OMB No 1545-0047 Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax 990 2005 Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) Open to Public' Department of the Treasury Internal Revenu e Service ► The organization may have to use a copy of this retu rn to satisfy state 'reporti ng requirements ; • • A For the 2005 calendar year, or tax year beginning October 1 , 2005, and ending Si tember 30 , 2006 D Employer identification number B Check if applicable please C Name of organization "se IRSo q Address change label or Points of Li ght Foundation 65-0206641 print or Number and street (or P 0 box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite E Telephone number El Name change q Initial return Seeee 1400 I Street, NW, 800 202-729-8148 Specific City or town , state or country, and ZIP + 4 q Final return tnswc- F Accounting method: q Cash ® Accrual uons El Amended return Washington, DC 20005 q Other (specify) ► H and I are not appucaoie to section oai organizations q Application pending • Section 501(c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ ). H(a) Is this a group return for affiliates? q Yes ® No H(b) If 'Yes,' enter number of affiliates N/A G Website: ► mow. pointsof 1icrht . orcr ► H(c) Are all affiliates included? N /A q Yes q No Q J IXI 501(c) ( 3 ) 4 (insert no) II 4947(a)(1) or 1 1 527 (If "No,' attach a list See instructions ) cl^lj ► K q H(d) Is this a separate return filed by an Check here ► if the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000 The q Yes ® No UID organization need not file a return with the IRS. but if the organization chooses to file a return, be organization covered by a group ruling? sure to file a complete return Some states require a complete return. I Group Exemption Number ► N/A q M Check ► if the organization is not required L Gross receipts. Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 10b to line 12 ► 26,648,097 to attach Sch B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) JJ Revenue , Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances (See the i 1 Contributions , gifts, grants , and similar amounts received. a Direct public support ...... 1a 8,335,473 b Indirect public support ...... lb 524,845 c Government contributions (grants ) ...... 1c 11, 630, 823 d Total (add lines 1a through 1c) (cash $2 0 ,491 , 141 noncash $ 1d 20,491,1 41.00 7 Prn?rom ce^.icc ,rc;a ,'u ;,,c;udn-,y yuvemment Tees and contracts (from Part VII , line 93) 2 4,129,791.00 3 Membership dues and assessments ...... 3 533,376 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments ...... 4 611,613 5 Dividends and interest from securities ...... 6a Gross rents ...... 6a b Less : rental expenses ...... 6b c Net rental income or (loss ) ( subtract line 6b from line 6a ) ...... 0.00 v 7 Other investment income (describe ► (A) Securities (B) Other N 8a Gross amount from sales of assets other than inventory . 8a 882, 176 b Less : cost or other basis and sales expenses . 8b 693, 192 c Gain or ( loss) (attach schedule) . . 0.00 8c 188, 984.00 d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A)and (B)) . .1 ...... 188,984.00 q 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule ) If any amount is from gaming , check here ► a Gross revenue (not including $ of contributions reported on line 1a )...... 9a b Less. direct expenses other than fundraising expenses . 9b c Net income or (loss) from special events ( subtract line 9b from line 9a) ...... 9c 0.00 10a Gross sales of inventory , less returns and allowances ... 10a b Less : cost of goods sold ...... 10b c Gross profit or (loss ) from sales of inventory (attach schedule ) (subtract line 10b from line 1Oa). IOc 0.00 11 Other revenue (from Part VII , line 103 ) ...... 11 0.00 12 Total revenue (add lines 1d , 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 10c, and 11) ...... 12 25,954,905.00 13 Program services (from line 44 , column (B)) . . 13 24,275,584.00 14 Management and general (from line 44 , column (C)) ...... 14 3,721,384.00 15 Fundraising (from line 44 , column ( D)) ...... 896,209.00 o affiliates (attach schedule) . ^xpen s (add lines 16 and 44, column (A)) ... . 28,893,177.00 xcess or Iclt ) for the year ( subtract line 17 from line 12 ) ...... 2,938,272.00) 19 ^^ et % fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) . . 13,383,198.00 210 Jbtl(W ha in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation ) Stmt 2. . 80,574 21 nd balances at end of year combine lines 18, 19, and 20 ...... 10,525,500.00 jF)RMc Pa ork Reduction Act Notice , see the separate instructions. Form 990 (2005)

923F 1 Form 990 (20Q5) Page 2 Statement of All organizations must complete column (A). Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) and (4) Functional Expenses organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others (See the instructions) Do not include amounts reported on line (A) Total (B) Program (C) Management (D) Fundraising 6b, 8b, 9b, 10b, or 16 of Part I services and general 22 Grants and allocations (attach schedule)stmt (cash $ 6,691,722 noncash $ ) 22 • ' - If this amount includes foreign grants, check here q 6 , 691, 722.00 6,691,722 V ► - -, 23 Specific assistance to individuals (attach - -j schedule) ...... 23 0.00 - 1 I 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) ...... 24 0.00 --- ^_ 25 Compensation of officers , directors , etc. .. 25 1, 236, 660.00 457 , 702 778,958 26 Other salaries and wages ...... 26 4,484,734.00 3,534,285 602,094 348,355 27 Pension plan contributions ...... 27 134, 485.00 94,020 30,463 10,002 28 Other employee benefits ...... 28 1, 197, 243.00 943,512 160,734 92,997 29 Payroll taxes ...... 29 1,829,993.00 1,442,163 245,684 142,146 30 Professional fundraising fees ...... 30 0.00 31 Accounting fees ...... 31 0.00 32 Legal fees ...... 32 174,040.00 130 , 060 43,980 33 Supplies ...... 33 206,296.00 134,738 61,812 9,746 34 Telephone ...... 34 171,035.00 107,075 55,346 8,614 35 Postage and shipping ...... 35 246,319.00 231,893 8,817 5,609 36 Occupancy ...... 36 1,161,082.00 849,533 234,451 77,098 37 Equipment rental and maintenance . .. 37 1, 115, 771.00 611,945 501,484 2,342 38 Printing and publications ...... 38 920, 638.00 826,082 40,943 53,613 39 Travel ...... 39 1,794,170.00 1,575,900 108,461 109,809 40 Cnnfpranrpc rnnventinnc , snri moatinr,g 40 n nn 41 Interest ...... 41 0.00 42 Depreciation , depletion , etc (att&Y'lejle) 42 29, 580.00 21,539 6,016 2,025 43 Other expenses not covered above (itemize). a Other Expenses 43a 480,158.00 171,421 301,496 7,241 b Merchandise Sold 43b 224,460.00 224,460 0 0 - C Professional Services 43C 6,794,791.00 6,227,534 540,645 26,612 d 43d 0.00 e 43e 0.00 f 43f 0.00 g 43g 0.00 44 Total functional expenses . Add lines 22 through 43. (Organizations completing columns (B)-(D), carry these totals to lines 13-15) •••••••• •-- . • •••• • ••• 4 8,893,177.00 4,275,584.00 ,721,384.00 96,209.00 q Joint Costs. Check ► if you are following SOP 98-2. q Are any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services? . ► Yes Q No If "Yes," enter (i) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ N/A ; (ii) the amount allocated to Program services $ N/A (iii) the amount allocated to Management and general $ N/A , and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundraising $ N/A Form 99 0 (2005)

STF FED1923F 2 Form 990 (2006) Page 3 Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions.) Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments.

rogram Service What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? lo- volunteer community service nonprofit suppor P & Expenses All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner. State the number (Required for so1(c)3)andl of clients served, publications issued, etc. Discuss achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) ()orgs, and 494 a) 1 trusts, boars)tional for organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others.) a see Statement 4

(Grants and allocations $ 6, 691, 722 ) If this amount includes foreig n grants, check here ► I] 24, 275, 584 b

q (Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here ► c

q (Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here ► d

q (Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here ► e Other program services (attach schedule) q (Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here ► Program Service Expenses ( should equal line 44, column ( B), Program services) f Total of ► 24 , 275, 584.00 Form 990 (2005)

STF FED1923F 3 Form 990 ( 2005) Page 4 • , n Balance Sheets (See the instructions.) Note : Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the descnption (A) (B) column should be for end-of-year amounts only Beginning of year End of year 45 Cash-non-interest-bearing ...... 3,889,038 45 1,044,219 46 Savings and temporary cash investments ...... 10, 007, 244 46 10, 162, 210

47a Accounts receivable ...... 47a 529,885 b Less- allowance for doubtful accounts .. 47b 180 11,343 47c 529, 705.00

48a Pledges receivable ...... 48a 1 ,769,835 b Less- allowance for doubtful accounts .. 48b 19,499 2,267,725 48c 1, 750, 336.00 49 Grants receivable ...... 273,294 49 502,070 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) ...... 50 51a Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) ...... b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . . 51b 51c 0.00 52 Inventories for sale or use ...... 22 , 932 52 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges .. .. 151, 026 53 10,726 q 91,535 54 54 Investments-securities (attach schedule) . ► Cost ® FMV 55a Investments-land, buildings, and equipment- basis...... 55a b Less: accumu l ated depreciation (attach schedule) ...... 55b 55c 0.00 56 Investments-other (attach schedule) .... 56 57a Land , buildings , and equipment: basistmt5 57a 954, 2--] J L oss: 4VVVIII 1IC aGV VGFJIGVIP II VII QalCVll 339,923 227,426.00 schedule) ...... % ... 1j57b 726,603 57c ) 58 58 Other assets (describe ►

59 Total assets must equal line 74 ) . Add lines 45 through 58. 17,054,060-00 59 14, 226, 692.00 3,144,013 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ...... 2,999,025 60 61 Grants payable ...... 61 62 Deferred revenue ...... 267, 259 62 312,316 d 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) ...... 63 R_ 64a Tax-exem pt bond liabilities (attach schedule) ...... 64a J b Mortg ag es and other notes payable (attach schedule) .. . .. 64b Deferred Rent & Lease Incent i,4e 404,578 65 244,863 65 Other liabilities (describe ►

66 Total liabilities . Add lines 60 through 65...... 3 , 670 , 862 .00 66 3,701,192.00

Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ► ® and complete lines y 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74 0c 67 Unrestricted ...... 3 940 034 67 1 561 331 m 68 Temporarily restricted ...... 1 , 376 , 561 68 959 , 298 M 69 Permanentl y restricted ...... 8 066 603 69 8 , 004 , 871 c Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here Po- El and LL com plete lines 70 throug h 74 . o 70 Ca pital stock , trust p rinci pal , or current fundsN/A ...... 70 71 Paid-in or ca p ital surplus , or land , building , and equipment fundrr./A 71 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other fund/A 72 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 or lines Z 70 through 72; column (A) must equal line 19; column ( B) must equal line 21) .. 13, 383, 198.00 73 10, 525, 500.00 74 Total liabil ities and net assets/fund balances. Add lines 66 and 73. 17,054,060.00 74 , 14, 226, 692.00 Form 990 (2005)

STF FED1923F 4 Form 990 (2005) Page 5 ' Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return (See the

a Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements .. a 26,093,758 b Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 12: 1 Net unrealized gains on investments ...... b1 80, 574 2 Donated services and use of facilities ...... b2 58,279 3 Recoveries of prior year grants ...... , b3 4 Other (specify).

Add lines b1 through b4 ...... b 138, 853.00 c Subtract line b from line a ...... c 25, 954, 905.00 d Amounts included on Part I, line 12, but not on line a: ...... 1 Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b ...... d1 2 Other (specify): d2 Add lines d1 and d2 ...... d 0.00 e Total revenue Part I , line 12 Add lines c and d ...... ► e 25, 954, 905.00 Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return a Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements .. 28, 951, 456 b Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 17• +''°• 1 Donated services and use of facilities ...... b1 58,279 - 2 Prior year adjustments reported on Part I, line 20 ...... b2 3 Losses reported on Part I, line 20 ...... W 4 Other (specify). b4 Add lines b1 throug h b4 ...... b 58,279.00 C 28. 893. 177.00 S Siihtrar-t lino h from Zinc a d Amounts included on Part I, line 17, but not on line a: 1 Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b ...... d1 - 2 Other (specify) d2 Add lines d1 and d2 ...... d 0.00 e Total expenses (Part I, line 17) Add lines c and d ...... ► e 28, 893, 177 .00 EMIM-Current Officers, Directors , Trustees , and Key Employees (List each person who was an officer, director, trustee, or kev emolovee at any time durinq the year even if they were not compensated.) (See the instructions ) (B) (C) Compensation (D) Contributions to employee (E) Expense account (A) Name and address Title and average hours per (If not paid, enter benefit plans & deferred and other allowances week devoted to position -0-. ) compensation lans Robert K. Goodwin President & CEO ------1400 I St, NW, #800, Washington, DC 20005 55 325,000 8,000 NONE William- Bentley------C.O.O. 1400 I St, NW, #800, Washington, DC 20005 55 216,000 7,734 NONE V.P./CFO Douglas Gledhill------Sr. 1400 I St, NW, #800, Washington, DC 20005 55 160,500 6,368 NONE Me-i-Cobb Sr. V.P. ------1400 I St, NW, #800, Washington, DC 20005 55 150,583 5,270 NONE Pamela-Wa-rwickPamela Warwick ------Sr. V.P. I St, NW, #800, Washington, DC 20005 55 148,719 1,800 NONE Richard C. Mock Sr. V.P. ------1400 I St, NW, #800, Washington, DC 20005 55 114,786 4,018 (NONE


Se-e-Statement 6 Directors ------Schedule of non-compensated officers 1 hr/wk



Form 990 (2005)

STF FED1923F 5 Form 990 ( 2005) Page 6 Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Kev Employees (continued) Yes No 75a Enterthe total number of officers , directors , and trustees permitted to vote on organization business at board meetings ...... ► 30 b Are any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or II-B, related to each other through family or business } relationships? If "Yes," attach a statement that identifies the individuals and explains the relationship(s) .. 75b x c Do any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or II-B, receive compensation from any other organizations, whether -4 a tax exempt or taxable, that are related to this organization through common supervision or common control? 75c x Note. Related organizations include section 509(a)(3) supporting organizations. If "Yes," attach a statement that identifies the individuals, explains the relationship between this - - r organization and the other organization(s), and describes the compensation arrangements, : - including amounts paid to each individual by each related organization. d Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? ...... 75d x GMEU Former Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits (If any former officer, director, trustee, or key employee received compensation or other benefits (described below) during the year, list that person below and enter the amount of compensation or other benefits in the appropriate column. See the instructions ) (D) CoidnbWors to employee ( E) Expense (A) Name and address ( B) Loans and Advances ( C)Compensation benerdplans &deferred account and other w ation plans allowances

------"NONE" N/A N/A N/A N/A ------








------Other Information (See the instructions.) Yes No 76 Did the organization engage in any activity not previously reported to the IRS? If "Yes ," attach a detailed s" = description of each activity ...... 76 x 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? ...... 77 x If "Yes ," attach a conformed copy of the changes. 78a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1 , 000 or more during the year covered by =- = this return? ...... 78a x b If "Yes , " has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? .. N/A ...... 78b 79 Was there a liquidation , dissolution , termination , or substantial contraction during the year? If "Yes," attach ---- a statement ...... 79 x 80a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization ) through . .- - ? common membership , governin g bodies , trustees , officers , etc ., to any other exem pt or nonexempt --^j organization? ...... 80a x b If "Yes ," enter the name of the organization ► and check whether it is q exempt or q nonexempt 81a Enter direct and indirect political expenditures (See line 81 instructions .) .... 81a NONE b Did the organization file Form 1120 -POL for this year? . .. Form 990 (2005)

STF PED1923F 6 Form ?90 (200-9) Page 7 Other Information (continued) Yes No 82a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials , equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value? ...... 82a% x b If "Yes ," you may indicate the value of these items here Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II. "" - (See instructions in Part III .) ..... 82b 58,279 83a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? 83a x b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? . . 83b x 84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? ...... 84a x b If "Yes ," did the organization include with eve solicitation an express statement that such contributions or L'L' gifts were not tax deductible? ...... /A/ .A ...... 84b 85 501 (c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations. a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? NJA.... . 85a b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? N/A 85b If "Yes" was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year. A c Dues, assessments , and similar amounts from members ...... 85c N / , ,, • -. : • -_,,, d Section 162 (e) lobbying and political expenditures ...... 85d N /A ''^ ' ` '* •• '' /A e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices 85e N f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e) ..... 85f 0 . 0 0 85g g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033 ( e) tax on the amount on line 85f?N ,/A ...... h If section 6033 ( e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent , does the organization agree to add the amount on line 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the 85h following tax year? N/A .. 86 501 (c)(7) orgs Enter- a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on ', :' :• •` r line 12 .... 86a N /A b Gross receipts , included on line 12, for public use of club facilities ..... 86b N/A ^- `'.s - :'•'-,-^ 8'! 5r)1/r11171 nrnc Enter a rrncc inrnma from members or shareholders 87a N / P. b Gross income from other sources ( Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them .) ...... 1 87b N/A 88 At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership , or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301 .7701-2 and 301 .7701-3' If "Yes ," complete Part IX ...... 88 X 89a 501 (c)(3) organizations Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under NONE NONE ;section 4955 NONE section 4911 ► section 4912 ► ► b 501 (c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach a statement explaining each transaction .... 89b X c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955 , and 4958 ...... ► NONE d Enter. Amount of tax on line 89c , above , reimbursed by the organization ...... ► NONE SEE STATEMENT 7 90a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed ► b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12 , 2005 (See instructions ) ...... l 90b I 110 SAMUEL A. ALFA, Ph. D. (2 0 2) 729-8148 91a The books are--in care of ► Telephone no. ► St, #800, Washington, DC 20005- Located at ► 1400 I NW, ZlP + 4 ► b At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in or a signature or other authority Ye' No over a financial account in a foreign country ( such as a bank account , securities account, or other financial account )? ...... 91b X KINGDOM If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country ► UNITED See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22. 1, Report of Foreign Bank - - ,! and Financial Accounts c At any time during the calendar year, did the organization maintain an office outside of the United States? 91c X KINGDOM If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country ► UNITED q 92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041- Check here ...... ► and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year . . . ► 92 i N/A Form 990 (2005)

STF FED1923F 7 Form 990 (200$) Page 8 Anal sis of Income-Producing Activities (See the instructions. Note: Enter gross amounts unless otherwise Unrelated bu siness income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (E) Related or indicated. (A) (B) (C) (D) exempt function Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount 93 Program service revenue . income a SEE STATEMENT 9 4,129,791 b c d e f Medicare/Medicaid payments ...... 9 Fees and contracts from government agencies 94 Membership dues and assessments .. 533,376 95 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 611, 613 96 Dividends and interest from securities ... 97 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate - 4'^ = G-'- x - y - -r` a debt-financed property .. .. b not debt-financed property ...... 98 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 99 Other investment income .. .. 18 188, 984 100 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 101 Net income or ( loss) from special events 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 103 Other revenue' a b c d P 104 Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), andd (E))E )) ... 0.00 800,597. 00 , 663, 167.00 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (E)) ...... ••••• ... 111. 5,463,764.00 Note : Line 105 Plus line 1d. Part I. should equal the amount on line 12, Part Relationshi p of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See the instructions.) Line No. Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment 10. of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes).


n :F.iiu V41111 Intormation Reaardlna Taxable Subsidiaries ana ulsreaaraea tntitles (Jee the Instructions ) B (E) Name , address , and6 of corporation, Perce(nta)ge of (C End-of-year partnership , or disregarded entity ownership interest Nature activities Total (D)i ncome assets

N/A %

n LPLO Intormation Regarding iransters Associated wltn versonat tsenetit contracts (See me instructions.) (a) Did the organization , during the year, receive any funds, directly or indlr (b) Did the organization , during the year, pay premiums, dir Note : If "Yes" to (b), file Form 8870 and Form 4720 (see ins Under p nalhes of perjury , I declare that I have examined this return and beh , 1 is true , correct , and comple Decl ratior},of preparer Please v,,eL-J /,/. 41^^ S ign Signature of officer Here ' DIA/({,^' - ^^IiIiq RESIDENT & CEO Type or pent name and title L A • 4 Paid Preparer's I signature Preparer's Firm's name fur ' ERNST & YOUNG, LL Use Only if self-emplo +4 2 N CENTRAL #2400

STF FED1923F 8 SCHEDULE A I Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) OMB No 1545-0047 (Form 990 or 990-Q) (Except Private Foundation) and Section 501(e), 501(f), 501(k), 501(n), or 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Supplementary Information-(See separate instructions.) 2005 Department of the Treasury and attached to their Form 990-EZ Internal Revenue Service ► MUST be completed by the above organizations 990 or Name of the organization Employer identification number ion 41 Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers , Directors , and Trustees (See page 1 of the instructions. List each one. If there are none, enter "N one." (d) Contns to (e) Expense (a) each employee paid more (b) Title and average hours Name and address of (c) Compensation employee benefit plans & account and other week devoted to position than $50,000 per deferred compensation allowances Oktay Dogramaci Chief Technology Off. 1400 I St , NW , #800 , Washin g ton , DC 20005 55 133 , 910 4 , 687 NONE Walter Smith Vice President 1400 I St NW , #800 , Washin g ton , DC 20005 55 130 , 000 4 , 550 NONE Sean Milliken _ Vice President 1400 I St , NW , #800 , Washin g ton , DC 20005 55 130 , 00 0 4 , 550 NONE Miram Parel _ Vice President 1400 I St , NW , #800 , Washin g ton , DC 20005 55 126 , 175 4 , 416 NONE

Rennie Dutton Vice President 140n T St. NW- #800. Washington. T)C 2000S 55 120 557 4 , 219 NONE Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 ► 46 '`- Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (See page 2 of the instructions. List each one (whether individuals or firms). If there are none, enter "None.") (a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service ( c) Compensation 3Thirty Three Media , LLC 455 S. Oran g e Ave 2nd Fl , Orlando , FL 32801 Media Consultin g 268 , 750

L..fe V1CGaa 1100 Glendon Avenue, Suite 1810, Los Ang eles , CA 90024 Marketin g 242 , 349 Alfredo Boccalandro 12157 W. Linebaugh Ave., PMB 332, Tamp a , Fl 33626-1732 Website Desi gn 158 267 Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP Dep t. 7247-6670 , Philadel phia , PA 19170-6670 Lobby in g 130 , 060 Native American Communications, Inc 5220 Fillmore Ave., Alexandria, VA 22311 Consultin g 110,000 Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for - = e professional services 00. 8 Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Services (List each contractor who performed services other than professional services, whether individuals or firms. If there are none, enter "None " See page 2 of the instructions.) (a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation

ColorTrade, Inc 6701 NW 84th Avenue , Miami , FL 33166 Technolo gy 631 , 531 The August Jackson Company 1001 Connecticut Avenue , NW , #909 , Washing ton , DC 20036 Lo istics 483 , 708 M & N Technology, Inc. P.O. Box 481 , Oakton , VA 22124 Technolo gy 217 , 785 HornPoint , Inc P.O. Box 781 , Mclean , VA 22101 Technolo gy 183 , 925 TestPros, Inc 1800 Michael Farada y Dr. , Ste. 100 , Reston VA 20190 Technolo 158 , 592 Total number of other contractors receiving over $50,000 for other services ...... 9

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-EZ. Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

ISA STF FED1955F 1 Schedyle A (Forln 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Page 2 Statements About Activities (See page 2 of the instructions.) Yes No

1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? If "Yes," enter the total expenses paid or incurred in connection with the lobbying activities ' $ N/A (Must equal amounts on line 38, Part VI-A, or line i of Part Vl-B) ...... 1 X Organizations that made an election under section 501(h)by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI-A. Other organizations checking "Yes" must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities. 2 Dunng the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any substantial contributors, trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or r.-^ with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary? (If the answer to any question is "Yes," attach a detailed statement explaining the ` •; 's -';. T - Y transactions.)

a Sale , exchange , or leasing of property? ...... 2a X b Lending of money or other extension of credit? .... 2b X c Fumishing of goods , services , or facilities? ...... 2c X d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1 , 000)?see . 990 , part V 2d X e Transfer of any part of its income or assets? . 2e X 3a Do you make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc ? (If "Yes," attach an explanation of how you determine that recipients qualify to receive payments) ...... 3a X b Do you have a section 403(b) annuity plan for your employees 3b X c During the year, did the organization receive a contribution of qualified real property interest under section 170(h)? 3c X 4a Did you maintain any separate account for participating donors where donors have the right to provide advice on the use or distribution of funds? ...... 4 X b Do you provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services? 4b X

LiULM Keason for Non-private Foundation status (See pages 3 through 6 of the instructions.)

The organization is not a private foundation because it is- (Please check only ONE applicable box ) 5 q A church, convention of churches, or association of churches. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(1). 6 q A school. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) (Also complete Part V.) 7 q A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ul) 8 q A Federal, state, or local government or governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v) 9 q A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iu) Enter the hospital's name, city, and state 10, ...... 10 q An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A ) 11a An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A ) 11b q A community trust Section 170(b)(1)(A)(w). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A ) 12 q An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33'/3% of Its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts from activities related to its charitable, etc., functions-subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 331h% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975. See section 509(a)(2). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.)

13 q An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and supports organizations described in, (1) lines 5 through 12 above, or (2) sections 501(c)(4), (5), or (6), if they meet the test of section 509(a)(2) Check the box that describes the type of supporting organization 10, q Type 1 q Type 2 q Type 3 Provide the following information about the suooorted organizations (See Dage 6 of the instructions.) (b) Line number (a) Name (s) of supported organization(s) from above

14 q An organization organized and operated to test for public safety. Section 509(a)(4). (See page 6 of the instructions )

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

STF FED1955F 2 Schedule A (Forrh 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Page 3 ' Support Schedule (Complete only if you checked a box on line 10, 11, or 12.) Use cash method of accounting. Note: You may use the worksheet in the instructions for converting from the accrual to the cash method of accountlna. Calendar year (or fiscal b) year beginning in) ► (a) 2004 ( 2003 (c) 2002 (d) 2001 (e) Total 15 Gifts , grants , and contributions received (Do not include unusual grants . See line 28 ) .. 17, 866, 716 16, 705, 611 15, 905, 899 19, 776, 179 70, 254, 405.00 16 Membership fees received . 476 , 749 476 , 870 617 , 199 573 , 146 2 , 143 , 964-00 17 Gross receipts from admissions , merchandise sold or services performed , or furnishing of facilities in any activity that is related to the organization 's chartable , etc., purpose ...... 2,854 ,607 1, 791, 718 1, 284 , 294 1,152,659 7, 083, 278.00 18 Gross income from interest , dividends, amounts received from payments on securities loans ( section 512 (a)(5)), rents, royalties, and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30 , 1975 ... 418 ,152 128,671 103,853 168 ,781 819, 457.00 19 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 18 ...... 0.00 20 Tax revenues levied for the organization's benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf . 0.00 21 The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge . Do not include the value of services or facilities generally furnished to the public without charge ...... 0.00 22 Other income Attach a schedule Do not include gain or (loss ) from sale of capital assets 0.00 23 Total of lines 15 through 22 ...... 2 1 , 616, 224 . 00 1 9 , 102 , 870 00 7 911, 245.00 2 1 , 670 , 765. 00 80 301, 104.00 24 L"e23 ., s!re 17 o i01.,6i7 .uu 311 1 :) z b bLb y51 .UU 12 U , S1tS,1Ub.UU /3 , 217, 826.00 25 Enter 1 % ofline 23 ... lr , 216,162.24 1 191,028.70 1 179 112.45 216,707.65 ':'S`^ i•='a,;r.` 26a 1, 464, 356.52 26 Org anizations described on lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount in column ( e) , line 24 .... ► b Prepare a list for your records to show the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization) whose total gifts for 2001 through 2004 exceeded the ---}^ •-' 26b amount shown in line 26a Do not file this list with your return . Enter the total of all these excess amounts ► 26c c Total support for section 509 (a)(1) test * Enter line 24 , column (e) ... . , .. . ► 73 217 826.00 d Add, Amounts from column (e) for lines : 18 819 , 457 . 00 19 0 . 00 - - -- 22 0 . 00 26b 0 . 00 ••••• •. 10, 26d 819,457.00 e Public support (line 26c minus line 26d total ) ...... ' 26e 72 398 369.00 f Public support percentage ( l in e 26e (nume rator) divided by line 26c (denominator)) ...... ► 26f 98.88 % 27 Organizations described on line 12: a For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a "disqualified person," prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each "disqualified person " Do not file this list with your return . Enter the sum of such amounts for each year

(2004) (2003) (2002) (2001) b For any amount included in line 17 that was received from each person (other than "disqualified persons"), prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000. (Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 1 lb, as well as individuals ) Do not file this list with your return. After computing the difference between the amount received and the larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of these differences (the excess amounts) for each year: (2004) (2003) (2002) (2001)

c Add Amounts from column (e) for lines- 15 16 27c 17 20 21 ...... ► 27d d Add Line 27a total and line 27b total . . • • • • ► 27e e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total) ...... ► 27f f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test Enter amount from line 23, column (e) ..... ► g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) ...... ► 27g % h Investment income percentage (line 18, column (e) (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) ► 27h % 28 Unusual Grants : For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 2001 through 2004, prepare a list for your records to show, for each year, the name of the contributor, the date and amount of the grant, and a brief description of the nature of the grant. Do not file this list with your return . Do not include these grants in line 15

Schedule A (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

STF FED1955F 3 Schedule A (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Page 4 Private School Questionnaire (See page 7 of the instructions.) THIS SECTION IS NOT REQUIRED (To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV) Yes No 29 Does the org anization have a raciall y nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws , other governing instrument , or in a resolution of its governing body? ...... 29 30 Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs , and scholarships? ...... 30 31 Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves'? ...... 31 If "Yes," please describe; if "No," please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement) - " "


32 Does the organization maintain the following a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body , faculty , and administrative staff? ...... 32a b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on a racially nondiscnminatory basis'? ...... 32b c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions , prog rams , and scholarshi ps? ...... 32c d Co pies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions? ...... 32d

If you answered "No" to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement)

33 Does the organization aiscnminate oy race In any way w1ii1 lGbpvct to: -, - -

33a a Stu d ents' rig hts or privileg es'? ......

33b b Adm issio ns polici es? ......

33c c E mpl oyment of fa cu lty or administrative staffs

d Schol a rshi ps or other financial assistance'? ...... 33d

33e e Educational policies?......

f Use of facilities? ......

g Athletic programs? ...... 14 U 1

33h h Other extracurricular activities? ......

If you answered "Yes" to anyof the above, please explain (Ifyou need more space, attach a separate statement )

x Y "i

34a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? ......

b Has the organization's right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? j4b If you answered "Yes" to either 34a or b, please explain using an attached statement _

35 Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4.01 through 4 05 of Rev Proc 75-50, 1975-2 C.B. 587, covering racial nondiscrimination? If "No," attach an explanation .... 35 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

STF FED1955F 4 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 Page 5 Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 9 of the instructions.) (To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) Check q ► a if the organization belongs to an affiliated group. Check ► b L , if you checked "a" and "limited control" provisions apply b Limits on Lobbying Expenditures To be Affiliated group completed for ALL electing totals (The term "expenditures" means amounts paid or incurred.) organizations 36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying ) ...... 36 0.00 37 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying ) ...... 37 130,060 38 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37 ) .. ... 38 0.00 130 , 060.00 39 Other exempt purpose expenditures . .... 39 28 , 763, 117 40 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39) .... . , .. 40 0.00 28, 893,177 00 41 Lobbying nontaxable amount Enter the amount from the following table- If the amount on line 40 is- The lobbying nontaxable amount is- : ^ ^^°^;^• ^^^u^ , ^ ,^^^;.,. Not over $500 , 000 ...... 20% of the amount on line 40 ...... Over $500,000 but not over $ 1,000,000 . $ 100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500;000 Over $1 ,000,000 but not over $ 1,500,000 $175 ,000 plus 10% of the excess over$1 ,000,000 41 0 1 1 000,000 = Over $1 ,500,000 but not over $17 , 000,000 $225 ,000 plus 5% of the excess over $ 1,500,000 =^= Over $ 17,000 , 000 $1 , 000,000 = =* 42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41) .. .. - , , 42 0.00 250 , 000.00 43 Subtract line 42 from line 36. Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 43 0.00 0.00 44 Subtract line 41 from line 38 Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 44 0.00 0.00 ..; 6^ `'f L&:.{R,y_y-'.iv` o ,F: > .1.,'--•"•j}CVT' l: Caution : If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4720. :;RS1? 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h ) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on page 11 of the instructions.)

Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period

Calendar year (or (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) fiscal year beginning in ) ► 2005* 2004 2003 2002 Total

45 Lobbying nontaxable amount ...... 11000,000 N/A N/A N/A , 000, 000.00 - , LqA , fit 'Y7 ' _w'17^•'-F••, {°` 4 k -,^L}7E. S^"c=.C- -t^ ^^^^ - i^,rFaC=:F ceiling amount (150% of line 45(e)) y;c3t r4 46 Lobbying 'N4 500, 000.00

47 Total lobbying expenditures ...... 130 , 06 0 N/A N/A N/A 130 060.0

48 Grassroots nontaxable amount 250,000 N/A N/A N/A 250,000.00

T"F .c•3 aroTo a+ ^„,, rr^g,r'e e ' ':^ :tR+.n.. '*.^= 'r^'C• k`_ ' F =' P ° i , i4 Se; ? 1 ^^ H;r orsY :`'nps^ 49 Grassroots ceiling amount ( 150 % of line 48(e)) ^c .; rr µ 375,000.00

50 Grassroots lobbying expenditures .. 0 N/A N/A N/A 0.00 1;FrjL1L'F1 M:j Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities N/A (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI-A) (See page 11 of the instructions )

During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any Yes No Amount attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of. a Volunteers .. ^r4 t gs n fi b Paid staff or management ( Include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through h.) c Media advertisements ...... d Mailings to members , legislators , or the public e Publications , or published or broadcast statements . f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes.. . g Direct contact with legislators , their staffs , government officials , or a legislative body ...... In Rallies , demonstrations , seminars , conventions , speeches , lectures , or any other means i Total lobbying ex penditures (Add lines c throug h h.) If "Yes" to any of the above , also attach a statement givi ng a detailed description of the lobbying activi ties.

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005 * 1st Election Year

STF FED1955F 5 Schedule A ( Form 990 or 990-FZ) 2005 Page 6 e-LWO Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations (See page 12 of the instructions.) 51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations'? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a nonchantable exempt organization of Yes No (i) Cash ...... 51ai X (ii) Other assets ...... , aii X b Other transactions. (i) Sales or exchanges of assets with a nonchantable exempt organization , , , , , b i x (ii) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization .. , , , , , b ii X (iii) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets . .. b iii X (iv) Reimbursement arrangements . b iv X (v) Loans or loan guarantees b v x (vi) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations ...... , b vi X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees .. , c x d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization. If the organization received less than fair market value in any transaction or shanng arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received

52a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with , or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501 ( c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or In section 527? q Yes ® No m.TTr. r. r't.mT r TTecti nL^nrTTnzrl ►

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2005

STF FED1955F 6 Department of the Treasury REPORT OF FOREIGN BANK TD F 90-22.1 AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS (Rev. 7/00) SUPERSEDES ALL=Y` PREVIOUS EDITIONS Do NOT file with your Federal Tax Return OMB No 1506-0009 1 Filing for Calendar Year 2 Type of Filer 3 Taxpayer Identification Number Y Y Y Y a b c RICorporabon d0 Fiduciary 2006 65-0206641 Filer Information 4 Last Name or Organization Name 5 First Name 6 Middle Initial Points of Light Foundation 7 Address (Number , Street , and Apt. or Suite No.) 8 Date of Birth M M D D Y Y Y Y 1400 I Street, NW, Suite 800 9 City 10 State 11 Zip/Postal Code 12 Country 13 Title (Not necessary if reporting a personal account.) Washington DC 20005 USA 14 Are these accounts jointly owned? 15 Number of joint owners 16 Taxpayer Identification Number of joint owner (if known) a q Yes b ® No

17 Last Name or Organization Name 18 First Name 19 Middle Initial Points of Light Foundation - UK Information on Financial Accounts 20 Number of Foreign Financial Accounts 21 Type of account in which a financial interest is held a ® Bank b q Securities c q Other 1 22 Maximum value of account 23 Account Number or other designation a q Under $10,000 c ® $100,000 to $1 ,000,000 L 0 to $99,999 d LJ over $1 ,000,000 10101598 24 Name of Financial Institution with which account is held 25 Country in which account is held

Royal Bank of Scotland United Kingdom 26 Does the filer have a financial interest in this account? 27 Last Name or Organization Name of Account Holder a ® Yes b q No If no, complete boxes 27-35

28 First Name 29 Middle Initial 30 Taxpayer Identification Number

31 Address (Number , Street , and Apt or Suite No) 32 City

33 State 34 Zip/Postal Code 35 Country

36 Signature 37 Date M M D D Y Y Y Y

This form should be used to report a financial interest in, signature authority, or other authority over one or more financial accounts in foreign countries, as required by the Department of the Treasury Regulations (31 CFR 103) No report is required if the aggregate value of the accounts did not exceed $10,000. SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEFINITION. File this form with U.S. Department of the Treasury, P.O. Box 32621, Detroit, MI 48232-0621.

PRIVACY ACT NOTIFICATION Pursuant to the requirements of Public Law 93-579 (Privacy Act of 1974), notice is hereby given that the authority to collect information on TD F 90-22.1 in accordance with 5 USC 522a(e) is Public Law 91-508; 31 USC 5314, 5 USC 301, 31 CFR 103. The principal purpose for collecting the information is to assure maintenance of reports where such reports or records have a high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, or regulatory investigations or proceedings. The information collected may be provided to those officers and employees of any constituent unit of the Department of the Treasury who have a need for the records in the performance of their duties. The records may be referred to any other department or agency of the United States upon the request of the head of such department or agency for use in a criminal, tax, or regulatory investigation or proceeding The information collected may also be provided to appropriate state, local, and foreign law enforcement and regulatory personnel in the performance of their official duties. Disclosure of this information is mandatory. Civil and criminal penalties, including in certain circumstances a fine of not more than $500,000 and imprisonment of not more than five years, are provided for failure to file a report, supply information, and for filing a false or fraudulent report Disclosure of the Social Security number is mandatory The authority to collect is 31 CFR 103. The Social Security number will be used as a means to identify the individual who files the report.

Lsn APPRV 234 STx FED7889F 1 Form TD F 90-22.1 This side can be copied as many times as necessa ry in order to provide information on all accounts 1 Filing for Calendar Year 3 Taxpayer Identification Number 4 Filer Last Name or Business Name Page Number Y Y Y Y OF

2 Type of Filer 21 Type of Account 22 Maximum value of account a q Individual c q Corporation a q Bank c q Other a q Under $10,000 c q $100,000 to $1,000,000 b q Partnership d q Fiduciary b q Securities b q $10,000 to $99,999 Over $1,000,000 23 Account Number, or other designation 24 Name of Financial Institution with which account is held

25 Country in which account is held 26 Does the filer have a financial 27 Last Name or of Account Owner interest in this account? a q Yes If no, complete boxes 27-35. D q No 28 First Name 29 Middle Initial 30 Taxpayer Identification Number 31 Address (Number, Street, and Apt. or Suite No.)

32 City 33 State 34 Zip/Postal Code 35 Country

2 Type of Filer 21 Type of Account 22 Maximum value of account a q Individual c q Corporation a q Bank c q Other a q Under $10,000 c E1 $100,000 to $1,000,000 b q Partnership d q Fiduciary b q Securities b q $10,000 to $99,999 Over $1,000,000 23 Account Number, or other designation 24 Name of Financial Institution with which account is held

25 Country in which account is held 26 Does the filer have a financial 27 Last Name or Organization Name of Account nwnor i re- n i ii uw account % q a Yes If no, complete boxes 27-35 b q No 28 First Name 29 Middle Initial 30 Taxpayer Identification Number 31 Address (Number, Street, and Apt or Suite No )

33 State 1 34 Zip/Postal

2 Type of Filer 21 Type of Account 22 Maximum value of account a q Individual c q Corporation a q Bank c q Other a q Under $10,000 c q $100,000 to $1,000,000 q b q Partnership d q Fiduciary b q Securities b $10,000 to $99,999 d E] Over $1,000,000 23 Account Number, or other designation 24 Name of Financial Institution with which account is held

25 Country in which account is held 26 Does the filer have a financial 27 Last Name or Organization Name of Account Owner interest in this account? a q Yes q If no, complete boxes 27-35 b No 28 First Name 29 Middle Initial 30 Taxpayer Identification Number 31 Address (Number, Street, and Apt. or Suite No )

32 City 33 State 1 34 Zip/Postal Code

This form should be used to report a financial interest in, signature authority, or other authority over one or more financial accounts in foreign countries , as required by the Department of the Treasury Regulations (31 CFR 103). No report is required if the aggregate value of the accounts did not exceed $10,000. SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEFINITION . File this form with: U.S. Department of the Treasury, P.O. Box 32621 , Detroit, MI 48232-0621.

Paperwork Reduction Act The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 10 minutes per respondent or recordkeeper, depending on individual circumstances. Comments regarding the accuracy of this burden estimate , and suggestions for reducing the burden should be directed to the Department of the Treasury, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Suite 200, 2070 Chain Bridge Road, Vienna, VA 22182-2536. You are not required to provide the requested information unless a form displays a valid OMB control number.


Statement 1 FORM 990, PART 1, LINE 8


PUBLICLY TRADED SECURITIES 882,176 . 00 693 , 192.00 188 ,984.00

Total 882 , 176.00 693 , 192.00 188 , 984.00 Supplemental Statements For Year Ending 09/30/2006


Statement 2 Other Changes in Net Assets

...... Description ...... Amount......


TOTAL $80,574 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN: 65-0206641 FYE: 09/30/06



Its mission is to engage all people in volunteer service; to build a strong, unified network of local Volunteer Centers and Corporate Volunteer Councils to significantly increase the quantity and quality of volunteering, while effectively mobilizing people in communities to solve local problems; to connect and convene the most appropriate organizations at both national and local levels to focus on resolving critical community issues. Program Service Expenses: $5,899,498


Its mission is to enable organizations to engage volunteers more effectively in achieving their organizational missions and priorities; to develop local leadership for effective volunteering; to create opportunities for people to make a real difference in ',_ _. J ^_ ---I _^ --A „ s.. ,,... '- ..:...... 7 .,.. x.1.... Men, 1iV11ll11 U111 L1GJ , allu W ^llVV1U 1{rau4l Jll1 }J allu VVLLJLt1li1L1V11 111 llV lrlaaa^ 3v.^.avr/ volunteer programs and delivery systems in the United States and worldwide. Program Service Expenses : $4,441,943


Its mission is to ensure that volunteering is part of the public consciousness, that its value to the community and to those who volunteer is well understood, and that people know what they can do and how to get connected with the work that needs to be done; and to recognize the outstanding volunteer efforts of individual and organizations. Program Service Expenses : $2,183,071


Its mission is to support web-based programs to promote volunteering and donations to not-for-profit organizations. Program Service Expenses: $9,616,329

(E) BUSINESS STRENGTHENING AMERICA Engaging industry and community leaders in a campaign to encourage civic engagement through volunteer service. Program Service Expenses : $ 139,246 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN: 65-0206641 FYE: 09/30/06


(F) WE ARE FAMILY The Foundation partnered with producer Rodney Jerkin to release a recording, with the proceeds going to benefit the displaced victims of hurricane Katrina, and to help on- the-ground organizations to prepare to manage and deploy significant increases in volunteers during crisis situations.

