of Albemarle County, Virginia and Elbert County, Georgia

and their children

Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website:

If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: Jim B. Evans, 2016) Available online at

© 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author.

Jim B. Evans Dallas, Texas October 2016

Dedicated to the memory of Joan Horsley Gilbert for her formidable skills as a Wansley researcher, undaunted by family traditions,

her vibrant spirit,

and her valued friendship.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments and Comments i

Wansley’s in Colonial Virginia before John Wansley, Sr. ii

Chapter 1 John Wansley, Sr. and his wife Mildred Whitten A. Timeline 1 B. Family Group Sheet 13 C. Revolutionary War Pension Application 15 D. Will and Estate Records 18

Chapter 2 Sarah Wansley and her husband John Beck A. Timeline 26 B. Family Group Sheet 37 C. John Beck Deeds in Elbert County, Georgia 38 D. Rejected Revolutionary War Pension for Sarah Beck 43

Chapter 3 Nancy Wansley and her husbands, John Perry Patterson and William Young A. Timeline 45

Chapter 4 Elizabeth Wansley and her husband Abraham Elliott A. Timeline 47

Chapter 5 William Wansley A. Timeline 49

Chapter 6 Nathan Wansley and his wives Susannah Watts and Elizabeth Cleveland A. Timeline 51 B. Family Group Sheets 57 C. Nathan Wansley Estate Records 60

Chapter 7 Mildred [Millie] Wansley and her husband Samuel Jenkins A. Timeline 61

Chapter 8 John Wansley, Jr. and his wife Sally Greenway A. Timeline 65

Chapter 9 Reuben Wansley and his wife Elizabeth Cunningham A. Timeline 69 B. Family Group Sheet 75 C. John Cunningham: Selected Revolutionary War Pension Records 76 D. Sarah Cunningham Fleming Will 80

Chapter 10 Martha [Patsy] Wansley and her husband Benjamin Davis A. Timeline 81 B. Family Group Sheet 85

Chapter 11 Thomas Wansley and his wife Jemima Means A. Timeline 86 B. Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means Family Record 91 C. Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr. and Martha Hinton Family Record 91 D. Family Group Sheet 92 E. Thomas Wansley Will and Estate Records 94

Chapter 12 Larkin Wansley A. Timeline 128

Appendix A Walter Goldsmith and his wife Elizabeth A. Timeline 130

Appendix B Mildred “Milly” Wansley Wife of John Wansley of Albemarle County, Virginia and Elbert County [Previously known as Amelia Barber} Fictions and Facts in Wansley Family Genealogies. Joan Horsley, 2009. 143

Index 181

Acknowledgements and Comments

For many family researchers Frank N. Wansley's From Rome to Ruckersville — Our Wansley History was our primer. Frank Wansley lovingly saved family traditions and histories in Elbert County, Georgia and adjoining areas. He generously noted contributions by family members. His family history is a "tossed salad genealogy" since he did not expressly detail how the branches of the family were connected. Frank Wansley knew those answers; however, the rest of us were left in the dark to sort out the possibilities based on primary documents. Later descendants who contributed to Frank N. Wansley's book are generally accurate; however, sources were not cited.

The latest census records that Frank N. Wansley could have accessed would have been the 1900 census, available in 1972. However, there is no evidence he used the any census records. Frank N. Wansley did cursory research in Elbert County, Georgia probate records and marriage records primarily for John Wansley, Sr. and Thomas Wansley, son of John Wansley, Sr. Additional primary sources included Records of the Church of Christ at Vans Creek in Elbert County, Georgia, and John Wansley's application for a Revolutionary War pension.

Frank N. Wansley, Doris Steed Smith [Mrs. Wray Smith] and Noel Steed blithely accepted and promoted the fantasy that Amelia Barber, alleged wife of John Wansley, Sr., was a daughter of Patrick Barber of New York and New Jersey. These researchers used the fallacious argument that the absence of documentation for Amelia Barber proved she existed. This assertion continues to spread virally over the internet, totally resistant to any attempts to refute. From Rome to Ruckersville — Our Wansley History by Frank N. Wansley should be used with considerable caution as a resource..

While living in Albemarle County, Virginia, John and Mildred Wansley owned only household goods and livestock and lived in a crude slab cabin; they owned no real estate. Later researchers misread or misinterpreted John Wansley's sale of personal property to Nathaniel Wansley in 1799. They inflated the sale of plantation equipment into a substantial estate, even including "silver," a misinterpretation of "eutenseals" [utensils]. In Georgia John and Mildred Wansley were relatively prosperous. When John Wansley died in 1835, he left an estate valued over $2000. For a man of limited socioeconomic status and education, John Wansley, Sr. left a relatively well documented life in Louisa and Albemarle County, Virginia in tax rolls, lawsuits and one personal property transaction. Georgia real estate transactions, Revolutionary War pension application, and extensive probate records further supplement the lives of John Wansley, Sr. and Mildred Whitten.

Recently Joan Horsley, a descendant of Martha [Patsy] Wansley and Benjamin Davis, published Mildred ‘Milly' Wansley Wife of John Wansley of Albemarle County, Virginia and Elbert County, Georgia [Previously known as Amelia Barber] Fictions and Facts in Wansley Family Genealogies. Joan Horsley was an insightful historian of the Wansley and Davis families. Her original research discovered tax records for John Wansley, Sr. and several of his sons in Albemarle County, Virginia beginning in 1782. Joan Horsley insightfully pursued the lead connecting Walter Goldsmith with William Wansley, a soldier in the French and Indian War, and William Wansley's heir-at-law, John Wansley, Sr. Joan Horsley, with assistance of researchers at Library of Virginia in Richmond, found extensive Albemarle County Chancery Court Records in two suits: Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell, Sr., subsequently continued as Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell, Sr. heirs. Multiple depositions documented Walter Goldsmith's social connections with John and Mildred Wansley, their son, William Wansley, their neighbors and acquaintances in Albemarle County, Virginia and John Dowell, Sr. and Dowell’s children and heirs-at-law. Joan Horsley essay included in Appendix B thoughtfully explored the fictions about Amelia Barber and proposed insightful answers based on primary sources. Joan Horsley also persuasively reasoned that Mildred [Milly, Millie] Whitten was the only wife of John Wansley, Sr.

Documentation for the children of John and Millie Wansley varies considerably. Sarah Wansley Beck, Reuben Wansley, Nathaniel Wansley and Thomas Wansley, Sr. left relatively extensive records. The contemporary references for the other children are far more limited.

The surviving documents suggest our ancestors were unusually litigious; however, documentary bias preserves court records such as wills, lawsuits and probate records. Citizens who owned no property, paid their debts and were not involved in lawsuits tended to leave far fewer documents.

Every "complete" genealogy is not an ending but a beginning that invites future researchers to add their knowledge and research. I invite you to continue discoveries about our Wansley family.

Jim Evans Dallas, Texas October 2016

i Wansleys in Colonial Virginia Jim B. Evans and Joan Horsley

The earliest documented Wansley in Colonial Virginia is the 1674 land patent for John Hulme who brought ten people to New Kent County including John Wansley.

To all &c whereas &c now know you that I William Berkeley King &c Grant & Give unto Jno Hume 523 acres of Land in New Kent Coty on ye N. E. side of Malapanie [Matapanie] River Beginning at a marked Ash upon Masticock Swamp from thence S [illegible] Deg [illegible] for a markt Red oak, thence E 100 poles to the head of a branch of the Sd Swamp to a marked Spanish oak thence [illegible] 15 Deg 240 poles to a marked Red oake & thence down W 274 poles to a white oake upon the rim of Posticock [Pesticock] & from thence down the Sd Swamp S 45 Deg W 240 poles another marked white oake angle run of ye Sd swamp from thence S 55 Deg East 200 poles to a marked Ash angle aforesaid Masticock Swamp from thence up the Sd swamp to the place it began, the Sd Land being Due to ye Sd Hume by transportation of ten persons into this Collonie Johannie H to be held &c [illegible] & probive [?] & Sale this 7th Apr 1674 Josias Hingstone, Ja. Elliott Joane Fardle Jno Blake Richd Barnard Jno Wansley Eliz Badimore Robt Torne [Toone] Wm Cox Saml Ridley

[Virginia Land Patents, No. 6, p. 608. Patent for John Hume.]

After this 1674 grant Wansley references in Colonial Virginia are as rare as hens’ teeth until William Wansley’s service n the French and Indian War in 1757-1758. In 1780, Walter Goldsmith filed an affidavit in Louisa County, Virginia proving William Wansley’s service. Since William Wansley had died, John Wansley was his heir-at-law.

14 February 1780, “Wansley-Gunn No 560 At a Court held for Louisa County on Monday the 14th of Feby 1780 - It appears to the Court by the oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley enlisted and served as a soldier in Capt Gunns company of Regulars in the year of 1758 legally Discharged that he served as a soldier in Capt Meridiths Company of Rangers in the Year 1759 until legally Discharged that the said William has never proved his service or Obtained any land in Consideration thereof under the King of Britains proclamation on [illegible] 1763 which is Ordered to be Certified A Copy Test John Nelson Clk Assigned to Robert Thomson assignee of William Wansley Warrant for 50 acres this [illegible] February 1780” [Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation and Warrants, Land Bounty Certificates for French and Indian War.] [Bockstruck, Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers, p. 256.] 14 February 1780 , In Louisa County, Virginia, a warrant “for 50 acres was issued to Robert Thomson, assignee of William Wansley, a soldier in Capt. Gunn’s Company of Regulars in 1758 and in Capt. Meredeth’s Company of rangers in 1759, proved on oath of Walter Goldsmith.” [Bockstruck, Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers, p. 288.] According to Davis in Louisa County, Virginia 1743-1814. Where Have All the Children Gone? William Wansley received 100 acres; the other 50 acres have not yet been found.

Based on the Proclamation of the Act of 1763, privates serving in the frontier defense during the French and Indian War received 50 acres. According to Davis, William Wansley received 100 acres, consistent with 50 acres for each term of service.

14 February 1780, “William Wansley Louisa County No. 560 It appears to the court by the Oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley . . . served as a soldier in Captn Gunns Company of Regulars in the Year 1758 . . . that he Served as a Soldier in Captn Meridiths company of Rangers in the year 1759 John Nelson Clk [verso] Louisa Cty Feby the 17th 1780 I do hereby assign all my right & Title to the within Certificate to Robt Thomson of sd County as Witness my Hand the Day & Date above mentioned. Wm + Wansley; Test Rodes Thomson” [Little, Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 38, No. 3, August 2000, p. 291.] [NOTE: In this printed transcription William Wansley signed the assignment; however, the 16 February 1780 affidavit stated William Wansley had died and John Wansley was his heir-at-law.]

16 February 1780, Louisa County, Virginia Order Book for 1774-1782, recorded the "Oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley enlisted [as a private] and served as a soldier in Capt. Gunns Co. of Regulars in the year 1758 and that he served as a soldier in Captain Meridiths Co. of Rangers in the year 1759 and that sd. William had never located or sold the right in 100 acres of land and that he was Entitled to in the year 1763. Sd. William is dead and John Wansley is his Heir at Law." [Louisa County [Virginia] Order Book 1774-1782, p. 291; printed transcription in Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, 1743-1814: Where Have All The Children Gone?, p. 79.]

02 March 1780, “LAND-OFFICE WARRANT, No. 560 To the principal Surveyor of any County within the Commonwealth of Virginia.

ii This shall be your WARRANT to survey and lay off in one or more Surveys for Robert Thompson Assignee of William Wansley his Heirs or Assigns, the quantity of fifty Acres of Land, due unto the said Thompson for Military service performed by the said Wansley a Soldier in the late War between Great Britain and France, according to the terms of the King of Great Britain Proclamation of 1763. A Certificate of which received into the Land Office. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Seal of the said Office, on this Second Day of March in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty [signed] S Carr” [Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation Warrants”

John Wansley, Sr. [1738-1835], heir-at-law of William Wansley, was born 1738 in Hanover County, probably in the area that became Louisa County when that county was formed in 1742. The first known document for John Wansley, Sr., dated 23 September 1760, concerns a suit of David Cosby vs. John Wansley in Louisa County, Virginia for an extension in time to settle a dispute. [Louisa County, Virginia Court Order Book 1760-1764 as recorded in Bell, Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw]

Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley, Sr. were closely associated in Albemarle County. Before moving to Albemarle County, Virginia, both had lived in Louisa County. John Wansley, Sr. was a tenant on land in Albemarle County that Walter Goldsmith purchased from John Dowell, Sr. The dispute over title to the land began ca 1780 and continued until at least 1805. Walter Goldsmith ves.John Dowell, Sr. began during Dowell’s lifetime and continued as Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell, Sr. heirs. At one point Walter Goldsmith considered bequeathing this disputed land to John Wansley, Sr. “if he behaved himself.” John Wansley, Sr. and his family moved from Albemarle County, Virginia to Elbert County, Georgia ca 1799. Walter Goldsmith died ca 1806 or later, presumably in Virginia.

NOTE: Joan Horsley pursued the Wansley-Goldsmith connection. She discovered multiple Wansley depositions related to Walter Goldsmith’s dispute with John Dowell, Sr. and heirs of John Dowell in Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court.

Bell, John C. [compiler]. Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw of 18th Century Virginia. Nashville, Tennessee: John C. Bell, 1983.

Goldsmith, Walter vs. John Dowell, Sr. Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records. Case ID 1796-006

Goldsmith, Walter vs. John Dowell, Sr. heirs. Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Record. Case ID 1801- 004.

Nugent, Nell Marion. [Claudia B. Grundman, index] Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. II: 1666-1695. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia State Library, 1977.

Virginia, Secretary of the Colony. Virginia Land Patents [1624-1774], No. 6, p. 608. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia State Library Photographic Laboratory, 1949. [microfilm, patent for John Hume]

iii Chapter 1 JOHN and MILDRED [MILLEY, MILLY] WANSLEY [WANSLOW], SR. James B. Evans and Joan Horsley

1738 John Wansley or Wanslow, Sr. was born in 1738 in Louisa County, Virginia, based on his application for a Revolutionary War pension in 1833 when he was 94. Since Louisa County was not formed from Hanover County until 1742, his birthplace was presumably the portion of Hanover County that subsequently became Louisa County. His parents are unknown. Mildred Wansley in a deposition dated 03 October 1798 referred to Louisa County as “down Home” suggesting that she may have come from Louisa County.

14 Feb 1780 “Wansley-Gunn No 560 At a Court held for Louisa County on Monday the 14th of Feby 1780 - It appears to the Court by the oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley enlisted and served as a soldier in Capt Gunns company of Regulars in the year of 1758 legally Discharged that he served as a soldier in Capt Meridiths Company of Rangers in the Year 1759 until legally Discharged that the said William has never proved his service or Obtained any land in Consideration thereof under the King of Britains proclamation on [illegible] 1763 which is Ordered to be Certified A Copy Test John Nelson Clk Assigned to Robert Thomson assignee of William Wansley Warrant for 50 acres this [illegible] February 1780” [Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation and Warrants, Land Bounty Certificates for French and Indian War]

14 Feb 1780 “William Wansley Louisa County No. 560 It appears to the court by the Oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley . . . served as a soldier in Captn Gunns Company of Regulars in the Year 1758 . . . that he Served as a Soldier in Captn Meridiths company of Rangers in the year 1759 John Nelson Clk [verso] Louisa Cty Feby the 17th 1780 I do hereby assign al my right & Title to the within Certificate to Robt Thomson of sd County as Witness my Hand the Day & Date above mentioned. Wm + Wansley; Test Rodes [NOTE: “Rodes” is the spelling in transcription; this may be a misinterpretation of Robert.] Thomson” [Little, Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 38, No. 3, August 2000, p. 291.] In this printed transcription William Wansley signed the assignment; however, the 16 February 1780 affidavit stated William Wansley had died and John Wansley was his heir-at-law.

14 Feb 1780 In Louisa County, Virginia, a warrant “for 50 acres was issued to Robert Thomson, assignee of William Wansley, a soldier in Capt. Gunn’s Company of Regulars in 1758 and in Capt. Meredeth’s Company of rangers in 1759, proved on oath of Walter Goldsmith.” [Bockstruck, Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers, p. 288.]

Based on the Proclamation of the Act of 1763, privates serving in the frontier defense during the French and Indian War received 50 acres. According to Rosalie E. Davis in Louisa County, Virginia, 1743-1814: Where Have All The Children Gone? William Wansley received 100 acres; the other 50 acres have not been found.

16 Feb 1780 Louisa County, Virginia Order Book for 1774-1782, recorded the "Oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley enlisted [as a private] and served as a soldier in Capt. Gunns Co. of Regulars in the year 1758 and that he served as a soldier in Captain Meridiths Co. of Rangers in the year 1759 and that sd. William had never located or sold the right in 100 acres of land and that he was Entitled to in the year 1763. Sd. William is dead and John Wansley is his Heir At Law." [Louisa County [Virginia] Order Book 1774-1782, p. 291; printed transcription in Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, 1743-1814: Where Have All The Children Gone?, p. 79; Bockstruck, Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers, p. 256.]

23 Sep 1760 Louisa County, Virginia Court Order [Minute] Book 1760-1764 included the following notation, "David Cosby vs Jno Wansley Imparlance." [p. 5.] [NOTE: Imparlance is an extension of time to a party in a lawsuit to settle a dispute amicably.] [Louisa County, Virginia Court Order Book 1760- 1764 as recorded in Bell, Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw]

23 Jun 1761 David Cosby won a judgment against John Wansley for costs. [p. 15] [Louisa County, Virginia Court Order Book 1760-1764, as recorded in Bell, Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw]


13 Jul 1762 William Trice was ordered to pay John Wansley for one day [for coming 20 miles and returning]. [p. 41.] [Louisa County, Virginia Court Order Book 1760-1764 as recorded in Bell, Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw]

11 Apr 1764 The case of Robert Anderson vs John Wansley for a debt was dismissed. [p. 82.] [Louisa County, Virginia Court Order Book 1760-1764 as recorded in Bell, Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw]

John Wansley's wife was Mildred [Milly or Millie]; her last name may have been Whitten. The date of their marriage is unknown. St. George Temple Records, Washington County, Utah names deceased “Millie Whitin” born in the United States with proxy baptism and confirmation on 16 November 1881 by Annie Elmer Smith, friend. [St. George Temple, Utah, pp. 16-7, #246.] On the 17 November 1881, there is a proxy baptism and confirmation for Millie Wanslee, by Sarah Ann Arterbury Church. [#258, pp. 16-7.] Also on 08 November 1881, Millie Wansley, born in United States, had a proxy baptism and confirmation by Lydia Goldwaithe Knight, friend. [pp. 20-1, #327.

On 03 October 1798, Mildred Wansley was deposed in suit of Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell heirs; she discussed John Dowell, Sr. having paid Walter Goldsmith 90£ for land in February 1780. This is the earliest documentation for Mildred Wansley. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006]

Records of the Church of Christ at Vans Creek in Elbert County included at least three references to Milly Wanslow. The church minutes for 22 October 1801 reported, "Met at the meeting house opened a door, and received by experience Mary Ginnings, John Craft Milly Wanslow, Mary Davis, Adam Gaar and Ann Underwood." According to minutes on 30 May 1802, "Met at Bro. John Jones opened a door for the reception of members and received by experience Sally Shackleford, Milly Wanslow, Patsy Moore, Hannah McGowen and Charity a black woman belonging to Thomas Gregg." These references are consistent with two different women named Milly Wanslow. On 07 August 1802, Vans Creek Church excommunicated Ann McCossin, Patsy McCossin and "Milly Jenkins, formerly Milly Wanslow . . . for withdrawing themselves from us and Joining the Methodist." This August record indicated one of these women was Milly Wansley Jenkins. The other Milly Wanslow was the wife of John Wanslow, Sr.

On 01 September 1810, John Wansley, Sr. and his wife, Milley Wansley, of Elbert County, Georgia, conveyed 202½ acres in Putnam County, Georgia to William Weeks, Betsey Weeks, Nancy Weeks, James Weeks, Poleman Weeks and Adeline Weeks, heirs of John Weeks, all of Putnam County, Georgia, Lot 287 in Putnam County, for $1600. Witnesses were George Stovall, Henry Shackelford and James Shackelford, J. P. John and Milley Wansley each signed the deed with their mark. [Putnam County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. B, pp. 156-7.]

On 09 January 1829, Milly Wansley died. She was presumably the wife of John Wansley, Sr. [Thomas Wansley Family Record in Frank N. Wansley, p. 41.]

Two of John Wansley's grandchildren had "Whitten" as a middle name. Nathaniel Whitten Wansley [27 August 1797-1887] was a son of Nathan Wansley. Frank N. Wansley stated Mildred W. Beck’s middle name was Whitten; his source is unknown. [p. 109]

John Wanslow's 1835 will named the following children: Nancy Young, Elizabeth Eliott, Sally Beck, Nathan Wanslow, John Wanslow, Reuben Wanslow, Milly Jenkins, Patsy Davis, Thomas Wanslow and Larkin Wanslow. The Wansley children were born in Virginia, either Louisa or Albemarle County. John and Mildred Wansley also had a son named William who stated his father was John Wansley in a 17 November 1798 deposition, part of the long-standing dispute over sale of land between Walter Goldsmith and John Dowell, Sr. in Albemarle County. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006.] Since William Wansley was not named an heir in the will of John Wansley, Sr., he must have died before his father and without any heirs-at-law.

Frank N. Wansley mentions Matilda Wansley as a putative daughter of John Wansley, Sr.; she allegedly married Lucas Holder of Virginia; they later moved to Kentucky. John Wansley's will does not mention Matilda Holder as an heir or any descendants. No documents confirm the existence of Matilda Wansley.


John Wansley, Sr., Mildred Wansley, William Wansley, Sarah Wansley Beck, Thomas Wansley, Nathan Wansley, Reuben Wansley, John Wansley, Jr., Elizabeth Wansley Elliott and Larkin Wansley all signed documents with their mark. There are no known documents that Nancy Wansley Young, Milly Wansley Jenkins and Martha Wansley Davis signed.

06 Mar 1765 Sarah Wansley, daughter of John and Mildred Wansley was born in Virginia. [NOTE: Date of birth is from a family record. In National Archives with rejected application for Sarah Wansley Beck as widow of alleged Revolutionary War Soldier.] ca 1768 Nancy Wansley, daughter of John and Mildred Wansley was born in Virginia. Her approximate date of birth is based on marriage bond in Albemarle County, Virginia on 14 November 1789. ca 1768 Elizabeth Wansley, daughter of John and Mildred Wansley, was born in Virginia. Her approxi- mate date of birth is based on marriage bond in Albemarle County, Virginia on 28 August 1790. [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriages Bonds, p. 58.; Vogt, Vol. II, p. 669.] ca 1768 Assuming tax roll for 1789 indicated William Wansley had reached majority, he was born ca 1768. In a 17 November 1798 deposition in Albemarle County, Virginia, William Wansley referred to his father, John Wansley. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.] ca 1769 Nathaniel [Nathan] Wansley was born in Virginia, a son of John and Mildred Wansley. Date of birth is based on first listing on tax rolls of Albemarle County, Virginia on 02 June 1790 when he was presumably 21. On 28 August 1780, Nathan Wansley was a bondsman for the marriage of Elizabeth Wansley and Abraham Elliot in Albemarle County, Virginia.

22 Apr 1773 "Two orders to arrest John Wansley at suit of Richard Harvie & Co., 19 June and 22 April” 19 Jun 1773 [Albemarle County, Virginia Court Papers 1744-1783, p. 46.] ca 1774 Mildred [Milly] Wansley, a daughter of John and Mildred Wansley, was born in Albemarle County, Virginia. ca 1774 John Wansley, Jr. was born in Virginia, a son of John and Mildred Wansley, was born in Albemarle County, Virginia. John Wansley, Jr. was first listed on Albemarle County, Virginia tax rolls in 1795, suggesting he had reached majority. ca 1774 Reuben Wansley, a son of John and Mildred Wansley, was born in Albemarle County, Virginia. [1850 census]. According to the 1860 census, Reuben Wansley was born ca 1779-80. According to tombstone in the Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia, Reuben T. Wansley, Sr. was born in Albemarle County, Virginia in 1774 and his wife, Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley was born in Virginia, 1784. [NOTE: It is unknown whether the tombstones were erected approximately when Reuben and Elizabeth Wansley died or at a later date.] Reuben Wansley was first recorded on Albemarle County, Virginia tax roll in 1795, indicating he was born ca 1774. ca 1775 Nathaniel [Nathan] Wansley was born ca 1775 in Albemarle County, Virginia, a son of John and Mildred Wansley.

Revolutionary In a 16 April 1801 deposition Jason Bowcock [Bocock] stated that in “The year that Burgunns War troops Was Removed from the Barracks of Albemarle, John Wansley Rented a plantation of mine d that year, I happened to be at my plantation one day, and the S John Wansley and an old man Whome they Cald Gulesmith [sic, Goldsmith] had Just Returned home, and was a Breakfast – they told me they had been to purchase a pice [sic] or a Track of Land of one John Dowell to Which they was to give for the Sd Land 8000 wait [sic] of Tobacco 2000 Wait [sic] to be paid annually till the 8000 was dischargd.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

Revolutionary War Service John Wansley, Sr. served as a private in the Revolutionary War in Virginia. His military service record is sketchy, as reported in his 1833 pension application when he was 94, and no surviving contemporary witnesses could corroborate his military service during the American Revolution.


1776 or 1777 According to John Wansley’s pension application, “he was drafted into the Service of the United States as a private for Three months on the ----- day of ----- in the year Seventeen hundred and Seventy Six [or Seven, word uncertain] the day and month not recollected, under Captain Harris in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel Lewis, that he resided in Albemarle County State of Virginia all the time when he was drafted into said Service, joined the Regiment in Fluvannah [sic, Fluvanna] County State of Virginia, Marched from thence to York Town in said State of Virginia, from York town to Hampton on the sea board, where he was discharged after having Served three months as a private in the United States Service during the Revolutionary War.” [Revolutionary War Pension Application File S.32045, National Archives.]

1781 John Wansley “[w]as drafted into the Service of the United States for Three Months as a private, in the county of Albemarle State of Virginia, on the ----- day of ----- Seventeen hundred and Eighty on the day and month he does not recollect distinctly, under Captain William Dawton in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel ----- joined his regiment in Albemarle County, Marched from thence to Richmond State of Virginia where he remained for some time from Richmond to a place called Holts forge, he cannot distinctly recollect the other Marchings during this Service of the United States, but after having served three months as a private was discharged from the service of the United States, but does not recollect the date when he was discharged.” [Revolutionary War Pension Application File S.32045, National Archives.]

1781 John Wansley “was also drafted in to the Service of the United States for three Months as a private in the County of Albemarle State of Virginia, on the ----- day of ----- Seventeen hundred and Eighty One the day and month he does not recollect, under Captain Henderson, in the Regiment Commanded by a Colonel whose name he cannot now recollect, Marched from Albemarle County to Richmond Virginia, from Richmond to Cabbin [sic] point, from thence Marched about twenty five or thirty miles to a small Town Where he was discharged after having served three months as a private in the Service of the United States, but does not recollect the date when he was discharged, Making in all at the three different periods, Nine Months Service as a private during the Revolutionary War, that during his Service he served with the Militia and regulars but cannot describe them at this late date by name, General Nelson of the Militia and the Marquis de La Fayette of the Continentals he knew, who commanded the troops at the different periods where he served, That he has no documentary evidence, and that he knows of no person, whose testimony he can procure, who can testify to his Service during the Revolutionary War.” [Revolutionary War Pension Application File S.32045, National Archives.] ca 1781 Walter Goldsmith claimed he had a verbal agreement with John Dowell to purchase 200 acres of woodland in Albemarle County for 80 pounds current money or 8,000 pounds of tobacco to be paid within four years. Walter Goldsmith claimed John Dowell had received 80 pounds money for the land. This claim against John Dowell is undated. Goldsmith asserted he paid John Dowell 80£ in 1781. This bill asserts that John Dowell did not grant a title; in fact the sheriff acting for Dowell seized property for Goldsmith’s failure to pay rent. John Wansley was also a tenant on the same property. Goldsmith’s attorney was J. Breckinridge. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006] [NOTE: Previously on 27 May 1773, James Coleman of Halifax County, Virginia sold John Dowell of Albemarle County 200 acres, located in Albemarle County. Consideration was £30 current money. The tract was adjacent to Thomas Walker, John Carr, William Martin and Thomas Dowell. Thomas Jones, John Harvie, John Walker were witnesses. [Sparacio, Ruth, Deed Abstracts of Albemarle County, Virginia 1772-1776, pp. 36- 7; original pages in deed book pp. 143-4.]

01 Mar 1781 Martha Patsy Wansley, a daughter of John and Mildred Wansley, was born in Albemarle County, Virginia. [NOTE: Date and place of birth are based on photograph of tombstone in Mount Hope Cemetery, Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia.]

29 Apr 1783 Thomas Wansley, a son of John and Mildred Wansley, was born in Albemarle County, Virginia. [NOTE: Date of birth from photograph of tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia in Frank N. Wansley, p. 3.]

11 Aug 1786 Walter Goldsmith, John Wansly and Garland Carr posted bond of 2,800 pounds of tobacco, payable to John Dowell. The Chancery Court of Albemarle County granted an injunction to Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley “to stay proceedings at law on Judgment obtained in the Court by the above named John Dowell – against the said Walter Goldsmith & John Wansly - The condition of the above obligation therefore is such that if the above bound Walter Goldsmith &


John Wansley & Garland Carr shall satisfy & pay to the said John Dowell -- All such Sum of Money Tobacco and Costs which are now due or shall become due on the Judgment aforesaid and shall also pay such Costs as shall be awarded against them -- in case the injunction shall be dissolved then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in force [signed] Walter Goldsmith [signed] Garland Carr” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006]

John Dowell responded to Walter Goldsmith’s claims concerning the alleged sale of property. According to John Dowel’s response, there was an agreement to sell the property for 8,000 pounds of Crop tobacco; however, Walter Goldsmith failed to pay for the land. Also, Goldsmith would not pay for rental of the same land. This counterclaim does not mention John Wansley. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006]

Lucy Beck stated in an affidavit that during the lifetime of her husband Andrew Beck [died 29 May 1781], “John Dowell happening at their our house [during the] life of her husband Andrew Beck who ask Dowell if John Wansley was to pay him for any part of the land that he sold unto Walter Goldsmith, that as Wansley lived on a pa[rt] if the said land he conjectioned [sic] he was to pay part of the Money. Dowell replied that he did not look to Wansley for any part of the Money But that he looked to Mr. Goldsmith only, that Goldsmith put Wansley there . . .” Lucy Beck made this affidavit 07 August 1788 as part of the case Goldsmith vs Dowell. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006]

14 Aug 1788 Samuel Edwards filed an affidavit in Goldsmith vs Dowell. In 1784, Edwards planned to purchase the land where Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley lived. Samuel Edwards contacted John Wansley who said that Wansley “did not want to purchase himself, but wished to keep possession for Two Years, after which the sd Wansley intended to move, either to the Southward or Kentucky . . .” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796- 006] Goldsmith vs Dowell continued until March 1796 when the case was abated by the death of John Dowell, only to continue as Goldsmith vs Dowell heirs.

10 Apr 1782 Tax Schedule B for Albemarle County, District 2, Virginia, John Wansley was a proprietor with one free male in the household over 21, no slaves, eight “N Cattle,” and 2 horses. Tax was 2 shillings. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

1783 Tax Schedule B for Albemarle County, Virginia, John Wansley’s household had one free male over 21 years old. He owned 5 cattle and 2 horses. Tax was 15 shillings, 3 pence. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

1784 Tax Schedule B for Albemarle County Virginia, John Wansley’s household had one free male over 21 years old. He owned 5 cattle and 2 horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.] ca 1782-1785 Larkin Wansley was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, a son of John and Mildred Wansley. [NOTE: Date of birth is based on 1850 and 1860 census for Elbert County, Georgia.]

11 Mar 1784 Albemarle County Road Orders on 11 March 1784 included the following: "Ordered that Ambrose Edwards be appointed Overseer of the road from the river to McCauleys and that he have for his gang Walter Carr, William Crenshaws hands, Abraham Darnold, John Wansley, Major Dowell, Robert Martin, John Jones, Martin Burruss, Richard Henderson, Thomas Henry, John Brockmans hands, Robert Dunning with his own and their male Labouring Titheables." [Albemarle County Order Book, 1783-85, 11 March 1784, p. 123 as recorded in Albemarle County Road Orders, 1783- 1816, p. 8.]

19 Apr 1787 Tax Schedule B, Thomas Garth’s District, Albemarle County, John Wansley was chargeable with the taxes. Name of white male over 21 in household: John Wansley. The household had two white males over 16 and less than 21. John Wansley owned 2 horses and 7 cattle. The household of John Wansley's son-in-law, John Becks [sic], recorded on the same date, was presumably in the same neighborhood. [1787 Census of Virginia, Vol. 1, p. 145; Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

08 May 1788 Tax Schedule B, Thomas Garth’s District, Albemarle County, Virginia. John Wansley’s household had two males over 16. John Wansley owned no slaves; he owned two horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]


11 Apr 1789 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia, John Wansley’s household had two males over 16; he owned no slaves and owned two horses. The preceding tax payer was William Wansley. His household had one male over 16; he owned no taxable property. William Wansley was a son of John Wansley, Sr. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

14 Nov 1789 A bond was issued in Albemarle County, Virginia for the marriage of John Perry Patterson and Nancy Wansley, spinster. Micajah Taylor was a bondsman. Jos. Nicholas was a witness for the bond. John Wansley consented for his daughter's marriage. Outer page of marriage bond stated Nancy Wansley was over 21 according to John Perry Patterson and Micajah Taylor. [Vogt and Kethley, Vol. 2, p. 669.]

28 Aug 1790 A bond was issued for the marriage of Abraham Elliot [Elliott] and Elizabeth Wansley in Albemarle County, Virginia. Nathan Wansley was a bondsman and witness, Joshua Nicholas. John Wansley consented for his daughter's marriage. Nathan Wansdsley [sic] and Walter Goldsmith witnessed this consent. [Vogt and Kethley, Vol. 2, p. 669.]

1790 In the first United States census, John Wansley was head of a household in Albemarle County, Virginia containing "10 white souls." He had one “other building.”

26 May 1790 Tax Schedule B, Thomas Garth’s District, Albemarle County, Virginia, John Wansley was assessed taxes. The household had two white males over 16, no slaves, and two horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

11 Apr 1791 Accounts of the estate of Samuel Carr with Garland Carr in Louisa County, Virginia named John Wansly, recorded 11 April 1791. This reference does not indicate whether John Wansly was a debtor or creditor. [Louisa County, Virginia Will Book 3, p. 380 and 386, transcribed in Chappelear, Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books 1743-1801, pp. 105-6.] [NOTE: On 11 August 1786, Walter Goldsmith, John Wansley and Garland Carr posted bond of 2,800 pounds of tobacco, payable to John Dowell. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006]

01 Jun 1791 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia. John Wansley was assessed taxes in Albemarle County. His household had three white males over 16. He owned no slaves and three horses. On 02 June 1791, William Wansley’s household had one white male over 16 and no recorded property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

15 Jun 1792 John Wansley was named on Albemarle County Road Orders: "David Clarkson is appointed Surveyor of the road from John McCauleys to Carrs ford with the following male labouring Tythes Viz David Clarkson, Charles Hammonds, Thomas Hammonds, John Clayton, John Wansley, Thomas Edwards, Jonathan Munday, Abraham Munday, Reuben Munday, Thomas Gilbert, Wm Hall, Murray Henry, Wm Taylor, Micajah Taylor, Richard Durretts & Ambrose Edwards." [Albemarle County Order Book 1791-93, 15 June 1792, p. 175, as recorded in Albemarle County Road Orders, 1783-1816, p. 22-3.] [NOTE: Micajah Taylor was a bondsman for the marriage of Nancy Wansley and John Perry Patterson.]

29 May 1792 Tax Schedule B, Fredericksburg Parish, Thomas Garth’s District, Albemarle County, Virginia: John Wansley was assessed taxes. The household had two white males over 16, no slaves and two horses. On the same date, next line, William Wansley household had one male over 16 and no taxable property. On 10 May 1792, Nathan Wansley was on tax record for Garth’s District, Fredericksburg Parish, Albemarle County. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

09 Jun 1793 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia: John Wansley was assessed taxes in Albemarle County. The household had two males over 16, no slaves and 4 horses. Nathan Wansley was recorded on the following line with one male over 16 and no personal property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

26 Jun 1794 Tax Schedule B, Thomas Garth’s District, Albemarle County, Virginia: John Wansley was assess- ed taxes. The household had three white males over 16, no slaves and two horses. The next line recorded William Wansley with one male over 16 and no personal property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]


22 Apr 1795 William Powell made a deed of trust to his son, Richard Powell, for 5 shillings. Witnesses were David Gillasby, Bassell [X, his mark] Glass, and John [his mark X] Warnesley . "At Albemarle June Court 1795 This Indenture was produced into Court and proved by the Oaths of David Gillaspy, Bassell Glass and John Warnesley, witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded Teste John Nicholas, CAC." [Albemarle County, Virginia Deeds Book 11, 1793-1795, pp. 397-9. Sparacio has a printed transcript pp. 85-6.] John Warnesley might be John Wansley, Sr.

15 May 1795 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia: John Wansley, Jr., Reuben Wansley, John Wansley, Sr. and William Wansley were recorded in Thomas Garth’s District, Albemarle County. The John Wansley, Jr. household had one male over 16 and no taxable personal property. Reuben Wansley’s household had one male over 16 and no taxable personal property. John Wansley, Sr. had one male over 16, no slaves and two horses. William Wansley’s household had one male over 16 and no taxable personal property.

25 Jul 1796 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia: John Wansley, Jr., William Wansley and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded in Thomas Garth’s District. John Wansley, Jr. household had one male over 16 and no taxable personal property. William Wansley’s household had one male over 16 and no taxable personal property. John Wansley, Sr. household had one male over 16, no slaves and two horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

17 May 1797 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia The following Wansleys were recorded on the tax list for Albemarle County. John Wansley, Jr. owned one horse. William Wansley owned no taxable personal property. John Wansley, Sr. household had one male over 16, no slaves and two horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

1798 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia: Three Wansleys were assessed taxes in Albemarle County. William Wansley’s household had one male over 16 and no taxable personal property. The John Wansley, Jr. household had one male over 16, no slaves and one horse; tax was $.09. John Wansley, Sr. household had one male over 16, no slaves and four horses; tax was $.16.

1799 Four Wansleys were recorded on Albemarle County Schedule B tax roll. William Wansley and Reuben Wansley household each had one male over 16 and no taxable personal property. John Wansley, Jr. household had one male over 16, no slaves and one horse; tax was $.12. John Wansley, Sr. household had one male over 16, no slaves, and six horses; tax was $.72. 1799 is the last year that John Wansley, Sr. was assessed taxes in Albemarle County. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

03 Oct 1798 John Wansley was deposed in the suit of Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell, heirs on 03 October 1798. During the “Christmas Hollidays in the year 1780” John Dowell and Walter Goldsmith bargained for land in Albemarle County. John Wansley stated that Walter Goldsmith had paid John Dowell L90 pounds when the purchase price was £80 in the current money; an optional payment was 8,000 pounds of tobacco. John Dowell, Jr. questioned John Wansley about the offer to pay 2,000 pounds of tobacco to John Dowell, Sr. John Wansley stated, “I did not mean to pay neither my own debts nor Mr Goldsmiths it all happened in a company and was only a banter.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006.]

03 Oct 1798 Mildred Wansley was deposed in suit of Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell heirs. Mildred Wansley stated “that in the year 1780 in the month of February Mr John Dowel the Father of the Defts came to her house and asked where Mr Goolsmith was she told him he was gone Down home and the said Dowel Said that he had called by to see Goolsmith for he was at my house yesterday and paid me Eighty or Ninety Pounds for the Land he has rather paid me over to the amount of ten Pounds and that he had called by to let him know he might have the change against he came up again.”

Mildred Wansley was unaware of Goolsmith [Goldsmith] and John Wansley having purchased bacon from John Dowell. She was aware that Goolsmith [Goldsmith] briefly hired a Negro from John Dowell. Mildred Wansley did not know about John Wansley agreeing to use that place from John Dowel in 1785 or 1786. The price for the land was 8,000 weight of tobacco or 80 pounds currency. Mildred Wansley did not know about John Wansley’s payment of 2,000 pounds of tobacco to John Dowel, Sr. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]


01 Feb 1799 John Wansley, Sr. sold personal property to Nathaniel Wansley, both from Albemarle County "for sundry good Causes but more especially for and in consideration of two hundred pound Current Money of Virginia." The property consisted of "six head of Horses Consisting of Maire Colts and horses eleven head of Horned Cattle eighteen head of Hogs five sheep and also all kitchen and Plantation Eutenseals [sic, utensils] & also three feather beds and furniture." John Wansley, Sr. signed with his mark. Witnesses were John D. Grymes and John Dalton. On 04 February 1799, John Wansley acknowledged this indenture in court. [Albemarle County, Virginia Deeds, Book 13, p. 46.] According to Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers, John Wanslow indicated “That he now resides in Elbert County & State of Georgia and he resided there for space of about thirty four years past & previous thereto he resided in Albemarle County Virginia Sworn & Subscribed the 10th day of September 1834 before me Dilliard Herndon.” The 1799 deed and voucher payment statement are consistent with John Wansley living in Albemarle County, Virginia until ca 1799-1800. According to tradition John Wansley, Sr. moved with his family moved to Big Coldwater Creek, Elbert County, Georgia about 1799.

09 Jun 1804 item 1: "Called for references. Took up the Case of Sister Elizabeth Wanslow a reference of last meeting. Sister Milly Wanslow came forward laid in an accusation against her viz. that of telling an untruth, and she was excommunicated for the same." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 50.] [NOTE: Elizabeth Wanslow is most likely Elizabeth Cleveland, second wife of Nathaniel [Nathan] Wansley.]

1805 In the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery John Wanslee, Sr., of Elbert County, registration number 537, had one blank draw and one prize. The tract of land granted on 06 August 1806, was originally in Baldwin County, after 1807 in Putnam County. John Wansley, Sr. and his wife, Milley Wansley, sold this tract on 01 September 1810. [Baldwin County, Georgia, District 2, Grant Book, p. 388. Graham, Paul K., p. 36.] John Wanslee, Jr. had three blank draws and Nathan Wanslee, two blank draws. Both were residents of Elbert County. An act of the Georgia Legislature on 11 May 1803 authorized the 1805 land lottery. A free white married male with wife and/or legitimate children under 21, with one year's residency was entitled to two draws. How John Wanslee, Jr. obtained three draws is unknown. [Graham]

Sep 1806 Polly Wansley died, presumably in Elbert County, Georgia. [Thomas Wansley Family Record in Frank N. Wansley, p. 41.] [NOTE: Her date of birth is unknown.]

01 Sep 1810 John Wansley, Sr. and his wife, Milley Wansley, of Elbert County, conveyed 202½ acres in Putnam County, Georgia to William Weeks, Betsey Weeks, Nancy Weeks, James Weeks, Poleman Weeks and Adeline Weeks, heirs of John Weeks, all of Putnam County, Georgia, Lot 287 in Putnam County, for $1600. Witnesses were George Stovall, Henry Shackelford and James Shackelford, J. P. John and Milley Wansley each signed the deed with their mark. [Putnam County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. B, pp. 156-7.]

1813 In the 1813 tax digest of Elbert County, John Wansley, Sr. owned 150 acres of land in Captain Roebuck's District on Big Coldwater Creek.

30 Oct 1825 John Wansley, Sr. was one of the Revolutionary War soldiers in Elbert County, Georgia who drew land in the 1825 Cherokee Land Lottery.

1827 In the land lottery of 1827, John Wansley had two draws, one of which was for 202½ acres on Forked Creek, Marion County, Georgia. [Muscogee Grant Book 9-10, p. 119, No. 68, District 10; plat in Surveyor-Generals Book IIII, p. 240; Cherokee Land Lottery, Containing A Numerical List Of The Names Of The Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery, pp. 410-1; and Reprint of Official Register of Land Lottery of Georgia 1827, p. 36.]

18 Nov 1834 Governor Wilson Lumpkin issued a grant of 202½ acres in Muscogee County to “John Wanslow Sen RS [Revolutionary Soldier] of Blackwell District Elbert County, Georgia.] In 1835, Thomas Wansley, executor of the John Wansley, Sr. estate, sold the land in Marion County for $52.00.

09 Jan 1829 Milly Wansley, wife of John Wansley, Sr. died 09 January 1829. [Thomas Wansley Family Record in Frank N. Wansley, p. 41.]

1830 At the time of the 1830 United States Census for Elbert County, John Wansley's household had one male 15-20 years old, one male 90-100 years old and one female 15-20 years old; also in the


household were five female slaves, three <10 years, one slave 10-24 years and one slave, 24-36 years.

1832 In 1832, John Wansley of 672nd Militia District, Harris County, Georgia received Lot 36, District 19, Section 4 in Cherokee County, Georgia, later Walker County. According to James F. Smith, this "John Wansley" was not described as a Revolutionary soldier or as "junior" or "senior." [Smith, p. 410.]

16 Feb 1833 John Wansley's slave, Hannah, joined Vans Creek Church in Elbert County. [Records of the Church of Christ at Vans Creek] Inventory of the estate of John Wansley, Sr. includes a slave named Hannah or Hannar. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 76-77.]

09 May 1833, John Wanslow or Wansley, Sr. applied for a Revolutionary War pension. A Justice of the Inferior Court for Elbert County certified the applicant was unable to attend the court because of bodily infirmity and blindness. Asa Chandler, a clergyman, and William White, both residents of Elbert County, Georgia, certified "we believe him to be ninety four years of age; that he is reputed and believed, in the neighbourhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the revolution." John Wansley received a pension at $30 per year, retroactive to 04 March 1831, and received an initial payment of $75. [Revolutionary War Pension Application. S32045]

11 Jan 1835 John Wansley, Sr. signed his will on 11 January 1835, and he died 13 January 1835 in Elbert County, Georgia. He was buried in the Wansley Cemetery in Elbert County. His will named the following children as heirs: Nancy Young, Elizabeth Eliot, Sally Beck, Nathan Wanslow, John Wanslow, Reuben Wanslow, Milly Jenkins, Patsy Davis, Thomas Wanslow and Larkin Wanslow. The will included specific bequests to his granddaughter, Elizabeth Jenkins, of "a good bed, and a sheet and Counterpane, to be given her out of my household furniture." Executors were "my beloved son Thomas Wanslow William White & William A. Beck." Asa Mann and Johnson Maley witnessed the will. [Elbert County Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-33.] Asa Mann, Jeremiah Warren and Johnson Maley were appointed to appraise the estate which had a total valuation of approximately $2403.67. [NOTE: Total valuation is partially legible on the microfilmed document.]

Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia: “John Wansley, Sr., Revolutionary soldier, born Louisa Co., Va., 1738, enlisted Albemarle Co., Va., 1776, served as private, Capt. Harris’ Co., Col. Lewis’ Va. Regt. 1781. Settled here 1799, Allowed $30 annual pension Aug 1833, died here 13 Jan 1835, age 97 years. His children were: Nancy Young, Sarah Beck, Milly Jenkins, Patsy Davis, Elizabeth Elliott, John, Jr., Thomas, Nathan, Larkin, Reuben Wansley. DAR marker at head of grave.” [NOTE: Frank N. Wansley moved the granite monument with the Revolutionary War record of John Wansley, Sr. from Big Coldwater Creek to the Wansley Cemetery. [From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition, p. 32.]

22 Jan 1835 William A. Beck, Justice of Inferior Court, certified that Asa Mann, Jeremiah S. Warren and Johnson Maley were sworn to perform duty as appraisers of estate of John Wansley, Sr.. [Elbert County Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 76-77.] Total appraised value was approximately $2403.87½. The appraisal was recorded 02 July 1835. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 269-271.]

05 Aug 1836 William A. Beck, one of the executors of the estate of John Wansley, Sr. reported the sale of the estate yielded $3423.25¾. The sale of the estate was recorded on 12 September 1836. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1835, pp. 269-271.]

Nov 1845 At the November 1845 term of the Court of Ordinary [Probate] for Elbert County, Georgia, William A. Beck, an executor of the estate of John Wansley, Sr., reported distribution of the proceeds of the estate. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.]


Albemarle County, Virginia Deeds, Vol. 13, p. 46.

This Indenture made and done this first day of February 1799 Between John Wansley Senr of the county of Albemarle and State of Virginia of the one part and Nathaniel Wansley of the County and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John Wansley for sundry good causes but more especially for and in consideration of two hundred pounds current money of Virginia to me in hand paid the Receipt whereof I do hereby confess and acknowledge hath this day and date bargained and sold and delivered Nath Wansley six head of Horses consisting of Mares Colts and horses eleven head of Horned Cattle eighteen head of Hogs five Sheep and also all kitchen and Plantation Eutenseals [utensils] and also three feather beds and furniture. Given under my hand and seal the day and year above Written Signed in presence of his John D. Grymes John X Wansley {{seal}} John Dalton mark

At Court held for Albemarle County the 4th day of February 1799 The foregoing Indenture was presented into Court and acknowledged by John Wansley party thereto and was ordered recorded Test John Nicholas Clk

Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006. Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004. Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, Schedule B, 1782-1799, Reel 5. Library of Virginia. [microfilm]

Arnold, H. Ross, Jr. and H. Clifton Burnham. Georgia Revolutionary War Soldiers' Graves, Vol. 1, Appling-Lanier Counties. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Company, ca 1993.

Baird, Nancy Chappelear and Kate B. Hatch. Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books, 1743-1801. Washington, D. C.: N. C. Baird, 1964.

Bell, John C. [compiler]. Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw of 18th Century Virginia. Nashville, Tennessee: John C. Bell, 1983.

Bockstruck, Lloyd D. Virginia's Colonial Soldiers. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1988.

Cavaliers and Pioneers, Vol. 2, 1666-1695. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia State Library.

Chappelear, Nancy Baird and Kate Binford Hatch. Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books, 1743-1801. Washington, D.C.: N. B. Chappelear, 1964.

Davis, Robert Scott, Jr. and Silas E. Lucas, Jr. [compilers]. Georgia Land Lottery Papers 1805-1914: genealogical data from the loose papers filed in the Georgia Surveyor General Office concerning the lots won in the state land lotteries and the people who won them. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1979.

Davis Rosalie Edith [compiler]. Louisa County, Virginia Deed Books A and B 1742-1759 . Bellevue, Washington: R. E. Davis, 1976.

Davis, Rosalie Edith [compiler]. Louisa County, Virginia Deed Books C, C2, D & D2 1759-1774. Manchester, Missouri: R. E. Davis, 1977.


Davis, Rosalie E. [compiler]. Louisa County, Virginia Deed Books E & F 1774-1790. Manchester, Missouri: R. E. Davis, nd.

Davis, Rosalie Edith. Louisa County Virginia 1743-1814. Where Have All the Children Gone? Manchester, Missouri: Heritage Trails. 1980.

Early Cemeteries and Gravestones Elbert County, Georgia. Elberton, Georgia: Elbert County Historical Society. 1984.

Farmer, Michal Martin. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books A-J 1791-1806. Dallas, Texas: Farmer Genealogy Co., 1997.

Farmer, Michal Martin. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books K-R 1806-1819. Dallas, Texas: Farmer Genealogy Co., 1997.

Georgia, M1746. Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers: Georgia. Thomas, Agnes-Zavadorsky, Peter. National Archives [microfilm]

Graham, Paul K. [compiler]. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees. Decatur, Georgia: The Genealogy Company, ca 2004.

Graham, Paul K. [compiler]. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entitled to Draws. Decatur, Georgia: The Genealogy Company, ca 2005.

Hastings, [Mrs.] Russel. "The Barbers of Orange and Albany Counties, N.Y., and Elizabeth-town, New Jersey" in New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. January 1931, pp. 3-22; April 1931, pp. 120-139; and pp. 249-271. [NOTE: Mrs. Russel Hastings’ extensively researched papers do not mention Amelia Barbour as a daughter of Patrick Barbour or as a disowned, unnamed daughter.]

Hastings, [Mrs.] Russel. "The Barbers of Orange County" in New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, January 1940, p. 42.

Hastings, [Mrs.] Russel. "William James [1771-1832] of Albany, N. Y., and his Descendants" in New York Genealogical and Biographical Records, April 1924, pp. 101-119.

Holloman, Ann C. Elbert County, Georgia Marriages 1805-1913. Albany, Georgia: Ann C. Holloman, 1989.

Horsley, Joan. Mildred “Milly” Wansley Wife of John Wansley of Albemarle County, Virginia and Elbert County, Georgia [Previously known as Amelia Barber] Fictions and Facts in Wansley Family Genealogies. Horsley, Joan, 2009, on-line.

Houston, Martha Lou [compiler]. Reprint of Official register of Land Lottery of Georgia 1827. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986.

Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr. The 1832 Gold Lottery of Georgia Containing a List of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1977.

McCall, Ettie Tidwell [Mrs. Howard H. McCall]. Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing company, 1968, reprint.

McIntosh, John H. Official History of Elbert County 1790-1935, Supplement 1935-1939 by Stephen Heard Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Elberton, Georgia. Atlanta, Georgia: Cherokee Publishing Company, 1968.

Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bonds of Albemarle County, Virginia 1783-1852. M. C. Murphy, n.d.

Muscogee County [Georgia] Grant Books 9-10.

Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Albemarle County Road Orders 1783-1816. Charlottesville, Virginia: Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, 1975.


Records of the Church of Christ at Vans Creek [located in Elbert County, Georgia. [Original copy is in the Court of Ordinary, Elberton, Elbert County, Georgia. The Record has been microfilmed with Elbert County, Georgia deeds in Dallas (Texas) Public Library.]

Selected records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files. Beatty, Reading- Beckenhbaugh, Leonard. M M805 69. National Archives. Microfilm [Sarah Wansley Beck’s pension application with attached family record.]

Smith, Doris Steed [Mrs. Wray Smith]. “Wansley Line” D. S. Smith manuscript, no date, before 1987.

Smith, Doris Steed [Mrs. Wray Smith]. Letter to James B. Evans, May 1987.

Smith, James F. The Cherokee Land Lottery Containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1969 [reprint].

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Deed Abstracts of Albemarle County, Virginia 1772-1776 Being Albemarle County Deed Book No. 6. September Court 1772 - November Court 1776. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, 1992.

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Virginia County Court Records, Albemarle County, Virginia Deeds 1794-1795 McLean, Virginia: Antient Press.

St. George Temple, Washington County, Utah Records. [LDS Microfilm]

Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation and Warrants for French and Indian War. [microfilm]

Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation and Warrants, Land Bounty Certificates for French and Indian War. [microfilm]

Virkus, Frederick A. The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, 3 volumes. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1987. [reprint of 1928]

Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr. Albemarle County [Virginia] Marriages 1780-1853, 3 volumes. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Co., 1991.

Wansley, Frank N. [contributor]. “Wansley Cemetery” in Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Fall 1976, pp. 159- 160.

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 76-7. [inventory of estate]

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 269-271. [sale of estate]

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B. [final account of distribution of estate]

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3. [will]

Wanslow, John. Revolutionary War Pension Application. S32045. United States National Archives.

Weisiger, Benjamin B., III. Albemarle County, Virginia Court Papers 1744-1783. Richmond, Virginia: B. B. Weisiger, 1987.

Wood, Virginia S. and Ralph W. Wood. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Greenwood Press, 1964.


______Spouse: John Wansley, Sr. Birth: 1738, Louisa County, Virginia Marriage: unknown date Death: 13 January 1835, Elbert County, Georgia Father: unknown Mother: unknown

Spouse: Mildred [Milly] Whitten Birth: unknown Death: 09 January 1829, Elbert County, Georgia Father: unknown Mother: unknown ______Children: 1. Name: Sarah Wansley F Birth: 06 March 1765, Virginia Death: about 1858, Murray County, Georgia Burial: Woodlawn Plantation, Murray County, Georgia Marriage: 05 Jun 1784, Albemarle County, Virginia Spouse: John Beck [1762-1824] ______2. Name: Nancy Wansley F Birth: about 1768, Virginia Death: after 1850, Tennessee Marriage 1: 14 November 1789, Albemarle County, Virginia Spouse 1: John Perry Patterson Marriage 2: 24 Apr 1813 [unverified] Spouse 2: William Young ______3. Name: Elizabeth Wansley F Birth: ca 1768, Virginia Death: after 21 January 1837 Marriage: 28 August 1790, Albemarle County, Virginia Spouse: Abraham Elliot [Elliott] [probably died before Jan 1835] ______4. Name: William Wansley M Birth: ca 1768, Virginia Death: after 1799 and before January 1835 ______5. Name: Nathaniel [Nathan] Wansley M Birth: ca 1769, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: after October 1843, Bedford County, Tennessee Burial: Lincoln County, Tennessee Marriage 1: 04 March 1794, Albemarle County, Virginia Spouse 1: Susanna [Susannah] Watts [-after ca 1795] Marriage 2: Spouse 2: Elizabeth Cleveland [ca 1782-after Sep 1846] ______


______6. Name: Mildred [Millie, Milly] Wansley F Birth: about 1774, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: after 1840 census, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: ca 1802, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Samuel Jenkins [died after Feb 1835] ______7. Name: John Wansley, Jr. M Birth: about 1774, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: after 05 August 1835 Marriage: 04 Mar 1813, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Sally Greenway Divorce: 1830, Georgia ______8. Name: Reuben Wansley M Birth: 1774, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: after 1860 census Burial: [?] Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: unknown Spouse: Elizabeth Cunningham [20 Sep 1783-after Sep 1867] ______9. Name: Martha [Patsy] Wansley F Birth: 01 March 1781, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: 1868, Lumpkin County, Georgia Burial: Mt. Hope Cemetery, Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia Marriage: 10 March 1810, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Benjamin Davis [13 May 1781-1867] ______10. Name: Thomas Wansley M Birth: 29 April 1783, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: 23 July 1848, Elbert County, Georgia Burial: Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 15 April 1810, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Jemima Means [06 Aug 1790-21 Dec 1858] ______11. Name: Larkin Wansley M Birth: about 1784, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: after 1860 census, Elbert County, Georgia ______12. Name: Mary [Polly] Wansley F Birth: unknown, Virginia Death: September 1806, Elbert County, Georgia ______

[NOTE: Documents suggest that Nancy Wansley, Elizabeth Wansley and William Wansley were all born about 1768. These dates of birth are approximations based a few limited sources. JBE]


John Wansley’s Revolutionary War Pension Application File S.32045, National Archives.

State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} SS On the nineteenth day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirty three, personally appeared before me Dilliard Herndon a Justice of the Inferior Court in and for Elbert County State of Georgia John Wanslow a resident of Elbert County and State of Georgia, aged ninety four years, who being first duly sworn according to Law doth, on his oath, make the following declarations, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.

That he entered the services of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated that he was drafted into the Service of the United States as a private for Three months on the ----- day of ----- in the year Seventeen hundred and Seventy Six [or Seven, word uncertain] the day and month not recollected, under Captain Harris in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel Lewis, that he resided in Albemarle County State of Virginia all the time when he was drafted into said Service, joined the Regiment in Fluvannah [sic, Fluvanna] County State of Virginia, Marched from thence to York Town in said State of Virginia, from York town to Hampton on the sea board, where he was discharged after having Served three months as a private in the United States Service during the Revolutionary War.

That he also Was drafted into the Service of the United States for Three Months as a private, in the county of Albemarle State of Virginia, on the ----- day of ----- Seventeen hundred and Eighty one the day and month he does not recollect distinctly, under Captain William Dawton in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel ----- joined his regiment in Albemarle County, Marched from thence to Richmond State of Virginia where he remained for some time from Richmond to a place called Holts forge, he cannot distinctly recollect the other Marchings during this Service of the United States, but after having served three months as a private was discharged from the service of the United States, but does not recollect the date when he was discharged.

That he was also drafted in to the Service of the United States for three Months as a private in the County of Albemarle State of Virginia, on the ----- day of ----- Seventeen hundred and Eighty One the day and month he does not recollect, under Captain Henderson, in the Regiment Commanded by a Colonel whose name he cannot now recollect, Marched from Albemarle County to Richmond Virginia, from Richmond to Cabbin [sic] point, from thence Marched about twenty five or thirty miles to a small Town Where he was discharged after having served three months as a private in the Service of the United States, but does not recollect the date when he was discharged, Making in all at the three different periods, Nine Months Service as a private during the Revolutionary War, that during his Service he served with the Militia and regulars but cannot describe them at this late date by name, General Nelson of the Militia and the Marquis de LaFayette of the Continentals he knew, who commanded the troops at the different periods where he served, That he has no documentary evidence, and that he knows of no person, whose testimony he can procure, who can testify to his Service during the Revolutionary War.

That he was born in Louisa County State of Virginia on the ----- day of ----- One thousand Seven hundred and thirty eight, and that he does not recollect the day or month when born that he lived in Albemarle County of Virginia when called into service; where he lived until he removed to Elbert County County [“County” repeated in original.] State of Georgia, where has has been living thirty three years, and has lived there ever since and now resides there, that he was drafted into the service each time, states that the names of some [of] the regular officer who were with the troops where he served he can only recollect distinctly the Marquis DelaFayette, and that the Continental and Militia regiments where he served were the Regulars commanded by Marquis De laFayette, and the Militia Commanded by General Nelson, but does not Recollect them by name, says that he has no record of his age

He says that he received no Written discharge and that the Army in those days were generally disbanded after the troops having served out their term of Service

He states that the names or persons to whom he is known in his present neighbourhood, and who can testify as to his Character for Veracity, and their belief of his services as a Soldier of the Revolution are, William A. Beck one of the Justices of the Inferior court of Elbert County, Thomas A. Banks, Zacheriah Bowman, William White, Joseph Rucker and Joseph Blackwell.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of the Agency of any State. Sworn to and Subscribed }} his day and Year aforesaid before me }} John X Wanslow Dilliard Herndon, J. I. C. }} mark


We Asa Chandler a Clergyman resident in Elbert County State of Georgia, and William White resident in the same place hereby certify, that We are Well acquainted with John Wanslow, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to be ninety four years of age; that he is reported and believed, in the neighbourhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the revolution, and that we concur to that opinion. Sworn and Subscribed }} Asa Chandler [signed] day and year aforesaid before me }} Wm White [signed] Dilliard Herndon, J. I. C. }}

And I Dilliard Herndon one of the Justices of the Inferior Court in and for Elbert County State of Georgia do hereby declare my opinion, after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatives prescribed by the War Department, that the above name applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and Served as he states, And I do further Certify, that it appears to me that Asa Chandler who has signed the preceeding [sic] certificate, is a Clergyman resident in the County of Elbert and State of Georgia, and that William White who has signed the same, is a resident in the same place, and is a Creditable person, and that their Statement is entitled to credit, And I do further Certify that John Wanslow the foregoing named applicant, Cannot from bodily infirmity and blindness attend the said Inferior Court, this 19th day of May 1833. Dilliard Herndon J I C [signed]

I Benjamin W. Fortson Clerk of the Inferior Court in and for Elbert County State of Georgia, do hereby Certify that Dilliard Herndon before whom the foregoing declaration of John Wanslow for a Pension and the Certificate of Asa Chandler Clergyman, and William White a Citizen was executed, was at the time a Justice of the Inferiour Court which is a Court of Record, in and for Elbert County State of Georgia, that the foregoing Signature purporting to be his is genuine, and that full faith and Credit ought to be had and given to his attestation as such.

In testimony Whereof I have hereunto affixed the seal of said Court and subscribed my name the twenty fourth day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty three Benjamin W. Fortson Clerk Inferior Court Elbert County Georgia

o o o 0 o o o

Georgia, M1746. Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers: Georgia. Thomas, Agnes-Zavadorsky, Peter. [microfilm]

No 198 John Wanslow September 1833 to September 1834 $30 Savannah, Ga 3Q 1834 13-6

o o o 0 o o o

State of Georgia }} SS Elbert County }} Be it Known that on the 10th day of September 1834 before the Subscribing justice of the Inferior court in & for said county personally appeared John Wanslow above named & acknowledged the foregoing to be his act & deed - In testimony whereof I have hereunto set My hand & Seal this 10th day of September 1834 as above written last. Dilliard Herndon J I C

I J R T Christian Clerk of the Inferior Court of Elbert county certify that Dilliard Herndon is a magistrate as above & that the foregoing signature purporting to be his is Genuine in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal of office the 11th of September 1834 J R T Christian C R State of Georgia }} SS Chatham County }} Be it Known that on the Twenty Seven d[ay of] September 1834 before the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace in & for said County personally appeared William W Wash the attorney named in the foregoing power of attorney & made oath that [Illegible words in crease in paper] him by virtue of any sale transfer or Mortgage of the pension or arrears of the pension therein authorized & be received by him W W Wash Sworn & Subscribed the day & year last above mentioned before me, Jos [Several illegible words obscured by payment to Planters’ Bank.]


Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia Savannah, 23 September 1834 No 482 Received of J Marshall Cashier Agent for pay Pension Thirty Dollars, being for twelve months pension, due to John Wanslow from the Fourth day of September 1834 to the fourth day of September 1834 for which I have signed duplicate receipts ======John Wanslow $30= per W W Wash ======[NOTE: (1) Certificate from Planters’ Bank obscured part of the lower third of the page. (2) Italics represent handwriting in Planters’ Bank form.]

State of Georgia }} SS Elbert county }} Be it known that before me the subscribing Justice of the Inferior Court in aforesaid County personally appeared John Wanslow & Made oath in due form of Law that he is the individual named in an original Certificate in his possession of which [I Certify] the following is a true Copy War Department Authorizing Claim I certify that in conformity with the Law of the United States of the 4th June [?] 1832 John Wanslow of the State of Georgia who was a private in the Army of the revolution is entitled to receive Thirty Dollars Cash per annum during his natural life Commencing on the 4th March 1831 & payable Since – annually on the 4th March & 4th September in every year I am at the War Office of the United States the 27 day of August in the year Eighteen hundred & thirty three Examined & Countersigned Geo Wm Crump Acting Commissioner of pensions

That he now resides in Elbert County & State of Georgia and he resided there for space of about thirty four years past & previous thereto he resided in Albemarle County Virginia Sworn & Subscribed the 10th day of September 1834 before me his Dilliard Herndon J I C John X Wanslow mark State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} SS The 10th day of September 1834 Dilliard Herndon J I C as magistrate in the court above named do herby Certify that I have the most satisfactory evidence [Viz] from My own personal acquaintances & Knowledge of his having hereunto drawn a pension from the United States & that John Wanslow who has this day appeared before me to take the oath of identity is the identical person named in the pension Certificate which is here exhibited before me numbered 16848 & bearing date at the War Office the 27th day of August 1833 & Signed by Lew Cass Secretary of War Given under my hand in Elbert County on the day & year above written Dilliard Herndon J I C

Know all here by these presents that I John Wanslow of the County of Elbert & State of Georgia a Revolutionary pensioner of the United States do hereby Constitute & appoint Wm W Wash of Savannah Geo my true & Lawful attorney for me & in my name to receive from the agent of the United States for paying pensions in Savannah State of Georgia from 4th day of September 1833 to the 4th day of September 1834 Witness my hand & Seal this the 18th day of September 1834 Sealed & delivered in the presence of Dilliard Herndon J I C his John X Wanslow mark


Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.


In the name of God, Amen: I, John Wansley, Sr. of the State of Georgia and County of Elbert, being in bad health, but in perfect mind and disposing memory, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament, in manner and form following, revoking and annuling all others heretofore made.

Item First: It is my will and desire that after the funeral expenses are paid that all my just debts be paid;

Item Second: It is my will and desire that all my property, both real and personal, be sold with the least expense, and as early as can be done on a twelve months credit, and the proceeds be equally divided amongst my children (with the following exceptions: viz: Nancy Young, Elizabeth Elliot, Sally Beck, Nathan Wanslow, John Wanslow, Reuben Wanslow, Milly Jenkins, Patsy Davis, Thomas Wanslow, and Larkin Wanslow.

Item Three: Having given to some of my children some property heretofore, and deeming it right they should be charged with the amount received, and to be deducted from their shares, it is my will that the sum of Twenty-six dollars be deducted from my daughter, Elizabeth's share, and that the sum of Fifty Dollars be deducted from my son, John Jr.'s share, and that the sum of Thirty Dollars be deducted from my daughter, Patsy's share.

Item Four: It is my will and desire that Elizabeth Jenkins, my granddaughter, shall have a good bed, and a sheet and Counterpane, to be given her out of my household furniture by my executors.

Item Five: It is my will and desire that the sum of Thirty Dollars be deducted from my son Larkin's share, and the further sum of Eighty-five Dollars be deducted from my son, John Jr. 's share, making in all from his share the sum of one hundred and thirty-five dollars.

Item Sixth: I do hereby constitute, make and ordain, and appoint my beloved son Thomas Wanslow, William White, and William A. Beck, my executors of this my last will and testament.

Signed, sealed and delivered this 11th-day of January, 1835.

In the presence of: his Asa Mann John X Wanslow Johnson Maley mark

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of Ordinary Adjourned Jany term 1835. Personally appeared in open court Asa Mann & Johnson Maley and after being duly sworn deposeth and satih that they are the subscribing witnesses to the above will of John Wanslow that they saw the said John Decd Sign & deliver the same as his last will & Testament & they signed the same as witnesses in the presents of the said testator & in the presents of each other & that the said John WanslowSenr was of sound mind & disposing memory at the time the same was made being made at the time it purports to be Attest Wm B. Nelms C. C. O. Asa Mann Johnson Maley

Whereupon it was ordered to be Recorded Attest Wm B. Nelms C. C. O

Recorded the 22nd of January 1835 Attest Wm B. Nelms C. C. O


Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 76-77.

Inventory Est. of John Wansley decd 1835 Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of John Wansley deceased 1 Cupbord & Chest $10.00 1 Small Chest 2.00 1 Bed Bed stead and furniture 20.00 2 sheats 2 bed quilts and 4 Counterpains 8.00 1 Lot of Crockery ware 3.00 1 doz knives & forks 2.00 1 Lott of tallow 1.00 1 Lott Leather & 1 Jug 3.75 1 Lott of Curtains 4.00 2 Spinning wheels 4.00 1 Loom & 2 Tables 9.00 1 Churn 1 pole & 1 Bucket 2.00 1 Clock Reel .25 1 Sugar Canister 1 Coffee pot 1 Tea Kittle & 3 Tubs 4.50 1 Tray and 1 Sifter 1.00 1 Coffee mill 1 Bell & 1 Claw Hammer 1.50 1 Lott spun Cotton 6.00 25 lbs picked Cotton at 15 cts per lb 3.75 2 meal Bags .50 1 Lot Plough hoes axes & single trees 8.00 1 Lot of Gear & 1 ox Cart 13.00 1 Waggon & 2 pair Harnes 30.00 $137.25 [p. 77] Amount Brought up $137.25 1 Wheat Fan 4.00 1 Cutting knife & box 2.00 1 Mare & Colt 90.00 1 Yoke of Oxen 35.00 1 Red Cow & Calf 10.00 1 Black & white Cow & Calf 10.00 1 Black Cow & Calf 10.00 1 Cow & 3 yearlings 24.00 6 Head of sheap & 2 Geese 10.00 800 lbs Bacon 120.00 60 lb Lard 9.00 2 Bushels salt 7 Jug & 2 Jars 6.00 1 Lott of barrels 2 boxes 3 sheap skins & peas in the hull 3.25 5 Barrels Corn 15.00 900 lbs Fodder at 75 cts per Cwt 7.75 [NOTE 1] one Negro woman Hannah [or Hannar] 300.00 Charlot and Child 650.00 Winney a Girl 300.00 Ritter a Girl 250.00 Elizabeth a Girl 400.00 1 Lot of potatoes 2.00 1 note on John Beck 8.62½ [illegible] .87½ [NOTE 2]

We do certify upon oath that as far as was produced to us by the Executors the above and foregoing contains a true appraisement of the goods Chattels and Credits of the estate of John Wanslow deceased to the best of our Judgement [sic] and understanding Asa Mann }} Jeremiah S. Warren }} Apraisers [sic] Johnson Maley }} I do hereby certify that the above appraisers were sworn to perform their duty as appraisers according to Law the 22nd of January 1835 Wm A Beck, J. I. C. Recorded the 2nd of July 1835. Wm B. Nelms, C. C. O.


NOTES: [1] The appraised total valuation for the fodder was $7.75. Calculated valuation at $0.75 per hundred weight [cwt] is $6.75.

[2] The total valuation is partially legible. Sum of the entries is $2403.87½. According to Frank N. Wansley total was $2397.87½.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 269-271.

Sale Est of John Wanslow decd 1836 Sale list of the property of John Wanslow January 29th 1835 ------Fleming Wanslow one Pine Table 4.25 Elizabeth Jenkins one water bucket 1.00 A. W. Hammonds 1 Chair & Table .50 Thomas Wanslow 1 Spinning wheel 2.00 Thos H. Capers 1 Spinning Wheel 2.50 E. W. Roebuck 1 Log Chair 1.87½ Asa Mann 3 Tubs .06¼ Milly Jinkins 1 Clockreel .12½ F. Cunningham 1 Pot Rack .50 Wiley Wansley 1 Pot Rack .62½ 9.43¾ Amount Brought up 9.43¾ A. W. Hammonds 1 Large pot & skillet .50 Strawden Henderson 1 Lot Castings .62½ Elizabeth Jinkins 1 Loom 4.00 Thos Wanslow 1 Chist .25 Wm M. Prater 1 Chist with Lock 3.00 Wm Craft 1 Cupboard 6.62½ Thos F. Gibbs 1 Bead & stead 6.62½ John Daniel 1 Copper Tea Kittle 2.00 A. W. Hammonds 1 coffee Pott .37½ $37.81¼ Amount brought over $37.81¼ A. W. Hammonds 1 [illegible] Pitcher .37½ Wm M. Prater 1 set cups & saucers .50 Milly Jinkins 7 Plates & saucers .31¼ Asa Mann 1 Set Plates .25 Wm Craft 1 dish & Set knives & forks 2.12 ½ Asa Mann 1 Decanter & pepper box .37½ A. W. Hammonds 1 Jar .06¼ Milly Jinkins 1 Counterpane 1.31¼ Milly Jinkins 1 Counterpane 1.00 Milly Jinkins 1 Counterpane .56¼ Milly Jinkins 1 Bead quilt .81¼ Thomas Wanslow 2 Sheets 1.25 John Wanslow 1 Bed quilt 1.00 Wm M. Prater 27 lb Picked cotton 15 cts 4.05 Thomas Wanslow 1 Pr stillyards .75 Wm Prater 1 Cow Bell .75 Wm Prater 1 Large Tin Box .50 John Daniel 4 weeding Hoes 1.12½ F. Wanslow 1 Plow & stock 1.56¼ Thos Capers 1 Plow & stock .75 John Prewit Traces & backbands .75 Thos Capers 1 Pr Chaines .62½ Thos Wanslow wedge & Colter .43¾ Jas [or Jos] Jinkins 1 Pot & Axe .37 ½ Memory Thornton 1 Grubing hoe .75 John Wanslow 1 ox cart 21.50


Wm White 1 wheat fan 5.00 Wiley Wansley 1 Cutting Box & knifes 1.68¼ Johnson Wansley 1 yoke oxen 34.00 Abner Ward 1 Heifer 6.00 Wiley Wansley 1 Heifer hornless 6.62½ John Wanslow 1 Black headed cow 12.56 John Wanslow 1 black headed cow 9.12½ Abner Ward 1 Read headed cow 10.06 ¼ Wm White 1 Spoted cow 7.00 Strawden Henderson 2 yearlings 7.06¼ Thomas Eavenson 1 Heifer calf 1.25 E. W. Roebuck 6 Hogs 1 choice 14.00 Johnson Wanslow 1 sow & 5 pigs 6.00 James Jinkins 1 sow & 6 pigs 3.56¼ Wm G. Alexander 1 sow & 7 pigs 4.00 Weston Patterson 1 White sow 1.50 Jacob M. Cleveland 1 Spotted sow & 7 pigs 5.00 Wm A. Beck 1 sow & 6 pigs 7.75 Asa Hall 1 sorrell mare 50.75 $320.11 Amount Brought up $320.11 Reuben Wanslow 1 sorrell colt 51.00 John Means 1 stack 78c 2.40 Thos Wansley 1 stack 79c 2.44 Thos Wansley 1 stack 79c 2.45 John Prewit Bbls corn 3.50 8.78 Hammonds bus peas 1.06¼ 1.25 T. H. Capers 2 Boxes .37½ Jo Jinkins 1 Saddle 2.06¼ Wiley Wansley 1 side Leather 1.43¼ J. M. Cleveland 1 side Red Leather 1.43 Jacob Means 1 Lot scraps .50 Saml Bailey 1 Hog 7 ps 107½ @ [illegible] 16.12½ Wm A. Beck 1 Hog 7 ps 78 @ 14 ¾ 11.40 Wm A. Beck 1 Hog 7 ps 50 @ 15 7.?? Saml N. Bailey 1 Hog 7 ps 70¼ @ 14 ¾ 10.07 Saml N. Bailey 1 Hog 7 ps 70¼ @ 14½ 10.07 Wm A. Beck 1 Hog 7 ps 54 @ 14 ¼ 7.96½ Wm A. Beck All 28 @ 14¼ 4.20½ T. H. Capers 41 ¼ lb dry beef 4 1.65 Jo. C. Tibbis [white] 1 Jar & Lard 4.00 James Jinkins 1 Jar & Lard 3.00 Thos Wansley 1 Jug .56¼ W. M. Hinton 1 Barrell .18¾ John Prewat 1 Barrell .06¼ Wm M Hinton 1 Barrell & salt .31¼ Saml N. Bailey 1 Barrell & salt 2.62½ Wiley J. Wansley 1 Pickling Tub .12½ Jo Tibbis 1 Lot Spun cotton 1.50 Milly Jinkins 1 Lot Spun cotton 1.37½ John Wansley Charlotte & child 900.00 Dabney Wansley Lizy 526.00 Tandy Wansley Winey 465.00 Wm A. Beck Ritter 310.00 John Wansley Hannah 340.00 Wm White 150 Acres land 402.00 Wiley Wansley 1 Pan Handle .25 Thos Wansley 1 Pan Handle .12½ Johnson Maley 1 Tray & sieve [?] .56¼ A. W. Hammonds 1 Bag .25 E. W. Roebuck 1 Bag .31¼ Jos Jinkins 2 Irons .31¼


Wm White yearne [?] .50 Jos Jinkins 1 Table .37½ A. W. Hammonds 2 Geese .67½ A. W. Hammonds 13 Chickens .12¾ Jacob M. Cleveland 1 sheepskin .18¾ Cash 2 sheepskin .12½ $3423.25¾

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came before me William A. Beck one one [“one” was repeated in original.] of the Executors of the will of John Wansley decd and being sworn saith that the above and foregoing Sale Bill of the estate of said decd as it states &c stated is Just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief sworn to before me this 5th day of August 1836 Wm A. Beck Wm B. Nelms C. C. O. Georgia }} Elbert County }} I certify that the above and foregoing sale bill of the estate of John Wanslow Senr decd was presented to me by William A. Beck one of the Executors who was duly qualified to the same before me on the 5th of August 1836 and I believe the same to be correct Wm B. Nelms C. C. O. Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of Ordinary Septr Term 1836 Ordered that the within Return be Recorded Attest Wm B. Nelms C. C. O. Recorded the 12th of September 1836. Wm B. Nelms, C. C. O.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.

Return Est. of John WanslowSenr decd 1845 William A. Beck one of the Executors of the will of John Wanslow Senr deceased makes the following Return to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert County to November Term 1845 The Executor To the sale of one tract of land containing two hundred two & a half Acres in Marion County sold by direction of the will of said decd $52.00 ------The Executor Cr By Cash Paid Wm White as per Receipt No 1 $43.94 By Cash Paid Wm White as per Receipt No 2 $16.64 By Cash Paid Wm White as per Receipt No 3 $ 3.21 By Cash Paid Wm White as per Receipt No 4 $ 5.31 By Cash Paid Wm White as per Receipt No 5 $34.47 By Cash Paid Wm White as per Receipt No 6 $ 4.48 By Cash Paid John Wanslow Jr as per Receipt No 7 $ 2.13 By Cash Paid John Wanslow Jr as per Receipt No 8 $89.05 By Cash Paid John Wanslow Jr as per Receipt No 9 $122.60 By Cash Paid John Wanslow Jr as per Receipt No 10 $5.38 By Cash Paid John Wanslow Jr as per Receipt No 11 $4.90 By Cash Paid Reuben T. Wanslow as per Receipt No 12 $22.00 By Cash Paid Reuben T. Wanslow as per Receipt No 13 $314.66 By Cash Paid Larkin Wanslow as per Receipt No 14 $250.00 By Cash Paid John Beck as per Receipt No 15 $26.00 $948.75 Amount brought over $948.75 By Cash Paid Thomas Wanslow as per Receipt No 16 $314.00 By Cash Paid Ralph Gaines as per Receipt No 17 $2.78 By Cash Paid B. Allen as per Receipt No 18 $27.54 By Cash Paid Thos Black as per Receipt No 19 $7.50 By Cash Paid Benjamin Davis as per Receipt No 20 $200.00 By Cash Paid Nathan Wanslow as per Receipt No 21 $250.00 By Cash Paid Nancy Young as per Receipt No 22 $250.00 By Cash Paid Samuel N. Bailey as per Receipt No 23 $3.00 By Cash Paid John M. Raiford as per Receipt No 24 $1.75 By Cash Paid Sarah Beck as per Receipt No 25 $310.00 By Cash Paid Beverly Allen for S. Jenkins as per Receipt No 26 $298.60


By Cash Paid D. Wanslow for Elizabeth Elliott as per Receipt No 27 $234.68 By Cash Paid John Wanslow as per Receipt No 28 $118.10 By Cash Paid Ralph Gaines as per Receipt No 29 $11.04½ By Cash Paid A. Craft as per Receipt No 30 $1.91¼ By Cash Paid Wm B. Nelms as per Receipt No 31 $8.87½ By Cash Paid Thos Wanslow as per Receipt No 32 $22.70 By Cash Paid Thos. F. Gibbs as per Receipt No.33 $10.00 By Cash Paid Francis Gaines Agent for R Hinton as per Receipt No 34 $22.10¼ By Cash Paid Benjamin Davis as per Receipt No 35 $30.00 By Cash Paid for Plat & grant for land in Marion County $8.00 By Commissions for Receiving & paying out $3475.50 $173.75 $3251.48½

No 1 Recd of Wm A Beck Exr. of John WanslowSenr decd the [illegible] account of forty three dollars & 94/100 January 1st 1836 W White By Wm B. White

No 2 Recd of W. A. Beck Exr. of John WanslowSenr decd Sixteen dollars & 64/100 infull of the within January 1st 1836 Wm White

No 3 Recd of Wm A. Beck Exr. of John WanslowSenr decd three dollars and 2/100 infull of the within January 1st 1836 Wm White

No 4 Recd of Wm A. Beck Exr. of John WanslowSenr decd five dollars and 30/100 infull of the within Jany 1st 1836 Wm White

No 5 Recd of Wm A. Beck Exr. of John WanslowSenr decd thirty four dollars and 47/100 infull of the within Jany 1st 1836 Wm White

No 6 Recd of Wm A. Beck Exr. of John WanslowSenr decd four dollars and 48/100 infull of the within Jany 1st 1836 Wm White

No 7 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd two dollars and 13/100 infull of the t within note 5 Aug 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow

No 8 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd Eighty nine dollars infull of the t Junr within acct 5 Aug 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow, Test. B Allen

No 9 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd one Hundred twenty two dollars & t Junr 60 cts infull of the within note 5 Aug 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow, Test. B Allen

No 10 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd five dollars & 38 cts infull of the t Junr within acct 5 Aug 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow, Test. B Allen

No 11 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John Wanslow decd four dollars & 90 cts infull of the within t Junr note 5 Aug 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow, Test. B Allen

No 12 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Executors of the last will of John Wanslow decd twenty two dollars infull st of the within proven acct January 1 1836 Reuben T [X his mark] Wanslow

No 13 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Executors of John Wanslow decd three Hundred & fourteen th 66/100 dollars infull pay of my distributive share of Said decd Estate this Feb 8 1836 Reuben T [X his mark] Wanslow Test Wm White

No 14 Recd of William A. Beck Executor of John Wanslow decd the sum of Two Hundred & fifty dollars infull of my th s distributive share this Dec 13 1836 Larkin [X his mark] Wanslow Test Tho F. Gibbs

No 15 Recd of William A. Beck Executor of John Wanslow decd the sum of twenty six 04/100 infull of the within proven acct December 21st 1835 James Taylor for John Beck

No 16 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Executors of the last will of John Wanslow Senr decd three Hundred & fourteen dollars infull pay for my distributive share of Said estate April 22nd 1837 Thomas [X his mark] Wanslow Test John Jones


No 17 Recd of William A. Beck Executor of John Wanslow decd two 78/100 dollars infull of the within acct Feb 18th 1836 Ralph Gaines

No 18 Recd of William A. Beck Exr of John Wanslow decd twenty seven dollars & 54 cents infull of the within note 14 April 1837. Beverly Allen

No 19 Received of William A. Beck Seven dollars and fifty cents infull of all demands against John WanslowSenr decd or his estate this 8 day of January 1836 Thomas Black

No 20 Recd of Thomas Wanslow & William A. Beck Executors of the last will & Testament of John Wanslow Senr decd Two hundred dollars inpart pay of my distributive share of said estate January 6th 1836 Benjamin Davis

No 21 Recd of Thomas Wanslow & William A. Beck Executors of the last will & Testament of John Wanslow decd Two hundred & fifty dollars inpart pay of my distributive share of said estate 27 Aug 1836 Nathan [X his mark] Wanslow Test James A. Clark

No 22 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Admnrs of John Wanslow Senr decd two hundred dollars and fifty dollars inpart of the Legacy coming to Nancy Young from the estate of her father the said John Wanslow Senr decd &c this 8th day of September 1836 Nathan [X his mark] Wanslow Attorney in Fact Test Joseph Blackwell, Isham H. Goss

No 23 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Executors of the last will of John Wanslow Senr deceased the sum of three dollars for crying the property of said decd Jany 1st 1836. Samuel N. Bailey

No 24 Recd of William A. Beck one of the executors of John Wanslow decd one dollar & 75 cents infull of the within proven acct Sept 9th 1835 John M. Raiford

No 25 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John Wanslow decd three hundred & ten dollars on account of my distributive share of the estate of said decd Should it be over my part on a final settlement I promise to refund the overplus if not enough I hold them accountable for the balance 2 Feb 1836 Sarah [X her mark] Beck Test Beverly Allen

No 26 Messrs Thomas Wanslow & Wm A. Beck Executors of John Wanslow deceased Please pay to Beverly Allen the amount that is coming to me in right of my wife out of the estate of said deceased [when collected] and this order with his receipt shall be your sufficient discharge for the same this 18th of February 1835 Samuel Jinkins

th I accept the within order this 18 Feby 1835 Thomas [X his mark] Wanslow, Exr

I accept the within order this 5th of March 1835 Wm A. Beck, Exr

Recd of William A. Beck of the exrs of John Wanslow decd Two hundred ninety eight dollars & sixty cents infull of the within order 8th July 1837 Beverly Allen

No 27 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow executors of John Wanslow decd Two Hundred & thirty four dollars & 68 cents infull of my distributive share of the said decd January 21st 1837. D. Wanslow Attorney in fact for Elizabeth Elliott

No 28 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow executors of John WanslowSenr decd one Hundred & eighteen th 11/100 dollars & 68 cents infull of my distributive share of the said estate this Sept 6 1837 John [X his mark] Wanslow Test Eppy W. Roebuck

No 29 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Executors of John WanslowSenr decd Eleven & 04½ /100 dollars infull of the within acct Feb 8th 1836 Ralph Gaines

No 30 Recd of William A. Beck as Exr of John Wanslow decd $1.91¼ cts Tax for 1834. A. Craft T. C.

