ori»orullon* awl (i. J. Hodgson. Cortland street. sand, so white under the tropical up, tbe boat astern, usually charge Coils tor Domestic Use. 96Vs man who read the tlrst one and Mr. glaring Burning ami is to fur- T. M. iilendenuig. Long Island. In this lice Mr. Thomas C. Me Hue of sun that it almost blinds one's eyes to tbe third olliciT, must as a the Hues shore llllliv iiltiiil*, prepared card F. Island. thereupon demanded another when a and them fast to on tire Onni-Bltuuiinnus) and nish Its the !»«•*! facilities L Brackett. Peaks .Sturgis a Democrat, amid look long at it. But mirage oc- make pile* rooabonlar patrons 1116 I iefnl For Arkansas, prophesied, J. K. Harmon. Congress street. fiorn Mr. Johnsou which he got. There KiperlmrnlR. curs one sees marvel ions th ng*—or tnlnks banks. That is a heart croaking job, and libel III accommodations. on his own that the arc J. H. Whitman a hon, 422 Congress street. some applause side, cliiut those banks through rorr«a Crook C.wbrrlaud Coals no doubt about Mr. Johnson’s iden- The Profegfior—The bom-s and muscles tie sees. ing up slanting H. M. Butier, 68 Blue street. being In the Hoe of taxation an* of over relief of the people The effect la fhat of a doable horizon, loose sand waist deep and dragging a »toaia and J. H. Vickery, 221 Spring street. saw that he was in of the human body capable tor gmeral tity now Mr. Sturgis hawser alone unsarpasaod Inteiesi Paid on H. D. McKenzie. cor. Spring and Clark 1,200 different movement*. would te an income tax. 'ihisls the first one merging Into the other. Ateba heavy Deposits. Cape 48 Portland Pier. an awkward position and tried.toextricate mounted on camels and of palm In passing another ship one must al- tore. use. Long. The Scholar—And the ice on tHe side lime during the discussion of uxpunslon dumps ft. W. Hunt, 8 Custom house Whart. himself from it. trees will appear where a moment before ways tie up and *'Ut until the other ship DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. ( 28 Monument walk season in the time to Und it out. in the Douse that the shadow SPECIAL John ox. square just questions there was nothing v> H but a barren make* the signal letter D' of the inter- ttonulaa l.jkrn* 'allrj Franklin. J. F. Hutchinson. 12 Elm street. Mr. little to He re- k Johnson bad say. —Yon erg Statesman. of the Income tax has fallen across the of sand as far the can reach. national code. In'ert ews and Inn ed. Peter Thints. Forest Avenue. waste eys abJ inrncaa ( anarl. Correspondence he i>een slandered and are doiuetiiuetf a will be lucky enough Kairlish Also at Uie news stands in the marked that had but It has been suggested Distances and relative positions en- ship Falmouth. public debates; the canal with Treble, Congress Square and United States ho- that Mr. would either A way Ip. tirely confused. An object that appears to go all tbe way through CCI.LI N C. CHAPMAN. President. intimated Sturgis as a trresult frequently in private Constant- tels. and Grand Trunk and Union Depots. It logical to be live miles away may be twenty and out being signalled to stop and tie up, Above Coals have to to when the train reached “Are the Blinibersos in hitfh society, a* I II. -Cashier. ran also be obtained oi Chisholm Bros., Agents go jail discussion by members of both parties. one that looks to be twenty miles inland but such h<*i>plne»* is in at unusual, aud HUMAN EATON. nn all trains of the Marne Central, Grand Mr. Mr*. Bllmbers claims?” w^n to an On Hand. Trunk Portland or settle with him Sturgis Mr. Cannon had not Intended in his may be right under the ship’s forefoot unleti the *klpper has tit pay ly lllKSITORS: ind Portland <& Rochester railroads and to a card club .... ioo.« of ■‘Oh, yes; they belong u ext.. lee of for the attendant** of a rcxi;PHtnit oi the did not desire to go to jail and he become oaaxl or It’s canny, positively uncanny. $10 igenis on any Boston Trains. live on to refer to the &io*n»gua that is coraiK»s«*d* of people who the speech Then there are sandstorms, too to boat aunod by natives to pas* his lines, CULLEN C CHAPMAN. SETH L l ARR4BEE The Fates can also nelouna at the conscious that he was in an awkward tlx as neither had OFFICE: following ninth floor of their flat building.”—Chi- the shipping subsidy bill, make navigation of the can il a trial to the back breaking work of hauling the PERLET P. BURNHAM. Auburn—G.Il, Haskell. so himself with Mr. E M TEADMAN. he tried to square News. been enacted and the expense of them mariners, they‘re worse than mirages hawsers as ore Is lUely to keep bis own Augusta—J F. Bierce, cago 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts. BRICE M. EDWARDS JAMES F. HAWKES Hath—John.U Shaw. Johnson without avail. ‘If you have ennlil nnt. hM with certiilntv brou< ht into .Seamen are used to storms that pelt and boat'* crew busy. IPT9 M.WAKt H.—C. S. tnMe. Sabi Is re- Berlin Falls, N. Clark. HTivtliinir to to me.’’ said Mr. John* lne\ beat und blind them with clean salt sprav At isiuaill the Port pilot HENRY S. hi goo j william m. marks. M. Burnham, the calculations. But a drew Biddeford—▲. wa* sure question <>r rail wind-driven and merciless. B» t lieved another, who takes the ship on In the office Clara—Mr. Spooner said if lie by ADAM P- LEIGHTON lindgton—A, W» Ingalls. son, "you iuu«t say It of my on that Huh and a as it Is often _ he him out precipitated it isn't natural that a ship should be to Port lewdk, or Suez, M W&ttflstp isrunsTTic*—r. *. you would accept him would propose. ]«1 lawyer, Mr. Samuel I.. Mates." Mr. discussion. The friends of navigated through a storm of sand that, called. Bangor—J. D. Glynn. Maud—What did you bay? lively especial h F. did not know much about the cuts the hands and fnoe like a million ibe distance from Port Said to l’ort Booth bay Harbor—C. Keunison. Sturgis it. If wouldn’t the canal, led by Mr. William | K. L. Frink. “I told him to try you Nicaragua I*.-, la.vua man nuafli hlli.Hlfnr ! TewUk is about miles, and If a Brownfield- law slander and he became nloety regarding now. would some time.”—Detroit of took Cape Elizabeth—Dyer & Jose you Alden SpiUh, Michigan, excep- u furtnight afterward. ■hip has extraordinarily good lues she .« F. Marrmer. convinced from Mr. Johnson’s manner Free Proas. tion to some of Mr. Cannon's remarks "But that's what we got laat trip may do it In wlxeeriiiu: Center—A. MoCoua thought that as long us Mr. Johnson rep- Mrs. indeed. It’s too that there will be a effort au v fog that ever blew at aea 1 ha and Haudstorixs, but In order to mini- H. Johnsing—No, indicated great up la Actually <*• good as VI KHILL. SIXTH I.IIITIOX. PamariscoUa-M. Ganiage. matter sand Is driven In clouds so thick that mix* to* amount of damage pi tnesDorvu K. IL Evans. resented it to he a very serious the boberus. Stunnln yo’ man is ernuff wid- sosslon to thrust the canal bill th>y at Fairfield— this of caoal Irom the any sold elsewhere 1* While A Ofe York Journal. turn the tropic daylight Into darkness at uu aldee tax resulting Farmington—H. liest thing for him to do was to settle It out burnln him.—New anil the com- W. MltclM'i. through, get government u second’s notice. The dying atoms are ‘wash' or oorront created by tile ship’s Freeport—A. If he oould before It reached the courts. C. Frye. mitted as soon as possible to the expendi- sirted through every nook and oranny, propellers. Fryeourg—A. \\ here the Trouble W«i. OSS Cts. Great I £. M hltmora. Mr. email. We had to the en- "At Huez the leaves ths vessel, Ready today. j Fryeburg—J. Mr. Sturgis anally accompanied ture of the bundr d and ten millions of however stop pilot Gardiner— Bussell Bros. You are from boats and booms have Jolmsuu to Mutes office on Ex- I)r. Kurenone— suffering gines, and put the canvas covers over the and after Jlbboome, Green's Lanalug—8. W. Flfleld. Lawyer dollars U has been propuoed We can it so you iu the beau nervous I'll have to give required. muchlnsry to It from bslng rulnsd been swung Into normal trim again she Is give and L. J. Lermond. street. It was this time prostration. ksep enlarged improved. Gorham— change by nearly in the Senate to add the canal bill as a the intrnalou of ths wind-riven free lo her of tbe seven sea-—her V H.-8. M. Leavitt A Soa. you a sleeping powder. by sharp, go way or as you want, if six but the of as the salt ground, just Gore—F. E KusselL o'clock, although lawyers Benedict—No. Give it to my wife and rider to the river and harbor bill, and if nartloles that no natebes ever battened people swearing joyously Ous. an can out of the room. winds and salt corns aboard to clean will a bait' of It, Keimebuuk—J. H, Portland bad all sighed agreement to — the House will have to keep engine spray you try pound E. Miller the baby. New York World. this is doue PRIi'E Mi.O«. Kennebunkportr-C. "It's a costly and trounlasoins Job com- out tbs left-over deposits of tbe lest sand- tails—C. Newman. close their offices during the summer at the no matter how in- we know it will suit laverwoie consider subject, ing through the oanal, evan If one storm and tbs odor of the jabbering you. A Winahiu Mates was still at his The Horrid Thins! hap- Lewiston—Ouandier tour o'clock, kMr. the time may be for careful ex- to esoape mirages and sandstorms, natives wbo infested her during the process Island—8. H. Marstuu. adequate pens are still selling a rtO ceut Long sent me a glass a Port Held." ! We iniwii'K—8. A. C. Grain. office. The Soubrette—Ho pier amination. Mr. Cannon expressed the 'traffic Is subject to lot of rigid rules of ooaltng In •isbon—C. H. Foster. /or a present. and regulations, charges, penalties, and of l'©a at Mere Mr. Johnson and Ur. Mutes re- that the soheine was too great v grade Oolong Lisbon Falls—A. M. Gerry. Does he think judgment whut not that make a man fora The Ingenue—Bless me! long Success With native Fruits. Mechanic Falls—Merrill A Denning. tired Into an lnnsr office and held n con- to be properly considered In the three old Horn hurricane of 40 cts. you have that much face?—New York good Cape by way KARMON No. Dealing—A.G. Noyes. on culture de- SHORT & sultation, the result of whiob was that weeks left of the session, but thsre was a contrast. In an address plnrn LORING, Noitb Stradoru NU.-J. C. Huohtingi Journal. Fine Encllth lir«*lrf»«t Tea, tebleodlf __ "In the Urst theta le the e Mr. was told, so he claimed that some dissent from this. place, pllutaga livered before the Maryland Horticul- Norway—F.l*.8to Sturgis which le of oourse. A. O. NoyesOo. Knjoycd Himself. oompulsory, tural J. W. Kerr It is a 30 cts. be oould settle the case with Mr. Johnson One feature of the debate which fol- the society says: N. Conway—C. H. Whittaker. a "When the ship reaohee bar off Port did yt*7 have foine tbe have no Old Orc hard—Fogg A Libby. the of $100 and the signiug Mulligan—And lowed was an amusing at'ack upon the bale the le hoisted at tha fact that European plums delivered In by payment to jaok fore-paak, OoodM uuy L. Frebie. toime on your thrip Shekaggy? be three as SPECIAL. Klcnmyml—A. of or. if it night time, are value an orchard fruit in nolle- of a retraction or he would be arrested. llou. Arthur Sewall Maine, by Mr. lights general the Humlord Falls— F. J. O'Rourke-'-Yis. Ot was only there two hoisted. Than she takes aboard No. pari of etiy. A Carr. The result of the matter was that Mr. a fellow free silver Democrat pilot our state. Tbe Japana, which only a Kocklaud—Duun and Into four foight*.—Cleveland Talbert, 1. He Is a harbor and to rem del our store A. J. Huston, days got pilot only brings short time back unfolded In getting ready gave to Ur. Mates or Ur. John- from iiouth Carolina, who orltlelzed se- Into Port bald Bar. After bright hopes lor room haulord—A niton Bios, Sturgis Leader. her coaling wo ti d we Will be" cramped for A Buck, son two notes tor One of these was Mr. .Sewell's of the a oanal comes aboard with every blossom, are now threaten- to bkowbegan— BUby $50. verely adovoacy ahlp- there, regular pilot a lew weeks. Tbereiore iu order booth Portland—J. F. Merrimaa. to take ths veseel aa tar as Ismalll. But bu of those cn sixty days time and the other was A Joke From Boston. bill, seeming to think that Mr. ing repudiation captivating NEOU’SJEI market, reduce our stock aud make ready for rur H. Kieker A Sou. bounty come an doesa t until official has mads we have decided Windham—J. W. Bead, on demand. The $50 Mr. was to Is women had fallen from promises to American fruit growers Hired. New *l*riiig Goods k^juih Sturgis The tailor who employed by dowal! seriously grace tne Captain subscribe to a list of rales 441 f'ongretia boutu Fans—A. D. Murtevanl miss we find that tlie prior* on all our W inter Into the offloe of Ut. Mutes as soon counts It no disgrace that ho makes during the time since be was nominated than tho articles and Reasoning by comparison, to cm bouth Faris—F. A. bhurtleff. bring longer shipping pay .1 ust below Monument SL We can show some the amount of a successful in Good*. genuine South Walerboro—G. C. Downs as he oould It. otherwise he was to lie At*.—Boston Transcript. on the ticket. ever gross highway rob- grape growing America 6U«tf get Bryan febo never betoie offered any baco-H. B. Kendricks A Co. bery schedule of chargee. Including ivory dates from the introduction of the Con- bargains by M sued. E. L. Frebie. imaginable Item. labor in Portland (or tint class custom W. oord. Our colossal had houib Bristol—N. Gamage of theee notes were afterwards "The oanal offlolal first damanda the apple production work. Moth K. of _ 1 boinaatnu—E. Walsn. Mr. and Mis. J. Libby Portland, its first and in tbe Bald- name end nationality of the ihtp, name greatest boom V'lua! Haven—A. B. VinaL paid by Ur. Sturgle, who le a hard work- Food are visiting Washington. of her Captain, owner and ohartar holders win, strawberry culture in the Hover's Mr. Geo. II. York, well known to tbe Watdoboro -Geo. Bliss. soon as Ur. 1 ing farmer. Ae Sturgis's and can be found with s\ atervlile—W. D. Spalding. to port of sailing daatlnaUaa. draught Seedling, gooseberries in the Houghton. tailoring trade, me, B. friends understood the matter they in- isy Buy, two u'olock this it was to a numnar of passengers, statement serve all bis Westbrook-W. Boothby. At morning of water, that Massachusetts should where be wouid be glad to W A Wyman. orew and sobsdulejof oar go. Singular fig- ood.urds—Chapman duced him to bring suit for the full to Cook, below on Washington street and four be- of capacity WOMAN old customers and friends. Yarmau'JivIlle-A. J fi. Mitchell isy of ths vessel aooordlng to offlolal mtatnn- ure eo largely and prominently in the EVERY amount of the notes with lntereit. low at City ball with the ineroury still kUimetlmee Deads a reliable to ment, and ttalament of aqulpmdnt regard origination of pioneer varieties respec- ***** of Auburn for the isy Eat, is SSSy regulatiof MISS A. L. SAWYER’S Judge Wing appeared falling This morning undoubtedly lag electric searchlights, hawkers, boats, in commercial Ha taka tha trouble tively marking epochs DR. R SAL'S in thle^sule and Lawyer Haley to UDS of the coldest of the season. and anohors. may to plaintiff isy Digest. statements fruit growing, but these are all legiti- L. Ur. Johnson. verify all those by personal W. CARD, School of Shorthand and of Blddeford represented It ha la so Inclined. mate children of hers Ove PILLS, Typewriting Oats investigation pomological _ PENNYROYAL In the writ Ur. Sturgis's claim Is uaker THAT to atow Tbt THK OBIP tT'HK DOBS CI'lkB. •Then tha Captain lajordarad all immutable fact illumines our progress An prompt, ttfe aadeeruin It lull yco*' Tailor-Draper, »» r.XCHAAOF. 8TREKT, "The and and his In- set down as follows: plaintiff At all his booms boats bowsprit in the success NO. 40 FREE STREET. grocers Laxative. Bromo Quinine Tablets In hawsers aggregate- vie, hrages .... under the board. aft, to ba wad pawing I’ortliiiul, Maine, claims to recover foregoing ^removes on native varieties. Me. febleodt? ■lb. ashore, and to have two anchors forward pure tt. R. GUPPY A CO. Aiw., ForUMA count the sum of $50.70 to settle a pkgs. only y* *<;>-! eodtf paid «Easy f Tb« slonere Na a oertUtoato of tha PBIEt volume of boMaese doe* not shrink _micimiuftn. _, mar give WHO nUTIL end * fact and Ibal ba to authorised to eoaaga ex Dsn*** through Mm pnnotpal HOW IS 1 K. e THE DRUG STOKE BILL la the business of aa apothecary, and mob anting h»om ahow an Inovees* of W.3 per » t over and *0 3 oent PKHFKC^r 1JKKA1). certificates mud ba signed by at toast two A Waal* Iaformslleu lam year prr oommlsalonsm. lo oaao tba result of tba Legislator IBM. Ksllurea for Ihe week here peerbeen examination ts and no Jl? In the Ulnted State* against You will never know what perfect bread ia until you have used for Spring by Taking nnaatistootory, About Fimn. MS Prepare rartlBoatea the shall 1««* year end 3# la Canada against 46 granted, applicant '•«* A hare tba right to another examination i Spring Remedy. e la terra! of two *f y**r-__ lr. Wilson’s PreposH Law without char* after an Order latrodated By Mr. Uerdla*' Very months, and within twelve m on tba after BANQORS WERE E 8Y. Patten Reed* Te Infer* BEST” bat Directing ‘HOFFERS Is Dr. Broad. the date of bla Brat examination; The Best Spring Remedy only one of tbe partner* In n Arm need be UftolMan A beat Matter. ■•me Team Mowed Me DIMenlty In n registered druggist, prodded, tbe part- ■racui *o ai ruaj Defeating Them. Greene’s Nervora. ner who compounds medlolnee be regis- FLOUR. tered. All certificates Issued under tbe AngasVa, February 10.—Tbe laterestlng pnirlelona of this net eball be kept con- The polo game last night was attended Foi SITES PHARMACY COMMISSION •veot at tbe Melon of tbe legislators to- New The Moet Wonderful Be.torative stantly dleplayed. In a eonspicnoue place. by about four hundred In of Entirely Process. waa the new Mr. Gar- people aplte In the a tore or shop of tba persona to day more made by and Nerve*. ENLARGED POWERS. tha Intense no Id. The eonteetanta were Body, Blood whom the same were Issued. diner who la one of lha leader* In tb* or tho Portland end teams and the Ask your Orocer shout It. Section B —Certificates of two grade* campaign for tranafarabl* mUsage booka Bangor klnda be whereof one aball home team In No. North may Issued, bad a very easy time de- Mr. Hawlton, 58 la skilled In Mr. Gardiner presented an order calling lame. deolare that the bolder pbar- the are N. “I to feating rlaltora. Although they Main Si., Concord, _»ay»: Inmnou rnaor aa In auction seven of tbla act, and on tbe mllrond com pan lea of tbe elate Way Maiprud Certificates, •oneldernd a formidable have had con.idcrable experience with the other kind which after the examina- furnlab to tb* Hat* of nil very aggregation Witnesses and Administer Oaths— legislator* D. W. TRUE & CO. Nervura blood and nerve tion of tbe therefor, may be and usually are so, last they were Dr. Greene's applicants person a who bad bean free tians- night and loaned to be leas than given > used it in Kegnlates the hale of Poisons suoh aa aball not under some and e Is orovided remedy, having my family tbs and tha playing disadvantages by eighteen years of ags and who bare portatton rlnrlng past year for several years. About five year* ago Does Lots of Other Things. did not do as much as Is with AOIATH, ; UNION MUTUAL Policies of Life tbe In a of namber anf varieties le- customary $ passed junior year college of the paeans ■ had a bad fall, w hich resulted in Insurance, via., of 2 my wife or la a of them. The game was one whlob pleased THi IftMl pharmacy department pharma- whether or a severe nervous shock to the syitcin. She lAfEClAL CO aned, annual, quarterly trip cy in any Incorporated milage, or served tha crowd for there were many exciting Mr. Chaae of Portland waa on bla feel One’s became in health, and nothing 10.—The bill Intro- two full in an atom ME. family poorly Augusta, February year* ap thsoary nod Interesting Incident* In It. The home PORTLAND, Wilson of Bruns- where phyetolang' prescriptions are com- ns soon as the reading of tbe order bad luoed by Kepresentative team was In the of aball deolare that tbe bolder to a be laid right spirit polo play- One’s Business 3 was her- pounded, been Uo lined nod moved that It wick In the House, yesterday, qualified assistant nod la to taka ing laet night and kept after the hall all qnallOad an tha table, Tbla motion waa carried. alded as one designed for tbe suppression charge of tba business of no apothecary tbt time. excelled In their team Colic One’s Self Chase They Colds Chaps confer tha a beanos of tbe reg- Than Mr. Gardiner asked If Mr. 1 jf fake drug stores and to upon during temporary work and and tbelr Hue the guarantee of a substantial 2 ia ered and tba for such passing many ...By the to sell apothecary, fee would not assign the order for considera- io country store keepers right war* The \ payment one’s estate, if death assistant's examination shall ba fire dol- not plays liberally applauded Chafing Croup J on Mr. did Coughs ihat Is an accurate tion Toaaday next. Chaae occur. potato bug polsou. lars. moat of the goals were mad* In the Hrst y of the but the agree to thle but elated that he would 1 the higher rating of credit y lescriptlon of parts bill, Section 9.— Kerry registered apothecary period but towards the last end of the ...By Catarrh Chilblains which the T which It does not describe are equal- or qualified assistant wbo dealrea to con- make an early aealgnment. Cramps | knowledge of possession parts gam* the Bangor’s took a braoe and after ills to which all flesh is heir. You can relieve and e«ie all of these the free tlnne ibe boaineaa of an aball told tbe Are speedily by Insurance gives. y measure a lot of apothecary ! Mr. Maoomber of Augusts nave v-ed i! of Life Tbe puts use of our old reliable Generation after generation with entire satis- 1 ly important. tbe time be that the home team had a little more Anodyne. the value in cash which biennially thereafter, daring Houee that snob an order would be In faction and handed down the knowledge of its worth to the»r children as h valu-iblr inheri- ...By teeth in the present law. It gives the work ^ shell oontlnue such barlnass on such date difficulty In caging the ball. The tance Could a have existed for years except that it ;•*>*-. .#•, great merit for becomes due at the end of a as le no of remedy eighty stated commissioners the to as to the operative there way compell- was to cure all mifment* attauded with id as pharmacy right aald board may determine, pay of Allah uad was especially family use? It originated animation; such period, if the survive, O’Malley all forms of itr ? policyholder y certificates after A H m-oratory of aald board a registration fee ing oorporetlone to faroleh auob informa- asthma, abscesses, bites, burns, bruises, bronchitis, earache, head- iuspend hearing; fine. lame back, must alar soreness, neural;; Is. this may be accomplished by V to be fixed by said board, but whlob shall tion. Congreae had tried It end felled. ache, la grippe. mumps, sting*, sprains, •stablisbes rules for the sale of poison and Line and •till Joint*, toothache, tonsitilia and whooping cough. The great viUl ami muscle nervine. the annual payment of a small In no case exoeed, if a registered apothe- In tbe up summary: ^ H far towards Uther.matters worthy of mention amount of what the in fact goes providing cary, one dollar, If a qualified assistant, Portland—Campb'll and Dawson, rush- money. Just y re- business were tbeaa: cost will be, and regulations for the oooduct of tbe drug fifty cents for which be aball reoelse a day's era; Sdon ay,center; Turnbull, half bsok ; regular exactly y newal of said and ha aball Mr. Baal of Introdaoed an act what the values will M business lu Maine. The bill is printed registration; Bangor Allen, goal. guaranteed not oontlnns In such business after tbs of to raise 'tvill be told • allowing tbo city Bangor and Walton, rushers; Liniment produce, cheerfully y below: Bangor—Tarrant Anodyne board for aald renewal Johnsons dale set by aald bruise, «v©rr irritath lameness, every loan or otherwise on Smith, neater; 0'Hara,balf book; O'Mal- It soothes every ache every evary cramp, every upon request. 1.—From and after the with tbe money by promis- as as P.XTHR'- \L us** I» was Section passage unleas be shall have compiled 1*7, goal. •welting everywsera. It is for INTERNAL much originated if this act it shall not be lawful for any requirements of tbla section. Any regis- sory notes under oontrol of tbe city ootsa- In 1810. by Dr. V lohnann. aw old Family Physician. Every Moth* uld have it in the house. teemed to do her much until she [nTt-on within the limits of this stale to tered theoary or quallfiel aaalatant, oll. Uoal. Won by. Kush by. Caged by.Tim*. Union mutual Cite ? good ap- Liver Pill Mado.” luaejobnton' r nt for catarrh. I had conduct the business of an apothecary or who shall f II to obtain a renewal of reg- commenced the use of Dr. Greene’s Ner- Mr. Garoelon of Lewiston Introduced Campbell Campbell It 63 m Mm ■ tried almo-t 1 <-crioT '• .'«s direct. !All by Tarrant 7.40 vou relief and she in health Campbell HlQMlIX ■^|||W V.;. prompt improved ngs or recognized jta to said shall forfeit tbe there- bill Thursday. Ills K Windham. Vt. • any sign peculiar renewal, right corporation presented Campbell Dawson 3 16 □ I Oil IIO I IIIW J • • 1 have also used this store to the of au fee to virtue P*'Best 8 Portland, maine. considerably. remedy give appearance to. Ibe aald board by or drug paid bill tbat any tele- Dawson il.uo rare Biliousness and Biek ^ "Trcatim-nt for $ provldte telegraph Campbell Poelttraly Book L>L»c*aea” Hailed Preo.* % and have found it a very excellent store or claim to be or ropie- of tbla section, may tie used by aald board and bowel complaints. They expel all taMftttea always «I>othecary enter town or Campbell Dawson .08 At tore to be an company may any the Mood. Delicate women And relief from TWtor’s ms and Dir-vtlons m» every bottle. tonic. It is well to sent himself apothecary, exoept for tbe dejection and prosecution of viola- phone from T> certainly adapted my Campbell Campbell 3.06 •**.-' «v. »l Sold everywhere. A 1 l*e»*» Mass. of or do buamess In any of tbe Ming them. case, and has done me so much good that us here natter provided. tion this act. city, part —— Limit with the ad- Campbell I do not hesitate to recommend it to Section tt—The Governor, t-ectlon 10.—No registered apotheoaiy state where Its charter allows, said com- 8— Portland Tarrant Campbell ?.f8 my and consent of the oouncll shall friends.” vice ap- ■ball suffer or ,iern>li tbe use of bla name bseu oreanixed under tbs Tarrant —— Limit three suitable pany having loint persons too»*npose or certificate of In tbe oon- 0—Portland Cemplrcn l'i.60 have the most unbounded faith registration and may do this without Campbell People the 1‘oard of oommlasloners of pharmacy iluot business uf wben be general laws, Dawson 1.30 In Dr. Greene’s Nervura because it is the of pharmacy 111—Portland Campbell Hie members thereof shall continue to In auoh toe consent of tbs existing company, as himself la not actively engaged 10; Bangor, 0. Slope prescription of the famous physician Dr. hold their offices during tbe term# for Score—Portland, business. tbe law now provides. —Allen, 33; O'Malley, 86. Keferee—Mr. Place, Boston, they were appointed At the ex- VH—ewsastvi MS.1V CISVSSfVSWVSSS WWUVTWSlV tm -V « Greene, 34 Temple Mass., ivhichll section 11.—It aball not be lawful for Includ- Marr. of their terms of Tbe remonstrance of 83 oltlsene. Kelley. Scorer—Mr. Timekeeper and from the fact that he can be con- piration respective office, any store to be kept open for tbe sale or ointments shall be so made thit the tbe selectmen of Industry against —Mr. Dyer. sulted without charge at any time in »p; mcdlslnes or poisons, or for compound- ing term of each commissioner shall expire on nor shall town set off and regard to any case, either by calling or ing physicians’ prescription*, having any part qf |sald POLO PLAYER RECOVERED. ihe iiret nay of October in each succeed- or dis- to him. drugs or medicines tie exposed annexed to waa writing and thereafter the Farmington presented. 10— The at the ing year, appointment played for sale In any store, except as Lewiston, February jury vacancies oocurrli from The committee on libraries reported to till g explra- otherwise provided herein, unless the Supreme court in Auburn on Friday fore- lion of teims ol oiuoe shall be three years on bill to libraries sains Is and kept under the person- adversely the support and THE BLOUNT In placed noon learned something of the ups from the br«t of Oct ber each year, al control and of a supervision registered out of the dog tax fnnd. The be Governor by and with the consent of such downs of polo playing in Lewleton. HOOK CHECK AND SPRING, PORTLAND POST OFFICE apothecary or qualified assistant,but on the remove said commis- An order was Introduced calling he Council may store may be tinder the charge of a quail* facte were brought out In the trial of the sion* r> for cause. If a vacancy occur* ah* oommlsaloner of sea and shore tlsherlea SIMPLE AND PERFECTLY ADJUSTABLE lied assistant durlngthe temporary caee of 8. vs. Fred B. Kel- shall tw Charlie Gay in sh)(1 commission, another ap- sence cf such an Itemized account. Prices from 92.00 up, according toi'/A registered apothecary. for U. E. Holmes for J. W. as aforesaid to till the unexplred — en- sey plaintiff, You Have and which has been Don't be deceived imitation*. pointed Section 1& If any person A communication from the Governor The Kind Always Bought, by ;<>rru thereof. lietore entering upon the Mitchell for defendant. gage In or be found in charge of or carry- over 30 has borne the of OFFICE HOCUS. of their the commissioners was read In the Senate, regarding the In use for years, signature luties office* ing on a holiness or displays any drugs Mr. Kelsey w ih at one time identified -hail he sworn to the faithful and impar- or furnish- reoent act at the North Dakota /f and has been made under his medicines, drug-store fittings legislature the of the Lewiston per- of the and a record with management Pos'master's Office, (Sundays excepted) 9.00 tial discharge same, ing* or any sign ^recognized as peculiar in relation to the election of United *ona* since its ou team. It was while Charlie was supervision Infancy. a. m. to 5 p. m. -hall he made thereof their commie- to a store to the polo Gay /T*X. drug give appearance States Senators bv the /■ctccAl&Z a. people team. Allow no one to deceive you in this. & 8.00 don. or on N.M. Perkins t ashler's Office. (Sundays excepted.) of an apotheoary store or claim to be playing good polo the Lewiston Go., aot re- m. to 6.00 p. m.: Money order department, 9.00 section 3 —'fhe members of said board an Senator Reynolds Introduced an represent himself to be apothecary, Gar savs that he was to have $20 a week, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- a. m. to 6.00 ra: department, 9.00 a. ou second uf p. Registry -hall meet the Wednasday contrary to tbe provisions of this act, he to hawkers and amends it. bill which is m. to 6.00 ra lating peddleralt but be'didn't get His nnd the health of HARDWIRE p. December in each year at such time and conviction be periments that trifle with endanger DEALERS, Khali upon indiotuienl and so t section 14 thereof mad* the basis of the writ is as follows: General D* (Sundays excepted.) 