Hydrogeological SurveyHydrogeological andAssessment of SelectedAreas inSomalilandandPuntland Hydrogeological Survey and Assessment of Selected Areas in Somaliland and Puntland AO-SWALIM serves water and land informa on needs of Somali administra ons, UN Organiza ons, Development Agencies and NGOs. To reach this goal, we are re-establishing Fdata collec on networks in collabora on with Somali ins tu ons and partner agencies and at the same me recovering lost informa on from all over the world. The informa on-building process involves collec ng primary and secondary data needed for water and land resources management, genera ng user-friendly informa on from the data, storing the informa on in easily accessible databases and dissemina ng it through conven onal and electronic media. Our products are available for free to all organiza ons and individuals working in related fi elds in Somalia. They include 35 technical reports on water and land resources of Somalia and related datasets, our website which provides access to 2 searchable online data catalogues and links to other products and a reference library and data access terminal at each of our 3 informa on resource centres. These products can be accessed at our Nairobi offi ce, online by visi ng our website (www.faoswalim.org), through email request (
[email protected]) or by visi ng our fi eld informa on resources centres at Hargeisa and Garowe. To facilitate the eventual transfer of SWALIM’s func on to Somali authori es, SWALIM is working with Somali Ministries and ins tu ons to build their informa on management capacity. Somalia Water and Land Informa on Management Ngecha Road, off Lower Kabete Road, P.O.