Edward III, Vol. 7, P
172 CALENDAR OF PATENT EOLLS. 1346. June 22. Commission of oyer and terminer to Eeginald son of Henry de Grey, Porches ter. Roger Hillary and Hugh de Croft, on complaint by the abbot of Eameseye that whereas he caused beasts trespassing at Rameseye to be taken ti, by Peter Garyn of Overe, John Baxstere of Overe, John Garyn of Overe, John Ferour of Bameseye, John de Nedham of Upwode, Robert Chapman, John de Helydene, William atte Cros of Rameseye, John de Alkumbury, Robert ' Baillivesman' of Rarneseye, Peter May- ner of Overe, Richard Sant of Chateritz and Simon de Daventre, his servants, and these would have impounded the same according to law and r the custom of the realm, Robert Wodereve of Wytlesleye, William Reve- ;-'V3 sone, Geoffrey Buk, William Buk, Walter Buk, Geoffrey Hunte, Ralph atte Barre, William Raven, Stephen Raven, William Grace, the elder, Robert Kelful, William Elyot, Robert Drake, Thomas Asely, John Ger- noun, the elder, John Gernoun, the younger, Simon Gernoun, Walter Gemoun, William Gernoun, Walter Coupere, John Curteys, Robert Pevere, i John Everard, Walter Everard,Robert Knyght, the elder, William Oxburgh, John Beverich, Roger Shepherd, John ' of the Chaumbre,' Robert ' of the Chaumbre,' William 'of the Chaumbre,' William Spurkil, John Chilyong, the younger, Simon Kilfoul, Robert Hynesman, Ralph Everard, the younger. Adam Pevere, Robert Pevere, the younger, Robert Knyght, the younger, William Grace, the younger, Richard atte Barre, Ralph Coket, Adam Gosay, AVilliam Bonld, John Berners, Robert Berners, John atte
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