7.30 and shall the present law th livery, plane as they may determine, to a penalty of fifty dollars per Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. 8 Free a. m. to 7.00 p. iu. Sundays y.oo to lu.ou a. in. subjtot read: “The of this Fred B. Kelsey to Cbalree 8. Gay. Dr. St. immediately proceed to organise by elect month for the first offense, and one hun- khall provisions chap- doctSdtf 1.00 to 2.00 p. ra. lo labor for from November log a president and secretary wno shall dred dollars month for each and every ter are not to commercial piaving polo Carriers’ Deliveries, excented.)—In per applicable to December inclu- (Sundays be members of the board, and who shall whether for contlu- 2ft, 1896, 17, 18(8. business section of the between and sobfequent offense, selling goods hy sample to dealers city Hhjh Hold their offices for the term agents sive, at $20 per week, $ee the .t.BATOR before you Boston. ber, one on the second Wednesday of and aUajs Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea Wind buy anything offices ana connections via. Boston a Maine shall in tbe cases of women who approves the same. else Drop all medicine lor 24 hours and use and one on the second Wednesday apply railroad (Easieru Division.) Arrive at 12.15. April, *hell hereafter enter upon and carry on recalled the aot AGUINALDO‘8 PROCLAMATION. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation he .Kit A TOR. Yon will never regret It. Phy- of and such auuitlonal meetings Senator Jones changing 6 00 and 10.45 p. in.; close 8.00 a. m., 12.00 in. August, tbe business of This act sician* Indorse the .Krator lor they Know what shall de- apothecaries. — and It assimilates the tho 5 00 and 9 00 u. m.; arrive 12 45 ra. it such times and as they the charter of the North Development Vancouver, B. C., February 10 Flatulency. Food, regulates is u-»ed m It. Our Is t Sundays, p. planes Khali not apply in tbe c ise of physicians prescription published close 3.30 and 9 oo p. in. termine. the execu- The steamer Esmeralda, leaving Manila and natural {he world. We are p ond of it. Do not Le de- ! who and their own med- oompany, which had reached Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy sleep. board shall a rec- piepare dispense arrived at Jan- •rived bv Infringing The Boston, Southern ami Western, and Interme- .Section 4.—The keep sale of of amend- January 10, Hong Kong competitor* icines, nor to the proprietory prsp- tive chamber, for the purpose The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. KKaTOK where tlie otbe s leave of!. diate offlces and connections, via Boston ind ord of the names of all persons examined uary 10. Passengers said that on t..e loth begins ara Ions and reoognlxed home remedies. If your nose Is from a hard colder Maine railroad. (Western division) —Arrive at and registered hereunder, and a record of ing that portion of the act In reference to Agutoaldo had Issued his twelfth proc- stopped 8.20 ra close 0.00 Section 14.— Any person may enter up hronlc catarrh how are you going to Inhale? 10.45 a. m.. 5.30 and p. ; aud 8.00 all received and disbursed by -aid for done. which amounted to an uiima- money* business of an without assessing logs damage lamation, Why buy Inhalers. a. m. 12 in. and 2.30 p. ra shall on th apothecary ALWAYS i.oart*, a dup icate of which records, committee re- tum. In effect it gives the Americana GENUINE via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive the certificate required by the foregoing The banks and banking Eastern, always be open to inspection in the office three uays to make up their tnluds what CASTORIA 2.00 aud 4.30 a. m.. 12.46 and 0 oo p. in.; close act; he does not do to on the act In 'ela- of the of state. Said board shall provided personal!? ported ought pass to do—“get out or In 9.45 and 11.45 a. m.. 12.15 and 9.00 p. ra secretary the duties of any but light" consequence CHAS. WARREN Governor on or before the apothecary, employs the of share- of this in DAVIS, make to the who has sole tion to enlorclog liability ultimatum, Europeans living Intermediate offlces and connec- a duly registered apotneoary Farmington. first day of January in eucb year a report In trust and the outskirts moved into the city, und all tions. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at charge of compounding, patting up and holders banking companies. Exchange St., stating the condition of pharmacy in the General Otis auletly prepared for the ‘2.45 and 6.15 p. ra ;close at 7.45 a. ra and 12.15 medicines and drugs under The committee reported ought with h full and record of dispensing judiciary worst Is said to favor SOLE AOXnVT. in. state, ooiuplete of this act. Aguinn'do peace p. the provisions new draft on the bill to au- all Its official acts during the year, and to pass In a at any prion. His followers have not been «0«)K, EVERETT 1 Boeklan-i Intermediate offices and connec- Section 15.—Whoever fraudulently adul- PKN.VRU, he receipts and disbursement ot the thorize the Construction of a dam at the paid for three months, and they demand- Or tions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive terates. for the purpose of sale, any drug Supply put. and 0.00 close at 6.00 a. in and 11.30 board. ed from Aguinaldo immediate payment 12.46 p. ra.; nr or sells any outlet of the mill at New Harbor Mall orders filled Watch for next board shall hear all medicine, fraudulently pond the of Manila no (promptly. a. m. dec lion 6.—Said or loot Having money ad. fe adulterated drug or medicine, knowing In the town of Uristol boeod.it* intermediate offlces and connec- any person registered to pay them the soldiers got beyond the began. complaints against th<- same to be adulterated, shall he pun- tion-.. via Maine Ceutial railroad—Arrive at an for tne violation of any The Cumberland oounty delegation control of their commander. apothecary ished by imprisonment in a jail not ex- PlUtSKSr SALES, TWO MILLIONS A WBKJC. 12.45 p. in.; close at 12.16 p. ra of the requirements of this act to bt* in- to on an act to fix An American citizen on the Esmeralda loedlng one year, or line not exceeding reported ought pass Island. Pond Ft.. Intermediate offlces and formed a apothecary. Huch said: Z-— by registered hundred dollars; and such adulterat- of the of for via Grand Trunk be made in four the salary register probate On the Kind You Have connections, shall The Railway-Ar complaints writing be Wednesday, January 10th, a. » 30 ed and medicines shall forfeited, the Bought rive at 11.45 0.00 m.. drug* makes Always 8.30, m., p. .Sundays set out the alienee Cumberland oounty It salary American soldiers were about in uniter oath, shall the of the lollng а. ra close at 7.30 a. ra, 1.00 and 5.oo p.m. ami destroyed under dlreotlon ; and shall be made within sixty and for additional clerk hire. their aimless way, having the appearance Years. 5.00 p. in. Alleged, court. $1000 $1000 In Use For Over 30 Sundays of. Said board of men on whose hands time heav- Jays of the act complained committee on sal- bangs sells arsenic The legislative joint TWC CINTAUN COHMMf, TT MURRAY • ▼RCCT. NtW YORK ClTV. Gorham. N. U.. Intermediate offlces and con- -hall then thereupon, notify the person Section 16.—Whoever (ar- ily. The streets were crowded and busi- the of RHWNS via Grand Truuk railroad—Arrive at or of Its has voted to Increase salary nections, Douiplalned against of the charge made w**nlous acid) atropla any salts, aries ness was In full swing, but everyone’s FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS б. 30 and 11.46 a. in., aud t. 00 p. m.; Sundays 8.3u corrosive him and of the time and place Fowler's solution, suhllmale, the Penobscot oounty attorney ToJIl ,ouu nerves seemed to be on edge as if disaster Much as wind and Pain in a. in., close at 7.30 a. in., l.oo, 6.00 p. ra Sun- Against the 8tocnach, matter will ce heard of Donovan’s solution, was imminent and Fullness ra. and 5.oo when and where the cyanide potassium, not to was voted anticipated. Giddiness, after meals, Headache days at 7.30 a. p. m. Its fluid laudanum, |ier year. Ought pass by them; but notice of hearing shall be ergot and extract, “All at once a gre»t crowd came rush- Dizziness, Drowsiness, Flushing* of Heat* Montreal—.-viii>c ai o..w, u.«j u. ui. aim o.ue or of its the committee on the bill Loss of Irani uunmi mr MoMunn's elixir, morphia any by providing down the 1 heard the nugle Appetite, Costiveness, Blotches on close at 1.00. 6.00 m. close g|veu ai uujo ing road, p. m.. p. Sunday oil of oil of oil term of office for select- the Skin, Cold Chills, Disturbed 6.00 m. same. Do may then and there appear ealts, pennyroyal, savin, for a three year sound sharply in a dozen places calllug Sleep, p. Parson's Frightful Dreams and all nervous ana beiore the board with hi* wline.-s*- and of tansy, opium, Paris green, the soldiers to and in live min men. quarters, Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST ONE ■S and con exterminator, prussic if anion. Vt., Intermediate offices be heard by counsel. Either members of vermin phosphorus WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES via Mountain Division M. C. K. It.— on or neotions, the board may administer oaths to the add. ‘rough ruts," strychnia any the K ooita. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to bo Arrive at 8.40 p. m.; close at 8.00 a. m tartar tin ture oi PROFIT ON WHEAT. witnesses at such hearing ami auy person of Its salts, emetic, "On seeing the Americans en masse *1 Bartlstt. X. //.. intermediate offices and con tincture of tincture WHAT ONE OOLLAR A WEEK Will DO so sworn v\ho wilfully swears or affirm* u'-onlt** belladonna, the Insurgents retired in quiet order." I neotions via Mouutain Division M. C It. R.— of dux tinc- Hav»* Made Some- any mutter upon winch of digitalis, tincture voniloa. American Dealer* WONDERFUL Arrive at 8.60 a in. aud b.4ne glvoa relief. Accept no •ubetitute and 1.30 aud 8.30 p. m. diplomatic authorities and like y mind law until alter conviction section without the written prescription cluding the Paciflo 4,047,406 bushels have Increased to thr tutu of 9‘jlA.,Vl. W hat more can you ask! Bear In N->te the word R I'P A'VH on the packet. punishable by about an on lines no 5 cent* to Chemical No. 10 shall affix to the bring adjustment arc and that thr look* after yoiir Send Rlpana Co.. Soruoa a court of *ut of a physician, bottle, or that you subject to no assessments Company ISLAND MAILS by corapet juridlction. 2,900.615 last year. At higher theretofore This is in HKS1- fit., New York, for 10 aamyieaaud 1AXW ti cum.ji.iaia or the article against contemplated. part future w Ith no care on Will WILl. 1 Oli Section 7 — not now box wrapper containing profits necessary yuui part. Every person reg- are foreshadowed In the official statement of OFKKH1 a label of red which shall lower prices foreigners constantly TATK AT srt'H AS Peaks Island—Arrive at 10.30 a m.; close here. Iter entering on the business *old paper,upon to have istered, lie —» » »».■* ■■ ns the secretary In Ihe House We have a machine on exhibition at our oflice and would pleased -.--am in black letters the word more and corn from parliamentary w lAo m. the of the be large taking wheat that no better ^J«rif .1' 3 p. of an apothecary, by payment printed of Commons yesterday to the effect that you anti your friends call and etutnliir the same. We feel sure pay- Island**-Arriws at 6,00 of said •Polsou.” and also the word “Antidote,“ stock which we offer. He- Long and Chebeague fee of ten dollars, to the secretary than in any previous year. further Information would be awaited ing Investment I* upon the market today than Is the the name and of business of both from mer- a ui.close at l.so p. m. board, an hereinafter provided, and place ine m her that till* lit vestment w 111 staud a thorough investigation 10.03 close except ihe cotton market Is in a stronger before considering the recognition of of similar character. Cousin's Island-Arrive at m.; be examined said the vendor. The name of an antidote, inutile agencies or people who now hav e charge of machines shall by commissioners, Matanfa as king of Samoa. of stock at the above EVERY... 1A0 p. in. if there be any, for the poison sold, shall txoiuse foreign buying continues As we are offerlug only a limited number of shares and shall present to them satisfactory position this matter at once. STAUK MAILS. be the label. to named price you w ill do Justice to yourself hy Investigating evidence he has been an also upon Kvery neglect while home indications oi that apprentice, beyond precedent, no stock Is sure to advance. For further Information call suoh label to suen articlo Lose time. This at 5.80 m. close a: or in an store where affix poisonous was Bowery Beach— Arrive p. 1 employed apothecary now point to a smaller crop than w rite to ..MAN are before the delivery thereof to the pur- yyfywiwfroyTnwwiwniwwwiiiynwwwwg too p. m. phjsiclans' prescriptions compounded, on hand are chaser shall be punished by fine not ex- expected. The stocks heavy, Cape Elisabeth and Knightville— Arrive at at least thr e years; or has graduated PEOPLE’S SLOT MACHINE CO., 6.00 a m. hfty dollars. •Whoever puroh;ises commercial and mill, hut foreign i There is a f AO a. in. aud 6.30 p. m.; close at and from some regularly incorporated medical ceeding both Maine TO HIS TRADE. as aforesaid and a fal.se and thus Room Vo. ■ uud Vo. S, VO. #SS EXCHAVGE N1'. Cortland. LOO p. m. ■ oliege or college of pharmacy, and is poisons gives buying supports the rise in prices name to the vendor Duck Pride's Comer, Windham, No for the business; the comm Is- fictitious shall be Pond, competent far. \ Class of ^_feb2Th.S&rtl have eustomeru Windham. Puymond and South Casco— Arrive by fine not exceeding fifty dol People j W. frwq. m 1/ X the ex- 3 Tke, h»™ »tood the (.it of yearn, at 11.00 a m.: close at 2.00 p. m. ars. Put nothing in this section shall Goods are rapidly rising with Who are the use of cof- WHEN IS DOUBT, THY famished l injured by aod have cured th.nnasd* Ol a*d AUttUKT FLOWEH. t e construed to to wholesale dealers ad- aaaa|ja earn* to nj wttfc ooyy my apply demand but the material ha\» has been I III Is leases of Nervous Dutffcses. such panding : fee. Recently there placed 3 \ I IN or to manufuctuting chemists in their vanced only an eighth. %J ilUHU as Dimness,Sleepless* “It is a fact” says Prof. stores a new 3 Debility, " surprising sales to retail trade, nor to the general What wool is worth in view of the great : iu all the grocery pre- a ness ami Varicocele,Atrophy.&c. Put ft in attractlvt form uA “that in ray travels in all parts nor a V clear the Ilouton, merchant, to firm or corporation in yet unconsumed few are able to : called GRAIN-O, made of 3 f They brain, strengthen for the last ten 1 jttooks partition • U the make WM. M. of the world, years, .trade, who may sell in unbroken pack and the fact binders adjustment circulation, digestion th» prlo« msoaabla" > uuk» MARKS, used judge that takes the of 3 and a ; have met more people having ages by the manufacturers, Sales nave teen pure grains, place perfect, impart healthy prepared of for goods. losses arc prices ► vigor to the whole being. All drains and checked fermmmrntly. Unless patients Green’* August Flower than any Paris Green, Ixmdon Purple or other at the three coffee. 3 tfco work ta small, only tt,475,400 pounds are cured, their condition ofteu worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. la nut atm nHray* for L.r used properly other remedy, dyspepsia, deranged poisonous preparations compounds chief markets for the week agalust 5,8U8, : The most delicate stomach re- 3 Mailed sealed. Price ft per box: 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund the for for the destruction of in- is Scud lor aad ■■■illsal liver and stomach, and constipation. bugs, beetles, 2 X) last year. The goods market strong and but money, $5.00. free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. aatlsfactory Map or worms not for 3 ceives it without distress, 3 Card I lind for tourists and salesmen, or for sects, slugs, grubs, caterpillars f jr cheviots and serges, but C. H, Guppv A Co.. Agents. Tortigud, Me. and so sold t coffee. reeoltn Book, tilling office positions, where Upon each every package one high grade or plain goods. few can tell it from AND- persons shall be in letters the word also In a headaches and general bad feelings from printed large The boot and shoe market is 3 It does not cost over \ as much. 3 “Poison.” Kvery neglect to affix suoh state of transition and while prioes have tub TmmsTon re an. habits exist, that Green’s i Children may drink it with great ben- 3 NOTICE. DR. F. AUSTIN Irregular label to such poisonous artioles befors not during the week, buying TT IIII TV Flower is a grand remedy. It changed t August the delivery thereof to.the purchaser shall has been jheoked by advances in leather efit. 15 cents and 25 cents per pack- 3 PORTLAND, MB. does not injure the system by frequent tine not from JOB be punished by exceeding fifty and poor retail trade. Shipments age. it. Ask for GRAIN-O. 3 The partnership of .Kcrrill Ac TENNEY 1----* PRINTER, and is excellent for sour stomachs last Try PRINTERS' LXCUA.NGt, use, dollars the east have been smaller than year bottle* of acta Onptlll nu< dissolved l>ky. I, and indigestion.” Sample Sectiou 17.—All acts and parts or in 1897. I 07 1*0 Portland 212 are limitation. Until lurther Exchange N(n lret> at r. E. Pickett’s, Danforth, k. inconsistent herewith hereby repealed. The iron lnduetry is to by Grain-O! 18*19 by MAINSPRING ,75c.' aot shall take exploitedna- I 1 W. Stevens’, 107 Portland, McDonough Jc deoiion 18.—This effect consolidations and attempts of that Try notice cither party will sign In KXSif° ^phViiSpWan1" Tha best American Mainsprings, imvle by tbs not E In

X v \ FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. AMP—Mim_ | AwmMwn._ PORTLAND DAILY PRESL mad* transferable they could be passed from one to another each j AND person paying for tbe nombrr of mllet travelled, 'lhe MAINE STATE TRESS. JEFFERSON THEATRE, iJSKJ^* !fc&. # commercial travellers will get no special Rate*. • THII ArTKH*00!l A»D TOSIIIIIT. i Subscription benefit out ot this legislation, l'boy $T~500,000 Dan. y (la advance) f A per year; $3 f«t 4x travel at the 3 oent rate now. Those who a 60 cent* a moot •o&Uui $1,60 quarter; will bo benetllted most by It are those k AROOSTOOK RALROAD COMPANY, AL. G. Field’s Minstrels. Iha Daily is delivered every morulni by BANGOR now o« tele. who travel little and pay the higher rate j carrier anywhere within the city Mm lie an at which Is oharsed for tickets. DIVISION. All Greatest Favorite. Farewell Tour. Woodford! without sxtrr charge. PhCATiQIlN JV^sLt Wools.. New England’s Allas HOB BIT Daily (not ia advance), invariably at whe First 5 Per Oent Gold Bonds. | RATHBRIN1I WORK HEVKht'K Nl'IT UK HAD. Mortgage Supported by a very cl ver of Artists. Ki.tlre week commencing Monday. rate cf $7 s year. Company Due Jaanary lat, 1»84. Febia. Daily Matinees commencing Tuesday. ! | Maim: state Prkwi, published Chairman Can Don of tbs House Appro- Dated April let, 18tt». (Weekly) Monday Night "The Deacon's Daughter” | “Denlce or a Noble fGorlflce" Thursday. fl.ooyier year, W cent* lor t ions Committee his of •very prist In speech Interest lat ami October lat Tuesday Matinee "The lowly 01 Lyons" I Thur. Night "Tne Crest Clemenceau Case” months; *5 cents for 3 month*. Payable April "She the a uf Tuesday Night Couldn't Marry Three" | Friday Matinee \ Thursday gave country glimpse In the of New York. Matinee Per sous wishing to leave town for long of City Wednesday "CauiUe.” | "The Great Diamond Robbery" the Unanotal side of our career of glory, Wednesday Night "The l.lttlc ltet>e4" addressee of their TO *1500000 Friday Night short periods may have iho ISNL'E LIMITED I hs Great Diamond Miss and It Is far from rens urlng. Mr. Can- Robbery' aaturdav Matinee "i.ittle Nob"d>" papers changed a* often as desired. OF NEW YORK. TRUSTEE. Thursday Matinee "Perns- sat. l'be Bachelor's Three Twins'' of OUARANTY TRUST COMPANY Night non flnr*a Seorete-y Cage s estimate Prices »>• JO-30 cents. Daily Matinees commencing Tuesday 10 and *o c. Neats now on sale. Advertising Kale*. neli to with privilege of regletretlon the at tbe end of the current These are coupon bond* of *1,000 be»r»r, deficiency maturltr. Both and interest In Dailt Picks* $1.80 per square, for *»ae as to principal, and arc radeeraabls only at principal fiscal year far tao low. even If he sub- of the standard of weight and week; $4.00 for one mon'h. Three intertidal are payable In gold coin of United StaU*. present * K ad- sidy skipping and the Moaragua PORTLAND Til BATHE. or less, $1.00 per square. Every other d«y ale at this F l R1 r MORTG AOK on tha line of .ess than these rates. canal bills not parsed fineness^ w||| ^ wurwi by an absolute vertlsenieat*, one third its to; one se.-slon. Instead • a deficit of railrogd from Oldtown to OrwnYlll®, Maine (76H railoa), property S Half square advertisements $1.00 of; the extending JOSHUA SIMPKINS and J M J> FFRII j 1 The Great Rural Drama, In a Three Round Kxh hitloo week or $2.60 for one month. 1113 000,000 as Secretary Cage hod esti- *U Sparring of tha bonda will be naad In part to pay the following maturing No advance In price*. •‘A Is a space of the width of a ee> mated, he claims it will bs T^e'procofds square” ||50,000,000, One lVffk Commencing Monday, Feb. II. Dnlly Matinee Itealniilnc Tiwwlsy linn ami one inch long. and with the to be under 130.000,000 paid debt to of Bangor, 9 t>er cent bonds, due April 1, 1890, Notices, on first page, one-third addi- t)HDd**rtOO,ooo City THE BURRIi-L COMEDY COMPANY Special the At It A HU UKUr In a bpanlsh treaty over fl7u000,000. OJR.mS) 7 par osot bond*, du# April 1, 1899, Supporting*! IHrt I.Al -Hect rct>ertotr« o. -t intar.1 play. tional. call on INrATUATD’N. A brilliant »i«l ty dram,. Tueydav IKON the present rate of drawing nn the cash 300,090 Greenville Extension, 3 percent bonds subject to April 1,1899. Monday Night. Might. SAVED Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per THE SEA. I'rlcn 10c. Hoc, 30o. SealOiow ou ial« balance It be the oave whan a writer has insertions o* less, by the end of tbe fiscal year rhetoric, l'be Dements, much to the tic Inevitably square each week. Three will have tallen to IIS8.00O.U0O or 188,- of Ita students. hl» theory very mnch at heart, some read *ltSg8.000 $1.60 per square. spalr addition* to the the and Th* remainder will bn used to for Improvement# and Notices in nonpareil type and classed 000,0 u above the minimum gold reserve. In this osse, Mr. l’ajrson era will feel that weight Impor- pay Reading Howeeer, division, and for additional which will come LITTLE WOMEN’S per line each this Ideas— Bangor A Piscataquis equipment, rrwAxciAL-__ with other paid notices. 16 cents If we enter the fiscal year 1900 In does not attempt more than clear- tance of certain super-sensible really under this mortgage. before the end of the of notions that have nut ‘‘correlative*, In Vice- insertion. condition, year ing the ground for the wiser study For Information the property, w* refer to the letter of Notices in reading matter type, to first la respecting ANNUAL : CHARI Y : BAIL Pure Reading the reserve la practically certain Hcolology, by showing—a* did the meta- fact"—that is, at sight, physical President Cram. Cople* of which we have with clroulara. cents line each Insertion. 15 per fall to them Ini caum or below it. and then Locke—what Is end what Is not or material fact,—have tnen rather too Theae bonda are a Investment for savings bank* In Maine. ....AT.... and similar adrer- physician legal Wants, To Let, Tor bale side, lint In bonds at and accrued Interest, deliverable E. G. STANWOOD & GO. t ere must be another bond Issue to bol- a u|ion which "the human lightly thrust one perhaps We offer the above mentioned 1101* cents week in advanes, for proper subjeot the without tlrements, 26 per Im- and character abou to sale and the right to sdvanco price CITY adver- ster up the reserve and prevent understanding" can uacfully exercise its view of the cobweb misty April 1, 1899, subject HALL, 40 word* or less, no display. Displayed notice. aud all adrer- of publlo confidence In tbe sta- For Mr. has of too many speculating* In the past upon \%rdnr«duy Eve'*, I'vb. tit, bll, tisements under these headlines, pairment powers. l'nyson apjierently j BANKER* -where the aoi al will bo of our same ns that this subject Music By Wilson's Orrhsslrs. tlse-events not paid !n advance, charged bility currency arrlted at the conclusion important & to the BROWN BROTHERS & LEE, HIG6IHS0N GO., rates. It I* Mr. Cannon's duty as chairman of resched AJIss Jane Adams of Hull has been forced to yield merely CO., Beale of Price. P oor Tickets. r,Oc at regular by *• Boston. liildren’s Pbeso—$1-00 per square to the a rec-nt theoretical or and tft Wall New York. 44 Stale Street. H6o Ibmaink Siatk the Appropriations committee keep House, Chicago, who says in notional, metaphysi- Street, 121 DEVONSHIRE 8T. ** it Uallery *4,0 for first Insert ion, and 60 c«nt* per squve balance sheet ef and to ex- "We cian* and have had It all their Tlie»e bonda are also (or sale the nation, article Id The Atlantia Monthly: theologians by Reserved se.»t* at Cre**#y, Jones & Allen *. tosei lion. facts were aacR subsequent hibit It from time to time. thnt our Is too scientific, hut own way, where 11 the against Refreshment* tn K* Co.. »1 Excrakb* Street. PORTLAND, MAINE. He this In hls scientific Marla there danger of In the reaotton, the pendulum swings Portland, ml ury. performed duty enough. February 9, 1899. two such over a hit too much to the other side TRUST INVESTMENT speech on Thursday. There are only the diminution of human feeling by Subscriptions to these bonds can b* made throuth tbs MERCANTILE 1JONDS In author of these can be bad in ways to keep oat of tbe situation that Is scientific study. CollShtlDg data Assuredly the "sugges COMPANY, where the blanks f-r that purpoao application upon bonds sub- Is tar too wise aod tolerant to ex or letter. There havo been a large of those impending, one by diminishing expendi- sociology may mean sorrow and perplex- lions” person by already portion LI^T* Sthr ON APPLICATION, ~ri i E PBE^S. at are that the entire amount will be taken lAWMttl OClU re- from his serious da scribed for and the indications preaaut ture and the other Increasing tbe reve- as as collecting data lu elude aquation auy POLO by ity Jurt truly feblldlf At AUDITORIUM while nues. There le little likelihood that we to the flora o' the equatorial regions velopment of the human mind, early. IO, «i **.30 U. gard Friday, February o'clock, BATl'KIIAY. FEKKIAKY and the test of however concentrating his attsntlon can do the former in the Immediate menus heat and scratches upon feANCORvs PORTLAN >. lies n which has too often been future if ever. The obligations which one's endurance. The great danger department 8PECHL NOTH'BS. Admission 25c. Seats iur sale al c handler s. the * * * the the We see a great many signs that we huve assumed in tbe I'aclfic Ocean In the other direction. A man sadly Ignored by philosopher, feb'.hlll of even the LEGISLATIVE NOTH E. best elements among the Republicans and the Caribbean Sea cannot bs dis- who would hesitate to pronoun™ an opln metaphysician add philanthro- $50,000 wll. a KOTZM II.UAH I to the our attention to lb* The Committee on Judiciary give public Friday Kr.nln, Portland are waking up import- through the expenditure ion the atones lying by the wayside pist. lly calling House In Feb. •( a. charged except npon bearing lu IM room at the State Per Cent Bonds HALL. 17. mani- * the first 5 Gold ance of the coming election, and sums of muon e e *|ll without a moment's hesita- sphere In which, undoubtedly, largest Au.usta. Mortgagi enun rcoiTll Under .inspicrs of itu of large money—how _ GRADE BONDS at 2.30 o'clock F. M. im.sminnb in- Feby, 1609 — — SONG RECITAL. I an intention make their can bat In all It about the delicate progress can be made, with doer reason- Tuesday 14, or THE festing nobody say, probability tion dogmatise prob- No. 123. On an order directing tbe Judiciary ol aaaaAAAa MISS fluence and vote felt at the caucuses. will exrivwd the most liberal estimate yet lems of human conduct and will assert ing, intellectual keenness and much of Coiomlltee to Inquire Into ibe expediency so *****WWW ns to con- of mistake force and Mr. in hat stud ding tlie public statutes require Bluffs Gas & Electric Co.. There Is little dangei any made. at home while we are that one man Is a scoundrel and anotner literary skill, Hays indent Council Kconomy tra* "ors upon punllc or private works to VILLA WHITNEY WHITE. class of the us a valuable little vo unit on a States. 3’8 being made If this Republicans sams;nbroad will bs next an honorable gentleman, without lu given Idly municipalities lor expenses necessarily leewt. Unite! 1308-1918, Ticket* with reserved «rf»n 91.00. Now expending large un- OF COUNCIL BLUFF', the Incurred on accouut ol pauperism ol their Jones & Allen i. will interest themselves Apathy is The here will least the ethical epochs to very large and most Important aubjeot. on sale at Cres*ey, to Impossible. people considering paid wo kmen. United States. 4’s in cities— J. A. U. P. M. 1925, fetdO.ll.13,13,16,17 great foe to good government not practice self denial for the benefit which the two belong." Wednesuay. Feby. 22. 