No 31 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Exrs of the will of John Wanslow Senr decd Eight & 87 ½ dollars infull of the above account this 5th August 1836 Wm B. Nelms C C O

No 32 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Exrs of the will of John Wanslow Senr decd twenty two 50/100 dollars infull of my expenses & services of self & Horse in traveling to Marion County to sell land belonging to the estate of said nd m decd this 22 day of April 1837 Thomas [X his mark] Wanslow Test W B. Nelms


No 33 Recd of William A. Beck one of the executors of John Wansley decd ten dollars infull of the above act Thos. F. Gibbs

No 34 Recd of Wm A. Beck one of the Executors of John Wanslow Garnishee twenty two dollars and seventy and one half cents infull of the above case this 27th April 1837 Francis Gaines agent For Robert Hinton

No 35 Recd of Wm A. Beck one of the Executors of the estate of John Wanslow decd thirty dollars infull pay of my distributive share of said estate June 4th 1840 Benjamin Davis

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came William A. Beck Executor of the will of John Wanslow deceased before William B. Nelms clerk of the Court of Ordinary for said county and being sworn saith that the foregoing returns [illegible] stand stated is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn to before me the 28th of October 1845. Wm A. Beck Wm B. Nelms C C O

Georgia }} Elbert County }} I certify that the foregoing return made by William A. Beck one of the Executors of the will of John Wanslow deceased was presented to me and the Executor was duly qualified to the same before me on the 28th of October 1845 and I believe the same to be correct Wm B. Nelms C C O

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of Ordinary January adjourned Term 1846 the within Return Examined and passed. Attest: Wm B. Nelms C C O

Recorded the 12th day of February 1846 Wm B. Nelms C C O

Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website:

If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: James Baker Evans, 2016) Available online at

© 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author.

Wansley, John, Sr. timeline 9 point 28 February 2017


Chapter 2 SARAH [SALLY] WANSLEY and JOHN BECK 04 Feb 1762 John Beck was born. [Wansley-Beck Family Bible record was included with disapproved Revolutionary War widow’s pension application for Sarah Wansley Beck. National Archives]

06 Mar 1765 Sarah Wansley was born in Virginia, a daughter of John and Mildred Wansley. [Family Record. R692, National Archives] She was born in Louisa or Albemarle County, Virginia. Louisa County, Virginia Court Order [Minute] Book 1760-1764 for 01 April 1764, the case of Robert Anderson vs John Wansley for a debt, suggests John Wansley was living in Louisa County. [Bell, Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw.] Sarah Beck [1765-1861] is buried in Beck-Gaither Family Cemetery, Murray County, Georgia. [NOTE: Date of birth on tombstone is consistent with family record.]

1782 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Roll: Lucy Beck was a proprietor with 7 cattle and one horse; tax was 3 shillings 9 pence. William Beck was recorded on the same tax roll as a free male over 21; he owned six cattle and two horses. Tax was 15 shillings, 9 pence. [NOTE: Relationship of these Becks to John Beck who married Sarah Wansley is unknown. Lucy Beck was the widow of Andrew Beck who died in 1781. Lucy Beck was deposed in the suit of Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell in Albemarle County, Virginia, concerning a verbal agreement between John Dowell, Sr. and Walter Goldsmith; she also knew John Wansley, Sr.] [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

1784 Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll: Jessie Beck household had two males over 21, 6 cattle and 4 horses. Will Beck household had one male over 21, 4 cattle and 4 horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.] [NOTE: Jessie Beck was deposed in the suit of Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell. He knew about the verbal agreement between Walter Goldsmith and John Dowell. Jessie Beck was also acquainted with John Wansley, Sr.]

05 Jun 1784 Sarah Wanslow married John Beck. [Family Record. R692, National Archives] According to the pension application, Sarah Wanslow married John Beck in Albemarle County, Virginia.

When John and Sarah Wansley Beck moved from Albemarle County, Virginia to Elbert County, Georgia is unknown.

1785 Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll: Jesse Beck was the head of a household with one male over 21, 2 tithables, 8 cattle and 3 horses. William Beck was the head of a household with one male over 21, 2 cattle and 2 horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799]

19 Apr 1787 Albemarle County, Virginia, Schedule B personal property tax roll: John Becks [sic] was chargeable with taxes. The name of white male over 21 in the household was John Becks. He owned 1 black over 16 and 1 black under 16. He also owned 1 horse and 6 cattle. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799] [NOTE: John Wansley was recorded on tax roll on the same date, indicating Beck and Wansley lived in the same neighborhod.]

20 Apr 1787 Albemarle County, Virginia, Schedule B, Personal Property Tax Roll: Lucy Becks was chargeable with tax. The household included no white males over 21. She owned 2 horses and 6 cattle. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799]

14 Jun 1787 James Beck, son of Sarah Wansley and John Beck, died. [Family Record. R692, National Archives]

15 Apr 1788 Albemarle County, Virginia, Schedule B Personal Property Tax Roll: William Beck was chargeable with taxes. His household had one male over 16; he owned 2 horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799]

19 Apr 1788 Albemarle County, Virginia, Schedule B Personal Property Tax Roll: Lucy Becks was chargeable with taxes. She owned 3 horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799]

19 Apr 1788 Albemarle County, Virginia, Schedule B Personal Property Tax Roll: John Beck was chargeable with taxes. His household had one male over 16; he owned one horse. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799] [NOTE: On the same date, Jason Bocock was also assessed taxes. Jason Bocock was deposed in the suit of Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell. John Wansley had


rented a plantation from Jason Bocock in the ”year that Burgunns Troops Was Removed from the Barracks of Albemarle. . .”

28 Feb 1789 John Beck, Jr., son of Sarah Wansley and John Beck, died. [Family Record. R692, National Archives]

09 Apr 1788 Albemarle County, Virginia, Schedule B Personal Property Tax Roll: Lucy Beck was chargeable with taxes. She owned 3 horses. Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799]

12 Apr 1789 John Beck was recorded on tax roll for Albemarle County, Virginia. The household had one male over 16 years; he owned no slaves and no horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

23 Feb 1790 Matilda Beck, daughter of Sarah Wansley and John Beck, was born. [Family Record. R692, National Archives]

01 Jun 1791 Personal Property Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia. Joseph Beck was head of a household with one male >16; he owned two horses. On the same date, Lucy Beck was head of a household with two males over 16; she owned four horses. Also on 01 June 1791, John Beck was head of a household with one male over 16; he owned one horse. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.] However, according to 1860 census, Mildred W. Beck Allen Gray was born in Georgia, suggesting this John Beck is not the husband of Sarah Wansley.. ca 12 Aug 1791 Mildred W. Beck, daughter of Sarah Wansley and John Beck, was born. [NOTE: Date of birth is an approximation from Mildred W. Beck Allen Gray’s obituary. According to 1860 United States Census, Elberton Post Office, Elbert District, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 52, Mrs. M. W. Gray was born in Georgia. According to Frank N. Wansley, Mildred Beck’s middle name was Whitten. [NOTE: His source for this middle name is unknown.]

30 May 1792 Personal Property Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia. Lucy Beck was chargeable with taxes. Her household had two white males over 16; she owned two horses. [Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799.]

25 Mar 1793 Benjamin Head of Elbert County, Georgia conveyed to Thompson McGuire a Negro boy, Jack, about 9 years old, for L50. Signed: Benjamin Head. Test: John Beck. Registered: 02 April 1793. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. A, p. 137.] [NOTE: This is the first record for a “John Beck” in Elbert County, Georgia. The deeds for Elbert County have numerous references to John Beck, not all these “John Beck’s” were the husband of Sarah Wansley. Another John Beck appears in Elbert County, Georgia deeds after the husband of Sarah Wansley Beck died in 1824. In the 1840 census a John Beck, about 40-50, lived in Elbert County, Georgia in close proximity to Beverly Allen, husband of Mildred W. Beck, and William A. Beck.]

23 Jul 1797 Ann Nancy Beck, daughter of Sarah Wansley and John Beck, was born. [Family Record. R692, National Archives]

16 May 1798 John Beck received a land grant for 36½ acres in Elbert County, Georgia, adjacent Sally S. Bibb, John Beck and Reuben Allen. [Georgia Grant Book AAAAA, p. 476.] [NOTE: See 07 December 1811 deed from John and Sally Beck to Richard Colbert.]

10 May 1799 Samuel McGee conveyed to John Keyes, both of Elbert County, Georgia, 150 acres on Beaverdam waters, for $250. The land was adjacent to John Pollard, John Beck, Thomas Thornton and Allen. Signed: Samuel McGeehee. Witnesses: John Beck, Reuben Allen, J. P. Mrs. Nancey McGee relinquished her dower rights before Reuben Allen, J. P. registered: 20 July 1799. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. F, p. 48.]

02 May 1800 William Andrew Beck, son of Sarah Wansley and John Beck, was born. [Family Record. R692, National Archives]

25 Jul 1801 Thomas Thornton and Molley Thornton, his wife, Daniel Thornton and Sarah Thornton, his wife, conveyed to James Jones 287½ acres on Beaverdam Creek. Consideration was $1150. The land was adjacent to John Beck, Petersburg Road, Daniel Thornton, William Arnold, Big Branch, Joseph Clark and John Kees. Signed: Thomas Thornton, Molley [X] Thornton, Daniel [X] Thornton, Sarah Thornton. Witnesses: John Johnson, John Beck, William Allen, J. P.


Daniel and Sarah Thornton only warrant 25 acres. Signed: Daniel [X] Thornton, Sarah Thornton. Witnesses: John Johnston, John Beck, William Allen, J. P. Registered: 15 August 1801. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. G, pp. 99-100.]

25 May 1802 Benjamin Winslow of Orange County, Virginia appointed Thomas Fortson of Elbert County, Georgia to be his true and lawful attorney to sue Chistwell or John Hinton for conveyance according to the bond or just compensation for value of land located on Falling Creek. Signed: Benjamin Winslow. Witnesses: Henry White, John Beck. Orange County power of attorney was proven by Belfield Cave and Maj. Burton. Registered: 25 June 1807. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, pp. 177-8.]

03 Apr 1803 Sarah Lucinda [Lucy] Beck, daughter of Sarah Wansley and John Beck, was born. [Family Record. R692, National Archives]

23 Oct 1804 Reuben Allen sold Sally S. Bibb, both of Elbert County, Georgia, 100 acres on Savannah River for $600. Signed: Reuben Allen. Test: John Beck, Peyton Bibb, Joseph Christie, William Allen, J. P. Elizabeth Allen relinquished her dower rights. Test: William Allen, J. P. Registered: 04 October 1805. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. J, p. 183.]

29 Jan 1805 Matilda Beck married John Henderson. [Family Record. R692, National Archives]

06 May 1806 Robert Middleton, sheriff of Elbert County, conveyance to Moses Hunt. On 25 October 1805, Inferior Court of Elbert County issued a writ of fieri facias at instance of Simeon Henderson against Alleganey McGuire. The seized property was 200 acres on Cold Water Creek adjacent to James Jones and M. Hunt. On 06 May 1806, the property was exposed at public sale and Moses Hunt was highest bidder at $60. Signed: R. Middleton, sheriff. Witnesses: John Beck, James Christian, J. P. Recorded: 20 July 1810. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. N, p. 27.]

26 May 1806 A jury including John Beck was designated to lay off Agatha Jones’ dower rights to 287½ acres that had belonged to her late husband, James Jones. The original tract of land was adjacent to John Beck, Big Branch, William Arnold, Clark, Spring Branch, Petersburg Road, Daniel Thornton, and Henry Gaines. Registered: 23 November 1807. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. K, pp. 224-7.]

21 Mar 1808 James Wood, sheriff, conveyed 250 acres on Vanns Creek to John Beck.. On 17 February 1807, the Inferior Court of Elbert County issued two writs of fieri facias at instance of William Oliver against the property of John Pollard, Jr. and John Pollard, Sr. On 20 August 1807, Robert Middleton, then sheriff of Elbert County, levied the writs. The property was adjacent to Reuben White, James Clark and Larkin Clark. On 06 October 1807 the two properties were exposed to public sale and sold to John Beck, highest bidder, for $50. Robert Middleton failed to execute title to John Beck. James Wood executed title to John Beck. Signed: J. Wood, sheriff. Witnesses: W. Y. Thompson, Thomas Jones, Rn. Linsay, J. P. Recorded: 21 April 1808. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. L, p. 37.]

03 Sep 1808 James Shields of Maury County, Tennessee sold John Beck of Elbert County 200 acres on North Fork Beaverdam Creek, originally granted to Robert Pulliam 20 July 1790 in Wilkes County. Consideration: $602. Witnesses: Job Weston, James Shackelford, John Jones, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deed Book L [1808-1810], p. 51.]

25 Oct 1809 James Wood, Sheriff of Elbert County, to John Beck. Inferior Court issued execution 17 February 1807 for $29.81¼ and costs against the “goods & Chattels Lands & Tenements” of Abner Jordan for Samuel Wilson. 20 May [blank year], Thomas Jones, deputy sheriff, levied execution on 182 acres in Elbert County adjacent to Moses & Thomas Haynes. Sold at public sale first Tuesday previous July to John Beck, highest bidder, for $4.50. Signed: James Wood, sheriff. Witnesses: Thomas Jones, A. Moon, Saml. Pattern, J. P. Recorded: 19 February 1812. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Book O, pp. 15-6.]

18 Oct 1810 John Beck of Elbert County appointed "my trusty & beloved friend, John Henderson of Randolph Co., Ga., my true & lawful atty." Witnesses: Joseph Cook, B. Jeter, J.P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. N, p. 48.]


08 Mar 1811 James Mann, Jr. conveyed to John Mann, both of Elbert County, 205 acres on Vanns Creek for $500. The land was adjacent to John M. White, James Mann, Sr., Edmond Shackelford, Reuben White and John Beck. Signed: James Mann, Jr. Witnesses: Wortham Mann, Adam Gaar, J. P. Recorded: 23 January 1812. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. O, p. 5.]

29 Jun 1811 Joseph Rucker, Jr. of Elbert County sold John Beck 200 acres on Vanns Creek adjacent to John Beck on east for $1000. Witnesses: Thomas Jones, B. Allen, B. Jeter, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. O, p. 16.]

23 Oct 1811 Thomas Jones, sheriff, to Ralph Banks, both of Elbert County. Writ of fieri facias [seizure] was issued from Inferior Court of sd. co., 22 February 1809, against Joseph Rucker, Senr. at instance of John Beck. On 24 December 1810, Beverly Allen, deputy sheriff, seized the property. [Elbert County, Georgia Deed Book N [1810-1812], p. 224.]

07 Dec 1811 John Beck sold Richard Colbert, both of Elbert County, 36½ acres on Vans Creek for $200. Land was adjacent to vacant tract and Sally S. Barnett on northwest, Richard Colbert on northeast and James Clark on southeast. Signed: John Beck. Witnesses: Rn. C. Beck, Mildred W. Beck, Rn. White, J. P. 07 December 1811, Sally Beck, wife of John Beck, released dower rights. Signed: Sally [X] Beck. Witnesses: Rn. White, J. P. Registered: 21 June 1821. [Elbert County, Georgia Deed Book S, p. 78.] [NOTE: See 1798 grant.]

06 Jan 1812 Adam Gaar and Nancy Gaar, wife, conveyed to Thomas A Banks 44 acres on Vanns Creek for $112. The tract was adjacent to John Beck, Jere. Mann, Reubin White, Daniel White. Signed: Adam Gaar, Nancy Gaar. Witnesses: John Rucker, Jr., Stewart Cunningham. Proved by witnesses, 20 April 1812. John Jones, J. P. Recorded: 10 April 1813. [Elbert County, Georgia deeds, Vol. O, p. 111.]

26 Feb 1812 Beverly Allen, deputy sheriff of Elbert County, Georgia seized a Negro girl name Rachel, property of John Daniel. The Inferior and Superior Courts of Elbert County had issued multiple writs of fieri facias against John Daniel. One of the writs was in favor of John Beck. The slave was sold to Howard Cash for highest bid of $301.25. 21 April 1812. Signed: James Wood, sheriff. Witnesses: B. Allen, W. Hatcher, J. P. Recorded: 28 April 1812. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. O, p. 30.]

08 Sep 1812 John Beck appointed "my trusty friend, Gaines Thompson, both of Elbert Co., my true & lawful atty., to transact business I am concerned in a judgment obtained in sd. co. against Benjamin Head, formerly of Morgan Co., Ga., & settlements to make to recover.” Witnesses: Joseph Cook, B. Fortson, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. O, p. 70.]

19 Jan 1814 Sheriffs sale against property of James N. Brown, 166 acres on Vans Creek was sold to John Beck the highest bidder for $555. The property had been seized by writ of fieri facias for benefit of Jacob Lindsay. Thomas Jones, sheriff, at that time, failed to execute title to John Beck. Signed: James Wood, sheriff. Witnesses: Thomas Jones, William Woods, John Upshaw, J. I. C. [Elbert County Deeds, Georgia Vol. P, p. 184.]

11 Apr 1814 Benjamin Brown and Nancy Brown sold John Beck, both of Elbert County, 204½ acres on Beaverdam and Vans Creek for $750. The land was adjacent to Henry Gaines, heirs of Middleton Woods, William Pulliam and Henry White. The land is where Zacheriah Smith now lives. Signed: Benjamin Brown and Nancy [X] Brown. Witnesses: Z. Smith, Dozier Brown, Joseph Blackwell, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. P, p. 55.]

14 Oct 1814 Zacheriah Smith sold John Beck, both of Elbert County, 204 acres on Beaverdam Creek for $700. Tract was adjacent to John Beck, Henry Gaines, Henry White, George Alexander and William Pulliam. Signed: Z. Smith. Witnesses: James Reach, Benjamin Smith, John Carroll, J. I. C. Martha Smith released dower rights. Signed: Marthy [X] Smith. Witness: John Carroll, J. I. C.[Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. P, p. 117.]

07 Nov 1814 Henry Gaines sold John Beck, both of Elbert County, 181 acres on Vans Creek for $325. Land was adjacent to John Beck, Larkin Clark, Caleb Oliver and Henry White. Signed: Henry Gaines. Witnesses: Benjamin Smith, John Gaines, Littleton Johnston, J. I.C. Patsy Gaines, wife of Henry Gaines, released dower rights. Signed: Patsy [X] Gaines. Witness: Littleton Johnston, J. I. C. Recorded: 15 May 1815. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. P, p. 118.]


11 May 1815 Daniel Thornton sold John Beck, both of Elbert County, 60 acres on Beaverdam and Vans Creek adjacent to road to Petersburg and Beck for $700. Signed: Daniel [X] Thornton. Witnesses: John Gaines, William Gaines, Littleton Johnston, J. I. C. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. P, p. 118.]

08 Aug 1815 John Beck sold Martin Turman, Sr. 300 acres on Beaverdam Creek for $600. Tract was adjacent to Kennedy and Ginn. Signed: John Beck. Witnesses: Calip [X] Oliver, James Shackelford, J. P. Salley [X] Beck, wife of John Beck, released her dower rights. Witness: James Shackelford, J. P. Registered: 12 September 1815. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. P, p. 133.]

13 Dec 1815 Georgia Journal [Milledgeville] "The following acts ... have passed the legislature, and received the assent of the Governor ... 12. To secure to John Beck, his heirs ... the right to erect a bridge across Savannah River at his own ferry . . ." [Hartz, Vol. 1, 1809-1816, p. 489.]

06 Jan 1816 John Beck of Elbert County sold Martin Turman, Sr. of Franklin County 202½ acres on North Fork of Beaverdam Creek including Mill Seat occupied by Thomas Horton for $300. Tract was adjacent to Ginn, Jordan, Kennedy and Colars. Signed: John Beck. Witnesses: George Thomason, Robert Burton, Robert Kennady, J.P. Registered: 12 January 1816. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. P, p. 145.]

31 Jan 1816 Georgia Journal [Milledgeville] "On the first Tuesday in March next, will be sold, at Irwinton, the courthouse in Wilkinson County ... the following property, to wit: 202½ acres of pine land, it being lot No. 225, in the 234 district Wilkinson County, on the waters of Porter's creek, levied on as the property of Isaac Mitchell, to satisfy an execution in favor of John Beck." [Hartz, Vol. 1, 1809- 1816, p. 507.] [NOTE: This John Beck was not necessarily Sarah Wansley’s husband.]

11 Feb 1816 John Beck sold James Jordan, both of Elbert County, 190 acres on North Beaverdam Creek for $200. Signed: John Beck. Witnesses: B. Allen, John Carroll, J. I. C. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. P, p. 186.]

24 Feb 1816 Rachel Hill sold John Beck, both of Elbert County, 40 acres on Beaverdam Creek for $100. Signed: Rachel Hill. Witnesses: Elizabeth Blackwell, Joseph Blackwell, J. P. Recorded: 26 September 1826. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, p. 67.]

16 Mar 1816 John Beck and wife, Sarah Beck, sold John Carroll, all of Elbert County, 125 acres in Wilkes County on Vans Creek for $800, being part of 400 acres originally granted to Reubin and Daniel White. The tract was adjacent to John M. White, W. Rowzee, Adam Garr and Thomas A. Banks. Signed: John Beck and Sarah [X] Beck. Witnesses: Mildred W. Beck, Jirml. Thornton, Littln. Johnston, J. I. C. Recorded: 30 March 1816. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. P, p. 186.]

24 Aug 1816 Jesse Ginn of Elbert County, Georgia conveyed property to his sons, Luke Ginn, Joshua Ginn, Sion Ginn and Bryan Ginn. Conveyance was to take effect upon death of Jesse Ginn and his wife. Bryan Ginn was to receive 100 acres that had been bought from John Beck that was adjacent to William Burden and others. Signed: Jesee [X] Ginn. Test: Simeon Oliver, Thomas Ridgway, B. Fortson, J. P. Recorded: 06 June 1820. [Elbert County, Georgia deeds, Vol. R, p. 273.]

Apr 1818 John Beck was presented to Grand Jury for “keeping his door open on the Sabbath day for the purpose of trading with Negroes.” [Frank N. Wansley, p. 23, unverified.]

23 Apr 1818 William Woods sold John Beck, both of Elbert County, 132 acres on Beaverdam Creek for $300. Signed: William Woods. Witnesses: Benjamin Cook, John Ford, James Wood, J. I. C. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. R, p. 251.]

08 May 1819 John Beck of Elbert County, merchant, to John McKinnie & James Lamkin of Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, mortgage for $25,000, all real estate in Elbert County totaling 1500 acres. If John Beck paid $25,000 note with interest before 01 September 1820, note would be void. Signed: John Beck. Witnesses: John A. Heard, John Randolph. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. R, p. 233.] [NOTE: Sarah Wansley Beck did not release her dower rights. The failure to release her


dower rights was either an adroit legal move or an omission that allowed Sarah Wansley Beck to reclaim her dower interests after John Beck’s death.]

08 May1819 John Beck of Elbert County, merchant, to John McKinne & James Lamkin of Augusta, Georgia for $35,000, mortgage on 32 slaves. If John Beck paid note for $35,000 by 01 September 1820, note would be void. Signed: John Beck. Witnesses: John A. Heard, John Randolph. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. R, p. 236.]

26 Feb 1820 John Beck sold Joshua Ginn, both of Elbert County, 203 acres on North Fork of Beaverdam Creek for $300. Signed: John Beck. Witnesses: James [X] Anderson, Beverly Allen, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 8]

1820 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, p. 186. Beck, John: 2 males <10; 1 male >45; 1 female <10; 1 female >26 & < 45.

30 May 1820 William Andrew Beck married Ann Lucas Welch in Elbert County, Georgia. D. W. Cullard officiated. [Elbert County, Georgia Wills and Marriages, Vol. L, p. 475.]

19 Jun 1820 Henry Guy Fowler and Henry Gardner, merchants, of Savannah, Georgia, trading under name of Fowler & Gardner, appointed John A. Heard, Esquire, of Elbert County, their attorney in fact. The matter concerned an interest they had in an assignment from James Lampkin for 32 Negroes and 1500 acres in Elbert County, mortgaged by John Beck to James Lamkin and John McKinnie. James Lampkin passed a jointed and undivided one-third interest. John A. Heard is to foreclose “the said Mortgage on the aforesaid land & negroes and all others matters thereunto relating or in anywise appertaining.” Signed: Fowler & Gardner by Henry G. Fowler. Test: A. Thomason, James Wood, J. I. C. Recorded: 20 June 1820. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 23.]

01 Jul 1820 Richard J. Easter & Co. for Isaac Minis versus Gaines Thompson and John Beck. Superior Court for Elbert County issued a writ of fieri facias for $1200. Collateral security for unsettled balance due on judgment in favor of William Thompson and Wiley Thompson against William Oliver, M. D. Clarke and Robert L. Tait for about $1000. Duncan G. Campbell, plaintiff’s attorney, released the lien from the judgment. Gaines Thompson who owned the property sold it to Wiley Thompson. The property consisted of several improved lots in Elberton, adjacent to each other, currently in possession of Wiley Thompson. The properties were located on the Main Road from Elberton to Fish Dam. Signed: Duncan G. Campbell, attorney for plaintiffs. Recorded: 14 March 1821. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 54.]

02 Jan 1821 Writ of fieri facias by Superior Court, Elbert County, at suit of Richard J. Easter & Co. for use of Isaac Minis against John Beck. John Willis, sheriff, seized property which was sold at public auction 02 January 1821 for $100 to Thomas Gardner and Henry Gardner. John Beck, Benjamin Henry and William Beck now live on the property. Signed: John Willis, sheriff. Witnesses: John A. Heard, James Oliver, William Woods, J. I. C. Recorded: 30 December 1822. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Book T, p. 57.]

24 May 1821 John McKinne of Richmond County. John Beck of Elbert County on 08 May 1819 by deed of mortgage granted 1500 acres and 32 negroes to John McKinne and James Lamkin, of Richmond County, as security for payment of $60,000 by 01 September 1819. McKinne assigned his part [2/3 of mortgage] to Thomas Gardner of Savannah for $12,000. Signed: John McKinne. Witnesses: Henry Gardner and David Bottom, Richmond County. Richmond County: proved by Henry Gardner, 24 May 1821, John McKinne, Junr., J. P. Registered: 05 June 1821. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 75.]

17 Jun 1821 Sarah L. Beck married William P. Henry. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages Book L16, p. 478.]

08 Nov 1821 Writ against property of Gaines Thompson and John Beck, levied against improved lot, adjacent to Elberton, 1¼ acres sold at public sale to highest bidder, George W. Heard, for $127. Signed: John Willis, sheriff. Witnesses: Eli Ragland, William Henderson, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 16.]

01 Jan 1822 Writ of fieri facias by Superior Court of Elbert County at suit of John McKinne and James Lampkin for use of Thomas Gardner and Henry Gardner against John Beck, foreclosure of mortgage. John Willis, sheriff, seized property. On 01 January 1822, exposed to public sale,


Henry and Thomas Gardner were highest bidders at $7300. Property included 1500 acres where John Beck, William Beck and Benjamin Henry now live. Signed: John Willis, sheriff. Witnesses: John A. Heard, Jas. Oliver, Wm. Woods, J. I. C. Recorded: 30 December 1822. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 56.]

02 Jan 1822 Writ of fieri facias by Superior Court of Elbert County at suit of Richard J. Easter & Company for use of Isaac Minis against John Beck. John Willis, sheriff of Elbert County, seized property, exposed to public sale. Thomas Gardner and Henry Gardner were highest bidders, as tenants in common & not joint tenants for $100. On 01 January 1822, tract on Beaverdam & Vans creek waters in said county, 1500 acres, adjacent to William Jones, James Clark and others, being tract where John Beck, Benjamin Henry and William Beck now live, in fee simple. Signed: John Willis, sheriff. Witnesses: John A. Heard, Jas. Oliver, Wm. Woods, J. I. C. Recorded: 30 December 1822. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 66.]

30 Jul 1822 Georgia Journal [Milledgeville, Georgia]: "Will be sold, at the court-house in Monroe County, on the 1st Tuesday in September next . . . the following property, to wit: 202½ acres of land . . . lot No. 104, in the 12th district of Monroe County; levied on as the property of Gaines Thompson, to satisfy a fi fa, in favor of Richard J. Easter & Co., vs. Gaines Thompson and John Beck." [Hartz, Vol. II, 1819-1822, p. 696.]

13 Apr 1824 Henry Gardner of Richmond County, Georgia sold John Banks of Elbert County, 1433 acres on Beaverdam and Vans Creek for $4000. Same land mortgaged by John Beck to John McKinne and James Lamkin, sold by sheriff on foreclosure. Signed: Henry Gardner. Witnesses: William T. Gould, Ralph Ketchum, J. I. C. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, p. 14.] [NOTE: Noel Steed baldly stated that after John Beck died, Gardner and Arnold purchased Beck’s 1500 acres. In fact, the property was foreclosed when John Beck defaulted on the mortgage for all his land and slaves. Frank N. Wansley, p.14.]

11 Jul 1824 John Beck died in Elbert County, Georgia according to Sarah Wansley Beck’s application for a pension as widow of Revolutionary War soldier. [Family Record. R692, National Archives] Tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia: “John Beck, born 4 Feb 1762, died 11 July 1824, Rev. soldier, married Sara Wansley, Albemarle Co., Va., 5 June 1784.”

24 Oct 1824 Inferior Court of Elbert County, Georgia issued a writ of fieri facias at the suit of John Beck for the suit of James B. Townsend, against James Jordan. William C. Morgan, deputy sheriff under Sheriff Presley Christian, seized the property of James Jordan. On first Tuesday June 1824, the land was exposed to public sale. Benajah Houston was the highest bidder by his agent John W. Carter for $25. Presley Christian failed to make title. David Dobbs, current sheriff, makes title, for 197 acres on North Fork of Beaverdam Creek. Tract of land is where James Jordan now lives. Signed: David Dobbs, sheriff. Test: George W. Heard, Singleton W. Allen, J. P. Recorded: 28 October 18224. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, p. 31.]

14 Jun 1825 Georgia Journal [Milledgeville]: "To Molly Hudson, Benjamin Cook and Elizabeth his wife, Benjamin Fleming and Frances Fleming his wife, Bernard C. Heard and Mary Heard his wife, William Hudson, Lucy Carter, John Cason, Edward Cason and William Cason -- You are hereby notified that I shall petition the Superior Court of Elbert County, at the next September term, to appoint proper persons to assign and set off dower to myself, the widow of John Beck, in and to a certain tract of land in said county, whereon the said Molly Hudson now lives, on Vann's Creek, containing 200 acres . . . adjoining lands of Thomas A. Banks and others. [signed] Sarah Beck, widow of John Beck, deceased." [Hartz, Vol. III, 1824-1838.]

1827 In 1827 Georgia Land Lottery, Sarah Beck of Alston’s District, Elbert County, Georgia won 202½ acres in District 21, Lot 55 in Lee County, Georgia. She received the land as an alleged “widow of a Revolutionary War soldier.” [NOTE: Her application for a pension as a widow of a Revolutionary War soldier was denied since she could not prove John Beck’s service.]

24 Jan 1828 Sarah Beck, widow of John Beck, presented petition to Superior Court saying that her husband was seized of 204 acres adjacent to Henry White, Caleb Oliver and William Jones. Land was owned during John Beck’s lifetime while married to Sarah. Property was sold during John Beck’s lifetime and bought by Thomas Gardner and Henry Gardner who transferred to present owner, Henry White. Sarah Beck is entitled to dower rights and asks court to partition the property. Superior Court granted the petition. Zachariah Rucker, Singleton W. Allen and


Washington Morrison are to assign one third of land to Sarah Beck. William H. Crawford, Judge of Court. Signed: Benajah Houston, clerk. Writ of Dower: 10 March 1828. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V, p. 201.]

24 Jan 1828 Sarah Beck, widow of John Beck, had dower rights to 373¼ acres, sold at sheriffs sale to Thomas Jordan and Henry Jordan who conveyed title to William Jones. The court determined that Sarah Beck is entitled to dower and seeks partition of tract. William Jones was notified. William H. Crawford, judge. Signed: Benajah Houston, clerk. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V, p. 202.]

24 Jan 1828 Sarah Beck, widow of John Beck, petitions for dower to 403 or 404¼ acres sold at sheriffs sale to Thomas Gardner and Henry Gardner and then to Joseph Blackwell. Petition granted by court. Signed: Benajah Houston, clerk. 10 March 1828. Signed: Z. Rucker, Wa. Morrison, Singleton W. Allen. Witness: James Banks, Jr., J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. V, p. 203.]

10 Mar 1828 Sarah Beck, widow of John Beck, petitioned Superior Court, 204 acres part of 1500 acre tract was sold at sheriffs sale and sold to Thomas and Henry Gardner, then to Henry White. Sarah Beck is entitled to dower in this tract. Superior Court granted petition for dower rights. Zachariah Rucker, Singleton W. Allen and Washington Morrison are to assign 1/3 land to Sarah Beck. Signed: Benjamin Houston, clerk. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V, p. 201.]

10 Mar 1828 Beverly Allen, surveyor, laid off 84 acres as Sarah Beck's dower. Amos Strawn and John Wanslow, Jr. were chain carriers. Signed: Singleton W. Allen, Wa. Morrison, Z. Rucker. Petition granted: 19 September 1828. Signed: George R. Gilmer, N. C. Sayre, attorney pro petitioner. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V, p. 203.]

11 Mar 1828 68 1/10 acres surveyed by Beverley Allen, surveyor, as dower right of Sarah Beck. Amos Strawn and John Wanslow, Jr. were chain carriers. Signed: Singleton W. Allen, Wa. Morrison, Z. Rucker. Singleton W. Allen, Washington Morrison and Z. Rucker were the partitioners. On 19 September 1828, James Oliver confirms dower to Sarah Beck. Signed: George R. Gilmer, N. C. Sayre, attorney pro petitioner. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. V, p. 202.]

11 Mar 1828 Land surveyed by Beverly Allen, 144 8/10 acres for Sarah Beck's dower. Amos Strawn and John Wanslow, Jr. were chain carriers. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V, p. 205.]

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wansley, Sr. named Sally Beck as one of his children. [Elbert County, Georgia Wills Vol. 1830-1836, pp. 482-3.]

02 Feb 1835 No 25 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John Wanslow decd three hundred & ten dollars on account of my distributive share of the estate of said decd Should it be over my part on a final settlement I promise to refund the overplus if not enough I hold them accountable for the balance 2 Feb 1836 Sarah [X her mark] Beck Test Beverly Allen [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.] 01 Mar 1836 Gov. William Schley issued a grant to Sarah Beck of Alston’s District, Elbert County, Georgia for 202½ acres in Lee County in District 23, Lot 55. This was based on the 1827 Georgia Land Lottery in which she claimed to be widow of Revolutionary War soldier. 1840 United States Census, Capt. E. Jones District, 195th District, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 175. Allen, Beverly: 1 male 10-15; 1 male 50-60; 2 females 15-20; 1 female 40-50. [Household of Beverly Allen and Mildred Whitten Beck.]

Beck, John 1 male 0-5; 1 male 5-10; 1 male 10-15; 1 male 20-30; 1 male 40-50; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 30-40. John Beck’s slaves: l male 10-24; 2 males 24-36; 3 males 36-55; 1 male 55- 100; 1 female 10-24; 2 females 36-55; 1 female 55-100.

Beck, William A.: 2 males 0-5; 1 male 15-20; 1 male 20-30; 1 male 40-50; 1 female 0-5; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 15-20; 1 female 30-40; 1 female 70-80. [NOTE: The female aged 70-80, may have been Sarah Wansley Beck.] William A. Beck’s slaves: 1 male 10-24; 4 females 10-24; 1 female 24-36. [William A. Beck was a son of John and Sarah Beck.]


1850 United States Census, Murray County, Georgia, 18 Nov, pp. 270-270B, 1696/1696. Beck, John W., WM, 28, farmer, 41500, GA Beck, Marger [sic], WF, 23, TN Beck, Sarah, WF, 3, GA Beck, Catherine, WF, 1, GA 1697/1697 Beck, William A., WM, 50, farmer, $2600, GA Beck, Ann L., WF, 51, MD Beck, Margaret, WF, 18, school, GA Beck, William J., WM, 15, school, GA Beck, Patrick H., WM, 11, school, GA Beck, Ruben T., WM, 7, GA Beck, Sarah, WF, 85, VA Eller, S. M. WM, 36, house carpenter, NC

04 Aug 1856 Sarah Wanslow Beck applied for a Revolutionary War pension based on John Beck's alleged service. According "to the best of her knowledge and belief he was a lieutenant in the Continental Line of Virginia and served until the close of the war and heard her husband say in his life time [she thinks] one of his officers was named Polkam. [NOTE: Spelling is uncertain.]" She "declares that she was married to the said John Beck in Albemarle County State of Virginia on the fifth day of June A.D. 1784 and that her husband the aforesaid John Beck died in Elbert County State of Georgia on the Eleventh day of July 1824 that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service . . ." Her maiden name was Sarah Wanslow. Signed with her mark. Parts of the John Beck-Sarah Wanslow family Bible record were included with the application. Sarah Wanslow Beck’s application for a widow’s pension “was not allowed as she failed to furnish proof of service as required by the pension laws.” [Disapproved Revolutionary War widow’s pension application for Sarah Wansley Beck. National Archives] [NOTE: Rebekah or Rebecca Miller Beck, widow of Lt. John Beck, who received a Revolutionary War pension. John and Rebekah Miller Beck lived in Virginia, now West Virginia. [National Archives W3755; BL Wt (Bounty Land Warrant), 200 acres, lieutenant, issued 03 June 1791.] [NOTE: This is the only Lt. John Beck from Virginia who received a Revolutionary War pension.]

1860 United States Census Woodlawn Post Office, 1039 District GM, Murray County, Georgia, pp. 28- 9, 19 June, 190/190 Beck, William A., WM, 60, farmer, real estate $11,000, personal property $12,400, GA Beck, Ann L., WF, 61, MD Beck, Sarah, WF, 95, illiterate, VA Beck, William J., WM, 25, serving [?], GA Beck, Reuben T., WM, 17, illiterate, GA Carter, Catherine, WF, 12, school, GA Carter, William T., WM, 18, school, GA Carter, Georgia G., WF, 21, GA 191/191 Gaither, E. C., WF, 33, farmer, real estate $2,000, personal property $2,750, GA Gaither, Ann E., WF, 6, GA Gaither, Wiley S., WM, 4, GA Beck, P. H. C., WM, 21, overseer, GA Carter, Eugenia A., WF, 19, GA

195/195 Beck, John W., WM, 38, farmer, real estate $2,000, personal property $2,000, GA Beck, Margary, WF, 29, TN Beck, Sarah A., WF, 13, GA Beck, Kate M., WF, 12, school, GA Beck, Eugene H., WM, 12, school, GA Beck, William A., WM, 8, school, GA Beck, John F., WM, 5, GA Beck, Louisa C., WF, 3, GA ca 1861 Sarah Wansley Beck died ca 1861 in Murray County, Georgia and was buried in Beck-Gaither Family Cemetery. One written transcription of the tombstone stated she died in 1861; however, photographs of the other tombstones in the Beck-Gaither Cemetery are illegible.


Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799, Reel 5. Library of Virginia. [microfilm]

Beck, Rebekah [Miller] Approved Pension Application for Widow of Revolutionary War Soldier. United States NARA W3755, BL Wt. 200 Acres, issued 03 June 1791.

Beck, Sarah Wanslow. R 692. Denied Pension Application for widow of alleged Revolutionary War Soldier. United States NARA.

Bell, John C. [compiler]. Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw of 18th Century Virginia. Nashville, Tennessee: John C. Bell, 1983.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B. [Estate of John Wansley, Sr.]

Farmer, Michal Martin. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books K-R, 1806-1819. Dallas, Texas: M. M. Farmer, 1997.

Farmer, Michal Martin. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books S-W, 1820-1835. Dallas, Texas: M. M. Farmer, 1998.

Hartz, Fred R. and Emilie K. Hartz. Genealogical Abstracts from Georgia Journal [Milledgeville] Newspaper 1809- 1816. Vidalia, Georgia: F. R. Hartz, 1990.

Hartz, Fred R. and Emilie K. Hartz. Genealogical Abstracts from Georgia Journal [Milledgeville] Newspaper 1809- 1840, Vol. 11, 1819-1840. Vidalia, Georgia: F. R. Hartz, 1992.

Hartz, Fred R. and Emilie K. Hartz. Genealogical Abstracts from Georgia Journal [Milledgeville] Newspaper 1809-- 1840, Vol. III, 1824-1838. Vidalia, Georgia: F. R. Hartz, 1994.

Index to the Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia 1756-1909. Vidalia, Georgia: Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 1970. [Index]

Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr. The Third or 1820 Land Lottery of Georgia. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1986.

McIntosh, John H., The Official History of Elbert County, 1790-1935, Supplement 1935-1939. Elberton, Georgia: Stephen Heard Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, 1940. [Reprinted 1968, Cherokee Publishing Company, ca 1986.]

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.


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Portions of John and Sarah Wansley Beck’s family record were submitted with Sarah Beck's application for pension as widow of Revolutionary War Soldier. Her application was denied since she could not document her husband’s service. [NOTE: Rebecca Miller Beck who married Lt. John Beck of Virginia received a pension as the widow of a Revolutionary War soldier. This John Beck is only soldier from Virginia who received a Revolutionary War pension. John and Rebecca Miller Beck lived in Ohio County, Virginia, later West Virginia.] "John Beck and Sarah Wanslow was married 5th June 1784 John Henderson and Matilda Beck was Married 29th Jany 1805 Charles N. B. Carter and Eugenia [illegible] Beck were married 3rd May 1835 John Beck was Born 4th February 1762. Sarah Beck was Born 6 [?5] March 1765 Sarah L. Beck was Born 3rd April 1805 James Beck Henderson was born 24th Octo 18?? James Beck died 14th June 1787 John Beck Jun died 28th Feby 1789 John Beck Snr died 11th July 1824"

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John Beck, Junior in Elbert County, Georgia

1820 In 1820 Georgia Land Lottery, “John Beck Junr“of Wards District, Elbert County won 250 acres in District 5, Early County, Lot 198. On 15 November 1824, Gov. George M. Troup issued the grant. [NOTE: “Junior” in this instance indicates a younger man with same name as John Beck, the older, who died in 1824 and does not necessarily indicate a direct familial relationship.]

21 Apr 1824 John Beck, Jr. married Willie M. Bowman. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages Book L16, p. 487.]

After 1824 Elbert County, Georgia deeds include several conveyances by John Beck, dated after John Beck’s death in 1824.

1830 United States census, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 175 [w]. Beck, John: 1 male 0-5; 1 male 20-29; 1 male 30-39; 1 female 0-5; 1 female 15- 19. Slaves: 1 male 10-23; 1 male 24-35; 1 male 36-54; 1 male 55-99; 1 female 0-10; 1 female 10-23; 2 females 24-35; and 1 female 36-54. Three free white persons under 20; 2 white persons 20-49; total free white persons, 5; total slaves, 11; total all persons, 16.

1840 United States Census, Capt. E. Jones District, 195th District, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 175. Beck, John 1 male 0-5; 1 male 5-10; 1 male 10-15; 1 male 20-30; 1 male 40-50; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 30-40. John Beck’s slaves: l male 10-24; 2 males 24-36; 3 males 36-55; 1 male 55-100; 1 female 10-24; 2 females 36-55; 1 female 55-100.


______Spouse: John Beck Birth: 04 February 1762, Virginia Marriage: 05 June 1784, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: 11 July 1824, Elbert County, Georgia Father: unknown Mother: unknown Spouse: Sarah [Sally] Wansley Birth: 06 March 1765, Virginia Death: after 1860 census, Murray County, Georgia Father: John Wansley, Sr. [1738-13 Jan 1835] Mother: Mildred [Milly] Whitten [died 09 January 1829, Elbert County, Georgia

Children: 1. Name: James Beck M Death: 17 June 1787 ______2. Name: John Beck, Jr. M Death: 28 February 1789 ______3. Name: Matilda J. Beck F Birth: 23 Feb 1790 Married 1: 29 January 1805 Spouse 1: John J. Henderson Married 2: 09 June 1822, Jasper County, Georgia Spouse 2: William Staten Whitfield Death: before January 1842, Putnam County, Georgia ______4. Name: Mildred Whitten Beck F Birth: about 12 August 1791, Georgia Marriage 1: 11 August 1816, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse 1: Beverly Allen Marriage 2: 26 October 1848, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse 2: John Frederick Gray Death: 21 January 1887, Elbert County, Georgia ______5. Name: Ann [Nancy] W. Beck F Birth: 23 July 1797, Georgia Married: 11 August 1816, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Benjamin Henry [1793-1851] Death: 07 July 1853, Hamilton, Harris County, Georgia ______6. Name: William Andrew Beck M Birth: 02 May 1800, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 30 May 1820, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Ann Lucas Welch Death: 19 November 1877, Woodlawn Plantation, Murray County, Georgia ______7. Name: Sarah Lucy Lucinda Beck F Birth: 03 April 1803, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 02 June 1821, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: William Pemberton Henry [1796-1883] Death: 04 February 1881, Elbert County, Georgia ______8. Name: Mary A. Beck F Birth: about 1812, Georgia Marriage: 31 December 1830, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Thomas J. Shepherd Death: after 1850 ______


Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. R, pp. 234-5

Georgia }} This Indenture made the eighth day of May in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred & nineteen between John Beck of the County of Elbert & State aforesaid merchant of the one part and John McKinne & James Lamkins of the city of Augusta County of Richmond & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said John for and in Consideration of the Sum of twenty five thousand Dollars to him in hand paid by the Said John & James the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, Sold, released & confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain Sell, release, & confirm unto the Said J & J and to their heirs and assigns forever, all the real Estate composed of the tract of land Situate lying & being in the said County of Elbert wherein the Said John now lives, together with Several adjoining tracts Containing altogether fifteen hundred acres more or less of which the said John is now Seized & possessed, and the said John hereby covenants to & with the said John & James, that the above described premises are free from all encumbrances, and that the Said John hath full power to alien & convey the same unto them the Said John & James by them now & at all times henceforth forever peaceably to be held and enjoyed - pursuant to which the Said John & James by them now & at all times hence forth forever peaceably to be held and enjoyed - pursuant to which the Said John by these presents doth Covenant to & with the Said John & James that they shall hence fore have & hold the above bargained premises to them their heirs and assigns to their own proper use benefit & behoof forever in fee simple - Provided however & these presents are upon this express Condition, that if the said John should well & hereby pay to the Said John & James the Sum of Twenty five Thousand Dollars with lawfull [sic] interest thereon on or before the first day of September next according to the terms of a promissory note bearing even date herewith, executed by the Said John to the Said John & James the words & figures following towit $25000 On or before the first day of September next & promises to Pay John McKinne & James Lumkins or bearer the Sum of twenty five thousand Dollars with interest from this date for value Received this 8th day of May 1819 John Beck

Then these presents and the said promissory note shall cease [illegible] & be null & Void - But in case of the nonpayment of the Said Sum of twenty five thousand Dollars or any part thereof or the interest aforesaid or any part thereof then in every Such case, it shall & maybe lawfull [sic] for the Said John & James, their heirs or assigns to enter upon and into the above bargained premises with their appurtenances and to receive the rents pay & property thereof through until default shall be made by the Said John in payment of the Said sum of twenty five thousand Dollars and interest or any part thereof [illegible] it shall and may be due in full to and for the Said John, his heirs and assigns to have hold and enjoy all and Singular the said premises with the appurtenances above bargained and Sold in manner aforesaid, and to receive & take the rents of issues & property thereof, to his and their own proper use and benefit; anything here Contained to the contrary not withstanding - In Witness whereof the Said John Beck hath hereunto Subscribed his name and affixed his Seal the day and date first above written - Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of John A. Heard John Beck {{seal}} John Randolph

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came before me a Justice of the peace in and for Said County John A. Heard and after being duly Sworn Saith that he is a Subscribing Witness to this Mortgage & that he saw the Mortgager assign the [illegible] John Randolph and this deponent assigned the same at the instance and in the presence of the Mortgager - Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 15 of June 1819 Hardie Brown J. P. John A. Heard Recorded 15 June 1819

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. R, pp. 236-7.

Georgia }} This Indenture made the eighth day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred nineteen, between John Beck of the County of Elbert and State aforesaid, Merchant, of the one part and John McKinnie and James Lamkin of the City of Augusta, County of Richmond & State aforesaid, of the other part. Witnesseth that the Said John for and in Consideration of the Sum of Thirty five Thousand Dollars to me in hand well and truly paid by the Said John and James, before the Sealing and delivery of theses presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained and Sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and Sell unto the Said John and James their Executors administrators and assigns the following Negro Slaves that are Now in the possession of and belonging to the Said John, to wit, Edmond, Furman [?], Jack, Squire, Newman, Washington, James, Dick, Nelson, Dick, Nely, Fanny, Mariah, Nelly, Milly, Hannah & her Child three years old, Delphia & her child two & one half years old, Janeth, Toney, Nancy, Harry, Heney and her two children, Easter, James, Mary, Sylvia, Tom & Dick, being in all Thirty two to have and to hold all and Singular the Said Negro Slaves, herein before bargained and Sold or mentioned or intended so to be, unto the Said John and James their executors, administrators and assigns forever - Provided however, and these presents are upon these express Considerations that if the Said John Should & Well and truly pay to the Said John and James, the Sum of Thirty five Thousand Dollars with lawfull [sic] interest thereon, on or before the first day of September Next, according to the terms of a promissory Note bearing even date herewith executed by the Said John to the Said John & James in the words and figures following, towit, $35000 on or before the first day of September Next I promise to pay John McKinne and James Lampkin or bearer the Sum of thirty five Thousand Dollars with interest from the date for value Received the 3rd day of May 1819.

Then these presents and the Said promissory note shall [illegible], determine and be null & Void and the Said John for himself his Executors and administrators doth covenant to and with the Said John & James that he or they Shall and will immediately upon default made by him or them of payment of the Said Sum of Thirty five Thousand Dollars, to the Said John & James, with interest as aforesaid at the day and time above written for payment thereof, deliver, or cause to be delivered unto the Said John and James


their Executors administrators or assigns, each and every one of the Negro Slaves above bargained and Sold by together with their increase if any - in Witness Whereof the Said John Beck hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day and date first above written - Signed Sealed and delivered in presence John A. Heard John Beck {{seal}} John Randolph

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came before me a Justice of the Peace in and for Said County John A. Heard and after being duly Sworn Saith that he is a Subscribing Witness to this Mortgaged and that he Saw the Mortgager assign and acknowledge and that John Randolph and the deponent [illegible] the Same of the instance and in the presence of the Mortgager Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 15 of June 1819 John A. Heard Hardie Brown, J. P. Recorded 15th June 1819

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p.23.

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Know ye that we Henry Guy Fowler and Henry Gardner of the City of Savannah in the State aforesaid Merchants Trading under the Joint name and firm of Fowler & Gardner for and in Consideration of the especially confidence which we have in John A. Heard Esqr of the County of Elbert and state aforesaid have this day nominated and appointed the Said John A. Heard Esqr Our lawful agent and attorney in fact and we do by these presents vest the said John A. Head With full and complete authority to act for us and in our behalf in a certain matter touching an interest which we have here by Bargain release and Assignment from James Lampkin to thirty two negroes and fifteen hundred Acres of land lying in the county of Elbert and which was mortgaged to the said James Lampkin and John McKinne by John Beck and in which property the said James Lampkin possessed a Joint and undivided interest of one third at the time the same was mortgaged by the said John Beck to the said James Lampkin and John McKinne and the said John A. Heard is fully authorized for for us and in our behalf to take such measures as or may be necessary to foreclose the said Mortgage on the aforesaid land & negroes and all other matters thereunto relating or in any wise appertaining In Testimony whereof we have [illegible] this day of have Subscribed our joint name and firm In presence of June 19th 1820 }} Fowler & Gardner Test A Thompson }} by Henry G Fowler James Wood J I C }} Recorded 20th June 1820

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. R, pp. 21-2.

Augusta 30th May 1820 Col John A Heard

Sir The State of my health not admitting of my finally Settling the affairs of the late firm of McKinne & Co and Mr John McKinne having Agreed to do so, you will please Comply with any instructions he may give relative to Beck or other cases in which I was interested, as I have now ceased to be so In presence of Your Obt Servant John T Lamar Jas Lamkin G. B. Lamar

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came before me a Justice in and for said County John T Lamar and after being duly sworn Saith that he saw Jas Lamkin Subscribe his name to the above letter and this deponent together with G. B. Lamar was requested to attest the same which they did in the presence of each other Sworn to & Subscribed before me This 6th June 1820 Wm Wood J. I. C. John T. Lamar Recorded 9th June 1820

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, pp. 21-2.

Richard J. Easter & Co }} For Isaac Minis }} vs. }} Gaines Thompson }} & John Beck }} Fi Fa, Elbert Superior Court In consideration of the sum of Twelve hundred Dollars & also in consideration of a transfer of collateral security of an unsettled balance due on & Judgment in favor of Wm. & Wiley Thompson


against William Oliver, M. D. Clarke & Robert L. Fast amounting to about one Thousand dollars I have [illegible] & released certain property from any encumbrance or lien of the above stated Judgment said property was heretofore owned by Gaines Thompson & by him Sold to Wiley Thompson and consists of several improved lots in the Town of Elberton all adjoining each other & now in possession of said Wiley Thompson and of a small tract of land also adjoining said lots the whole lying on the east of the Main Road leading from Elberton to the Fish Dam 1st July 1820 Duncan G. Campbell

Recorded March 14th 1820 o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 75-6.

Georgia }} Richmond County }} To all whom these presents shall come I John McKinne [or McKinnie] of Said County Send Greetings Whereas John Beck of the County of Elbert and State aforesaid on the eighth day of May in the Year eighteen hundred & nineteen by his deed of Mortgage of that date for Valuable Considerations did Grant bargain Sell & Convey unto me the said John McKinne & one James Lamkin of the County aforesaid our heirs &c all that tract or parcel of land situate lying & being in the County of Elbert aforesaid Containing fifteen hundred acres more or less together with Certain Negroes by the number of thirty two of Different descriptions to have & to hold the same to me the said John McKinne and the said James Lamkin our heirs &c forever the consideration heretofore mentioned towit That the said John Beck shall pay to me the said John McKinne & James Lamkin the full sum of Sixty thousand dollars on or before the first day of September - eighteen hundred & nineteen where & upon [illegible] the Said Mortgages therein Contained was to Cause determined & be utterly void &c to remain binding & effectual on the property therein to Cause [?] determined & be utterly void &c to remain binding & effectual on the property therein mentioned becoming [illegible] in the [illegible] of the Mortgaged. And whereas I the said John McKinne have agreed to assign my part or Share in Said Mortgage & Consisting of two thirds to Thomas Gardner of Savannah therefore know ye that I the said John McKinnie in Consideration of twelve thousand dollars to me in hand paid before the sealing thereof by the said Thomas Gardner do by these presents bargain transfer & assign & Make over to the said Thomas Gardener his heirs & assigns forever all my Right title & interest in said Mortgage to have & to hold the same to him the Said Thomas Gardener his heirs & assigns as fully & [illegible] As I the said John McKennie my heirs & assigns might or could hold and convey the Said by Virtue of the Mortgage deed aforesaid and not otherwise And I do for Myself my Heirs & executors & administrators &c do hereby authorize & empower the said Thomas Gardner his assigns heirs &c to become for their own use two thirds of the Sum of Money Mentioned in the Conditions of Said Mortgage Whenever the same shall be tendered or paid to him by the Said John Beck his heirs executors administrators &c on two thirds of the property mentioned therein in Case the Said Mortgages should be foreclosed agreeably thereby & to discharge the Said Mortgage or to recover of the said Sum with interest by Sale of the Said Mortgaged property to otherwise or by law is provided as fully to all interest & purposes as I the said John McKinnie my heirs executors administrators &c And I do for myself my heirs executors administrators &c Covenant with the said Thomas Gardner his heirs executors & administrators & assigns that I have Good Right to assign the Said part of two thirds of said Mortgage as aforesaid & that the said Thomas Gardner shall & Have hold occupy possess & enjoy the same Subject however to the right of redemption as by law in Said Case provided against the lawful Claims of all persons. In witness whereof I have hereby set my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of May eighteen hundred & twenty one in presence of Test Henry Gardener John McKinnie {{seal}} David Bottom

Georgia }} Richmond County }} Personally appeared before me Henry Gardener who being duly sworn deposeth & Saith that he saw John McKinnie Sign Seal & deliver the within deed for the purposes Therein Mentioned and that he the deponent Subscribed the Same as a witness & saw David Bottom Subscribed & Sworn to before }} Me the 24th day of May 1821 }} John [illegible], Junr., J. P.

Registered 5th August 1821 o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 16.

Sheriff Willis To George W. Heard

Georgia }} Elbert County }} This Indenture made this Eighth day of November in the year Eighteen hundred & twenty one between John Willis Sheriff of said County of the one part & George W. Heard of Said County of the other part Witnesseth that whereas a fieri Facias issued out of the Superior Court of said County at the Instances of Richard D. Easter & C. for the use of Isaac Minis against the goods & Chattels lands & tenements of Gaines Thompson & John Beck and whereas by virtue of said Fieri facias I the said John Willis did levy on one lot of land [unimproved], adjoining the Town of Elberton Richard Fortson & Simeon Maxwell within the County aforesaid, Containing one & one fourth acres more or less as the property of the said Gaines Thompson, and After advertising the same according to law and on the first Tuesday in this Instant upon the same to Sale at the Court house in said County at Pulbick outcry and the said George W. Heard being the highest bidder the same was knocked down to him at the sum of


one hundred & twenty Seven dollars - Now this indenture further witnesseth that I the said John Willis Sheriff as aforesaid for & in Consideration of the sum of money aforesaid the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledged do by virtue of the power & authority in me vested by law, bargain Sell & by these Presents convey unto the said George W. Heard & to his heirs forever all that interest title or claim which the said Gaines Thompson has, held or enjoyed in or to said lot of land with its appurtenances To have & to hold to the said property use benefit and behoof of him the said George W. Heard & his heirs forever, hereby warranted & defend the same against the claim of him the said Gaines Thompson, his heirs, & all persons claiming under him, but against no other person or persons whatsoever.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto seal my hand & Seal, date above written Signed Sealed & delivered }} John Willis Sheriff {{seal}} In the presence of }} E. C. Eli Ragland }} William Henderson J. P. }}

Recorded 26th March 1822 B Houston Clk

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County Deeds, Vol. T, p. 56.

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Whereas in obedience to a writ of fieri facias issued out of the superior court of the county of Elbert at the suit of John McKinnie & James Lampkin for the use of Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner against John Beck on the foreclosure of a mortgaged, and John Willis Sheriff of the county aforesaid did lately seize the tract of land hereinafter described as the property of the said John Beck and after being duly and publicly [sic] advertised agreeable to Law did on the first day of January in the year eighteen hundred and twenty two at the place of publick [sic] Sales in the Said County of Elbert upon the [illegible] at publick [sic] outcry, when Henry Gardner & Thomas Gardner being the highest bidders the same was knocked off to them at the price or Sum of Seven thousand three hundred dollars.

Now this indenture made the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty two and in the forty sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America between the Said John Willis Sheriff as aforesaid of the one part and the Said Henry Gardner & Thomas Gardner, as Tenants Common of the other part - Witnesseth that the said John Willis Sheriff as aforesaid for and in consideration of the Sum of Seven thousand three hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Henry Gardner & Thomas Gardner, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath Granted, bargained, and sold and by these present doth Grant, bargain and Sell, So far as the office of Sheriff Authorized him, unto the said Henry Gardner & Thomas Gardner and their heirs and assigns all that Tract or parcel of land lying and being in that County aforesaid and on the waters of Beaverdam creek and Vans Creek Containing fifteen hundred Acres more or less Joining William Joness Land James Clarke’s Land, being the Land whereon John Beck & Benjamin Henry now reside. Together with all and Singular the rights members, and appurtenances thereof unto the tract or parcel of Land, being, belonging, or in any wise appertaining; and also all the estates, right, tithe, interesting, property, claim and demand of the Said John Beck in law, equity, or through whatsoever of, or to the Same: To have and to hold the Said Tract of land and premises, and every part thereof unto the Said Henry Gardner & Thomas Gardner, heirs and assigns to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Henry Gardner & Thomas Gardner their heirs, and assigns forever, in fee Simple in as full and ample a manner as the Said John Beck or his heirs or assigns did or might have held and enjoyed the Same, had it not been seized and Sold unto the indenture aforesaid. In witness whereof the Said John Willis Sheriff as aforesaid hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of John A. Heard }} John Willis, Shff {{seal}} Jas. Oliver }} Wm Woods J. I. C. }} Recorded the 20th Decr 1822 B Houston Clerk

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 57-8.

John Willis Shff. To T. & H Gardner

Georgia }} Whereas in obedience to writ of Fieri facias issued out of the Superior Court of Elbert at the Suit of Richard I. [or J.] Easterling & Company for the use of Isaac Minis against John Beck and whereas I John Willis Sheriff of the County aforesaid, did lately Seize the tract of land hereinafter described as the property of the Said John Beck and after being duly publicly advertised agreeable to Law did on the second day of January in the year eighteen hundred and twenty one at the place of publick [sic] Sales in the said County of Elbert upon the Same at public out-cry, when Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner being the highest bidder the Same was Knocked off to them at the price or Sum of one hundred dollars - Now this Indenture, made the first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two, and in the forty Sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America, between the Said John Willis Sheriff as aforesaid of the one part, and the Said Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner in of the other part - Witnesseth that the Said John Willis Sheriff as aforesaid, for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the Said Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner at and before the sealing and delivering of the presence the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath Granted, bargained, and Sold and by these presents doth Grant, Bargain, and Sell, So far as the office of Sheriff Authorized him, unto the said Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner to be by them held


as tenants in common & not as joint tenants, their heirs & assigns, all that tract or parcel of Land lying & being in the County aforesaid on the Waters of the Beaverdam & Vans Creek Containing fifteen hundred [acres], more or less, adjoining William Jones James Clark & others, being the Tract of Land whereon John Beck Benjamin Henry & William Beck now live Together with all and Singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof unto the Said tract of land, being belonging or in anywise appertaining and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property claim and demand of the Said John Beck in law equity or otherwise whatsoever of in or to the same: To have and to hold the Said tract of Land and premises, and every part thereof unto the Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner in manner aforesaid, their heirs and assigns, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the Said Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner their heirs and assigns forever, in fee simple, in as full and ample a manner as that said John Beck or his heirs or assigns did or might have held and enjoyed the same had it not been Seized and Sold under the Execution aforesaid. In Witness whereof the Said John Willis had hereunto set his hand, and affixed his Seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of

John A. Heard }} Jas. Olive }} Wm Woods J. I. C. }} John Willis Shff {{seal}}

Recorded the 30th December 1822 B Houston Clerk

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, pp. 13-14.

Georgia This Indenture made & entered into this thirteenth day of April in the year of our lord eighteen Hundred Twenty four between Anna Gardner administrator of all & Singular the goods & Chattels& debts & credits of Thomas Gardner late of the County of Richmond of the first part & Henry Gardner of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Anna Gardner administrator as aforesaid for & in consideration of the Sum of twenty six hundred & twenty Seven dollars to her in hand paid by the said Henry at & before the signing of these Presents and the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath bargained, Sold granted aliened & Conveyed by these Presents doth grant bargain and alien convey in her Capacity as Administrator as aforesaid unto the said Henry all the right title & interest of the said Thomas Gardner deceased at the time of his death, held a certain tract or Parcel of Land situated being in the county of Elbert & State aforesaid on the waters of Beaverdam Creek & Vans Creek, Containing fifteen hundred acres more or less, joining the Lands of William Jones & James Clark, being the same land Conveyed by the Sheriff of Elbert county unto the said Thomas Gardner & Henry Gardner ostensibly in Common by two deeds and bearing date the second day of January eighteen hundred twenty one & the other on the first day of January eighteen hundred & twenty two. To have & to hold the above bargained presents with all the privileges & appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the said Henry Gardner his heirs & assigns forever in fee simple. And the Said Anna Gardner, administrator, as aforesaid doth Covenant & forever defend the Title to the above Contained Premises to him the said Henry Gardner his heirs assigns forever against the Claims of the heirs, Creditors & distribution of the Estate of the said Thomas Gardner deceased & of all persons Claiming under them & against all Claims of her self as administrator as aforesaid. And the said Anna Gardner, administrator as aforesaid doth further Covenant with the said Henry Gardner that the aforesaid described Premises have been sold unto him purchased in full Compliance with the laws provided for the disposition of the real estate of persons deceased intestate & under an order fuly obtained from the Honorable the Inferior Court of the county of Richmond aforesaid Sitting for Ordinary Purposes. That the application for said order was duly admitted and the land aforesaid & duly Knocked down to him, the said Henry Gardner, as the highest & best bidder. In testimony whereof the said Anna Gardner as Administrator as aforesaid hath hereto set her hand & seal, this day & year first above written Signed, Sealed & Delivered }} In Presence of }} Anna Gardner Wm. T. Gould }} Agent for Est Thomas Gardner Ralph Ketchum J. I. C. R. C. }}

o o o 0 o o o

Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, p. 14-5.

Georgia }} Richmond County }} Know all men by these Presents that I Anna Gardner Widow & relict of Thomas Gardner late of said County deceased in Consideration of five dollars to me in hand paid by Henry Gardner the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for diverse other good Causes & Considerations, have released & by these presents do release unto the Said Henry Gardner, his heirs & assigns & forever relinquish all my right & Claims to dower in the premises Conveyed in the annexed instrument Given under my Hand & Seal this the thirteenth day of April A. D. 1824. Signed Sealed acknowledged before me Ralph Ketchum J. I. C. R. C. Anna Gardner {{seal}} Recorded 29th July 1824 B. Houston Clk.

o o o 0 o o o


Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, p. 14.

Georgia }} This Indenture made & entered into the thirteenth day of April in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred twenty four between Henry Gardner of the County of Richmond & State aforesaid of the one part & John Banks of the County of Elbert in Said State of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Henry Gardner for & in consideration of the sum of four thousand dollars to him in hand paid by the said John Banks, at & before the sealing these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hat granted bargained, Sold, aliened & Conveyed & by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien & convey, unto the the [“the” repeated] said John Banks a certain parcel & parcel of Land lying & being in the said County of Elbert, on the waters of Beaver dam & Vans Creek containing fourteen hundred thirty three acres more or less joining William Jones land & James Clarks land, being the same land mortgaged by John Beck to John McKenne & John Lampkin sold by the Sheriff of Elbert County under the foreclosure of said Mortgaged, to have & to hold the above bargained premises with all the privileges & appurtenances thereto belonging unto him the said John Banks his heirs, & assigns forever in fee simple. And the said Henry Gardner for himself his heirs Executors & administrators, doth by these presents warrant & will forever defend the title to the above bargained premises unto him the said John Banks his heirs & assigns forever against the Claims of all person or persons whatsoever. In Testimony whereof the said Henry Gardner hath hereunto set his hand and [illegible] his seal on the day & year above written Signed sealed & delivered in the presents of Wm . Gouldy Ralph Ketchum J. P. C. R. C. Henry Gardner {{seal}}

Recorded 29th July 1824 o o o 0 o o o


State of Georgia }} County of Murray }} SS On this fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and fifty six, personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace Sarah Beck, a resident of Murray County in the State of Georgia, aged ninety one yeas, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the pension made by the Act of Congress passed July 7, 1838, entitled An Act granting half pay and pensions for certain widows, and also for the benefit of all other acts grants pensions to the widows of the Officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary War passed July 7th 1838 up to the present date. That she is a widow of John Beck, who to the best of her knowledge and belief was a Lieutenant in the Continental Line of Virginia and served until the close of the war and heard her husband say in his life time [she thinks] one of the officers was named Pelham.

She further declared that she was married to the said John Beck in Albemarle County State of Virginia on the fifth day of June A. D. 1784 and that her husband the aforesaid John Beck died in Elbert County State of Georgia on the Eleventh day of July 1824 that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January seventeen hundred and ninety four that is at the time above stated, and that her name before her marriage was Sarah Wanslow. She furthermore declares that she has never married since the death of her husband, the aforesaid John Beck but still continues his widow. That she knows of no public record of her marriage to her husband and of his death, but the family Record is herewith presented - She further declares that the cause of her not making earlier application for a pension has been in consequence of not knowing what officers her husband served and the Regiment he belonged to

her Sarah X Beck mark

Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year within written and I certify that in consequence of old age and infirmities Mrs. Sarah Beck is unable to appear in open court. I also certify that the within interlineations was made previous to Mrs. Sarah Beck signing the Declaration. John F. Compton J Peace

State of Georgia }} Murray County }} Justice of the Inferior Court in and for said county do hereby certify that I have examined the proceeding [sic] here set forth before John F. Compton a Justice of the Peace in and for said county and find the same to be legal & right and said proceedings have my approval. Given under my hand & private seal [having no seal of office] this 15 December 1856

Francis W. Galt J I C

o o o 0 o o o


Copied from MMHF hist. 6/5/31 [handwritten] February 26, 1937 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mrs. B. Mathiason BA-J/ady Hawthorn John Beck Florida R 692

Dear Madam:

Reference is made to your letter relative to solders of the Revolutionary War. Revolutionary War data furnished by this office are obtained from claims made to the United States for pension and bounty land based upon military service of soldiers of that war. A careful search of the records fails to show such a claim on file on account of the services of Thomas Weeks as described by you or Thomas Hamilton Weeks or Hamilton Weeks, all spellings of the names searched.

The data contained herein were obtained from the papers of the file in the Revolutionary War claim for pensions, R.692, based upon the military services of John Beck in that war. John Beck was born February 14, 1762, place, and the names of his parents are not designated. He married June 5, 1784, in Albemarle county, Virginia, Sarah Wanslow, who was born March 6, 1765, place not stated. He died July 11, 1824, in Elbert County, Georgia. His widow, Sarah, applied for pension August 4, 1856, at which time she was resident of Murray County, Georgia. She stated that her husband, John Beck, Sr., was a lieutenant in the Continental Line of Virginia and served until the close of the war, and that one of his officers was named Pelham. Her claim was not allowed as she failed to furnish proof of service as provided by the pension law. One William A. Beck, of Murray County, Georgia, in 1856, stated that he had possessed the family record since the soldier’s death.

Thomas B. Hansard and Penelope Hansard, of Murray county, Georgia, appeared in behalf of soldiers widow in her application for pension in 1856. It is not stated whether William A. Beck, Thomas B. Hansard and Penelope Hansard were related to the soldier.

The following data are shown: Sarah L. Beck born April 3, 1803. John Henderson and Matilda Beck married January 29, 1807. Charles N. B. Carter and Eugenia M. Beck married May 3, 1838. John Beck Henderson born October 24, 1806. James Beck died June 14, 1787. John Beck, Jr. died February 28, 1789.

Very truly yours, A. D. MILLER Executive Assistant To the Administrator

o o o 0 o o o

Selected records from Revolutionary War Pensions and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files. Beaty, Reading-Beckenbaugh, Leonard. [National Archives and Records Administration, NARA]

"John Beck and Sarah Wanslow was married 5th June 1784 John Henderson and Matilda Beck was Married 29th Jany 1805 Charles N. B. Carter and Eugenia [illegible] Beck were married 3rd May 1835 John Beck was Born 4th February 1762. Sarah Beck was Born 6 [?5] March 1765 Sarah L. Beck was Born 3rd April 1805 James Beck Henderson was born 24th Octo 18?? James Beck died 14th June 1787 John Beck Jun died 28th Feby 1789 John Beck Snr died 11th July 1824" Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website: If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: Jim B. Evans, 2016) Available online at © 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author. Wansley, Sarah timeline 16 March 2017


Chapter 3 NANCY WANSLEY and her husbands: JOHN PERRY PATTERSON and WILLIAM YOUNG before 1768 Nancy Wansley was born, a daughter of John Wansley and Mildred Wansley., According to the marriage bond, Nancy Wansley was over 21 years of age when she married in 1789.

12 Apr 1789 Albemarle County, Virginia, Schedule B tax roll, p. 15. John Perry Patterson’s household had one male over 16 and no taxable property. A “John Patterson” was recorded on Albemarle County, Virginia tax rolls for 1790, 1792, 1793, 1795, 1796, 1797 and 1798; the only listing for John Perry Patterson was in 1789.

14 Nov 1789 Marriage bond for Nancy Wansley, spinster, and John Perry Patterson. Bondsman: Micajah Taylor. Jos. Nicholas [Record of Marriage Bonds 1780-1808, Albemarle County, Virginia, Roll 62.] She was a daughter of John Wansley who gave his consent. On cover of bond jacket: “John Perry Patterson and Micajah Taylor affirms [sic] that Nancy over 21.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds & Consent Papers 1788-1792, roll 64.] Minister was “B. Bennett, no date given, but misfiled in a group of 1816 papers and consisting of a single sheet without dates of eight marriages celebrated by this minister since 28 October 1789. [Vogt, Vol. 2, p. 669.] Based on this information, Nancy Wansley was born before ca 1768.

14 Nov 1789 Patterson to Wansley: “Know all men by these presents that we John Perry Patterson and Micajah Taylor are held and firmly bound unto the governor of Virginia in the sum of fifty pounds to the which payment well and truly to be made unto the said governor & his successors to the payment whereof we do hereby bind ourselves our Heirs Exrs adms & assigns jointly & severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated this 14th day of November 1789. Whereas there is a marriage suddenly intended to be solemnized between the above bound John Perry Patterson and Nancy Wansly, spinster the condition of the above obligation is such that if there be no Lawful cause to obstruct the said intended marriage then the above obligation to be void Else to remain in full force & virtue. Test: Jos Nicholas [signed] John Parry Patterson Micajah [his X mark] Taylor” [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds, p. 48. [NOTE: This is a handwritten transcription of marriage bond made at a later date. Middle name for John Patterson is “Perry” in the first sentence and “Parry” in the signature.] before 1835 John Perry [Parry] Patterson died before January 1835 and Nancy Wansley Patterson then married William Young.

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wansley, Sr. Item 2. Proceeds of estate to be divided among children including Nancy Young with exceptions made for those children who had previously received property. [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.]

08 Sep 1836 Recorded at November 1845 term of Court of Ordinary: “No 22 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Admnrs of John Wanslow Senr decd two hundred dollars and fifty dollars inpart of the Senr d Legacy coming to Nancy Young from the estate of her father the said John Wanslow dec &c th this 8 day of September 1836 Nathan [X his mark] Wanslow Attorney in Fact Test Joseph Blackwell, Isham H. Goss” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B- 207B.] [NOTE: Since Nathan Wansley, as attorney in fact, received Nancy Young’s legacy from the estate of John Wansley, Sr., this suggests Nathan Wansley most likely lived in proximity to Nancy Wansley Young in Tennessee.]

1850 census Subdivision 2, Lincoln County, Tennessee, 21 November, p. 147 [w]/74 [s], 1256/1256 Latham, John, WM 63, teamster, NC Latham, Sarah, WF, 56, VA Young, Nancy, WF, 89, VA Smith, Elizabeth, WF, 13, TN [NOTE: Since Nancy Young is a relatively common name, it is uncertain whether this Nancy Young was a daughter of John Wansley, Sr.]


Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds & Consent Papers 1788-1792, roll 64.

Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, 1782-1799, Reel 5. Library of Virginia. [microfilm]

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B. [Distribution of estate of John Wansley, Sr.]

Vogt, John and T. William Kethely, Jr. Albemarle Count [Virginia] Marriages 1780-1853, 3 vol. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Co., 1991.

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.

Wansley, Nancy bio 10 September 2014


Chapter 4 ELIZABETH WANSLEY and ABRAHAM ELLIOTT [ELLIOT] ca 1769 or Elizabeth Wansley, a daughter of John and Mildred Wansley, was born ca 1769 or later in later Virginia, either Louisa or Albemarle County. Her date of birth is uncertain. Since John Wansley consented for her marriage, she was presumably under 21, indicating she was born after 1769. When her sister Nancy Wansley married, the marriage bond stated she was over 21.

24 Aug 1790 Know all men by these presents that we Abraham Elliott and Nathan Wansley are held and firmly bound unto the governor of Virginia in the sum of Fifty pounds to the which payment well and truly to be made unto the said governor and his successors in office to the payment whereof we do hereby bind ourselves our Heirs Excrs admrs & assigns jointly & severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated this 28th Augt '90 [1790] Whereas there is a marriage suddenly intended to be solemnized between the above bound Abraham & Elizabeth Wansley The Condition of the above obligation is such that if there be no Lawful Cause to obstruct the same then the above obligation to be Void Else to remain in full force & Virtue. Test Joshua Nicholas [signed] Abraham Elliott Nathan [his mark] Wandsley. [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriages Bonds, p. 58.] [NOTE: This is a handwritten copy of the marriage bond, transcribed at a later date.]

28 Aug 1790 No. 468, marriage bond Abraham Elliott and Elizabeth Wansley. Bondsman: Nathan Wansley. Witness: Joshua Nicholas. [Albemarle County, Virginia Record of Marriage Bonds, No. I, 1780- 1806, microfilm roll 62]. John Wansley gave consent for his daughter’s marriage. Witnesses: Nathan Wandsley, Walter Goldsmith. [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds & Consent Papers, 1788-1792, microfilm roll 65]. Minister, "B. Bennett, no date given, but misfiled in a group of 1816 papers and consisting of a single sheet without dates of eight marriages celebrated by this minister since 28 Oct 1789 (return says 'Ambrous Elliot.']" [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1806-1817, microfilm roll 71.] [Vogt, Vol. II, p. 669.] [NOTE: Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley, Sr. were closely associated. In the 1780’s John Wansley, Sr. lived on property belonging to Walter Goldsmith. John and Mildred Wansley were deposed in the suit of Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell, Sr. and Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell heirs.]

17 Apr 1791 Abraham Elliot was recorded on Albemarle County, Virginia Schedule B tax roll. His house- hold had one male over 16 and owned one horse.. Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, Schedule B, 1782-1799, Reel 5.] [NOTE: This is the only listing for Abraham Elliott in Albemarle County taxes through 1799.]

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wansley, Sr., item 2: Property to be divided among children including, Elizabeth Elliot. “Item 3: "Having given to some of my children some property heretofore and deeming it right they should be charged with the amount received, and to be deducted from their shares, it is my will that the sum of Twenty-six dollars be deducted from my daughter, Elizabeth's share." [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.]

21 Jan 1837 “No 27 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow executors of John Wanslow decd Two Hundred & thirty four dollars & 68 cents infull of my distributive share of the said decd January 21st 1837. D. Wanslow Attorney in fact for Elizabeth Elliott” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.] [NOTE: D. Wanslow is Dabney Wanslow, alleged to be a son of Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley.]

Nov 1845 November term 1845, Court of Ordinary, Elbert County, Georgia [sitting in probate], William A. Beck, one of the executors of John Wanslow, Sr. will, reported following distribution, "By cash paid D. Wanslow for Elizabeth Elliott $234.68." [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842- 1846, pp. 205B-207B.]


Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006. Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004. Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Albemarle County Marriage Bonds in Some Virginia Marriages 1700-1799, Vol. 6, p. 7.

Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1806-1817, microfilm roll 71. [See John Vogt, Vol. 2, p. 669.]

Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds & Consent Papers, 1788-1792, microfilm roll 62.

Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, Schedule B, 1782-1799, Reel 5. Library of Virginia. [microfilm]

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B. [Distribution of the estate of John Wansley, Sr.]

Papers of the Albemarle County Historical Society, Vol. IX, 1948-1949. Charlottesville, Virginia: Albemarle County Historical Society, 1950, p. 51.

Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr. Albemarle County [Virginia] Marriages 1780-1853, 3 volumes. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Co., 1991.

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.

Wansley, Elizabeth timeline 06 March 2017


Chapter 5 WILLIAM WANSLEY ca 1768 Assuming tax roll for 1789 indicated William Wansley had reached majority, he was born ca 1768. In a 17 November 1798 deposition in Albemarle County, Virginia, William Wansley referred to his father, John Wansley. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.]

Jan-Feb 1781 William Wansley stated in an affidavit that Walter Goldsmith purchased land in Albemarle County, Virginia from John Dowell for £80, in the year before the Siege of York [1781]. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.]

23 Jul 1788 William Wansley in a deposition in Albemarle County stated “that sometime in the year seventeen hundred and Eighty five, Walter Goldsmith told him he purchased the land he lives on of John Dowel and that he was to pay for it in tobacco the quantity he could not certainly remember but believes it was seven or eight thousand weight . . .” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.]

11 Apr 1789 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782- 1799.] John Wansley was recorded on the same date and next line..

02 Jun 1790 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782- 1799.] John Wansley was recorded on tax roll for 01 June 1790.

29 May 1792 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes, Thomas Garth’s District, Fredricksville Parrish: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782-1799.] John Wansley was recorded on the preceding line on same date and page.

26 Jun 1794 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes, Thomas Garth’s District: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782-1799.] John Wansley was recorded on preceding line.

15 May 1795 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782- 1799.] John Wansley, Jr., Reuben Wansley and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded on same date and page.

20 Jul 1796 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes,, Thomas Garth’s District: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782-1799.] John Wansley, Jr. and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded on same date.

17 May 1797 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782- 1799.] John Wansley, Jr. and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded on same date.

1798 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782- 1799.] John Wansley, Jr. and John Wansley, Sr. were on next two lines of tax roll.

17 Nov 1798 Deposition of William Wansley in Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court case of Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell heirs. William Wansley asserted Walter Goldsmith purchased land from John Dowell, Sr. in January or February before the siege of York [1781]. Goldsmith paid £90 in paper money, £10, more than purchase price. William Wansley stated, “Goldsmith bought the land and put my father on it.” Even though Walter Goldsmith had purchased the land, John Dowell obtained rent money from John Wansley over the objections of Walter Goldsmith. The deposition was made before three justices of the peace for Albemarle County: John Key, Joshua Key and Achilles Douglass. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.]


1799 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: William Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782- 1799.] Reuben Wansley, John Wansley, Jr. and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded on same page.

Jan 1835 Since the will of John Wansley, Sr. in January 1835 did not name William Wansley as an heir, William Wansley had presumably died before his father and without any heirs-at- law.

Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Records 1782-1799. microfilm.

Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004. Library of Virginia.

Wansley, William 06 March 2017


Chapter 6 NATHANIEL WANSLEY and his wives, SUSANNA WATTS and ELIZABETH CLEVELAND Carol Millisack Miller and James B. Evans ca 1768-1769 Assuming Nathan Wansley was 21 years old when he posted a marriage bond in August 1790, he was born ca 1768-1769.

24 Aug 1790 Know all men by these presents that we Abraham Elliott and Nathan Wansley are held and firmly bound unto the governor of Virginia in the sum of Fifty pounds to the which payment well and truly to be made unto the said governor and his successors in office to the payment whereof we do hereby bind ourselves our Heirs Excrs admrs & assigns jointly & severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated this 28th Augt '90 [1790] Whereas there is a marriage suddenly intended to be solemnized between the above bound Abraham & Elizabeth Wansley The Condition of the above obligation is such that if there be no Lawful Cause to obstruct the same then the above obligation to be Void Else to remain in full force & Virtue. Test Joshua Nicholas [signed] Abraham Elliott Nathan [his mark] Wandsley. [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriages Bonds, p. 58. [NOTE: This is a handwritten copy of the marriage bond, transcribed at a later date.]

28 Aug 1790 No. 468, marriage bond Abraham Elliott and Elizabeth Wansley. Bondsman: Nathan Wansley. Witness: Joshua Nicholas. [Albemarle County, Virginia Record of Marriage Bonds, No. I, 1780- 1806, microfilm roll 62]. John Wansley gave consent for his daughter’s marriage. Witnesses: Nathan Wandsley, Walter Goldsmith. [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds & Consent Papers, 1788-1792, microfilm roll 65]. Minister, "B. Bennett, no date given, but misfiled in a group of 1816 papers and consisting of a single sheet without dates of eight marriages celebrated by this minister since 28 Oct 1789 (return says 'Ambrous Elliot.']" [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1806-1817, microfilm roll 71; Vogt, Vol. II, p. 669.] [NOTE: Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley were closely associated in Albemarle County. John Wansley was a tenant on what was alleged to be Walter Goldsmith’s land.]

03 Jun 1793 Thomas Pritty and his wife Judith Pritty, of Albemarle County, Virginia, conveyed to James Travellion, of Albemarle County, about 110 acres for [blank] "pounds Virginia currency." Land adjoined John White, David Wood and James Watson. Signed: Thomas Pritty, Judith Pritty. Witnesses: Gideon Carr, Nathan Wandsley, John Robertson. Proved in June Court 1793, Albemarle County by oaths: Gideon Carr, Nathan Wansley and John Robertson. [Albemarle County, Virginia Deeds, Vol. 11, 1793-1795, pp. 13-4.]

10 Mar 1794 Wansley to Watts "Know all men by these presents that we Nathan Wansley & George Taylor are held and firmly bound unto Henry Lee esq governor or chief magistrate of Virginia, in the just and full sum of fifty pounds to be paid to the said Lee & his successors in office to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of our Joint & several heirs assgns & admrs firmly by these presents sealed with our seals & dated this 1 st day of March 1794. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas a marriage is suddenly intended to be had & solemnized between the above bound Nathan Wansley & Susanna Watts now if there shall be no lawful cause or impediment to obstruct the said marriage then the above obligation to be void or else to remain in full force & Virtue. Teste: Alex Garrett [signed] Nathan [his mark] Wansley George [his mark] Taylor" [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bond, written transcript p. 100; also abstracted in Vogt, Vol. 1, p. 330.]

01 Feb 1799 John Wansley, Sr. of Albemarle County, Virginia, conveyed to Nathaniel Wansley of Albemarle County "six head Horses Consisting of mair, Colts and horses, eleven head of Horned Cattle, eighteen head of Hogs, five sheep, and also all kitchen and Plantation Eutenseals [sic, utensils], and also three feather beds and furniture" for 200 pounds, current money of Virginia. Signed: John [x] Wansley. Witnesses: John D. Grymes, John Dalton. Presented in court Albemarle County, 04 February 1799. [Albemarle County, Virginia Deeds, Book 13, p. 46.]

1799 Tax Schedule B, Albemarle County, Virginia: Nathan Wansley, white male over 16, was recorded on tax rolls with no taxable property.

13 Feb 1802 "Met at the meeting house, opened a door for the reception of members and recd by experience Patson White Patsey Lyon, Fanny Harris, Franky Kidd, Patsy Gaines, Daniel Thornton Elizabeth Wanslow, George Alexander, Patsy Wanslow, Polly Alexander Tricky a black woman belonging to Mr. Roebuck, Elizabeth Kidd, Thomas White and Calep Oliver. 2nd Ordained Bro. Littleton


Johnston a deacon according to appointment. The ordination of Bro. John Dingler till the constitution at Bro. Childs. Dismissed." [Records of the Church of Christ at Van's Creek, p. 31.] [NOTE: Elizabeth Wansley was Nathan Wansley's second wife, Elizabeth Cleveland. The date of marriage of Nathan Wansley and Elizabeth Cleveland is unknown. Their son, Nathan W. Wansley, was born in 1797. Joseph Wansley, born 17 June 1794, and John Wansley, born ca 1795, were reputedly the sons of Nathan Wansley and Susannah Watts. Since Reuben Wansley was on the tax rolls of Albemarle County, Virginia as late as 1803, Elizabeth Wanslow in Records of the Church of Christ at Van's Creek is consistent with the wife of Nathan Wanslow.]