Program Service Expenses : $1,916,787


Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Funding to promote effective volunteerin g $6 Life-Saving Anti-Malaria Bednets - a GobalGivm Project 1828 12th St NW Washin gton DC NONE $18742 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering C A R E ) Columbia Animal Rescue Effort P 0 box 4069 Richland WA NONE $38 65 $6828 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g For Teen ) 14 Radicals PMB 314 Wilmin gton NC NONE $106 20 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng 'The Hug s Projects' 516 Tudor Lane Edmond OK NONE $45 85 Funding to promote effective volunteering a little hel p 273-B Jeeise Lane Mountain View CA NONE NONE $1332 Funding to p romote effective volunteering +lo o FLAT 68, BUILDING 45 LONDON London SE18 6TJ $131 Fundm to P romote effective volunteenn 10th Life Foundation 1137 North H Street Lom poc CA NONE 95 effective volunteering 1736 Famil y Crisis Center 2116 Arlington Avenue, Suite 2 CA NONE $4683 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g 180 Turning Lives Around, Inc One Bethany Road Hazlet NJ NONE $2,562 97 Funding to p romote 1st Infant ry Division Foundation 1933 Moms Road Blue Bell PA NONE $8695 Funding to promote effective volunteering volunteering 2 or 3 Gathered Together, Inc 5250A Fulton Industrial Blvd , Atlanta GA NONE $136 73 Funding to promote effective to ve volunteering 21st Centu ry Kids - North West GCap Chanties London London WC21-1 7LA NONE $9380 Funding promote effect i to effective volunteering 2nd Harvest Food Bnk & Santa Clara & San Mateo Cnties 750 Curtner Avenue San Jose CA NONE $96280 Funding promote 20P 4532 munetta ave Sherman Oaks CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g $25 60 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g 32° Masonic Learning Centers for Children 33 Marrett Rd Lexington MA NONE $739 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g 3E Foundation 2 Acacia Close London Londo i se8 5e NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g 4 Paws Pet Rescue PO Box 71 Fairfield CA NONE 70 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g 4 The Troops 633 W Fifth Street, Suite 380 Los Angeles CA NONE $201 to promote effective volunteering 4FLORA, Inc PO Box 11326 St Louis MO NONE $671 Funding effective volunteerin g 826LA 685 Venice Blvd Venice CA NONE $4506 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering 826NYC 372 Fifth Avenue Brookl yn NY NONE $2634 Fundin g to p romote to promote effective volunteerin g 82nd Airborne Division Assn Educational Fund 3310 Boone Trail Fayetteville NC NONE $1029 Fundin g $1,359 29 Funding to promote effective volunteering 9/11 Families Give Back Fund 295 Park Avenue South New York NY NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteering 91 5 WCIC 3902 W Baring Trace Peona L NONE $2560 $179 16 Fundin to romote effective volunteering A Brid ge for Africa Foundation 7910 Ivanhoe Avenue La Jolla CA NONE $147 25 Funding to promote effective volunteering A Call to U ganda 5075 Flint Ridge Dnve Colorado Sp rin gs CO NONE 71 to promote effective volunteerin g A Carin g Hand, The Bill y Es posito Foundation Inc 2352 Legion St Bellmore NY NONE $6 Funding Fundin to romote effective volunteering A Caring Place Humane Socie ty P O Box 2481 Darien L NONE $21639 $88 07 Funding to promote effective volunteenng A Chi ld's Embrace 1200 E 33rd Street Vancouver WA NONE $11291 Funding to promote effective volunteering A Child's Place CASA, Ltd 736 Charles Street Wellsburg WV NONE effective A Christmas To Cure Cancer 5226 Columbine Ct Columbus OH NONE $253 37 Funding to p romote volunteerin g effective volunteerin g A Comm itment To Our Roots 11301 Olympic Blvd , #587 Los Angeles CA NONE $897 09 Funding to p romote Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g A Friend's House PO Box 1432 McDonough GA NONE $3647 $70 63 Funding to promote effective volunteering A Gift for the Future Children's Fund 1819 226th PI NE Sammamish WA NONE $901 95 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn A Gift of Pain, Inc 23080 162nd street Elk River MN NONE romote effective volunteering A Glimmer of Hope 7500 Brooktree Dr Wexford PA NONE $91 17 Funding to p $19223 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering A Hand of Hope 8251 W Thunderbird Rd Peoria AZ NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering A Home Within 2481 Clay Street San Francisco CA NONE $15836 $111 99 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering A HOPE for Children 18539 Westside Hi ghway SW Vashon WA 98070 NONE NONE $21542 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering A Lifetime Adoption Foundation 17860 Cattle Dr Rou g h & Read y CA effective volunteerin g A New Year's Wish, The Mark John Blackburn Foundation, Inc P O Box 33 Colons NJ NONE $40 13 Funding to p romote Funding to p romote effective volunteenn A Nurture Ado pt Ado ption Agency, Inc PO Box 1177 American Fork UT NONE $4997 64 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering A Reason To Survive 2188 San Diego Ave San Dieg o CA NONE $721 NONE $109 35 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn g A Refuge for Sav i ng the Wildlife, Inc 3149 Dundee Road Northbrook L Funding to p romote effective volunteering A Secret Safe Place for Newborns of Tennessee, Inc P O Box 4276 Maryville TN NONE $5730 $451 87 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering A Soldiers Wish List 11143 LARIMORE RD ST LOUIS MO NONE NONE $2,313 53 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering A S pecial Wish Foundation, Inc 5340 East Main Street Columbus OH $207 14 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering A Wish Come True, Inc 1010 Warwick Avenue Warwick RI NONE NONE $830 79 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g a Wish with Wings, Inc 917 West Sanford Street Arlington TX Fundm to promote effective volunteenn A Woman's Concern Pu h St State Colle ge PA NONE 342 $378 58 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin A World Aware Inc 1 13079 East 120th Avenue Thornton CO NONE STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address CI State Zi p Code NONE $1354 Funding to promote effective volunteering A L S Famil y Charitable Foundation, Inc P O Box 229 Buzzards Bay MA NONE $2731 Funding to p romote effective volunteering A R M E (Animal Rescue, Media & Education) 3940 Laurel Canyon Blvd #831 Studio City CA NONE $130 34 Funding topromote effective volunteerin AA - Animal Aveng ers 7336 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $280 28 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin Abba House 6800 Dahlone a Hwy Cumming GA NONE $7,327 43 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Abili ty First-Established in 1926 as the Cn ppled Children's Social 1300 East Green Street Pasadena CA NONE $7 15 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Abortion Access Project 552 Massachusetts Avenue, Suit Cambrid g e MA NONE $858 15 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Abundant Harvest Ministries P O Box 6249 Altadena CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Abused /Homeless Children's Refu e/Altemative House PO Box 694 Dunn Lorin VA NONE $4505 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services 4738 11th Ave NE Seattle WA NONE $1,198 06 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Academ y for Cancer Wellness 6616 E Carondelet Dr Tucson AZ NONE $8,312 90 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Academy of Friends 650 5th Street, #203 San Francisco CA NONE $357 19 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Acadiana C A R E S 203 West Third Street Lafa yette LA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Access Fund 207 Canyon Blvd Suite 201 Sout Boulder CO NONE $371 82 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ACCION International 56 Roland Street Boston MA OX3 7DR NONE $5 03 Funding to Promote effective volunteerin g ACE Centre Adviso Trust 92 Windmill Rd Oxford Oxfordshire NONE $4371 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Ace of Hearts PO Box 2357 Beverl y Hills CA 1NU NONE $28475 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ACEVO 1 New Oxford Street London WC1,> NONE $8 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ACLU American Civil Liberties Union Of WA Fnd 705 Second Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle WA NONE $31 38 Funding to promote effective volunteenng ACLU Fnd of Southern 1616 Beverly Boulevard Los An geles CA 38834 NONE $20000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Acorn County 4-H Club 3 county road 782 Corinth MA NONE $101 21 Funding topromote effective volunteering Acres of Love , Inc 4695 McArthur Court Newport Beach CA NONE $775 31 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Action Against Hunger USA 247 West 37th Street New York NY 6BY NONE $995 18 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Action for M E 3rd Floor Canningford House Bristol Bnstc I BS1 RH12 2DP NONE $91566 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn Action Medical Research Vincent House Horsham London NONE $21 48 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g ACTION OHIO Coalition For Battered Women 36 W Ga y St , Suite 311 Columbus OH 16 4ER NONE $279 31 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Action on Elder Abuse Astral House London London SW NONE $23 12 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Action Without Borders - Idealist org 79 Fifth Avenue New York NY N19 5PG NONE $13243 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g ActionAid Haml n House London London NONE $1342 Funding topromote effective volunteenn Actors' Fund of America 729 7th Avenue, 10th Floor New York NY NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering ADA Technolo gy Corp oration 35 Seventh Street Lowell MA 17325 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Adams Cou nty Volunteer Center 123 Buford Avenue Ge rg PA NONE $7 08 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Ada ptive Recreation Center U S PO Box 2897 Bi g Bear Lake CA $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Addiction End Pro ram ( DBA) , Mother and Child Corporation of Ne 37 Dawes Ave Amity Harbor NY NONE NONE $81 33 Funding to promote effective volunteering Adirondack Scholarshi p Foundation, Inc P O Box 97 Willsboro NY $51 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Admiral Jeremiah Denton Foundation 600 Bel Air Blvd , Suite 166 Mobile AL NONE NONE $25689 Fundin to Promote effective volunteering Ado pt A Soldier Ministries 11521 Leanne lane Tama FL NONE $2382 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Adopt By Christ Ministries P 0 Box 435 Merton WI MN NONE $6 71 Fundi ng to promote effective volunteerin g Adoptable Children ( North American Council ) 970 Raymond Avenue, Suite 106 St Paul NONE $128 75 Fundin g topromote effective volunteenn Ado pt-A-Minefield (Better World Fund ) 1225 Connecticut Avenue, N W Washin gton DC NONE $5 03 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ADRA-UK Stanborou h Park Watford Hertfordshire W D25 9JZ NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng Adult Friends for Youth 3375 Koa paka Street Honolulu HI and Wear NE6 5QN NONE $1508 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse (ASCA ) St Gabnels Parish Centre Newcastle u pon Tyne T ne NONE $164 89 Funding topromote effective volunteering Advantage Africa Waterside House, Woodley Headl Milton Keynes Buckii hamshu MK6 3BY NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Adventist Develo p ment & Relief Agency International 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver S pring MD NONE $35 08 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng Adviso ry Board on Austism and Related Disorders (ABOARD ) 35 Wilson Street Pittsburg h PA NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Advocacy & Su pport Center 890 Rine lie Rd Elizabethtown KY NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Advocates for Children 1531 13th Street Columbus IN NONE $1341 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Aeros pace Educational Develo p ment Prog ram 6454 South Datura Street Littleton CO NONE $29 48 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn g Afg han Schools Trust PO Box 475843 San Francisco CA CA NONE $639 23 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g afghans for Afg hans PO Box 475843 San Francisco NONE $77 33 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn AFI Cheryl 's Dilemma 438 Burchett Street Glendale CA POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount to promote effective volunteenn African AIDS Watch PO Box 55280 Washin gton DC NONE $22 35 Funding 15 Funding to promote effective volunteering African Children's Educational Trust A-CET PO Box 8390 Leicester Leice ;tershire LE5 4YD NONE $352 effective African Well Fund P O Box 9488 Schenectad y NY NONE $1,61507 Funding to p romote volunteering to effective volunteering Afncan Wildlife Foundation 1400 Sixteenth Street N W Washin gton, DC NONE $389 36 Fundin g promote to promote effective volunteering African-American Institute Gra bar Buildin g New York NY NONE $14 28 Fundin g Fundinto promote effective volunteerin g AFS-USA, Inc 198 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor New York NY NONE $6 71 51 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Against Breast Cancer 8363 Cune Avenue Harwell Oxfordshire OX11 0RA NONE $805 to promote effective volunteerin Age Concern Dorchester Rowan Cotta ge Dorchester Dorse' DT1 1 PW NONE $739 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Age Concern England Astral House London London SW 16 4ER NONE $12899 Funding Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Age Concern North Craven Age Concern North Craven Settle North Yorkshire BD24 9EW NONE $11578 g to promote effective volunteering Age Concern Wirral 42-44 Market Street Wirral Merse side CH41 5BT NONE $13604 Funding Ahah Elep hants 9903 Santa Monica Blvd Beverly Hills CA NONE $50 50 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Ahead Ministries P O Box 640994 San Jose CA NONE $17655 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Ahlmsa Haven Animal Rescue 287 S pring Street Winchendon MA NONE $1366 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin g AICP - Association of Islamic Charitable Project 23 Thumview Road Leicester Leicestershire LE5 6HL NONE $24 82 Funding to promote effective volunteering AID FOR AIDS 8235 SANTA MONICA BLVD West Holl ywood CA NONE $45 85 Funding to promote to p romote effective volunteering AID TO CHILDREN WITHOUT PARENTS INC 134 MARTINVALE LN, SAN JOSE CA NONE $12051 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g AIDS Action Committee 294 Washington St Boston MA NONE $52 69 Funding $14 Fundin g to promote effecti ve volunteering AIDS Communi ty Services of Western New York 120 West Tupp er Buffalo NY NONE 25 to promote effective volunteerin g AIDS Fnd Houston, Inc 3202 Weslayan Annex Houston TX NONE $28 27 Fundin g 97 g to promote effective volunteering AIDS Foundation of Chicago 411 S Wells Street, Suite 300 Chicago IL NONE $279 Fundin Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g AIDS Hel p . Inc PO Box 4374 Key West FL NONE $17364 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering AIDS Housing of Washington 2014E Madison St , Ste 200 Seattle WA NONE $6 $5044 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering AIDS Prog rams of the Natioanal Minority AIDS Council 1931 13th Street NW Washin gton DC NONE 78 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering AIDS Proj ect Los Ang eles 611 S Kingsley Street Los Angeles CA NONE $56 $41 08 Funding to p romote effective volunteering AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta 131 Ponce de Leon Ave Atlanta GA NONE 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g AIDS Res ponsibili ty Project 1710 Cnsler Wa y Los Angeles CA NONE $6 $44366 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g AIDS Service Center of New York City 80 Fifth Avenue, 3rd FI New York NY NONE to effecti ve volunteerin g AIDS Service of Dallas Po Box 4338 Dallas TX NONE $6742 Fundin g promote to p romote effective volunteering AIDS Sex Transmit Disease Info Ser Soc Health Assn PO Box 13827 Research Triangle Park NC NONE $6 71 Fundin g to effective volunteering AKC Com panion Animal Recove ry 5580 Centerview Drive Raleig h NC NONE $259 87 Funding promote to effective volunteering Akron-Canton Boxer Rescue of Ohio, Inc 325 W Ma ple St Canton OH NONE $77 11 Fundin g p romote Akwesasne Cultural Center,lnc Akwesasne Cultural Center, Inc Ho ansbu NY NONE $4 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Alabama Boston Terrier Rescue 2055 Oak Grove Rd Crossville AL NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Fundin to romote effective volunteering Alabama Head Injury Foundation, Inc 3100 Loma Road Hoover AL NONE $2684 P - to promote effective volunteering Alabama Shakes peare Festival 1 Festival Drive Montgomery AL NONE $822 35 Fundin g to effective volunteerin g Alaska Center For The Environment 807 G Street Anchora ge AK NONE $61 39 Fundin g promote to promote effective volunteerin g Alaska W i lderness League 122 C Street NW, Suite 240 Washin gton DC NONE $1342 Funding to effective volunteering Albuquerque Youth Symp hony Prog ram, Inc P O Box 30961 Albuquerq ue NM NONE $671 Funding promote ALD LIFE 16 Marcus Garvey Mews London London SE22 ORG NONE $24 96 Funding to promote effective volunteering $53890 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g Alder Hey Imag ine Appeal Alder Hey Children's Hospital Liver ool Merse de L12 2AP NONE g $8 65 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Alex & na Police Youth Cam p 5803 LaVista Drive Alexandria VA NONE to effective volunteering Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation 333 E Lancaster Ave Wynnewood PA NONE $1,034 01 Fundin g p romote to p romote effective volunteerin g Ah Akbar College of Music (AACM ) 215 West End Ave an Rafael CA NONE $121 68 Funding Fundin g to promote effective volunteering All 4 Animals, Inc 123 SE 12th Ave Milton Freewater OR NONE $8 65 Funding to p romote effective volunteering All About Animals Rescue 23205 Gratiot, PMB 331 East ointe MI NONE $9238 $11205 Funding to promote effective volunteering All As One P O Box 4903 S anawa y WA NONE $134 71 Fundin to promote effective volunteering ALL CHILDREN'S ASSISTANCE FUND d o Douglas Robinson Garden Grove CA NONE 53 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering All Creatures Are Truly S pecial, Inc P 0 Box 1095 Dawsonwlle GA NONE $68 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn All Creatures Sanctua ry P 0 Box 723 Ocklawaha FL NONE $20 to romote effective volunteerin All India Movement for Seva Inc Box 639 Sa lorsbur PA NONE $6 71 Fundin g p STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 Amount PURPOSE Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Suite 2 Redlands CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin Ali Nations Bible Society 300 East State Street, NONE $64489 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Alleg heny Lutheran Social Ministries 915 Hicko ry Street Hollidaysburg PA $15787 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ailey Cat Allies 1801 Belmont Rd N W , Ste 201 Washin gton DC NONE NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Alley Cat Rescue P O Box 585 Mt Ra i nier MD to effective volunteering Alliance for Children & Families 11700 West Lake Park Drive Milwaukee WI 53224 NONE $4986 Funding promote 10 to p romote effective volunteering Alliance for Women's Equality (AWE ) 25 Washington St Brooklyn NY NONE $27 Funding NONE $6 71 Funding t p romote effective volunteering Alliance to Save Energy 1200 18th Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC NONE $4748 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Allied Arts of Yak i ma Valley 5000 W Lincoln Ave Yakima WA NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering All-of-us Express Children's Theatre P 0 Box 1871 East Lansing MI NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Aloha United - Volunteer Hawaii 200 North Vine y ard Blvd , Ste 700 Honolulu HI 96817-393 NONE $15,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Aloha United Way 200 N Vineyard Blvd Su ite 700 Honolulu HI 96817 NONE $51 91 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g lo ecia UK 5 Titchwell Road London London SW 18 3LW NONE $12 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g AI ha Co 3-69 AR Family Readiness Group William H Wilson Rd Fort Stewart GA 60637 NONE $10,000 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Al pha Ka ppa AI ha Sorori ty , Inc 5656 South Stoney Island Ave Chica go L NONE $1,933 27 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ALS Association - DCIMDNA Chapter 615 S Frederick Ave Gaithersbu rg MD NONE $42 88 Funding to promote effective volunteering ALS Association - Orange County Cha pter - Fig hting Lou Gehn 's 2230 W Chapman Ave Orange CA NONE $22 73 Funding to promote effective volunteering ALS Association Louisiana Cha pter 2929 Claycut Road Baton Rouge LA NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering AILS March of Faces 4594 Ashton Court Naples FL NONE $265 83 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ALS Thera py Develo pment Foundation 215 First Street Cambrid ge MA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering ALTERED TAILS 8912 E Pinnacle Peak Rd Scottsdale AZ NONE $968 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Alternatives in Action 2750 Todd Street Alameda CA NONE $394 82 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association 12721 30th Ave NE Seattle WA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association Colorado Chapter 455 Sherman Street Denver CO NONE $1524 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association Delaware Valle y Cha pter 100 North 17th St Philadel phia PA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association Greater Ma and Chapter 1850 York Road Timonium MD NONE $522 93 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association National Office 225 N Michi gan Avenue Chicago L NONE $2684 Funding to promote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association of Central New York 441 West Kirkpatrick Street S yracuse NY NONE $41 58 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association of Central Ohio 3380 Tremont Road Columbus OH $181 83 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Association of Colorado 455 Sherman St Denver CO NONE NONE $28 83 Funding to promote effective volunteering Aizheimer's Association, Hudson Valley/Rockland/Westchester, NY Administrative Office Pou g hkee p sie NY effective Alzheimer's Association, Suthwest Missouri Cha pter 1500 S Glenstone S pringfield MO NONE $11 21 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g Funding to p romote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Prevention Fnd 2420 North Pantano Road Tucson AZ NONE $13760 $475 65 Funding to romote effective volunteerin g Alzheimer's Research Foundation, Fisher Center One Intrepid Square New York NY NONE NONE $29589 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Aizheimer's Society Gordon House 10 Greencoat Place London SW 1 P 1 PH NONE $114 92 Funding to promote effective volunteering Alzheimer's Society, Ellesmere Port & Neston Branch B13 Stanlaw Abbe y Business Cen Ellesmere Port Cheshue CH65 0EF $1,066 38 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Amas Musical Theatre 115 MacDougal Street (Suite 2B New York NY NONE NONE $41 43 Funding to promote effective volunteering Amazon Conservation Team 115 MacDou gal Street ( Suite 2B New York NY NONE $957 Funding to promote effective volunteering America Supp orts You 205 Arnold Palmer Blvd Norton MA NONE $12653 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g American Assn for Cancer Research 615 Chestnut Street, 17th Floo Philadel phia PA NONE $671 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g American Assn of Bone Marrow Donor Reg istries, Inc 2733 North Street Mandeville LA NONE $11 61 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g American Assn of Kidne y Patients, Inc 3505 East Frontage Road, Suite Tampa FL NONE $57 21 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g American Association of Neurolog ical Surgeons 5550 Meadowbrook Drive Rollin Meadows L NONE $2684 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g American Bird Conservancy PO Box 249 The Plains VA $505 12 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g American Breast Cancer Foundation 1220B East Joppa Road Baltimore MD NONE 95926 NONE $4,500 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Amer ican Cancer Society Chico Field Office Chico CA NONE $1,651 92 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g American Cancer Socie ty - California Division 1710 Webster Street Oakland CA NONE $328 15 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g American Cancer Soc i ety - Hig h Plains Divis ion Austin Corporate Office Austin TX to romote effective volunteering American Cancer Society - Illinois Division 225 N Michi gan Ave Chi cago IL NONE $271 06 Funding p NONE $24646 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Cancer Society - Mid-South Division 1100 Ireland Wa y Birming ham AL NONE $9090 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Cancer Society - Midwest Division 2520 Pilot Knob Road Mendota Heig hts MN NONE $382 97 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g American Cancer Society - Pennsyl vania Division P 0 Box 897 Hershe PA POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address City State Zip C ode RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPO E American Cancer Society - Team ACS 19 West 56 Street New York NY NONE $72690 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g American Cancer Society, Inc 1599 Clifton Road, NE Atlanta GA NONE $2,354 61 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng American Cancer Society's Eastern Division 19 West 56 Street New York NY NONE $2,249 79 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Committee For Shaare Zedek Medical Center In Jerusale 49 W 45th St New York NY NONE $14046 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Conservation Socie ty 1429 Veterans Drive Traverse City MI NONE $1681 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Diabetes Assn 1701 North Beauregard Street Alexandria VA NONE $1,900 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Domestic Violence Crisis Line 3300 NW 185th, # 133 Portland OR NONE $10023 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Ea gle Fnd PO Box 333 Pi geon Forge TN NONE $671 Fundin to promote effective volunteering American Famil y Coal ition of Kentucky. Inc 1424 Falcon Drive Louisv i lle KY 1 40213 NONE $3,000 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g American Forests 734 15th Street NW Washington DC NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Foundation for AIDS Research 120 Wall St New York NY NONE $71 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Foundation for Children with AIDS 769 Grant Street Lawrence KS NONE $4653 Funding to promote effective volunteering Amer-I-Can Foundation for Social Change C/O Caven & Associates, Inc Burbank CA NONE $13 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 120 Wall Street, 22nd Floor New York NY NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Foundation for Su rge ry Of The Hand 6300 North River Road Rosemont IL NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin American Friends Service Committee-Pacific Southwest Reg ion 634 S S p ring Street Los Angeles CA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Heart Association Greater Boston Division 20 S peen Street Framing ham MA NONE $237 08 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g American Heart Association National Center 7272 Greenville Ave Dallas TX NONE $11,379 56 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering American Heart Association Southeast Affiliate 1101 Northchase Parkwa y , Suite Marietta GA NONE $13969 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Humane Assn 63 Inverness Drive East En glewood CO NONE $1691 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Bouleavrd Denver CO NONE $88 09 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Indian Services 1902 North Canyon Road Provo UT NONE $11 08 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Indian Youth Running Strong 2550 Huntington Avenue, Suite Alexandria VA NONE $35 47 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g American Jewish World Service 45 West 36th Street New York NY NONE $178 50 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Jewish World Service 2005 Tsunami 45 West 36th Street New York NY NONE $89 94 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation 5580 Centerview Drive Ralei g h NC NONE $39 05 Fundin to promote effective volunteering American Kidney Fund 6110 Executive Boulevard Rockville MD NONE $9280 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Leg ion Leyden-Chiles-Wickersham Post #1 5400 E Yale Ave Denver CO NONE $1593 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Lung Association 1930S 1100E Salt Lake City UT NONE $14535 Funding to promote effective volunteen American Lung Association of California -Redwood Empire Branch 115 Talbot Avenue Santa Rosa CA NONE $1278 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Lung Association of Florida 412 S Palmetto Avenue Dayt ona Beach FL NONE $36 33 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Lung Association of Michi gan 25900 Greenfield Road Oak Park MI NONE $1442 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng American Lung Association of Pennsylvania 3001 Old Ge tty sburg Rd Camp Hill PA NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Lung Association of Santa Clara-San Benito Counties 1469 Park Ave an Jose CA NONE $1763 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g American Lung Association of the Inland Counties 441 MacKa y Drive San Bernardino CA NONE $40 26 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering American Lung Association of Washington 2625 Third Avenue Seattle WA NONE $31723 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Music Conference 5790 Armada Drive Carlsbad CA NONE $56 23 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Numismatic Association 818 N Cascade Avenue Colorado S pring s CO NONE $2,103 21 Fundin g topromote effective volunteering American Red Cross 2025 E Street. NW Washington DC NONE $1,234,285 62 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g American Red Cross - Alabama Gulf Coast Cha pter 853 Dau hin Street Mobile AL NONE $20,308 29 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Red Cross - Charter Oak Chapter 209 Farmin gton Avenue Farmin gton CT NONE $9020 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g American Red Cross - Grand Canyon Chapter 6135 North Black Canyon Hi g hwa Phoenix AZ NONE $1,507 52 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Red Cross - San Francisco Bay Area Chapter 85 Second Street San Francisco CA NONE $1.57058 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Red Cross - Whatcom County Cha pter 2111 King St Belling ham WA NONE $239 11 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g American Red Cross Chisholm Tra i l Cha pter 1515 S Sylvania Fort Worth TX NONE $9037 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering American Red Cross Greater Kansas City Cha pter 211 W Armour Blvd Kansas City MO 64111 NONE $6,00000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering American Red Cross of Defiance Ohio 1220 S Clinton Defiance OH NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering American Red Cross of Greater Chica go 2200 West Harrison Strret Chicago IL NONE $965 06 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering American Red Cross of Medina Cou nty 704 North Court Street Medina OH NONE $20 80 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Red Cross of Worcester Cha pter 2000 Centu ry Drive Worcester MA NONE $11 32 Fundm to promote effective votunteenn American Red Cross Serving King & Kitsa p Counties 1900 25th Avenue South Seattle WA NONE $128 09 Fundin to promote effective volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address City State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE American Red Cross, Smith Cou nty Cha pter 320 E Rieck Road Ter TX NONE $1,21911 Funding to promote effective volunteenn American Red Cross-Ore gon Pacific Cha ter-Eu ene,OR 862 Bethel Or Eugene OR NONE $1366 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g American Sickle Cell Anemia Assn 10300 Carneg ie Ave Cleveland OH NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g American Social Health Association 4307 Emperor Blvd Durham NC NONE $35 45 Funding to p romote effective volunteering American Society for International Shanti 125 Gilbert Street #3 an Francisco CA NONE $2661 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g American Solar Energy Society 2400 Central Avenue, Suite G-1 Boulder CO NONE $1001 Funding to promote effective volunteering American Tortoise Rescue 23652 Pacific Coast Hwy Malibu CA NONE $471 54 Funding to promote effective volunteering American-Italian Cancer Foundation 112 East 71st Street New York NY NONE $35 98 Fundin to Promote effective volunteerin American-Nicaraguan Foundation 848 Brickell Ave Miami FL NONE $1642 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Americans Hel ping Americans 2550 Huntington Avenue, Suite Alexandria VA NONE $31335 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g AmeriCares Foundation Inc 88 Hamilton Avenue Stamford CT NONE $1,040 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering America's Children Hunger Network 25263 North 67th Drive Peoria AZ NONE $84 39 Funding to promote effective volunteering America's Heroes, Inc 2510 Rutland Drive Austir TX NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering America's Second Harvest 35 E Wacker Drive Chicago L NONE $11,315 58 Funding to promote effective volunteering AMIT 2232 Judah Street San Francisco CA NONE $9 04 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Amnesty International 322 8th Ave New York NY NONE $2,183 87 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Amnest International UK Section Charitable Trust The Human Rights Action Centre London Londc n EC2A 3EA NONE $3,233 47 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Amor Ministries 1664 Precision Park Lane San Diego CA NONE $61250 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g AMSAT - Radio Amateur, Satellite Corp oration 850 Sligo Avenue, Suite 600 Silver S p ring MD NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering AMVETS Charities 4647 Forbes Blvd Lanham MD NONE $1609 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ANGEL ACRES HORSE HAVEN RESCUE, INC PO BOX 62 GLENVILLE PA NONE $10502 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Angel Charity for Children, Inc P 0 Box 13318 Tucson AZ NONE $371 46 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Angel Covers P O Box 6891 Broomfield CO NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Angel Fli ght 4620 Haygood Road, Suite 1 Virginia Beach VA NONE $255 40 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Angel Fli g ht America 2430 Winchester Road, Hanger 1 Mem phis TN NONE $36 33 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Angel Fli g ht for Veterans 4620 Haygood Road. Ste 1 Virg in ia Beach VA NONE $21 28 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Angel Fli g ht South Central 4310 Wile y Post Road, Suite 20 Addison TX NONE $34 22 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Angel 'n Camou la e, Inc PO Box 522 McArthur OH NONE $4497 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Angel of God Project 5525 Su perior Drive, Suite C-1 Baton Rouge LA NONE $48 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Angel Rid ge Animal Rescue PO Box 94 Meadowlands PA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering An eIAID 3110 Beach Blvd Jacksonville FL NONE $244 12 Funding to promote effective volunteering An gels for Ani mals P 0 Box 1339 South Pasadena CA NONE $7345 Funding to promote effective volunteering An gels in Heaven Ministries 48 Arthur Drive Rutherford NJ NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering An elwish Inc 48 Arthur Drive Rutherford NJ NONE $37949 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Animal Aid, Inc 3910 NW 49th Street Tamarac FL NONE $6748 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Allies, Inc 219 Failing Creek Rd Spartanburg SC NONE $32 38 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Crafters 4095 White Birch West Bloomfield MI NONE $11 47 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Friends Connection Humane Society 933 South Cherokee Ln Lodi CA NONE $1636 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Haven, Inc 35-22 Prince Street Flushin g NY NONE $131 73 Funding to promote effective volunteering Animal Health Trust Lanwades Park Newmarket Suffol c CB8 7UU NONE $1692 Funding to promote effective volunteering Animal Le gal Defense Fund 127 Fourth St Petaluma CA NONE $124 11 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Animal Life Savers, Inc PO Box 12 Palisades Park NJ NONE $8360 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Mag ic 46110 Judd Road Belleville MI NONE $12566 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Animal Medical Center 510 East 82nd Street New York NY NONE $74 92 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Outreach Humane Society P O Box 396 McHen ry L NONE $651 80 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Protection and Welfare Soc i ety P O Box 40981 Baton Roug e LA NONE $2,810 53 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Protection Coalition, Inc 916 S Prairie Ave Frankfort N NONE $24 97 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Protection Institute 1122 S Street Sacramento CA NONE $32 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Animal Protection Society of Orang e County 6311-A Nicks Road Mebane NC NONE $6 71 Fund ing to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Refug e Foundation 3377 S lding Rd Sherman TX NONE $14 41 I Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Animal Refuge League 449 Stroudwater Street Westbrook ME NONE $17 15 Fundin to promote effective volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30.2006 PURPOSE Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin Animal Rescue & Foster Program 705 Milner Drive Greensboro NC NONE $1682 $38 27 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Animal Rescue Force Inc 7D Auer Court East Brunswick NJ NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering Animal Rescue Leag ue of New Bedford DBA Humane Society & Sh 31 Ventura Drive North Dartmouth MA NONE $7 58 NONE $9491 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Animal Rescue League of W PA 6620 Hamilton Ave Pittsbu rg h PA $26 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Rescue of the Rockies P 0 Box 5531 Breckenrid ge CO NONE NONE $601 25 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Animal Rescue, Inc PO Box 35 Maryl and Line MD to romote effective volunteering Animal Shelter Friends, Inc (dba) Animal Friends Humane Soc P 0 Box 2345 Decatur AL NONE $2,237 60 Funding p NONE $1958 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering Animal Welfare Action Group PO Box 37 Appomattox VA Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Animals 101, Inc 9044 Alt AlA North Palm Beach FL NONE $12962 to romote effective volunteerin g Animals Asia Foundation PO Box 835 Uxbrid ge Middlesex UB8 9AX NONE $390 49 Funding p $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Animals Deserve Better, Inc 3151 Inman Park Court Marietta GA NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Animals in Distress 102 reddenhill road torq uay Devoi t 13nt NONE $35694 NONE $1,10980 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Anim-Mates Anim-Mates Lee London SE12 9HY $1098 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ANN ARBOR CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING 2568 Packard rd Ann Arbor MI NONE 04 Funding to promote effective volunteering Answers in Genesis P O Box 6330 Florence KY NONE $171 $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Antarctica Project 1630 Connecticut Ave, NW, 3rd Washin gton DC NONE NONE $274 50 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC ) 73 Charlotte Stree London London WIT 4PN NONE $683 41 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Anthony Robbins Foundation 9888 Carroll Centre Rd San Diego CA $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Anti-Defamation Leag ue Thomas Clarkson House Stockwell London SW9 9TL NONE romote effective volunteerin g Anti-Slave International 52006 CAYUSE ROAD Adams OR 97810 NONE $301 48 Funding to p NONE $304 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Any Soldier Inc PO Box 1929 LaPlata MD NONE $34 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Apolo getics Press 230 Landmark Drive Montgome ry AL NONE $73 78 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Appalachian Trail Conservancy 799 Washington Street Har ers Ferry WV NONE $482 50 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Arc of Winneba go, Boone and Ogle Counties 400 North First St Rockford It. $1445 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Archaeolog ical Conservancy 5301 Central Ave NE, Suite 90 Albu querq ue NM NONE NONE $10 11 Funding to promote effective volunteering Archi pelago Books 25 Jay St #203 Brookl yn NY to effective volunteering Architecture for Humani ty 923 Washington Street Hoboken NJ NONE $20 13 Funding promote to romote effective volunteering ARF Animal Referral Friends PO Box 2435 Wimberley TX NONE $31 53 Funding p NONE $671 Fundm to romote effective volunteering Arizona Alliance for the Mentall y III-NAMI Airzona 2210 N 7th St Phoenix AZ $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Arizona Ba ptist Children's Services 1779 N Alvemon Way Tucson AZ NONE romote effective volunteering Arizona Golden Retriever Connection 9920 S Rural Road Tempe AZ NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Arizona Humane Society 1521 W Dobbins Rd Phoenix AZ NONE $528 51 Funding to p $39 96 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Arizona Ri ght to Life, Life Educational Corporation 3700 N 24th St Phoenix AZ NONE $79340 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Ark of Hope For Children 6501 NE 32 PL Hig h S prings FL NONE Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Arkansas Children's Hos pital Foundation 800 Marshall Street Little Rock AR NONE $4085 NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Arkansas Ri ght to Life 1515 South University Avenue Little Rock AR $1640 Funding to promote effective volunteering Armand Hammer United World Colle ge of the American West 426 East Arlington Road Arlington VT NONE NONE $92 78 Funding to promote effective volunteering Armed Forces Fnd One Intrepid Square, West 46th New York NY NONE $387 26 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Armed Forces Veterans Homes Fnd 5211 Auth Road Suitland MD NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effecti ve volunteering Art Attack Foundation 20530 Palm Wa y Torrance CA $20 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Art Education for the Blind, Inc 589 Broadway New York NY NONE NONE $36 37 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Art Machine 98 Pleasnt Ridge Ave Ft M itchell KY NONE $220 30 Funding to promote effective volunteering Art Share Los Angeles 801 E 4th Place Los Ang eles CA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Art Wth Heart P 0 Box 94402 Seattle WA NW1 2HD NONE $41 46 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Arthri tis Care 18 Ste p henson Wa y London London NONE $49 78 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Arthritis Nat i onal Research Fnd 200 Ocean ate, Suite 830 Long Beach CA $149 75 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Arthritis Research Campaig n Co eman House Chesterfield Derbr'shire S41 7TD NONE NONE $37 27 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering Artists for a New South Africa 2999 Overland Avenue Los Angeles CA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Arts & Scra ps 16135 Harper Detroit MI NONE $397 72 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin Art-Tech Silicon Valle y Institute of Art & Technology 14300 Clayton Road San Jose CA $83 64 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Arundel Habitat for Humanity 273-D Peninsula Farm Rd Arnold MD NONE POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Asatru Folk Assembl y P 0 Box 445 Nevada Ci ty CA NONE $7287 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ascent Russian Orphan Aid Foundation 2747 S Kihei Rd, H001 Kihei HI NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering Asheville Pregnancy Support Service 947 Haywood Road Asheville NC NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Ash ate Hos p ice Ash ate Road Chesterfield Derb shire S42 7JE NONE $1424 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center 1317 San Pablo Ave Berkeley CA NONE $11206 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ashoka Innovators for the Public 1700 N Moore St # 2000 Arlington VA NONE $8 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Asian Children's Assistance Limited PO Box 702194 Tulsa OK NONE $10400 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence P O Box 120108 Boston MA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Asociacion intemacional de Mujeres Salvadorenas P O Box 2893 Sanat Clarita CA NONE $20 13 Fundm to p romote effective volunteering RSPCA American Soc the Prev of Cruel ty to Animals 424 East 92nd Street New York NY NONE $1,20195 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ASPIRE - Association for spinal injury research rehabilitation and Wood Lane Stanmore Middl-tsex HA7 4AP NONE $22 16 Funding to promote effective volunteering Assistance Center of Collin County 900 East 18th Street Plano TX NONE $2960 Funding to promote effective volunteering Assistin g Teens in Crisis, Inc 2606 Martin Luther Kin g BI Dallas TX NONE $8742 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Assn to Benefit Children 419 East 86th Street New York NY NONE $125 90 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Association for Spina Bifida and Hydroce phalus ASBAH House Peterborou g h Camt nil eshire PE1 2UQ NONE $503 Funding to promote effective volunteering Association for Veterans of Forei g n Wars 21 Pine Road New South gate Londcm N11 1EP NONE $39364 Fundm to p romote effective volunteerin g Association of Children's Hos pice First Floor Cannin gford House Bristol Avon BS1 6BY NONE $20921 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Association of Hole in the Wall Camps One Centu ry Tower, #503 New Haven CT NONE $261 30 Fundin g to promote effecti ve volunteerin g Association of New Jersey Volunteer Center C/O VMC Morristown NJ 07960 NONE $5,00000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Association of Northwest Steelheaders 6641 SE Lake Rd Milwaukie OR NONE $8 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Association of Youn g Peo ple With ME PO Box 5766 Milton Keynes Bucki^i hamshir MK10 1AQ NONE $260 63 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Association to Rescue Kntters 3878 South Ma ple Valley Rd St Helen MI NONE $1392 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Atascadero Community LINK P 0 BOX 3157 Atascadero CA NONE $5509 Fundin to promote effective volunteeri ng Ataxia UK 9 Winchester House London Londc n SW9 6EJ NONE $1039 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Athena Partners 534 Westlake Ave N Seattle WA NONE $9541 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering Athens Area Child Abuse Prevention Council 1551 Jenning s Mill Rd Bogart GA NONE $1,721 96 Fundin g to promote effective volurdeerin Atlanta Coalition of Performin g Arts 65 U pper Alabama St Atlanta GA NONE $218 22 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Atlantic County Women's Center P 0 Box 311 Northfield NJ NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Atlantic Riding Center for the Handica pped 206 Asbury Road E Harbor Twp NJ NONE $20 63 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Atlantic Theater Company 76 Ninth Avenue New "ork NY NONE $2644 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng ATLAS GUARDIAN ANGEL FOUNDATION, INC 4631 N W 31 AVENUE TAMARAC FL NONE $147 79 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Auras Project 103 Elbel Lane San Antonio TX NONE $1999 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Aussie Rescue & Placement Hel pline, Inc PO Box 85 Honesdale PA NONE $28 48 Funding to promote effective volunteering Austin Pre g nancy Resource 2717 Rio Grande Austin TX NONE $2896 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Autism Project of Palm Beach County P 0 Box 32696 Palm Beach Gardens FL NONE $22 25 Funding to promote effective volunteering Autism Project of RI, The 51 Sockanosset Crossroad Cranston RI NONE $1302 Funding to promote effective volunteering Autism Research - The Autism Society of America Fnd 7910 Woodmont Ave #300 Bethesda MD NONE $2063 Funding to promote effective volunteering Autism Research Institute 4182 Adams Ave San Diego CA NONE $47062 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Autism Sciety Of America Colorado Cha pter 701 South Logan St , Suite 103 Denver CO NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering Autism Society of America 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda MD NONE $1,908 05 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Autism Solution Center. Inc 8567 Macon Road Cordova TN NONE $3381 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Autism S peaks 181 Westchester Avenue Port Chester NY NONE $1,405 72 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng Autistic Society Greater Manchester area 1114 Chester Rd Manchester Great -r Manche M32 OHL NONE $29 55 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g AVANCE-Austin 2800 S I-H 35 #160 Austin TX NONE $21868 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Avian Health Network, Inc 1448 Yellowwood Court Reston VA NONE $2360 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Avon Mini Walks for Breast Cancer 5438 Las Vi rgenes Road Calabasas CA NONE $1,092 11 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Awana Clubs International I E Bode Rd Streamwood IL NONE $33 55 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Awards for Young Musicians PO Box 2097 Wickford Esse> SS12 OZO NONE $39651 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Ayrshire Cancer Su pport 16 Portland Road Kilmarnock East Ayrshire KA1 2BS NONE $14774 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Azafad Suite 7 London Londcn W10 4LG NONE $78 19 Fundm to p romote effective volunteering Azlewa y Boys' Ranch and Children's Services 15892 CR 26 Tyler TX NONE $10624 Fundm to romote effective volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 2006