1899 at 230 o'clock 136. On an act to amend paragraph all, These hoods are secured by a first mortgage of the vs* No. that is on the part people the or the Cabins 1 DIN IN I'lflUli; luu JIVPUIWM Hectrie M ine. 1902-12, 4's apathy of Filipinos They DR. LEBERG A RIVES. oi section 3fi ol chapter »a cl the revised upou both the Gas and Light proper Pertlend, AUCTION Al.fi in is that has ties. Coder the terms of the mortgage a sink whose only interest government will never consent to go wlthoat the Tayson. Us belloves that the time salutes relating tu iru.lee proceseas._ i’oo Ing (and of not lees than ffl.OuO. than be set Saco. Meins. 4’s it shall be ihe other class is never we are leave the and good, things they want beoeaae spending come for sociology to vague dan Who In to Investigate Watervlllr LEGISLATE NOTICE. aside each year for the purr hate of said bonds, F. O. BAILEY & CO. and Idealism or for tbetr at 103. afflicted with that disease. a lot of money in the Philippines and misty regions of speuulattun redemption 1919, 4’s Small Pox. The Company on ■ d-. and The statement of the shows nel Oeedng, Maine, and re- Telegraphs Company Cubs. The clry that wants a new pnbllo In which It too long has tarried, will glvo pu. ... Hearings In hi room earnings sufficient to a dividend of 4 1-2 We bear of a many being Expresses pay per 4’s I octiimwr* ait CoMiuiHtiiou 'If rel.an great promises House lu as lollows. on besides Portland Water Company, 1927, will not moderate Its demand sort to the study of a more practical. If at the Slate Augusta cent, Its capital slock, provl 'lng made voters as the caucuses draw building Watervlllle, 10. —Ur. fuud. of these to nigh February Lcberge, Wednesday, Fen. 13. I*xs. al 2 ..'clock p m. $3,000 for the sloklug fftu.noo 46 Street. because we have to spend millions a humbler, range of facte. bare been taken In England for invest- Portland E'evator 1908- >«le«room Kifbunr* of the leiuoval of men and the ap|>arently iealth officer of Montroil, Canada, arrived on an act relating m .the Franklin, Somereet bond* Company, —promises and a like amount m iht* by to Cubs or reduce the Filipinos to And here, he would very loyally. If not and Kennebec Kalla ay Company. ment, country of of influence on be- pai Ify n NVatervllle at o'clo k Ui Council Bluffs Is a well 1919. 4’s r. O.BAILKT t. W. ALLK appointment men, eight tonight On an act lo extend the charier ol the Kenne- various Institutions, v Shipping men will be no leas wholly, coniine himself to the observation known, substantially built city of about 2ft,oot MM half of this man and tbat man, of im- subjeotlon. lass judgment upon the a He .ed small pox bec and rrankllu Hallway. because we in and is one of the Important railway 4’s insistent upin a subsidy law of physical facts. Without, any way. Feb. 18. law, at 2 o'clock p. m. population, Portland & Hanford Falls, 1927, provements to be niHde in this ward and larei of the city. His work will corn Thursday. centre, west of Chicago. FINANCIAL. have to have a large navy to protect cutting oneself off from sopor-sensible an act to revive and extend an not lo In- Price and further on that ward. Ibese as they are got nence (Saturday It is On particulars application ce Taunton promises, and morning. probable the Passaduuiteag Railroad Com- Provide & Railway, 1918,5's our Not only shall pleas—tlie “exultations, agonies, corporate are confllotiug and foreign poseasslons. hat members of the meiloal profession .FOR SALE BY. reported, frequently but * ol we not be able to retrenob at heme, love, and man's unoonu'ierable mind," .to xn act to amend chapter 282 ol be laws West R 1909, 5’s even contradictory. Somebody is sure to n Maine have never b«H*u confronted bj Chicago Hway, abroad is the have students I860, rela lng to railroad crossings. the effect of lavish expenditure he wuitld, for present and be fooled Probably if they were followed mote dlHugr ment. toward making material well b3lng, every sort of a trick as permissible In xpr. -s hh 11 rin belief that there Is aod janJOdtf PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. WE OFFER will have been that out of such normal sur- More publlo buildings knowing decision LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. politics. Promising anj thing and every hey ate backed up in this by the dec3l dtf ordered built at tbls session of Cobgrces roundings shall blossom the fair flowers is one of the oldest devices of itate board of health President {Smith The Committee ou I^gal Allaire will give a NPKCI.4 L NOTH'KS. tmng Mr. than for a good many years past, though of Ideal purity and goodness. Toy- bearing In lie room at the Stale House due 1907. '•oliticul machines for catching the Hies I >f the state board Is in the city tonigh public City of Portland 6s, In the fol- in __ NOTICE. as matter of fact we are less able to afford son’s position Is well indicated Augusta. LEGISLATIVE A shrewd man will not nc ept any of them mil has this afternoon gone over the Held, Thursday. Feb 18. l»99, at 2.30 o'clock p. m them tbao for several years. lowing passage: “'lhe 'fuct' <»r 'reality' No. 30. On an act to amend section ol obsix The Committee on Mercantile Affairs and In without Its in and signed ['here have been several new officers WOODBURY being writing of sociol- ter 60 ol tbe Rests*! statutes relating to dl lurunoe will give a public bearing tu It, room a; of 4s, 1919, More revenue is the only solution of tbe which is suggested as the basis City Deering i by the person from whom it purports ioste 1 today but otherwise the situation the Slate House In August-.*, on that co fronts us unless we are ogy Is the ordinary, el cry day, common Feb. 23. 1899 al 2.30 o'clock F. M. Thursday, the 16th day of Fen. at 2.00 P. M. :o eman nut*-. problem vrualns the same "Thursday. l of No. 01. ou an act lo amend chapter 298 ol On au act to amend Sec. 7. hap. 40 ol the lie- to up deficits, and the only source to sense reality’, the phenomena things And other securities. pile the Public Laws ol lfe» relating to hawkers ami vised Statutes a, amen led relatlug to Insur good Internal as to us 111 daily In a special despatch to the New York which we oau look for this Is and actions they appear CKRVKKA TO UK PROHKCUTKD. peddlers. ance._ I or use I & Herald dec. Charles King, one of the taxation. The limit of revenue life under investigation, analysis MOULTON, Madrid, February 10.—The supreme LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. LEGISiEATIVE NOTICE. commanders in the Philippines says the, from customs has practically been It Is In the world of fact In which we re- nllltury court hlch has had under ton- The Committee on Judiciary will give a pub to *i ar.d con- uieration the as >f the squauron The Committee on Towns will give a public I Kilpluoi are brave and skilful warriors. reached. Additions have got side and with which deal, Spanish lie in tie room at tit State House it | Jrd In Its room at the State House In tieartng Hauliers, that it Santiago de Cuba, on July last bearing and he adds that the Americans had been coma from direct taxes The stamp cerning phenomena of that, world, as lollows: Augusta. ms Uecu.eu to piosccute iu connection Augusta, Februai 21. 1*08, at 2 .to o’clock 1 be sclenoe of sensl Feb 22. 1890 at 2.00 o'clock P. M | Tuesday. p. too vexatious 10 Is Wednesday. expecting u battle for a month. The tax is probably this srlence proposed—a the ctimster Admiral Ceivera and No. on an act to the control o: ivlth a to divide ol Windham. in., I4u, relaltug & on petition SWAN BARRETT, a of do the_town GE truth is that war in the Philippines l*» extended much beyond its preseut limits ble phenomena, not phlilosophy Joiumanuante Huilllo Uiaz Morau, infectious diseases_ CORNER OF MIDDLE & EXCHA STS * • • onnerl* of the cruiser notice. raiue a strong the moment Rut more revenue we must huve. Where things in themselves.' cuputln destroyed Legislative LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. probability, ^riatobul Colon. of such a on will a on Affairs wilt give 186 MIDDLE ST., the Fi ipinos began to suspect that our shall we get It? Knglsnd gets a good desl i'o establish the wisdom phll- The Committee Judiciary give pub The Committee l egal He hearing in Its room at the stale liouae id heftring In Its room at the stare Tloust wi re to take of her. from all lnoorne tax, and event based on facts—and *v,n public intentions permanent pos- osiphy—one Auvusta. in Augusta. Tuesday. Feb. It, 1800, st 2.31 Ideas or NPBC1AL AOTIC Ev 1399 at 2.30 o'e.ock P. M. ME. session of the islands |and treat them vs unity, if our expenditures continue to physical farts—ralter than mere Thursday. Feby. 23, o'clock p. m. Investment Securities. PORTLAND, Ou an act to the lire depart- au act to aruemi the charter o wo in No. i.'4 regulate No. so.—On febti the was in- thsi Is the source from whleh notions without “correlatives fact," _ subjects, and probability climb, LKCilSLATUE NOTIC E. ment ol the City ol Portland._ the Portland Marine hocle.y__ us weeks went on without shall obtain much of ours. To be sure It the author makes a careful and extremely creased any on shore Fisheries will a The Committee give noth e. libUlSLJI IIVC. a tf ■ i< E., a few of Ian legislative assurance to he contrary on the part of wns (loc ated unconstitutional years acute study of the development, puDl.c hearing in its room a; the -tale House Letters ot Credit. will a The Committee on Judiciary wul give h puh has been si he to u Augusta, bebruary Id. lam. a; m. on Tbe (ouiuilitee on Legal Allaire give our Out army at Manila ago, but the constitution gunge, which convincingly proves rooms at the stale House li government hemousirauce ul Aivtih Jackson and 317 public hearing In Its room at .no State House tr lie hearing m Us In sensation of some o. MERCANTILE wnicn al i.rst upi>eami uj mem 10 uo nu pending lately aud when the necessity have hail Its origin mliters agai st ihe amendment oi ihe laws Augusta, Tuesday, Feb. 31,18w, si 2.30 o'clock Augusta, (or U Skoltle d February ie. 1899. at 2.3»i o'clock p ru no doubt it will tie lound back, as In the deriva- Ik*7 &* petitioned by i«ei.rge Thursday, Drafts for their gradually cnine arrives we bars sort—not falling 95k Ou au act tu tne app »iso on elgu Corporations. an extraordinary bit of LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. No. 92. On relating to Mortgages hj git on the same assurance to them that it tuerefure 1 aiu," LtiitJonofJ II. 1’ieree ami 3i others, of Tort- an.act also of the r**UU»K to the » tin 57 Exchange St., Me,, gave reasoning On an act u* auiemi tie«*tlou lit) and 3j, No 112. on an act to further regulate NEW PUBLICATIONS. Chap. he ill He room itt Ibe Stole llou.e r for crime which the of public rlu* organisation and control of Business torpors week would, we believe, have been nature of punishment •;H i. fawn oi 1W7. re.atniK to takinu *al- FOK SAM AUCUHtH. _ lions. OFFEKS started cot, wrh the mou. snail amt other mtgiaiory hid. at 2.w> o’clock avoided. We have got to light It out stow certainly, ut tirst, 1 uesilay. February 21,1*90. p, February 21, UW, at 2.30 o'clock p. .n certain kinds ol Tuesday. toward an Sclonee moral intent, l ut in No. on an act to prevent No. On an act to that no actioi Bank ate hut when Huggtstlons Applied Idea of the criminal's 122, provide Casco National until the cowed, Filipinos shad be maintained # SO,000. WASHINGTON COUN- son hod. fur nuisances.______agam-t iransporlntioi it our intention is to of Sociology. By Edward Pay Pay with the orime as a sensible lact, loss o ojf that time arriles companies for ncghgeuce causing of life TS 4 pci cent bonds, York: K. 1*. Putnam’s Sons, ltrt'8; as blood for an exact equiv- NOTICE. or lujury to the same, unless wrulei occupy the islands but temporarily it may (New which, blood, LGUI8LATIVE # property, notice of the loss, claim, etc., shall be givei PORTLAND. MAINE EXEMPT FIEOM TAX- Portland: Short & Harmon.) to It is a part ot n •uve us a good many lives and a good Loring, alent must demanded. The < ommlttee <»n Military Affair* will give within sixty days of the occurrence. work on hearing in its room at the Mate House ir AT loN, due 192s. Op- :oal of to convince them of it. The thesis of Mr. Bucklo’s great our modern subtlety and hair-splitting public money Aucusta, Tuesday. Feb. 7th, 18in». at 2.30 o'clock 1923 The of Civilization was, in brief, we entered too much into the LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. 1824. liou Jan’} 1, History that have p in incorporated There seems to be some ini ^concept i >n intent in resolve addith.ua that, there had Iwen, and could be, no realm of motive and No.-On recommending Tne'Committee oil I't nir?- with Spain. seers of Hi * Poor lu the Workhouse of tin MILLION spiritual life, only progress and nntortunate ONE bond",, due Jan'} 1st, in this state now sell ffiool’f ft ol Portland. cipal ruiltoads made was In the line of purely intel- fuots that can ho studied and City as physical iwo- 37 Plum au-eet 4TI ve notice. 1943. books at a reduced rate, but in IeuISL mileage lectual discoveries—the application ol w>- should have given our at- LM.M.4TIVE NOT ICE. Improved— The ('ommlttee on Legal Affair* will give most cases they cannot be used except with all the mechanical room State Hou*« steam, electricity, tention. jur lie hearing In its at the The Committee ou Cegai Affairs will givei DOLLARS. #5,000. NELSONVILl.E, OHIO, by the purchaser whose name is borne devices ior utility and comfort in which In these though there is much In AuutMta. public hea* lug m Its room at the Stale llousi pages, No o4.--Tnursday, Feb. 1C, l*9i>. at 2.3< 0 bonds, due the Maine Central sells a in Augusta, percent on them. our century is so conspicuous. Although that to the lawyer, there o'clock in on au act relating to weight* and specially appeals p Fel). 28. 1899, at 2.30 o’clock p. in. 1914. for loot) miles at mc‘M-.ir, Draft* drawn on National ProTinoia cents mile The Bos- or I a 79 of the Revised Statute* in relation to tin mile book at per it l>e claimed that the oblel avoids anything like "line wrlling” 1 On an act to e, ahli.li Na.al Rc.ertr London. Jo 01 may fairly kept nissiNo to i*iu:- Is,, of law. Dank of England, Largo 'be ol the National Uuarii ol the Slate ol practice raiaa. ; nd Maine soils mileage books at the domain of moral truths to the emotions, there are many »h a [,,-irt •uiall amoun'*. lo» ••** wt carreui ton advance in the an appeal % EAT rKI'.EZIMi. So lurtlicr Muiue. Cun rut Account* *ocoirod on taroraUli rate of g cents. The Bangor and Aroos- has been in tho direction of applied ethioi sentences of ooudeiised earnestness which __ __ notice nil be to LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. («i uic to le6s for their 1 jcivcn purttes took’s mileage books correspond those —i.e. in moral ideals already did strike heme not the surely notice. from Individ using e Ibis legislative Correspondence solicited ol f.i iliitt; to ohscrt regulation, Tue Committee on Agrtcu lure will give the Maine Central. None of the us in to uc self-restraint. On the subject on Aflalrs will I Itmuka and other of played, let say Christianity, quiet The Committee Legal give hearing at the rooms of the Board of Agricul nals. Con>oraiioai, lit I lie .‘iiormoiis inereuse in tbe at the staio Houar to account*. aa well aa fron of the Maine Ran in the ol Sir. course, coniines mib’i, bearin* n it. room lure ou dealring open mileage books Contrul, couiplish practloal resnlts way uduc otlon. l'aysonof to transact Banking hoai of witter since cold hi Auau.ta, Weitne.aay, Feb. 15, 1888, at 2.51 Wednesday, February 8th. thoaa wishing or Portland and Roch- to tte of the child eoiisiiuipliou of dMcrlpUoD through thl and Aroostook reform, tht himself chlctly training O’clock P HI. naas any jor philanthropy, On a of W. H. and other direc education^nd renders its iimncdiutc -On an act lor the better protec- petition Tobey Bank- ester are except for the purchaser. betterment of living Wltnes* as a organism, fitted for its en wciillicr No. llie North Berwick Agricultural Assn good general physical and aearoeu. tors of tion ol ship-master* forau In aid o Those of the Canadian Pacitlc are good the .School of Ktbics at Plymouth vironment, a normal und healthy temple ; euforceuienl necessary. elation asking appropriaHou [ Applied docisdtt Ute same. STEPHEN R. SMALL, fresiden'. for the purchaser and his family, while Felix Adler’s work in New York City, for the s und mind and benevolent spl it Feb. 15th legislative notic e. Wednesday. MARSHALL iL GdOING. Cashlw those of the Boston and Maine are good the various college settlements and insti- fcducatlon has thus as Its purpose "11 e On an act to refculate the sale and analysis o l leb'idL Committee on Judiciary will give a public food. for bearer. The proposition now before tutions after the model of Toynbee Hall, healthful exercise of ull the | owe s whten The hearing in It* room at the Mate House it) Weduesday. Feb. 15th. C3B is to make all theso mile- and a hundred similar In and emanate from the t raiu us as follows ho legislature organization* iaside 4iiuuiiH On au act additional to clnpter 30 of tfv Feb. 8.1900 at 2.30 o’clock P. M. looks like the Boston and Maine’s which are, perhaps, the most distln the of thought mu reason Begin- Wednesday. Revised m at ute* establishing u bounty on liei age rgan No op (>» an ci to preve.it the use of Tradln| lor bearer. All the of our the 1 the devices. transferable, or good ffUlshlng features modern clvilizn ning with i hyslo organism, Lea Me mb res du louiell d'AduiluIs- stamps and similar J. A. fUKKINTDN. Sec y. an act to the sale of Pari! GRIPS now at tike No ;o mi relating THE contarlon. travellers travel the tion. Is lined,' perfect FrancaU een erold grip—any commercial chl'd gradually trulion du Cerele other poisonous preparatloua. (ict Into pood condition. Then yon Ureen'aud physle.ll ere ailed with Impurities due rate tdnee are all with Now it is this that Mr. unto noble to tuke his Feb. 14. 1**» Ht 130 o’clock P. M. LEOism'ivr: notice. serious on those whoeeey«tem« cent they provided ulrection lunele wonts," a otre a la re- Tuesday Effects of grip aro will in vtgoroue lout invites present, proclialne set to the o; bowel*. True'* Elixir put you In meeures No -l On an regulate practice an* to poor digestion or Irregular looks. But the average citizen Payton's important little book—small Ir bonellcientlj and harmoniously. union pour arreter quelques ad minis- and Til* ( oronililee on Railroads. Telegraph, elutchee of grip. The reason I* if you mileage place, Veterinary aurgery. Medicine Dentistry. in it health, enable you lc throw otr the str- tratlves. Expresses will give a public hearing who travels but little and has but little size, but weighty with significance— a universe which needs ills highest PHEXCIi LESSONS FREE. room at the sliate House iu Augusta, as io can afford to invest turn our He notice. • •ady cash hardly $40 would fain thought. call* vloo. Professor ot the legislative lows M. Dupalet. French at 2 o'clock m ranuot dis- no with Weduetdav. Feb. 13.1599. p in a mi eage book, which be his volume, Indeed, by more imposing We have contented ohrselvei giv- a' the Purtland school, oilers to every committee on Agriculture will give Elixir language The On an act relating to the charter of the Wls True’s free on a serloui lessons Saturday eve beano* Take It’s a tonic that really tone*—not of and not use up in great tit«e that Suggestions toward Appllot but the barest outline of Mr. I'aysun’.' ptudeut pubic cal set anu Quebec Railroad Co. 1* reallv reinforced- vegetable pose might ing your *y«teiu Fur *7 a household remedy. Feb 15, at 2 o'cleck h m. On an act to extend the powers an by reaction. year* Hence he as a rule buys wc believe Mr. Buckh 1 itudents two lessons will also rights, a utimulaut that Is followed many years. Sociology, just as, plan and purpose. Many quotations "foi private ha of the Franklin. Somerset and Ken S5 c«nt* u bottle. p rvlleges A»W your dniaalat for It. and has to pay a rate named his colossal work an Introduction be made t> show Ills felicity ol given ns trial. nel»ec Railroad Co. ME. the single tioket, might information, write nr call at PHOF. * DR. J. F. TBUjL_*_CQ11_AUBURN, For L^/er^^i^MaloMyt On au act to the Patten, AIW two sometimes and as Mr. describes hi# admira Illustration anti the acuteness of his oIBce at s la. incorpoiate much higher than cents, 'ienung DC PA LETS Saturday p. °< comcir.te.1 aud Co. H. DUPALET Baxter comm.rcl.M.Jdl^UgE^ gash Northern Railroad If the hooka were difficult text-book 01 t'unasl anally, as must almost jaidtt liioclt. as high as four or live. ble. nut rather reasoning, FAVOID

T / (to melodrama CLOSING UP BUSINESS. BATES lUMNI. !**»• MUSIC AND DWAM*. nlng great English t’ortland, February it will be "8av»d from the Sea,” presented, «»- f (lovfmmrnt mf Wt»M Wm Oftn ('■inbcrlaiul CoNatf Aeeeelatlna WM all (be wealth at scenery need IB ity TT 7HILE this JiMti. Uit Kvenlng. PORTLAND THEATRE, the original production. The plays for Orrrlnn |r«Ii«4 at l/Ri'P-'fifw thea- other will be ns follow*: doesn’t pre- lhe management of the Portland the evenings aa The regular monthly inept ley of thi occasion of • without Increase of the regular Wednesday nigh, "Trne Steel;” Thurs- Ijaet enmiqg was the tend to be a tre. any Inst “Old Saturday af- Desrlng aldermen wns held evenlnf leant reunion of a number of prloea, gare an entertainment, yesserdar day night, Ulory;” pie Van at a'elock at ths council chamber alnmol Ijewtaton, r»*tl- Dress Goods store, it is at both matin*.- and arenlng performance* ternoon, “Hip Winkle;” Saturday eight of Bates college. Woodford* Munllcn preaided wm which appeal.-d to large c lease- of pa«oo* night, Somebody's Daughter." The Mayor dent In thin count#. The gathering well known to have the wae rewarded bill and also the matt* Absent. Alderman Dlngley. nt the homo of Scott wner and the liberality ehown Friday night dally Wilson, Ksq.. Walter U. Jackson for darn ford a stock of audience* neee that begin Tuesday will be an- Claim of of Grant ami Prospect streets. Wood most complete by laage o Jo«bn* felmp- nounced later. teats are now to bis property by raising grade I he rooms were decorated Reside* the pastoral play, Reserved agss becomingly suitable for Deer the cotton fabrics an on sale itns'l on Forest neenue opposite ths with streamers of ribbon which was repeated, opportunity at tbe box office. Monday night garnet, I SATURDAY SALE -To-day. klns, offlea the only undefeated will be ladles' nnd tickets log Coal and Wood company’s school colors. In the formation of the for women and was offered to see night special dresses Keferrod to thi 1 A I Ml BOXES the world. Jim J«*H"» oan be obtained at the box offioe Damages claimed *176. organisation L. M. Webb, Ksq., of Port- >1 X f«*M3l l.l.ow ( XltAMKL*. henry weight of and a much FANCY « M.IFORNIA boot with children, PretMor this sale from cream, In a three round next oity government. land acted as temporary chairman. S\\ KEI NKKDLKSS who engaged MINSTHKLS AT TtlK JKKKERSON. sugar and boney. If the oft misused trainer. Jack ] seamier if. Clark of Dee ring Center U, 8. Woodman, C. J. Nichols. more line of OKASUKS hi. brother and sparring Ksq extensive delicious u t ho in a full THE EXCaLENCE OF SY RUP OF FIGS word may used 25c dozen. Al U. Fields minstrels played to ex-olty marshal of the olty, presented and Prof. C. 0. were ap- per Jeff ■ lee. Ksq., rtpratt connection with this deductible sweet, nnd is due not, choice exclusive act of the house at tbe Jefferson last evsnlng claim the olty tb re-luiburse hln a committee to a list of only to tho origins ity and At the end cf the third play against pointed preeent really surely not at a’l. .Smaller fruit from same orchards, almost number from the "(Tether- of the bnt nlao for Jeffrie*, app*ar.-d every the sum of f&ll, the amount expendea b] oflioem. The following list was present**! simplicity combination, 15c per pound. 15c dozen. Mr Hale, agent to the per tbs boat of the Nations” to the concluding salt Clark In law .nils o declared elected: care and skill with which it is styles. the announced ing sefsndlng and they were before footlights, ciimoLATK m i; xtixi> PEANUTS. reoelred from shadoergrapblc pictures kept the audience Wadsworih Verrlll, a odloe manufactured by wlcntifio processes Out of the common FIIKAII IlOASTKO road a telegram, just special police President—Hon. Charles Sumner Cook, an.l known to the California Flo Srnep Of the very choicest qu aid >. Selected Virginia stock roasted had been pleased,or lsugnlng at time* to^bn,burst- of for false arreet, and In thi 1 Portland that articles signed Deertng, ’si. our 2'5 c sa.e the f Jou 4r New York, Carroll Co. and wo wish to That's What per pound. fresh for this by dy Jim Jeffrie* and Klta- ing point. suit of Willis I’rlnoe for false Imprison Vice President—He?. John only, upon things. for a between impress Kent Co. light well set, Portland. all the of tho between The Brst i*rt was remarkably ment Clark claims 'hat he was actin' Perkins, ’fcJ, importance purchasing wash dress SALTED PR AM T*. elmmon-. to take platd April tC S. and Treasurer—Mr. .Scott goods depart- 5c per quart. tine and harmonising retury true and As tho Toasted and saitt er a soore of scenic genuine of is manufactured ment aims at. 12 l-2e pound. WALNUTS, and all beautifully nnd contained force of Deerlng at those times am I KxcCntive committee—Charles Sumner Syrup Figs BABY lhe then appeared, eyes am ahar eparrers coats of arms anti 01 l'( Kev J O. Perkins, by the California Fio Svrup Co. English Walnuts—a species the fellow who le a surprises with flags should therefore lie relmhorsed the cx Cook. rtland; are 130 PIK«. were turned on big Woodford*; L. a of that fact will Ging- than tlie usual run—tender and sa reet- and affording a Portland; Scott Wilson, only, knowledge Ginghams rimen of all nations |*noramlo penes In defending the mil's, llieclslu Ur. Mince and app’- >h:iw quality— ep physloal beauty M ’^7, Portland; assist one the worthless er, magnificent war nnd faces. WebO, Ksq., in avoiding of course, but that is the besi of notable ships was referred to the next city povi rament ihonitu p *74. Westbrook tProf. hams, Pc lb. as the following measurements, recently glimpse Smith, Imitations manufactured bvothoi per new and the Miss par- 10c each. at 'Iho songs were singing by Thu hearing on the College s:reu sewe: H. A. Parker. ’Hi. South Portland; « taken at Harrard University amply ties. The standing of the Cali- there's a vast difference Sheldon, Tommy wns then taken Mr. A1 Gratia Preecott, '9B, Sotith Portland. high SUOAR DATE*. 337 Hesse Prosser, Harry assessment up. I* X N XKK test: Height A feet. 1 inoh; weight roa.NiA Kio Sthup Co. with the medi- BKHI.I5I sweet Persian fruit of the A. A. Fred and asked far ai wu- in the and choi bright, down to 315 Donnelly, C. Skelcher, fr-d Dow appearod After the organisation a dtsMBnloB style, sing Very much ii m Huston and pounds (Jeffrie* t rains cal profession, and the satisfaction last crop, i I and others was all of the double abatement as Ills was not bene L. M. relative to New York t. \ delicate cof- 16 Aleksns | ropertv aliened by Webb, Ksq of has a just Oc pounds); m-ck, IS Inchas; liloep*. which the genuine Syrup Figa from thousand per pound. } and delighted the audience. It ted to the full amount of the assets the and work of the association. among fee cake fille I a, red intrant 1-3 locliee; cheet, e, or variety purposes to millions of makes Inches; forearm, 13 given families, IUND/ Is a whole show In himself, to credit the sum of 1 The discussion was in by and color com- jelly. 1,00K OUT FOR A COLD 4Y. 4J Due Quigley ment. Voted (3,811 participated the a norinul, 43 1-3 Inches: cheet, deflated, name of the Company guarant y patterns 20c do/.en. lilted with bes t old those comedians who avemic 1 Hon. A M per A corn copper waist. bo Is one of negro earned us premiums on the Fore*t Messrs Han. O. li. Claxon, of It is cheet, expanded, 48 Inches; tho excellence of its remedy. binations there's corn warranted to Inches; and nnd lire pop. 1-4 stand on the stage look, granite paving bonds. Spear, Prof. G. H. I.lbby, Prof. Shinto* far in other laxatives, great sm- T xt 4. xtt 414>lx 86 inches; thigh, 36 Inches; ealf, 17 just ndvanco of all 12 1-2©. Lucia D. Lammermoor T. for an abate Miss 1 ho of holdlog Mrs. Lino I 7 3 4 Indies; everybody laughs. Claim of K. Harmon and Prescott. plan as it acts on the liver and for Inches; reach. 76 1-8; wrlet, kidneys, opportunity good «»■ ■ was a good of on bis sidewalk assessmen1 dnt with the alumni aasoola- I K. KIIOI LDEH*. 48 inches. by the stDglng contingent ment IIJ.uT J meetings bowels without irritating or weaken- ? shoulder, 50 Inchee; hips, taste and wise discretion Armour Co., and th- n came the olio with on avenue The committee or tlons of and Kennebec fJut by Cldrago but number Forest Androscoggin ing them, and it does not gripe nor LITTLE M M M i!i*»4 ll Three short rounds were sparred here ;n \ iigUtly *alte< 1 sweet Foi the Paganini of the minstrel that thi counties was looked w Shipped ont the Eddie streets reported recommending favorably upon. nauseate. In order to get its beneficial to be We A nice (it ifor. whole* | a white the aotton was fast enough to call exercised. bring brim. >i i"W« I "ver walnut and Kterhardt whose ambi- nmount be abated and It was so venal 'Ahe following were in attendance: effects, remember the name of some uibbl ; > ■ ildteu, house in loudest kind of applause, while the recep- profession please file ai the new Armour this — the result of all our : dexterity In handling bulls, canes, hats, An order received a unanimous pa-sag Prof. A. C. Yea ton, 93, Westbrook Serai the you p pound. iiv. If want them wa .'m froni tion acoonled the sparrers was a Tery Company you was marvelous. the of Port Kev. W. I* Nickerson the h*»ok conio here after 4 o'clock a line on fto., requisting olty government nary, Morrllls, ■> 4 warm one. KxpetU who took CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. care and and KKWIIU HIM* X It A 4 K Ell**. with Its board o Hon. A judgment tliis afternoon. been Im- •In Cuba" warlike, camp and to authorise the present and wife, '1*1, South Portland; ;! In hand-* -i Hid kets the weight must have OAl { p;* just 4c \ heavy and an nomlna G. P. NAN FKAHIMO. 3 per pound. side scenes gave Donnelly Tom Mack Deerlng aldermen to sell at a M. Spear, ’7d, Gardiner; Mrs. our facilities from tins f.i I ,ik< rv. j by his foot work and step- l*X 1ATILLK. Kr Nr AT Y9IAK* K. Mm exceptional pressed lot fon of chair ti 1 »uui- He—a real with to Introduce a of figure the tytewrlter, table and Libby, ’91, Lewiston; Hoe. Charles ‘trade." S PI IlK LA HD. ntmr. for he moves about on his legs opportunity for the cream of \OKTII Car avolnlu the black fnoe order and the Hough Miss Hattie hi. Wyman for the past sever ner^ook, ’81, Portland; Ke/. John getting In live pails, 37 l-2o wonderful agility considering b*« * KAM 3 I'll \ l.l> PI4 K l.f M. pound of 1 Webb, if oooa Hlders flew about under command assistant in the oily treasurer’ roll Perkins, ‘Hii, Portland; L M. the market. His blows were »nd, years '.»