11 Feb 1804 item 6: "Bro. Dozier Thornton moved that a committee be appointed to settle a difficulty between Sister Elizabeth Wansley and the family of the Wanslows, which was acceeded to. Appointed Bro John Cason, John Carrol, John Jones, Sister Elizabeth Thornton, Sally Burk, and Ann Jones. The committee reported the matter settled in peace." [Records of the Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 48.]

15 Apr 1804 item 3: "Appointed Bro. John Cason and Bro. John Jones to cite Sister Elizabeth Wanslow in a th case of destress, after having been settled by a committee, the 11 of February last." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 49.]

12 May 1804 item 3: "Took up the case of Sister Elizabeth Wanslow a reference of last meeting. After a long debate Sister Carroll brought a complaint against the said Sister Wanslow here being some difficulty attending the case it was laid over till next meeting." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 50.]

09 Jun 1804 item 1: "Called for references. Took up the Case of Sister Elizabeth Wanslow a reference of last meeting. Sister Milly Wanslow came forward laid in an accusation against her viz. that of telling an untruth, and she was excommunicated for the same." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 50.]

1805 Nathan Wanslee, a resident of Elbert County, Georgia, had two blank draws in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery. John Wansley, Jr. and John Wanslee, Sr. also participated in the lottery. Only John Wansley, Sr. won land. [1805 Georgia Land Lottery; Graham]

13 Jan 1812 “Received a black woman, Amy, belonging to Nathan Wansley” in Vans or Vanns Creek Church of Christ. ." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek]

War of 1812 In affidavit for War of 1812 pension application #28562 for Joseph Wanslee, dated 24 October 1878: Joseph Wanslee enlisted "at Fayetteville, Elbert County Georgia and was discharged at Mobile, Alabama, that he removed to the County of Travis, Texas in 1852 that his father's name was Nathan Wanslee that his said father Nathan Wanslee was drafted into the Service but did not enter into the said Service; and that his son Joseph Wanslee entered the said Service in the place and stead of the Said Nathan Wanslee." Signed: Joseph [X] Wansley. Witnesses: Jeff Browers, Howell C. Brown.

08 Apr 1815 "Bro. John Carroll brought a complaint against Amy, belonging to Nathan Wanslow, viz: That of being in a state of pregnancy without a husband. Ordered Bro. Carroll to cite her to next meeting to answer charge."

13 May 1815 "Took up case of Amy, a reference from last conference. Bro. Carroll failed to cite her, on account of her not being able to attend. But the Church, upon a further investigation of the case, found that the sin she had committed was of so glaring a nature, finally concluded it would be more for honor and glory of God to expel her, that to retain her in her present condition, and excommunicated her accordingly." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek.]

03 Aug 1813 Nathan Wandsley and wife, Elizabeth Wandsley, sold John Carroll [Carrel], all of Elbert County, 39½ acres on Coldwater Creek for $100. The land was adjacent to Carrell, James Mann, Sr. and the road from Edmund Shakelford to McMall. Witnesses: Sidney Davis, James Shackelford, JP. Signed: Nathan [X his mark] Wansley, Elizabeth [X her mark] Wansley. Recorded: 27 January 1837. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. X, p. 127.]


1814 Nathan Wansley was recorded on Elbert County tax roll for Capt. Underwood's District. Other Wansleys on the 1814 Elbert County tax roll: John Wansley, Joseph Wansley, Larkin Wansley, Nathan Wansley, Ruben Wansley and Thomas Wansley.

04 Oct 1817 Tavenah Head and wife, Jane, sold James Campbell, all of Elbert County, 222½ acres on Pickens Creek, adjacent on west to Samuel Jinkins and Nathan Wansley. Signed: Tavenah Head, Jane [X] Head. Witnesses William Head, George M. Head. Jane Head, wife of Tavenah Head, released dower rights, 11 October 1817, Abner Ward, J. P. Registered: 03 December 1821. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 113.] [NOTE: Samuel Jinkins was most likely Nathan Wansley’s brother-in-law, married to Milly Wansley.]

20 Dec 1817 Charter Harper and wife, Nancy Harper, sold Waller G. Haynes, all of Elbert County, 100 acres on Cold Water Creek for $150. Signed: Charter Harper, Nancy Harper. Witnesses: Nathan [X] Wansley, Abner Ward. Recorded: 18 March 1822. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 14.]

07 Dec 1818 Nathan Wansley and wife, Elizabeth Wansley, sold John Carroll, all of Elbert County, land on south side of Coldwater Creek for $75. Land was adjacent to John Carroll and Battel Higginbotham. Witnesses: Wm. B. Clark, Joseph Rucker, J. P. Signed: Nathan [X his mark] Wanslow. Recorded: 27 January 1837. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. X, p. 128.]

1820 United States Census Lincoln County, Tennessee, p. 29 [w]/136 [s] Wansly, Nathan: 1 male 16-18, 2 males 18-26; 1 male 26-45; 1 male >45; 2 females <10; 3 females 10-16; 3 females 10-16; 1 female 16-26; and I female 26-45. [NOTE: Nathan Wansley is probably the male >45. It is possible that Joseph and/or John Wansly are the males 18-26 or 26-45.]

04 Jul 1821 Hardy Holeman conveyed land to Nathan Wansley for consideration of $105.00. The tract of land was "on the eastern waters of the east fork of Mulberry creek containing twenty one acres Granted by the State of Tennessee to Hardy Holeman on the 7th day of October 1819 by Grant No 13866." Witnesses: John J. Whitaker, Isaac Sebastian, John L. King. Signed: Hardy Holeman. Registered: 15 January 1825. [Lincoln County, Tennessee Deeds, Vol. G-1, p. 120.]

04 Jul 1821 William P. Anderson, of Franklin County, conveyed to Nathan Wansley 111 acres of land located "on the eastern waters of east Mulberry whereon said Wansley now lives . . ." The land contained six different parcels: "forty six acres conveyed to by John Green Sheriff of Lincoln County to said William P. Anderson on the 17th day of October 1719 - 28 acres out of the north east corner of a 228 acre tract entered and patented in the name of Newton Cannon - 18 acres on the north of said 28 acres entered and patented in the name of William Frame, twenty five acres entered in the name of William P. Anderson on the 27th day of May and granted to said Anderson by the State of Tennessee on the 14th of February 1821 twenty acres entered in said Andersons name on the 20th day of April 1819 and granted on the 5th day of October 1819, and twenty acres more entered in said Andersons name by No 11246 on the 20th April 1819 and granted on the 5th October 1819 by No 13863." Consideration: $555.00. Witnesses: John J. Whitaker, Isaac Sebastian. Signed: William P. Anderson by Hardy Holiman attorney. Registered: 15 January 1825. [Lincoln County, Tennessee Deeds, Vol. G-1, p. 121.]

13 Sep 1822 James Campbell and his wife, Molly Campbell, sold George Gaines, all of Elbert County, 222½ acres on Pickens Creek for $550. Adjacent to Nathan Wansley, Samuel Jenkins on west. Signed: James Campbell. Witnesses: John Watson, Benjamin Head, John Craft, J.P. No recording date. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 80.]

11 Oct 1830 "Pers[onally] app'd Thomas Warslow and John Warslow, Jr who saith that Nathan Warslow removed from this state in 1818, as a married man, and would have been entitled to two draws in the 1821 land lottery. They believe, however, that the lot of land reported as won by Nathan Warslow was actually won by Nelson Warslow, a single man in the same militia district. Signed: Thomas Wansley [by mark] and John Wansley 2nd Jn. [by mark] bef. Abner Ward, J.P., 11 Oct 1830.

William Roebuck testified that he heard Nathan Warslow say that the lot of land reported that he won was not his as he was not in the state at that time and did not give in at the lottery. It must have been intended for Nelson Warlow. Signed: Wm. Roebuck before James Burks, Jr., J.P., 12


Oct 1830" [Davis and Lucas] [NOTE: This is a typed transcription. The name on the land grant document is Nelson Wanslow. St. George Temple records in 1881 include a proxy baptism/ confirmation for Nelson Wanslee.] [St. George Temple, Washington County, Utah, LDS Records, 1881 ]

According to Lucas: Nelson Wansley, Wards Militia District, Elbert County won Lot 139, Section 1, Monroe County, Georgia, in 1821 Georgia Land Lottery [NOTE: In this reference name was, "Nelson Wansley," not, "Nelson Warlow."]

1830 United States Census DeKalb County, Georgia, p. 53 [w]/27 [s] Wansly, Nathan: 1 male <5; 1 male 15-20; l male 20-30; 1 female <5; and 1 female 20-30. No slaves. [NOTE: Based on age of the head of household, this may be Nathan Whitten Wansly.]

1830 United States Census Lincoln County, Tennessee, p. 224. Wansley, Nathan: 1 male <5; 1 male 30-40; 1 male 60-70; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 15-20; 2 females 20-30; and 1 female 40-50, no slaves.

1830 United States Census Lincoln County, Tennessee, p. 224. Jenkins, Samuel: 1 male 20-30, 1 male 60-70; 1 female 15-20; and 1 female 50-60. [NOTE: Samuel Jenkins was enumerated two entries before Nathan Wansley. This might be the household of Samuel and Milly Wanslow Jenkins.]

1830 Tax roll Lincoln County, Tennessee, Captain John H. Taylor's Company, p. 101. Nathan Wanslow was assessed taxes on 132 deeded acres for tax of $0.66. Joseph Wanslow owned no property and was assessed 1 poll tax, $0.50.

1833 Tax roll Lincoln County, Tennessee, Captain George W. Hart's Company, p. 25: Nathan Wanslow owned 133 deeded acres. Joseph Wanslow owned no property; he was assessed 1 poll tax.

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wansley/Wanslow, Sr. Item 2: Proceeds of estate to be divided equally among children other than specific exceptions for those who had previously received property. Nathan Wanslow was named as one of children. [Elbert County, Georgia, Will Book 1830-1835, p. 482.]

27 Aug 1836 “No 21 Recd of Thomas Wanslow & William A. Beck Executors of the last will & Testament of John Wanslow decd Two hundred & fifty dollars inpart pay of my distributive share of said estate 27 Aug 1836 Nathan [X his mark] Wanslow Test James A. Clark” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.]

27 Aug 1836 “No 22 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Admnrs of John Wanslow Senr decd two hundred dollars and fifty dollars inpart of the Legacy coming to Nancy Young from the estate of her father Senr d th the said John Wanslow dec &c this 8 day of September 1836 Nathan [X his mark] Wanslow Attorney in Fact Test Joseph Blackwell, Isham H. Goss” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.]

08 Sep 1836 Recorded at November 1845 term of Court of Ordinary: “No 22 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Admnrs of John Wanslow Senr decd two hundred dollars and fifty dollars inpart of the Legacy coming to Nancy Young from the estate of her father the said John Wanslow Senr decd &c th this 8 day of September 1836 Nathan [X his mark] Wanslow Attorney in Fact Test Joseph Blackwell, Isham H. Goss” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B- 207B.] [NOTE: Since Nathan Wansley, as attorney in fact, received Nancy Young’s legacy from the estate of John Wansley, Sr., this suggests Nathan Wansley may have lived in proximity to Nancy Wansley Young in Tennessee.]

1836 Tax roll Lincoln County, Tennessee: No. 121, Nathan Wanslow owned 132 acres, valuation, $800.

1840 United States Census Lincoln County, Tennessee, Civil District 3, p. 17 [w] Wansley, Nathan: 1 male 10-15; 2 males 15-20; 1 male 70-80; 2 females 15-20; and 1 female 50-60.


21 Sep 1842 50 acre land entry No. 2761 for Nathan Wansley, Lincoln County, Tennessee, bearing date 18 February 1845, on east fork Mulberry Creek. This document refers to "the tract on which Mrs. Wansley now lives . . ." [see 18 February 1845, below]. Date: 15 April 1845. Signed: "By the Governor: James C. Jones Jno S. Young, Secretary" [Tennessee Land Grants, Middle Tennessee, Book 21, p. 38, No. 17908.]

1843 Nathan Wansley died 1843. [Frank Wansley, p. 21. Source was not cited.] The earliest claim for the estate of Nathan Wansley was a note for $53.20 payable to B. J. Whitaker on 21 October 1843. Presumably Nathan Wansley died before this date.

27 Oct 1843 Eliza Wanslow married Randolph Houge, by J. H. Taylor, J. P. [Lincoln County, Tennessee Marriages Vol. A, p. 89.] [NOTE: Relationship to Nathan Wanslow, if any, is unknown.]

18 Feb 1845 Nathan Wansley's 50 acre land entry was surveyed, located on east fork Mulberry Creek. The survey was bounded on southeast by Hamilton. The entry referred to "the tract on which Mrs Wansley now lives . . ." [A single line is drawn through "Mrs" which may indicate a clerical error. An alternative explanation is that Nathan Wansley's widow lived on this tract.] Signed: Benj Clements, County Surveyor. S. C. C. [surveyor chain carriers]: Patrick H. Wansley, Enoch Hamilton. [NOTE: Written between "Patrick H. Wansley" and "County Surveyor" is "Transmitted th 12 April 1845. Grant issued & Delivered to Joseph Wansley he owns the land" [Lincoln County, Tennessee Land Entries, Vol. 2, August 1827-February 1848, pp. 397-8, No. 2095.]

Nov 1845 At November term Court of the Ordinary for Elbert County, Georgia, William A. Beck, one of the executors of the estate John Wanslow, Sr., reported distribution of $250 to Nathan Wanslow, in 1836. On the same date in 1836, Nathan Wansley received for Nancy Young her distributive share of the estate of John Wanslow, Sr. [Elbert County, Georgia, Annual Returns Book 1842- 1846, p. 205-6.]

21 Sep 1846 Elizabeth Wanslow administrator of Nathan Wanslow Deceased filed a financial report on the estate. She paid Isaac P. Sugar $2.00. "for hailing [sic, hauling] corpse from Bedford County home as pr a/c & Recpt July 22nd 1846." She had received $119.48 for "Sales Sold Sept 21st 1844 due September 21st 1845" and interest of $4.92. This filing included 11 itemized claims against the estate with "the amount Due on each Claim with Interest on each Claim and what each Claim is entited to by proratta distribution on all Claims that was filed after Said Estate was reported Insolvent." The earliest claim was a note for $53.20 payable to B. J. Whitaker on 21 October 1843. The latest claim was dated 21 January 1846. Based on the sales of estate property, Nathan Wanslow died before 21 September 1844. Nathan Wanslow may have died before B. J. Whitaker's note came due on 21 October 1843. Since the estate was insolvent, claims were paid at 66%. [Lincoln County, Tennessee, Estates, Inventories and Settlements, December 1842-December 1861, p. 216.


Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds in Some Virginia Marriages 1700-1799, Vol. 6, p. 7.

Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1806-1817, microfilm roll 71. [See Vogt, Vol. 2, p. 669.]

Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds & Consent Papers, 1788-1792, microfilm roll 62.

Davis, Robert S., Jr. and Silas E. Lucas, Jr. The Georgia Land Lottery Papers 1805-1914 [Genealogical Data From the Loose Papers Filed in the Georgia Surveyor General Office Concerning the Lots won in the State Land Lotteries and the People who won Them. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1979.

Albemarle County, Virginia Taxes, Schedule B, 1782-1799, Reel 5. Library of Virginia. [microfilm]

Farmer, Michal Martin [abstractor]. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books S-W 1820-1835. Dallas, Texas: Farmer Genealogy Company, 1998.

Graham, Paul K. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate drawers and Grantees. Decatur, Georgia: The Genealogy Company, 2004.

Lucas, Silas E. The Fourth or 1821 Land Lotteries of Georgia. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1983.

Miller, Carol, Green Valley, Arizona, personal communications and documents concerning Nathaniel Wansley and his descendants..

Marriage Bonds in Albemarle County 1786-1795, Vol IX, p. 61 in Papers of the Albemarle County Historical Society, p. 51 and 61.

Smith, Felix. "A Slight Tribute" in 12 September 1882, Austin [Texas] Daily Democratic Statesman, p. 4, col. 5. [obituary for Joseph Wanslee]

St. George Temple, Washington County, Utah, LDS Records, 1881.

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Virginia County Court Records Albemarle County, Virginia Deeds 1793-1794 from Book 11, 1793-1794, pp. 1258, for Courts held April 1793 to Jul 1794. McLean, Virginia: The Antient Press, 1999.

Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr. Albemarle County [Virginia] Marriages 1780-1853, 3 vol. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Co., 1971.

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.

Wood, Virginia S. and Ralph V. Wood. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Greenewood Press, 1964.


______Spouse: Nathaniel [Nathan] Wansley Birth: about 1769, Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage: 04 March 1794, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: before October 1843, Bedford County, Tennessee Father: John Wansley, Sr. [1738-13 Jan 1835] Mother: Mildred [Milly] Whitten [died 09 January 1829, Elbert County, Georgia

Spouse: Susannah [Susanna] Watts Birth: Death: ca 1795-7 Father: Mother:

Children: 1. Name: Joseph Wansley Birth: 17 June 1794, Virginia Death: 30 August 1882, Travis County, Texas Marriage: about 31 December 1846, Lincoln County, Tennessee Spouse: Mary Adken or Adkin ______2. Name: John Wansley Birth: about 1795, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: January 1855, Travis County, Texas Marriage: Spouse: Susannah Waggoner ______

[NOTE: According to family tradition, Joseph and John Wansley, were sons of Nathan Wansley and Susanna Watts. Based on Joseph Wansley’s pension application based for War of 1812 service, he substituted for his father Nathan Wansley. There is no direct documentation that John Wansley was a son of Nathan Wansley and Susannah Watts.]


______Spouse: Nathaniel [Nathan] Wansley Birth: about 1769, Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage: 04 March 1794, Albemarle County, Virginia Death: before October 1843, Bedford County, Tennessee Father: John Wansley, Sr. [1738-13 Jan 1835] Mother: Mildred [Milly] Whitten [died 09 January 1829, Elbert County, Georgia

Spouse: Elizabeth Cleveland Birth: 24 January 1782, Abbeville, South Carolina Death: after September 1846, Lincoln County, Tennessee Father: Mother:

Children: 1. Name: Kate Wansley F Birth: Death: before December 1853 Marriage: Spouse: Henry Smith ______2. Name: Nathan Whitten Wansley M Birth: 27 August 1797, Georgia Death: about 1887, Apache County, Arizona Territory Marriage 1: about 1827, DeKalb County, Georgia Spouse 1: Grizzel Elizabeth [Grizzie] Turner Marriage 2: about 1849, Gordon County, Georgia Spouse 2: Nancy Morris ______3. Name: Mahulda Wansley F Birth: about 1802, Elbert County, Georgia Death: before September 1842 Marriage: Spouse: Benjamin Whitaker ______4. Name: Susan Wansley F Birth: about 1807, Georgia Death: 23 April 1895, Lincoln County, Tennessee Marriage: Spouse: Benjamin Whitaker ______5. Name: Mary [Polly] Wansley F Birth: about 1809, Georgia Death: after 1880 Marriage: Spouse: Benjamin [Ben] Fox ______


______6. Name: Narcissa Wansley F Birth: about 1816 Death: Marriage: 30 November 1845, Lincoln County, Tennessee Spouse: John Frank Erwin ______7. Name: Joseph W. Wansley M Birth: about 1820 Death: before March 1857, Hays County, Texas Marriage: 04 February 1852, Lincoln County, Tennessee Spouse: Martha Warren ______8. Name: Elizabeth Arcade Wansley F Birth: about 1821, Lincoln County, Tennessee Death: after 1850 census Marriage: 24 November 1838, Lincoln County, Tennessee Spouse: Henry L. Smith ______9. Name: Martha Wansley F Birth: about 1822, Georgia Death: before 1880 census Marriage: Spouse: William Finley Smith ______10. Name: Patrick Henry Wanslow M Birth: 22 November 1824, Lincoln County, Tennessee Death: 27 April 1907, Moore County, Tennessee Marriage 1: 09 April 1842, Lincoln County, Tennessee Spouse 1: Elizabeth C. Brown Marriage 2: 04 March 1843, Lincoln County, Tennessee Spouse 2: Elizabeth Ann Rhoten [NOTE: Patrick Henry Wanslow consistently used the surname, “Wanslow.”] ______

[NOTE: According to family traditions Nathan Wansley and Elizabeth Cleveland were parents of the above ten children. There is no direct documentation for this relationship.]

Wansley, Nathan timeline 9 point 08 March 2017


Lincoln County, Tennessee, Estates, Inventories and Settlements, December 1842-December 1861, p. 216.

No. 210 Elizabeth Wanslow administrator of Nathan Wanslow Deceased

1846 September 21st To amt of Sales Sold Sept 21st 1844 due September 21st 1845 $119.48 To amt of Interest to date as collected 4.92 Credits $124.40 By amt paid Michael Womack as pr Recpt April 25th 1846 for Coffin $3.00 By amt paid T. S. Stovall for Copying Sale 1.00 By amt paid W. W. Gill for bury Clothes as p Recpt August 6th 1845 5.92 By amt paid Isaac D Sugar for halling corpse from Bedford County )) home as p a/c & Recpt July 25th 1846 )) 2.00 By amt paid W. L. & A. L. Berry printers for advertising Said Estate Insolvent 4.00 By amt paid Letters & Deeds $1.50 accounts 75/c 2.25 By amt paid allowed you for one years provision by Commissioners )) appointed by County Court )) 8.00 By amt paid allowed you for your Trouble as administrator 10.00 By amt paid Clerk for Suggestion of Insolvency [illegible] for filing 11 claims at 12½ 1.87 By amt paid [Clerk for] Copy of this Settlement .50 By amt paid [Clerk] for this report of 360 words 4.00 $42.54 $81.86 The following will show the amount Due on each Claim with )) Interest on each Claim and what each Claim is entited to )) by prorata distribution in all Claims that was )) filed after Said Estate was reported Insolvent )) Debts pay one account filed by Wade A. Morris prved[?] 26th May 1845 for $25.75 Int 1.97 $27.70 $18.43 one account filed by J. E. Douthit prved[?] 2nd Jun 1846 $302 Interest to date 6/c 3.08 2.05 one Note filed by B. J. Whitaker Due 21st Oct 1843 for $5320 Ints $9.12/c 62.32 41.48 one a/c filed by Holman Taylor prved 5 day Augst 1846 $4.38 Ints 2/c 4.50 2.99 one a/c filed by J. H. Taylor 22 Decr 1845 for $1.78 Interest 8/c 1.86 1.28 one Note filed by R. K. Hack December 25th 1843 for $233 Ints 34/c [illegible] A. E. Moore 2.67 1.58 one Note filed by Zaddock Mottow January 15th 1846 $3.86 Ints 15/c 4.02 2.88 one Recpt filed by William Babbs Due 13th Sept 1844 $10.42 Int 120/c [illegible] Jones 11.62 7.73 one Execution filed by John Swinney Feby 26th 1845 cost 87/c $3.30 Ints 27/c [illegible] Jones 3.77 2.52 one Copy of Judgment filed by B M Davis constable payable to J. E. Douthit January 21st 1843 75/c .75 . 49

One Copy filed by the Same for m[illegible] & Crofford January 21st 1843 Jones 65 ??

whole amt of Debts $122.94 $81.86

This Estate pay in proratta 66/c on each Dollar Approved W. B. Rhea Clk



Mildred [Milly] Wansley’s date of birth is unknown. She was a daughter of John and Mildred [Milly] Wansley.

22 Oct 1801 “October the 22nd. Met at the meeting house opened a door, and received by experience Mary Ginnings, John Craft, Milly Wanslow, Mary David, Adam Gaar and Ann Underwood. Dismissed.” [Records of Church of Christ at Vans Creek, p. 27.] [NOTE: Milly Wanslow may be wife or daughter of John Wansley, Sr. Two different Milly Wansleys joined Vans Creek Church. On 07 August 1802 Milly Wanslow Jenkins was excommunicated.] ca 1801-2 Based on Records of Church of Christ at Vans Creek, Milly Wansley or Wanslow married Samuel Jenkins. Their marriage was not recorded in Elbert County, Georgia records.

30 May 1802 “May the 30th 1802. Met at Bro. John Jones. Opened a door for the reception of members and received by experience Sally Shackelford, Milly Wanslow, Patsy Moore, Hannah McGowen and Charity a black woman belonging to Thomas Gregg. Dismissed.” [Records of Church of Christ at Vans Creek, p. 34.]

th nd 07 Aug 1802 “August the 7 1802 . . . 2 Ann McCossin, Patsy McCossin and Milly Jenkins, formerly Milly Wanslow excommunicated for withdrawing themselves from us and joining the Methodist . . .” [Records of Church of Christ at Vans Creek, pp.. 35-6.] [NOTE: The 22 October 1801 and 30 May 1802 minutes are consistent with two different women named Milly Wanslow joining Vans Creek Church, one was the wife of John Wansley, Sr. and the other, married Samuel Jenkins.]

17 Oct 1817 Tavnah Head and wife Jane sold James Campbell 222½ acres on Pickens Creek, adjacent on west to Samuel Jenkins and Nathan Wansley. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 113.] [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.]

18 Jan 1818 Eleanor D. Appling and Rebecca C. Appling of Columbia County, Georgia, heirs of John Appling, sold Samuel Jenkins 500 acres on Cold Water and Pickens creek adjacent to John Cunningham for $600. Signed: Eleanor D. Appling, R. C. Appling. Witnesses: Benjamin Simms, Ebenezer Ballard. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. R, p. 60.]

04 Nov 1818 Joshua Clark, sheriff of Elbert County, made a deed to Samuel Jinkins. Inferior Court issued writ of fieri facias against property of Joshua Jinkins at cause of Samuel Hawes. On 03 May 1811, Beverly Allen, deputy sheriff, levied execution. Samuel Jinkins was highest bidder on 03 July 1811 with bid of $201 for 300 acres on Coldwater Creek. Signed: Joshua Clark, sheriff. Witnesses: John McGowen, Leonard Smith, Adam Gaar, J. P. Recorded: 04 May 1818. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. R, p. 69.]

04 Nov 1819 James Cash sold Samuel Jenkins, both of Elbert County, Georgia, 91½ acres on Pickens Creek for $300. Witnesses: John Taylor, Peter [X] Roadlander, Adam Gaar, J. P. Mary Cash relinquished dower rights, 04 November 1819. Signed: Mary [X] Cash. Witnesses: John Taylor, Peter [X} Roadlander, Adam Gaar, J. P. Signed: James Cash. Recorded: 21 June 1829. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V, p. 83.]

1820 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, Ward’s District, p. 179 Samuel Jenkins: 3 males <10; 1 male 10-16; 1 male 26-45; 2 females <10; 3 females 10-16; and 1 female 20-45. [Line 15]

13 Sep 1822 James Campbell and wife, Molly Campbell, sold George Gaines 222½ acres on Pickens Creek. Land was adjacent to Nathan Wansley and Samuel Jenkins on west. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 80.]

24 Mar 1824 Samuel Jenkins sold Francis S. McGuire, both of Elbert County, 100 acres on Pickens Creek for $200, part of 500 acre survey granted to John Appling. Signed: Samuel Jinkins. Witnesses: James J. Daniel, L. P. Gaines, William Taylor, Jr. Proved by L. P. Gaines, 03 April 1824, James Banks, Jr., J. P. Recorded: 17 April 1824. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 123.]

06 Jul 1824 Samuel Jenkins sold David Daniel, both of Elbert County, Georgia, 500 acres on Cold Water and Pickens Creek, granted to John Appling of Columbia County, for $600. Signed: Samuel Jenkins. Witnesses: R. Haley, F. [Franklin] Cunningham, Reuben Brown, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, p. 165.]


06 Nov 1826 David Daniel of Elbert County sold Francis S. McGuire of Oglethorpe County, all right to a tract on Pickens Creek, containing 500 acres granted to John Appling, deeded by Appling heirs to Samuel Jenkins and by Samuel Jenkins to David Daniel. Consideration: $253.94. David Daniel sold 225 acres of original tract with mansion house and improvements known as Jenkins Stand on road leading from Ruckersville and Bowmans to Tugalo and Franklin, also place where Muster Ground and Justices Court is held by this district. Signed: Daivd Daniel. Witnesses: Benajah Houston, Franklin Cunningham, J. P. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. U, p. 165.]

1830 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, p. 122. Samuel Jenkins: 1 male 15-20; 1 male 50-60, 1 female <5; 1 female 10-15; 2 females 15-20, 1 female 50-60. [NOTE: It is not known whether Samuel and Milly Wansley Jenkins remained in Elbert County or moved to Lincoln County, Tennessee where Milly Jenkins’s brother Nathan lived. The 1835 will of John Wansley, Sr. does not indicate where his surviving children were living.]

1830 United States Census, Lincoln County, Tennessee, p. 224. Samuel Jenkins: 1 male 20-30; 1 male 60-70; 1 female 15-20; and 1 female 50-60.

1830 United States Census, Lincoln County, Tennessee, p. 224. Nathan Wansley: 1 male <5; 1 male 30-40; 1 male 60-70; 2 females 5-10; 1 female 15-20; 2 females 20-30; and 1 female 40-50. No slaves. [NOTE: Listing for Nathan Wansley is two lines after Samuel Jenkins.]

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wansley, Sr.: ‘Item Second: It is my will and desire that all my property, both real and personal, be sold with the least expense, and as early as can be done on a twelve months credit, and the proceeds be equally divided amongst my children (with the following exceptions: viz: Nancy Young, Elizabeth Elliot, Sally Beck, Nathan Wanslow, John Wanslow, Reuben Wanslow, Milly Jenkins, Patsy Davis, Thomas Wanslow, and Larkin Wanslow.”

“Item Four: It is my will and desire that Elizabeth Jenkins, my granddaughter, shall have a good bed, and a sheet and Counterpane, to be given her out of my household furniture by my executors.” [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.]

29 Jan 1835 At the sale of the estate of John Wansley, Sr., Milly Jinkins bought the following items: 1 clock reel, $0.12½; 7 plates & saucers, $0.31 ; 1 counterpane, $1.31¼; 1 counterpane, $1.00; 1 counterpane, $0.56¼; 1 counterpane, $0.81¼ ; 1 bed quilt, $0.81¼ and one lot of spun cotton, $1.37½. Elizabeth Jinkins bought one loom for $4.00 and 1 water bucket, $1.00. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 269-271.]

18 Feb 1835 “No 26 Messrs Thomas Wanslow & Wm A. Beck Executors of John Wanslow deceased Please pay to Beverly Allen the amount that is coming to me in right of my wife out of the estate of said deceased [when collected] and this order with his receipt shall be your sufficient discharge for the th same this 18 of February 1835 Samuel Jinkins th I accept the within order this 18 Feby 1835 Thomas [X his mark] Wanslow, Exr

I accept the within order this 5th of March 1835 Wm A. Beck, Exr

Recd of William A. Beck of the exrs of John Wanslow decd Two hundred ninety eight dollars & sixty th cents infull of the within order 8 July 1837 Beverly Allen” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B, estate of John Wansley, Sr..] [NOTE: Since Beverly Allen received Milly Wanslow Jenkins’ share of her father’s estate, he may have acted as her attorney in fact, as a fiduciary or may have been a creditor of Milly and Samuel Jenkins.]

1835-1840 Between 1835 distribution of estate of John Wansley, Sr. and 1840 census, Samuel Jenkins died. This assumes that Milly Jenkins in the following 1840 census entry was a daughter of John Wansley, Sr.

1840 United States Census District 199, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 164. Milly Jenkins: 1 female 10-15; 1 female 15-20; 1 female, 30-40; and 1 female 50-60.

When and where Mildred Wansley Jenkins died is unknown.



1. Since Samuel Jenkins is a relatively common name, the previous references may represent more than one individual. The information in the 1830 census for Elbert County, Georgia and Lincoln County, Tennessee is insufficient to conclude which represents the family of Samuel and Mildred Wansley Jenkins.

2. Marriage records for Elbert County include several people with surname of Jenkins in the 1820s and 1830s. Currently there is no proof that these individuals were the children of Samuel and Mildred Wansley Jenkins. In the 1840 census for Elbert County, several of these families lived near Milly Jenkins who was head of a household.

1830 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, p. 122. Samuel Jenkins: 1 male 15-20; 1 male 50-60, 1 female <5; 1 female 10-15; 2 females 15-20, 1 female 50-60.

1830 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, p. 126 or 251 [w]/126 [s], Rumsey, Archibald: 1 male 20-30; and 1 female 50-60.

1830 United States Census, Lincoln County, Tennessee, p. 224. Samuel Jenkins: 1 male 20-30; 1 male 60-70; 1 female 15-20; and 1 female 50-60.

22 Dec 1830 Mary Jinkins married John Thomason. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, Vol. N2B, p. 219.]

26 Jan 1832 James Jinkins married Furlishe Warren. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, Vol. 30-5, p. 200.]

13 May 1838 Matilda Jinkins married James Holmes, Jr. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, Vol. A, p. 45.]

07 Oct 1838 Sarah Jinkins married Archibald Rumsey. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, Vol. A, p. 50.]

26 Nov 1838 Joseph Jinkins married Miss Sarah Wanslow. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, Vol. A, p. 49. ]

1840 United States Census District 199, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 164. Line 6: James M. Holmes: 1 male 20-30; 1 female 20-30.

Line 17: Archd Rumsey: 1 male <5; 1 male 30-40; 1 female 20-30 .

Line 21: Milly Jenkins: 1 female 10-15; 1 female 15-20; 1 female, 30-40; and 1 female 50-60.

1840 United States Census District 199, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 165 [s]: Line 2: Thomas Wanslow: 1 male 5-10; 2 males 10-15; 2 males 15-20; 1 male 20-30; 1 male 50- 60; 1 female 5-10; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 40-50. Thomas Wansley’s slaves: 4 males <10; 1 male 10-24; 1 male 24-36; 1 female <10; 1 female 10-24; 1 female 24-36. Total number of inhabitants in household: 19.

Line 15: James Jenkins: 1 male <5; 1 male 20-30; 2 females <5; 1 female 5-10; and 1 female 20- 30.

Third line from bottom: Thomas Obriant. His wife was Martha Lee Cleveland. Martha Cleveland’s first husband was Wiley Jones Wansley, son of Thomas and Jemima Means Wansley.

1840 United States Census, Captain Roebuck’s District 196, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 168:

John Thomason: 1 male <5; 2 males 5-10; 1 male 40-50; 3 females <5; 2 females 30-40.

1840 Felix Rumsey sold Archibald Rumsey 150 acres on Fork Creek. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds Vol. Y, p. 204.]

1850 United States Census, California District or Township, Cobb County, Georgia, p. 228, 1795/1795 household of Archibald Rumsey, 41, and Sarah Rumsey, 35.


Farmer, Michal Martin [abstractor]. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books K-R, 1806-1819. Dallas, Texas: Farmer Genealogy Company, 1997.

Farmer, Michal Martin [abstractor]. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books S-W, 1820-1835. Dallas, Texas: Farmer Genealogy Company, 1997.

Holloman, Ann C. Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, 1805-1913. Albany, Georgia: A. C. Holloman, 1989.

Records of Church of Christ at Vans Creek. [Original manuscript is in Office of Ordinary, Elberton, Elbert County, Georgia; also microfilmed with Elbert County, Georgia deeds.]

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3. [will]

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1835-1837, pp. 269-271. [sale of estate]

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B. [final account of distribution of estate]

Wansley, Milly and Samuel Jenkins 07 March 2017


Chapter 8 JOHN WANSLEY, JR. and SARAH [SALLY] GREENWAY ca 1774 John Wansley, Jr. was born in Virginia, probably Albemarle County, a son of John and Mildred Wansley. John Wansley, Jr. was first listed on Albemarle County, Virginia tax rolls in 1795, suggesting he had reached majority [21].

15 May 1795 Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll: Wansley, John, Jr.: one male over 16. He owned no taxable property. On the same date John Wansley, Sr., Reuben Wansley and William Wansley were recorded on tax roll. [Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll, Volume B, 1795.]

25 Jul 1796 Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll: Wansley, John, Jr.: one male over 16. He owned no taxable property. William Wansley and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded on the tax roll the same date. [Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll, Volume B, 1796.]

17 May 1797 Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll: Wansley, John, Jr.: one male over 16. He owned no taxable property. William Wansley and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded on the tax roll the same date. [Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll, Volume B, 1797.]

1798 Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll: Wansley, John, Jr.: one male over 16. He owned one horse. William Wansley, Reuben Wansley, Nathan Wansley and John Wansley, Sr. were also recorded on the 1799 tax roll. [Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll, Volume B, 1798.]

1799 Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll: Wansley, John, Jr.: one male over 16. He owned one horse. William Wansley and John Wansley, Sr. were recorded on the tax roll the same page. [Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll, Volume B, 1796.] ca 1799 John Wansley, Jr. may have moved to Georgia with his father’s family. In 1799, John Wansley, Sr. sold his personal possessions to Nathan Wansley before moving to Elbert County, Georgia.

1805 John Wanslee, Jr. had three blank draws in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery. [Graham]

1807 Georgia Land Lottery. On 15 November 1807, John Wansley, Jr. of Clark’s District, Elbert County, received a certificate for 202½ acres in Wilkinson County, Georgia, District 14, Lot 92, p. 51. Gov. Jared Irwin issued the certificate for the State of Georgia. His sister, Patsey Wanslow, also of Clark’s District, received 202½ acres in Baldwin County.

15 Nov 1808 Gov. Jared Irwin issued John Wansley, Jr. of Clark’s District, a grant of 202½ acres in Wilkinson County, District 14, Lot 72, based on 1807 Georgia Land Lottery. p. 51. . 10 Jul 1809 A jury of twelve men determined that Reuben Lindsay was “in a State of Insanity and entirely unable to manage his Estate . . .” Multiple notes were due Reuben Lindsay included one from John Wanslow, Jr., dated 16 February 1807, for $5.00. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. M, p. 34.]

16 Sep 1809 Sarah Clarke of York District, South Carolina appointed Joshua Jenkins as her attorney in fact. Witness: John [X] Wansley, Jr. of Elbert County, Georgia. John Wansly, Jr. proved the power of attorney. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. M, pp 22-3.]

04 Mar 1813 John Wansley married Sally Greenway. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, Book K12, p. 161.] Frank Wansley stated, “It is known they had children.” Names of any children are unknown. Frank N. Wansley’s provided no source about information concerning children.

War of 1812 Record for John Wansley or Wanslow.

th 21 Nov 1814 John Wansley began service as private in Capt. William H. Underwood’s Company of Infantry, 4 Regiment Georgia Detached militia. Term of service was to end 06 May 1815.

15 Dec 1814 John Wansley was present on company muster roll at Camp Hope.

01 Mar 1815 John Wansley was present on company muster roll, location not specified.


06 May 1815 John Wansley was present on company muster roll, location not specified.

06 May 1815 John Wansley’s service ended. He arrived at Camp Hope to rendezvous on 21 November 1814. He traveled 110 miles from residence in Elberton, Georgia. He was discharged at Camp Hawkins, 110 miles from residence. Travel time was 14 days. Term of service was 5 months, 29 days. Contract price for rations was $0.18. Pay per month: $8. Pay: $47.49. Subsistence: $1.26. Total amount of pay and subsistence: $48.75. Final rank: private.

10 Mar 1828 Writ of dower for Sarah Wanslow Beck. Signed: Z. Rucker, W. Morrison, Singleton W. Allen. 10 March 1828, James Banks, Jr. J. P. Surveyed 11 March 1828. Signed: Beverly Allen, surveyor. Amos Strawn and John Wanslow, Jr. were chain carriers. 84 acres were laid off to Sarah Beck as her dower, 11 March 1818. Signed: Singleton W. Allen, Wa. Morrison, Z. Rucker, James Oliver. Petition was granted 19 Sep 1828. Signed: Geo. R. Gilmer, N. C. Sayre, atty. pro. pet. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V (letter), p. 203.] [Sarah Wansley Beck and John Wansley, Jr. were siblings.]

11 Mar 1828 Sarah Beck, widow of John Beck, of Elbert County, claimed dower in Writ of Partition surveyed 11 March 1828. Beverly Allen [Sarah Wansley Beck’s son-in-law]: surveyor. Amos Strawn and John Wanslow, Jr. were chain carriers. 68.1 acres was laid off to Sarah Beck as her dower. Signed: Singleton W. Allen, Wa. Morrison, Z. Rucker. Writ annexed: James Oliver confirms dower to Sarah Beck, 19 September 1828. Signed: Geo. R. Gilmer, N. C. Sayer, att. Pro. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. V (letter), p. 204.]

11 Oct 1830 Affidavit by Thomas Wanslow and John Wanslow, Jr. of Elbert County, Georgia that one of the winners in the 1821 land lottery was Nelson Wanslow, not Nathan Wanslow who had moved from Georgia in 1818. [NOTE: This reference is a printed transcription of the original record. However, the name on the grant is Nelson Wanslow. St. George Temple LDS records from St. George, Utah recorded birth of a Nelson Wansley. The land grant, this affidavit and the St. George Temple record are the only known references to Nelson Wansley.]

11 Dec 1830 “To annul the marriage between John Wanslow and Sarah Wanslow, his wife. Read the third time and passed 11 December 1830” from Acts of General Assembly of Georgia. Passed at Milledgeville. [Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Spring 1995, p. 34.] [NOTE: Divorces in this time period required and act of the Georgia General Assembly.]

25 Dec 1830 Act passed by Georgia Legislature between October and December 1830. In Saturday, 25 September 1830, Georgia Journal. “64. To separate and divorce John Wanslow and Sarah Wanslow, his wife.” [Hartz, Hartz and Evans, Vol. IV Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal, Davis, Vol. II, p. 20.] [NOTE: Divorce decree was published with annual compilation of acts of Georgia Legislature.]

nd 1832 Cherokee Land Lottery. John Wansley of 672 Militia District, Harris County, Georgia received Lot 36, District 19, Section 4 in Cherokee County, Georgia. This “John Wansley” might be John Wansley, Jr. He was not recorded as a Revolutionary soldier or junior or senior. Other descendants of John Wansley, Sr. lived in Harris County, Georgia.

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wanslow, Sr. named John Wanslow as a son. “Item 3: Having given to some of my children some property heretofore and deeming it right they should be charged with the amount received and to be deducted from their sharies [sic] it is my will that the sum of . . . Fifty Dollars be deducted from my son, John Jr.’s share . . .” Item 5: “It is my will and desire that . . the further sum of Eighty-five Dollars be deducted from my son, John Jr.’s share, making in all from his share the sum of one hundred and thirty-five dollars.” [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.]

05 Aug 1836 Annual return to Court of Ordinary [Probate], Elbert County, reported to November term 1845: Payments to John Wansley, Jr.: No 7 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd two dollars and 13/100 infull of the within note 5 Augt 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow No 8 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd Eighty nine dollars infull of the within acct 5 Augt 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow, Junr Test. B Allen No 9 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd one Hundred t twenty two dollars & 60 cts infull of the within note 5 Aug 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow,Junr Test. B Allen 66

No 10 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John WanslowSenr decd five dollars & 38 cts infull of the within acct 5 Augt 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow,Junr Test. B Allen No 11 Recd of Wm A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Exrs of John Wanslow decd four dollars & 90 cts t infull of the within note 5 Aug 1836 John [X his mark] Wanslow,Junr Test. B Allen [ Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846 [Court of Ordinary], pp. 205B-207B.] Junr Senr “John Wanslow [issued] demand against John Wanslow decd estate” for $224.01 in undated paper in loose estate records for John Wanslow, Sr. [Georgia Probate Records 1742- 1990, Elbert County Estates 1790-1990, Wanslow, John-Ward, Austin T. Document 55., on-line]

07 Sep 1837 No 28 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow executors of John WanslowSenr decd one Hundred & eighteen 11/100 dollars & 68 cents infull of my distributive share of the said estate this th Sept 6 1837 John [X his mark] Wanslow Test Eppy W. Roebuck [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.]

26 Nov 1838 Miss Sarah Wanslow married Joseph Jinkins, Elbert County, Georgia. Sarah Wanslow was probably not the former wife of John Wanslow, Jr. since she was recorded as “Miss” on the original marriage license. [Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, Book A, p. 49.]

Nov 1845 At November term 1845, William A. Beck, one of the executors of the estate of John Wansley, Sr., reported the following disbursements to John Wanslow, Jr.: $2.13; $89.00; $122.60; $5.38 and $4.90. John Wanslow received $118.10 as his distributive share of the estate of John Wansley, Sr., on 06 September 1837 [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1845.]

15 Sep 1846 Smith, Robert – Box 121, Pack 3585: Will dated 15 September 1846. Proven: 24 November 1846. Executors: sons, William, Robert and Jefferson Smith. Witnesses: Dabney Wanslow, John Wansley, A. Hunter. Wife: Easter Smith. Children: Robert J., William J., James J. and Margaret Smith. Grandchildren: Sarah Hogg, John James Oliver. Inventory made 05 December 1846 by Bannister Allen, Dabney Wanslow, Jonathan Johnston, John Allen, James Bozeman, Abbeville, South Carolina. [Young] [NOTE: This printed transcription does not specify that John Wansley was Jr.]

1850 United States Census Savannah River Regiment, Abbeville District, South Carolina, p. 226 [w]/63B [s], 17 September, 991/991 Wanslow, Dabney, WM, 50, farmer, $1400 property, SC Wanslow, Leanna, WF, 24, SC Wanslow, John, WM, 78, SC

17 Jan 1881 St. George, Utah Temple Record, pp. 18-9, No. 281. Name of deceased: John Wanslow. Birthplace: [blank county] Virginia. Died: blank. Proxy for baptism and confirmation on 09 November 1881, George Lumpkin Morris, grand-nephew. Ordination was by Charles A. Terry. [NOTE: George Lumpkin Morris was the great-grandnephew of John Wansley, Jr.]

Death When and where John Wansley, Jr. died is unknown. The reverse side of a monument at entrance th to Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia states, ”John Wansley, Jr. was Pvt; 4 Regt, Booth’s Georgia Militia, Capt. Underwood’s Co, Inf, War of 1812.” [NOTE: Frank N. Wansley erected this plaque in the twentieth century.] o o o 0 o o o

Ca 1855, a “John Wansley” died in Abbeville District, South Carolina. This is probably the same John Wansley living in the household of Dabney Wansley in the 1850 census. It is conceivable that John Wansley of South Carolina was John Wansley, Jr. and Dabney Wansley was his son. This is based on the following documents and connections.

15 Sep 1846 "Smith, Robert - Box 121, Pack 3585: Will dated Sept. 15, 1846. Prov. Nov. 24, 1846. Exrs: Sons, Wm, Robt., Jefferson Smith. WIT: Dabney Wanslow, John Wansley, A. Hunter. Wife, Easter Smith. Chn: Robt., J., Wm. J., Jas. J., Margaret Smith. Gr. chn: Sarah Hogg, John James Oliver. Inv. made Dec. 5, 1846 by Bannister Allen, Dabney Wanslow, Jonathan Johnston, John Allen, James Bozeman." [Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds, p. 485.]

1850 United States Census, Savannah River Regiment, Abbeville, District, South Carolina, 17 September, p. 63A [s]/226 [w], 991/991 Wanslow, Dabney, WM, 50, farmer, real estate $1400, SC Wanslow, Leanna, WF, 24, SC 67

Wanslow, John, WM, 78, SC [NOTE: In surname was indexed as “Warislow.”]

21 Nov 1855 Eliza Wanslow applied for letters of administration for estate of John Wanslow, deceased, late of Abbeville District, South Carolina. Signed: Eliza [X, her mark] Wanslow. Witnesses: K. Sullivan, Sam G. Earle. [Anderson County, South Carolina Bond Book 2 (1853-1863), p. 130.]

21 Nov 1855 Eliza Wanslow, Kelly Sullivan and Herbert Hammond posted an administrators’ bond of $30,000 to administer estate of John Wanslow, deceased. [Anderson County, South Carolina Bond Book 2 (1853-1863), p. 101.]

22 Feb 1858 Dabney Wansley died in Lowndesville, Anderson County, South Carolina. His personal property was appraised at $29,878.47 on 29 March 1858. This property does not include land. [Anderson County, South Carolina Inventories, Appraisements and Sales (1855-1862), p. 289.] On 31 March 1858, sale of the personal property netted $25,881.70. [Anderson County, South Carolina Inventories, Appraisements and Sales (1855-1862), p. 292.] At the time of the 1850 census, Dabney Wansley’s property was valued at $1400. In view of marked increase in Dabney Wansley’s estate, one interpretation is Dabney Wansley inherited property from John Wansley, enumerated with him in 1850 census. According to 1850 census John Wansley’s birthplace was recorded as South Carolina. It is possible based on age and relationship to Dabney, that this John Wansley is John Wansley, Jr. Wansley family genealogists have stated without proof that Dabney Wansley was a son of Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley.

Albemarle County, Virginia Tax Roll,1782-1799. microfilm

Davis, Robert Scott, Jr. The Georgia Black Book, Vol. II, More Morbid, Macabre, & Sometimes Disgusting Records of Genealogical Value – just when you thought it was safe to get back into genealogy. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1992.

Davis, Robert Scott, Jr. and Silas E. Lucas, Jr. [compilers]. The Georgia Land Lottery Papers 1805-1914: genealogical data from the loose papers filed in the Georgia Surveyor General Office, concerning the lots won in the state land lotteries and the people who won them. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1979..

Early Cemeteries and Gravestones, Elbert County, Georgia. Elberton, Georgia: Elbert County Historical Society, 1984.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846 [Court of Ordinary], pp. 205B-207B. [Final distribution of the estate of John Wansley, Sr.]

Graham, Paul K. [compiler]. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees. Decatur, Georgia: The Genealogy Company, ca 2004.

Graham, Paul K. [compiler]. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entitled to Draws. Decatur, Georgia: The Genealogy Company, ca 2005.

Hartz, Fred R., Emilie K. Hartz and Tad Evans. Genealogical Abstracts from the Georgia Journal [Milledgeville] Newspaper, Vol. IV, 1829-1835. Savannah, Georgia: 1994.

Holloman, Ann C. Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, 1805-1913. Albany, Georgia: privately published, 1989.

Houston, Martha Lou [compiler]. Reprint of Official Register of Land Lottery of Georgia 1827. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986.

Smith, James F. The Cherokee Land Lottery Containing A Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery with an Engraved Map of Each District. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1969. Reprint of original.

Wanslow, John, Sr. Will. Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3. [microfilm]

Wanslow, John. Georgia Probate Records 1742-1990, Elbert County Estates 1790-1990, Wanslow, John-Ward, Austin T. Images 3-92., on-line. [NOTE: Includes loose documents concerning estate of John Wanslow, Sr. These records were filed under “John Wanslow,” not “John Wansley.”]

Wood, Virginia S. and Ralph V. Wood. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Greenwood Press, 1964.

Young, Willie Pauline. Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds. Greenville, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1996. Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website: If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: Jim B. Evans, 2016) Available online at © 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author. Wansley, John, Jr. timeline 9 point 18 March 2017 68

Chapter 9 REUBEN WANSLEY and ELIZABETH CUNNINGHAM ca 1774 Reuben Wansley was born in Virginia. [1850 census] He was a son of John and Mildred Wansley. The November term 1845 Annual Return for John Wansley, Sr. estate and Sarah Fleming probate records for 07 January 1854 and 05 June 1855 are the only known contemporary references to ”T.” as the middle initial for Reuben, a son of John Wansley, Sr. Reuben Wanslow and Reuben T. Wanslow were winners in the 1832 Gold Lottery; consistent with father and son. According to tombstones in the Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia, Reuben T. Wansley, Sr. was born in Albemarle County, Virginia in 1774. [NOTE: More than likely Frank N. Wansley erected the tombstone for Reuben Wansley in the 20th century.]

20 Feb 1783 Elizabeth Cunningham was born, a daughter of John Cunningham and Ann Davis. According to John Cunningham and Ann Davis family record included with Ann Davis Cunningham’s application for pension as a widow of a Revolutionary War soldier, Elizabeth Cunningham was born 20 February 1783 . [Cunningham, W6752, Complete and Selected Records ,NARA] According to tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia, Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley was born 1784 in Virginia. Frank N. Wansley probably erected this tombstone and used erroneous information; whoever erected the monument did not know when Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley died.

15 May 1795 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: Reuben Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. Since this is the first listing on the tax rolls, Reuben Wansley had reached majority, consistent with estimated year of birth ca 1773-4. John Wansley, Sr., John Wansley, Jr. and William Wansley were recorded on the same page and same date on the tax rolls indicating they lived in close proximity. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782-1799.]

1799 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: Reuben Wansley, a white male over 16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782- 1799.]

1800 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: Reuben Wansley, a white male over16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 6, 1800- 1813.]

1801 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: Reuben Wansley, a white male over16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 6, 1800- 1813.]

1802 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: Reuben Wansley, a white male over16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 6, 1800- 1813.]

1803 Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Taxes: Reuben Wansley, a white male over16, owned no taxable property. [Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 6, 1800- 1813.]

13 Feb 1802 "Met at the meeting house, opened a door for the reception of members and recd by experience Patson White, Patsey Lyon, Fanny Harris, Franky Kidd, Patsy Gaines, Daniel Thornton, Elizabeth Wanslow, George Alexander, Patsy Wanslow, Polly Alexander Tricky a black woman belonging to Mr. Roebuck, Elizabeth Kidd, Thomas White and Calep Oliver. 2nd Ordained Bro. Littleton Johnston a deacon according to appointment. The ordination of Bro. John Dingler till the constitution at Bro. Childs. Dismissed." [Records of the Church of Christ at Van's Creek, p. 31.]

[NOTE: Since Reuben Wansley was on the tax rolls of Albemarle County, Virginia as late as 1803, Elizabeth Wanslow in Records of the Church of Christ at Van's Creek is the second wife of Nathan Wanslow, Elizabeth Cleveland. According to family tradition (unverified). Nathan Wansley and his first wife, Susannah Watts had two sons: Joseph Wansley (17 June 1794-) and John Wansley (ca 1795-). The date of marriage for Nathan Wansley and Elizabeth Cleveland is unknown. Their son Nathan W. Wansley was born in 1797.]

11 Feb 1804 item 6: "Bro. Dozier Thornton moved that a committee be appointed to settle a difficulty between


Sister Elizabeth Wansley and the family of the Wanslows, which was acceeded to. Appointed Bro John Cason, John Carrol, John Jones, Sister Elizabeth Thornton, Sally Burk, and Ann Jones. The committee reported the matter settled in peace." [Records of the Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 48.]

15 Apr 1804 item 3: "Appointed Bro. John Cason and Bro. John Jones to cite Sister Elizabeth Wanslow in a th case of distress [sic], after having been settled by a committee, the 11 of February last." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 49.]

12 May 1804 item 3: "Took up the case of Sister Elizabeth Wanslow a reference of last meeting. After a long debate Sister Carrol brought a complaint against the said Sister Wanslow here being some difficulty attending the case it was laid over till next meeting." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 50.]

09 Jun 1804 item 1: "Called for references. Took up the Case of Sister Elizabeth Wanslow a reference of last meeting. Sister Milly Wanslow came forward laid in an accusation against her viz. that of telling an untruth, and she was excommunicated for the same." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, p. 50.] [NOTE: Milly Wanslow was the wife of John Wanslow, Sr.] ca 1808 Dabney Wansley was born in Georgia. Dabney Wansley died 22 February 1858, age 50, and was buried in Smyrna Methodist Church Cemetery, Lowndesville, South Carolina. Tombstone provides age at time of death but does not have date of birth. [Bratcher, p. 105] According to Frank N. Wansley, Dabney was a son of Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley. However, there is no documentation of this familial relationship. [NOTE: More than one Dabney Wansley lived in Elbert County. On 01 June 1809, Dabney [X] Wansley witnessed a deed from Franklin Cunningham to Johnston Cunningham. Elbert County, Georgia, Deeds, Vol. M (1808-1810), p. 8; Farmer, p. 76.]

05 Aug 1809 Franklin Cunningham sold Reuben Wansley, both of Elbert County, 125 acres on Coldwater Creek. Consideration was $300. Signed: Franklin Cunningham. Witnesses: John Cunningham, John Carrell, J. P. Recorded: 08 January 1812. [Elbert County Georgia Deeds, Vol. N, p. 237.] According to John Cunningham and Ann Davis family record included with Ann Davis Cunningham’s application for pension as a widow of a Revolutionary War soldier, Franklin Cunningham was born 14 August 1784. [Cunningham, W6752, NARA] [NOTE: More than one Franklin Cunningham lived Elbert-Wilkes County area. In 1785 John Allin [sic] sold Franklin Cunningham 200 acres on Coldwater Creek in Wilkes County, Georgia. [Wilkes County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. AA (1785-1787), p. 102; Farmer, Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV (1784- 1806).]

13 Feb 1813 Johnson Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia. According to Frank N. Wansley he was a son of Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley. Date of birth is from tombstone in Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia. In censuses for 1850 and 1860, Johnson Wansley was living in same household with Reuben and Elizabeth Wansley, consistent with parents and son. In the 1860 tax roll for Elbert County, Johnson Wansley was trustee for R. Wansley. Also in 1867, Johnson Wansley sold 140 acres on Coldwater Creek to Elizabeth Wansley that contained the family burying ground. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. EE, p. 66.] Frank N. Wansley stated that he surveyed the Wansley Cemetery, noted a bottom of p. 66, Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. EE. Johnson Wansley was named after his uncle Johnson Cunningham.

1813 Reuben T. Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia. According to Frank N. Wansley he was a son of Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley. Source for date of birth: tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia. R. T. Wansley, Jr. (1813-11 April 1863). See deeds for 1867 and 1868 that indicate a relationship, probably mother-son, between Elizabeth Wansley and Reuben T. Wansley, Jr. and his children, her grandchildren. He was known as “Reuben T. Wansley, Jr.” ca 1813-1820 Fleming Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia. According to Frank N. Wansley he was a son of Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley. Based on 1850 and 1860 census entries, Fleming Wansley was born about 1813. Based on 1880 census he was born about 1820. So far no documentation directly confirms that Fleming Wansley was a son of Reuben and Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley. If he were a son, he may have been named for an great-aunt, Sarah Cunningham Fleming.


1814 Tax Roll for Elbert County included Ruben Wansley, Baker district, p. 46. Other Wansleys on the 1814 tax roll: John Wansley, Joseph Wansley, Larkin Wansley, Nathan Wansley and Thomas Wansley. All were residents of Elbert County. [An Index to Georgia Tax Digests 1814-1817, Vol. V.]

16 Jun 1819 William Woods sold Samuel N. Bailey, both of Elbert County, 104 acres adjacent Reuben Wansley and others, part of 1000 acre survey originally granted to Middleton Woods, lately in dispute between Woods and Franklin Cunningham, except 28 acres sold to Reuben Wansley. Consideration: $312. Signed: William Woods. Witnesses: Gaines Thompson, Hardie Brown, J. P. Recorded: 17 April 1824. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. T, p. 128.]

1820 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, p. 187 Wanslow, Reuben: 2 males <10; 1 male >45; t female <10; 1 female >26 & <45, 3 slaves

10 Nov 1826 Will of James Cunningham of Pendleton District, South Carolina: “I give and bequeath to my beloved Brother John Cunningham and Elizabeth Wandsley all the money that may be coming to me in the state of Georgia by note or otherwise to be Equally divided between them . . .” Witnesses: Joseph Taylor, Joseph T. Earle, Samuel J. Taylor. Signed: James Cunningham. Proved by oath of Col. Joseph Taylor. Recorded and examined by John Harris, O. P. D. [Anderson County (Pendleton District), South Carolina Wills 1791-1834, pp. 355-7.]

1827 Georgia Land Lottery, 03 April 1827. Reuben Wanslow of Blackwell's Militia District, Elbert County, won Lot 125, District 3, Section 1 in Lee County, containing 202½ acres.

1830 United States Census Elbert County, p. 152. Reuben Wansley: 1 male >10 & <15; 2 males>15 & <20, 1 male >20 & <30, 1 male >60 & <70; 2 females < 5; 1 female >5 & <10; 1 female >10 & <15; and 1 female >40 & < 50. No slaves. p. 148 Thomas Wansley; p. 158 John Wansley. Nathan Wansley was in DeKalb County, Georgia.

1832 1832 Gold Lottery of Georgia. Reuben Wanslow of Thomason’s Districtt, Elbert County, Georgia won 40 acres in south half of Distirct 13, Section 1, in Cherokee County, Georgia. [p. 110.]

Reuben T. Wanslow of Thomason’s Militia District, Elbert County, won 40 acres in District 3, Section 3, Cherokee County, Georgia. [p. 643.]

Improved Gold Lots: In Third District, Third Section, Reuben T. Wanslow of Thomasons District, Elbert County received 2 acres of Indian improvements. [Holland] [NOTE: The distinction between “Reuben Wanslow” and “Reuben T. Wanslow” may indicate two different individuals. However, Reuben T. Wanslow received his distributive share of the estate of John Wansley, Sr.]

16 Dec 1834 Governor Wilson Lumpkin issued a grant to Reuben Wanslow of Blackwell’s District, Elbert County, in Muscogee County, District 16, Section 2, Lot 239, p. 231, containing 202½ acres. [1827 Georgia Land Lottery]

16 Dec 1834 Governor Wilson Lumpkin issued a grant to Reuben Wanslow of Thomason’s District, Elbert County, for 40 acres of land in south half of District 13, Section, Lot 423. [p. 110] [1832 Georgia Land Lottery]

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wansley, Sr. named Reuben Wanslow as a son and heir. [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.]

01 Jan 1836 “No 12 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Executors of the last will of John Wanslow decd twenty two dollars infull of the within proven acct January 1st 1836 Reuben T [X his mark] Wanslow” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.]

08 Feb 1836 “No 13 Recd of William A. Beck & Thomas Wanslow Executors of John Wanslow decd three Hundred & fourteen 66/100 dollars infull pay of my distributive share of Said decd Estate this Feb th m 8 1836 Reuben T [X his mark] Wanslow Test W White” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.]

01 Mar 1836 Governor William Schley issued a grant to Reuben Wanslow of Blackwell’s District, Elbert County in District 3, Section 1, Lot 125, p. 143, containing 202½ acres in Lee County, Georgia. [1827 Georgia Land Lottery] 71

11 Aug 1840 Governor Charles J. McDonald issued a grant of 40 acres to Reuben T. Wanslow of Thomason’s District, Elbert County. The tract was in Cherokee County, District 3, Section 3, Lot 1164. p. 643 [1832 Georgia Land Lottery: Reuben T. Wansley is either son or grandson of John Wansley, Sr.]

1850 United States Census Elbert District, Elbert County, 05 August, p. 369 [s], 82/82 Wanslow, J., 34, WM, carpenter, $650, illiterate, GA [Johnson Wanslow] Wanslow, R., 76, WM, farmer, illiterate, VA [Reuben Wanslow] Wanslow, E., 66, WF, GA [Elizabeth Cunningham Wanslow] Wanslow, P. M., 24, WF, GA

18 Apr 1851 John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wanslow [or Wannslow or Warnslow], the only [surviving] children of John and Ann Cunningham, applied for $550 per annum retroactive to 04 March 1831, due Ann Cunningham, widow of John Cunningham. [Cunningham, John. Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers: Georgia. Carter, Robert-Gilmore, Mary. Georgia M1746.]

10 May 1851 United States Pension Agency, Georgia issued a check for $7997.71 to James G. [or S.] Cunningham, attorney for John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wanslow. The check was for pension due Ann Cunningham from 04 March 1831 to the day of her death 19 March 1849. [Cunningham, John. Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers: Georgia. Carter, Robert-Gilmore, Mary. Georgia M1746.]

10 Sep 1851 Sarah Fleming’s Will in Elbert County, Georgia: Sarah Fleming bequeathed 1/6 of her estate to Elizabeth Wanslow. John A. Cunningham was to receive 1/6 plus $400 and Franklin Cunningham was to receive 1/6. Executors: Thomas Johnston, Lawrence M. Adams. Witnesses: William B. Nelms, John M. Thornton, Hiram G. Adams. Recorded: 11 January 1853. [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book (1835-1860), p. 133, No. 367.] [NOTE: John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wanslow were children of John A. Cunningham, Sr. Sarah Cunningham Fleming was a sister of John A. Cunningham, Sr. who died 1829.] The value of Sarah Fleming’s estate was $16,525.60. Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wanslow each received $2260.62 and John A. Cunningham, $2660.62.

05 Apr 1853 Sale of Land and Negroes from estate of Sarah Fleming: Johnson Wanslow bought one negro boy Lem B. for $1080.00; one negro girl Ann for $960.00 and one negro boy Lindsay for $695.00. Fleming Wanslow bought one negro girl Sarah for $905.00. [Elbert County, Georgia Probate Records for estate Sarah (Cunningham) Fleming]

07 Jan 1854 “No 13 Recd of Thomas Johnston & Lawrence M. Adams Extrs of the will of Sarah Fleming decd twenty two hundred Seven dollars in part of the distributive share under Said Will coming to me in right of my Wife Elizabeth Wanslow this 8th January 1854 Reuben T [X his mark] Wanslow” [Elbert County, Georgia Probate Records for estate Sarah (Cunningham) Fleming]

05 Jun 1855 Thomas Johnston and Lawrence M. Adams, executors of Sarah Fleming, reported thirty-five payments, including No. 22, for $52.62 to R. T. Wanslow. [Elbert County, Georgia Probate Records for estate Sarah (Cunningham) Fleming]

1860 United States Census Elberton PO, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 51 [w]/801 [s], 23 Jun, 388/388 Wansley, Johnson, 45, WM, farmer, $1900 real estate, $2800 personal property, illiterate, GA Wansley, F. L., 25, WF, GA [Frances Louisa Roebuck Wansley] Wansley, James, 5, WM, GA [James Hamilton Wansley] Wansley, Reuben, 80, WM, GA [Reuben T. Wansley] Wansley, E., 75, WF, GA [Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley] [NOTE: According to these entries, all members of this household were born in Georgia.]

1860 United States Census Elberton PO, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 75, 09 [?07] Jul, 573/573 Wansley, Fleming, 47, WM, farmer, $1290 real estate, $870 personal property, GA Wansley, Rebecca, 46, WF, GA Wansley, C. C., 13, WF, GA Wansley, John, 8, WM, GA 574/574 Wansley, Thomas N., 26, WM, farmer, $300,$150, GA Wansley, Elizabeth, 24, WF, GA Wansley, Leroy H., 4, WM, GA 72

Wansley, E. O., 2, WF, GA Wansley, W. H., 1, WM, GA

1860 United States Census Elberton PO, Elbert County, Georgia, 08 July l , p. 76, 581/581 Wansley, Reuben T., 45, WM, farmer, $- -, $305 personal property, GA Wansley, Emily, 38, WF, SC Wansley, Lucy C., 16, WF, GA [Lucy Caroline Wansley] Wansley, L. G., 13, WM, GA [Gaines Leonidas Wansley] Wansley, J. A., 10, WF, GA [Josephine A. Wansley] Wansley, A. F., 9, WM, GA [Augustus Florence Wansley] Wansley, [illegible] L., 7, WM, GA [Beverly Llewlyn Wansley] Wansley, Mary M., 4, WF, GA [Molly M. Wansley] Wansley, Larken, 1, WM, GA [Larken Wansley]

1860 District 196, Elbert County, Georgia Taxes: Wansley, Johnson: 295 acres of land. Value: $1900. Wansley, Johnson Trustee for R. Wansley. [no separate property was listed] [Georgia Property Tax Digests 1793-1892, Elbert County, 1860.] [NOTE: On 16 September 1852, Thomas Johnston sold Johnson Wansley 135 acres on Vans Creek. On 14 September 1867, Johnson Wansley conveyed 140 acres to Elizabeth Wansley; this land was conveyed to the children and heirs of Reuben T. Wansley, Jr., who sold the tract to Thomas S. Gaines. Deed for 16 June 1819 from William Woods to Samuel N. Bailey refers to 28 acres sold to Reuben Wansley. 135+140+28 acres totals 298 acres, within three acres of total in 1860 tax roll.]

14 Sep 1867 Johnson Wansley conveyed 140 acres to Elizabeth Wansley. Consideration: $200.00. The deed excluded ¼ acre of the "family Bering ground." The tract of land was on Coldwater Creek “bounded as follows commencing at a Rock corner and Ralph Gaines Line and thence bounded East by the said Ralph Gaines Land North by James B. Turner Land west and South by Ralph Gaines Land . . .” Witnesses: Richard E. Adams, John Rowzee, J. P. Signed: Johnson [X his mark] Wansley. Recorded: 03 March 1869. "Stamped with U.S. Internal Revenue Stamps fifty- cents." [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. EE, p. 66.] [NOTE: Deed includes printed note, "Plat of.25 acres reserved, plat book 2 - page 385." Frank N. Wansley arranged for the cemetery to be surveyed.] The boundary description is essentially the same as the land that the children of Reuben T. Wansley, Jr. sold to Thomas S. Gaines in 1868. This certainly suggests that Elizabeth Wansley intended to convey the land to Reuben T. Wansley, Jr. The conveyance was completed after her death. It is possible there is a deed that was not indexed from Elizabeth Wansley to Reuben T. Wansley, Jr.. In the index to Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, the deed from children of Reuben T. Wansley, Jr. to Thomas S. Gaines is indexed as “Elizabeth Wansley heirs” to Thomas S. Gaines. ca 1867-1868 Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley died.

Marker in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia: Reuben T. Wansley, Sr., born Albemarle Co., Va., 1774 Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley, born in Va., 1784 [Wansley, Frank N., “Wansley Cemetery” in Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Fall 1976, pp. 159-160.] [NOTE: Frank N. Wansley most likely erected these markers. The cemetery is consistent with a disturbed archaeological site. With good intentions, Frank N. Wansley moved monuments and apparently added them. Frank Wansley wrote he moved a granite monument for John Wansley, Sr. from Big Coldwater Creek. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History, p. 32.. Also the Rowzee family of Mississippi added a monument for Thomas and Jemima Means Wansley in 1973. p. 3.] Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley was probably born in Georgia or less likely South Carolina, not Virginia.

31 Dec 1868 According to Elbert County Deed Index Elizabeth Wansley [heirs] conveyed 140 acres on Coldwater Creek to Thomas S. Gaines. The deed was actually from children of Reuben T. Wansley, Jr., to Thomas S. Gaines. The land was “Bounded as follows commencing at a rock corner and Ralph Gaines Line and thence bounded east by the said Ralph Gaines Land North by James B. Turner Land, west and South by Ralph Gaines Lands . . .” Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. EE, p. 67-8.] This deed indicates a familial relationship between Elizabeth Wansley and Reuben T. Wansley, Jr. as mother-son and her grandchildren..


17 Nov 1881 St. George Temple, Washington County, Utah records, pp. 16-7: No. 265. Name of deceased: Reuben Wanslee. Born: [blank date]. Birthplace: Elbert County, Georgia. Died: [blank date]. Proxy for baptism and confirmation on 08 November 1881, John Wesley Morris, "Gd Nephew," Ordination by: Joseph Harmon. [NOTE: Reuben Wansley was John Wesley Morris‘ great- grandnephew.] On same date, proxy baptism, confirmation and ordination were performed for Larkin Wanslee.

Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Rolls, Vol. B, Reel 5, 1782-1799.

Bratcher, R. Wayne. Cemetery Records of Abbeville County, South Carolina. R. W. Bratcher, 1982.

Cunningham, James. Anderson County (Pendleton District), South Carolina Wills 1791-1834, pp. 355-7.

Cunningham, John. Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers: Georgia. Carter, Robert-Gilmore, Mary. Georgia M1746. [NOTE: Names surviving children of John and Ann Davis Cunningham: John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wansley.]

Cunningham, John. Revolutionary War Pension application for widow. W6752. [National Archives and Records Administration] [NOTE: Includes original John and Ann Davis Family Record and typed transcriptions..]

Cunningham, John. [Complete] Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrants. Cundiff, Isaac-Currie, Samuel. [National Archives and Records Administration] [NOTE: Includes copy of John and Ann Davis Family Record and typed transcriptions.]

Cunningham, John. Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrants. Cundiff, Isaac-Currie, Samuel. [National Archives and Records Administration] [NOTE: Includes copy of John and Ann Davis Family Record and typed transcription.]

Farmer, Michal Martin. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books K-R, 1806-1819. Dallas, Texas: M. M. Farmer, 1997.

Farmer, Michal Martin. Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806. Farmer Genealogy Company, Dallas, Texas, 1996.

Fleming, Sarah. Elbert County, Georgia Probate Records including Annual Returns and Will. [loose estate documents, available on-line at]

Georgia Property Tax Digests 1793-1892, Elbert County, 1860.

Holland, Hubert G. "The Improved Gold Lots in the Second, Third and Eighteenth Districts of the Third Section of Original Cherokee County, Georgia" in Northwest Georgia Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 4, Fall 1994, pp. 3-4.

Houston, Martha Lou [compiler]. Reprint of Official Register of Land Lottery of Georgia 1827. Houston, Martha L., ca 1987.

An Index to Georgia Tax Digests 1814-1817, Vol. V. Spartanburg, South Carolina: Reprint Company, Publishers, 1986.

Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr. [compiler]. The 1832 Gold Lottery of Georgia Containing a List of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1977.

McRee, Fred W., Jr. Elbert County, Georgia Abstracts of Wills 1791-1919. F. D. McRee, Jr.: Dahlonega, Georgia, 2011.

Records of the Church of Christ at Vans Creek. [Original manuscript is in Office of Ordinary, Court House, Elberton, Georgia 30635, also on microfilm at Dallas [Texas] Public Library] [NOTE: The church is Baptist.]

St. George, Washington County, Utah Temple Records 1881. Endowments for the Dead.

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. “Wansley Cemetery” in Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Fall 1976, pp. 159-160.

Warren, Mary Bondurant. Alphabetical Index to Georgia's 1832 Gold Lottery. Danielsville, Georgia: Heritage Papers, 1981.


______Spouse: Reuben Wansley Birth: ca 1774, Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage: unknown Death: after 1860 Father: John Wansley, Sr. [1738-13 Jan 1835] Mother: Mildred [Milly] Whitten [died 09 January 1829, Elbert County, Georgia

Spouse: Elizabeth Cunningham Birth: 20 February 1783, Virginia or Georgia Death : ca 1867-8, Elbert County, Georgia Father: John Cunningham Mother : Ann Davis

Children: 1. Name: Dabney Wansley Birth: ca 1808, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 22 February 1858, Lowndesville, South Carolina Marriage 1: unknown Spouse 1: unknown Marriage 2: ca 1849 Spouse 2: Leannah Hall ______2. Name: Fleming Wansley Birth: ca 1812, Elbert County, Georgia Death: before 17 May 1892, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage 1: 13 December 1832, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse 1: Rebecca [Becky] Patterson Marriage 2: 19 December 1878, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse 2: Sarah E. Cheek ______3. Name: Reuben T. Wansley Birth: 1813, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 11 April 1863, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 15 December 1843, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Emily Cobb ______4. Name: Johnson Wansley Birth: 13 February 1813, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 03 February 1897, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 12 March 1855, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Frances Louisa Roebuck ______

NOTE: According to family tradition, Dabney Wansley and Fleming Wansley were sons of Reuben Wansley and Elizabeth Cunningham. Records in Anderson and Abbeville Counties, South Carolina suggest that Dabney Wansley was a son of John Wansley, possibly John Wansley, Jr., son of John Wansley, Sr. See Chapter 8: “John Wansley, Jr. and Sarah [Sally] Greenway.” Fleming Wansley was probably named for Elizabeth Cunningham’s grandmother, Jane Fleming who married James Cunningham. Also Elizabeth Cunningham’s aunt, Sarah Cunningham, married a man whose surname was Fleming.


Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files. Cundiff, Isaac – Currie, Samuel. [John Cunningham, W6752]

[18 September 1838]

State of Georgia Elbert County On this Seventeenth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight personally appeared before Thomas Johnston one of the Justices of the Inferior Court in and for the County aforesaid - Ann Cunningham [widow] a resident in Elbert County Aged Seventy six or seven years who being Duly Sworn according to law - saith on her oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July the 7th 1838 entitled an act granting half pay and pensions to certain widows -That she is the widow of John Cunningham of the county aforesaid Deceased the twentieth of March Eighteen hundred and twenty nine. who was Major and Lieutenant Colonel in the old Revolutionary War - She says she became acquainted with him the aforesaid John Cunningham Some two or three years previous to their marriage which took place the tenth day of August Seventeen hundred and eighty one from my first acquaintance with him, which was passing, he was in Militia Service acting with grade of Major in the State of South Carolina of which we were both then Citizens Abeville [sic, Abbeville] District - She cannot at this time of life Recollect all the officers which he served under to the best of her Recollection and Sources of good Information, he Served General Wilkins, General Green and Colonel or General Clark the battles he was engaged in I cannot Recollect all - but believe he was in the Battle of the Cowpens in South Carolina as Major of Militia which was on the Seventeenth of January Seventeen hundred and eight one the most of his Services was in the State of South Carolina till the Siege of Agusta [sic, Augusta] in Georgia when he Served under Colonel Clark, which was Some tme in the month of April Seventeen hundred and eighty one I have good reason to believe that he entered into the Service of his Country at or near the beginning of the Revolution, from my acquaintance with him I know he was most of his time in the Service until the war was ended he resided in the State of South Carolina when he first entered the Service he Volunteered under my Knowledge in all his services. She further declares that she was married to the Said John Cunningham late of Elbert County Deceased on the tenth day of August Seventeen hundred and Eighty one that her husband the said John Cunningham died on the twentieth day of March Eighteen hundred and twenty nine the marriage to the said John was previous to the first of January Seventeen hundred and ninety four - Viz at the time above stated Sworn to and Subscribed }} On the day and year above written }} her Before me }} Ann X Cunningham Thomas Johnston J. I. C. }} mark

Georgia }} Elbert County }} I William B. Nelms clerk of the Inferior Court for said County do hereby certify that Thomas Johnston whose name appears to the foregoing declaration or affidavit as it was subscribed is and was at the date thereof one of the Justices of the Inferior Court and that full faith and credit ought to be had and given to his attestation as such and that the signature is genuine. Given under my hand and seal of Office This third day of October Eighteen hundred and thirty Eight Wm B. Nelms Clerk of the Inferior Court

o o o 0 o o o

Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files. Cundiff, Isaac – Currie, Samuel. [John Cunningham, W6752]

[17 September 1838] Family Record true Coppy [sic]

John Cunningham and Ann Davis was married in the year Deceased March 18th 1829 of our lord 1781 august the tenth day

State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally appeared before me Thomas Johnston one of the Justices of the Inferior Court in and for Said County Franklin Cunningham and after being duly Sworn on oath Sayeth [sic] the above is a true coppy [sic] of the Family Record of John Cunningham of said County who departed this life March 12th 1829 [as interlined in Said coppy [sic] as it Stands Stated on the original Family record which has been in my possession


between thirty and forty years and further sayeth that Ann Cunningham the widow of the aforesaid John Cunningham has never married since the death of her husband Sworn to and Subscribed Franklin Cunningham before the seventeenth Sept 1838 Thomas Johnston J. I. C.

Georgia }} Elbert County }} I do hereby Certify that I have been personally acquainted with the above named Franklin Cunningham Some ten or fifteen yeas & according to my knowledge of him the said Franklin I believe what he stated the aforesaid affidavit may be relied up this Seventeenth day of Sept 1838 Thomas Johnston J. I. C.

o o o 0 o o o

Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files. Cundiff, Isaac – Currie, Samuel. [John Cunningham, W6752]

John Cunningham and Ann Davis was married in the year of our lord 1781 [Au]gust the 10th Day [illegible] County

Elizabeth Cunningham was Born the 20th day of Febry 1783

Franklin Cunningham was Born the 14th of August 1784

Johnson Cunningham was Born the 14th of Febry 1786 [illegible] August [or April] 1809 Friday

Joseph T. Cunningham was Born the 11th of March [or May] 1788 Monday Febry the 18th Deceased

James S. Cunningham was Born the 9th of [illegible] Dec 29th Decm 1828 1824 [NOTE: 1824 written in different handwriting.]

John A. Cunningham was Born the [illegible] of Dec [?] [illegible year]

State of Georgia Elbert County [illegible]

[NOTE: Splashed ink partially obscures entries in the lower right corner of the family record page. The typed transcriptions need to be used with caution.]

o o o 0 o o o

Cunningham, John. [Complete] Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrants. Cundiff, Isaac-Currie, Samuel. [National Archives and Records Administration]

[15 November 1850] T. S. Edwards Esq Eagle grove Elbert County Comms of Pensons Geo Nov 15th 1850

As the child and heir at Law of Ann Cunningham widow of John Cunningham decd who was a Lt Col in the revolutionary war, I have reason to believe from the amount which my mother was pensioned there is yet a claim for an increase of pension, you will therefore allow my Agent R. W. Young to examine the papers on file in your office on which she was pensioned in order that he may prepare then the case fo an Application [illegible] increase and arrears that may be found due Yours Respectfully Franklin Cunningham

o o o 0 o o o


Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files. Cundiff, Isaac – Currie, Samuel. [John Cunningham, W6752]

[17 March 1851] State of Georgia }} County of Elbert }} Be it known that on this the seventeenth day of March A. D. 1851 before me a Justice of the Peace in and for said County personally appeared Franklin Cunningham, a resident of the County and State aforesaid, who being duly sworn according to law, doth depose and say, that he is one of the surviving children of Ann Cunningham [widow of John Cunningham, a Lieutenant Colonel in the war of the Revolution] who received a pension under the act approved 7th July 1838, on account of her husband’s services at the rate of $175. per annum, up to the date of her death which took place on the 19th day of March 1849, that he makes this declaration for the purpose of recovering any arrears of pension that may be found due the said Ann Cunningham for the benefit of himself, John A. Cunningham and Elizabeth Warnslow [sic, Wanslow] , who are the only Surviving children of said Ann Cunningham, and request their claim may be re-examined under such Actions or resolutions of Congress as are applicable to the case. Sworn to and subscribed on }} the day and year above written }} before me }} Franklin Cunningham John H. Anderson, JP }} Justice of the Peace }}

o o o 0 o o o

Selected Records from Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files. Cundiff, Isaac – Currie, Samuel. [John Cunningham, W6752]

[19 March 1851] Georgia }} Elbert County }} I hereby Certify that Ann Cunningham the widow of John Cunningham an officer of the War of the revolution and late a pensioner of the United States Departed this life on the 12th day of March 1849 and that Franklin and John A. Cunningham and Elizabeth Wanslow who was Elizabeth Cunningham are the only surviving children of the said Ann Cunningham Sworn to and Subscribed March 19th 1851 Before me F. B. Cunningham John H. Anderson JP

o o o 0 o o o

Cunningham, John. Final Revolutionary War Pension Payment Vouchers: Georgia. Carter, Robert-Gilmore, Mary. Georgia M1746.

[18 April 1851] State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} Be it known, that before me James J. Daniel a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid personally appeared John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wannslow the only children of Ann Cunningham deceased who was the widow of John Cunningham, and made oath in due form of law that they are the identical persons mentioned in an original certificate in the possessions of which [I certify] the following is a true copy. Department of the Interior Claims for Military service I certify that, in conformity with the laws of the United States, Ann Cunningham deceased who was the widow of John Cunningham was entitled to a pension under act 4th July 1836, and having died on the 19th March 1849 her children – John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wannslow are entitled to the amount, at the rate of five hundred & fifty dollars per annum from 4th March 1831 to the 19th March 1849 when she died, deducting from payments under Acts 7th July 1838 3rd March 1843 17th June 1844 and 2nd February 1848 at the rate of One hundred and seventy five dollars per annum. Given at the Department of the Interior this eighteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred& fifty one. Examined & Countersigned }} Alexr H H Stuart J. E. Heath Commissioner of Pensions }} Secretary of the Interior That she the said Ann Cunningham did not intermarry, and continued the widow of the said John Cunningham to the period of her death, and that she married in Elbert County Georgia and resided there for the space of sixty years previous thereto, of the truth of which statement, I am fully satisfied. Sworn to & Subscribed This 2nd day of May }} Before me }} Franklin Cunningham James J. Daniel J. P. }} Elijah [X his mark] [illegible]


Know all men by theses presents that We John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham & Elizabeth Wannslow children of Ann Cunningham deceased [who was a pensioner of the United States and resided in Elbert County], Georgia do hereby constitute & appoint our true & lawful attorney for us, and in our names, to receive from the agents of the United States for paying pensions in Georgia, the amount the said Ann Cunningham was entitled to receive from 4th March 1831 19th March 1849 [when she died] under act 4th July 1832 Witness our hands and seals this 2nd day of May 1851 Sealed & delivered }} Franklin Cunningham Elizabeth [X her mark] Wannslow [illegible signature]

State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} Be it known that on the 2nd day of May 1851 before the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace in & for Said County, personally appeared John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wannslow who signed the foregoing power of attorney [an acknowledged the same] to be their acts and deeds. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, the day and year last above Mentioned James J. Daniel, J. P.

State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} I James J. Daniel a Magistrate in the County above mentioned do hereby certify that I [NOTE: About ten lines are covered by check from United States Pension Agency, Georgia. The check is for $7,997.71 pension due Ann Cunningham for 18 years days pension from 04 March 1831 to 19 March 1849. The check was payable to James B. Cunningham, attorney for John A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham and Elizabeth Wanslow.]

[NOTE: Italics in following check indicate handwriting.] United States Pension Agency, Georgia

Savannah May 10th 1851 Received by James [illegible] Moore Agent for paying Pensions, Seven thousand nine hundred & ninety seven 91/100 Dollars, being for 18 yrs & 15 days months Pension, due Ann Cunningham

from 4th day of March 18 31 to the 19th day of March 1849, for which I have signed Duplicate receipts. James B. Cunningham $7997.91/100 atty for Jno. A. Cunningham, Franklin Cunningham & Elizth Wanslow E. C. COUNCELL, PRINTER

State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} I William B. Nelms Clerk of the Inferior Court of the County and State aforesaid do hereby certify that James J. Daniel is a Justice of the Peace in and for said County duly Commissioned and qualified and dated on the 31st day of January 1849 and will expire on the first Saturday in January 1853 and that his signatures above written are genuine. Given under my hand and Seal of Said court this 2nd day of May one thousand eight Hundred and Fifty one William B. Nelms Clerk

No 2 Ann Cunningham decd 4 March /31 [illegible] Mar/49 $7997.91

State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} Be it known that on the 10th day of May 1851 before the Subscribing Justice of the peace in and for said County duly authorized by law to administer oath personally appeared James B. Cunningham the attorney named in the foregoing power of attorney and made oath that he has no interest whatso- ever in the money he is authorized to receive by virtue of the foregoing power of attorney, either by any pledge & mortgage, sale, assignment or transfer and that he does not know or believe that the same has been so disposed of to any person whatsoever Sworn and Subscribed the day and year last above mentioned Before me Raiford J. P. }} James B. Cunningham


Elbert County, Georgia Will Book [1835-1860], p. 133, No. 367.