Name Address ci ty State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE B A R K S - Banbu ry Animal Rescue & Kindness Service 10 Lansdown Close Banbury Oxfonlshire OX16 9LH NONE $2680 Funding to Promote effective volunteerin g Babes With Blades 5920 N Paulina Chicago L NONE $9 82 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Baby and Me 32020 Old Hemp stead Rd Mag nolia TX NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Back to the Bible 6400 Comhusker Hwy Lincoln NE NONE $53 68 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g BackCare, the Charity for Healthier Backs 16 Elmtree Road Teddm ton Middlesex TW 11 8ST NONE $24 29 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bad erland German She pherd Rescue P 0 Box 22 Belleville WI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Baldwin Hi ghlander Music Patrons, Inc 4653 Clairton Blvd Pittsburg h PA NONE $28 84 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Balloon Federation of America 0 box 400 indianole IA NONE $5299 Funding to promote effective volunteerin effective Ba ptist Children's Home Ministries 909 NE Loop 410, Suite 800 San Antonio TX NONE $6925 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute 4100 John R Detroit MI NONE $232 47 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Barnardos Tanners Lane Ilford Essex IG6 1QG NONE $68054 Funding to promote effective volunteering Barnsle y Animal Rescue Chan ty 21 a ho and rd, barnsley South I'orkshire S74 OLT NONE $78 69 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Ba rry County United Way Volunteer Center 450 Meadow Run, Suite 300 Hasting s MI 49058 NONE $5,00000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bartlett House Inc 1110 Universi ty Ave Morg antown WV NONE $14 48 Fundi ng to promote effective volunteerin g volunteenn Barts and the London NHS Trust De pt of Fundraising St Bartholomew's Hos pi London EC1A 7BE NONE $9797 Fund i ng to promote effective Basal Cell Carcinoma Nevus Syndrome Life Support Network PO Box 321 Burton OH NONE $39 04 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g BASE Camp Chi ldren's Cancer Foundation 7501 Glenmoor Ln Winter Park FL NONE $1,427 51 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Baskets Of Faith Church & Mission 3701 Concord Rd Suite A5 Aston PA NONE $3041 Funding to promote effective volunteering Basset Rescue Connection 3445 Seminole Trail Charlottesville VA NONE $11 56 Fund i ng to promote effect ive volunteering Basset Rescue Of Old Dominion (BROOD ) 3445 Seminole Trail Charlottesville VA NONE $61 96 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Baton Rouge Area Foundation 402 North 4th Street Baton Rou ge LA NONE $25,722 37 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g volunteerin Battered Women's Resources, Inc 14 Manning Avenue Leominster MA NONE $120 38 Funding to p romote effective Battered Women's Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties 759 West Market Street Akron OH NONE $16958 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering effective Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors P O Box 77212 San Francisco CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote volunteering effective Bay Area Crisis Nurse ry 1506 Mendocino Drive CONCORD CA NONE $33 15 Fund i ng to promote volunteerin g Ba Kids 1007 General Kenned y Avenue #1 an Francisco CA NONE $3709 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g BBC Children In Need 2020 K Street NW Washington DC NONE $118,931 28 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g BBYO 2020 K Street NW Washington DC NONE $34 42 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Beacon Centre for the Blind Wolverham pton Road East Wolverham pton West Midlands WV4 6AZ NONE $199 73 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Fnd, Inc 23 W Hubbard St Chicago It. NONE $316 11 Funding to promote effective volunteering BEARTOOTH NATURE CENTER PO BOX 675 RED LODGE MT NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Beatitudes Center 0 OAR (Develo ping Older Adult Resources ) 555 W Glendale Ave Phoenix AZ NONE $58 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Becker County Humane Society PO Box 1508 Detroit Lakes MN NONE $100 16 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Bees Malka School 93 Alkham Road London London N16 6XD NONE $43 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective Befit T'Shuvah 8831 Venice Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $201 53 Funding to p romote volunteering effective volunteering Believe In Tomorrow National Children's Foundation 6601 Frederick Road Baltimore MD NONE $10 11 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Bella alooze 865 Dorchester Place Charlottesville VA NONE $337 52 Funding to p romote Bellevue Philharmonic 6225 106th Ave NE Kirkland WA NONE $2580 Funding to p romote effective volunteering BEN - Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund BEN - Lynwood Ascot Berkshire SL5 OAJ NONE $1005 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective Benedictine Monasta ry of Hawaii P O Box 490 Waialua HI NONE $81 22 Funding to p romote volunteering Benefit4Kids 8330 Jorden Rd Yale MI NONE $48750 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng effective Best Friend Pet Adoption P O Box 5305 Ca ry NC NONE $79 16 Fundin g to promote volunteeri ng to effective volunteering Best Friends Animal Socie ty 5001 Ang el Canyon Road Kanab UT NONE $4,728 89 Funding p romote Best Friends of Shelter Pets 5001 Angel Canyon Road Kanab UT NONE $33 55 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Beth Shalom Center 510 Bn hton Beach Ave Brookl NY NONE $20 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Bethany Christian Services 901 Eastern Avenue NE, PO Box Grand Ra p ids MI NONE $458 54 Funding promote to effective volunteerin g Bethany Christian Services International 901 Eastern Ave. NE, PO Box 2 Grand Ra p ids MI NONE $8 65 Funding promote $9641 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bethany Christian Services of Florida 1015 Maitland Center Commons, Maitland FL NONE Funding to p effective volunteerin g Bethany Christian Services of Western Pennsyl vania 694 Lincoln Avenue Pittsburg h PA NONE $671 romote volunteenn Bethesda Foundation for Children 15667 State Hi ghwa y 86 Meadville PA NONE $20 13 Funding to_ p romote effective volunteenn Better Existence With HIV P 0 Box 5171 Evanston L NONE $97 73 Fundm to romote effective POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 - EIN 85-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Beyond Boundaries PO Box 5013 Clifton Park NY NONE $7 10 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g BIBIC Knowle Hall Bnd gwater Sonic rset TA7 8PJ NONE $70730 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Bible Believers Assemblies Native American Fellowshi p 630 West Broadway St Lei sic OH NONE $6 71 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteenn Biblical Resource Center & Museum 140 East Mulberry Street Collierville TN NONE $9 14 Funding to promote effective votunteenn Bi g Baml Foundation, Inc 51 MacDou gal Street New York NY NONE $5023 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of America 230 N 13th St Philadel phia PA NONE $22,605 73 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of Cleveland County 1155E Main St Norman OK NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of El Dorado County California 56 Main Street Placerville CA NONE $5208 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of Greater Cleveland 1422 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH NONE $3,149 72 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering BI Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Mem phis, Inc 81 Tillman Street Memphis TN NONE $748 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g BI Brothers Big Sisters of Isabella County, Inc 402 South University Mt Pleasant MI NONE $26 84 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Bi g Brothers Big Sisters of Metro politan Chica go 28 e Jackson Blvd Chicago IL NONE $90 98 Funding to promote effective volunteenng 81 Brothers Big Sisters of Middle Tennessee One Vantag e Way Nashville TN NONE $4930 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of North Texas 205 W Main Arlin gton TX NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Fran & Peninsula 731 Market Street an Francisco CA NONE $16763 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bi g Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Ma and 30065 Business Center Dnve, S Charlotte Hall MD NONE $1490 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Bi g Brothers Bi g Sisters of the Lehig h Valley 878 Minesite Rd Allentown PA NONE $1536 Fundin to romote effective volunteer Bi g Cat Rescue 12802 Eas y Street Tam pa FL NONE $564 49 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g BI Issue Foundation P 0 Box 335943 N Las Ve gas NV NONE $207 45 Fund i n to romote effective votunteenn Bird Adoption and Placement Center P 0 Box 335943 N Las Veg as NV NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteenng BirdLife International Wellbrook Court Cambrid ge Cambild eshire CB3 ONA NONE $17730 Funding to promote effective volunteering Birmingham Children's Hos pital Chanties PO Box 12008 Birming ham West Midlands B4 6WZ NONE $181 92 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Birmingham St Ma ry's Hos pice 178 Raddlebam Road Birm i ngham West M dlands 829 7DA NONE S46083 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Birth Defect Research for Children 930 Woodcock Road Orlando FL NONE $55 07 Fundin to romote effective volunteering Birthday Wishes, Inc 96 Clematis Avenue Waltham MA NONE $402 58 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenng Buthn ht of Brentwood 857 Second Street Brentwood CA NONE $938 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Birthri g ht of San Antonio 215 N San Saba, Ste 110 an Antonio TX NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Birthn ht of San Francisco 1605 Taraval Street an Francisco CA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Black Forest Animal Sanctua ry Charlotte & Arthur Romero Wildlife 16750 Thom p son Road Black Forest CO NONE $12798 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn g Black Rhino Fnd 1250 Cherry Street Wmnetka IL NONE $2362 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Blackbelt & Central Alabama Housing Authori ty 1201 County Road 306 Selma AL NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Blaze's Tribute Equine Rescue, Inc 17667 Markita Drive Jones OK NONE $11 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering Blind Children & Adults Action Fund of America 1800 Johnson Street Baltimore MD NONE $3535 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Blind Childress Center 4120 Marathon Street Los Angeles CA NONE $19 12 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering BLISS - the premature baby chanty 2nd London London SE1 1RL NONE $1,062 87 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Blood Water Mission P O Box 682545 Franklin TN NONE $63093 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Bloomi ngton Art Center 1800 W Old Shako pee Rd Bloomington MN NONE $18 36 Funding to promote effective volunteering Blossom International, Inc 54 Broad St Manas quan NJ NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Blue Ocean Institute 250 Lawrence Hill Road Cold Spring Harbor NY NONE $42 53 Funding to promote effective volunteering Blue Ventures 52 Avenue Road London London N6 5DR NONE $1,067 61 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bluenonnet Eq uine Humane Society PMB 141 Austin TX NONE $6642 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Bluewater Network 311 California St San Francisco CA NONE $35349 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bnai Keshet 99 South Fullerton Ave Montclair NJ NONE $7 92 Funding to romote effective volunteenn Boarding For Breast Cancer 6230 Wilshire Blvd #179 LA CA NONE $17892 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Bobath Centre for children with Cerebral Palsy, The Bradbury House East Fmchle London N2 8AU NONE $33 15 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Bolton Hos pice Queens Park Street Bolton Lancast ire BL1 4QT NONE $5248 Funding to promote effective volunteering Books for Amenca 1417 22nd Street, NW Washington DC NONE $47 62 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Boomer Esiason Foundation 2008 Armstrong Road Garden City Park NY NONE $62 33 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Border Collie Rescue 16051 E FM 1097 Willis TX NONE $12 78 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Border Collie Trust GB Heathwa Rugeley Stafford-,hire WS15 3LY NONE $14722 Finund to romote effective volunteenn Born Free Foundation 3, Grove House Horsham_ London RH13 5PL NONE $1,616 26 Fundm to p romote effective volunteenn POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 - EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Borzoi Rescue - Northern California 975 Peninsula Way Menlo Park CA NONE $532 32 Funding to promote effective volunteering Boston Ballet, Inco rporated 19 Clarendon St Boston MA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective Boston Rescue Mission 39 Kingston Street Boston MA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote volunteerin g Boston Ronald McDonald House 229 Kent St Brookline MA NONE $213 90 Funding to p romote effective volunteering effective Boston Terser Rescue of East Tennessee 4501 Montvale Road Ma ryville TN NONE $62 83 Fundi ng to p romote volunteering effective Bottomless Closet 445 N Wells St, Suite 301 Chica go L NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote volunteerin g effective Boundless Playg rounds, Inc 45 Wirdonbu Avenue Bloomfield CT NONE $154 79 Funding to promote volunteerin g Bowel Cancer UK 7 Rickett Street London Londol SW6 1RU NONE $36229 Funding to promote effective volunteering Boxer Friends, Inc P O Box 460804 Ft Lauderdale FL NONE $1354 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g effective Boxer Rescue Los Angeles 17514 Ventura Blvd Su ite 201 Encino CA NONE $27530 Fundin g to p romote volunteeri ng to romote effective volunteerin g Bo y Scout Troo p 555 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Irvin TX NONE $52 57 Fundin g p g to p romote effective volunteerin g Boys & Girls Club of America Cedar Ra p ids 1501 Ellis Blvd N W Cedar Ra p ids A NONE $31 89 Fundin to effective volunteerin g BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF LAGUNA BEACH 1085 Laguna Canyon Rd La guna Beach CA NONE $60681 Fundin g promote $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Boys & Girls Club of Southwest Vi rg inia 1714 9th Street SE Roanoke VA NONE to promote effective volunteering Boys & Girls Club of Venice 2232 Lincoln Boulevard Venice CA NONE $8 63 Funding to effective volunteerin g Boys & Girls Club of Vista 41O W California Avenue Vista CA NONE $1440 Funding promote Boys & Girls Clubs of Acadiana P 0 Box 62166 Lafayette LA NONE $17065 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Bo ys & Girls Clubs of America 1275 Peachtree St,NE Atlanta GA NONE $1,911 65 Fundin g p romote 77 to p romote effective volunteering Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida 801 N Magnolia Ave , Suite 30 Orlando FL NONE $29 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland 6114 Broadway Avenue Cleveland OH NONE $671 Funding to effective volunteerin g Bo ys & Girls Clubs of Hamsonburg and Rockin g ham County P O Box 1223 Harrisonburg VA NONE $8245 Funding p romote to promote effective volunteering Bo ys & Girls Clubs of Indiana polis 300 North Fall Creek Parkwa y N Indiana polis N NONE $5693 Funding to effective volunteerin g Boys & Girls Clubs of King Cou nty 603 Stewart St Suite #300 Seattle WA NONE $20894 Fundin g promote to effective volunteerin g Boys & Girls Clubs of Martin County 11500 Lares Avenue Hobe Sound FL NONE $6 71 Funding promote to effective volunteering Bo ys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee 67 Thom pson Lane Nashville TN NONE $134 60 Fundin g p romote to effective volunteering Boys & Girls Clubs of Oakland P 0 Box 23203 Oakland CA NONE $31 79 Fundin g p romote Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Bo ys & Girls Clubs of the Pennisula 401 Pierce Road Menlo Park CA NONE $11864 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Bo ys & Girls Town of Missouri 4485 Westminster Place St Louis MO NONE $9798 to effective volunteenn Bo ys Ho pe Girls Hope 12120 Bridgeton Square Drive Brid geton MO NONE $2285 Funding promote effective volunteering Bo ys Scouts of America Mann Council 225 West End Avenue an Rafael CA NONE $2662 Fundin g to p romote BRACE - Bristol Research into Alzheimer's and Care of the Elderly The BRACE Appeal Office Fishponds Bristol BS16 2EW NONE $20969 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering effective volunteering BRAFF-Baikal Reg ion Adoptive Famil y Fund P O Box 2672 Appleton WI NONE $3,293 08 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Brain and S pine Foundation 7 Winchester House London London SW9 6EJ NONE $5405 Fundin g to p romote Bran Inj u ry Assn of America 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 6 McLean VA NONE $26628 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering BRAIN TRUST The Healing Exchan ge 186 Hampshire St Cambrid ge MA NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Bran Tumor Assn American (ABTA) 2720 River Road, Suite 146 Des Plaines IL NONE $28209 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Brain Tumor Foundation ( National ) 414-13th St Suite 700 oakland CA NONE $43579 Funding promote effective volunteering Bread for the World Institute 50 F Street, NW, Suite 500 Washin gton DC NONE $11 57 Funding to p romote Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering BREAK Chari ty 3rd Floor Weston House London London WC1V 7EX NONE $739 to effective volunteering Breast Cancer Action 55 New Montgomery St , Ste 32 San Francisco CA NONE $6 71 Funding p romote to romote effective volunteering Breast Cancer Cam paig n Clifton Centre 110 London London EC2 4HT NONE $1,022 44 Funding p to effective volunteerin g Breast Cancer Care In House London London SW6 4NZ NONE $4,231 12 Funding promote effective volunteerin g Breast Cancer Care & Research Fund 12400 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 20 Los An gles CA NONE $1,771 07 Funding to promote to effective volunteering Breast Cancer Care Scotland 2nd Floor Glasgow Glas ov (City o G1 4DH NONE $14708 Funding promote to effective volunteering Breast Cancer Haven 111 Forrest Ave, i R Narberth PA NONE $37059 Fundin g promote to promote effective volunteerin g breastcancer org 111 Forrest Ave, 1 R Narberth PA NONE $553 15 Fundin g effective volunteering Bride House 1160 Cam p St new orleans LA NONE $41 24 Funding to p romote 71 to promote effective volunteering Brid ge to the Future, Inc 22066 kart at DETROIT MI NONE $6 Fundin g 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Brid emont Hig h School & Jr Hi gh 777 Brotherhood Way San Francisco CA NONE $6 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Brid g ing Communities 6900 McGraw Detroit MI NONE $2576' 7 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Bri g ham City Volunteer Center 20 N Main Street Brig ham City UT NONE $2,68F1 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount effective volunteerin g Bright Futures Foundation PO Box 248 Murp hy OR NONE $671 Funding to p romote to effective volunteenng Brin g Fair Trade to 5 Communities In South Africa - a GlobalGiv 1816 12th St NW Washin gton DC NONE $848 Fundin g p romote British Blind S port 4-6 Victona Terrace Leamin gton S pa Warwickshire CV31 3AB NONE $4,125 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering British Divers Manne Life Rescue Lime House Uckfield East :,ussex TN22 1 DS NONE $6677 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective British Lung Foundation Suite 2/2, 142 Queen Street Glasgow Glas ow (City o G1 3BU NONE $1,829 18 Funding to p romote volunteering effective volunteenng British Red Cross 44 Moorfields London Londcn EC2Y 9AL NONE $15859 Funding to promote to effective volunteering Bntt-Cam Boxing 1506 N Fillmore Jerome ID NONE $671 Funding p romote to effective volunteering Broadway Cares/E quity Fig hts AIDS, Inc 165 West 46th Street New York NY NONE $95 78 Funding promote effective volunteering Brooklands Museum Trust Ltd Brooklands Road We bnd a Surre•r KT130QN NONE $503 Funding to promote to promote effective volunteering Brookl yn Wall of Remembrance 2067 58th St Brookl yn NY NONE $1,440 08 Funding Broward Meals on Wheels 5950 W Oakland Park Blvd Lauderhill FL NONE $49 12 Funding to promote effective volunteering Great Rivers Council, BSA 1203 Fay Street Columbia MO NONE $45000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Bucking hamshire Association for Blind & Partiall y Si g hted People 600 N Pearl Street, Suite 200 Dallas TX NONE $69 46 Funding to promote effective volunteering Buckner Children and Famil y Services, Inc P O Box 15938 Plantation FL NONE $151 17 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Buddies Thru Bullies 3230 SW 57 Ave Miami FL NONE $320 11 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Buenas Vidas Youth Ranch 116 N I-St Livermore CA NONE $9204 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Buffalo Field Campaig n PO Box 957 West Yellowstone MT NONE $647 02 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering effective Buffalo Zoo 300 Parkside Avenue Buffalo NY NONE $1342 Funding to promote volunteering Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation 1954 Innerbelt Business Center Saint Louis MO NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Bullse a Golf Foundation 7 Dan Court Midland MI NONE $15033 Funding p romote to ve volunteenn Burlington United Methodist Famil y Services, Inc 1 Rainbow Lane Burlington WV NONE $693 03 Funding p romote effecti volunteenn Burn Survivors Throu ghout The World, Inc 650 N Beneva Road #305 Sarasota FL NONE $353 93 Fundin g to p romote effective Burned Out Survivors Fund P 0 Box 15185 San Antonio TX NONE $40 69 Funding to p romote effective volunteening Busch Wildlife Sanctua ry 2500 Ju piter Park Dr Ju piter FL NONE $55 40 Fundin g to promote effecti ve volunteenng C&leli hters Childhood Cancer Fnd 21734 Falcon Hi g hway Peyton CO NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteering CARE (Center for Abuse and Ra pe Emergencies ) 1018 S 4th St Ste 140 Louisville KY NONE $99 10 Fundin g promote CARE , Kentucky 296 SW 43rd St Renton WA NONE $173 99 Funding to p romote effective volunteering to effective volunteering C A S T For Kids Fnd 296 SW 43rd St Renton WA NONE $71 68 Fundin g p romote effective volunteenn C3 Colorectal Cancer Coalition 854 N ELSTON AVE Chicago IL NONE $1642 Fundin g to p romote CA Assn For The Advancement Of Recording & Music Arts P 0 Box 641 Pittsburg CA NONE $64 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteering Cabarrus Worksho p, Inc 2630 Odell School Rd CONCORD NC NONE $11 81 Funding promote to promote effective volunteering CAI ( Child Advoca cy International ) 75a London Road Newcastle Staffc rdshire T5 1 ND NONE $32 36 Fundin g Calcasieu Women's Shelter P O Box 276 Lake Charles LA NONE $21 52 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Calcutta Kids 31-C Jay Street Cambrid ge MA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective voiunteenn California Chinchillas 333 marmona dr Menlo Park CA NONE $11601 Funding to promote to effective volunteerin g California Club Chabad 825 NE 205 Terrace N M iami Beach, FL NONE $9353 Fundin g promote to effective volunteering California Coalition for PKU and Allied Disorders PMB 117 Rancho Cucamonga CA NONE $61 09 Fundin g promote effective California Philharmonic Orchestra 1120 Huntington Drive an Manno CA NONE $3639 Funding to promote volunteenng California Service Corps Finance and Admin Dept Sacramento CA 95814 NONE $30,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering California Wilderness Coalition 2655 Portage Bay E Davis CA NONE $493 21 Funding to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteening CAMDA - Cambrid ge Mongolia Disaster App eal 18 John Amner Close El y Camt nil eshire CB6 1 DT NONE $26097 Funding promote effective Camelot for Children, Inc 2354 W Emmaus Ave Allentown PA NONE $42 45 Funding to promote volunteering effective volunteerm Camelot Home for Boys 1413 Lore Ave Wilmi ngton DE NONE $4255 Funding to p romote 14 to promote effect ive Camp Courageous 3693 HY 185 Washington MO NONE $94 Funding Camp del Corazon 11615 Hesby Street North Holl ywood CA NONE $34221 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng to effective volunteering Cam p F i re USA 4601 Madison Ave Kansas City MO NONE $6 71 Funding promote to effective volunteerin g Camp Fire USA Patuxent Area Council PO Box 763 Bowie MD 20718 NONE $2,500 00 Funding promote to effective volunteerin g Cam p Good Days & S pecial Times, Inc 1332 Pittsford-Mendon Road Mendon NY NONE $7 21 Fundin g promote to promote effective volunteering Cam p Horizon, Inc 3280 Old Peachtree Road Dacula GA NONE $18042 Funding to effective volunteenn Camp Lebanon 1205 Acorn Road Burtrum MN NONE $671 Funding promote Fund^n to promote effective volunteenn Cam p Rescue Animal D i saster Relief Fund - Command Central for 2660 Peachtree Road, Su i te 24A Atlanta GA NONE $3761 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 - EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Camp Wildcat 1303 E University Blvd Tucson AZ NONE $50063 Funding to promote effective volunteering cam paig n against living miserabl y , c a I m Gateway House Manchester Great'rr Manche M60 7LP NONE $503 Funding to promote effective volunteering CAN DO COALITION 1039 Continentals Way Belmont CA NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Cancer & Chronic Disease Consortium 6070 Gatewa y East, Ste 310 El Paso TX NONE $3502 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Cancer Care 275 Seventh Avenue New York NY NONE $83 36 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Cancer Information and Support Services 114 Marlborou gh road Swansea Swan;,ea SA2 0DY. NONE $1843 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Cancer Prevention Institute 601 West Riverview Ave Dayton OH NONE $28 94 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Cancer Recove ry Foundation P 0 Box 238 Hershey PA NONE $21 27 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation 1600 Duke Street Alexandra VA NONE $16534 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Cancer Research UK Develo pment Team London Londoi NW 1 4JL NONE $56,430 06 Fundin g to promote effectIve volunteerin g Cancer Treatment Research Foundation 1336 Basswood Road Schaumbu rg IL NONE $28 15 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CancerBACUP 1900 N Oregon El Paso TX NONE $280 08 Funding to promote effective volunteering Candlel hters 13900 panay way #ds48 Manna Del Rey CA NONE $95 32 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CAN-DO ORG 13900 panay way #ds48 manna del rey CA NONE $52 31 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Canine Assistants 3160 Francis Road Al p haretta GA NONE $6039 Funding to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteerin g Canine Com panions for Inde pendence-Southeast Reg ion P 0 Box 680388 Orlando FL NONE $46 89 Fundin g promote Canine Partners Mill Lane He shott West :;ussex GU29 OED NONE $18 56 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering volunteering Canines for Disabled Kids 299 Redem ption Rock Trail Sout Princeton MA NONE $39 47 Fundin g to promote effective Canisba y & Dunnet Day Care Centre C/O The Secreta ry Thurso Hi htaid KW 14 8SZ NONE $2564 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteering Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund 135 East 57th Street New York NY NONE $2,332 72 Funding to p romote effective Ca p ital Area Center for Inde pendent Livin g 1048 Pie ant Lansing MI NONE $171 79 Funding to p romote volunteerin g effective volunteerin g Ca pital Area Preservation PO Box 28072 Ralei gh NC NONE $2,203 92 Funding to promote effective Ca ptive Hearts 815W Grand Ave Grover Beach CA NONE $36 23 Funding to promote volunteerin g CARA Charit i es 2915 N Hi g h School Road Indianapolis IN NONE $2,473 05 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Card i ac R i sk In the Young Unit 7 Epsom Downs Metro Centr Tadworth Surrey KT20 5LR NONE $280 33 Funding to promote effective volunteering Cardiff & District Samaritans 75 Cowbrid a Road East CARDIFF Cardiff CF11 9AF NONE $39 60 Funding to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteering Cardinal Vau ghan Memorial School 89 Addison Road London Londor W14 8BZ NONE $1221 Funding promote to effective volunteering Cardiomyopathy Association 40 The Metro Centre Watford Hertforishue WD18 9SB NONE $7 39 Fund i ng p romote Care for Children 466 Central Ave #39 Northfield IL NONE $21,913 90 Funding to promote effective votunteenn CARE International UK 10-13 Rushworth Street London London SE1 ORB NONE $72 63 Funding to promote effective volunteering Care Net Preg nancy Center of Rockland 2 Perlman Dr, Suite 305 S p ring Valley NY NONE $71 77 Funding to promote effective volunteer- Care of Police Survivors (COPS ) PO BOX 1027 KING'S LYNN Norfolk PE32 1 FH NONE $45 07 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn CARE USA - Tsunami Relief 151 Ellis Street Atlanta GA NONE $264 58 Funding to p romote effective volunteering effective volunteering CARES Foundation. Inc 189 Main Street Millburn NJ NONE $35 52 Fundin g to p romote Caribbean Conservation Corporation 4424 NW 13th Street Gainesville FL NONE $1,047 25 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Cann Brid a 4607 Beacon Hill, Suite 200 Eagan MN NONE $22 72 Funding to p romote effective volunteer i n Carol M Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund, Inc 14 Technology Drive Setauket NY NONE $45709 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Carolina Basset Hound Rescue P P Box 80082 Charleston SC NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering effective volunteerin g Carroll County Public Schools 125 N Court Street Westminster MD 21157 NONE $25,000 00 Funding to promote effective Carroll Shelb y Children's Foundation 19021 South Figueroa Street Gardena CA NONE $40368 Fundin g to promote volunteering effective Carter Center One Co enhill, 453 Freedom Par Atlanta GA NONE $15676 Fundin g to p romote volunteering effective CASA Latina 220 Blanchard Street Seattle WA NONE $671 Funding to promote volunteering effective CASA of Jefferson County , Kentuc ky 514 W Libe rty St , #139 Louisville KY NONE $411 95 Funding to promote volunteerin g CASA of Lonoke County, Inc 119 W Front Street Lonoke AR NONE $49 65 Funding to promote effective volunteering CASA Advocates for Children of NYS 99 Pine Street Albany NY NONE $11246 Funding to promote effective volunteering CASA-Count Appointed Advocates for Abused Children 100 West Harrison St , North T Seattle WA NONE $21 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering effective Cascade Ferret Network PO Box 14884 Portland OR NONE $3584 Fundin g to promote volunteering effective Cash for Kids Northsound Radio Aberdeen Aberdee n Cit AB12 3AJ NONE $7203 Funding to promote volunteering to p romote effective volunteerin g Castaway Cutters, the James A Hueholt Memorial Foundation for PO Box 1421 Harnsbu PA NONE $1392 Funding Fundm to promote effective volunteering Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre Holborow Lod ge Sidlesham West Sussex P020 7RJ NONE $29 08 to effective volunteerin g Cat Ado tion and Rescue Efforts , Inc C A R E P 0 Box 2934 Richmond VA NONE $68 16 Fundin promote POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address City State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE effective volunteerin at Assistance Inc 459 North Main Street Port Chester NY NONE $121 27 Fundin g to promote g effective Cat Chat - the Cat Rescue Resource PO Box 358 Rams gate Kent CT12 6YP NONE $739 Fundi to promote volunteering effective Cat Rescue, Inc 6521 E Tro p ical Way Plantation FL NONE $11264 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g Cathedral Home for Children PO Box 520 Laramie WY NONE $51 57 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Catholic Chanties 3300 N 60th St Omaha NE NONE $725 45 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Catholic Charities of Livingston County 10 Chapel Street Mount Moms NY NONE $10965 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effect Catholic Charities of Southern Illinois Inc 2620 Lebanon Ave Belleville IL NONE $8975 Fundin g to promote ect ive volunteering Catholic Chanties of the Diocese of St Cloud 911 18th St N St Cloud MN NONE $77 34 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective Catholic Medical Mission Board 10 West 17th Street New York NY NONE $7566 Funding to promote volunteerin g effective volunteerin Catholic Relief Services 209 West Fayette St Baltimore MD NONE $3,470 34 Funding to promote to volunteering Catholic Social Services /St Vicent Home 913 West Holmes Road Ste 290 Lansing MI NONE $1342 Funding promote effective effective Catholics Without Barriers Reform Church of Galveston PO Box 3098 Galveston TX NONE $40 92 Funding to promote volunteering effective Cats - Haworth Animal Welfare ( Cat Rescue ) known as Haworth Ca The Farm, Lower Pierce Close Ke ig hley West Yorkshire BD22 9AQ NONE $29547 Funding to promote volunteering Cats Anom mous, Inc 2770 Man itowoc Road Green Bay W1 NONE $13 42 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CATS Northeast P 0 Box 345 Mansfield Center CT NONE $9 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Cats Protection National Cat Centre Ha ands Heath West Sussex RH17 7TT NONE $35895 Funding to promote volunteering effective volunteerin Cats Protection Maidenhead, Slough and District 44 SwitchBack Road South Maidenhead Berksvre SL6 7PZ NONE $503 Funding to p romote g effective CAUSES Child Abuse Treatment Center 1009W Wellington Chicago IL NONE $27535 Fundin g to promote volunteering promote effective CCBC Children's Center 5671 Western Avenue NW Washington DC NONE $74 52 Fundi ng to volunteering 24 to romote effective volunteerin g CCFA NW Cha pter 9 Lake Bellevue Bellevue WA NONE $235 Funding p effective cd101 For the Kids 503 South Front St Columbus OH NONE $671 Funding to p romote volunteerin g to romote effective volunteering Cecil y's Fund 1 Farley Lane Stonesfield Oxfonlshire OX29 8HB NONE $36 25 Fundin g p Cedar Lake Foundation 26195W 111th Place Olathe KS 66061 NONE $23 22 Funding to p romote effective volunteering to romote effective volunteering CELP (Center for Environmental Law & Policy) 2400 N 45th Street Seattle WA NONE $79 44 Funding p to romote effective volunteering Center Against Domestic Violence 25 Chapel Street Brookl yn NY NONE $139 26 Fundin g p effective Center for a New American Dream 6930 Carroll Ave Takoma Park MD NONE $2,102 54 Funding to p romote volunteering to romote effective volunteerin g Center for Great Apes P O Box 488 Wauchula FL NONE $1933 Funding p effective Center for Health & Gender Eq uity (CHANGE ) 6930 Carroll Avenue Takoma Park MD NONE $1342 Funding to promote volunteering effective Center for Volunteer and Nonp rofit Leadershi p of Mann Attn Linda Davis an Rafael CA 94903-3620 NONE $6,000 00 Funding to promote volunteering effective Center Grove Athletic Booster Club CIO Center Grove High School Greenwood IN NONE $68 11 Fundin g to p romote volunteering effective volunteerin g Central Arizona Corporate Volunteer Council 722 E Osborn Road, Suite 400 Phoenix AZ 85014-5245 NONE $10000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Central Ba ptist Christian School 402 E W i ndhorst Rd Brandon FL NONE $3557 Funding to p romote Central Delaware Habitat for Humani ty P O Box 63 Dover DE NONE $21 27 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective Central Florida Chi ldrens Home 12569 Narcoossee Rd Orlando FL NONE $671 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g effective volunteerin g Central Kentucky FCA 2201 Regency Road Suite 602 Lexin gton KY NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective Central Minnesota Task Force on Battered Women 915 1st Street S St Cloud MN NONE $671 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g Central New York Avian Rescue 103 East 8th Street Oswego NY NONE $1909 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin g Central Oklahoma Affiliate, The Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fo 120 N Robinson Suite 701 Oklahoma City OK NONE $144 33 Fundin g to promote effective Central Texas SPCA 909 S Ba gdad Rd Cedar Park TX NONE $11 62 Fundin g to p romote volunteering effective volunteering Centre for Asians and Pacific Islanders 3702 East Lake Street Minnea polis MN NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Centrum 223 Batte ry Wa y Port Townsend WA NONE $15440 Funding to promote promote effective volunteerin g Cents of Relief 158 Nonantum St Apt 1 Bri g hton MA NONE $16207 Fundin g to to effective volunteerin g Cerebral Palsy M idlands 17, Victoria Road Birming ham West Midlands B17 0AQ NONE $1477 Funding p romote to effective volunteerin g CFA Purebred Rescue 197 White Rose Drive S parks NV NONE $208 29 Funding promote effective volunteering Chabad Cha it 1835 NE Miami Gardens Dr #359 North Miami Beach FL NONE $12508 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Chabad House-Lubavitch 170 College Avenue New Brunswick NJ NONE $30 68 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Chabad Jewish Center of Greater Oklahoma City 3016 Castlerock Rd Oklahoma City OK NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective Chabad Lubavitch of Shee phead Bay NEW YORK 1315 Avenue Y Brookl yn NY NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote volunteering effective volunteerin g Chabad of Californi a 741 Gayl ey Ave Los Angeles CA NONE $136 65 Funding to promote Fundm to effective volunteerin g Cha pel hi ll Harvester Church, Inc 4650 Flat Shoals Parkwa y Decatur GA NONE $8 90 promote Charisma Church 7710 Chapel Hill Rd Ca NC NONE $1,673 92 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Chan 21 16 Medwa y View Nr Tonbnd a TN110BG NONE $3,643 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering Charleston Habitat for Humani ty 731 Meeting Street Charleston SC NONE $8 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Charter Auxilia ry to Lucile Packard Children's Hos pital 1848 D ry Creek Road San Jose CA NONE $78 78 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CHASE hos pice care for children Losele y Park Guildford Surrelr GU3 IHS NONE $70767 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chasm Famil y Resource Center P 0 BOX 781 Selma AL 36702 NONE $50,200 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chattanoog a CARES AIDS Resource Center 13 Kent Street W Chattanooga TN NONE $18597 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chattns, St Ives & District of Cats Protection 16 The Paddock Huntingdon Camtrid esh^re PE28 4WS NONE $141 07 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Chaves Cou nty CASA Prog ram 500 North Main Street #310 Roswell NM NONE $1,47778 Funding to promote effective volunteering Cheetah Conservation Fund PO Box 1380 Ojai CA NONE $79 19 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chelmsley Wood Citizens Advice Bureau Stephenson Drive Birming ham West Midlands b37 5ta NONE $4444 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chernobyl Children Life Line Courts Haslemere Surre / GU27 3AX NONE $12723 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Chernobyl Children's Project International 3330 N Street NW Washington DC NONE $41053 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Cherokee National Historical Society , Inc P 0 Box 515 Tahle quah OK NONE $21305 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Chesa peake Bay Fnd 6 Hemdon Avenue Annapolis MD NONE $257 16 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chesa peake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue 11 Stewart S Dol eville NY NONE $21 92 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Chesa peake Communi ty Church 900 Tumble Rd Jo ppa MD NONE $1,20253 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chica go Cares, Inc 300 West Adams Street Chicago L NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Chica goland Bicycle Federation 9 W Hubbard St #402 Chica go L NONE $1283 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Child & Fam i l y Services 1061 Pleasant Street New Bedford MA NONE $2,748 64 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Child Abuse Prevention Center of New York 7 Holland Avenue White Plains NY NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective votunteenn Child Abuse Prevention Foundation 9440 Ruffin Court an Diego CA NONE $33 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Child Abuse Prevention Services 618 14th Street Tuscaloosa AL NONE $13 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Child Abuse Unit for Studies Education & Services 1009 W Wellington Ave Chica go L NONE $9336 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Child Advocates, Inc 2401 Portsmouth Street, Suite Houston TX NONE $399 38 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Child Aid 917 SW Oak St , Ste 301 Portland OR NONE $2728 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Child Famil y Health International 995 Market Street, Suite 1104 San Francisco CA NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Child In Need Institute ( CINI ) UK Suite 631 London London WC2R ODZ NONE $4983 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering volunteedn Ch i ld Molestation Research & Prevention Inst itute 274 14th Street Oakland CA NONE $27 10 Funding to promote effective Child Victims of Crime The Moat House Stafford Stat8 rdshire ST16 2EZ NONE $19371 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Child Welfare League of America 440 First Street N W Washin gton DC NONE $34 74 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective Childhel p USA Children's Center of Virgi nia 8415 Arlington Blvd Fairfax VA NONE $3584 Fundin g to p romote volunteering Childhood Ap raxia of S peech Association 1151 Freeport Road Pittsburg h PA NONE $16052 Funding to promote effective volunteering Childlde Westpoint House Fleet Hampshire GU51 3RW NONE $193 01 Funding to p romote effective volunteering CHILDREN 1st 83 Whitehouse Loan Edinburgh Edmliu h (City EH9 1AT NONE $18400 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Chi ldren Awaitin g Parents 595 Blossom Road, Suite 306 Rochester NY NONE $33308 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children First Center 1752 Wesley Road Auburn IN NONE $12888 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children First CEO Kansas 3410 S Kessler Wichita KS NONE $10984 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Children for Children 335 Madison Ave, 24th Floor New York NY 10017-4611 NONE $1,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Children International 2000 East Red Bridge Rd Kansas City MO NONE $19880 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund P 0 Box 3968 Gaithersburg MD NONE $729 12 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children of F ij i 1 South Drive Dorchester Dors rt DT2 0JG NONE $1340 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children of Sosnovaya Street CoSS 8117 Hillside Lakes Drive Bri g hton MI NONE $7529 Fundi ng to p romote effective volunteerin g Children of the Earth 26 Baycrest Drive South Burlington VT NONE $1,584 95 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Children of the Nig ht 14530 Sylvan Street Van Nuys CA NONE $1517 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g effective Children Today Charitable Trust The Mooring s, Rowton Brid ge Chester her hire H3 7AE NONE $96 98 Fund i ng to promote volunteering CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA 51 Great Ormond Street London London WC1N 3,10 NONE $630 59 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Angel Fli g ht 4620 Haygood Road #1 Virg inia Beach VA NONE $61 00 Funding Children's Attention Home PO Box 2912 Rock Hill SC NONE $3284 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Children's Brain Tumor Fnd 274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1301 New York NY NONE $11576 Fund n to promote effective volunteering Children's Brain Tumor Research Centre Develo p ment Office Nottingham Notts i hamshire NG7 2NA NONE $421 60 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn Children's Cancer Fund of New Mexico 112 14th Street SW Albuquerq ue NM NONE $322 14 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 PURPOSE Name Address city State Z( Code RELATIONSHIP Amount to promote effective volunteering Childrens Cancer Research Fund 7801 East Bush Lake Road Minnea polis MN NONE $2,203 05 Funding effective volunteering Children's Diabetes Foundation at Denver 777 Grant Street Denver CO NONE $992 28 Funding to promote Funding to promote effective volunteering Children's Diabetes Network PO Box 25782 Portland OR NONE $111 33 $8438 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Children's Discove ry Museum of the Golden Crescent 204 N Main Victoria TX NONE to p romote effective volunteering Children's Dream Fund 235 2nd Avenue South St Petersburg FL NONE $1,516 60 Funding 16 to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Educational Assemblies 35 Comanche Drive Oceanport NJ NONE $295 Funding $18533 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children's Feed i ng Network 1045 Union Road St Louis MO NONE $11 21 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Children's Fire & Bum Fund 38 Buckin g ham Palace Road London Londc n SW 1 W ORE NONE 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Children's H E L P 31103 Rancho Viej o Rd #2328 San Juan Ca pistrano CA NONE $6 29 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Children's Health Environmental Coalition 12300 Wilshire Boulevard Los Ang eles CA NONE $68 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Children's Heart Foundation International 1750 Madison Avenue, Suite 100 Mem p his TN NONE $1828 $1,087 68 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Heathcare of Atlanta 1687 Tulle Circle Atlanta GA NONE NONE $157 33 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children s Home Society of Florida - Central Florida Division 3535 Lawton Rd Orlando FL NONE $4440 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Home Society of West Vi rginia 1422 Kanawha Blvd , East Charleston WV NONE $24 10 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chi ldren's Ho pe Internat i onal Foundation 11780 Borman Drive St Louis MO NONE $851 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Chi ldren's Ho pes I Dreams - Wish Fulfillement Fnd 3 Ga p View Drive Blaustown NJ NONE $17071 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Children's Hos pice Care Coalition 3065 Porter St So uel CA $218 22 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Hos pital & Research Center Foundation 5225 Dover Street Oakland CA NONE $1,063 08 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Attn Hillary Freeman Los Angeles CA NONE NONE $9376 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Children's Hos p itals and Clinics of Minnesota Foundation 2910 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville MN $91 93 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Children's hunger Fund Fnd 12820 Pierce Pacoima CA NONE $29 80 Funding to promote effective volunteering Children's Leukemia Michi gan of Michi gan 29777 Teleg ra p h Southfield MI NONE to romote effective volunteerin g Children's Liver Disease Foundation 36 Great Charles Street Birming ham West Midlands B3 3JY NONE $18 12 Funding p 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Medical Research Institute 800 Research Parkwa y Suite 150 Oklahoma City OK NONE $6 $22,620 03 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Miracle Network 4525 South 2300 East Salt Lake City UT NONE $3,921 13 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Miracle Network at Penn State Hershey Medical Center 600 Centerview Drive Hershey PA NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteering Children's Miracle Network, Kansas Ci ty PO Box 3245 Kansas City KS NONE $1392 $492 21 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Children's Music Network P O Box 1341 Evanston IL NONE NONE $685 66 Fundm to Promote effective volunteerin g Children's Neurobiolo ical Solutions 1726 Franceschi Road Santa Barbara CA $1,848 33 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Children's Organ Trans plant Association 2501 COTA Or Bloomington IN NONE $20 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Children's Relief International 9126 So Bell Flower Wa y Highlands Ranch CO NONE to romote effective volunteering Children's Shelter of Cebu P O Box 247 Cambrid ge MN NONE $671 Funding p $67 64 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Children's Tumor Foundation 95 Pine Street, 16th Floor New York NY NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Children's Wish Foundation International 8615 Roswell Road Atlanta GA NONE $18500 NONE $411 64 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Child's Play 12317 15th Ave NE Seattle WA 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Chilean American Foundation P 0 Box 34295 Washin gton DC NONE $6 $84 78 Funding to promote effective volunteering Chill P 0 Box 34295 Washin ton DC NONE $126 86 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CHREE (corp oration for humanitarian relief and economic empowe r 5903 Frederick street S p ringfield VA NONE 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Christ Church PCC Weston-su per-Mare 18 Mont pelier Weston-suer-Mare Som:rset BS23 2RH NONE $29 $7 68 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Christ Church United Methodist, Troy, NY 35 State Street Tro y NY NONE NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Christ the King Lutheran Church (Chica go ) 1532 S Michig an Avenue Chicago IL NONE $67 52 Funding to promote effective volunteering Christchurch Life Saving Club PO Box 6365 Christchurch Dorset BH23 9BS NONE $743 79 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Christian Fellowshi p Outreach Mission Inc 460 Saint Paul Road Tyl ertown MS $2,825 22 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Christian Aid 35 Lower Marsh London Lonc on SE1 7RL NONE NONE $841 49 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Christian Appalachian Proj ect 322 Crab Orchard Street Lancaster KY $46 75 Funding to promote effective volunteering Christian Children Education Fund 20439 N Fletcherwa y Peoria AZ NONE $148 20 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Christian Reformed World Relief Committee 2850 Kalamazoo Ave SE Grand Ra p ids MI NONE $71 59 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Christian Relief Services 2550 Huntington Ave , Suite 20 Alexandria VA NONE NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Christian Service Charities 8001 Braddock Road S nn field VA NONE $194 04 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering Christian Woment of Worth 13870 Cameo Lane Grass valley CA $26 15 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Chnstie's The Christie Hospital NHS Trus Within ton Gre,iter Manche M20 4BX NONE STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zip NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Christmas House PO Box 717 Everett WA NONE $214 89 Funding to promote effective volunteering Christmas Wish Pro g ram, Inc P 0 Box 1844 Keaau, HI NONE $6,028 23 Funding to p romote effective volunteering___ Christo p her Reeve Paral ysis Foundation 636 Morris Turn ike Short Hills NJ NONE $65 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Chrysalis 1010 E McDowell Road Phoenix AZ EC1 P 1WF NONE $68 06 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Church Housin g Trust PO Box 50296 London Londc n NONE $19633 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Church World Service 28606 Phillips St Elkhart N NONE $17 76 Fundin to promote effective volunteering CIC-ASA P 0 Box 50534 Indiana polis N NONE $81 00 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Cincinnati Children's Hos pital Medical Center 3333 Burnet Avenue Cincinnati OH NONE $8792 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Circle of Life PO Box 3764 Oakland CA NONE $35 18 Funding to promote effective volunteering Citizens Advice 115-123 Pentonville Road London London N1 9LZ NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Citizens Against Greyhound Racing 63 E State St Doyl estown PA NONE $11369 Funding to p romote effective volunteering City at Peace 104 W 27th Street New York NY NONE $9240 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering City Church Ministries 7125 El Cajon Blvd an Diego CA NONE $20,727 70 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering City Harvest 575 8th Avenue, 4th FI New York NY NONE $61261 Funding to promote effective volunteering City of Biloxi Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund PO Box 429 Biloxi MS 1 47404 NONE $5,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Cit y of Bloomington Vol Network 401 N Morton Street Blommm ton N CA NONE $42256 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Cit y of Hope 1055 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles NONE $80 78 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g City of Laurel 101 W 2nd St Laurel NE NONE $1,085 08 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Cd Team Ministries 2304 Zanker Rd an Jose CA NONE $52 66 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Civil War Preservation Trust 11 Public Square Ha gerstown MD NONE $47 54 Funding to promote effective volunteering Civitan International One Crvitan Place Birming ham AL NONE $362 58 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CJ Foundation for SIDS 30 Pros pect Ave Hackensack NJ PE19 5TA NONE $4566 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering Claretian Missionaries of UK and Ireland The Towers St Neots Cambrid geshire NONE $1536 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Clark County Humane Socie ty PO Box 127 Neillsville WI CM9 8LX NONE $9472 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Clarks Farm Greyhound Rescue Clarks Farm Maldon Essex CA NONE $863 93 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Clayton Communi ty Church 6055 Main Street Clayton Lonc on EC1 V 7LQ NONE $3884 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Cleft Li p and Palate Asscociation 332b Goswell Road London NONE $67968 Funding to p romote effective volunteering CLIC Sargent - Caring For Children With Cancer Griffin House Hammersmith London W6 8SG NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effecti ve volunteerin g Clothesline Project of Tampa Bay P 0 Box 448 Dunedin FL SE11 5QY NONE $65 68 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Clubs for Young Peo ple 371 Kennington Lane London London NONE $2,287 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Coalition on Donation 700 North 4th Street Richmond VA NONE $261 02 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering Coalition On Tem pora ry Shelter 26 Peterboro Detroit MI NONE $324 74 Funding to promote effective volunteering Coalition to Salute America's Heroes 3595 Ba yside Walk an Dieg o CA NONE $233 43 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Coastal German She pherd Rescue P 0 Box 50726 rvine CA MD NONE $13694 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Cocker S paniel Ado ption Center, Inc PO Box 8150 Elknd a NONE $31 87 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Cocker S paniel Rescue of New England, Inc o box 162 reenfield NH WA NONE $11 08 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Cocoon House 2929 Pine St Everett NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng CODEPINK Women for Peace 2010 Linden Ave Venice CA NONE $7593 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Col Potter Calm Rescue Network PO Box 1354 Romoland CA CO3 OSL NONE $23 62 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering Colchester Zoo Action for the Wild Colchester Zoo Stanwa,Colchester Essex IN NONE $75 26 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g College Mentors for Kids , Inc 1060 North Ca pitol Avenue ndiana Dies NONE $3,131 20 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Collins & Co of Missouri 3238 Colleg e Ave Kansas City MO NONE $28 46 Funding to promote effective volunteering Colorado GASP (Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution ) 2885 Aurora Ave, Suite 37 Boulder CO NONE $36 48 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Colorado Re ptile Humane Society 13941 Elmore Road Long mont CO 80203 NONE $5,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Colorado Volunteer Center Network C/O Metro Volunteers Denver CO NONE $20 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Columbus Dog Connection 2878 Etna Street Columbus OH NONE 56 49 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Commerce Humane Assoc P 0 Box 2 Commerce TX NONE $8 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Communities In Schools of New Jerse y 155 Washington Street Newark NJ NONE $62 28 Fundm to promote effective volunteeri ng Commurnbes In Schools of North Carolina 222 N Person Street Ralei h NC NONE $13 42 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Communities In Schools of Philadel h a, Inc JFK Bwldm , Room 450 Philadel phi a PA NONE $10260 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Communities In Schools of Seattle 6201 15th Ave NW #522 Seattle Wlt POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Communities In Schools-National Network 277 South Washin gton Street Alexandra VA NONE $23 32 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Communi ty Develo p ment Project 19 Myrtle Medford OR NONE $1690 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Community Health Center 19 Myrtle Medford OR NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Community Health Chanties - Fiscal Agent of Mac 's Pass port 530 Bercut Drive, Ste C Sacramento CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Communi ty H igh School 1135 Teaneck Road Teaneck NJ NONE $358 36 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Community Hope of Delaware, Inc 750 Otts Chapel Road Newark DE NONE $7 21 Funding to promote Communit y Hope Projects, Inc dba Hope Famil y health Center 2332 Jordan Rd McAllen TX NONE $45 35 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Commune Links 105 Barking Road London Londo,i E16 4HQ NONE $38 53 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Community Resource Center 122 W Main Street Manchester MI 48158 NONE $2,688 17 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering COMMUNITY RESOURCE NETWORK'S VOL CTR 300 N Elizabeth St Ste 610-C CHICAGO IL 60607-1143 NONE $6,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Commune Serving s 125 Magazine Street Roxbu ry MA NONE $6 78 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Community Volunteer Center United Way of Lowndes County Columbus MS 39703 NONE $6,000 00 Funding to p romote volunteerin g Com 2Kids I Per Scholas 1231 Lafa yette Avenue Bronx NJ NONE $164 33 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering effective Companion Animal Network 11529 Glen Cross Drive Dallas TX NONE $4649 Fundin g to p romote volunteering effective Com panions For Life P 0 Box 794073 Dallas TX NONE $8 17 Fundin g to promote volunteering Compass Communi ty Church - Mustard Seed Crafters PO Box 9086 Bend OR NONE $16539 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering effective Compassion Over Killing P 0 Box 9773 Washin gton DC NONE $18 85 Funding to p romote volunteering Comprehensive AIDS Prog ram of Palm Beach County, Inc 2330 South Congress Avenue West Palm Beach FL NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering effective Com puter Aid International 433 Hollowa y Road London Londor 7 6LJ NONE $1792 Fundin g to p romote volunteering to effective volunteering Computer CORE 3846 King Street Alexandra VA NONE $311 07 Funding p romote effective volunteerin g Computer Classroom for Education for DEPDC - a GlobalGiving P 1828 12th St NW Washington DC NONE $3420 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Com puters for Kids, Inc P 0 Box 1096 Winter Haven FL NONE $1905 Funding to promote Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Computers for Youth 505 8th Avenue New York NY NONE $197 76 g to promote effective volunteering Computers-4-all 3945 crum p s rd portage MI NONE $143 93 Fundin effective Concern Universal 21 King Street Hereford Herefordshire HR4 9BX NONE $49 71 Funding to promote volunteering volunteenn Concern Worldwide Concern Worldwide Clove Hitch Qua y London SW 11 3TN NONE $2,414 80 Funding to promote effective Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc ( COPS ) South Hwy 5-PO Box 3199 Camdenton MO NONE $21908 Funding to promote effective volunteering Congenital Heart Defect (CHD ) Awareness Quilt Proj ect, Inc 6300 Tane ytown Pike Tane own MD NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Congo Action 13 U pper Fant Road Maldstone Kent ME16 8BP NONE $1563 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Cong regation Beth El - Missouri City Texas 3900 Raoul Wallenbe rg La Missouri City TX NONE $93887 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Cong regation Beth Tefillah 5065 High Point Road Atlanta GA NONE $1,381 98 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Connect - The Communication Disabil ity Networks 16-18 Marshalsea Road London London SE1 1HL NONE $739 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Connecticut Commission on Community Service 61 Woodland Street Hartford CT 06105-2326 NONE $5,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Connecticut Electric Railwa y Association, Incorporated 58 North Road East Windsor CT NONE $1448 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Conneticut Food Bank 150 Bradle y Street East Haven CT NONE $865 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Conscience du Cameroun, Inc 214 sahara ct #10 Jacksonville FL NONE $40609 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Conservation International 1919 M Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $138 16 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Convo y of Hoe, Inc 330 S Patterson S p rin gfield MO NONE $776 22 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g effective Co-op America 1612 K Street, NW Washington DC NONE $1763 Funding to promote volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Co ptic Orp hans Su pport Assn 2579 Holl y Mannor Drive Falls Church VA NONE $671 Fundin g p romote Coral Reef Research Foundation 9888 Carroll Center Rd #102 San Dieg o CA NONE $8305 Funding to promote effective volunteering Correll Institute for Medical Research 403 Haddon Avenue Camden NJ NONE $39345 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Corporate Volunteer Council of Central New York PO Box 2129 S yracuse NY 13220-2129 NONE $10000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Corporate Volunteer Council of Greater Puget Sound 720 2nd Avenue Seattle WA 98104-1702 NONE $20000 Funding to promote Correctional Peace Officers Foundation 1346 North Market Blvd Sacramento CA NONE $31258 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Cotswold Care Hos pice Cotswold Care Hos pice Minchinhampton Glouces ershire GL5 2PQ NONE $22 16 Funding to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteerin g Cotta ge Craftsmen 213 East 4th St , Ste 400 Saint Paul MN 55101-160 NONE $671 Funding promote Council for Nat ive Hawaiian Advancement ( CNHA) 33 South King Street. Suite 51 Honolulu HI NONE $3368 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Council for the Advancement of Arts, Recreation and Education C 41 Floral Street London London IWC2E 9DG NONE $2246 Fundin 12 promote effective volunteenn Fundm to effective volunteering Council of Mag ickal Arts, Inc 2825 Bomar Ave Fort Worth TX NONE $39 29 promote Countryside Christian Center _ _ 1850 McMullen Booth Rd Clearwater FL NONE $21806 I Funding to promote effective volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Coura ge and Valor Foundation 1421 S Sheridan Rd Tulsa OK NONE $4060 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Coura ge Center 3915 Golden Valle y Road Minnea polis MN NONE $168 29 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Court Appointed S pecial Advocate (CASA) For Dou glas 6ou nty 164 Hall of Justice Omaha NE NONE $33 60 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Covenant House CA 1325 N Western Avenue Hollywood CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Craft Emergency Relief Fund PO Box 838 Montpelier VT NONE $574 93 Funding to promote effective volunteenng CRASH-IT Unit 20 Kettleswood Drive Birming ham West Midlands B32 3DB NONE $19 95 Funding to promote effective volunteenng CRE4BCS 668 Grand Ave Hartford WI NONE $865 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Create Nowl 2007 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $11237 Funding to p ro mote effective volunteering Creation Evidence Museum and Archaelo ical Excavations 3102 FM 205 Glen Rose TX NONE $87 23 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Creati ve Wellness Communication 66 Commercial Street London London E1 6LT NONE $200 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng Crisis 500 Lexington Avenue Suite A Fort Smith AR NONE $372 15 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteenng Crisis Center for Women 924 Buena Vista Duarte CA NONE $33 56 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng Cnsis Preg nancy Center of Monrovia 605 S Duke Street York PA 17401 NONE $2792 Funding to promote effective volunteerin Cns us Attucks Association, Inc 605 Duke Street York PA 17403 NONE $2,500 00 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of Amenca, Flonda Cha pter 21301 Powertme Road Boca Raton FL NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenng Crossbnd a Inc 9388 N Lilley Rd Pl ymouth MI NONE $32 66 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng Crossin g the Finish Line 170 West Germantown Pike East Nomton PA NONE $21 34 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenng Crossroads Adoption Services 911 Fourth Street, Suite 214 Hudson WI NONE $9 48 Funding to promote effective volunteering Crosswalk Ministries 340 Carverton Rd Trucksville PA NONE $6691 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Crosswinds Equine Rescue, Inc 1476 N Count y Rd 1350 E Tuscola IL NONE $9 38 Funding to p romote effective volunteering CRY Amenca ( Bay Area Action Center) 600 Park View Dnve , #203 Santa Clara CA NONE $2960 Funding to p romote effective volunteering C rystal Peaks Youth Ranch 19344 Innes Market Road Bend OR NONE $2035 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g CTM Madison Famil y Theatre Com pany 228 State Street Madison W l NONE $16207 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ctr for the Prev of Sexual & Domestic Violence 2400 N 45th Street, Suite 10 Seattle WA NONE $3681 Funding to promote effective volunteering Cumberland Valle y Habitat for Humani ty 39 Heisers Lane Carlisle PA NONE $448 51 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Cumbria Cerebral Pals y 22 S pencer Street Carlisle Cumbn,i CA1 1BG NONE $2347 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Cure Autism Now 5455 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $8,166 07 Funding to promote effective volunteenng CURE Childhood Cancer and Leukemia 1835 Savoy Dnve, Suite 317 Atlanta GA NONE $771 37 Funding to promote effective volunteering Cure For Cancers 3260 Shasta Circle North Los Angeles CA NONE $14508 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Curiale School 12 Wassell Lane West port CT NONE $45000 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Curtains & Comfort Rural Route 7 Orchard Lake MI NONE $2684 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CUTLER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 237 ASBURY ST South Hamilton MA 01982 NONE $20000 Funding to promote effective volunteenng C ystic Fibrosis Trust 11 London Road Bromley Kent BR1 1BY NONE $54767 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide 56 Central Street Hudson MA NONE $1,33223 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Dachshund Adoption Rescue & Education ( DARE ) 5395 Lenox Ave Jacksonville FL NONE $54 01 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn g Dads and Daug hters 34 E Su erior St Duluth MN NONE $110 52 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch 6301 19th AVE NW Fargo ND NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective votunteenn Dalit Freedom Network 9034 E Easter PI . Ste 206 Centennial CO NONE $398 63 Funding to promote effective volunteering Dallas CASA 2815 Gaston Avenue Dallas TX NONE $10782 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng Dallas Hearin g Foundation 7777 Forest Lane Dallas TX NONE $96 54 Fundin to romote effective volunteering Dalmatian Rescue of Tampa Bay Inc 1758 Enchanted Forest Road Eastsound WA NONE $111 15 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund 44 Binne y Street Boston MA NONE $3,17685 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Danbu ry Animal Welfare Society PO Box 971 Danbu ry CT NONE $111 82 Fundin g to promote effective votunteenn Daniel Webster College 20 University Drive Nashua NH NONE $26 45 Funding to promote effective volunteering Dare to Dream Ch ildren's Fnd 5401 N Central Ex , Ste, Dallas TX NONE $2507 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Darrell Pollack DP9 Foundation 4343 S Oakley Ave Chicago IL NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption 4150 Tuller Road Dublin OH NONE $171 69 Funding to promote effective volunteering Dawn Farm 6633 Stone y Creek Road Ypsilanti MI NONE $20 99 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Daybreak Ra pe Crisis Center 1926 Leighton Avenue Anniston AL NONE $31 45 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Daystar School 180 S Wells Suite 180 Chicago IL NONE $6 71 Fundin to promote effective volunteenng Deaf Abused Women's Network- DAWN 1050 17th Street NW Washington DC NONE $89 68 Fundin to p romote effective volunteenn STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address City State Zi p Code $210.14 Funding to promote effective volunteering Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of Lancaster County 1810 Oregon Pike Lancaster PA NONE 15 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Deaf Counseling Advocacy & Referral Agency DCARA 14895 East 14th St, Suite 200 San Leandro CA NONE $9 $37 05 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Dean's Horse Town USA Inc 32255 Scott Rd Winchester CA NONE 103 01 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g DebRA 13 Wellington Business Park Crowthome Berkshire RG45 6LS NONE $83 24 Fundin g t p romote effective volunteering Dedication & Everlastin Love to Animals PO Box 9 Glendale CA NONE NONE $25,00000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Defiance City School District 629 Arabella St Defiance OH 43512 $2720 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Delaware Valley Habitat for Humani ty 100 S Broad St Philadel phia PA NONE $2,000 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Delaware Volunteer Service and Citizenshi p Resource 1901 N Dupont Hwy, Charles- New Castle DE 19720-1100 NONE to romote effective volunteering Delta Center for Culture and Learning , Delta State University PO Box 3152 Cleveland MI 38733 NONE $1,000 00 Funding p Funding to p romote effective volunteering Demelza - Hos p ice Care for Children Rook Lane Sittin bourne Kent ME9 8DZ NONE $1,11222 $1,964 25 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Denver Broncos Chanties 1701 Bryant Street Denver CO NONE $8936 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Denver CASA 225 E 16th Avenue, Suite 1020 Denver CO NONE Funding t promote effective volunteerin g Denver Rescue Mission 3501 E 46th Ave Denver CO NONE $19357 14 77 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering De aul 291-299 London London SE1 1JG NONE NONE $32986 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g De p ression Alliance Swte212, S pitfire Studios King s Cross Londc n Ni 9BE NONE $13764 Funding to promote effective volunteering Depression and Bi polar Su pport Alliance 730 North Franklin St Chicago IL effective volunteering DERA Disaster Resource Center 410 Cheyenne Drive Berthoud CO NONE $6 71 Fund i ng to promote NONE $35930 Fundin to romote effective volunteering Desig n Industries Fnd Fig hting AIDS (DIFFA ) 147 West 24th Street New York NY to promote effective volunteering Detroit Friendshi p House 2031 Caniff Avenue Hamtramck MI NONE $321 33 Fundin g $3507 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Deuce McAllister's Catch 22 Foundation PO Box 231363 Harahan LA NONE to p romote effective volunteerin g DEVON AIR AMBULANCE TRUST Unit 5 Sand pi per Court Exeter Devon EX4 8NS NONE $29624 Fundin g Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Dewar Wildlife Trust, Inc P O Box 210 Morganton GA NONE $19742 47 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Dharma Vi a a Buddhist Vihara 1847 Crenshaw Blvd Los An geles CA NONE $31 effective volunteerin g DHIVERSE Office B Cambrid ge Cambrid geshire CB1 2LJ NONE $51 69 Funding to p romote $32 56 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Diabetes Acti on Research & Education Fnd 10507 Engl i shman Drive Rockville MD NONE $47 97 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Diabetes Aid & Research Fund PO Box 81443 Phoenix AZ NONE $101 28 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Diabetes Research Institute Foundation 3440 Holl ywood Blvd Hollywood FL NONE to effective volunteering Diabetes UK Macleod House Camden London NW1 7AA NONE $568 38 Funding p romote to promote effective volunteering Diabetic Youth Services-Su garFree Kids, Inc 501 W Walnut St Compton CA NONE $6 71 Funding NONE $1,765 87 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Direct Relief International 27 S La Patera Lane Santa Barbara CA Fundin to romote effective volunteering Disabled American Veterans Charitable Svc Trust 3725 Alexandria Pike Cold S p ring KY NONE $804 57 $11442 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Disabled Living Foundation 380-384 Harrow Road London Loncon W9 2HU NONE 84 to promote effective volunteerin g Disabled Online Users Association 1806 Vai neur Rd Port Ro al SC NONE $11,817 Funding NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Disabled S ports USA 451 Hungerford Or Rockville MD NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Discove ry Arts 17300 17th Street Tustin CA NONE $6 95 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Discove ry Center at Murfree Spring 502 Southeast Broad Street Murfreesboro TN to romote effective volunteering Diveheart Foundation 900 Ogden Ave #274 Downers Grove IL NONE $560 18 Funding p NONE $5041 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Divers Alert network (DAN ) 6 West Colony Place Durham NC romote effective volunteerin g Dobra, Inc 975 Lakefront Rd Lake Oswego OR NONE $8 41 Funding to p $3284 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Doctors of the World-USA 375 West Broadway , Fourth Floo New York NY NONE $1,881 41 Fundin to Promote effective volunteerin g Doctors Without Borders USA ( Medecins Sans Frontieres ) 333 Seventh Avenue New York NY NONE to romote effective volunteeri ng Do Pack Rescue 715 Fulton Rd Kingston GA NONE $5246 Funding p NONE $81 39 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Dogs Deserve Better P 0 Box 23 Ti pton PA NONE $35374 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Dogs for the Disabled The Frances Hay Centre Banbu ry Oxfordshire OX1 7 2BS NONE $31703 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Dogs Trust 17 Wakley Street London Lon ion EC1V 7RQ $14 91 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Dollars for Scholars 7703 Normandale Blvd, Ste 110 Minnea polis MN NONE $18431 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Pro gram of Jefferson County 601 South Queen Street Lancaster PA NONE $739 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Donna Louise promotions 1, GRACE RD, STOKE-ON-TRENT Stalfordshire ST4 8FN NONE $45000 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g DONNA VITULANO 163 Caroll Rd Fairfield CT 06824 NONE $18767 Funding to promote effect ive volunteerin g Donna's House Communi ty Center 412 East 3rd St Anaconda MT NONE NONE $12078 Funding to promote effective volunteering Donor Sibling Regist ry 83 Al pine Drive Nederland CO I - POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE DonorsChoose, Inc 347 West 36th Street New York NY NONE $391 36 Funding to promote effective volunteering Doris Day Animal Foundation 227 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington DC NONE $41 73 Funding to promote effective volunteering Dorothy House Hos p ice Care Dorothy House Foundation Ltd Bradford on Avon Wiltst ire BA15 2LE NONE $1508 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Down Syndrome Cong ress National 1370 Center Drive, Suite 102 Atlanta GA NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Down Syndrome Educational Trust The Sarah Duffen Centre Southsea Hamp shire PO51NA NONE $10278 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Down's Syndrome Scotland 158/160 Bal g reen Road Edinbu rg h Midlothian EH11 3AU NONE $7733 Funding to promote effective volunteering Downtown Women's Center 325 S Los Angeles St Los Angeles CA NONE $530 79 Funding to promote effective volunteering Downtown Women's Center, Inc 325 S Los Angeles St Los Angeles CA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Dr Hadwen Trust 84a Tdehouse Street Hitchin Hertfordshire SG5 2DY NONE $91 82 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Dress for Success Worldwide 32 East 31st Street New York NY NONE $1,825 52 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Droitwich Ferret Welfare PO Box 153 Drodwich Worcestershire WR9 OWU NONE $3434 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g DUCHENNE FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP 78 York Street London London W 1 H 1 DP NONE $7606 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Ducks Unl i mited, Inc One Waterfowl Way Mem p his TN NONE $211 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Duke Children's Hos pital & Health Center 512 S Mangum Street Durham NC NONE $14789 Funding to promote effective volunteering Dumb Friends League 2080 South Quebec Street Denver CO NONE $357 19 Funding to promote effective volunteering Durham Crisis Res ponse Center 206 N Dillard Street Durham NC NONE $331 37 Funding to promote effective volunteering Dzo Chen Shn Singha Foundation USA 1400 Colorado St Boulder City NV NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering E- The Environmental Magazine 28 Kni ght Styreet Norwalk CT NONE $100 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ea lehorse Foundation PO Box 30 Talent OR NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Earth For Humanities, INC 3930 Old St Rd 37 Bloomington IN NONE $7 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering Earth Island Inst itute 300 Broadway San Francisco CA NONE $22 07 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Earth Share 7735 Old Georgtown Road Bethesda MD NONE $31 34 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g East Ang lian Air Ambulance Hangar D Norwich Norfol < NR66EG NONE $7211 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g East Ang lia's Children's Hos p ices (EACH ) Church Lane Cambrid ge Cambid eshire CB4 6AB NONE $219 53 Funding to promote effective volunteering East Atlanta Kids Club 659 A Gresham Ave SE Atlanta GA NONE $41 14 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g East Bay Communi ty Law Center 3130 Shattuck Avenue Berkele y CA NONE $9255 Funding to promote effective volunteering East Bay SPCA - Oakl & SPCA/Tn-Valle y SPCA 8323 Baldwin Street Oakland CA NONE $15 91 Funding to promote effective volunteering East Maui Animal Refuge 25 Maluaina Place Haiku HI NONE $21944 Funding to promote effective volunteering East Oakl& Community Develo pment Corporation 1406 Semina ry Avenue Oakland CA NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering East Tennessee Border Collie Rescue 242 Joel Road Oliver S prings TN NONE $21 27 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Easter Seals Arkansas 3920 Woodland Heig hts Road Little Rock AR NONE $118 10 Funding to p romote effective volunteeri ng Easter Seals, Inc 230 W Monroe St Chicago L NONE $4,251 58 Funding to promote effective volunteering Easter Seals-Michi gan 1105 N Teleg ra p h Rd Waterford MI NONE $2847 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Eastern Agency on Ag ing 450 Essex Street Bangor ME NONE $62 70 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Eastern Mennoite Universe 1200 Park Rd Harrisonburg VA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Eastern Montana Humane Society , Inc PO Box 1286 Baker MT NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Eau Claire Lutheran School 510 Garden Street Eau Claire WI NONE $421 76 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ecumen Foundation 3530 Lexington Avenue North Shoreview MN NONE $34 74 Funding to promote effective volunteering Eden Valley Hos pice Durdar Road Carlisle Cumbria CA2 4SD NONE $29 16 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Edu/Rsch Fnd Acad Of Facial Plastic Reconst Surg ery 310 South Henry Street Alexandria VA NONE $13 59 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Educare-Africa 950 Airp ort Rd , SE # 102 Albany OR NONE $48 18 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters 20 E 93rd St New York NY NONE $382 38 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation 3200 Wilshire Boulevard Los An geles CA NONE $99 01 Funding to promote effective volunteering El Cucuy Foundation 10281 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $48 28 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Electronic Frontier Foundation 454 Shotwell Street San Francisco CA NONE $1,299 40 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Elephant Kingdom 2nd Floor London Londo i nw3 5ar NONE $5 03 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g El gin Recreation Center 1080 E Chicago Street El g in L 60120 NONE $20000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Eli's Angels 12272 Kramena St Bri g hton CO NONE $9594 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Elks National Foundation 2750 N Lakeview Ave Chico o L NONE $67 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Elton John AIDS Foundation, Inc P O Box 17139 BeverlyHills CA NONE $29,221 57 Fun;Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g El ysian Fields The Justin Mo rgan Association for Retired Eq uine PO Box 231 Cedar Point L NONE $136 26 in to promote effective volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Emergency Animal Rescue P O Box 2462 Ramona CA NONE $2,072 40 Funding to p romote effective volunteering effective Emergency Fund 208 S LaSalle Ch icago IL NONE $94 10 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g to effective volunteering Emergency Housin g Consortium 2665 N First Street Suite 210 an Jose CA NONE $21 27 Fundin g promote to effective volunteerin g Eme rg enc y Search Dog s 28 Norman View St'Andrews Fie KY16 OES NONE $77 74 Funding promote Emerg ing Artists Theatre 311 West 43rd Street New York NJ NONE $119 58 Funding to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteerin g Emenl Lag asse Foundation 829 St Charles Avenue New Orleans LA NONE $6 71 Fundin g promote effective volunteerin g Emmanuel Christian School Horse Carrs Rochdale Lancat,hire OL12 6LG NONE $7 39 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Emmaus Leeds St Ma ry's Street Leeds West Yorkshire LS9 7DP NONE $739 Fundin to Promote effective Emmaus Services for the Ag ing 1426 9th Street NW Washin gton DC 20001-3330 NONE $1,000 00 Funding to promote volunteerin g effective Emmaus UK 48 Kinston Street Cambrid g e Cambr d eshire CB1 2NU NONE $10609 Fundin g to promote volunteeri ng to romote effective volunteering Em powered Women International 1212 Prince St Alexandria VA NONE $12 05 Funding p effective volunteering EMO Children & Famil y Services 232 Gish Road an Jose CA NONE $1642 Funding to p romote to effective volunteering Emthon eni Trust Garden House Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL50 2PL NONE $132 88 Funding promote effective volunteering Environmental Defense Center 906 Garden Street Santa Barbara CA NONE $21935 Fundin g to promote NONE $503 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng Ep ilepsy Connections 100 Wellington Street Glasgow Glas ow (City o G2 6DH $739 21 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Ep ile psy Foundation 4351 Garden Cit y Drive Landover MD NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteering Ep ile p sy Foundation of MA & RI 540 Gallivan Blvd Boston MA NONE $9 75 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering E pi le psy Research Foundation Po Box 3004 London Londor W4 4XT NONE $21733 to effect ive volunteering E pi le psy Thera py Development Project 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 730 Reston VA NONE $671 Fundin g p romote Fundm to romote effective volunteering E p isco pal Chanties, Inc 1814 Franklin Street Oakland CA NONE $52 26 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering E p silon Ka ppa Omega Cha pter of Al pha Ka ppa AI ha 9997 W Greenwood Terrace Milwaukee WI 1 53224 NONE $1,00000 $682 04 Funding to promote effective volunteering Equality 250 West 57th Street New York NY NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteering E q uine Esca pe Rescue Ltd 720 Tower Hill Rd Millbrook NY NONE $13323 Funding to promote effective volunteering Eq u i ne Market Watch Santuanes Horn Cotta ge Brom and Herefordshire HR7 4NH NONE $1843 $49 18 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Eq uine Protection of North America ( E P O N A ) P O Box 315 E pping NH NONE Funding to promote effective volunteerin Eq ui pp ing Pastors International, Inc 9039 Village Green Blvd Clermont FL NONE $2993 effective EQUIREST, INC 4585 N Townshi p Rd 167 Tiffin OH NONE $18 76 Funding to promote volunteering Funding to promote effective volunteering Ene County SPCA 205 Ensmin ger Road Tonawanda NY NONE $8 17 Fundin to romote effective volunteenng Ernst & Young LLP PNC Bank-Philadel phia 828135 Philade hia PA 19182-8135 NONE $9,251 76 P romote effective volunteerin g Eureka Senior Hi g h School 1915 J Street Eureka CA 95501 NONE $25,000 00 Fundin g to p Evansville Arts Coalition 111 Main Street Evansville MN NONE $195 72 Funding to promote effective volunteering Funding to p romote effective volunteering Eve Child 4 Bath Place London London EC2A 3DR NONE $1843 effective volunteering Excellent Development 55 Orchard Road Brentford Middlesex TW8 0QU NONE $5030 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Exchang e Club/Tina Turner Famil y Center 629 S Washin gton Ri pley TN NONE $1725 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Exotic Bird Rescue P O Box 40865 Eugene OR NONE $1344 Fundin g to p romote Fundin to Promote effective volunteering Fabretto Children's Foundation 4039 N 17th St Arlington VA NONE $3827 to effective volunteerin g Faces of Courag e Foundation 4115 West S pruce Street Tam pa FL NONE $77 95 Fundin g promote p romote effective volunteerin g Facing Africa - Noma Seend Park Wiltshire En land SN12 6NZ NONE $503 Fundin g to Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Fairbnd a 207 Waterloo Road London London SEt 8XD NONE $503 effective volunteerin g Faith's Crossin 2735 Nathan Trmoth Ct Dacula GA NONE $5607 Funding to p romote Funding to promote effective volunteering Fallen Troo ps Foundation 21-C East Mellen Street Hampton VA NONE $2,566 63 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng Families for Effective Autism Treatment of Southern Nevada 408 S Jones Las Veg as NV NONE $94 10 to effective volunteerin g Families Forward 9221 Irvine Boulevard Irvine CA NONE $14 42 Funding promote Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Families Need Fathers 134 Curtain Rd London London EC2A 3AR NONE $503 $37 59 Funding to promote effective volunteering Famil i es Together. Inc 3033 W Second Wichita KS NONE $5643 Funding to promote effective volunteering Famil y and Friends For Freedom Fund, Inc 20 watentliet ave pompton lakes NJ NONE NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Famil y Careg iver Alliance 690 Market Street. Ste 600 San Francisco CA 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Family Counseling Agency 209 S Tucson Blvd , Ste 1 Tucson AZ NONE $6 $2684 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Famil y Eldercare 2210 Hancock Or Austin TX NONE $11 57 Fund, to promote effective volunteering Famil y Empowerment Centers 1124 W South Jordan Pkwy South Jordan UT NONE Fundin to promote effective volunteering Family Federation for World Peace 143-63 Ash Ave Flushing NY 11355 NONE $1,000 00 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 PURPOSE Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount Fundin to romote effective volunteering Famil y Life Skills Leamcn Center 1702 Interstate Drive Champaign L NONE $2030 P $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering Famil y Matters 7731 N Marshfield Ave Chica go L NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Famil y Promise of West Seattle 1255 N 1200 W Orem UT NONE $5393 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Famil y Su pport and Treatment Center 1255 N 1200 W Orem UT NONE $1585 to effective volunteerin g Famil y Tree 3805 Marshall St Wheat Rid ge CO NONE $1253 Funding p romote Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Fami l y Violence Prevention Fund 383 Rhode Island Street, Suit an Francisco CA NONE $1200 to romote effective volunteerin g Fanconl Anemia Research Fund, Inc 1801 Willamette St , Suite 200 Eugene OR NONE $1,04369 Funding p • Fundi ng to promote effective volunteering Farleigh Hospice North Court Road Chelmsford Esse c CM1 7FH NONE $3782 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g FARM AID 11 Ward St Somerville MA NONE $105 13 $28382 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Farm Sanctua ry PO Box 150 Watkins Glen NY NONE $12739 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hun gry P O Box 323 Williams port MD NONE NONE $183 54 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Fast Friends 80 Knf Road Keene NH $7 24 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Feathered Friends Forever Rescue/Refuge Inc 612 B yrd Drive Hadem GA NONE NONE $10 59 Fundin to P romote effective volunteerin g Federation of Fly Fishers 215 E Lewis St #305 Livin gston MT $23 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Federation of Galaxy Explorers 11707 Lovej oy Street Silver S pring MD NONE $425 38 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Feed My Starving Children 6750 West Broadway Minnea polis MN NONE $4,39576 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Feed The Children 333 N Mendcan Oklahoma City OK NONE $15 89 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Feedin g Hungry Children International 300 East State Street Redlands CA NONE $955 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Feline Adviso ry Bureau Taeselbu Tisbu ry Wiltshire SP3 6LD NONE $60 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering Feline Veterina ry Emerg ency Assistance 1641 Elizabeth Lane Yuba City CA NONE Funding to promote effecti ve volunteering Feminist Karate Union P O BOX 491214 Los An geles CA NONE $671 $13627 Funding to promote effective volunteering Feral Cat Alliance P O BOX 491214 Los An geles CA NONE $140 12 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon PO Box 82734 Portland OR NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering Feral Friends Animal Rescue & Assistance Inc 13410 Preston Road #1237 Dallas TX NONE $865 $7 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Ferret Shelter Northwest P O Box 1963 Vashon WA NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering Ferrets Unlimced Ferret Shelter 4116 Bucyrus Avenue Cleveland OH NONE $9644 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Fibrom al ca Association of Houston,lnc P O Box 2174 Bellaire TX NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng FIDELCO Guide Dog Foundation 103 Old Iron Ore Road Bloomfield CT NONE $2020 $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Fieldstone Farm Thera peutic Riding Center (TRC ) 16497 Snyder Road Cha grin Falls OH NONE $10500 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Fillin g Memonal Home of Mercy N 160 State Route 108 Na poleon OH NONE Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering Film Arts Foundation 145 9th Street an Francisco CA NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering F i lm Inde pendent ( FIND ) 9911 West Pico Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $19221 Funding to p romote effective volunteering FIND A VOICE 49 Beaver Lane Ashford Kent TN23 5NU NONE $503 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Finger Lakes Land Trust 202 East Court Street Ithaca NY NONE $1342 $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Firefi g hter Ministries, Inc PO Box 925 Fnendswood TX NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Firm Foundation of Pa , Inc P O Box 5524 Harrisburg PA NONE NONE $4 80 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering First Amendment Proj ect 16976 Hwy 90 Des Allemands LA $248 58 Funding to promote effective volunteering First Assembl y of God 16976 Hwy 90 Des Allemands LA NONE effective volunteering First Candle/SIDS Alliance 1314 Bedford Avenue Baltimore MD NONE $3381 Funding to p romote $10 11 Funding to promote effective volunteering First Cong re gational Church United Church of Christ Naperville 25 E Benton Na perville L NONE $4,900 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering First Res ponders Resources Corp oration 2031 N Broad St Suite 101 Lansdale PA 19446 NONE $15,500 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin FIRSTLINK, Inc 195 North Grant Avenue Columbus OH 43215-2607 NONE g $15943 Funding to promote effective volunteering FISH Friends In Sonoma Hel ping 18330 Hwy 12 Sonoma CA NONE $880 74 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin g FishAmerica Foundation 225 Reinekers Lane Alexandria VA NONE $170 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Fisher House Fnd 1401 Rockville Pike Rockville MD NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Fisher House/Naval Medical Center San Diego 34800 Bob Wilson Dr, Code BEA an Diego CA NONE $15343 $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Florida Lions E ye Bank 900 NW 17 ST Miami FL NONE NONE $721 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Flower Cit y Habitat for Humanity 200A Public Market Rochester NY ing to p romote effective-volunteering Flu Butts Rescue Resort 1002 E Jefferson St Washington A NONE $12642 13 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering Folk Alliance 962 Wayne Ave Suite 902 Silver S pring MC NONE $20 $15 12 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Food & Friends 219 Rigg s Road, NE Washin gton DC NONE POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address City State jZi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Food Aflergy 8 Ana p hyl axis Network 11781 Lee Jackson Hig hway, Sui Fairfax VA NONE $7788 Fundin to romote effective volunteering Food Bank For New York 90 John Street, Suite 702 New York NY NONE $13479 Funding to promote effective volunteering Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carol i na 3808 Tarheel Drive Ralei g h NC NONE $374 43 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Food Finders, Inc 3434 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach CA NONE $23 03 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Food For Children. Inc P 0 Box 4786 Manchester NH NONE $9 38 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Food for Life Global 514 Sheila St Gaithersbu rg MD NONE $1,337 81 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Food for the Hungry 1224 E Washington St Phoenix AZ NONE $78971 Funding to promote effective volunteering Food Gatherers P O Box 131037 Ann Arbor MI NONE $971 54 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Foothill AIDS Project 233 W Harrison Avenue Claremont CA NONE $1200 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Foothill Unity Center 415 W Chestnut St Monrovia CA NONE $1950 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g FORCE Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered 16057 Tam pa Palms Blvd W Tama FL NONE $1545 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Forces Children's Trust 65 Shawle y Wa y E psom Surrey KT 18 5PD NONE $739 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Forest Hills Commun ity House 108-25 62nd Drive Forest H i lls NY NONE $9 14 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng ForestMobilit y Tanglewood Yorkely Slade Gloucestershire GL14 4SA NONE $503 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Fo rgotten Felines P O BOX 430 Valhalla NY NONE $15576 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Foster Care Children & Fam i l y Fund 2706 Bad ger Lane Madison W I NONE $5266 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Foster Parent Assn National 7512 Stanich Ave #6 Gi g Harbor WA NONE $22761 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Foundantion for the Awakening Mind 4443 Station Avenue 4443 Station Avenue 4443 Station Avenue NONE $1,166 09 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g FOUNDATION FOR HIV/AIDS & KIDNEY DIALYSIS INC 704 villa a drive edison NJ NONE $1326 Funding to promote effective volunteering Foundation for Positivel y Kids 3753 Howard Hug hes P kwy Ste 20 Las Ve gas NV NONE $23 14 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Foundation for the Carolinas - The Greg Biffle Foundation 217 South Tryon Charlotte NC NONE $1253 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Foundation for Women 4747 Morena Blvd San Diego CA NONE $1642 Funding to p romote effective volunteering foundation human nature fhn 64a Delance y St London Londor NW1 7RY NONE $7 39 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Foundation to Eradicate Duchenne, Inc P 0 Box 2371 Alexandria VA NONE $3,752 29 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Fox Valley Ferret 520 W Atlantic St App leton WI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Franklin County Humane Socie ty 1222 W MAIN UNION MO NONE $1391 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Frederick Cn 4H Thera peutic Ridin g Pro g ram 11515 An leber er Road Thurmont MD NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Free Arts NYC 1431 Broadway, 7th Floor New York NY NONE $279 58 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Free the Children P 0 Box 32099 Hartford CT NONE $8 75 Funding to promote effective volunteering Free Wheelchair Mission 4685 MacArthur Court Newport Beach CA NONE $91262 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Freedom's Flame Memorial Foundation 8104 Gardenia Ave Rancho Cucamonga CA NONE $53 38 Funding to promote effective volunteering Freewheelers Car Club I, Inc 20 Netcong He ig hts # 1 Netcong NJ NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g French American Intl School 8500 NW Johnson Portland OR 97229 NONE $20000 Fundin g to p romote effecti ve volunteerin g French Creek Valley Christian School 1 Maplewood Dr Newtown Square PA 19073 NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effecti ve volunteering Frest Start Sheltle Rescue, Inc 3655 J Alan Drive Bartlett TN NONE $6334 Funding to promote effective volunteering Friend Berean Church 217 Main St Friend NE NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Friends First 21-23 Clarendon Villas Hove East Si ssex BN3 3RE NONE $8899 Funding to promote effective volunteering Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test 2407 Dent Street Greensboro NC NONE $616 10 Funding to promote effective volunteering Friends for Life Animal Sanctua ry 143 W Vau ghn Avenue Gilbert AZ NONE $4742 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Friends For the Dearborn Animal Shelter 2661 Greenfield Dearborn MI NONE $1,473 75 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Friends In Need 5194 n Lake Mtn Rd Ea g le Mountain UT NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn Friends In Need Animal Rescue PO Box 1641 Lexin gton NC NONE $235 58 Fundin g to promote effecti ve volunteerin g Friends of Anatolia PBC 236 Castro St Unitl Mountain View CA NONE $12649 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g Friends of Animal Ado pt i ons. Inc dba Animal Ark 809 East Seventh Street Saint Paul MN NONE $6527 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Friends of Billenca y School The Billencay School Billenca y Essex CM12 9LH NONE $22678 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park 107 Joy Street Sevierv i lle TN NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Friends of Hildene, Inc 1005 Hildene Road Manchester VT NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Friends of Mary Fund 7 Primrose Drive Burlington NJ NONE $21 27 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Friends of San Francisco Animal Care and Control P 0 Box 2443 an Francisco CA NONE $14 39 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering Friends of the City-County Animal Shelter 4670 Aurora Avenue Winnemucca NV NONE $36 81 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Friends of the Earth 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington DC NONE $940 65 [Funding to promote effective volunteerin g POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE effective volunteerin g Friends of the Third World, Inc 611 W WAYNE ST Fort Wayne N NONE $671 Funding to p romote to promote effective volunteerin g Friends of TREAD 41 Albany Road St Leonards on Sea East Sussex TN38 OLJ NONE $193 11 Fundin g to effective volunteering Friends of WFP, Inc PO Box 11856 Washin gton DC NONE $12613 Fundin g p romote effective volunteerin g Friendshi p Volunteer Center-Fort Myers 3597 Fowler Street Fort M yers FL 33901 NONE $750 00 Fundin g to promote effective g Friendshi p Volunteer Center-Lee Cou nty 3597 Fowler Street Fort M yers FL 33901 NONE $50000 Funding to promote volunteerin effective volunteering Friendshi p Volunteer Center-Sarasota 1750 17th Suite B-1 Sarasota FL 34234 NONE $13,75000 Fundin g to promote effective From Houses to Homes-Guatemala X-12 Farmhouse Lane Morristown NJ NONE $28 18 Funding to promote volunteerin g Front Porch Alliance 3210 Michi gan Kansas City MO NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Fuchs Mizrachi School 2301 Fenwick Road Universi ty Hei ghts OH NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote volunteering effective volunteering Fulani Ministries 2 Ascham Road Bournemouth Dorset BH8 8LX NONE $2757 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g FULLY INVOLVED FARMS HORSES FOR THE CHALLENGED 572 SW ASTER RD PORT ST LUCIE FL NONE $6269 Fundin g to p romote to effective volunteering FuRR ( Feline Rescue & Rehome ) P 0 Box 17048 Little Rock AR NONE $52620 Fundin g promote effective FUTURE EXPECTATIONS TODAY 1497 swan lake dr lewisville TX NONE $60 61 Funding to p romote volunteering effective volunteerin F de Hed gehod Rescue Trust 9 Alisan Road Poulton-le-F de Lancashire FY6 7QF NONE $44 32 Funding to promote g effective G&P Foundation for Cancer Research 41 East 11th Street New York NY NONE $671 Funding to promote volunteering effective volunteering Gables Farm Dos' and Cats' Home 204 Merafield Road Pl ymouth Devon PL7 1UQ NONE $8692 Funding to promote effective volunteering Galapagos Conservancy 407 North Washin gton St Falls Church VA NONE $895 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Galaxy Counselin g Center 1025 S Jupiter Rd Garland TX NONE $6 72 Funding to p romote Game For Life 17 Kielder Wa y Newcastle T ne aiid Wear NE3 2LP NONE $1477 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering effective Garden of Angels, Inc 34590 County Line Road Yucai pa CA NONE $44 76 Funding to p romote volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation 5455 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 150 Los Angeles CA NONE 13 00 Fundin g p romote to romote effective volunteering Gay & Lesbian Communi ty Center of Baltimore 241 W Chase Street Baltimore MD NONE $2767 Fundin g p romote effective volunteering Gay Men's Health Crisis 119 West 24th Street New York NY NONE $152 13 Fundin g I p volunteering Genesis Food Bank &Human Crisis Council Inc 435 Hiawatha St Jackson, MS NONE $356 32 Funding to p romote effect ive effective volunteering Genworth Children's Advanta ge Classic 6620 West Broad Street Richmond VA NONE $2,134 17 Fundin g to p romote 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Geo rge Washington University 2121 I Street NW, Ste 701 Washin gton DC 20052 NONE $1,000 to effective volunteering Georgia 4-H Foundation The Universi ty of Geo rg ia Athens GA NONE $41 75 Fundin g p romote to p romote effective volunteering Georg ia Communi ty Support and Solut i ons 1945 Cliff Valley Wa y Atlanta GA NONE $2322 Fund i ng effective Germanic-American Institute 301 Summit Ave Saint Paul MN NONE $52 76 Fundin to romote volunteering effective volunteerin g Get Connected Hel pline PO Box 51719 London London NW 1 5UH NONE $1477 Funding to p romote to p romote effective volunteerin g Gettysburg Friends of the National Parks at 451 Baltimore Street Gettysburg PA NONE $27 02 Fundin g effective volunteering Gilda's Club Southeastern Wisconsin 4050 North Oakland Avenue Milwaukee WI NONE $19 21 Funding to promote Gilda's Club Worldwide 322 Eighth Avenue New York NY NONE $381 50 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Girl Scouts Fair Winds Council 2300 Austin Pkwy Flint MI NONE $202 28 Funding to promote volunteerin g effective volunteering Girl Scouts of River Bluffs Council #4 Gin ger Creek Parkwa y Glen Carbon L NONE $181 90 Fundin g to promote to effective volunteerin g Girt Scouts of San Francisco Bay Area P 0 Box 2249 Oakland CA NONE $749 67 Fundm promote effective volunteerin g Girl Scouts Lenni-Lena pe Council, Inc 95 Newark Pompton Turnpike Riverdale NJ NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Girls Scout Troo p - 5118 5720 Caddoan Road Virg inia beach VA 23462 NONE $20000 Funding to promote Girls Scouts of Racine County 5322 Zacha ry Drive Racine WI 53403 NONE $200 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering GIVE 2 THE TROOPS P 0 Box 320063 Fairfield CT NONE $38564 Funding to p romote Give Kids The World 210 South Bass Road Kissimmee FL NONE $3,475 73 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Gladney Center 6300 John Ryan Drive Fort Worth TX NONE $3633 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g romote effective volunteerin g GLASS (Gay & Lesbian Adolescent Social Services) , Inc 650 N Robertson Blvd West Holl ywood CA NONE $5,978 02 Fundin g to p effective volunteering Glide 330 Ellis Street San Francisco CA NONE $107 52 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Global AIDS Alliance 1413 K Street NW Washington DC NONE $22250 Funding to promote to p romote effective volunteering Global Alliance for Africa 703 W Monroe St Chica go L NONE $20 13 Funding 31 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Global Care 2 Du dale Road Coventry West Midlands CV6 11313 NONE $11 effective volunteering Global Green USA 2218 Main Street Santa Monica CA NONE $8608 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Global Hunger Project 15 East 26th Street Suite 140 New York NY NONE $5 31 Funding to promote Broadwa effective volunteering Global Kids, Inc 561 y , 6th Floor New York NY NONE $247 77 Fundm to p romote Global Lifeguards P 0 Box 8262 Vero Beach FL NONE $16 41 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Global Maternal/Child Association/ Waterbirth International PO Box 1400 Wilsonville OR NONE $9 61 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Global Music Proj ect PO Box 30869 Seattle WA NONE $19 73 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Global Witness PO Box 6042 London London N19 5WP NONE $24 62 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g GlobalGrvm 7121 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda MD NONE $6,405 37 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g GlobalGiving - Hurricane Rebuilding 7121 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda MD NONE $3,045 52 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g GlobalGivin South Asia Earthquake Relief and Rehabilitation 7121 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda MD NONE $67440 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Gluten Intolerance Group of North America 15110 10 Ave SW, Ste A Seattle WA NONE $14 15 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering God's Havens for Children PO Box 13426 an Luis Obispo CA NONE $37 19 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g God's Hel p ing Hands of Muhlenberg County 112 North John Pnne Ave Drakesboro KY NONE $1200 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering God's Love We Deliver 166 Avenue of the Americas New York NY NONE $477 77 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Good Samaritan Ministries of Richmond 2307 Hull St Richmond VA NONE $7080 Funding to promote effective volunteering Good She pherd Rehabilitation Hos pital 543 St Johns Street Allentown PA NONE $17182 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g GoodDo z org , Inc 12210 Fairfax Towne Center Fairfax VA NONE $21 68 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Goodwill Industries of Dallas 3020 N Westmoreland Rd Dallas TX NONE $29 04 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Goodwill Industries of NE IN. Inc 1516 Mag navox Way Fort Wa yne IN NONE $1632 Fundin to Promote effective volunteering Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona 1940 East Silverlake Ste 405 Tucson AZ NONE $529 98 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Gospel for Asia 1800 Golden Trail Court Carrollton TX NONE $684 51 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Gotham New York Personal Computer Corp 461 Eighth Ave New York NY NONE $2499 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Govans Presbyterian Church 5828 York Rd Baltimore MD NONE $96 53 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Gower Bird Hos pital Valetta Pennard Swansea SA3 2EW NONE ' $18899 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Grace Cha pel F 1595 Art townsend Drive in Bernardino CA NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Grand Rapids Jaycees Foundat ion 2774 Birchcrest SE Grand Ra pids MI NONE $279 88 Funding to promote effective volunteering Grand Traverse Area Cathol ic Schools 123 East Eleventh Street Traverse Cit y NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Grandview Heights Middle School 1240 Oakland Ave Columbus OH 43212 NONE $25,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering GRASP INC PO BOX 26741 Rochester NY NONE $18 78 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Grayslake Youth Center NFP, Inc 1154 Williamsburg Cir Grayslake IL NONE $16245 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Grea Dane Rescue, Inc 4125 Gotfredson Pl ymouth MI NONE $26 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Great Bend Public Library 1409 Williams Great Bend KS 1 67530 NONE $20000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Great Dane Rescue of the Carolinas 10425 Mt Holl y-Huntersville R Huntersville NC NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctua ry PO Box 7 Whittaker MI NONE $721 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity 40-41 Queen Square London London WC1N 3AJ NONE $8,844 42 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Great Rivers Council, BSA 1203 Fay Street Columbia MO NONE $1409 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Greater DC Cares 1725 I Street, NW, Ste 200 Washin gton DC 20006 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Greater Fredercksburg Area SPCA 1523 Olde William St Fredericksburg VA NONE $26776 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Greater Lansing Symphony Orchestra 230 N Washington Sq uare Lansin g MI NONE $47261 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Greater Minnea polis Crisis Nurse ry 5400 Glenwood Avenue Golden Valley MN NONE $96 33 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Greater Ottawa County United Way's Volunteer Center Post Office Box 1349 Holland MI 49422-1349 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Greater Philadel phia Urban Affairs Coalition/Kin g Day Of Service 615 St Georges Road Philadel p hia PA 19119 NONE $3,500 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Green Bay Area Public Schools 200 S Broadway St Green Ba y W I 54303 NONE $25,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Green Chimne ys Children's Services 400 Doansbur Rd Brewster NY NONE $11856 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Green Empowerment 1SW Yamhill St Portland OR NONE $8 75 Funding to promote effective volunteering Green Mtn Pug Rescue 14 pine ridge circle I ndonvdle VT NONE $74 32 Funding to promote effective volunteering Greenbelt Alliance 631 Howard St #510 an Francisco CA NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Greener Pastures Equine Rescue Foundation 24490 State Hi g hway 99 S Stonewall OK NONE $9 62 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Greenhill YMCA Greenhill YCMA Newcaslte Down BT33 OGR NONE $1005 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Green peace Fund 702 H Street, NW Washi ngton DC NONE $9547 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Greenville City Schools 312 Floral Street Greenville TN 37744 NONE $20000 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Greyhound Awareness League 104 Stam ertand Gardens Glasgow East Ren'rewshi G76 8NR NONE $75 76 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Greyhound Friends of New Jerse y . Inc P O Box 6225 Hillsboroug h NJ NONE $17049 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Gre hound Ga p 29a Inner Park Wimbledon London ISW19 6DF NONE $7 39 Fundi to promote effective volunteenn Gre hound Pets of Amenca/Salt Lake P 0 Box 520051 Salt Lake C^ UT NONE $15283 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

