All-Black Slate Bows by HALLIE SCHRAEGEK Support of White People As, ^Others on the Ticket Are: — Council Candidate Rich- FREEHOLD - in What Well As Blacks
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Beach School Budget Gut Restored «ER 3TORY BELOW Cloudy and mild today. THEBMLY FINAL Chance of showers tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Clearing, mild tomorrow. Long Branch EDITION (See SUaili, pace 2) Monmouth County's Hotne Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 62 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1969 32 PAGES 10 CENTS All-Black Slate Bows By HALLIE SCHRAEGEK support of white people as, ^Others on the ticket are: — Council candidate Rich- FREEHOLD - In what well as blacks. — Assembly candidates ard Caldwell, Broad St., an could be a first for New Jer- Mr. Davis, 33, of Bond St., (for Western Monmouth Dis- insurance salesman, a YMCA sey, an all-black slate of can- is a community organizer for trict 5-A) Albert White, Lock- vice president, secretary of didates for state and borough the Western Monmouth Re-' wood Ave., and Charles Da- the borough Housing Author- offices bowed last night, at the gional office of the Mon- vis, Old "Mill Road, Marlboro. ity and a member of the bor- Astro, 25 Broad St., under the mouth Community Action Mr. White is the proprietor ough's Interracial Human Re- banner of a newly formed Program (MCAP) and presi- of White's Glass Co. and pres- lations Committee. Independent Party. dent of, the Concerned Citi- ident of the Central Jersey Statement zens of Greater Freehold The candidates termed Community Co-op (CJCC). "We, the candidates of the (CC). their write-in campaign a se- Charles Davis (no relation to Independent Party, realize, rious effort to "offer the peo- Ticket John Davis) is a supervisor after consideration of all the ple a choice between the old The ticket includes Daniel" at Vikoa Inc.- and is vice other candidates, (that) the president of the CC and of line of party politics and a N. Lewis, Holmes Terrace, Republican and Democratic the CJCC. government that represents unsuccessful candidate for Parties have not and cannot all the people." : Borough Council in the Jtemo- — Mayoral candidate Au- possibly afford you, the citi- "Black people are con- cratic primary,- who again gustus Lewis, Throckmortoa zens and registered voters of cerned about everybody. seeks a council seat. St., father of Daniel N. Lew- Freehold, anything construc- it's up to us to save the Mr. Lewis, a former profes- is, a machine worker in the tive for the betterment of this world," said John W. Davis, sional football player, is prin- Ladies Garment Workers state as well as of this com- the party's gubernatorial can- cipal planner for the New Union for the past 40 years munity," said the black can- didate, who said his slate and a lifelong borough resi- didates, in a campaign state- Jersey Division of State and PET PROJECT — Ground was broken yesterday on New Monmouth Road for Mid- John W. Davis hopes for and will solicit the Regional Planning. dent. ment. "We.. .feel we are the only dletown's new $750,000 library, scheduled for completion in the fall of next year. candidates in this present Piloting earthmover is Mayor Harold H. Foulks, while Mrs. Allan Montgomery, li- election who have your inter- brary board president, confers with Freeholder Ernest G. Kavalek and Red Bank ests at heart." The slate was revealed .at architect Ernest O. Bostrom, who designed building. Groundbreaking came after a joint meeting of the United more than six years of planning and effort by library trustees and friends. Court Again Wrestles Black Women (UBW) and the (Register Staff Photo) , newly-formed Citizens Com- mittee, organized to work to- ward busing of school chil- dren in the borough. Mrs. Norma Randolph, Ave. With Reapportionment A; sister of Daniel N. Lewis, Offices, Arcade May \ daughter of Augustus Lewis, TRENTON (AP> — The vate citizens argued over the lem for the court to deter- adhering to local political and UBW president, is cam- New Jersey Supreme Court is Intent of recent decisions by mine the legitimate limits of . and governmental bounda- paign manager. She will be wrestling again with the com- the U.S. Supreme Court population deviation while ries. assisted by Mrs. Anne Mott plex problem of legislative re- aimed at implementing the weighing this against the need "Do the county lines bear of Institute St. and Mrs. Jane apportionment. court's mandate to guarantee for legislators to represent much relation to separate in- Morris of Bond St. Replace Landmark The high court explored the equal voting rights under the economic and political subdi- terests?" Hall asked. "AH Mean Business knotty question yesterday, "one man, one vote" con- visions and other "minority you have to do is drive By DOBIS KULMAN one of the principals inter- borough a substantial tax hearing arguments from all cept. "We