State of Georgia }} Elbert County }} In the name of god amen I Sarah Fleming of the State and county aforesaid do make and ordain this my last will and Testament manner and form following to wit

Item Ist I commend my soul to god who gave it and my body to the dust from which it came to be buried in a decent manner at the discretion of my Executors

Item 2nd I will that all my just [debts] be paid

Item 3rd I Give and bequeath unto Rutha Elmira Theodosia Fleming one negroe [sic] woman Frances and her child Cintha Jane and their increase and one Horse Saddle & Bridle & one cow & calf

Item 4th I Give and bequeath unto Sarah Fleming daughter of John Fleming one Bed & furniture

Item 5th I Give and bequeath unto Nancy Fleming & Sarah Ann Fleming daughters of David C. Fleming each one Bed & furniture

Item 6th I Iwill that all the balance of my estate both real & personal be sold by my executors, and the money divided iinto two Equal shares and of one half or share I give to my executors Four Hundred dollars for the use and benefit of John A. Cunningham & his children one share one Share I give to Franklin Cunningham & the other share I give to Elizabeth Wanslow

Item 7th the other half of the money coming from said Sale I wish to be divided into three equal shares one of said shares I give to the children of Samuel Fleming. Moses T. Fleming to account for six hundred dollars before he draws any thing from this share. One other share I give to the children of John Fleming. David C. Fleming to account for two hundred dollars before he draws any thing from this share. The other and last share I give to the children of David Fleming deceased who was the brother of my husband

Item 8th I do hereby constitute and appoint my friends Thomas Johnston and Lawrence M. Adams my Executors to execute this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills by me made

In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this the Tenth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty one Signed sealed and }} her acknowledged }} Sarah X Fleming {{seal}} In Presence of }} mark Wm B. Nelms }} John M. Thornton }} Hiram G. Adams }}

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of Ordinary January term 1853. Personally came into open Court John M. Thornton and Hiram G. Adams and being sworn saith that they together with William B. Nelms were present and saw Sarah Fleming sign the above and foregoing instrument of writing as her last will and testament and they together with said William B. Nelms signed the Same as witnesses in the presence of the testator and at her request and in the presence of each other these deponents believe the testator to have been of sound mind at the time of executing the same Sworn to in open Court this 10th of January 1853 Attest John M. Thornton Wm B. Nelms Ordinary Hiram G. Adams

Wansley, Reuben T. timeline2 15 June 2016


Chapter 10 MARTHA [PATSY] WANSLEY and BENJAMIN DAVIS Joan Horsley Gilbert and Jim Evans

01 Mar 1781 Martha [Patsy] Wansley was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, a daughter of John and Mildred [Milly] Wansley. “MARTHA WAND SLEY wife of BENJAMIN DAVIS BORN March 1, 1781 in Albemarle Co. Va. Died 1868 Aged 87 Years” [Source: Photograph of tombstone in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia.]

13 May 1781 Benjamin Davis was born in Culpeper County, Virginia. [Source: Photograph of tombstone in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia.]

07 Nov 1801 "Met in conference and proceeded to business as follows 1st Opened a door for the reception of members, and received by experience ... Benjamin Davis. . ." [Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek, Elbert County, Georgia, pp. 27-8.]

13 Feb 1802 "Met at the meeting house, opened a door for the reception of members and recd by experience Patson White Patsey Lyon, Fanny Harris, Franky Kidd, Patsy Gaines, Daniel Thornton Elizabeth Wanslow, George Alexander, Patsy Wanslow, Polly Alexander Tricky a black woman belonging to Mr. Roebuck, Elizabeth Kidd, Thomas White and Calep Oliver. 2nd Ordained Bro. Littleton Johnston a deacon according to appointment. The ordination of Bro. John Dingler till the constitution at Bro. Childs. Dismissed." [Records of the Church of Christ at Van's Creek, p. 31.] [NOTE: Elizabeth Wansley is most likely Nathan Wansley's second wife, Elizabeth Cleveland. The date of the marriage for Nathan Wansley and Elizabeth Cleveland is unknown. Their son Nathan Whitten Wansley was born in 1797. Joseph Wansley, born 1794 and John Wansley, born ca 1795, are reputedly the sons of Nathan Wansley and Susannah Watts.]

02 Jan 1804 Benjamin Davis conveyed to Edmond Shackleford, both of Elbert County, 64 acres on Coldwater Creek for $140. Witnesses: John Carrell, J. P., Reuben White. Signed: Benjamin Davis. Registered: 02 April 1805. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. J [1803-1806], p. 135.] [NOTE: This deed does not indicate junior or senior.]

1807 In Georgia Land Lottery of 1807, Patsey Winslow of Clarke’s District, Elbert County, won 202½ acres in District 18, Lot 166, Baldwin County, Georgia. Notation at bottom of page stated, “Ought to be Wanslow.” [NOTE: Spinsters over 21 and three-year-residents of Georgia were entitled to one draw in the 1807 Georgia Land Lottery.]

10 May 1810 “Benjm Davis and Patsey Wanslow were Married May 10th 1810 By Adam Gaar JP A.. Pope CCO” [[Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1809-1812, p. 76.]

17 Dec 1811 Governor David B. Mitchell granted 202½ acres of land to Patsey Winslow [Wanslow], in Baldwin County, District 18, Lot 166. [1807 Georgia Land Lottery] unknown date Benjamin Goddard or Garland Davis, a son of Martha Wansley and Benjamin Davis was born and died young.

War of 1812 Benjamin Davis served as a private in Freeman’s Squadron, Georgia Militia. [National Archives, Roll Box 53, Roll Extract. 602]

Elberton Cavalry was attached to 18th or 28th Regiment. Benjamin Davis was described as 37 years old, 5’8”, dark grey eyes. [Telamon Cuyler Collection, University of Georgia.]

30 Jul 1812 James Madison Davis, a son of Martha Wansley and Benjamin Davis was born in Georgia. ca 1817 Matilda Sanson Davis, a daughter of Martha Wansley and Benjamin Davis, was born in Jasper County, Georgia.

01 Mar 1817 Martha Caroline Davis, a daughter of Martha Wansley and Benjamin Davis was born in Jasper County, Georgia. “Daughter of Benjamin & MARTHA DAVIS and wife of W. MARTIN. Born March 1, 1817. Feb. 12 1884.” [SOURCE: Photograph of tombstone in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia.]

“Sister March C. Martin, the subject of this obituary, departed this life on the morning of the 12th of February, 1884. She was born in Jasper County, Georgia in the year 1817, and if she had lived 81

until the first of March, she would have been sixty-seven years of age. Her parents were Benjamin and Martha Wandsley [sic] Davis, who moved from Virginia to Georgia in the present century. They were among the early settlers of Monroe County, moving to that place about the year 1820, settling near the waters of the Towaliga River. It was here in 1834, that she was married to Col. William Martin, and about a year afterwards, they moved to Lumpkin County." 15 May 1884, Dahlonega [Georgia] Signal. [Anderson, p. 106.] [NOTE: This obituary was printed about three months following death of Martha C. Davis Martin.]

1820 United States Census Monticello Township, Jasper County, Georgia, p. 220. Davis, Benjamin: 3 males <10; 1 male 26-45; 2 females <10; 1 female 26-45.

Records of Jasper County, Georgia [includes plaintiffs and defendants, undated and with no specifics about cases]: Superior Court cases: Benjamin Davis and John Davis, Jr. vs. John Davis, Sr. Davis, Benjamin and Martha Davis vs. Susanah Hicks Benjamin Davis vs. Allen McClendon Benjamin Davis vs. James Richards for use of James McDonald. [Davis, Robert Scott, p. 132. ] Benjamin Davis vs William Walthall,. [Davis, Robert Scott, p. 324.] [NOTE: Since Benjamin Davis is a relatively common name, these references may not be to the Benjamin Davis who married Martha Wansley.]

28 Jul 1820 Deed from Jasper County, Georgia Superior Court: Benjamin Davis [grantor] to John Beck [grantee]. Recorded: 28 July 1820. p. 423. [NOTE: John Beck may have been Benjamin Davis’ brother-in-law.]

1828 Capt. Gibson’s District, Jasper County, Georgia tax roll: Benjamin Davis had two polls. He owned 202 ½ acres in Lee County, Georgia, District 29, No. 60.

1830 United States Census, Monroe County, Georgia, p. 177. Davis, Benjamin: 1 male 10-15; 1 male 15-20; 1 male 40-50; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 15-20; 1 female; 1 female 40-50. 1 male slave.

16 Oct 1833 Jesse Johnson of Heard County, Georgia, conveyed to Benjamin Davis, of Monroe County, Georgia, Lot No. 161, District 11, Monroe County, containing 202½ acres for consideration of $800.00. Witnesses: Daniel Whitaker, John M. Ware, J I. C. Signed: Jesse Johnson. Registered: 05 March 1834. [Monroe County, Georgia Deeds Vol. H, pp. 141-2.]

24 Apr 1834 Martha C. Davis married William Martin in Monroe County, Georgia. James Turner, J.P. officiated. Recorded: 31 December 1844. [Monroe County, Georgia Marriages, Book A, p. 233.]

11 Jan 1835 “Item Second: It is my will and desire that all my property, both real and personal, be sold with the least expense, and as early as can be done on a twelve months credit, and the proceeds be equally divided amongst my children (with the following exceptions: viz: Nancy Young, Elizabeth Elliot, Sally Beck, Nathan Wanslow, John Wanslow, Reuben Wanslow, Milly Jenkins, Patsy Davis, Thomas Wanslow, and Larkin Wanslow.”

“Item Three: Having given to some of my children some property heretofore, and deeming it right they should be charged with the amount received, and to be deducted from their shares, it is my will that the sum of Twenty-six dollars be deducted from my daughter, Elizabeth's share, and that the sum of Fifty Dollars be deducted from my son, John Jr.'s share, and that the sum of Thirty Dollars be deducted from my daughter, Patsy's share.” [John Wansley, Sr. Will, Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3.]

12 Nov 1835 Matilda Sanson Davis married William H. Grose [Gross, Grice] in Monroe County, Georgia. Spencer Stamper, MG officiated. Recorded: 03 March 1836. [Monroe County, Georgia Marriages, Book A, p. 55.]

06 Jan 1836 No 20 Recd of Thomas Wanslow & William A. Beck Executors of the last will & Testament of John Wanslow Senr decd Two hundred dollars inpart pay of my distributive share of said estate th January 6 1836 Benjamin Davis [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B.]


04 Feb 1839 Benjamin Davis, of Monroe County, Georgia, conveyed to William Charters of Lumpkin County, Georgia, Lot 161, District 7, Monroe County, containing 202½ acres for consideration of $2500.00. Witnesses: D. Hall, R. L. [?S.] Walker, J.P. Signed: Benjamin Davis. Recorded: 17 September 1839. [Monroe County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. K, pp. 209-210.]

16 May 1839 James M. Davis married Matilda Goggans in Monroe County, Georgia. Jesse Aycock, J.P. officiated. Recorded: blank. [Monroe County, Georgia Marriages, Book A, p. 159.]

1840 Benjamin Davis was not enumerated on the 1840 United States Census for Monroe County, Georgia.

07 Sep 1841 Superior Court of Monroe County, Georgia issued a writ of fieri facias at the suit of William E. & Archibald M. Nall against Benjamin Davis. Thomas W. Chipman, sheriff of Monroe County, seized the property of Benjamin Davis, Lot 161, District 7, and sold this property at public sale to John M. Suttle for $61.00. Sheriff conveyed this land to John M. Suttle. Witnesses: Peter Randle, Jona Johnston, J. P. Signed: Thomas W. Chipman. Registered: 06 May 1842. [Monroe County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. L, pp. 105-6.] [NOTE: This is the same property Benjamin Davis conveyed to William Charters on 04 February 1839.]

1850 United States Census Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia, 24 September 1850, p. 108, 182 Moody, John P., WM, 30, physician, $1500, SC Martin, William, WM, 38, atty, $10,000, GA Martin, Martha, WF, 33, GA Martin, Benjamin, WM, 15, attended school, GA Martin, Martha, WF, 13, attended school, GA Martin, Beverly, WM, 7, attended school, GA Martin, Fanny, WF, 5, GA Reese, Sarah, WF, 6, GA Davis, Benjamin, WM, 69, VA Davis, Martha, WF, 70, VA Reese, Pinkney [?], WM, 12, GA 1

1850 United States Census Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Auraria District, Georgia, 19 July, p. 945, 234/234 Davis, Benjamin, WM, 20, clerk, GA [single person household, son of James Madison Davis]

1860 United States Census Dahlonega, Lumpkin County, Georgia, Dahlonega District, 15 Aug, p. 1006, 633/633 Martin, William, 48, WM, atty at law, real estate $48,000, personal property $8,500, GA Martin, Martha C., 43, WF, house keeper, GA Martin, Benjamin A., 16, WM, at collage [sic], GA Martin, Frances, 14, WF, at collage [sic], GA Davis, Martha, 70, WF, house asst, VA [NOTE: Benjamin Davis was not recorded in this household.]

1867 Benjamin Davis died in Lumpkin County, Georgia and was buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Dahlonega, Georgia. “BENJAMIN DAVIS BORN March 3, 1781 Culpepper [sic, Culpeper] Co Died 1867 Aged 86 years” [Source: Photograph of tombstone.]

1868 Martha Davis died in Lumpkin County, Georgia and was buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Dahlonega, Georgia. “MARTHA WANDSLEY Wife of BENJAMIN DAVIS BORN March 1, 1781 Albemarle Co Died 1868 Aged 87 Years” [Source: Photograph of tombstone.]

Anderson, Jimmy E. Deaths, Murders and Lynchings Abstracted from Lumpkin County, Georgia Newspapers, Vol. 1 - 1873-1900. Fernandina Beach, Florida: Wolfe Publishing Co., ca 1998. [Includes obituary for Martha Carolina Davis Martin, daughter of Benjamin Davis and Martha Wandsley]

Brooke, Ted O. and John Carver. Lumpkin County, Georgia Cemeteries. Cummings, Georgia: T. O. Brooks, ca 2005.


Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Book, Vol. 61, 1922, pp. 483-4.

Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Book, Vol. 91, p. 162-3.

Davis, Benjamin, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Estate Records Davis, Absalom-Deadwyler, Emma. [will and inventory]

Davis, Era. "Davis [Family]" in Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition.

Davis, Robert Scott, Jr. Records of Jasper County, Georgia From the Georgia Department of Archives and History. Greenville, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1990.

Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1809-1812 [Mixed Records Wills, Marriages, Administration of Estates, Guardianships, p. 76.

“Elberton Cavalry attached to 28th Regiment. Telamon Cuyler Collection, University of Georgia.

Farmer, Michal Martin. Elbert County, Georgia Deed Books A-J 1791-1806. Dallas, Texas: Farmer Genealogy Company, 1997.

Horsley, Joan. Mildred “Milly” Wansley Wife of John Wansley of Albemarle County, Virginia and Elbert County, Georgia [Previously known as Amelia Barber] Fictions and Facts in Wansley Family Genealogies. Horsley, Joan, 2009, on-line.

Horsley, Joan. Personal communications. [Joan Horsley is a descendant of Martha Wansley and Benjamin Davis.]

Monroe County, Georgia Marriages, Book A.

Records of Church of Christ Vans Creek [Elbert County, Georgia]. [Original in Office of Ordinary, Elbert County, Georgia; also microfilmed with Elbert County, Georgia deeds in Dallas Public Library.]

Smith, Doris Steed [Mrs. Wray Smith]. "Wansley Line." manuscript.

Virkis, Frederick A. Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. III. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1987. [reprint of 1928]

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B-207B. [final account of distribution of estate]

Wansley, John, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1830-1835, pp. 482-3. [will]

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition. [Includes contributions on the Davis-Wansley from Doris Steed Smith and Era Davis.]

o o o 0 o o o

02 Sep 1796 Will of Benjamin Davis in Elbert County, Georgia. He bequeathed estate to children: Ann Morning Davis, Mary Davis, Elizabeth Davis and Benjamin Davis. Benjamin Davis, the son, was to receive the land where his father lived. Executors: John Jones, Sr. and John Davis. Witnesses: Gibson Jarrell, Simeon Jarrell and Elijah Jarrell. On 19 July 1797, the witnesses testified they saw Benjamin Davis sign his will. On 08 December 1797, the appraisers, Thomas White, George Rucker and Mordecai Shackleford submitted their appraisal Total valuation was $254.82. The estate included livestock, household furnishings, carpentry equipment, a loom and farm implements. [Davis, Benjamin, Sr. Elbert County, Georgia Estate Records Davis, Absalom- Deadwyler, Emma. [will and inventory]


______Spouse: Benjamin Davis Birth: 13 May 1781, Culpeper County, Virginia Marriage: 10 May 1810, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 1867, Lumpkin County, Georgia Father: Mother:

Spouse: Martha [Patsey, Patsy] Wansley Birth: 01 March 1781, Albemarle County, Georgia Death: 1868, Lumpkin County, Georgia Father: John Wansley, Sr. [1738-13 Jan 1835] Mother: Mildred [Milly] Whitten [died 09 January 1829, Elbert County, Georgia

Children: 1. Name: James Madison Davis Birth: 30 July 1812, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 07 January 1896, Chambers County, Alabama Marriage: 16 May 1839, Monroe County, Georgia Spouse: Matilda Goggans ______2. Name: Martha Caroline Davis Birth: 01 March 1817, Jasper County, Georgia Death: 12 February 1884, Lumpkin County, Georgia Marriage: 24 April 1834, Monroe County, Georgia Spouse: William Martin ______3. Name: Matilda Sanson Davis Birth: ca 1817, Jasper County, Georgia Death: 1895, Chambers County, Alabama Marriage: 12 November 1836, Monroe County, Georgia Spouse: William Harrison Gross ______4. Name: Birth: Death: Marriage: Spouse: ______Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website:

If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: Jim B. Evans, 2016) Available online at

© 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author. Wansley, Martha [Patsy] biography 08 March 2017



29 Apr 1783 Thomas Wansley was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, a son of John Wansley, Sr. and Mildred [Milly] Whitten. His date of birth is based on tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia. Photograph of the tombstone in Frank N. Wansley, second edition, p. 3: “Thomas Jefferson Wansley B. Albemarle County, VA, Apr. 29 1783 D. July 23, 1848” Between the tombstones of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means Wansley is a low horizontal stone with inscription: “Erected by their Rowzee Descendants of Decatur, Miss. 1973” [NOTE: None of the legal records including will of John Wansley, Sr. indicate Thomas Wansley’s middle initial was “J” or his middle name was “Jefferson.” The Thomas and Jemima Means Wansley Family Record includes “Thomas Jefferson Wansley, Jr., born November 19, 1820.] [Frank N. Wansley, pp. 39 and 41.]

06 Aug 1790 Jemima Means was born, a daughter of William Means and Elizabeth Prewit. Date of birth is based on tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia. “Jemima Means Wansley B. GA Aug. 6, 1790 D. 21 Dec. 1858.” William Means 21 May 1819 will named Jemima Wansly as one of his daughters. [Elbert County, Georgia Wills and Mixed Records, Vol. L, pp. 329-30.] According to 1850 census Jemima Means Wansley was born in Georgia.

15 Apr 1810 “Thomas Wanslow and Jemima Means were married the 15 day of April 1810 by J Johnston, J. I. C.” [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1808-1812, p. 137.]

20 Apr 1811 Wiley Jones Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a son of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

War of 1812 Thomas Wanslow served as a private in Freeman’s Squadron of Cavalry, Georgia Militia. Elberton cavalry was attached to 28th Regiment. Unit included Thomas Wansley, age 28, 5’10”, dark complexion, grey eyes; and Benjamin Davis, age 37, 5’8”, dark complexion, grey eyes. [Telamon Cuyler Collection, University of Georgia.]

1814 Tax roll for Elbert county, included Thomas Wansly, Underwood’s District, p. 66. Other Wansleys in Elbert County tax roll of 1814: John Wansley, Joseph Wansley, Larkin Wansley, Nathan Wansley and Ruben Wansley.

02 Nov 1815 Elizabeth Ann Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a daughter of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

02 Jul 1818 John William Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a son of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

21 Aug 1819 William Means’ will dated 21 August 1819, was probated 01 November 1819 in Elbert County, Georgia. Wife: Elizabeth Means. “And whereas my three Eldest daughters [Viz] Polley Gandy Jamima [sic] Wansley and Peggy Daniel is now married and Whereas I have given them Each one Feather bed sted and furniture and Chest also one Cow and calf . . .” Unmarried daughters: Sally Means, Betsy Means, Nancy Means, Fanny Means, Patsy Morgan Means and Rossy Colbert Means. Sons: Samuel Means, Jacob Means, John Seal Means. The will mentions Elizabeth Means’ father, Jacob Prewitt. Executors: wife, Elizabeth Means, and son, Jacob Means. Witnesses: Wylie Terrell, Tavnah Head, Abner Ward and John Hulme. [Elbert County, Georgia Wills and Mixed Records, Vol. L, pp. 329-30.]

23 Oct 1819 George Gaar, James Clark and William B. Clark conveyed a 3-acre lot in Ruckersville, Elbert County, Georgia for consideration of $300. Witnesses: John Hansard, Thomas [X] Wansley, Adam Gaar, J. P. 23 October 1819, Polly Gaar relinquished her dower right. Recorded: 11 July 1820. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. S, p. 25.]

1820 United States Census, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 177. Thomas Wanslow: 3 males <5; 1 male >26 & <46; 1 female <10; and 1 female >26 & <45.

29 Nov 1820 Thomas Jefferson Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a son of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.


1821 Georgia Land Lottery. Thomas Wansley, Ward’s Militia District, Elbert County, won Lot 215, Section 14, Houston County, Georgia and Lot 158, Section 7, Monroe County, Georgia. Married man with wife and/or minor son under 18 and/or unmarried daughter, 3 years residence in Georgia and 3 years citizen of United States received two draws in the land lottery. Nelson Wanslow was another winner in Elbert County. Relationship, if any, of Nelson Wanslow to other Wanslows in Elbert County is unknown. [NOTE: Robert Scott Davis is the source for the Nelson Wansley reference.]

03 Mar 1821 Deed from Henry S. Oliver to Thomas Wanslow, 214½ acres on Coldwater Creek. The tract was adjacent to Thomas W. Oliver and Ephriam Allen. Consideration: $500.00. Witnesses: Richard Harper, James Banks, J. P. Registered: 28 September 1839. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. Y, p. 98.]

10 Aug 1823 Augustus Marion Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a son of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

10 Aug 1824 “Georgia, Elbert County. Thomas Wanslow, being sworn saith that he has introduced into this State Sarah a female eight years old dark complexion a common Servant. 10 August 1824 /s/ Thomas Wanslow, his mark ‘X’” [Watson, p. 33.]

16 Nov 1825 Gov. George M. Troup issued Thomas Wanslow a grant of 202½ acres in District 7, Lot 158, Monroe County, Georgia, “lately acquired of the Creek Nation of Indians.” Registered: 16 November 1825. [1821 Georgia Land Lottery, p. 184.]

30 Dec 1825 Reuben Ransom Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a son of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

28 Jan 1827 Thomas Wanslow of Elbert County, Georgia conveyed to Benjamin Robinson of Monroe County, Georgia, Lot 168, District 7, Monroe County. Consideration: $275.00. Witnesses: Wm. Ward, John C. Harris. Signed: Thomas [X] Wanslow. Recorded: 27 December 1827. [Monroe County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. E, p. 195.]

06 Aug 1828 Martha Amanda Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a daughter of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

Jan 1829 Thomas Johnson, administrator of estate of Abner Ward, deceased, conveyed to Thomas Wanslow 110 acres on Pickins Creek. Consideration: $61.00. Land was sold at public auction. Adjacent: Jordan and Oliver. Witnesses: none. Recorded: 28 September 1837. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. Y, pp. 99-100.]

1830 United States Census Elbert County, p. 148: Wansley, Thomas: 1 male <5; 2 males >5 & <10; 1 male >10 & <15; 2 males >15 & <20; 1 male >40 & <50; 1 female <5 & <10; 1 female >10 & <15; 1 female >20 & < 30; and 1 female >30 & <40. 1 female slave, <10.

26 Apr 1831 Deed from John White to Thomas Wanslow for 184.6 acres on Coldwater Creek. Consideration: $923.00. Witnesses: William White, Gardner McGarrity, J. I. C. Recorded: 28 September 1839. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. Y, p. 94.] ca 1832 Hugh Sanford Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a son of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

04 Nov 1832 “Met in Conference at Pickens Creek and proceeded to business as follows. 1st opened a door and received by experience Dick belonging to A. Hammond Frank and Jordan belonging to Bro Joseph Terry, John and Sim belonging to A Ward and Sam belonging to Thomas Wansley Dismissed.” [Records of the Church of Christ at Vans Creek [located in Elbert County, Georgia, p. 231.]

15 Oct 1833 John Prewit, administrator of William Prewit deceased, reported to Court of Ordinary, Elbert County, Georgia for March term 1834. “No 1 Recd of John Prewit Administrator of the Estate of William Prewit decd Ten Dollars for the use of the family this 15th day of October 1833 Thomas [X his mark] Wansley” [NOTE: Jemima Means was a daughter of William and Elizabeth Prewit Means.]


20 Jun 1834 Mary Frances Royster Wansley was born in Elbert County, Georgia, a daughter of Thomas Wansley and Jemima Means.

11 Jan 1835 Will of John Wansley, Sr. named his children as heirs, including Thomas Wanslow. “Item 6th: I do hereby constitute, make & ordain & appoint my beloved son Thomas Wanslow, William White & William A. Beck, my executors of this my last will & testament.” [Elbert County, Georgia Wills 1830- 1835, pp. 482-3.]

22 Apr 1837 “No 16 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Executors of the last will of John Wanslow Senr decd three Hundred & fourteen dollars infull pay for my distributive share of Said estate April 22nd 1837 Thomas [X his mark] Wanslow Test John Jones” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842- 1846, pp. 205B-207B.]

22 Apr 1837 “No 32 Recd of William A. Beck one of the Exrs of the will of John Wanslow Senr decd twenty two 50/100 dollars infull of my expenses & services of self & Horse in traveling to Marion County to sell land belonging to the estate of said decd this 22nd day of April 1837 Thomas [X his mark] Wanslow Test Wm B. Nelms” [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns 1842-1846, pp. 205B- 207B.]

05 Nov 1837 Thomas Wansley, Abner Ward and James J. Daniel posted $1500 bond as guardians of Jane Ann Wansley, “orphan of Wiley J. Wansley decd” Attest: Wm. B. Nelms, C. C. O. Recorded: 02 November 1837. [Elbert County, Georgia Guardian and Administrator’s Bonds, Book A, pp. 166-7.]

1839 “The Ruckersville Banking Company was organized in 1839 under Georgia General Assembly dated the authority of an Act of the Dec. 26, 1838. It was authorized to have a capital of $5,000,000 . . . but business operations was to commence upon the attainment of $100,000 capital. It was incorporated for a period of 20 years, starting November 1, 1839. Joseph Rucker was the president and William B. White was the cashier. Each share was valued at $100. Most of the shares for the initial operation were sold on June 25, 1839, and the mortgages made to secure promissory notes thereof were dated likewise. Seemingly there was little cash involved at the start . . . On Oct. 5, 1840 the total value of the shares in the hands of the stockholders was $138,787.50. All mortgages to the Ruckersville Banking Co. were endorsed to John H. Park, comptroller, and Chas. D. Hammond and Benj. A. White, commissioners . . . Elbert county grand jury of the 1841 March Term in their presentments deplored “The ruinous and disastrous failure of the cotton crop – the unparalled pecuniary embarrassment of our people and particularly the unfair advantage other banks in the State were taking, but emphasized their willingness to recommend ‘the notes of the bank of Ruckersville – in full confidence that the bank is and will always be able to fulfill all her engagements.’” Thomas Wanslow owned 16 shares, secured by 500 acres on the Savannah River. Other stockholders related to the Wansley family by marriage were Beverly Allen; 50 shares, and Franklyn Cunningham, 4 shares. Beverly Allen’s wife was Mildred Whitten Beck, Thomas Wanslow’s niece. Franklin Cunningham’s sister Elizabeth married Reuben Wansley, Thomas Wansley’s brother. [Walker]

28 Apr 1840 Stockholders of Ruckersville Banking Company, Elbert County included Beverly Allen, Thomas Wanslow and Franklin Cunningham. [Evans, Vol. V, pp. 205-6.]

1840 United States Census District 199, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 165 [s]: Wanslow, Thomas: 1 male 5-10; 2 males 10-15; 2 males 15-20; 1 male 20-30; 1 male 50-60; 1 female 5-10; 1 female 10- 15; 1 female 40-50. Wanslow, Thomas slaves: 4 males <10; 1 male 10-24; 1 male 24-36; 1 female <10; 1 female 10-24; 1 female 24-36. Total number of inhabitants in household: 19.

03 Cot 1842 Deed from Thomas Wansley to Francis Gaines, 162 acres on Coldwater Creek for $200. Land was adjacent to William Alexander on east, Francis Gaines on north and George Alexander on west and south. Witnesses: John L. Thornton and William J. Roebuck, J. I. C. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. Z, p. 84.]

24 Jul 1846 Thomas Wansley signed his will with his mark X. Thomas Johnson, Thomas M. Rowzee and Thomas Steadman were witnesses. [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1835-1860, Vol. A, pp. 110- 12.]

23 Jul 1848 Thomas Wansley died in Elbert County, Georgia and was buried in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia. [Date from tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia.] 88

04 Sep 1848 Thomas Wansley’s will was presented to the Office of the Ordinary, Elbert County, Georgia. The decedent’s property, “both real and personal, was to remain in the possession of my beloved wife Jemima during her lifetime or widowhood . . .” His property was to be divided equally among children. Since Thomas Wansley had given some of his children certain “worth,” their shares were reduced accordingly: Elizabeth Patterson by $100; John William Wanslow by $150; Thomas Jefferson Wanslow by $100; Tandy McGee Wansley by $100; Augustus Marion Wanslow by $50; Reuben Ransom Wanslow by $50; and Martha Amanda Wanslow by $15. Dollar amount was not specified for Hugh Sanford Wanslow and Mary Wanslow. Executors were William M. Barrett and Augustus Marion Wanslow. Thomas Wansley bequeathed $5.00 to his granddaughter Jane Ann Wansley, daughter of Wiley J. Wansley. [NOTE: According to Frank N. Wansley, Thomas Wansley bequeathed Jane Ann Wansley only $5.00 because of Thomas Wansley’s conflicts with Jane Ann Wansley’s step-father, Thomas Obriant, over estate of Wiley J. Wansley. However, Guardian Returns for Jane Ann Wansley reported distributions to her; Thomas Wanslow’s estate paid Thomas Obriant for her benefit $546 in 1848 and 1849.] [Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1835-1860, Vol. A, pp. 110-12.]

05 Sep 1848 Court of Ordinary for Elbert County, Georgia appointed James J. Daniel, Eppy W. Roebuck, Thomas M. Rowzee, Francis Gaines, and Johnson Maley to appraise the estate of Thomas Wanslow, Augustus Marion Wanslow, executor. Eppy W. Roebuck, Johnson Maley and Thomas M. Rowzee signed the document.

30 Sep 1848 Thomas M. Rowzee, Eppy W. Roebuck and Johnson Maley appraised the estate of Thomas Wanslow at $5469.50. The property included livestock, farm equipment, household furnishings and 13 slaves. Total valuation for slaves was $4450. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. S, p. 162.]

1850 United States Census Elbert District, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 36 [w]/368 [s], 64/64 Wanslow, A., 25, WM, farmer, $3000, GA [Augustus Marion Wanslow] Wanslow, J., 62, WF, GA [Jemima Means Wanslow] Wanslow, H. 18, WM, attended school within year, GA [Hugh Sanford Wanslow] Wanslow, Mary, 15, WF, attended school within year, GA [Mary Frances Royster Wanlow]

21 Dec 1858 Jemima Means Wansley died in Elbert County, Georgia. [NOTE: Date from tombstone in Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia.]

Oct to Francis D. Hinton charged estate of Thomas Wansley $25.00 “for waiting 21 Dec 1858 on Jemima Wanslow from sometime in October to the twenty first of December 1858.”

1858 Elizabeth A. Patterson charged the estate of Thomas Wansley $40.00 for “waiting on Jemima Wansley nine Months while sick.”

22 Dec 1858 Ezekial Bailey charged the estate of Thomas Wansley, $18.00 for “making one fine coffin” for Mrs. Jemima Wansley, deceased.

06 Jan 1859 Thomas Gaines, George W. Hulme, William Cleveland and Elijah Chapman submitted an inventory and appraisement of the estate of Thomas Wanslow, deceased. Estimated value was slightly over $9000. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. V, pp. 426-7.]

19 Jan 1859 Sale of the perishable property from estate of Thomas Wanslow, deceased, netted $1652.24. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns Vol. V, 421-5.]

Nov 1859 Hugh S. Wansley administrator of the estate of Thomas Wansley, reported sale of one tract of land in Elbert County and five slaves. Total received was $7758.00 [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. W, pp. 189-190.]

1859 Deed from Thomas Wansley [heirs] to William Cleveland, 603 acres on Coldwater Creek. [Elbert County, Georgia Deeds, Vol. DD, p. 240.] [NOTE: Information is from deed index.] On 01 November 1859, Hugh S. Wansley, administrator of estate of Thomas Wansley, reported sale of land to William M. Cleveland for $3021.00. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. W, pp. 189-90.]


27 Dec 1860 Hugh S. Wansley, administrator of estate of Thomas Wanslow, deceased, reported distribution $1005.38 to each of the following heirs: Elizabeth A. Patterson, H. S. Gaines [for wife Mary F. Wansley Gaines], A. M. Wansley, T. J. Wansley and R. R. Wansley. Hugh S. Wansley distributed $1019.57 to each of the following heirs: John W. Wansley, J. W. Daniel [for his wife Martha A. M. Daniel], and T. M. Wansley. [Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. W, pp. 341-6.]

Austin, Jeannette Holland. Abstracts of Georgia Wills, Vol. I, p. 284. Riverdale, Georgia: J. H. Austin, ca 1987.

Davis, Robert S., Jr. and Silas E. Lucas, Jr. The Georgia Land Lottery Papers 1805-1914 [Genealogical Data From the Loose Papers Filed in the Georgia Surveyor General Office concerning the Lots won in the state Land Lotteries and the People who won Them]. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, ca 1976.

Elbert County, Georgia Wills and Mixed Records, Vol. L, pp. 329-30. [will of Jacob Means]

Elbert County, Georgia Guardian and Administrator’s Bonds, Book A, pp. 166-7.

“Elberton Cavalry attached to 28th Regiment” in War of 1812. Telamon Cuyler Collection, University of Georgia.

Evans, Tad. Milledgeville, Georgia Newspaper Clippings [Southern Recorder], Vol. V, 1839-1841. Savannah, Georgia: T. Evans.

Graham, Paul. 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Fortunate Drawers and Grantees. Decatur, Georgia, ca 2005.

Holloman, Ann Clark. Elbert County, Georgia Marriages, 1805-1913. Royston, Georgia: E. C. Holloman, 1989.

Lucas, Silas E., Jr. [compiler]. The Fourth or 1821 Land Lottery of Georgia. Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986.

Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr. [compiler]. Third and Fourth or 1820 and 1821 Land Lotteries of Georgia. Georgia Genealogical Reprints Southern Historical Press, ca 1973.

Means, Jacob Probate Records. Elbert County, Georgia Wills and Mixed Records, Vol. L, pp. 329-30. [will of Jacob Means]

Records of the Church of Christ at Vans Creek [located in Elbert County, Georgia.] [Original copy is in the Court of Ordinary, Elberton, Elbert County, Georgia. The Records have been microfilmed with Elbert County, Georgia deeds in Dallas (Texas) Public Library.]

Walker, Robert D. “The Ruckersville Banking Co. List of Stockholders” in Elberton [Georgia] Star, 07 August 1956.

Wansley, Frank N. “Elbert County The Wansley Family Cemetery” in Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Fall 1976, pp. 159-160.

Wansley, Frank Nicholas. From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition. [NOTE: Includes printed transcription of Thomas and Jemima Means Wansley family record; the copy may not include all entries.]

Wansley, Thomas, Will. Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1835-1860, Vol. A, pp. 110-12.

Wansley, Thomas, deceased. Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. S, pp. 162; Vol. S, pp. 253-4; Vol. S, pp. 316-7; Vol. T, pp. 19-20; Vol. T, pp. 104-5; Vol. T, pp. 188-90; Vol. T, pp. 226-7; Vol. V, pp. 50-3; Vol. V, p. 96; Vol. V, pp. 421-7; Vol. W, pp. 189-90; and Vol. W, pp. 341-346.

Wansley, Thomas, deceased. Elbert County, Georgia Probate Records. [loose documents in probate files]

Watson, Dawn. Slave Importation Affidavit Registers for Nine Georgia Counties 1818-1847. Clayton, Georgia: Bone Diggers Press, 2012.


Thomas and Jemima Means Wansley Family Record

Wiley Jones Wansley, born April 20, 1811 Tandy McGee Wansley, born September 10, 1813 Elizabeth Ann Wansley, born November 2, 1815 John William Wansley, born July 2, 1818 Thomas Jefferson Wansley, Jr., born November 29, 1820 Augustus Marion Wansley, born July 10, 1823 Reuben Ransom Wansley born December 30, 1825 Martha Amanda Mildred Wansley, born August 6, 1828 Hugh Sanford Wansley, born 183- Mary Frances Royster Wansley, born June 20, 1834

John Wanslow, Sr., died January 13, 1835 Milly Wanslow died January 9, 1829 Polly Wanslow, daughter of John and Milly Wanslow, died September 1806

[NOTE: The family record was printed in Frank N. Wansley’s From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History, second edition, p. 39 and 41. The printed Family Record does not apparently include all entries. No marriages were included in this transcription and only three deaths.]

Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr. and Martha Hinton Family Record

Hugh S. Wansley married to Johnnie S. Wilson, Feb. 14, 1878 William Augustus Wansley married to Emma Wier [Weir], in Texas S. M. Wansley married to Mollie Raines, no date Mary Wansley married to John Cook T. J. Wansley married to M. A. Taylor T. J. Wansley, 2nd marriage to Miss E. F. Parker, Aug. 28, 1890 Reuben Ransom Wansley, Jr., born Nov. 15, 1865, married to Viola A. Love, Feb. 8, 1893 Cora Alma Wansley married to Jim A Crawford Alice Ophelia Wansley married to Earlie Rowzee, Dec. 10, 1896 Emily Catherine Wansley married Jack [sic, Zach or Zachariah] Day Andrew Wansley never married Louella Wansley never married

[NOTE: The Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr. and Martha Sue Hinton Family Record was printed in Frank N. Wansley, From Rome to Ruckersville – Our Wansley History. Elberton, Georgia: Frank N. Wansley, ca 1977, second edition, p. 41. This printed transcription only includes marriages.]


______Spouse: Thomas Wansley Birth: 29 April 1783, Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage: 15 April 1810, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 23 July 1848, Elbert County, Georgia Burial: Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia Father John Wansley, Sr. [1738-13 Jan 1835] Mother: Mildred [Milly] Whitten [died 09 January 1829, Elbert County, Georgia]

Spouse: Jemima Means Birth: 06 August 1790, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 21 December 1858, Elbert County, Georgia Burial: Wansley Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia Father: William Means [1758-1819] Mother: Elizabeth Prewit [1768-1819]

Children: 1. Name: Wiley Jones Wansley M Birth: 29 April 1811, Elbert County, Georgia Death: before 1837, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 20 December 1832, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Martha Lee Cleveland [08 Feb 1811-16 Mar 1882] ______2. Name: Tandy McGee Wansley M Birth: 10 September 1813, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 06 July 1896, Rankin County, Mississippi Burial: Sinai Cemetery, near Florence, Rankin County, Mississippi Marriage: 13 December 1846, Rankin County, Mississippi Spouse: Mary Ann Enochs [08 May 1825-03 May 1852] ______3. Name: Elizabeth Ann Wansley F Birth: 02 November 1815, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 06 February 1897, Elbert County, Georgia Burial: Harmony Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 21 December 1837, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: William Weston Patterson ______4. Name: John William Wansley M Birth: 02 July 1818, Elbert County, Georgia Death: ca 1894, Franklin Parish, Louisiana Marriage: Spouse: Maria [ca 1840-after 1880 census] ______5. Name: Thomas Jefferson Wansley M Birth: 29 November 1820, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 30 November 1862, Rankin County, Mississippi Burial: Enochs-Weathersby Cemetery, Brandon, Rankin County, Mississippi Marriage: 22 January 1851, Rankin County, Mississippi Spouse: Julia Ann Enochs [26 Mar 1833-05 Oct 1919] ______6. Name: Augustus Marion Wansley M Birth: 10 July 1823, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 10 October 1898, Newton County, Mississippi Burial: Decatur Cemetery, Decatur, Newton County, Mississippi Marriage: 1853 Spouse: Theresa A. Harris [Feb 1836-26 Dec 1906] ______7. Name: Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr. M Birth: 30 December 1825, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 21 January 1908, Newton County, Mississippi Burial: Decatur Cemetery, Decatur, Newton County, Mississippi Marriage: 19 January 1847, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Martha Hinton [25 Jul 1829-10 Aug 1895] ______8. Name: Martha Amanda Mildred Wansley F Birth: 06 August 1828, Elbert County, Georgia Death: after November 1859 Marriage: Spouse: John W. Daniel [ca 1828-after 1860 census] 92

______9. Name: Hugh Sanford Wansley M Birth: 1832, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 20 September 1868 Marriage: 03 December 1867 Spouse: Zedora Gaines ______7. Name: Mary Frances Royster Wansley F Birth: 20 June 1834, Elbert County, Georgia Death: 1861, Elbert County, Georgia Marriage: 21 December 1852, Elbert County, Georgia Spouse: Hiram Sanford Gaines [12 Jan 1833-30 Sep 1863] ______


Elbert County, Georgia Will Book 1835-1860, Vol. A, pp. 110-12.]


Georgia }} Elbert County }} In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Wanslow of the State of Georgia and County of Elbert being diseased in body but of disposing memory & mind do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following revoking all others heretofore made by me.

Item 1st It is my will & desire that all my Just debts be Paid.

Item 2nd It is my will and desire that all my property both real & personal shall remain in the possession of my beloved wife Jemima Wanslow during her lifetime or widowhood with the exception here after named and at her death or marriage for my property that may then bellong [sic] to my estate both read and personal to be divided Eaqually [sic] between my beloved sons & daughters share & share alike [with exceptions hereafter made in this Item] and if the property should be so situated that one equal division cannot be had, then it is my desire that the whole of the property be sold & the money equally divided [with the exceptions above named] between [?betwixt] my children [viz] Tandy McGee Wanslow has had the worth of one hundred dollars, my daughter Elizabeth Patterson one hundred dollars, John William Wanslow one hundred & fifty dollars, Thomas Jefferson Wanslow has had one hundred dollars, Augustus Marion Wanslow fifty dollars, Reuben Ransom Wanslow fifty dollars, Martha Amanda Wanslow fifteen dollars, Hugh Sanford Wanslow & Mary Wanslow [NOTE: Dollar amount was not specified for Hugh Sanford Wanslow and Mary Wanslow.].

Item 3 It is my will and desire that as my children marry or become of age that there be given each one of these a horse bridle & Saddle worth one hundred dollars to be valued by two or more disinterested persons to be taken out of my estate willed to my wife Jemimah so that they may all be made equal with those that have had.

Item 4th It is my will and desire that the Sum of five dollars in Cash be given to my grand daughter Jane Ann Wanslow when a distribution of my estate is made

Item 5th It is my will & desire & I do hereby constitute and appoint William M. Barrett and my son Augustus Marion Wanslow my Executors to this my last will & Testament. In testimony whereof I have affixed my hand and Seal this July 24 July 1846 presence of Thomas Johnson }} his Thomas M. Rowzee }} Thomas X Wanslow {{seal}} Thomas Steadman }} mark

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of ordinary September Term 1848 Personally came into open Court Thomas M. Rowzee and being duly Sworn Saith that he saw Thomas Wanslow Sign and Seal the within & foregoing instrument of writing my making his mark as his last will and Testament and that the deponent together with Thomas Johnston & Thomas Steadman Signed the Same as witnesses in the presence of the testator & at his request & in the presence of each other and this deponent believes the testator to have been of sound mind at the time of executing the same. Sworn to in open Court this 4th of September 1848 }} Thomas M. Rowzee Attest Wm B. Nelms, c.c.o. }} Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of ordinary September Term 1848 After hearing the within will of Thomas Wanslow Read in open Court and proving the same by Thomas M. Rowzee one of the Subscribing witnesses to the said will it is ordered by the Court that said will be Recorded. Attest Wm B. Nelms, c.c.o.

Recorded the 6th day of September 1848. Wm B. Nelms

Elbert County, Georgia Probate Minutes 1853-1860, p. 381.

Georgia }} Elbert County }} It being represented to me upon the return of the Inventory to the Ordinary of Said County that it will be to the best interest of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased to Sell the perishable property belonging to Said Estate as early as it can be done legaly it is ordered by the ordinary that Hugh S. Wanslow Temborary [sic] Administrator of Thomas Wanslow decd be and he is hereby authorized to Sell all the perishable property belonging


to the Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd by giving Ten day notice of Said Sale and the time and place thereof this 7th day of January 1859 W. H. Edwards ordinary

Elbert County, Georgia Probate Minutes 1853-1860, p. 334.] Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of Ordinary March Term 1859 It appearing to the court that the Citation has been Issued and published according to law on the application of Hugh S. Wanslow for letters of Administration de bonis nom with the Will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased and no Objections having been filed and the Said Hugh S. Wanslow having given bond in the Sum of Eleven Thousand nine hundred and fifty Six dollars with George M. Ward Robert C. C. Roebuck and William B. Crawford as his Securities which bond was approved of by Said Court and having taken the Oath prescribed by law Is is therefore ordered by the Court that the Said Hugh S. Wanslow be and is hereby appointed Administrator de bonis nom with the Will annexed on the Estate both real and personal of Thomas Wanslow deceased and that letters do Issue to him Instanter This 15th day of March 1859.

Elbert County, Georgia Probate Minutes 1853-1860, pp. 356-7.

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of Ordinary August Term 1859 Hugh S. Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the Will annexed of Thomas Wanslow Deceased having applied for leave to sell all the Land and Negroes belonging to Said deceased and having Notified all persons in interest as required by law and also having published Notice of Such application Two months as is required by law and it being made fully and plainly to appear that Such Sale Will be fore the benefit of the heirs of Said Estate. It is ordered by the Court that Said Hugh S. Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed have leave and he is hereby authorized to Sell Said land and Negroes at public out cry before the Court house door of Said County between the usual legal hours of Sale first having Advertized Said Sale according to law August 1st 1859 W. H. Edwards Ordinary E. C.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. S, p. 162.

Inventory Est of Thomas Wanslow decd

An appraisement on the estate of Thomas Wanslow decd by the appraisers Thos. M. Rowzee Johnson Maley Eppy W. Roebuck

50 head sheep $50.00 Amount Brought up $886.00 1 yoke young oxen 16.00 1 Lot Bead Clothing 50.00 14 Head Cattle 70.00 1 Chest and Drawers 1.00 69 Head Hogs 100.00 1 Lot Crockery & Glass 7.50 2 Coults 55.00 1 silver Watch 6.00 1 young Sorrell Horse 80.00 2 Bed stids & furniture 12.00 1 dark Bay Mare 25.00 2 shot guns 6.00 1 Bay mare and Coalt 50.00 3 Chests 6.00 2 Mules 80.00 1 Cupboard 5.00 1 yoke of oxen 40.00 2 tables 3.00 1 ox Cart 15.00 1 Lot of crockery & Knives & forks 5.00 1 Two Horse Waggon 75.00 1 Carding machine 6.00 70 Bushels wheat 50.00 1 Loom & Geering 6.00 1 Lot Hoes 1.00 1 Lot Kitchen Utensils 15.00 1 Lot Axes 5.00 1 Lot Stone Ware 5.00 2 Grind Stones 1.00 1 Boy Sam 450.00 1 Buggy and Harness 75.00 1 Boy Willis 550.00 5 Tables 10.00 1 Boy Lewis 500.00 1 Beaureau 10.00 1 Boy [illegible,? Jim] 650.00 1 Side Board 2.50 1 boy Frank 400.00 1 Clock 2.00 1 girl Sucky 250.00 1 Book Case 7.00 1 Boy Dave 250.00 1 Lot Books 5.00 1 Girl Judy 200.00 ½ doz Chairs 3.00 1 Girl Ginny 150.00 10 split bottom Chairs 5.00 1 Girl Ann & child 500.00


3 Bed steds and furniture 36.00 1 Girl Melinda & Child 650.00 2 Bed steds and furniture 15.00 ______$886.00 $5469.50 ======Certificate of the appraisers We do certify on oath that as far as was produced to us by the Executor Augustus Marion Wansley the above and foregoing contains a true appraisement of the estate of Thomas Wansley decd to the best of our Judgment and understanding this the 30th September 1848 Thomas M. Rowzee Eppy W. Roebuck Johnson Maley

I do hereby certify that the above appraisers were sworn to perform their duty as appraisers according to Law this 30th day of September 1848. James J. Daniel, J. P. The warrant of appraisement filed with the Inventory Recorded the 24th day of October 1848. W. B. Nelms, C. C. O.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. S, pp. 253A-254B.

Return Est of Thomas Wanslow decd 1849

Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd makes the following Return to the Court of ordinary of Elbert County to November Term 1849

1849 The Executor Jany 31 To Cash Recd from the Sale of 31 Bales cotton sold in Augusta after deducting all expenses [& the 1/7 part for A. M. Wanslow his part] $575.15 To the Sale of 1 Horse [a bay] to Thos M. Hulme on a credit until 25th Decr 1849 35.00 To the sale of 2 Barrels of flour 11.00 $621.15 ======By Cash Paid Scranton & Starke per Receipt No. 1 $28.98 By Cash Paid Wm B. Nelms per Receipt No. 2 5.62½ By Cash Paid Wm B. Nelms per Receipt No. 3 7.75 By Cash Paid Wm Prater per Receipt No. 4 18.80 By Cash Paid Ralph Gaines per Receipt No. 5 25.00 By Cash Paid J. M. Harman per Receipt No. 6 1.25 By Cash Paid Jett Thomas per Receipt No. 7 8.00 By Cash Paid Gibbs & Jones per Receipt No. 8 .37½ By Cash Paid Winslow Rowzee per Receipt No. 9 1.30 By Cash Paid J. H. Reynolds per Receipt No. 10 11.45 By Cash Paid J. H. Reynolds per Receipt No. 11 2.65 By Cash Paid J. H. Reynolds per Receipt No. 12 13.21 By Cash Paid Thos F. Gibbs per Receipt No. 13 4.00 By Cash Paid Thos Obriant Guard per Receipt No. 14 45.00 By Cash Paid Thos Obriant Guard per Receipt No. 15 501.81 By Thos Obriant Receipt for negroes per Receipt No. 16 ------By Cash Paid Thomas Obriant per Receipt No. 17 29.11 By Cash Paid Alexr McKinney per Receipt No. 18 6.55 By Cash Paid Ezekiah Bailey per Receipt No. 19 15.00 By Cash Paid Wm Cleveland per Receipt No. 20 14.88½ By Cash Paid Thos M. Turner per Receipt No. 21 7.50 By Cash Paid James A. Stone per Receipt No. 22 19.96 By Cash Paid John M. Broadwell per Receipt No. 23 14.00 By Cash Paid Francis Gaines per Receipt No. 24 31.93¾ By Cash Paid Roebuck & Arnold per Receipt No. 25 1.35¼ By Cash Paid Roebuck & Arnold per Receipt No. 26 7.95 By Cash Paid Sloman Henry &c per Receipt No. 27 4.00 $827.45 ======


[Copy of Receipts] No [1] Augusta. Feby 1st 1849 Payments Recd of A. M. Wanslow Admr of Estate of Thomas Wanslow Scranton & Starke By J. C. Davis

No. 2 Recd of Augustus M. Wanslow Exr of the will of Thomas Wanslow Decd five 62½ /100 Dollars for receiving & recording [illegible] receipts made by Thomas Wanslow the former Guardian for Jane Ann Wanslow this 12th February 1849 Wm B. Nelms C. C. O.

No. 3 Recd of Augustus M. Wanslow Exr of the will of Thomas Wanslow Decd Seven 75/100 Dollars for the probate record & copy of the will and granting letters Testamentary this 12th day of February 1849 Wm B. Nelms C. C. O.

No. 4 Recd of the Executor Augustus M. Wansley the above amount of Eighteen Dollars & 80/100 Dollars 5th March 1849 Wm Prather

No.5 Recd of Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the Estate of Thos Wanslow Decd the sum of Twenty five Dollars it being in full of the within 21st March 1849 Ralph Gaines

No 6 Received of A. M. Wansley Ex of the will of Thomas Wanslow dec late of said Co one Dollar twenty five cents in full of the above account J. M. Harman

No 7 Received from Augustus M. Wansley executor upon the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Deceased Eight dollars in full of the above account this March the 20th 1849 Jett Thomas

No 8 1849 Thos Wansley Deceased Apr 7th To Gibbs & Jones Apr 7th To Gibbs & Jones .37 ½ Hartsboro Recd payment Gibbs & Jones pr Jones

No 9 Received of A. M. Wanslow Executor of the will of Thomas Wansley one Dollar and thirty cents being the amount infull due Winslow Rowzee

No 10 Recd of A. M. Wansley as Admr for Thos Wanslow $11.45 cts his Tax for 1848 J. H. Reynolds T. C.

No 11 Recd of A. M. Wansley as Admr for Thos Wanslow as Guard for Jane A. Wanslow $2.65 cts his tax for 1848 J. H. Reynolds T. C.

No 12 Recd of A. M. Wansley as Ex for T Wanslow $13.20 as his tax for 1849 J. H. Reynolds T. C.

No 13 Recd of A. M. Wansley Guardian of Jane Ann Wanslow four Dollars in full of an a/c for practice done on Negro boy Joe this 19th April 1849 Thos F. Gibbs

No 14 Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow Decd Forty five Dollars in part of the money due Jane Ann Wanslow from said Thomas Wanslow her former Guardian this 21st day of December 1848 Thomas Obriant Guard

No 15 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow Decd Five Hundred and one Dollars and Eighty one cents in full for the balance of the Principal and Interest of all the Money which came into the hands of Thomas Wanslow the former Guardian for said Jane Ann Wanslow formerly but now Jane Ann Teasley I being the present guardian this 21st day of February 1849 Thos Obriant Guardian [p. 254A] No 16 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow Decd four Negroes by the names of Ann, Joe, Charity & Eliza being all the Negroes belonging to Jane Ann Wanslow which came into the hands of Thomas Wanslow the former guardian for said Jane Ann Wanslow I being the present Guardian this 25th December 1848. Thomas Obriant Guardian

No 17 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thomas Wanslow Decd the within Note in full February 15th 1849 Thomas Obriant

No 18 Octo 6th 1849 Recd the amount of the within act in full from Augustus M. Wansley Recd by me Alexr McKinney

No 19 Recd of Augustus Wansley one of the Executors of Thomas Wansley Deceased fifteen Dollars in full of the above account Oct 13th 1849 Ezekiah Bailey


No 20 Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley Decd the within account in full a/c 9th Oct 1849 William Cleveland

No 21 Recd of Augustus Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley Decd the sum of Seven Dollars and fifty cents it being in full of the within March 12th 1849 Thomas M. Turner

No 22 Recd of Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the estate of Thomas Wanslow Decd payment in full for the within account this Oct 5th 1849 Jas. A. Stone

No 23 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley Decd the above accounts in full November 1st 1849 John M. Bardwell

No 24 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley thirty one Dollars and ninety three & three forth cents as Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Deceased in full of the within proven account this September 29th 1849. Francis Gaines

No 25 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Decd The above a/ct in full Oct 5th 1849 Roebuck & Arnold By James F. White

No 26 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley Decd the above account in full Oct 5th 1849 Roebuck & Arnold By James F. White

No 27 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of Thomas Wanslow Decd four Dollars in full of the above account this 1st day of November 1849 Sloman Henry & Co

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wanslow the Executor of the last Will and Testament of Thomas Wanslow deceased and being Sworn Saith that the foregoing and with returns as it stands stated is just and true to the his knowledge and belief Augustus M. Wansley Sworn to before me this 1st day }} of November 1849 }} Wm B. Nelms C. C. O. }} [p. 254B] Georgia }} Elbert County }} I certify that the within and foregoing returns were presented to Me and Augustus M. Wanslow the Executor and duly sworn to the same before Me on the 1st day of November 1849 and I believe the Same to be correct. Wm B. Nelms C. C. O.

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Court of Ordinary Novr Term 1849. The within return as annexed and Ordered to Record Attest Wm B. Nelms C. C. O. Recorded the 3rd day of January 1850 Wm B. Nelms C. C. O.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. S, pp. 316A-317B.

Return Est Thomas Wansley decd 1850 Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd made the following Return to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert County to November Term 1852 ======1851 The Executor Jany 18 To the net proceeds of the sale of 12 Bales of Cotton Sold In Augusta after deducting the one seventh the Executors part of the cotton $446.86 August To the sale of 23 Bushels of wheat 23.00 To the sale of 12lb Bacon 7.20 $477.06 ======The Executor By Cash Paid S. C. Blackwell Per Rect No 1 . $17.02 By Cash Paid S. C. Blackwell Per Rect No 2. 1.92 By Cash Paid Wm Cleveland Per Rect No 3. 13.35 By Cash Paid J. M. Harman Per Rect No 4. 5.74


By Cash Paid J. A. Stone Per Rect No 5. 3.12 By Cash Paid Francis Gaines Per Rect No 6. 20.30 By Cash Paid S. Marcus Per Rect No 7. 6.25 By Cash Paid Scranton & Starke Per Rect No 8. 29.12 By Cash Paid Scranton & Starke & Davis Per Rect No 9. 13.76 By Cash Paid Scranton & Starke & Davis Per Rect No 10. 21.23 By Cash Paid Scranton & Starke Per Rect No 11. 35.83 By Cash Paid James Patterson Per Rect No 12. 263.25 By Cash Paid N. W. Hooker Per Rect No 13. 5.00 By Cash Paid Gaines & Turner Per Rect No 14. 13.13 By Cash Paid J. H. M. Barrett Per Rect No 15. 8.50 By Cash Paid Henry Warding Per Rect No 16 5.00 By Cash Paid J. A. Stone Per Rect No 17. 6.00 By Cash Paid F. M. Prather Per Rect No 18. 2.70 By Cash Paid Thos M. Rowzee Per Rect No 19. 3.32 By Cash Paid James M. Cleveland Per Rect No 20 3.00 By Cash Paid Z.. McCord & Co Per Rect No 21. 14.40 By Cash Paid Wm A. Swift Per Rect No 22. 1.50 By Cash Paid Hand & Fleming Per Rect No 23. 26.67 By Cash Paid Richard Stovall [Stone] Per Rect No 24. 5.00 By Cash Paid W. Anthony Per Rect No 25. .82½ By Cash Paid A. McKinney Per Rect No 26. 2.60 By Cash Paid J. H. Reynolds Per Rect No 27. 12.50 $538.39 ======[Copy of Receipts] No 1. Recd of A. M. Wansley Extr Seventeen 62/100 Dollars in full of the above a/c Feby 4th 1850 S. C. Blackwell pr. M. J. Clark

No 2. Recd of A. M. Wansley Extr one 92/100 Dollars in full of the above a/c Feby 4th 1850 Blackwell & Haslett pr Clark

No 3. Recd of A. M. Wansley Ext of the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd Thirteen dollars and thirty five Cts infull of all demands Jan 30th 1860 Wm Cleveland

No 4. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd the sum of Five Dollars and Seventy five cts it being the amount infull No 13th 1849 James M. Harman

No 5. Recd of A. M. Wanslow Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Deceased Three 12/100 Dollars infull for the above a/c January 26th 1851 J. A. Stone

No 6. Received of A. M. Wanslow Extr of the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd the sum of twenty dollars 34 cts infull of the above account up to this day and date this January 25th 1850 Francis Gaines

No 7. Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd Four dollars and twenty five cts it being the amount infull No 12th 1850 S Marcus

No 8. Augusta Jany 18 1850 Recd Payment of A. M. Wansley Executor on Estate Thomas Wansley for the above Bill Twenty Nine 18/100 Dolls Scranton Stark & Davis pr F. A. Whitlock

No 9. Augusta Jany 18 1850 Rec Payment of A. M. Wansley Extr on Estate Thomas Wansley decd Scranton Stark & Davis Pr F. A. Whitlock

No 10. Augusta Decem 10th 1849. Recd Payment of A. M. Wansley the above account Twenty one 23/100 dolls Executor on Estate Thos Wansley Scranton Stark & Davis pr F. A. Whitlock

No 11. Feby 1st 1849. Recd payment of A. M. Wansley extr on Est Thos Wansley Scranton Stark & Davis pr S. D. David


No 12. Recd of A. M. Wansley Exr of the Estate of Thomas Wansley dec two hundred sixty three dollars and twty five cts of the within note Dec 15th 1849 James Patterson

No 13. Recd Payment N. W. Hooker

No. 14. Received of A. M. Wansley exr of the estate of Thomas Wansley [?] thirteen dollars 13/100 Cts infull of the above account This January 26th 1850 Gaines & Turner

No 15. Received of A. M. Wanslow Executor of Thomas Wanslow deceased the within account in full Jan 25th 1850 J. H. M. Barrett

No 16. Received of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thos Wansley decd five 10/100 Dollars infull payment of the above account January 26th 1850 H. Warding

No 17. Received of A. M. Wansley Exr of the Estate of Thos Wansley decd Six dollars infull for the above a/c April 8th 1850 J. A. Stone

No 18. Received Payment in full of the above acct from A. M. Wansley Exr February 23rd 1850 Francis M. Prather

No 19. Received of Augustus M. Wansley Exr of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Three dollars ad thirty two and a half cents infull Jan 15th 1850 Thomas M. Rowzee

No 20. Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wansley Deceased the above account of three dollars in full of [p. 317A] all demands against the Estate of Thomas Wansley Deceased January 24th 1850 James M. Cleveland

No 21 Augusta Feby 1 1849 Rec pay Z McCord & Co per J. M. Hill Recd of A. M. Wansley Exr of the Estate Thomas Wansley Decd fourteen dollars and forty cts it being the account infull Z McCord & Co

No 22. Received Payment of A. M. Wansley This June the 28th 1850. W. A. Swift Per Joseph T. Smith

No 23. Augusta Jany 18th 1850 Recd Paymend of A. M. Wansley Executor the amount of the above Bill viz Twenty four 17/100 Dollars Hand & Fleming

No 24. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wansley Decd Ten Dollars and Fifteen cts per a/c freight Richard Stone [Stovall]

No 25. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Decd the freight of One Bolt Baggin 64 lbs One Coil Rope 69 24 lbs of Twine 2¼ 2 Sides of Leather 29½ At ½ Cts Pr lb ½ |164 ¾ 82 ¼ In full 6th Nov 1849 W Anthony

No 26. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley Decd Two dollars and twenty cents for the tuition of Hugh Wansley Legatee of said Estate Dec 14th 1849 A. McKinney

No 27. Recd of A. M. Wanslow as for Estate of T Wansley Decd $12.57 cts his Tax for 1850 J. H. Reynolds T. C.

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd and being sworn saith that the foregoing Return as it stands stated is just and true to the best of Knowledge and belief A. M. Wansley Sworn to before me this }} 29th of October 1850 }} Wm B Nelms C. C. O.


Georgia }} Elbert County }} I Certify that the foregoing return was submitted to Me and Augustus M. Wansley the Executor was duly sworn to the same before me on the 29th of November 1850 and I believe the same to be correct Wm B Nelms C. C. O. Georgia }} Court of Ordinary Nov adj Term 1850 Elbert County }} The within Return received and ordered to Record Attest Wm B Nelms C. C. O. Recorded the 3rd day of December 1850 Wm B Nelms C. C. O.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. T, pp. 19B-20A.

Return Est Thos Wanslow decd 1851 Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd Makes the following Return to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert County to November Term 1851 The Exr To the Sale of the Crop of Cotton of 1850 $657.44 The Exr By Cash Paid Wm Cleveland Per Rect No 1. 34.18 By Cash Paid W. J. Roebuck Per Rect No 2. 6.28 By Cash Paid Francis Gaines Per Rect No 3. 20.46¾ By Cash Paid Jas A. Stone Per Rect No 4. 19.95 By Cash Paid G. W. L. Prather Per Rect No 5. .37½ By Cash Paid Blackwell & Haslett Per Rect No 6. 6.14 By Cash Paid J. H. Reynolds T. C. Per Rect No 7. 13.96 By Cash Paid Simon Jacoby Per Rect No 8. 18.81 By Cash Paid Wm J. Craft Per Rect No 9. 6.00 By Cash Paid J. S. Warren Per Rect No 10. 100.00 By Cash Paid J. S. Warren Per Rect No 11. 214.28 $444.44¼ Copy Receipts No 1. Oct 7, 1851 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of Thomas Wansley Estate infull of the above account Wm Cleveland

No 2. Recd January 1st 1851 payment of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thos Wansley decd W. J. Roebuck per Jas. White

No 3. Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley Decd twenty dollars 40¾ infull a/c to Jan 1, 1851 Francis Gaines

No 4. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas [blank last name] decd Nineteen 95/100 dollars infull payment of the above a/c Feb 19th 1851 J. A. Stone per Jas F. White

No 5. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd 37½ Cts Sept 8th 1851 John E. S. Jones

No 6. Received for the above acc/t by the hands of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd February 26th 1851 Blackwell & Haslett

No 7. Recd of A. M. Wansley as Exr for T Wanslow Estate $13.96 Cts his tax pr 1841 J. H. Reynolds

No 8. Received of A. M. Wansley Exr of the Estate of Thomas Wansley Deceased Eighteen dollars and 8 cts on the with Note Dec 22, 1851 Simon Jacoby [p. 20A.] No 9. Received A. M. Wansley the above amount infull February the 7th 1851 Wm J. Craft

No 10. April 8th 1850 Recd One hundred dollars in part of the within Note Recd the above hundred Dollars by the hands of J. S.. Warren Esq J. V. Harris

17th Sept 1850 The above hundred dollars was Recd from A. M. Wansley the Executor of Thos Wansley Deceased Jeremiah S. Warren


No 11. March 3rd 1851 Recd of A. M. Wansley the Executor of the last Will and testament of Thomas Wansley deceased two hundred and fourteen dollars & 28/100 infull of the principal & interest of the within Note J. S. Warren ======Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came before me Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd and after being Sworn Says that the within and foregoing Return as it Stands Stated is just and true to the best of his Knowledge and belief A. M. Wansley Sworn to before Me }} 3rd day of November 1851 }} Wm B Nelms C. C. O. }} Georgia }} Elbert County }} I Certify that the foregoing return was presented to Me and Augustus M. Wanslow the Executor was duly Sworn to the Same befoe Me on the 3rd day of November 1851 and I believe the same to be correct Wm B Nelms C. C. O.

Georgia }} Court of Ordinary Nov adj Term 1851 Elbert County }} The within Return examined and ordered to record Attest Wm B Nelms C. C. O. Recorded the 8th day of December 1851 Wm B Nelms C. C. O.

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. T, pp. 104B-105B.

Return Est Thos Wanslow decd 1852 Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd Makes the following Return to the Court of Ordinary of Elbert County to November Term 1851 October the 29th 1852 The Executor 1852 Jany 14 To cash Recd for Sale of Six Bales of Cotton $170.03 Feby 3 To cash Recd for Sale of 5½ Bales of Cotton 180.87 Feby 26th To Cash Recd from Whitworth for board for himself & hands 8.00 Feby 27 To cash Recd for Wheat 7.00 $365.90 ======The Executor By Cash Paid B. B. Parker for tuition No 1. 8.50 By Cash Paid For Garden Seed No 2 .69 By Cash Paid Wright Simpson & Gardner No 3 20.38 for Bagging & Twine By Cash Paid Hand & Fleming proven asse No 4 15.16 By Cash Paid Howard & Gardner for Groceries No 5 32.33 By Cash Paid Scranton Stark & Davis for Iron No 6 3.47 By Cash Paid Gibbs & Lampkin for Groceries No 7 47.31 By Cash Paid Wm J. Craft for Sacks Salt No 8 5.00 By Cash Paid Gaines T. Alexander for vinegar No 9 .60 By Cash Paid Haslett &. Alexander for leather No 10 2.12 By Cash Paid Ralph Gaines for Plank No 11 9.32½ By Cash Paid Ralph Gaines for Plank No 12 9.60 By Cash Paid Wm M. Haslett for freight No 13 3.92 By Cash Paid Jas. A. Stone No 14 11.15 By Cash Paid Joseph Sewell Admr Terrell for Corn No 15 30.00 By Cash Paid Abram N. Davis for Merchandise No 16 28.44 By Cash Paid Francis Gaines for Merchandise No. 17 52.44 By Cash Paid Alexander Oliver for W[illegible] & Gin No 18 3.50 By Cash Paid J. H. M. Barrett for Medicine No. 19 .75 By Cash Paid E. A. Jones for Shoemaking No 20 1.37 By Cash Paid Thos H. Harden freight on Groceries No 21 5.80 Amt Carrd Ford $297.41½ [p. 105A] Amt Brot Forward $297.41½ By Cash Paid Barden R. Taylor for Sugar No 22 3.00 By Cash Paid Jett Thomas Seadon [?] of a mare No 23 10.00 By Cash Paid Reuben R. Wanslow Overseer Negroes No 24 185.00


By Cash Paid Expended to Augusta to sell Cotton No 25 6.00 By Cash Paid 5 [illegible] Goods for the use of the family No 26 2.25 $503.61½ ======Vouchers No 1. Recd of A. M. Wansley executor of the estate of Thos Wansley decd the within accts infull eight dollars and 57/100 this Dec. the 24th 1851 B. B. Parker

No 2. Recd Payt W. K. Kitchen by M Clark

No 3. Augusta Feby 2nd 1852 Recd payment of A. M. Wansleyexr Wright Simpson & Gardiner

No 4. Recd Augusta Feby 4, 1852 the above a/c infull of A. M. Wansley Exr W. R. Milling

No 5. Recd payt in full - - - Howard & Gardiner per J. Farrar

No 6. Recd payt of A. M. Wansley Exr Feby 3rd 1852 Scranton, Stark & Davis per Wright

No 7. Recd payment of Augusta Feb 3rd 1852 Recd of A. Wansley Gibbs & Lampkin

No 8. Recd of A. M. Wansley exr to the will of Thomas Wanslow decd five dollars for 2 Sacks of Salt which is in full of all demands to date - - - May 15th 1852 A Craft for Wm J. Craft

No 9. Received of A. M. Wansley Exr the above account in full Gaines T. Alexander

No 10. Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of Thomas Wansley decd the above account in full July 16th 1852 Haslett & Alexander

No 11. Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wansley deceased Nine dollars & 32½ Cts in full of the above account Ralph Gaines

No 12. Receive of A. M. Wansley executor of the will of Thomas Wansley deceased Nine dollars & 60 cts in full of the above account Ralph Gaines

No 13. Received of Augustus M. Wansley Ex of Thomas Wansley deceased three 92/100 dollars for freight on bagging & rope from Augusta - - - August 15th 1852 William M. Haslett

No 14. May 6th 1852 Recd from A. M. Wanslow executor Sixteen 28/100 Dollars infull for the within act J. A. Stone [p. 105B] No 15. Recd of A. M. Wansley as administrator of Thomas Wansley decd fifty dollars infull of the above [illegible] account this 2 day of March 1852 Joseph Sewell Administrator [illegible]

No 16. Received of A. M. Wansley executor of the will of Thomas Wansley deceased twenty eight dollars and 84 cents [illegible] the within account January 11th 1852 Abram N. Davis

No 17. Received of A. M. Wansley executor of the will of Thomas Wansley deceased thirty two dollars & 64 cents infull of the above account February 24th 1852 Francis Gaines

No 18. Recd Payment of a. M. Wanslow Exr of the estate of Thomas Wanslod decd the above a/c infull May 4th 1852 Alexr Oliver

No19 Apr 23rd 1852. Recd the above account infull from A. M. Wanslow J. H. M. Barnett

No 20. Recd of Augustus Wanslow executor of the estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased one dollar & thirty seven and a half cents [1 37/100] infull of the above a/c May 4th 1852 E. A. Jones

No 21. Recd of A. M. Wansley executor to the estate of Thos Wansley decd five dollars 80/100 in full of the above freight 13th Feby 1852 T. W. Harden by G. F. Alexander

No 22. Recd of A. M. Wansley exr of the estate of Thomas Wanslow dec three dollars in full up to Jany the first 1852 Barden R. Taylor


No 23. Recd Feby 22nd 1852 of A. M. Wansley executor of the estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased ten dollars in full payment for the Seadon [?] of one bay Mare to the [illegible] Billy Dimple in the Spring of 1851 Jett Thomas

No 24. Received of A. M. Wansley executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley deceased one hundred and eighty five dollars for overseeing on the plantation of Thomas Wansley deceased Sept 28th 1852 Reuben R. Wansley

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd and after being Sworn says that the foregoing Return is just and true to best of his Knowledge and belief as the same Stands Stated Sworn to before Me }} this 29th Day of October 1852 }} Wm B Nelms Ordinary. }} A. M. Wansley The within Return Sworn to and filed Oct 29th 1852 Wm B Nelms Ordinary The within Return approved and allowed Nov 30th 1852 Wm B Nelms C. C. O. Recorded December the 1st 1852

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. T, pp. 188B-190A.

Return Est Thomas Wanslow decd 1853 Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the Will of Thomas Wanslow decd Makes the following Return to the Ordinary of Elbert County -- September 29th 1853 [p. 189A] Exr Cr To account received for the Sale of 13 Square Bags cotton – after deducting $17oo for overdue wages Sold in Augusta Nov 9th 1852 $390.20½ To account received for the Sale of 2 Square Bale Cotton – after deducting $17oo for overdue wages - Sold in Augusta Nov 11th 182 61.33¾ To account received for the Sale of 2 Square Bales Cotton after deducting $17oo for Overdue wages - Sold in Augusta Dec 21st 1852 267.83 To account received for the Sale of 5 Square Bales Cotton after deducting $17oo for Overdue wages Sold in Augusta March 12 1853 211.92 $841.05¾ Exr By Cash Paid William Prather per receipt No 1 24.00 By Cash Paid William Prather per receipt No 2 24.00 By Cash Paid William Prather per receipt No 3 24.00 By Cash Paid William Prather per receipt No 4 24.00 By Cash Paid Willis Craft per receipt No 5 23.15 By Cash Paid WillisCraft per receipt No 6 35.15 By Cash Paid Wm Johnston Former Sheff per receipt No 7 5.00 By Cash Paid George W. Hulme per receipt No 8 2.35 By Cash Paid J. H. Reynolds T. C. per receipt No 9 17.04½ By Cash Paid J. H. Reynolds T. C. per receipt No 10 18.22 By Cash Paid Alexander Oliver per receipt No 11 31.00 By Cash Paid F. M. Taylor per receipt No 12 1.15 By Cash Paid Wm J. Roebuck per receipt No 13 6.00 By Cash Paid D. E. Connell per receipt No 14 5.75 By Cash Paid Jas M. Harman per receipt No 15 1.92 By Cash Paid Wm B Nelms Ordinary per receipt No 16 5.37 By Cash Paid Wm B Nelms Former Clerk per receipt No 17 5.12 By Cash Paid Jacob M. Cleveland per receipt No 18 7.12 By Cash Paid Haslett & Alexander per receipt No 19 41.74 By Cash Paid Jas A. Stone per receipt No 20 3.41 By Cash Paid Scranton Stark & Davis per receipt No 21 5.24 By Cash Paid Russell & Whitehead per receipt No 22 26.60 By Cash Paid E. A. Jones per receipt No 23 8.37 By Cash Paid B. R. Taylor per receipt No 24 5.87 By Cash Paid J. H. M. Barrett per receipt No 25 84.00 By Cash Paid Gaines T. Alexander per receipt No 26 10.37 By Cash Paid Francis Gaines per receipt No 27 1.30 104

By Cash Paid for 5 Sacks Salt @ 1.25 per receipt No 28 6.25 By Cash Paid Freight on Salt per receipt No 28 5.50 The Exr Claims Cr for his expenses to Augusta 7.25 The Exr Claims Cr for 221 lbs of [illegible] furnished the estate @ 52 cents 12.23 The Exr Claims Cr for one rifle gun furnished Est 14.00 $507.72 ======Vouchers No 1. Recd A. M. Wansley executor to the estate of Thomas Wansley dec twenty four dollars this the 26th April 1852 Wm Prather

No 2. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley decd Twenty four dollars this the 34th April 1853 Wm Prather

No 3. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley decd twenty four dollars this the 26th April 1853 Wm Prather

No 4. Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley decd twenty four dollars this the 26 April 1853 Wm Prather

No 5. Received of Augustus M. Wansley Ex thirty three dollars and Sixty five cents infull of the above April 27 1853 Willis Craft

No 6. Recd A. M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley late of Elbert County decd thirty five dollars 15/100 cents infull of the above a/c Jany 25, 1853 Willis Craft per H. Sullivan

No 7. Recd May the 4th 1853 of Augustus M. Wanslow Executor on the estate of Thomas Wanslow decd five dollars infull of his proportionable amount of the fi fa [fieri facias] of which the said estate became liable to pay Wm Johnston Late Shiff

No 8. Received of A. M. Wansley Ex of the will of Thomas Wansley dec two dollars 35 cts Jan 26th 1853 George W. Hulme

No 9. Recd of A. M. Wansley as Ex for Thos Wanslow of $17.04½ cts his tax for 1852 J. H. Reynolds T. C.

No 10. Recd of A. M. Wanslow as Ex for Thos Wanslow $18.22 cts his tax for 1853 J. H. Reynolds T. C.

No 11. Received for the above amount infull this 24 of February 1849 Alex Oliver

No 12. Received of Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased $1.15 cts for tuition for Hugh S. Wanslow for 1852 this January 25th 1853 F. M. Taylor

No 13. Received from Augustus M. Wanslow Executor upon the estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased Six dollars infull of the above account this February 14th 1853 William J. Roebuck

No 14. Received of A. M. Wansley Ex of the will of Thomas Wansley decd five dollars and 75 cts infull of all demands - January the 14 1853 D. E. Connill

No 15. Recd of A. M. Wansley Ex of the will of Thomas Wansley decd Six dollars and 92 cts January 4th 1853 J.M. Harman

No 16. Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Ex of the will of Thomas Wanslow Decd five dollars 37/100 dollars for receiving and recording his return and vouchers in the years 1849, 1850, 1851 & 1852 - this 21st of September 1853 Wm B. Nelms Ordinary

No. 17. Thomas Wansley }} Debt in Elbert Inf Court vs }} Recd of Augustus M. Wanslow Exr of the will of Farner Taylor }} Thomas Wanslow decd five 12 42½/100 dollars infull for the Clerks Costs and tax fee on the above Stated case this 21st of September 1853 Wm B. Nelms Former Clerk

No 18. Recd of A. M. Wanslow Ex Seven 12/100 dollars infull of the above a/c Jacob M. Cleveland [p. 190A]


No 19. Received the above account of forty one 74/100 infull of Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of Thomas Wansley deceased January 15th 1853 Haslett & Alexander

No 20. Recd of A. M. Wanslow Executor of the estate of Thos Wanslow deceased Three 40/100 dollar infull for the above a/c January 1st 1853 J. A. Stone

No 21. Recd from A. M. Wansley Executor of the estate of Thos Wansley decd five 24/100 dollars infull the above account Scranton Stark & Davis per W. F. Edwards

No 22. Recd of A. M. Wanslow Executor of Thos Wansley decd Six dollars & 64 in the within - Jan 8th 1853 Russell & Whitehead per H. Taylor

No 23. Recd of Augustus M. Wanslow executor of the estate of Thomas Wanslow this above a/c May 3rd 1853 E. A. Jones

No 24. Recd the within account of Augustus M. Wanslow five dollars & eighty Seven one half cents in full Apr the 23rd B. R. Taylor

No. 25 Recd of A. M. Wanslow Executor of Thomas Wanslow deceased eighty four dollars infull of all demands to the first of March eighteen hundred and fifty three May 21st 1853 J. H. M. Barrett

No. 26. Recd A. M. Wanslow Executor to the estate of Thomas Wansley decd the above amount of ten dollars 37/100 infull of all demands up to the present 2nd day of Feb 1853 Gaines T. Alexander

No. 27. Recd of A. M. Wanslow Ex of the will of Thomas Wansley dec one dollar and 38 cts Feb 5th 1853 Francis Gaines ======

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wansley Executor of Thomas Wanslow dec and being Sworn Saith that the above and foregoing Return is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief as it stands stated A. M. Wansley Sworn to before Me this 29th September 1853 }} Wm B Nelms Ordinary E. C. }}

The within Return Sworn to and filed in office September 29th 1853 Wm B. Nelms Ord Elb The within Return approved and ordered to record October 31st 1853 Wm. B. Nelms Ordinary Recorded November 2nd 1853

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. T, pp. 226A-227A.

Return Est Thomas Wanslow deceased 1854 Augustus M. Wanslow executor of the Will of Thomas Wanslow deceased makes the following Return to the Ordinary of Elbert County the 25th of April 1854 ======1854 The Executor March 9th A[gusta] the nett proceeds of The Sale of 24 Bales Cotton After deducting the 1/7 as his part as ordered Ssold in Augusta $752.78 Jany 1 In cash recd from Thos Steedman for corn & wheat 22.75 $775.53 The Executor Cr By Cash Paid Francis Gaines pr voucher No 1 $58.43½ By Cash Paid Wm Prater pr voucher No 2 27.44½ By Cash Paid John R. Sanders pr voucher No 3 3.18¾ By Cash Paid H. Warnling pr voucher No 4 1.70 By Cash Paid Willis Craft pr voucher No 5 9.80 By Cash Paid Clark & Bailey pr voucher No 6 7.00 By Cash Paid Haslett & Alexander pr voucher No 7 13.16 By Cash Paid S. H. Oglesby for Gin pr voucher No 8 90.00 By Cash Paid Wm M. Gaines pr voucher No 9 5.00 By Cash Paid Jette Forrister [Farrish] pr voucher No 10 4.42½ By Cash Paid E. W. Roebuck pr voucher No 11 1.50 106

By Amt Carrd Forwd $228.85 [p. 226B] Amount Brot Forward $228.85 By Cash Paid Robert Hulme [Hester] pr voucher No 12 4.47 By Cash Paid Thos Turner pr voucher No 13 3.00 By Cash Paid Simpson & Gardner for Groceries pr voucher No 14 45.46 By Cash Paid Robert Hulme [Hester] pr voucher No 15 6.65¾ By Cash Paid John W. Daniel Legacy No 16 107.00 By Cash Paid R. R. Wansley Legacy No 17 889.98 By Expenses to Augusta to Sell Cotton 9.84 $1290.37¾ ======Vouchers No 1 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wansley deceased fifty eight 43/100 dollars this March 30th 1854 Francis Gaines

No 2 Received of A. M. Wansley, Execut or of the Will of Thomas Wansley deceased twenty seven dollars and 44½ cts infull of the above account March 31st 1854 Wm Prater

No 3 Recd of A. M. Wanslow, Executor of the Will of Thomas Wanslow decd, payment infull Three dollars & 18/100 dollars - January 14th 1854 John R. Sanders

No 4 Recd of A. M. Wanslow, Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd payment infull of the above amount - March 18th 1854 H. Warmling

No 5 Recd of A. M. Wansley, Executor of the Estate of Thos Wansley decd, Nine dollars & Eighty cents infull of the above amount April 18, 1854 Willis Craft pr K. Sullivan

No 6 Recd of A. M. Wanslow, Executor of the Estate of Thos Wansley deceased full payment of above account of Seven dolls this March 18th 1854 Clark & Bailey

No 7 Received of A. M. Wansley, Executor of the Estate of Thos Wansley decd, Thirteen 16/100 dollars infull of the above account March 27th 1854 Haslett & Alexander

No 8 Recd of A. M. Wansley $90.00 Ninety dollars infull of the above account March 14th 1854. S. H. Oglesby

No 9 Received of A. M. Wansley, Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley deceased, five dollars this January 19th 1854 Wm M. Gaines

No 10 Recd of A. M. Wansley, Ex of the Estate of Thomas Wansley four 65/100 dollars Jany 14th 1854 Test Wm M. Haslett Jette [X his mark] Farrish

No 11 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley, Exr of Thomas Wanslow decd one dollar fifty cents for crying Sale of property belonging to Said Estate on the 19th of December 1853. This 20th Dec 1853 E. W. Roebuck

No 12 Recd of A. M. Wanslow, Exr of the Will of Thomas Wanslow decd, Six dollars 62½ cents infull of the above account Sept 29th 1853 Robt Hester [p. 227B] No 13 Recd of A. M. Wansley as Executor for the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd, 3.00 his account for 1853 this Decr 26 1853 Thomas Turner

No 14 Augusta March 19th 1854. Rec payment from A. M. Wansley Executor Simpson & Gardiner pr F. Bradford

No 15 Recd of A. M. Wansley, Exr of the Will of Thos Wansley decd, Nine dollars 15¾ cents infull of the above account for leather furnished said estate this 25th April 1854 Robt Hulme [Hester]

No 16 Received of Augustus M. Wanslow, Executor of Thomas Wansley decd, one hundred and seven dollars in part of legacy of said estate this 1st day of January 1854 John W. Daniel

No 17 Received of A. M. Wanslow, Executor of the estate of Thomas Wansley deceased, eight hundred and Eighty nine dollars ninety eight cents in part of legacy of said estate this 19th day of December 1853 R. R. Wansley ======


Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wanslow, Executor of the Will of Thomas Wanslow decd and being sworn saith the above Return as it Stands Stated is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief Sworn to before me }} this 25th of April 1854 }} A. M. Wansley Wm B. Nelms Ordinary }} The above Return Sworn to and filed in the Ordinarys Office this 25th of April, 1854. Wm B. Nelms Ordinary The within and foregoing Return approved and allowed the 1st of June 1854. Wm. B. Nelms Ordinary Recorded June 4th 1854

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. U, pp. 1A-1B

Sale List est Thomas Wanslow decd 1853 December 19th Sale of property of Thomas Wanslow due 12 monhts after date J. H. M. Barnett 1 yellow cow & calf $10.50 Wm J. Roebuck 1 Dun Cow & calf 7.12½ Wm J. Roebuck 1 yellow Cow & calf 6.37½ Wm J. Roebuck 1 yellow Cow & calf 7.25 A. M. Wansley 1 mewley Heifer 5.50 Wm J. Roebuck 1 White Heifer 4.00 A. M. Wansley 1 Black Heifer 3.25 Wm J Roebuck 1 mewley Heifer 1.80 J. H. M. Barnett 1 Dun Heifer 1.80 Wm J. Roebuck 1 White Back Heifer 2.00 George M. Ward 1 Bull 11.25 A. M. Wansley 5 Hoggs per H wt 48.52 A. M. Wansley 6 Hoggs 1st choice 14.00 A. M. Wansley 6 Hoggs 2nd choice 8.00 A. W. B. Porter 2 Sows & 6 shoats 11.00 A. M. Wansley 1 Lot of plowstocks Irons &c 2.75 A. M. Wansley 1 Lot of plowstocks Irons &c 2.50 John W. Daniel 1 Waggon 56.00 A. W. B. Porter 1 Horse Mule 100.00 Gemima Wansley 1 Black Mule 80.00 R. R. Wansley 1 Black Mule 26.00 A. M. Wansley 21 Bushels of corns 56 cts per bushel 11.76 Martha Taylor 5 Barrels of corn per Bushel 53 cts 13.25 Wm J. Roebuck 5 Barrels of corn per Bushel 53 cts 13.25 J. W. Terrell 5 Barrels of corn per Bushell 56 cts 14.00 J. W. Terrell 5 Barrels of corn per Bushell 59 cts 14.75 J. J. Daniel 5 Barrels of corn per Bushell 66 cts 16.50 Wm J. Roebuck 5 Barrels of corn per Bushel 60 cts 15.00 Wm J. Roebuck 12 Barrels of corn per Bushel 40 cts 7.20 H. H. Mann 5 Barrels of corn per Bushel 59 cts 14.75 Wm Prater 1 Stack fodder per cwt 50 cts 2.94 Thomas Steadman 1 Stack fodder per cwt 45 cts 2.00 Thomas Steadman 1 Stack fodder per cwt 45 cts 2.00 A. M. Wansley 1 Stack fodder per cwt 49 cts 2.55 ?/? Jas J. Daniel 1 Stack fodder per cwt 50 cts 3.17 Jas J. Daniel 1 Stack fodder per cwt 44 cts 2.78 Thos. Steadman 1 Stack fodder per cwt 45 cts 2.00 Thos .Steadman 1 Stack fodder per cwt 35 cts 2.00 A. M. Wansley 1 Pese [?] of shucks 4.95 Wm H. Alexander 5 Bushels of wheat per Bushel $100 5.00 S. Cunningham 5 Bushels wheat per Bushel $1.00 5.00 Wm Warren 5 Bushels wheat per Bushel $1.00 5.00 H. Thomason 5 Bushels wheat per Bushel 41.00 5.00 Wm Warren 5 Bushels wheat per Bushel $1.00 5.00 Thos Stedman 5 Bushels wheat per Bushel $1.00 5.00 $589.37


[p. 1B] Amount Brought up $589.37 Wm Thomason 5 Bushel wheat per Bushel $1.00 5.00 Wm Daniel 5 Bushels wheat per Bushel $1.00 5.00 H. Thomason 5 Bushels wheat per Bushel $1.00 5.00 A. M. Wansley 1 Bushel the remainder $0.90 .90 Wm J. Roebuck 5 Bushels Rye per Bushel 40 cts 1.20 Jas Carpenter 5 Sheep pr Head 75 cts 3.75 Jas Carpenter 5 Sheep pr Head 60 cts 3.00 A. W. B. Prater the remainder 4 Sheep pr Head 55 cts 2.20 Thos Stedman 1 Set plow gear .80 W. H. Alexander 1 Set plow gear 1.00 A. M. Wansley 1 Set plow gear 1.25 A. W. B. Porter 1 pair Harnes .40 A. W. B. Prater 1 set of wagon Britches 3.00 J. Cunningham 6 Chairs pr chair 40 cts 2.40 Eliz. Patterson 1 side [or side] Board 5.37½ Jos or Jas J. Daniel 1 Book Case 3.00 J. Wansley 1 Shot Gunn 3.00 H. Thomason 1 Rifle Gunn 14.00 Gemima Wansley Ann a woman 50.00 A. M. Wansley Simm a man 1400.00 A. M. Wansley Willis a man 1400.00 A. M. Wansley Lewis a man 1030.00 T. M. Wansley Melinda a woman 800.00 H. S. Wansley Dave a Boy 1005.00 Sanford Gaines Judy a girl 830.00 Elizabeth Patterson Jinna a girl 570.00 T. M. Wansley Henry [or Harry] a Boy 392.00 R. R. Wansley Ned a Boy 495.00 A. M. Wansley Lem a Boy 420.00 $9039.79 ======Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wanslow Executor of the will of Thomas Wanslow decd and being sworn Saith that the within and foregoing sale list as it Stands states is Just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief Sworn to before me the 2 of November 1854 }} Wm B. Nelms ordinary }} A. M. Wansley

The within Sale list sworn to and filed in the ordinarys office the 2nd of November 1854 Wm B. Nelms ordinary The with Sale list approved and allowed by the ordinary the 5th of December 1854 Wm B. Nelms ordinary Recorded the 12th of December 1854

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. V, pp. 50-53.