PURPOSE Name Address City State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount to effective volunteering Greyhound Rescue West of E ngland Pound Lane Cotta ge Honiton Devor EX14 9QB NONE $9397 Funding promote Greyhound RevolutionaryRobotics/Atascadero Education Foundati One Hig h School Hill Atascadero CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to romote effective volunteering Greyhound Welfare Foundation P 0 Box 669 Penn Valley CA NONE $76 50 Funding p Greyhounds of Eastern Michigan P 0 Box 194 Wayne MI NONE $84 22 Funding to promote effective volunteering Guardian Angel Basset Rescue. Inc 108 E Main Street Dwig ht L NONE $5981 Funding to promote effective volunteering p romote effective volunteering Guide Dogs for the Blind 350 Los Ranchitos Road San Rafael CA NONE $671 Fundin g to Fundin to promote effective volunteering Guide Dogs of America 13445 Glenoaks Boulevard Syl mar CA NONE $1560 p romote effective volunteerin g Guide Dog s of Texas 11825 West Avenue an Antonio TX NONE $788 Fundin g to effective volunteering Guild for the Blind 180 N Michigan Avenue Chica go L NONE $16128 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Gwalior Childrens Hos pital ( Hel p Children of India ) 14, Magdalene Road, Walsall West Midlands WSI 3TA NONE $16541 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering HOPE 24050 S pra gue Road Olmsted Falls OH NONE $91 59 Funding to promote to promote effective volunteering H O P E (Hel ping Others Pursue Enrichment) . Inc 595 S Ragsdale Street Jacksonvi lle TX NONE $671 Funding H W FISHER & COMPANY ACRE HOUSE LONDON NW 1 3er NONE $9,788 67 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g effective Habitat For Horses, Inc POB 213 Hitccock TX NONE $3758 Funding to promote volunteering effective volunteerin g Habitat for Humanity 11 Parsons Street Banbu ry Oxford shire OX16 5LW NONE $25 11 Funding to promote p romote effective volunteerin g Hab itat for Human ity - Durango, CO 3063 Main Ave Durango CO NONE $96943 Fundin g to NONE $207 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering Habitat for Humani ty - Henry County P 0 Box 864 Mt Pleasant A Habitat for Humanit y - Winona County ReStore 77 Laird Street Winona MN NONE $1691 Funding to promote effective volunteering HABITAT FOR HUMANITY CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS P O Box 3032 Corpus Christi TX NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin g Habitat For Humani ty Detroit 14325 Jane Street Detroit MI NONE $2,431 75 Funding to p romote effective Habitat for Humani ty International 322 W Lamar St Americus GA NONE $673,497 26 Funding to p romote volunteering Habitat for Humanity LAS VEGAS HFH Las Vegas Las Vegas NV NONE $29 65 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Habitat for Humanity NWCT PO Box 1 Salisbu ry CT NONE $168 03 Fundin g to promote volunteering effective volunteering Habitat for Humanity of Bergen Count , NJ 10 Banta Place Hackensack NJ NONE $13261 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Habitat for Humani ty of Bucks County 215 Matthew Ave New Britain PA NONE $21 61 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Habitat for Humani ty of Charlotte 3815 Latrobe Or Charlotte NC NONE $887 50 Fundin g to promote to effective volunteenn Hab itat for Humanity of Cleveland 243 Broad Street NW Cleveland TN NONE $27 89 Funding promote to effective volunteering Habitat for Humani ty of Goldsboro 124 East Mulbe rry Street Goldsboro NC NONE $13 42 Funding promote to effective volunteerin g Habitat for Humani ty of Greater Orlando 325 North Orange Blossom Trail Orlando FL NONE $32 51 Funding promote to effective volunteerin g Habitat for Humanity of Greater PI mouth 38 N Main St Carver MA NONE $15545 Funding promote to effective volunteerin g Habitat for Humani ty of Marion County, Florida 926 NW 27th Ave Ocala FL NONE $191 20 Fundin g promote effective volunteering Habitat for Humani ty of South Palm Beach County , Inc 100 E Linton Ave Delra y Beach FL NONE $768 Fundin g to promote romote effective volunteerin g Habitat for Humanity of Washington County WI, Inc 1051 Fond du Lac Ave Kewaskum WI NONE $3355 Fundin g to p effective volunteerin g Habitat For Humani ty Philadel phia 1829 North 19th Street Philadel phia PA NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin Habitat for Humani ty Sarasota, Home Improvement Outlet 1757-59 East Ave North Sarasota FL NONE $7662 Funding to promote g effective Habitat for Humani ty. Riverside 2121 Atlanta Ave Riverside CA NONE $21 76 Funding to promote volunteerin g effective volunteering Habitat for Humanit y, San Bernardino Area 320 W Union Ave Redlands CA NONE $51 38 Fundin g to p romote Habitat for Humani ty , San Diego 10222 San Diego Mission Road San Diego CA NONE $14265 Funding to promote effective volunteering romote effective volunteerin g Habitat for Humanity/Macomb County, MI 37829 Groesbeck Hwy Clinton Twp MI NONE $474 85 Funding to p effective volunteerin g Habitat ReStore 4701 Deramus Ave Kansas City MO NONE $711 89 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hackensack Riverkee per, Inc 231 Main Street NJ NJ NONE $70 82 Funding to promote to romote effective volunteeri ng HACSC - Hillsborou g h Area Communi ty Service Corporation PO Box 43 Hillsborou gh NH NONE $231 39 Funding p g to romote effective volunteerin g Haitian Health Foundation 97 Sherman Street Norwich CT NONE $18 28 Fundin p 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Haley House, Inc 23 Dartmouth St Boston MA NONE $6 to effective volunteering Half the Sky Foundation 764 Gilman Street Berkele y CA NONE $2,607 74 Funding p romote p romote effective volunteering HalfWa y Home Rescue 2336 Buchanan SW Grand Rapids MI NONE $1249 Fundin g to effective volunteering Hampshire and Isle of Wig ht Wildlife Trust Beechcroft House Curdnd a Ham shire SO32 2DP NONE $7534 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Ham pshire Autistic Society 1634 Parkwa y Whiteley Fareham Ham sh re P015 7AH HONE $1330 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin Hand in Hand S nn field Lyons House Chelmsford Essex CM2 5TH $123 48 Fundm to p romote g Hands and Feet Proj ect 4757 Timberhill Drive Nashville TN NONE $13 42 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Hands on Atlanta 600 Means Street Atlanta GA NONE $161 94 Funding to promote effective volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206841 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE HANDS ON NASHVILLE 209 10TH AVE SOUTH Nashville TN 37203-0740 NONE $19,993 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hands On Network Accounts Receivable Atlanta GA 30318 NONE $45000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hands on SacramentoNolunteer Center 909 12th St Ste 200 Sacramento CA 95814-2942 NONE $4,65000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hands on Twin Cities 2021 East Henne pin Avenue Minnea polis MN 55413 NONE $2,010 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g HANOVER COUNTY DEPT OF COMM RESOURCES 12310 WASHINGTON HWY ASHLAND VA 230057648 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Ha ppy PAWS Haven Inc 59 Granada Rd Arab AL NONE $2,29012 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Harbor House Inc 1461 Aunauna St Kailua HI NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Harbor Oaks Montessori School PTA 1741 Athens Hi g hway Grayson GA NONE $12080 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hard Cou nty Habitat for Humani ty PO Box 696 Moorefield WV NONE $1585 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Hard y Girls Healthy Women 14 Common St Waterville ME NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Harlem RBI 1948 First Avenue New York NY NONE $20 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Hade um haven Great Dane Rescue 11567 State Route 774 Bethel OH NONE $231 44 Funding to promote effective volunteering Harmony Hill Cancer Retreats 7362 East SR 106 Union WA NONE $351 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering Harmony NCCJ 4901 Main St. Ste 300 Kansas City MO NONE $44 89 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Harpseals o rg 827 Ba y St Santa Monica CA NONE $47 96 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Harris Methodist Health Foundation 6100 Western Place Fort Worth TX NONE $11521 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Harry Edwards Healing Sanctua ry Ltd Burrows Lea Shere Surre GU22 7EF NONE $2246 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Hartford Area Habitat for Humani ty 780 Windsor St HARTFORD CT NONE $31 87 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Hartle pool and District Hos pice Alice House Hartle pool Cleveland TS24 9DA NONE $498 85 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Harvest of Hope Foundation 5809 NW 67th Court Gainesville FL NONE $805 80 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Hawaii Animal Sanctua ry 868 Kamilonw Place Honolulu HI NONE $53 68 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Hawaii Dog Foundation P 0 Box 30171 Honolulu HI NONE $58 18 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation PO Box 392 Kailua HI NONE $26 62 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hawaii Women's Business Center 1041 Nu'uanu Ave, Suite A Honolulu HI NONE $48 41 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Hawke ye Area Council, BSA 660 32nd Ave SW Cedar Rapids A NONE $6322 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hawks Aloft - Conservation, Avian Research and Education, Inc PO Box 10028 Albu querq ue NM NONE $1292 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hays County Area Food Bank 220 Hemdon Street San Marcos TX NONE $9 52 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hazon 111 Ei g hth Avenue New York NY NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Headway Devon 1 Wrentham Place Exeter Devon EX4 6JL NONE $34 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Health Education for Students in Botswana - a GlobalGiving Project 1819 12th St NW Washington DC NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Health y Schools Campaig n 205 W Monroe Chica go L NONE $505 80 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hearin g Dogs for Deaf Peo ple The Gran ge Saunderton Buckin hamshir HP27 9NS NONE $16231 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Heart and Hand House, Inc PO Box 128 Phili pp i WV NONE $24003 Funding to promote effective volunteering Heart of Florida United Way 1940 Trayl or Blvd Orlando FL 1 32804 NONE $3,250 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Heart of Hope Academ y for Children with S pecial Needs PO BOX 421007 Atlanta GA NONE $5937 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin Heart of Hope Ministries International 7104 NE 85th Place Vancouver WA NONE $1909 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Heart of the Bride Ministries 1813 John Sims Parkwa y Niceville FL NONE $2968 Funding to promote effective volunteering Heartbeat Pond House, Harris Park Preston Lancastnre PR2 9X6 NONE $11313 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Heartland International 226 S Wabash Ave Chicago L NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Heart's Desire Eq uine Rescue Inc 120 Hogans Road Hubert NC NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hearts United for Animals Rural Route 2, Box 29A Auburn NE NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Heaven Can Wait Sanctua ry P 0 Box 30158 Las Vegas NV NONE $1,252 18 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Heifer International 1015 Louisiana Little Rock AR NONE $2,805 89 Funding to promote effective volunteering Helen and Douglas House 14a magdalen road oxford Oxfordshire ox4 uz NONE $88 37 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Helen Rollason Heal Cancer Charity Room 2 - Wood House Chelmsford - Essex Essex CM2 9BG NONE $41 52 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Hel p a London Child 30 Leicester Square London London WCTH 7LA NONE $31808 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Hel p a London Child - HALC GCa p Charities London London WC2H 7LA NONE $6239 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Hel p Is On The Way, Inc 5804 Truman Drive Fort Worth TX NONE $4943 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hel p Mexican Craftswomen Sell their Art in Europe - a GlobalGivin 1824 12th St NW Washington DC NONE $2533 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn p Hel p the Aged 207-221 Pentonville Road London London n1 Buz NONE $32237 Fundin to romote effective volunteenn HELPILINE CENTER, INC 1 100O N WEST AVE , Sioux Falls SD 57104 NONE $8,250 00 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Hel p ing Hands Loving Hearts 4063 Pa ge Ave Michi gan Center MI NONE $146 13 -Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hel ping Our Own P 0 Box 18 Raymore MO NONE $1398 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hen ry Street Settlement ' 265 Henry Street New York NY NONE $35 23 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Hepatitis Fnd International 504 Blick Drive Sdver S rm MD NONE $75 96 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Heritag e Christ i an School 2754 beaver head dr nesbit MS NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering hemando youth s ports 2754 beaver head dr nesbn MS NONE $51 38 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Hernot Hos p ice Homecare Zetland House Northallerton North 1 orkshire DL6 1JG NONE $64 44 Fundin g to p romote effecti ve volunteering Hi ghland Nature Sanctua ry, Inc 7629 Cave Road Bainbrid ge OH NONE $23 13 Fundin g to Promote effective volunteering Hinkle Ba ptist Church Church Office Hinckley Leicestershire LE10 1PR NONE $22 16 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Hi 4Kids 230 Park Avenue New York NY NONE $1,11703 Funding to promote effective volunteering His panic AIDS Forum, Inc 213 West 35th Street New York NY NONE $26 13 Fundi ng to promote effective volunteering His panic Scholarshi p Consortium 8609 Cross Park Drive Austin TX NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g His panics Against Child Abuse & Neglect 8415 Arlington Blvd Fairfax VA NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Hisboc osis Association of America 72 East Holl y Avenue Pitman NJ NONE $2,636 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering HIV/AIDS ZIMBABWE CHARITY, INC 1200 Centre Parkwa y Lexington KY NONE $1600 Fund i ng to romote effective volunteenn HoChunk Renaissance P O Box 457 Winnebago NE NONE $4506 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hog Heaven Rescue Farm. fnc 2681 Mallory Road Cochranton PA NONE $88 50 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Holland Rescue Mission 356 Fairbanks Ave Holland MI NONE $83 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Holy Famil y Institute 8235 Ohio River Boulevard Pittsbur h PA NONE $6384 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng Home HeadQuarters, Inc 124 E Jefferson St Syracuse NY NONE $2643 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Homeboy Industries 1916 E First St Los Ang eles CA NONE $334 62 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Homeless Rescue Service Queens House Coventry West Nidlands CV1 3DF NONE $13 42 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Homemakers Community Recycling 25 St Michaels Rd Abergavenny Monmouthshire I nP7 5a NONE $503 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Homes for Our Troops 1 Taunton Green Taunton MA NONE $1,630 27 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Home-Start North Wirral 192 Tollemache Road Wirral Mersey s ide CH43 7SE NONE $13 10 Fundin g to p romote effect i ve volunteering Home-Start UK 2 Salisbury Road Leicester Leicest.rrshire LE1 7QR NONE $251 15 Funding to promote effective volunteering Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue & Sanctua ry. Inc 7495 Natomas Road Elverta CA NONE $195 47 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Homeward Bound Pets 1120 NE Lafa yette Ave McMinnville OR NONE $28 77 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hoofbeats & Heartbeats, Inc 12301 95th Street NE Elk River MN NONE $69 89 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hoosier Environmental Council 1915 W 18th St Indianapolis IN NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Hopa Mountain, Inc 8671 Panorama East Bozeman MT NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hope and Aid Direct - Somershan 6 Loftsteads Somersham London PE28 3HX NONE $27 16 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hope Christian Community Foundation 5100 Poplar Ave Mem phis TN NONE $2,351 68 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective Hope for Children Hoe House Hemel Hempstead Hertforc shire HP1 3EA NONE $451 30 Funding to promote volunteering Hope Habitat Small Animal Rescue, Inc 28584 W Meadowview Dr Milton DE NONE $671 Fundm to p romote effective volunteering MS NONE $567 86 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Hope Haven Children's Shelter PO Box 3777 - Ba y St Louis Hope Hos p ice, Hope of Southwest Florida 9470 HealthPark Circle Fort M yers FL NONE $768 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hope House 614 Cedar Court Kin gs port TN NONE $12343 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Hope House of Colorado P O Box 740568 Arvada CO NONE $8624 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g to effective Hope School 7901 Knott Ave Buena Park CA NONE $3,420 35 Funding promote volunteerin g HOPE Services 30 as Colinas Lane an Jose CA NONE $18 83 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering HOPE UNLIMITED INC 6006 Old Ca p itol Trai Wilmin ton DE NONE $67 10 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hoe Village 15403 Ho pe Villa ge Road Fnendswood TX NONE $290 95 Funding to promote effective volunteen HOPE Worldwide-Georg ia 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, Atlanta GA 30346 NONE $2,50000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hopeful hearts Foundation. Inc 420 Ethrid g e Avenue, #206 Louisville KY NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hopefuls PO Box 77 Bedminster PA NONE $7 21 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hoe's Haven Chinese Crested 8 Hairless Dog Rescue, Inc 1091 Crystal Creek Or Port Orange FL NONE $17208 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Horse Haven of Tennessee P 0 Box 20392 Knoxville TN NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Horse Hel Providers, Inc DoubleHP Horses 25337 470 Ave Crooks SD NONE $23883 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Horse Protection Society of North Carolina Inc 2135 Miller Road China Grove NC NONE $3964 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Horse Rescue Relief and Retirement Fund, Inc 1768 Newt Green rd _ Cummm GA NONE $86 32 ] Funding to promote effective volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 _ FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address City State Zi p Code NONE $1558 Funding to promote effective volunteering HorseNet Horse Rescue 2504 Arthur Avenue Eldersbu rg MD $1666 Funding to promote effective volunteering Horses' Haven P O Box 168 Howell MI NONE NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Horses' Honor PO Box 7204 Auburn CA NONE $26 62 Funding to p romote effect ive volunteering Hospice and Palliative Nurses Foundation One Penn Center West Pittsburgh PA NONE $24 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Hos pice Foundation of America 12000 Biscayne Boulevard #505 Miami FL NONE $579 59 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Hospice of Alamance Caswell 914 Chapel H i ll Road Burlin ton NC 6 14 5PQ NONE $27746 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hos pice of Hope 28a Hig h Street Otford Kent NONE $1,006 21 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Hos pice of the Comforter 595 Montgome ry Road Altamonte Springs FL TW3 2QG NONE $63 21 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Hounslow Animal Welfare Society PO Box 234 Hounslow Middlesex NONE $671 Fundinto promote effective volunteerin g House Ear Institute 2100 W Third St Los Angeles CA 89127 NONE $2,700 00 Fundin g to romote effective volunteering House of Knowled ge Christian Academy PO Box 270149 Las Vegas NV NONE $15 36 Funding to promote effective volunteering House of Refuge - Sunn slo a 9835 N 7th St Phoenix AZ NONE $8 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering House Of Ruth Ma ryl and, Inc 2201 Argonne Drive Baltimore MD NONE $94 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g House of Ruth , Inc P 0 Box 459 Claremont CA NONE $182 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering House Rabbit Society 148 Broadway Richmond CA NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Houston Arboretum & Nature Center 4501 Woodw;y Drive Houston TX NONE $103 03 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng Houston Area Women's Center 1010 Waug h Drive Houston TX NONE $235 85 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Houston Habitat for Humanit y 3750 N McCa rty Houston TX NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective vol unteering Houston Hos pice 1905 Holcombe Blvd Houston TX NONE $164 28 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering Hudson Valle y Shakes peare Festival 155 Main St Cold S rin NY NONE $33 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hugs Not Dru gs , Family Life International, Inc 1013 Lucerne Avenue Lake Worth FL NONE $374 19 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Human Ri ghts Campai g n Foundation 1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington DC NONE $56 11 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Human Rights Watch 350 Fifth Avenue 34th Floor New York NY NONE $81 93 Fundin g to romote effective volunteerin g Human Services Council One Park Street Norwalk CT 98665 NONE $14,450 00 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering HUMAN SERVICES COUNCIL VOL CENTER 7414 N E HAZEL DELL AVENUE Vancouver WA NONE $43 52 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Humane Farming Assn 76 Belvedere Street, Suite D an Rafael CA NONE $35748 Funding to Promote effective volunteeri ng Humane Ohio 2124 McIntosh Dr Holland OH NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Humane Society for Greater Nashua 24 Ferry Road Nashua NH NONE $51 18 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Humane Society of New York 306 E 59th St New York NY NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Humane Society of Ottawa County 2424 Sand Road Port Clinton OH NONE $1,761 53 Funding to promote effective volunteering Humane Society of Pagosa S p rings 269 Pagosa St Pagosa S prings CO $11 57 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Humane Society of Palouse 720 E Robert Crookston MN NONE $72 47 Funding to promote effective volunteering Humane Society of Polk County , Inc 720 E Robert Crookston MN NONE NONE $110 33 Funding to romote effective -volunteerin g Humane Society of Rochester at Loll ypop Farm 99 Victor Road Fai rport NY NONE $17475 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Humane Society of Sarasota Cou nty , Inc 2331 15th Street Sarasota FL NONE $6731 Fundin g to promote effect i ve volunteering Humane Soc i ety of Silicon Valley 2530 Lafa yette Street Santa Clara CA NONE $24 34 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Humane Society of Southern Illinois 95 Humane Road Mu h sboro IL NONE $333 53 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Humane Society of St Thomas 7041 Estate Nadir, #26 St Thomas VI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Humane Society of the Piedmont 4527 West Wendover Avenue Greensboro NC NONE $32,977 14 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Humane Society of the United States 2100 L St, NW Washington DC NONE $23 14 Fundin g to romote effective volunteering Humane Society of Ventura County 402 Bryant St Oj ai CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Humanists of North Pug et Sound 3317 108th Street SE Everett WA NONE $108 33 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Humanity First USA 15000 Good Hope Road Silver S pring MD NONE $9542 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Hungry for Music 2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC NONE $34 66 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Hunt of a Lifetime 6297 Buffalo Rd Harborcreek PA NONE $42 54 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Hunter Herita g e Foundation of Alaska PO 4752 Palmer AK NONE $49 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Huntin g & Fishin g Herita ge Foundation, Inc 21126 Riha Rd S nn field NE NONE $978 59 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Huntin ton's Disease Soc i ety of Ameri ca 158 W 29th Street New York NY NONE $1600 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Huntin on's Disease Society of America ( HDSA) NJ Chapter 114B South Main Street, Box 67 Cranbu ry NJ NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Huntin ton's Disease Society of America, Midwest Region HDSA Midwest Reg ion Webster Groves MO NONE $78 27 Fundin to promote effect ive vol unteering Huntsman Cancer Institute 2000 Circle of Ho pe Salt Lake C ity UT STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65.0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 _ FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State - Zi p NONE $691 36 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hutchison School 1740 Rid geway Road Mem p his TN 05655 NONE $200 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Hyde Park Elementa ry School 50 East Main Street H yde Park VT NONE $69 65 Funding to promote effective volunteering Hydroce phalus Association 870 Market Street San Francisco CA NONE $37 20 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering H ertrohic Cardiomyopathy Association ( HCMA) P 0 Box 306 Hibernia NJ NONE $10,863 16 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Have a Dream Foundation 330 Seventh Avenue New York NY NONE $77 02 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Adoption Center 1500 Walnut Street - Suite 701 Philadel p hia PA 19102 04730 NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA - Ado ption Resources of Maine/Internabonal 58 Pleasant St Houlton ME 92590 NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA - Adoptions by Cradle of Hope 4175 Rider Way #2 Temecula CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA - Aeros pace Education Fnd 1501 Lee H wy Arlington VA NONE $2848 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g ICA - AlleyCat Rescue P 0 Box 585 Mt Rainier MD NONE $12722 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA - Alzheimer's Foundation of America 322 8th Ave 6th FI New York NY NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - American Indian College Fund 8333 Greenwood Blvd Denver CO 80221 TN NONE $10764 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Ang el Fli ght America 2430 Winchester Road, Hanger 1 Mem phis 22209 NONE $74 36 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Armed Forces Famil y Survivors Fund One Intre p id Square New York NY NONE $70 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Arthritis Research Initiative 10901 N Torre y Pines Rd La Jolla CA NONE $532 59 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA - Breast Cancer Fdn , Susan G Komen, CT Affil 350 Church Street - Lobby Leve Hartford CT NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA - Bridges for Children Center 147-30 73 Ave Flushing NY NONE $29659 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA - Carter Center One Co enh ll, 453 Freedom Par Atlanta GA NONE $17 11 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA - Cas pan Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies PO Box 147 Wheaton IL NONE $55 26 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA - Center for Victims of Torture, The 717 East River Road Minnea polis MN 92373 NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng ICA - Children's Compassion Fund P 0. Box 2300 Redlands CA NONE $106 77 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA - Children's Relief Network 716 East Palmetto Park Rd Boca Raton FL NONE $27 59 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA - Christian Performing Artists' Fellowshi p 3906 Clifton Mannor PI Haymarket VA NONE $81321 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA - Cure Autism Now 5455 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - CURE Childhood Cancer and Leukemia 1835 Savoy Drive, Suite 317 Atlanta GA 21765 NONE $671 Fundin to promote effective volunteering ICA - Days End Farm Horse Rescue 15856 Frederick Road Lisbon MD NONE $11 81 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA - Delta Waterfowl Foundation 1305 East Central Avenue Bismarck ND NONE $7047 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA - Dogs for the Deaf 10175 Wheeler Road Central Point OR NONE $1342 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA - FARM AID 11 Ward St Somerville MA NONE $38 73 Funding to promote effective volunteenn ICA - Fishing Has No Boundaries 15453 Hwy B East Hayward WI NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteeri ng ICA - Foundation for North American Wild Sheep 720 Allen Ave Cod y WY NY NONE 2658 09 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Free Arts NYC 1431 Broadway , 7th Floor New York NONE $2741 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Futures for Children 9600 Tennyson, NE Albuq uerq ue NM NONE $6861 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Goodwill of SFO , San Mateo & Mann Cty 1500 Mission Street an Francisco CA DC NONE $438 14 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Greenpeace Fund 702 H Street, NW Wash i ngton TX NONE $9 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Guide Dog s of Texas 11825 West Avenue an Antonio NONE $411 14 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA - Habitat for Humanity of San Antonio 311 Probant San Antonio TX NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA - His panic Children's Education Fund 2818 Ma ple Hollow Lane Knoxville TN NONE $864 Fundm to promote effective volunteering ICA - Int'l Planned Parenthood , Western Hemis phere Reg ion 120 Wall Street New York NY NONE $318 41 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA - Jewish Children's Reg ional Services 3500 N Causeway Blvd Metairie LA WY NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA - Lig htHawk P 0 Box 653 Lander NONE $2930 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA - Meals on Wheels of Tampa , Inc 550W Hillsborou g h Ave Tama FL NONE $793 74 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CA - Medical Support Association 757 St Charles Ave New Orleans LA NONE $1342 Funding I promote effective volunteenn CA - Mental Illness Assistance , Ste p U p on Second Street 1328 Second Street Santa Monica CA TX NONE $21 76 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA - Methodist Children's Home P 0 Box 5010 Waco NONE $9 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering CA - National Cancer Coalition 757 St Charles Ave New Orleans LA NONE $2,179 64 Funding I promote effective volunteerin g CA - National Prostate Cancer Coalition 1154 Fifteenth Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering CA - Northwest Assistance Ministries 15555 Ku kendahl Road Houston TX VA 22209 NONE $11 57 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA - Numbers USA Education and Research Foundation 1601 North Kent, Street Arlington IL NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering CA - Protecting Animals, USA PO Box 25097 Chicago NY 1 10016 NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering CA - Pu pp ies Behind Bars 10 East 40th Street , Floor 19 New York POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE effective CA - PVA Outdoor Recreation Heritage Fund 801 18th Street, NW Washi nton DC NONE $17558 Fundin to promote volunteerin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA - Ri g ht To Pla y 65 Queen Street West Toronto Ontario M5H 2M5 NONE $8 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA - Rocky Mountain Rescue Group PO Box Y Boulder CO NONE $63 42 Funding effective volunteerin g CA - Russian Orphan Opportunit y Fund 5200 Wind Point Drive Racine WI NONE $3264 Funding to p romote CA - San Antonio Children's Museum 305 East Houston Street San Antonio TX NONE $21 27 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective CA - Skin Cancer Foundation 149 Madison Avenue New York NY 10018 NONE $205 19 Funding to promote volunteerin g CA - Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd 5005 LBJ Freewa y , Suite 250 Dallas TX NONE $10,947 30 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective g CA - Susan G Komen, Philadel phia 125 s 9th St Ste #202 Philadel phia PA NONE $10604 Funding to promote volunteerin to effective CA - United Poult ry Concerns 12325 Seaside Road Machi on o VA NONE $6 71 Fundin g promote volunteering volunteering CA - U Ift Internationale P O Box 582 Wheat Ridge CO 777p0034 NONE $11 56 Funding to promote effecti ve effective volunteering CA - USA Shootin g One Ol ympic Plaza Colorado S p rings CO NONE $40 22 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA - Wisconsin/Nicara gua Partners Room 134, Nelson Hall, UWSP 12 Stevens Point WI NONE $40 69 Funding to promote CA- Breast Cancer Fd , Susan G Komen - Gr Kansas Ci Affil 1111 Main Street, Kansas City MO NONE $71 07 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective CA-20/20 Vision Education Fund 1828 Jefferson Place, NW Washington DC NONE $46 97 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g effective volunteerin g CA-A Legacy of Ho pe Scholar for Survivors of Childhood Cancer 1170 E Long Place Centennial CO NONE $21 10 Funding to p romote effective CA-Abstraction Made Elementa ry 1313 Washington Street, #417 Boston MA NONE $14 33 Fundin g to promote volunteering effective volunteerin g CA-Abused/Homeless Children's Refu e/AJtemabve House PO Box 694 Dunn Loring VA NONE $58 00 Funding to promote CA-Access Fund 207 Canyon Blvd Suite 201 Sout Boulder CO NONE $12684 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteerin g CA-ACLU American Civil Liberties Union Of WA Fnd 705 Second Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle WA NONE $102 78 Funding to p romote romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Ado tion Exchang e 14232 East Evans Avenue Aurora CO NONE $13608 Funding to p 97 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Adventist Develo p ment & Relief Agency International 12501 Old Columbia Pike Silver S pring MD NONE $46 effective volunteering CA-Afnca AIDS Watch PO Box 55280 Washin gton DC NONE $81 43 Funding to promote effective CA-African American Opportunity Centers 240 West Tul ehocken Street Philadel phia PA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote volunteering effective CA-AIDS Fnd Houston Inc 3202 Weslayan Annex Houston TX NONE $27 98 Funding to promote volunteering CA-AIDS Fnd National 729 15th Street, N W , 9th Floor Washington DC 20005-1511 NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering CA-AIDS Services of Dallas Po Box 4338 Dallas TX NONE $56 18 Fundin g to promote CA-Air Force Historical Fnd 1535 Command Drive, Suite A-12 Andrews AFB MD NONE $40 26 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g romote effective volunteerin g CA-Alameda Crity Meals on Wheels Inc 8000 Ed gewater Dr. First Floo Oakland CA NONE $4409 Fundin g to p effective CA-AII Nations Bible Society 300 East State St # 290 Redlands CA NONE $20 55 Funding to p romote volunteerin g CA-Alle Cat Allies 1801 Belmont Rd N W , Ste 201 Washin gton DC NONE $38074 Fundin g to p romote effect i ve volunteerin g CA-Alliance for Children & Families 11700 West Lake Park Drive Milwaukee WI 53224 NONE $37 72 Fundin g to p romote effect i ve volunteerin g CA-Alliance to Save Energy 1200 18th Street, NW Suite 900 Washin gton DC NONE $8 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Alzheimer's Services Of The East Bay 2320 Channing Way Berkele y CA NONE $720 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn CA-Amazon Conservation Team 4211 N Fairfax Or Arlington VA 1 22203 NONE $20 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-American Anti-Vivisection Society 801 York Road #204 Jenkintown PA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-American Assn for Cancer Research 615 Chestnut Street, 17th Floo Philadel p hia PA NONE $20754 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g effective volunteering CA-American Assn of Bone Marrow Donor Reg istries Inc 2733 North Street Mandeville LA NONE $56 52 Funding to promote CA-American Assn of Kidney Patients, Inc 3505 E Fronta ge Rd Tama FL 33607 NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering CA-Amencan Bird Conservancy P.O. Box 249 The Plains VA 20198 NONE $70 55 Fundin g to p romote NONE $41 18 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Amencan Eagle Fnd PO Box 333 - Pi geon Fore TN effective volunteering CA-American Fisheries Society 5410 Grosvenor Lane Bethesda MD 120814 NONE $14 25 Fundin g to promote CA-Amencan Humane Assn 63 Inverness Drive East Englewood CO NONE $167 85 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Amencan Solar Energy Society 2400 Central Avenue, Suite G-1 Boulder CO NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Americans Hel pin g Americans 2550 Huntington Ave Alexandria VA 22303 NONE $4272 Funding ICA-Amor Ministries 1664 Precision Park Lane an Diego CA NONE $499 15 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to romote effective volunteerin g ICA-An el Fli g ht 4620 Ha ygood Road, Suite 1 Virg inia Beach VA NONE $164 13 Fund i ng p to romote effective volunteerin g ICA-An el Fli g ht New En gland, Inc Lawrence Munici pal Ai rport, 49 North Andover MA NONE $6 71 Funding p to romote effective volunteerin g ICA-An el Fli ght Samaritans 7810 B ds Nest Pass Annadale VA 22003 NONE $16 76 Funding p effective volunteerin g ICA-Animal Chanties of America 21 Tamal Vista Blvd # 209 Corte Madera CA NONE $671 Funding to promote to romote effective volunteenn ICA-Animal Le al Defense Fund 127 Fourth St Petaluma CA NONE $20 13 Funding p effective volunteenn ICA-Animal Rescue Inc PO Box 35 Ma ryland Line MD NONE $56 47 Fundin to promote STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city NONE $46 47 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Animal Welfare Institute PO Box 3650 Washington DC NONE $243 70 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Antarctica Project 1830 Connect icut Ave . NW, 3rd Washin gton DC NONE $9,130 97 Fundi ng to p romote effective volunteering CA-ASPCA American Soc the Prev of Cruel ty to Animals 424 East 92nd Street New York NY WA NONE $2322 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Asthma & Allergy Fnd Of America WA state cha pter 108 S Jackson, #205 Seattle TX NONE $36598 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Asthma & Alle rgy Fnd of America - N Texas Cha pter 500 Nuffield Lane Crowle y CA NONE $3681 Fundin g to p romote effective vol unteering CA-Asthma & Allergy Fnd Of America Southern CA Chapter 5900 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite Los Angeles CA NONE $33 55 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Asthma Education & Resource Council 101 Lucas Valley Road San Rafael FL 32899 NONE $4343 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Astronauts Memorial Fnd State Road 405, Buildin g M6-306 Kenned y Space Center TX NONE $21 76 Fundin g to promote effective vol untee ri ng ICA-Austin Firefi ghters Relief & Outreach Fund 55 N IH 35, Suite 240 Austin FL NONE $17492 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Autism Autoimmunity Project PO Box 293144 Davie VA NONE $88 14 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Autism Intervention & Treatment Research 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 6 Arlin gton MD NONE $38 90 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Autism Research - The Autism Society of America Fnd 7910 Woodmont Ave #300 Bethesda MD NONE $1560 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Autism Society Of America Colorado Cha pter 7910 Woodmont Ave #300 Bethesda NY NONE $31 98 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng ICA-Baile y House 275 Seventh Avenue. 12th Floor New York NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Persons with Mental Disabilities 909 NE Loop 410 # 800 an Antonio TX ICA-Ba ptist Care Fac for volunteerin g Antonio TX NONE $21 19 Funding to p romote effective ICA-Ba ptist Children's Home Ministries 909 NE Loop 410, Suite 800 an L NONE $9,584 81 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Fnd Inc 85 West Al gonq uin Road #165 Arlington Hei ghts FL NONE $7,398 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Best Buddies for Children with Mental Retardation 100 SE 2nd Street. Suite 1990 Miami MI NONE $86 24 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Bethan y Christian Services 901 Eastern Avenue NE, PO Box Grand Rap ids 94925 NONE $21 27 Funding to promote effect i ve volunteering ICA-Bethan y Christian Services of Hampton Roads 21 Tamal Vista Blvd Corte Madera CA MA NONE $10064 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Bethan y Christian Services of New En I& 1538 Turnpike Street North Andover CA 94103 NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering CA-Bi g Brothers/Bi g Sisters of San Fran & Peninsula 600 Townsend Street an Francisco MI 48858 NONE $11 90 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Blind Children's Fund 201 S. University Street Mt Pleasant NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g House 229 Kent St Brookline MA ICA-Boston Ronald McDonald volunteering Modesto CA NONE $11305 Funding to promote effective ICA-Boy Scouts of Amenca-Greater Yosemite Council 4031 Technology Drive TX NONE $76 53 Fundin g to p romote e ffective vol unteering ICA-Bo s & Girls Country of Houston 18806 Roberts Road Hockle TX NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-BO s & Girls Country of San Antonio 100 Citibank Drive San Antonio 60018 NONE $4423 Funding to p romote effecti ve vol unteering ICA-Brain Tumor Assn American (ABTA) 2720 River Road Des Plaines L NONE $24 72 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Bread for the World Institute 50 F Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington DC CA NONE $22 33 Fundin g to promote effect ive vol unteerin g ICA-Breast Cancer Action 55 New Montgomery St. Ste 32 an Francisco GA NONE $2708 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Breast Cancer Fdn , The Susan G Komen - Atlanta Affil 4840 Roswell Road, Bld g D, Atlanta PA NONE $1,235 03 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Brothers Brother Fnd 1200 Galveston Avenue Pittsburg h TX 1 79117 NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Buckner Children and Family Inc P.0 Box 5864 Amarillo NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Burned Out Survivors Fund P O Box 15185 San Antonio TX MD 20895 NONE $18 28 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-C&lelighters Childhood Cancer Fnd P O Box 498 Kensington CA 94103 NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-California Academy Of Sciences 875 Howard Street San Francisco NY NONE $243 37 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Cancer Care 275 Seventh Avenue New York CA NONE $58 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Cancer Control Socie ty 2043 North Berendo Street Los Angeles NONE $102 28 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Cancer Research Fnd PO Box 0493 Chicago L MD NONE $22463 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Cancer Survivors Coalition ( NCCS ) 1010 Wayne Avenue #770 Silver S nn MN NONE $3912 F und ing to p romote effective vol u nteering ICA-Cann Brid a 1995 Rahn Cliff Court Eagan WA NONE $59 49 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-CASA-Court Appointed Advocates for Abused Children 100 West Harrison St , North T Seattle DC NONE $671 F und ing to p ro mote effective volunteerin g CA-Catholic Le gal Immi gration Network Inc McCormick Pavilion, 415 Michi g Washin gton DC NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Catholic Youth Fnd USA 415 Michigan Avenue, NE, Su ite Washin gton MD 21043 NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Center for Watershed Protection 8390 Main Stree Ellicott City TX 76008 NONE $11 81 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Cheetah Conservat ion Fund 711 Q uail Rid g e Road Aledo MD NONE $7565 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Chess eake Bay Fnd 6 Herndon Avenue Annapolis NY NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Child Find of America PO Box 277 New Pails MD NONE $266 19 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Childhood Brain Tumor Fnd 20312 Watkins Meadow Drive Germantown CA NONE $31 47 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Children & Family Crisis Hel pline/Contact-Care Ctr PO Box 901 Lafa yette VA NONE $121 02 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Children's An gel Fli g ht 4620 Hayg ood Road #1 Vu inia Beach STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zip NONE $503 18 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Children's Cancer Research Fund 19420 North 62nd Avenue Glendale AZ NONE $17700 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Children's Defense Fund 25 E Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $21979 Funding to p romote effective volunteering CA-Children's Eme rgency Relief Teams 3211 Tabor Loop Crossville TN NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Children's Feeding Network 1045 Union Road St Louis MO NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering CA-Children's Food & Care Fund 300 East State Street Redlands CA 92373 38104 NONE $1331 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Children's Heart Foundation International 1750 Madison, Suite 100 Mem p his TN NONE $33 55 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering CA-Children's Hos pital Fnd of Austin 601 East 15th Street Austin TX NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Children's Hunger Fund 12820 Pierce Pacoima CA NONE $146 55 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Children's Hunger Fund Fnd PO Box 8181 Mission Hills CA NONE $85 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Chnstian Freedom International 908 John Marshall Hig hway Front Royal VA NONE $19363 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Chnstian World Relief 1431 Columbia Drive, Suite 200 Glendale CA NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering CA-Christmas House PO Box 717 Everett WA 20005 NONE $2684 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Civil War Preservation Trust 1331 H Street N W Suite 1001 Washington DC NONE $1342 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Colorado CASA 1234 Bannock Street Denver CO NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Concerns of Police Survivors Inc (COPS ) South Hwy 5-PO Box 3199 Camdenton MO NONE $27 79 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Conservation & Preservation Chanties of America 21 Tamal Vista Blvd , Suite 20 Corte Madera CA NONE $31 66 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Fnd 302 West Main Street, #100 Avon CT NONE $251 62 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Covenant House 346 West 17th Street New York NY NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Dare to Dream Chi ldren's Fnd 5401 N Central Ex pwy Dallas TX NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Deaf-Blind Service Center 2366 Eastlake Avenue East, Sui Seattle WA NONE $15 93 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Dedication & Everlasting Love to Animals PO Box 9 Glendale CA NONE $521 96 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Denver CASA 225E 16th Avenue, Suite 1020 Denver CO NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-De ression Bi polar & OCD Information Centers 7617 Mineral Point Road, Suite Madison WI NONE $623 31 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Diabetes Aid & Research Fund PO Box 81443 Phoenix AZ NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Diabetes Transplant Fund 1202 Potomac Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $20578 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International 800 Cherokee Ave SE Atlanta GA NONE $348 57 Fundin g I promote effective volunteering ICA-D sabled American Veterans Charitable Svc Trust 3725 Alexandra Pike Cold Spring KY NONE $1325 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn ICA-Doctors of the World- USA 375 West Broadway, Fourth Floo New York NY NONE $1399 Fundm to promote effective volunteering CA-Dos for Disabled Americans ( NEADS ) 305 Redem ption Rock Trail Sout Princeton, MA NONE $17449 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Double 97 Hidden Valle y Road Lake Luzeme NY NONE $11 57 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Down Syndrome Congress National 1370 Center Drive, Suite 102 Atlanta GA NONE $30 94 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-D stonia Medical Research Fnd One East Wacker Drive, Suite 2 Chica o IL NONE $3402 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-East Say SPCA - Oakl& SPCAlfn-Valle SPCA 8323 Baldwin Street Oakland CA NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn CA-Exotic Feline Breeding Compound HCR 1, Box 84 Rosamond CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-E e & Tissue Banks International 815 Park Avenue Baltimore MD NONE $14831 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Feed My Starving Children 6750 West Broadway Minnea polis MN NONE $496 88 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Fisher House Fnd 1401 Rockville Pike Rockville MD 22033 NONE $8336 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Food AJIe rgy & Anaphylaxis Network 11781 Lee Jackson Hwy Fairfax VA NONE $54 99 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Foster Care Children & Famil y Fund 2706 Bad g er Lane Madison W1 NONE $694 83 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Foster Parent Assn National 7512 Stanich Ave #6 Gi g Harbor WA NONE $1205 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-FRAXA Research Fnd 45 Pleasant St Newbu ort MA 01950 NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Fredenck Cnt 4H Thera peutic Riding Pro g ram 11515 An leber er Road Thurmont MD NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Fund for Animals 8121 Geo rg ia Avenue, Suite 301 Silver S p ring MD NONE $203 34 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Gladne y Center 6300 John Ryan Drive Fort Worth TX NONE $14 48 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Global Fund for Women 1375 Sutter Street, Suite 400 in Francisco CA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Global Hung er Project 15 East 26th Street Suite 140 New York NY NONE $1342 Funding to promote effect ive volunteering ICA-Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue PO Box F South San Francisco CA NONE $18 28 Fundin to promote effective volunteering ICA-Greater Yellowstone Coal i ti on 13 South Willson, Suite 2 Bozeman MT NONE $16704 Funding to romote effective volunteer ICA-Guide Dogs for the Blind P.O. Box 3950 anImarRafael CA 94912-395 NONE $1342 Fundin to promote effective volunteering ICA-Gwde Dog s of America 13445 Glenoaks Boulevard 5 CA 91342 NONE $559 70 Fundm to Promote effective volunteering CA-Habitat for Humani ty International 322 West Lamar Street Amencus GA STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 _ FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30.2006 Amount PURPOSE Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Name ff tive volunteering WA NONE $120 23 F und ing to p romote e ec CA-Habitat For Humani ty-Spokane 732 North Na pa Street S pokane 68305 NONE $3854 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Hearts United for Animals P 0 Box 286 Auburn NE 1 CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Hel p The Children 1415 N Cahuenga Blvd Holl ywood FL NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g anizing Rescue Service Education PO Box 133 Mims CA-Hel pers Org 71 Fundin g t promote effective volunteering 3804 Avenue B Austin ' TX 78751 NONE $6 CA-Hel in H& Home for Children effective volunteenng Boston MA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote CA-Hel pi ng H&s Monke y Hel pers for the Disabled 541 Cambrid ge Street MD NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-He atitis End International 504 Blick Drive Silver Spring 78229 NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-His anic Assn of Colleges & Universities 8415 Datapoint Drive an Antonio TX OR NONE $4701 F und ing to promote effective volunteering CA-Holt International Children's Services 1195 City View PO Box 2880 ) Eugene TX NONE $327 07 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Houston Hos pice 1905 Holcombe Blvd Houston NY NONE $29 17 Funding t p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Human Rig hts Watch 350 Fifth Avenue 34th Floor New York CA 94912 NONE $7864 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Humane Farmin Assn POBox 3577 an Rafael TX NONE $31 87 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Humane Society of Austin & Travis Cnty 124 W Anderson Lane Austin $101 70 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering 306 E 59th St New York NY NONE CA-Humane Society of New York volunteenn CA 195403 NONE $1399 Funding t _promote effective ICA-Humane Society of Sonoma Cnty 1400 Guerneville Rd # 4 Santa Rosa NONE $48 45 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g 2530 Lafa yette Street Santa Clara CA ICA-Humane Society Silicon Valley effective volunteerin g OR 97405 NONE $1062 Fund ing to p ro mote ICA-India Partners P 0 Box 5470 Eugene MT NONE $1181 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Indian Law Resource Center 602 North Ewing Street Helena A 51106 NONE $74 92 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Indian Youth of America P 0 Box 2788 Sioux City $39343 F und ing to promo te effective volunteering 1825 K Street, NW Suite 520 Washington DC NONE ICA-International Cam pai g n for Tibet volunteerin g MA NONE $40 60 Funding to p romote effective ICA-International Fund for Ani mal Welfare 411 Main Street Yarmouth Port CA NONE $20 22 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-International Gay & Lesbian Human Ri ghts Commission 1375 Sutter Street, Suite 222 an Francisco L NONE $3093 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-International Tuberculosis Fnd 1440 West Washin gton Boulevard Chica go MN NONE $22 58 Fund ing to p romote effective volunteering ICA-International Wolf Center 12615 Count y Road 9 #200 Minnea polis 20814 NONE $120 23 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Zakat Fnd 4323 Rosedale Ave Bethesda MD ICA-Islamic-Amencan NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Fund for Justice 260 Fifth Avenue, Suite 701 New York NY ICA-Jewish $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering 2000 M Street, NW Suite 720 Washington DC NONE ICA-Jewish Women International effective volunteering MA NONE $12938 Fundin g to promote ICA-Jum start for Young Children 93 Summer Street, 2nd Floor Boston CA NONE $55 58 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICAJuvenile Diabetes Research Fnd IntlGreater Bay Area 121 Second Street, 2nd Fl an Francisco L NONE $120 23 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Kidney Cancer Assn 1234 Sherman Avenue, Suite 203 Evanston CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-KIDPOWER PO Box 1212 Santa Cruz PA NONE $27 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-KldsPeace National Centers For Kids In Crisis 4125 Independence Drive, Suite Schnecksvi lle NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering 3636 Woodview Trace Indiana polis N ICA-Kiwan s International Fnd Inc effective volunteering VA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote ICA-Kni g hts Of Vi rg inia Assistance For The Retarded 10806 Moore Dr Manassas $35 56 Funding to p romote effective volunteering 1400 North Meacham Road Schaumbu rg L NONE ICA-La Leche League International effective volunteerin g TX NONE $12588 Funding to p romote ICA-Lutheran Social Services of the South Inc P 0 Box 140767 Austin $77 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g 111 Broadway, 19th Floor New York NY NONE ICA-L m homa Research Fnd volunteering MA NONE $13347 Funding to romote effective For The Prevention Of Cruel ty To Animals 350 S Huntington Avenue Boston ICA-MA Soc $18 18 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering 1203 Preservation Park Way, Su Oakland CA NONE ICA-Marcus A Foster Educational Institute effective volunteering CA 94949 NONE $8 71 Funding to promote ICA-Mann Humane Socie ty 171 Bel Mann Keys Blvd Novato $63 39 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering PO Box 37 Mountain Lakes NJ NONE ICA-Marine Corp s - Law Enforcement Fnd effective volunteering VA 1 22134 NONE $671 Funding to promote CA-Marine Corp s University Fnd PO Box 122 Quantico $23 74 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g 1420 Km St Alexandria VA NONE ICA-MATHCOUNTS Fnd effective volunteering TX NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote ICA-Meals on Wheels of Johnson Crity 1601 North Ang lin, Suite B Cleburne NY NONE $442 63 Fund in g to promote effective volunteering CA-Michael J Fox Fnd for Parkinson Research Grand Central Station, PO Box New York $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g 1600 Ken Thom pson Parkwa y Sarasota FL NONE ICA-Mote Marine Laborato ry volunteerin g KY NONE $2 ,759 59 Fundin g t promote effective ICA-National Center for Family Literac 325 West Main Street Suite 30 Louisvil l e 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering 1111 19th St , NW, Suite 1000 Washington DC NONE $6 ICA-National Council of La Raza effective volunteering TX NONE $14 74 Fundin g to promote ICA-National Domestic Violence Hotline PO Box 161810 Austin $6 71 Fundm to romote effective volunteering 4600 East West Hwy Suite 525 Bethesda MD NONE ICA-National Fnd for Cancer Research effective volunteerin g FL NONE $1 , 490 70 Fund i ng to promote ICA-National Greyhound Fnd PO Box 929 Homasassa POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE CA-National Indian Child Welfare Assn Inc 5100 SW Macadam Ave # 300 Portland OR NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-National Milita ry Fam i l y Assn 2500 North Van Dorn Street, Su Alexandra VA NONE $6 71 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-National Park Trust 415 Second Street, NE, Suite 2 Washington DC NONE $394 77 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-National S pace Society 1620 I ( Eye) Street NW, Suite 615 Washington DC 100 66 NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-National WildBird Refuge 4913 Dreyfous Ave Metairie LA NONE $114 02 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Nall Action Council for Minorities in Eng ineering 440 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 302 White Plains NY NONE $22 25 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-HEADY Cats Corp PO Box 213 West Boyl ston MA NONE $23 15 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Neurofibromatosis Inc Mid-Atlantic 8855 Anna polis Road, Suite 110 Lanham MD NONE $161 59 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-New Israel Fund 1101 14th Street, NW, Sixth FI Washington DC NONE $10749 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Northern Illinois Food Bank 600 Industrial Drive St Charles IL NONE $54 69 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Northwest Medical Teams international 14150 SW Milton Court Tigard OR NONE $577 88 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Od ysse y House, Inc 95 Pine Street New York NY 10005 NONE $181 49 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-O en Doors with Brother Andrew 2953 So Pullman St Santa Ana CA NONE $40 26 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-O eration Food Search 6282 Olive Blvd St Lou i s MO NONE $14 48 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-O eration Smile 6435 Tidewater Drive Norfolk VA NONE $826 59 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn ICA-O eration USA 8320 Melrose Avenue. Suite 200 Los Angeles CA NONE $1,605 95 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Outreach International Hayes Road Com pton Dundon Some set TA11 6PF NONE $321 22 Fundin g to p romote effective volunleen ICA-Ovarian Cancer Coalition National 500 NE S panish River Blvd Boca Raton FL NONE $11 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Pancreatic Cancer Action Network 2221 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 1 El Segundo CA NONE $590 14 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Parkinson s Research Center Michael Stem Fnd One Intre p id Sq uare, West 46th New York NY NONE $1278 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Partnershi p for a Dru g-Free America 405 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1601 New York NY NONE $1307 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Paws With A Cause 4646 South Division Wayland MI 10174 NONE $34842 Fundin to P romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Pediatric Cancer Research Fnd 9272 Jeronimo Rd Ste 107A Irvine CA NONE $14762 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Peo ple for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA) 501 Front Street Norfolk VA NONE $1,483 11 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Planned Parenthood Fnd 434 W 33rd St New York NY 1 10001 NONE $8 71 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Planned Parenthood Of San Diego & Riverside 1075 Camino del Rio South, Sul an Diego CA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Prevent Child Abuse Texas 13740 Research Blvd Austin TX 78750 NONE $5769 Funding to promote effecti ve volunteering ICA-Primate Rescue Center Inc 5087 Danville Rd Nichotasville KY NONE $57 33 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Pro ect Angel Food 7574 Sunset Blvd Los An geles CA NONE $57 33 Funding to p romote effective votunteenn ICA-Pulmona H ypertension Assn 850 Slig o Ave #800 Silver S pring MD NONE $20 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Relief International 1575 Westwood Blvd , Suite #20 Los Angeles CA NONE $58076 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Rehnitis Pi gmentosa International Society 23241 Ventura Boulevard #117 Woodland Hills CA 1 91364 NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Rhode Isla Coalition Aga i nst Domestic Violence 422 Post Road, Suite 202 Warwick RI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-RID-Remove Intoxicated Drivers P O Box 520 Schenectad y NY 12301 NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-River Network 520 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1130 Portland OR NONE $3539 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Ronald McDonald House Near Children's Memorial Hos p 622 Deming Place Chicago IL NONE $5512 Funding to promote effect ive volunteering ICA-Ronald McDonald House of Houston 1907 Holcombe Blvd Houston TX NONE $8075 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Rose Resnick L ig ht for the Blind & Visual Im paired 214 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA 94102 NONE $1201 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Rosehed a AIDS Housing & Health Care 12718 15th Ave NE Seattle WA 98125-4022 NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-San Fran Soc for the Prev of Cruel ty to Animals 2500 16th Street an Francisco CA NONE $51 34 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-San Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center 1757 Waller Street an Francisco CA NONE $335 96 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-San Francisco Food Bank 900 Penns yl vania Ave an Francisco CA NONE $81 94 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-San Francisco Symp hony Davies Symphony Hall an Francisco CA NONE $646 43 Funding to promote effective volunteenng ICA-SEAL - Naval S pecial Warfare Fnd P O Box 5965 Virg inia Beach VA 123471 NONE $55 26 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Seattle Parks Fnd 860 Terry Ave N #117 Seattle WA NONE $19 21 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-SEVA Fnd 1786 Fifth Street Berkele y CA NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-S o ren's Syndrome Fnd Inc 8120 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 5 Bethesda MD NONE $8507 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-S ace Frontier Fnd 16 First Avenue N yack NY NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-S a -Neuter Assistance Pro gram PO Box 70286 Houston TX NONE $58 83 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-S ecial Ol ympics Inc 1325 G Street, NW, Suite 500 Washin gton DC NONE $5580 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-S ecial Ol ympics Northern California 3480 Buskirk, Ste 340 Pleasant Hill , CA 1 94523 NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount Funding to promote effective volunteenn CA-S ecial Ol ymp ics Texas 7715 Chevy Chase Or Austin TX 78752 NONE $671 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g CA-St Vincent de Paul Socie ty Of Baltimore 320 Cathedral Street, Room #62 Baltimore MD NONE $8 $10540 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Star Ranch HCR 7, Box 39C Ing ram TX NONE $148 96 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g CA-Stadi ht Children's Fnd - California Cha pter 2049 Century Park East, Ste 4 Los Angeles CA NONE 13 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g CA-Summit Assistance Dogs 7575 Chestnut Lane Anacortes WA 1 98221 NONE $20 NONE $273 76 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd-LA Cnty Affiliate 33 South Catalina Avenue. Ste Pasadena CA $34 87 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Austin PO Box 2164 Austin TX NONE NONE $1,27656 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Chicagol 4100 Madison, Ste 3, Box 769 Hillside IL NONE $761 56 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g CA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Dallas Cnty 765 North ark Center Dallas TX $178 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering CA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Denver Affiliate 1835 Franklin Street Denver CO NONE NONE $31774 Funding to promote effective volunteenng CA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Greater NYC 341 West 38th Street, 10th Flo New York NY NONE $334 01 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Houston 2425 Fountainview, Suite 210 Houston TX NONE $28 96 Funding to promote effective volunteering ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Maryl & Affiliate 200 E Joppa Rd , Ste 407 Towson MD $19866 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - North Jersey 785 S p ringfield Avenue Summitt NJ NONE NONE $5.11226 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Orange Co 3191 - A Ai rport Loo p Drive Costa Mesa CA $229 68 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Oregon & SW WA 1411 SW Morrison, Ste, 290 Portland OR NONE NONE $359 02 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Puget Sound 190O N Northlake Wa y, #237 Seattle WA $19 73 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - San Antonio 527 N Leona an Antonio TX NONE NONE $188 57 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - San Diego 8070 Rayt heon. Suite 1 an Diego CA Funding to romote effective volunteering ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - San Francisco PO Box 29316 an Francisco CA NONE $15796 NONE $21748 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd-Sacramento Valley 2443 Fair Oakls Blvd , PMB 223 Sacramento CA $410 53 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn ICA-Trout Unlimited 1500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 3 Arlington VA NONE $10208 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-United Animal Nations 5892 A South Land Park Drive Sacramento CA NONE $93 94 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-United Methodist Fami l y Services 3900 West Broad Street Richmond VA NONE 71 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-United Palestinian App eal 1330 New Ham pshire Ave , NW Washin g ton DC 1 20037 NONE $8 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g ICA-United States Youth Soccer Associ ation, Inc 1717 Firman Richardson TX NONE $1342 $76 01 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Vietnam Veterans Assistance Fund 8605 Cameron Street, Su ite 400 Silver S prin g MD NONE NONE $1564 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Vietnam Veterans Of California PO Box 378 Santa Rosa CA 95402 NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ICA-Voices for Children - San Diego 2851 Meadow Lark Drive an Diego CA Funding to p romote effective volunteenn g ICA-Water For Peo ple 6666 Quincy Avenue Denver CO NONE $2,946 98 $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Wheelchair S ports USA P O Box 5266 Kendall Park NJ 08824 NONE NONE $7 68 Funding to p romote effective volunteering ICA-WddCare Terwilli ger Nature Edu & Wildlife Rehab 76 Albert Park Lane an Rafael CA 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-W ldlife Tnist 61 Route 9W Palisades NY NONE $6 $75 54 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Witness for Peace 707 8th Street SE Washin gton DC NONE $46 43 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g ICA-Women for Women International 1850 M Street, NW Washington DC NONE $8307 Funding to promote effective volunteenn ICA-World Federation for Mental Health 2001 N Beau re and Street, 12 Alexandra VA NONE NONE $20 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering ICA-World Hung er Year 505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 2100 New York NY NONE $3730 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Wodd Neig hbors 4127 NW 122nd Street Oklahoma City OK 85 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ICA-Wodd Orphans 15971 Woodmeadow Ct Colorado S p rings CO NONE $380 NONE $1205 Funding to promote effective volunteering CA-Yellowstone Park Fnd 222 East Main Street, Suite 301 Bozeman MT 1 59715 NONE $768 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g ICA-Zero to Three Natl Ctr for Infants Toddlers & Fam 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington DC NONE $27008 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Ice Hockey In Harlem P 0 Box 978, Hell Gate Statio New York NY NONE $6 71 Fundin to P romote effective volunteerin g daho Association for the Education of You ng Children 1471 Shoreline Drive, Ste 202 Boise ID $31 96 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g daho Diabetes Youth Prog rams 2875 Mountain View Dr Boise ID NONE NONE $71 04 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn g Idaho Youth Ranch 7025 Emerald Street Boise ID NONE $7 39 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g DE-UK ( International Development Enterp rises UK) 1 Mered yth Road London Londc n SW 13 ODS NONE $4583 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering III Cord Foundation/Com passion International 1310 West Hadle y Phoen ix AZ NONE $7 21 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn g mmanuel Cong reg ational UCC 3460 Jamieson Ave St Louis MO NONE $3,421 84 Funding to p romote effective volunteering MPACT Foundation 151 Western Road Ha ards Heath West Sussex RH16 3LH NONE $6 71 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Im prove Nutrition in a Guatemalan Villa ge - a GlobalGiwn Pro ect 1821 12th St NW Washin gton DC NONE $54 45 Fundm to promote effective volunteering n Defense of Animals 3010 Kerner Blvd an Rafael CA POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE volunteering N SEARCH OF THE LORD'S WAY PO Box 371 Edmond OK NONE $1301 Funding to promote effective ndia Partners PO Box 5470 Eugene OR NONE $57 90 Funding to promote effective volunteering ndian River Habitat for Humani ty 4568 N US Hwy 1 Vero Beach FL NONE $26 13 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng ndiana Foster Care and Adoption Association 509 E National Ave Indiana polis N NONE $16888 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Indiana Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives and Peace 302 West Washington Street ndiana olis N 46204 NONE $2,500 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g ndiana Petite Paws Rescue Angels. Inc 435 W 300 S Val paraiso N NONE $756 33 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng effective volunteerin g Indiana polis Zoo 1200 W Washin gton Street Indiana polis N NONE $6 71 Funding to promote nfant & Toddler Intervention Prog ram of North Texas 1701 N Collins Blvd Richardson TX NONE $104 70 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to promote effective volunteerin g Inflammato ry Breast Cancer Research Foundation 321 Hig h School Road NE, #149 Bainbrid ge Island WA NONE $5270 Fundin g nLi ht Connection PO Box 1768 Santa Monica CA NONE $8723 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g effective nn at Deerfield 34 Ridge Road Deerfield NH NONE $64 45 Funding to promote volunteering nnVision, The Wa y Home 974 Willow Street an Jose CA NONE $76 49 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g nstitute for Community Leadershi p 8209 South 222nd St Kent WA NONE $767 80 Funding to promote effective volunteenn nstitute For Unpo pular Culture 1592 Union St # 226 an Francisco CA NONE $14265 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng effective nsulin Pum pers 558 Valle y Wa y Mil pitas CA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote volunteering to effective volunteering Integ rity Ministries 807 S Summit St Bloomin gton L NONE $14 72 Fundin g p romote effective nter Care (Medical Aid for Africa ) 46 The Halfcroft Leicester Leices ershire LE7 1 LD NONE $536 Funding to promote volunteering nterFaith Works 400 Cathedral Avenue NW Washington DC 20016 NONE $50000 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ntermountain Thera py Animals P O Box 17201 Salt Lake City NONE $48768 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g nternational AIDS Empowerment 10525 Vista del Sol El Paso TX NONE $18 85 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g NTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HUMAN VALUES 12121 Quadrille Lane Bowie MD NONE $7654 Funding to promote effective volunteenng effective volunteering nternational Campaig n for Tibet 1825 K Street, NW Suite 520 Washington DC NONE $19802 Fundin g to promote nternational Child Art Foundation 1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington DC NONE $1827 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g International Children s Dnve ICD 370 NE Camano Drive Camano Island WA NONE $12741 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g nternational Children's Network 24544 - 129th Place S E Kent WA NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin g International Christian Adoptions 41745 Rider Wa y #2 Temecula CA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote nternational Crane Fnd, Inc Box 447, E-1 1376 Shady Lane Ro Baraboo W I NONE $14945 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective nternational Environmental Data Rescue Organization 901 Main Street Deale MD NONE $76 39 Funding to promote volunteering nternational Erosion Control Association 3001 S Lincoln Avenue Steamboat S prings CO NONE $2904 Funding to promote effective volunteering nternational Essential Tremor Foundation 11111 W 95th St Ste 260 Overland Park KS NONE $671 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g effective International Fellowshi p of Christians and Jews, Inc 30 North LaSalle St Chica go L NONE $131 33 Funding to promote volunteerin g effective nternational Ferret Cong ress 46180 Butternut Rid ge Road Oberlin OH NONE $19046 Funding to promote volunteerin g nternational Fund for Animal Welfare 411 Main Street Yarmouth Port MA NONE $67 84 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin g nternational Humanist Trust 1 Gower Street London London WC1E 6HD NONE $41 77 Funding to promote effective volunteerin nternational Humanitarian Foundation PO Box 145 Hanover NH NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote g effective volunteering nternational Initiative to End Child Labor 1016 S Wa yne Street Arlin gton VA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective ntemabonal Justice Mission PO Box 58147 Washington DC NONE $1,709 53 Funding to promote volunteerin g effective volunteerin g nternational Medical Corps 1919 Santa Monica Blvd Santa Monica CA NONE $26 29 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng nternational Mountain Bicycl i ng Assn 207 Canyon Blvd , Suite 301 Boulder CO NONE $16 42 Fundin g to promote to romote effective volunteenng nternational Myeloma Foundation 12650 Riverside Drive Valley Villa g e CA NONE $14664 Funding p effective volunteerin g nternational Otter Survival Fund 7 Black Park sle of Skye Hi hland IV49 9DE NONE $566 54 Fundin g to promote to effective volunteenng nternational Primate Protection Leag ue 120 Primate Lane Summerville SC NONE $20 13 Fundin g promote to effective volunteering nternational Relief Teams 3547 Camino Del Rio S, Suite an Diego CA NONE $7301 Funding promote effective volunteerin g nternational Rescue Committee 4535 30th St an Diego CA NONE $21755 Funding to promote effective volunteerin nternational Rescue Committee Baltimore 3516 Eastern Ave Baltimore MD NONE $6 71 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin g nternational Rett S yndrome Association 9121 Piscataway Road, #213 Clinton MD NONE $68641 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g nternational Smile Power Foundation 704-228th Ave N E #204 Sammamish WA 98074 NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering nternational Wolf Center 12615 Cou nty Road 9 #200 Minnea polis MN NONE $1084 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering nterns For Peace 475 Riverside Drive, 16th Floor New York NY 10115-010 NONE $2370 Fundin g to promote in 'rote effective volunteerin g nter last 857 Maude Avenue Mountain View CA NONE $77 59 Fund to 48 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g Intre id Fallen Heroes Fund One Intre pid Sq uare New York NY NONE $121 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE ONA Senior Services 4125 Albemarle St, NW Washington DC NONE $6 71 Fundin g to romote effective volunteering owa Heartland Habitat for Human ity 803 w 5th Street Waterloo A NONE $500 Funding to p romote effective volunteering owa Homeless Youth Centers 1219 Buchanan Street Des Moines A NONE $82 10 Funding to p romote effective volunteering redell SCAN (Sto p Child Abuse Now) 229 Davie Avenue Statesville NC NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g slamic Relief 6131 Oran etho a Ave Buena Park CA NONE $204 36 Funding to p romote effective volunteering slamic-Amencan Zakat Fnd 4323 Rosedale Avenue Bethesda MD NONE $19 73 Funding to promote effective volunteering sland Harvest 199 Second Street Mineola NY NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering soDicentric 15 Exchan ge. Advocacy & Su pport 6699 SE Scott Drive Portland OR NONE $101 40 Funding to romote effective volunteerin g sreal Humanitarian Foundation. Inc 276 Fifth Avenue 901 New York NY NONE $841 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g It's All About the Cats, Inc PO Box 592984 Orlando FL NONE $10006 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering YO/Life20 hans 11876 NW Ter Ct Portland OR NONE $10026 Funding to promote effective volunteering JAARS P 0 Box 248 Waxhaw NC NONE $24 99 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Jabez B ywa ys Priors Marston Warwickshire CV47 7RS NONE $503 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Jack Orchard ALS Foundation 211 Waukegan Road Northfield L NONE $52 10 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jackie Robinson Foundation 3 West 35th Street, 11th floor New York NY NONE $50 60 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g James R Jordan Foundation 201 SE 12 St Fort Lauderdale FL NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g James Randi Educational Foundation 10573 W Pico Blvd, #214 Los Angeles CA NONE $221 78 Funding to promote effective volunteering James Redford Institute for Trans plant Awareness (JRI ) 10573 W Pico Blvd, #214 Los Angeles CA NONE $1545 Funding to promote effective volunteering Janus Develo pmental Services, Inc 1555 Westfield Road Noblesville N NONE $191 20 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jazz Arts Grou p of Columbus 939 North Hi g h Street Columbus OH NONE $79 53 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jazz at Lincoln Center Inc 33 West 60th Street New York NY NONE $1,514 82 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jefferson City Area YMCA 525 Ellis Blvd Jefferson City MO NONE $695 77 Funding to romote effective volunteerin g Jefferson Land Trust P O Box 1610 Port Townsend WA NONE $6275 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jefferson Street Christian Church 1700 N Jefferson Street Lincoln L NONE $39997 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Jefferson Stundent Council 1023 Broadway Helena MT 59602 NONE $200 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Jefferson Thomas Hayden Foundation P 0 Box 1236 West Chester OH NONE $24 31 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Jerome Bettis P 0 Box 211089 Detroit MI NONE $9,901 20 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jewish Cuba Connection, Inc 4 Lighthouse Street Manna Del Rey CA NONE $211 72 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Jewish Famil & Career Services 4549 Chamblee Dunwood y Road Atlanta GA NONE $1,194 24 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jewish Famil & Children's Service 4220 N 20th Ave Phoenix AZ NONE $85 77 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Jewish Famil & Communi ty Services 6261 Dupont Station Court, Eas Jacksonville FL NONE $85 77 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Jewish Famil y Services of Milwaukee 1300 N Jackson St Milwaukee WI NONE $45 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jewish Federation of Central New Jerse y 1391 Martine Avenue Scotch Plains NJ NONE $938 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering JEWISH FEDERATION OF METROPOLITAN CHICAGO/JEWISH Ben Gunon Wa y Chica go L NONE $1,283 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jewish Free Loan Association 6505 Wilshire Blvd , Suite 715 Los Angeles CA NONE $1399 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jewish Fund for Justice 260 Fifth Avenue, Suite 701 New York NY NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jewish National Fund 78 Randall Avenue Rockville Center NY NONE $69 11 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ji gsaw Children's Su pport Foundation LI s Llewel yn Kmmel Bay Con r LL18 5ET NONE $2554 Funding to promote effective volunteering JNN Foundation 7200 Lake Ellenor Dr Orlando FL NONE $54 65 Funding to promote effective volunteering Joan's Legacy The Joan Scarang ello Foundation to Conq uer Lung 27 Union Square West New York NY NONE $209 55 Fundin to promote effective volunteering John Ave ry Boys and Girls Club, Inc 511 Grant St Durham NC NONE $69567 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering John Muir Trust 41 Commercial Street Edinburg h Edmbiir h Ci EH6 6JD NONE $2985 Funding to promote effective volunteering John Tracy Clinic 806 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles CA NONE $278 35 Funding to promote effective volunteering Join Joe 9500 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH NONE $20 79 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Jose p h Kushner Hebrew Academy 110 South Orange Ave Living ston NJ NONE $4740 funding to promote effective volunteering Jose p h's House & Shelter 74 Fe rry Street Troy NY NONE $36 28 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Joshua Child and Famil y Develo pment Center 7611 State Line Rd Kansas City MO NONE $47 51 Funding to promote effective volunteering Journey for the Cure Foundation 14139 Oasis Lane Hume VA NONE $175 48 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Journe y's End Animal Sanctua ry P O Box 220163 Deland FL NONE $2684 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc 700 Grace Parkway Fenton MO NONE $367 37 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Joyful Child Foundation PO box 12680 Westminster CA NONE $25851 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Jubilee Debt Campaig n The Grayston Centre London London Ni 6HT NONE $503 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Julia's House 214D Lower Blandford Road Poole Dorset BH 18 9PA NONE $9762 Funding to p romote effective volunteenng JulieAnn Krajci/Brenda Richey 2350 Route 63 Wayland NY 14572 NONE $100 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Jump For The Cause P O Box 261068 Encino CA NONE $31 47 Funding to promote effective volunteering Jungle Friends Primate Sanctua ry 13915 North State Road 121 Gainesville FL NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteann g Junior Achievement of Central PA 1322 Loop Road Lancaster PA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin Just As I Am Ministries P O Box 141388 Toledo OH NONE $695 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g Just Nei ghbors 716 S Glebe Rd Arlington VA NONE $11 57 Fundin g to promote effecti ve volunteerin g JustAid 8 William Street Bristol Bristol BS34TU NONE $1745 Funding to promote effecti ve volunteenng Juvenile Diabetes - Long Island 532 Broadhollow Road Melville NY NONE $1342 Funding to promote effecti ve volunteerin g Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - N NJ & Rockland County 560 S ylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs NJ NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation - West Tennessee Branch 340 Poplar View Lane East, Sui Collierville TN NONE $20 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Dallas Cha pter 9400 N Central Exp ressway , Su Dallas TX NONE $31 55 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International 24359 Northwestern Hig hway Southfield MI NONE $129,709 95 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF ) - Tri 2210 Millbrook Rd Ralei gh NC NONE $34 08 Funding to promote effective volunteering Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Karen A Swierski, Execut 331 Alberta Drive, Ste 106 Amherst NY NONE $1,393 06 Funding to p romote effective volunteering K A R E (Katnna Associate Relief Effort) Delaware North Companies Buffalo NY NONE $358 11 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Kalamazoo Astronomical Society 600 West Vine, Suite 400 Kalamazoo MI NONE $29 45 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Ka pole Elementa ry School 91-1119 Kamaaha Loo p Ka oler HI 96707 NONE $25000 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Kara 457 King sley Avenue Palo Alto CA NONE $11 56 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Kashmir Education Foundation 370 THORNTON ROAD Bradford West Yorkshire 8D8 8L0 NONE $1871 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Kate's Club 2074 Fairwa y Circle Atlanta GA NONE $8 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Katharine House Hos p ice East End Banbu ry Oxfordshire oxl73nl NONE $739 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn KATHERINE CAMPBELL 1020 MEADOWCREEK DRIVE Richmond VA 23236 NONE $1,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Katie Stauffer Memorial Arts & Cultural Center 7 S Main ST Richiandtown PA NONE $48 06 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Katrina General NONE $10,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn g Katnna's Angels 5703 Red Bug Lake Rd Winter S nn s FL NONE $463 89 Funding to p romote effective volunteering KCET Public Television for Southern and Central Calfornia 4401 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $47 94 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering KCRW 1900 Pico Blvd Santa Monica CA NONE $7440 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Kee p A Child Alive 45 Main Street #407 Brookl yn NY NONE $636 29 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Keith Urban's Max It Out for Mening itis PMB 218121 Nashville TN NONE $9670 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Kern a Children's Foundation 1825 Marion Street Denver CO NONE $34397 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Ken-Crest Centers 502 W Germantown Pike Pl ymouth Meeting PA NONE $46 42 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Kent Air Ambulance Trust Wheelbarrow Park Estate Marden Kent TN12 90J NONE $25 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering Kentucky Baptist Homes for Children 10200 Linn Station Rd Ste 200 Louisville KY NONE $7751 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Kentucky Domestic Violence Association P 0 Box 356 Frankfort KY NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Kenya Kids in Need P O Box 879 Castroville CA NONE $1512 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Kenyon Sunset Home 127 Gunderson Blvd Ken yon MN NONE $8 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Keren Ezras Shabbos 3822A 15th Avenue Brookl yn NY NONE $2846 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn g KEXP 113 Dexter Avenue North Seattle WA NONE $24 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn g KEYS (Kids Education Youth Services) Corp 308 Shemil Road Sherrill NY NONE $7 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g KFC Colonels Kids 1900 Colonels Sanders Lane Louisville KY NONE $6,142 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Khaachen Assistance Prog ram P O Box 6483 Ithaca NY 14851 NONE $671 Funding to promote effective voiunteenn Kid One Trans port 3605 Lorna Rid ge Drive Hoover AL NONE $28 86 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin Kidney & Urology Foundation of America 1250 Broadway New York NY NONE $33 33 Funding promote g Kidney Research UK King s Chambers Peterborou g h Cambrid geshire PE1 1FG NONE $10733 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn g Kids Against Hunger 5401 Boone Ave N New Ho pe MN NONE $57 03 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g KIDS CANCER CONNECTION 7853 Ducor Avenue West Hills CA NONE $4063 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Kids Corp oration II P O Box 99714 Pittsburg h PA NONE $4652 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Kids Grants Charitable Trust Fund 819 NE 26 St Fort Lauderdale FL NONE $2564 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Kids In Distress 819 NE 26 St Fort Lauderdale FL NONE $203 54 [ Funding to promote effective volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE effective volunteering Kids In Distressed Situations, Inc ( K I D S 350 Fifth Avenue New York NY NONE $287 64 Funding to promote Kids S ports Network 8206 Rou g hrider, #104 San Antonio TX NONE $3583 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Kids With A Cause, Inc 400 Corporate Pointe Culver City CA NONE $33307 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Kids With Heart National Assn for Children's Heart Disorders, Inc 1578 Careful Dr Green Bay WI NONE $19 12 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Kidsave International, Inc 11835 W Ol ympic Blvd Los An geles CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective Kidsca e 2 Grosvenor Gardens London London SW t W ODH NONE $44 49 Fundin g to p romote volunteerin g KIDSOUT 14 Church Sq uare Lei ghton Buzzard Bedfoidshire I LU7 1AE NONE $5278 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective KidZ At Heart International P 0 Box 21148 Mesa AZ NONE $288 39 Funding to promote volunteenng Ki nd Heart Placement and Rescue 3 H yacinth Ct Cream Ridge NJ NONE $44 34 Funding to promote effective volunteering KI ahulu Ohana PO Box 454 Hana HI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Kismet Rock Foundation PO Box 1744 North Conwa y NH NONE $136 18 Funding to promote volunteering effective volunteenng Kitty Angels PO Box 638 T n sboro MA NONE $68 24 Funding to promote Ki ails 20975 Woodside Wa y Groveland CA NONE $628 80 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Kiwan s International Fnd, Inc 3636 Woodview Trace Indiana polis N NONE $11225 Fundin g p romote KLRU-N 2504-B Whitis Austin TX NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g KofC Monsig nor B i sho p Circle #1400 Columbian Squires 5727 Cornelia Ave Orlando FL NONE $1642 Fundin g p romote Kristin Brooks Ho pe Center 615 7th Street NE Washington DC NONE $401 33 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g effective volunteenn L A Gay & Lesbian Center 1625 N Schrader Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $8 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering L A Works 570 West Avenue 26 Los Angeles CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote L I F E Center 1109 Ste Genevieve Ave Farmington MO NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective LA Community Health Connection 1538 N Claiborne Avenue New Orleans LA NONE $54 69 Funding to p romote volunteenn g to effective volunteering La Leche League International 1400 North Meacham Road Schaumbu rg L NONE $28 98 Funding p romote effective La Leche League Of Allen 605 Claiborn Ln Wylie TX NONE $6 71 Funding to promote volunteering effective unteenng Lab Rescue Ok, Inc 2608 West Kenosha broken arrow OK NONE $20 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Labrador Life Line, Inc 3305 Beauvoir Place Monroe LA NONE $33 55 Fundin g to p romote Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc P O Box 246 Palmyra PA NONE $24 34 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g effective Labs4Rescue PO Box 955 Killingworth CT NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave Austi n TX NONE $695 Funding to promote effective volunteering $226 02 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering La guna Art Museum 307 Cliff Dr Laguna Beach CA NONE 71 to effective volunteerin g Lake Su perior State Universi ty Foundation 650 W Easterda y Ave Sault Ste Mane MI NONE $6 Fundin g promote effective LAM Action DIVISION OF RESPIRATORY MEDICI NOTTINGHAM Nottin hamshire NG5 1PB NONE $3233 Fundin g to p romote volunteerin g to effective volunteering Lambert House PO Box 23111 Seattle WA NONE $6 71 Funding promote Lancashie Association of Clubs for Young Peo ple South Place LANCASTER Lanc