<• pel quart. pola. quick 74 ( A N \ 1*1 A \ ( IIEESE. steam TcJdy rvoosevsu peraonuteu uy UUIUO. hsq., ‘07, Portland; Ur. T. P. Smith, sion required, that he could put Our selections for this McLaren*s make, Nvxt came “A btrange weet- The committee on licenses reported fav Westbrook; Prof. H. A. Parker, t*. F. FOSS I*H II.II,I I of no doubt. gulolan. T. fle behind them admits — pei^jar. see In Kl n per la pints, a fea heart” and It la worth ones while to orabl? on the bond of Francis Sargen South Portland; aim* Gruel* are The exhibition will be Spring’s selling ready- *<• cull. sparring the ecoon in th< Alls-* L. B. Wil bun* 01.1* « ItKAN C IIEKKK. at the Portland the “Dummy" and grotesque of the Deering bn nitary company '06,South Portland; ture of both performances now and include the 10c per trie work of Gruet, Deere and Gruet •urn of fSUO. Kepoit accepted. 1*1, Brunswick ; A. S. Wo»diuui». K-q SONS .It *T It» I IX KM. pound. theatre today ind added to the production & was a and Pow 1 Mat: *1 * »n ( which n Arthur Rigby's monologue good The Westbrook Electric Light ’87; C, J. Nichols. Ksq., *90, ortiand; rarest of all the best 'mars—very nice, NEW < % 1.1 FORI A PRUNES. of Joshua Simpkins pleased rteli—d for 25c. f«M ti e and a trio of mu- er for a written per Prof. C. 0. Lewiston; Ml** 4c number who were present jester- accomplished company petitioned hpratt. Tit, per pound. j goodly Bush and Lelliott the location of ai 1 Cum and home, s clans, Lelllott, gave mit covering present M. Hewlns, ’97, Greeley Institute, makes, foreign 4 1.41X tit I.K A I 4 K X M Kit 3 should the theatre. It SEEDED ANI) STEMMED ItAlRINS. day, pack and for iii a good exhibition of Swiss hand bell ring- their pole lines in the city, per berland Center; Miss l’erkins, ’98, South itt t. made. In one pound cartons, COMEDY CO. other instruments in a to on 111a with the en O. liar Present week's THE BUKK1LL lug and played mission place city Portland; Hon. B. CUhoii, *77, burning, l)c. *-Me 11*. The Buirlll Comedy company that la to melange entltld “The Professor and His gineer a set of eight blue print map diner, president Maine Senate; Scott I of each J MOW OOLDRN ROD IIONK1. at Portland theatre next week Is a Puullr. showing the local ion pole. Wilson, Ksq TW, Airs. Soott Wilson ’91, ining 4.001* (4MIKIM. HI TTRIt appear • 12 l-2r box. of this of the best acts of the on the was ordered fo !'.»<• per lb. per | new one to the play goers city, One very evening hearing petition Wood fords. cities famous ilTfch at 7.80 o’clock. was from Hon. but its triumphs in.other during was the acrobat!' feats of the February A letter of regret read OWEN. MOORE & CO. streets the past five years have equalled those ol taust family, three of whom were the The committee on new reporte George A. Smith, the president of the li. F. l^ewi Tables. on the road anti chi.dren. have attained a on the petition of State Senate, who wan , any similar organization merest They Captain Massachusetts for a ill the lines o this season ranks in the front of all popu- degree of perfection rarely renobed ami and others change unable to attend. NO. 331. of street. recommended thM lar priced combinations. The line the graco with which they executed their Brown They Dainty refreshments Including ice REPORT OF THE ('OM)ITION no- the matter be referred to the next dt; wu —"K — plays presmtad by the Burrlll Comedy athletic movements, etc., is indeed cream, fancy cakes and fruit punch NEW PATTERNS York suo kaleldosct succession of accepted. the company are all New esses, iabic A plo government. Report erred during evening. The First National Bank of Portland has been introduced sonn to meet Tuesday evening 1 he executive committee was and the organization highly ShaJowgraphic pictures Adjourned empow- at Portland. In t it* 8U-.tr • .r Maine, at the clot cities on ac- and the mock i4tb. lit 7.30 o’clock. to for the annual Stock ot business. Feb. 4tn. Imoo. praised by the press of other amusing subjects tlghi | February ered arrauge banquet (£u:irlcr<‘ •' pany is headed by the ence received Republican warm in their praue of the hospitable t'. S. Hand91 to e a it liiO.i. "."041.11 «%« OF *»% artist ol at members were vote, tenderid them by their host and Premiums on I -*. Lords 1 in41.2 actress. Miss Laura Hulbert, an siasm. The show will bo repeated mug. Twenty-live ivptlon < Air. and Mr*. Wilson. Legs. Stock-. .*« -nrlths. 162. 33.5 several seasons in. In addition to the regular business hostess, wide experience who for matinee and evening performances today. Hanking Louse. lurnlture, and with of the club Mr. of Peaks Island ati tl Mure- 160,000.0 was the leading woman many Ackley BOWLING. KATHERINE KOBER. Utuci rea csta e nd inort Hul- the meeting as a n ages M. Miss dressed r*i>re***i)tativr tin A. Palraer'siproduotlons. The and Kxcelslors l»owled at in d 2.400.0 Miss Katharine of his ri W’uverleys to be a very handsome Next Monday evening I land Ward 1 In the course Due from National Hunks (not bert is declared last the will an at the relatlou Pino's alleys night, WaVerleje reserve.ig 4l4.87u.t- while as an actress she is said to Kober begin engagement k-> i e allude I to the cordial woman, .vinning two of the games. Silva wu* to Due from Mute Itauks and hank ha $25.00. a CLOTHING. week. U $4,50 Jefferson for have exisnd between -'I' one of the boat that has ever been Mta*|Kober v oh always ] be very a total of Shaw Portland and wil ilgh man with 27Hf Due from appro eu reservcag nls 760.*'>33 .* with priced companies, many friends In they Republicans of his ward and those of ti identibed popular dose second with Ii77. Otis Wood and OP Cheeks and other. isli items. I 7 82.7 avail thcmselvs of thu At the conclusion of hi s is a (l.-esser.several of her gladly opportunity 1 ward. l'xelmiiir» lor «• e.u mg house i."4H.7 lien's :in tender not -- u.- on.OO value and to com- eludes: Monduy night, Deacon’s COAL DEALERS Dennis, Legal of sufficient beauty SJ 8»» 8fl— ‘JRi -111,809.6 attsnmon loslin, be offered for sale at retail. admiration. The Daughter"; Tuesday “i^aily A art numl*ering about sixty of th. fun I w ith t .s In us- a ill mand the greatest play ; Shaw, 97 94 *3— -77 no. iota. Kedeniption f 'She Dealer urer (.6 per cent ot circulation) 2.250.0 be ths night will Lyons"; Tuesday night. ! members of the Portland Ccal a 11 8ft 81— 27f to presented opening va._1W It F TOUT OF TUli < ONOITION Ml Couldn’t '1 hree" ; Wednesday after electrics i: be H. 1*. great society drama, Marry association went by special 1ulals 4o<> 441 4IS-12'5 Total. $.1,132,601.9 Taylor’s -OK Tlir — “Little Miss Nobod. from No to Riverton casino where r. I 1 Al l 111 U S. entitled ’Infatuation." Miss Hulbert noon, ist evening KxoeMurs. where;" W jUnesdnv night, “The »>reui was A anital Mock p .nl in .$ 1 ,(H)0,< 00 o assumes the role of Oliie Summerfleld, enjoyable social evening spent at 10 a. m. Choate, 78 fn si— 337 ■ Nor pin- fund. is one that her Diamond Robbery." was served under th* Merchants’ National Bank Today, aud the character gives xoellent supper 74 si Ml— ,;i Undivided pruliis. Ie-s expenses ol uiihnp, also serves of D. B. Smith th<- — at e amt luxe- paid great opportunities. The play direction manager 0 Wood, 72 ’*4 7 213 u Portland, in the suite of Maine, the clos 11,407.7 MISS WHITER SONG RECITAL 1M90. National Hank notes on'.standing, 45,000.0 < con- the th 74 80 91— 210 of busmen*. Fel*. 4th, Term* ♦o introduce the other members in cafe. After supper party enjoyed Oliver, Due to other Na *lrieliy Miss Villa Whitney White’s song re 24s HESOIKCES. roles.and the production is one en- evening in a pleasant social manner, Hooper._81_7.i _88— Moral Hanks ?2-s-j.973.16 genial hall on I mins and discounts $1,151,480.6 3 Due to state Hank* of eital, to be given at Kotzschmer concluding the even 1 otills, 874 414 4:.*—J2iU .\o ood*> Fvclisinsfcd. titled to the grealest consideration music and dancing » vordraiu. secuied ami un- amt hankers. 237.5"! 35 will b-» Minllar in charm .... — 174.6 II Dividend-* amusement lovers. Tuesday eve- February 17th, secured unuani 954.1*1 local u.g’s programme. < '» ter to the one she ga. lust seas u, with F. S. Bonds to secure circulation.. 250.000 Individual deposits I ORDER MARRIAGES. f. S. Bonds to secure l > UO.OOO.u ) to one* k. 1,194,334 43 PER lhe Rossini deposits subject Three coffee wrecks. a different programme, Premiums ou l S. bond* 15.» oo.c i> Demand certificates 4.212 5 4 of *. .. 1 31 ,3i.‘* Club will not appear at the concert al- Mm ks. securities, etc deposit. In thiv city. Feb. K Edward Lacey of Lewis- Banking-house, lurniture. and CeriHied checks 2,520.07 Win Hi C are interested in it. Mr. Portland. 0 * Flail* Fact* ttn*l«lrrliig. though they ton and Misn Lizzie Madigan of lixtores ... 18,500 Cashier's checks L. and Jennie ... Arthur Dy Je will play the accompani- In pel ast, Feb. Cl. Geo. Kean Due lima National Banks outstanding 22 45n 17 For the past six years, up to twelve 1 An.ee. oy le. (.’hecks anil other cash Items 17.001.6 t •d condition continually. Rosenthal, the great pianist, give it In Eden. Feb. 4 Edward K. Cousin* and Alisa for c lea 10.0*12. n J State of .Maine. County ot < umberland, s« a hall Ahroh 23rd. Exchanges ring-house. my heart became affected, recltaljatjKoUscbinar I va E. Garland. Netes of oilier .vuum ii ItaiiKs .. ii.6oj.o< 1. .Lime-.E. Wengren. .ishier ot the ahov Gradually will soon I).*lla Fox witu her company nickels. named hank,do solemnly swear that 'lie ahoy ! and 1 suffered intense pain in the left t lelUuuil nai*er currency, —————— be seen at the Jefferson. w N**!ue L*»paus. aud rents * *' J i* statement Is trod to the best of my ktmwlcug K.lward Marshal! side and over the region of the heart. Chauncey Oicott, who gave so much In West Tr«*moiit, Feb. 2. Lawtul money re-erve hi bank.viz is t> ttit .11 Miss I ettie F. I’omroy of West Fremont. .*>4.4 .1 AMI S K. W KM.KI N.O-hier. now and then nad nervous pleasure last seasm, coming SiKH'ie Every spells In leer Mle. JullU 11. Ilaskeli and Miss Susie 00 Subscribed ami sworn to tefore me tins lot iu a few days. Xour 1 Legal-tender notes 7,652 Jefferson that laid me up for weeks at a time. 1 Haskell. 02,027.0 > day ol Pei'.. isiu». o GROCERY Hubert A. McDonald I'm liar A. troubled with shortness of 1 >i haiii'ilne. Redemption fund with L. 8. (AltL F. WE HE it. Was also »* llan-ock. S CHRIS! IAN AS- «.r and Miss Allle May Hodgkr.is Treasurer i5 poi oent of circula- Correct—Attest. YOUNG WOMEN mid braath whenever 1 exerted myself in uny In liemont. Feb. 2, K«»wlii L. Marshall tion) 1 l.UoO.O ) KKKDKKK h KOKIE. ; SOCIATION. Mis* Lettie F l* m •* ALLION LI 1'i lk. J Directors wajr. '1 ota!. WM. (J. DAY IS. } convention of the Youru $1,879,087.6 1 could not lie ou Iniy left side and tuy ihe state lobll dat SALE .it UAB1L11 IKS. association CLEARANCE• Women's Christian opened sleep was broken with severe (mins and apitaJ stork paM In $ 3on.000.Ci J ut the Friends' iuee ing u WEEK OSL1. smother!eg sensations. 1 he doctor told last evening hi ibis Feb. 10, Albert S. LeGiv*. aged Surplus fund.. 200,(Xmu lot, will br coutinmil THIS city. l iidivHied proflts. less expense* ol lirukt'it it was coffee house. The sesgion was for young sears. conic for me that drinkiug. owning anti lax-* .... 74.131, K iiits list m« i' mill quick ilic> bimetal on Monday afternoon at-2 o'clock paid under his women National itunk notes outstanding. 2**5.ooo.o I put myself treatment but only. <>m Ills late res dence. Na. JJtt Sherman street, urc ^uiii, Iasi. Mrs. Dae t<* other Natioual Banks. 3.03G.2 did not leave off the coffee, and ns I ob- The meeting was presided by hi Hits ritv. Feb. 1 Susan Pole on s itnav alter oon at 2.36 o’clock, Dividend* \uipaid 798.1 1 HERE'S WHERE of the interna- Funeral i»> 10Abot, tained no help, became despondent and Conde, college secretary from No. t)7 Newbury street Individual deposits subject cheek 860.053.3 tional convention, and Mrs Capron ol In this City. Feb. 1*. Simon A Dyer. age.1 8H 1 oomy. « < cheeks. s,423.s •• 'V out IS. •MtiOeii lZ.ro THE learned of the New York delivered theaidress She check* outstanding 4,261 u ; by chance 1 Puiiurn I iimci I on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, a Cashier* a: Half Price. 3l.132.ii tne 1 I ir-t street l lilted States deiMisils '.j Goods on in warned Free Church. Congress Good 1 Baptist Food Coffee, and concluded would try spoke purity family; l s. 0B,I°" r.-s Feb. 10. t. harlot e W. Boss, Deposits of disbursing idle sts city, aged j; THERMOMETER and the coffee habit and use Postum. those present against j exchanged officers. 26,000 f 1 60 quit years. 16e>.» oo.u it • 7c t5c Fairbanks' Good Laundry Soap, and the on afternoon at o clock, Bills payable. I Fine Home Made Pickles, qt.. gal. | a week’s time 1 felt greatly im- uc ims tho table, emphasized When out money (.Funeral Monday After paying of F. Lamb. No. od 2 1-kc oake and from tne reside1** e Thomas for the week. 3 l*03 ana continued the Postum of cleanness In conversation Total.. # 1.879,087.f 2 has been hovering past Bust Surtline*, proved, using necessity Horn cm » red taking cold? Kttdtport the • Morton, Did you escape .New Crackers, right from the oven, It. re- walks for tea not have In tills city Feb. JO, itarles Fillmore and.am still using My appetite why State of Maine, of ( timberland. s*. Did the Mustard LUster* ami t!ie Sbivtl Cocoanuts, sou ol Ml. and Mrs. Chid les W. Merton, aged county Sehtpp’s 3c doz., kOc hundred and I today are open to all peo- I. c. (>. P.aucrolt. ( asider "t tin* abo\ e uuitmie l*ilts hold out half lb. for 10c turned to me, gradually regained Thejineetings 2 y irs months. •jOo lb., mimed bank, do solemnly swear that the nbov e I>1(1 the old 114.1 Water Lottie from and am now as and It is that the attendance best? In this city, Feh. lo, Bartholomew N/uluu. b Loan Smoked Shoulder, right my health and strength, ple; hoped statement is true t*» thebestol my know led* e .• equal to the *:ratn Best llulk Lamp Starch. 72 years. pr d lb. ever was. aged How about the Chapped Hands? Id/ lb the suioke home, well and hearty as I 1 have will be largo. stuff” Notice or tunerai iiereutter 1 ami beiiet. New Cast an a Nut* Poor tea is C. O. BANC KOFT, Cashier h 1 *2o heart trouble since will bo the for today “poor .41 mis city. Feb. 10, Miss Mary Graney, aged Iron and Wine. Whole iluiiis, had no return of my This programme Subscribed ami sworn to before mu this lot i* Burnham's Host Hen', years. --♦ 0 tub 7oo and o o' Feb.. 1800. ib. Lard, pure, using Postum. Sunday: into one’s system. (Funeral on Sunday afternoon at 2 clock, day large bottles, to-get No. 36 Pleasant st. ( HARKI s It. MITCHKLL, Notary Public. Drand 83 can not that Postum is in 9.45 a Bible Study, (a) from i.er late residence. Eagle Pumpkin, 1 do understand m.—Subject. clock. Correct—Attest: H -st 5o Cigirs. the *i v ees a* Ft Dominic Cuuroii at 2.3()o l he Living Word, (b) Its Use in S S. Host Java do lb. a medicine, but that it is a food, You can as well have Feb. 8. Simeon 11. spot- t HAul.KS FOBK8. » 3 lb. tin of O dd Coin Mince Meat, Kioe, any way Association. Miss M. H. 'laylor. just In W est Pembroke. Pharmacy, City j. vv 1 a Bole. J Directors Hay’s L Lotties ol Ammonia, ac whereas the ordinary coffee is a very or-1. aged Ho years. 12« can irgu Informal discussion. H.Gilmore. aged WM, R. SNOOD, ) se- la Wo* latch. Fob. 2..lames Puck best, 10c pkg. aa shown in my case ami 3.31 m.—Informal session. General a tea that is carefully feblt (131 .lllUULi: STREET, Sand 3? c\ko, 1') for 25c Quaker Wheut, powerful drug, p. 60 years 7 months. Hast Soap. of and question In F'eb. H, Mrs. Luretta Leouard, ti e rank Siddal's and Dobbin’s Electric many others. principles organization liermou. Huron’s Pkg Holleti Outs, best, box. free from aged HI years. k lli«- l*iu*-t- to Min k ( s Porax 00 were ad- lected, absolutely ol |». tin best Orated Pine and Cobb Soaps, Two of my near neighbors 5.30— Informal luncheon served. In Bangor. F'eb. t‘. Grade A., daughter NVliOLK FAMILY ON HHK. ,i lb. Apple ; lb. tin canned .Blackberries, Sc tin dicted to coffee, and it treated them muh 7.15—Praise service. Charles 11. Klrgpatriek. Fine bottLs ol Ketchup, and in In Strong Feb. 4, Jerry Cunningham, agea oo [kFECIAL TO THE TEEM.] 5^ Pow- 7.30— 'lhe Young Wouu D adulterations, every 12 1 -o 1 st Corn Starch, pkg as it did me. They are Mis. M. N. Subject, year«2 months. .'uro Kio Colfee, best, Christian Association as a pow- wife ol 10.—A 4c lb. ell and Mrs. Pitts. Spiritual In 1 «i inlngton. Feb. 3. Mrs. Mary, Sanford, February lamp explo Choice Pormosa Tea, best in the citj 1 Pulk SaJeratus, Mary er in the lives of young women. Miss if one of 1*. aged 6» 11 months. way perfect, you get ll<»sea Bump, years od in the house of it futility by the nan 30a 1 li toon, by strip, >Oo lb. When they found what a change had M. H. Taylor. In Farmlugtnn. Feb. 3. Mrs. Mary N. Marvel, for the money, of Johnson this afternoon on Pine stree t EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Lamb, d to To been made in me off coffee Sunday. 4a>3 m.—Gos- agi o H7 years 3 mouths. New Hate?, 7c lit, 4 for r. (^quarters by leaviug February 12, p. of Mr that I e In Thorndike, ben 2. Pearl, aaugh.er throw out ■ ,{ The subscriber hereby give* notice French pel meeting. Mr. Johnson tried to it Cal. Prun* 5.* 0 f>»; (tleship Maine Mustard, and using Postum, they threw away tbsii Fchase & Sanborn’s and Mrs. Sninuel Tilton. aged 10 years has oeen duly appointed Executor oi the la New lb, Saturday meetings are to be held in the Nettle P.mery. aged n doors, but in the panic that ensued, h H Will an Testament of P l'»w old coffee pots, got some new on«s and in Uartland. Feb. 2, Hast Holleti Oats, i»3 lb, onlr, church street. Teas. ears, own and that of Ids wife nr d MARY ELLA HOtmilTON. late or tlie Cltj to use first Friends’ Oak Sunday Package clothing sienoiboaiIai a’B—M began Postum. The time 111 l*itt present tl ; Telephone The addresses be given by able speak- and half-pound Elliworth. Fob. Elijah Uunbai frozen up. and if get ever saw, rosy and well, their physio*! M same tor settlement, and all iudebte and the church chorus under the tine, aged 62 years ed terrible results follow. make aches aud ills all gone They sleep and ers might thereto are requested to payment in of Professor will are guaranteed pure. mediately. eat well and seem to direction Taylor sing. I ho fuuoral aerrlcoa ol the late Ko* enjoy life better Dr. B

I # > t ■■ rr»m ialk. SUNOAY SERVICES. Tiuvmr CHPRCH. Woodford*, (Kplinopftl.) MDCIIJJlinuCTi ifcmmuw* ,I..ruing service at 10.80. Evening prayer ai d 80UTII PORTLAND. WESTBROOK. ■>**< .unday school at 3 p. in. Bev. M reus II Car- r.r.T »MI l>«rM •»«•- MH Forty w#»4» fuml •■d«r tin* k*ad A the world love* a Ml* Mdi la a4raaaa 1 pi* ** Happy Woman. All I mk far *» M«H mmm «Mh for M Mat* etch >■ Norn t-murch iWm an ttf are pubtaM* TR* FrnIt ifiatVAf. 8ncfF.Tr, happy woman—one whose smile* an LETKR PROM A TAXPAYER. The East club Is accommodation to the Mystlo End whlet planning as au churchea. The j fall- Mrs. A. tv. with. Inspirational nfs'-ik^r. to other*. We love the woman 1 BALK— Farm 2 miles from Portland 1 inspiration VtT ANTRI>*-To nail lha ntUntion nf IW sher* that be le ture at 7.90 in. Testa after the who whether FORcontaining :w acres. 16 acres under A letter relative to the choice on a trip to Klverton, Mpodny evening, pub! request they „ut l0 the dll p. given laugh*, • one to the sure advance in ihe near ftp cultiva- office by 0.00 i*. m on the day before 1 rcture. Heats free. A d Invited. *he be in the house- tion. balance wood no ue and barn, Is 20. Messrs. A. A. Cordwell publics- | tare of beering real estate. Don’t watt uotll .'stiry of a treasmer for the new city Februiry written and as 1 house most be sold Uon, legibly briefly as possible; mtrt Hall. Heavantdale. at hold. behind trie tlm Im»*i lots are all but secure a bouse or poultry 2flx»w, before April not V Preaching sold, W. and Charles have been chosen as the such notices are received or < $1 H§. H. WALDRON A published below: Fogg corrected by p. m. W. 1. Houston of the ('harm of Christ, counters in stores, lot there at <*nee. We are for firet; price CO., tele phone. headquarter* fine 1*0 Middle 1 committee of arrangements. Utile stndy ♦ p. m. All are welcome in the business office Deerlng real estate. We are orermc St._11 South Portland, Feb. 11, 1HW. all soul# cur urn (Uniters* Iota (or He otilv one quarter list). Dcenng- cwner has oth*T business. Address evening to On their Where you find one, one-. K, an office under South Portland's new “Piscataquis.’’ pastor. Preaching at 10.46 a. m. (eloome to all. tt Box m. Haverin. Mas*ll-l Ings. Hunday find a IIF, DtBIGO EMPLOYMENT A8WKTA- Lock return the remainder of the nntil school at 12 m. Preaching at 7.45 p. yon city government, and it would be emi- evening m. All arc WritCoNOftraATiovAL’CHCRcii -Bev. f.e- • TIoN is prepared to furuDh reliable help Invited. tf score weigh- OR EXCHANGE-* two Mai nently fit that he *houl(l have the honor a late hour was In whist and 8. Bean, pastor. Preaching at 10JK) a. in. to all Kind* ot holds, -tore*, office and private VORCEALE enjoyed oy down F house on tbe best part of Nortn street. of being our first treasurer and collector, ApvasiNiAN Concl Church, hi Newbury! nd 7. op. m. Sunday achool at i‘J m. if ,.cd fatnillc*. Wo send om nothing but reliable various Amusements at Cumberland hail. Kev. Then. A. Wi,h Never vacant; pay* 10 per ceat steadily because he has earn* <1 It In advance two- street Hmythe. pastor. Preach- Wii.i.istmn Cm lint, corner Thomas and >C help. If In need of heiptry our plan We want and 7.30 m. * w« a’. MARKS A KAKI.K CO.. No. 12 Mooumet Hq. Her. A. T. D. of Wntervllle ing at 11 a. m. p. Sunahy school street*. Take street t nets, I you for ono !»f our patrons. DlhlDO KM fold. Dunn, D., service. O. K. ’arroll 8prlng ear, Kev. Over Evening Express.i*-l after morning prayer meeting at ; Baker. !>. service pv ness and woe rLoYMKNT ASSOCIATION, *2 Exchange wt.. the will three ■mlth I)., pastor. Morning 1 j 1 First. For having turned into preach Sunday afternoon at 0.80 hi. A11 are Invited. if *1 p. o so* Hubiect, sivtli sermon on lard's that proceed three flat house, aft rooms treasury In two ovef TJ which Prayer, BALK—New years 800, o'clock at the Baptist church. Dkthbl CHURCH. 2Hb Fore street-Kev. iventnf lecture at 7.1b*. .subject, “Lessons from from "female trouble*." And yet there FsoRbath and clo*ets for each Mat, hot and cold he earned for our town by his careful Kcv. T. B. the of tne Francis Soothworth. pastor. Residence low lie Lift* of Ahrutiarn Lincoln.” ought to be and can be a score of Happy for yoo to start In business; to In- water. electric bolls, two front doors, wired lot Cleanses and Payne, pastor services ut 10.30 a. .< j financiering. Newbury streeL m.. and WEST felt!* If KTjXOI>lt»T EPISCOPAL C8D10R women to ode who is Tho c MONEYcrease vour present business Interest re- electric light*, large lot. nice stable; total rent Second. For his faithfulness In Universal 1st church Is to preach Sunday 7. u in. Preachlug service In ihe afternoon. unhappy. J iluceil. m< rt"ages or assumed and lama centra' location, in- p. -Kev. II. E. Ibiuimek. pastor. Kesldence 3o women whose lives arc aadtl. tit d the changed als $072 per annum ; good prlct " A11 are welcome. tf by or larger amount loaned ; loans made. W. II. WaLORoN formin'* the duties of nl* office in the In- moning on irue Ureatness," a sermon r- deric street vt te.so a. m. addr ss, Lln- drains the ] building suitable for Investment. Heals all upon system, by prolapsus, by AN INVESTOR* 9« terest of the of our town. Bethany Cono* Church. South Portland oin end the Kreedmcn. At /..«»> sermon. 8ul>- AMEBI C«., Exchange A CO 180 Middle Bt. 3-1 taxpayers in of President Lincoln's irregularities, by headache, nervousness Room I. 7-1 the recognition school 12.15. ITeachintc at 2.80. ai d “Love Hell.'’ All ars welcome, ML If we have a treasurer who for Sunday eel, Seeking and can be restored to All men are 7 m. Itev. T. M. l>avis of l**-rin.;. All a e free. bearing-down pains, SALE OR EXCHANGE—In the een Inflamed Sun- small salary our town votes the treas- birthday anniversary. young p. by j ienw and health Dr. welcome. happiness by Pierce’s fa- KATH daughter of Hie seventh daughter, KU)HIra I of the a flne brick house ol urer has looked after our town funds lu invited. Woopfom»’§ Umversali»t CnoHCit. Kev. part city specially at vorite Prescription, a medicine that is be- Madame Zoo Zoo, card reader ami palmist two tenement* and stable; steam heat. every most Chestnut Street Church. (Methodist .fan ey B. Townsend. pastor. Preaching the above careful manner, he Is ~The services at the Methodist question the best in the world for on all matteis pertaining to love, marriage*, di- me- MARKS a KARLK CO. No. 11 faces, Cures church, Episcopal)—Kev. Luther Freeman, pastor. J 0.30 a. ni. Subieot. “Abraham Lincoln.Aincr- yond thing certainly entitled to the honors of being disorders of the organs, vorces, lost or stolen prop* rty. Office hour* 9 Monument Over Kveulug Express. 9-1 Kev. C. C. Phelan, are KMloeuce 48* Cumberland st. ITearhut st a s Beloved Son/* tfnnday scuool at 12 m. womanly livery Sq. our first pastor, Sunday to 9 o’clock. I Julies 25 cents; Gents 30 cents, treasurer and collector. 10.80 a. m. and 3.0 p m. Morning Subject. ailment that besets the girl, the bride and | as follows: In Itootns 40 Franklin street. 7-1 Sore Throat, A Taxpayer. Prayer meeting the ohurch -The Mighty Compi-rer.” Afteruoun. Marred the mother, between and the "turn TOOK SALK—Modern S-storled detaches WAS puberty ■ a! 12 m. L11K DUKE OP WELLINGTON house tor two fa ml lies ; k rooms and tail at 1* a. m ; the pas- Lives.” suoilny school \i 7.30 the of life," is cured by it. It the pros- SUPPER* parlors preaching by keeps It’s time t’-osc chicks were for aeh hot and cold wate: ANTIQUARIAN service <*[ tlie Annual state Couventluii CALLED THE “IKON DUKE." mother in a frame of high flat, steam heat, tor at closing pective happy mind, HROILEKH—batched lor broilers and roas.- Colds, 10.30 a. ra., subject, “The Mission of v. W. C. a. All are weloome. next spring throughout; In perfect repair; flne location In Coughs, Vin* and her are sure to be inher- * rs. The postponed antiquarian surper, it hero of Water- good spirits Itcgln n>> and get the lop prices. 1 will western part, near Congress street; rents $61 of the gon of Man." Baptism and sacra* Church or thi Messiah, (Unlversallst)— The Duke Wellington, little one when ited by the it comes. Iwttdi itit-m for on re t*or aide t rios. A per month; a bargain. W. II. WALDRON A der the auspices of the ladles of the Uni* W. M. Klinroell pastor, -ervlce 10.30a. was called from you nient of the Lord’* Supper at 3 p. m. Rev. oo, greatest of battles, The medicine dealer who urges some lire's II. B. Cl.OlHtH. Cumberland Center, ( O., l*o Middle 9-1 Bronchitis, versal 1st at Union in. of sermon, ••Abraham Lincoln.” Maine. «ireet._ society was given the .subject intense and energy, ■nbstitutc for Dr. Pierce's favorite Pre- r^l Young People's meeting at six o'clock, Junior P. P. r. 1'. 6 l*. !»• V. I*, r. 1. ♦; p. ra. lie strength, power a is of the AND RENTS-Fr-derlck s Open House last evening. There was was master- thinking larger profit VATK WILL followed sermon at seven o'clock or Christ, .scientist, won h« “Iron Duke." His the scription BUY household goods or store HOl-SKMValll has the list of desirable by by CHURCH Congress not of beat ▼ largest Asthma, he'll make and your good v fixture* of or wl I re- good attendance, despite the somewhat street, loom 2. Services 10J0 .i m. and 7.-5p. to command, and lurnjed. any description, houses ;-nd rent* for sale and io let of any real the pastor, subject, "Continue In Well til power plan Stiles, of Downing. Dunn ceive the same a' our am lion room* lor in. Wedn* day 7.4*» P. m. Readme room open Mr* Orrin Co., Wis.. estate office in Portland. Ills specialty I* ne unfavorable weather, and the entertain- this of been to writn to -ale on r« nicni'sion. 0088 & and Sundays eveepted. J to 6 p. m. tf n possibly less measure, power write* I hsve intending yon WILSON, Lotiat ng mortgages, collecting rent*, and tlie Catarrh Doing." dally. was 1H Klee ment which followed was received with err since my bnby Aucltu.eera. street. gneral are of Real Kstatf Conores* ( hurch (First Uni versa- uccess Is inherent In every healthy roan, property. Apply Mr. David Hayes of Bridge street Is Square born in regard to what office. First National bink 9-1 the greatest favor. Kev. l>r. Blanchard, pastor. Service at MORTGAGE* NEGOTIATED W* have building. as list.) t is the birthright of health ami strength, Psvorite Prescrip- reported Improving. 10.80a. m. The pastor will oftl late. Junior your *’■ unds of citeui* to inve-t In first tion has done for mr I mortgage* P'tR HALE—An unusual business A LOW TIDE. Mrs. Elizabeth corner of Main Y. p c. U. at f* p. m. sundfty school at 12 m. t Is only the uerve-weakened ami pbysl- on real estate security at A per cent tntere* opportunity Beal, cannot it enough, • for a man moderate U. o u» prsiar We make u of of capital. An old Y. P. C. U. at p. man who Is the wank- have not been as specialty placing loan* om city Thursday’s tide was one of the lowest and Stroud water streets entertained the sally exhausted fot I ami suburban established grocery doing a business of ftool 8t. M. E. CHURCH—Rev. W. F. for five *» * prepay. Apply Heal Estate OOMOREaa wreck and fvllure well year* week. Also an old established seen in this even our oldest West End W. C. T. U. at their last meet- school at 10 30 a. in. ing in this world, the last I Office. Mr*i N dlonat Kmk Building. FRED- per paying vicinity by Berry, pastor. Sunday low am In July l" business which will a ..f the At 7.3u ERICK s. require capital |io, Inhabitants. The ferry boat Elizabeth ing, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. B. D. At 3 p. ni preaching by pastor p. n life. And in this age of ecient.flc had a baby boy. weight (v' VAlLL._Jau30A i*oo to 919,060. W. P. CARR. Room5, Oxfor* ni. inee In the audience room sermon II and I was only r- lug by no of pounds, building. H-t was in her Center read an « ki-hievment*, them need be wrecks and City delayed reaching wharf, interesting paper during the pastor. S bto t. "How to en.er the Kiug- aick a short time, ''ff invited. have not and on one In the afternoon had to the aftermun. A Is to be domof oiing orchard For terms Ac address of the Breakwater, and come in beloved m. Bible at 11.