Return Est of Thomas Wansley decd 1857 Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Decd makes the following return to the ordinary of Elbert County the 22nd of July 1857 The Executor Cr By Cash Paid H. S. Gaines per voucher No 1 $869.00 By Cash Paid H. S. Gaines per voucher No 2 120.00 By Cash Paid Hugh S. Wansley per voucher No 3 1059.30 By Cash Paid John W. Daniel per voucher No 4 200.00 By Cash Paid John W. Daniel per voucher No 5 550.00 By Cash Paid John W. Daniel per voucher No 6 150.00 By Cash Paid Elizabeth Patterson per voucher No 7 570.00 By Cash Paid Elizabeth Patterson per voucher No 8 388.15 By Cash Paid R. R. Wansley per voucher No 9 123.34 By Cash Paid T. M. Wansley per voucher No 10 1012.24 By Cash Paid T. J. Wansley per voucher No 11 1012.24 By Cash paid T. M. Wansley per voucher No 12 1068.42 Atty in fact $7193.59


Copy of Vouchers No 1 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased Eight Hundred Dollars and sixty nine Dollars December the 19th 1853 H. S. Gaines

No 2 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased one hundred and ninety dollars December the 18th 1854 H. S. Gaines

No 3 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased one Thousand and fifty nine dollars and thirty cents December 19th 1853 Hugh S. Wansley

No 4 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased Two hundred Dollars February 15th 1856 John W. Daniel

No 5 Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased Five Hundred and fifty Dollars January 7th 1856 John W. Daniel

No 6 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased one hundred and fifty dollars December 17th 1853 John W. Daniel [p. 51] No 7 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased Five Hundred and Seventy Dollars this December the 19th 1853 Elizabeth Patterson

No 8 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased three hundred and Eighty Eight Dollars this December the 19th 1853 Elizabeth Patterson

No 9 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Decd one hundred and Twenty Three Dollars and Thirty four cents December the 19th 1853 R. R. Wansley

No 10 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased one Thousand and Twelve Dollars and Twenty four cents this 19th December 1853 T. M. Wansley

No 11 Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased one Thousand and Twelve dollars and Twenty four cents this 19th day of December 1853 T. J. Wansley By T. M. Wansley

The State of Louisiana }} Parrish [sic] of Franklin }} Know all men by these presents that I John W. Wansley of the Parrish [sic] of Franklin in the State of Louisiana here on this 2nd day of February A D one Thousand Eight hundred and fifty six Nominated Constituted and appointed and by these presents do nominate Constitute and appoint Tandy M. Wansley a resident of Franklin County in the State of Rankin County in the State of Mississippi my True and lawful agent and attorney in fact for me and in my name and for my use and Benefit to ask and demand Sue for Receive and take unto his possession from all persons whomsoever any property now belonging to me or that may here after belong to me or any monies or Rights of any Kind that belong to me or that are due me or may hereafter be due to me by any and all persons whomsoever and to Take all Lawful Ways and Means in My name or otherwise for the recovery of said Money rights or property and to Compromise arbitrate and agree for the same and upon the receipts of any such monies Rights or property for me and in my name to receipt and full discharge and acquittance [sic] make for the same and for me and in my name to appear in any competent Courts thereto Sue and be Tried as the case may require and generally to do in the premises anything or things act or acts as the case may require and act for me as fully and amplify as I might or could do if I personally present with full power of Substitution I hereby promising to ratify all that my Said attorney may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents in testimony whereof I hereunto Set my hand and seal this 2nd day of February A D 1856 the date first above written John W. Wansley {{seal}}

State of Louisiana }} Parrish [sic] of Franklin }} To wit: Personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for the Parrish of Franklin [p. 52] State of Louisiana John W. Wansley whom acknowledged that he Signed the foregoing power of attorney and affix his Seal thereto on the day and date therein written and for the purposes therein Specified in witness whereof I have hereto Set my hand and affixed my seal on the 2nd of February A D 1856 Milton A. Jones {{seal}} Justice of the Peace


The State of Louisiana }} Parris [sic] of Franklin }} I Henry Tarlton Earle Clerk of the Eleventh District Court of the State of Louisiana in and for the Parrish of Franklin being a court of Record do hereby certify that Milton A. Jones before whom the foregoing power of attorney was acknowledged and who has thereto Subscribed his name was at the time of doing the Same and is now an acting Justice of the Peace in and for Said parrish [sic] dully Commissioned and Sworn and that all his official acts as such are entitled to full faith and Credit In testimony where of I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed the Seal of my office this 2nd day of February A D 1856 Henry T. Earle Clerk

The State of Louisiana }} Parrish of Franklin }} I Edward Barry Sole Judge of the Eleventh District Court of the State of Louisiana in and for the Parrish of Franklin do hereby Certify that Henry Tarlton Earle is Clerk of the Eleventh District Court of the State of Louisiana in and for said parrish [sic] duly Commissioned and qualified and that all his official acts as Such are entitled to full faith and Credit and that his Signature to the foregoing Certificate is genuine and this Certificate in due form in Testimony whereof I have here unto Set my hand and Seal this 6th day of February 1856 Ed. Barry Judge of 11th District

Office of the Secretary of the State }} I hereby Certify that Ed. Barry whose Name is Subscribed to the instrument of writing herein annexed is and was at the time of Subscribing his name to said instrument Sole Judge of the Eleventh District Court of the State of Louisiana in and for the parrish of Franklin & that his attestation to the Same is made in due form of law and by the proper officer Given at Baton Rouge under my hand and the Seal of the State this Seventeenth day of February one thousand Eight hundred and fifty Six and of the Independence of the United States the Eightieth Andrew S. Carran

No 12 Received of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of Will of Thomas Wansley deceased one thousand and Sixty Eight 42/100 Dollars in part of my distributive Share of my Fathers Estate July 1st 1856 T. M. Wansley [p. 53] Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the will of Thomas Wansley Deceased and being Sworn Saith that the within return as it Stand Stated is Just and true to the best of his Knowledge and belief A. M. Wansley Sworn to before me the 7th of August 1857 }} W. H. Edwards ordinary

The above return Sworn to and filed in the ordinarys office of Elbert County the 7th of August 1857 W. H. Edwards ordinary Recorded the 15th day of October 1857 W. H. Edwards ordinary

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. V, p. 96.

Return Est of Thomas Wansley Deceased 1857 ======Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased makes the following as his last and final return to the ordinary of Elbert County the 6th of November 1857 The Executor Cr By Cash Paid John W. Daniel per Voucher No 1 $126.60 By Cash Paid W. H. Edwards per Voucher No 2 14.43 By Cash Paid W. H. Teasley per Voucher No 3 7.77 $148.80 Copy of Vouchers No 1 Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased one hundred and Twenty Six dollars and Sixty cents this October 17th 1857 John W. Daniel

No 2 Recd of A. M. Wansley Exr of the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased fourteen 43/100 dollars in full for his return made in 1857 also his final return in 1857 also for all the Expenses to obtain Letters Dismission from Said executorship this 6th day of November 1857 W. H. Edwards ordinary

No 3 Recd of Augustus M. Wansley Executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley Decd Seven 77/100 Dollars in full of a Legacy coming to my wife Jane Ann Teasley formerly Jane Ann Wansley principal & Interest under the will of Thomas Wansley Deceased this 30th Decr 1857 Wm H. Teasley


Georgia }} Elbert County }} Personally came Augustus M. Wansley executor of the Will of Thomas Wansley deceased and being Sworn Saith that the above and foregoing return as it Stands Stated is Just and True to the best of his Knowledge and belief Sworn to before me this 6th day of November 1857 }} A. M. Wansley

The above and foregoing return Sworn to and filed in the ordinarys office of Elbert County the 6th day of November 1857 W. H. Edwards ordinary The above return approved and allowed by the ordinary of Elbert County the 6th day of December 1857 W. H. Edwards ordinary Recorded the 25th day of January 1858 W. H. Edwards ordinary

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. V, pp. 421-7.

Sale List Est Thomas Wanslow decd 1859 A Sale List of the perishable property belonging to the estate of Thomas Wanslow decd on Wednesday the 19th of January 1859 on a credit until the 25th day of December There after

H. S. Wanslow Rent of Plantation $40.00 Elizabeth Patterson Side Saddle & Blanket 6.50 H. S. Gaines 1 Grind Stone 1.10 J. B. Abney Haws ax Shoe Hammer 30 Christopher Neal 1 Saddle .50 Thomas Steadman 1 Ax & Standard .55 G. M. Ward 1 Crow bear .50 J. B. Abney 1 Plow Stock &c .50 E. Chapman plow hoes &c .80 Hugh Wanslow plow hoes &c .90 Hugh Wanslow plow hoes &c .95 Hugh Wanslow plow hoes &c .25 F. K. Bond plow hoes &c .90 H. S. Wansley plow hoes &c 1.50 W. Abney Chairs &c .60 J. B. Abney 1 Wedge .35 T. N. Wanslow 1 Wedge .40 E. Chapman 1 plow Stock &c .60 A. S. Bone 1 lot hoes .25 H. S. Wanslow 1 lot hoes 1.05 H. S. Wanslow 1 plow Stock &c 1.55 J. B. Abney 1 Gin 2.00 J. B. Abney Thresher & fan .40 Sarah Terrell 1 Lot Cealing plank by the hundred 465 ft $105 4.88 H. S. Wanslow 1 Yoke of Oxen 20.00 Wm Cleveland 1 no horned Cow 10.00 E. E. Prater 1 Red Cow 6.75 Wm Cleveland 1 White back Cow & Calf 13.12½ Sarah D. Conwell 1 Bell Cow 4.75 G. M. Ward 1 Dun bull 5.00 Sarah Terrell 1 Yoke Young Oxen 26.40 J. H. Alexander 2 first choice Hogs 7.50 J. H. Alexander 2 2nd choice Hogs 7.50 J. H. Alexander 2 3rd choice Hogs 7.25 J. H. Alexander 2 4th choice Hogs 7.25 Amount brought forward $182.26 ½ Amount brought forward $182.26 ½ H. S. Wansley 4 hogs second size 10.80 J. S. Hammond 4 of the next choice 9.65 R. P. Dickinson 5 of the next choice 11.05 J. H. Alexander 2 Sows Black & yellow 5.50 H. S. Gaines 2 Sows Black & white 5.00 J. H. Hammond 1 [illegible] hog 2.25


R. C. Adams 4 pigs 1st choice 4.00 R. C. Adams 4 pigs 2nd choice 3.50 R. C. C. Roebuck 4 pigs 3rd choice 3.75 R. C. C. Roebuck 4 pigs 4th choice 3.50 R. C. C. Roebuck 5 pigs 5th choice 3.30 Elizabeth Patterson 1st choice Fodder by the hundred weigh 60 cts 2.40 J. S. Hammond 2nd choice Fodder 51 cts 2.62½ J. S. Hammond 3rd choice Fodder 51 cts 2.50 C. H. Gordon 4th choice Fodder 51 cts 2.03 C. H. Gordon 5th choice Fodder 51 cts 2.00 B. R. Taylor 6th choice Fodder 51 cts 2.09 H. S. Wansley 1 ox cart 9.25 Joseph Jinkins 4 Sheep by the head $1 4.00 Joseph Jinkins 4 Sheep by the head $1 4.00 Joseph Jinkins 5 Sheep at 85 per head 4.25 G. M. Ward 1 Black Yearling 3.00 G. M. Ward 1 dun Bull 2.00 G. M. Ward 1 White heifer 2.00 H. S. Gaines 1 Cotton Seed 10 Bar at 25cts per Bar 2.00 Johnson Wansley 10 Bar 20 cts per Bar 2.00 G. M. Ward 10 Bar 20 cts per Bar 2.00 Johnson Wansley 10 Bar 20 cts per Bar 2.00 G. M. Ward 10 Bar 20 cts per Bar 2.00 G. M. Ward 10 Bar 20 cts per Bar 2.00 G. M. Ward 10 Bar 20 cts per Bar 2.00 G. M. Ward 10 Bar 15 cts per Bar 1.50 Johnson Wansley 10 Bar 15 cts per Bar 1.50 Amt Carried forward $302.12 [p. 422] Amt Brot forward $302.12 G. M. Ward 8 Bar Cotton Seed 15 Per Bar 1.20 H. S. Gaines 10 Bar Cotton Seed 15 cts be Ber 1.50 G. M. Ward 2 Bar Cotton Seed 15 per Bar .30 G. M. Ward 10 Bar 15 cts per Bar 1.50 G. M. Ward 10 Bar Cotton Seed 15 Per Bar 1.50 H. S. Wansley 1 Reddle .10 H. S. Wansley 5 Bar Oats at 65 C per Bar 3.25 H. S. Wansley 5 Bar Oats at 63½ C per Bar 3.12 H. S. Wansley 5 Bar Oats at 65 C per Bar 3.25 G. M. Ward 1 Wheat Fan 6.50 H. S. Wansley 1 Sythe & Cradle 2.80 A. J. Teasley 1 Sythe & Cradle 2.15 G. Alexander 1 Thresher 10.60 H. J. Goss 2 Bar of peas 65 C per Bar 1.30 E. Chapman 2 Bar of peas 70 C per Bar 1.40 Wm J. Harken 2 Bar of peas 65 C per Bar 1.30 J. S. Hammond 2 Bar of peas 65 C per Bar 1.30 B. R. Taylor Box & remainder 61 C Bar 2.44 R. E. Adams 1 gin band 8.74 G. W. Hulme Sr 84 lb of lint cotton 8¾ 7.35 J. B. Abney Seed cotton 608 lb 2 ½ cts 15.30 H. S. Wansley 1 Cotton Gin 46.00 G. M. Ward Box & Barrel .50 Wm H. Alexander 1 lot Sundries .76 H. S. Wansley Gin Gear 9.55 Thomas Steadman auger & chisel .30 H. J. Goss 1 lot Sundries .60 G. Alexander 1 Chop Ax .60 J. H. Brower [Brewer] 1 Chop Ax 1.00 G. M. Ward Squar & Compass .45 H. S. Wansley augar & Drawing Knife .80


J. H. Alexander Rasp & chisel .55 E. Chapman 1 Hand Saw .35 Joseph Strickland 1 Cross Cut Saw 4.20 J. H. Alexander 5 Bar wheat 1.12½ per bus 5.62½ J. H. Alexander 5 Bar wheat 1.12½ per bus 5.62½ J. H. Alexander 5 Bar wheat 1.12½ per bus 5.62½ J. H. Alexander 5 Bar wheat 1.12½ per bus 5.62½ H. S. Gaines 5 Bar Wheat 1.00 per Bus 5.00 H. J. Goss 5 Bar wheat 1.07 per Bus 5.35 R. P. Dickison 5 Bar wheat 107 per Bus 5.35 R. P. Dickison 5 Bar wheat 108 per Bus 5.40 H. J. Goss 5 bar wheat 107 per Bus 5.40 H. J. Goss 5 bar wheat 106 per Bus 5.30 [illegible] Wansley 5 bar wheat 40 per Bus [illegible] [illegible] 5 bar wheat ?? c per bus [illegible] Amt Carrd forward $509.81½ Amt brot forward $509.81½ H. J. Goss 2 Bar Wheat 1.08 bus 5.40 Elizabeth Patterson the remainder 108 more [blank] H. S. Wansley 1 Box .30 H. S. Wansley 1 Box .55 A. C. Teasley baggin by the yd $12½ cts 1.00 John B. Abney Rope by the 05 cts pr [illegible] .25 Elizabeth Patterson 5 Bar corn at 64 cts pr Bus 16.00 Elizabeth Patterson 15 Bar corn at 65 cts pr Bus 48.75 H. J. Goss 5 Bar corn at 70 cts pr Bus 17.50 H. S. Wansley 5 Bar corn at 72 cts pr Bus 18.00 J. B. Turner 18 Bar corn at 71 cts pr Bus 12,78 Jesse Forester 18 Bar corn at 71 cts pr Bus 12.78 J. S. Hammond Shattered & refused at 33 cts 3.22 J. S. Hammond 2/3 [illegible] on the house 6.25 Alexander Oliver 1 Horse Henry 145.0 A. C. Stovall 1 Horse John 99.25 Elizabeth Patterson 2 hogs 1st choice 08½ cts pr lbs 50.65½ H. S. Wansley 2 hogs 2nd choice 7½ cts pr lbs 42.00 H. S. Wansley 2 hogs 2nd choice 7.55 cwt 43.63 J. M. Broadwell 2 hogs $7.75 cwt 39.38½ Elizabeth Patterson 2 hogs $8.00 cwt weight 39.68 John James 2 hogs $7.85 cwt weight 35.22 John James 2 hogs $8.00 cwt weight 38.88 C. H. Gordon 2 hogs $8.00 cwt weight 34.08 M. F. Arnold 2 hogs $8.00 cwt weight 29.94 R. L. Adams 1 hog $8.26 12.14 Thos Steadman Pr carder & Fro [or pro] .40 Lucy Cleveland wash tub &c .61 H. S. Gaines lot Barrels .12½ J. P Abney 2 large dishes .55 J. J. Taylor 1 pine table .40 J. J. Taylor 1 lot Barrels .60 J. M. Broadwell Barrel [illegible] .56¼ Elizabeth Patterson 1 Barrel .15 J. S. Hammond ½ Bushel damsons .55 J. R. Terrell ½ Bushel damsons .55 Amt carrd forward $1267.39 [p. 423] Amt brot forward $1267.39 W. J. Goss ½ Bushel damsons .55 W.J. Goss ½ Bushel apples .35 H. S. Gaines ½ Bushel apples . 25 G. M. Ward ½ Bushel apples .45 B. R. Taylor ½ Bushel apples .21 G. M. Ward 1 lot quinces .25 B. R. Taylor 1 lot apples .31


H. J. Goss 1 lot apples .05 J. H. M. Barnett 1 lot peaches .35 Elizabeth Patterson pullings .05 J. J. Taylor Harness &c .50 W. C. Smith 1 Spinning wheel .50 J. H. Brewer [Brower] 1 Spinning wheel 2.05 J. H. Brewer [Brower] 1 Spinning wheel 2.50 J. H. Brewer [Brower] 1 Spinning wheel 1.05 J. H. Brewer [Brower] 1 Spinning wheel .20 J. H. Greenway 1 Spinning wheel .40 J. J. Taylor 1 large pot 2.30 Elizabeth Patterson 1 large pot 2.30 H. P. Rough 1 large pot 1.05 H. J. Potts 1 large pot 3.05 H. S. Wansley 1 large Pot & Hooks .85 J. H. Broadwell 1 oven .56¼ R. M. Smith 1 Waffel Irons .85 James A. Gaines 1 oven head &c 1.00 J. H. Broadwell 1 oven head &c .15 J. H. Broadwell 1 Pot .70 Elizabeth Patterson 1 Spider .10 H. S. Wanslow 1 large Spider .75 J. W. Taylor 1 Kittle .25 H. S. Wansley 1 small Spider .35 J. J. Taylor 1 small Spider .15 H. S. Wansley 1 Shovel .70 H. S. Gaines 1 Grid Iron .10 H. H. Taylor 1 Tub .20 H. S. Hammond 1 bee G[illegible] 1.20 [illegible] Terrell 1 bee [illegible] 1.25 Elizabeth Patterson 1 bed &c 29.00 H. S. Wansley 1 wash stand .50 Thomas Steadman 1 Table .40 H. S. Gaines lot Books .25 [illegible] Edwards lot Books .25 [illegible] 1 Book & nippers .30 [illegible] Gaines 1 picture .30 Amt carrd forward $1315.22¼ Amt brot forward $1315.22¼ H. S. Wansley 1 hat Brush .13 H. S. Gaines 1 folding Table 5.10 J. M. Daniel 1 looking Glass .70 E. Chapman 1 Beauro 22.00 R. P. Parten 1 Clock 3.05 H. S. Gaines 1 lot Slop ware .80 J. A. Gaines 1 picture .25 H. S. Gaines 1 picture .35 T. M. Turner 7 Wine Glasses .30 H. S. Gaines 1 Tea pot & Decanter .25 H. S. Wansley 1 looking Glass .30 H. S. Gaines 2 Waiters [?] .15 H. S. Wansley 1 Bed &c 26.50 J. W. Taylor 1 Mattress 5.15 H. S. Gaines 1 Bed &c 3.00 Elizabeth Patterson lot Bed Clothing 10.00 H. S. Gaines lot Bed Clothing 15.00 H. S. Wansley lot Bed Clothing 11.25 J. M. Daniel 1 Small Table .50 G. Alexander 1 Chest 1.35 John Daniel 1 Dish or Disk .50 Elizabeth Patterson 1 lot Keys .45 J. P. Abney 1 lot Keys .60


H. S. Gaines 1 Key & Harness .25 Elizabeth Patterson 1 Key .45 J. W. Reynolds 1 Bed Stead &c 12.00 Thomas Steadman 1 Bed Stead &c 12.73 R. P. Parten 1 Rifle Gun 8.95 Thomas Steadman 1 Chest 1.35 H. S. Wansley 1 Chest 2.50 J. W. Reynolds 1 Chest 1.45 J. W. Taylor 1 Slate .20 H. S. Wansley 1 Table 1.45 Elizabeth Patterson 10 Cotton hanks .25 H. S. Gaines 10 Cotton hanks .35 H. S. Gaines 10 Wool hanks .35 E. Chapman 10 Wool hanks .30 Elizabeth Patterson 10 Wool hanks [illegible] H. S. Gaines 10 Wool hanks .55 Elizabeth Patterson 10 Wool hanks .35 H. S. Gaines 10 Wool hanks .40 Elizabeth Patterson lot Bottles .35 H. S. Wansley 1 Picture .45 H. S. Wansley 1 Dish 1.00 Elizabeth Patterson Glass ware [illegible] Amt Brot forward $1468.45 Amt Brot forward $1468.45 E. Chapman 1 Crewet Stand .30 H. S. Wansley 1 Salt Seller .10 Elizabeth Patterson 1 Salt Seller .10 E. W. Hulme 1 bottle Salts .10 Thos Steadman 1 pr Sheep Shears .70 Thos Steadman 1 pr Sheep Shears .31¼ Elizabeth Patterson 1 Glass Dish .20 H. S. Gaines Cup & plate .20 Elizabeth Patterson Cup & plate .20 H. S. Wansley 1 Sugar Dish .30 H. S. Wansley 1 Sugar Dish .30 J. J. Taylor 1 Cream pot .15 J. S. Hammond 1 Bottle of Honey .40 J. J. Taylor 1 lot of Honey .20 H. S. Wansley 1 Cupboard 4.25 J. J. Taylor 1 lot Glasses .50 Elizabeth Patterson 1 waiter .25 Elizabeth Patterson fly Brush .10 H. S. Wansley 1 Buggy & Harness 105.0 H. S. Wansley 1 Sack Salt 2.00 Thomas Steadman 1 Sack Salt 2.15 R. P. Parten 1 Keg .25 E. Chapman wool roles by the 42 cts 5.88 Francis Straup 1 Sack wool at 25 cts pr lb .25 Wm Cleveland white wool at 40 cts pr lb 3.36 H. S. Gaines white wool at 35 cts pr lb .52½ Elizabeth Patterson white wool by the lump .40 H. S. Gaines 1 jug of vinegar .65 Elizabeth Patterson 1 Keg Molasses 2.10 H. G. Smith 1 loom 4.05 H. S. Wansley 1 large Jar .55 J. J. Taylor 2 large jars .40 H. S. Wansley 3 large Jars .25 H. S. Wansley 4 large Jars .40 H. S. Wansley 5 large Jars .40 H. S. Wansley 6 large Jars .30 H. S. Wansley 7 large Jars .30 Elizabeth Patterson 8 large Jars .25


H. S. Gaines 10 large Jars .10 J. J. Taylor 1 Pitcher .15 H. S. Gaines 1 Pitcher .40 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Jug .60 J. J. Taylor 2 [illegible] .20 John Daniel 2 [illegible] .45 Amt Carrd forward $1607.87¾ Amt brot forward $1607.87¾ H. S. Wansley 1 little Jug .35 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Jar 12½ G. W. Hulme, Jr. 1 Jar .15 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Jar .05 G. W. Hulme, Jr. 1 Jar .30 Wm Cleveland 1 Jar .80 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Jar .60 H. S. Gaines 1 Jug & Honey .25 H. S. Gaines 1 Jar .05 G. W. Hulme, Jr. lot of sundries .35 H. S. Gaines 1 Table .60 H. S. Gaines pin [or fin] Dogs .50 F. S. Robberds pin [or fin] Dogs 62½ Mrs. E. Patterson Side Table .25 Mrs. E. Patterson Water Stand & Bucket .95 Thos Steadman Six Chairs 1.65 H. S. Wansley 4 Chairs 2.00 Mrs. E. Patterson 4 Chairs .25 Mrs. E. Patterson 4 Chairs .30 Thos Steadman 2 Chairs .70 J. J. Taylor Two Smoothing Irons .70 H. S. Gaines 1 gratter &c .10 G. M. Ward Sheep Shears &c .25 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 pair candle moles .15 J. J. Taylor 1 pair candle moles .20 J. J. Taylor 1 [illegible] & Tallow .40 H. S. Gaines 1 pair of cands .30 J. J. Taylor Box Knives & Forks &c 1.00 H. S. Wansley 1 Bell .50 H. S. Gaines 1 Bell .40 H. S. Wansley 2 Tin pans .15 H. S. Gaines 1 little Bell .50 J. J. Taylor 1 lot of Sundries .10 F. S. Roberts 1 Bowl & Sundries .05 H. S. Gaines 1 candle Stick .30 J. A. Gaines 1 candle Stick .65 H. S. Wansley 1 Tray & Sifter .10 Sarah P. Conwell 17 lbs lard at ?? cts 1.87½ H. S. Gaines 1 pr Harness .15 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 pr Harness .10 H. S. Wansley 1 Pot rack .43 H. J. Goss 1 Tray .25 Sarah P. Conwell 1 Jar .45 H. S. Wansley 1 Jar .05 Amt Carrd forward $1628.10¼ [p. 425] Amt Brot forward $1628.10¼ J. B. Abney 1 Jar .15 Mrs. E. Patterson Working Shears [?] .10 H. S. Gaines 1 Card machine 1.25 H. S. Wansley 1 Table .15 H. S. Wansley water pail .05 H. S. Wansley Blue Pitcher .20 H. S. Wansley Set Plates .25 H. S. Wansley 1 Plate .20


H. S. Wansley 3 Cups &c .25 H. S. Wansley 1 Coffee Pot .10 J. S. Hammond 1 large Coffee Pot .15 J. J. Taylor 1 Tea Pot .05 H. S. Gaines 7 Plates .05 John B. Abney 6 Plates .15 Thos Steadman 1 Tin Bucket .15 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Sugar Dish .15 S. A. Gaines 1 Tin Bucket .05 Sarah D. Conwell 2 little Dishes .20 J. J. Taylor 1 boll [?bowl] .15 J. J. Taylor 4 bolls [?bowl] .15 J. B. Abney 5 Causons [?] .06½ H. S. Wansley 1 Spoon .20 H. S. Wansley 1 Bottle Soda .10 J. J. Taylor Tumbler &c .05 J. J. Taylor 2 Tin pans .05 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Bason .80 H. S. Gaines 1 Bason .45 Wm Cleveland 1 Tin Canister .18 H. S. Gaines 1 Boll .15 Thos Steadman 1 Pitcher .05 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Dish & 2 plates .25 G. W. Hulme 3 Dishes & 2 plates .10 G. W. Hulme 1 large Dish .15 Amot carrd forward $1634.55¾ Amot brot forward $1634.55¾ G. W. Hulme, Jr. 3 Bolls .12½ G. W. Hulme, Jr. Cups & saucers .12½ H. S. Wansley Tea Spoons .13 [?] H. S. Gaines bees wax &c .23 Wm Cleveland pr cloth Shears .30 Mrs. E. Patterson 1 Box .05 H. J. Goss 1 lot Peaches 1.20 H. S. Wansley 1 Tub .15 J. S. Hammond 1 Bus potatoes .25 J. S. Hammond 1 Bus potatoes .30 Josiah White 1 Bus potatoes .25 Josiah White the remainder at 25 cts .75 H. S. Wansley 1 water pail .30 Thos Steadman 9 Gourds Soap .15 H. S. Gaines 9 Gourds Soap 1.55 H. J. Goss 2 Bbs .05 Mrs. E. Patterson 2 Bbs & Salt .10 H. J. Goss 1 F[illegible] Soap 2.30 H. S. Wansley 1 hogs head .20 J. B. Abney 7 geese by the head 21 cts 1.47 H. S. Wansley 1 Ax .70 H. S. Wansley Chickens by the head 11 cts 2.75 H. S. Wansley 1 pr plow Gears .50 H. S. Gaines 1 pr plow Gears 1.50 H. J. Goss Harness Collar &c .05 J. J. Taylor pr Stillard .75 W. Abney 1 large Trunk .50 W. Abney 1 large Trunk .20 W. Abney 1 small Trunk .05 J. J. Taylor 2 Small Tubs .15 Thomas Steadman 1 large Box .12½ Thomas Steadman Bread waiter . 06¼ Thomas Steadman 1 Slate .12½ $1652.24


Georgia }} Elbert County }} In person appeared before me Hugh S. Wanslow and Temporary Administrator on the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased and being duly Sworn Saith that the within and foregoing Sale list as it Stands Stated is Just and True to the best of his Knowledge & belief Sworn before me the 15th day of February 1859 }} W. H. Edwards Ordinary }} Hugh S. Wansley

The within Sale list Sworn to and Filed in office the 15th day of Feb 1859 W. H. Edwards Ordinary

The within Sale list approved and allowed by the ordinary of Elbert County the 15th of March 1859 W. H. Edwards ordinary

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. V, pp. 426-7.

Inventory & Appraisement Est Thomas Wanslow decd 1859 Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd Cash Found in hands of Decd $12.05 One note on Thomas Steadman December 25th 1858 }} 17.00 one note on J. H. M. Barnett & }} J. H. Hulme due Octo 30th 1858 }} 13.70 one note on Elizabeth Patterson }} due Decr 24th 1855 }} 10.00 One note on [blank] Wansley }} due 27th January 1857 }} 80.00 One acct on Elizabeth Patterson }} 2.00 One Order on J. Holt Barnett 10 bus Wheat 10.00 One Open acct on Thomas Steadman 7.75 One Yoke of Oxens 35.00 11 Head of Cattle 80.00 46 Head Stock Hogs 121.00 One Ox Cart 20.00 One Wheat Fan 11.00 1 Old gin Thresher & Fan 5.00 1 Lot Timber 8.00 1 Lot plantation Tools 10.00 Hand Ax & Broad Ax 2.50 augars Chisels & Sundries 3.50 1 X Cut Saw 3.00 1 lot Wheat Supposed to be 70 Bushels 70.00 2 Slates .25 3 Bales Cotton 120.00 12 Sheep 12.00 16 Bushels 8.00 Remnants of Cotton 10.00 1 Cotton Gin 85.00 1 lot Cotton Seed 120 bushels 15.00 1 lot Peas 7.00 1 Thresher 22.50 2 Sythes & Cradles 6.00 1 Gin B[illegible] 4.00 1 Lot Boxes and Barrels 3.00 1 Set Gin Gear 22.50 1 lot Fodder 25.00 1 lot Shucks 15.00 65 Bbls of corn 195.00 1 Sorrel Horse 100.00 1 Chestnut sorrel horse 150.00 1 Side Saddle and one Blanket 7.50 Amt Card forward $ [blank] Amt Brot forward $ [blank] 2 Mud Stones 1.50


1 Buggy & Harness 125.00 3 Sacks Salt 6.00 1 lot axes & wedges 3.00 1 lot Fat Hogs 275.00 4 Chests 6.00 3 Trunks 1.50 1 pine Table 21.00 1 Bed Bedstead Clothing & matress 15.00 1 Bed Bedstead & Clothing 20.00 1 Bed Bedstead & Clothing 17.00 1 Bed Bedstead & Clothing 17.50 1 Bed Bedstead & Clothing 17.00 1 lot Bed Clothing 55.00 1 Bureau 20.00 1 Folding Table 6.00 1 Clock 5.00 1 lot Glass & China 4.00 1 lot looking Glasses .62 1 lot Books 2.00 1 Side Table & Contents .50 1 Table .25 1 Desk 50c 14 Chairs $5oo 5.50 Pictures 25c 2 Sets and [illegible] 2 2.25 2 bee Guns $2 1 Rifle Gun $12.00 14.00 Cupboard & Earthen Ware 10.00 1 pr Saddle Wallets .25 2 small Bedsteads [illegible] 6.00 1 lot Sundries $1oo 10.00 1 lot Jugs Jars & Sundries 5.00 6 Spinning wheels Crow & Lot water [illegible] 8.00 1 lot Towls 5 & lot stove ware 25c 7.50 1 lot Tin pr casting & pot hooks $10oo 11.50 1 loom $425 2 Broad trays & sieve &c 5.25 1 Carder [or Carden] Machine 1.00 1 pr Smoothing Irons .50 1 lot potatoes 3.75 1 Negro man Sam 540.00 1 Negro man Frank 1175.00 1 Negro girl Susan & child Sim 1200.00 1 Negro Girl Ann 340.00 A Tract of Land 642 acres 3800.00 $ [blank] [p. 427] Thomas Wanslow Inventory Continuation We do Certify upon Oath that as far as was produced to us by the Administrator the above and foregoing Contains a True appraisement of the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased to the best of our Judgement and understanding this 6th day of January 1859 Francis Gaines }} George W. Hulme }} Wm Cleveland }} Appraisers Elijah Chapman }} I do hereby Certify that the above appraisers were Sworn to perform their duty as appraisers according to law this 6th day of January 1859 R. C. C. Roebuck J. P. Recorded the 25th day of March 1859 W. H. Edwards Ordinary

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol W, pp. 189-190.

Sale List Est Thomas Wansley decd

Georgia }} Elbert County }} Hugh S. Wansley Administrator de bonis nom declares more with the Will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased


Return to the Ordinary of Said County that he Sold on the first Tuesday in November 1859 before the Court House door in the town of Elberton after duly Advertising to the highest bidder on a credit of Twelve months from the day of Sale with interest from date the following property belonging to the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased to wits To William M. Cleveland one Tract of land in Elbert County for the Sum of $3021.00 H. S. Gaines 1 negro boy Sam 500.00 Hugh S. Wanslow 1 negro man Frank 2031.00 Jefferson Wanslow 1 woman Susan and Child 1906.00 George E. Heard 1 woman Ann 300.00 $7758.00

Nov 1st 1859 Hugh S. Wansley Georgia }} Elbert County }} In person appeared before me Hugh S. Wansley Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed to the estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased and being Sworn Saith that the within Sale list as it Stands Stated is Just and True to the best of his Knowledge and belief Sworn to before me and Subscribed }} the 7th day of November 1859 }} Hugh S. Wansley Concluded on the 190 page [p. 190.] The within Sale list Sworn to and filed to the ordinarys office of Elbert County the 7th day of November 1859 W. H. Edwards Ordinary The within Sale list appeared and allowed by the Ordinary of Elbert County the 7th day of December 1859 W. H. Edwards Ordinary Recorded the 10th day of December 1860 W. H. Edwards Ordinary

Elbert County, Georgia Annual Returns, Vol. W, pp. 341-6.

Return Est Thomas Wanslow decd 1860 Hugh S. Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed on the estate of Thomas Wanslow decd makes the following Return to the ordinary of Elbert County 27th day of December 1860.

1859 Nov 11th Cash Paid Elizabeth Patterson for voucher No 1 $1005.38 1859 Nov 11th Cash Paid H. S. Gaines for voucher No 2 1005.38 1859 Nov 11th Cash Paid A. M. Wansley for voucher No 3 1005.38 1859 Nov 11th Cash Paid T. J. Wansley for voucher No 4 1005.38 1859 Nov 11th Cash Paid H. S. Wansley for voucher No 5 1005.38 1859 Nov 11th Cash Paid R. R. Wansley for voucher No 6 1005.38 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid T. M. Turner for voucher No 7 25.00 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid Francis Gaines for voucher No 8 26.35 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid Francis Gaines for voucher No 9 56.37½ 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid Haslett Clark & Co for voucher No 10 15.30 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid E. Bailey for voucher No 11 18.00 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid J. H. M. Barnett for voucher No 12 43.55 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid J. H. M. Barnett for voucher No 13 20.25 1859 Nov 16th Cash Paid E. Patterson for voucher No 14 147.18 1859 Jan 27 Cash Paid Thos S. Gaines for voucher No 15 5.00 1859 Aug 9 Cash Paid W. Christian for voucher No 16 8.00 1859 Mar 10 Cash paid Poullian Jennings & Co for voucher No 17 5.99 1859 Nov 1 Cash Paid T. F. Willis for voucher No 18 2.50 1859 June 27 Cash Paid F. M. Gaines for voucher No 19 5.00 Amt carried forward $6410.77½ [p. 342.] Amt brought forward $6410.77½ 1859 Jany 23 Cash Paid F. S. Roberts Voucher No 20 4.60 1859 Nov 1 Cash Paid Thomas Steadman Voucher No 21 3.00 1859 Nov 16 Cash Paid H. Stephenson Voucher No 22 8.09 1859 Nov 16 Cash Paid H. B. Hulme Voucher No 23 10.24½ 1859 Nov 15 Cash Paid W. H. Edwards Voucher No 24 14.30 1860 Nov 16 Cash Paid George E. Heard Voucher No 25 6.75 1860 Nov 16 Cash Paid W. H. Edwards Voucher No 26 14.20 1860 Nov 16 Cash Paid T. J. Wansley Voucher No 27 14.19 1860 Decr 16 Cash Paid R. R. Wansley Voucher No 28 14.19 1860 Decr 18 Cash Paid A. M. Wansley Voucher No 29 14.19


1860 Nov 21 Cash Paid John W. Wansley Voucher No 30 1019.57 1859 Nov 23 Cash Paid J. W. Daniel Voucher No 31 1019.57 1860 Nov 26 Cash Paid T. M. Wansley Voucher No 32 1019.57 1859 Nov 17 Cash Paid James A. Gaines Voucher No 33 8.62½ 1859 Nov 17 Cash Paid James A. Gaines Voucher No 34 8.00 1859 Nov 16 Cash Paid T. J. Thornton agent Voucher No 35 11.51 1860 Dec 27 Cash Paid H. S. Gaines Voucher No 36 14.19 1860 Decr 31 Cash Paid Elizabeth Patterson Voucher No 37 14.19 $9629.75½ The Admr 1859 Mar 16 to ½ neet proceeds of the sale of 6 Bales Cotton Weighing 2398 lbs Sold to Willis Craft in Elbert County 4 Bales at 11 c and 2 Bales at 10c all amounting to - $255.52 one half $127.75

[Copy of Vouchers] No 1 Received November 11th 1859 from Hugh S Wanslow Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed on the estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased one Thousand and five 38/100 dollars in full of my distributive Share coming to me under Will of Said decd and further Bind my self to pay back my proportionable part to any Debt that may be hereafter collected out of Said Estate Elizabeth A Patterson

No 2 Received November 11th 1859 from Hugh S Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased one Thousand and five 38/100 dollars in full of my distributive Share Coming to me in right of my wife Mary F Gaines formerly Mary F Wanslow under the Will of Thomas Wanslow deceased and I hereby bind my self to pay back my proportionable part of any Debt that may here after be recovered out of Said Estate H S Gaines

No 3 Received November 11th 1859 from H S Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd one Thousand and 38/100 dollars in full of my distributive Share Coming to me under the will [p. 343] of said deceased and I hereby bind my self to pay back my proportionable part of any Debt that may here after be recovered out of said Estate A. M. Wansley

No 4 Received of H S Wanslow Admr de bonis nom with the Will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased one Thousand and five 38/100 dollars in full of my distributive Share Coming to me under the will of Thomas Wanslow deceased and I hereby bind my Self to pay back my proportionable part of any Debt that may here after be recovered out of said Estate this 11of November 1859 T J Wansley

No 5 Received November 11th 1859 from H. S. Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased one Thousand and five 30/100 dollars in full of my distributive Share coming to me under the will of Thomas Wanslow deceased and I hereby bind my Self to pay back my Proportionable part to any debt that may hereafter be recovered out of Said Estate Hugh S. Wansley

No 6 Received of H. S. Wanslow Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd one Thousand and five 38/100 Dollars in full of my distributive Share of Said Estate Coming to me under the will of Thomas Wanslow deceased this 11th day of November 1859 R. R. Wanslow

No 7 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Administer [sic] of the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased Twenty five dollars this November 16th 1859 T. M. Turner

No 8 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator with the will annexed Twenty Six dollars thirty five cents in full of the within proven Account with interest up to this date November 16th 1859 Francis Gaines

No 9 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator with the will annexed fifty Six dollars 37½ cents in full of the above proven Account with interest up to this date November 1st 1859 Francis Gaines

No 10 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator with the will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd the within a/c of fifteen 30/100 dollars in full Nov 16th 1859 Haslett Clark & Co

No 11 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley administrator with the will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased the above a/c of eighteen dollars in full Nov 16th 1859 Ezekial Bailey per Wm H. Haslett [p. 344.]


No 12 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator de bonis nom with the Will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased forty three 55/100 in full of Principal and Interest of the above attached Note 16 November1859 J. H. M. Barrett

No 13 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator on the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased the above account of twenty dollars and 25 cents in full Nov 16th 1859 J. H. M. Barrett

No 14 Recd Nov11th 1859 of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator of Thomas Wansley decd one Hundred and forty Seven 18/100 dollars in full of the within proven account Elizabeth A. Patterson

No 15 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Temporary Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd the Sum of five dollars for Clerking at the Sale January 27 1859 Thos S. Gaines

No 16 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased eight dollars for Surveying the land belonging to the Estate of Said deceased this Augt 9th 1859 W. Christian

No 17 $5.99 Recd Augusta March 10th 1859 from Hugh S. Wansley Administrator on the Estate of Thomas Wansley five 99/100 dollars amt of his a/c Poullian Jennings & Co pr G. L. Macmurphy

No 18 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Admr de bonis nome with the Will annexed Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd Two 50/100 dollars for crying the Sale of property this 1st day of November 1859 Thomas F. Willis

No 19 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Tem Administrator of Est of Thomas Wansley deceased five dollars for Clerking at the Sale Jan 27, 1859 F. M. Gaines

No 20 January 23rd 1859 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator of Thomas Wansley decd four dollars and 60 cents for Selling property of the Estate of said Thomas Wansley decd F. S. Roberts

No 21 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wansley decd three dollars in full of the within proven acct 1st day of November 1859 Thos. Steadman

No 22 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wansley decd Seven dollars 63 cents in full of the within account this 4th day of November 1859 Ralph Gaines

No 23 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Ad on T Wansley Est $10.24½ his Tax for 1859 H. B. Hulme T. C. [p. 345.] No 24 Recd of Hugh S. Wanslow administrator de bonis nom with the Will annexed of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd fourteen 30/100 dollars in full of the above account this 15th day of March 1859 W. H. Edwards Ordinary

No 25 Recd of H. H.[sic] Wansley Six dollars and Seventy five cnets for Salt Bought for the use of the Wansley Estate November 16th 1859 G. E. Heard

No 26 Recd of Hugh S. Wansley Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wansley decd fourteen 20/100 dollars in full for Advertising Admr Sale and for Advertising 60 days notice for leave to sell land & negroes final Return and orders to Sell land & negroes this 16th day of November 1859 W. H. Edwards Ordinary

No 27 Recd of Hugh S. Wanslow Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd fourteen 19/100 dollars in ful of my Share of the Cotton which was not included in the first Settlement this 16th day of November 1860 T. J. Wansley

No 28 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wansley decd fourteen 19/100 Dollars in full of my Share of the Cotton which was not included in the first Settlement this 18th day of Decr 1860 R. R. Wansley

No 29 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wansley decd fourteen 19/100 dollars in full of my Share of the Cotton which was not included in the first Settlement this 18th day of Decr 1860 A. M. Wansley

No 30 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased one Thousand and nineteen 57/100 Dollars in full of my distributive Share coming to me under the will of Said deceased this 21st day of Decr November 1860 John W. Wansley


No 31 Received of Hugh S. Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased One Thousand and nineteen 57/100 dollars in full of my distributive Share coming to me under the will in right of my wife Martha A. M. Daniel formerly Martha A. M. Wansley under the will of Said deceased this 23rd day of November 1859 J. W. Daniel

No 32 Received of Hugh S. Wansley Administrator de bonis nom on the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased one Thousand and nineteen dollars & 57 cts in full of my distributive Share coming to me under the will of Said deceased This 26th day of November 1860 T. M. Wansley [p. 346.] No 33 Received of H. S. Wansley Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Wansley Deceased the Sum of $8.60½ November 17th 1858 James A. Gaines [NOTE: $8.62½ is amount on page 342.]

No 34 Received of H. S. Wansley Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Wansley deceased the Sum of $9.00 on this November [blank date] 1859 James A. Gaines [NOTE: $8.00 is amount on page 342.]

No 35 Received of H. S. Wanslow Eleven 51/100 dollars in full of the above account T. J. Thornton acting for Ward

No 36 Received of Hugh S. Wanslow Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wanslow decd fourteen 19/100 dollars in full of my Share of the cotton which was not included in the first Settlement this 27th day of December 1860 H. S. Gaines

No 37 Received of Hugh S. Wanslow Admr de bonis nom with the will annexed Estate of Thomas Wanslow deceased fourteen 19/100 dollars in full of my Share of the cotton which was not included in the first Settlement this 31st day of December 1860 Elizabeth Patterson

Georgia }} Elbert County }} In person appeared before me H. S. Wanslow Administrator de bonis nom with the Will annexed Estate of Thomas Wansley decd and being duly Sworn Saith that the within return as it Stand Stated is Just and True to the best of his Knowledge and belief Sworn to before me 27th December 1860 Hugh S. Wansley W. H. Edwards Ordinary }} The within Return Sworn to and filed in the ordinarys office of Elbert County 27th Decr 1860 W. H. Edwards, Ordinary The within Return approved and allowed by the ordinary of Elbert County 27th day of January 1861 W. H. Edwards Ordinary Recorded the 8th day of July 1861

Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website:

If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: Jim B. Evans, 2016) Available online at

© 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author.


The annual returns as recorded in the bound volumes of Elbert County, Georgia typically are a summary of credits and debits for the estate during the previous year. The packets of probate records include receipts for individual accounts providing information about occupations and businesses, not always evident from the annual returns. Frequently the charges were written on scraps of paper as were the receipts acknowledged by the executor. Several accounts concern Jemima Wansley’s last illness including Dr. J. H. M. Barrett who attended her, Francis D. Hinton for “waiting on Jemima Wanslow from sometime in October to the twenty first of December 1858 $2500“ and her daughter Elizabeth A. Patterson for “waiting on Jemima Wansley Nine Months while sick $40.00.” Ezekial Bailey charged the estate for “Making one fine coffin 18.00” for Jemima Means Wansley. The heirs of the estate also signed for their distributive share. The records for Thomas Wansley, Sr. and Jemima include about 180 pages of documents. The following represents a limited sampling of the extensive information available in the probate packets.

1851 Gemima Wanslow Dr To Barden R Taylor Dec 24 to 24 lbs Sugar $3.00 Recd of A. M. Wanslow Exr of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Decd Three Dollars in full up to Jany the first 1852 Barden R. Taylor [signed]

1851 “the estate of Thomas Wansley Deceased a/c to Ralph Gaines for the year 1851 per plank to 216 feet ¾ plank $1.62 ½ to 35 feet of 2 inch thick plank half price $ .37 to 313 feet of 1 inch thick plank half price $1.56½ to 1390 feet of roughing half price $2.95 $10.48 credit by 37 ½ Cents .37 ½ Received of A. M. Wansley executor fo the Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased nine dollars 4 cents in full of the above account Ralph Gaines [signed]”

Nov 1851 Mr A. M. Wanslow Exr of Estate T Wanslow 1851 to Alex Oliver 1851 November To Whitney One Cotton Gin $3.50 Recd Payment of A. M. Wanslow exr of the estate of Thomas Wanslow Decd the above a/c in full May 4th 1852 Alexr Oliver [signed]

13 Feb 1852 A. M. Wansley Executor to the estate of Thos Wansley Decd [illegible] to T. W. Harden [illegible] freight 1 Barrell of Molasses -- 4.00 ½ Barrell of Sugar 1.50 1 Sack of Coffe 1.60 ½ Barrell fish 1.80 1 Barrell potatoes 1.50 1 [illegible] 5 gal Whiskey key 0.80 Recd of A. M. Wansley Executor to the Estate of Thos Wansley [illegible] five Dollars 80/100 in full of the above freight 13th Feb 1852 T. W. Harden by G. T. Alexander

24 Feb 1852 Mema [Jemima] Wanslow a/c to Frances Gaines for 1851 January 12th 1852 for over 50 items including shoes, Irish potatoes, bridle, indigo, seeds, cloth, paper pins set of knives, forks, spoons, plates, knitting pins, factory yarn, ribbon and silk stars, cappers, shot, gun powder, padlocks, steel lock, scissors, nails, blanket, spools of thread, candy, check cloth and calico cloth. Totaling: $32.46¼ “Received of A. M. Wansley Executor of The Will of Thomas Wansley Deceased Thirty too [sic] Dollars & 46 cts in full of the above accounty February 24th 1852 Francis Gaines [signed]”

04 Mar 1852 1850 Augustus Wanslow Executor of the estate of Thomas Wanslow June 12 1 pr Hal[f] Soles for Hue [Hugh Sanford Wansley] .25 July 27 Half Soling Shoes for Hue .50 Dec 6 Half Soles for Hue .25 Making pr [pair] for Mother .37 Recd of Augustus Wanslow Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wanslow Deceased one Dollard thirty seven and half cents [1 37/100] in full of the above a/c [account] May 4th 1852 E A Jones [signed]

1858 The Estate of Thomas Wansley Deceased A/c to Elizabeth A Patterson for 1858 to the work in the farm of Son and Negro girl Nine Months each 100.00 to Spinning & weaving eleven yards of Jeanes 2.50 to weaving thirty seven yards of Cours Cloth 2.15 to Making one Mattress tick .52


to Making Negro Frank one par of pants .25 to weaving twenty six yards of Cloth 1.25 to Making two pare of pants for Negroes .50 to waiting on Jemima Wansley Nine Months while sick 40.00 $147.18

Georgia Elbert County }} In person Appeared Before Me George W Hulme A Justice of the peace in and for Said County Elizabeth A Patterson who Being Duly Sworn Deposeth and Sayeth on oath that the within Account as it stands stated is Just and true to the Best of Her knowledge and Belief Sworn to and subscribed before Me this the 3rd day of November 1859 Elizabeth A Patterson [signed] {{seal}} Test George W Hulme J P Recd Nov 11th 1859 of H S Wanslow Adm of Thomas Wanslow decd one hundred and forty seven 18/100 dollars in full of the within proven acct Elizabeth A patterson [signed]

20 Mar 1858 $38.50 one day after not I promise to pay John M. Barrett or bearer thirty Eight dollars and fifty cents with interest from the first day of January last as witness my hand and seal Mch 20th 1858 Jemima Wansley by Hugh S Wansley recd of Hugh S Wansley Adminr de bonis nom with the will annexed estate of Thomas Wansley deceased forty three 55/100 Dollars in full of Principal and Int of the above attached Note 16th November 1859 J. H. M. Barrett [signed]

Oct 1858 The Estate of Thomas Wanslow Deceased a/c to Francis D Hinton for waiting on Jemima Wanslow from sometime in October to the twenty first of December 1858 $2500 Georgia Elbert County }} Before Me George W. Hulme A Justice of the peace in and for said county presonly [sic] Appeared Francis D Hinton who Being Duly Sworn deposeth and sayeth on oath that the Above Account is Just and true sworn to and subscribed this the 10th day of february [sic] 1859 George W. Hulme J. P. Francis D [x her mark] Hinton {{seal}}

22 Dec 1858 Mrs Jemima Wansley Deceased in a/c with Ezekial Bailey To Making one fine coffin 18.00 Recd of Hugh S Wansley Administrator with the will annexed on the Estate of Thomas Wansley Decd the above a/c of Eighteen dollars in full Nov 16th 1859 Ezekial Bailey pr Wm M. Hester [signed]

27 Jan 1859 Recieved [sic] of Hugh S. Wansley Tem Administrator of estate of Thos Wansley deceased four dollars for clerking at sale Jan 27 1859 F. M. Gaines [signed]

09 Aug 1859 Received of Hugh S. Wansley administrator of the estate of Thomas Wansley dec’d, eight dollars for Surveying the lands belonging to the estate of said dec’d this August 9th 1859 W. Christian [signed]

01 Nov 1859 Recd of Hugh S. Wanslow Admr de bonis nom with the Will annexed estate of Thomas Wanslow decd Two 50/100 dollars for crying the sale of property this 1st day of November 1859 Thomas F. Willis [signed]

1858 Jemima Wansley bef a/c Haslett Clark & Co March 13 ½ Bushel Potatoes 1.25 July 13 vial dry goods 1.38 Nov 30 2 vials dry goo 20 .20 Dec 21 14 yrs [yards] J. muslin 7.00 1 pr S Gloves 75 7.75 1 pr white hose 37& 1 spool thread 47 5 yrs Cotton velvet 3.75 4 ½ yrs Crinoline 87 4.62 12 yrs velvet ribbon 62 2 proper tucks .75 6 coffin Screws 17 .13 15.30 Recd of Hugh S Wansley Administrator with [illegible]

Georgia Elbert County }} Before me Barden R Taylor one of the acting Justice of the peace in and for said County came A J Cleveland of the firm of Haslett Clark & Co who being duly Sworn deposeth and Saith that the above a/c of Fifteen 30/100 dollars as it Stands Stated against Jemima Wansley Swears is Just and true and in no part has ever been paid to the best of his knowledge and belief Sworn to and Subscribed before me Nov 10th 1859 }} A. J. Cleveland Bardin R Taylor J. P. }}


21 Sep 1859 Gamima [sic] Wanslow Dec 1858 Do William M Gaines Oct To Making Cart Tung 1.00 To [illegible] 1.50 To Making Boalster .50 To Joining Axeltree 1.13 ½ To Wheting Two Saws & [illegible] 1.00 To Stalking Sythe 3.00 To Repairing Cradle .50 $8.62 ½ Georgia Elbert County }} Before me Bardin R Taylor an acting justice of the peace in and for said county personally appeared William M Gaines who being duly Sworng deposeth and Sayeth that the above account of Eight Dollars and Sixty Two and [illegible] stands Stated against Gemima [sic] Wanslow Dec is just and true and no part There of has been paid Sworn to and subscribed before me September the 21st 1859 Bardin R Taylor J. P. Wm M. Gaines [signed]

04 Nov 1859 Mimey [Jemima] Wansley for 1858 [illegible] to ganes [sic, Gaines] and Stephenson for Sawing [illegible] to lath 60 feet .60 to three inch planks 33 feet .37½ to four inch planks 56 feet .77 ½ to palings 151 ½ feet .76 to Sheeting plank 183 feet .68¾ to Sheeting plank 270 feet 1.85 to Sheeting plank 47 ½ feet .17½ to Seeling plank 213 feet 1.9 to paling 134 feet .67 $7.63 ¼ Remander [sic] in old book 46 Georgia Elbert County }} in person Appeared Before me George W. Hulme a Justice of the peace in and for said County William H. Stephenson who Being Duly Sworn Deposeth and Sayeth that the Above Accout as it stands stated is Just and ture to the best of his knowledge and Belief sworn to and Subscribed Before Me this the 4th day of November 1859 W H Stephenson {{seal}} Test George W. Hulme JP

16 Nov 1859 Thomas Wansley Dec est 1858 Mrs Jemima Wansley to J H M Barrett Aug. 23 to visit self 5.50 W valerian .50 [Aug] 2 9 Colomba N C[illegible] .50 Oct. 8 Visit self 5.50 W Valerian .50 Decr 7 Visit self 5.50 Chalk Mixt .50 W Valerian .50 Decr 19 Medicine 1.00 $20.25 Recd of Hugh S Wansley Administrator on the est. of Thos Wansley deceased the above account of twenty dollars and 25/ cents in full Nov. 16th 1859 J H M Barrett [signed]

16 Nov 1859 Mrs. Jemima Wansley c/o J C Ward [illegible] for 1858 April 3 3 weeding hoes 2.25 1 weeding hoe .37 2.63 April 23 1 Scythe Blade 1.37 Oct 2 1 pocket Book .75 2.13 Nov 27 1 pad Lock 1oo 1.00 11.51 Georgia Elbert County }} Before me Bardin R Taylor an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County personally appeared Jefferson T. J. Thornton who being Sworn deposeth and Sayeth that the above account of Eleven Dollars and fifty one cents as it Stands Stated Against Jamima [sic] Wanslow Dec is Just and true Sworn to and Subscribed before me November the 16th 1858 Bardin R Taylor J. P. T. J. Thornton [signed] received of H. S. Wanslow eleven 52/100 dollar in full of the above account T J Thornton acting for Ward


Chapter 12 LARKIN WANSLEY ca 1782-5 Larkin Wansley was born in Albemarle County, Virginia, a son of John and Mildred Wansley. Approximate date of birth is based on 1850 and 1860 United States censuses for Elbert County, Georgia.

War of 1812 Larkin Wanslow served in Capt. Charles Carter's Co. of Infantry, Company W, First Regiment [Harris's], Georgia Militia

Larkin Watson [not Wanslow] but included with other cards for service in same unit]: Rank: pvt. Company Pay Roll August 1813-March 1814. Began service: 25 August 1813. Expiration of service: 09 March 1814. Term of service charged: 6 months, 16 days. Pay per month: $8. Amount of pay: $53.24

Capt. Charles Carter's Co. of Infantry, Company W, First Regiment [Harris's], Georgia Militia: Larkin Wanslow: Company Muster Roll: 30 September 1813 to 02 March 1814. Roll dated: 02 March 1814, Milledgeville, Georgia. Commencement of service: 25 August 1813. Expiration of service: 02 March 1814. Present on company muster roll.

Capt. Charles Carter's Co. of Drafted Volunteer Infantry, Company W, First Regiment [Harris's], Georgia Militia: Larkin Wanslow. Rank: pvt. Company Muster Roll: 25 August 1813 to 30 September 1813. Roll: not dated. Time of entering service: 25 August 1813. Length of engagement: Six months. Present on company muster roll. [Wanslow, Larkin., War of 1812 Service Records. NARA]

1814 Larkin Wansley was on Elbert County, Georgia tax roll.

07 Dec 1836 William Schley, Governor of Georgia, issued a grant to Larkin Wanslow of Taylor’s District, Elbert County, 160 acres in District 22, Section 3, in Cherokee County [now Floyd County]. [p. 105,] [NOTE: In James F. Smith, Larkin’s last name was printed as “Wansloca.” Smith described him as a soldier.] [Cherokee Land Lottery, Georgia]

1840 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, p. 166, Capt. Craft's District: Wanslow, Larkin. 1 male >40 and <50. Employed in manufacturing and trade, no slaves.

01 Jun 1845 Larkin Wanslow, George Gaines, Wiley Abney and Robert McMillan witnessed William Ward signing his will. On 04 May 1850, the same witnesses attested they had seen William Ward sign his will. [Elbert County, Georgia Wills, Book A (1835-1860), pp. 144-145.]

23 Apr 1848 Robert W. Terrell, husband of Sarah A. Terrell, died and was buried in Ruckersville Methodist Church Cemetery, Elbert County, Georgia. [Terrell, Robert W., deceased, and Sarah A. Terrell Elbert County, Probate Records, loose documents.]

29 Dec 1849 Crafts Landing, Elbert County, Georgia, Mrs. Sarah Terrell to Willis Craft: Decr 29th To 3 ¼ lbs cheese pr Larkin Wansley $ .48¼ [Terrell, Robert W., deceased, and Sarah A. Terrell, Elbert County, Georgia Probate Records, loose documents. This is first time Larkin Wansley was named in probate records.]

1850 United States Census Elbert District, Elbert County, Georgia, p. 369, 76/76 Terrell, S. A., WF, 29, real estate $2300, SC Terrell, L. M., WF, 14, GA Terrell, M. J., WF, 12, GA Terrell, S. C., WF, 9, GA Terrell, M. A., WF, 7, GA Terrell, J. R., WM, 6, GA Wanslow, L., WM, 68, farmer, GA

1850 Apr 26 1 pair Speck pr L Wansley $1.25 Apr 26 1 Speck Case pr L Wansley $.37½ Apr 26 1 Red wool Hat pr L Wansley $1.62½ Apr 26 3 Cot Hkf pr L Wansley $.37½ May 21 2 lb shot pr L Wansley $.20 128

Joseph Sewell, administrator of estate of Robert W. Terrell, deceased, paid Willlis Craft 07 November 1854. [Terrell, Robert W., deceased, and Sarah A. Terrell, Elbert County, Georgia Probate Records, loose documents.]

1850 Sarah Terrell account due William Cleveland. Jan 26 for 2 ferriages by L Wansley $.25 Feb 8 for 5 [illegible] lb nails by L Wansley $.31¼ Apr 2 for 6 lb nails by L Wansley $.54 Apr 7 for fall [illegible] By L Wansley $.35 Nov 12 for ferriage By L Wansley $.12½ Nov 27 for 2 ferriages by L Wansley $.25 Dec 2 for 1 pt [?pint] Sweet meat [?] by L Wansley $.18¾ Dec 24 for lb chees [sic] by L Wansley $3.18¾ Dec 10 for 2 ferriages by L Wansley $.25 Dec 18 for ½ gallon by L Wansley $.50

1851 Sarah Terrell account due William Cleveland. Jan 4 for 13 lb nails by L Wansley $1.08 Jan 8 for 12 lb nails by L Wansley $1.00 Jan 9 for 1 lb nails by L Wansley $.10 Jan 17 for 1 qrt fine brandy by L Wansley $1.00 Feb 8 for 1 lb Cotton Rope by L Wansley $1.08 Feb 8 for 2 doz aples by L Wansley $.25 Apr 25 for 1 file by L Wansley $.12½ May 21 for 1 Rasp by L Wansley $.50 May 22 for 4 lb nails by L Wansley $.32

04 April 1843 William Cleveland reported he received $42.74 from the estate of Robert W. Terrell, deceased. Sarah Terrell reported 60 items purchased between 1850 and 1860. Only the payments to L. Wansley have been transcribed. [Terrell, Robert W., deceased, and Sarah A. Terrell, Elbert County, Probate Records, loose documents.]

1860 United States Census Elbert County, Georgia, 06 July, p. 838, 665/665 Terrell, Sarah A., 40, WF, Farming, real estate, $5000, personal property, $11,489, SC Terrell, Sarah C., 19, WF, GA Terrell, John O., 16, WM, at school, GA Wansley, Larkin, 75, WM, VA

17 Nov 1881 St. George Temple Record, pp. 16-17: No. 275. Name of deceased: Larkin Wanslee. Born: blank date. Birthplace: Virginia. Died: blank. When baptized: 08 November1881. Confirmed: 08 November 1881. Name of heir or proxy: Nathan Whitten Wanslee. Relationship: nephew. Ordination by Walter Granger. [NOTE: Nathan Whitten Wanslee was a son of Nathan Wansley and Elizabeth Cleveland and a grandson of John Wansley, Sr.]

An Index to Georgia Tax Digests 1814-1817, Vol. V. Spartanburg, South Carolina: Reprint Company, Publishers, 1986.

Smith, James F. The Cherokee Land Lottery Containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers of Said Lottery. New York, New York: Harper, 1838. [Reprint, Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1969.]

St. George, Utah Temple Record. [microfilm]

Terrell, Robert W., deceased, and Sarah A. Terrell. Georgia Probate Records 1742-1990, Elbert County, Probate Records. [loose documents from estate records]

Wanslow, John. Georgia Probate Records 1742-1990, Elbert County Estates 1790-1990., on-line.

Wanslow, Larkin. War of 1812 Service Records. [National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)]


Walter Goldsmith had “possession of The Land and he would keep it as Long as he wanted it, and when he was done with it he did not care what The Devil became of it. . .” [20 October 1798]

Walter Goldsmith frequently said “that John Wansley was to have part of the land, in dispute, and if he behaved himself well, that, at his Goldsmith’s death, said Wansley should have it all.” [Mary Monday, 17 November 1800]


During the French and Indian War, Walter Goldsmith was acquainted with the Wansley family in Louisa County, Virginia. In 1780 Walter Goldsmith filed affidavits in Louisa County that William Wansley had served in the French and Indian War in 1758 and 1759. The affidavits stated William Wansley had died and his heir-at-law was John Wansley.

Joan Horsley investigated the connection between Walter Goldsmith and William Wansley who served in French and Indian War. John Wansley, Sr. was William’s heir-at-law based on 1780 affidavits. Joan Horsley discovered two Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court cases: Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell and Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs in the Library of Virginia at Richmond. The legal saga lasted more than two decades and provides insights into provincial life in Albemarle County, Virginia from the American Revolution until after 1800. The depositions supplement limited information about the Wansley’s in the last two decades of the 18th Century before they moved to Elbert County, Georgia. Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley, Sr. were closely associated based on the Chancery Court cases in Albemarle County. In view of this close relationships between the Wansley family and Walter Goldsmith, Joan Horsley suggested there may have been a familial relationship with either Walter Goldsmith or his wife, Elizabeth. This insight is worth further investigation. The depositions also illuminate the relationships among Walter Goldsmith, John Wansley, Sr. and their neighbors.

John Wansley, Mildred Wansley and their son, William Wansley, were deposed in this case for Walter Goldsmith. Although John and Mildred Wansley were not central to this case, depositions confirm that Mildred had married John Wansley, Sr. before 1780. The depositions provide insights into the Wansley’s domestic life and references to the American Revolution with comments about events before the siege of York [1781].

Joan Horsley also discovered Wansley men in the tax records of Albemarle County from 1782 to 1803. John Wansley, Sr., John Wansley, Jr., Nathan Wansley, William Wansley and Reuben Wansley all lived in close proximity.

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06 Mar 1759 John Carter of St. Martin’s Parish, Louisa County, Planter, and his wife, Precious Carter, sold Walter Goldsmith, blacksmith of Louisa County, 50 acres for £10, current money. Adjacent: William Wash, David Smith, Thomas Wash. Signed; John Carter, Precious [X] Carter. Witnesses: John Pettus, David Smith, William Wash, Robert Hester. Recorded: 24 July 1759. [Davis, Deeds, Vol. 1, p. 148.]

28 Aug 1760 Thomas Wash of Louisa County, Virginia, sold John Wash of Amelia County, Virginia, 250 acres where Thomas Wash now lives. Consideration: 5 shillings, current money. Adjacent: Thomas Lipscomb, John Pettus, Charles Kennyday, John Smith and Walter Goldsmith. Signed: Thomas Wash. Recorded: 26 August 1760. Acknowledged: Thomas Wash. [Davis, Deeds, Vol. 2, p. 5.]

10 Aug 1762 David and William Anderson vs. Walter Goldsmith [Pet] [Cont]. [Louisa County, Virginia Minutes and Court Orders 1760-1764, p. 43; Bell, p. 128.]

14 Sep 1762 David and William Anderson vs. Walter Goldsmith. Petition for dismissal. [Louisa County, Virginia Minutes and Court Orders 1760-1764, p. 44; Bell, p. 129.]

10 May 1763 John Wash of Prince Edward County, Virginia, sold Thomas Wash, Jr. of Louisa County, St. Martin’s Parish, remainder of tract that Thomas Wash, Sr. made a deed to said John Wash. Adjacent: Thomas Lipscomb, Thomas Wash, Walter Goldsmith. Signed: John Wash, Susan Wash. Witnesses: Thomas Lipscomb, Saml Ragland, John Smith, Richard Davis, William McGhehee. Recorded: 14 October 1785. Acknowledged: John Wash and Susanna Wash, wife. [Davis, Deeds, Vol. 2, p. 49.]

15 Jul 1766 Cockran & Co., plaintiff. vs. Walter Goldsmith. Concerning: debt. 15 July 1766, Louisa County Court. [Louisa County Order Book 1760-1774, p. 8; in Sparacio, Louisa County, Virginia Orders 1747-1748/1766/1772, p. 47.]

14 Oct 1766 Smith and Anderson, plaintiff. vs.. Walter Goldsmith. 14 October 1766, Louisa County Court. [Louisa County Order Book 1760-1774, p. 25; in Sparacio, Louisa County, Virginia Orders 1747- 1748/1766/1772, p. 65.]

17 Nov 1766 Walter Goldsmith of St. Martin’s Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, and Elizabeth Goldsmith, sold George Lumsden, 50 acres: Consideration: £12, current money. Adjacent: William Wash, John Smith, Thomas Wash. Signed: Walter Goldsmith, Eliza [X] Goldsmith. Witnesses: William Pettus, A. Woolfolk, Edmond Eggleston. Acknowledged in court by Walter Goldsmith and Eliza Goldsmith, his wife. Recorded: 17 November 1766. [Louisa County, Virginia, Deeds, Vol. D, p. 4.]

13 Apr 1767 Walter Goldsmith and Elizabeth Goldsmith, wife, acknowledged their deed to George Lumsden. Elizabeth Goldsmith relinquished her dower rights. 13 April 1767, Louisa County, Virginia Court. [Louisa County Order Book 1766-1772, p. 28; in Sparacio, Louisa County, Virginia Orders 1747- 1748/1766/1772, p. 7.]

13 Jul 1767 William Lipscomb and Elizabeth Lipscomb, wife, acknowledged deed to Walter Goldsmith. Elizabeth Lipscomb relinquished her dower right. 13 July 1767, Louisa County, Virginia Court. [Louisa County Order Book 1766-1772, p. 53; in Sparacio, Louisa County, Virginia Orders 1766- 1772, p. 24.]

1769 St. Martin’s Parish, Louisa County, Virginia: Walter Goldsmith. 100 acres. [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 102.]

1770 Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, tithable by William Phillips: Walter Goldsmith: 1 male older than 16. 200 acres. [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 28.]

03 Sep 1770 Walter Goldsmith, blacksmith, in Trinity Parish, Louisa County, and Elizabeth Goldsmith, wife, sold James Tate, planter, of Louisa County, 100 acres in Trinity Parish. Consideration: £12, current money. Adjacent: William Lipscomb. Signed: Walter Goldsmith, Elizabeth [X] Goldsmith. Witnesses: John McAllester, Thomas Almand, James Tate, Jr. Recorded: 10 130

September 1770. Acknowledged by Walter Goldsmith and Elizabeth Goldsmith, wife. [Davis, Deeds, Vol. 2, p. 112.]

10 Sep 1770 Walter Goldsmith and Elizabeth Goldsmith, wife, acknowledged their deed for land to James Tate. [Louisa County Court Order Book 1766-1772, p. 405; in Bontempo, Louisa County, Virginia Orders 1770-1772, p. 5-6.]

09 Feb 1771 Indian Nan and others vs. [John] Thompson Executor for freedom. [NOTE: William Holt was the executor.]. Jury members: William Garrett, Nathaniel Anderson, Lawrence Young, Elisha Freeman, James Mickle, George Brown, Samuel Brock, John Edwards, Samuel Carr, Edward Tomson, William Hendrick, George Bourn and Walter Goldsmith. This is among several cases for freedom for Indian Nan, Indian Bartlet, Indian Priss and Indian Betty. Several of these individuals were infants. Freedom was awarded. [Abercrombie, p. 13-4; Bontempo, Louisa County Order Book 1766-1772, p. 451, Bontempo, p. 42.]

15 Jul 1772 Settlement of James Minor, executor of estate of Samuel Carr. Mentions expenses to Walter Goldsmith, among many others. [Louisa County, Virginia Will Book 2, p. 480; abstracted in Chappelear, p. 42.]

20 Jun 1773 Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, tithables by James Overton: Walter Goldsmith was living in household and/or plantation of Robert Armistead. [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 41.]

13 Jul 1773 James Tate, plaintiff, against Walter Goldsmith, defendant. By petition this suit was dismissed for costs. [Louisa County, Virginia Order Book 1760-1774, p. 142; Sparacio, p. 60.]

20 Oct 1773 Thomas Knighton to Robert Armistead, £23, 11shillingss to mortgage personal property. If Thomas Knighton paid amount by 01 October 1778, then indenture to be void. Signed: Thomas Knighton, R. Armistead. Witnesses: Ellyson Armistead, William McGehee, Walter Goldsmith, blackwall. Recorded: 08 November 1773. Proven by oath of Ellyson Armistead. [Davis, Deeds, Vol. 1, p. 153.]

22 Nov 1763 Trial of John Jones, alias Melton, accused “of felonious breaking and Entering the Dwelling House of Walter Goldsmith of the sd County and taking from thence sundry Treasury Notes of the Value of Twenty Shillings and three Pence, one Pocket Book, sundry Pieces of Silver Coin of the Value of three Shillings one Gun of the Value of twenty Shillings, one [Coat] cloth Cost of the Value of twenty Shillings . . .” Court ordered that John Jones alias Melton be tried at General Court of Oyer and Terminer.

Walter Goldsmith & [Eliza his wife] Robt Thomson & Edwd Thomson posted appearance bonds of 25 pounds lawful money of Virginia to appear at Court of Oyer and Terminer.

“Walter Goldsmith deposeth and saith that on Sunday the 13th of [October] Novr 1763 he walk’d [over] after Sun Set from his own House to see a sick Neighbor, leaving his Door lock’d but the Key was left in the Door, that when he return’d Home, he found that his House had been rob’d, and that a closebodied Coat [that was produced here in Court] a gun that was produced here in Court an Oznabirgs Shirt and a Pair of Breeches wch John Jones alias Melton, the Prisoner had on when he appeared in Court, were stolen out of his Dwelling House & That [illegible]. In Treasury Notes was stolen out of a Trunk wch was left locked but was broken open in his House with some silver coin to the Value of abt 3/. That the several Treasury Notes produced in Cur answer the Sum total and the Vale of each Note, as well as he remembers, and believes and further saith not [signed] Walter Goldsmith

Edwd Robt Thompson deposeth and saith, that being inform’d that Walter Goldsmith’s House had been rob’d, and having heard a Discription of the Person suspected seis’d the Prisoner John Jones all Melton as soon as he met with him wch was but [a few] the next Day after the Roby committd -- That on Exn of the Prisr he confessd that he had enterd the House of Walter Goldsmith, That he had stolen the Gun, the Shirt Breeches, and Silver coin mentd in W. Goldsmith’s Depn -- all wch he had then in Possn - - he also confessd that he had broke open a trunk where he had found the Silver coin, that he had also stolen a Coat which he shew’d to the Depnt and is the Same claimed by the sd W. Goldsmith and is the Same claimed by the sd W. Goldsmith. That the 2d Day after he had appehendd the Prisoner, he found that he had some Paper conceald in the Ling of his Hatt


and on Exn fount it to be Treasury Notes, wch are the Same claim’d by the sd W Goldsmith - - and further saith not. [signed] Robert Thomson [NOTE: Robert Thomson may be the same person who was the assignee of William Wansley for military bounty land based on William’s service in French and Indian War.]

Edwd Thompson deposeth and saith, That he was sent for by his Bror Robt Thompson on the Day he apprehended the sd John Jones als Melton, and that he heard the sd Jones Confessd the Same Facts mentd in the sd Robt. Thompson’s Depn out of the Prisoner’s Hatt, and also saw him shew where had concealed the Coat. And fur saith not [signed: Edwd [X his mark] Thomson [Louisa County, Virginia Minutes or Court Orders 1760-1764, pp. 72-3; Bell, pp. 153-4.]

1774 Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, tithables by James Overton: Walter Goldsmith, blackwall, was living in household and/or plantation of Robert Armistead. [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 48.]

10 Jun 1775 Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, tithables by James Overton: Walter Goldsmith was living in household and/or plantation of Robert Armistead. [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 55.]

1776 Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, tithables by James Overton: Walter Goldsmith, blackwall, was living in household and/or plantation of Robert Armistead. [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 61.]

17 Oct 1776 Will of James Tate mentions land bought from Walter Goldsmith. Recorded: 11 November 1776. [Louisa County, Virginia Will Book 2, p. 239; abstracted in Chappelear, p. 42.]

14 Oct 1777 William Sears deed to Waller Goolsmith, 160 acres. Witnesses: Bond V. Poindexter, Thomas Littworth, John Lane [Bell, Unrecorded Deeds of Louisa County 1762-1803 from John Poindexter’s List, pp. 15-16; Bell, p. 59.] [NOTE: According to Joan Horsley the deed was from William Sears and John Harris to Walter Goldsmith.]

08 Dec 1777 John Harrys [Harris] of Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia to Bond Veal Poindexter of Trinity Parish, Louisa County. Consideration: £20. 90 acres on North East Creek. New dividing line between Poindexter and Walter Goldsmith. Witness: none. Signed: John [JH] Harrys [Harris], Lucy [X] Harrys. Recorded: 08 December 1777. Acknowledged by John Harris and Lucy Harris, his wife. [Davis, Deeds, Vol. 3, p. 23.]

1778 Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, tithables by James Overton: Walter Goldsmith, blacksmith, was living in the household and/or plantation of Robert Armistead: [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 75.]

14 Feb 1780 “Wansley-Gunn No 560 At a Court held for Louisa County on Monday the 14th of Feby 1780 - It appears to the Court by the oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley enlisted and served as a soldier in Capt Gunns company of Regulars in the year of 1758 legally Discharged that he served as a soldier in Capt Meridiths Company of Rangers in the Year 1759 until legally Discharged that the said William has never proved his service or Obtained any land in Consideration thereof under the King of Britains proclamation on [illegible] 1763 which is Ordered to be Certified A Copy Test John Nelson Clk Assigned to Robert Thomson assignee of William Wansley Warrant for 50 acres this [illegible] February 1780” [Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation and Warrants, Land Bounty Certificates for French and Indian War.] [Bockstruck, Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers, p. 256.]

14 Feb 1780 In Louisa County, Virginia, a warrant “for 50 acres was issued to Robert Thomson, assignee of William Wansley, a soldier in Capt. Gunn’s Company of Regulars in 1758 and in Capt. Meredeth’s Company of rangers in 1759, proved on oath of Walter Goldsmith.” [Bockstruck, Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers, p. 288.] [NOTE: According to Davis in Louisa County, Virginia 1743-1814. Where Have All the Children Gone? William Wansley received 100 acres; the other 50 acres have not yet been found.]

Based on the Proclamation of the Act of 1763, privates serving in the frontier defense during the French and Indian War received 50 acres. According to Davis, William Wansley received 100


acres, consistent with 50 acres for each term of service.

14 Feb 1780 “William Wansley Louisa County No. 560 It appears to the court by the Oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley . . . served as a soldier in Captn Gunns Company of Regulars in the Year 1758 . . . that he Served as a Soldier in Captn Meridiths company of Rangers in the year 1759 John Nelson Clk [verso] Louisa Cty Feby the 17th 1780 I do hereby assign al my right & Title to the within Certificate to Robt Thomson of sd County as Witness my Hand the Day & Date above mentioned. Wm + Wansley; Test Rodes Thomson” [Little, Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 38, No. 3, August 2000, p. 291.] [NOTE: In this printed transcription William Wansley signed the assignment; however, the 16 February 1780 affidavit stated William Wansley had died and John Wansley was his heir-at-law.]

16 Feb 1780 Louisa County, Virginia Order Book for 1774-1782, recorded the "Oath of Walter Goldsmith that William Wansley enlisted [as a private] and served as a soldier in Capt. Gunns Co. of Regulars in the year 1758 and that he served as a soldier in Captain Meridiths Co. of Rangers in the year 1759 and that sd. William had never located or sold the right in 100 acres of land and that he was Entitled to in the year 1763. Sd. William is dead and John Wansley is his Heir At Law." [Louisa County [Virginia] Order Book 1774-1782, p. 291; printed transcription in Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, 1743-1814: Where Have All The Children Gone?, p. 79.]

02 Mar 1780 “LAND-OFFICE WARRANT, No. 560 To the principal Surveyor of any County within the Commonwealth of Virginia. This shall be your WARRANT to survey and lay off in one or more Surveys for Robert Thompson Assignee of William Wansley his Heirs or Assigns, the quantity of fifty Acres of Land, due unto the said Thompson for Military service performed by the said Wansley a Soldier in the late War between Great Britain and France, according to the terms of the King of Great Britain Proclamation of 1763. A Certificate of which received into the Land Office. GIVEN under my Hand, and the Seal of the said Office, on this Second Day of March in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty [signed] S Carr” [Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation Warrants]

Jan-Feb 1780 In an 03 October 1798 deposition in the case Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowel heirs, Mildred Wansley stated John Dowel, Sr. said that Walter Goldsmith had paid Dowel £80 or £90 for land. Mildred Wansley stated this was about twelve months before Walter Goldsmith moved to Albemarle County, Virginia. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.] ca 1780-1 Ca 1780-1781, Walter Goldsmith claimed he had a verbal agreement with John Dowell to purchase 200 woodland acres in Albemarle County for 80 pounds current money or 8,000 pounds of tobacco to be paid within four years. Walter Goldsmith claimed John Dowell had received 80 pounds money for the land. This claim against John Dowell is undated. Goldsmith asserted he paid John Dowell £ 80 in 1781. This bill claimed that John Dowell did not grant a title; in fact the sheriff acting for Dowell seized property for Goldsmith’s failure to pay rent. John Wansley was a tenant on the same property. Goldsmith’s attorney was J. Breckinridge. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. Dowell, Case ID 1796-006]

Previously on 27 May 1773, James Coleman of Halifax County, Virginia sold John Dowell of Albemarle County 200 acres, located in Albemarle County. Consideration was £30 current money. The tract was adjacent to Thomas Walker, John Carr, William Martin and Thomas Dowell. Witnesses: Thos. Jones, John Harvie, John Walker. [Sparacio, Ruth, Deed Abstracts of Albemarle County, Virginia 1772-1776, pp. 36-7; original pages in deed book pp. 143-4.]

11 Sep 1780 “Louisa County Septem 11th 1780 Received of Mr. Walter Goldsmith for the Use of the publick one Beef Valued Conformable to an Act of Assembly for Procuring Provinsion & other necessaries for the use of the army to Three hundred & Twenty five pounds one Beef L325 Garritt Minor C. P. L. [on reverse] Goldsmith Walter Prin: £325 Int: £13 328 Deprec 84:10 £422:10 No 26500” [Louisa County, Virginia Public Service Claims for Revolutionary War] See entry: March 1781.

1781 Trinity Parish, Louisa County, Virginia, tithables by James Overton: Walter Goldsmith was living in household and/or plantation of Robert Armistead. [Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785, p. 81.]


Mar 1781 Certificates by Garritt Minor for Public Claim for Revolutionary War cited by Walter Goldsmith. Type of claim was not specified. [Abercrombie, Louisa County Claims, pp. 52-2.]

1782 Louisa County, Virginia Tax Book: Walter Goldsmith, 400 acres. [Louisa County [Virginia] Historical Magazine, June 1969, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 14.]

1783 Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Taxes: Walter Goldsmith: 1 free male over 21; 8 cattle and 1 horse or mare or colt or mule.

03 Apr 1784 Virginia Gazette, Richmond, Virginia: “Thomas Johnson, Sheriff, advertises for sale at Louisa Court house land to satisfy the tax due thereon: . . . Walter Goldsmith 400 acres.” [Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 30, No. 1, January-March 1986, p. 108.]

09 Jul 1785 Virginia Gazette, Richmond, Virginia: “Richard Johnson, Collector, at Louisa County, advertises for sale to satisfy the taxes due for 1783 and 1784 . . . Walter Goldsmith 400 acres. [Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 33, No. 3, July-September 1989, p.214.]

1786 Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Taxes: Walter Goldsmith: 1 free male over 21; 1 cow and 1 horse.