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount i PURPOSE Leukaemia Research 43 Great Ormond Street London London WC1 N 3JJ NONE $503 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Leukemia Research Foundation 2700 Patnot Blvd Glenview L NONE $339 28 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Leukemia & Lymp homa Soc i ety 1311 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains NY NONE $14,399 94 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Leukemia Research Life, Inc PO Box 32783 Detroit MI NONE $51 08 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Libe rty Humane Society P 0 Box 3766 Jersey City NJ NONE $268 02 Funding to promote effective volunteering Life Challen ges 10540 Daystar Dr Tuscaloosa AL NONE $14 74 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Life Hunts 10540 Daystar Dr Tuscaloosa AL NONE $28 87 Funding to promote effective volunteering Life Rolls On Foundation 7770 Re gents Road #113-199 San Diego CA NONE $14388 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Seattle, WA 1002 E Seneca Seattle WA NONE $78384 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g LIFENETS INTERNATIONAL INC 3707 Turfwa y Ct Indianapolis N NONE $49 28 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Life's DoorWays P O Box 5754 Boise D NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Li g ht Of Day Foundation, Inc 201 S 2nd Ave #22 Hi g hland Park NJ NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Li g hthouse for the Blind In New Orleans, Inc 123 State Street New Orleans LA NONE $164 69 Funding to promote effective volunteering Lighthouse of Oakland County 46156 Woodward Avenue Pontiac MI NONE $3355 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g LINC Leal Information Network for Cancer) P O Box 11568 Richmond VA NONE $6224 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Lincoln Hig h School Theatre Guild 555 Dana Ave San Jose CA NONE $11 57 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Lincolnshire Greyhound Trust 50 Kingsley Street Lincoln Lmcolrishire LN1 3JN NONE $11 73 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Lions Hospice Lions Hos p ice Northfleet Kent DA11 7HQ NONE $15877 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Literacy Network of Greater Los Angeles 202 West F i rst Street Los Angeles CA NONE $1,048 22 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Literacy New York 777 Ma ale Dr Buffalo NY NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Literacy Volunteers of Greater Sanford 883 Main Street Sanford ME NONE $63 91 Funding to promote effective volunteering Little Angels Pug Rescue PO Box 12242 La Crescenta CA NONE $2,607 53 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Little Brothers Friends of the Eldedy 642 North Braod Street Philadel phia PA NONE $24 11 Funding to promote effective volunteering Little Kids Rock 21 Oxford Street #2 Montclair NJ NONE $11869 Funding to promote effective volunteering Little Orp han Ang els Animal Rescue & Adoption Agency PMB #252 Keller TX NONE $19783 Funding to promote effective volunteering Little Paws Rescue 32 West Main Street Hop kinton MA NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Little Red Wagon Foundation, Inc 4428 Gentnce Dr Valnco FL NONE $42 20 Funding to promote effective volunteering Little Shelter Animal Adoption Center 33 Warner Road Huntington NY NONE $8 67 Funding to promote effective volunteering Little Sisters of the Assumption Famil y Health Service, Inc 333 East 115 St New York NY NONE $75672 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Littl'uns Eq uine Rescue Trust 87 Dursle y Road London Londo t SE3 8PG NONE $14 77 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn g Living Beyond Breast Cancer 10 east Athens Avenue Ardmore PA NONE $2,500 59 Funding to promote effective volunteering Locks of Love 2925 10th Aveune North Suite 1 Lake Worth FL NONE $318 16 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Loma Linda University Medical Center 11234 Anderson Street Loma Linda CA NONE $3584 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g London's Air Ambulance The Royal London Hos p ital Whitecha el Road London El IBB NONE $144 18 Funding to promote effective volunteering Long Isl & Toy Lending Ctr for Children wl Disabilities 116 Memtts Rd Farmingdale NY NONE $2866 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Long Island Volunteer Center 58 Hilton Avenue Hemp stead NY 11550 NONE $5,538 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g LOPE Texas 1551 H ig hway 21 West Cedar Creek TX NONE $10329 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Los Ami gos de los Ninos of Cal i fornia, Inc 1451 West Ilth Street Merced CA NONE $3936 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Los Angeles Art Association/Gallery 825 825 N La Cienega Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $1020 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Los Angeles Corp orate Volunteer Council do LA Junior Chamber of Commerce Los Angeles CA 90012-2543 NONE $100 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Los Angeles Mission 303 East Fifth Street Los Angeles CA NONE $2,457 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Los Angeles Reg ional Food Bank 1734 East 41st Street Los Angeles CA NONE $33085 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Los Angeles Unified School District, LAUSD 333 S Beaud ry Ave 25th Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 NONE $25,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Lost Paws Rescue of Texas P 0 Box 116256 Carrollton TX NONE $70 52 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Louisiana Associati on of Volunteer Center Directors 162 Croydon Ave Baton Rouge LA NONE $5,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Lou i siana Environmental Action Network 162 Croydon Ave Baton Rouge LA NONE $108 33 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault 509 W Morns Ave Hammond LA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Louisiana Serve Commission 263 3rd Street, Suite 610-B Baton Rouge LA 70801 NONE $50,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Louisville Affliate/Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation 1939 Goldsmith Lane, Suite 153 Louisville KY NONE $600 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Love a Golden Rescue 2343 Cedar Dale Court Ma land Hei ghts MO NONE $103 71 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Love INC of the Black Hills 2040 W Main St, Ste 311 Rapid Cit SD NONE $55 28 ng to promote effective volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008

PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount to promote effective volunteering LOVE IS THE CURE 3513 W Pacific Avenue Burbank CA NONE $17632 Fundin g effective Love Our Children USA 220 East 57th Street New York NY NONE $334 47 Funding to p romote volunteering to effective volunteering Love Without Boundaries Foundation 306 S Bryant, Suite C Edmond OK NONE $22 28 Funding p romote $61 06 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Low Count ry Lab Rescue 4465 Tile Drive N Charleston Sc NONE 17 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g Lower Columbia Communi ty Action Council 1526 Commerce Avenue, Longview WA 98632 NONE $2,888 g p $5,500 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Lower Mississi pp i Delta Service Corps 207 North Street Cleveland MS 38732 NONE Fundm to romote effective volunteerin g Loyola School 980 Park Avenue New York NY NONE $191 20 effective Luck Cat Ado ptions, Inc P O Box 8490 Fleming Island FL NONE $6 71 Funding to promote volunteering $65 69 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Lulu S paniel Rescue Foundation, Inc 51 montebelto rd suffem NY NONE 26 Funding to promote effective volunteering Lu pus Alliance of Amenca Long Island/q ueens Affliate 2255 Centre Avenue Bellmore NY NONE $101 NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Lu pus Fnd Of Northern California 2635 North First Street, #206 an Jose CA $34,272 37 Funding to promote effective volunteering Lu pus Foundation of America, Inc 2000 L Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $1642 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Lu pus Foundation of Ill i noi s 20 E Jackson Blvd, Su ite 1150 Chica go L NONE 78 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g LUPUS UK St James House Romford Essex RM1 3NH NONE $88 $238 92 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Lustg arten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research 1111 Stewart Avenue Beth page NY NONE $24261 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Lutheran Chi ld and Famil y Services of IN/KY 1525 N Ritter Ave Indiana polis N NONE 21 to p romote effective volunteering Lutheran Communi ty Services Northwest 127 SW 156th St Burien WA NONE $1,210 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering LUTHERAN FAMILY SERVICE OF IOWA 230 9th Ave North Fort Dod ge A NONE $3,07331 Fundin g 96 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Lutheran Famil y Services in the Carolinas 112 Cox Avenue Ralei g h NC NONE $24 08 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Lutheran Home & Services 800 W Oakton St Arlington Heig hts L NONE $91 34 to promote effective volunteerin g Lutheran Homes and Health Services Foundation, Inc 244 North Macy Street Fond du Lac WI NONE $1,362 Fundin g 12 to promote effective volunteering Lutheran Homes of SC Foundation 300 Minist ry Drive Irmo SC NONE $690 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Lutheran Mission Society 1201 S Charles Street Balti more MD NONE $987 Funding 34 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Lutheran Pioneers, Inc 115 South Teut Road Budin ton WI NONE $27 g Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Lutheran Services for the Ag ing 2304 South Main St Salisbu ry NC NONE $29758 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Lutheran Social Minist ry of the Southwest 5049 E Broadway Blvd , Suite Tucson AZ NONE $1872 $102 10 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Lutheran Social Services 715 Falconer Street Jamestown NY NONE g to promote effective volunteering Lutheran Social Services Of The Virgin Islands 516 Hos pital Street Frederiksted VI NONE $27689 Fundin Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Lutheran Volunteer Corps 1228 Vermont Ave , NW Washin gton DC NONE $141 73 to effective volunteering Lydia Cody Breast Cancer Foundation 2627 Redwing Rd Fort Collins CO NONE $63 64 Funding p romote to effective volunteering Lymp homa Research Fnd 111 Broadway , 19th Floor New York NY NONE $208 14 Funding promote g to promote effective volunteering MA Soc For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals 350 S Huntington Avenue Boston MA NONE $228 01 Fundin effective MAB Community Services (Mass Association for the Blind ) 200 I vy St Brookline MA NONE $47 49 Funding to promote volunteering Funding to promote effective volunteering Mackay Foundation for Cancer Research 7 Thimbleberry Sq Greensboro NC NONE $45 92 $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Macklin Intergenerational Institute 15100 Birchaven Lane Findla y OH NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering MacMedia 162 E 19th St Holland MI NONE $9757 to promote effective volunteering MADaboutART 32 THE BUTTS BRENTFORD Middle sex TW8 8BL NONE $7 39 Funding $503 Funding to promote effective volunteering MAG (Mines Adviso ry Grou p) 47 Newton Street Manchester Greati r Manche Ml 1 FT NONE 56 Funding to promote effective volunteering Maine Coon Rescue 304 First Avenue West Franklin KY NONE $233 $3704 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Maj estic Hills Ranch Foundat i on 24580 Dakota Avenue Lakeville MN NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Major League Baseball Pla yers Alumni Association 1631 Mesa Ave Colorado S p rings CO NONE $1,086 34 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Make A Child Smile Organization P O Box 16262 Plantation FL NONE $1,894 92 Funding to promote effective volunteering Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central & Western North Carolina 121 W Trade St Ste 1600 Charlotte NC NONE 59 Funding to promote effective volunteering Make-A-Wish Foundation UK 329-331 London Road Camberle Surre GU15 3HQ NONE $8,225 $48983 Funding to promote effective volunteering Makin a Difference 1418 Mari old dr Lafa yette CO NONE Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Malaria in Africa - GlobalGiving 1816 12th St, NW Washin gton DC NONE $2357 NONE $38 37 Funding to promote effective volunteering Malawian Orphans S ponsored Education Scheme 13 Ratcliffe Street York North Yorkshire YO30 6EN $16 56 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Mamocomo Foundation o box 1356 Parker CO NONE NONE $44 14 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Manchester & Salford Samaritans Manchester & Salford Samaritan Manchester Greatvr Manche M1 5NH Fundm to romote effective volunteerin MANNA PO Box 30181 Philadel p hia PA NONE $2684 $671 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin Manville First Aid & Rescue Squad 2 South 3rd Avenue Manville NJ NONE POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 -

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE MAPS Mulbsci ling Association for Psychedelic Studies ) 2105 Robinson Ave Sarasota FL NONE $789 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Maranatha A/G 927 E North St Lansing MI NONE $5348 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Maranatha Revival Church, Inc 1275 Mamaroneck Ave , White Plains NY 1 10605 NONE $18 22 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering March of Dimes 1275 Mamaroneck Ave White Plains NY NONE $38874 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering March of Dimes - Greater Missoun Chapter 2001 S Hanley Road Brentwood MO NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering March of Dimes - M ichigan Cha pter 27600 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI NONE $96 35 Funding to promote effective volunteering March of Dimes Georg ia Chapter 1776 Peachtree Street Atlanta GA NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering March of Dimes Greater Cincinnati 4701 Creek Road Cincinnati OH NONE $20043 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g March of Dimes, Greater Kansas Cha pter 4050 Penns ylvani a Ste 141 Kansas City MO NONE $114 76 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering March of Dimes-California 1050 SANSOME ST an Francisco CA NONE $143 79 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Mane Curie Cancer Care 89 Albert Embankment London London SE1 7TP NONE $1,866 72 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Marine Conservation Socie ty Unit 3, Wolf Business Park ROSS-ON-WYE Herefodshire HR9 5NB NONE $76 73 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Marine Corp s - Law Enforcement Fnd PO Box 37 Mountain Lakes NJ NONE $12,642 82 Funding to promote effective volunteering Marine Corps Heritage Fnd 307 5th Ave Quantico VA NONE $13 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering Marine Corp s Scholars Fnd P 0 Box 3008 Princeton NJ NONE $982 Funding to promote effective volunteering Marine Toys for Tots Fnd 715 Broadway Street Quantico VA NONE $2,718 67 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Manners Church - Global & Local Lighthouse Outreach Ministries 5001 New port Coast Drive Irvine CA NONE $1666 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Marion Gemsh Community Center 39 West Broadway De rry NH NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Mars Hill Graduate School 2525 220th St SE, Su ite 100 Bothell WA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ma Ann Evans Hos p ice George Eliot Hos pital Site Nuneaton Warwu kshire CV10 7QL NONE $20 10 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Ma Bird Perkins Cancer Center Office of Development Baton Rouge LA NONE $13 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ma Mother of God Mission Society 1854 Jefferson Ave St Paul MN NONE $89 58 Fundm to romote effective volunteering Ma ryl and Academy of Family Physicians Foundation 5710 Executive Drive Baltimore MD NONE $514 04 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Ma ryl and Association of Volunteer Centers C/O Vol Ctr for Anne Arundel Anna polis MD 21401 NONE $5,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Mas id Abu Bakr-AI Saddig 4425 David Drive Metairie LA 70003-3428 NONE $50000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Mason County Pets Without Parents PO Box 166 Easton IL NONE $865 Funding to promote effective volunteering Mason Memorial Foundation 609 Laura Lane S pringdale AR NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Masonic Fnd for Children PO Box 41540 Arlin ton VA NONE $4352 Funding to promote effective volunteering Massachusetts Service Alliance 100 N Washin gton St, 3rd Floo Boston MA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 99 Summer Street Boston MA NONE $21393 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Massachusetts Turtle Rescue, Inc 29 Carew Terrace S pringfield MA NONE $36 03 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Massachusetts Veterans, Inc 69 Grove Street Worcester MA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Math Science Network 5000 MacArthur Blvd Oakland CA NONE $41 37 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g MATHCOUNTS Fnd 1420 King Street Alexandria VA NONE $41 18 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Maui Nui Botanical Gardens 150 Kanaloa Ave Kahului HI NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering MaxFund 1025 Gala a o Street Denver CO NONE $9335 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ma mont Foundation 1700 Ham pton St Richmond VA NONE $3423 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Mao Clinic 200 First Street SW Rochester MN NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals 244 Fifth Ave New York NY NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering MAZON A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Bund y Or Suite 260 Los Angeles CA NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering McNai County Humane Society 741 N Ma ple Street Adamswlle TN NONE $56 11 Funding to p romote effecti ve volunteering Meadow Haven Horse Rescue 518 Exotic Lane Bandera TX NONE $8870 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Meals on Wheels of Lamoilie County, Inc PO Box 1427 Morrisville VT NONE $28 56 Funding to promote effect ive volunteering Meals on Wheels of Shawnee and Jefferson Counties, Inc 1500 SW 10th Ave Topeka KS NONE $29 95 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Meals on Wheels of the Montere y Peninsula 700 Jewel Avenue Pacific Grove CA NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Meals-on-Wheels Greater San Diego 2254 San Die o Ave an Diego CA NONE $20 09 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Mediation Services of Maui 95 Mahalani Street Wailuku HI NONE $1,122 62 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture 111 Isledon Road London London N7 7JW NONE $17566 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Medical Mission Ecuador 2076 Lakeside Or Lexin gton KY NONE $445 52 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Medical Su pport Association 757 St Charles Ave New Orleans LA NONE $106 37 Fund^n to promote effective volunteenn MediClnema MediCmema Gu 's Hosp ital London SE1 9RT NONE $401 35 Fundin to romote effective volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206841 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE to promote effective volunteering Memorial Sloan-Ketterin g Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue New York NY NONE $3,002 38 Funding Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Menca p 123 Golden Lane London Londopli W3 9SS NONE $27601 effective volunteering Mercer Veterina ry Clin ic for the Homeless P 0 Box 297 Davis CA NONE $11 05 Funding to promote $2,598 62 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Mercy Communi ty Health Foundation 630 Humboldt St, LL Manhattan KS NONE to p romote effective volunteerin g Mercy Connections 1602 Madison Rd Cincinnati OH NONE $2645 Fundin g $15,954 33 Funding to promote effective volunteering Merc y Corps 3015 SW 1st Ave Portland OR NONE 53 Funding to promote effecti ve volunteerin g Merc y Ministries UK 4 James Street Bradford West 1 orkshire BD1 3PZ NONE $73 Mercy Shi ps PO BOX 2020 Garden Valley TX NONE $10393 Funding to promote effective volunteering to romote effective volunteerin g Merc y Shi ps UK The Lig hthouse Stevenage Hertfordshire SG1 2EF NONE $11367 Funding p to romote effective volunteerin g Merit School of Music 47 West Polk Street, Ste M-3 _ Chica go L NONE $11103 Funding p effective volunteerin Metanet-IDM Ltd 60 Green Lane New Maiden Surre KT3 5BU NONE $4,369 24 Funding to promote g Metro Chica go Youth for Christ 324 E ROOSEVELT ROAD WHEATON L NONE $2684 Funding to promote effective volunteering 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Metro United Way, Inc P 0 Box 4488 Louisville KY NONE $20 to effective volunteerin g Metro United Way's Volunteer Connection 334 E Broadway Louisville KY 40202 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g p romote to effective volunteerin g Metro Volunteers 444 Sherman Street Denver Cc 80203 NONE $30,200 00 Fundin g p romote Metro politan Ministries, Inc 2002 N Florida Ave Tam pa FL NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering 42 to effective volunteering Mexico Medical Missions 4001 114 Rd Glenwood S p rings CO NONE $13 Fundin g promote to romote effective volunteering Miami Country Day School 601 NE 107 Street Miami FL NONE $8786 Funding p effective Michael J Fox Fnd for Parkinson Research and Central Station, PO Box New York NY NONE $15 12 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g to effective volunteering Michigan Flywheelers Museum 06285 68th South Haven MI NONE $6 71 Fundin g promote $75 79 Funding to promote effective volunteering Michigan Humane Socie ty 26711 Northwestern Hwy Southfield MI NONE effective Mid-Atlantic German She pherd Rescue P 0 Box 5 Laurel MD NONE $76 83 Funding to promote volunteering effective Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue Lea gue 11096 Whitstone Place Reston VA NONE $33 55 Fundin g to promote volunteering to effective volunteering Mid-Atlantic Pu p Rescue, Inc 2640 Avent Ferry Rd Holl y S prin g s NC NONE $19 26 Fundin g promote to effective volunteering Middlesex Association for the Blind 100 Riverview Ctr, Suite 230 Middletown CT 06457 NONE $30 07 Fundin g promote 13 to promote effective volunteering Midnight Mission 396 South Los An eles Street Los An geles CA NONE $20 Fundin g effective volunteering Mid-Ohio Food Bank/O peration Feed 1625 W Mound St Columbus OH NONE $66 66 Fundin g to promote 71 to promote effective volunteerin g M i dway Villa ge & Museum Center 6799 Guilford Road Rockford L NONE $6 Funding to effective volunteering Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue PO Box 297 Kent City MI NONE $21912 Fundin g promote Midwest Brain Inj ury Clubhouse 672 N Northwest H wy Park Rid ge L NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effect ive volunteering 71 to effective volunteering Mid-west Feral Cat & Animal Rescue, Inc 101 E Circle Dr Buffalo City WI NONE $6 Funding promote effective Midwest Shiba Inu Rescue PO Box 98 Winfield L NONE $49 40 Funding to promote volunteerin g $31024 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Mildma y International Chart Office Southend-on-Sea Essex SSt 1AL NONE $13420 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Mile Hi gh United Way 2505 18th Street Denver CO NONE $1,59606 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Milita ry Famil y Relief Fund 2401 Villa ge Road West Norwood MA NONE to promote effective volunteering Milwaukee County Council, Boy Scouts of America 330 South 84th Street Milwaukee W1 NONE $4691 Fundin g $861 42 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Lea g ue 700 N Water Street Milwaukee WI NONE to p romote effective volunteering MIND Mind - The Mental Health Chan Stratford London E1 44BO NONE $147 40 Fundin g $8293 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Minist ry Home Care Hos pice Services, Marshfield, WI 303 W U pham Street Marshfield WI NONE NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Minnesota Ado ption Resource Network 430 Oak Grove Street, Suite 40 Minnea polis MN $309 77 Funding to promote effective volunteering Minnesota AIDS Proj ect 1400 Park Avenue South Minnea polis MN NONE $1550 Fundin to Promote effective volunteerin g M i nnesota Assistance Council for Veterans VAMC Building 47 Minnea polis MN NONE NONE $1683 Funding to promote effective volunteenn M i nnesota Zoo Foundation 13000 Zoo Boulevard Apple Valle y MN $14397 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Miracle Fli g hts for Kids 2756 N Green Valley Pkwy , #115 Green Valley NV NONE to promote effective volunteering Miranda hoenixfamil mu eum or P 0 Box 2439 Phoenix AZ NONE $671 Fundin g effective volunteering MISS Foundation PO Box 5333 Peoria AZ NONE $1222 Funding to promote volunteering Missing Angel Foundation P 0 Box 10273 Phoenix AZ 85064 NONE $802 Funding to promote effective $4290 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Missing Children Center, Inc 276 East Hi ghway 343 W i nter S p rin g s FL NONE $9834 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Missing Children Investi g ation Agency PO Box 4138 Burbank CA NONE $53 12 Funding to promote effective volunteering Mission Bay Communi ty Church 1040 Man posa Street San Francwsco CA NONE Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn Mission of Mercy P 0 Box 62600 Colorado S prings CO NONE $794 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Missiona ry Oblates of Ma ry Immaculate 9480 North DeMazenod Or Belleville L NONE $281 84 Fundin to P romote effective volunteenn Mississi pp i Animal Rescue League 4395 South Drive Jackson MS NONE $3,499 30 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Mississi pp i Commission for Volunteer Service 3825 Ridgewood Rd Jackson MS NONE $25,006 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Mississi ppi Humcane Recove ry Fund, Inc 248 E Ca pital Street Suite 31 Jackson, MS NONE $2,675 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Mixed U p Mutts, Inc PO Box 193 LaPorte IN NONE $7 10 Fundm to p romote effective volunteering Modest Needs Foundation 150 W 22nd St New York NY NONE $143 18 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Mohawk & Hudson River Humane Society 3 Oakland Ave Menands NY NONE $6 71 Fundm to p romote effective volunteenn Monke y Business a project of Hart Commun ity Homes 2807 E Lincoln Ave Anaheim CA NONE $3355 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Monrovia Volunteer Center 119 W Palm Ave Monrovia CA 91016-2853 NONE $2,500 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Montana Council. Boy Scouts of America 820 17th Avenue South Great Falls MT NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Montana Wildlife Federation 5530 North Montana Avenue Helena MT NONE $40 52 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering MONTGOMERY CTY VOL CENTER-CVC 401 HUNGERFORD DRIVE Rockville MD 1 20850-4155 NONE $5,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Montrose Counseling Center, Inc 701 Richmond Avenue Houston TX NONE $22 33 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering MorningStar Assembl y of God 350 E Washington Street Joliet L NONE $25 98 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Momm Star Mission Ministires, Inc 350 E Washington Street Joliet L NONE $341 71 Funding topromote effective volunteering Mosaic 4980 S 118th St Omaha NE NONE $55 26 Funding topromote effective volunteering Mothers & More Cleveland West Cha pter 292 1542 Dover Center Westlake OH NONE $1,046 56 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Motion Picture Hall of Fame/dba Las Vegas of Stars P O Box 15129 Las Vegas NV NONE $1884 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Moto in the Communi ty Trust Talkin 360 Communications Flitwick Bedfordshire MK45 1AL NONE $445 68 Funding topromote effective volunteering Motor Neurone Disease Association David Niven House Northam pton Northam tonshi NN1 2PR NONE $951 28 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Mount de Chantal Visitation Academy 410 Washington Avenue Wheelin g WV NONE $1,817 28 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Mount Olivet Careview Home 5517 Lyndale Avenue South Minnea polis MN NONE $13 15 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Mount Washington Observation PO Box 2310 North Conwa y NH NONE $21 76 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Mountain State Centers and the Foundation for Inde pendent Livin g 821 Fourth Avenue Huntington WV NONE $40 26 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering Mountaineer Boys and Girls Club 300 Court Street Mo rgantown WV NONE $22 25 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Mouth Cancer Foundation 1 Kestrel Drive Wakefield West Yorkshire WF2 6SB NONE $222 19 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Moveable Feast P 0 Box 2298 Baltimore MD NONE $15698 Funding topromote effective volunteerin g MS Research and Relief Fund Benmar House MORPETH North imberland NE61 2HX NONE $57771 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g M'Shoo 's Animal Rescue 11519 Route C Savannah MO NONE $278 15 Fundin g to promote effect ve volunteering Mt Pleasant Animal Shelter 194 Route 10 West East Hanover NJ NONE $720 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g MTV Staying Alive Foundat i on 1515 Broadway New York NY NONE $61 58 Funding topromote effective volunteering Mu Omega Cha pter of Al pha Ka ppa Al p ha Soron , Inc 7323 Harrison Kansas C ity KS 64131 NONE $1,000 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Mu Xi Omega Chapter of Al p ha Ka ppa Al pha Sorori ty, Inc 324 John Allen Street Vicksburg MS 39180 NONE $1,000 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Much Love Animal Rescue P 0 Box 341721 Los Angeles CA NONE $25705 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Muhammad Ali Center 401 West Main Street Louisville KY NONE $41939 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Multi-County Community Action Against Pove rty , Inc 1007 Bi le Avenue Charleston WV NONE $25484 Funding to promote effective volunteering Multicultural Self Esteem Academ y P O Box 140903 Austin TX NONE $9 38 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Multi ple M yeloma Research Foundation 51 Locust Avenue New Canaan CT NONE $503 07 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn g Multi ple Sclerosis Association of America 706 Haddonfield Road Cherry Hill NJ NONE $934 32 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Multi ple Sclerosis Association of King County 753 North 35th Street Seattle WA NONE $25 42 Fundi ng to promote effective volunteering Multi le Sclerosis International Federation 3rd Floor S ine House London London SE1 OLX NONE $332 52 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Multi le Sclerosis Resource Centre 7 Peartree Business Centre Colchester Esse c C03 OJN NONE $5 03 Funding to promote effective volunteering Multi ple Sclerosis Socie ty 40c Swanfield Edinbu rg h Midlothian EH6 5RX NONE $2,604 57 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Multi ple Sclerosis Trust MS Trust Letchworth Garden City Hertfordshire SG6 4ET NONE $1,307 66 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Muscular Dystrophy Association 3300 E Sunrise Drive Tucson AZ NONE $1,387 45 Funding topromote effective volunteering Muscular Dystro phy Campa ig n 7-11 Prescott Place London London SW4 68S NONE $96 16 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Muscular Dystro phy Famil y Foundation, Inc 2330 N Meridian St Indiana polis N NONE $38 02 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Musella Foundation For Brain Tumor Research & Information,lnc 1100 Peninsula Blvd Hewlett NY NONE $21 76 I Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Music for a Cure, Inc 3901 Westerl y Place Suite 201 Newport Beach CA NONE $24 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng Music For All Foundation 16 Mount Bethel Road Warren NJ NONE $2967 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Music for Chan ge 19b ro per close canterbu ry Kent ct2 7e NONE $20340 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p NONE $5696 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Music For Troops Inc 35 Ra pp Road Fleetwood PA NONE $21 76 Funding to promote effective volunteering Music Heals 9909 To an a Canyon Chatsworth CA NONE $337 82 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Music Maker Relief Foundation 4052 Summer Lane Hillsborou g h NC NONE $52 72 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Music Mentor 368 Universi ty Femdale MI NONE $7,272 31 Funding to promote effective volunteering MusiCares Foundation 3402 Pico Boulevard Santa Monica CA NONE $8 65 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering MuttShack Animal Rescue Foundation 11872 Eldrid ge Ave Lake View Terrace CA NONE $2955 Fund i ng to romote effective volunteerin g Myasthenia Graves Association First Floor. Southgate Busines Derby Derb : hire DE23 6UQ VA NONE $1560 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Myelin Proj ect 2136 Gallows Rd Ste E Dunn Loring NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NamasteDirect 826 Sixth Avenue an Francisco CA NONE $77 18 Funding to promote effective volunteering NAMI Greater Seattle 802 NW 70th Street Seattle WA NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Nancy Davis Foundation for Multi ple Sclerosis 2121 Avenue of the Stars Los Angeles CA NM 87144 NONE $28000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Nan Holle y 2125 Gila River Rd Rio Rancho NONE $583 14 Funding to promote effective volunteering Na perville Area Humane Society 1620 W Diehl Rd Naperville IL NONE $17 29 Funding to promote effective volunteering Narcole psy Network 10921 Reed Hartman Hig hway, Su Cincinnati OH NONE $8765 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NATIONAL AIDS TRUST NEW CITY CLOISTERS LONDON London EC1 V 9FR NONE $9 40 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g National Airedale Rescue , Inc 945 N Stone Ave Tucson AZ NONE $19167 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g National Alliance for Autism Research 99 Wall Street Princeton NJ NONE $85 82 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteerin g National Anatollan She pherd Rescue Network 2457 W Skyline Or Queen Creek AZ M41 7TE NONE $45 49 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Association for Bikers with a Disabili ty (NABD) Unit 20, The Brid gewater Centr Mancester, Cheshire NONE $6 71 Fundin to promote effective volunteering National Cancer Coalition 757 St Charles Ave New Orleans LA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering National Cancer Society for Animals 102 Crane Street Norton MA NONE $5,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Ca p ital Reg ion Pilot Site C/O Volunteer Fairfax Fairfax VA 22030 NONE $1,958 33 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Center for Missing & Exploited Children 699 Prince Street Alexandria VA 6NH NONE $28301 Funding to promote effect i ve volunteering National Childbirth Trust Alexandra House Acton London W3 NONE $274 19 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering National Children's Cancer Society 1015 Locust St Louis MO NONE $2.11975 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Children's Leukem i a Foundation 7318 Avenue U Brookl yn NY NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g National Coalition Against Domestic Violence POB 18749, 1201 East Colfax, S Denver CO NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g National Coalition for Homeless Veterans 333 1/2 Penns yl vania Avenue, S Washington DC NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g National Coalition for Students with Disabilities 3870 Mountain Road Ha arket VA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Domestic Violence Hotline PO Box 161810 Austin TX NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Fibrom al is Association 2200 North Gtasselt Street Orange CA NONE $10264 Fundm to p romote effective volunteering National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 1120 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washin gton DC NONE $4 40 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g National Fnd for Advancement in the Arts 800 Bnckell Avenue, Suite 500 Miami FL MD NONE $8 71 Fundin g to promote effective vol unteerin g National Fnd for Cancer Research 4600 East West Hwy Suite 525 Bethesda NONE $5 60 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g National Fnd Trans plants 1102 Brookfield, Suite 200 Mem p his TN NONE $1200 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g National Furniture Bank Association 538 Permalume Place Atlanta MA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering National Greyhound Fnd PO Box 929 Homasassa FL NONE $671 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g National Gulf War Resource Center, Inc 8605 Cameron st Silver S pring s MD NONE $95 84 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g National Hemophilia Foundati on 116 West 32nd Street New York NY NONE $1,072 49 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g National Herita ge Fnd 6201 Leesburge Pike Falls Church VA NONE $7 44 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin g NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS 1900 West MacArthur Shawnee OK NONE $698 Funding to p romote effective volunteering National Italian American Foundation 1860 19th Street, NW Washington DC NY NONE $25549 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng National Kidney Foundation 30 E 33rd St , Suite 1100 New York FL NONE $288 25 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Kidney Foundation of Florida 1040 Woodcock Road, Suite 119 Orlando NONE $6682 Fundin g to promote effective vol unteering National Kidne y Foundation of South California 17100 Ventura Blvd , Ste 222 Encino CA NONE $351 40 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g National Kidney Foundation of U pstate New York 15 Prince Street Rochester NY NONE $7292 Funding to promote effective vol unteering National Marine Life Center P O Box 269 Buzzards Bay MA NONE $2,589 55 Fundin to promote effective volunteering National Multi ple Sclerosis Society 733 3rd Avenue New York NY PA NONE $68 31 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g National Multi ple Sclerosis Socie ty , Alleg heny District Cha pter 1040 Fifth Avenue Pittsburg h NONE $1,470 36 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g National Multi ple Sclerosis Society , Indiana State Chapter 7301 Georg etown Road Indiana polis IN NONE $112 11 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn National Org anization for the Reform of Marij uana Laws (NORML ) 1600 K Street Washington DC POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 PURPOSE Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount 38 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Osteoporosis Society Skinners Hill Bath Somen et BA2 OPJ NONE $231 promote effective volunteeri ng National Park Trust, Inc 51 Monroe Street, Suite 110 Rockville MD NONE $233 20 Funding to Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g National Parks Conservation Association 1300 19th Street, N W Washington DC NONE $5623 NONE $459 90 Funding to promote effective volunteering National Pyramid Trust 84 Uxbridg e Road London Londor W 13 8RA 08 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g National Schizo p hrenia Foundation 403 Seymour St, Suite 202 Lansin g MI NONE $93 $721 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g National Society for American Indian Elderl y 200 E Fillmore Street Phoenix AZ NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children Weston House London Londor EC2A3NH NONE $2.82164 $62 27 Funding to promote effective volunteenn National S pace Science & Technology Institute P 0 Box 49444 Colorado S p rin gs CO NONE NONE $17 42 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g National S pace Society 600 Pennsyl vania Ave, SE. Sui Washington DC 71 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin g National Vitili go Foundation 700 Ol ympic Plaza Circle Tyl er TX NONE $6 $5548 Funding to promote effective volunteering National WildBird Refuge 4913 Dreyfous Ave Metaine LA NONE NONE $7 78 Funding to promote effective volunteering Nation's Missing Children Organization, Inc 2432 West Peoria Ave Suite 128 Phoenix AZ $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g NatsCats Ani mal Rescue Inc 8201 Grubb Road S i lver S p ring MD NONE to romote effective volunteering Natural Resources Defense Council 440 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 302 White Plains NY NONE $13303 Fundin g p $2,688 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Nature Coast Volunteer Center 3600 W Soverei gn Path Ste 178 Lecanto FL 34461-7718 NONE NONE $20 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Nature's Nursery 11611 Reed Road Whitehouse OH $130 63 to promote effective volunteerin g Naturewatch Foundation 440 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 302 White Plains NY NONE Funding 71 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering Nazareth Children's Home 855 Crescent Road Rockwell NC NONE $6 $350 00 g to promote effective volunteering NC VOAD Attn Annual VOAD Confernce Ca ry NC 27512 NONE Fundin Funding to promote effective volunteering NCH 85 Hi hbu Park London London N5 1UD NONE $88733 $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering NEADY Cats Corp PO Box 213 West Boylston MA NONE NONE $75539 Funding to promote effective volunteering Neat Stuff, Inc 2624 N W 21st Terrace Miami FL $1,391 35 Funding to promote effective volunteering Nebraska Humane Socie ty 8929 Fort Street Omaha NE NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteering NEEDY CHILD FOUNDATION 327 N 16th St Montebello CA NONE $889 $962 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Nei g hborhood Ministries 1918 W Van Buren St Phoenix AZ NONE NONE $1744 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Nepal[ Children's Trust The Grana ry Bristol Avon BS39 4JJ 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Neuroblastoma Society Beech Lode, 22 Penrose Wa y Alton Ham shire GU34 5BG NONE $3,279 23 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Neurofibromatosis Inc Mid-Atlantic 8855 Anna polis Road, Suite 110 Lanham MD NONE $217 NONE $29 07 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Nevada AIDS Foundation, Inc 900 W First Street #200 Reno NV $119 57 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Nevada Wilderness Project 8550 White Fir Reno NV NONE NONE $189 75 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering New beginnin gs Baptist Church of North Texas 437 Channin g Ave an Antonio TX 78210 NONE $4504 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g New Ham pshire Audubon 3 Silk Farm Road CONCORD NH 12 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering New Haven Ballet 70 Audubon Street New Haven CT NONE $26 NONE $695 Funding to p romote effective volunteering New Isreal Fund 1101 14th Street, NW, Sixth Fl Washington DC NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g New Jerse y Boxer Rescue 31 Oakrid a Lane Watchung NJ $15_70 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g New Leash On Life Animal Rescue 16742 Placenta Canyon Road Newhall CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g New Leash On Life Chicago Animal Rescue 16742 Placenta Canyon Road Newhall CA NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering New Life Cam p 701 ma hew road Rose City MI NONE $671 $503 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g New Life Community Church use of Promise Leominster Herefordshire HR6 8SA NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g New Life Home Inc 18801 Texas 20 Tomillo TX NONE $24460 $5363 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g New Life Outreach Center. St Petersburg , FL 2800 41st Avenue, N St Petersbu rg FL NONE 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering New Life Thrift Sho p/New Life Church 25 Vintinner Road Cam pton NH NONE $6 NONE $5,000 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering New Mexico Voad 142 Monroe, NE Albu que rq ue NM 87108 NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering New Moms, Inc 2825 West McLean Avenue Chica go IL $1,757 68 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity PO BOX 15052 New Orleans LA NONE NONE $14 42 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering New Orleans Children's Chorus 108 Vi ne Street Metairie LA NONE $1,441 27 Funding to promote effective volunteering New Orleans Mission, Inc 1130 Oretha C Haley Blvd New Orleans LA $1,066 49 Funding to p romote effective volunteering New Orleans Musicians Hurricane Relief Fund 168 5th Ave New York NY NONE NONE $12433 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g New Orleans Saints Hurricane Katrina Relief 9613 Interline, Suite C Baton Roue LA $1,010 65 Fundmg to promote effective volunteerin New Orleans Saints Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund 9613 Interline, Suite C Baton Roue LA NONE Fundin NONE $6 71 g to promote effective volunteering New Song Community Church 3985 Mission Ave Oceanside CA POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206841 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount g to effective volunteenn New York Restoration Project (NYRP) 31 West 56th Street New York NY NONE $3341 Fundin Promote effective volunteering New York Road Runners Foundation 9 East 89th Street New York NY NONE $187 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Newborns In Need 112W Main Street Houston MO NONE $4326 Fundin g to promote to romote effective volunteering NFL Alumni Atlanta Cha pter 1900 The Exchan g e Atlanta GA NONE $714 25 Funding p NGO Foundation P 0 Box 53444 an Jose CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin g NJN Public Television and Radio 25 South Stockton Street Trenton NJ NONE $1732 ote g to effective volunteenn NIVISS - Alabama Cha pter 3840 Rid geway Drive Birming ham AL NONE $6 71 Fundin promote to promote effective volunteerin g NMSS - Arizona 315 South 48th St # 101 Tempe AZ NONE $125 10 Funding 24 to promote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Blue Ridge 1 Morton Drive, Suite 106 Charlottesville VA NONE $348 Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Central New England 101 First Ave # 6 Waltham MA NONE $17792 Funding $211 42 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Central North Carolina 2211 West Meadowview Road # 30 Greensboro NC NONE 34 Funding to promote effective volunteering NIVISS - Central Vi rg inia 2104 W Laburnum Ave # 102 Richmond VA NONE $17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Colorado 700 Broadway # 808 Denver CO NONE $273 95 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering NIVISS - Eastern North Carolina 3101 Industnal Dr # 210 Ralei gh NC NONE $6683 Funding to promote effective volunteering NIVISS - Gatewa y Area 1867 Lackland Hill Parkwa y St Louis MO NONE $768 $11241 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Georgia 455 Abernathy Road NE # 210 Atlanta GA NONE 25 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Greater Connecticut 705 North Mountain Road # G102 Newington CT NONE $120 $29 36 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Greater Delaware Valle y 1 Reed St Philadel phia PA NONE effective volunteerin g NMSS - Greater Illinois 910 West Van Buren St 4th Floo Chica go L NONE $4996 Fundin g to p romote Funding to promote effective volunteering NIVISS - Greater Washin gton 192 Nickerson St Seattle WA NONE $5302 to effective volunteering NMSS - Hampton Roads 405 S Parliament Drive. Suite Virg in ia Beach VA NONE $6 71 Funding promote Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Idaho 1874 Hill Road, Suite 18 Boise D NONE $20 13 NMSS - Inland Northwest 818 East Sha rp Avenue S pokane WA NONE $81 23 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g $281 14 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Iowa 1300 50th Street, Suite 106 West Des Moines A NONE Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Kentucky-SE Indiana 11700 Commonwealth Dr # 500 Louisville KY NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Lone Star 8111 North Stadium Dr # 100 Houston TX NONE $3573 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Long Island 200 Parkwa y Dr South #101 Hau ppau ge NY NONE $671 $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering NIVISS - Louisiana 3616 South 1-10 Service Road # Metaire LA NONE Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering NMSS - Maryl and 10946 Beaver Dam Road, #E Cocke ysville MD NONE $12078 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering NIVISS - Mid Atlantic 9844 C Southern Pines Blvd Charlotte NC NONE $54 09 effective volunteering NMSS - Mid Florida 3659 Maguire Blvd # 110 Orlando FL NONE $40 34 Funding to promote 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering NIVISS - Mid Jerse y 246 Monmouth Road Oakhurst NJ NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NIVISS - Mid South 4219 Hillsboro Road # 306 Nashville TN NONE $8 $2790 Funding to promote effective volunteering NIVISS - Minnisota 200 12th Avenue South Minnea polis MN NONE 42 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Mississi pp i 145 Executive Drive, Suite I Jackson MS NONE $14 Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - National Ca p ital 2021 K St NW # 715 Washington DC NONE $8 71 $77 Funding t promote effective volunteering NMSS - Nebraska 7 101 Newport Ave. # 204 Omaha NE NONE 79 Fundm to romote effective volunteering NMSS - North California 150 Grand Avenue Oakland CA NONE $90 17 romote effective volunteering NIVISS - North Central Texas 4086 Sandshell Dr Fort Worth TX NONE $20 13 Funding to p $245 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering NIVISS - North Florida 9550 Regency Square Blvd # 104 Jacksonville FL NONE 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering NIVISS - NW Ohio 401 Tomahawk Or Maumee OH NONE $6 $443 05 Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Ohio Bucke ye We have three offices to serve Inde pendence OH NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Ohio Valle y 4460 Lake Forest Or # 236 Cincinnati OH NONE $30 32 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NMSS - Oregon 1650 N W Naito Parkwa y # 190 Portland OR NONE $18 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - San Diego 8840 Complex Or # 130 an Diego CA NONE $388 29 Funding to promote effective volunteering NMSS - Silicon Valley 2589 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara CA NONE $42 06 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering NMSS - South California 2440 South Sepulveda Blvd # 1 as Angeles CA NONE $3,097 28 Fundm to promote effective volunteenn NMSS - South Central & West Kansas 250 South Laura Wichita KS NONE $7348 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g NMSS - U pstate New York 1650 South Avenue # 100 Rochester NY NONE $17076 $374 24 I Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g NMSS - Utah 2995 S W Temple, Suite C Salt Lake City UT NONE $43 76 Fundm to promote effective volunteenn NMSS - Wisconsin Cha pter 1120 James Drive Hartland WI NONE POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 85-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE NMSS - W yoming 400 East 1st Street, Suite 203 Cas per WY NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g No Child Left Out (NCLO) 208 E Caroline Fenton MI NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering No More Homeless Pets in Utah 324 S 400 W Salt Lake City UT NONE $30 79 Funding to promote effective volunteering Noah's Ark - The Chi ldren's Hos p ice Ganw i ck House Barnet Hertfonlshire EN4 0PH NONE $367 86 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Noah's Ark Animal Rehabilitation Center 712 LG-Griffin Road Locust Grove GA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Noah's Ark Foundation P O Box 7862 Woodbrid ge VA NONE $124 36 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Noah's Wish P O Box 997 Placerville CA NONE $2,622 50 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NOKR 30542 Bay Hill Drive Temecula CA NONE $28 95 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Nonprofit Technology Resources 1524 Brand ywine Street Philadel p hia PA NONE $60 21 Funding to promote effective volunteering Norfolk & Suffolk Animal Trust Fremantle Road Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR30 4AT NONE $1005 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g NorSled Rescue ( Northern California Sled Dog Rescue ) 1812 Alford Drive Fairfield CA NONE $1254 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g North Beach PAWS PO BOX 962 Ocean Shores WA NONE $616 77 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g North Carolina Children's Hos pital 880 Airport Road Chapel Hill NC NONE $734 96 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence 115 Market Street Durham NC NONE $4374 Funding to promote effective volunteering North Carolina Committee to Defend Health Care 109 N Graham St - suite 106 Cha pel Hill NC NONE $98,48 Funding to p romote effective volunteering North County Humane Society & SPCA 2905 San Luis Rey Road Oceanside CA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc 269 Peconic Lane Peconic NY NONE $7793 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering North Geo rgi a House Rabbit Soc i ety 3013 Barcelona Way Conyers GA NONE $1623 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering North Kingstown Exeter Animal Protection League 500 Stony Lane North Kin gstown RI NONE $158 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering North London Hos pice 47 Woodside Avenue London London N12 8TF NONE $53535 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Northampton County Historical and Genealo gical Socie ty 101-107 South Fourth Street Easton PA NONE $29863 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Northeast Georg ia Chapter American Red Cross 311 Jesse Jewell Pkwy Gainesville GA NONE $135 73 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Northeastern Boxer Rescue Attn Maril yn D Watson NONE $8 89 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Northern Ohio Breast Cancer Coalition Fund 8921 Brecksville Rd Brecksville OH NONE $26 84 Funding to promote effective volunteering Northwest Dance Network 2442 NW Market Street, #168 Seattle WA NONE $64 87 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Northwest Film Forum 1515 12th Ave Seattle WA NONE $2273 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Northwest Harvest PO Box 12272 Seattle WA NONE $54 65 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Northwest Louisiana Food bank 2307 Texas Ave Shreve port LA NONE $1,51400 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Northwest Medical Teams International 14150 SW Milton Court Tigard OR NONE $358 38 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Northwest Organization for Animal Hel p (N 0 A H 31300 Brandstrom Road Stanwood WA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Northwoods humane Society 7153 Lake Or Forest Lake MN NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Norwich Ci ty FC Football in the Communit y Football in the Community , Nor Norwich Norfolk NR1 1JE NONE $3693 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Norwood Broadway House Stanmore Middle:,ex HA7 4HB NONE $321 94 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Nu is S pace 396 Oconee St Athens GA NONE $106 11 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g null 46 Rarick Road Selkirk NY NONE $5,780 21 Funding to promote effective volunteering Nurturing Families, Inc P O Box 188 Leavenworth KS NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Nurturing Network P O Box 1489 White Salmon WA NONE $158 50 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Nutrition and Metabolism Society, Inc SUNY Downstate Medical Center Brookl yn NY NONE $225 64 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Nuumbani - Children of God Relief Fund 3050 K Street, Suite 400 Washin gton DC 20007 NONE $21 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering NWCCOG Foundation, Inc PO Box 2308 Silverthorne CO NONE $290 75 Funding to promote effective volunteering NYCDPR Attn Rosema ry Whetstone New York NY 10023 NONE $25000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Obici Hos p ital Auxilia ry Gift Shop Obici Gift Sho p Suffolk VA NONE $308 75 Funding to promote effective volunteering OCD-UK PO Box 8115 Notting ham Nottm iamshire NG7 1YT NONE $9437 funding to p romote effective volunteering Ocean Discove 1 6575 Burnside Rd Sebasto pol CA NONE $113 34 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ocean Grand - a nati onal heritage foundation 6201 Leesburg Pike, Suite 405 Falls Church VA NONE $851 48 Funding to promote effective volunteering Olive Crest Homes & Services for Abused Children 2130 E Fourth Street Santa Ana CA NONE $180 81 Funding to promote effective volunteering Omega Foundation, Inc 5566 S 79th E Place Tulsa OK NONE $1652 Funding to promote effective volunteering One Life Revolution 34834 Weyerhauser Way South Federal Way WA NONE $47 23 Funding to promote effective volunteering One World Action Bradley's Close London London NI 9PF NONE $7382 Fund in to promote effective volunteering ONE/OneS int P O Box 2595 Chesterfield, VA NONE $291 44 Fundin to promote effective volunteering OneMaker - a program of the National Herita ge Foundation Go FBC Rogers Rogers AR NONE $1932 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 2006 PURPOSE Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Only Foals And Horses Redshell Lane Oswaldthwistle Lancashire BB5 3RW NONE $921 effective volunteerin g Oorah Inc 421 West County Line Road Lakewood NJ NONE $56 03 Funding to promote $681 56 Fundm to romote effective volunteerin g Opening Act, Inc PO Box 20178 New York NY NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteering O peration Air Conditioner 560 Peo ples Plaza Newark DE NONE $15306 42 Funding to p romote effective volunteering O peration Blessing International 977 Centerville Turn pike Virginia Beach VA NONE $2,180 effective volunteering Operation Breakthrou gh. Inc 3039 Troost Ave Kansas City MO NONE $18 93 Funding to promote Furidin g to promote effective volunteering Operation Catni p of Gainesville, Inc PO Box 141023 Gainesville FL NONE $1899 $468 57 g to p romote effective volunteerin g Operation Dreamseed, Inc 1 Kimberl y Drive Rhinebeck NY NONE fundin Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Operation Ensuring Christmas for fallen soldiers children 9318 Whitting ham Dr Orlando FL NONE $13837 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Operation Food Search 6282 Olive Blvd St Louis MO NONE $6 $14,911 27 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Operation Gratitude 16444 Refug io Road Encino CA NONE $31 59 Funding to p romote effective volunteering O peration Gre yhound 273 Chicory Lane El Cajon CA NONE NONE $220 11 Funding to promote effective volunteering Operation Helmet. Inc 74 Greenview St Montgome ry TX $710 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering Operation Homefront 1631 Sunflower Ave Suite C-34 Santa Ana CA NONE to effective volunteering Operation Homefront - San Diego 5173 Waring Road an Diego CA NONE $79893 Funding promote to effective volunteerin g Operation Homefront-St Louis PO Box 209 Saint Libory IL NONE $61 59 Funding p romote $9 14 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Operation Kindness 3201 Earhart Drive Carollton TX NONE 27 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Operation Smile 6435 Tidewater Drive Norfolk VA NONE $485 NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Operation We Do Care PO Box 604 Holloman AFB NM 71 Fund i ng to promote effecti ve volunteerin g Open Door and Next Door Shelters 416 Ranney St Kalamazoo MI NONE $6 to romote effective volunteering Oral Health America 410 N Michigan Ave Chicago IL NONE $788 Funding p 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Oralin g ua School for the Hearin Impaired, Inc 7056 South Washin gton Avenue Whittier CA NONE $6 $47 99 Funding to promote effective volunteering Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center 2960 Main Street Irvine CA NONE $25,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Orange County Department of Education 200 Kalmus Drive Costa Mesa CA 2626 NONE $69486 Funding to promote effective volunteering Orange County Hig h School of the Arts 1010 N Main St , 7th Floor Santa Ana CA NONE NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Orangewood Children's Foundation 1575 E 17th Street Santa Ana CA romote effective volunteerin g ORRIS 520 8th Avenue, 11th Floor New York NY NONE $3094 Fundin g to p Funding to romote effective volunteering ORRIS UK 4th Floor London London EC1 V 2NJ NONE $2,706 80 p romote effective volunteering ORCA 79 Daily Camarillo CA NONE $671 Fundin g to p Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Oregon Humane Society 1067 NE Columbia Blvd Portland OR NONE $19948 effective volunteering Or amcAthlete PO Box 33 Graton CA GL1 3PT NONE $75 95 Funding to promote effective volunteering OSCAR - UK Information Service for World Mission Wotton House Gloucester Glouce stershire GL1 3PT NONE $19296 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng Our Children's Earth Foundation 100 First Street an Francisco CA NONE $366 22 Funding to promote $28 84 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Our Lad y of Good Counsel School 23 West Prospect Street Moorestown NJ NONE 13 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Our Nicholas Foudation, Inc 3253 Hupa Drive Temecula CA NONE $552 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Our Towns Habitat for Humanity 20414 N Main St Comelws NC NONE $6 76 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Our Voices Together 1730 Rhode Island Ave NW Washin gton DC NONE $17 Out of the Rain Society , Inc PO Box 1536 Sorrento FL NONE $92746 Funding to promote effective volunteering romote effective volunteering Outreach Gospel Mission 13 St James Street Newcastle T ne and Wear NE1 4NF NONE $1342 Funding to p to romote effective volunteering Outside In 1132 SW 13th Ave Portland OR NONE $12272 Fundin g p to romote effective volunteerin g Ovarian Cancer Acti on Bush House Elstree Hertfoidshire WD6 3BS NONE $241 10 Fundin g p 21 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Ovarian Cancer Coalition National 500 NE S panish River Boulevard Boca Raton FL NONE $238 $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Ovarian Cancer National Alliance 500 NE Spanish River Boulevard Boca Raton FL NONE Fundin to promote effective volunteering Ovarian Cancer Research Fund 910 17th St NW, Suite 413 Washington DC NONE $671 g Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Own dean Hall School for Deaf Children Own dean Hall School for Deaf Bri g hton East Sussex BN2 78J NONE $9293 54 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Oxfam America 26 West St Boston MA NONE $948 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Oxfam GB Oxfam Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 2JY NONE $11,943 69 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Oxfam Ireland Oxfam Ireland Belfast Antrim BT11ND NONE $30 15 $487 49 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Oxford Radcl i ffe Hospitals Charitable Funds Charitable Funds De partment Headm ton, Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9DZ NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteering PAWS Providin Animals With Supp ort) PO Box 910805 St George UT NONE $70652 $540 19 Fundm to promote effective volunteering P S ARTS 3025 of m is suite 315 Santa monica CA NONE POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address Ci ty State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE effective P S I Love You Foundation 1408 Goodman Ave Redondo Beach CA NONE $2030 Funding to p romote volunteering Pacific Crest Trail Assn 5325 Elkhorn Blvd PMB #256 Sacramento CA NONE $96800 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Pacific Garden Mission 646 S State St Chicago IL NONE $64 80 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Pacific Northwest Friends of FSH Research 217 19th Place Kirkland WA NONE $639 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Pacific Wildlife Proj ect P O Box 7673 Laguna Niguel CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Page Ahead Children's Litera cy Prog ram 88 S p ring Street, Suite 123 Seattle WA NONE $64 15 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Pandas International PO Box 620335 Littleton, CO NONE $37 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Pan-Massachusetts Challen ge 77 4th Avenue Needham MA NONE $6,237 34 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Pa illon 911 Rescue and Adoption, Inc 2335 Little John Trail Marietta GA NONE $400 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering PAPYRUS ( Prevention of Suicides) Rossendate GH Rawtenstall Lancas`nre BB4 6NE NONE $44 32 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Paral yzed Veterans of America 801 18th Street, NW Washington DC NONE $6559 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Parent Project UK Muscular Dystro phy E picentre Leytonstone London Ell 4LJ NONE $261 65 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Parents For Riverside Drive 13061 Riverside Dr Sherman Oaks CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Parents of Murdered Children, Inc 100 East 8th Street #B-41 Cincinnati OH NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Parker Adventist Hos pital Foundation 9395 Crown Crest Blvd Parker CO NONE $10 08 Funding to promote effective volunteering Parkinson's Disease Association of San Diego 8555 Aero Dr an D iego CA NONE $37 39 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Parkinson's Disease Foundation 1359 Broadway, Suite 1509 New York NY NONE $548 35 Funding to promote effective volunteering Parkinson's Disease Society 215 Vuaxhall Brid ge Road London London SW1 1EJ NONE $1,394 09 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Parkinson's Research Center, Michael Stem Foundation One Intrepid Square New York NY NONE $37 93 Funding to promote effect i ve volunteering effective Parks & Peo ple Foundation 800 Wyman Park Onve Baltimore MD NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote volunteering Partners for Christian Radio 5512 Ringgold Road suite 214 Chattanooga TN NONE $3204 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn Partners In Prog ress Inc 867 Count y Rd 59 Pine A le AL NONE $3551 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Partners International Foundation 41 Cedar Hill Road Newtown CT NONE $34269 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Hom of Africa PO Box 494, Port pool Lane Londor EC1 N 7FP NONE $739 Funding to promote effective volunteering Pathways to Independence Inc 4360 Northlake Blvd Suite 107 Palm Beach Gardens FL NONE $11295 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Paw 'd Squad Animal Rescue P 0 Box 6564 Burbank CA NONE $70 78 Fundin g to promote volunteering Pawpnnts and Purrs, Inc 10288 McElro y Dr Keithville LA NONE $84 40 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng effective PAWS Atlanta 5287 Covington Hig hway Decatur GA NONE $8 94 Fundm to promote volunteering PAWS Shelter for Animals 48 FM 150 East Kyle TX NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteering PAX - Real Solutions to Gun Violence 30 Broad Street New York NY NONE $2886 Fund i ng to p romote effecti ve volunteering effective PBCers Organization 1430 Garden Road Peartand TX NONE $1600 Fundin g to p romote volunteering PCOSA PO Box 3403 Eng lewood CO NONE $1885 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering PDSA Whitecha el Way Telford Shro sure TF2 9PQ NONE $578 46 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g Peace Corps Fund 1730 Rhode Island Ave Washington DC NONE $4697 Fundin g promote Peace Covenant Fellowshi p 4347 Poyrer Wri g ht Road Eaton OH 45320 NONE $200 00 Fundin to promote effective volunteering effective Peace Gospel Ministries Internat ional 6124 Hwy 6 N Houston TX NONE $43 12 Fund i ng to promote volunteerin g effective Peace Moravian Church 4418 Rea Road Charlotte NC NONE $1,359 40 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g Pediatric AIDS/HIV Care, Inc P 0 Box 77543 Washington DC NONE $6537 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Pediatnc Brain Tumor Foundation 302 Ridgefield Ct Asheville NC NONE $6,218 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Peninsula Habitat for Humanity 690 Broadway Street Redwood City CA NONE $22 07 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Peninsula Spay/Neuter Project P 0 Box 306 Burle y WA NONE $35 84 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Pennington Cou nty Humane Society 15598 US Hi ghway 59 NE Thief River Falls MN NONE $4044 Funding to promote effective volunteering Pennsyl vania Breast Cancer Coalition 287 Duke Street E phrata PA NONE $264 02 Fundin g to p romote to effective volunteering Pennsyl vania Guild of Craftsmen 10 Stable M i ll Trail Richboro PA NONE $7763 Funding promote Pensacola's Promise 840 W Moreno St Pensacola FL 1 32501 NONE $7,500 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering effective volunteering Peo ple & Paws Search & Rescue 3887 N 93rd Street Milwaukee WI NONE $61203 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA) 501 Front Street Norfolk VA NONE $2,000 96 Fundin g to promote to effective volunteenng People for unwanted feline friends PO Box 556 Pea pack NJ NONE $11 22 Fundm p romote Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g Peo ple in Action White Lion Chambers Bedworth Warwu kshve NONE $L055 to romote effective volunteerin g Peo ple of Praise 107 South Greenlawn South Bend IN NONE $1,406 67 Fundin g p effective Personal Ponies Limited 11731 South Townline Road Roscommon MI NONE $4081 ] Funding to promote volunteering POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 85-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 , 2006