«5 Teach Ing ndisoretlon, myx-lf oi Us Our stud; *o It In all branches. prices 41c reason ARTHUR U. M ERR I 7.30 b W I. If. ston. Scat* tree, au are to *ee me well.” MAN. West llarpswell, left side of the Ulotus were at tional Mias Frances K. Wil- p. m. weakened themselves, shattered thvlr able. us a staJ ami we will call lor youi pier. dug president, to Drop p M»- n Invited. For si one cent stamp* pay postage clock ami it when _ Is to Mrs Is also to and their return done without extra a distance from the shore further than lard, be held Beal K. ( hi m Wood- nerves exhausted physical N Y will aenc Clark Mkmohiai. M. u. Dr K V Fierce. Buffalo, ch rge. Mt KEN NEY, the Jeweler, Mouumeni HALK—English beagle rabb t hound pup in one on entertain the union at its next fords—Kev. John R. Clifford, pastor. Resi- and can, un- illustrated Com Portland. F’OR o 1-2 mouth* ever before the memory of any meeting. itrength, powers energies, you bis famous 100H page Mquare, JanL'dtf (female)-Trilby.*• old. full dence oi Pleasant street. Al 10.3 a. m. sermon a book tha! pedigree, ha* been run In pack all fall and win- this side of the harbor. The of the Current Events ier the medical knowledge of the prevent arm Sense Medical Adviser, meeting by the pastor. Sunday school a» 12 m. fco- t-r. fft 0 * if taken at once. AK1HCR la worth *5 to any family. Cloth MARRY ME, NELLIE, I>. club held Thursday afternoon at the wortL League .«>* p. ni. At 7 p. m. K vrvalser- Jay, be restored to the perfect strength easily MURPHY. Bid dr ford, Me. g-1 vice. All are welcome. binding tf stamps. home of Mrs. H. V. Muroh was a most J Dr. Greene of 34 And 1 will buy you sti h a pretty King at % William of Free street has and vigor of manhood. Curran, East Deehino (M. K.i Churc h, Kev. John McKeuoey’t. A thotisai 1 solid gold Kings. ■ interesting one, and was well attended- t> J'lrt.r.l u..n<4«t' ■kIui. .1 at if. in. Is the great- Emerald# uew ; lot second hand gone to work in the screen factory, Port l'emple PL, IJostuD, Mass., Diamonds. Opal-Pear.s, Ittbics, and team harness**; if Current events was the subject of the At 8 p. m. sermou l»> tin* pastor. ■> raLve and rat In curing this class of dis- ell other prelous stone* Kngagemeut and you Kant ny kind of harnesses it will pay you MAINE TOWNS. land. specialist YIcTI IYVS a c prayer service 7 p. in. All are invited. Wedding Kings spci Uuy lon gest stock In to II and see us tins month. .IAS. G. of meetlog. A One character sketch of the rates that the world has ever known. McKENNKY. The Jeweler. Monument 56 Preble South Portland sesuis to be o center Filin' PRFHm UiAN Chi r« h—Cor. Park city. McGLAUFLIN, St., Portland. Me. late Hon. Beison Dimrlev was riven fol_ Pleasant Streets. school at 2 it. His success In such Is Hquare.tnarfgdtf frl Mmm of interest Gathered by Owtti the cold wave which has visited this sec- and Sunday p, curing complaints in. Kev. 1. s. lowed a sketch of the life and latest Preaching at 3.oO and 7.ho p. by ami a revelation to nerve- IOAN on 1st and 2nd PrsSfc tion of the and morn- by astonishing, hiando- pondentt of the country, yesterday Simpson o! MlnncapoliH. Seats free*. All are wel- IFIFxF mortgages on real estate at HALE—Elegant Pianos, Violins, * of F. Marlon men. OF OPIUM h'OK Guitars. Music writings Crawford, novelist. weakened and -exhausted ELIXIR Hus, Banjos Boxes. at Mies Nelson's the come. physically a# low at* of Interest as can be obtained In lug greenhouses Reginas. Harmonicas, superior \ lolln a. u A brief sketch of Paul Lawrence Dunbar Eirmt BapTiaT corner of WUtnot His treatment, differs from that of all the which It poftlau'. ais.i u>a s made on stocks, bonds, STAN DISH. thermometer outside registered eight de- Church, fs a preparation of Drug by BanJ strings, popular sh- et music, instruction and SU.—Kev. W. S. Ayres, pastor Mrtoo il pro leearitj In- and several of his poems wers read as Congress >tber Ha uses absolutely no effects are removed, while Uie val books and everything in the music line, come to below, ‘there la just enough hu- at 10. to a. m. Sunday school at physicians. njurious quire ol A. C. LI nBY fli (JU., 42 t-‘J Exchange Feh.9.—Mr. Harry Chap- grees Preaching I the store wnere prices arc low. II a WES’. 414 Sebago Lake, also a brief article on Charlotte Perkins in. 7.30 in. All but achieves the most uable medeclnal properties are retained. Hi.JanP»-4 in the air to make every juirticle Praise and Prayer meetlug p. poisonous drugs, < kHigrew street. Jmd3M lin took an bath In the lake while midity are welcome. all the sedative and anti icy Stetson. Mrs. John Pickard will enter- marvelous cures harmless possesses anodyuo of cold sensible, and the heavy gules by vegetable last Firht Churc h or Curist, Scientist, 4H4Vfc of but n< W lll» sITlATinN.H. tending channel night tain the club at her home wonderful in their spasmodic powers Opium, produces AN MURDER, WHAT’S THAT? whtoh are serve to carry the February ltith, street, opposite Preble House. Servi- medicines, truly Mrs. Abble Hill Is 111. prevalent Congress sickness of the stomach, no vomlilug. no co One of Me Kenney’s Alarm (locks. 36c to when the will be ourrent music. ces at 10.30 a. in. aud 7.46 p. ni. Children’s lun- man cold Inside of the havoc subject itrengtnening. vitalizing, invigorating nervous dt II' ANTED-A middle ated. able-bodied $3.oo. Warranted to wakt the dead. Mora which has visited nearly bouses, playing da school at close of morning service. Expe- tlveness, no headache, lu acute The epidemic Mr. P. D. Welch lias returned from and This YY wouul lik*- v.. ;k some kind. Indoor or clock han all the other dealers combined. with the water and calling Into rience meeting Wednesday at 7.46 p. ni. tf health-restoring powers. great orders It Is an Invaluable remedy, and Is recoin house in our community Is rapidly pipes out. Address WOKK. Press Office 10-1 Mi KEN.NEY, the Jeweler. Monument Square. eyery Montreal where she has been to attend to men is made valuable the services of every available First Univekhalist Parish of South Port- boon doubly by mended by tne best physicians. sep2Hdtf on wane. There have been no deaths requisition the the funeral of a brother. land. Services at L uton Opera House. Sabbath all for In town. being placed within reach of men, MALE HELP WANTED. In thli plumber School at 1.30 p. ra. Preaching at 2.30 by Kev. WEDDINC village. Political matters are In this tf can consult Jir. Greene about RINCS Mr. Dennett, the Lewiston reader, will qubit city. W. ftl. Klmmell. rou your E. FERRETT, Agent Kev. C. L. Parker, missionary tor ANTED- machine on* One hundred of them to select from. All The however, are oonUdent First LkkeBahtist Chuim ii, opposite the ?a*e free of whether 372 FEAKL MKW YORK. \nexp**r operator, be one of the features in the entertain- Republicans, absolutely charge, ®T., U* d with One Has- al! we ghts. all In 10. 14 and Western Maine, under the M. M. S. is Public Ke\. Lewis Malvern, pastor. acquaint Uillorlug. styles, prices 18 of success at the election. At Library. or write to him. If are one Jnel.W&SaUtfurm Kl Gold. and best stock of ment to be the members of the approaching service at 10.30. school. t 12 you call you KELL A ,iONi Lirgest rings meetings at the Congregational given by Morning Sunday __febll-tf in the a thousand if them. holding the of the R best Mack or red re continued next week. Wed- trimmings, workmanship. ent to the legislature close (d services. Experience meeting will be soon re For interview address "PROF M.." are be seen at of that Is circulated among the olti- representative pondency replaced by Dr. running gear ('an (07 ( ouunercla The Ice harvest lacked a half day being nesday at 7.4o p. m if Press «iffice 11-1 Ml 1X1 should be candidate for mayor. Mr. Dewed strength, Lyon’s st.. KEN TOMLINSON CO._JanUSdtf Portland: “To the Honor- buoyant hope, bounding completion when the recent-storm arrived. zeis of South Friends’ Church, Oak street. F.lllson It. Hums has previously declined to permit service 10.30. and the of manhood. PERFECT II' A NTK I> B.lght. energetic man as resident to LOAN oil first and second mort, to able Senate and House of Kcpresenta- Purdy, pastor. Morning Sunday vitality vigor perfect YY A small field will he scraped complete at partner as.d t*» take charge of office In MONEYgages on leal estate, life Insurance the use of his name, but a committee will school 12 m. Junior 0. K. prayer meeting write the poll aesembled: We, the If you cannot call, doctor fillIj Maine; business tnouoixdy and projected by cies and notes or the work of filling the house. tlve in Legislature 6.*o p. m. F.veiling Social service 7.30. tf any good security. Real es wait oo him within a few days and en- and and In absolute confidenot I copyr glit. will pa large year v Income. tate bought, sold ami 4* 1-J Ex citizens of South Portland, Free Street Baptist Church—Rev. Jo- fieely exchanged. NOBLEBOKO. undersigned tM*Ni required and first class references. Ad- cuange street. I. P. BUTLER janl M deavor to induce him to reconsider bis Kenuaru Wilson, lb Lb, Preaching about cane. His advice and counse remonstrate against the passage of any seph pastor. your dress SHAY vS; DYEK, P. O. Box 31X1, Boston, H —Miss Sabra at o.*o a. in. and 7.3u p. m. by the pastor. Sun- Powdei Mass. 11-1 February decision. will cost and we Tooth Nobleboro, the use you nothing, 1st law that will futhrer restrict of day school at 12 ni. Y. P. S. E. at 6.30 p. ui. prom resident of this TO LET. (jenthner, a former town, waters of Miss fJessle Ackarmann a well known v Sermon, Back to Christ.” Evening, you new hoi»e, new energy and the purse and drag seines in the ornlng AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. AGENTS Soapm-n; red hot proposition. S3 "The Luc of President Lincoln, as illustrating .A died In Kockland Dooember 33, aged lecturer who has been lecturing In Port- and power to achieve sure sue MOUKK mi Broad, N Y. wants wagon our state.” some faiudlar sayings.” strength Forty worii inserted onder thta head were in representatives; big <‘ombinatiou sales; a*l- The funeral servloes held land and lectured last cess Used of refinement one week for g.1 mah >n years. vicinity, evening In if will follow his direc ■ cent*, stlvsiien. Thursday, Mutch 2, at 2.S0 p. :n., there First Parish Church—(Unitarian) Con- life, you by people rtisjng plan; >40--§r>*i Key. K. N. Von Kirk of of Kev. John C. Perkins, pastor. a weekly._il Nobleboro. the Affairs In the vestry Warren Congregational gress street. tlons. for over a of century. Is to be a hearing liefore Legal iil school quainter POslTlONB—Don't pre LET—Furnished rooms, steam heated, and the remains Morning service at 10.30 a, Sunday f|'(> Kockland, officiating, church, under the auspices of the Y. P. CsOVKKNMEST* re for civil service examination 1 hot ami cold w.ter. bathroom on same committee of the legislature on an act at l m. p any lot. \\ ith ut o ir illustrate*! catalogue d Moor. Reasonable to the right party. At No. uer interred in the family 8. C. K. of Warren church. The lecture Church—Kev. W. II. Fenn. WOOD seeing to assign to the city of South Portland, High Street WOODFORDS. PORTLAND WIDOW’S SOCIETY Information; rent 'ree. I'OUMBlAN t'OH- 11 Myrtle street, op|»osite City Hall. 10-1 Miss Sadie Burstow has returned to was attended and D. lb. Morning service at 10.30 a. ni. the town of well Interesting pastor. KESPONDENC E COLLEGE, Washington. 1). the juror apportioned to Capo school at 12 m. Evening service 7.30. Spocinl IVIootliift. West Somerville. throughout. Sunday (\j11-1 RENT—At a reduced price, twoistory Elizabeth. There Is that there New st. Notice is hereby given of a special rocotln F'ORli'Ui-e all stable. No. 17J Danforth to expected NewvirubalkhChurch. Hl*h St., A1 vab SUlellnger has gone New Bed- Luclen P. of this has been -er- of the Portland Widow’s Wood to t> t’LKRK WANTED— Young man ol Tate rooms and will on the of Libby city Kev. Samuel Worcester. pastor. Morning The Democrats of wards eight and nint society corner of st., 9 bath. nnke will be opposition part Cape the rooms If• t It Dlil’a habl with one or two ns M where be has work. class vice at 10.30. Subject of sermon, "The First held at of the Society the good ye exi»-ri reasonable repairs BENJAMIN SHAW & ford, ss., chosen odist of the of *90, liowdoln are to hold their ward caucuses K Elizabeth. Miracle.” Sunday school at 12 m. Evening Wednes Kuihlln:.' on * bursday. February ul, A. l> eoce in tfie business. Inferences required. CU., 51 1U Exchange St. 9-1 from is at his Ornvtlle Hall Boston, "The at 7.30 o’clock in the Husiuess n f B.BTKVKNS, M. I .. 11 dgton, Thomas Pine street, college. servica 30. Subject. spiritual signifi- ilay, February 15tb to nominate wart 180b, evculug. Me._il Captain Griggs, w be const, eied. father's. Miles M. Hail. cance of Seas and la vers.” All are iconic nnputtauce is to rPO LET—At Oakdale, an exceptional de- with his uUlcers. will be chosen at tha K. (. ANTED—To hire a man am! wife to work has arrived In Philadelphia In hall on Pitt street, Delegates IiKaDFOKD, Secretary. I so ,bi corner Mat of 7 rooms with closed December 37th. Oakdale School. reb. feb7dtd Hr on alarm; im.st understand taking care bath, Schools Friday, VA113101111. Sunday If lime to attend the oonvendor Portland, Me., t*. lgbJ. steam heat ami other vessel. His many friends will be pleased at 2.46 p. m. All are welcome. mayoralty of all kinds of st. k. especially «lalry cows Improvements pleasantly Parties from Wlscasst-H have been over localcd near cars, having sunnv anti Peakh Island Methodist Church. Kev. to be held Ul making huiter ami iking care of milk. Ad exposure to learn of bis safe voyage. Tuesday evening, February good neighborhood rent $16.«>7. Also other* and slaked oil a held of ice In Muscongen Wru. S. Jones, pastor. Preachli g at 10.8oa. dress Lock Box .o». WooUfords, Me. 8-1 the H. A. at eight o’clock In hell. Port ranging rom 8'"0,‘ upwards. Real The young ladies’ society, The member* of John A. in. aud 7.30 u. Sunday school 12 in. Y. P. Reception DUM8H0S-IRSTALLMEH1S. Aoply. Logan camp, p. Kj.ateomo\ KKEDEKICK S. Bay. S. C. E. evening, 7.4.6. Class meeting land. II AN OK LADY to travel and VA1U-_sm T.'s, will meet with Miss Etta Gregory Xu, will observe U Tuesday II' E have a large assortment of DiAinoin l appoint agent- Wal er is home from New 5B, .Sunday, February 7.46 m. are always *"■ fin mo and afl ex Chapmun Thursday p. S.raugers The members of the Ocean street 7» Kings, Pins, ar Kings and Scarf Pins Established 8f»o per RENT House -19 Brackett St., near Front street, Wednesday evening, Febru- or LIncoln’e H Gram for short an Union Defenders' day, welcome. all good quality and perfect. This is a ver; peases to start. Mfr Box 398, Pbila.. Pa. h^Olt Ine. containing 11 rooms, bath steam Jersey stay. mar school held an entertain 15. As it will be a business meeting In the Preble Chapel. Kev. W. T. Phelan, pas- enjoyable easy way to buy a Diamopd as we make in jan28\V&siw neat and Hi! modern improvements, including B. L. still remains in very ary birthday anniversary. morning Chapman tor. school at 12 p.m. Preaching bv ment last in Lewis payments so e »sy that >»n will not miss ill i- window-»hades. etc.; Immediate possession, It "is that all members be pres- will attend service* at the M. hi. Sunday evening hall, Wood health. requested they the at P m Monthly temperance con- money. McKENNEY, the Jeweler, Monmnen t /'lOVKKNMKNT P"H!TloN'M—Don't prepan also \rseii ii st house 11 rooms, sul able for poor pastor lords.lire entertainment was well attend "* where a sermon suitable to the ducted bv Lodge of Hood Templars at febOutf for any civil service examination v/ltimu room r- Real Estate office. First Na- Helen Ball Is heme from Portland ent. church, Mystic Square. Applv bliss in. All are invited. iid and of our illustrate catalogue of information tional Bank. VAlLL. the 7.30 p. consisted literary and rausica seeing FREDERICKS. .h-1 of four months. occsaion will be preached by inutor, S8rt f.ee 1.1 M HI AN CORKKSPoN after a stay Pine Street Chuid h. (Methodist Episco- numbers members of the by school, lie from the tree and * DE M’K < OLI.EG Washington. 1>. C. trl rooms. and wife from Boston Kev. U. A. Droolte. pal'. Kev. K. S. J Me A Ulster, pastor. At 10.30 cat" the[llmb thercb; LET Two furnished at L. D. Perkins GORHAM. f|MJ■ Apply a. m. b' the pastor. "Jesus’ fr* .shments wore on male after the enter th ll.o Congress street. Board may be had are in town. Hev. O. K. Croeby, pastor of the Cen preaching Subject, avoided danger from the falling of of a Pure school at 12 also. died in West Somerville, Idea Religion.’’ Sunday talnment. iho proceeds are for the bene- _k-1 (Jeorge llussey trol church is to preach Sunduy evening m. At u. ui. meeting of he Junior Epworth limb. WANTED. 3d at the home of his service and tit of the school Mass., February from the text: "As a bride League. Epworth League song library. A THOUSAND RINGS 73 His and entertainment given at by requat ni. Mrs. Waite, aged years The supper * lo p m. At 7.Hi* p preach- air. wan *. SUICIDE OF MUSIC 1EACHKR. daughter, prayer meeting nuuuuurj oi woomorus II Forty word* .’«»«rtod ondor thU hoo> To select from. Dtnmonds, were home even- that wandereth from her nest, so Is a the "With Jesus on the Opals, l'eal, remains brought Monday. chapel Thursday ing by pastor. Subject, D* WMk for ’i' pnU Mih In ••Ivmooo. the Congregational senior at Buwdoln has 10. — Frof. Fran! Kuby* and all other precious siones, Engage- services were held at from his Mountain.” All are welcome. college, just beer Farmington,February Funeral Tuesday and financial success. man that wandereth place." ten! and Wedding Kings a I-argest ing waspi social 239 Federal St. Meet- L'lected us of his specialty, his late home. Kev. W. C. Cook officiat- ■ I Salvation armt. chaplain class. L. a teacher of mush' and pro the the Jeweler The hev. Mr. Andrews, u graduate of An Ripley, Business men ami clerks t< mock iii city. McKENNEY, There was a number present. at a. except Tuesday, Sumlav WANTED large j logs every night The of the Universal!*! church of a music mil If are *ei moden Monument Square. inarchlSdtf ing. will aud 3 aud 7.30 in. pastor prietor store,com U’d^auicid know that we lug new, innah Merrill has been was a dover Theological seminary, oocupy at 7 and 11 a. in., p. Adju- Mrs. H very event of the evening spelling »t houses on l leering Highlands t»»r $25 to $50 pc luilk auu i'in. aivwuuiw4 kui.ihv Woodford*, He?. Manley B. Townsend, this forenoon taking obloroform. Mr of the First Parish by what a rent costs ri'O I.ET-Nov. 1. Lower tenement house sick. Mrs. C. M. and Mrs. J. Congregatloual pulpit, welcome. tf month, (only good you match. Hillings will next a sermon in man 1 No. St., seven Rev. Mr. Cook, by the advice of his SiiiiiImv preach Sunday Ripley was a very popular young which will soon pay for a place. By our plai ispring entirely separate, Leavitt, the leaders of the op- St. Pauls Cm R< h— Corner Congress and own a home hi a lew ren rooms besides halls and bath, first class con- i. Jr.,were commemoration of the ninetieth but of late ho has been brooding oonsid you years; by paving Miss Dora Jordan of a gradu- Locust streets, Kev. Jo*. Hattell Shepherd, rec- birthday \ ‘>u will never own one. Plain talk but true dition steam heal. Inquire ut 44 Peering bt., sides. Prof. Lutien Hunt formal- Alfred, Will see tha his pulpit is filled by posing tor. Hours of service to 30 a. in. ami 4 p. m. of Abraham Lincoln, which falls upon erably over business troubl- * in const (ail and see our ho es and get our terms morning, noon or night. octatf ate of Bates college, has Ijeen chosen to of the ser- abb* reacUers In his absence. teacher and of several schools Sunday school at tue close morning DALTON A ( (»., 53 St Id-.' ly principal Mr. iownsends will b« e of ill health. He was y ars o Exchange has been till the of first assistant at North vice. stranger* always welcome. tf Sunday. subject queu Colen Cbampan from Auburn, -— -- place in iNe'T UHUJ|)BUWD church Abraham Lincoln; America's Best Be- and was cot married. in town. Yarmouth academy during tbo absence of St. Stephen’s (Protestant Episco- ago Hls.mothe l(H>K K KKPK US, stenographers and type out the words. After a trial of about head of State. Kev • Charles from Auburn, Leonard gave pal) Congress street, Hr, loved Son." The public Is in lives at Turner. Maine, lie was a mem I writers, clerks, salesmen and saleswomen “jewelry repairing.^ Hussey, Allss who is ill at her home. at cordially was declared a Wench, Dalton, rector. Sunday morning service housekeeper cooks, w Presses, eh.inber Mr-*. Lottie Waite of West two hours the result draw, ■ Hussey, and school at 12 ru. vlti*d to be men. ber of the K of of Farm E are familiar with all kinds of Jewelry Miss Williams and Mr. William 10.30 a.m. Sunday Weekly present,espo'clally young A!pHu lodge, P., maids, kitchen girls, head waiters, porters, if W are in town, culled here by down. Maud and have made it ■*. specialty .Somerville, neither side lielng spelled service Wednesday at 4 p. m. Sewlug school Mr. Lincoln’s career was of tact office, hotel, store and f tmllv help « t a repairing united in full inspira- ington and other societies for We are now to make to order the death of their father. Smith of Goshen, N. Y., were b»»"*-uav at 2.30 p. iu. if kinds to their names on our li*t to s** years. ready Yesterday was the most disagreeable register or of Wilder Winslow has to Gardiner tion for ambitious young men and the DIBIHO KM PLo VM 1\N I anything in rings pins a’uy special design gone forenoon at the Sail Loft meetings are held at No. 0 Cen- cure best places. M< KEN- of the season. marriage Wednesday TROUBLE and you may wish at very short notice. to visit friends. day tral VN hart Sunday morning, commencing will be glad to see a num- BLOOD SAUSAGES THE ASSOCIATION, 92 Exchange St., Port residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. every preacher goodly NEY, tne Jeweler, Monument Square. Portland. Oiner was in town and Mrs. at 10.30 a. m. All are w elcome. tf Me. 9-1 Captain Chapman Kx-Gov. Kobie daughter, ber of them In his hoard o ^ janrJdtf Kev. O. K. congregation at 10.. m. by the pastor which they eaten form _^1_ I Iv I ULn Pay. Am broso m. Central The regular ineetiug of ttockameeoook s.” This claim th meeting. He Keeps ni Dying. Kpworth League tf.lop. evening Ruuaog« they explains W ANTED -To purchase a house iu desirable Trio—Nocturne, Nidor Mrs. Dr. Stacy and ber father, Kev. meetiug at 7 p. m. All are Invited. it tribe of lied Men was held last e.enlnc reason that the disease is confined to th > location in fitv of Portland; M esteru aDr. C.T. FISK “Here, this write up about the death of k< »i— or Address giving location Lewiston, Me. All f* A Violin, ’Cello, Organ. have to their home in State Street CungkeoationalChi at tiv ir hall. The new are to Ik French population. part city preferred. SjjMainStrKkt, Mr. K. King, gone the oldest citizen can’t go!” by-law* of feet of laiiu, Closing Selection—Selected, Rev. J L. Jenkins. D. D. minis ter. Morning There were reported to the board o f of property, value, number e.e., \ 11 letters answered. ConstiltsiLon ftw|l P" Mrs. Stacy will be in Port- “What's the matter with it?” io.3u. in. submitted at the next free Violin Obligato Monmouth. service at Sabbath school'at 12 Eve- moetiug Friday health, three new cases Friday mornlnu "M. X.”. care of I’tBo*._ FREE! Scud for free pamphlet. | | uLif we him service at 7.30. Postlude—Marcne, Rhein land after March 1st. '•Matter with it? Why. gave Ding evening for upproval. but Investigation proves them to be othe \t S. Hotel, Portland; Saturdays only. berger nm mow ren ly to t.uv all kinds at the time.” second Parish Congregational Chi p< h small ■\NTFI>—I Cortbell is conUned to the half a column Tne entertainment which the aenloi than the alleged pox. >5 tallies', kents' ami ctillilren's Mr. Fred Given, violin; Mr. Carl Principal cor. l'earl St. Rev. Roll In i. Hack, ol cast Off “What time?” Congress, n or. limn any puroiia.er In I house with Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. class of tho high school was to give next Clothltnt 1 I*.,'. Oestenierg, violoncello; Mr. James Hum, grip. pastor. letters to MB. or MBS. Dc “What time? Why, when he died four school at 12 in. tl,« city. S. n , SPOT CASH—OLD COLD. social was Sunday has been abumlomd. FARM BUILDINGS BURNED. uud director. The Kpworth league post- week i BOOT. 76 M 1,1 JIa organist months ago!”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Second Advent Church, Congress Place, SI._ of tht* storm. is to be a ‘‘Lincoln recital" We give you the highest price for Old Gold as poned on account Kev. E. P. Woodward, pastor. Sunday school There at flPBCIAL TO T1IR PKKSS.J | o Imd health that R-I P-A-N-H I we use It for making ring*. McKENNEY th« PENOBSCOT INDICTMENTS. in. WANTKI*- John in and Bible da ses at 1.4o Preaching at Westbrook Seminary Monday afternoon to Ki oct27dtf Mr. Hinkley spent Friday p. Poland, February 10.—The farm builc win not '..-tie tit. send 5 cent* pans them leal Jeweler. Monument Square. Kev. John Keith Jr., of Great Fells, Mont, 3 p. in. by the pastor. Social and prayer mcet- amt 1.000 10.—This afternoon at three o’clock. Mis* Mabel tb* New York, for It* au,ples tnlit,lonlmts, Bangor, February Augusta. 7.30 ra. Seals tree; all are Invited. Satford, of S. 1\ Co., recommended Fly's Cream Balm to me. I can p. ings John Sohillengor at South the to Jus- Conghkgationai. teacher in elocution at tho Is tc February grand jury reported "It Is a cure for St. Lawrence Church, school, land were tire at 4.ii emphasize his statement. positive streets—Kev. A. totally destroyed by UltLT WAKTED, tice W is wo 11 of the Supreme court its list DEATH OF PROMINENT NEW- Cor. Congress and Muujoy 11. have charge of tho entertainment. Appro FF.HaLE catarrh If used as directed.”—Kev. Francis W. Wright, pastor. Moral e service at 10.30. Sun- this morning. Mr. Schillengor wa of Indictments as follows: Louis selectiom ate to be ih« Bou*hay CAb'i LE MAN. Poole, Pastor Ceulral Pres. Church, Helena, day school 2 in. Evening u horal service and prluto given by awakened by the noise of something fnl -Amcncm of William and liospel address al 7.M). The exercises are in ANTED—An experienced tab to girl. Ap Oldtown, murder; Carty Mont. scholars. memory and rushed from his room to 11 nd th (* [SPECIAL TO THE *RKSS.] Chime* wi»l riug at io a. in. and 7.00 p. m. ing y? ply at once at the 8HKKWOOD, No. Emma Morrison, adultery; Charles After using Ely’s Cream Balm six weeks I of Lincoln’s birthday. j kitchen and dining room* in Samoa. Th * Park 8t._10-*_ and Crawford, Daiuariscotta, February 10.—El bridge believe myself cured of catarrh.—Joseph Stew- Tin* funeral services or the late Vague Mary larceny; Emily house was lgrge and well furnished. 1 at'ANTED-*-A woman to do light house wort G. Baker u citizen and John break- highly respected art, Grand Ave.. Buffalo. N. Y. widow of William 11. ura to b< yf of two. Terms Henry Ford, larceny; Berry, F., Allan, of the furniture ami the stock wer a In a family good. Andres well to do farmer of North A trial size or the :»oe. size of Cream l«*rt '.ssl Brunswick. Me. 9-1 and Osoar G. Newcastle, 10c. Fly’s Sunday afternoon at one o'clock BOX ing entering; Kingsbury, hold saved. Insurance, «. L. died at noon of He Balm will be mailed. Kept by druggists. Ely BAILEY, compound larceny; Alex Collins, t wo for today pneumonia. from the residenoj of hot son, J. F Agent, N. Y. Jan JO 463 Middle Street. codwg was taken with a ba \ cold about ten Brothers, 56 Warreu St.. \ forgerV ; Joseph Sprowl, assault and bat- days Allen. 777 Main street, North Deering. THREE MASTER DISABLED. which terminate 1 LOST AND FOUND. tery; Rhoda P. McCarter, maintaining a ago in pneumonia. of the large limbs of a tree He Mood t'orreotcil. One ii Mass., February 10.- uuLanoe. There are about It HI was Highland Light, liquor His age 68 years. He leaves a wife the residence of Mr. wa NOTICE. ‘•f sentenced the to be Bon front of Theodor* The three masted schooner whioli OST—About five weeks ago between Owei indictments. prisoner lynch- | and a host of friends to mourn a disable 1 a snial his loss. rural Mom-k .Stevens Flairs avenue. wai reported lying in apparently A; Moore's and head of Park St., 1 wish to inform my friends and the ed, said the Justice. Wil 1 was at the time of his death oonditlou off Orleans has gone ashore jui t black port*monuaie containing mcney. MR.DISULKY RKTTKR He road com- can t do honor,” ob- off afternooi that X have an Cl “But you that, yer wrenched partly yesterday Is o:» th 3 tinder pleate leturu same to 211 Commercial St public generally, opened south of Nau»et Inlet. As she at missioner of Newcastle. Ho had 1 8-1 office 42 1-2 St. for the — also the for the defense. The branch fell and receive reward? Kxclrauge Lewiston, February 10 At midnight rep- jected lawyer by tin* wind. partly ovei main beach it Is believed that the crei k, his town in the transaction of Kite Insurance business resented legislature. “Como to think of It,’ said the justice, of onto ■ comm unioat lo the condition of lion. .Jeremiah Dingier and was in danger Tailing tb< 'leaped, but as telephone au mo Ami I UST— lnithis city over 2 years ago and would solicit a share informs fact cat 1 ony: respectfully of air right, for iny bailiff with Nauset is Interrupted, this li in of who is ill with “you The Modern Cleaner. trolley wir**s of the Portland Kuilrout seal nug with the figures “TF* cut Hi business. Auburn, critically ain’t three o’ in towji.”— aot be established at The vesst 1 | your first Class Companies. Dr. Hull • Cough Syrup i* t ti«- best they yards rope pre'eut. stone and the words 'Do just right-' eugravei was ue more cause the hands to ntnotn Electrician Black hall and R. pneumonia, regarded hope- medicine for troubles. Due Dottle Atlanta (prostitution. Will not company. is a mass of ice and apparently was un within the baud. If the Under will retur: [ CUTLER LIBRY, pulmonary •“ — were proiuutlv on ful. •vrij coevinc* vou o* excellence. i;. -III •'•VES THEM SOFT. «*ivw of men hard ant I manage**** same to this office he will be rewarded. 8-1 feb7tw* 42 1-2 Exchange $t.

