Village List of District No-XVI, Raechur According to Population Census

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Village List of District No-XVI, Raechur According to Population Census GOVERNMENT OF HYDERABAD VILLAGE LIST OF District No. XVI. Raechur · t P . lat· C 1941 A.D. A eeor dtng 0 opu '/,On ensus 1350 Fasli Compiled in the DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS & CENSUS H yderabad-Deccan GOVERNMENT PRESS HYDERABAD-DECCAN 1950 Third Issue] LIST OF CONTENTS. PAIlE. I. Introductory N otc ii II. Expla natory Note iii IlL Map of District No. XV1.-Raechur II IV. District Summary A.-Showing ClaSSification of Villages, Towns and Cities according to Population 3 V. District Summary B.-Showing Taluqwari distribution of communities and langnages. i VI. 1. Names of Raeehur Talug villages in order of their serial number shown in the Taluq map 7 2. Map of Raechur Taluq ( No. 94 ) 8 3. Village list of Raeehur Taluq 10 4. Uaqawari summary of Raechur Taluq 28 vn. 1. Names of Deodurg Taluq villages in order of their serial number shown in the Taluq Map ... 33 2. Map of Deodurg Taluq ( No. 95 ) 34 3. Village li~t of Deodurg Taluq 36 4. Ilaqawari summary of.Deodurg Taluq 54 VIII. 1. Names of Manvi Taluq villages in i:lrder of their serial number shown in the Taluq Map 59 2. Map of I)fanri Taluq ( No. 96 ) 60 3. Village list of Manvi Taluq 62 4. Ilaqawari summary of'Manri Taluq 78 IX. 1. Nllmes of Lingsgur Taluq villages in order of their serial number in the Taluq map 85 2. Map of Lingsgur Taluq ( No. 97) 86 3. Village list of Lingsgur Taluq 88 4. IIaqawari summary of Lingsgur TaIuq 106 X. 1. Names of Sindhnur Taluq villages in order of their serial number shown in the Taluq Map 113 2. Map of Sindhnur Talug ( No. 98) ... 114 3. Village list of Sindhnur TaIuq 116 4. IJaqawari summary of Sindhnur Taluq 132 XL 1. Names of Kmhtagi Taluq villages in order of their serial number shown in the Taluq l\Iap 13'9 2. Map of Kushtagi Taluq ( No. 99) ... 140 3. Village list of Kushtagi Taluq 142 4' Ifaqawari summary of Kushtagi Taluq 162 XII. I. Names of Gangarathi Talnq 'Village9 in order of their'serial number shown in the TaJuq Map 171 2. Map of Gangavathi Taluq ( No. 100) 172 3. Village list of Gangavatbi Taluq 174 4. IJaqa\\'ari summary of Gangavathi Talllg 188 xm. I. Names of Koppal raluq villages in order of their serial number shown in the Taluq Map 195 2. Map of Koppal Taluq ( No. 100 (a) ) 196 3. Village list of Koppal Taluq 198 4. Ilaqawari summary of Koppal Talul] 212 XIV. I. Names of Yalbarga Taluq villages in Older of their serial nunlber sbown in the Taluq Map 216 2. !I[ap of Yalbarg:l Taluq (No. 100 (b» 216 3. Village list of Yalbarga Tall1q 218 4. llaqawari sumlllary of Yalbarga Taluq 228 XV. I. Names of Alampl11' Taluq villages in order of their serial number Hhown in lhe Taluq Map 232 2. Map of Alampur Taluq ( No. 101 ) 23,2 S. Village list 9£ Alampur Taluq 234 4. Ilaqawari summary of Alampl1r Taluq 238 XVI. 1. Names of Gadval Taluq villages in order of their serial number shown in the TaJuq Map 242 2. lI1ap of Gadval Taluc" ( No. 102 ) 242 3. Village list of Gadval Taluq 24-1 4. Ilaqawari summary of Gadval Taluq 264 ii INTRODUCTORY NOTE. 1. Village lists of the 'Districts and faluqs of Hyderabad State are published after every decennial population census and serve as reliable guides for future Census Operations. 2. As the village forms the basic unit for all administrative purposes, and also for varioUs kinds of Government and Public enquiries great care bas been taken to make these lists as authentic and informative as "possible. 3. In addition to detailed information [or each village, these lists also cont~in taluqwar data in the form of District Summaries' divided into two parts. Part A shows the population of each taluq grouped into different sizes of villages, and the total inhabitants in each class of villages, while part B classifies the population of the taluqs according to main communities, languages and literacy. 4. The exact number of villages in each taluq aud as well as their correct names have been ascertained from such authentic sources as the village 'Shetwars' the ' Administration Schedules' of Tahsils, Survey of India Map, and the maps prepared by the Hyde'rabad Settlement Department.. 