08 Feb 1786 Isham Pulliam of Campbell County, Virginia, deed to Zachariah Pulliam of Louisa County, Virginia. Consideration: £50. 50 acres on Paumunkey [Northanna] River. Adjacent: Elijah Johnson, Goldsmith, John Pulliam. Tract is where Isham Pulliam did live, given to him by John Pulliam. Signed: Isham Pulliam. Witnesses: Josef Chewning, Thomas Pulliam, Jean Pulliam. Drury Pulliam. Recorded: 11 September 1786. Proved by oaths of Thomas Pulliam and Jane Pulliam, 14 September 1789. Also proved by oath of Joseph Chewning. [Davis, Deeds, Vol. 3, p. 101.]

11 Aug 1786 Walter Goldsmith, John Wansley and Garland Carr posted bond for 2800 pounds of tobacco. “Whereas an Injunction in Chancery hath been granted to the above bound Walter Goldsmith & John Wansly – by the County Court of Albemarle to stay proceedings at law on a Judgment obtained in the said Court by the above named John Dowell – against the said Walter Goldsmith & John Wansly – The condition of the above obligation therefore is such that if the above bound Walter Goldsmith & John Wansly & Garland Carr shall satisfy & pay to the said John Dowell - All such Sum of Money & Tobacco and Costs which are now due or shall become due on the Judgment aforesaid and shall also pay such Costs as shall be awarded against them – in case the injunction shall be dissolved then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in force. Walter Goldsmith [signed] Garland Carr [signed]” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. Dowell, Case ID 1796-006 ] ca 1787 J. Breckenridge filed a complaint for Walter Goldsmith against John Dowell. Walter Goldsmith alleged that in 1780 he had a verbal agreement to purchase two hundred acres of unimproved land from John Dowell for 8,000 pounds of crop tobacco or eighty pounds current money to be paid within four years. Upon payment John Dowell would provide a fee simple title. Walter Goldsmith asserted he paid John Dowell eighty pounds current money in 1781 but Dowell refused to provide title. For six years Walter Goldsmith has been in peaceable possession of the land, placing this complaint ca 1787. If Walter Goldsmith has “no relief against the deft in a Court of Chancery he hopes he is entitled to the same extrajudicial & speedy remedy for a breach of Contract . . .” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. Dowell, Case ID 1796-006 ]

19 Apr 1787 Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Taxes: Walter Goldsmith, chargeable with tax. Name of white male over 21: Walter Goldsmith. 1 horse. [also Schreiner-Yantis, The 1787 Census of Virginia]

1787 Louisa County, Virginia Land Tax Book: Walter Goldsmith owned 400 acres valued at $55.00. Tax: 16 shillings, 6 pence.

1788 Louisa County, Virginia Land Tax Book: Walter Goldsmith owned 400 acres valued at $55.00. Tax: 16 shillings, 6 pence.

03 May 1788 John Dowell filed a counterclaim against Walter Goldsmith. John Dowell made a conditional agreement to sell land to Walter Goldsmith for 8,000 pounds of tobacco to be paid in three or four years. According to this claim Goldsmith failed to pay for the land. When the land was not 134

purchased, then Goldsmith wanted to rent the property but failed to pay the rent. John Dowell claimed that he had sold peach brandy to Walter Goldsmith who did not pay for several years and then with depreciated paper money. Walter Goldsmith claimed that John Dowell caused the sheriff to seize the property for failure to pay the rent. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. Dowell, Case ID 1796-006] [NOTE: A true copy of this counterclaim is included in Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.]

08 May 1788 Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Taxes, Thomas Garth’s District: Walter Goldsmith: 1 white male >16.

23 Jul 1788 William Wansley in an Albemarle County deposition stated “that sometime in the year seventeen hundred and Eighty five, Walter Goldsmith told him he purchased the land he lives on of John Dowel and that he was to pay for it in tobacco the quantity he could not certainly remember but believes it was seven or eight thousand weight . . .” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

07 Aug 1788 Lucy Beck in an affidavit stated John Dowell expected Walter Goldsmith to pay for land and that John Wansley lived on the land but was not a purchaser. The agreement was made before the death of her husband, Andrew Beck, on 29 May 1781, “[b]efore the Siege at York.” Lucy Beck stated Walter Goldsmith “was fond of strong Liquor.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. Dowell, Case ID 1796-006] [NOTE: A true copy of this affidavit is included in [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004.]

14 Aug 1788 Samuel Edwards deposed that about 1784 he planned to buy a tract of land he thought belonged to John Dowell. At that time Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley lived on the property. Samuel Edwards asked Walter Goldsmith “whether he would give up the land, if he this deponent became a purchaser the sd Goldsmith answered he was willing, that whether this deponent purchased or not he should move of[f] the land from thence being desirous of having the consent of all parties, he this Deponent, went to the house of John Wansley informed him he was on a purchase of that land – the Sd Wansley answered that he did not want to purchase himself, but wished to keep possession for Two years, after which time he the said Wansley intended to moved, either, to the Southward or Kentucky . . .” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

28 Aug 1790 No. 468, marriage bond Abraham Elliott and Elizabeth Wansley. Bondsman: Nathan Wansley. Witness: Joshua Nicholas. [Albemarle County, Virginia Record of Marriage Bonds, No. I, 1780- 1806, microfilm roll 62]. John Wansley consented for his daughter’s marriage. Witnesses: Nathan Wandsley, Walter Goldsmith. [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds & Consent Papers, 1788-1792, microfilm roll 65]. Minister, "B. Bennett, no date given, but misfiled in a group of 1816 papers and consisting of a single sheet without dates of eight marriages celebrated by this minister since 28 Oct 1789 (return says 'Ambrous Elliot.']" [Albemarle County, Virginia Marriage Bonds 1806-1817, microfilm roll 71.] [Vogt, Vol. II, p. 669.]

1790 United States Census, Albemarle County, Virginia: Walter Goldsmith was the head of the household with two white souls and two “other buildings.”

07 Sep 1793 William Arnold and Judith Arnold, wife, of Spotsylvania County, and George Lumsden and Elizabeth Lumsden, wife, conveyed to William Johnson of Louisa County, Virginia, a tract of land in Louisa County, containing 88½ acres being half of the land taken up by Charles Smith and John Lewis dec’d. Consideration: £20 15s. Adjacent: Robert Anderson, Walter Goldsmith, Col. Robert Anderson. Signed: William Arnold, Judith Arnold, George Lumsden, Elisa. Lumsden. Witnesses: W. Callis, William Smith, Jr. [Louisa County, Virginia Deeds, Vol. G, p. 363.]

Mar 1796 Goldsmith vs. Dowell continued from 1788 until March 1796 when John Dowell died. This protracted case continued as Goldsmith vs. Dowell [heirs] [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. Dowell, Case ID 1796-006; Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.] no date William W. Hening and J. Barbour, Jr. submitted a plea for Walter Goldsmith. Goldsmith stated that in September 1779 he contracted with John Dowel, now deceased, to purchase about two hundred acres in Albemarle County. The track of land was adjacent to Charles Smith [now David 135

Clarkson and Ambrose Edwards] and John McCauley and William Easten. Consideration was £80 current money which Walter Goldsmith paid John Dowel in February 1780. Walter Goldsmith actually paid Dowel $300 which was more than the agreed purchase price. Dowel was to make title to the land. In this petition Walter Goldsmith stated he was “wholly unsuspicious of a want of sincerity in the said Dowel did not even take a receipt for the money paid him, which, however he probably wanted have done, had not the said Dowel evaded the granting of it by saying that he had neither pen, ink or paper in the house, and that he was very busy and had not an opportunity of rendering to any other person, to be furnished with them . . .” Shortly after the purchase “John Wansley took possession of the aforesaid land on his account, aforesaid in March 1781 your Orator also took possession thereof and has continued to possessed ever since. Walter Goldsmith said he fulfilled the contract but John Dowel refused to provide a deed in fee simple. Dowel reportedly said “the money which he received from your orator was nothing but paper, and was good for nothing, and sometimes absolutely refusing without apprizing any reason.”

John Dowel died intestate. Walter Goldsmith prayed to court to make his following children defendants: Major Dowel, Mary Dowel, John Dowel, Patience Gunter, Dorcas Dowel, James Dowel, Benjamin Dowel, Milly Dowel and Nancy Dowell. The attorneys alleged that the acts of John Dowel during his lifetime and his children are “contrary to equity and good conscience.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

10 Mar 1798 Major Dowell responded to Walter Goldsmith’s petition that in 1779 or 1780, John Dowel entered into a contract with Walter Goldsmith to rent the land for “two hundred pounds of tobacco per year cash for the Rent of the aforesaid Land.” If Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley actually paid John Dowel “eight thousand pounds of crop Tobacco inspected at Richmond that the [illegible] Rent was to cease and the said Dowell to convey the Said Land to him in fee Simple . . .” Major Dowel “cannot Believe that any person would in 1779 or 1780 Sell about two hundred acres of valuable land for eighty pounds [illegible] paper currency. . .” Major Dowel later asserted that the two hundred acres of valuable land in 1779 or 1780 would have been worth eight thousand pounds of crop tobacco and is now worth 400 current money of Virginia. Four years elapsed after the proposal to buy the land for 8,000 pounds of tobacco but the land was not paid for.

Major Dowell accepts that in 1779 or 1780 there were sundry transactions between John Dowell and Walter Goldsmith including sale of a mare and bacon and hire of Negroes. After Major Dowell reached majority, John Dowell proposed to give him the land on which Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley now live. At one point Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley proposed to rent the land from Major Dowel; however, on the next day they asserted they owned the land. The petition refers to an injunction; this portion of the document is illegible.

Sometime after the injunction “John Dowell became disordered in his Senses and continued un till his Death . . .” “This Defendant hopes that the complt will be ordered to give up the Land aforesaid and that this Defendant will be hence account with his Reasonable Cost in this behalf wrongfully &c.” Signed: Majr Dowell [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

03 Oct 1798 John Wansley was deposed in the chancery case of Walter Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs. John Wansley stated that during “the Christmas Hollidays [sic] in the year 1780” John Dowel agreed to sell Walter Goldsmith land in Albemarle County for £80 or 8,000 pounds of tobacco. John Wansley stated Walter Goldsmith paid £80 for the land and expected to receive title; however, a deed was never executed. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

03 Oct 1798 Mildred Wansley was deposed in suit of Walter Goldsmith versus John Dowell heirs. Mildred Wansley stated “that in the year 1780 in the month of February Mr John Dowel the Father of the Defts came to her house and asked where Mr Goolsmith was she told him he was gone Down home and the said Dowel Said that he had called by to see Goolsmith for he was at my house yesterday and paid me Eighty or Ninety Pounds for the Land he has rather paid me over to the amount of ten Pounds and that he had called by to let him know he might have the change against he came up again.”

Mildred Wansley was unaware that Goolsmith and John Wansley had purchased bacon from John Dowell. She was knew Goolsmith briefly hired a Negro from John Dowell. Mildred Wansley did 136

not know about John Wansley agreeing to use that place from John Dowel, Jr. in 1785 or 1786. The price for the land was 8,000 weight of tobacco or 80 pounds currency. Mildred Wansley did not know about John Wansley’s payment of 2,000 pounds of tobacco to John Dowel, Sr. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

03 Oct 1798 Thomas Gilbert stated that in April or May 1786 when he was visiting with John Dowell about the land. John Dowel told Thomas Gilbert that Dowell “had received some money of the said Goldsmith in account of the Land now in Dispute the precise Sum he cannot now recollect and the said Dowel Complained that the money he received never nothings but trash as it was Paper money.” Thomas Gilbert stated the money which Goldsmith paid Dowell was for the land.

“Did you hear the Defendants Father say whether he was to receive Tobacco or money for that Land Answer Tobacco but that he went to Goldsmiths and the Tobacco not being ready he received Paper money which was nothing but trash.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

03 Oct 1798 Jonathan Monday in a deposition stated he heard Walter Goldsmith say he would be unable to pay for the land he bought from John Dowel. Jonathan Monday related that after the death of John Dowel, Walter Goldsmith said he would relinquish half the land to Major Dowel “upon any conditions at all.” After moving to David Clarkson’s, Walter Goldsmith told Clarkson “if the Sd Clarkson Did not Use him well, he would go to Majr Dowel and give Him up The Land.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

20 Oct 1798 In a deposition Ruben Monday stated, “I have hird [sic] Mr Goldsmith say that he would give up The Land he then livd on For he never should be able To pay For it soon after the Death of Jno Dowel he came to my Father and he Sd he and Mager [sic] were to come to another Bargen, he Sd if Majr would give him up one half of The Land he would give Majr up the other half soon after Mr Goldsmith went to David Clarksons To live, he The Sd Goldsmith was at my brother Jonathans, he Sd of Mr Clarkson did not do better he would give the Majr up his Land, he said he reconned [sic] that The Majr would give him a Trifel [sic] For it.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

03 Oct 1798 Lucy Beck stated in the spring of 1780, “She heard John Dowel Father to the said Major Dowell heard him tell Andrew Beck that he believed the said Goldsmith would make out to pay for the land now in dispute.” John Dowell told Andrew Beck “that Goolsmith had paid a good deal of money the other Day” before Goolsmith moved to Albemarle County. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

20 Oct 1798 Jeremiah Nicholas stated, “I was at Walter Goldsmith in the year 1783 and we got To talking about The Sd Dowell Jno Dowell selling The Land that the Sd Goldsmith then Lived on To Samuel Edwards and Joseph Ray, I ask him if he was willing to give it up his answer was yes for he would never be able To pay for it and he wanted to Quit it and go over the mountain where Edward Farnehenmon lives.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

20 Oct 1798 Granvill Edwards stated in a deposition, “I was at Walter Goldsmiths shop sometime in the year 1783 whilst I was there Samuel Edwards & Joseph Ray came there and they the Sd Edwards & Ray Told the Sd Goldsmith that they would wish to buy a Parcel of land That The Sd Goldsmith then lived on Goldsmiths Reply was by and welcome, if you and Dowel can agree, I lay no claim to The Land bye the Lord I am not able To pay For it, nor never expect to be I mean To give up and Go to Louisa where I came From. . .” Later John Dowel told Samuel Edwards and Joseph Ray that he would sell the land for 200 £; they rejected the price as too high. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

20 Oct 1798 In his deposition Peter Clarkson stated that in 1780 or 1781, he was assessor for public revenue in Albemarle County. John Dowel, now deceased, asked him to assess two hundred acres of land from John Dowel to Walter Goldsmith. Peter Clarkson also assessed land from John Dowel to [illegible] Lain. Walter Goldsmith was to pay John Dowel 8,000 pounds of tobacco or £80 for two hundred acres of land. Clarkson assessed the land about the time or after that Goldsmith moved to Albemarle County. [NOTE: Based on earlier information Goldsmith had been living in Louisa County.] “Did you hear Goldsmith acknowledge that he was owing for the land after he had set up 137

a Blacksmiths shop on it No I did not - Goldsmith said he had over paid the said John Dowel for the land that he had paid him Ninety pounds, but the damned old raskal [sic] would never be satisfied, he said what he had paid him was worth no more.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

20 Oct 1798 John Denton stated about 1781 he was an employed at Captain Walter Carr’s mill when iron work was required for the “bolting chest.” John Denton went with John Dowel to the shop of Walter Goldsmith to arrange for the iron work and John Dowel was to pay for the repairs. After the work was done Captain Carr paid John Denton $2.00 for the repairs. John Denton then offered the money to John Dowell who refused to accept it telling him to give the money to Walter Goldsmith. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

20 Oct 1798 Clabourne Rothwell [Rothal]. In 1791 or 1792, Walter Goldsmith asked Clabourne Rothwell whether he would like to buy the land for 40 pounds. Rothwell wanted the land only if Goldsmith had title. Rothwell then asked Walter Goldsmith “what he was To give For The Land his answer was eight Thousand lbs of Tobacco Then Ast him if he had payd any of The Tobacco, his Answer was no, I Then Ast him wheather he was not To pay Rent For the Land provided he Did not pay for it, his Answer was yes, I Then Ast him how many years had he To pay For the Land in, his Answer was Four Years -- I then Ast him how much rent he was To give pr year he Answered 200 lbs of tobacco, I then Ast him if he had paid up any of his rents his answer was no, I Then told him I would not give him one Copper For his right, his answer was he did not care For the Sd he had possession of The Land and he would keep it as Long as he wanted it, and when he was done with it he did not care what The Devil became of it For he had right To it I Then Ast him if he had ever payd Mr Dowel any money he answers was yes, I then Ast him if it was For The Land, he Answered No what money he had Paid him was For Bacon, Brandy and exchange of a Beast, I then ast him The sum, he told me he did not know but a good deal of Money.” Clabourne Rothwell said that Goldsmith lived on the land. “Was the Said Goldsmith Serous & Sober to appearance in my Opnion as Ever I Saw Him.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

20 Oct 1798 Thomas Dowell stated “That at the time that Joseph Mollen [or Motten] was Clearing The New Road That Jno Wansley offered the Sd Dowel Three Thousand lbs of Tobacco For The Land where The Sd Wansley Then was Living on and That The Sd Dowel Did Refuse To Take the Sd offer without the Sd Wansley would Pay all the Tobacco in hands and Further that this “

Question: “Did The Sd Dowel not sel The Sd Land To Wansley and Goldsmith For Eight Thousand lbs of Tobacco Answer That I herd other People say so -- But never herd him say so my self.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

11 Nov 1798 Lucy Monday in a deposition often heard Walter Goldsmith tell her husband that he must relinquish the land in dispute since he was unable to pay for it. According to her, “Goldsmith declared that John Wansley was to have half of the said Land, that the said Wansley made fine crops in the said land [but] would not offer to pay any thing towards it.” Walter Goldsmith said he wished for a “new bargain” with Major Dowel if Dowel would let him keep half. Lucy Monday discussed a horse trade between Dowel and Goldsmith. [NOTE: Spilled ink obscures portions of the deposition.] [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

17 Nov 1798 Anna Dowell was present when about 50 pounds of meat “was taken down from John Dowells chimney and weighed and delivered to Walter Goldsmith.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

17 Nov 1798 John White stated he was present when Walter Goldsmith paid John Dowell, deceased, money for brandy and meat. John Dowell demanded payment for the land in dispute; Goldsmith replied that he had another year to complete payment for the land. John White was unaware that John Wansley had any involvement in the contract to purchase the land. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

17 Nov 1798 William Wansley stated in a deposition “that in January or Feby before the siege of York that John Dowell at this depts. [deponent’s] fathers House, the said Dowell said that he had sold Walter 138

Goldsmith a tract of land lying adjoining McCauley & Thomas Edwards lands for which he had received eight thousand weight of Tobacco or eighty Pounds and the said Dowell acknowledged he had received Ten Pounds over the sum but that he was in hopes that he the Sd Dowell would be able to return the change to Goldsmith when he the Sd Goldsmith returned from below, and that he was willing to make the Sd Goldsmith a Deed for the Land whenever he requested it.´

William Wansley was unaware of a written contract between John Dowell and Walter Goldsmith. William Wansley stated “Goldsmith bought the land and put my father on it.” William Wansley did not know whether Goldsmith was to receive rent from John Wansley but John Dowell extracted rent money from John Wansley under duress against expressed wishes of Walter Goldsmith. William Wansley stated that John Wansley was never to pay any rent. Walter Goldsmith abused John Wansley for paying rent to John Dowell. William Wansley was unaware of that Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley were to pay John Dowell 400 weight of tobacco in rent. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

01 Dec 1798 Ambrous Dowell, brother of John Dowell, Sr., stated in a deposition that he was in Walter Goldsmith’s shop when Goldsmith “mentioned To me That if Jno Wansley did not make up his part, That he the Sd Goldsmith would give up the Land to Jno Dowel.” Major Dowel, son of Thomas Dowel, was also in Goldsmith’s shop at the time of this conversation. Question: “Was your Brother Jno Dowel in his right mind at The day That Mr. Peter Clarkson and Major Jno Then Settled The Controversy of The Land sold by The Sd Ambrous Dowel to Jno Dowel [?]” Answer: “No.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

01 Dec 1798 Much of Mary McCauley’s deposition is illegible. Mary McCauley understood that Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley were to pay John Dowell 8,000 pounds of tobacco for the land in dispute. John Dowell, Sr. was to deliver a deed for the land only after the purchase price was paid. She stated Walter Goldsmith had a shop on the land where she lived. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

03 Dec 1798 West Langford deposed “That I Happened at The Sd Jno Dowels at a time That he was a building of a house, and To The best of my knowledge that There was 8000 lbs of Tobacco To be given For the Sd Land now in controversy.” West Langford said this was according to John Wansley, not Walter Goldsmith. West Langford understood that John Wansley was to purchase the land. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

05 Mar 1799 Patience Gunter, a daughter and heir of John Dowell, Sr., stated she was an infant when the contract was made between John Dowel and Walter Goldsmith. According to her, John Dowel never received payment for paid for the land. She denies “all fraud and unlawfull combination.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

07 Mar 1799 John Dowell, Jr. responded to a Bill of Complaint by Walter Goldsmith. He was an infant when John Dowell, Sr. agreed to rent the disputed land to Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley for an unknown quantity of tobacco. If Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley were to pay John Dowell, Sr. 8,000 pounds of tobacco, they were to receive the land in fee simple. But if Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley failed to pay the tobacco within the allotted time, John Dowell was not obliged to sell. John Dowell could receive the rent or he could seize possession of the land. According to John Dowell, Jr., Goldsmith and Wansley did not pay for the land. Then, John Dowell, Sr. “Desired for the said Rent and that the Said complainant and John Wansley obtained an Injunction in Albemarle County Court pretending as the complainant does now [know] that they had Bought and paid for Said Land.” After the injunction was dissolved, John Dowell, Sr. recovered his rent. However, John Dowel, Jr. was only an infant at the time.

According to John Dowell, Jr., his father always claimed he had never been paid for the land. “This Defendant thinks it very probable that being frequently of unsound mind was the Reason that he Departed this Life intestate.” John Dowell, Jr. desired that Walter Goldsmith “be Compelled to give up possession of the said Land which he has forcibly held ever Since the death of the Said John.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]


17 Mar 1799 Anna Dowell, widow of John Dowel, Sr., responded to a Bill of Complaint. Based on her memory about 1780, Walter Goldsmith and John Wansley were to pay an unknown rent and if within four years they paid 8,000 pounds of tobacco, they could have the property in fee simple. Walter Goldsmith may have paid paper money for “Bacon Brandy and Some other Articles.” Anna Dowell “Declares that she never heard the Said John Dowell in his lifetime Say that he had Received payment for the Said Land But admits that that the said John Made Distress for the Rent and the said complainant and John Wansley obtained an Injunction and after a full hearing the Injunction was Dissolved by which means the Said John Secured and Received his Rent and this Defendant further Notes That The Said John Dowell was very frequently of unsound mind and as she believes that the Said land at the time of contract was well worth eight thousand pounds of Tobacco If ever the Said John ever accepted eight thousand pounds of pound current papper [sic] money for the Said Land money for the Said Lands when such payment in the Bill was said to be made it must have been at a time when he was disordered in his mind This Defendant cannot exactly Remember at what time the Said John first became unsane But Remembers that it was when the convention troops were at the Barracks in this County and as they first came there on December 1778 and Remaind until the Latter part of the year 1780 and 1781 . . .” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

01 Oct 1800 Jesse Beck, deposed in Amherst County, Virginia, said, “In the year Eighty or Eighty one, that John Dowell Decd sold a Tract of Land unto Walter Goldsmith & John Wansley which the Sd Goldsmith & Wansley was to give the Sd Dowell Eight Thousand weight of Richmond Inspected Tobacco, which the Sd Goldsmith & Wansley was to Divide the Land & Each to pay half of the Tobacco -- the Sd Tobacco was to be paid Two thousand each year -- and in case the Sd Goldsmith & Wansley failed in paying the Tobacco agreeable to contract, they agreed to pay the Sd Dowell four Hundred pounds of Like tobacco a year for Rent . . .” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

17 Nov 1800 Mary Monday stated “she has frequently understood from the said Goldsmith that John Wansley was to have part of the land, in dispute, and if he behaved himself well, that, at his Goldsmith’s death, said Wansley should have it all.” Mary Monday understood that John Wansley had joined with Walter Goldsmith to purchase John Dowell’s land. Mary Monday knew that Walter Goldsmith had hired two Negroes from John Dowell. Mary Monday stated, “I heard old John Dowell mentioning an exchange of horses that he had with Goldsmith.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

16 Apr 1801 Jason Bowcock stated that in “The year that Burgunns Troops Was Removed from the Barracks of Albemarle, John Wansley Rented a plantation of mine that year, I happened to be at my plantation one day, and the Sd John Wansley and an old man Whome they Cald Gulesmith had Just Returned home, and was a Breakfast – they told me they had been to purchase a pice [sic] or a Track of Land of one John Dowell to Which they was to give for the Sd Land 8000 wait [sic] of Tobacco 2000 Wait [sic] to be paid annually till the 8000 was dischargd.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.] undated William Fretwell stated “That in a conversation which he had with John Wansley, the said Wansley told this deponent that he the said Wansley and Walter Goldsmith had purchased in partnership the land in controversy between [illegible] above parties of John Dowell for eight Thousand weight of tobacco and at the said time the said Wansley mentioned that there [illegible] to the said Dowell four thousand weight of tobacco from the Sd Wansley and Goldsmith in account of the said contract and that this Deponent further saith that this conversation took place at a time when the Sd Wansley [as this Deponent judges from the appearance of the plantation] had been thereon three or four years.”

“Quest.: “Did you understand from him that any part of the purchase tobacco had been paid to Dowell Answer He did not say any thing but what he had paid but in answer to my question whether he had paid for it, he answered no we have four thousand weight of tobacco to make it yet.” [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.]

Mar 1797- Notations indicate Goldsmith vs. Dowell heirs case was continued after March 1797 until November 1801 with requests for further time, submission of answers, and continuances. The last case notation is for November 1801, “heard [illegible] at the Complainants Cost [or Cont]” The documents for the final decree may not have survived. [Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court


Records, Goldsmith vs. John Dowell heirs, Case ID 1801-004.] before 1805 Since Elizabeth Goldsmith did not sign or release dower in the following 18 April 1805 deed from Walter Goldsmith to Richard Mantlo, she presumably died before this conveyance. Walter and Elizabeth Goldsmith may not have had any immediate heirs. Mary Monday’s deposition on 17 November 1800, stated “she has frequently understood from the said Goldsmith that John Wansley was to have part of the land, in dispute, and if he behaved himself well, that, at his Goldsmith’s death, said Wansley should have it all.”

18 Apr 1805 Walter Goldsmith of Albemarle County sold Richard Mantlo, son and heir-at-law of James Mantlo, 160 acres in Louisa County on North East Creek. Adjacent: Moses Estes [previously in Hanover County before became Louisa County], Thomson, formerly property of William Sears and John Harris. Signed: Walter Goldsmith. Witnesses: John Edwards, Duke Cosby, John Thomason, Jonathon Munday. 08 July 1805, proved and acknowledged by Walter Goldsmith and oath of John Edwards. 08 September 1805, further proved and acknowledged by Walter Goldsmith and oath of Duke Cosby and John Edwards, ordered recorded. [Louisa County, Virginia Deeds, Vol. K, pp. 230-1.]

08 Sep 1806 Deed of 18 April 1805 was proved and acknowledged by Walter Goldsmith and the oath of Duke Cosby and John Edwards, and ordered recorded [Louisa county, Virginia Deeds, Vol. K, pp. 280- 1.]

When and where Walter Goldsmith died is unknown.

Abercrombie, Janice. Louisa County, Virginia Judgments 1766-1790 Compiled from the Microfilm of the Judgments/ Loose Papers of the Louisa County Clerk’s Office. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Company, 1998.

Abercrombie, Janice. Virginia Revolutionary “Publick” Claims, Louisa County. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Company, ca 1992.

Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs Dowell, Case ID 1796-006. Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records, Goldsmith vs John Dowell heirs. Case ID 1801-004. Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.

Albemarle County, Virginia Personal Property Taxes, 1783-1799.

Bell, John C. Louisa County Records You Probably Never Saw of 18th Century Virginia. Nashville, Tennessee: J. C. Bell, 1983.

Bockstruck, Lloyd D. Virginia's Colonial Soldiers. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1988.

Bontempo, Lydia Sparacio. Order Book Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia 1770-1772. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, ca 2001.

Chappelear, Nancy and Kate Binford Hatch. Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books 1743-1801. Chapplear, nd.

Davis, Rosalie Edith. Louisa County, Virginia 1743-1814. Where Have All the Children Gone? Manchester, Missouri: Heritage Trails. 1980.

Davis Rosalie Edith [compiler]. Louisa County, Virginia Deed Books A and B 1742-1759 . Bellevue, Washington: R. E. Davis, 1976.

Davis, Rosalie Edith [compiler]. Louisa County, Virginia Deed Books C, C2, D & D2 1759-1774. Manchester, Missouri: R. E. Davis, 1977.

Davis, Rosalie E. [compiler]. Louisa County, Virginia Deed Books E & F 1774-1790. Manchester, Missouri: R. E. Davis, nd.


Davis Rosalie Edith [compiler]. Louisa County, Virginia, Tithables and Census 1745-1785. Manchester, Missouri: Heritage Trails, before 1981.

Goldsmith, Walter vs. John Dowell, Sr. Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Records. Case ID 1796-006

Goldsmith, Walter vs. John Dowell, Sr. heirs. Albemarle County, Virginia Chancery Court Record. Case ID 1801- 004.

Horsley, Joan. Mildred “Milly” Wansley Wife of John Wansley of Albemarle County, Virginia and Elbert County, Georgia [Previously known as Amelia Barber] Fictions and Facts in Wansley Family Genealogies. Horsley, Joan, 2009, on-line.

Little, Barbara Vines. “French and Indian War Land Bounty Certificates” in Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 38, No. 3, August 2000.

Louisa County [Virginia] Historical Magazine, June 1969, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 14. “Louisa County Land Tax Book – 1782.”

Schreiner-Yantis, Netti and Florence Speakman Love. The 1787 Census of Virginia. Springfield, Virginia, ca 1998.

Sparacio, Lydia [Bontempo]. Order Book Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia 1770-1772. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, ca 2001.

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Deed Abstracts of Albemarle County, Virginia 1772-1776 Being Albemarle County Deed Book No. 6. September Court 1772 - November Court 1776. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, 1992.

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Louisa County, Virginia Orders 1747-1748/1766/1772. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, 1999.

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Louisa County, Virginia Orders 1767-1768 This Book contains Louisa County Orders taken from Louisa County Order Book 1768-1772, pages 19-164 for Courts held 10th of March 1767-9th of May 1768. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, 2000.

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Order Book Abstracts from of Louisa County, Virginia 1766-1769. This Book contains Louisa County Orders from Order Book 1766-1772 Beginning on Page 65 at Court held the 10th day of May 1768, and end on Page 295 at a Court held the 10th of April 1769. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, ca 2001.

Sparacio, Ruth and Sam Sparacio. Order Book of Louisa County, Virginia 1766-1774. McLean, Virginia: Antient Press, 1999.

Virginia Genealogist, Vol. 30, No. 1, January-March 1986, p. 108; Vol. 33, No. 3, July-September 1989, p. 214. Washington, D.C.: John H. Dorman.

Virginia State Land Office Old Military and Importation and Warrants, Land Bounty Certificates for French and Indian War.

Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr. Albemarle County [Virginia] Marriages 1780-1853, 3 volumes. Athens, Georgia: Iberian Publishing Co., 1991.

Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website:

If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: Jim B. Evans, 2016) Available online at © 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author. Goldsmith, Walter timeline 9 point 18 Mar 2017 142



(Previously known as Amelia Barber)



15 MARCH 2009

Copyright © 2009 Joan Horsley

Contact: [email protected]

Reprinted with permission of Joan Horsley. Jim Evans

Since Joan is now deceased, please contact Jim Evans with any questions concerning the Wansleys. I do reply to any correspondence sent to Joan's email address. Barry Gilbert

Contact: [email protected]





INTRODUCTION: Research Questions, Answers, and Continuing Problems

PART I: What Was the Name of John Wansley's Wife?

A. Proof that her name was not Amelia, but Mildred, nicknamed Milly B. Origins of the name Amelia C. No second wife for John Wansley D. Dealing with confusions about John Wansley's wife's name

PART II. Who Was the Father of John Wansley's Wife?

A. Claim for Patrick Barber of New Jersey and New York 1. Sources of the claim for Patrick Barber 2. The "Amelia" stories - Overview 3. Problems with using family stories as fact 4. The "Amelia" stories - Discussion a. The stories of Patrick Barber as "Amelia's" father b. The "Amelia" meets John stories c. The elopement stories d. The story of Patrick Barber's attempted reconciliation e. The "Amelia" and Sarah in Yorktown story 5. Other examples of Katharine Otto's work on the early Wansley line a. Misidentifying the records of Benjamin Davis i. Will of Benjamin Davis ii. Land of Benjamin Davis iii. Benjamin Davis and Jefferson Davis, CSA iv. Benjamin Davis in the Revolutionary War v. Davis difficulties b. Misidentifying the records of John Beck i. John Beck in the Revolutionary War ii. Land of John Beck c. Confusions about "Matilda Wansley" 6. Summary of the claim for Patrick Barber B. Claim for William Barbour of Albemarle County, VA C. Conclusions about traditional claims PART III. Beginning From the Beginning A. Other possibilities for the father of John Wansley's wife 1. Barber 2. Barbour 3. Baber B. Wherewith Whitten? 1. Whitten as a Wansley family name 2. Whitten and Wansley connections C. Conclusions to date D. The challenge ahead APPENDIX: Selected Descendant Outline for John Wansley and wife Mildred ("Milly") BIBLIOGRAPHY

Copyright © 2009 Joan Horsley Contact: [email protected]





John Wansley was born 1738, grew up in Louisa County, Virginia, and lived at least 27 years in adjacent Albemarle County before moving in 1800 to Elbert County, Georgia, where he died in 1835. It has been widely accepted by current-day Wansley family historians that John Wansley's wife was named Amelia Barber, and most accept that she was the daughter of Patrick Barber of New Jersey and New York. However, there is no proof for either claim.

My research on "Amelia" began over six years ago by collecting and investigating information and stories about her that were published in the late 1970's and are now widely disseminated through the Internet. Since almost no one gives sources or documentation, my focus became tracking down the sources of the various stories and claims, and then trying to find if there was documentation that could support them.

What I subsequently found in primary records and historical documents raises serious questions about the validity of current claims about "Amelia" and about the quality of the research upon which those claims rest. The numerous errors, misidentifications, misrepresentations, unsubstantiated claims, and internal contradictions cast doubt on the reliability of the information that has been passed down.

This report details my research to date. It is only a start, an attempt to clear the underbrush, assess our position, and chart where to go from here. The research indicates a need to go back to the beginning, using current resources and modern standards of research, to discover who John Wansley's wife really was. Although there is more yet to learn, four points are clear from research to date:

1.) The name of John Wansley’s wife was not Amelia, but Mildred, who went by the nickname Milly.

2) Mildred was the only wife of John Wansley and mother of all his children.

3.) The claim that Mildred/"Amelia's" father was Patrick Barber of New Jersey and New York is only family myth and has no basis in fact.

4.) Mildred's maiden name almost certainly was Whitten rather than Barbour/Barber. The following report discusses each point in detail.


Proof that her name was not Amelia, but Mildred, nicknamed Milly

John Wansley's wife is generally known as "Amelia Barber." However, there are no primary records or documentation to support this claim.

Albemarle County, Virginia, Chancery Court records prove that John Wansley's wife was named Mildred, not Amelia. The dates in the record show that Mildred was the mother of all John's children and was still his wife in 1798. She then surely would be the same woman as John's wife Milly (the standard nickname for Mildred) who joined Vans Creek Church in Elbert County, Georgia in 1801 or 1802. According to the Bible record of Thomas Wansley, John Wansley's wife Milly died 9 January 1829.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Milly was the common nickname for both Mildred and Amelia. [History and Genealogy Unit, Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT] As we shall see, the mistake about John's wife's name revolves around several confusions with the nickname Milly by 20th century Wansley family historians.

Proof that John's wife was named Mildred comes from the Albemarle County Chancery Court suit of Walter Goldsmith v John Dowell, in which John Wansley and his wife Mildred Wansley testify on behalf of Goldsmith. [Albemarle Chancery Court Case (ACC) ID 1801-004, Library of Virginia (LVA)] In her 1798 deposition, Mildred Wansley testifies to events concerning her husband John Wansley, including a conversation that took place in their home in February of 1780.


There has never been any doubt or question that Sarah Wansley, born 6 Mar 1765, [Beck Family Record, R692, NARA] and Martha/Patsy Wansley were both daughters of the same mother, who was called “Amelia” in publications in the 1970’s. Patsy herself reportedly said that she was the “youngest and Sarah the eldest.” [Katharine W. Otto, Genealogy of Martin-Price (1978), p. 2] (The context implies youngest/eldest daughter not child. This interpretation is supported as true to the extent that primary records, such as marriage records and censuses, still exist.)

According to her grave marker, Martha/Patsy Wansley was born 1 March 1781. [Mt. Hope Cemetery, Lumpkin Co., GA] Thus, Patsy was born 13 months after the events of February 1780 in which Mildred Wansley testified she participated as John Wansley’s wife. This would mean Patsy and by extension Sarah and all children in between were children of John's wife named Mildred Wansley.

Wansley children following Patsy were Thomas, born 29 Apr 1783 according to his family Bible records, [Wansley, p.38] and Larkin, born 1785 according to the 1860 Elbert County, GA census. Since Mildred Wansley's deposition as John Wansley’s wife was dated 3 October 1798, she was also mother of Thomas and Larkin. Thus all of John Wansley’s children were Mildred’s.

John Wansley and his family moved from Albemarle County, Virginia, to Elbert County, Georgia in 1800. [John Wansley Revolutionary War Pension Application, S32045, National Archives & Records Admin. (NARA)]. In 1801 or 1802 John's wife Milly as well as other family members joined Vans Creek Church. [Vans Creek Church records, Ordinary’s Office, Elberton, GA] (One date is for wife Milly and the other is for daughter Milly who married and left the church in 1803, with John's wife Milly remaining in 1804 church records.) Since Milly was the commonly used nickname for Mildred, there is no reason, and no evidence, to suggest this was anyone other than John's wife Mildred in Virginia 3 to 4 years previously. Mildred “Milly” Wansley's death was recorded in Thomas Wansley/Wanslow's family Bible as Milly Wanslow. [Frank N. Wansley, From Rome to Ruckersville (1975), p. 41] She died 9 January 1829, six years almost to the day before her husband John died 13 January 1835. Both died in Elbert County, Georgia.

Long before discovering this proof from the Albemarle Chancery Court records that John's wife's name was Mildred, I had found indirect evidence that her name very likely was Mildred rather than Amelia. After learning that Milly, as John's wife was called in later Georgia church and Bible records, was the commonly-used nickname both for Amelia and for Mildred, several factors pointed to the likelihood of her formal name being Mildred instead of Amelia. First, in many years of researching primary records from the 1700's in and around counties where John Wansley lived, I do not remember ever seeing the name Amelia. However, Mildred was a name that did appear in the records, many of whom were shown to be called Milly.

Secondly, I did not find any descendants of John Wansley named Amelia, but at least two grandchildren carried the name Mildred. Son Thomas Wansley had a daughter Martha with a middle name of Mildred [Doris Steed Smith, Wansley Line (undated), p. 4] Daughter Sarah Wansley Beck had a daughter with the first name of Mildred. [Smith, Wansley Line, p. 3] Significantly, Mildred Beck went by the name of "Milly." [Smith, Wansley Line, p. 3; confirmed by 1870 census, Elbert County, GA, as "Milly Gray."] This seemed a good indication that John Wansley's wife Milly was also Mildred, rather than Amelia.

The Albemarle County court records proving John's wife's formal name was Mildred show this indirect evidence to be valid.

Origins of the name “Amelia”

If John Wansley's wife was named Mildred, and she went by the nickname of Milly, where did the name Amelia come from?

The earliest mention I have found for John Wansley's wife as Amelia is in 1914-1916 in the first applications submitted for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) under the soldier-ancestor John Wansley. These applications came from sisters Caroline Price Wilson (b. 1860) and Isabella Price Charters (b. 1864). [Member ID# 41757 & 60842, DAR Library, Washington, DC]. The sisters were great-great-granddaughters of John and Mildred through their daughter Martha/Patsy Wansley and her husband Benjamin Davis (my own direct ancestors). In 1928, a third sister, Sarah Price West (b. 1869), had an entry in Frederick A. Virkus' The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, which also gave the name Amelia for John Wansley's wife. [Virkus, Vol. III, (Genealogical Publishing Co., reprint 1968) p. 384. Entry begins with Sallie Wandsley Price West.]

Information from early DAR records and from Virkus' Compendium is well known among genealogists to be highly unreliable. Neither the early DAR nor Virkus required proof, documentation, or sources for the ancestor information they published, and none of these Wansley-Davis descendants provided any. Since all these earliest reporters were

146 of the same family, we cannot consider their concurrence as verified by independent sources.

On the one hand, the three sisters Isabelle Price Charters, Caroline Price Wilson and Sarah Price West might have cause to know this kind of family information. Their mother Martha Matilda Martin Price was the granddaughter of John Wansley's daughter Patsy Wansley and her husband Benjamin Davis. Martha Matilda grew up in the same household with her Wansley-Davis grandparents and was 30 years old when they died. On the other hand, however, significant parts of the Price sisters' scant DAR information have been proved in error (e.g., the death date and death place of Benjamin Davis the "Patriot"). As we shall see in later sections of this report, much of the information from the Price sisters' daughter/niece Katharine Wilson Otto is also unreliable, either proved in error, highly questionable, or unsubstantiated by primary records.

Interestingly, the names of the three sisters may give a clue to where the name Amelia came from. As with John Wansley's wife Mildred/Milly, all but one of the Wansley's daughters, and a number of Wansley descendants in the next generations, the three Price sisters went by nicknames. Isabelle was Belle, Caroline was Carrie, and Sarah was Sallie. (Carrie's daughter Katharine Otto was Kate.) Since John Wansley's wife went by Milly, it seems likely that Milly was the name by which the Price sisters knew her. Could it be the three sisters who assumed Milly stood for Amelia? Born in Georgia around the Civil War, the sisters came of age at a time when the name Amelia was popular in both fiction and fact, and certainly more common than it ever was in mid-18th century Virginia (as well as more euphonious to modern ears than Mildred). This is only speculation on my part, but combined with other information already discussed, the possibility does seem worth considering.

No second wife for John Wansley

The complications around the nickname Milly took another turn with three Wansley descendants who published family histories in the late 1970's (discussed in detail shortly). The Price sisters do not mention that John Wansley had any second wife. However, authors Frank N. Wansley, Katharine Wilson Otto, and Doris Steed Smith, working with shared information, posit that John Wansley had a second wife named "Milly" after his first wife "Amelia" died. According to Frank Wansley in From Rome to Ruckersville, the reason for this assumption came from the following entries in the Bible of Thomas Wansley/Wanslow. [Wansley, p. 41] (Note that for some reason not yet clear, the John Wansley family went by Wanslow for several decades after moving to Georgia from Virginia where the name had appeared only as Wansley.)

John Wanslow, Sr. died January 13, 1835 Milly Wanslow died January 9, 1829 Polly Wanslow, daughter of John and Milly Wanslow, died September 1806

It must be remembered that the three Wansley family authors believed that John Wansley's wife was supposed to be named Amelia, based on the Price sisters' claims six decades earlier. (Author Katharine Otto was the daughter of one Price sister, and niece of the other two sisters). In addition, the authors knew that Milly was the nickname for Sarah Wansley's daughter Mildred Beck. [Smith, Wansley Line, p. 3]

However, these authors obviously were unaware that the name Milly also had been the common nickname for Amelia. Consequently, they presumed the Milly of the Bible record was a different woman from Amelia, and thus must be a second wife. I have found no evidence that John Wansley had two wives other than this confusion over the nickname Milly. On the other hand, long before finding proof in the Albemarle court record, I did find indirect evidence that John had only one wife.

The Wansley family histories published in the 20th century do not mention that "Amelia" went by a nickname, yet it seemed likely she might. In John Wansley's family almost all the females went by nicknames. In John Wansley's will, he names four of his five daughters by their nicknames--Sallie (for Sarah), Patsy (for Martha), Nancy (for Ann), and Milly.[Elbert County Record Book 1830-35, p. 482] His daughter whose death is recorded in Thomas Wansley's Bible also went by a nickname, Polly (for Mary). Son Nathan's name was a nickname or shortened form of Nathaniel. Therefore, it would not be surprising for John's wife to go by a nickname also. Thus, there seemed no reason to think that John's wife Milly in Georgia records was a different woman from John's wife earlier in Virginia who was thought to be named Amelia, since Milly was the nickname for Amelia as well as for Mildred. It seemed implausible that John married two women whose nickname would be Milly, since unlike names such as Elizabeth or Mary, the nickname Milly and its formal forms were not that commonly found in the relevant time and place.

As explained earlier in this report, the name and dates in the 1798 Albemarle Chancery Court deposition confirm that John Wansley had only one wife who was mother of all his children. Her name was Mildred, with the commonly-used nickname of Milly. Thus, Mildred Wansley surely would be the same Milly Wanslow who joined Vans Creek Church in 1801 or 1802 and whose death is recorded in Thomas Wansley/Wanslow's Bible as 9 January 1829.


Dealing with confusions about John Wansley's wife's name

Not only the three Wansley family authors and the earlier Price sisters but also current Wansley researchers all call John Wansley’s wife by the name Amelia. Thus, the exclusive use in this report of her real name of Mildred or Milly could get confusing, especially since Milly was thought (in error) to be the name of an alleged second wife.

It is clear from the submitters' and authors' previously published lineage lines and stories that their name Amelia refers to the same person as Mildred and that they just had the wrong name. For the remainder of this report I have chosen sometimes to refer to John Wansley's wife as "Amelia" (in quotation marks) or Mildred/"Amelia" in an attempt to be true to the fact that her proved name was Mildred as well as true to the context of previously published Wansley information that mistakenly calls her Amelia. The device of Mildred/"Amelia" does not mean that Mildred's nickname was Amelia, only that the writers who used the name Amelia were unaware that her true formal name was Mildred (with the nickname of Milly). I apologize to the reader for these somewhat awkward devices, and I sincerely hope they do not add even more confusion about John's only wife, Mildred, who usually went by Milly.


The Price sisters who gave us the name of Amelia for John Wansley's wife also said that her maiden name was Barbour or Barber, again with no proof or documentation. Only one sister’s information included any claim for the name of "Amelia's" father. In the submission to Frederick Virkus' Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy published in 1928, Sarah Price West’s entry says that John Wansley's wife "Amelia Barbour" was the daughter of William Barbour of Albemarle County, Virginia. [Virkus, Vol. III, p. 384]

Yet Sarah Price West's own niece Katharine Wilson Otto (b. 1888) reported, and apparently also originated, the now widespread claim that "Amelia Barber's" father was Patrick Barber of New Jersey and New York. Given this discrepancy between the claims of aunt and niece, we at least have proof that any claim as to Mildred/"Amelia's" father was not long-time family knowledge written or passed down from Mildred or her children, but a construct of much later descendants.

We turn now to discussing the conflicting claims, beginning with the best known and most widely accepted, the claim for Patrick Barber as Mildred/"Amelia" Wansley's father.


Sources of the claim for Patrick Barber

John Wansley's wife has been claimed to be the daughter of Patrick and Jane Fraser Barber of Princeton, NJ, and Orange County, NY. This claim is based solely on undocumented and unsubstantiated stories and was disseminated by Wansley descendants Frank Wansley, Katharine Wilson Otto and Doris Steed Smith who published family history books in the late 1970's. As explained in Part I of this report, the authors were unaware of John's wife's proper name of Mildred and nickname of Milly, and they call her "Amelia."

The most widely-known source for claims that Mildred/"Amelia" Wansley was Patrick Barber's daughter and for other "Amelia" stories is from Frank N. Wansley (1901-1983) in his 1975 book From Rome to Ruckersville: Our Wansley History. Although out of print, the book is still available in libraries, particularly in Georgia, and quotations from this book are widespread on Wansley genealogy web pages (though frequently not cited as such). The author warmly acknowledges, "No one has been of more assistance to me with this book than 'Cousin Kate,' and to her I am 'overcome' with gratitude."[Wansley, p. 37] "Cousin Kate" Katharine Wilson Otto (1888-1980) was a descendant of John and Mildred Wansley through their daughter Martha “Patsy” Wansley and her husband Benjamin Davis. Otto's own out-of-print and now hard to find book appeared in 1978 entitled The Genealogy of Martin-Price with Barber Genealogy establishing data on Barber-Wansley connection with Beck, Davis and Allied Families . A third author Doris Steed Smith (1908-1994) descended from John and Mildred Wansley’s daughter Sarah Wansley and husband John Beck. Smith, who published her Beck History in 1979, contributed to Frank Wansley’s book, and a manuscript Smith wrote called “Wansley Line” (undated) uses Otto's information, at times almost verbatim.

Thus, the three authors were acquainted and shared information, each it seems relying most heavily on Katharine Otto. Katharine Wansley Wilson was born 8 August 1888 in Dahlonega, Georgia. She attended a private school “for young ladies" in Baltimore, married Norwegian-born Olaf Otto in 1908 in lieu of college, and became a prominent socialite in Savannah, Georgia. [Smith, Wansley Line, p. 8] Much of Otto's work was done in the early 1900's and reflects both her social position and the glorification of one's ancestry common to her time. Although her mother Caroline Price Wilson published several abstract books of Georgia county records, Otto's work appears more fanciful that factual. Otto gives only generalized sources and does not document or reference her claims to sources. Not

148 only in Otto's stories about John and Mildred/"Amelia" but also in her information about their sons-in-law Benjamin Davis and John Beck, I have found more wrong than right when compared to primary records and historical documents. Frequently the problems are due to Otto's misidentifying and confusing people of the same name, or ascribing a story to a person to whom it could not, or in all probability would not, have happened as claimed. These problems will be explored later in detail, as they have direct bearing on the validity of the three authors' claim of Mildred/"Amelia's" father.

The "Amelia" stories – Overview

According to the Wansley family authors, John Wansley's wife Mildred/"Amelia" was the daughter of Patrick Barber, whose family became one of social and political prestige in the northeastern United States. The first volume of History of Princeton and Its Institutions by John Frelinghuysen Hageman published in 1879 says, "Patrick Barber, Esq., came from Ireland to New York in 1749 or 1750. After a short residence there, he removed to Princeton [NJ]." While in Princeton, he signed a petition for a military barracks and subscribed for the building of the Presbyterian Church. About 1767, Patrick Barber moved to Orange County, New York, "where he received appointments to civil offices under the colonial and State governments, and his ashes repose in the family cemetery in Orange, NY." [Hageman, Vol. I, p. 90] During the American Revolution, one son, William Barber, served on Marquis de Lafayette’s staff. Another son, Francis Barber, served with George Washington with whom he became friends. A third Revolutionary soldier son, John Barber, had a daughter Catherine who married William James, whose later wealth is said to have rivaled John Jacob Astor. They also were the grandparents of psychologist and philosopher William James, and his brother novelist Henry James.

The story of how John Wansley met his wife Mildred/"Amelia" has two discrepant versions. Frank Wansley’s From Rome to Ruckersville version, the widest quoted and best known, is that John met "Amelia" while he was "passing through" eastern North Carolina and stopped to ask directions at a home where she was "visiting" from New Jersey. [Wansley, p. 6] Contrariwise, the story of their meeting told by Katharine Wilson Otto in her Genealogy of Martin- Price is that John, who was born in Virginia, was working as an overseer on Patrick Barber’s estate in New Jersey. [Otto, p. 1] Thereafter, the versions converge to say that upon meeting, it was love at first sight, and since her father refused his consent, the couple eloped to get married. Patrick Barber, enraged that his daughter married so far beneath her, disowned her, struck her name from the family records, and disinherited her, leaving her and her children out of his will. The authors all claim Patrick's unreconciled anger as the reason why there is no documentation and no evidence to connect the Wansley's with the Patrick Barber's, and why no other researchers of the Patrick Barber family have ever found any signs of John Wansley's wife.

Not only is there no direct proof, but there is also no indirect evidence that Mildred/"Amelia" was Patrick Barber's daughter. In genealogy it is very common, especially when researching events prior to the 19th century in places where many records are missing or destroyed, to find no "direct proof" or documentation in primary records (such as wills) that conclusively identifies a person's parents and/or children. Even when a person's name is given as child or parent, if there are two or more persons of the same name at the right time and place, the burden of proof requires evidence to distinguish between the possibilities. When no "direct proof" exists, modern standards for genealogical research also accept "indirect evidence" of a parent/child relationship. [See Genealogical Proof Standard set by the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG)] This evidence still relies heavily on primary records and documents (that is, those made at the time of its happening, such as tax lists, censuses, deeds, marriage registers, etc.). In the case of indirect evidence, we search for the co-incidence of same time, same place, same associates among neighbors or together on records and other such evidence that would show a connection between the proposed parent and child. If by a reasonably exhaustive search the accumulation of quality indirect evidence is strong, if it does not contradict an irrefutable piece of direct primary evidence, if all other options have been researched and ruled out to a reasonable degree, and if we have distinguished adequately the identification of two or more people of the same name, then we can propose the likelihood of a parent or child relationship based upon indirect evidence, and hope as research continues and as new records come to light that more proof (for or against our proposed relationship) will come in time.

The information passed to us through the Wansley authors' stories does not meet any of the criteria for “direct” or "indirect” evidence. In fact, I have not found even loosely circumstantial evidence that Mildred/"Amelia" could be Patrick Barber's daughter. On the other hand, as we shall see, there is much that is documented which counter- indicates the claim to this prestigious Barber family in the Northeast, far removed from John Wansley in central Virginia.

People seeking their ancestry during the up-swell of genealogical interest in the latter 1800's and early 1900’s commonly but usually mistakenly attached their family line to a glorified heritage based simply on matching pieces of family stories or even just matching surnames with illustrious persons, especially since genealogies of wealthy, prestigious and/or historically notable families were what was published and most readily accessible at that time.


This practice is somewhat understandable in the days before technology, microfilm, the Internet, and ready access to catalogued records and document collections in centralized repositories. With such advances, both our knowledge of American Colonial life and the criteria for proper genealogical research have changed, but often families are understandably loathe to give up the legends, especially those of past fame and high prestige.

The Wansley family authors mention that John and Mildred/"Amelia" Wansley's eldest daughter Sarah Wansley Beck lived to age 94 [d. 1859 per Otto, p. 2] and relished telling stories of her childhood to her grandchildren. However, the stories attributed to or about Sarah (including the well-known Yorktown story) do not prove Patrick Barber or any other particular grandfather for Sarah, as we shall see.

In fact, we have good evidence that the claim to Patrick Barber originated much later than Sarah, because as late as 1928, the Virkus entry for Katharine Otto's own aunt Sarah Price West claimed "Amelia's" father was not Patrick Barber but a William Barbour of Albemarle County, VA. [Virkus, Vol. III, p. 384] This and the heavy reliance on Otto's material by Frank Wansley and Doris Steed Smith indicate that the claim to Patrick Barber may be of Katharine Otto's own creation. (Supporting this assumption is the fact that Otto makes some rather sensational claims, later proved erroneous, about my great-grandmother Davis' family which I have neither heard through the family nor found in any source other than Otto-related, yet she dubs them "family legends.") At the least, the 1928 Virkus entry for Katharine Otto's aunt shows that the claim for Patrick Barber as Mildred/"Amelia's" father was not long-known family history or story.

Problems with using family stories as fact

Some of the "Amelia" stories, such as her marrying against her father's wishes leaving him angry and alienated, or her nursing a sick or wounded family member during the Revolution, or her daughter Sarah meeting George Washington, could have elements of truth in them, even if distorted by time, faulty memory, confused identification, misinterpretation or embellishment. Nevertheless, in themselves they do not indicate or prove Patrick Barber or any other particular parents for Mildred/"Amelia." The challenge is in trying to unravel story elements in order to discern which parts (if any) are supported by documented facts and which parts are unsubstantiated interpretations or claims that run counter to proved facts.

An example of the problems with using family stories as fact comes from Doris Steed Smith's “Wansley Line”: "The end of the [Revolutionary] war came shortly and John Beck returned home and sought out Sarah [Wansley]. The occasion of the meeting being a picnic attended by both Sarah and her sister Martha and Martha's fiancé Benjamin Davis...An elopement was planned and carried out and at seventeen Sarah Wansley became Mrs. John Beck. The date was June 5, 1783, Albemarle County, Va." [Smith, Wansley Line, p. 12-13]

In fact, Sarah Wansley was 19, not 17, when she married John Beck in 1784, not 1783. Sarah was born 6 March 1765 and married John Beck 5 June 1784, according to the Beck Family Record that Sarah submitted with her pension application in 1856. [Sarah Beck Revolutionary War Pension Application, File R692, NARA]

Secondly, Virginia laws regarding marriages of persons under 21 were strict, and violators were subject to harsh punishments (discussed in detail later). As we shall see, these laws make it highly unlikely that Sarah and Beck circumvented these laws by eloping, especially not within their own home county.

The most glaring discrepancy between Smith’s story and fact is that at the time of Sarah's picnic and ensuing marriage in 1784, Martha Wansley and her "fiancé" Benjamin Davis were only 3 years old. (Each was born 1781, according to their grave markers in Lumpkin County, GA.)

As in that story, there often may be kernels of truth. Benjamin Davis may well have been at the Wansley family gathering, since records for John Wansley show he and family of Benjamin Davis shared significant mutual acquaintances and probably knew each other at least by 1760, if not long before. However, using family stories as historical fact is unreliable as to what happened, to whom, and when, as this case shows.

Another example from Doris Steed Smith is this sentence: "At the age of 90 [Sarah Wansley Beck] thought nothing of ordering her horse to be saddled and riding to the home of a grandson to spend the day." [Smith, Wansley Line, p. 13] However, according to Smith's birthdate for her, Sarah was also 90 years old when she applied for a widow's pension. Sarah's application states that "in consequence of old age and infirmities" she was unable to appear in open court, making her ability at that point to ride blithely on horseback for a day of visiting highly dubious. [File R692, NARA] (Details of Sarah's pension application are discussed below.)

A third example of how family stories are unreliable sources for factual information is a story told in slightly varying forms by Wansley, Otto and Smith. They all mention a gold ring given to Mildred/“Amelia” by an aunt (or alternately,

150 great-aunt) which “Amelia” used as a wedding ring, then gave to her daughter Sarah to use as her own wedding ring. The significance of the gold ring is that it was supposed to be a gift from "Amelia's” Aunt Elizabeth, who the authors say was "Lady Egerton," the sister (or aunt) of Patrick Barber. According to Sir Egerton Brydges’ edition of Collins’s Peerage of England (1812) an Elizabeth Barbour married John Egerton, Esq., first son of the Hon. Thomas Egerton of Tatton Park, Cheshire, England. [Collins, Vol 3, p. 200] However, other than the Wansley family authors' statements, I have found no recognized biographer or genealogist of either the John Egerton or Patrick Barber lines who even suggests, much less claims, any relationship between the two families, the one of British nobility, the other of Scots- Irish Presbyterians. So even if Mildred/"Amelia" were Patrick Barber's daughter, she would not have a gold ring from “Aunt Lady Egerton." Mildred/"Amelia" may have had a gold ring, possibly from an Aunt Elizabeth (perhaps even Elizabeth, wife of Walter Goldsmith, whose close relationship to the Wansley's we discuss later). But once a presumption is imposed upon a story, and in this case the “Lady Egerton” element was attached, then gradually the core story can get obliterated. The version told in Frank Wansley's book (the most-widely read and quoted of the three authors’ books) says nothing about an Aunt Elizabeth, only an aunt Lady Egerton. [Wansley, p. 22]

Handed-down family stories are much like extended versions of the child's game "Telephone" or "Gossip," where a sentence or short story whispered ear to ear around a circle rarely ends up the way it started and often bears no resemblance at all. Expand this to a story passed down by multiple generations over 150 to 200 years, then intertwined with numerous stories of other ancestors and their kin, and it is no wonder that historians consider such "received wisdom" as usually no more than "received myth." [Personal correspondence July 2008 with C. Ashley Ellefson, Emeritus Prof. of History, SUNY]

The "Amelia" Stories – Discussion

The stories of Patrick Barber as "Amelia's" father

There is no documentation or substantiation other than story for the claim that John Wansley's wife Mildred/"Amelia" was the disinherited daughter of Patrick Barber of New Jersey and New York. The absence of evidence does not seem to bother Katherine Otto, Doris Steed Smith, or Frank Wansley, the earliest disseminators of this claim. Otto heads a chapter, "The genealogy of Amelia Barber, elder daughter of Patrick Barber and Jane Fraser, which was omitted from Mrs. Hastings' Barber genealogy because that genealogist knew nothing of her existence, due to the circumstances below." [Otto, p. 1] (Otto goes on to explain the "circumstances" were her unsourced stories that Barber disowned "Amelia" for her lowly marriage to John Wansley, struck her name from all family records, and left her and her children out of his will.) Mrs. Russel Hastings to whom Otto refers published during the early to mid- 1900's almost eighty pages of her well-documented research on the Patrick Barber family in the scholarly and widely- respected New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Mrs. Hastings, a member of the Record’s Publications Committee, is still considered the expert on the Patrick Barber line, and also wrote extensively on the Barber-related William James family. Indeed, she did not find any evidence of John Wansley's wife nor does she make reference to any unnamed missing Barber child.

Researcher and Wansley descendant James B. Evans writes in his paper entitled "John Wansley/Wanslow, Senior and Amelia Barber" (2001), "Other than family tradition there is no independent documentation for Amelia Barber...This issue is a sensitive subject. Mrs. Wray [Doris Steed] Smith wrote, 'Amelia Barber was not named in her father's will. It was because her father objected to her marriage to John Wansley. We are good proof that they married !'" [Evans, p. 1] That logic leaves much to be desired.

Problems with logic are also embedded in the stories themselves. For example, Otto says, "Patrick wiped Amelia's [i.e., Mildred's] name off his records," yet no Barber researcher has mentioned any such strike-outs in the surviving letters, family Bibles, and records. Another story says that in 1781, twenty years after Mildred/"Amelia's" marriage to John Wansley, she traveled to Yorktown, VA, to nurse her "brother" Major William Barber, son of Patrick Barber, after an injury he sustained in the Revolutionary War. There is no evidence in letters, diaries or family papers of Patrick Barber's family that supports this story or indicates any contact between Mildred/"Amelia" and members of Patrick Barber's family. (This story also has proved errors, as discussed below.) Especially among prestigious families, “family secrets" such as a disowned daughter usually find their way into public knowledge, either passed down in their own family stories or discovered in old family papers by scholarly researchers.

As for John Wansley's wife and her children being left out of Patrick Barber's will, I have seen a number of 18th century wills in which fathers, incensed by their offspring's actions or choice of spouse, use their wills to underscore their displeasure and avoid later claims by legitimate heirs whose names did not appear. These wills sometimes include lengthy rants against a child's (or even wife's) behavior. At the least they say something to the effect that “he/she gets nothing from me," or "he/she gets one shilling only," thereby preempting subsequent claims against the estate by a child or grandchild. Patrick Barber's will was dated 22 Sep 1791 and filed a month later in Ulster County, NY. The will not only goes into the details of who gets what, but it directs when and under what circumstances.


[Hastings, Jan 1931, p. 9; Wansley, p. 21] That a man who served as a judge and was so concerned with detailed instructions does not mention an errant daughter who enraged him to the point of striking her name from family records and then disinheriting her, seems strange at best. If nothing else, one would expect a man familiar with legal processes to say something in his will to prevent any later claim on the estate by an omitted daughter or her heirs. Another improbability regarding Mildred/"Amelia" as Patrick Barber's daughter is that Mildred Wansley, like her husband John, was not literate. When she signed her deposition in the Albemarle Chancery Court case in 1798, Mildred signed by mark, not by signature. [ACC1801-004] This was not unusual for the average woman in Virginia born before the Revolution, but it would be very unusual for a daughter of the gentry, especially in the Northeast. Patrick Barber and his family appear to have valued education highly. Patrick himself seems well- educated with a continuing interest in books. Mrs. Hastings writes, “The Irish gentleman of that day seems often to have had a talent for bad spelling, but Judge Barber’s phonetics are unsurpassable.” [Hastings, Jan 1931, p. 9] His son John wrote that during the family’s residency in Princeton, NJ, Patrick Barber “took a deep interest” in the building of Princeton College (then called College of New Jersey). [Hastings, Jan 1931, p. 4] At age 62, Patrick Barber wrote a letter in which he discusses the guardianship of a 5-year-old orphan in his neighborhood. Judge Barber declines guardianship of the boy, saying if he were twenty years younger he believes he would accept. However he continues, “Notwithstanding it would be a very great advantage to the child that some person would be appointed that would pay attention to educating of the child...I wish sir that you or some other like you who is not likely to have a son to educate, would step in and be his guardien and leave him to be a monument for your name.” The rest of the letter is primarily about books. [Hastings, Jan 1931, p. 9-10] Patrick’s son William attended Princeton, as did son Francis, who was "steeped in the classics." [Chernow, Alexander Hamilton (2004), p. 42] Shortly after graduating from Princeton, Francis became head of a highly regarded New Jersey college preparatory academy that supplied many students to Princeton, including Alexander Hamilton and sons of the upper classes. After the Revolution, Patrick Barber's son John became one of the founders of Montgomery Academy in Orange County, NY. [William James, edited by Henry James, The Letters of William James (1920), Vol. 1, p. 5] Mrs. Hastings suggests that the husband of Patrick Barber’s daughter Margaret may have been related to the founder of Washington College in Chestertown, MD, still today a fine liberal arts college. [Hastings, Jan 1931, p. 13] Within this kind of family, it seems highly unlikely that a daughter of Patrick Barber could not write her own name.

The "Amelia" meets John stories

I find no evidence for or explanation why John Wansley—born, raised, and residing in central Virginia with little means and not migrating at the time to resettle—would be "passing through" eastern North Carolina where he met “Amelia Barber,” as one version of their meeting story claims. Nor is it likely that “Amelia” would be casually “visiting” there. First of all, neither John Wansley nor Patrick Barber had any known family or other connections in North Carolina, so the location is problematic. Secondly, travel in the mid-1700's was arduous, slow, sometimes dangerous, and not undertaken lightly. Eastern North Carolina was at least 250 miles from John's home in Louisa County, VA, and 500 miles from Barber home in Princeton, NJ. Long distance travel by horseback or wagon generally covered only about 20 miles per day. Many roads were basically Indian trails and cleared paths winding around trees and boulders between settlements. A survey map of a property line on a road often resembled the meanders of a stream. Wider roads allowed passage for rolling hogsheads of tobacco to market using a two-wheeled axle pulled by oxen or horses. However carriage rides even on roads maintained for commerce reportedly were grueling events. Not the least of the dangers were deep mud, ruts that could overturn carriages and wagons, and the exigencies of severe weather. Also, Indian attack was still a threat along the border of Virginia and North Carolina border at that time. Travel in and near one’s own county, though difficult, seems relatively frequent, and migration was a way of life. However, given travel conditions it is evident why in pre-Revolution days casual long distance inter-colony trips for "visiting" appear to be rare and then only among the wealthiest, which the Barbers were not. (Smith's Beck History tells a similar story of Lucy Beck Evans involving a traveling visitor, a chance meeting, and love at first sight, but it has logic the "Amelia" story lacks. Lucy's story took place almost 100 years after John and Mildred/"Amelia" married when travel was vastly improved. Lucy Beck and John Evans met when Evans stopped by the Beck home presumably while attending to business for his father who owned land in the Beck’s county. [Smith, Beck History, p. 27] )

As for the alternative version of how John met Mildred/"Amelia," there is no explanation for how a young native-born Virginian would ever come to be an overseer for--or even come to meet - Patrick Barber in New Jersey who had no known family or land in Virginia. There is no information in extant documents for John Wansley that indicates he had any experience in his early life in supervising a large farming enterprise, and Otto's claim that John became a "successful planter" prior to Patrick Barber's death is erroneous, as we shall see. John's pension application states he was born in Louisa County in 1738. [File S32045, NARA] (Part of Hanover County became the new Louisa County in 1742.) I have found no records or even clues to indicate that John Wansley ever resided outside of his native area in Virginia until he moved to Georgia about 1800. The authors claim John and Mildred/"Amelia" married about 1760 to 1763, and, indeed, their eldest daughter, who may not have been their first child, was born March 1765. Yet Louisa County Court Orders have entries for John in September 1760, June 1761, July 1762, and April 1764, showing John's continuing residence in the immediate vicinity of his birth. [Louisa Count Court Order Book 1760-1764, John C. Bell,


Louisa County Records (1983), Sect. G]

Simply the fact of having two very discrepant versions of how John met his wife Mildred/"Amelia" (one from Frank Wansley, one from Katharine Otto, each otherwise using the same information) casts suspicion on both stories and raises questions as to either one's validity.

The elopement stories

Other questions of validity arise with the stories that Mildred/"Amelia," allegedly under 21 at the time, and later her 19-year-old daughter Sarah both "eloped" to get around the alleged objections of their fathers who disapproved of their marriage choices and would not give their consent as required for those under 21. The Wansley family authors mention their elopements so casually that it appears the authors were unaware of the strict laws made to prevent such illegal marriages.

In Virginia, as in other colonies, both males and females under the age of 21 needed a parent's or guardian's consent to wed, to protect against "defeating the law and defrauding parents and guardians of that naturall right and just privilege in disposing of their children or orphants in marriage...and soe the parents by the inequality of the match dishonoured, and [in the case of daughters] the child ruynated in her fortunes.” [Hening, Statutes at Large, Volume II (1823), quoted by Susan Scouras in "West Virginia History and Archives News" June 2004, p. 1-2]

The Virginia marriage laws passed by the colony in 1705 and reiterated by the state in 1792 required that a male or female under 21 could not marry without the consent of the parent or guardian given either in writing and witnessed by two persons, or by personally appearing before the county clerk who was responsible for issuing the license. [Hening, Statutes at Large Vol III, p. 441; Shepherd, Statutes at Large Vol I, p. 130] If the father was alive, the consent had to be his. The mother as a married woman had no independent legal standing in this regard, so her approval held no legal weight. Another requirement for a license was posting bond to ensure "there is no lawful cause to obstruct the marriage." The bond would be forfeited if cause was found against the marriage. A marriage could also take place by publishing "banns;" that is, public notices posted at the church or meeting house for three Sundays, allowing everyone a chance to come forward with any reasons against this marriage. The banns were posted in the parish of the bride. However, to prevent elopements and other illegal marriages, if a couple wanted to marry outside their parish, banns had to be published in the home parish as well, and the minister in the one parish could not perform the ceremony until the minister of the other had certified those banns had been posted for the required times and no objections were raised. The penalties against clerks, ministers or other officials who participated in or made possible (e.g., by forgery) an illegal marriage were not only steep fines (from £500 sterling in 1705 to $1500 in 1792), but jail for a year without bail for each violation. They were further liable to "be prosecuted and punished as in case of forgery." [Hening, Statutes, 1705, Chapter XLVIII, Section III; Shepard, Statutes, 1792 Chapter 42, Sec. 2]

An illustration of the seriousness with which parents guarded their right to consent is the occurrence of newspaper advertisements warning about eloping minor children, much as owners did for runaway slaves. This example appeared in the Virginia Gazette, a Williamsburg newspaper with a colony-wide readership:

Caroline County, Virginia - July 23, 1746: "Whereas my son Thomas Baber, a youth of about 17 years of age, privately absents himself from my House without my consent, and is supposed to be in company with Winefred Baley, an evil-deposed wench, whom I understand he intends to marry; I hereby desire and forewarn all Ministers whatever, not to marry this said Thomas Baber until he is arrived at the age of 21 years. /Signed/ Thomas Baber [Quoted by Joe Baber,]

As romantic and dramatic as it may make the stories, Mildred/"Amelia" in all likelihood did not "elope" to circumvent having her father's consent. Rare elopements did happen (e.g., a Virginia couple with means living close to the border of a colony with less strict laws might escape to try their luck there). However, elopement was not the option in the mid-1700's that it was when these questionable “Amelia” stories appeared over 200 years later. Since there is no evidence for, and much against, Mildred/"Amelia's" being Patrick Barber's daughter, in all probability she lived near John Wansley and shared neighbors and friends. Having few means and living in the same heartland area of Virginia both before and after marriage would make it highly unlikely for John and an under-age Mildred/"Amelia" to elope to marry without her father's or guardian's consent.

In the case of Mildred/"Amelia's" 19-year-old daughter Sarah Wansley, the Wansley authors say she married John Beck in Albemarle County, where both were raised, where their families (including her father) resided, and where the couple continued to lived after they married. Under these conditions and the laws of the time, to elope and marry inside Albemarle County without Sarah's father's consent seems well nigh impossible.


The story of Patrick Barber's attempted reconciliation

However it came about, Mildred/"Amelia" did marry John Wansley. Katharine Otto goes on to claim that not long after their marriage, John became a “successful planter,” and as a result Patrick Barber tried to make amends with "a number of fine gifts" which John returned, scorning any reconciliation because of the “shame” and “humiliation” Patrick Barber had caused John by refusing his marriage consent. “This affront to [Barber’s] peace offering was so unpardonable that Patrick wiped Amelia's name off his records and he did not mention her, or her children, in his will.” [Otto, p. 1] Not a pleasing representation of either man, although how true in fact is the question.

I have found no evidence that John was "successful" in ways that would motivate an irate wealth-driven father-in-law to want to “make amends." In 1785, over 20 years after his marriage to Mildred/"Amelia," John's household of 10 people lived in a relatively crude “slab cabin” rather than the more substantial log or frame “dwelling house” of most Albemarle households. [Albemarle Co. 1785 Census, Misc. Reel 1263, LVA]. The previous year, the 1784 Albemarle personal property tax lists show John was taxed for 2 horses, 5 cattle, and no slaves. In 1787, John was taxed for 2 horses, 7 cattle and no slaves, and he still had no slaves in 1798. [Albemarle County Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1799, Reel 5, LVA] This is not the profile of a "successful planter."

Slaves were crucial for the success of any large farming enterprise at that time in Virginia. The number of slaves was indicative both of wealth and size of property, standard measures of prosperity and prestige. Yet John had no slaves. The "topmost image of a planter's status" and "emblem of wealth in Virginia was the coach or 'chariot.'” [Wiencek, An Imperfect God (2003), p. 90] Carriages and other conveyances were taxed as personal property, yet John was not taxed for so much as a two-wheeled "riding chair."

John Wansley's Albemarle County personal property taxes and a deed of 1 February 1799, where John sells his personal property the year before moving to Georgia, indicate John and his family were of modest means for their day. [Albemarle Deed Book 13, p. 46] The 1799 deed has been both mistranscribed and misinterpreted, leading to a falsely exalted picture of John’s means and lifestyle. The transcription found in Frank Wansley’s book includes “silver” among the articles being sold. [Wansley, p. 24] Doris Steed Smith’s “Wansley Line” says the articles John sold included “silver and china” as well as “land.” [Smith, Wansley Line, p. 1] All of these claims are erroneous. Researcher James B. Evan pointed out to me (confirmed by a scanned image via e-mail) that the original handwritten deed as entered into the record book by the Albemarle County clerk clearly does not include the word “silver” or “china,” and no land was mentioned.

The 1799 deed did include "Plantation Eutenseals” (i.e., utensils). However, the word "plantation" at this time in Virginia basically meant a farm or land for planting and did not refer generically to the large slave estate agri-business that the word came to connote in the 20th century. Except for a few, such as some town-lot dwellers, almost everyone farmed, at least for their own family's provisions.

Not only was John Wansley not a “successful planter,” but in fact records show John did not even own land of his own. This is proved by his absence on the Albemarle County Land Tax Lists 1782-1798 [Albemarle Reel 6, LVA] and supported by the absence of any recorded land deed found for John in Virginia. Instead, John lived on land owned by others. Two Albemarle County Chancery Court suits reveal that beginning about 1780, John lived on Albemarle land belonging to Walter Goldsmith, a blacksmith who owned a blacksmith shop probably on the same land, and prior to that John rented nearby Albemarle land from Jason Bowcock/Bocock. [Albemarle Chancery Court, Cases 1796- 006 and 1801-004, LVA]

Records show a close relationship between John Wansley and the blacksmith Walter Goldsmith (discussed in detail later). There are intriguing clues in Virginia records that John himself may have been a blacksmith, as at least one of John's sons, Reuben, reportedly was [Wansley, p. 32] and as a grandson, Nathan son of Nathan, was recorded. [1850 census, Gordon Co, GA] (See my report on John Wansley for more about this speculation.)

In any case, John certainly was not a "successful planter" by trade, class or achievement. With no land of his own, no slaves, and close family ties with a blacksmith, John had neither the high social status nor the material achievement to induce a reconciliation from a father-in-law allegedly impressed only by both, as Otto claims.

Just as the “Amelia” stories distort and romanticize the kind of life that records show John Wansley and his family lived in Virginia, the stories distort and demean Patrick Barber. Their character depiction of Patrick Barber as Mildred/”Amelia’s” father is quite contrary to how he is portrayed by Mrs. Hastings’ research, by historians, and in pieces written by himself and his children. Especially in the details told by Katharine Otto, the Patrick Barber of the “Amelia” stories is a man driven by concerns of wealth and class status, and vindictive if crossed. This contrasts sharply to records, letters and published research, which show him to be a man who led the life “in a very simple sense” of a “country gentleman” [Hastings, Jan 1931, p. 7], whose primary interests were civic involvement, his


Presbyterian church, and education. Far from being an authoritarian and rejecting father, Patrick Barber’s son John specifically mentioned in his father’s epitaph that as a neighbor, husband, and parent, Patrick Barber was “obliging, tender, and indulgent.”[Hastings, Jan 1931, p. 8] This is not the character or temperament of a father who would disown his daughter and die with vindictiveness toward her children as well as herself, simply for “marrying beneath her station.”

The "Amelia" and Sarah in Yorktown story

Here we have another example where using family stories as historical fact is unreliable as to what happened, to whom, and when. Such problems are evident in this story found in Otto, Smith, Wansley, and Wansley's entry from Smith's father Noel Steed. With some slight variations and embellishments among versions, the story says Mildred/"Amelia's" "brother" Major William Barber, son of Patrick Barber, was wounded at Yorktown in 1781. Amelia got word and immediately went to Yorktown with food, "delicacies," and medicine to nurse him. She took along her eldest daughter Sarah, then age 16. (The authors do not include the fact that in so doing, Mildred/"Amelia" would be leaving behind at least eight younger children, including the still-nursing 7 month-old infant Patsy, in a family with no slaves for childcare). While in Yorktown, the story goes, Sarah met General Washington as well as ‘Light Horse Harry' Lee, Marquis de Lafayette, General William Alexander (Lord Sterling), Von Steuben, and others on Washington's staff. "But most important to Sarah was her introduction to handsome young Lieutenant John Beck of her home county of Albemarle..." [Wansley, p. 22]

However, the "facts" of this story cannot be taken as given. Patrick Barber's son Major William Barber indeed was wounded in the Battle of Yorktown, but reportedly only slightly, nothing serious or life-threatening. Beat the Last Drum: The Siege of Yorktown 1781 by Thomas J. Fleming says on the last day of the battle on 14 October 1781, Major William Barber delivered a message from General Lafayette to the French General Baron de Viomenil. As Barber left the French command post he was "wounded in the side by a cannon ball, but he ignored the wound and carried the message back to Lafayette." [Fleming (1963) p. 286)] In The Father: A Life of Henry James Sr., author Alfred Habegger says that over forty years after the battle General Lafayette recounted the story in an interview and remembered that "a cannonball passed so near to his [Barber's] body as to inflict a slight bruise that caused his body to swell in an extraordinary manner," yet Barber refused Viomenil's offer of a doctor and insisted on carrying the message back to Lafayette. [Habegger (2001), p. 32] The Yorktown Campaign and the Surrender of Cornwallis 1781 by Henry Phelps Johnston discusses a detailed report filed by Lt. Col. Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton had been "prepared for college" under William Barber's brother Francis Barber who had been head of an academy in Elizabethtown, NJ, in the early 1770's. [Nelson, New Jersey Biographical and Genealogical Notes (1916), p. 24]. Lt. Col. Hamilton, as field officer of the day, reported on the Yorktown battle of 14 October 1781 and included a list of the officers who were wounded. William Barber, brother of Hamilton's mentor, was not included in Hamilton's list, but a footnote by the author states that Major William Barber was "wounded slightly," and his name was included later in the publicly published report by Edward Hand, Adjutant General. [Johnston (1881), p. 147] This does not sound like a situation serious enough to compel a mother to leave eight children under age 16 including a still-nursing infant and travel with only a young daughter the 145 difficult miles (at least a five day journey) to an army encampment in order to nurse a "slightly wounded" brother. In addition, her husband John Wansley was absent in war service twice for three months each tour during that same year. [File S32045, NARA]

However, the nature of Major Barber's wound or care of Mildred/"Amelia's" family are moot points here, since there is no evidence for, and much evidence against, “Amelia” being this William Barber's sister.

Even more damaging to the validity of this story is the fact that there is no record that Sarah Wansley's husband John Beck ever served in the Revolution at all, much less on General Washington's staff, as Doris Steed Smith's father Noel Steed claimed. [Wansley, p. 13] As we shall see below, the Wansley family authors and Sarah's descendants have misidentified her husband as another John Beck, the only one of that name on record as serving from Virginia in the Revolution.

It is common among handed-down family stories to find separate incidents collapsed into one over time and true fragments conflated through the years into an untrue story. For example, it may be that Mildred/"Amelia" did have a brother, relative, or close friend who became gravely ill during the Revolution. Possibly at some point Sarah may have met George Washington, who had friends and political acquaintances in the Albemarle area. And Sarah easily could have met John Beck of her home county through a chance encounter. But the story simply could not have happened as given.

In fact, we have evidence from Sarah Wansley Beck herself that this story is not true. In 1856, Sarah applied for a pension as the widow of a Revolutionary War soldier (which is discussed in detail below). The application was denied for lack of evidence of her husband John Beck's service. [File R692, NARA] Three of the questions asked of all pension applicants were, where did the soldier serve, in what battles or engagements did he participate, and under

155 what generals did he serve. Sarah could not supply any of that information. It is impossible to believe that she would not "remember" that she first met her husband-to-be during a trip to Yorktown following one of the most famous battles of the war while he was serving under George Washington himself or one of his illustrious generals. Sarah's own statement in her pension application that all she could remember is an officer "she thinks" was named Pelham proves this Yorktown story to be a later creation.

This leads us to the next set of problems with our current information about John Wansley's wife Mildred/"Amelia"-- that of if, how, and whose primary records and historical documents were used in the research of those who passed on the "Amelia" stories in their books.

Other Examples of Katharine Otto's Work on the Early Wansley Line

I am grateful for Frank Wansley's labor of love in giving us his book From Rome to Ruckersville: Our Wansley History (1975), even with what I now believe from my research are its shortcomings and errors regarding the early generations. Like the other two authors, Wansley compiled family information previously not readily or publicly accessible and the later generations appear generally reliable. Yet he alone frequently tells us from where or whom various bits and pieces came, which is vital for assessment, verification and further research.

Frank Wansley warmly acknowledges that a large amount of his information in his 1975 book came from Mrs. Katharine Wilson Otto, "Cousin Kate." [Wansley, p. 37] In turn, Doris Steed Smith often echoes both Frank Wansley and Otto. Katharine Otto was 90 years old when her book came out in 1978, two years before her death. Born in 1888, Otto's research assumptions and methods appear to hark back to the turn of the century, when genealogical fever was fueled by romanticism and patriotic fervor, and when standards of proof were generally loose or absent from published family histories of the day. Otto herself acknowledges that the claims she makes to "Amelia's" parentage cannot be documented, but neither does she document nor cite specific sources for any of her other information except for a vague listing of “authorities.”

One way to judge the validity of Otto's claims about Mildred/"Amelia's" father, which also appear in the work of Frank Wansley and Doris Steed Smith, is to investigate the validity of Otto's work in general. At least for early generations, primary records show Otto's work often to be filled with false claims, exaggerations, distortions, and collapsing one or more people of the same name not even related to her ancestors into a false construct of her (and our) family history. Using examples from Katharine Otto's material about John and Mildred Wansley's sons-in-law Benjamin Davis (who married their youngest daughter Martha/Patsy -- Otto's ancestors and mine) and John Beck (who married their eldest daughter Sarah), we can evaluate the overall reliability of her work on early family. This becomes important when taking Otto's word for Mildred/"Amelia's" parentage--since Otto's word, repeated by Frank Wansley and Doris Steed Smith and now widely distributed via the Internet, is essentially all we have.

Misidentifying the Records of Benjamin Davis Will of Benjamin Davis

Otto and the other authors call Patsy Wansley's father-in-law Benjamin Davis “Sr.” and her husband “Jr.,” and for this report I shall do the same. Otto says Benjamin Sr., who died when his only son was 16, "left instructions for his education and one or more plantations." [Otto, p. 6] In actuality, provisions "to give [my children] lerning" and bequests of one "plantation" plus other land were in a will dated 5 Aug 1792 for another Benjamin Davis who died in Wilkes County, from which Elbert was created in 1790. [Wilkes County GA Ordinary, Estate Records & Wills 1792-1801, 44/31, p. 24-25, GA Archives] Our Benjamin Sr.’s will was recorded 24 Jul 1797 in Elbert County and does not mention education or "plantations." [Elbert Will Book B, p. 23, Ordinary’s Office, Elberton, GA]

What is strange is that in a letter Otto wrote 25 Oct 1960, 18 years before publication of her book, she says correctly that our Benjamin's will was in Elbert in 1797, and she correctly names the children in the will. [Otto to Davis & Zieman, Benjamin Davis Ancestor File #A030207, DAR Library, Washington, DC] Thus long before her book was published in 1978, she had already found the right will that did not mention education or "plantations."

Land of Benjamin Davis

In that same 1960 letter, Otto says Benjamin Davis Sr. "gambled away two plantations in Virginia." There are no such records for our Benjamin, who was a carpenter by profession, not a farmer or "planter." Our Benjamin had no Virginia "plantations" to lose in the first place. He owned no slaves, and his only land of record was the very modest 36 acres he held in Culpeper County, VA from 1775 until 1790 when he left for Georgia. [Culpeper & Madison Co. Personal Property & Land Tax Lists, microfilm, LVA] No mortgage was ever recorded against his Virginia land, and Benjamin sold the land just prior to his departure for Georgia at a sum over four times the price at which he bought it. [Culpeper Deed Book H, p. 131; Deed Book P, p. 500] In fact, we shall see below that the plantation owner, and probable gambler, who lost his significant amount of land to debt was not Martha/Patsy Wansley's father-in-law Benjamin Davis


Sr., but Patsy’s sister Sarah Wansley's husband John Beck.

Continuing in Otto's book, she says Benjamin Sr. willed to his son Benjamin Jr. "one or more plantations, but he [the son] lost these and they [i.e., Benjamin Jr. and wife Patsy Wansley] went to live in their daughter Caroline's home." [Otto, p. 6] This statement of Otto's is a compression of misinformation, mistaken identities and unsupported conclusions.