m. i RAILROAD*. OF STEA %l *M * t* I* All HOAIM. Ck>«l!>« quotations of •tookai • AILING |)AT« Mr Underwood. Democrat of Alabama mow roa CAUCUSES. reviewed the record of the promt)t Con- HvivMiVM'omRim Feb. 10. Fob. t> Asti .Itv York Hio Janeiro Fsb lo REPUBLICAN m REVENUE. At< iii*m, BOSTON A..M AIN E It I F I limiter gress to show that It had betrayed R* .. jn, a14* Viler.New York. Barbados ...Feb 10 pledges to the Atchison [»fi| 3 <■ So*.* ninifli*.Nsw Yotr i.amvn Pebll In l.tfort Or ob«r 3rd, I aim people. Pa. 11 Mr. of Penn- tJnUnl in,- 61* a M‘'i Palatla.New York. Hamburg Fen lh* of Wrralrr Portland Kirkpatrick. Republican trip*, a an** »1 WlCSTFRN HI VISION Htpubliot* defended expansion. Mr. oi|j,, .j*;, F Bismarck .New York. Genoa.»b notifled lu eylvunik, m tie Cbloaitr, * Alton.lT.xd 173 ....New fork Havre.!.Feb 11 Trains leave Portland, l nion Station. for heralmifter iluaignaieU are of concluded the of Products Champagne Lentz, Democrat Ohio, ((notations staple *>■••«•> AAlloii New York Liver pool .Pebll Kcwrhoio CrtNinK, I" a. rn.. 6.20. p. in.; to wl»: ftanif 14(1 LwmaU...... meet In canrna aa follows debate for the day with a denunciation ChH*«.i. bur. a (Joiner.1 7** 1* *» Anehoria .New >or* giamow ....Feb 11 M*erl>«*r« llrm li, In. fol.it, 7.00. 10.00 a in.. sen- Imi. A HI’* 11 6.20, Out 4 Band 7 In their rrapeotlro of the President for commuting the l/adins Markets. Hud. anal Co.Ill’s Alleghany ... New York Kingston F#b 330, d.'-'-'s ii.. Orchard, 1, S, 3, 6, IR’I. •. hall, tence of Commbsaiy General Kagan He lac k. A Host.168 149 Bparndam .New York Kotierdain.. Feb 11 HHld-iord. 7.f •■.In. lo.oo U. in., 12.35. Marti and ward * In Jx'Wl* Dcnt'-r 1 I f-20 K. room*, Mr. Cannon's Figures Reinforced in declared that General Kagan's attack A ii. ti. 22’ 22*k SantiagodCnbaNew York, south Cuba. Feb ?J30. a.-A p. Ill; II.Kliiink, 7.00, 8.40. and ward « In floaa bo«i*e J, In lrlp.no* 14 >, 14* * Yucatan.New York. Havana ....Feb a. nu, 12*30. '>.•*>. .25. f>.2,j p. in.; K«*iniehunk- Woodford*, upon General Miles had no parallel File 11 7210. 8.40. a. in. 12.> February I] New York Stork a ad Hoary Market. 1st dpi 30* * 38*« Irrawaddy .Jlew York. .Trinidad ...I‘sb pnrt. ..33* 5.25, p. in.; on Monday, He had called General 7.00. 8.40 «. Morrill'* corner, lions*'. military history. 11111"". t.ntral.HR'-, 116'S Buenos Ay read Portland Liverpool... I el» I 6 WrIO r>r.«idi. in., 330. 0.25 p. in.; from the troth ,« a * pelect seven de>«atee Miles a liar for simply telling j Lake In,• a West. 2o*a 30 Ktona... New York Montevideo Feb In Dover, ponirreworth. 7.00. 8.4o a. in., 12J5 70th, 1«W, to IP.; Itorlir. » oould Feb. lo. Jmke 200’ a Feb 16 ?J0. 8.-3 p. tr, f-urnilneton, Uteater Fortlaut! t which 60,000 private soldier* tes-; NEW YOEK. shore.200’s Scotlvb Prince New York.. P’roambuco eeeh ward to attend the 16 A linn Hay. 8.4o :k m., 12... 330 I.akfr had been fed rotten loan Ionia A Nil'll. 84** 84’* floisletn ... New York 1 ape flayll Feb p. in.; 'be *•- 'i'lto troops on cull «u 2«r2v« ; la*t convention, for pnrpoeeol tlfy. Money steady 11 Prince Feb 16 l*aaanla, KVrire, I'lymomh, 8.40 a. in.. mayoralty mid Mr Lentz and Gen. Kagan Manhattan l>T*ted .Ill's Alps. New York. Port port, for beef, yet j IVfr rent; prime mercantile paper 2** Feb 1«» 12.35 p. m.; Worcni«r ( ta Horn.t*worth aou nominating a candidate f »r si t per Mexican Central. 7 San Marcos. New York. Porto Klco.. etoh • was ta be suspended with full pay with .F eb J 6 Rochester), 7.o0 a. m.; ( uncord to nominate oandidatee for a8'« percent Sterling Lxchange strong, Mlrluaan < ntral .11*8* lllki Poljrearp .... New York Para Mancneeter, and three fourths i.nd N* r< n. 7.00 a. in.. (' p. m.. n*r- three years then retired upon Ml"" A 4 .. ... Feb 16 North to wit: One alderman, actual business in haukers bilk* at * 05'? SI I .mil* 48’; Germanic? .New York. Liverpool follow*, two because he had denounced the truth Minn. A >’8 York. ....Feb L» wlck, Dotiir, Farter, llnvnh i, I awrence, warden, clerk, and MR. DOCKERY SUBSTANTIATES pay, dx. M. I mil, old 98 Kensington. New .Antwerp councilman, for at- 85H lor demand.rind 4 83H/»4 8. *4 •* ira Feb I« I.owrll, Hoefon, a (.■ 7‘ •‘.T' a. m.. 12.3% Ward. » and ns a Re. He was to bo rewarded v«|4 Missouri Parlflo.44’a 44*« Talisman.New York Demur Runs on fast special schedule via Chtrag con.table*. and In J, 4.0.,T. i«. p. m. Arrive Host >u, ;.2\ io.15 n. in.. With his rates at 4 86‘.2. cummer Now Central.103 lOl’i .... Nsw \ork. .Sou.li Cuba-.Feb 8J0, ■ lid Irnii M <' in. t a •* Tea of the school STATEMENTS MADE. tacking General Miles. ray ly clays; posted 84. *a«•«». Blddfforo, I>u>n». o’clock and I lie President For 111* most htdnous olfenn> against military Northwestern pfd.1*1 190 Button.. .New York Pern’bnco North Rorw Hoiton. Mas*. remain until nine p. m„ Lenta Scores Feb 2 1 hunk. «n. 11001, ! vrter. open ro«e. State lends inactive. One A Heat 22** 21’j Lain.New York Bremen dec7dWed*Bat as of said ward discipline. The committee then Have hill, l.awri lire. I ihvi-II, n»«t II, lor *uch further time any In Case of Gen. Kagan. 22 21”* York Liverpool l2.\% Action Wednesdnv. was a**t apart bonds Readdiii Cymric.New l;>»■ 4.,**o in. Arrive lkr»i..: 1- m. In Wartl. S and # February ^3, Railroad strong. •• p. oaucUM-* may vote. Rock I.land .117’* 118“* Feu tonic.New York .. Liverpool Feb for paying tribute to the memory of the Rochester, TmiDliul. t i. n Ray 4.30 t io polls will open at roveu de- 9t. i .■ ii .lanv. lar.'r 8t.Fi.ul.New York. Bo’amston Feb (Deeripa) Washington. February 10.—General 1 >te Senator Morrill. Feb*J.' r. m o’clock tn., and remain open until midst. St. Paul pfd.189 188’* Noordland.New York. Antwerp FAST* HN OIV ISION. P 5 a recess 2* civil At o'clock the House took St. Paul < 92 *2 ...... Liverpool. rcb rn.. and for such further bate on the sundry appropriation The folio* in* isolations rspresent u>» par A ’malm. Sardinian Portland nine o’clock p until 189 Feb For lUdileford, TOURIST SLEEPING GARS caucuses elgh* olclock, tho evening session to market: 81. Paul a Omaha pfd....170 Mom calm. New York London I'or'-month, Newbury- | time us any cf said ward may bill was concluded today. The speakers lug prices ta Uits \ be devoted to 7c *' M Minn. A Minin Philadelphia New »nr* lAffnayra Feb port. Anti' bury, abon, I »i.n. It.,-', a, '.00, To California and New Mexico. of pension legislation. Cow and steers. .. 1 \ Tote. touched a variety topics 21ak ... York 2b MO ft. B)w 1 5.50 Arliona and Texaa.F during the day bulls a'.id Texas Paclfl,' 2l*k PalecarUa. New P’rnambuco.Feb ton, litft the s»»g?.. Feb Vo lO. 4. 0 • L A check prepared by Republi- and 10c Union I'a.T’,,- i,f,t ... 79’a 79** DeieiMrlla.New York tMri iamb t»oo a. in.. 12. p. .stun for but as a the debate lacked spirit WHAT ANTI-IMPERIALISTS WANT. smi.s-No 1 duality will b« used in each rule, ** Para .Feb 2b 731 o.'jo a. i"., : .i » Funwt r >urlil ticaidoni Ian D can cit» committee a c Wnloah. 8 ’* H_ Hubert.New York IVir'iiuid. 15 p. n». Wahinfim, p who No .• J < oed Setorday. t of Missouri, — ** A1 rive rortiand. U.v. C.,*T#rr Wdneedoy Through il*fp. ward In the In Wards 1, 2, 3, 5. Interest. Mr. Dockery 10 At a Wabash t’td ... 22 21‘A Tartar Prince New York Naples. &c..Fcb i.-.w «..«* 10.15, city. Boston, February gs oral No 3 .* h7r ere g*n Frnactoeu without c) anjro the^ck .Nr« p has not Ho.I A 172 Etna.New York. Genoa.F>b *2.» 10.45 p. Hi. * 6 and 7 no person whose name is at the head of the minority of the ap m< of the anti imperialis: league Culls .26*60 Maine .172 Orlosn* and the »em»-tr>*f tcol ixgwno of ths Snath. etlng New Touralne.New York Havre.Feb M SPIV 1 !{A I nxt aud Pnrtrnthr I b**en marked hereon as a is York .in,I .sew- Km:, pt.. IVre Conductor* ugh days f Republican committee, reinforced Mr. hold here today,Governtnor Houtwoll pre- 180 York. P*rnainbuooFeb -6 B*« 4 W Loo * 1-t t be propriations Old Colmiv 201 Coleridge.Nsw For Vtlddefu d. i- to Franrleco too Angela# tops included in this oall and will not al- sided and made u uddress. The Iletnll Gravers* Sn|«r .Vlarkrt. th. Nrirbnrr to Mow Mrxt.o tad Arliooo * I t toyi to Two* of us to the stirring Adams .I(>8 108 4 f s Kxpress lalcn l.?i ,. end k to vote or take any In the Cannon tigurcs yectordny * pert, 1343 Sleeper* <>ti«* for occupancy Toe#«ley Fndoy lowed part following resolutions were with Portland maraet—cut loaf confectioners I, r ..141 141 ■ adopted 7c; AltiiTi, xpress. Arrive **«• ’o < and to to nn* the National Capltr.l L 8 and y the revenues Air. Dear- i*.m. 4.no p. m. night* gn! caucus in said waid. In Wards in enthusiasm: 11. 9. iiip-ss f>4' 64',* fwi'hmit extra c’ rm Wed«e#dex and Ha tor- deficiency groat 8c; jiowdcred 7c: granulated 8c; coffee crushed Leave Boston for l’< .u, ni. *nre> p of 7.00p. < W- the voting lists of the city Mr. Glllett of Alassa- 1.—I he league demands People .11.• * Ill’s im «!ox inornlnx* WrtU for hanlieM lUBOtUf, (Deering) mond. of Missouri, anti-imperialist 5 6c. \ 1 XY.KI1S K N Lew Arrive Portland, p. Boot fro# ’nC, yellow la a <■ 8 69 olAlag fall Information p as theeity committee, tho Immediate ol hostilities In Homes a. I>. f\ri al North < addrom Deering adopted by and others, discussed the suspension 7** *op< For iifr nrah. o ticket, and rewrxatioM. c will be and no will be al- chuaetts policy Portland WkolMalr llarkrt. Ontario 7‘4 Berwick and Kv »»*r E. K. CTOIAIER, If E A Bo Fee. Co, ► used, person the * _ and Mr. Lents of Ohio he- Philippines, lV'tllo Mall 62 » Bute ftroot, Borrow lowed to vota whose name is not on said of expansion a. —The !<‘ insists that it is the i Feb 10 62, I>. J. I LANLI 1 B vl. T. A. Boston, iguo duty PORTLAND. Pullman Palac*©.1B0 1»»*' PORT OF PORTLAND ™ t the administration for oct.; dll ^ list. Torely criticized of Congress to tender an official assur- The Wheal market at was SuK»r,< Minnmn.181 12b1 a .Mmu.,irwii,.V the today Chicago alii . Said check list will be verified by ance to tho and to the inhabitants WfHtvrn 1*4'3 tf4’* , exercise of clemency in the case of Gen- country oulet and May declined \* to lc. Hour Is very L'nlon FRIDAY. Fib 10. i: ward committees and all errors of the that th<» Uni toil States Southern respective The that theie Philippines Ky pftl.. Arrived. In and marking eral Kagan. latter charged dull and at*oiit steady at unchanged prices.Corn or omissions making will encourage the organization of such nov5 firmer. is OF* St Croix. Pike. St John. NH, via theieof corrected to said was an evident t reward I •• to the and Oats steady. Kys Turpentine IlnttnB I rod a Merkel. Steamship MijM _aodtf upon disposition a ns application government may agteeaMe for Boston. ward committees who will be in session that- its lower at 50 60c. BOSTON Tke toUow.uo ar* Kastport those who attacked General Miles because people of the islands and upon Kcb. 10 St:aiuer State. Dennison. Boston head- * > ji PruViflious eto. Bay < •- MAINE R. K. for tbat purpose at Republican o ganizatlon the United Suites will In The following quotations represent the whole- Ui-UA) uouwuin M Hurt On and after MtiNH.u 1 98, trains CENTRAL l-~ the latter had had the manhood to tell the j bob Lydia Webster. Hooper. Clyde. Hoorn 3. Brown b»ock, 637 will leave i- llov. ,. quarters, accordance with Its traditional anil pre- sale uncos for Uils market; rf.orn 7.30 to 9 truth about the rotten beef fed to Cleared. Congress street, Portland, from alleged pel lev In such 0MM{ reoogolie 4 10B* 75 ft effect Not. 2S h*\ to scriptive Flour. 8«rlnirp Cacouna. (Br> Mcfbail. Loaisburg. o’clock in the evening of the 13th, 13th our In Cuba and Porto Kiuo. Dur- It as an and state Winter 4 no 4 4o Steamship Trains leave Portland as follow*; troops Independent equal patent G M Stsnwood For Lewiston n a. in., F3", inclusive, and at any time and low grades.3 O0a3 15 f ee. an :i 40 4 o ». .00 1 of February, the course of the debate, Mr. arm ngr uatlous. Superfine atragh Horatio Hall. Bragg. New York— 4.no and y. 7 00 a. in. For liruuswlok. Bath. Itockla l the of the ing Hep- | Wheat baker..3 25a3 35 Steamship I to three o'clock on day Spring .1 F l.tM’omb. For t.orliain. I i’oml, 8.13 h. Augusta, Waterville, Bkowtiecan. Lisbon Falls prior kind burn. chairman of the interstate and for- W heat .4 5u«t4 76 caucus, but no corrections of any spring patents folonreBter t ieh Mnrlt-t. sch P Blackburn. Ross News— hi., l.dtl and »-. Lewiston via Kruuswick, Bedfast, Ban^-r OFFERED TO HARROWS. Mich, and M i.outs *t. roller.4 ia*«4 15 M. Newport made after the hour above men- commerce committee notice EXIMXG Feb. 0. 18tt0. .1 s A t o. For Montreal at. 11. tn. uu ic.oo Bucksport, houiiou, Woudatock and nc will be eign gave M amt SL Louts c eir..1 90H> Full Tilt WTF.lt Winslow who 10.— Indirect but1 loll. Boolhbav P-H‘ Stephen via Vancehoro and 8t John. that Washington. February * Sch Augustus Hunt. It air. North tioned, provided Republicans that he would offer the Nicaragua canal W niter W beat patents.4 26 4 35 Lut veles Irenli ank halibut at 7«5e ♦» IF »'• 1 For Mechanic of caucus and authentic information was aud Washltu ton—.1 Winslow 6t Co. For Quebec, p H.joa. qj. Danville Jc.. Falls, register on the day the apparently for wli «imi irr •>. Knmford Falls Lewiston, Oaklaini. on bill as an amendment to the sundry civil the Massachusetts • oru a nd Ford. Sch Ague* Mabel. Moseley, Bar Harbor— Ran- Wluthrop. whose names have not been marked received today by t.. oik» h Itallbul at 8c for white ami Jrtc p tb a j; rivals. Kcadflcld. NNntervllle. Livermore Falls, Fartu ear lots,old. OOo. 40 dall & McAllister. bill. members In that Corn, for n salu check list may vote upon presenta- Congress Representative «ru>. U-l. •„ r.. c \! Kai ..n.'.M I»» ny a.. 111 <1 — J II Fiom Lew .rn. 8 10, 1130 a. Ington and « orn, car lota, usw. ou« 45 iroin vesaet ft Phillips. rat Jon from Harrow* of Massachusetts had bu n l.-»"*t *ates of «teorge« <’o<1 95 10./R a. in. For Bath. tion of certificates of resist Corn, lots. 00« 4 7 Blake. Brunswick, Augusta bag lor targe tuu y _ IUI u;oumui, Brunswick. the Portland Board of Hegistrntl >n and offere.. the pout of libruriuu in Congress sch .1 Chester Wood. Haskell, Roekport—I>o- From Island I* Durham, 8.tn and Waterville and Lewiston via 10.— The House Meal. lots... 45 1 75. n m Kinross for Brunswick. Rath. committee that Washington. Fetrnary and hail bag QO,n 11.30 h. rtf. .o,u j.. -.1 after satisfying the ward accepted. »» 38 cast of < teu Grain Co. went Oats, car lots Hamlline cod, -aught ape Sable.N.ft, From Chlen 1. *.10 a m. and Rockland and all stations onthe Knox an! are today, without preliminary business Senator Lr Kepre- j lor they Republicans. Lodge accompanied 5 |» cwl for large amt ;2 OU medium. m. I in. mi., Ban 92 Hit N F*. 5.45 i*. division, Augusta. watorvllls. All are earnestly requested of the whole anil resumed sentative Harrows, called at tho White « otton ear lots.O0©o« 21 00 bbl, FK»»M OUIl CO HUE* PON Republicans Into committee ] heed, Halt N ewfouiHUaud herring iSoup From yuebti *.i ■ m. ror. Bar Harbor. Greenville, and Houllon. via names tire correctly iinn-H today and srtnnt some time with t otton deed, bag lots.OO oo« 23 OO r*e Decrees Codfish new |*C Me. Feb 7-Sld.sch Harold J to see that their consideration ot' tho civil quote prune STONINGTON. M NI*A V B. & A R H .i__.... m h.i lip.iunfll sundry appro cm lor small Dank TRAINS. the President. Upe .‘ached Bran, hag lots.»7 oo« Id OO at :t 76a.4 6o lor and >3 25 M3 *0 lor stonington. Me. Feb 7— bch A del la coraon For Montrr n l. ronto and Chicago Danville Jo.. Lewiston. Liver ami take part in ilieir respective ward priation Upon rows strongly Intimated that he would large Falls. Bemls, Mddlliig, car lots. .ooix.'tldoo small; Pry Hank at 4 2 and $4 76 for large ami (.'apt K W Wheaton, irom Hillsboro, NB. tor 1 ti.no p. in. more Kalin. Farmington. Kiuufleld. Carrabas caucuses. tion, general debate was to clove with this the successor of the Jute John Bussell Middling, hag. lots. .00 00«18 00 3 7ft ft4 outfor •mall. Shore at 15 62uo 76 for Boron, with ran shore oti McClatnery For Lew istot n- •! a. in. and 6.00 p. m. let and Oakland, cast in ward paster, Phillips Rangelev. Wln'hrop. A plurality of votes any legislative day. Young. Mixed u ed.17 50* Id IK) large and 3 60 to 4 *>o for small. L**dge while attempting to go arouud the let* Bingruuu. Watervllle ami 8kowhegau. caucus of Greater Portland will he re- lots at 28*9*1 for which blocked the main here The ve< Au- of ork. IlMf, Laril mill ••• lfr». Mackerel in Jobbing passage a 111;l\ AIjH. 1.15 p.m. For reoport, Brunswick. office. Mr. Dockery, Democrat Missouri, JOINED 2s low is a tofttl low quired to nominate randi iatea for STH1KKKS TO UK KM 13 00»»13 60 Dloa ers: >2 <9*7 lor Is; »*o*921 for run- «el broke In two at tide and gusta. Watervllle, Bkowhegan. Belfast. Han fork—Heavy. were sav* and From l« r '."iham, Montreal in the the country the « ning trom 300 to *6o I' bbl; uo *■ III market Tim# sails and running rigging d. l tnd. Dover and Foxcroft. Greenville. Bangor To accommodate those residing congratulated upon lu.—The 1’ork .Medium.12 2. 12 60 iml Wnt.iil" Ward I and Marlboro. Pebruarv general liccf 50 We cured eusit |4('Oa4 2 4* qtl; uake the captain will try to save anchors and chains Dldtown and Mattawamkeag. voting ot lslan statement made by Mr. Cannon light.10 00*00 quote Fri-m I ewtsUi- n 11 a. m. precincts jester existed 26-2 7ft; haddock $2 76* 8 26 heavy salt If weather is favorable. 6.io m. For Brunswick. Bath. Llsbo island Ward the cuucus for Island strike of shoe workers which ha* Beef heavy .11 OOa 11 60 92 p. 2, Had It been mane he ed and English cured do Pullman ! c- ; Cars on Night Falls. Gardiner. Augusta and Watervllle and day. earlier, said, this c since last fail assumed a new Boneless, half bbl*. 6 76« 5 OO pollock'at 9* *5«*otli BOUlHBAY HAKBOIL Feb 10— In port, schs Ward 1 will be held at Long island, In ity 4. Danville l.ard tvs and half bbl,pure l»1.a« O'* 2 t' qtl. Maggie Hurley. Rogers, Rockland foe Work; train 6.15 p.m. For N»w Gloucester. 1-land J at Peaks Island at four the country might have been saved many late this afternoon when subpoenas Auburn and Lewiston. lor Ward phase Lard tes aud half 44* «<5 west handllne boneless Hoogs cod for me- Lse Newton, fm Host >n via Portland for I ll M ni It 1 HKPol AT FOOT OK JuncL Mechanic Palls. Were serve* ! on members of bqLcom— Mary o'clock in., on the day appointed. million of dollars. Mr. Dockery piiHluced twenty-five dtUB) to /V»o large, middles ft 6<»a,$l>: boneless F Swift. Webber. Kockland for INDIA Ml,l I 1 11.06 p ni. Night Express, every night, for p court l.ard —falls, puro. 7l/» >« 7 ’* Calais; Emily ballot to he used at the the unions to appear in tbeFupreme Shore do tirand Hank do 847ft*c; cusk, .* Stun l ns wick. Bath, Lewiston, August;*. Water- The official to show that there was in >• f» 5^7c; Boston; Harold J Met tv, McFadden. novl rttf figures already 14 to l.ard—falls, coni|Mnind. 6'y » at * lib-, Moosenead Lake. Aroostook several caucuses will Lc and in boston on Tuesday Fe bruary CM »c; haddock 4 s a;61« ; uake 2ft*^«t| Burton or New\ork; Oliver S Barrett. Ft win, Bangor. prepared the l.ard—furo leal. O a Mac hiss. Fast and and will sight a deficiency of |t>7,UU0,0U0 for show came an tlon should brands ol entirety boned cod il to Tftc Cove for Norfolk; Nellie .1 « rock’r, % fancy HaggeUs Bar printed in er Smoked Halibut, straight strips at 8 Si NB f*r New York Man- *TLA MI KS. >i« via Washington R K., Harbor, of candidates for dele- next fiscal Hut this was exclusive not te issued to restrain the m from thickens 12 M 13 #» tb; Henderssn. din. contain the names year. 8c; small at 6ft* I; k- St. Paul Mimic bill will do so tho-e sum* leas A limy 22«30 charter? to go to Virginia fora whtleoak tratne Liverpool amvhlps Montreal. Chicago and not in imitation of the voived In the Hanna-Palne subsidy that they Among 5t• a4 bbl for and 2£ printed ballots, I 25«/ 50 sold 3 00 |> large 92 75g3 now cut for a large vessel to be built at spoils and all i» I ts west. and maned into court are John H. Murray. J*. eas—Congous.. being I ep. •Uuet’*' 1* let. official ballot will be received counted of the for medium. \yrcan ■* 1.45 iu. and the bill f«»r the construction Belfast for the South Amerlcau trad-*. *' p. For sebago Lake. Cornish, Brldg- J. J. Dalton leas—Japan. 3ou35 hali- F**h. **>aidiulaii us cast. J. B. P. Dorsey, Pickled codfish 4 50go OO: haddock 94; ton and Hiram either of these Byrne. 1 eus Eormosa... n l«- 4 Nicaraguan canal should all 3,5 05 heads *5.1 Mongolian Mar. * and of each and 'William Jiailerty, prominent but |3 w •* 5.50 in. For umber land Mills. Sebago lhe chairman secretary Molasses Borto Rico. 2* <*35 Kxcntvai; iiisrircHi'. it CastUinn toevv 11 be Alter the civil wai, summonses have been •• •• l*akc. North Glen caucus will uiuke a r. cord of the names latter bills passed. union officials. Molasses Barbadoes. 28 <*20 Passed the Lizard Feb 1<>. steamer .6 •luranlan ix Rrtdgtou, Fryeburg. Conway, )• « mock M*rk« Pennsyl secretaries of the local ngo l.its *' Mid Bartlett. of all persons for whom ballots are cast Ik* said. Congress had revelled and rioted Served upon the Raisins, London 1-ayer*. 76**200 vanla. from New York for Hamuurg. ; Mar. "i;ueno* Ayreai; -5 them to us wit- Raisins. Loose Muscatel. *ie»uicr and the number of votes cast for each of the but the unions notifting appear 7 By Tetecranh. Sid fin Queeustown wth. Teutouic, Apt il MM) VY TK tM. the on tho substance people, with then* books. from for New York M candidate, and certify and deliver nesses l»rv Fish and Mackerel. CUirAfiO. Feb. 10. ’890— Cattle—receipt* Liverpool iDgoUa* 44th had oorae. Another 44th Passed Queenstown leb nth. steamer New • steaiBP!* intrxed thus do not carry 7.20 a. m. Paper train for Brunswick Au same, together with a check list, at He Congress Cod. Shore. 4 5oac 4 76 2.<8H>: cattle 6 oOtfsfrh 5; choice steers ai pas- large fancy Knglaud. irom Liverpool tur Boston senger* Mongolian, Nuoddlati and avtthan ;uitH, Watervllle ami Bingo*. immediately after would come, not by that name, FUFF UALK BLOWING. Bmall Shore.... 2 25« 3 75 5 5t»«» 0 /medium at 4 HOr»5 111; beef steers publican headquarters Congress Ar at Queenstown »0th, s.earner Bntamc, fm carry all classes. 12.J0 p. m. I ram for Brunswick. Lewiston, of the caucus. Bollock 2 60 a 3.0 at 4 05 4 75. stacker< ami feeder* »t 3 30« the adjournment bi the It — for Llv* Bath. Watervllle .Hid Bancor. however. It might 57th, might Provlncetown, Mass., February 10. A 4 New York rpool. Augusta. selected to attend the Haddock. 2 oo«». 2 25 4 75 ; cows and heir* at 3 30 iH); Weston: ini'KS OF FNnSAOK. lhe delegates e Ar at Genoa lutti. steamer Augusta Victoria, ll.oop.m. Night FIxpresv for all points, the but one would still gulo has been blowing sin Hake..2 Oi 2 fed steers 4 ;5 Texans 3 50«5 OO. convention am to not be until 58th, westerly u, 25 New York. >lee car for L J din. requested •• < All V ping mayoralty noon, a number of ooast'T* Herring, per box, scaled. l» ■# 14 Hogs receipts 14.00"; fair to quoted on come the that con- compelling Arat Moville loth, steamer Scotsman, from * in meet at hall, City building, animated by spirit 4 at 3 "4 00 *r Arrive I'ortland. Reception and fishermen to put in here for a harbor. Mackerel, Miore Is..23 00 <*25 00 at 3 >71 * 121 butchers 72V* for l'er Mongolian Nwtn Ran. >-> and £w>, at four o’clock « M John NB. via Halifax Liverpool. Ibursday, February -3rd, trolled the 14th and it would cut down Mackerel. Bliere 2s. 21 00**2300 at 3 65" 92Mi. pigs 3 40 « 3 7«'. t lalillan. *■• J -I *;o. A reduetlou ol 5 and 8.21 At & p m. an unknown United Mates light sld loth teamcr Caliloruun. ior Halifax and From Bartlett. No. Conway Bridgton, iu the for of muni as.. .15 active, Jit 2 cent is uu tickets. afternoon, ibe.purpose the tax burdens of the people. i *-cl forward un Large ouu,i7 00 NheeP—receipts11,000. sheep 60.g St NB. pci allow* return * ul Lewiston au 1 Mechanic Falls, 8.J0 a. n*.. warship, heavily having n John, a candidate for mayor. of Indiana, I’rodoce. 