are, serious about this group" factors. around the state and see there thing. We mean business. We RED BANK — The Old ested in constructing a high- ratable. sides on what changes should Deputy Attorney General He said it was up to the are no great differences" in are not playing around," John Union House, a landmark rise office building with a Mr. Anderson, who is coun- be made — if any — in the Stephen Skillman, represent- state's highest court to decide regions as county lines are here since 1791, may make shopping arcade that would cil president, later advanced current apportionment ing the state, argued that the "how far do you go to achieve crossed. Davis declared. "Neither par- ty gives us a choice. If Nixon way for an office building open Broad St. to the Nave- the proposal at a Borough scheme. population of state Senate dis- representation?" Alternative sink. can be President, I can be and shopping arcade. Council meeting to explain The court is considering al- tricts should not vary' from . Related to this, Weintraub One alternative plan to the Mr. Edwards, founder, governor. Or maybe not. his vote against Mayor Dan- ternative proposals to estab- the average by more than 5 said, was the question of court would be to order re- chairman and former presi- iel J. O'Hern's plan for open- "We don't want a part The Wharf Ave. restaurant lish guidelines for redistrict- per cent, well below the fig- maintaining county and mu- distribution by computer dent of Electronic Assistance ing Broad St. to the river. of the government. We want closed two weeks ago and ing in the 1971 legislative ures now in force under the nicipal lines in redrawing without regard to county and Corp., here, and a director of The plan beloved by the elections. current legislative apportion- legislative districts. municipal lines. to be the government. Robert Edwards, who owns its assets and has an option the Eatontown National Bank, mayor calls for acquisition Lawyers for the state, the ment plan. : Justices John J. Francis . However, William Miller, "We don't want to be rep- acknowledged that he is and razing of five W. Front legislature, • the American Chief Justice Joseph Wein- and Frederick W. HalL also representing the legislature's resented on the Board of Ed- to. .purchase the building, dis- closed yesterday that he is "spearheading" the propos- St.. properties at the foot of Civil Liberties Union and pri- traub said it would be a prob- questioned the importance of (See Court, Fg. 2, Col. 8) (See All-Black, Fg. 2, Col. 5) al, which calls for acquisi- Broad St. and construction of tion of the block bounded by a vestpocket park. E. Front St., the alley known Mr. Anderson said then he as Prowl's Hill, Wharf Ave. wasn't at liberty to name the and Union Ave. probable investors. Candidates Exchange Conflict Charges Disclosed Plan The plan proposed by Mr. Councilman V^Uiam S. An- Edwards doesn't involve ac- CLIFTON (AP) - In the Carthyism," he said. "This is in administering a proposed Meyner has practiced law in ner, in turn, leveled conflict gress and I'll reveal mine derson told the Register ear- quisition of any of the proper- most heated debate of the factual evidence." $90 million Medicaid program the eight years since he left of interest charges at Cahill, over the last eight years." lier this month that there are ties necessary for the park. campaign thus far, both gu- The sharp exchange fea- designed' to provide medical office. claiming that the Republican Meyner said that during persons eager to construct a Decision Soon bernatorial candidates have tured the fourth debate of 15 care for the poor. "This is the worst kind of congressman has represented the time he was governor "I high-rise commercial building Mr. Edwards said the final hurled conflict of interest that are scheduled be- Negotiate Fees McCarthyism I know," Mey- banks in New Jersey while had no other master." that would open Broad St. to decision on the office build- charges at each other and tween the pair. Cahill charged that there ner said. "My record on.tak- voting in Congress on federal Cahill took the opportunity the river and give the (See Offices, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Democrat Robert B. Meyner Cahill claimed that Mey- was a serious question as to ing care of public health pro- legislation affecting the bank- to respond to the conflict of has accused Republican Rep. ner would not be effective in whether Meyner could make grams is replete with in- ting industry. interest charges during the WtiHiam T. Cahill of using administering the state's pub- "harsh decisions objective- stances of trying to do a good question and answer period "McCarthyist" tactics. lic health program because ly" in negotiating fees to be job." Meyner said that he was before about 400 persons at- willing to disclose his clients Meyner said last night Ca- the former governor is a di- paid to Prudential.