Benjamin Davis Sr.’s will recorded in Elbert County Georgia in 1797 did bequeath "land" (not "plantations") to his son, but there is no indication of how much land there was. If Benjamin Sr.’s holdings in Virginia of only 36 acres are any indication, it was not a large tract, and Benjamin Jr.’s only slave of record is one male purchased between 1820 and 1830. [Jasper & Monroe Co GA census] There are no surviving land records for either Benjamin, father or son, in Elbert County except when the son in 1804, at age 23, sold 64 acres, presumably inherited land. [Elbert Deed Book J, p. 135]

The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) sponsored the publication of a series entitled Historical Collections of the Georgia Chapters, D. A. R., and Volume III, Records of Elbert County, Georgia, was published in 1930. On page 216 there is a strange entry regarding land grants, printed to the side of the other columned entries, that says merely "Ben Davis, 2000 acres." However, 2000 acre land grants were illegal at the time, and extensive investigation into land grant records at the Georgia State Archives with the invaluable assistance of their senior land records archivist revealed this could only be an error for 200 acres (not 2000) pertaining to a grant for a different Benjamin Davis, not ours. Did Otto presume this erroneous entry for 2000 acres for another Benjamin Davis was the "one or more plantations" our Benjamin Jr. allegedly "lost?" (Otto’s mother Carrie Price Wilson is recognized in Volume I of this Historical Collections series for her contribution to the Franklin County section, and Otto herself was at one time a DAR regent, so she obviously knew of this work.) The only other item I can find that might relate to Otto's claim of "lost" land is from an Elbert County survey for a “lost warrant” (a permit to survey land for a grant) dated 3 November 1806, and the Georgia Archives records show this was for only 50 acres. From the plat, the replacement appears to be granted to the heirs of the other Benjamin Davis of the 200-acre land grant. [Plat Book YY, p. 208, Reel 2-2229, Georgia Archives]

In Otto's 1960 letter, she says our Benjamin Davis Sr. got "land grants" in Georgia, which is incorrect. I can find no record of any land grant for our Benjamin Davis. [GA Headright and Bounty Land Records, 3/4/5, Georgia Archives] Although there were a number of Benjamin Davis's who got early Georgia land grants, information from bounty certificates, grant petitions and survey warrants at the Georgia Archives shows none of these was our Benjamin Davis, based on residency, date, and type of grant. The only Benjamin Davis who was granted Elbert County land (formed from Wilkes in 1790) received the grant "by his own headright" as a resident of Georgia six years before our Benjamin left Virginia. That other Benjamin Davis was "of Georgia" when he was granted a warrant to survey 200 acres on 10 September 1784 (replaced 17 October 1785), and "of Wilkes County, Georgia" when he sold part of this grant land with a mill called Pulliam's on 17 January 1789 . [Elbert Deed Book A, p. 68] At the same time, our Benjamin Davis lived continuously in Culpeper County, Virginia, through 1790, as evidenced by his 1782-1790 Culpeper personal property taxes. His 1790 Culpeper deed of sale, in preparation for his move to Georgia, shows he is still "of Culpeper" selling land that he purchased in 1775. [Culpeper PP Tax Lists 1782-1802, Reel 89, LVA; CDBP:500] This information also proves it was the other Benjamin Davis "of Georgia" who in 1789 sold land at Pulliam's Mill, in the part of Wilkes County that became Elbert County, which Otto infers and Frank Wansley states in error belonged to our Benjamin Davis Sr.

Thus, there is no evidence that the land Benjamin Davis Jr. inherited was anything more than of modest size, and I have found no deed record or mortgage in Elbert County to support Otto’s claim he “lost” inherited land or “plantation(s).” About 1815 the family moved from Elbert to Jasper County, Georgia (where daughter Martha Caroline was born in 1817), and they moved to newly-formed Monroe County, Georgia about 1821. [Obituary of Martha C. Martin, Dahlonega Signal, 1884] In 1839 Benjamin, still “of Monroe County,” sold 202.5 acres in Monroe for $2500 to his son-in-law William Martin of Lumpkin County, Georgia, a lawyer and land investor. [Monroe Deed Book K, p. 209] The next year, at age 59, Benjamin and Patsy joined William and Caroline Davis Martin’s household in Lumpkin County. [1840 Lumpkin Co. census] Coming 25 years after they left Elbert County, the move to their daughter’s house could hardly have been due to any "loss" of inherited Elbert land, as Otto claimed.

Benjamin Davis and Jefferson Davis, CSA

Otto also claims in error that our Benjamin Davis Sr. was a first cousin of Samuel Davis, father of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. [Otto, p. 6] This would mean Samuel Davis' father Evan Davis and our Benjamin Davis Sr.’s father were brothers. Otto says Benjamin's father was a James Davis, possibly based on an old Davis genealogy commissioned about 1912 by my great-uncle Dr. Henry Horsley. Apparently the researcher thought that a James Davis who died testate in 1765 in Spotsylvania County VA with a son


Benjamin was our family, but this has since been proved in error. (Otto mentions in her 1960 letter that this James of Spotsylvania was an error. Still she says, with no explanation, that Benjamin Sr.'s father's name was James, for which I have found no evidence at all, although Benjamin Sr. did have a proved brother James, who may have gotten confused as his father in family stories.)

The Papers of Jefferson Davis Project at Rice University, Houston, TX, has compiled a definitive genealogy of the Jefferson Davis family from approximately 100,000 documents and family records. [Website at] There is no James as a brother of Evan Davis or anywhere else in the early Jefferson Davis family line.

Furthermore, I have researched extensively in the extant primary records for Benjamin Davis Sr. and his proved siblings dating back to the 1750's in Spotsylvania and Culpeper counties of Virginia and have found absolutely no connection with any of the Jefferson Davis family ancestors. Ironically, my research so far has found indirect evidence that our Benjamin Sr.’s father may also be named Benjamin Davis, of whom Otto was unaware, and Evan Davis did have a brother named Benjamin. However, in addition to there being no evidence to connect our Davis family with the Jefferson Davis line, the Rice University Jefferson Davis Project says Evan's brother Benjamin Davis died prior to 1762 with no heirs.

In Otto's 1960 letter, she mentions "Col. Harry Davis' book published about 1935 on the family," meaning our Benjamin Davis line. She says she was "disappointed that he left out our James," but blames that on his "helpers" who were not "consciencious"(sic) researchers, which she states Harry Davis was.

The book to which Otto refers is The Davis family (Davies and David) in Wales and America: Genealogy of Morgan David of Pennsylvania by Harry Alexander Davis, published in 1927. That book claims that Jefferson Davis' grandfather Evan Davis was a son of John David and grandson of Welsh-born Morgan David of Merion Township in Philadelphia County, PA. The relationship of the Morgan David line to Jefferson Davis, which Harry Davis claims, has been proved in error by the Rice University project. Also, according to researcher Diana Gale Matthiesen, Harry Davis' claim is one of those specifically mentioned as erroneous in Kirk Bentley Barb's “Extract from Genealogy of Jefferson Davis.” [Matthiesen, citing Monroe & McIntosh, Papers of Jefferson Davis, Volume 1, 1808-1840 (1971), Appendix III]

My research with primary records in Virginia shows that, contrary to Otto's belief, our Benjamin Davis line was not part of the Morgan David line either. Also, I have found strong indirect evidence that our Davis line in the American colonies originated in Virginia, and I have found no evidence that any of them ever lived in Pennsylvania. Otto's letter also says she is told "there are many errors in the S. C. record of the family" in Harry Davis' book. However, I have not found that any of our early Benjamin Davis line ever lived in South Carolina. In her book, Otto says that Benjamin and Patsy Wansley Davis' son James Madison Davis was born in Monroe County, GA, and married in "Old 96" SC. [Otto, p. 9] Both statements are incorrect. James M. Davis was born in 1812 in Elbert County.[Obituary of James M. Davis, LaFayette (AL) Sun,1896] (Monroe County was only formed in 1821 from former Creek Indian land.) His wife Matilda Goggans was born in South Carolina, but her family moved to Georgia at least nine years before the couple wed. [Saml Goggans, 1830 US Census, Jasper Co, GA]. James and Matilda married in 1839 in Monroe County, GA, not Old 96, SC. [Monroe Co. GA Marriages 1824-1845 Book A, p. 159]

In addition to the numerous erroneous claims Otto makes in these statements, another disturbing aspect of her work is that in the face of contrary evidence she indicates no qualms or questions about her own assertions. Nor does she offer any explanation to support her side of the contradictions, just states it is so. None of us as family historians, including myself of course, can hope to be entirely free of error or mistaken assumptions, and there is always the need to re-examine our research when new information or claims arise. Yet Otto shows the same adamancy that it is others' mistakes, not hers, regarding the denial of Sarah Wansley Beck's pension application (discussed shortly) and the absence of "Amelia" in Mrs. Hastings' respected research on the Patrick Barber family (discussed above), as she shows with these claims regarding Jefferson Davis.

Every genealogy researcher I know with early Davis family south of the Mason Dixon Line seems to have someone in their family who claims their kinship with Jefferson Davis, so for that we may not hold Otto uniquely culpable. However, her unwillingness to face evidence of contradictory information does not help the reliability of her work or confidence in her claims, including her claim for Mildred/"Amelia's" father.

Benjamin Davis in the Revolutionary War

It seems probable that Otto also was mistaken in identifying the only Benjamin Davis who served in the Revolutionary War from Virginia as her ancestor and mine.[DAR ID Number: 69468] Katharine Otto was by 1914 the first to enter the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) under our Benjamin Davis Sr. at a time before the DAR required

158 proof of the ancestor's identity, and no subsequent applicant has given proof of our Benjamin's service either. (Later applicants have been accepted to DAR membership on the basis that our Benjamin was listed as a potential Revolutionary War draftee in Culpeper County in 1781, thus qualifying him as a DAR “Patriot." [Culpeper List of Classes1781, Military Records, LVA; also Blankenbaker, The Culpeper Classes (1999)]

After long and intensive research into all existing muster and payroll documents for the Revolutionary soldier Benjamin Davis and the history of his company, I think it much more likely that this soldier was one of the several Benjamin Davis's in the Frederick and Ohio County, Virginia, area rather than our Benjamin Davis of Culpeper County. Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War, Virginia 8th Regiment, Series M881, NARA] This is based in large part on the common pattern of enlistments usually found in Virginia during the Revolution.

Enlistees generally joined a unit formed and/or stationed in their own local geographical area. Often the officers were neighbors or acquaintances, and company rolls will include familiar names from primary records of the enlistee being researched. The Revolutionary War soldier Benjamin Davis joined a company commanded by Capt. Stephen Ashby and Col. James Wood, both of Frederick County, VA, by the time of the Revolution. When Benjamin Davis enlisted in March 1777, the company likely was located in or near Wheeling, Virginia (now West Virginia). [See for example pension application of company member Vincent Tapp, File S41231, NARA] Of the men named in the company's muster rolls whom I have been able to identify (e.g., through pension applications), they follow the general pattern of being from the area around Frederick and Ohio counties. Wheeling is almost 350 miles from where Benjamin lived in Culpeper County, VA, by autumn of 1775 at today's Wolftown (now in Madison County, VA), and I have found no records that indicate our Benjamin previously resided in the Frederick or Ohio County areas. [Culpeper Deed Book H, p.131] Especially given the number of our Benjamin's friends, neighbors and acquaintances in Culpeper County and in nearby Orange and Albemarle County who headed up their own military units, it seems highly unlikely that our Benjamin would travel 350 miles to enter the war, particularly in a company with no men I can identify from Culpeper.

Davis difficulties

Our early Davis family is particularly hard to research, both because of the very common name and because of missing Colonial records. Katharine Otto did the bulk of her work 50 to 100 years ago and thus did not have the technology, research resources and access to records available to us today. However, the fact that almost nothing Otto says about our early Davis family corresponds with primary records should be fair warning as to the quality of her research in general, including her claims about John Wansley's wife Mildred/"Amelia."

Misidentifying the Records of John Beck

Similar serious problems arise in Otto's information about Sarah Wansley's husband John Beck, used also by Doris Steed Smith and Frank Wansley. Some of this information may not have originated with Otto, as she was not a Beck descendant. Nevertheless, even when not originating the claims, she follows suit and then adds her own touches. Her Beck contribution was significant enough for Frank Wansley to include Otto along with Smith and another Beck descendant in his "gargantuan" thanks for their Beck information. [Wansley, p. 15]

John Beck in the Revolutionary War

The three Wansley family authors claim that Sarah met "Lt. John Beck" in Yorktown in 1781 as well as Gen. Washington and other famous generals on Washington's staff. Otto calls Sarah Wansley's husband "Captain Beck" when even Sarah's pension application says she thought John was a Lieutenant. [Rev War Pension and Bounty Land File R692, M804, NARA] Frank Wansley says that while Beck was a Lieutenant, just before discharge he got promoted to Captain. Information in Frank Wansley's book written about John Beck by Doris Steed Smith's father Noel Steed goes so far as to say "Captain John Beck" was on Gen. George Washington's staff. [Wansley, p. 13] Sarah's husband John Beck was born 4 February 1762 [Beck Family Record, File R692, NARA], which would mean Beck was a Captain on Gen. Washington's staff at age 19, rather remarkable if true.

In fact, Revolutionary War records at the National Archives and Records Administration [NARA] have nothing to indicate that Sarah's husband John Beck ever served in the Revolution at all. As we shall see, the Revolutionary War service record (sans Washington's staff) attributed to Sarah's husband by the authors Otto, Wansley and Smith was actually for a John Beck of Ohio County, Virginia (now West Virginia) with a wife named Rebecca. [Rev War Pension and Bounty Land File W3755/BLWT275-200, NARA]

At age 91, Sarah Wansley Beck applied for widow's pension 4 August 1856. That application was denied based on failure to furnish proof of service, absence of required information and failure to provide even "traditionary" evidence of service, meaning witnesses who testify to the Court that the man was known in his community as a Revolutionary


War soldier. Surely had Beck been on Gen. Washington’s staff, Sarah would have included that information, and had her husband been known in his lifetime as a Revolutionary War veteran, his friends and neighbors would have provided affidavits to that effect.

A letter written 19 February 1859 from a Pension Office investigator to his superior, apparently in response to a request for review of Sarah's file, says that he finds the evidence satisfactory that Sarah was married to her husband John Beck prior to one of the required dates for a widow's pension. However he continues, "But there is not a particle of testimony among the papers to show that her husband was the Lieut. of the name who served in the Continental Line of Virginia." [Pension File R692, M804, p. 13]

Katharine Otto waxes quite indignant about the denial of Sarah's pension application. She writes that Beck "was a Revolutionary soldier who followed Washington through the long years of weary struggle for freedom... After giving such service, it is a discredit to our government that when his widow, at age 90(sic), applied for a pension, she was rejected because she could not recall the names of her husband's superior officers, although she met all other requirements for proof." [Otto, p. 5]

That is patently untrue. The facts are that in her 1856 pension application Sarah Wansley Beck could not give any of the required information except to say, "she heard her husband say in his lifetime (she thinks) one of his officers was named Pelham." Sarah provided none of the other information asked of every applicant. That is, she could not say even approximately when or where Beck enlisted; she could not say what places he went to or any battles he engaged in during his service; she gave nothing to help identify where he served or even under which generals; she gave no required list of people of standing in the community, preferably including a clergyman, who would attest to the Court to her "veracity" (the usual wording) and to testify that the man was known by them and in his community as a Revolutionary War soldier--all of which was standard for every application. (There was one letter in Sarah Beck's file at the National Archives sent from a Thomas and Penelope Hansard regarding Sarah's application. [R692, M804, NARA] The microfilm of that letter was too illegible and faded for me to make out the details, but its contents did not change the rejected claim.)

I have read much of the legislation and several scores of Revolutionary War pension applications, and the law and the reviewers seem flexibly fair and lenient, especially for widow applicants, when parts of the required information were not known or remembered. Understanding that the veterans and their widows were by then elderly and often of poor health or poor memory or both, the reviewers used what information was submitted plus sworn statements from respected people in the community to find a basis to allow the claim. The law provided a variety of ways for an applicant's statement to be corroborated. [Case brief, S32045, NARA] Statements could be supported by living witnesses (e.g., men with whom he served), by documentary proof (e.g., discharge papers), by traditionary evidence (e.g., known in his community as a Revolutionary soldier), by incidental evidence (e.g., an occurrence that "incidentally" connects the applicant with war service), or by the roll (e.g., pay and muster rolls) . Sarah was denied a pension because she gave basically none of the required information, no trace was found for her husband's service, no court testimony was given from community leaders or neighbors that they had heard or believed Sarah's husband served in the Revolution, and Sarah obviously was not the wife of the only John Beck of record who served in the Revolutionary War from Virginia and who afterwards lived in Ohio County, VA.

According to her statement, Sarah Wansley Beck was 91 years old and infirm when she made her widow's pension application. During Colonial Virginia, all males 16 to 50 were required to participate in their county's militia. It may be this militia duty that Sarah was recalling in extreme old age and confusing it with war service. However, records show it was not her husband John Beck who served in the Continental Line during the Revolutionary War.

The Revolutionary War service record for John Beck in Frank Wansley's book gives this information: “John Beck, ensign, 31 October 1778, 9th Virginia Regiment, Continental Line; Officers entitled to half pay; John Beck, Ensign, in detached service, promoted to Lieutenant, March 1, 1780, Col. John Gibson. Detachment Western Department.” [Wansley, p. 15, citing Wood's History of Albemarle County, Col. Wm. H. Powell, Heitman]

This record corresponds with the service record of the Lieutenant John Beck who died 29 August 1816 in Ohio County, VA/WV. According to information included in the pension file, he appears to be a native of Kent County, MD. This John Beck's widow Rebekah filed from Ohio County, VA, on 18 March 1840 an application for pension based on her late husband's service. [File W3755/BLWT275-200, NARA] The information in Rebekah Beck's sworn statement and the supporting evidence in the file, including her deceased husband's commission as ensign, confirm he was the John Beck who was in the 9th Virginia Regiment (also at various times organized as the 13th and the 7th Regiments) of the Continental Line under Col. John Gibson with an ensign's commission effective October 1778. Rebekah Beck states her husband had volunteered in Dunmore's War and during the Revolutionary War served at Fort Pitt, Fort McIntosh, and forts at Wheeling and Holliday's Cove, all of which were in the "Western


Department." The pension application also verifies that Rebekah's husband Lieut. John Beck received "his commutation of 5 years full pay in lieu of half pay for life." Rebekah Beck, widow of John Beck, was granted pension per Certificate 5919. She died 22 August 1853, probably in Ohio County, VA/WV.

It was also this other John Beck of the above service record who got survey warrants for Bounty Land as a result of his Revolutionary War service. (Revolutionary War Bounty Land was in the present-day states of Ohio and Kentucky, then part of Virginia.) This presumably is the mistaken basis of Noel Steed's statement in Frank Wansley's book that Sarah's husband John Beck "sold his land grants" before moving from Albemarle County, VA, to Elbert County, GA. [Wansley, p. 13] I can find no Virginia land grants, war-related or otherwise, for Sarah's husband John Beck. [Virginia Grants and Patents Records and Bounty Land Warrants indexes and images, LVA]

Land of John Beck

Another example of the erroneous and misleading information given in the Wansley-Beck books for John Beck comes from James B. Evans. (Evans is a 30-year-veteran Wansley research whose work I have found to be well- documented, exacting, and based on primary records.) James Evans was in personal contact with Doris Steed Smith, author of Beck History and her manuscript "Wansley Line." The following is a note written by James Evans and included in the files of Carol Millisack Miller:

"For a long time I have been very skeptical about Amelia Barber. My gut feeling is that John Wansley, Sr. was married to an Amelia Barber but she had no connection to the New England family of Patrick Barber. Other than the Beck-Wansley family tradition there is no documentation of her. The Sarah Wansley Beck descendants are the apparent source of this tradition [Evans, like most, was unaware of Otto's work--jh], and they become incensed at any suggestion that Amelia Barber was not connected to Patrick Barber.”

Evans continues, "My doubts come from catching the Beck descendants in erroneous research and documentation and feel-good genealogy. The Beck descendants always report how wealthy John Beck was when he died. In fact in 1819 as documented in Elbert County deeds, he mortgaged 1500 acres of land for $25,000 and around 30 slaves for $35,000 and defaulted on the mortgage. His creditors seized his property. After his death Sarah Wansley Beck regained part of the land, as part of her dower rights, which had been disregarded when the property was mortgaged."

John Beck's land mortgage deed to which Evans refers was dated 8 May 1819 for $25,000, for "all real estate," including the tract where Beck lived and several adjacent tracts, totaling 1500 acres. The mortgage of his 32 slaves was of the same date, and both mortgages were due with interest in less than four months. [Elbert Deed Book R, p. 233, 236; Farmer, Elbert Co. Deed Books K-R, p. 346-7] Beck defaulted on the mortgage and died five years later.

This information about John Beck appears to be the story about "lost plantations" that Katharine Otto wrongly attributed to Benjamin Davis. Information from the Official History of Elbert County (1940) seems to complete the picture. Author John H. McIntosh writes, "The banjo songs of Elbert County Negroes were all composed by the slaves and many of them are pregnant with wit and wisdom." [McIntosh, p. 105] The author gives this song about the Beck's as one example:

Miss Beck 'vite yo' in 'de parlor— Dey fan yo' wid' 'de fan; Oh mudder, oh, dear mudder, I lubs dat gamblin' man.

Thus it turns out to be John Beck, not Benjamin Davis, who lost his plantations to debt and was likely the Beck with a reputation as a gambler. This confusion of identities and stories adds to doubts about the accuracy of Katharine Otto's "family legends” and to concerns about the reliability of Otto's information in general, including her material used by Frank Wansley and Doris Steed Smith.

Confusions about "Matilda Wansley"

Another occurrence of confusing and unsupported Wansley information is from Katharine Otto, Doris Steed Smith, and Frank Wansley about an alleged daughter of John and Amelia named Matilda Wansley who is not mentioned in John Wansley's will. [Elbert County Record Book 1830-35, p. 482] The authors give no explanation for knowing of or assuming a daughter Matilda.

In her The Genealogy of Martin-Price with Barber Genealogy (1978) Otto says: "Matilda (Wansley) Holder b. c1769; m. Major Luke Holder, thought to have been from Loudoun Co., VA. They moved to Kentucky after the Revolutionary


War with members of allied families Bush, Davis, etc., under the leadership of Daniel Boone and Capt. William Bush where they established a church and named their town, Bushville." (p. 2)

In "Wansley Line" Doris Steed Smith echoes Otto: "Matilda Wansley - b. abt 1769, Albemarle Co VA; married Major Luke Holder, poss. of Loudoun Co, VA. They moved to Kentucky after the Revolutionary War with a group of families from a several-county area under the leadership of Daniel Boone and Captain William Bush. Here they established a Church and named their town Bushville." (p. 3) Frank Wansley says merely, "A daughter Matilda is said to have married Major Luke Holder of Kentucky." [Wansley, p. 23]

This is a confusion of misinformation. First, I have found no evidence of any Luke Holder marrying any Wansley. There seem to have been a number of Virginia men named Luke Holder, so such a marriage may have happened, but so far I have found no record that supports it. In any case, a Luke Holder in Loudoun County marrying a daughter of John Wansley is highly improbable, given that Loudoun is one hundred miles or more north of the Albemarle and Louisa county area where John Wansley was born and his family continuously resided before moving to Georgia.

"Captain Billy" William Bush did go with Daniel Boone to Kentucky in an expedition in the mid-1770's. The name of the settlement was Boonesboro. A Captain John Holder was also a leader of that group. Some say John Holder was accompanied by his father Luke Holder, born c1725. In any case, this expedition around 1775 would be way too early to include a married daughter of John and Mildred/"Amelia" whose eldest daughter (Sarah) was born in 1765.

The expedition to Kentucky led by Capt. William Bush that included a number of his family was a separate later group, and it did not include Daniel Boone. The group left Virginia in summer of 1780. At most a daughter of John and Mildred/"Amelia" would then be 14 years old, and according to the birthdate of 1769 given by Otto and Smith, their "Matilda" would be only 11 years of age.

I cannot find supporting documentation that the settlers named their settlement "Bushville." The Kentucky Archives and all other references I have searched simply refer to it as the "Bush Settlement." I have found no Holder among the early settlers there, nor any Davis. [Roxann Gess Smith, Early Settlers from Clark County KY Court Records,] (There was a Samuel Davis listed among the earliest settlers of Boonesboro, but our Davis family had no Samuel.) While many of Capt. Bush's siblings and their families did accompany him to Kentucky, I have not yet found a way that Benjamin Davis' wife Mary, whose maiden name Otto and Smith say was Bush, might be related to that Bush family. (In fact, from lack of evidence, I question that Mary's name was Bush.)

In the 1830 census, John and Mildred/"Amelia" Wansley's son Nathan was living in Lincoln County, Tennessee. Their daughter Nancy (Young) was living in Sumner County, Tennessee, on the border with Kentucky. Both Nathan and Nancy were included in John Wansley's 1835 will, so why leave out a daughter or her children (if she was deceased and had children) living in Kentucky? "Matilda" was a name found in several Wansley descendant lines, but as yet I have not found any other reason for assuming a missing child of John and Amelia named Matilda, and none of the authors give any source or explanation for her inclusion.

The fact that the other information Otto and Smith relate regarding "Matilda" is confused and in error does not help the credibility that John and Mildred/”Amelia” had a daughter Matilda. However, if they did, by virtue of age she did not go with either of the two Capt. William Bush expeditions which Otto and Smith confuse as one. This raises yet more questions as to the reliability of the authors’ claims, including their claim for Patrick Barber as the father of John Wansley’s wife.

Summary of the claim for Patrick Barber

As we have seen, there are a significant number of errors, contradictions, unsubstantiated claims, and misrepresentations in the three Wansley family histories by Frank Wansley, Katharine Otto, and Doris Steed Smith. This includes their claim for Patrick Barber. There is not only the absence of any documented direct proof that Mildred/"Amelia" was Patrick Barber's daughter, but there is no indirect evidence or even circumstantial indication that this claim could be true. The only basis for this claim is the "Amelia" stories. Although they are often fascinating and romantic, they are fraught with internal illogic and inconsistencies and do not coincide with information from primary records or historical documents and context. Examples from the authors' information about other early family members reveal the same kind of serious problems of misidentification, unsubstantiated assumptions, and erroneous claims.

From the evidence of this research, it seems clear that the claim that Patrick Barber of New Jersey and New York was the father of John Wansley's wife is only family myth and has no merit in fact.



The earliest published account I have found that gives a name for Mildred/"Amelia" Wansley's father identifies him as William Barbour of Albemarle County, VA. As mentioned in a previous section above, this claim was published in the 1928 edition of The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Vol. III by Frederick A. Virkus under Sallie Wandsley Price West. Born in 1869, Sarah Price was a great-great-granddaughter of John and Mildred/"Amelia" Wansley, and a sister of Isabelle Price Charters and Caroline Price Wilson of the DAR records. Moreover, Sarah Price West was the aunt of Katharine Otto whose work we have discussed in detail regarding her discrepant later claim that Mildred/"Amelia's" father was Patrick Barbour of New Jersey and New York rather than William Barbour of Albemarle. As previously discussed, Sarah Price West’s entry does not provide any evidence or source for the claim of William Barbour, and Virkus' Compendium is known to be highly unreliable.

So far I have found no evidence of a William Barbour or Barber of Albemarle County in published family files or in primary records of the area during the time period that would fit with a wife John Wansley married in the early 1760's. (For our purposes, the difference in spelling of Barbour and Barber is irrelevant, since spelling of the day was phonetic, and various spellings were used interchangeably.)

In the process of tracking the source for the claims that Mildred/"Amelia's" maiden name was Barbour/Barber, I found an item perhaps worth a mention. Sarah Price West, of the Virkus submission, had a sister Caroline Price Wilson whose husband (and Katharine Wilson Otto's father) was Walter S. Wilson. He, in turn, had a well-known ancestor William Cone. [DAR Lineage Book Vol. 70, p. 167; William Whitney Cone, Account of the Cone Family in America, (1903); Huxford, Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia Vol. II (1954)] William Cone married in North Carolina (where one of the less-than-logical meeting stories for John and "Amelia" takes place) to a Keziah Barber, whose father was a William Barber. Remembering the analogy of family history stories to the game of "Telephone" or "Gossip," is it possible that the paternal line’s Barber got confused with the maternal line’s Wansley, or is it merely coincidence that a William Barber is claimed for the same generation of both? Could it be that Sarah Price West’s niece Katharine Otto recognized such a mistake and went looking for another Barbour/Barber to fill the gap from among the published resources then available? (It must be said in Otto's defense that she was not alone in picking a name in the Northeast to be ancestors of Colonial Virginia families. For a number of reasons, there was much more published information widely accessible in the early 1900's about lineages in New England, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and as a result quite a few Virginia families acquired erroneous northern ancestors from family historians of that era.)

Katharine Otto appears to be correct in rejecting her aunt's claim. The lack of any evidence, both from Sarah Price West’s entry and from record sources I have searched, seems to indicate that the father of John Wansley's wife was not a William Barbour of Albemarle County, VA.


The Price sisters and the three Wansley family authors who gave us their claims and stories about "Amelia" were limited, as we all are, by the research resources available to them and by the standards and norms of genealogy in their day. Today's strict rules of evidence, the need for valid proof, and the absolutely crucial importance of documenting and citing one's sources were not generally employed by non-professional (and even some professional) genealogists during the late 19th to middle 20th century when these Wansley family predecessors did the bulk of their work. Even with today's research advances, our work as early 21st century researchers will likely be corrected and surpassed in time as new resources and technologies and previously unknown documents surface.

New research into claims about John Wansley's wife and her family demonstrates it is time we move on from received myths and mistaken assumptions to correct and expand our understanding of our early Wansley family. In so doing, we honor both the truth of our ancestors’ lives as well as the intentions and contributions of our previous family historians. We need to begin at the beginning, using modern standards of research, proof and documentation, drawing upon the wealth of records and historical documents currently available, to search for Mildred (not Amelia) Wansley's true origins.


This section is only a beginning in the search for direct or indirect evidence of Mildred "Milly" Wansley's origins. Here I am exploring the background and context, asking questions, reporting on my initial findings, and offering some (but surely not all) possibilities that need to be followed with in-depth research into primary records and other reliable historical documents. So far much of my search regarding alternate possibilities for Mildred's origins has been limited to secondary sources, such as deed and will abstract books, the Magazine of Virginia Genealogy and records found online. To that extent my search has not been exhaustive or all-inclusive, and my information and

163 assumptions below need to be verified by primary documents if not already cited as such. I offer these as suggestions for further research, not as full or final answers to the questions that remain.


The most likely place to begin looking for evidence of Mildred's family is close to where John Wansley lived. It is said that before modern times most spouses can be found before marriage living within a seven mile radius of each other, as that was the distance a horse could travel fairly easily for an evening or Sunday of courting. Other connections came through relatives, mutual friends or family associates. With the exception of some wealthy elite concerned with dynasty-building, it is a rare family that does not show evidence of near proximity and interactions among intermarried groups of relations, their neighbors and friends. Obviously, the largest problem in finding such connections comes among people who leave few or no records behind, such as those who lived in counties whose records have been lost (like Hanover, where John Wansley probably was born), or non-landowners (of whom John was one) who made up the majority of a county's population. Though John Wansley left relatively few Virginia records, fortunately those he left do provide clues upon which we can build.

John Wansley's Revolutionary War pension application states he was born 1738 in Louisa County. Louisa County was not formed from Hanover until 1742, so either John was born in the part of Hanover that became Louisa, or he moved to Louisa as a very small boy. John appears still to be residing in Louisa County in April 1764, eleven months before the birth of John’s and Mildred’s first daughter Sarah. [Louisa Court Orders 1760-1764, p. 82, Bell, p. G-160] John and Mildred Wansley's son William Wansley may have been born before Sarah. Later Albemarle personal property tax lists are unclear regarding the ages of the Wansley sons because of gaps in their records. However, the Albemarle County Chancery Court case Goldsmith v Dowell shows John Wansley's son William Wansley was old enough to know by his own memory about land agreements and rental arrangements that took place in 1781. [ACC 1801-004] Thus William Wansley may have been born about 1760 to 1763, and if so, he was born in Louisa County. Although records of this time for both counties are incomplete, John and Mildred appear to have moved from Louisa to Albemarle by 1767-1769, since John is not on extant Louisa titheables lists that begin then. The earliest record I have found placing John Wansley in Albemarle County is a debt suit in April 1773. [Albemarle County, Virginia Court Papers 1744-1783, Weisiger, p. 46]

We have no record such as a deed to tell us directly in what part of Louisa County John Wansley lived. However, from deeds of the people with whom he is associated on records, and particularly deeds of the close family friend Walter Goldsmith, John appears to have lived in the northeastern part of the county, roughly in an area between today’s Mineral and Cuckoo, VA on the west, and the Northanna River and today’s Lake Anna on the east, where the counties of Louisa, Hanover and Spotsylvania meet, with a corner of Caroline County nearby. Thus, we might expect to find Mildred's family in that general vicinity also. In fact, in depositions in Albemarle Chancery Court in 1798, at least 25 years after moving from Louisa to Albemarle, John and Mildred each separately referred to this area of Louisa, where Goldsmith still owned land, as "down home."

From these indications, it seems reasonably safe at this point to take as our working hypothesis that John met Mildred while living in northeastern Louisa County. They married no later than 1764, probably also in Louisa. Going on the received (but not proved) information that Mildred/"Amelia's" maiden name was Barbour or Barber, I have looked for her possible father in records and published family files, searching for a man of that name living in the vicinity with any direct or indirect connections with John Wansley. I have found no Barbour or Barber in Louisa, Hanover, or Caroline County in the approximate time range for a father of Mildred. However, I did find one (and only one) in Spotsylvania County records, and his name was William Barber.


The only Barbour or Barber I have found in the four county area closest to where John Wansley lived in Louisa County was a William Barber in records of Spotsylvania County. This William Barber has no Spotsylvania deed record and no land patent, but there are five Spotsylvania deeds that he witnessed between 1741 and 1749. (All from William A. Crozier’s Virginia County Records: Spotsylvania County 1721-1800)

2 June 1741 - Peter Mountague of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., Planter, to John Blake of Fredericksburg, Mercht. £40 curr. 242 a. in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co.?purchased by sd. Mountague of Rice Curtis, Senr., as by Deeds, June 3, 1735. Witnesses: Edmund Waller, WILLIAM BARBER. Rec. 2 June 1741. Elizabeth, wife of Peter Mountague, ack. dower. [Spotsylvania Deed Book C; Crozier, p 155]

5 June 1742 - Andrew Craig of Spts. Co., Chirgeon, to John Allan of same county, Mercht. £32 curr. Lot No. 6, in town of Fredksburg. Wit: John Thornton, Henry Willis, WM. BARBER, Thos. Wood, Roger Malory. Rec. 7 July 1742. [Spotsylvania Deed Book D; Crozier, p. 160]


2 October 1744 - Robert Williamson of Caroline Co. to John Haley of Hanover Co. £50 curr. 400 a. in Spts. Co., pat., Jany. 10th, 1735. Wit: WM. BARBER, William Rolfe, Jos. Collins. Rec. 2 Oct 1744. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Williamson, ack. Dower [Spotsylvania Deed Book D; Crozier, p. 166]

1 November 1748 - Robert Stubblefield and Ann, his wife, of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., to Richard Baylor of King and Queen Co., Mercht. £100 curr. 400 a. in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., granted by pat. to John Collier, Junr., June 30, 1726, and by him conveyed to sd. Stubblefield, as by Deeds. Rec. 5 Oct 1730. Wit: Joseph Hawkins, Richd. Woolfolk, Richd. Dobson, Humphrey Wallis, WM. BARBER. [Spotslyvania. Deed Book D; Crozier, p. 179]

6 June 1749 - John Healey [Haley] of St. Geo. Parish, Spts. Co., to Ambrose Healey of St. Thomas Parish, Orange Co. £30 curr. ? acres in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co. Wit: WM. BARBER, Geo. Wells, James Stevens. Rec. 5 Jun 1749. Mary, wife of John Healey, ack. her dower. [Spotsylvania Deed Book D; Crozier, p. 179]

The first item of interest I noticed about these deeds that William Barber witnessed is that on four of the five deeds there is one name or more also on records with early family members of Benjamin Davis, who married John and Mildred Wansley's daughter Patsy. This is significant since, according to John Wansley's associates on records and his area of residence in Louisa County, it is almost certain he would have known the Benjamin Davis family at least by 1760, and probably long before. ( See report for John Wansley for details.) This gives us at least the possibility that John Wansley could have known the William Barber of these Spotsylvania deeds through the mutual Davis connection.

Of even more interest is the name Richard Woolfolk, who was a co-witness with William Barber in the 1748 deed above. Richard Woolfolk was probably related to (online files say uncle of) Augustine Woolfolk who in 1766 witnessed a Louisa County deed of Walter Goldsmith, the blacksmith who was a close long-time friend of John Wansley. [Louisa Deed Book D, p. 14, Reel 3, LVA] Thus we have another piece of indirect evidence that William Barber and John Wansley could have known each other through a network of shared associates.

However, as yet I have not found records for William Barber in Spotsylvania (or Louisa, Albemarle, Hanover or Caroline) after the Spotsylvania deed he witnessed in 1749, 12-15 years before John and Mildred married. No Barber is on later Spotsylvania deeds or wills to 1800 [per Crozier abstracts], and none in later Court orders 1749 1755 [Reel 44, LVA]. Unless we can find later evidence of William Barber in John Wansley's area, a claim for him as Mildred's father would be difficult despite the early, albeit somewhat removed, connections.


Going much farther afield both in geography and in probability, I have also investigated the family of James Barbour of Culpeper County, not because I think a relationship to Mildred is a true possibility, but because the family is well- known in Virginia history and genealogy and holds the same, if not greater, status as the Patrick Barber family did in the Northeast. Although I see no obvious connections with John Wansley as early as his marriage, again we find connections of proximity and mutual associates between this Barbour family and the family of Benjamin Davis, some of whom were together in Culpeper County by 1757.

James Barbour was born 1700.[Grave marker cited in William and Mary Quarterly, Oct 1939, p. 488] Acquiring his first land patents in the early 1730's for land that became Culpeper County, James Barbour became land-wealthy and prominent in county and parish politics. [Virginia Patent Book 14, p.196, Book 15, p. 54, LVA] His children included a son William Barbour, about whom I have found no information. However, if the approximate birthdates of James Barbour's sons are correct, his sons were too young to father a child of Mildred's age, who married no later than 1764. (For example, James Barbour's eldest son, Richard Barbour, is thought to have been born about 1730, and never married.)

James Barbour's grown children continued to accrue wealth and social and political status in both Virginia and Kentucky, including a grandson James Barbour who became governor of Virginia in 1812. Although not anywhere close to the Barbour's in wealth and social prestige, there are some Davis-Wansley connections with this family. For example, one son of the elder James named Ambrose Barbour had land adjacent to Benjamin Davis Jr.’s aunt in Culpeper (later Madison) County. [Madison Deed Book 1, p. 17] Another son, Thomas Barbour, lived at Barboursville, Orange County, 10 miles or less up the main road from where John Wansley lived in Albemarle at least by the late 1770's. In the 1790's, Thomas Barbour's son, James Barbour (the later governor), was the lawyer who wrote and signed the complaint petition for Walter Goldsmith in the latter's Chancery Court suit that peripherally involved John Wansley. [ACC 1801-004]

The senior James Barbour did not name a daughter Mildred (or Amelia or Milly) in his will dated 23 February 1770,

165 nor did his wife Sarah Todd Barbour in her will dated 19 May 1781, nor have I read of any indications of a missing or disinherited child for him.[Culpeper Will Book B, p.143 and Will Book C, p. 282, respectively]

To some, this Barbour family might seem on the surface a possibility for Mildred's relations if the story about her being the disinherited daughter of a wealthy and prestigious father is true. The emphasis here is on the large "if." Unfortunately, because most of the claims about "Amelia" made by Katharine Otto and passed on by Doris Steed Smith and Frank Wansley are questionable or erroneous, it seems almost impossible to know which may hold a kernel of truth and which are merely a product of imagination or misconstrued information. At the least we have ample cause in the research to be skeptical of the disinherited heiress story, and we need to proceed with great caution concerning its validity. Without any proof or documented indication of a missing unnamed daughter, any claim for James Barbour as Mildred's father is as unrealistic as the claim for Patrick Barber.


As my search for a possible Barbour or Barber father for Mildred was yielding so little, I found several families in Albemarle County by the name of Baber I thought worth investigating. If Mildred's maiden name was passed down orally through a number of generations, the more familiar name Barbour/Barber could easily be mistaken for the unusual name Baber, especially since in the accents of Georgia, where the majority of Mildred's 19th century descendants lived, the names could sound almost exactly the same.

The first to catch my attention was the family of Edward Baber, who died in Albemarle County in 1798. His will was dated 12 March 1798, and two of the witnesses were George Taylor and Rachel Taylor. [Albemarle Will Book 4, p. 17, transcription by Vera Baber] George Taylor was the guardian of Susannah Watts who married John and Mildred Wansley's son Nathan Wansley. George Taylor gave his consent and posted the marriage bond 1 March 1794. [Vogt and Kethley, Albemarle County, Virginia, Marriages 1780-1853, p. 330] Another witness to Edward Baber's will was a Molly Watts, probably a relative of Susannah Watts Wansley.

"Road Orders" are county court orders that periodically divided the county roads into varying segments and assigned the responsibility for the road maintenance to the people living along that stretch of the road. Thus being together on road orders shows proximity of residence and indicates probable interaction.

Albemarle County Road Orders of 15 June 1792 show George Taylor on road orders with Edward Baber and his two sons George and John Baber. [Albemarle Order Book (AOB) 1791-93, p. 175 Pawlett, p. 22] Also on those same road orders were David Watts, John Jones, and David McCauley.

In the 11 March 1784 Albemarle Road Orders, John Wansley was on the same order with John Jones for "the road from the river to McCauleys," [AOB 1783-1785, p. 123, Pawlett, p. 8] and in 1792, John Wansley is on road orders with William Taylor and Micajah Taylor "on the road from John McCauleys to Carrs ford." [AOB 1791-93, p. 175, Pawlett, p.. 23]

Micajah Taylor also posted bond for the marriage of John and Mildred Wansley's daughter Nancy to John Perry Patterson on 14 November 1789. [Vogt and Kethley, p. 248]

Edward Baber's will names his daughter Isabel Munday. Isabel Baber married Jonathan Munday 25 Dec 1784 in Albemarle County. [Joe Baber,] Jonathan was the son of Samuel Munday and Lucy Dowell, related to John Dowell from whom Walter Goldsmith bought the Albemarle County land where he and John Wansley lived. (Goldsmith was apparently exempted from road duty by this time due to his age.) In the 1784 road orders, John Wansley was with Major Dowell, and in 1792 John Wansley was on road orders with Samuel Munday's sons Abraham, Reuben, and Jonathan Munday, the latter being the husband of Isabel Baber.

This is the pattern of intertwining marriages, associations, and proximities one expects to find among related family groups at this time in Virginia. However if Edward Baber and Mildred Wansley were related, it is not yet clear how. Since Edward Baber served in the Revolution, he was probably Mildred's age and not old enough to be her father. It appears that the identity of Edward Baber's father and Edward's residence prior to Albemarle is not yet known. [Correspondence with Joe Baber, administrator of] Finding this information could be important, since for courtship purposes, the part of Albemarle where the Edward Baber's and the Wansley's lived in the 1790's was rather too far removed from where John Wansley lived in Louisa County during the years when he would have courted Mildred.

Interestingly, the only mention I have found so far in Louisa County records for any Baber is an entry for a Thomas Baber in the index to a 1756 Ledger Book of a general store at Fredericks Hall, VA. Not only is Fredericks Hall in the vicinity where John Wansley must have lived in Louisa near Walter Goldsmith, but a William and John Goldsmith are

166 also mentioned in this 1756 ledger. However, inclusion in this ledger does not necessarily mean the patron lived near the store. The University of Virginia guide to this ledger book explains, "...this ledger occasionally notes the family relationships or occupations of the patrons, and the locality or the county in which the patrons resided...The inclusion of entries for the counties of Caroline, Orange, Halifax, Albemarle (or 'Rockfish') and Spotsylvania, is an indication that a number of the patrons were not 'local' residents, but merely passed through Louisa County on their way to Richmond, Williamsburg, etc." [Guide to Accession No. 4201, Special Collections, Alderman Memorial Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA] Thus, this Thomas Baber may be the son of Robert and Sarah Baber of Old Rappahannock and King William County who settled perhaps by the mid-1750's in Fluvanna County, VA where Thomas Baber wrote his will 4 October 1778. [Fluvanna Will Book 1, p.13-15, transcription submitted by Jim G. Faulconer to Clark County KYGenWeb] Except for one witness named Mary Taylor (but otherwise unidentified), the will does not indicate any connection that I could see between Thomas Baber of Fluvanna and Edward Baber in Albemarle or with the Wansley's.

Continued research into the Edward Baber family could bring new information to light. At present, it seems this Baber family's connections with the Wansley's may be only those resulting from long-time close proximity. There was another Baber family in Albemarle County whose relationship (if any) to Edward Baber is not known. The father of this family was Robert Baber who died testate in Albemarle. His will was dated 12 December 1747 and proved in August 1749. [Albemarle Will Book 1, p. 4, trans. by Sandy Ruppell] The point of interest here was that his will mentions his wife was pregnant at the time, and I have not found that anyone has identified the then-unborn child. However, if the child were our Mildred, she would have been 14 to 16 years old at the time of her marriage to John Wansley, which in this time and place and social group would be highly unlikely.

Quite contrary to the Edward Baber family, I have found no common associates between the Robert Baber family and John Wansley. Also, the Robert Baber family lived in the southern part of Old Albemarle that became Buckingham County in 1761, which is out of range for a likely spouse of John Wansley.


Not only do there seem to be scant few prospects for a father for Mildred Wansley named Barbour or Barber, but neither Barbour nor Barber is found in the name of any known descendant of John and Mildred Wansley. However, the name of Whitten is said to be the middle name of two of their grandchildren. Their daughter Sarah Wansley Beck reportedly named a daughter Mildred Whitten Beck (proved to be recorded in public records as Mildred W. or Millie W.), and their son Nathan Wansley named a son Nathan Whitten Wansley.

In fact, in November 1881, Nathan Whitten Wanslee with some of his family and friends traveled from Arizona to the St. George Utah Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They went to enter baptisms and confirmations for the dead by proxy for at least 26 deceased Wansley family members and their extended family. These records include “John Wanslee Senr.,” by proxy “Nathan Whitten Wanslee, grandson,” and a number of John’s children. Researcher James B. Evans recently showed me that on 8 November 1881, “Millie Whitin” was recorded on the same page with Sarah, Nancy, Millie, Reuben, and Larkin Wanslee [St. George Utah Temple Records, Film #170544, p. 16-17, #246.] These four women were all entered by “friend” proxies, so no family relationship information was provided. However, combined with the other evidence explored below, this LDS record seems certainly to be John’s wife, Mildred “Millie” Wansley, showing her maiden name to be Whitten. Nathan Whitten Wansley was well into his 20’s when his grandmother Milly died, and obviously he would have special cause to know that her name was Whitten.

Whitten as a Wansley family name

The three Wansley family authors in the 1970's point out the name Whitten when speculating about the Milly named as the wife of John Wansley in Thomas Wansley's Bible record. As discussed in Part I of this report, authors Frank Wansley, Katharine Otto, and Doris Steed Smith, using shared information, mistook this Milly as a second wife of John Wansley. They seem unaware that Milly was the nickname for Amelia (which they thought was John's wife's name) as well as the nickname for Mildred (the actual name of John Wansley's only wife). The authors speculate that Milly Wansley of the Bible record, who they thought was John’s second wife, had the maiden name of Whitten. Given research to date, it seems instead that they inadvertently discovered the real maiden name of John Wansley's only wife Mildred, who was usually called Milly.

Before investigating this further, we need to unravel Frank Wansley's statement about Milly and the name Whitten (which in the process will also point to the fallacies in the three authors' ideas about "Milly Whitten" as a second wife). Wansley states that the reason Milly's maiden name may be Whitten is because, "Nathan's full name was Nathan Whitten Wansley, and John and Sarah [Wansley] Beck's daughter was Mildred Whitten Beck." [Wansley, p. 41]


The authors give no proof or documentation for their claim of the middle names of Whitten. However, we do have proof from the 1881 St. George Utah Temple records mentioned above that Nathan, son of John and Mildred Wansley’s son Nathan, was named Nathan Whitten Wanslee by his own entry. [St. George Temple records, p. 6-7, #77] He appears as N. W. Wanslie in the 1850 Gordon County GA census (age 53), and Nathan W. Wanslee in the 1880 census in Apache County AZ (age 82). Also, we at least have proof of a middle initial “W” for Sarah Wansley Beck’s daughter. She signed her name as Mildred W. Beck when she witnessed her parents’ Elbert County GA deed on 26 Mar 1816. [Elbert Deed Book P, p. 186, Farmer (1997), p. 274] Mildred Beck also used her middle initial “W” in the 1860 census for Elberton, Elbert County, GA where her name is listed as Mrs. M. W. Gray, and she signed her Elbert County will dated 21 July 1873 as Mildred W. Gray. [Will proved 8 Jun 1887, per transcript by Jim Evans]

Almost certainly it was not John and Mildred Wansley's son Nathan, but only Nathan's son Nathan, who had the Whitten middle name. I have found no proof or indication that the elder Nathan had a middle name at all. In primary records of the senior Nathan, he is designated with no middle name or initial. Not only with the three Wansley family authors but yet today it is a common error for people researching families living around 1800 to presume that if a father and son had the same first name, and the son had a proved middle name, then the father had that middle name also. In Virginia, other than among the aristocracy, giving children middle names did not begin to appear in general practice until around 1800, and increased greatly throughout the South after the War of 1812. Of course, there were exceptions, such as Nancy Wansley's husband John Perry Patterson, born about 1760, whose middle name is proved in their marriage bond. [Vogt and Kethley, p. 248] However, without proof of a middle name or a middle initial in a primary record, we cannot assume there was one. (Another common error is mistaking a signature mark, often a letter, as a middle initial.) An example of another erroneous middle name among John Wansley's sons is Thomas, born 1783. In his Elbert County, Georgia will dated 24 July 1846 (as in prior records) Thomas is called and signs his name simply Thomas Wanslow. Yet within his will Thomas names all his children, born 1813-1834, with their middle names. [Family Bible records and transcript of will of Thomas Wanslow, Wansley, p. 39-40] Since Thomas had a son named Thomas Jefferson Wansley (b. 1820), Wansley researchers have presumed the father was Thomas Jefferson as well, yet the will and other records indicate that presumption is incorrect.

Since there is also no evidence of a middle name for John Wansley's son Nathan, almost certainly he was not named Whitten, as Frank Wansley seems to think. Actually, had his name been Nathan Whitten Wansley, that in itself would prove Whitten was not the name of an alleged second wife. The elder Nathan was born before 1770, since he posted security for his sister Elizabeth's marriage bond in 1790, and bondsman had to be at least 21 years old. [Vogt and Kethley, p. 104] The Wansley family authors posited (we now know in error) that John's "first wife Amelia" died sometime after the Revolution. Strangely, even by their reasoning, Nathan was unquestionably a son of "Amelia," so a middle name of Whitten could not have been for any "second wife," as Frank Wansley proposes. As for John and Mildred Wansley's two grandchildren said to have Whitten as a middle name, it hardly seems plausible that two of Mildred/"Amelia's" children, Sarah and Nathan, would give their children the maiden name of an alleged stepmother who did not even raise Sarah or Nathan. We now know there was no second wife for John Wansley. As explained in Part I, we have firm evidence from the combination of Albemarle Chancery Court records, the Van Creek Church minutes, and Thomas Wansley's Bible that John Wansley's only wife was named Mildred, who went by the nickname of Milly.

What stands out now in high relief is that Mildred/Milly had one grandchild and probably two with a middle name of Whitten. One of those, Mildred "Milly" Whitten Beck, even carried her grandmother's first name of Mildred, and went by the same nickname of Milly. [1870 Elbert GA census] Could it be that her grandmother's birth name was Mildred Whitten as well? The November 1881 Wansley/Wanslee family records at the LDS St. George Temple with a Millie Whitin on the same page certainly indicate it was. The next question becomes, were there any Whitten families living near John Wansley in Louisa County around the time of his marriage to Mildred? The answer is yes.

Whitten and Wansley connections

In the tier of Virginia counties along the Pamunkey/Northanna River, which includes Hanover, Louisa and Albemarle, the name of Whitten (also spelled Whitton, Witten, etc.) seems almost as rare in middle to late 18th century Virginia records as Wansley. Significantly, so far the only Whitten records I have found in this area are for the part of Louisa County where John Wansley appears to have lived at the time of his marriage.

Although John had no land records to prove where he lived, we have strong evidence to assume John was living near, possibly even with, Walter Goldsmith when John married Mildred. John Wansley's relationship with Walter Goldsmith was a long and close one. Various court records in Louisa and Albemarle County tell a fascinating story. Walter Goldsmith was a blacksmith by trade (as was a grandson of John Wansley, probably a son, and perhaps John himself). [Albemarle Deed Book B, p. 340] When the Commonwealth of Virginia finally began issuing promised bounty land for past military service, it was Walter Goldsmith who testified in Louisa County Court in 1780 to the French and Indian War service in 1758 and 1759 of John's deceased father (or possibly brother) William Wansley.


[Louisa County Court Orders, Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck, Virginia's Colonial Soldiers, p. 256] Goldsmith was described as an "old man" by 1781, which would make him the age of John's father, and so may have known John from boyhood. [ACC1801-004] Goldsmith's house in Louisa County was burgled in 1763. The man who found the culprit and returned Goldsmith's stolen property was Robert Thomson, probably the assignee of that name for part of John's father (or brother) William Wansley's bounty land earned by his French and Indian War service. [Louisa Order Book 1760-1764, Bell, p. G-154; Bockstruck, p. 288] In 1780, the Louisa County Court accepted Walter Goldsmith's oath that John Wansley was William Wansley's heir at law. [Louisa Order Book 1774-1782, Davis, Louisa County, Virginia, 1743-1814, p. 7] Such testimony often meant the witness was a relative, or if not, that no relatives survived or lived in the area. (Except for John, his father or brother William, his wife Mildred and their children, I have found no 18th century records for any other Wansley in extensive searching in central Virginia and cursory searching elsewhere in Virginia.)

Between 1764 and 1769 John Wansley moved his family to a part of Albemarle County about 45 miles northwest of where Goldsmith (and previously, surely John) lived in Louisa. It was from Albemarle that John was first drafted for Revolutionary War service in 1776. From testimony in two Albemarle Chancery Court cases, we learn details of John's continuing relationship with Walter Goldsmith. [ACC1796-006 &1801-004] About January 1780 Walter Goldsmith, still residing in Louisa County, bought 200 acres in Albemarle near where John had been living on rented land. Goldsmith then "put" John and his family on the newly-purchased land. John lived on this land for the next 20 years, and Goldsmith never charged him rent. In early 1781, Goldsmith went to live on the Albemarle land with John and his family, while still keeping some of his Louisa land for income. One deponent testified that in the next year or so, he had gone to speak with Goldsmith and found him at breakfast with John, a fascinating domestic detail showing their close relationship. Goldsmith had a blacksmith shop on the Albemarle land. However, since he appears to have been exempt from compulsory road maintenance duty by virtue of his age, it may have been John who ran the blacksmith shop. (No apprentices or employees were ever mentioned.) In 1790, when John's daughter Elizabeth married, John's son Nathan was one witness, and Walter Goldsmith was the other. [Vogt and Kethley, p. 104] Goldsmith seems to have looked upon John as a son. In the late 1790’s, a friend testified she once heard Goldsmith say that when he died he was going to leave the Albemarle land to John, if John "behaved himself." (John and most of his family moved to Georgia in 1800, at least 6 years before Goldsmith died [Louisa Deed Book K, p. 280] However, John’s son Reuben, the reported blacksmith, stayed behind and was still living in Albemarle, as was Goldsmith, in 1803. [Albemarle PP Tax Lists 1800-1813, Reel 6, LVA])

As discussed previously, we know from court records that John was still living in Louisa in 1760 and at least 4 years thereafter. Given the close long term relationship with Goldsmith, it seems safe to assume that shortly before his marriage to Mildred, John was living near, or perhaps even with, Walter Goldsmith when in 1759 Goldsmith purchased Louisa County land in close proximity to land owned in 1747 by one William Whitten.

William Whitten/Whitton of Louisa County is claimed to be the son of William Whitten (Sr.), whose Caroline County will, dated 17 April 1729 and proved 9 July 1730, names children George, Thomas (b. c1719), William, Robert, Jeremiah, Mary, and Elizabeth. [Transcript of will from Craig Beeman to RootsWeb Whitten Mail List, 28 Sep 1996] In a 1999 post to the GenForum Whitton message board, Susan Sustar adds that after William Whitten Sr.'s death, his under-aged sons Robert and Jeremiah were bound out as carpentry apprentices to Robert Faris[h] of Caroline County until 1744. (Walter Goldsmith was a blacksmith, the father of Benjamin Davis who married Patsy Wansley was a carpenter, and families of skilled craftsmen and tradesmen often formed their own social groups based on common interests and professional associations.)

By 1747, William Whitten (Jr.) was living in Louisa County near where John Wansley and Walter Goldsmith probably were living, based on names and locations in deeds and court records. William Whitten's family later became related to the family of Thomas Wash through McGehee marriages, and at least by 1759, Walter Goldsmith had land adjacent to Thomas Wash and his son William Wash. Thomas Wash, in turn, had a grandson William Whitten Wash, indicating a likely Whitten and Wash family tie. [Perrie Carrow, GenForum Wash Family message board, 2005 citing Gayle Blankenship, Virginia Families of Louisa, Hanover, and Monroe Counties]

The Louisa County Court Order Book has an entry dated 13 June 1743 that reads: "On petition of Wm. Whitton setting forth that he is very poor and by sickness is rendered unable to Labour for a Livelihood. Ordered that he be exempted from paying county levies." [Rosalie Davis. Louisa County, Virginia Titheables and Census 1743-1785 (1981), p. 7] I have not found a record of when William Whitten died, but John Whitten appears on the extant Louisa County titheables lists, beginning in 1769. Since he is living in the same immediate area with the same associates and the Whitten name there was rare, John apparently is William Whitten’s son. In 1773 John Whitten married Mary McGehee, daughter of William McGehee. [Louisa Marriages, Louisa VAGenWeb Project] (The abstract says William was Mary’s father but this needs verification that he was not her guardian instead.)

In 1773, Walter Goldsmith, probably well into his 50’s, became the blacksmith on Robert Armistead’s almost 3000-acre


Louisa County plantation on Elk Creek near the Northanna River. [Davis, Louisa Titheables, p. 41] The overseer of Armistead’s plantation at that time was William McGehee, who was either the same or closely related to the one of that name whose daughter (or ward) Mary McGehee married John Whitten the same year on 3 Feb 1773. [Louisa Marriages, Louisa VAGenWeb Project] Walter Goldsmith and William McGehee co-witnessed a deed of Robert Armistead 20 Oct 1773. [Davis, Vol. 1, p. 153] John Whitten who married Mary McGehee was the probable son of William Whitten (Jr.) who may be Mildred Wansley’s father, or at least a close relative.

Walter Goldsmith worked for Armistead in Louisa County until 1781 when, as an “old man,” he went to live with John and Mildred Wansley and their family on Goldsmith’s land in adjacent Albemarle County. Goldsmith kept some land in Louisa, referred to by both John and Mildred Wansley as “down home.” [ACC 1801-004]

Given the long-term close relationship between the families, it may be that Walter or Elizabeth Goldsmith is a relative of John or Mildred Wansley. Although the name Elizabeth was a common one, the elder William Whitten did name a daughter Elizabeth in his Caroline County will proved 1730. So at least there is a possibility that Walter Goldsmith’s wife could be Elizabeth Whitten, sister of William Whitten (Jr) of Louisa, and a possibility that Elizabeth Goldsmith could be Mildred Wansley’s aunt.

The younger William Whitten’s son John Whitten died in Louisa County 1783-1784. [Louisa titheables & land tax lists] Presumably it was his daughter Mary H. Whitton, "over 21, daughter of Mary Whitton," who married John Waller 26 Nov 1812, witnessed by William Whitton, who may have been the bride's brother. [Louisa County Marriage Records compiled on Louisa County VAGenWeb Project]

At least two brothers of John Whitten’s father William Whitten (Jr) of Louisa County, namely Robert Whitten and Jeremiah Whitten, lived in Amherst County which was formed in 1761 from the southwestern part of Albemarle County. [Beeman, Whitten Mail List, 28 Sep 1996] Jeremiah’s son William Whitten witnessed the will of John Rucker of Amherst County on 1 Dec 1779. The other two witnesses were John’s brother Ambrose Rucker and Ambrose’s son (or brother) Reuben Rucker. [Amherst Will Book 1, p. 529, abstract at Hatcher Fam. Gen. Soc. website]

In 1798 at the Amherst County home of John Rucker’s brother Ambrose Rucker, the deposition of Jesse Beck was taken in the Albemarle Chancery Court case of Walter Goldsmith versus the heirs of John Dowell regarding proper title to Goldsmith’s Albemarle land where he and John and Mildred Wansley’s family had lived for 18 years. [ACC 1801-004] Jesse Beck is said to be a brother of their daughter Sarah Wansley’s husband John Beck. [Smith, Beck History, p. 2] It was a Culpeper County Virginia relative of John and Ambrose Rucker of Amherst who founded the town of Ruckersville in Elbert County, Georgia, near where John and Mildred and most of their children moved in 1800. (Another Rucker relative in Culpeper married a first cousin of Benjamin Davis, husband of John and Mildred Wansley’s daughter Patsy.)

The following presents a chronology of selected Louisa County deed records that demonstrate the proximity and mutual associates of Walter Goldsmith (and by inference, John Wansley) and William and John Whitten/Whitton. Comments also show the propensity of many of the families on the deeds to intermarry. [Note: Richard and William Davis of these deeds do not seem at this point to be immediate family of Benjamin Davis who married Patsy Wansley, although there are clues in research that they may be related.] ------7 March 1747 - Thomas Poindexter of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa County and Sarah, his wife, to William Harris of the same. £43 10s curr. money. 100 acres in St. Martin's Parish, which sd. Poindexter bought of John Magehee...corner of WILLIAM Thomas Graves' line...on south side of GREAT ROCKY CREEK...John Macgehee and WILLIAM WHITTEN's line. /s/ Thos. Poindexter, Sarah (+) Poindexter Wit: William Kembrow, Richard Davis, John Webb. Rec. 22 Mar 1747 Sarah gave her consent. [Rosalie E. Davis, Louisa County Virginia Deed Books, Vol. 1, p. 38] Note: In 1777, the above seller Thomas Poindexter's son Bond Veal Poindexter purchased from John Harris, son of the above buyer, land that was adjacent to "the said Poindexter" and Walter Goldsmith. (See deed below) [Davis, Vol. 3, p. 23]

That same year, John Harris, son of William Harris, sold land he owned with William Sears to Walter Goldsmith.[Bell, Sec. E, p. 59]

The land in this deed that William Harris is buying is adjacent to William Whitton. John Whitton, probable son of the above deed's William Whitton, married 3 Feb 1773 Louisa Co., VA to Mary McGehee, daughter of William McGehee. William Poindexter married Polly McGehee, 24 Aug 1791, Louisa Co. Thomas Wash Sr, who was an adjacent landowner to land purchased by Walter Goldsmith in 1759 (next deed below) was married to Sarah McGehee. There were also several marriages among families in this deed with the Lipscomb family, some of whom are named in

170 deeds below.

[Unless otherwise stated, all marriage dates given in the Notes for these Louisa deeds were taken from Louisa County marriage records compiled on Louisa County VAGenWeb Project at ] ------6 March 1759 - John Carter of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa County, Planter, and Precious, his wife, to WALTER GOLDSMITH of same, Blacksmith; £10 curr money; 50 acres...William Wash's and David Smith's line...Thomas Wash's line /s/ John Carter, Precious (x) Carter Wit: John Pettus, David Smith, William Wash, Robert Hester Rec. 24 July 1759 [Davis, Vol. I, p. 148] Note: The grantor John Carter appears to have purchased this 50 acres of land originally from Thomas Wash and his wife Sarah (McGehee) on 26 Oct 1756. [Davis, Vol 1, p. 115] Thomas and William Wash were adjacent.

The western bound of St. Martin’s Parish line ran north-south about 5 miles west of the Northanna River and the Hanover County line, i.e., the far eastern part of Louisa County. This 1759 deed shows that Walter Goldsmith was already living in this same county and parish prior to the purchase of this particular property. He, as well as John Wansley’s father, may have lived in this area before 1742 when it was still Hanover County, which records are now mostly destroyed. Records indicate Goldsmith had other land in this area of northeastern Louisa County as well, but no earlier deed of purchase has been found.

Walter Goldsmith and his wife Elizabeth sell this land in 1766 (deed below), probably about the time John Wansley and his wife Mildred and young family move to Albemarle, where Goldsmith joined them in 1781. ------26 August 1760 - Thomas Wash [Sr] of Louisa County to John Wash of Amelia County; 5s curr money; 250 acres; part of the same tract whereupon the sd. Thomas Wash now lives, bounded on Thomas Lipscomb, John Pettus, Charles Kennyday [Kennedy], John Smith, WALTER GOLDSMITH /s/ Thomas (I) Wash Rec. 26 Aug 1760 Ack. by Thomas Wash [Davis, Vol. 2, p. 5] ------10 May 1763 - John Wash of Prince Edward County to Thomas Wash Jr of Louisa County, St. Martin's Parish; £15 curr money; 149 acres in St. Martin's Parish; all the remainder of the tract of land that Thomas Wash Sr. made a Deed to sd. John Wash; land joins lines of Thomas Lipscomb, Thomas Wash, WALTER GOLDSMITH. /s/ John Wash, Susan Wash Wit: Thomas Lipscomb, Saml Ragland, John Smith, Richard (R) Davis, William McGhehee Rec. 14 Oct 1765 Ack. by John Wash and Susanna his wife [Davis, Vol. 2, p. 49] Note: Witness William McGehee is the father or close relative of Mary McGehee, who married John Whitton in 1773. ------27 January 1764 - Thomas Wash to son William Wash, both of St. Martin’s Parish, Louisa County, gift, 138 acres in Louisa County [on waters of LITTLE ROCKY CREEK], on the South and Southwest side of the Road, and Negros Phillis, Daniel, Harry, Joe, and sundry chattel, household stuff, and working tools.. /s/ Thomas (x) Wash. Wit: John Smith, William Kimbrow, John Sandy Hall, Thomas Wash, Jr., William Gambill.

[Louisa County Deeds, D½ :12; Deed and notes below from The Baker Family of Virginia, p. 8, cited as excerpted from The Further Chronicles of the Pamunkey Davenports, by John Scott Davenport, Ph.D.] Note: The following comments by Dr. John Scott Davenport about this deed mention Wash family connections with Davenport and Gambill. The Davenport's and Gambill's and some others of their intermarried families have strong connections with the family of Benjamin Davis who married Patsy Wansley: "William Wash was married to a daughter of Charles Kennedy and Crotia Davenport, daughter of Martin, Sr. William Gambill was the eldest son of Henry Gambill, Sr., and Mary Davenport, eldest daughter and child of Martin [Davenport] Sr., of Hanover, and was a son-in-law to Thomas Wash, the grantor. William [Gambill] lived in Culpeper. John Smith was an in-law to some degree to John Davenport, son of Martin, Sr." ------12 Nov 1764 - William Davis & Sarah his wife to William Harris, for £65 curr. money of Virginia, 521/2 acres on the south side of GREAT ROCKY CREEK, being part of a tract bequeathed to Mary [McGehee] Davis wife of Richard Davis by the last will and testament of William McGehee dec'd, bounded on great Rocky Creek, Lipscombs and Davis corner, Harris’s & Davis’s corner. Not witnessed. Signed: William Davis [by signature], Sarah (1) Davis [by mark] Sarah released dower. Rec. 13 Nov 1764 [Louisa County Deed Book C1/2 , p. 53, Reel 2, Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA; abstracted by Joan Horsley]

Note: This purchaser most likely is the son of William Harris who in 1747 purchased land adjacent to William Whitton (deed above), and the brother of John Harris who before 1777 had land adjacent to William Goldsmith (deed below).


18 June 1767 - William Lipscomb, Planter, of Trinity Parish, Louisa County, and Elizabeth his wife, to WALTER GOLDSMITH, Blacksmith, of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa County; £25 curr money; 100 acres in Trinity William Lipscomb's line...Thomas Johnson's line.../s/ William Lipscomb, Elizabeth (+) Lipscomb Wit: William Pettit, William Pettus, George Lumsden, R. Armistead, George Pottis Rec. 13 July 1767 William Lipscomb and Elizabeth his wife ack. their deed. [Davis, Vol. 2, p. 82] Note: In 1773, Walter Goldsmith begins working as blacksmith for the wealthy plantation owner Robert Armistead, a witness to this deed, whose overseer was William McGehee, father or close relative of Mary McGehee who married John Whitten the same year. William Lipscomb’s grandmother is reportedly also a McGehee. ------

3 September 1770 - WALTER GOLDSMITH, Blacksmith, in Trinity Parish, Louisa County, and ELISABETH his wife, to James Tate, Planter, of same; £12 curr money; 100 acres in Trinity Parish...William Lipscomb's line /s/ Walter Goldsmith, Elizabeth (x) Goldsmith Wit: John Mcallester, Thos. (A) Almand, James Tate Jr Rec 10 Sep 1770 Ack by Walter Goldsmith & Elizabeth his wife [Davis, Vol. 2, p. 112] Note: James Tate and his brothers Zimri, Enos, and William Tate moved about 1790 to Elbert County GA. Zimri's daughter Nancy married Samuel McGehee in Louisa County 9 Feb 1789 [Louisa Marriage Book 1, p. 43, Louisa Co. VAGenWeb] The family of Benjamin Davis, who later married Patsy Wansley, moved from Culpeper County VA to Elbert County GA in late 1790 or early 1791. Many other Virginia neighbors of the Davis’s and Wansley’s moved to Elbert County about the same time, while others left earlier for southern Virginia or North Carolina before arriving in Elbert County around 1790. ------12 August 1772 - Richd Davis of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa County to William Davis of same; £50 curr money; 150 acres; in Parish afsd in the North side of ROCKY CREEK...mouth of a Spring Branch on the north side of Rockey Creek...up same to JOHN WHITTONs corner...Lipscomb's corner. /s/ Richard (R) Davis, Mary (M) Davis Rec 10 Aug 1772 Ack Rd. Davis [Davis, Vol. 2, p. 133] Note: John Whitton married in 1773 Mary McGehee, daughter of William McGehee. The marriage (or marriage bond) was witnessed by William Davis, of above deed. [Marriage Index, Louisa Co. VAGenWeb] ------20 Oct 1773 - Thomas Knighton to Robert Armistead; £23 11s to sell [list of personal property] If sd Knighton shall pay above sum in or upon 1 Oct 1778, then this indenture to be void. /s/ Thomas (T) Knighton, R. Armistead Wit: Ellyson Armistead, William McGehee, WALTER GOLDSMITH - Rec 8 Nov 1773; proved by oath of Ellyson Armistead [Davis, Vol. 1, p. 153] Note: The witness William McGehee, here with Walter Goldsmith, is father or close relative of Mary McGehee who married John Whitton earlier this same year. He also appears to be the same William McGehee who was overseer for the above mortgage deed grantee Robert Armistead by at least 1772. In 1773 Walter Goldsmith began working as blacksmith for Armistead on his Elk Creek Louisa County plantation. It was a common practice for large slave owners (Armistead owned around 30) to hire white skilled craftsmen to teach and oversee slaves in their trade, so eventually the slave owner did not have to pay for outside skilled labor. Thomas Jefferson began building Monticello with white skilled craftsmen, but most of the work was completed by highly trained slaves. ------14 October 1777 - Wm. Sears [and John Harris?] to Waller Goolsmith [WALTER GOLDSMITH] 160 [acres] [Wit:] Bond V. Poindexter, Thos. Littworth, John Lane [Bell, Sec. E, p. 59] Note: Louisa record abstractor John C. Bell explains that this entry was among those on “a list made by Clerk John Poindexter about 1803 of 170 deeds then on hand in his office which were incompletely proven and not admitted to record.” Witnesses and/or grantor(s) had to appear in court to verify or “prove” the deed and their signatures before a deed was ordered to be recorded, and many deeds, for many reasons, never got recorded. Another unrecorded deed on this list (below) shows that John Harris was probably also a co-grantor with Sears to Goldsmith in 1777, and the clerk’s list was abbreviated (as are most deed indexes). Jos. Sears to Wm. Sears & John Harris 19 Mar 1772 - 160 [acres] [Wit:] Gideon Harris [underlined], Thos. Johnson, Mary Sears [Bell, Sec. E, p. 59]

At the time of this purchase, Goldsmith was still listed in titheables tax lists on Armistead’s plantation where he worked as blacksmith until moving to his Albemarle land in 1781, where John and Mildred Wansley lived at that time. Goldsmith sells this land in 1805, still residing in Albemarle, so may never have lived on this land himself, just used it for income .


The next deed below also includes Harris, Poindexter, and Goldsmith of this October 1777 deed. ------8 Dec 1777 - John Harrys [John Harris] of Trinity Parish, Louisa County to Bond Veal Poindexter of same; £20; 90 acres; on NORTH EAST dividing line between sd. Poindexter & WALTER GOLDSMITH Wit: none /s/ John (IH) Harrys [Harris], Lucy (+) Harrys Rec. 8 Dec 1777 Ack. by John Harris & Lucy his wife [Davis, Vol. 3, p. 23] Note: In 1747, William Harris, father of grantor John Harris, bought land from grantee Bond Veal Poindexter's father Thomas Poindexter, adjacent to William Whitton (deed abstract above) [Davis, Vol. 1, p. 38] ------2 February 1786 - Isham Pulliam of Campbell County, to Zachariah Pulliam of Louisa County; £50; 50 acres on WATERS OF PAMUNKEY [also called Northanna River] bounded by land of Elijah Johnson on the east, GOLDSMITH's on the south & by John Pulliam on west and north sides; being land on which sd. Isham Pulliam did live & the same that was given to him by John Pulliam. /s/ Isham Pulliam Wit: Josef Chewning, Thomas Pulliam, Jean Pulliam, Drury Pulliam Rec 11 Sep 1786 Proved by oaths of Thos. Pulliam and Jane Pulliam 14 Sep 1789 - proved by oath of Jos. Chewning. [Davis, Vol. 3, p. 101] Note: The Benjamin Davis family was closely associated with earlier generations of this Pulliam family of Louisa and Spotsylvania County, VA. ------7 September 1793 - William Arnold and Judith his wife of Spots. and George Lumsden and Elizabeth his wife of Louisa to William Johnson of Louisa £20 15s for tract in Louisa containing 88 1/2 acres being 1/2 of the land taken up by Charles Smith and John Lewis dec'd. adj. Robert Anderson dec'd., WALTER GOLDSMITH, Col. Robert Anderson. Sig. William Arnold, Judith Arnold, Geo. Lumsden, Elisa. Lumsden. Witnesses: W. Callis, Wm. Smith Jr. Rec. [Louisa County Deed Book G, p 363, abstracted and submitted by Janice L. Abercrombie to Louisa County VAGenWeb at (url 2006)] Note: Robert Anderson, the deceased landowner in this deed adjacent to Walter GOLDSMITH, brought a debt suit in Louisa County in 1764 against John Wansley that was dismissed. [Bell, Sect. G, p. 82] ------20 Mar 1796 - William Mcgehee Sr. to William Mcgehee Jr. all of Louisa, £372, . Beginning at a White Oak on South side of PAMUNKEY RIVER [also called Northanna], corner to John McGehee; S 56 deg W 152 poles to corner John McGehee and MARY WHITTON to Major Samuel Ragland [Louisa Deed Book I , p. 183, cited by unknown contact,] Note: Mary Whitton of the above deed was the widow of John Whitton who died 1783-1784. Mary Whitton was the daughter (or possibly ward) of William McGehee, as recorded on her marriage record in 1773. ------18 April 1805. WALTER GOLDSMITH of Albemarle County to Richard Mantlo, son and heir at law of James Mantlo. 160 acres in Louisa Co. on NORTH EAST CREEK; bounds include "part of the tract of land patented by Moses Estes [17 March 1736, then Hanover County, with a bound of Thomson (VPB17:240)], formerly the property of William Sears and John Harris." /s/ Walter Goldsmith Witnesses: Jno Edwards, Duke Cosby, Jno. Thomason, Jonathan Munday. 8 July 1805 - Proved and acknowledged by WALTER GOLDSMITH and the oath of John Edwards.

8 September 1806 - Further proved and acknowledged by WALTER GOLDSMITH and the oath of Duke Cosby and John Edwards, and ordered recorded. [Louisa County Deed Book K, p. 280-281, LVA] Note: Goldsmith bought this land 14 Oct 1777 which had been co-owned by William Sears and John Harris. In December 1777 John Harris sold Louisa land adjacent to the “new line” with Walter Goldsmith, and in 1747 John’s father William Harris bought Louisa County land adjacent to William Whitten. (See previous deeds above). In this 1805 deed of sale, witness Duke Cosby is the great-grandson of David Cosby, who won a debt suit against John Wansley in Louisa County court in 1760. Witness Jonathan Munday married the daughter of Edward Baber, whose family was a neighbor of Goldsmith and John Wansley’s family in Albemarle County and shared a number of connections on records there. Witness John Edwards was son of Ambrose Edwards, an adjacent neighbor to the Goldsmith’s and Wansley’s in Albemarle County.


Given the “Whitten” proved to be in the name of one grandchild of John and Mildred and claimed with good support to be in the name of another, plus the entry for “Millie Whitin” among the Wansley’s in the LDS St. George Temple records, together with the accumulation of information from court and deed records, there seems to be strong evidence that John Wansley’s wife Mildred/Milly's maiden name was Whitten, and that she could be the daughter, or

173 at least a close relative, of William Whitten of Louisa County. Although we have had passed down to us that Mildred's last name was Barbour/Barber, that name has not been documented or proved, and the people who first made that claim mistook her first name and have numerous problems and errors in their work on early family lines in general. (It has been suggested that the Whitten name of two Wansley grandchildren might come from an even earlier ancestor such as John’s or Mildred’s mother, but in this case it seems an overly-long generational span between the "original" and the namesakes, especially since no other family surnames appear in the names of their children or other grandchildren.)

It is ironic that John Wansley's one and only wife seems to be Milly Whitten, who the 1970's Wansley authors propose, on flawed evidence, was John's "second wife." But genealogy is full of such ironies and unwitting surprises.


The challenge of researching John Wansley's wife Mildred, nicknamed Milly, at this point is to continue gathering primary records to see if there is more evidence to support, or any to contradict, that Mildred's name was Whitten and that her father or close relative was William Whitton (Jr.) of Louisa County, Virginia. (Learning more about the early Whitten line may lead us to yet-undiscovered information about John Wansley’s father as well.) We still need to continue searching in primary records to see if there is equally strong evidence linking Mildred to a near-by Barbour/Barber or Baber family, and if so, what that relationship might be.

All preliminary investigation using secondary or second-hand sources needs to be verified against original records, and corrections need to be made to statements or assumptions proved to be incorrect.

These seem to be much more plausible, logical, and productive routes of inquiry than continuing to press a claim that Patrick Barber of New Jersey and New York was Mildred’s father. The total absence of any direct or indirect connection between the Patrick Barber family and Mildred and John Wansley, as well as the significant errors and problems in the stories written about them, show this claim to be, in the end, just a fiction.




1. Selected Descendant Outline for John Wansley and wife Mildred ("Milly") Relationships of Wansley family members mentioned in this report (all descendants not included)

JOHN WANSLEY (son of William Wansley) m. MILDRED "MILLY" (previously known as Amelia Barber) Children*: William Wansley Sarah Wansley m. John Beck (Line of Doris Steed Smith, daughter of Noel Steed) ...... Mildred "Milly" Whitten Beck m. 1) Beverly Allen, 2) John F. Gray Nathan Wansley m. 1) Susannah Watts, 2) Elizabeth Cleveland Nathan Whitten Wansley/Wanslee Nancy Wansley m. 1) John Perry Patterson, 2) William Young Elizabeth Wansley m. Abraham Elliot John Wansley m. Sally Greenway Reuben Wansley m. Elizabeth Cunningham (Line of Frank N. Wansley and James B. Evans) Polly Wansley (“Dau. of John and Milly Wanslow” died 1806, per Thomas Wansley's Family Bible) Millie Wansley m. Samuel Jenkins Martha "Patsy" Wansley m. Benjamin Davis “Jr.” (Son of Benjamin Davis “Sr”, the "Patriot") James Madison Davis m. Matilda Goggans (Line of Joan Horsley) ...... …………….. Martha Caroline Davis m. William Martin ...... ……………………. Martha Matilda Martin m. William P. Price II ...... ………………………….Caroline "Carrie" Price (b. 1860) m. Walter S. Wilson (DAR Application under ...... Wansley) ...... ………………………………...... Katharine "Kate" Wilson (b. 1888) m. Olaf Otto (Katharine Otto, Wansley ...... family author) ...... ………….…… Isabelle "Belle" Price (b. 1864) m. William A. Charters (DAR Application under Wansley) ...... ……… Sarah "Sallie" Price (b. 1869) m. John C. West (Virkus submission for Wansley- ...... ………………. Barbour) Thomas Wansley m. Jemima Means Thomas Jefferson Wansley Martha Amanda Mildred Wansley Larkin Wansley

*Except for the last three, birth order of John and Mildred Wansley’s children is only approximate based on available records.

2. Wansley Descendants Who First Published Claims about John Wansley’s Wife 1914-1928

Caroline “Carrie” Price Wilson: DAR Application ID Number 41757

Isabelle “Belle” Sterling Price Charters: DAR Application ID Number 60842

Sarah “Sallie” Price West: Virkus’ Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Vol. III

3. Wansley Descendants Who Published Books of Wansley Family History 1975-1979

Katharine W. Otto: B. 8 Aug 1888, Dahlonega, Lumpkin Co., GA; D. 09 May 1980, Savannah, GA. The Genealogy of Martin-Price with Barber Genealogy establishing data on Barber-Wansley connection with Beck, Davis and Allied Families. Savannah, GA: Privately printed, 1978.

Doris Steed Smith: B. 4 Apr 1908, Murray Co. GA; D. 18 Oct 1994, West Palm Beach, FL Beck History. Sparta, GA: D. S. Smith, 1979 and "Wansley Line" (undated manuscript).

Frank N. Wansley: B. 21 Oct 1901, Elbert Co., GA; D. 25 Oct 1983, Elbert Co, GA From Rome to Ruckersville: Our Wansley History. Privately printed, 1975. [NOTE: Second edition with additional information was published ca 1977. James B. Evans]



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Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Albemarle County Road Orders 1744-1748. Charlottesville, VA: Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, June 1975, Revised October 2003. Electronic Edition.

Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Albemarle County Road Orders 1783-1816. Charlottesville, VA: Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, December 1975, Revised April 2004. Electronic Edition.

Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Louisa County Road Orders 1742-1748. Charlottesville, VA: Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, April 1975, Revised January 1979, Revised August 2003. Electronic Edition.

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800–1900. National Archives Microfilm Publication M804. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, DC. This microfilm includes the complete files of each pension and bounty applicant and can be accessed online by subscription at

Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800–1900. National Archives Microfilm Publication M805. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, DC. This microfilm includes only selected documents from the files of each pension and bounty applicant and can be accessed online through HeritageQuest Online available from local public libraries and similar research facilities.

Scott, Paul H. "The Scott Family of Orange County" The William and Mary Quarterly, Second Series, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Oct. 1939) p. 485-509. Published by Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture.

Scouras, Susan. "Early Marriage Laws in Virginia/West Virginia." West Virginia History and Archives News. Vol. 4, No. 4 ( June 2004) p. 1-3. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Division of Culture and History.

Smith, Doris Steed. Beck History. Sparta, GA: D. S. Smith, 1979.

Smith, Doris Steed. "Wansley Line." Undated. Manuscript from the author to James B. Evans, Dallas, TX. Copy in my possession.

Smith, Roxann Gess. "Kentucky Archives: Burials, Forts, Stations." in Olden Daze Website. Contact: [email protected]. Online at (2006)

Sustar, Susan. "Whitton's, Caroline & Louisa Co., VA." Whitton Family Genealogy Forum at Post #73 dated 26 Aug 1999.

Vans Creek Church of Christ (Baptist), Minutes 1785 – 1893. Ordinary's Office, Elberton, GA.


Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants/Northern Neck Grants and Surveys. Images available online. Library of Virginia Homepage at

Virginia Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants. Reels 1-29 . Library of Virginia, Richmond, VA.

Virkus, Frederick A. The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, 3 volumes. Originally published 1928, reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1968. Digitized in Genealogy Library Data Base at

Wansley, Frank N. From Rome to Ruckersville: Our Wansley History. Privately printed, 1975. [NOTE: First edition was printed ca 1975 and second edition with additional information ca 1977.

Weisiger, Benjamin B. Albemarle County, Virginia, Court Papers, 1744-1783. Richmond, VA: B. B. Weisiger, 1987.

Wiencek, Henry. An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2003.

Will and Probate of Benjamin Davis 1797. Elbert County Georgia Ordinary, Estate Records, Wills and Mixed Records, 1791-1803. Will Book B, p. 23. Clerk of Ordinary, Elberton, GA.

Will of Benjamin Davis 1792. Wilkes County Georgia Ordinary, Estate Records & Wills 1792-1801. 44/31, p. 24-25. Georgia Archives, Morrow, GA.

Will of Edward Baber 1798. Transcribed by Mrs. Vera Baber 2001, ciiting Albemarle County Virginia Will Book 4, p. 17. Submitted to online at

Will of John Rucker 1779. Abstract provided by Nel Hatcher citing Amherst Will Book 1, p. 529. “John Rucker Jr.” Hatcher Families Genealogy Association Website. Online at

Will of John Wanslow Senr.1835. Elbert County Record Book 1830-35, Wills, Administrations, Guardians bonds and Marriages. Clerk of the Ordinary. Elberton, GA.

Will of Robert Baber 1747. Transcription provided by Sandy Ruppell citing Albemarle Will Book 1, p. 4. Submitted to Moses Walker of Orange County, NC website. Online at

Will of Thomas Baber. Transcription provided by Jim G. Faulconer citing Fluvanna County Virginia Will Book 1, O.S., p. 13-15. "The Babers" Clark County KYGenWeb

Will of William Whitton 1730. Transcription provided by Craig Beeman. Submitted in post entitled "Whitton, Whitten, etc." to RootsWeb Whitten Mail List 28 Sep 1996. Archived online at Original will in Overton Papers, Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.

Woods, Edgar. Albemarle County in Virginia: Giving Some Account of what it was by Nature, of what it was Made by Man, and of Some of the Men who Made it. Michie Co., 1901. Digitalized 2006 from an original at Harvard University on Often referred to as “Wood’s History of Albemarle County.”

Note: All URL’s listed in this bibliography were active as of December 2008.