4 50; lauibs 4 00 5 U« >. \Vaterville ami Align ta. 8-3-r* a. m.; Bangor, nating Mr. John-ou, Hepublloan two masts, anchored under th lee of M(HM) VIII \ Per cider of the Republican City Com- asked how the could be re- CapeCranberries, bbl.CoOudoO Meiuoi itudn. Au.ui.i nd Rockland 1J.15 p m.. Kingfleld, expenditures Point. Owing to tb»» tremendous or Dong ea.. 1 46 a 1 50 Domestic Market*. To Liverpool, l.uiidou Londonderry—$35 1‘iHlli •>. Farmington, Bemls, Rumford Falls mittee. under the Beans, Feb U —lnere arc two four- ducul foreign policyeutei.nl sea and z*io weather, it i- impossil la to Highland Light. single, return. l.« wisiui 12. JO Hiram. Bridgton ami 11. Chairman. Beans Yellow Eyes.1 7*<« 1 75 1 p. m., George Allan, the administration. Mr. Dockery her identl- (By Telegraph. masted schooners it unchor of! Wellfleet. Both Watervllle. upon by reach the vessel atid ascertain Beans, California Bea. 1 75 a no SI I FLACK, i. :-ii K) 1* in: Skow began Thomas A. Bowen, Secretary. that circumstances would Ft HKl A It Y 10. 1 839. an* loaded and covered with ice. 6.20 M. replied proba iv. vessel is the U. F. F Beans. Red Kidney. 2 00,«2 15 Ai,;.5,i. Rockland and Bam. p. m.; Me Feb Tth, i899. In the cost (The probably Flour Chatham, Feb l '—The schr reported ashore Liverpool. London i.Usgnw. Lelfast, Lon- Moose- Portland, ly necessimte large increases whi h lett Boston yesterday Onions, natives 2 25.a2 75 NF.W YOKK—The market—receipts Join, 1. >r Harbor, Aroostook County. Marblehead bids; sales 7.000 at Or lean-, is the crank L* aim g. from Booth- donderry or y ieen-i-iw i. *jj.5o and ^‘33.50. and n^val establishments, Eotatoes, bush..... Oou.iiH 12.5 ;» bbls. export*. 37,433 luai Lake and Bangor, 5.J5 p. in.; Range ley ul’our military severe g dee of the past v. th ice. ha* eerUflc.iR *. I. for Haven ) |lhe dull but active. bay for Philadelphia, she Just Prepaid .1 5.45 ( OLLtGc. could be u aw eel Potatoes .. co packages ; F.uini Rumford Falls, Lewiston, p. f $ hut hi- ilhl not believe there been a me- ?5<*3 fairly Child; eii t.nd ■ ire. Kates to three «»r our days have great at 3 7:>"4 o .winter Moated oft and Is u l right. Her crew are on * and al! White Eastern fresh. 22 •< 23 Winter patents straights rn hi. agM aud Montreal reduction In expendi- Eggs, or from otuer v to T. P. great governmental nance t c rafts of all de*c»iptlons which 3M>"3 7u; Minnesota patents 4 cho 4 25;Wit; board. pone, application Mountain M0 p. in.; from Bar Harbor, legs, Western fresh. 2.u 22 re-»-**i I H points. tures. Mot a 2 Minnesota bakers 3 i5« Londou. Feb. 10—Sell Wm B l’aliner. from McDowan ,4-*0 toi Keating, 51 l-j and Lewiston l.Jtt ion of the week is v ere obliged to shelter here held. u m ter »-\tr:is 2 06" 90; a 11«1 ,l., .v mim Bangor, Bath The organiza past Mr Eggs, before reported ashore at M trim Gar Kjehange >i. or 115, v A Ran, India 8t.. “You mean then,” interposed vessel which in for a 3 40. w inter Norfolk, L in ; Hail tax. St. Jo nil. Bar Hart>or, Water- tug or sailing put Butter, fancy creamery. 21## 22 grdes .Me. novHdtt the college oroh* t4 let violin, leuder, ‘'that we must cut down the ex- Wheat 11.200 bush; 51.981 cia, was floated .Ian 10 D-iinage. if any, not Portland, vllle ami &60 a. m. except Mondays. I Johnson, harbor on M- n b»v »n I Tuesday bus had Butter. Vermont. 20« 21 receipts exports Augusta. affair* at bush; sales i. 55.000 bush futures, and 120.- known. Chase, l'.» 0; -nd violins Hunnewell, | for our internal to sail. 1 >. York and Ver’iut. 12.<* 13 (i F'.O. F. EVANS, V P. Si G. M. pendiiures an heese, o ami No* that we be nlbh to opportunity o bus spot *tit|)Orts; s|*ot steady; F. K. BOOTH BY, G P. A T. A. 1 home iu order may Cheese. Sage U, 13 a Ilitllieatle I on* UK)., Guptil, '.'dl, lute, Kmrich, lifUU; ; Bed 83'»« fob afloat. law*. nov24dtt a army and navy amount Fruit. HARP5WELL STEA1VIB0AT CO. Portland. Nov. 22. Graff support great *0,325 bush. cxt>orU tl.742 NEW YORK—Ar 9tb. -*!«• mier Gloxinia. from Clarionet, tun, "J9; Curmte, Miller, suie but that th Coru—receipts “1 am not gent.email STEAMERS. Lemons.3 r»o<» 4 00 bush. sales 3;*.00O bush futures. *40.00 hush Martinique. UStiansport MissNslpj i. Stinson, Keginning Nov.-. i* »*, earner AuroclSco ll*ui trombone Mr. l'JO >, Burke, ; Leighton. is ut-out right,” leplleii Dockery. oranges.#Oo«.'»oo rsjMit and outports ; s|*ot firm. No 2 at 4JA* •/ Porto Rico; sen John Paul, Crabtree, Black will leave pc l.imi p,*r. Portland. dally. Sun the knife must 1 • n :--i iy0;i; | iuno, Dunack, 1901. Hunnewell is “tM'iuewhere prunuing Apples, Baldwins.3 0o«3 50 4 * fob afloat. River. Ja. ■ayaeae •p;’>d, at | Long Island. lie laid or el*o t‘i» tax burden* of the pio Apples. Evap. lOu, 11 at* receipts 14.400 bush exports 2,165 Ar loth, steamer Manh-titan. Portland. Little and »lre.it ( In « I*laud, South acting as busine-.- manager. bush snot linn; No 2 at A for ; a. ev s*:ei orr ^ Island. pie must bo increased.” busii. ssales 'pot sld 9tb. schs uUcy t»av»s. —; Merom. Harp-well, Od- ur|w tin** Mini < omI. ;; .-. \o 3 at 34 No 2 white at 301 3c No 3 Reluurn lor Poi .and. 1- Orr * I Maud.7. on '1 he Maine Deputation meeting of the Mr. Democrat of Missouri, Philadelphia. lit riitTt oct. 3. Dearmond, TICKETS Centennial <»il w " > CABIN Ligonia and bbl., 1,0 1st 84% \\ Idle 36c ; track hlte 30 40c. BOSTON—CW th. schs Set B.rd. Bunker. a. in. aboie tan vo Pot tia d 9 o A. h. hi in hurt Feb. 10— that i! the were to be made i| Y. W. C. land, argued people 15 lined Petroleum, 12*# 1st. a** Beef New Agnes E Mai.son Babbitt. Newport a. in. b.UAll UANll.i., t.en. Man. DEPARTURE*. an quiet York; to bear additional lax burden* income Brail's Astral. steam at 5 771 g. 11) P. M. From Union Station 1- is drawiug out a large delegation from In** Lard ea*iei Western News. sepaodll 830 A 'l arid lax *houl-t be imposed. Mr. Dearmond, Half bbl* 1c extra. Pork e.»*y. Sld 9th. schs Wluslow Morse Belfast. Mount for Poland. Mechanic F alla, Buofctcld, Can- the Bates assoc i at n .Nineteen dele- .-peaking of th- cause* of the war declared to Linseed oil. .. 42 a47 U)>tt*>r firm Western creamev at to1 « 22c; Hope, aud l.uem-ia Sutton, coal.ports, Wluue- ton. luxnebi and Rumford Fails. all are been the Europe 11 *3 «.14e; I gins at 22c; Mato dairy and Aueuaki. coastwise. Portland & Snail Point Steamboat Co. m. Tnlor* gates, represent in* four classes, tnut ureat had done factory gauce. W.i. :n 1.10 and 5.15 »». From injustice ( coal. 3 4 Ik*. was l>T It \ I l> uuibeiland, 76.« oo al 13 it I He; do erm 15" l t Id li'th. hell John B Manning, coal port tor Mechanic F alls aud intermediate .S eaker ot tho House. It *aiii every- AT 1.0%% 1 Htatiou prepent btovc ana .urnnoecoa). retail.. coo Cheese Me d> large while at 1 ac; sin>ii) where that the has Leen opposed Winter arrange met i.i wr £7 station'. Mis- londt, one f the three traveling Speaker I rank Hu. ft) do al 11 a 111 ac. Abbott, from Boofhha\ for Phllapelphla. no K a km to the war. Yet he declared solitary apply to I’ea coal, retail.. 4 Go and Penn 22c*; Wes- out. atawima. town * KggsArtucr; Male 21’30 Pasted tug! barge Un- .ii, ih.- t:. i \ K. L. It. H. Including Be inis amt se retains of the .Nate nal Y. W. C. A., no dozen in steamer r* JE! Tt C Y limn In tho country, fait, tern fresh 22c. coin, an 1 Kulmta. lroin Portland lor Philadel- l.'a; Lakes. wb" is to lie at the LYnuta ion w Hie !**y present had itonu so much to make war inevitable *ug»r—raw dim. fair refining 3 13-lGc; On phia. A. Drain quuutmut, land, at 11 a Muml.it'. meeting, visited 11'•* Rates Y. W C. lie had debate I'd test 4 6-1 He; molasses sugar at 3 U- BRUNSWICK—Ar 9 th,sch Jos \V Hawthorn. T. attic as the Speaker, suppress* P. ) BOARD OF Irifcigal Wednesdays ami Fn-iavs for R. c BRADFORD. Manager. Jan. Feb. 'or conference with the T. McGOWAN, CM ICAO TRADE l« rebueo B cads. Harter. Bermuda. 3J, 3, in the House, had stifled the sentiment* c; Orr‘a Island, (Huai I- imi, Hast lluniswell. Portland, Main* .ml (-1)11111 an t'nnHo u ill Thursday's Sid bin s In Kbenezer Baggett. Warren, lor • consciences oi lunuuerH. x*resi- quotations CHICAUO— 'ash quotations; ▲shdalu. Small Point a undy's Harbor. F. 1.. LOVKJOY bnpenntenitent, and the New York; John L Treat, Gilmore, Boston. Main* rec« ive a rojul welcome should she ever been 420 Congress St., F .»ur in lit le heller demand and readier Return, leave < undy'- Harbor at ('*.30 a. in )eit> dll liumlord Falla dent McKinley, II he had here, hau BOOTHBAY-Ar 10th. sth- l.ee New- her visit to Lewi-ton. Jan. Mav. Wheal No 2 spring 08." 71c; No 3 do at 05u Mary ami Saturdays, louels repent not dared to dp so much. 'Ihe wut rs AGENT FOK n FIKHT ( LAKH LINKS. July ton, Boston for Cal »K w itfi main boom and gaff Tuesdays, Thursday> Pres Chase lectiuetl Feb ! Open ns. 73*,4, 72 70. No 2 Ked 72«73c. Corn No2 at 35V% u lug at all landings. Finlay. had been dammed up until the flood was rate*, etc. on nnphcatlou. Out of « 3 Hats No broken. Frank G Rich. Boston; Emily F Swift, Diagram*, tlos.u.. 73‘a 72* s 3«» N«i 2 yellowr 35 ‘4 *<•• 2 at .1. H McDONAl.D. Manager. at Kuii ford FalN ai*d Monday at liethe', At la?t the solicited Rockland. inevitable. indignation town communications respectfully 2Ml 4 " 28* a>'; No 2 white al e; No 3 white at ( ‘iflce, I.'kS Cmwercial st. l elephotie Portland & Worcester Line. W. M Alarr, 1UU., has been elected leblleo ilm .OK Hid nth, sell Olivers Barrett. Portsmouth. the country and the wholly з. ■ a 3oV*c No 2 Kye at 651 yc No 2 Harley 43 uovs dtt of the Glee iu of throughout Mhv. July. M B C).*kej. Machtas, C W Dexter. Calais. manager Club place L. of the Maine had и. Me .No 1 Flaxseed 1 15; prime seed Vn; blowing up a 3 74* Timothy unexpected OpeilUli.371 •* CHARLESTON—Cld bth. sch Warner Moore. G. Staples, l'.KHi. resulted.. 10KK DIRECT UME, 2 42 * Mess Pork Ho n U 9k Hard at 6 6«*a rORTUia & ROCHESTER R. R. broke the flood Turning it the new * 7* a gate*. CIOS .307 loose .it 4 Crockett, Baltimore. The Bates Round luble “held a public Mr. Dearmoud 6 62;snort rib aides 70«4 90| Dry l oot of M. .of the tuture, <» KERNANDI s A— Ar 9th. sch Mark Million Preble Williams Hull question Co. oATs salted meats shoulders 41 4 4 * ; short clear Gray, liitoru.Tiiona! Co. meeting at Reger Monday, that Maine Steamship Sleamsliip ana Oct. iw**. uet that all when West. — On alter Monday. 3, lured history proved May. Jul>. shies 6 06'« 6 15. Sawyer. Key — 1‘assenger swk 4 I ong Ifel.uila.uuil Uy sch Willie L Max- FOR T=T= trains will Leave Rorthuid: republics turned toward imperialism It W.y’^ihi. Opening... 28* -j Butter urn;—creairery|14 " 20c; dairies at 11 JACKSONVILLK-Ar 9th, C. S. Collin, l'.KX). hus been summoned 28** well. Goil. Baltimore ri.;ax .$• For Worcestoi, Clinton, Ayer Junction, Nashua, was a question oi time when the end 3 TRIPS PtR WfeEK..’ Clos.u^.. 17c Easlpor Luts: b3.ais Si Jo n. home on uccounr ot illness in the only Hid 9th. sch K l» Farr. Havana. W indhaiu aud at 7.30 a. m. and 12.30 I- ON 1- WAS ONLY S3.00 Arm- fresh 2 c. Spear. 1 nd all narts of New Brunswick, Nova Scot. Rppiug came. FAl: Eggs sch a in. >1 NORFOLK-Cld Uth, Frank Palmer, 1 be p. family. we if we entered May < hcese steady ; creameries at 9l» 11c. Ponce l'dward island and Cape Breton. 2 iiow could hope upon 1 he steamships llo.lUto IImI' sud M.iv Harding. Boston. tor Manchester. Concord and points North a; G. K Healey, 1000, has just closed a opening. 1" 2" Flour ie« clots 11.«oo bbls; wheat «;6.noo lavorlle route to lampobello aud SL Audiews. tun of the nations of the old w^rld, liatieu alUiruaUvely leave Franklin Wharf. NEWPORT NEWS—Ar 9th, sch Bertha Dean 7.30 a. in. ami 12.30 p. m. t«rtu of school in policy 10 07 bush. o 11 49V* «hw» bush; oats 226,000 bush; N. B. verv successful Wayne. Influences!’ ile Thursdays and Saturday. Clos a. Thomas. Boston. For Koolnwter, hpnngv&le, Alfred, Water- to escape its corrupting Furtlaud. Tuesday*, 7.1 O" ki-li; baricv 4H.OOO bush. Schedule of for month of February. The **omtilned with tho dem.-nds tor New York direct. ieave rye sailings boro aud baco River a*. 7.30 a m.. 12.30 ani grip to the members to break their »t 6 p. m. Banning, Friday's quotation*. wheat Sid bth. sell Edith Olcott, Warren. Providence school made the attendance appealed and haiur- Hhipuii nta—1 lour l3,ooo bbls; 24,000 third. 62io in. f the district, and Fier 3», K, U., Tuesday*. Thursday* Wheat. *H) NEW LONDON—Ar 9th. sch Jus R l.tibot, p. rise In their dignity asM-it bush, on 173 bush; oats 210,0U0 bush; steamer st. Croix will leave Railroad Wharf. at 7 JO a. t e of term t ut shackles, at.. m. from South for Portsmouth. bur uornain and 9.46 ua, L-3Q, 3.out opening the variable, of In days i>. Jmu May July H.uoO bush. Averill, Amboy ai 5 in. as loflotv >: ihtiu*elveg favor Americans America, are fitted and fur- rye 2.000 uush; barley Portland, p. 6.30 and 6.2U p. ru. now* lie classes are their usu .1 These steamers superbly 73 7I‘* PASCAGOULA—Hid 8tli. sell Anna M Stain- Wednes- regaining of free at home arm and afford the most Wheat Feb at Monday. Feb. nth; Friday.Fob. toth; For Westbrook. Cumberland Mills. Westbrook in lavor government nislied for passenger Iravo' 7i*« MINSK.APt>L18— 70Uc;%lav in' r. Southard. Loudon. n iLi uers. Closing.ST— 7a*a day. IVn. •'li; Monday. Feb. is'th; Friday. *.46 a to the world over. anti eomfortaole route between 7. ;»4 c July : 14c 'u I hard on track 7 ‘4c; Win J unction and Wecdlords at 7 JO, en oj posed oppression convenient PHILADELPHIA Ar 9th. sch K Pir'c D who I as b* seriously ill Corn. No 4r No 2 Northern at Feb 21 h. 6.30 Mid 6 JO p. U. Geer, Mr. of Massachu- Fortiaud and New Y'ork. 1 Northern t>8*4c. Lake. Portland. I 12.30, 3.00, (jillett, Republican leav dobn. astnort ana traui irorn 1’ortland connects with pneumonlu, Is recovering Agent. May. July. Flour—first patents at 3 7o "3 80;seeond pat- sch Olive T Turks Returning, The 12J0 p. in. .-its, declared that he had rather pay F. LlSCOMB.Oeueral Ar bth. Whittier, Whlttici. W c iliesd t .■ -londay. l eb *»••■. 36^1 37 3 fit "5 7 5 llrst clear 2 06 a 2 75. Lubec. .... ii A\er .Junction with "Hooaac Tunnel Koute" Burrlll and Palmer, ’07, recently visited rid THOS. M BAKTLKTT. Agt. octadtf ents Island. ieo. 2-d $.0,000,000 to Le honorably cf the 4*7 37* s I.Uli; 1 rid. v. I b. iitn; \\«.u;.estiay, , lor West and at Union Station, Worcester, the Closing. Dl-T KOI T—Wheat at 73Vac for cash Sid lui Delaware Breakwater 8lh, sch Cha G t£e college. islands than to pay fcJO.ObO.OuO quoted Monday, he >. 271 li. I lor Trovulence ana New York, via ^Rrovldcuce The announces that a foot-ball Philippine Oats. White; cash Ked 73« ac; May 70c. Kudicotl. Iiom B iimore lor Boston. chocked Student The islands could, in las Through cicaets i-sued an baggaae Lino' lor Norwich ami New York, via **Nor- to k.**p them Mav. July. PERT H \MBOY—bid 10th sch G M Porter. to 4.0U game with Harvard has been arranged TO 1 EDO Wheat quiet; cash at 73c; May al to uehUiialiou. Ur-Frergut received up moU Line*’ with Bos tou ami Albany ILK. tor pnaou ever te Ainericauized. Our fu- BAY STEAMBOATGO DD'Ml'nt... 28*4 Calais. for Oct. 1", U9. CASCO 70c; July al 73c. ^ i»ic aud with the New kurk ah rail via tun in our old ideals. 28 V* 201 * sch at West, lay maintaining Me. Closing.. PROVIDENCE- Sid 0 h, Saeamoic, Gar- For Ticket* end Staterooms apply the into i ustoni House W harf, Portlaud, rou, •bpriugheid.* It would I e endangeiei by stepping ( oil«»n Mark* i. diner. Newport New-*. l ine Tree Tic lei Ufttoo, Monument Square or Trains arrive at Tortland from Worcester HMMILK.S TO VISIT boston. and May. V1NKYAKD-H AVEN—Ar 7th. sch Laura L at OfDaA this new Held. Corruption demorali- WEEK DAY TIME TABLE, I By Telegraph.) lot other information, company's it 1.30 p. ul ; from Rochester at *.30 a. m.. 1.33 wlo iri*»u Norioik or of Slate struct. February 10.—It is now settled zation would in and there could Le Opeulug. FEB. 10, 1899, Sprague, Lynn. Ballload W liarf. 1 *ol ftml&.i* p. in.; from Gorham at d.40, *30 aad Boston, cieep lUoiiHay, Juu. 10, 1RU0. Closing. 100- Sid 7Ui. aclr Augustus Firmer, Haskell, from Li-t Sui t is to no He Letieved ('ouiiucnilng Cotton market was J. F. Is 1024J a. m., 1 JO, A16, 6.44 p. in. that General Nelson A. Miles visit compensating advantages. NEW YORK—The to-day Baili for coal ove-t t l* v Land i»u, Ismnd, *.30, at 0 do port. li. P C. HMIiSllV A ions. For hrou-u ackeu tor aU point* west iw two weeks, and that be will be that a station should be retained. For middling 7-10; gulf at ninrlbdL' Boston in coahng I*. M. rrnitnn 'i®«i s«r<»u quiet uplands lu port 8th. tchs Nathan Lawrence, Philadel- Itoket (i.45, », A. M., 2.15. 4.00. 0.15 »i sales — bales. South to b F. McG ILLiCUDDY. entertained at the club a We oould scour* all the trade ad van tapes 11 -16c; tor Huston; Pert Johnson apply Algonquin by r«*wka were the clean; nolo- phia Georgie Berry, FortLind, ha or in- For Trcfet lien’* La ding. la and, The tallowing RLKS ON-The Cotton market tor Charlie tor K^tnt, dinner and a iuo en tert&ln- without assuming responsibilities atnoatoi. to-day do; Woolvey. Raritan River do; a. W. DAVIS. »upt reception it ile amt port. jau!4dtf Imton Faeiflc. BOSTON am PHILADELPHIA. will L>e tlie On the foil Glllet’s remakrs by notice that, at new ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed guest. twing uay giving (Jutou t'acluc old. 7- the a re- he would offer the Nicar- Arm; middlings 5:,4C. Foreign liliiECT STl AMSUlt1 USE. in afternoon tin club will give the proper time American Re’ .33o Portland & Steamooai Co. market is At (long Kong Dec 24, snips Abner Coburn. to the General at the same agua canal hill as an amendment to the Boothbay %merieaa augar. MOBILE—Cotton steady {middlings ception place. ..1“lI, Butmiiii. tor Manila; P.ira > ita. Duriiam. for civil bill. Ihe announcement at o»4 e. 1 sundry Sugar, old.ll2- Slngapote, st Mark. Dudley, for Newcastle, From Boston every Wednesday and Saturday. MAYOR STRONG WILL BE PRESENT whs greeted with applause by the Cen st4H*. D'e SAVANNAH—The Cotton market closed S D for Honolulu. 2*fiends WINTER ARUAMiEHENTH. NSW Car.ton, Anirsbury. antJ of the measure He had Leon moved to take dt common.»•••• steady; middlings 5' hC. At Harakona Jau 4. brig Henry B Cleaves, i Dally Un«\ ^umlfiya Fireptod. Freni Piiila.eptiii ev?.y Wednesday Boston, February lb.—Col. Albert for New York about loda\*. this course, he declared, by the statement Cole, THl WXf AND VALATlAI RTF A MPUS Cltrke. «»f the Home Market one of Stocks and Buatla. Markets. Hth sch ( has I secretary of Mr. Cannon yesterday, that the bill After Dec. 14th New York Qootat European Ar at Demerara lust, Mitchell. Saturday. dub. teceiv. I a from ex- ) New York. Froii' t'entrft'. Whirl. Boston. 8 p. m. From today letter would not be considered ut this session. (By Telegraph Frost of At Turk'* Island Jail Hist, Galatea. Pine street Wharf. Philadelphia. at 3 p. in. In- Muyor William Strong of New York city The are the closing closed at barques Mr. that the amend- following quotatSous LONDON. Feb. 10. 1899—Consols ■ Hepburn argued Lewis: from Barbados, ar 21st, for Roston.ready BAY STATE AND TREMONT, mraneo one-half the rate of selling vessel,. in which he stated that he surely would 1-1H for and 111 3-10 for account. ment would be in order and could proper- Steamer Enterprise Bonds: 111 money to sail; Tnos A Go idard. Cook, from Buenos! Freights lor the West by tile Pena. K. 1L anil be present at th. diun. r of the club Feb- alternately leare Franklin* W’harp. rort- free ol be upon the bill. Feb. 1" LIVERPOOL. .Feb. 10. 1899 The Cotton ar 24th, for Boston, ready. south connecting hues, forwarded tv wmoh ly placed Last at 7.13 a. in. F:(b»- Ayres, Ismd. livening at 7 o'clock, arriving in hy ruary It), President McKinley leaves Boothbay Mouday, New 12* market closed (steady -.spot 3 ll-32d; sales 1 sh- Sid fm CnEdeuas 4th. sen Belle O’Neil. Nor- every Mr. Adamson, Democrat of (Jeorgia, and for Portlaud. Touch- j 4s, rog. IriS season for connection with earliest trails for and several members of his cabinet are Wednesday Friduy 12H ook bales, ot which uoOO wen* for speculation wood. Uu f t. Round Trip 31 ate. announced his to the Nicara- Harbor. New 4s. cnup. jo I'assage's’io.oo. to be Mr. opposition ing at So. Bristol and Bootnbay .112', {rSw and points beyond. Meal, and room Included. present. t-rrong is to be the and the annexation of the Phil- New 4s, reg. ’}££ export. tickets for rrovideuce, Rowell, of gua canal Through j For or passage to t. r. WING, guest the club and net one of the GOING EAST. Spoken. Now York, etc. frelglrt apply ippines Worre*t«i, Central Wharf, Boston. .-q eat.-rs. MIN I AlU RE" A LM ANIL7. FEB K l A RY~ 11. Dec 20. lat 4 S, Ion 29 W. ship Gee stetson, Returning leave India WhaBF. Boston, every agent, Mr. (Jrosvenut under the latitude al- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday* leave j UK. B. SAMPSON, Treaaurer and General ... 11 46 from New Y'ork for Sau Francisco. at 7 o'clock. of East Boothbav. Touch- Sun rises. 8 471 H,_h I Pveiling Stale Fisge Building, Bostoi, io wed for debate, spoke on the effect Portland at 7 a. m. lor * w4-r lat lu ion 12 >V. Grace: J. FUSCUMB. Manager, te St. The Portland So. £’,!*& to*,ia’ds...i?w SuuiMJ. 8 12 j-issoo Jan 22. S, barque Manager octadii Sunday Journal. Out to- schedule of the bill ing at Boothbay Harbor and Bristol. ansa, & Partite euuaola-- .. fee PL L 1497. the wool Dingley upon K Moou ,«(,. rialUtlgUI.0 0- 00 Deerdig, irons Singapore for New York. 1 morrow. thu wool growing industry. declSdti ALrKLD HACK. Manager. OreiiOU Nav.l.t.F*0 | | new APTMTOiyim WWW THE MUNICIPAL rnnr ai)T«tniw#w* SDTWIWIMIinl, THE PiRESS. HARBOR NOTES. COURT. Tw* Cease Items of Interest Picked t7p Along Iko Larniy l>l.p„.,,| ,r MUNYON’S TODAY. Fire! On IfhUf, saw ADVERTISR3UCSTI Water Front. WILSON & GO. Two flebernien, Charles W. L. The schooner Louis G. Kabel, damaged A. Lolsen and J. R. Ubbv Co. Augustus Hubbel celled on Moore A Co. recently at Booth bay Harbor will be Harriet 1>. INHALER Owen, §.SlMbii& Salt and Rheum In H. H. H*y A Bon. towed to Portland for Barter, Thursday, tbe course of v\. |„ Wilson A Co. repairs. the Make* the live* of miserable. ibe call Colten, who had been 0 *0. H iaw .* ( o. The cold weather necessitated many drinking, Wrappers, First Spring I. t. Foss A Sons. fell on the Ion nge. When he knocking off of work on the steamers The intense itching and burning asleep awoke Cures Colds, Coughs, Grip, Catarrh, Loil g. Short A Harmon, be states that tbe Darter Price < after* woman was Cut Sale. Crop. vv tli H. Goouwln A Co. hcouda and Loulsburg yesterday characteristic of this disease dimin- * near him with his and /ill Notice. noon. standing pocket bo- k Asthma, Bronchitis Throat Frank P. Tibbetts A Co. ish and when Hood’s with ti disappear In ber bands. Mhe returned it to D.ilton A Co. Four German boats are expect* J him, and 59c. Made of Cambric its but 17 of tbe 115 be had was and Lung Diseases Prevents T. P. McGowan. the next few days. They are the Alenin, Sarsaparilla begins purifying gone. Tke Merchants' National Bank. B rter woman was finish me- and Helen Klcktnert effects upon the blood, its placed under arrest PURE Print, F xeeu.or s Notice. Moravia, Assyria healing Consumption 10 LB. TUBS SQUIRE'S LARD, A Railroad Co. on of Colaen. Mho Biincor Aroostook The latter ship was expected to arrive last and influence the complaint pleaded not Ruf- First National Bank. soothing npon dium and light colors; polity yesterday morning In the oourt 70 Cent* Kacb. night. flesh broken skin. BY INHALATION. amusements. inflamed and Mhe that The down one admitted Colaen and Hubbel fle trimmed clastic Portland Theatre. Horatio Hall brought That this is not but is yoke, theory fact, had called on her. bnt Little Women's Ball. of the of tho season Thurs claimed that she nice French 10 Kolled Oak*, !»/Vc largest frelgTts shown by the statements of many A Pee, pound* did not take tbe pooketbook or day. One item of her cargo was four hun- money. NOTHING LIKE IT people i ood's Sarsaparilla has cured. 10c can, $1.15 “ Found J Hubbel, Colsen's companion, testified doz. 10 Graham, 95c New Wants. To Let. For Sale. Lost. dred bales of bonded wool going through will be found under that h» saw that Colaen bad ami similar advertisements to Canada. 8he sailed on her return to Had to Wear Gloves ||S before EVER DISCOVERED. " t>. 