Name Address City State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Personal Ponies Ltd 11731 South Townline Road Roscommon MI NONE $309 91 Funding to promote effective unteering effective Pers pectives, Inc 3381 Gorham Avenue St Louis Park MN NONE $671 Funding to p romote volunteerin g Pet and Teen Compassion Headquarters 201 Chesley Hill Rd Sheffield VT NONE $81 39 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Petfinder com Foudation PO Box 16385 Tucson AZ NONE $17,60042 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g PetPromise P 0 Box 21091 Columbus OH NONE $20 13 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Pets Allies, Inc P 0 Box 415 Show Low AZ NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Pets for Seniors 12115 Southport rd Brimfield L NONE $12 54 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Pets for the Elderl y 3681 S Green Rd #302 Beachwood OH NONE $88 18 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Pets In Need 873 Fifth Avenue Redwood City CA NONE $39 48 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Pets In Need Midwest 4509 S Rid geway Road Ringwood L NONE $41 07 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Pets Unlimited 2343 Fillmore Street an Francisco CA NONE $331 83 Fundin to romote effective volunteering Petsafe Rescue Alliance Inc PO Box 2328 , Traverse City MI NONE $41 76 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng PETsMART Charities 19601 North 27th Avenue Phoenix AZ NONE $389 14 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Phab NI Inclusion Matters PO Box 780 Belfast Antrim BT15 3YG NONE $40 54 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Pheasants Forever, Inc 1783 Buerkle Circle St Paul MN NONE $33 84 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Philabundance 3616 South Gallowa y Street Philadel phia PA NONE $15597 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Philadel p hia Committee to END Homelessness P 0 Box 15010 Philadel phia PA NONE $8037 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Phyllis Tuckwell Hos p ice Waverle y Lane Farnham Surre y GU9 8131- NONE $302 39 Funding to promote Piedmont Volunteer Center 605A H wy 54W Cha pel Hill NC NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Pierce Techonolo gy Center. Inc 208 S Main Pierce D NONE $27 12 Funding to promote effective volunteering Pikes Peak Communi ty Foundation 6 South Tej on Suite 250 Colorado S p rings CO NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Pil g rims Hospices in East Kent 56 London Road Canterbu ry Kent CT2 8JA NONE $3941 Funding to promote to effective volunteering Pintler Pets Humane Society 205 Silver Street Anaconda MT NONE $198 72 Fund i ng promote effective Pit Bull Rescue Central PO Box 335 Fulton MO NONE $145 11 Funding to promote volunteering Pit Prints Pit Bull Rescue/Rehabilitation 1794 Holl y Street Canton GA NONE $14644 Funding to promote effective volunteering Plan UK 5-6 Underhill Street London London NW1 7HS NONE $289 31 Funding to promote effective volunteering Planned Parenthood Affliates of Ohio Institute for Research and 33 North Third Street, Suite 3 Columbus OH NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Planned Parenthood Fnd 434 West 33rd Street New York NY NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Planned Parenthood Golden Gate 815 Edd y Street San Francisco CA NONE $720 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Planned Parenthood of Houston 3601 Fann i n Street Houston TX NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington 1108 16th Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $5026 Funding to promote effective volunteering Planned Parenthood of the St Louis Region 4251 Forest Park Ave St Louis MO NONE $10048 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Reg ion 707 Rio Grande Street Austin TX NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering effective volunteeri ng PlayG round 268 Bush Street #2912 San Francisco CA NONE $288 30 Funding to p romote Pleasant Rid g e Waldorf School 431 E Court St Vi roq ua WI NONE $671 Fundinto promote effective volunteering effective Pulmona ry Hypertension Assn 850 Sligo Ave #800 Silver S p rin g MD NONE $865 Funding to promote volunteering PND Association Pediatric Neurotransm itter Disease Association) 6 Nathan Drive Plainview NY NONE $3681 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteering Points of Li g ht Foundat ion 1400 1 Street, NW Washington DC NONE $44881 Funding promote Po i nts of Li ght Foundation's Volunteer Center Disaster Recove ry 1400 I Street, NW Washington DC NONE $838 61 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin g POPS KIDS - POPS KIDS LLV - Pernsula Outreach Pro g rams, Inc 2995 Woodside Road, Suite 400- Woodside CA NONE $4,092 61 Funding to promote Port Townsend Film Festiwal PO Box 594 Port Townsend WA NONE $56 15 Funding to promote effective volunteering to effective volunteering Portage Animal Protective League 8122 Infirma ry Road Ravenna OH NONE $4085 Funding promote Portland Ballet Company 517 Forest Ave #2 Portland ME NONE $188 05 Funding to p romote effective volunteering effective Positive Momentum, Inc/Clothes Make the Man 40 Woodland St Hartford CT NONE $4555 Fundin g to p romote volunteering Poverello Center, Inc P 0 Box 7644 Missoula MT NONE $208 19 Fund i ng to p romote effect i ve volunteerin g POWER International Cutlers Court Hig h Wycombe Buck! Ihamshir P12 3HE NONE $14 77 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Power of One, Inc 100 W 86th Street Indiana polis N NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteeri ng effective volunteering POWER UP 419 n larchmont blvd #283 Los Angeles CA NONE $671 Funding to p romote PowerLine Church of the Nazarene 701 Manning Ave Eton NC NONE $271 61 Fundin to promote effective volunteering effective volunteerin g Practical Action The Schumacher Centre for Tech Ru g by Warwickshire Cv23 90Z NONE $4605 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Prader-Willi Syndrome Association ( USA ) 5700 Midni ght Pass Road Sarasota 11L NONE $1,342 99 l Fundin g to promote POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Pratham USA 5890 Point West Drive Houston TX NONE $16306 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Precious Gems Supportive Services 231 south Easton Road Glenside PA NONE $37994 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Preg nancy Aid Centers, Inc 4809 Greenbelt Road Colle ge Park MD NONE $84 39 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Prevent Blindness Indiana 603 East Washington St Indiana polis IN NONE $900 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Prevent Chi ld Abuse Missouri 606 E Capital Avenue Jefferson City MO NONE $14604 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Prevent Child Abuse Rockdale P 0 Box 81025 Conyers GA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Prevent Child Abuse Texas 13740 Research Blvd #R-4 Austin TX NONE $8 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Prevent Child Abuse Virginia 4901 Fitzhu g h Avenue, Suite 20 Richmond VA NONE $1993 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming 1908 Thomes Ave Cheyenne WY NONE $13 42 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Prevention of Blindness of Metropolitan Washington 1775 Church Street, N W Washin gton DC NONE $21 76 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Primrose Foundation (Bromley hos pitals NHS Trust Charitable Fun Trust HQ Famboroug h Kent LR6 8ND NONE $311 11 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Prince's Trust 18 Park Square East London London NW 1 41-1-1 NONE $63 21 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Prison Pet Partnershi p Pro g ram 9601 Bu acich Rd Gig Harbor WA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Prog ram for Torture Victims 3655 South Grand Avenue, Suite Los An geles CA NONE $1,003 83 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Project Angel Food 7574 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles CA NONE $15479 Fundm to romote effective volunteenn Proj ect AWARE Foundation 30151 Tomas Street Rancho Santa Mar ant CA NONE $58 47 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Project ChildHel p , Inc 10030 SW 84 Street Miami FL NONE $2805 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Project Cuddle 2973 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa CA NONE $356 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Project HEAUAcadiana Arts Council 101 W Vermillion Street Lafa yette LA NONE $581 07 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Proj ect Hope for the Animals 2400 nw 80th ste 110 Seattle WA NONE $125 43 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Project Ni htli ht 2633 Lincoln Blvd Santa Monica CA NONE $693 94 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Project Open Hand 730 Polk St an Francisco CA NONE $8 40 Funding to promote effective volunteering Proj ect Rebirth 163 William Street New York NY NONE $24 35 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Proj ect T O U R, Inc 6829 Westnd a Road Baltimore MD 21207-6457 NONE $20000 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Promise Village Home for Children PO Box 210 Davisbur MI NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Prostate Cancer Coalition. National 1154 15th St, NW Washington DC NONE $6697 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Prostate Cancer Foundation 1250 Fourth Street Santa Monica CA NONE $71 04 Fundin to p romote effective volunteenn g Prostate Cancer Research Institute 5777 West Centu ry Boulevard # Los An geles CA NONE $1651 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Prosthetika 4966 Charmian Or Santa Rosa CA NONE $67 31 Fundm to promote effective volunteenn Protect Ado ptable Labs 3021 N 9th Tacoma WA NONE $35 74 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenng Pryor's Planet 16633 Ventura Blvd Encino CA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g PTACH of Baltimore, Inc Va Ha rry and Jeanette Weinbe rg Academ 10712 Marnottsville Road Randallstown MD NONE $13 42 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Pug Rescue of North Carolina, Inc PO Box 94 Summerfield NC NONE $797 97 Funding to promote effective volunteering PugSavers Pug Rescue 331 J St , Ste 200 Sacramento CA NONE $741 79 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Pump House Ministries 400 Orange Street Ashland OH NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Pup and Cat Co 118W Candler St Winder GA NONE $28 29 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin Purrfect Pals 230 McRae Road NE Arlington WA NONE $126 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g P-U-R-R-S N' Pus Animal Rescue Team,lnc P O Box 188 Riverdale NJ NONE $9566 Funding to p romote effective volunteering QuakeAlD 244 Fifth Avenue New York NY NONE $85 59 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Quality Parks P O Box 143 Port Jefferson NY NONE $3363 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng Queensborou h Community College Fund, Inc 222-05 56th Avenue Ba yside NY NONE $34 87 Funding to promote effective volunteering Raccoon Rescue, Inc 8387 Scottish Court Jacksonville FL NONE $8 65 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g Racewa y Minist ry Resources 1309 St Charles Ave Pilot Point TX NONE $20 70 Funding to promote effective volunteering RadioBroadlandKidz St georges Plain Norwich Norfolk NR3 1DB NONE $81 09 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Railway Benevolent Institution Electra Way Crewe Cheshire CW1 6HS NONE $4794 Funding to promote effective volunteen ng Rainbow House Langton Brow Chorley Lanca shire PR7 5PB NONE $47 30 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Rainbow Kitchen Communi ty Services 135 East 9th Avenue Homestead PA NONE $8 65 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Rainbow Trust Children's Charity 6 Cleeve Court Leatherhead Surre KT22 7UD NONE $959 32 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Rainbows Children's Hos pice Lark Rise Lou hborou h Leicestersh i re LE11 2HS NONE $37396 Funding to promote effective volunteering Rainforest Alliance 665 Broadway New York NY NONE $68 68 Funding to promote effective volunteering RAINN (Raoe. Abuse and Incest National Network) 635-B Pennsylvania Avenue SE Washin gton DC NONE $21860 Fund i ng to p romote effecti ve volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP NONE $2684 Fundm to romote effective volunteenn Raisi ng Spirits Foundation 5115 Belmont Ste B Downers Grove IL Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Rama o-Ber en Animal Refuge, Inc 2 Shelter Lane Oakland NJ NONE $253 22 $14 33 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Randol ph County Humane Society 414 W Belmont S parta IL NONE Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Ratbone Rescues, Inc 2318 Elaine Street Arkadel p hia AR NONE $2,850 05 effective volunteerin g Raven Drum Foundation P O Box 6744 Malibu CA NONE $731 12 Funding to promote to promote effective volunteerin g Rawhide Rescue 83 Rock Road East Green Brook NJ NONE $77 92 Funding g to p romote effective volunteerin g Reach Out & Read 29 Mystic Avenue Somerville MA NONE $17558 Fundin $104 52 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Reach The Association for Children with Hand or Arm DRciency PO Box 54 Helston Cornwall TR13 8WD NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteering React St Luke's House Kew, Richmond Surrey TW9 3NP NONE $5362 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g READ PO Box 132451 Columbus OH NONE $1399 $375 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Read the Children 14 Chesham Wa y Fairport NY NONE NONE $3,488 30 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Reading Is Fundamental Inc Smithsonian Inst 1825 Connecticut Ave NW Washington DC $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Reasons To Believe 731 East Arrow Hwy Glendora CA NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Rebuilding Together Tucson P O Box 27143 Tucson AZ NONE $2983 NONE $356 52 Funding to promote effective volunteering Recording for the Blind & D slexica RFB&Da National Head uarte 20 Roszel Road Princeton NJ NONE $2464 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Recy cle Living ston P O Box 1018 Howell MI NONE $1343 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Recycle Pets Rescue P 0 Box 260204 Encino CA $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Red Fern Farms 3607 Parkside Court Norcross GA NONE $3094 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Red River Valle y Fi g hter Pilots Assn 183 Bluefish Place Rockled ge FL NONE NONE $1865 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Redesi gning Destinies Women chang ing their worlds - a GlobalGi" 1823 12th St NW Washington DC $31 30 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Redwood Children's Services, Inc PO Box 1640 Fort Bra gg CA NONE $49 80 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Redwood City Education Fnd 1028 Eden Bower Lane Redwood City CA NONE $25,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Reeths-Puffer School District 1545 N Roberts North Muskegon MI 49445 NONE NONE $11 56 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Refugees International 1705 N Street, NW Washin gton DC $154 10 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Relief Fund for Romania 54 Regent St London London WIB 5RE NONE NONE $12538 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Relief International 1575 Westwood Blvd , Suite #20 Los Angeles CA $70 86 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering RE-MEMBER 5 St Anne's Road Pine Rid ge SO NONE $61 09 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Rescue M i ssion of El Paso 1949 W Paisano El Paso TX NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Rescue M i ssion of Trenton PO 790 Trenton NJ NONE $5000 $2320 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering RescueCats, Inc Box 142882 Fayetteville GA NONE NONE $6,000 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Resource Center 1401 S Grand Traverse St Flint MI 48503-3794 NONE $1691 Funding to promote effective volunteering Restoration Resources Minist ry, Inc 31097 Huntman Ct Winchester CA NONE $281 65 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Restorin g Hands Famil y Life Centre 28 Harrow Way Maidstone Kent ME14 5TU NONE $5754 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Rethink (Formerl y National Schizo phrenia Fellowshi p) 28 Castle Street King ston upon Thames Surre KT1 1 SS $4979 Funding to promote effective volunteering Rebnitis Pigmentosa Intematioanal Socie ty 23241 Ventura Boulevard #117 Woodland Hills CA NONE NONE $1666 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Reverb (a p roject of the ARIA Foundation ) 33 Park Street Portland ME NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering RFK Center for Human Rights 1367 Connecticut Ave Su ite 20 Washington DC NONE $1,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Rho Ka pp a Omega Cha pter 276 Prospect Street #2H East Orange NJ 07017 $5488 Funding to promote effective volunteering RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK RESCUE P O BOX 27933 CONCORD CA NONE $3320 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Richard House Children's Hos p ice Richard House Drive Beckton London E16 3RG NONE $1200 Funding to p romote effective volunteering RICHARD MOCK 1400 I Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Richmond Animal League 11401 International Dr Richmond VA NONE $6 $60 94 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin Richmond Borou g h Association for Mental Health (MIND ) The Social Centre, The Richmon Richmond Surrey TW9 2TE NONE NONE $7 60 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Ridgeback Trust, Inc 1354 Bunt Station Road Delaware OH 20005 NONE $9 85 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Riding for the Disabled Association Lavinia Norfolk House Stoneleig h Park Warwn;kshire CV8 2LY NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Rig ht to Life Committee of New Mexico 2800 San Mateo NE Suite 107 Albuq uerque NM NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Rig ht to Play P 0 Box 4357 New York NY NONE $5,869 48 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Riley Children's Foundation 30 S Mendian St Indiana polis IN NONE $22 15 Funding to promote effective volunteering RIPAWS 477 South Rd Wakefield RI NONE $1759 [Funding to promote effective volunteerin g RIPPLE Africa P O Box 2135 Buckingham Buckin hamshir MK18 1YF NONE $32 83 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin Risk Theater Initiative 2120 Winslow Drive Plano TX 11 j POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206841 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE effective volunteering River of Life Mission 101 N Pauahi Honolulu HI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote Riverfront Libra ry Association 37325 Mound Street Sardis OH NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effect i ve volunteering RNID 19-23 Featherstone Street London London EC1Y 8SL NONE $13400 Funding to p romote effective volunteering to effecti ve volunteerin g RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution West Quay Road Poole Dorset BH15 1HZ NONE $2,080 97 Funding p romote to effective volunteerin g Road 2 Recove ry Foundation 630 9th Avenue New York NY NONE $3,198.79 Fundin g p romote effective volunteerin g Road Recove ry Foundation, Inc 1831 Ocean St Marshfield MA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote volunteerin g Road to Res ponsibility , Inc 1831 Ocean St Marshfield MA NONE $1,355 93 Funding to promote effective effective volunteering Rock School 10903 NE 53rd Street Kirkland WA NONE $2,630 74 Funding to promote effective volunteering Rockford Day Nurse ry Ead y Learnin g Center 2323 South 6th Street Rockford L NONE $390 25 Funding to promote effective volunteering Rock Mountain EAA Reg ional Fl y-In 11717 Keoug h Drive North lenn CO NONE $30 94 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 5705 Grant Creek Rd Missoula MT NONE $7 71 Funding to promote Funding to promote effect i ve volunteerin g Roger Hill Volunteer Center 2518 Ridge Court #200 Lawrence KS 66046 NONE $3,010 00 effective volunteerin g Role Models of America 908 West Main La Porte TX NONE $4007 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Ronald McDonald House Chanties 2915 Jorie Boulevard Oak Brook L NONE $14,029 09 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties Los Angeles 4560 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles CA NONE $25966 Funding to p romote effective Ronald McDonald House Chanties Near Children's Memorial Hosp 622 Deming Place Chicago L NONE $414 72 Funding to promote volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties Northern California 2555 49th Street Sacramento CA NONE $51576 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chantles of Central Oregon 1700 NE Purcell Blvd Bend OR NONE $54 63 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties of Charleston SC, Inc 81 Gadsden Street Charleston SC NONE $4563 Fundin g to promote volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties of Eastern Wisconsin. Inc 207 E Michigan St Milwaukee WI NONE $1253 Funding to promote effect i ve effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties of El Paso 300E California Avenue El Paso TX NONE $32 26 Fundi to promote effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties of Morgantown, West Virg inia 841 Count ry Club Drive Morg antown WV NONE $4 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico 1011 Yale NE Albu querque NM NONE $20 79 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties of OR & SW WA 2620 N Commercial Portland OR NONE $7747 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties of Phoenix, Inc 501E Roanoke Phoenix AZ NONE $428 33 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Atonio 4803 Sid Katz an Antonio TX NONE $172 18 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Ronald McDonald House Charities of Western WA 5130 40th Avenue, NE Seattle WA NONE $12050 Fundin g to promote to effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Chanties, New York Tn-State Area, Inc 105 Eisenhower Parkwa y , Third Roseland NJ NONE $480 12 Fundin g promote romote effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House Charities, Northern Nevada 323 Maine St Reno NV NONE $36 85 Funding to to effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House of Cha pel Hill 101 Old Mason Farm Road Cha pel Hill NC NONE $22369 Funding promote Ronald McDonald House of Durham 506 Alexander Ave Durham NC NONE $58 09 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House of Houston 1907 Holcombe Blvd Houston TX NONE $111 48 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ronald McDonald House of Indiana, Inc 435 Limestone Street Indiana polis IN NONE $98 14 Fundin g to p romote Ronald McDonald House of Northwest Florida, Inc 5154 Ba you Blvd Pensacola FL NONE $4 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering volunteerin g Rose Resnick Li g hthse for Blind & Visual Impaired 214 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco CA NONE $1375 Funding to promote effect ive Fundin to romote effective volunteenn Rota District 5280 Chantable Foundation 8939 S Sepulveda Blvd Los An eles CA NONE $6 71 volunteering Roudenbush Communi ty Center, Inc 65 Main Sir Westford MA 01886 NONE $20000 Fundin g to promote effecti ve Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund 67, Portland Place LONDON Londoii W1B IAR NONE $29F61 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Royal Air Forces Association-Irchester & District Branch 1337 64,Arkwn ht Road Welling boroug h Northam tonshi NN29 7EF NONE $1744 18 to promote effective volunteerin g Royal National Institute of the Blind ( RNIB ) 105 Judd Street London Londoii WC1H 9NE NONE $46 Fundin g effective volunteerin g RSPCA Wilberforce Wa y Horsham West Sussex RH13 9RS NONE $5,167 63 Fundin g to promote to promote effective volunteerin g RSPCA LI s Nini Animal Centre RSPCA LI s Nini Animal Centre Swansea Swansea SA4 9WB NONE $21256 Fundin g to effective volunteerin g RSPCA Hull & East Riding Clou g h Road Hull East Ridin g of Y HU6 7PE NONE $2345 Fundin g promote effective volunteerin g RSPCA Bradford and District Branch Mount Street Bradford West Yorkshire BD3 9SW NONE $41 62 Fundin g to promote to promote effective volunteerin g RSPCA Central London Branch 8 Kingly Street London London W 1 B 5PQ NONE $11 67 Fundin g effecti ve volunleenn g RSPCA Covent ry and D i strict Branch RSPCA Animal Centre Allesle y, Coventry West Midlands CV5 9DQ NONE $115 76 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g RSPCA Hartle pool & District PO Box 88 Peterlee Durham SR8 9AH NONE $10 51 Fundin g to promote to romote effective volunteerin g RSPCA Hilling don, Slou gh, Windsor & District Branch RSPCA Hillingdon Clinic Hillin gdon Middlesex UB10 OLQ NONE $42500 Funding Fund in to romote effective volunteering RSPCA LEEDS WAKEFIELD AND DISTRICT BRANCH Sandwa y Business Centre leeds West "orkshire Is9 8ss NONE $10090 Fundin to romote effect ive volunteering RSPCA Leicestershire Branch Woodside Animal Centre Leicester Leicestershire LE3 1UQ NONE $81 51 effective volunteering RSPCA Norwich & Mid-Norfolk The Paws centre Norwich Norfoll, NR3 1 WJ NONE $104 70 ] Funding to p romote POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE RSPCA Sheffield RSPCA Sheffield Sheffield South "orkshire S3 8PB NONE $83 11 Fundm' to promote effective volunteerin RSPCA Suffolk EaSI & I pswich 15 Firebronds Road I pswich Suffolk IP9 2TP NONE $4941 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g RSVP of NCW 1312 Maple Street Ste A Wenatchee WA 98801-7541 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Running Strong For American Indian Youth, Inc 2550 Huntington Avenue. Suite 200 Alexandria VA 22303 NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Rural Compassion 1753W h #140 ozark MO NONE $1022 Funding to promote effective volunteering Russell Rescue, Inc P 0 Box 4324 Lutherville MD NONE $11 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering Rwanda Radio Proj ect for Orphans - a GlobalGiving Project 1827 12th St NW Washington DC NONE $6659 Funding to promote effective volunteering R ans Retreat Cancer Support Foundat i on, Inc 254 West Dexter Street Suite # Covina CA NONE $26 84 Funding to promote effective volunteering R de Inshore Rescue 7 Che rryt ree Rd Seawew Isle of Ni ght P034 5JF NONE $22 16 Funding to promote effective volunteering Sacramento Life Center 930 Alhambra Blvd , Ste 210 Sacramento CA NONE $51 42 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Sacramento Valle y Affliate of the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd , PMB 223 Sacramento CA NONE $217 59 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Sacramento Zoo 3930 West Land Park Dr Sacramento CA NONE $11 15 Funding to promote effective volunteering SACRED HEART CATHOLIC SCHOOL 21801 Johnson Drive Shawnee KS 66218 NONE $25000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Saddleback Communi ty Outreach 23011 Moulton Parkwa y Laguna Hills CA NONE $57 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering SAERF I South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund 110 Wall Street New York NY NONE $587 49 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Safe Haven Animal Sanctua ry 21265 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino CA NONE $46 53 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Safe Haven for Donke ys in the Hol y Land The Old Da iry , S prin g field Far Ha ards Heath West',ussex RH17 7NG NONE $10023 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Safe Haven Matern ity Home 445 NE Chestnut Ave Rosebu rg OR NONE $4 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SAFEHOME P O Box 4563 Overland Park KS NONE $12774 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SafeHouse Denver 1649 Down i ng St Denver CO NONE $655 67 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Safer Child, Inc P O Box 48151 S pokane WA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Saint Bernard Rescue Foundation, Inc 800 Elk Creek Road Trail OR NONE $1253 Funding to promote effective volunteering Saint Jose phs Indian School 1301 N Main Street Chamberlain SD NONE $77251 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Saint Vincent Mission Inc 6369 Hig hwa y 404 David KY NONE $2684 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Salt Lake Men's Choir 825 North 300 West Suite NE1 11 Salt Lake City UT NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Salvation Army - Gillette Service Unit 222 S Gillette Ave Gillette WY NONE $142 22 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering salvation army bo s8 rls club 316 S Tarboro Wilson NC NONE $14383 Funding to promote effective volunteering Samaritan Counselin g Center, Lancaster, Pennsyl vania 1803 Oregon Pike Lancaster PA NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Samaritans The U pper Mill Ewell Surre KT17 2AF NONE $9697 Funding to promote effective volunteering Samaritans Coventry Samaritans Coventry Warwickshire CV5 6ER NONE $3276 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Samaritan's Purse 801 Bamboo Rd Boone NC NONE $2,475 91 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SAMH Cumbrae House Glasgow Glasgow City o G5 9JP NONE $5055 Funding to p romote effective volunteeri ng San Antonio Children's Museum 305 East Houston Street San Antonio TX NONE $24 17 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g San Antonio Food Bank 4311 D i rector Drive San Antonio TX NONE $26811 Funding to promote effective volunteering San Diego Humane Society & SPCA 5500 Gaines Street San Diego CA NONE $270 36 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering San Fran Soc For the Prev of Cruel ty to Animals 2500 18th Street San Francisco CA NONE $54 28 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to effective an Francisco Child Abuse Prevention Center 1757 Waller Street San Francisco CA NONE $11623 Fundin romote volunteering San Francisco Food Bank 900 Pennsyl vania Ave San Francisco CA NONE $11362 Funding to promote effective volunteering San Francisco Girls Chorus 44 Pa ge Street an Francisco CA NONE $10 87 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g San Francisco Zen Center 300 Pa ge Street San Francisco CA NONE $30 11 Funding to p romote effective volunteering San Gabriel Valle y Habitat for Humanity 770 N Fair Oaks Avenue Pasadena CA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g effective San Jose Mercu ry News Wish Book Fund, Inc 750 Ridder Park Drive San Jose CA NONE $1342 Funding topromote volunteerin g San Juan College Volunteer Center 4601 Colleg e Boulevard Farmington NM 87402 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective San Juan Diego Catholic Hig h School 800 Herndon Lane Austin TX NONE $671 Funding to promote volunteering San Tan Historical Society 20740 S Ellsworth Rd Queen Creek AZ NONE $1216 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Sands 28 Portland Place London Londcn W1B 1LY NONE $11517 Funding to promote volunteering effective Sanilac County Humane Socie ty 3847 Sheldon St Carsonville MI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote volunteering Sant Bani School 19 Ashram Rd Sanbornton NH NONE $38727 Fundin to p romote effective volunteering Santa Clanta Valle y Resource Center 20880 Center Pointe Parkway Santa Clanta CA 91380-2890 NONE $2,100 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Santa Fe School for the Arts 5912 Jaguar Drive Santa Fe NM NONE $6 71 Fundm to promote effective volunteerin g effective Santas Elves Foundation Inc N11983 H 13 Fifield WI NONE $210 29 Funding to promote volunteerin g STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP $1342 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn Santas Slei g h Foundation, Inc 4917 Tydfil Ct Fairfax VA NONE $1754 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g SARAH Foundation 2488 Boston Post Rd Guilford CT NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteering Sara's Sanctua ry Animal Rescue P 0 Box 147 Redmond WA NONE $2225 Funding topromote effective volunteerin g Sarvey Wildlife Care Center 13106 148th St NE Arlington WA NONE $28 05 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g SATHI NEPAL 207 B SOUTH TRAIL STRATFORD CT 6614 NONE $20000 NONE $6 71 Fundin g topromote effective volunteerin g Sau gatuck/ Dou glas Rainforest Workshop 401 Elizabeth Street Sau gatuck MI NONE $20 12 Fundm to p romote effective volunteerin g Save A Dog 18 Sherman Brid ge Road Wayl and MA $25703 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Save China's Ti gers 66D Royal Mint Street London London E1 8LG NONE Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SAVE OUR LEATHERBACKS OPERATIONS 0 L 0 ) 4582 East Kingwood Drive Kingwood TX NONE $671 $3,123 83 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Save the Children 54 Wilton Road West port CT NONE $1,867 02 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Save the Children UK 1 St Johns Lane London London EC1M 4AR NONE $93071 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Save the Children 2004 Tsunami Relief Fund 54 Wilton Road West port CT NONE $46947 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Save the Dalmatians and Others Canine Rescue, Inc P 0 Box 47031-432 Gardena CA NONE $22304 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn SaveABunn -San Francisco Mann Hodse Rabbit Socie ty P 0 Box 2143 Mill Valley CA NONE NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Save-A-Do , Inc HCR I Box 306 Brodheadswlle PA $518 29 Funding to promote effective volunteering Save-A-Pet Adoption Center 31664 North Fairfield Road Grayslake IL NONE NONE $25,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering School District of Manatee County 215 Manatee Avenue West Bradenton FL 34205 $8 89 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g School Sisters of Notre Dame, Milwaukee Provi nce 13105 Watertown Plank Rd Elm Grove WI NONE Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Schools for Children of Cambodia 5 Great Stony Park On gar Essex CM5 0TH NONE $4281 $2584 Funding to promote effective volunteering SCI Research Advancement 2366 Janin Wa y Solvan CA NONE $891 28 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Scleroderma Fnd 12 Kent Wa y, Ste 101 B ield MA NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering Scleroderma Foundation of the Delaware Valley 557 Wall Road S nn Lake NJ NONE $10386 NONE $28306 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering SCOPE 6 Market Road London London N7 9PW NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Sco pe Ministries International 700 NE 63rd Oklahoma City OK $13959 Funding to promote effective volunteering Scottie Kin gdom Rescue, Inc P 0 Box 551265 Dallas TX NONE NONE $171 32 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Scottish Bible Society 7 Ham pton Terrace Edinburg h Midlothian EH12 5XU $5253 Funding topromote effective volunteering Scottsh Motor Neurone Disease Associati on 76 Firhi ll Road Glasgow G las oiv Ci o G20 7BA NONE NONE $671 Fundm to P romote effective volunteering Scottish Rite Center for Childhood Lang uage D i sorders 1155 Broadway E Seattle WA $20 10 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Scottish SPCA Braehead Mains Edinbu rg h Edmbur h Cit EH4 6EA NONE NONE $7 21 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Scri pture Union PO Box 987 #1 Valley Forge PA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SDCCS - Theresa Hesslin Charter School Project 2850 6th Avenue an Diego CA NONE $17372 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Sea Island Habitat for Humani ty 3487 McGill Court Johns Island SC NONE $2492 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SEAL - Naval S pecial Warfare Fnd PO Box 5365 Virg inia Beach VA NONE $9 14 Fundm to romote effective volunteerin g Seattle Aq uarium Society 1415 Western Ave Seattle WA $28 56 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Seattle Goodwill Industries 1400 South Lane Street Seattle WA NONE NONE $429 34 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Seattle Li ghthouse for the Blind Foundation 2501 South Plum Street Seattle WA NONE $94 97 Funding to promote effective volunteering Seattle Milk Fund 1130 North North ate Way Seattle WA effective volunteerin g SEATURTLE ORG 1 Southam pton Place Durham NC NONE $52228 Funding to promote $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Second Chance Animal Rescue & Adoptions, Inc 7511 East Cherokee Drive Canton GA NONE NONE $1,263 21 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Second Chance OES Rescue 4757 CR120 Cl yde TX $33 55 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Second Chance Rescue, Inc 4757 S Peninsula Drive Ponce Inlet FL NONE NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Second Chance Society 2787 East Oakland Park Blvd, S Ft Lauderdale FL $36605 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrol i na 500-B Spratt St Charlotte NC NONE $47 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Second Wind Dreams 1031 Cambrid ge S q , Ste G Al p haretta GA NONE NONE $3639 Funding to promote effective volunteering SEED Fnd 1712 Eye St, NW, Ste 300 Washin gton DC NONE $15,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Seminole County Volunteer Prog ram, Inc PO BOX 951636 Lake Ma ry FL 32795-1636 NONE $751 92 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Send a Cow The Rickard Bath Somerset BA2 9BT $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering SENIOR ACCESS 555 NORTHGATE DRIVE an Rafael CA NONE 71 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Senior Concerns 401 Hodencam p Road Thousand Oaks CA NONE $6 $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering SeniorNet 121 2nd Street, 7th Floor San Francisco CA NONE $44 32 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin Sense Scotland TouchBase Glas ow GIas ow Cat o G41 1 WW NONE STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Cambric) eshire PE6 8DA NONE $10556 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Sense Trading Sense Reg ional Office Peterborou gh Surre KT24 5SN NONE $42 86 Funding to p romote effective vol unteering Se ilok Orangutan Appeal UK Charbu Effing ham NY NONE $267 26 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SEPTEMBER II , 2001 CHILDREN FUND 98 ELIZABETH ST RED HOOK NY NONE $73 77 Funding to promote effective volunteering Se ptember's Mission Foundation 548 Broadway New York MD NONE $81 26 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Seth Metter Foundation , Inc 1209 Clerfield Circle Lutherville OR NONE $5442 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SEVA Fnd 89001 Hwy 42 South Bandon NONE $2555 Funding to promote effective vol u nteering SEVEN FIRES FOUNDATION 89001 Hwy 42 South Bandon OR NY NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Sexuall y Information & Education Counc il of the U S ( SIECUS ) 130 West 42nd Street, Su ite 35 New York CA NONE $1035 Funding to promote effective volunteering ShadowBox Theatre , Inc 5616 El Camino Avenue Carmichael NONE $51 80 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Shanti 730 Polk Street San Francisco CA WI NONE $188 59 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Shar Pei Savers . Inc N7011 East St Honcon DC NONE $11,01709 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Share Our Stren gth 1730 M St NW Wash i ngton WA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g SHARE/WHEEL PO Box 2548 Seattle CA NONE $242 59 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Sharefest Southba y 3525 Lomita Blvd Torrance South Yorkshire S10 2TH NONE $13886 Funding to promote effective volunteering Sheffield Children's Hos pital Chanty Sheffield Children's NHS Trust Sheffield WI NONE $10305 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Shell Lake Full Gos pel Church 293 HWY 63 South Shell Lake London EC1V 9HU NONE $459 30 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Shelter 88 Old Street London VA NONE $19673 Funding to promote effective volunteering Shelter Adoption & Rescue Efforts, Inc PO Box 3307 Richmond NY NONE $38 67 Fundin g to promote effective vol u nteering Shelter Pet Alliance , Inc 11 Middle Road Bronxwlle $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering 13928 Hawick Or El Cajon CA NONE Shelter Pet Partners volunteerin g VA NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective Shenandoah Valley Academy 234 West Lee H New Market CA NONE $151 55 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Shepherd's Gate 1660 Portola Ave Livermore $10351 Funding to promote effective volunteering 14755 Greenleaf Street Sherman Oaks CA NONE Sherman Oaks Parents Association Funding to p romote effective volunteering 3131 Elbee Raod Dayton OH NONE $10809 SHOPA Kids In Need Foundation volunteeri ng Shro s nre SY4 5HG NONE $7 55 Fundin g to promote effective Shrewsbu ry Cats Protection Cats Protection Shrewsbu ry GA NONE $143 73 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Shone Hos pitals for Children Yarrab Shone Atlanta NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Center 366 Meander Run Rd Locust Dale VA Siamese Cat Rescue $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Piedmont 821 Baxter Street Charlotte NC NONE Sickle Cell Disease Association - Southern volunteeri ng CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective Sidewalk Angels Foundation , Inc 9000 Sunset Blvd W Hollywood $63320 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng Grosvenor Hall Ha ands Heath West Sussex RH16 4BX NONE Si g ht Savers Intemational effective volunteerin g Warner Robins GA 31088 NONE $1,000 00 Fundin g to promote Si g ma E psilon Omeg a Cha pter of AI ha Kappa Al pha 314 Summerhill Place NM NONE $7 08 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Sikhnet LLC 01-A Es panola CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Simon Wiesenthal Center 1399 South Roxbury Drive Los Angeles NONE $333 10 Funding to promote effective volunteering P O Box 2152 Austin TX SIMS Foundation to p romote effective volunteering 1911 11th Street, #103 Boulder CO NONE $3858 Funding Sma u volunteering PA NONE $21269 Fundin g to p romote effective Sisters In Service P O Box 987 #253 Valley Forge $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering P O Box 75642 Honolulu HI NONE Sisters Offering Su pport volunteerin g MD NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective ren's ndrome Foundation 8120 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda S o Sy NONE $451 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Skin Cancer Foundation 245 Fifth Ave New York NY NY NONE $100 78 Funding to promote effective volunteering Slow Food USA 20 Jay Street Brookl yn IN NONE $49546 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g SMA Inc PO Box 6301 Kokomo Su pport 63 Fund ing to promote effective volunteering 3316 South 72nd West Ave Tulsa OK NONE $909 Small Paws . Rescue , Inc volunteering WA NONE $1203 Funding to p romote effective Snow Leopard Trust 4649 Sunnyside Ave N Seattle $6 71 F unding to p romote effective volunteering P O Box 12293 RTP NC NONE Snowflake Animal Rescue volunteerin g GA NONE $1278 Funding to promote effective Soccer In The Streets 2323 Perimeter Park Drive, NE Atlanta NONE $118 65 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering to Animals Los Angeles 7859 Patriot Or Annandale VA Socie ty for the Prevention of Cruelty $84 34 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin VA 7859 Patnot Dr Annandale VA NONE Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Northern volunteerin DC NONE $64 66 l Fundin g to promote effective Solar Electric Li g ht Fund ( SELF ) 1812 K St, NW Washington CT NONE $2691 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g Solar Youth , Inc 100-F Brookside Avenue New Haven $61 87 Funding to promote effective volunteering 1792 E Washington Blvd Pasadena CA NONE Soldiers' An els volunteering CA NONE $61087 Fundm to promote effective Solheim Lutheran Home 2236 Merton Avenue Los An eles STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code $52 18 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Solid Rock Foundation 3333 N Hayden Rd Scottsdale AZ NONE NONE $3263 Funding to promote effective volunteering SOME (So Others Mig ht Eat) 710 St, NW Washin gton DC to promote effective volunteerin g Somerdale Education Foundation Inc 301 Grace Street Somerdale NJ NONE $34 31 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Sonoran Institute 7650 E Broadway Blvd Tucson AZ NONE $6 71 Funding NONE $45326 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g SOS 2000 S Street, NW Washin gton DC 20009 NONE $78 61 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering SOS Children's Villa ges - USA St Andrew's House Cambrid ge Cambridgeshire CB2 3BZ $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering SOS Save Our Stra ys Association PO Box 167 Huntington VT 05462 NONE NONE $18 28 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Sound Experience aboard the Schooner Adventuress 2900 Washin gton St Port Townsend WA $1340 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g SOUND MiNDS 20-22 York Road Battersea London SW113QA NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Soundview Association Inc 225 Di gby Road Mount Vernon WA NONE $15325 to p romote effective volunteering South Baldwi n United Way 700 N McKenzie Street Foley AL 36538 NONE $1,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering South Bucks Hos pice Edie Pusey House Hig h Wycombe Buckinc hamshir HP13 6PN NONE $15603 Funding Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g South Carolina Awareness and Rescue for Equines (S CAR E PO Box 84914 Lexin gton SC NONE $2069 $190 22 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g South Coast Seniors, Inc 140 Main Street Point Arena CA NONE $9 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng South Flonda Seberian Husky Rescue, Inc 4846 N Universib y Drive Lauderhill FL NONE NONE $7 15 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g South Jerse y Field of Dreams 1000 Bay Drive West Atlantic City NJ $39300 Funding to promote effective volunteering Southeast Asian Ministry 105 W University Ave St Paul MN NONE $1,18942 Funding to promote effective volunteering Southern Arts Federation - Emergency Relief Fund 1800 Peachtree Street NW Atlanta GA NONE NONE $74 56 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Southern Oregon Lions Sig ht & Hearing Center 228 N Holl y Street Medford OR NONE $6654 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Southwest Vi rg inia 4-H Educational Center, Inc 25236 Hillman Hi g hway Abingdon VA $3,578 25 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SPARKS Heron House London London SW1H ODX NONE NONE $413 29 Funding to promote effective volunteering S a mart P O Box 6493 Metairie LA NONE $28 73 Funding to promote effective volunteering SPCA of Luzerne County 524 East Main Street Wilkes-Barre PA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering SPCA of Southwest Michi gan P 0 Box 2676 portage MI $12250 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering SPCA, Inc 5850 Brannen Road South Lakeland FL NONE NONE $7047 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g S pecial Discoveries 107 Hogan Rid ge Ct Chapel Hill NC NONE $20 13 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng S pecial Ol ympics Colorado 410 17th Street Denver CO NONE $77 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ympics Connecticut 2666 State Street Hamden CT NONE $488 57 Funding to romote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ym pics Florida 1105 Citrus Tower Blvd Clermont FL NONE $785 03 Funding to promote effective volunteering S peci al Ol ym pics Georg ia, Inc 4000 Dekalb Technology Pkwy Atlanta GA $1375 Funding to promote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ym p ics Illinois 605E Willow Normal IL NONE $57 12 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g S pecial Olymp ics Maryl and 513 Prog ress Drive Lmthicum MD NONE NONE $581 29 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g S pecial Ol ympics New York 211E 43rd Street New York NY NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g S pecial Ol ympics North Carolina 2200 Gatewa y Centre Blvd , Sui Morrisville NC NONE $1392 Funding to promote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ympics Northern California 3480 Buskirk Ave, Ste 340 Pleasant Hill CA NONE $28 68 Funding to p romote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ymp ics South Carolina, Inc 810 Dutch Sq uare Blvd Columbia SC NONE $652 67 Funding to promote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ymp ics Texas 7715 Chevy Chase Drive, Suite Austin TX NONE $20 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ymp ics Utah #5 Triad Center Suite #315 Salt Lake City UT $14 42 Funding to promote effective volunteering S pecial Ol ympics Washin gton 2150 North 107th St Ste 220 Seattle WA NONE NONE $72 76 Funding to p romote effective volunteering S pecial Olympics Wisconsin 5900 Monona Or Ste 301 Madison WI NONE $67 10 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn S pecial Ol ympics , Inc 1133 19th St NW Washington DC NONE $403 01 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g S pecial Operations Warrior Foundation 4409 W El Prado Blvd Tampa FL NONE $1642 Funding to p romote effective volunteering S pencer Communi ty Theatre 518 1st Ave East S pencer IA NONE $324 14 Funding to promote effective volunteering S pi nal Cord Society PO Box 6092 Edmonds WA NONE $42265 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering S pi rit Risi ng 84 Nee A Ya Lane West Point, VA NONE $21 67 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering S p irituality for Kids 1062 S Robertson Blvd as An geles CA NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g S okeAnimal CARE 710 N Na pa S pokane WA NONE $361 40 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Sort Relief, initiative of Comic Relief Comic Relief Vauxhall London SE17TP NONE $671 Fundm to p romote effective volunteering Sorts Chanties USA 21 Tamal Vista Boulevard #209 one Madera CA 8LP NONE $46 55 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn S nn board Project 3 Denmark Street London London WC2H NONE $54 62 I l'undin g to promote effective volunteering Springfield Victo ry Mission PO Box 2884 S p rin gfield MO STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount $35695 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g S pring s Rescue Mission PO Box 2108 Colorado Springs CO NONE to p romote effective volunteering SSAFA Forces Help 19 Queen Elizabeth Street Southwark London SE1 2LP NONE $189 83 Funding Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g St Andrew's Hospice St Andrew's Hospice Grimsby Lincoln shire DN32 9RP NONE $7 39 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St Ann's Hos p ice Harding Avenue Newport Newpot NP20 6ZE NONE $17242 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g ST ELIZABETH HOSPICE 24 riverside and park I pswich Suffolk i p2 8jx NONE $9264 $651 16 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St Francis Hos p ice The Hall Havering Atte Bower Essex RM4 1QP NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g St Louis REGAP 6429 Weber Rd St Louis MO NONE $671 39 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St Martins Housin g Trust 35 bisho pgate norwich Norfolk nrl 4aa NONE $7 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St Michael's Hosp ice St Michael's Hos pice Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4HA NONE $3693 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering St Michaels Hos pice ( Hastings) 25 U pp er Maze Hill St Leonards on Sea East Sussex TN38 OLB NONE $2647 to effective volunteering St Richard's Hospice St Richard's Hos p ice Worcester Worcestershire WR5 1EY NONE $6889 Funding p romote $15,500 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g St Andrews Mission P 0 BOX 1407 McComb MS 39649 NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g St Anthon s Fnd 19939 Fisher Avenue, Suite 201 Poolesville MD NONE $671 64 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g St Benedict Catholic Church 623 N Kicka poo Shawnee OK NONE $88 $15702 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St Bemards Parent Teacher Guild 300 Clairvaux Drive Indiana PA NONE $3645 Funding to promote effective volunteering St Cabrini Home. Inc St Francis Cabnni Parish West Bend WI 53095 NONE $25000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g St Francis Cabnni Kids Care Club 1205 South 26th Street Louisville KY NONE $14265 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St George's Communi ty Center 1205 South 26th Street Louisville KY NONE $16284 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g St John UCC Preservation 651 Easton Road Riegelsville PA NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g St John's College Hi gh School 2607 Milita ry Rd Washington DC NONE $560 62 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering St Johns Home Foundation 3940 Rimrock Rd Billings MT NONE $6 $240 93 Funding to promote effective volunteerin St Jose ph's Hos p ice Mare Street London London E8 4SA NONE $19,907 45 Funding to promote effective volunteering St Jude Children's Research Hos p ital 501 St Jude Place Mem phis TN NONE to effective volunteering St Labre Indian School Educational Association 1000 Tongue River Rd Ashland MT NONE $29 99 Funding promote romote effective volunteering St Louis Lode, Rosicrucian Order, AMORC 209 East Kirkham Avenue St Louis MO NONE $20 13 Funding to p $1,453 50 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering St Luke Foundation 220 A le rove St NE North Canton OH NONE $11768 Funding to promote effective volunteering St Mann in the fields budget hel per sho p 3110 ashford dunwood y rd atlanta GA NONE Fundin g to promote effective volunteering St Martin de Porres' Hel for Handica pped & Homeless Hounds, In P 0 Box 1406 Dania Beach FL NONE $3372 $6 95 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St Ma ry's Parent Teacher Grou p - Los Gatos 30 Lyndon Avenue Los Gatos CA NONE 15 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g St Patrick Home and School 38 E Water St Hubbard OH NONE $17 $47 47 Funding to promote effective volunteering St Peters Hos pice 58 Royal York Crescent Clifton Bristol BS8 4JP NONE $31 96 Funding to p romote effective volunteering St Petersburg Colleg e Foundation, Inc P 0 Box 13489 St Petersburg FL NONE 78 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering St Vincent de Paul Society 2050-C Chamblee Tucker Rd Atlanta GA NONE $101 $6060 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g St Gemma's Hos p ice 329 Harrogate Road Leeds West Yorkshire LS17 60D NONE NONE $51 65 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering St John's E pisco pal Church Hamlin, Pa Wayne County 564 Easton Turnpike Hamlin PA Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g StandU for Kids 1510 Front Street, Suite 100 San Diego CA NONE $2684 $1642 Funding t promote effective volunteering Star Ranch HCR 7, Box 39C Ing ram TX NONE 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering STAR, Inc 1333 New Ham pshire Avenue NW Washington DC NONE $6 $10329 Funding to promote effective volunteering STARBRIGHT Fnd 1850 Sawtelle Blvd , Suite 450 Los An geles CA NONE 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Starkville School District 401 Greesboro Street Starkville MS 39759-2803 NONE $6,850 NONE $17,282 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Starli g ht Children's Fnd - California Cha pter 2049 Century Park East, Ste 4 Los Angeles CA $1,319 01 Funding to promote effective volunteering Starli g ht Children's Foundation Room 8115, Macmillan House London London W2 1 HD NONE NONE $3,745 78 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Step U p Women's Network 3540 Wilshire Blvd Suite 502 Los Angeles CA 29526-9508 NONE $3,375 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Step U I A Communi ty Volunteer Network 2431 Hwy 501 E Conwa y SC NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Ste ps For Livin g 34 - 71st Street Brookl yn NY $531 42 Fundin g t promote effective volunteenn g Stolen Horse International, Inc PO BOX 1341 SHELBY NC NONE $39 21 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Stonewall 46 Grosvenor Gardens Victoria London SW 1 W OEB NONE $24 77 unding to promote effective volunteering Stonm ton Free Library 20 High St Stonington CT NONE NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Sto p Cancer 1925 Centu ry Park East Los Angeles CA NONE $11 81 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Sto rybook Musical Theatre P 0 Box 473 Abin gton PA $9 20 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Stroke Assn of Southern California 2001 S Barrington Avenue , Sui Los Angeles CA NONE STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g lumps 'R Us 2109 Skycrest Drive #1 Walnut Creek CA NONE $21226 Funding to promote effect ive volunteerin g Sue Ryder Care 2nd Floor London Londor WC1 B 5AA 3LX NONE $150 31 Funding to promote effective volunteering Sumatran Orang utan Socie ty (SOS) 17C Between Towns Road Oxford Londor OX4 NONE $36 27 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Summi t Assistance Dog s 5458 W Shore Rd Anacortes WA $3438 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Sun Angel Foundation 500 E Veterans Way Tempe AZ NONE $18 24 Funding to promote effective volunteering SUNDANCE INSTITUTE 307 WEST 200 SOUTH Salt Lake City UT NONE 99 to promote effective volunteering SunriseArc 35201 Radio Road Leesburg FL NONE $13 Funding NONE $66 59 Funding to promote effective volunteering Sunshne Kids Fnd 2814 Vi rg inia Street Houston TX NONE $2013 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SUNY New Paltz Alumni Association, Inc PO Box 1156 New Paltz NY NONE $4908 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Su ppl y Sacks 100 Lorraine Drive East Bridgewater MA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Suppl ying Critical Water for Haitian Hos pital - a GlobalGiving Proj e 1829 12th St NW Washington DC NONE $62 73 Funding to promote effective volunteering Su pport A Soldier org PO Box 5384 Fort Hood TX NONE $11 90 Funding to promote effective volunteering Su pport Network for Battered Women 1257 Tasman Drive, Suite C Sunnyvale CA NONE $148 51 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Su ortin Autism and Families Eve rywhere 469 S Franklin St Wilkes-Barre PA NONE $7 39 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Surf Life Saving Associ ation of Great Britain 1st Floor Exeter Devon EX1 1 PJ NONE $40056 Funding to promote effective volunteering Surfnder Foundation PO Box 6010 an Clemente CA $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g SURVIVORS NETWORK OF THOSE ABUSED BY PRIESTS - SN 700 N Green St Suite 504 Chica go L NONE $1,608 43 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Survivors' Resources, Inc of Pike County 500 West Hanford Street Milford PA NONE $11,903 70 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd 5005 LBJ Freewa y, Suite 250 Dallas TX NONE NONE $36 15 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Austin PO Box 2164 Austin TX NONE $1,264 22 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Chica go 4100 Madison, Ste 3, Box 769 Hillside L NONE $36 33 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Dallas Cn 765 North ark Center Dallas TX NONE $8506 Funding to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Houston 2425 Fountainview, Suite 210 Houston TX $10380 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - LA Cnty Affiliate 1000 East Walnut Ave Pasadena LA 91106 NONE NONE $60 25 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Ma ryi & Affiliate 200 E Jo ppa Rd , Ste 407 Towson MD NONE $43 10 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - North Jerse y 785 S pring field Avenue Summitt NJ NONE $69 21 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Ora nge Co 3191 - A Airport Loo p Drive Costa Mesa CA NONE $20 63 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Puget Sound 190O N Northlake Way , #237 Seattle WA $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - San D i ego 4699 Murp hy Canyon Road, Suite an D iego CA NONE NONE $3082 Funding to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - San Francisco PO Box 29316 an Francisco CA NONE $7 21 Funding to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Tarrant Crity 6040 Camp Bowie Ft Worth TX NONE $1,59614 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Tidewater Affiliate 119 S Wdchduck Rd Virg inia Beach VA NONE $433 91 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Greater Cincinnati Affil 2880 Boudinot Avenue Cincinnati OH NONE $64804 Funding to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Southern Arizona Affili P O Box 14677 Tucson AZ NONE $57696 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Madison Affiliate 3547 Strawbe rry Loop Middleton W1 NONE $507 18 Fundin g to promote.effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Massachusetts Affiliat 89 South Street LL01 Boston MA NONE $12759 Funding to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation-Hawaii Affiliate P O Box 23204 Honolulu HI NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Susan G Komen, El Paso 2829 Montana, Suite B100 El Paso TX NONE $27255 Funding to promote effective volunteering Susan G Komen , Philadel p hia 125 s 9th St Ste #202 Philadelphia PA NONE $87 21 Fundin to romote effective volunteering Sustainable Harvest International 779 Newbu ry Neck Rd Su rry ME $3584 Funding to promote effective volunteering Sym phony of Soul 815-A Brazos, Box 305 Austin TX NONE The of Gla CF63 2BE NONE $20984 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Tŷ, Hafan, The Children's Hos pice in Wales Hamard House Barry Vale NONE $40 21 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g T E S S A Formerl y the Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence 320 South El Paso Street Colorado S prings CO NONE $11352 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Table Mountain Animal Center Foundation 4105 Youngfield Service Road Golden CO NONE $1922 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Tails Of Ho pe Sanctua ry, Inc P O Box 875 Mount Ai MD NONE $5368 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Takin ITGlobal 211 E 43rd St Suite 905 New York NY NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Talbot Mentors 408 N Washington Street Easton MD NONE $4355 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Tamba (Twins & Multip le Births Association) 2 The Willows Guildford urrey' GUI 4PG NONE $40 10 Fund in to p romote effective volunteering Tana ger Place 2309 C St SW Cedar Ra p ids A NONE $438 98 Fundin to promote effecti ve volunteenn Tancredi Colon Cancer Prevention Foundation P O Box 403 Odessa DE NONE $2392 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Ta p ing for the Blind, Inc 3935 Essex Lane Houston TX STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code $671 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g Ta proot Theatre Company PO Box 30946 Seattle WA NONE NONE $271 92 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Teach A Man To Fish 35 Norval Road North Wembley Middlesex HAG 3TD $64734 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Teachers Without Borders 2880 74th Avenue, S E Mercer Island WA NONE NONE $15333 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn Technology trainin g for rural indigenous youth - a GlobalGiving 1816 12th St NW Washin gton DC NONE $21 43 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Teen Challenge International Portland, Oregon Center 3121 NE Sandy Portland OR NONE $1342 Fundm to romote effective volunteenng Teen Challenge Of Ma ryl & 6900 Central Avenue Ca pitol Heig hts MD NONE $458 50 Fundin to Promote effective volunteenng Teen Challenge Training Center, Inc 33 Teen Challenge Road Rehrersbur PA $1,767 54 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Teenage Cancer Trust 3rd Floor London London WIT 3EZ NONE NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Tendemess Tour, Inc PO Box 20367 Indiana polis IN NONE $391 23 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Tennessee Children's Home P 0 Box 10 S prin g Hill TN NONE $800 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Terre Haute Humane Socie ty 1811 S Fruitnd a Ave Terre Haute IN N4 4EU NONE $1,346 80 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Terrence Hi gg ins Trust 52-54 Gras Inn Road London London 1AE NONE $9573 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn Terrence H iggi ns Trust South 61 Shi p Street Bri ghton East Sussex BN1 NONE $17,350 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Texarkana Volunteer Center 604 Walnut Texarkana ARJTX 75504 NONE $1642 Funding to promote effecti ve volunteenn g Texas 4000 for Cancer PO BOX 7806 Austin TX NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteenng Texas Assn Against Sexual Assault 7701 N Lamar, Suite 200 Austin TX NONE $31 32 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteenn Texas Children's Cancer Center 6621 Fannin Houston TX NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Texas Council on Famil y Violence PO Box 161810 Austin TX NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Texas E uuSearch Mounted Search and Recove ry Team P 0 Box 395 Dickinson TX NONE $18 76 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Texas Hearing & Service Dogs 4803 Rutherglen Austin TX NONE $508 97 Funding to promote effective volunteering Texas Public Radio 8401 Data point San Antonio TX NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Texas Students Against the Death Penal ty 12210 Victo ry Palm San Antonio TX NONE $625 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering The 21st Street Foundation PO Box 84555 Seattle WA NONE $3827 Funding to promote effective volunteenng The 700 Club PO Box 109 Hereford Hereforishire HR4 9XR NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Aberdeen Foundation 221 S Marina St, #B Prescott AZ NONE $8 85 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn g The Accelerated School 116 E MLK Jr Blvd Los An eles CA NONE $9328 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Ace Centre North Units 11 & 12 Del p h Lancashire OL3 5DE NONE $7459 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Adam Foundation PO Box 21113 Winston-Salem NC NONE $7 19 Funding to promote effective volunteering The AIDS Resource Center, Communit y Develop ment Corporation 505 W Market St Newark NJ NONE $701 02 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn The AJ Foundation P 0 Box 234 W ycombe PA NONE $65 28 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenng The Alliance for Animal Rescue Socie ty , Inc P 0 Box 1541 Tomn on CT $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Alliance for Companion Animals, Inc 5311 E Sheridan St Phoenix AZ NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteenn The ALS Association - Jim 120-101 Penmarc Drive Ralei g h NC NONE NONE $350 63 Funding to promote effective volunteenn g The American Heart Association Tem pe Arizona 2929 S 48th Street Tempe AZ NONE $745 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn g The Amencan Infertilit y Association 666 Fifth Avenue New York NY NONE $46 44 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn The American Institute for Cancer Research 1759 R St, NW Washington DC NONE $68 76 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The American Lung Association of Ohio 1950 Arlin gate Lane Columbus OH NONE $269 44 Fundin to promote effective volunteenng The Animal Rescue Chari ty Foxdells Lane Bisho ps Stortford London CM232JG $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Animal Welfare Society 46 Holland Road West Kennebunk ME NONE NONE $9093 Funding to promote effective volunteenng The Arc of Nebraska 1672 Van Dom Street Lincoln NE NONE $6 96 Funding to romote effective volunteering The Arc of Philadel phia 2350 W Westmoreland Street Philadel p hia PA NONE $154 11 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn The Arc of Texas 8001 Centre Park Drive, Suite Austin TX NONE $3470 Fund i ng to p romote effect i ve volunteeri ng The Art Box Kids 500 West John Street Matthews NC NONE $11,351 67 Funding to promote effective volunteenng The Art of El ysium 100 Universal City Plaza Drive Universal City CA NONE $9604 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenng The Arthritis Foundation - Eastern Pennyl vania Cha pter 111 S Inde pendence Mall East Philadel phia PA NONE $43 52 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Arts Partnershi p of Greater Hancock Count y 618 South Main Street Findla y OH E1 6LR NONE $739 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Attlee Foundation Attlee House London London NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerm The Audubon Society of Northern Virg inia, Inc 4022 Hummer Road Annandale VA NONE $3574 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law 1101 15th St. NW Washin gton DC SY232BJ NONE $11697 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Beacon of Hope 10 Baker St Abe rystwyth Ceredic ion 1LN NONE $3752 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Big Issue in the North Trust 135-141 Oldham Street Manchester Lancas lire M4 STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Amount PURPOSE Name Address CI State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP $846 Funding to promote effective volunteenn The Blind Centre for Northern Ireland 70 North Road Belfast Down BT18 ODL NONE p romote effective volunteering The Blue Cross Shilton Road Burford Oxfordshire OX18 4PF NONE $81 69 Funding to to romote effective volunteerin g THE BOB MARLEY FOUNDATION LTD cto bob marley music, inc New York NY NONE $1798 Funding p Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Bolsa Chica Foundation 16531 Bolsa Chica Street #312 Huntington Beach CA NONE $5896 to promote effective volunteerin g The Boys and Girls Club of Halifax County P 0 BOX 1023 Roanoke Ra pids NC 27870 NONE $20000 Funding NONE $1640 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Boys' Bn ade (Nottingham ) The Boys' Bn ade (Nottin gham ) Nottin g ham Nottm tamshne NG3 3DG $1560 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Bradford Cou nty Humane Society Route 220 Box 179 Ulster PA NONE $2,904 12 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Breast Cancer Fund 1388 Sutter Street an Francisco CA NONE 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Breast Cancer Research Foundation 60 East 56th Street New York NY NONE $6 NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Bri ght & Beautiful Thera py Dogs, Inc 80 Powder Mill road Morris Plains NJ to effective volunteering The British Horse Society Stonelei h Deer Park Kenilworth Warwickshire CVe 2XZ NONE $58 74 Funding promote $19 85 Funding to promote effective volunteering The British Liver Trust Portman House Ringwood Ham care BH24 1AG NONE $115,56344 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Britne y S pears Foundation 24-32 Union Sq uare East New York NY NONE $5536 Fundin g to promote effect i ve volunteering The Brooke Broadmead House 21 Panton Street London SW 1Y 4DR $77798 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Bubel/Aiken Foundation PO Box 90307 Raleigh NC NONE $94 10 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Caring Closet 1745 E 71st St Chicago It. NONE NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Carpenter's Place 1149 Railroad Avenue Rockford L $22 40 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Cat Shack Inc P 0 Box 950 Trexlertown PA NONE $48 20 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Catalo g for Givin g of New York City 250 West 57th Street New York NY NONE $33 56 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering The Center 201 W Market St Columbia City N NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Center for Families 201 W Market St Columbia City N NONE $13640 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Center for S port and Jewish Life, Inc 6600 Sunset Way St Petersbu rg FL NONE $22 27 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Chance Theatre 5552E La Palma Avenue Anaheim CA NONE NONE $33796 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Children's Health Fund 317 E 64th Street New York NY NONE $792 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Children's Nature Institute Franklin Canyon Park Beverl y Hills CA NONE $31 75 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Chi ldren's Shelter 2939 W Woodlawn an Anton io TX $21 88 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Children's Society Edward Rudolf House London London WC1X OJL NONE NONE $37 80 Fundin to promote effective volunteering The Chrysal i s School for Autism 22 Roman Way Wel wyn Hertfordshire AL6 9RJ effective volunteering The Clarion Foundation P O Box 50153 Eugene OR NONE $32002 Funding to p romote Funding to promote effective volunteering The Cleaford Christian Trust 46 Hazell Road Farnham Surrey GU9 7BP NONE $503 $20 26 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Coastal Humane Society 30 Range Road Brunswick ME NONE $57 49 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Communi ty Foundation of Middle Tennessee 3833 Cleg horn Avenue #400 Nashville TN NONE $34 39 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteerin g The Crossnore School 100 DAR Drive Crossnore NC NONE $1497 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Dale Earnhardt Foundation 1675 Dale Earnhardt Hi ghway 3 Mooresville NC NONE $1346 Fundin to promote effective volunteering The Dame Vera Lynn Trust for Children with Cerebral Pals Trust Office Billin shurst West Sussex RH14 9AX NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Delaware Valley Council of American Youth Hostels, Inc 1210 Sansom Street Philadel p hia PA NONE NONE $447 14 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund 110 Gloucester Avenue Primrose Hill London NW 1 8HX NONE $115 95 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Doe Fund, Inc 232 East 84th Street New York NY 13 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Dog House Rescue & Ado ption, Inc PO Box 33459 Decatur GA NONE $222 $4260 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering The Domestic Violence Shelter P O Box 1524 Mansfield OH NONE NONE $699 35 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Donke y Sanctua ry The Donke y Sanctua ry Sidmouth Devon EX10 0NU $83338 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Donna Beverl y Fund PO BOX 43753 Phi ladel phia PA NONE $15038 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Doug Flutle, Jr Foundation for Autism, Inc 615 Concord St Framin gham MA NONE $21 27 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Dream Facto ry, Inc 1218 South Third St Louisville KY NONE NONE $12060 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Duke of Edinburg h's Award Gulliver House Windsor Berkshire SL4 1EU NONE $338 57 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Elephant Sanctua ry in Tennessee P 0 Box 393 Hohenwald TN NONE $2,978 98 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation 2950 31st Street Santa Monica CA NONE $64 91 Funding to promote effective volunteenn The Elizabeth Hos pice Foundation 150 W Crest Street Escondido CA NONE $20 13 Fundin to p romote effective volunteerin g The Ellie Fund for Breast Cancer 475 Hillside Avenue Needham MA NONE $14 72 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The E pile psy Foundation of North and Central Alabama 701 37th Street South, Suite 8 Birmingham AL $18 22 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Erin Go Brag h Foundation 37 Clinton Road Glen Ridge Ni NONE STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Amount PURPOSE Name Address City State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP $47 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Exceller Fund, Inc 17172 Armstead St Granada Hills CA NONE 89 NONE $589 31 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Explorers Club 46 East 70th Street New York NY $7,888 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Extra Mile Reg ion VII, Inc 520 Olive Street Shreve port LA 71104 NONE $5651 Funding to promote effect ive volunteering The Fairg round Heritage Trust Milford Lifton Devon PL16 OAT NONE $45 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Family Place P 0 Box 7999 Dallas TX NONE 55 $1,51606 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Forever Friends Appeal ( RUH Charitable Fund ) Royal United Hospital Bath Avon BA1 3NG NONE $321 28 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering The Foundation Fi ghtin g Blindness 11435 Cronhill Drive Owin gs Mills MD NONE to effective volunteering The Foundation for Enhancing Communities 200 N 3rd St Harrisburg PA NONE $1642 Funding promote $20504 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths ( FSID ) Artille ry House London London SW1P 1RT NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering The Freedom Fund P 0 Box 3337 Burlin gton VT NONE $292 69 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Friends of Moorfields 162 City Road London London EC1V 2PD NONE $503 $7 39 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Friends of Strawbe rry Hill 14 Gothic Road Twickenham Middle, ex TW2 5EH NONE NONE $338 46 Funding t promote effective volunteerin g The Friends of Trisomy 21 Center, Inc 408 Midland Ave Wayne PA NONE $30 21 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Fund for Women Artists PO Box 60637 Florence MA $7.65000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The George W Romne y Volunteer Center 1212 Griswold St Detroit ml 48226 NONE NONE $1,634 87 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering The Georgia Association of Orthodontists Education Foundation 1075 Gaines School Road Athens GA NONE $7,577 58 Funding to promote effective volunteenn The Giving Back Fund 263 Washington Street Wellesel y Hills MA NONE $4020 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Grassroots Trust 8 Meadow Way Farnham Surrey GU10 4DY CA NONE $31 97 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Great American Bible Giveaway 608 Mondavi Wa y Bakersfield 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Great Battle Against SIDS 2257 A Mentone Blvd Mentone CA NONE $6 $33 46 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Greek Orthodox Church of St Geo rge 7701 Bradle y Blvd Bethesda MD NONE NONE $39 78 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association The Guide Dogs for the Blind A Reading Berkshire RG7 3YG Funding to promote effective volunteering The Habitat Trust for Wildlife 439 Westwood SC #144 Fayetteville NC NONE $690 3PL NONE $14598 Funding to promote effective volunteering The HOPE Pro ject HOPE Centre Wellingborou g h Northam tonshi NN8 NONE $159 69 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Hos p ice of St Francis 27 Shrublands Road Berkhamsted Hertfonishire HP4 3HX $739 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Hull Lig hthouse Project 65 Cottingham Road Hull Humbe-side HU5 2PP NONE $42 50 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Humanitarian Project, Inc 17232 Travis Sq uare West Windsor NJ NONE NONE $191 19 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Hundred Cat Foundation, Inc 117 Sp icer Lane Centre Hall PA $14 Funding to promote effect ive volunteering The lain Rennie Hos p ice at Home 52a Western Rd Tnn Hertfordshire HP23 4BB NONE 77 NONE $1843 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g the innocent foundation Fruit Towers London London w60ba NONE $2506 Funding to promote effective volunteering The International Ecotounsm Societ 733 15th Street NW Washin gton DC y $14521 Funding to promote effective volunteering The International League for the Protection of Horses ( ILPH ) Anne Colvin House Snetterton Norfolk NR16 2LR NONE NONE $371 24 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Jasmine Charitable Trust 782 Bellwood Road Hampton VA $1675 Funding to promote effective volunteering The John Aspinall Foundation Port L m ne Wild Animal Park Nr Hythe Kent CT21 4PD NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering The Journey Cafe 770 Zions Church Rd Hambu rg PA NONE $18 25 61 Funding to romote effective volunteering The Joy Foundation 424 Edgewood Drive Clayton MO NONE $9 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Jubilee Sailin g Trust Hazel Road Southam pton Hampshire S019 7GB NONE $451 56 98 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Junior League of Charleston, Inc 51 Foll y Road Charleston SC NONE $21 NONE $42 64 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Kazanij ian Foundation/Jewels For Charity 9489 Dayton Way Beverl y Hills CA NONE $841 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Kee p A Breast Foundation 824 Vista way Oceanside CA NONE $2270 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Kenned y Center 2700 F St NW Washington DC NONE $1637 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Kids First Fund, Inc 1916 East Kensin gton Blvd Shorewood W1 $326 79 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Kit Wilson Trust for Animal Welfare Animal Rescue Centre Uckfield East Sussex TN3 9JB NONE NONE $50 82 Funding to promote effective volunteering The LAMB Foundation 114 North Main Street North Wales PA NONE $1,063 29 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans ender Community Center 208 West 13th Street New York NY $114 71 Fundin g to promote effect i ve volunteering The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - The North Texas Chapter 8111 LBJ Freewa y Dallas TX NONE $7 39 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng The London Chorus 43 Manor Wa y Beckenham Kent BR3 3LN NONE NONE $18 56 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The London Wildlife Trust Ground Floor, Skyline House London Londor SE1 OLW NONE $1477 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Lord's Tavemers The Lord's Taverners London London SW1E 6HX $399 81 Fundin g to romote effective volunteerin g THE LUTHERAN SERVICE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK 6680 Main Street Williamsville NY NONE NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteenn The Magoo Room Inc 4080 Timberlake Drive Gnmesland NC STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0208641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code NONE $50020 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central Ohio 941 Chatham Lane Columbus OH NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northeast Ohio 1442 Euclid Ave, Suite 239 Cleveland OH NONE $9 38 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Ohio 10260 Alliance Rd , Suite 200 Cincinnati OH NONE $1241 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Mare & Foal Sanctua ry Hone ysuckle Farm Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 4SA NONE $283 19 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Marine Mammal Center Mann Headlands Sausalito CA NONE $40 75 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteerin g The Mano Lemieux Foundation One Forsythe Road Presto PA $4934 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Marquette Learning Institute 3113 Gasconade Avenue St Louis MO NONE $8 37 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Marrow Foundation 400 Seventh Street, Suite 206 Washington DC NONE NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless 15 Bubier Street Lynn MA NONE $8 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Master's Colle ge and Semina ry 13248 Rosco Blvd Sun Valley CA NONE $3,738 23 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Maue Ka y Foundation 2479 Murfreesboro Rd, Nashville TN NONE $3,546 65 Funding to promote effective volunteering The McCallie School 500 Dodds Avenue Chattanooga TN hamshir MK18 1TH NONE $2246 Funding to promote effective volunteering The ME Association 4 To p Angel Buckin gham Buckinc NONE $26 84 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Medical Awareness Institute Inc 4305 Universi ty Avenue an Diego CA NONE $13796 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Methodist Home for Children & Youth 304 Pierce Ave Macon GA $1040 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Mexican American Health and Educational Service 9844 b ryson avenue south gate CA NONE NONE $33 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Michael Bolton Chanties P 0 Box 936 Branford CT NONE $84 75 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Minnie Pearl Cancer Foundation 2410 Patterson St #110 Nashville TN NONE $503 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Miscarriage Association c1o Clayton Hospital Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 3JS NONE $2,379 05 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Mr Holland's Opus Foundation 15125 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks CA NONE $8 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Museum and White House of the Confederacy 1201 East Clay Street Richmond VA NONE $20 80 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Mustard Seed 12 Mustard Seed Lane Orlando FL NONE $592 35 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The National Autistic Socie ty The National Autistic Society London London ECIV 1NG NONE $28 29 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The National Center for Famil y Liters ( NCFL ) 325 West Main Street Louisville KY NONE $331 70 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The National Deaf Childress Society 15 Duffenn Street London London EC1Y 8UR NONE $34 34 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The National Org anisation for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome UK 14 B Hoop Lane London London NW1 1 8,11- Funding to p romote effective volunteering The National Society for E pilepsy Chesham Lane Chalfomt St Peter Buckmc hamshir SL9 ORJ NONE $503 $76617 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Nature Conservancy 4245 North Fairfax Drive Arlington VA NONE $4652 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The New Jersey Historical Society 52 Park Place Newark NJ NONE NONE $4652 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The New York LifeLab P 0 Box 335 New York NY $51 70 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The New York Public Libra ry c/o Civic Entertainment Grou p New York NY NONE NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Nielsen Organ Trans plant Foundation, Inc 580 W 8th Street, Ste 8000 Jacksonville FL NONE $38644 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The No More Landmines TrusUAdo t-A-Minefield UK The Kensington Chanty Centre London London W14 8QH NONE $18378 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children Curlew Pavilion, Portside Bust Belfast Antnm BT3 9ED NONE $192 14 Funding to promote effective volunteering The NRA Foundation , Inc 11250 Wales Mill Rd Fairfax VA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Ocean Project PO Box 2506 Providence RI NONE $3995 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Oral Cancer Foundation 3419 Via Lido #205 Newport Beach CA NONE $3,049 24 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng The Parkinson's Institute 1170 Morse Ave Sunnyvale CA NONE $1642 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Pasadena Guild of Children's Hos pital 5014 Hill Street La Canada CA NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Peaceful Kingdom Alliance 4 Animals PO Box 82434 Bakersfield CA NONE $11595 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Peak Community Church P O Box 1002 Alamosa CO NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Perseus Foundation 9810 Dai on Court Gaithersbu rg MD NONE $9940 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Pink Bracelet Fund 840 Gessner Houston TX NONE $14 15 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Pink Shamrock Foundation 1407E 20th Ave S pokane WA NONE $9,455 23 Funding to promote effective volunteering The PMA Educational Foundat i on, Inc 257 Park Avenue South, Suite 1 New York NY NONE $6 71 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The PRASAD Proj ect , Inc 465 Buckman Rd Hude the NY NONE $253 98 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Preschool Project 1080 N Delaware Avenue Philadel phia PA 1AS NONE $1005 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Pride of Bristol Trust Third Floor Bristol Bristol BS3 NONE $503 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Prince & Princess of Wales Hos pice 71 Carlton Place Glasgow Glas o N Cit o G5 9TD NONE $576 26 Funding to promote effective volunteering__ The Pro erla Research Foundation The geria Research Foundati Peabod MA NONE $14968 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Prostate Cancer Research Foundat ion Rm 208Pro 156 Blackfriars Road London I SE1 8EN POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