Genealogy is always a collaborative work, and my thanks to all upon whose work I have drawn and from whose labors I have benefited, living and “gone on before.” If I have inadvertently neglected to give proper credit for work of others, please contact me so I can correct my oversight. Special appreciation goes to Wansley descendants Jim Evans, Jack Shotts, Becky Carden, and Margaret Noyes as well as to Chandler Eavenson and Bill Frazier for their generosity in sharing pertinent records and documents. Jim Evans and Brian Brooks, also a Wansley descendant, graciously read a final draft of this report and made helpful comments. My thanks also to Phyllis Harrison, Craig Kilby, and my husband and daughter whose efforts and contributions made this research project possible. JH

Researched and written by Joan Horsley Contact: [email protected] Copyright © 2009 Joan Horsley Contact Jim Evans at: [email protected] Website:


INDEX Allen, Reuben [J. P.] 27, 28 Allen, Singleton W., J.P. 32, 33, 65 ABBREVIATIONS Allen, William 27, 28 Allin, John 70 b/o brother of Almand, Thomas 172 d/o daughter of Anderson, David 130 f/o father of Anderson, James 31 h/o husband of Anderson, John H., J. P. 78 m/o mother of Anderson, Nathaniel 131 w/o wife of Anderson, Robert [Louisa County, VA] 2, 135, 173 Anderson, David & William Anderson vs. John Numbers before w/o or h/o indicate order of Wansley 130 marriages if more than one. For example: Jones, Anderson, Robert vs. John Wansley 2, 173 Mary [1w/o John Smith; 2 w/o William Morton] Anderson, William 130 Anderson, William P. 53 TITLES Anthony, W. 99, 100 Appling heirs 62 C. C. O. Count Court of Ordinary Appling, Eleanor D. 61 J. I. C. Justice of Inferior Court Appling, John 61, 62 J. S. C. Justice of Superior Court Appling, Rebecca C. 61 Ordinary functioned as probate Armistead, Ellyson 131, 172 judge, recording births and Armistead, R. See Armistead, Robert. marriages in Georgia in Armistead, Robert 131, 132, 134, 169-170, 172 Office of the Ordinary Arnold 31 Arnold, Judith [w/o William Arnold] 135, 173 A Arnold, M. F. 114 Arnold, William, J. P. 28 Abney, J. B. [or J. P.] 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118 Arnold, William [h/o Judith] 135, 173 Abney, John B. 114, 118 Ashby, Stephen, Capt. 159 Abney, W. 112, 118 Aycock, James, J. P. 83 Adams, Hiram G. 72, 80 Adams, Lawrence M. [executor Sarah Fleming] 72, B 80 Adams, Mary Elizabeth [w/o Thomas N. Wansley] 72 Babbs, William 60 Adams, R. E. See Adams, Richard E. Baber 144, 166-167, 174 Adams, Richard E. 73, 113, 114 Baber, Edward 166, 167, 173 Adken [Adkin], Mary [w/o Joseph Wansley] 57 Baber, George [s/o Edward Baber] 166 Alexander, G. 113, 115 Baber, Isabel [d/o Edward Baber; w/o Jonathan Alexander, G. F. [for T. W. Harden] 103 Munday] 166 Alexander, G. T. 125 Baber, Joe 153, 166 Alexander, Gaines T. 102, 103, 104, 106 Baber, John [s/o Edward Baber] 166 Alexander, George 29, 51, 69, 81, 88 Baber, Robert [Albemarle County, VA] 167 Alexander, J. H. 112, 114 Baber, Sarah [w/o Thomas Baber] 167 Alexander, Polly 51, 69, 81 Baber, Thomas 166 Alexander, W. H. 109 Baber, Thomas [f/o Thomas Baber] 153, 167 Alexander, William 88 Baber, Thomas [s/o Thomas Baber] 153 Alexander, William [Lord Sterling] 155 Baber, Thomas [s/o Robert & Sarah Baber] 167 Alexander, William G. 21 Baber, Thomas [Fredricks Hall General Store] 166- Alexander, William H. 108, 113 167 Allan, John 164 Bademore, Eliz. ii Allen 27 Bailey, E. See Bailey, Ezekial. Allen, B. See Allen, Beverly. Bailey, Ezekial 89, 96, 97, 121, 122, 126 Allen, Bannister 67 Bailey, Ezekial [by William H. Haslett] 122 Allen, Benjamin 67 Bailey, Samuel 21 Allen, Beverly [(1) h/o Mildred Whitten Beck] [J.P.] Bailey, Samuel N. 21, 22, 24, 71 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 44, 61, 62, Baker family 171 66,, 67, 88, 175 Baley, Winefred 153 Allen, Beverly, Deputy Sheriff 29, 61 Ballard, Ebenezer 61 Allen, Beverly, J.P. 31 Banks, James 61, 66, 87 Allen, Elizabeth [w/o Reuben Allen] 28 Banks, James, J. P. 61, 66 Allen, Ephriam 87 Banks, James, Jr. 33 Allen, John 67 Banks, John 32, 43


Banks, Ralph 29 Beck, John [Jasper County, GA] 82 Banks, Thomas A. 15, 29, 30, 32 Beck, John [Albemarle County, VA] 26, 27 Barb, Kirk Bentley 158 Beck, John [h/o Sarah Wansley] 5, 14, 26-33, 34, 36, Barber 144, 148, 164, 166, 167, 174 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 148, 149, 150, Barber, Amelia [fictitious] 2, 143, 144, 145, 148, 151, 153, 155-6, 157, 159, 160, 161, 167, 152, 153 170, 175 Barber, Catherine [d/o John Barber; w/o William Beck, John [not h/o Sarah Wansley] [Elbert County, James] 149 GA] 27, 33, 36, 144 Barber, Francis [s/o Patrick Barber] 149, 152, 155 Beck, John, Lt. [Revolutionary War soldier] [h/o Barber, Jane Fraser. See Fraser, Jane [w/o Patrick Rebekah (Rebecca) Miller] 34, 36, 144, 155, Barber] 148 159, 160-161 Barber, John [s/o Patrick Barber] 149, 152, 155 Beck, John, Lt. [land] 144 Barber, Keziah [d/o William Barber; w/o William Beck, John, Jr. [s/o John Beck and Sarah Wansley] Cone] 163 27, 36, 37 Barber, Margaret [d/o Patrick Barber] 152 Beck, John F. [s/o John Welch Beck] 34 Barber, Patrick 144, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, Beck, John Welch [h/o Margery Stuart] 34 153, 154-155, 158, 161, 162, 163, 165, 174 Beck, Joseph [Albemarle County, VA] 27 Barber, William [s/o Patrick Barber] 149, 151, 152, Beck, Louisa C. [d/o John Welch Beck] 34 155 Beck [Becks], Lucy [w/o Andrew Beck] 5, 26, 27, Barber, William [Spotsylvania County, VA] 164, 165 135, 137 Barbour 144, 148, 164, 165-6, 167, 174 Beck, Lucy [w/o John Evans] 152 Barbour, Ambrose [s/o James Barbour] 165 Beck, Margery [Margaret] [w/o John Welch Beck] 34 Barbour, Amelia. See Barber, Amelia. Beck, Mary A. [d/o John Beck and Sarah Wansley] Barbour, Elizabeth [w/o John Egerton] 151 37 Barbour, J., Jr. [attorney for Walter Goldsmith] 136, Beck, Matilda J. [d/o John Beck; w/o John Henderson] 165 27, 28, 36, 37 Barbour, James, Sr. [Culpeper County, VA] 165-166 Beck, Mildred W. See Beck, Mildred Whitten. Barbour, James, Gov. Virginia 165 Beck, Mildred Whitten [d/o John and Sarah Wansley Barbour, Sarah [Todd] [w/o James Barbour, Sr.] 166 Beck; w/o (1) Beverly Allen, (2) John F. Gray] 2, 27, Barbour, Thomas [s/o James Barbour, Sr.] [Orange 29, 30, 33, 37, 44, 88, 146, 147, 167, 168, County, VA] 165 175 Barbour, Richard [s/o James Barbour] 165 Beck, P. H. C. See Beck, Patrick Henry. Barbour, Thomas [s/o James Barbour, Sr.] 165 Beck, Patrick Henry [s/o William Andrew Beck] 34 Barbour, William [s/o James Barbour] 165] Beck, Rebekah [Rebecca] Miller [w/o Lt. John Beck] Barbour [Barber], William [Albemarle County, VA] 34, 159-160, 161 144, 148, 150,163, 164-165 Beck, Reuben T. [s/o William Andrew Beck] 34 Bardwell, J. M. See Bardwell, John M. Beck, Rn. C. 29 Bardwell, John M. 97, 114 Beck, Sarah A. [d/o John Welch Beck] 34 Barnard, Rich. Ii Beck, Sarah Lucinda [Lucy] [d/o John Beck and Barrett [Barnett], J. Holt. See Barrett [Barnett], J. H. Sarah Wansley] 28, 31, 36, 37 [Holt] M. Beck, Will [Albemarle County, VA] 26 Barrett [Barnett], J. H. [Holt] M. 99, 100, 102, 103, Beck, William [Elbert County, GA] 31, 32, 42 104, 106, 108, 115, 118, 119, 121, 123, 126, Beck, William [Albemarle County, VA] 26 127 Beck, William A. [s/o John W. Beck] 34 Barrett, John M. See Barrett [Barnett], J. H. M. Beck, William A. See Beck, William Andrew. Barnett, Sally S. 29 Beck, William Andrew 9, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, Barrett, William M. 89, 94 25, 27, 31, 33, 34, 37, 45, 48, 54, 55, 62, 66, Bartlett, Indian 131 67, 71 Barry, Edward, Judge 11th District Court 111 Beck, William Andrew, J. I. C. 9, 15, 19 Baylor, Richard 165 Beck, William J. [s/o William Andrew Beck] 34 Beck, Andrew [h/o Lucy Beck] 5, 26, 135, 137 Becks, John 26 Beck, Ann Lucas [w/o William Andrew Beck] 34 Becks, Lucy 26 Beck, Ann Nancy [d/o John Beck and Sarah Beeman, Craig 169 Wansley] 27, 37 Bennett, B. 45, 47, 51, 135 Beck, Catherine M. [Kate] [d/o John Welch Beck] 34 Berkeley, William, Gov. ii Beck, Elizabeth Caroline [w/o Gaither] 34 Bell, John C. 182 Beck, Eugene H. [s/o John W. Beck] 34 Bennett, B. 47 Beck, Eugenia 36 Berry, A. L. 60 Beck, James [s/o John Beck and Sarah Wansley] Berry, W. L. 60 26, 36 Betty, Indian 131 Beck, Jesse [Jessie] [Amherst County, VA] 26, 140 Bibb, Peyton 28 Beck, Jesse [Amherst County, VA] 26, 140, 170 Bibb, Sally S. 27, 28


Black, Thomas 22, 24 Carr, Garland 4, 5, 6, 134 Blackwell, Elizabeth 30 Carr, Gideon 51 Blackwell, Joseph 15, 24, 29, 30, 33, 45, 54 Carr, John 4, 133 Blackwell, Joseph, J. P. 29, 30 Carr, S. iii, 133 Blackwell, S. C. 98, 99 Carr, Samuel 6, 131 Blackwell & Haslett 99, 101 Carr, Walter 5, 138 Blake, John 164 Carran, Andrew S., Secretary State LA 111 Blake, John [New Kent County, VA] ii Carroll, Sister 52, 70 Bocock [Bowcock], Jason 3, 26-7, 140, 154 Carroll [Carrell], John 30, 52, 53, 70, 81 Bond, F. K. 112 Carroll, John, J. I. C. 29, 30 Bone, A. S. 112 Carter, Catherine [d/o Eugenia Beck] 34 Boone, Daniel 162 Carter, Charles, Capt. 128 Bottom, David 31, 40 Carter, Charles Napoleon Bonaparte 36, 44 Bourn, George 131 Carter, Eugenia A. 34 Bowcock [Bocock], Jason 3, 26-27, 140, 154 Carter, Georgia G. 34 Bowman, Willie 36 Carter, John [h/o Precious Carter] [Louisa County, Bowman, Zacheriah 15 VA] 130, 171 Bozeman, James 67 Carter, John W. [agent for Benajah Houston] 32 Bradford, F. 107 Carter, Lucy 32 Breckinridge, J. [attorney for Walter Goldsmith] 4, Carter, Precious [w/o John Carter] [Louisa County, 133, 134 VA] 130, 171 Brewer [Brower], J. H. 113, 115 Carter, William T. [s/o Eugenia Beck] 34 Broadwell [Bardwell], J. H. 115 Cash, Howard 29 Broadwell [Bardwell], J. M. 114, 115 Cash, James [h/o Mary] 61 Broadwell [Bardwell], John M. 96, 98, 114, 115 Cash, Mary [w/o John Cash] 61 Brock, Samuel 131 Cason, Edward 32 Brockman, John 5 Cason, John 32, 52, 70 Brower [Brewer], J. H. 113, 115 Cason, William 32 Browers, Jeff 52 Cass, Lew., Secretary of War 17 Brown, Benjamin [h/o Nancy] 29 Cave, Belfield 28 Brown, Dozier 29 Chandler, Asa 9, 16 Brown, Elizabeth C. [(1) w/o Patrick Henry Wansley] Chapman, E. 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 59 Chapman, Elijah 89, 120 Brown, George 131 Charters, Isabella Price. See Price, Isabella. Brown, Hardie, J. P. 34, 38, 39, 71 Charters, William A. [h/o Isabella (Belle) Price] 82, Brown, Howell C. 52 83, 175 Brown, James N. 29 Cheek, Sarah E. [(2) w/o Fleming Wansley] 75 Brown, Nancy [w/o Benjamin Brown] 29 Chewning, Josef [Jos.] 134, 173 Brown, Reuben, J. P. 61 Childs, Brother 52, 69, 81 Brydges, Egerton, Sir 151 Chipman, Thomas W. Sheriff 83 Burden, William 30 Christian, J. R. T., Clerk Inferior Court [Elbert County, Burgunn 3, 27, 140 GA] 16 Burk, Sally 52 Christian, James, J. P. 28 Burks, James, Jr., J. P. 53 Christian, Presley, Sheriff 32 Burruss, Martin 5 Christian, W., Surveyor 121, 123 Burton, Maj. 28 Christie, Joseph 28 Burton, Robert 30 Christwell 28 Bush family 162 Church, Sarah Ann Arterbury 2 Bush, Mary [w/o Benjamin Davis] 162 Clark 28, 99 Bush, William, Capt. 162 Clark [for S. C. Blackwell] 99 Clark, General or Colonel 76 C Clark, James 28, 29, 32, 42, 43, 86 Clark, James A. 24, 54 Callis, W. 135, 173 Clark, Joseph 27 Campbell, Duncan G. 31, 40 Clark, Joshua, Sheriff 61 Campbell, James [h/o Molly] 53, 61 Clark, Larkin 28, 29 Campbell, Molly [w/o James Campbell] 53, 61 Clark, M. [for W. K. Kitchen] 102 Cannon, Newton 53 Clark, M. J. 99 Capers, T. H. 21 Clark, William B. 53, 86 Capers, Thomas H. 20 Clark & Bailey 106, 107 Carpenter, James 109 Clarke, James 41 Carr 6, 166 Clarke, M. D. [or M. B.] 31, 40, 48


Clarke, Sarah 65 Cunningham, Elizabeth [w/o Reuben Wansley] 3, 14, Clarkson, David 6, 136, 137 68, 69-75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 88, 175 Clarkson, Peter, Assessor Public Revenue 138, 139 Cunningham, F. 20, 61 Clayton, John 6 Cunningham, F. B. [Fleming Banks Cunningham] 78 Clements, Benjamin, Surveyor 55 Cunningham, Franklin [J.P.] [b/o Elizabeth Cleveland, A. J. 126 Cunningham] 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, Cleveland, Elizabeth [(2) w/o Nathaniel Wansley] 8, 80, 88 13, 52, 53, 55, 58, 60, 68-70, 81,175 Cunningham, Franklin [not b/o Elizabeth Cleveland, J. M. 21 Cunningham] 70 Cleveland, Jacob M. 21, 22, 104, 105 Cunningham, J. 108 Cleveland, James M. 100 Cunningham, James [b/o John Cunningham] Cleveland, Lucy 114 [Pendleton District, South Carolina will] 71 Cleveland, Martha Lee [w/o (1) Wiley Jones Wansley; Cunningham, James B. 72, 79 (2) Thomas Obriant] 92 Cunningham, James G. [S.], attorney for Cunningham Cleveland, William 89, 96, 98, 99, 101, 112, 116, siblings 72 117, 118, 129 Cunningham, John 61, 70 Cleveland, William M. 89, 121 Cunningham, John [A.], Sr.] [h/o Nancy Ann Davis; f/o Cobb, Emily [w/o Reuben T. Wansley, (Jr.)] 73 Elizabeth Cunningham] 69, 72, 75, 76, 77, Cochran & Co. vs. Walter Goldsmith 130 78 Colars 30 Cunningham, John A. 72, 77, 78, 79, 80 Colbert, Richard 27, 29 Cunningham, Johnson [Johnston] [s/o John Coleman, James 4, 133 Cunningham, Sr.] 70, 77 Collard, D. W. 31 Cunningham, Joseph T. or I. [s/o John Cunningham, Collier, John, Jr. 165 Sr.] 77 Collins, Joseph 165 Cunningham, S. 108 Compton, John F., J. P. 43 Cunningham, Sarah [w/o Fleming; aunt of Elizabeth Cone, William [Revolutionary War] 163 Cunningham] 69, 70, 72, 80 Cone, William [h/o Keziah Barber] 163 Cunningham, Stewart 29 Cone, William Whitney 163 Curtis, Rice, Sr. 164 Connell [Connill], D. E. 104, 105 Connell [Connill], Sarah D. [or P.] 112, 117, 118 D Cook, Benjamin [h/o Elizabeth] 32 Cook, Elizabeth [w/o Benjamin Cook] 32 Dalton, John 8, 10, 51 Cook, John [h/o Mary Wansley] 91 Daniel [h/o Peggy Means] 86 Cook, Joseph 28, 29 Daniel, David 61, 62 Cosby, David iii, 1, 173 Daniel, J. J. 108 Cosby, David vs. John Wansley iii, 1, 141, 173 Daniel, J. M. [or J. W.] 90, 115, 122, 124 Cosby, Duke 141, 173 Daniel, J. W. [or J. M.] 90, 115, 122, 124 Councell, E. C. 79 Daniel, James J. [J. P.] 61, 78, 79, 88, 96, 108, 109 Cox, William ii Daniel, John 20, 29, 115, 117 Craft, Capt. 128 Daniel, John W. [h/o Martha Amanda Mildred Craft, A. [for William J. Craft] 103 Wansley] 90, 92, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, Craft, A., Tax Collector [Elbert County, GA] 23, 24, 122, 124 103 Daniel, William 109 Craft, David 48 Darnold, Abraham 5 Craft, John 2, 53, 61 Davenport 171 Craft, John [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 Davenport, Crotia [d/o Martin Davenport, Sr.] 171 Craft, John, J. P. 53 Davenport, John [s/o Martin Davenport, Sr.] 171 Craft, William 20 Davenport, John Scott 171 Craft, William J. 101, 102 Davenport, Martin, Sr. 171 Craft, Willis 104, 105, 106, 107, 128 Davenport, Mary [d/o Martin Davenport, Sr.] 171 Craig, Andrew 164-5 David, John [f/o Evan Davis] 158 Crawford, Jim A. [h/o Cora Alma Wansley] 91 David, Mary 61 Crawford, William B. 95 David, Morgan 158 Crawford, William H., Judge 33 David, S. D. [for Scranton, Starke & Davis] 99 Crenshaw, William 5 Davis 172 Christian, W. 120, 122 Davis’ corner 171 Crofford 60 Davis family 162, 173 Crump, George William, Acting Commissioner Davis, Abram N. 102, 103 Pensions 17 Davis, Ann [Nancy] [w/o John Cunningham; m/o Cunningham, Ann. See Davis, Nancy [Ann] [w/o John Elizabeth Cunningham] 69, 72, 75, 76, 77, Cunningham, Sr.] 78, 79


Davis, Ann Morning [d/o Benjamin Davis, Sr.] 84 Davis, Samuel [Boonesboro] 162 Davis, Ben 157 Davis, Sarah [w/o William Davenport] 171 Davis, Benjamin 144 Davis, Sydney 52 Davis, Benjamin [b/o Evan Davis] 158 Davis, William [h/o Sarah] 171 Davis, Benjamin [f/o Benjamin Davis, Sr.] 158 Davis, William [Louisa County, VA] 170, 172 Davis, Benjamin [unrelated to Wansley] 157 Dawton, William, Capt. 4, 15 Davis, Benjamin [land] 144, 157 Day, Jack See Day, Zachariah. Davis, Benjamin [Revolutionary War] 144, 147, 158- Day, Zachariah [Zach] [h/o Emily Catherine Wansley] 159 91 Davis, Benjamin [Elbert County, GA will 1797] 84, Denton, John 138 144 Dickinson [Dickison], R. P. 112, 114 Davis, Benjamin [Wilkes County, GA] 156, 157 Dingler, John 52, 69, 81 Davis, Benjamin [Wilkes County, GA will 1792] 156, Dobbs, David 32 157 Dobson, Richard 165 Davis, Benjamin [SC] 158 Douglass, Achilles, J. P. [Albemarle County, VA] 49 Davis, Benjamin [Culpeper County, VA] 156, 157, Douthit, J. E. 60 159 Dowell, Ambrose [s/o John Dowell, Sr.] 139 Davis, Benjamin [Jr.] [h/o Martha (Patsy) Wansley] Dowell, Anna [w/o John Dowell, Sr.] 140 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 81-85, 86, 146, 147, 148, Dowell, Are [Ave, Ane] 138 149, 150, 156, 157, 158, 161, 165, 170, 171, Dowell, Benjamin 136 172, 173, 175 Dowell, Dorcas 136 Davis, Benjamin [h/o Mary] 162 Dowell, James 136 Davis, Benjamin [s/o James Madison Davis] 83 Dowell, John, Jr. 7, 136, 137, 139, 140 Davis, Benjamin, Jr. 156-157 Dowell, John, Sr. iii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 26, 47, 49, Davis, Benjamin, Sr. 156-7, 158, 169, 175 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 166, Davis, Benjamin Goddard [or Garland] [s/o Benjamin 170 Davis] 81 Dowell, Lucy [w/o Samuel Munday] 166 Davis, Benjamin vs. Allen McClendon 82 Dowell, Major 5, 136, 137, 138, 139, 166 Davis, Benjamin vs. James Richards 82 Dowell, Mary 136 Davis, Benjamin vs. William Walthall 82 Dowell, Milly 136 Davis, Benjamin & John Davis, Jr. vs. John Davis, Sr. Dowell, Nancy 136 82 Dowell, Patience [w/o Gunter] 136, 139 Davis, Benjamin & Martha Davis vs. Susannah Hicks Dowell, Thomas 4, 133, 134, 138 82 Dunmore 160 Davis, B. M. 60 Dunning, Robert 5 Davis, Elizabeth [d/o Benjamin Davis, Sr.] 84 Durretts, Richard 6 Davis, Evan [s/o John David] 157, 158 Davis, Harry Alexander 158 E Davis, J. C. 97 Davis, James [b/o Benjamin Davis, Sr.] 158 Earle, Henry Tatum 111 Davis, James [Spotsylvania County, VA] 157, 158 Earle, Joseph T. 71 Davis, James Madison [s/o Benjamin Davis] 81, 83, Earle, Sam G. 68 85, 158, 175 Easten, William 136 Davis, Jefferson 144, 157-158 Easter, Richard J. & Co. 31, 40, 41, 42 Davis, John, Jr. 82 Easter, Richard J. & Co. vs. Gaines Davis, John, Sr. 82 Thompson and John Beck 31, 32, 40 Davis, John [executor estate Benjamin Davis, Sr.] 83 Eavenson, Thomas 21 Davis, John [Louisa County], VA] 170 Edwards, [illegible] 115 Davis, Martha Caroline [d/o Benjamin Davis; w/o Edwards, Ambrose [f/o John Edwards] 6, 173 William Martin] 81, 82, 83, 85, 157, 175 Edwards, Granvill 137 Davis, Mary [Vans Creek Church] 2 Edwards, John 141, 173 Davis, Mary [d/o Benjamin Davis, Sr.] 83 Edwards, John [s/o Ambrose Edwards] 173 Davis, Mary [w/o Richard Davis] 172 Edwards, Samuel 5, 135, 137 Davis, Mary [?Bush] [w/o Benjamin Davis] 162 Edwards, Thomas [Albemarle County, VA] 6, 139 Davis, Matilda Sanson [d/o Benjamin Davis] 81, 82, Edwards, T. S. 76 85 Edwards, W. F. [for Scranton, Starke & Davis] 105 Davis, Nancy [Ann] [w/o John Cunningham; m/o Edwards, W. H., Ordinary [Elbert County, GA] 95, Elizabeth Cunningham] 69, 72, 75, 76, 77, 111, 112, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124 78, 79 Egerton, Aunt Lady 151 Davis, Richard [h/o Mary McGehee] [Louisa County, Egerton, Elizabeth, Lady 151 VA] 130, 170, 171, 172 Egerton, John, Esq. [h/o Elizabeth Barbour] 151 Davis, Samuel 157 Egerton, Thomas, Hon. 151


Eggleston, Edmond 130 Gaines, [illegible] 114 Elijah 78 Gaines, F. M. 121, 123, 126 Elizabeth, Aunt Lady 151 Gaines, Francis 23, 25, 88, 89, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, Eller, S. M. 34 103, 104, 106, 107, 120, 121, 122, 124 Elliott, Abraham or Ambrose [h/o Elizabeth Wansley] Gaines, George 53, 61 3, 6, 13, 47-8, 51, 135, 175 Gaines, H. S. See Gaines, Hiram Sanford. Elliott, Elizabeth [w/o David Craft] 48 Gaines, Henry 28, 29 Elliott, Ja. Ii Gaines, Hiram Sanford [h/o Mary Frances Royster Elliott, John W. [Wansley\ 48 Wansley] 90, 93, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, Elliott, Sarah [w/o Samuel Means] 48 115, 116, 117, 118, 121, 122, 124 Elliott, Thomas C. 48 Gaines, J. A. 115, 117 Enochs, Julia Ann [w/o Thomas Jefferson Wansley, Gaines, James A. 115, 122, 124 Jr.] 92 Gaines, John 29, 30 Erwin, John Frank [h/o Narcissa Wansley] 58 Gaines, L. P. 61 Estes, Moses 141, 173 Gaines, Patsy 51, 69, 81 Evans, James B. 151, 154, 161, 167, 175 Gaines, Patsy [w/o Henry Gaines] 29 Evans, John 152 Gaines, Ralph 22, 23, 24, 73, 96, 97, 102, 103, 123, 125 F Gaines, S. A. 118 Fardle, Joane ii Gaines, Sanford 109 Farnehennon, Edward 137 Gaines, Thomas 89 Farrar, J. 103 Gaines, Thomas S. 73, 121, 123 Farrish [Forrister, Forester], Jette 106, 107, 114 Gaines, William 30 Farish [Faris], Robert 169 Gaines, William M. 106, 107, 127 Fast, Robert L. 40 Gaines, Zedora [w/o Hugh Sanford Wansley] 93 Fleming, Benjamin 32 Gaines & Stephenson 127 Fleming, David 80 Gaines & Turner 99, 100 Fleming, David C. 80 Gaither, Ann E. 34 Fleming, Frances 32 Gaither, E. C. [Elizabeth Caroline Beck] 34 Fleming, John [f/o Sarah Fleming] 80 Gaither, Wiley S. 34 Fleming, Moses T. 80 Galt, Francis W., J. I. C. 43 Fleming, Nancy 80 Gambill 171 Fleming, Rutha Elmira Theodosia 80 Gambill, Henry, Sr. [f/o William Gambill] 171 Fleming, S. See Fleming, Sarah. Gambill, William [s/o Henry Gambill, Sr.] [Culpeper Fleming, Samuel 80 County, VA] 171 Fleming, Sarah [Cunningham] , See Cunningham, Gandy [h/o Polley Means] 86 Sarah. Gardner, Anna [w/o Thomas Gardner] 42 Fleming, Sarah [d/o John Fleming] 80 Gardner, Henry 31, 32, 39, 41, 42, 43 Fleming, Sarah Ann [d/o David C. Fleming] 80 Gardner, Thomas [h/o Anna] 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 43 Fleming, Thomas J. 155 Garrett, Alex 51 Forbes, Adeline [w/o Tandy McGee Wansley] 92 Garrett, William 131 Ford, John 30 Garth, Thomas 5, 6, 7, 49, 135 Forrister [Forester, Farrish], Jette 106, 107, 114 Gibbs, Thomas F. 20, 23, 25, 96, 97 Fortson, B. 29, 30 Gibbs & Jones 96, 97 Fortson, Benjamin 16 Gibbs & Lampkin 102, 103 Fortson, Richard 40 Gibson, Capt. 82 Fortson, Thomas 28 Gibson, John, Col. 160 Fowler, Henry Guy 39 Gilbert, Thomas 6, 137 Fowler & Gardner 39 Gill, W. W. 60 Fox, Benjamin [h/o Mary (Polly) Wansley] 58 Gillasby, David 7 Frame, William 53 Gilmer, George R. 33, 66 Fraser, Jane [w/o Patrick Barber] 148 Ginn 30 Freeman 86 Ginn, Bryan 30 Freeman, Elisha 131 Ginn, Jesse 30 Fretwell, William 140-1 Ginn, Joshua 30, 31 Ginn, Luke 30 G Ginn, Sion 30 Ginnings, Mary 2, 61 Gaar, Adam [J.P.] [h/o Nancy] 2, 29, 30, 61, 61, 86 Ginnings, Mary [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 Gaar, George [h/o Polly] 86 Glass, Bassell 7 Gaar, Nancy [w/o Adam Gaar] 29 Goggans, Matilda [w/o James Madison Davis] 83, 85, Gaar, Polly [w/o George Gaar] 86 158, 175


Goldsmith, Elizabeth [Eliza] [w/o Walter Goldsmith] Hammonds, Charles 6 130, 131, 141, 151, 170, 171, 172 Hammonds, Thomas 6 Goldsmith, John 166-167 Hand, Edward 155 Goldsmith, W. See Goldsmith, Walter. Hand & Fleming 99, 100, 102 Goldsmith, Walter ii, iii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 26, 47, 49, Hansard, John 86 51, 130-142, 145, 151, 154, 164, 165, 166, Hansard, Thomas B. 160 168-170, 169-170, 171, 172, 173 Hansard, Penelope 160 Goldsmith, Walter vs. John Dowell iii, 2, 4, 5, 7, 26, Harden, T. W. 126 47, 50, 133, 134, 135, 136, 164 Harden, Thomas H. 102 Goldsmith, Walter vs. John Dowell heirs iii, 2, 5, 7, Harken, William J. 113 47, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, Harman, J. M. See Harman, James M. 141, 170 Harman, James M. 96, 98, 99, 104, 105 Goldsmith, William 166-167 Harmon, Joseph 74 Goolsmith, Waller. See Goldsmith, Walter. Harper, Charter [h/o Nancy] 53 Gordon, C. H. 113, 114 Harper, Nancy [w/o Charter] 53 Goss, H. J. 113, 114, 115, 117, 118 Harper, Richard 87 Goss, Isham H. 24, 45, 54 Harris 173 Goss, W. J. 114 Harris’ corner 171 Gould, William 44 Harris, Capt. 3-4, 9, 15 Gould, William T. 42, 43 Harris, Fanny 51, 69, 81 Granger, Walter 129 Harris, Gideon 172 Graves, Thomas 170 Harris, J. V. 101 Gray, John Frederick [(2) h/o Mildred Whitten Beck] Harris, John 170 37, 175 Harris, John [b/o William Harris] 170 Gray, M. W, Mrs. See Beck, Mildred Whitten. Harris, John [Harrys] [Louisa County, VA] [h/o Lucy Gray, Milly. See Beck, Mildred Whitten. Harris] 132, 140, 141, 172, 173 Gray, Mildred W. See Beck, Mildred Whitten. Harris, John, OPD [Anderson County, SC] 71 Green [Greene], General 76 Harris, John [s/o William Harris] 170, 173 Green, John, Sheriff 53 Harris, John C. 87 Greenway, J. H. 114 Harris [Harrys], Lucy [w/o John Harris] 132, 172, 173 Greenway, Sally [w/o John Wansley Jr.] 13, 65-68, Harris, Theresa A. [w/o Augustus Marion Wansley] 175 92 Gregg, Thomas [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 Harris, William [Louisa County, VA] 171 Grose, William H. See Gross, William H.Gross, Harris, William [b/o John Harris] 171 Grymes, John D. 8, 10, 51 Harris [Harrys], William [f/o John Harris] 170, 171, Gulesmith. See Goldsmith, Walter. 173 Gunn, Capt. ii, 1, 132, 133 Harris, William [?s/o William Harris] 170, 171 Gunter, Patience Dowell [w/o Gunter] 136 Harrison, William [h/o Matilda Sanson Davis] 82, 85 Harvie, John 4, 133 H Harvie, Richard & Co. vs. John Wansley 3 Haslett, William H. 122 Habegger, Alfred Frelinghuysen 155 Haslett, William M. 102, 103, 107 Hack, R. K. 60 Haslett & Alexander 102, 103, 104, 106, 107 Hageman, John 49 Haslett, Clark & Co. 121, 122, 126 Haley [Healey], John [h/o Mary] 165 Hastings, Mrs. See Hastings, Russel, Mrs. Haley [Healey], Mary [w/o John Haley] 165 Hastings, Russel, Mrs. 151, 152, 154, 158 Haley, R. 61 Hatcher, W., J. P. 29 Hall, Asa 21 Hawes, Samuel 61 Hall, D. 83 Hawkins, Joseph 165 Hall, John Sandy 171 Haymes, Moses 26 Hall, Leanah [w/o Dabney Wansley] 67, 75 Haymes, Thomas 26 Hall, William 6 Haynes, Walter G. 53 Hamilton [Lincoln County, TN] 55 Head, Benjamin 29, 53 Hamilton, Alexander 152, 155 Head, George M. 53 Hamilton, Enoch 55 Head, Jane [w/o Tavenah Head] 53, 61 Hammond, A. 87 Head, Tavenah [h/o Jane] 53, 61, 86 Hammond, Charles D., Commissioner 88 Head, William 53 Hammond, Hebert 68 Healey [Haley], Ambrose 165 Hammond, H. S. 115 Heard, Bernard C. [h/o Mary] 32 Hammond, J. H. [or J. S.] 112, 113, 114, 116, 118 Heard, George E. 121, 123 Hammonds 21 Heard, George W. 31, 32, 40, 41 Hammonds, A. W. 20, 21, 22 Heard, John A. 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40- 41, 42


Heard, Mary [w/o Bernard C. Heard] 32 Hulme, H. B., tax collector [Elbert County, GA] 121, Heath, J. E., Commissioner of Pensions 78 123 Henderson, Capt. 4, 15 Hulme, J. H. 119 Henderson, James [or John] Beck 36 Hulme, John 86 Henderson, John [Randolph County, GA] 28 Hulme, John [New Kent County, VA] ii Henderson, John, J. P. 41 Hulme [Hester], Robert 107 Henderson, John J. [h/o Matilda Beck] 28, 36, 37, 44 Hulme, Thomas M. 96 Henderson, Richard 5 Hunt, M. 28 Henderson, Simeon 28 Hunt, Moses 28 Henderson, Strawden 20, 21 Hunter, A. 67 Henderson, William, J. P. 31, 41 Hendrick, William 131 I Henning, William W. [atty. for Walter Goldsmith] 136 Henry, Benjamin [h/o Ann Nancy W. Beck] 31, 32, Indian Bartlet [Bartlett] 131 37, 41, 42 Indian Betty 131 Henry, Murray 6 Indian Nan 131 Henry, Thomas 5 Indian Priss 131 Henry, William Pemberton [h/o Sarah Lucinda Beck] Irwin, Jared, Gov. 65 31, 37 Herndon, Dilliard, J. I. C. 8, 15, 16, 17 J Hester, Robert [Louisa County, VA] 130, 171 Hester, Robert [Elbert County, GA] 107 Jacoby, Simon 101 Hester, William M. [for Ezekial Bailey] 126 James, Henry 149 Hicks, Susannah 82 James, John 26, 114 Higginbotham, Battel 53 James, William [h/o Catherine Barber] 149 Hill, J. M. [for Z. McCord & Co.] 100 James, William [s/o William James] 149 Hill, Rachel 30 James, William family 151 Hingstone, Josiah ii Jarrell, Elijah 83 Hinton, Francis D. 89, 127 Jarrell, Gibson 83 Hinton, John 28 Jarrell, Simeon 83 Hinton, Martha [w/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr.] Jefferson, Thomas 172 91, 92 Jenkins [Jinkins], Elizabeth [g/d John Wansley, Sr.] 9, Hinton, R. 23 18, 20, 62 Hinton, Robert 23, 25 Jenkins [Jinkins], James [ 21, 63 Hinton, W. M. 21 Jenkins, James [h/o Farishe (?Felicia) Warren] 63 Hinton, William M 21 Jenkins [Jinkins], Jas. [Jos.] 20, 21 Hogg, Sarah 67 Jenkins [Jinkins], Jo 21 Holder, John 162 Jenkins [Jinkins], Joseph 21, 22, 63 Holder, Lucas [Luke] [alleged h/o Matilda Wansley] Jenkins [Jinkins], Joseph [h/o Sarah Wanslow] 63, 2, 162 113 Holeman [Holiman], Hardy 53 Jenkins [Jinkins] Joshua 61, 65 Holmes, James, Jr. [h/o Matilda Jenkins] 63 Jenkins [Jinkins], Mary [w/o John Thomason] 63 Holmes, James M. 63 Jenkins [Jinkins], Matilda [w/o James Holmes, Jr.] 63 Holt, William, executor John Thompson 131 Jenkins [Jinkins], Milly. See Wansley, Mildred [Milly] Hooker, N. W. 99, 100 [w/o Samuel Jenkins] Horsley, Henry 157 Jenkins [Jinkins], S. See Jenkins [Jinkins], Samuel. Horsley, Joan 132, 175 Jenkins [Jinkins], Samuel [h/o Milly Wansley] 13, 22, Horton, Thomas 30 24, 53, 54, 61-64, 175 Houge, Randolph [h/o Eliza Wanslow] 55 Jenkins [Jinkins], Sarah [w/o Archibald Rumsey] 63 Hough, H. P. 115 Jeter, B., J. P. 28, 29 Houston, B. 42 Johnson, Elijah 134 Houston, Benajah, Clerk 32, 33, 62 Johnston, Henry Phelps 155 Howard & Gardner 102, 103 Johnson [Johnston], J. 86 Hudson, Molly 32 Johnson, Jesse 82 Hudson, William 32 Johnson [Johnston], John 27, 28 Hulme, E. W. 116 Johnston, Jonathan 67, 83 Hulme, George W. 105, 113, 118, 120, 126, 127 Johnson [Johnston], Littleton 29, 30, 51-2 Hulme, George W., J. P. 126, 127 Johnston [Johnson], Littleton, J. I. C. 29, 30, 51-2, Hulme, George W., Sr. 113, 120 69, 81 Hulme, G. W. 118 Johnson, Richard, tax collector [Louisa County, VA] Hulme, G. W., Jr. 117, 118 134 Hulme, G. W., Sr. See Hulme, George W., Sr


Johnson [Johnston], Thomas, J. I. C. [Elbert County, Lane, John 132, 172 GA] 73, 76, 77, 88, 94 Langford, West 139 Johnson, Thomas estate [adm. Abner Ward] 87 Latham, John 45 Johnson, Thomas, sheriff [Louisa County, VA] 134 Latham, Sarah 45 Johnson, Thomas [Louisa County, VA] 172 Lee, Henry 51 Johnston, Thomas [executor Sarah Fleming] 72, 80 Lee, Harry [Light Horse Harry] 155 Johnson, William [Louisa County, VA] 135, 173 Lewis, Col. 4, 15 Johnston, William, sheriff [Elbert County, GA] 104, Lewis, John 135, 173 105 Lindsay, Jacob 29 Jones [for Gibbs & Jones] 97 Lindsay, Reuben 65 Jones [illegible] 60 Linsay, Rn., J. P. 28 Jones, Agatha [w/o James Jones] 28 Lipscomb 169, 170, 171, 172 Jones, Ann 52, 70 Lipscomb, Elizabeth [w/o William] 130, 172 Jones, E., Capt. 33 Lipscomb, Thomas 130, 171 Jones, E. A. 102, 103, 104, 106, 125, 126 Lipscomb, William [h/o Elizabeth] 130, 172 Jones, James 28 Littworth, Thomas 132. 172 Jones, James [h/o Agatha] 28 Love, Viola A. [w/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Jr.] Jones, James C. 55 91 Jones, John 2, 5, 23, 28, 29, 52, 61, 70, 88 Lumpkin, Wilson 8, 71 Jones, John [Elbert County, GA] 88 Lumsden, Eliza 173 Jones, John, J. P. [Elbert County, GA 28 Lumsden, Elizabeth [w/o George Lumsden] 135, 171, Jones, John [Albemarle County, VA] 66 173 Jones, John, Sr. [ex.. estate Benjamin Davis, Sr.] 83 Lumsden, George [h/o Elizabeth] 130, 135, 172, 173 Jones, John [alias Melton] 131-132 Lyon, Patsey 51, 69, 81 Jones, John E. S. 101 Jones, Milton A. 109, 110 M Jones, Thomas 4, 26, 28, 29 Jones, Thomas [Albemarle County, VA] 133 Macghee. Also see McGehee. Jones, William 28, 29, 32, 33, 41 Macgehee, John 170 Jordan 87 Macmurphy, G. L. [for Poullain, Jennings & Co.] 123 Jordan, Abner 26, 28 Maley, Johnson 9, 18, 19, 21, 89, 95, 96 Jordan, James 30, 32 Malory, Roger 164 Jordan, Thomas 33 Mann, Asa 9, 18, 19, 20 Mann, H. H. 108 K Mann, James, Jr. 29 Kees, John 29 Mann, James, Sr. 29, 52 Kembrow [Kimbrow], William 170 Mann, Jere. 29 Kennady [Kennedy], Robert 30 Mann, John 29 Kenneday [Kennedy], Charles 130, 171 Mann, Wortham 29 Kennedy 30 Mantlo, James 141, 173 Kennedy, Charles 171 Mantlo, Richard 141, 173 Ketchum, Ralph 42, 43 Marcus, S. 99 Key, John, J. P. [Albemarle County, VA] 49 Marshall, J., Cashier 17 Key, Joshua, J. P. [Albemarle County, VA] 49 Martin, Benjamin A. [s/o William Martin] 83 Key, Sarah [w/o Thomas C. Elliott] 48 Martin, Beverly [s/o William Martin] 83 Keyes, John 27 Martin, Frances [Fanny] [d/o William Martin] 83 Kidd, Elizabeth 51, 69, 81 Martin, Martha. See Davis, Martha. Kidd, Franky 51, 69, 81 Martin, Martha 83 Kimbrow, William 171 Martin, Martha Matilda [d/o William Martin; w/o King, John L. 53 William P. Price, II] 83, 147, 175 Knight, Lydia Goldswaithe 1 Martin, Robert 5 Knighton, Thomas 131, 172 Martin, W. See Martin, William [h/o Martha Caroline Davis] L Martin, William [Albemarle County, VA] 4, 133 Martin, William [h/o Martha Caroline Davis] 81, 82, Lafayette, Marquis de 4, 15, 149, 155 83, 85, 157, 175 Lain 138 Matthiesen, Diana Gale 158 Lamar, G. B. 39, 40 Maxwell, Simeon 40 Lamar, J. T. 39 McAlester, John 130, 172 Lamar, John T. 40 McCauley 5, 139, 166 Lamkin [Lampkin], James 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 43, McCauley, David 166 44 McCauley, John 6, 136, 166


McCauley, Mary 139 Melton, John. See Jones, John [alias Melton]. McClendon, James 82 Meredith, Capt. ii, 1, 132, 133 McCord, Z. & Co. 99, 100 Mickle, James 131 McCossin, Ann [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 Middleton, Robert, Sheriff [Elbert County, GA] 28 McCossin, Patsy [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 “Mildred/Amelia” 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, McDonald, Charles J. 72 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 162, 163, 168 McDonald, James 82 Miller, A. D. 44 McGarrity, Gardner 87 Miller, Rebekah [Rebecca] [w/o Lt. John Beck] 34, McGee, Nancey [w/o Samuel McGee] 27 36, 160, 161 McGee, Samuel [h/o Nancey] 27 Milling, W. R. 103 McGehee. Also see McGhehee. Minis, Isaac 31, 32, 40, 41 McGehee 169, 172 Minis, Isaac vs. Gaines Thompson and John Beck McGehee, Elizabeth [d/o William McGehee, Jr.] 173 39-40 McGehee, John [h/o Mary Whitten] [Louisa County, Minor, James [executor Samuel Carr] 131 VA] 170, 173 Minor, Garritt 133, 134 McGehee, Mary [w/o John Whitten] 169, 170, 171, Minor, James 131 172, 173 Mitchell, David B., Gov. 81 McGehee, Mary [d/o or ward of William McGehee; Mitchell, Isaac 30 w/o Richard Davis] 171, 172, 173 Mollen [Motten], Joseph 138 McGehee, Polly [w/o William Poindexter] 170 Monday. Also see Munday. McGehee, Samuel [h/o Nancy Tate] 172 Monday [Munday], Abraham [s/o Samuel Monday] McGehee, Sarah [w/o Thomas Wash, Sr.] 170, 171 6, 166 McGhehee, William 130, 131, 171 Monday, Isabel Baber [w/o Jonathan Monday] 166 McGehee, William [f/o or guardian of Mary McGehee] Monday [Munday], Jonathan [s/o Samuel Monday; h/o 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 Lucy Dowell] 6, 137, 141, 166, 173 McGehee, William [Louisa County, VA] 130, 131, Monday [Munday], Lucy Dowell 138, 166 170, 171, 173 Monday [Munday], Mary 140, 141 McGehee, William [Robert Armistead’s overseer] Monday [Munday], Reuben [s/o Samuel Monday] 6, 170, 172 137, 166 McGehee, William, Jr. 170, 173 Monday [Munday], Samuel [h/o Lucy Dowell] 166 McGehee, William, Sr. [Caroline County, VA] 173 Moody, John P. 83 McGowan, Hannah 2, 61 Moon, A. 28 McGowen, John 61 Moore, A. E. 60 McGuire, Alleganey 28 Moore, James 79 McGuire, Francis S. 61, 62 Moore, Patsy 2, 61 McGuire, Thompson 27 Moore, Patsy [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 McIntosh, John H. 161 Morgan, William C., Deputy Sheriff 32 McKinney, A. 99, 100 Morris, George Lumpkin 67 McKinney, Alexander 96, 97 Morris, John Wesley 74 McKinnie [McKinne], John 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, Morris, Nancy [(2) w/o Nathan Whitten Wansley] 58 43, 44 Morris, Wade A. 60 McKinnie [McKinne], John, Jr., J. P. 31, 40 Morrison, Wa. See Morrison, Washington. McKinnie & Co. 39 Morrison, Washington 33, 66 McMall 52 Mottow, Zaddock 60 Means, Betsy 85 Mountague, Elizabeth [w/o Peter Mountague] 164 Means, Elizabeth. See Prewit, Elizabeth. Mountague, Peter [h/o Elizabeth] 164 Means, Gemima. See Means, Jemima. Munday. Also see Monday. Means, Jacob 21 Munday [Monday], Abraham [s/o Samuel Munday] 6, Means, Jacob [s/o William Means] 85 166 Means, Jemima [w/o Thomas Wansley] 14, 85-92, Munday [Monday], Isabel Baber [w/o Jonathan 94, 108, 109, 125-127, 175 Munday] 166 Means, John 21 Munday [Monday], Jonathan [s/o Samuel Munday and Means, John Seal 86 Lucy Dowell; h/o Isabel Baber] 6, 137, Means, Nancy 86 141, 166, 173 Means, Patsy Morgan 86 Munday [Monday], Lucy Dowell [w/o Samuel Means, Peggy [w/o Daniel] 86 Munday] 138, 166 Means, Polley [w/o Gandy] 86 Munday [Monday], Mary 140, 141 Means, Rossy Colbert 86 Munday [Monday], Reuben [s/o Samuel Munday] 6, Means, Sally 86 137, 166 Means, Samuel [h/o Sarah Elliott] 48, 86 Munday [Monday], Samuel [h/o Lucy Dowell] 166 Means, William [h/o Elizabeth Prewit; f/o Jemima Means] 86, 92


N Poindexter, Bond Veal [s/o Thomas Poindexter] 132, 170, 172, 173 Nall, Archibald M. 83 Poindexter, John, Clerk 172 Nall, William E. 83 Poindexter, Sarah [w/o Thomas Poindexter] 170 Nall, William E. & Archibald M. Nall vs. Benjamin Poindexter, Thomas [h/o Sarah; f/o Bond Veal Davis 83 Poindexter] 170 Nan, Indian 131 Polkam [or Pelham] 34, 43, 156, 160 Neal, Christopher 112 Pollard, John 27 Nelms, William B., Ordinary [Elbert County, GA] 18, Pollard, John, Jr. 28 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 72, 76, 80, 88, 94, 96, 97, Pollard, John, Sr. 28 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109 Porter. See Prater [Prather] Nelson, Gen. 4, 15 Porter, A. W. B. 108 Nelson, John, Clerk ii, 1, 7, 9, 132, 133 Pottis [Pettis], George 172 Nicholas, Jeremiah 137 Potts, H. J. 114 Nicholas, Jos. 6, 45, 47, 51, 135 Poullain, Jennings & Co. 121, 123 Nicholas, Joshua 6, 45, 47, 51, 135 Powell, Richard 7 Powell, William 7 O Prater [Prather], A. W. B. 109 Prater [Prather], E. E. 112 Obriant, Thomas [step-father, guardian of Jane Ann Prater [Prather], F. M. 98 Wansley] 63, 89, 92, 96, 97 Prater [Prather], Francis M. 100 Oglesby, S. H. 106, 107 Prater [Prather], G. W. L. 101 Oliver 87 Prater [Prather], William 20, 96, 97, 104, 105, 106, Oliver, Alexander 102, 103, 104, 105, 114, 124 107, 108 Oliver, Calip [Calep] 29, 30, 32, 51, 69, 81 Prater [Prather], William M. 20 Oliver, Henry S. 87 Prewat [Prewit], John 21 Oliver, James 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 66 Prewit, Elizabeth [w/o William Means; m/o Jemima Oliver, John J. 67 Means] 86, 87, 92 Oliver, Simeon 30 Prewit, Jacob [f/o Elizabeth Prewit] 85, 92 Oliver, Thomas W. 87 Prewit, John 21 Oliver, William 28, 31, 40 Prewit, John [adm. William Prewit] 87 Otto, Olaf [h/o Katharine Wansley Wilson] 148, 175 Prewit, William 87 Otto, Katharine Wilson [Kate]. See Wilson, Katharine Price sisters 147 [Kate]. Price, Caroline [Carrie] [w/o Walter Scott Wilson] Overton, James 131, 132, 134 146, 147, 148, 157, 163, 175 Price, Isabella Sterling [Belle] [w/o William A. P Charters] 146, 147, 163, 175 Price, Martha Matilda Martin. See Martin, Martha Park, John H., Comptroller 88 Matilda. Parker, B. B. 102, 103 Price, Sarah Wandsley [Sallie] [w/o John C. West] Parker, E. F. [w/o Thomas Jefferson Wansley] 91 146, 147, 148, 150, 163, 175 Parten, R. P. 115, 116 Price, William P., II [h/o Martha Matilda Martin] 175 Pattern, Samuel, J. P. 28 Priss, Indian 131 Patterson, [illegible] 114 Pritty, Judith 51 Patterson, E., Mrs. See Wansley, Elizabeth Ann. Pritty, Thomas 51 Patterson, Elizabeth. See Wansley, Elizabeth Ann. Pulliam 25, 157 Patterson, James 98, 99 Pulliam family 173 Patterson, John 45 Pulliam, Drury 134, 173 Patterson, John Perry [h/o Nancy Wansley] 6, 13, Pulliam, Isham 134, 173 45-46, 166, 168, 175 Pulliam, Jane 134, 173 Patterson, Rebecca [(1) w/o Fleming Wansley] 72, 75 Pulliam, Jean 134, 173 Patterson, Weston. See Patterson, William Weston. Pulliam, John 134, 173 Patterson, William Weston [h/o Elizabeth Ann Pulliam, Robert 28 Wansley] 21, 92 Pulliam, Thomas 134, 173 Pelham [or Polkam] 34, 43, 156, 160 Pulliam, William 29 Pettis [Pottus], George 172 Pulliam, Zachariah 134, 173 Pettis [Pettus], John 172 Pettis [Pettus], William 130, 172 R Pettit, William 172 Pettus. See Pettis. Ragland, Eli 41 Phillips, William 130 Ragland, Samuel 130, 171, 173 Poindexter 173 Raiford, J. P. 79


Raiford, John M. 22, 24 Ruppell, Sandy 167 Raines, Mollie [w/o Samuel Means Wansley] 91 Russell & Whitehead 104, 106 Randle, Peter 83 Randolph, John 30, 31, 38, 39 S Ray, Joseph 137 Reach, James 29 Sanders, John R. 106, 107 Reese, Pinckney 83 Sayre [Sayer], N. C. 33, 66 Reese, Sarah 83 Schley, William, Gov. 33, 71, 128 Reynolds, J. H., tax collector [Elbert County, GA] 96, Scranton & Starke 96, 97, 99 97, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105 Scranton, Starke & Davis 99, 102, 103, 104, 106 Reynolds, J. W. 116 Sears, Jas. or Jos. 172 Rhea, W. B., clerk 60 Sears, Mary 172 Rhoten, Elizabeth Ann [(2) w/o Patrick Henry Sears, William 132, 141, 170, 172, 173 Wansley] 59 Sebastian, Isaac 53 Richard J. Easter & Co. 31, 32, 39-40, 41, 42 Sewell, Joseph [adm. John W. Terrell] 102, 103, 128 Richard J. Easter & Co. vs. Gaines Thomson and Shackelford, Edmond 29, 52, 81 John Beck 32, 41 Shackelford, Henry 2, 8, 52 Richards, James 82 Shackelford, James 2, 8, 28, 30, 52 Ridgway, Thomas 30 Shackelford, James, J. P. 2, 8, 30, 52 Ridley, Samuel ii Shackelford, Mordecai [appraiser estate Benjamin Roadlander, Peter 61 Davis, Sr.] 84 Robberds [Roberts], F. S. 117, 121, 123 Shackleford, Sally 2, 61 Robertson, John 51 Shackleford, Sally [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 Robinson, Benjamin 87 Shepherd, Thomas J. [h/o Mary Beck] 37 Roebuck, Capt. 8 Shields, James 25, 28 Roebuck, Mr. 51, 69, 81 Simms, Benjamin 61 Roebuck, E. W. 20, 21, 106, 107 Simpson & Gardner 107 Roebuck, Eppy W. 24, 67, 89, 95, 96 Sloman Henry & Co. 96, 98 Roebuck, Frances Louisa [w/o Johnson Wansley] 72, Smith, Annie Elmer 2 75 Smith, Benjamin 29 Roebuck, R. C. C. 95, 113, 120 Smith, Charles [Louisa County, VA] 135, 136, 173 Roebuck, Robert C. C. 94 Smith, David [Louisa County, VA] 130, 171 Roebuck, W. J. 101 Smith, Doris Steed. See Steed, Doris. Roebuck, William 53 Smith, Easter [w/o Robert Smith] 67 Roebuck, William J., J. I. C. 88, 104, 105, 108, 109 Smith, Elizabeth 45 Roebuck & Arnold 96, 98 Smith, H. G. 116 Rolfe, William 165 Smith, Henry [h/o Kate Wansley] 58 Rothwell [Rothal], Claibourne 138 Smith, Henry L. [h/o Elizabeth Arcade Wansley] 59 Rough, H. P. 115 Smith, James F. 8, 128 Rowzee descendants 27, 73 , 86 Smith, James J. [s/o Robert] 67 Rowzee, Earle [Early] [h/o Alice Ophelia Wansley] 91 Smith, Jefferson [s/o Robert] 67 Rowzee, John, J. P. 73 Smith, John [Louisa County, VA] 130, 171 Rowzee, Thomas M. 88, 89, 94, 95, 96, 99, 100 Smith, Joseph T. 100 Rowzee, W. 30 Smith, Leonard 61 Rowzee, Winslow 96, 97 Smith, Margaret [d/o Robert Scott] 67 Rucker, Ambrose [b/o John Rucker] 170 Smith, Martha [w/o Zacheriah] 29 Rucker, George [appraiser estate Benjamin Davis, Smith, R. M. 115 Sr.] 84 Smith, Robert 67 Rucker, John, Jr. 29 Smith, Robert [s/o Robert Smith] 67 Rucker, John [Amherst County, Virginia] 170 Smith, W. C. 115 Rucker, Joseph, J. P. 53 Smith, William, Jr. [Louisa County, VA] 135, 173 Rucker, Joseph, Pres. Ruckersville Banking Co. 15, Smith, William J. [s/o Robert] 67 88 Smith, William Finley [h/o Martha Wansley] 59 Rucker, Joseph, Jr. 29 Smith, Z. 29 Rucker, Joseph, Jr., J. P. 53 Smith, Zacheriah 29 Rucker, Joseph, Sr. 29 Smith & Anderson vs. Walter Goldsmith 130 Rucker, Reuben [s/o or b/o John Rucker] [Amherst Stamper, Spencer 82 County, VA] 170 Steadman [Stedman], Thomas 88, 94, 108, 109, 112, Rucker, Z. See Rucker, Zachariah. 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123 Rucker, Zachariah 32, 33, 66 Steed, Doris [w/o Wray Smith] 147, 148, 150, 151, Rumsey, Archibald [h/o Sarah Jenkins] 63 154, 155, 156, 159, 161, 162, 166, 167-8, Rumsey, Felix 63 175


Steed, Noel 32, 154, 155, 159, 161, 175 Taylor, William, Jr. 61 Stephenson, H. 121, 123 Teasley, A. J. [A. C.] 113, 114 Stephenson, William H. 127 Teasley, Jane Ann. See Wansley, Jane Ann. Stevens, James 165 Teasley, William H. [h/o Jane Ann Wansley] 111 Stone, J. A. 99, 100, 101 Terrell, [illegible] 115 Stone, James A. 96, 98, 99, 100,101, 103, 104, 106 Terrell [administrator Joseph Sewell] 102, 103 Stone, Richard 100 Terrell, J. R. [J. O.] 114, 128 Stovall, A. C. 114 Terrell, J. W. 108 Stovall, George 2, 8 Terrell, John O. [John R.] 129 Stovall, T. S. 60 Terrell, L. M. 128 Straup, Francis 116 Terrell, M. A. 128 Strawn, Amos 33, 66 Terrell, M. J. 128 Strickland, Joseph 114 Terrell, Robert W. [h/o Sarah] [probate records Stuart, Alexander H. H., Secretary of Interior 78 Elbert County, GA] 128- 9 Stuart, Margery [w/o John Welch Beck] 34 Terrell, S. A. See Terrell, Sarah A. [w/o Robert W. Stubblefield, Ann [w/o Robert] 165 Terrell] Stubblefield, Robert [h/o Ann] 165 Terrell, S. C. See Terrell, Sarah C. Sugar, Isaac D. 55 Terrell, Sarah A. [w/o Robert W. Terrell] 112, 128, Sullivan, H. [K.] [for Willis Craft] 105, 107 129 Sullivan, Kelly 68 Terrell, Sarah C. 128, 129 Suster, Susan 169 Terrell, Wylie 86 Suttle, John M. 83 Terry, Charles A. 67 Swift, Joseph T. 114 Terry, Joseph 87 Swift, W. A. 100 Thomas, Jeff or Jett 96, 97, 102, 104 Swift, William A. 99, 100 Thomas, J. M. 97 Swinney, John 60 Thomason, A. 39 Thomason, Edward 131 T Thomason, George 30 Thomason, H. 108, 109 Tait, Robert L. 31 Thomason, John [h/o Mary Jenkins] [Elbert County, Tate, Enos [b/o James Tate] 172 GA] 63, 141 Tate, James 130, 131, 132, 172 Thomason, John [Louisa County, VA] 138, 173 Tate, James, Jr. 130, 172 Thomason [Thomson], Robert ii, iii, 131 Tate, James vs. Walter Goldsmith 131 Thomason, William 108, 109 Tate, Nancy [d/o Zimri Tate; w/o Samuel McGehee] Thompson, Gaines 29, 31, 39, 40, 41, 71 172 Thompson, James 26 Tate, William [b/o James Tate] 172 Thompson, John [executor] vs. Indian Nan et al 131 Tate, Zimmi [Zimri] [b/o James Tate] 172 Thompson, W. Y. 28 Taylor, B. R. See Tayhlor, Barden [Bardin] R. Thompson, Wiley 31, 39-40 Taylor, Barden [Bardin] R. [J. P.] 102, 103, 104, 105, Thompson, William 31, 39-40 106, 113, 114, 125, 126, 127 Thomson 131-132, 141, 164, 173 Taylor, F. M. 104, 105 Thomson, Edward 131, 132 Taylor, George [Albemarle County, VA] 51, 166 Thomson [Thompson], Robert [assignee William Taylor, George [guardian Susannah Watts] 166 Wansley] i, ii, 1, 131, 132, 133, 169 Taylor, H. [for Russell & Whitehead] 106 Thomson, Rodes [?Robert] ii, 133 Taylor, H. H. 115 Thornton, Daniel 28, 51, 69, 81 Taylor, Holman 60 Thornton, Daniel [h/o Sarah] 27, 28, 30 Taylor, J. H., J. P. 55, 60 Thornton, Dozier, Brother 30, 52, 69 Taylor, J. J. 114, 115, 116, 117, 118 Thornton, Elizabeth 52, 70 Taylor, J. W. 115, 116 Thornton, Jimml. 30 Taylor, James 23 Thornton, John 164 Taylor, John 61 Thornton, John L. 88 Taylor, John H. 54 Thornton, John M. 72, 80 Taylor, Joseph, Col. 71 Thornton, Memory 20 Taylor, M. A. [w/o Thomas Jefferson Wansley] 91 Thornton, Molley [w/o Thomas Thornton] 27 Taylor, Martha 108 Thornton, Sarah [s/o Daniel] 27, 28 Taylor, Mary 167 Thornton, T. J. 122, 124, 127 Taylor, Micajah 6, 45, 166 Thornton, T. J. [for Ward] 122, 124, 127 Taylor, Rachel [Albemarle County, VA] 166 Thornton, Thomas [h/o Molley] 27 Taylor, Samuel J. 71 Tibbis, Jo 21 Taylor, William 6 Tibbis, Jo. C. 21 Taylor, William [Albemarle County, VA] 166 Todd, Sarah [w/o James Barbour, Sr.] 166


Tomson, Edward 131 Wansley, Beverly Llewlyn 72 Toone [Torne], Robert ii Wansley, C. C. [d/o Fleming Wansley] 72 Torne [Toone], Robert ii Wansley, Cora Alma [d/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Townsend, James B. 32 Sr.] 91 Travellion, James 51 Wansley, D. 23, 24, 47 Trice, William 2 Wansley, Dabney [?s/o Reuben Wansley or John Troup, George M., Gov. 36, 87 Wansley, Jr.] 21, 47, 48, 67, 68, 75 Turman, Martin, Sr. 30 Wansley, Dabney [1809 deed; not s/o Reuben Turner, Grizzel Elizabeth [(1) w/o Nathan Whitten Wansley] 70 Wansley] 58 Wansley, Dabney, Sr. 47 Turner, J. B. 114 Wansley, E. [1850 & 1860 census] See Cunningham, Turner, James, J. P. 82 Elizabeth. Turner, James B. 73 Wansley, E. O. [Edna Oronie Wansley] [d/o Thomas Turner, T. M. 115, 121, 122 N. Wansley] 73 Turner, Thomas 107 Wansley, Eliza [w/o John Wansley, Abbeville and Turner, Thomas M. 115, 121, 122, 96, 98 Anderson, SC] 68 Wansley, Eliza [w/o Randolph Houge] 55 U Wansley, Elizabeth, Sister 51-2, 81 Wansley, Elizabeth [w/o Thomas N. Wansley]. See Underwood, Capt. 53 Adams, Mary Elizabeth. Underwood, Ann 2, 61 Wansley, Elizabeth [d/o John Wansley, Sr.; w/o Underwood, Ann [Vans Creek Church] 2, 61 Abraham Elliot] 2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 14, 18, 23, Underwood, William H., Capt. 65 24, 47-48, 62, 82, 135, 168, 169, 175 Upshaw, John. J. I. C. 29 Wansley, Elizabeth [Elizabeth Cleveland, (2) w/o Nathaniel Wansley] 51-52, 53, 55, 58, 60, V 68-70, 81 Wansley, Elizabeth, heirs [w/o Reuben Wansley] 73 Viomenil, Baron de 155 Wansley, Elizabeth Ann [d/o Thomas Wansley; w/o Virkus, Frederick A. 146, 148, 150, 163 William Weston Patterson] 86, 89, 90, 91, Von Steuben, General 155 92, 94, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125-6 W Wansley, Elizabeth Arcade [d/o Nathan Wansley; w/o Henry L. Smith] 59 Waggoner, Susannah [w/o John Wansley] 57 Wansley, Emily. See Cobb, Emily. Walker, John 4, 133 Wansley, Emily Catherine [d/o Reuben Ransom Walker, R. L., J. P. 82 Wansley, Sr.] 91 Walker, Thomas 4, 133 Wansley, F. 20 Waller, Edmund 164 Wansley, F. L. See Roebuck, Frances Louisa [w/o Waller, John [h/o Mary H. Whitten] 170 Johnson Wansley]. Wallis, Humphrey 165 Wansley, Fleming 20, 70, 72, 75 Walthall, William 82 Wansley, Frank N. 2, 4, 9, 20, 27, 65, 67, 69, 70, 73, Wanslee, John, Sr. 167 86, 89, 86, 88, 90. 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, Wanslee, Nelson. See Wansley, Nelson. 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, Wansley 114. 119, 172 166, 167-8, 175 Wansley family 52, 70 Wansley, Gaines Leonidas [s/o Reuben T. Wansley] Wansley, [illegible] L. [s/o Reuben T. Wansley, Jr.] 73 73 Wansley, Hugh. 112 Wansley, Mrs. See Cleveland, Elizabeth [(2) w/o Wansley, Hugh S. [s/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Nathaniel Wansley]. Sr.] 91, 92 Wansley, A. F. [Augustus Florence] [s/o Reuben T. Wansley, Hugh Sanford [s/o Thomas Wansley, Sr.] Wansley, Jr.] 73 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 109, 110, 112, Wansley, A. M. See Wansley, Augustus Marion. 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, Wansley, Alice Ophelia [d/o Reuben Ransom 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127 Wansley, Sr.] 90 Wansley, J. 109 Wansley, Andrew [s/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr.] Wansley, J. See Wansley, Johnson. 90 Wansley, J. A.. [d/o Reuben T. Wansley, Jr.] See Wansley, Augustus Florence 73 Wansley, Josephine A. Wansley, Augustus Marion [s/o Thomas Wansley, Sr.; Wansley, James [1860 census] See Wansley, James h/o Theresa Harris] 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, H. 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 101, 104, 105, 106, Wansley, James H. [s/o Johnson Wansley] 72 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 121, 122, 123, 124, Wansley, Jane Ann [d/o Wiley Jones Wansley; w/o 125 William H. Teasley] 88, 89. 94, 97, 111


Wansley, Jefferson. See Wansley, Thomas Wansley, Mary [Polly] [d/o John Wansley, Sr.] 8, 91, Jefferson, Jr. 147, 148, 175 Wansley, John 8-9, 71 Wansley, Mary [Polly] [d/o Nathan Wansley; w/o Wansley, John [heir-at-law of William Wansley] ii, iii, Benjamin Fox] 58 1, 132, 133 Wansley, Mary Frances Royster [d/o Thomas Wansley, John [s/o Fleming Wansley] 72 Wansley, Sr.; w/o Hiram Sanford Gaines] Wansley, John [s/o Nathan Wansley] 52, 53, 57, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 155 69, 81 Wansley, Mary M. [Molly] [d/o Reuben T. Wansley, Wansley, John [Elbert County, GA tax roll] 53, 85 Jr.] 73 Wansley, John [Harris County, GA] 66 Wansley, Matilda [alleged d/o John Wansley, Sr.] 2, Wansley, John [New Kent County, Virginia] ii 144, 161-162 Wansley, John, Jr. [s/o John Wansley, Sr.] 2, 3, 7, Wansley, Mildred [Milley, Milly] Whitten [w/o John 8, 9, 13, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 49, 50, 53, Wansley, Sr.] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 37, 62, 65-68, 69, 71, 82, 175 52, 57, 58, 61, 65, 69, 70, 75, 81, 85, 86, 128, Wansley, John, Sr. ii, iii, 1-25, 26, 27, 33, 37, 45, 47, 136-137, 143-180 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 61, 62, Wansley, Mildred [d/o Thomas Wansley]. See 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 81, 82, 86, 88, Wansley, Martha Amanda Mildred. 91, 94, 128, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, Wansley, Mildred [Milly] [d/o John Wansley, Sr.; w/o 138, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, Samuel Jenkins] 2, 2, 3, 9, 13, 18, 20, 21, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 161, 162, 52, 54, 61-64, 82, 88, 91, 128, 133, 146, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 147, 156, 175 172, 173, 174, 175 Wansley, Millie [Milly] 2, 70, 145, 146, 147, 167 Wansley, John, Sr., estate records 18-25 Wansley, Milly. See Wansley, Mildred [Milly] [w/o Wansley, John, Sr., Revolutionary War Pension 15- John Wansley, Sr.] 17 Wansley, Milly [Vans Creek Church] 8, 52, 70, 145 Wansley, John [Abbeville and Anderson, SC; h/o Wansley, Mary Molly M. [d/o Reuben T. Wansley, Jr.] Eliza] 67, 68 73 Wansley, John W. See Wansley, John William. Wansley, Nancy [d/o John Wansley, Sr.; w/o (1) John Wansley, John William [s/o Thomas Wansley, Sr.] Perry Patterson; (2) Young] 2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 110, 122, 123 14, 18, 22, 24, 45-46, 47, 54, 55, 62, 82, Wansley, Johnson [s/o Reuben Wansley] 21, 70, 72, 147, 162, 166, 167, 168, 175 73, 113 Wansley, Narcissa [d/o Nathan Wansley; w/o John Wansley, Joseph. See Wansley, Joseph W. Frank Erwin] 58 Wansley, Joseph W. [s/o Nathan Wansley; h/o Wansley, Nathaniel [Nathan] [s/o John Wansley, Sr.] Martha Warren] 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 69, 71, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18, 22, 24, 45, 47, 51- 75, 86, 58, 69, 81, 86 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 69, 71, 81, 82, 86, 135, Wansley, Josephine A. 73 147, 143, 154, 162, 166, 167, 168, 169, 175 Wansley, Kate [d/o Nathan Wansley; w/o Henry Wansley, Nathaniel [Nathan] probate. 60 Smith] 58 Wansley, Nathaniel Whitten [s/o Nathan Wansley; h/o Wansley, L. G. See Wansley, Gaines Leonidas. (1) Grizzel Elizabeth Turner, (2) Nancy Wansley, Larken [s/o Reuben T. Wansley, Jr.] 73 Morris] 2, 52, 54, 58, 69,129, 154, 167, Wansley, Larkin [s/o John Wansley, Sr.] 2, 3, 5, 9, 168, 175 14, 18, 22, 23, 53, 62, 71, 82, 86, 128-129, Wansley, Nelson, 53-4, 66, 87 167, 175 Wansley, N. W. See Wansley, Nathaniel Whitten. Wansley, Leroy [s/o Thomas N. Wansley] 73 Wansley, P. M. 72 Wansley, Louella [d/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr.] Wansley, Patsey. See Wansley, Martha [Patsy]. 91 Wansley, Patrick H. See Wansley [Wanslow], Patrick Wansley, Lucy Caroline [d/o Reuben T. Wansley, Jr.] Henry [s/o Nathan Wansley]. 73 Wansley [Wanslow], Patrick Henry [s/o Nathan Wansley, Mahulda [d/o Nathan Wansley; w/o Wansley; h/o (1) Elizabeth C. Brown, (2) Benjamin Whitaker] 58 Elizabeth Ann Rhoten] 55, 59 Wansley, Martha [Patsy] [d/o John Wansley, Sr.; w/o Wansley, Polly [d/o John Wansley, Sr.] 8, 91, 147, Benjamin Davis] 2, 3, 4, 9, 14, 18, 51, 62, 148, 175 65, 69, 81-84, 85, 146, 147, 148, 150, 155, Wansley, R. See Wansley, Reuben [s/o John 156, 157, 165, 170, 171, 172, 175 Wansley, Sr.; h/o Elizabeth Cunningham] Wansley, Martha [d/o Nathan Wansley; w/o William Wansley, R. trustee [Johnson Wansley] 73 Finley Smith] 59 Wansley, R. R. See Wansley, Reuben Ransom [s/o Wansley, Martha Amanda Mildred [d/o Thomas Thomas Wansley]. Wansley, Sr.; w/o John W. Daniel] 87, 89, Wansley, Rebecca. See Patterson, Rebecca [(1) w/o 90, 91, 92, 94, 124, 146, 175 Fleming Wansley]. Wansley, Mary [d/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr.] Wansley, Reuben [or Wansley, Reuben, T., Sr.] [s/o 91 John Wansley, Sr.; h/o Elizabeth


Cunningham] 2, 3, 7, 9, 14, 18, 21. 22, 23, Wanslow, Patrick Henry [s/o Nathan Wansley; h/o (1) 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 62, 65, 68, 69-75, 82, 86, Elizabeth C. Brown, (2) Elizabeth Ann 88, 90, 154, 167, 169, 175 Rhoten] 59 Wansley, Reuben Ransom [Ranson], Jr. [s/o Reuben Ward 124, 127 Ransom Wansley, Sr.] 91 Ward [by T. J. Thornton] 124 Wansley, Reuben Ransom [Ramson], Sr. [s/o Ward, A. 87 Thomas Wansley, Sr.] 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, Ward, Abner [J.P.] 21, 53, 86, 87, 88 94, 102, 104, 107, 109, 110, 121, 122, 123 Ward, G. M. 112, 113, 114, 117 Wansley, Reuben T. [distribution John Wansley, Sr. Ward, George M. 95, 108 estate] 71, 72 Ward, J. C. 127 Wansley, Reuben T., Jr. [s/o Reuben and Elizabeth Ward, William 87 Cunningham Wansley] 69, 70, 71, 73, 75 Warding [Warnling, Warmling], H. See Warding, Wansley, Reuben T., Sr. See Wansley, Reuben. Henry. Wansley, S. M. [s/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr.] Warding [Warnling, Warmling], Henry 99, 100, 106, 91 107 Wansley, Sarah [w/o Joseph Jenkins] 63 Ware, John M. 82 Wansley, Sarah [Sally] [d/o John Wansley, Sr.; w/o Warnesley, John [Albemarle County, Virginia] 7 John Beck] 2, 3, 9, 13, 18, 22, 24, 26-28, Warren, Furlishe [Luticia] [w/o James Jenkins] 63 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 43, 44, 62, 66, 82, Warren, J. S. See Warren, Jeremiah S. 144, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 153, 155, 158, Warren, Jeremiah S. 9 , 19, 101, 102 159-60, 161, 162, 164, 167, 168, 170, 175 Warren, Martha [w/o Joseph W. Wansley] 58 Wansley, Sarah [Revolutionary War widow’s pension Warren, William 108 application] 43 Warslow, Nathan. See Wansley, Nathaniel [Nathan]. Wansley, Sarah [w/o Joseph Jenkins] 113 Warslow, Nelson. See Wansley, Nelson. Wansley, Susan [d/o Nathan Wansley; w/o Benjamin Wash family 171 Whitaker] 58 Wash, John 130 Wansley, T. J. See Wansley, Thomas Wash, John [Amelia County, VA] 130, 71 Jefferson, Jr. Wash, John [h/o Susanna] [Prince Edward County, Wansley, T. J. [s/o Reuben Ransom Wansley, Sr.; h/o VA] 130, 171 M. A. Taylor, E. F. Parker] 91 Wash, Sarah [w/o Thomas Wash] 171 Wansley, T. M. See Wansley, Tandy cGee.Wansley, Wash, Susanna [Susan] [w/o John Wash] 130, 171 Tandy 91 Wash, Thomas 130, 169, 171 Wansley, Tandy McGee 21, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 110, Wash, Thomas [h/o Sarah McGehee] 171 111, 122, 124 Wash, Thomas [s/o William Wash] 169 Wansley, Tandy McGee [attorney in fact for John Wash, Thomas [Louisa County, VA] 130, 171 William Wansley] 109, 110-111 Wash, Thomas, Jr. [Louisa County, VA] 130, 171 Wansley, Thomas [s/o John Wansley, Sr.] 2, 3, 4, 9, Wash, Thomas, Sr. 130, 170, 171 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 45, 48, 53, 54, Wash, W. W. See Wash, William W. Wash, William 62, 63, 66, 67, 71, 82, 86-129, 145, 146, 17, 130, 169 147, 167, 168, 175 Wash, William [h/o Kennady] 171 Wansley, Thomas, Sr. estate vs. Farner Taylor 104 Wash, William [s/o Thomas Wash] Louisa County, Wansley, Thomas probate records 93-123, 126-8 VA] 17, 130, 171 Wansley, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. [s/o Thomas Wash, William W. [pension attorney for John Wansley, (Sr.)] 86, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 109, Wansley, Sr.] 16, 17 121, 122, 123, 168, 175 Wash, William W. [Chatham County, GA] 16, 17 Wansley, Thomas Jefferson [s/o Reuben Ransom Wash, William Whitten 169 Wansley, Sr.] 91 Washington, George, Gen. 149, 150, 155, 156, 159, Wansley, Thomas Jefferson, Sr. See Wansley, 160 Thomas [s/o John Wansley, Sr.] Watson, James 51 Wansley, T. N. See Wansley, [Thomas Nathaniel. Watson, John 53 Wansley, Thomas Nathaniel. 72, 112 Watts, David 166 Wansley, W. H. [s/o Thomas N. Wansley] 73 Watts, Molly 166 Wansley, Wiley J.. See Wansley, Wiley Jones. Watts, Susannah 13, 51, 52, 57, 69, 81, 166, 175 Wansley, Wiley Jones 20, 21, 63, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, Webb, John 170 94 Weeks, Adeline 2, 8 Wansley, William [f/o or b/o John Wansley, Sr.] ii, Weeks, Betsey 2, 8 iii, 132, 133, 168-169 Weeks, James 2, 8 Wansley, William [s/o John Wansley, Sr.] 2, 3, 6, 7, Weeks, John 2, 8 13, 14, 49-50, 65, 69, 135, 139, 164 Weeks, Nancy 2, 8 Wansley, William Augustus [s/o Reuben Ransom Weeks, Poleman 2, 8 Wansley, Sr.] 91 Weeks, William 2, 8


Weir [Wier], Emma [w/o William Augustus Wansley] Wier [Weir], Emma [w/o William Augustus Wansley] 91 91 Welch, Ann Lucas [w/o William Andrew Beck] 31, Wilkins, General 76 34, 37 Williamson, Elizabeth [w/o Robert] 165 Wells, George 165 Williamson, Robert [h/o Elizabeth] 165 West, John C. [h/o Sarah Price] 175 Willis, Henry 164 West, Sarah Price. See Price, Sarah.Weston, Job. Willis, John, Sheriff 31, 32, 40, 41, 42 28 Willis, T. F. See Willis, Thomas F. Whitaker, B. J. 55, 60 Willis, Thomas F. 121, 123, 126 Whitaker, Benjamin [h/o Susan Wansley; Mahulda Wilson, Caroline Price. See Price, Caroline. Wansley, Susan Wansley] 58 Wilson, Johnnie S. [w/o Hugh S. Wansley] 90 Whitaker, Daniel 82 Wilson, Katharine Wansley [w/o Olaf Otto] 144, 146, Whitaker, John J. 53 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, White, Benjamin A., Commissioner 87 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, White, Daniel 29, 30 167-8, 175 White, Henry 28, 29, 32 Wilson, Walter Scott [h/o Caroline Price] 163, 175 White, James 101 Wilson, Samuel 26, 28 White, James F. 98, 101 Winslow, Benjamin 28 White, John 51, 87 Womack, Michael 60 White, John [Albemarle County, VA] 139 Wood [Woods], David 51 White, John M. 29, 30 Wood [Woods], J., Sheriff 28 White, Josiah 118 Wood [Woods], James 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 39, 42 White, Patson 51, 69, 81 Wood [Woods], James, Col. 159 White, Reuben 29, 30, 81 Wood [Woods], James, Sheriff 28,29 White, Rn. , J. P. 29 Wood [Woods], Middleton 29, 71 White, Thomas [Vans Creek Church] 51, 69, 81 Wood [Woods], Middleton heirs 29 White, Thomas [appraiser estate Benjamin Davis, Sr.] Wood [Woods], Thomas 164 84 Woods [Wood], William, J. I. C. 30, 31, 32, 39, 41, 71 White, W. See White, William. Woolfolk, A. 130 White, William 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 71, 87, 88 Woolfolk, Augustine 165 White, William B., Cashier 23, 88 Woolfolk, Richard 165 Whitfield, William Staten [(2) h/o Matilda J. Beck] 37 Wright [for Scranton Starke & Davis] 103 Whitlock, F. A. [for Scranton, Starke & Davis] 99 Wright, Simpson & Gardner 102, 103 Whitten 144, 168-172, 173-174 Whitten, Elizabeth [d/o William Whitten, Sr.] 169, 170 Y Whitten, George [s/o William Whitten, Sr.] 169 Whitten, Jeremiah [s/o William Whitten, Sr.] 169, 170 Young, John S. 55 Whitten, John [h/o Mary McGehee] [Louisa County, Young, Lawrence 131 VA] 169, 170 Young, Nancy 45 Whitten, John [? s/o William Whitten] 169, 170 Young, R. W. 77 Whitten, John [h/o Mary McGehee] 169, 170, 171, Young, William [(2) h/o Nancy Wansley] 13, 45, 175 172, 173 Whitten, Mary [d/o William Whitten, Sr.] 170, 173 SLAVES Whitten, Mary H. [d/o Mary Whitten; w/o John Waller] 170, 173 Amy [Nathan Wansley] 52 Whitten, Mildred [Milley, Milly] [w/o John Wansley, Ann [Sarah Fleming estate to Johnson Wansley] 72 Sr.] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 37, 47, 52, 57, Ann [Jane Ann Wansley] 97 58, 61, 65, 69, 70, 75, 81, 85, 86, 128, 136- Ann [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 120 137, 143-180 Ann [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Augustus Whitten, Millie [St. George Temple, UT] 2, 167, 168, Marion. Wansley] 108 173 Ann [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to George E. Whitten, Robert [s/o William Whitten, Sr.] 169, 170 Heard] 121 Whitten, Thomas [s/o William Whitten, Sr.] 169 Ann [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Jemima Whitten, William [Louisa County, VA] 170, 173 Wansley] 109 Whitten, William, Jr. [Louisa County, VA] [s/o William Ann and child [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95 Whitten, Sr.] 169, 170, 174 Charity [Thomas Gregg] 2, 61 Whitten, William, Sr. [Caroline County, VA] 169, 170 Charity [Jane Ann Wansley] 97 Whitten, William [Louisa County, VA Order Book] 169 Charlotte and child [John Wansley, Sr.] 19 Whitten, William [marriage witness for Mary Whitten] Charlotte and child [John Wansley, Sr. estate to John 170 Wansley, Jr.] 21 Whitten, William [s/o Jeremiah Whitten] 170 Cintha June [d/o Frances] [Sarah Fleming estate to Whitton. See Whitten. Rutha Elmira Theodosia Fleming] 80


Daniel [Thomas Wash to William Wash] 171 Lem [Sarah Fleming estate] 72 Dave [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95 Lem [Johnson Wansley] 72 Dave [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Hugh Sanford Lewis [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 94 Wansley] 109 Lewis [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to A. M. Delphia and child [John Beck to John McKinnie and Wansley] 109 James Lampkin] 38 Lindsay [Sarah Fleming estate] 72 Dick [Three slaves named “Dick.”] [John Beck to Lindsay [Johnson Wansley] 72 John McKinnie and James Lampkin] 38 Lizzy [?Elizabeth] [estate John Wansley, Sr. to Dick [A. Hammond] 87 Dabney Wansley] 21 Easter [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Mariah [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Lampkin] 38 Lampkin] 38 Edmond [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Mary [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Lampkin] 38 Lampkin] 38 Eliza [Jane Ann Wansley] 96 Melinda [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to T. M. Elizabeth [Lizzy] [John Wansley, Sr.] 19 Wansley] 109 Elizabeth [Lizzy] [John Wansley, Sr. estate to Melinda and child [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 96 Dabney Wansley] 21 Milly [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Fanny [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Lampkin] 38 Lampkin] 38 Nancy [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Frances and child Cintha June [Sarah Fleming estate Lampkin] 38 to Rutha Elmira Theodosia Fleming] 80 Ned [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to R. R. Wansley] Frances [Sarah Fleming] 80 109 Frank [Joseph Terry] 86 Nelly [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Frank [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95, 119, 125 Lampkin] 38 Frank [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Hugh S. Nelson [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Wansley] 121 Lampkin] 38 Furman [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Nely [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Lampkin] 38 Lampkin] 38 Ginny [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95 Newman [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Hannah [Thomas Gregg] 1-2 Lampkin] 38 Hannah [John Wansley, Sr.] 9, 18 Phillis [Thomas Wash to William Wash] 171 Hannah and child [John Beck to John McKinnie and Rachel [Howard Cash] 29 James Lampkin] 38 Rachel [John Daniel] 29 Harry [Thomas Wash to William Wash] 171 Ritter [John Wansley, Sr.] 19 Harry [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Ritter [John Wansley, Sr. estate to William A. Beck] Lampkin] 38 21 Harry [or Henry] [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Sam [A. Ward] 87 Tandy McGee Wansley] 109 Sam [Thomas Wansley, Sr.] 87 Heney and 2 children [John Beck to John McKinnie Sam [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95, 120 and James Lampkin] 38 Sam [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Hiram Sanford Henry [or Harry] [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to aines] 121 Tandy McGee Wansley] 109 Sarah [Sarah Fleming estate to Fleming Wansley] Jack [John Beck to John McKinnie and James 72 Lampkin] 38 Sarah [Thomas Wansley, Sr.] 87 Jack [Benjamin Head] 27 Sim [A. Ward] 87 Jack [Thompson McGuire] 27 Sim [child] [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 119 James [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Simm [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to . M. Wansley] Lampkin] 3 8 09 Janeth [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Squire [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Lampkin] 38 ampkin] 38 Jim [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95 Sucky [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95 Jinna [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Elizabeth Susan and child Sim [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] Patterson] 109 20 Joe [Jane Ann Wansley] 97 Susan and child [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Joe [Thomas Wash to William Wash] 171 homas Jefferson Wansley] 120, 121 John [A. Ward] 87 Sylvia [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Jordan [Joseph Terry] 87 Lampkin] 38 Judy [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95 Tom [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Judy [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Sanford Lampkin] 38 Gaines] 109 Toney [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Lem [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Augustus Lampkin] 38 Marion Wansley] 109 Tricky [Mr. Roebuck] 51, 69, 81


Washington [John Beck to John McKinnie and James Lampkin] 38 Willis [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate] 95 Willis [Thomas Wansley, Sr. estate to Augustus Marion Wansley] 108 Winney [Winey] [John Wansley, Sr.] 19 Winney [Winey] John Wansley, Sr. estate to [Tandy Wansley] 21

Researched and written by Jim B. Evans Based on research as of June 2016 © 2016 by Jim B. Evans Contact: [email protected] Website:

If you use any information from this report, please include the documentation as given here and cite this paper as: Jim B. Evans. John Wansley, his wife Mildred Whitten and their children. (Dallas, TX: Jim B. Evans, 2016) Available online at

© 2016 by Jim B. Evans This document may not be used in part or whole for commercial purposes or paid subscriber services. All personal use needs to reference the research report and author.