10 Meal, 95c tb*»r appropriate heads on page they went Into the defendant's Itye .Now York at 8.20 o’clock with a big I was severely afflicted with place and An Elegant Salmon Steak, that he went out salt rheum on hands and was leaving Colaen asleep. 10 bar* I-aundry Soap, 95c ! cargo. my as M Solent Tic Instru- The woman was found t Stands Paramount tho ost 12 l*2c can, $1.40 doz. thousand of vehicles to wear most of the guilty nml sen- BRIEF JOTTINGS. , 'Twenty pounds obliged gloves of Catarrh tl nice 95c tenced to sixty days In ment Erer Inrentod for th Treatment pound* Prunes, were stowed away In the hold of the time. I tried many different kinds jail. ■-» ;- Frank Wilson was ail AD Throat and A lections Horatio Hall when she arrived. This of to no sentenced to tbe lung A Maine 0 Muscatel Kalaina, 95c Charles French of Engine 5 | medicine, ointment, etc., Fancy Corn, Engineer that ■Ixty days In Jail for the larceny of cloth- about the | weignt represented sev nty carriages purpose, and finally began taking 95c was badly scalded, Thursday, from John F. Mullen s clothes line 6c can, 70c doz. 0 linking Soda, were billed to Lewiston and was Hood's A few bottles ing hands. The steam In the holler j through Sarsaparilla. (act* aud A was to a —---- " one of the of this of thi9 medicine cured and hearing given scorch and Corn 95c to the limit | largest consignments me, G Starch, at .he engine house got up seizure nature ever New York to since then whenever I have felt complaint against Hol-rrt lirown- to shut otl the | brought from any Good Green String Beans, and Mr. French attempted of Fore stteet. Mherlffs Urlb- 3 • Seeded Kalaini, 95c the this trouble with hHnda I have re- rlg Deputy to the furnace aud open port. my draughts ben and Oalmrne made a seizure of a 7c can, SO doz. the No. 4, the train from sorted to Hood's which krg 3 ( lean 95c to let the cold water Into regular passenger Sarsaparilla, Currant*, feed pipe of e of rum and Montreal was two hours and min lias me relief. whiskey, keg sundry sucoeded but before be suc- forty very quickly given boiler. He bottles of whiskey at the bouse 3 cake* Sapolio, 95c him as ut*s late yesterday morning. The delay We have used this medicine in our orcnpled Lima Beans, ceeded the steam had scalded Mr. and others on Wednes- was caused by the winds of Thurs for Mrs. A. O. by llrownrlg lion 95c stated. high family years.’’ 6c can, 65 doz. 3 Ami, line snow on North Me. day. The deputies supposed this was announced erroneously to day night which blew the Srat'LDiNu, Searsport, The lecture, Hrownrlg's because he lived In the at the tracks in huge drifts and packed It liquor be .Wlivercirby'Her.Dr. Smith ilakcr, | i Superintendent Herbert was on house. Mr. Brownrlg, on the other hand, WllllMon church, last night, on "Abra- solidly. train when it arrived at tho Grand claimed that his son, Thomas Uruwnrig. Pure Leaf 1 will be at tbeohurcb the 10 lb. tubs Lard, ham Lincolu” given h of and Squire’s trunk station. Hood’s la the ssee tbe premises that he Is on j Sunday evening. a boarder. He did not own or a ■Imply EACH. D. {Smith of Portland will hold DEEKINO. SO CENTS N. 1HE POST OFFICE AND have anything to do with the lquors afternoon at three | service {Sunday praise Postmaster Swett has forwarded found there. The oonrt decided that Mer- I just o’clock at Mr. Maxwell's house, 37 I to Hon. Perry 8. Heath, first assistant Brownrlg was not the man who owned sleeve, separate waist-lining, rill street. the postmaster general, a letter calling Sarsaparilla these liquors and he win discharged. Str'o Belt in 'lht meeting of Portland 'ly Is the best medicine can * and Federal. back, front, regular attention of the department to the fact money buy An Intoxication esse was disposed of. Cor. Exchange union No. tki, will be held | foraalt rheum. Sold pogrnphical that the annexation of Hearing to this by druggists. $1. Clouds oHIrdti nlril Vapor are Inhaled wide Skirt, pocket this afternoon at a. lf> o’clock at the unioD hro ngli the month anti emitted from was alluded to In for MAINE ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. | city which jHJtitlons he nostrils, rleanslug anti vaporizing Farrington block. “The Ideal" make, and is rooms, the increase of mall facilities in Portland SMUGGLER PLEADED GUILTY. ill the luflatnrtl anti dlseasetl part* 0*J The thirteenth stated meeting of the Little Women will meet at Free v hld'h cnnuot he rearhetl by medicine The several months is now the best and vicinity ago, Main** Academy of Medicine and Science ■ken Into the stomach. in every point street toduy at ~.^'p. m. v*uu»uuu» be of Grnntl of lTnlted State* It would now seem to Koport Jury 13 accomplished. will occur Monday evening, February ever from Whittier. Court. Better tlnin medicine. we sold for for the to take some and in- Wrapper ion necessary department at 7.30 at the Maine Eye Ear Better limn doelors. 'ihe lire department had a needless measures to Increase the free delivery The will be de- to I'lorlda. the at o'clock yes- ilrroary. evening, largely Belter Ilian soimi: money. to 4b Brown street eight la confident and Postmaster 8wett Tbe grand jury of the United States voted to of “Dovlne Tuber- Belter Ilian nnyiliing yon have system the,'iiubject — terday morning. Some one saw the steam New York 79c that the matter will be brought about by court made a late yesterday ever Irlt-d. price on IT. partial report culosis." George H. Dailey, D. V. 8., from the chimney Ivory It renellea >he More escaping afternoon. None of tbe Indictments found a ipols. July of Portland, will read paper entitled a I..... a nl.ieo. our 59c Bean’s house o\cr the roofs of oilier 81.__ price were made the one Tests in Their De- at the conclusion FROZE HIS FEKT AND EARS. publlo excepting ‘Dovine ^Tuberculin Il lo III© seal of disease. houses and jumping _ goes Ison Fortin who was charged to Our Milk and in an alarm as Thomas against lation Supply Dairy II iienelrales obscure |>lnce« that a fire had .started, rang A man giving his name «I 89c. This lino of with smuggling whiskey across the line Products. win p drugs taken into Ihe Wrap- from box 53. Norton, applied for lodgings at the police from Canada. He was arraigned, pleaded The have been selected to dis- moinucli edtuidl reach • 100 5-lb. Preserved Strawberries, in 2 lb. < ► is made of is at 3b He was In a sad condi- following Just arrived, palls pers A case of diphtheria reported station yesterday. ns n to < * and will be sentenced this morn- Addison 8. II nets b.ilin and tonic the and Currant tins, heavy syrup. trozeu. guilty cuss this paper: Thayer, M. Strawberry Green leaf street. his feet and ears being badly whole stem. each i 2 for 25c tion, Judge Webb. Joslah C. M. sj Jolly, i*5c each, ] \ Standard Percale, dark, a fine of from New ing by D., of Portland, Donhaiu. John Dyer of Burnham paid lie had walked all the way in Mason Jars, Baby onion*. hi large bottles, < M. Twitohell 1mDerial Mustard, on D., of Hebron, Dr. George F YOU HAVE A TRY IT. * medium and $40 in the United Flutes District coutt to Richmond to get work BOS TON AND MAINE. COLD, 10c each 10c each 1 light colors, Hampshire L. M. of * * case. made of Angtista, W. Cousins, D., Club Pure Lard in 5-lb. pails. yesterday on a retail liquor dealer the ice, but was too late. He then F YOU HAVE THE TRY IT. Mnclarens Cheese, C. W. M. of Portland. GRIP, 3 40c each monruing,) blue, of the Y. to of the Kosd For the Ia»t Portland, Hray, D., 9c each. for 25c [ (also Ihe Railroad Branch M.|C. hi- way to this city, but was obliged Operations oollatlon will be served at seven IF YOU HAVE A TRY IT. Canned Mince Meat, 4-lb. Powder, < * Ho on account of the from bis The COUGH, (Raspberry,Armour’s packages Washing and shoulder a condition.'1 sleep- irive pain (Quarter. f * A.Is in flourishing up ♦ for 88o 15c each < gray garnet limbs. He is being cured for by o’clock. Members will at 9c each, 8 Wi ro m 5 5 times last month frozen please notify F YOU HAVE CATARRH. TRY IT. ing rooms Marshal Sterling 111 his usual X StriDgles.s Cranberry Itean. 0 bars Old Quaker Soap, full size, ] | braid trimmed times. The Deputy onoe Miss Edwards, 388 Vaughan street, ruffle, yoke, and the restaura nt 1,000 manner. The man Is a na operations of tbe Boston and Mains IF YOU HAVE SORE TRY IT. Ita can, 3 for 25c 25c < ► klndhoarted |lbi' not will be as THROAT, £ for islands and left there whether or they present, 2 for 25c California < > waist elas- monthly entertainment February live of the Bermuda Kailroad company for the quarter end- ♦ Fresh Shrimp, 13c each. Prunes, separate lining, will be made for those who F YOU HAVE WEAK LUNGS, TRY IT. 0 the 17th. service four ago. provision only x Extra Cocktail Pineapple, 5c lb., for 25c will occur about Gospel years ing December SI, 18118, as filed with the full so notify. X 13c each, 2 for 25c Silver Prunes, Oc lb., 5 for 25c <, tic sleoves, very skirt, at 3.16, to which every tody Massachusetts Kailroad Commissioners every Sunday SMUGGDKRS ARRKoTED. < * is invited. make a “Ideal” make. Thursday comparatively poor Thousands till ww vra Slates Murrhul Hasty Have III IKM ■III pocket, census United Deputy COLD DAY. Mr. El ward A. Gray, school showing—a fact that Is due chlelly to the A HITTER returned to the city from Bangor yester- Very sweet Florida Orange*. :t<> and Hie per do/. Z New York taker, has started on this year’s census. Industrial conditions gen- Thursday for dis- price $1.25, with two to be unsatisfactory Yesterday surpassed he day mornii-g prisoners Been Cured. This is about a month earlier than erally on the line during a poitlun of the comfort. The skies were clear, the sun ours 89c brought before the present term of the usually commences this work, but as three months, und the losses caused by shone brightly, hut a very strong wind States District court They were census United For sal© at all Druggists or MONUMENT GROCER. Deerlng is to bo included In the bad weather. The gross fell off {51,185 blew steadily from the west which, mrm THE SQUARE 1 of who was ar- Beecher Dow Boulton, lent to address for $1.00. Fine se- this year it was thought best to begin and the surplus (32,215. For the first half by a low temperature, made auy 98c. Percale, before United States Commis- companies work at once. taignod fiscal tbe life The mer- t for of tbe company’s year, surplus, outdoor extremely trying. one and see it. lected dark Associ- sioner Hamlin of Bangor smuggling patterns, The Cumberland County |Bar above all charges, was 91,051,639, or cury at sunrise was about 8 degrees below COne AMD TltV IT. and Annie W. Gordon, who was ur ation will hold its annual banquet at the less than for tbe corresponding and it did not rise above 6 degiees bluo and red, made with a for Botli were held for $121,734 zero, I'ree demonstrations tills week hotel this raigned perjury. fell Congress Square ^evening. period last year. above zero at noon. Then it steadily at Ilic the United States District court here. folllowtng druggists: flounce, yoke, shoulder ruf- About 75 will he laid. Tbe baluuoe sheet as of Deocraber zero at six in. and 5 CLEARANCE plates 31, marking p. degrees CASH SALEr has D. H. GUPPY The Prohibition caucus adjourned FUNKRAD OF MR. MARKS. 1898, shows total assets of $62,615,799, In- below by the thermometer at the back CO., fle, braid trimmed collar to meet at Gospel Mission next Wednes- cluded in these Is cash to the amount of door of the station at nine o'clock. 403 Congress St. The funeral of Bartholomew Marks police and cuffs, waist at 7 ."J o’clock. elimi- The wind blew with considerable force H. H. HAY A A choice lot of goods from our Wholesale Department that we aro not able to separate day evening look place yesterday morning from St. $1,252,692; bills receivable,$649,826; SON, The {state treet Auxiliary to the W. B not as show in our lower store have been transferred to the main floor and we now offer Dominic's church, Rev. Father Hurley nation of grade crossings account, 9109,- in the evening although violently Middle and Free Sts. lining, wide skirt, pocket, M. held its meeting in the Under the at this sale. All kinds and sorts and must call and see F. regular A large number of friends 970, and sinking funds, $785,215. as during day. SIM MON I)S A HAMMOND, at reduced rates everyone after- ulUoiuting. 98o at three o’clock yesterday loan accounts are put at 25 and 50 cents on the dollar. churel and of the deoeused were liabilities, sundry 575 Congress the line. Now and fresh goods acquaintances MINISTERIAL ASSO- St. noon. Mr S B. Capron, for many down at mere is $266,200 PORTLAND is the time t < sots and in present. Mr. Marks was connected with $1*177,677; Me DON ON G11 A SHKR1 We also offer Books at cut prices. Now buy volumes Another line at 98o In delivered a Concord DAN, years a missionary India, for of standing to the credit of the CIATION. St. Dominic’s parish upwards sixty ‘235 Congress St. for your Library. colors. very interesting address to a goodly and Montreal Improvement fund, the light years. The Portland Evangelical Ministerial ___ the ac- Wtaliouery l»y (In* ream, pound. box or pad. gathering. buying fund.ls $190,708 suspense Association will meet Monday, morning, Other lines of cun F. W. Brook's Kittle Green Wrappers A of a Massachusetts You get and lit and loss sur- low representative count $085,447, pro February 13th at the Y. M. U. A. rooms Doc ors Indorse It Envelopes al very prices. Pills so popular at Poland Spring, for Everybody Praises If in from law linn «a- her* '1 burst!ay in consults $1,697,032. be ranging price $1.25 and Da plus at 10.30 o’clock. Address to given by Whopping and Travelling Itags. Colds, Sore Throat, Hay Fever, held their 'Hie directors of tbe company Rev. Smith D. D. mem- of for Jo cents. linker, Every l ast Aside All to $2.50. sible in connection with Grippe, your Druggist, week earli- Other Medicines and (foods of Picture Frames. Vlirrors in ail legal proceedings monthly meeting Thursday—a ber of the association is earnestly invited I'ancy consisting the loss of the steamer Portland. After usual—and declared their TrealuieutM for 24 Hours anil Swansdown and Flannel- er than regular to be present us business of importance is variety of frames. Jewel Hove*. Atomi/cr*. Tablets, Etc., Etc. PERSONAL* I Ilia a careful investigation, he decided not divldenu of 1 1-9 per cent on the Hire New Syatem a Trial. quarterly to come before the meeting. ette Wrappers. Prices cor- to prove a claim before Coinmcissioner common stock, making the same payable British Vice Consul J. B. Keating has Bradley, and returned home. April 1 to stockholders of record February CORONER’S JURY. rect. gone to Chicago on business. SENT TO ANY AOCRcSS FOR $1.00. The in the United States 28. I he coroner’s In the cas» of John SHORT & HARMON. grand jury Mrs. L. M. X. tstevens, president of the jury L0RING, court is hurd at work. The corridors killed the other while _frblldti _ National W. C. T. U., and Miss Anna THJC EVENING SCHOOL. Montgomery, night If you have rheumatism my Khourmc are filled with witnesses, wailing their cars at the Grand Trunk, found ism Cure will cure It In a few hours; A. at-large, left coupling Tuesday is Valentine’s Cordon, %rice president The evening school closed last evening, Cure will cure rase 01 A HOUSE AND LOT GIVEN turn from until lhere that the deceased came to his my Uypephia any morning night, for D. to at- m verdict yesterday Washington, C., a week earlier than was at tlrst intended indigestion or stomach trouble; 00 per art? many liquor and smuggling cases. council of death by his own curelessness and that ent of kindey complaints, Inclu FREE Day. tend the national women,^he It has done go^d service this winter f r iirg AWAY The Mutual club will road was not to blaiua disease, can be cured wit Improvement mothers' and meetings of the the llright’s y like to be able to do congress a number of pupilN more or less is what we would meet 13th with Mrs. large Kidney Cure; nervous affection old' Monday February W.C. T. U. we District of Columbia advanced in aga. It Is one of our most ie .ses of the heart are eootr> lied ai d for those a home. Hut do 370 Cumberland street. Boll call FIRE AT GOODWIN’S MILLS”* seeking VALENTINES. Every- Fisher, S. Lovell of the Lovell Arms •ure Nerve and Heart Cur Benjamin decrying ‘Institutions and should be en- by my -; m.v the next best thing by offering you nice, from the 14 and 15 of the Man- February 10.—The general Hold Cure will chapters was In town staying JJiddeford, break up any form of body company yesterduy In every way potsible. Principal homes either in the city, suburbs ual. oouia^ed store of C. K. Little Son and the •old in a few hours; 57 curesffor 57 ail cozy I at the Falmouth. as»dstunts are to be 11*Id Milliken and his rmnts. Kvery sells the n— or at that make them sends or receives valen- confer the house and stable of Howard Hanson ut druggists vicinity prices Ivan hoe lodge, k. of P., will the arrivals at the Preble yes- l*5 cants a rial. Among congratulated on their good and faithful mostly look liko Wo have the best of twelve candidates at Goodwins Mills in Lyman were destroyed gifts. and m rank Page upon terday were: O. H. Jones, Home, X tines, yes, delights work. The blaze was under on our books, either tor sale or a convention this evening and 11. hy fire lust night. property special W. K. Bacheller, fcSalero, Mass.; C. There'll be WAS STUCK. headway when discovered, and as NOT A CENT TO PAY to let, and *.ve give you our valuable the sensation. after the work a lunch will be served. Merrill and wife, Crawford Bouse, N.H.; FEdRYBOAT good is without lire Muuyou'a Doctor* will fioe. The rank of will be conferred up- Mass. to South Portland was the village fighting ap- carefully advice as to futures another of Art Val- Esquire K. S. Woodward, Worcester, ; The ferryboat ■ lumlur you, give you tlielr lione.t flight were at the mer- on live candidates next evening after- the buildings mii«I trll whnt to do for 'luesday Louis Mausbach, Phlldelphia; William hung up a couple of hours yesterday paratus, opinion you It was feared that the >••111 ailment without entines from our Bosworth Belief has the on the of tho llames. absolutely today corps accepted II. Mack, Cleveland, Ohio; Charles H noon. She got stuck lu the nmd cy barge. be out of Bev. in lla«k to at- while village would wiped but the *•* a. ui. to fe invitation Boll 1. Adams aud wife, Limerick. South Portlaud side about four o'clock p. in.; Sunday* eice-pled. Central Valentine Counter. of water to DALTON & CO., tend the lecture to be in observance run the^roofsfof neigh given Dr. Huber Bishop, the well known Bos- on account of the extremely low of application the Headquarters tor Mew huglaud for lc— of Lincoln’s at fecund Parish until 0.35 when boring buildings confined fire to one 53 Valentine binds birthday, ton sportsman aud X. J. Grace were tide. She remained there Exchange St._ section. church, Sunday evening, February 1J. in town at the Falmouth. she resumed her trips again The tide 2c to 10c. yesterday the up The members are to meet in The furniture In house,the goods iu requested George M. Kuvanaugh of Lewiston, run three feet lower than usual aud It TREMONT store and tools and live stock TEMPLE, the vestry. was in lowest runs ever known. the furniiug Fust Kialted Ruler of the Llks, was one of the BOSTON, M ASS. Valentine ILossoms 15c In the barn, including a cow, hog and The officers and crew cf the Merrimac town yesterday staying at Hotel Temple hens were horned. The rooms over t he | to 50c. GLASS WINDOWS. > ftave a pleasing entertainment at the Sea- There will be a anniversary NEW STAINED -.. up store were occupied by Aaron Lodge of men's Herreation rooms last evening. high mas-; at the cathedral on Monday The Rev. Charles W. Doherty, rector Free Masons. The loss is a Lout flu.tOO; SEE OUR Valentines with Miss Harriet Taylor of New York, gen- morning for the late Mrs..Patrick Mc- of the Church of Mary of the Assumption, Ingenious only a small part of whlch|is covered b eral secretary of the international com- Gowan who died one year ago. Augusta, has recently placed new stained scene effects, lnsuran ce. : shifting mittee Young Women’s Christian associ- Mrs. IL 11. Baker, formerly of this city, windows in his church. They are Footwear, i glass Heavy 50o to 03c ation, will speak at the Men’s meeting in but now living with her son, Hr. P. U. of handsome design, adding materially to I Just the thing for thia season A. hull tomorrow had the mis Y. M. U. afternoon Ingalls of Hartford, Conn., its interior beauty. of the year, for at half past four. This meeting is very fortune to fall the entire length of a Some say Raphael Tuck’s Men, Women und Children. rarely addressed by a woman, and a great (light of stairs, breakiug her arm and FRANK.P TIBBETTS & CO. Valentines are the deal of interest is taken in Mis herself. Also a full line of prettiest, Taylor. I badly bruising are to continue their clearance sale anoth- er week as advertised and will from London. previons'y KIJBBUR GOODS. they're present to each customer who purchase PIMPLES CURED BY amounts to live dollars a pretty jardiniere 4 HOICK ASSORTMENT. Nuremberg (of whose stand. A lower list of prices will be HK.VMI.VMJLL PRICKS. Which Will You Have? rnado on all goods remaining unsold. CUTICURA SOAP beauty our own Before using CtJTicUBA Boat, my face and great were a* as could i>c aud A STILL ALARM. hands just rough my Longfellow sang) sends us Alum or cream of tartar, in your baking powder? face was all covered w ith pimples. I was uu- The hose cart frt iu Engine 4 was called flt to look at, but after using Ccticura Soap Ernest Nester's Art Cre- If that is and the threc-.veeks, face was to velvet. alum, cheap baking powders are low to the house of John 11. True on State my equal DOW & PINKHAM, Feb. 0, KM. PAUL Dl PIUS, Chalcr, La. ations. Some think but alum is unfit for use in street last night by still alarm. The they food and the whole with blackheads and St. {♦ priced; I suffered for 35 chimney was bux’ulng out and no dam- pimples Exchange two or throe years until it liecame chronic. I aro best. of evidence is it. was done. weight against aje tried even-thing imaginable, but it did me no ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«•♦♦♦♦♦♦«< CuncuRA Soap cured me. If cream of that is wholesome. It has been used N D." good. tartar, J.JOWLING AT SOUTH PORTIA Feb.20,'’i». L. V.GILLIAM, Oak P. O.,Va. NOTIC12. The prettiest collection in for but the cream of The in the South Portland bowl for for tartar game 1 was troubled eight years with pimple* EYES TESTED FREE The Copartnership of Merrill & tJuptlll hav- town said one generations leavening; pow- a branch appreciative to ;moment at Trefotiun’s alleys last on the face. I commenced using Cctktra We have made this special oc limitation January Ml. l^tW. ing ANDERSON, ADAMS&CO., I expired by ders are in In :i very short time the all of our business anil can give you glasses I'he has the interest resulted as Portland, 13U0; BoAl*. pimples undersigned purchased Valentine higher price. night follows: of any W W. said firm and will con- buyer yesterday. disappeared and my skin is now in a healthy Fire Insurance description. f in. Merrill in Agency All glasses warranted or money re tinue the ami Ship Store busi- Of the cream of tartar Cleveland’s is the best. Prehits, condition. JAMKS FOSTER. III Ship Chandlery powders, Cuiinuge Street. fuutleu. ness as heietoloreat the old stand No. 175 Com- Feb. 17,1893. Dixmont, Allegheny Co., Pm. and ct t has. r. tiup- Cleveland’s is made those who care what The Porllund Sunday Journul New t li st Class American Forelgu Companies mercial 8t., under the stylo fkild th> wnrld. Prte* Me. LlllACo.. where 1 shall be pleased to see my baking powder for date local new* throughout Potter I>ica Axdkicbon. C. llie Sunday paper. Up to Run t'uiu- Cor*--, Seta l*rope., Boeion. Horace Gbu Adams. MclCENJiEY Jeweler, old iricnds amt customers. eat and want food. a?“ •* 11 to Prevent mud Cure Punpies," mailed ftce. Little, b. til 11 ILL. CO. they who pure 3 cents. dechi Tuoa.J. ipeodtf Mwnuuieut Square. jaulultf iehlidiot CiiAS. J.R. LIBBY 4 | %