5. Irrespective of their llaqa, Diwani or Non-Diwani, figures are given villagewar for each taluq. A summary appended at the end of each Taluq list contains a statement showing consolidated fif5ures of Di wani anil N Oll­ Diwani ilaqas. ~ 6 An added feature of these li5tS is the district and taluq maps. The Survey of India Map as well as the Taluq maps prepared by H yderab:ld State Survey and Settlement Department are usually beyond the reach of public workers and ev<!n Go\·ernment servants. This 'long-felt need of a directional chart of areas comprising the unit of civil administration will now b~ met to a large extent by the maps included in these lists. The District Map with its demarcation of taluq boundaries gives the names of places with a popUlation of 5,000 and over. The Talu'q maps are reproductions of Settlement maps on a smaller scale. All the phjsical features shown in the originals have been ratained ill these copies, and additi,JOs, such as zoning, segmentation and numbering of villag(.'s have been introduced so as to make the maps more useful for admini,trati\'e and other purposes. Director of statistics and CenSlts. iii EXPLAN ATORY NOTE. L Village Usts:- Col. 2 The riuin villages are numbered, and the Hamlets (Mc:zras) are shown withou~ a number in Italics just under the name of their parent villages. Col. 3. The Abhreviatioils used and their significance are as follows;- D. =Diwani llaqa. S. K. =:= Sarf-e-Khas Ilaqa. P. = Paegaj) f1aqa. E. J. = Exempted Jagir llaqa. N. J. =Non-Exempted Jagir Ilaqa. S. = Samasthan Ilaqa. M. == Maqta. A. G. = Agrahars. Col. 6. The total population of the village including the smaller Hamlets (Mazras) is shown. Important 'Hamlets' are with bigger population shown separately. Col.' 18. The Abbridations used and their significance art: as follows:- W. = Weekly Bazar . F. =Cattle Bazar. U. = Urus and meals. ]. =Jatras (P. S.) = Primary schools eM S.)= VIiddle schools. (H. S.) = High scbools C. = Colleges. A. = Places of Archeological interests. (P. 0) = Post offices. H. =Government Hm:pital and Dispensaries. R. = Railwa y stations. rr llaqawart'Sulltmary:- Col. 17. Shows the serial Nos. of villages according to the A lphabe­ tical List. Ill. Taluq /11 aps:- 1. Maps are divided into 'Zones' (Circles) and 'Segments' (Circles divided into four equal parts). Iv Numbering of zones begins from the inner circles and pr~eeds in sequence as t~ey go outward. The numbering of segments is done in c1ock·wi~e order, and so also the numbering of villages. The zone l segment and village number of facilitates reference. 2. Each zone covers an area of six miles radius; thus facilitating the calculation of distance of a viIlage from the taluq head­ quarters. j. Places having a population of 2!000 and over are marked \dth their names as well as their serial numbers, while those having less than 2,000 population bear only serial numbers. - _I , DISTRICT No. XVI. RAECHOR. ). ) .. "~ o ."~ 3 .:, 00 ~ o .". I - o UO!lCjn<io,j ..; o '0 00 gl:- ------------------------------ ~ 00 M - ci 00 ." o'" Z '" ." "" I ~ :I~I ci Z g I UOHlljndod 6 0 0 c 0 I z ""0 0:> 0 W)!llljtldod "',0 i 6 . I ""0 ci ", -0 Z c c 0 uomqndod 0 6 0 0 ci )0." Z 0 0 0 I uO!~lljnUl)d ~6'" I 2> I 0 0 ci ",,- I Z _:_I 0 0 o '" I 0 U )!1l1jtlc:o,j ." o 6"" 0,01 0 0_ 0 '" o ." - I Z "" 0 0 U[)!11lI nU Od -0_ 6 -~---- a ~~ 0 Z 0 0 UOn1l1nUod '".,: I -- - ~ __ :< ci ~ Z 00 .... sal!tu lld U! lla,lV .0 .... '" 00 llb"lI __o~·--o~·~-~-·--o-·---o~-o----o-·~~--~;.~: __O_· ___~__ ~ ___ 1 !l o Ul 0' .... 'C-l OJ'" !-< '0li! 'jJ_j 1-- 4 I ~ ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r'~ ~~§~~-~:·s I I~ 'Y,) c~ <:> co l-. 0':. -----:.--j----~------,------, ... 1---,--.---_1__ 1___________________ 1 j Icip;q:: ____o ____ ,-----! -0 -~-~---~---~-,,---~----~----~----~----~-~---~-----~---: a ~ c-l I ~ ~ 10 ~. ~ g ~ ~ ~ '0,. ~ ~ I :i f.!"' ~ t! ~ ~- ~;;" g ~ C'l ~ .,. I '" 1 o ,r> 00• .--~-------------- e o '"d" O'l o. 0" ~--,-----__;:J_"" -1- VILLAGE LIST TALUQ No.' 94:-RAECHUR.. 7. XA~E~ OF VILLAGES I~, OROEH OF THEIR ~O. sHOWN IX THE ~rAI'. - T ALUQ:-Raeclmr. D 1ST RI CT:-Rflee/III,.. Zone 1 Segment 1. 44. Ibrahimdoddi. Zone 2 Seg'ment 3. 1. R·aechur. .45. Kadlur. 93. }Jurthipalli. 2. P"'othgal. 46. Sag'amkllnta. 3. Yagnur. - 47. Ganmllr. 94. i\aglapllr (Yergeta) 95. Garaldini. 4. Sanknur. 48. Mac1mandoddi. 96. Drnni. 5. Shakwadi. 49. Raldoddi. 97. Marchathal. 6. Polkamdoddi. 50. A ppandoddi. 98. Posaldini. 7. Katlatkur. 51. Vadpalli. 99. Hansihal havra. 8. Kadgamdoddi. 52. Rallganpalli. 100. Kalmala. 9, Krapdoddi. 53. Oganhalli. 10 Aghapur. 54. Yapaldini. Zone 2 Segment 4. 11. Thimmalgat. 55. Kothdoddi (Chan- 12. Vadvati. der Banda) 101. Murharpur. 13. Baidoddi. 56. Palvaldbddi. ] 02. Venkatapur. 57. Nagandoddi. 103. Raghonathpalli. Zone 1 Segment 2. 58. Chandarbanda. 104. AralIJanhoda. 105. Hanmapur. 14. Ghaosnagar. 59. Arasgira. 15. BolmanJoddi. 60. Eragchad. 106. Mallapur (Yelgera). ]07 Jagarl.-al. 115. Bijangera. 61. Goddini. 108. H< spet. 17. Sidraupur. 62. Vadlandoddi. 109. Chiksugur. 18. Mitti Malkapur.
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