PURPOSE Name Address Ci State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount effective The Prostate Net 835 Summit Avenue Hac ensack NJ NONE $66884 Funding to promote volunteerin g to effective volunteerin g The Pupp eTree, Inc PO Box 130 Post Mills VT NONE $21468 Fundin g p romote effective The Rabbit Habit PO box 209 Oreland PA NONE $671 Funding to promote volunteerin g effective volunteerin g The Rainbow Centre 27 L I mead Avenue Bristol Avon BS4 28Y NONE $5 03 Fundin g to promote The Rainforest Foundation Imperial Works, 2nd Floor Kentish Town London NW5 3ED NONE $463 79 Funding to promote effective volunteering 71 to promote effective volunteerin g The Ra pe Cris i s Center 749 Veterans Memorial Drive Las Ve gas NV NONE $10 Fundin g effective The Rarer Cancers Forum The Great Barn Godmersham Kent CT4 7DT NONE $6340 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g effective volunteerin g The Red Tall 401 N 3rd St , Ste 450 Minnea polis MN NONE $4555 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Rescue House PO Box 231336 Encinitas CA NONE $31 70 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Robin Hood Foundation 826 Broadway New York NY NONE $11 56 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Rock Trust 55 Albany Street Edinburgh Edinbw h ( City EH1 3QY NONE $16 75 Funding to promote $449 59 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g The Rota ry Club of Birkenhead Prenton Go[ Club Birkenhead Merse de CH43 4XQ NONE to effective volunteering The Rota ry Club of Exmouth Trust Fund Certref Exmouth Devon EX8 2HF NONE $69 81 Fundin g promote to effective volunteerin g The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Ltd 200 London Road Liverpool Merse side L3 9TA NONE $6008 Fundin g promote to romote effective volunteering The Royal British Le g ion 48 Pall Mall London London SW 1 Y 5JY NONE $3,909 94 Fundin g p effective volunteering The Salvation Army 615 Slaters Lane Alexandra VA 22314 NONE $82779 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Salvation Army 3612 Cumin St Omaha NE NONE $6,050 94 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g The Salvation Army - Grid Kids 615 Staters Lane Alexandra VA NONE $4,11474 Funding to promote to effective volunteerin g The Salvation Arm y - S pring Valley P O Box 157 S pring Valle y NY NONE $33 53 Funding promote effective volunteerin g The Salvation Army Indiana Division 3100 N Mendian St Indiana polis IN NONE $60 18 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Salvation Army National Head q uarters 615 Slaters Lane Alexandria VA NONE $88,44902 Funding to promote to effective volunteenn The Salvation Army World Service Office 615 Slaters Lane Alexandria VA NONE $2,133 04 Funding promote to effective volunteering The Salvation Army, Greater Cleveland Area Services 2507 East 22nd Street Cleveland OH NONE $130 17 Funding promote effective g The Sandra Feinstein-Gamm Theatre 172 Pawtucket RI NONE $2,424 50 Funding to p romote volunteerin to effective volunteering The Sara Lee Trust FLAT 1 ST LEONARDS-ON-S East Sussex TN38 OTT NONE $1861 Funding p romote 63 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Scrap Exchange 548 Foster Street Durham NC NONE $20 to romote effective volunteering The Second City Foundation 1616 N Wells Street Chica go IL NONE $3,64740 Funding p to romote effective volunteering The Shack Neig hborhood House, Inc Rt 7 & 19 Pursglove WV NONE $69 73 Funding p 74 g to p romote effective volunteering The Shakes peare Hos p ice Church Lane Stratford-upon-Avon Warwickshire CV37 9UL NONE $13 Fundin 57 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Silicon Valle y And Monterey Bay Area Cha pter of The Leukemi 675 N First Street San Jose CA NONE $22,985 effective The Smiles Foundation P O Box HK70 Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 6YR NONE $4 41 Funding to p romote volunteering to effective volunteering The St Louis Bereavement Center for Young People 422 S Clay Kirkwood MO NONE $28 56 Funding p romote effective volunteering The Stepping Stones Foundation PO Box 452 Bedford Hills NY NONE $208 02 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Sterile Feral, Inc 722 Kinston Avenue Rome GA NONE $1,408 18 Funding to p romote to effective volunteering The Street Revolution 2022 Lexington Woods Dr S p ring TX NONE $13 42 Funding promote g to romote effective volunteering The Stroke Association 240 C ity Road London Londor EC1V 2PR NONE $50897 Fundin p $129 81 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Sue Weaver CAUSE PMS 247, 2221 Justin Road Flower Mound TX NONE to romote effective volunteering The SummerWinds Stables, Inc 148 GreyStone Road Hartl y DE NONE $47 07 Fundin g p The Surre y Care Trust 1 Old Elstead Road Godalmin Surrey GU8 5EE NONE $21 41 Funding to promote effective volunteering to romote effective volunteering The Sussex Beacon 10 Bevendean Road Bri g hton East Sussex BN2 4DE NONE $17321 Fundin g p effective volunteering The Swanag e Railway Trust Station House Swanage Dorset BH19 1HB NONE $14 77 Funding to promote 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Taras Oceanog raphic Foundation 5905 Stonewood Court Ju piter FL NONE $6 to effective volunteering The Thistle Foundation Wi ghton House Edinburg h Midlothian EH16 4EA NONE $7 39 Fundin g promote Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Trevor Project 8950 W Ol ympic Blvd Beverl y Hills CA NONE $49051 41 Funding to promote effective volunteering The United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF Africa House London Londor WC28 6NB NONE $9,780 97 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The United States Equine Rescue Leag ue, Inc 1 Beaman's Fork New Bern NC NONE $8 to romote effective volunteerin g The V Foundation for Cancer Research 106 Towerview Court Ca ry NC NONE $778 56 Funding p $2960 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn The Veg etarian Society Parkdate Altrincham Cheshve WA14 4QG NONE $18,750 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Vol Ctr of Alachua County 703 NE 1st Street Gainesville FL 32601 NONE Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g The Vol Ctr Of Greensboro, Inc 1500 YANCEYVILLE ST Greensboro NC 27405 NONE $27,750 00 p 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn THE VOL CTR OF MADISON COUNTY 9128 BOB WALLACE HUNTSVILLE AL 35801-5644 NONE $68,500 I POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 85-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE THE VOL CTR OF WAUKESHA COUNTY 2220 SILVERNAIL RD Pewaukee WI 53072-5529 NONE $7,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g The Volunteer & Information Center 312 Montgome ry Street, Montgomery AL 36104-3438 NONE $10,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Volunteer Center 616 N Limestone Street S p rin gfield OH 45503 NONE $2,68817 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Volunteer Center of Central Oklahoma Post Office Box 1297 Oklahoma City OK 73101 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering The Volunteer Center of the Virginia Peninsula 2210 Executive Dr Ste 8 Hampton VA 23666-6605 NONE $5,000 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteering The Volunteer Connection 239 N Santa Fe Ave Salina KS 67401-2317 NONE $1,500 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g The Volunteer Ctr of Montere y County 901 Padre Drive Salinas CA 93901-2313 NONE $25,900 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g THE WASSERSTEIN FOUNDATION PO BOX 181 SPARKILL NY NONE $47889 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering The Wildl i fe Center Oak Mounta i n State Park Pelham AL NONE $11246 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Women s Lunch Place 67 Newbu ry Street Boston MA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering The Ziba Foundation PO BOX 4900 Winter Park FL NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Think Detroit 111 West Willis Detroit MI NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteering Thoroug hbred Chanties of America 1353 Bohemia Mill Road Middletown DE NONE $31 76 Fundin g to p romote Three Counties Dog Rescue Hi gh Park Cotta ge Aslackb , Nr Sleaford Llncoln:,hire NG340HP NONE $1533 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteering Th Ca Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc P O Box 1545 New York NY NONE $27026 Funding to promote Thyroid Fnd of America 410 Stuart Street, 1st Floor Boston MA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Tibet Fund 241 East 32nd Street New York NY NONE $11266 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Tibet House New York 22 West 15th Street New York NY NONE $81 04 Funding to promote volunteering Tibetan Nuns Project 619 Western Ave #22 Seattle WA NONE $85 85 Funding to promote effective volunteering Tidewater Rabbit Rescue, Inc PO Box 8015 Portsmouth VA NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering Tier Haven, Inc 237 Harvey Rd Kinston TN NONE $3828 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Tier Missing Link Foundation/Tiger Creek Wildl i fe Refuge 17544 FM 14 T er TX NONE $11586 Funding to promote volunteering Tikva Children's Home 40 W 23rd Street New York NY NONE $22 15 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective volunteerin g Timmy Foundation 6101 N Keystone Ave Indiana polis IN NONE $7 92 Funding to promote Ti ulna's Foundation 800 Garonne Street New Orleans LA NONE $2,231 37 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g TMJ Association, Ltd 2433 N Mayfair Rd Milwaukee WI NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering To Lifel 410 Kenwood Ave Delmar NY NONE $81 30 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering TODAYS CHILDREN FOR TOMORROW PO Box 103 Newport Beach CA NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering effective Tom Joyner Foundation 13760 Noel Suite 750 Dallas TX NONE $7921 Funding to promote volunteering Ton anoxie United Methodist Church 328 E 4th St Ton anoxie KS NONE $1342 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Tony Hawk Foundation 1611-A S Melrose Drive #360 Vista CA NONE $2225 Funding to promote effective volunteering Ton La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation P O Box 30215 Walnut Creek CA NONE $3594 Funding to promote effective volunteering Tourette S yndrome Association of Greater Washin gton 33 University Blvd , East Silver Spring MD NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g To box The To box Chan ty Amersham Buckmc hamshir HP6 5YT NONE $2985 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteering Tra gedy Assistance Prog ram For Survivors (TAPS) 1621 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington DC NONE $18 74 Funding to promote effective Training , Inc 333 N Pennsylvania St Indiana polis IN NONE $45 23 Funding to promote volunteering TransCultural Exchange 516 E Second Street Boston MA NONE $66 14 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Transfi uration Ministr ies Old Catholic Diocese of New England 49 Stockman Street S pringfield MA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Trans ortabon Research Project Inc 901 N Pitt Street Alexandria VA NONE $6 71 Funding to p romote effective volunteering to p romote effective volunteerin g Transverse Myelitis Association 10105 167th Place NE Redmond WA NONE $20 13 Fundin g Travelers Aid International 1612 K Street NW Washington DC NONE $4325 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Treasure Chest Fund, Inc 33501 Geneva Rd Burlington WI NONE $1745 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective Treasure Coast Hos pices 1201 SE Indian St Stuart FL NONE $1585 Funding to promote volunteering TreeHouse Woodside Avenue Musweli Hill London N10 3JA NONE $9037 Funding to promote effective volunteering Tretoar Trust Treloar Trust Alton Ham slure GU34 4JX NONE $5248 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin Trenton Area Sou p Kitchen (TASK ) 72 1/2 Escher St Trenton NJ NONE $46 23 Funding to promote g effective volunteering Tri County Humane Socie ty 21287 Boca Rio Road Boca Raton FL NONE $7977 Funding to promote to effective volunteering Triangle Cultural Awareness Foundation 331 West Main Street Durham NC 27701 NONE $1,000 00 Fundin g promote TRIBECA PS234 PTA 292 Greenwich Street New York NY NONE $24499 Funding to promote effective volunteenn volunteerin Trident Academy Wakendaw Rd Mt Pleasant SC NONE $212 53 Fundin to promote effective romote effective volunteenn Trinity E pisco pal Church i 40%1 085 N Jefferson St Pierre SD NONE $371 57 Fundin g to p STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount 29 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Trini ty Palliative Care Services Low Moor Road Black pool Lancast ire FY2 0BG NONE $54 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Trini ty Rescue Mission 622 West Union Street Jacksonville FL NONE $721 to effective volunteerin g Trinity United Methodist Church P 0 Box 606 La pel IN NONE $9966 Funding promote $3704 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Tri ps for Kids Metro DC 6109 Fox Hill St S p rin gfield VA NONE Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Trish Redmond 10721 Park ate Drive Nokesville VA NONE $1,00000 topromote effective volunteerin g Tri-State Alliance PO Box 2901 Evansville IN NONE $671 Fundin g promote effective volunteering Trout Unlimited 1500 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 3 Arlington VA NONE $7352 Fundin g to to effective volunteering True North Volunteer Center 302 W First Street Duluth MN 55802-1606 NONE $15,000 00 Fundi ng p romote to mote effective volunteering Trustees for Alaska 1026 West 4th Avenue #201 Anchora ge AK NONE $6771 Fundin g pro to effective volunteering Tsunami Rebuilding One Year Later - GlobalGiving 1816 12th St, NW Washington DC NONE $51 69 Funding promote $447 56 Funding to promote effective volunteering Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance 501 Roeder Road Silver Sprin g MD NONE to promote effective volunteering Tumbleweed Foundation PO Box 5608 Pittsburg h PA NONE $2623 Funding $914 18 Funding to promote effective volunteering Turke ys 4 America 102 Partrid ge Drive Westwood MA NONE Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity 3001 4th Street SE Minnea polis MN NONE $14 00 to effective volunteering Twin Towers Orphan Fund 4800 Easton Drive, Suite 109 Bakersfield CA NONE $23041 Funding promote 75 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Tyl er Hamilton Foundation 3 Pleasant St Marblehead MA NONE $38 $74 19 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g US Committee for the United Nat i ons Develo p ment Pro gram UND PO Box 65345 Washington DC NONE g $20585 Fundin g topromote effective volunteerin g US Eq uine Rescue League of Vi rgi nia P O Box 335 No rge VA NONE $134 20 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering US La Leche Leag ue Di visions of LLLI 13381 Everst Ave Apple Valley MN NONE $84,458 93 Funding to promote effective volunteering US Ski & Snowboard Team Foundation 1500 Kearns Blvd Park City UT NONE $1342 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g US Soccer Fnd 1050 17th Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $121 85 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering US Soccer Foundation 1050 17th Street, NW Suite 210 Washin gton DC NONE topromote effective volunteerin g UCLA UniCam p 900 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles CA NONE $40 67 Fundin g $108 97 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g U g anda Childreris Chanty Foundation P O Box 140963 Dallas TX NONE $31 64 Funding to promote effective volunteering UK Coalition of Peo ple Living with HIV and AIDS 250 Kennington Lane London London SE11 5RD NONE to promote effective volunteering Ulfa Aid Ulfa Aid London London NW2 5YT NONE $296 79 Fundin g Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Ultimate Players Association 741 Pearl Street, Side Suite Boulder CO NONE $1342 $45 55 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Underdog ResO P 0 Box 35096 Boston MA NONE promote effective volunteerin g Union Institute & Universi ty/Hu nger Mountain, The Vermont Coll 36 Colle ge St Montpelier VT NONE $2,169 52 Fundin g to $10 98 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng Union Rescue Mission 2800 North H i lls ide Wichita KS NONE $20 13 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Unitarian Coo perative Preschool 4190 Front Street an Diego CA NONE to promote effective volunteering United Cerebral Palsy 1660 L St, NW Washin gton DC NONE $2605 Funding $30 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering United Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County , Inc 380 Washington Avenue Roosevelt NY NONE $33 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Cerebral Palsy Research and Educational Foundation 1660 L Street Washin gton DC NONE $169 75 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Jewish Appeal - Federation of Jewish Ph i lanthrop ies of Ne 130 East 59th Street New York NY NONE 13 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteering United Jewish Communities 111 Eigth Avenue Suite 11 E New York NY NONE $20 $28 84 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Methodist Famil y Services 3900 West Broad Street Richmond VA NONE 41 to p ro mote effective volunteering United Mitochondnal Disease Foundation 8085 Saltsburg Road Pittsburgh PA NONE $33 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g United S pinal Association 75-20 Astoria Blvd Jackson Heights NY NONE $189 12 Funding $455 16 Fundin to promote effective volunteering United States Assn for UNHCR 1775 K Street, NW Washington DC NONE g 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering United States Bowling Cong ress 5301 South 76th Street Greendale WI NONE $6 $3,871 90 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn United States Fund for UNICEF 333 East 38th Street New York NY NONE $5,379 08 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United States Fund for UNICEF Emerg encies 333 East 38th Street New York NY NONE $22 25 Funding to promote effective volunteering United States War Dog s Association, Inc 1313 Mt Holl y Road Burlington NJ NONE $10,471 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way & Volunteer Connections of Montcalm 1220 N Lafa yette St Greenville Ml 48838-1038 NONE NONE $20,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way Ca pital Area Volunteer Center 2000 E MLK Jr Blvd Austin TX 78702 $4555 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way Communi ty Services 1212 Griswold Detroit MI NONE $4,255 70 Funding to promote effective volunteenn United Way for the Greater New Odeans Area 2515 Canal Street New Orleans LA NONE NONE $1,372 64 Funding to promote effective volunteenn United Way Fox Cities 1820 Appleton Road Menasha WI NONE $5,519 82 Fundin to promote effective volunteering United Way International 701 North Fairfax St Alexandria VA $15,000 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g United Way of Acadiana P O Box 52033 Lafa yette LA 70505 NONE POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE United Way of Acadiana Volunteer Center 215 East Pinhook Road Lafa yette LA 70501 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County 50 South French Broad Avenue Asheville NC 28801 NONE $5,088 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering UNITED WAY OF CENTRAL IOWA 1111 9th St Ste 100 Des Moines IA 50314-2527 NONE $2,68817 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Central Jerse y 32 Ford Avenue Milltown NJ 08850-1532 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering United Way of Chester County Vol Connection 2 West Market Street West Chester PA 19382 NONE $5,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering United Way of Chittenden County 95 Saint Paul St Burlington VT 05401-4486 NONE $21870 Funding to p romote effective volunteering United Way of Greater Knoxville-Vol Ctr 1301 Hannah Avenue Knoxville TN 37921 NONE $7,488 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering United Way of Greater Lehigh Valle y 2200 Avenue A, 3rd Fl Bethlehem PA NONE $5031 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way of Greater Milwaukee 225 W Vine St Milwaukee WI NONE $293 16 Funding to p romote effective volunteering United Way of Greater Monroe County, MS 124 West Commerce St Aberdeen MS NONE $3821 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Un i ted Way of Greater New Bedford 105 William Street New Bedford MA NONE $4546 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Greater St Louis 91O N 11th Street St Louis MO 63101 NONE $1,800 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way of Greater Toledo One Stranahan Square Toledo OH 43604-1495 NONE $4,750 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Greater Williamson County 101 E Old Settlers Blvd Round Rock TX NONE $282 14 Fundin to romote effective volunteenn UNITED WAY OF KING CTY VOL CENTER 720 2nd Ave Seattle WA 98104-1702 NONE $7,438 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g United Way of Lane Cou nty Vol Ctr 3171 Gatewa y Loop S pringfield OR 97477 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering United Way of Metro politan Atlanta 211 Volunteer Center 100 Ed g ewood Avenue Atlanta GA 30303-3026 NONE $22,655 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering United Way of Northeast Florida, Inc PO Box 41428 Jacksonville FL NONE $43 14 Fundin to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Pierce Cou nty 1501 Pacific Ave, Ste 400 Tacoma WA 98402-3302 NONE $7,500 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteenn g United Way of Rhode Island 229 Waterman Street Providence RI NONE $23 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering United Way of Rockland County, NY 135 Main Street N yack NY NONE $1200 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Salem County Volunteer Center 203 East Broadway Salem NJ 08079 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g United Way of Santa Cruz County 1220 41st Avenue Ca dola CA NONE $2249 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Snohomish Cou nty Volunteer Center 917 134th St SW Everett WA 98204 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Southeastern Connecticut 283 Stoddards Wharf Road Gales Ferry CT NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Southeastern Mississi ppi P O Box 1648 Hattiesbu rg MS 39403-1648 NONE $6,390 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Southwest New Mexico Volunteer Center Post Office Box 1347 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g United Way of Tampa Ba y 1000 N Ashle y Drive, Suite 80 Tama FL NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteering United Way of the Greater Seacost Vol Action Ctr 71 International Drive Portsmouth NH 038012882 NONE $2,500 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteering United Way of the Midlands -VRC 1805 Harne y Street Omaha NE 68102-1908 NONE $7,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way of the Quad Cities Area 3247 East 35 Street Court Davenport IA NONE $2284 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering United Way of the Tanana Valley Volunteer Action Center 565 University Avenue, Su ite 1 Fairbanks AK 1 99709-3687 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g United Way of Utah County Vol Cntr 148 North 100 West Provo UT 184601 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering United Way Services 1331 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH NONE $223 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way Silicon Valle 1922 The Alameda San Jose CA NONE $3584 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng United Way South Mississi ppi 9524 Creosote Rd Gulfport MS NONE $1,217 09 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way Vol Cntr of Chi ppewa County PO Box 451 Sault Sainte Marie Mi 49783 NONE $10,938 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Way Volunteer Center of Atlantic County 4 East Jimmie Leeds Road, Gallowa y NJ 08205 NONE $1,980 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering United Was Volunteer Center 518 James Street Syracuse NY 13203 NONE $7,688 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering United Way's Volunteer Connection 75 College Avenue, Rochester NY 146071009 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering United Yorkie Rescue 7170 Deer Run Amherst OH NONE $18508 Fundin to romote effective volunteering Unity 1901 NW Blue Parkwa y Unit y Villa ge MO NONE $2,063 77 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering University of Ma ryl and Center for Celiac Reserch 20 Penn Street Baltimore MD NONE $76 53 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Unlockin g Autism PO Box 237 Walker LA NONE $13992 Fundin g to p romote effective. volunteenn UofN Student Mobilization Ctr of Youth W ith A Mission 1401 Ellen Ave Madison WI NONE $168 19 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn UPMC Cancer Centers UPMC Cancer Pavilion Pittsburgh PA NONE $91844 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g U psilon U ps i lon Omeg a Cha pter of AI ha Ka ppa Al p ha Sorori ty, Inc PO Box 1466 Canton MS 39046 NONE $75000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g U ptown Shelter 1210 N Tryon Street Charlotte NC NONE $6691 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering U ward) Global 582 Market Street San Francisco CA NONE $8 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Gorham Street Madison W1 53703 NONE $1,000 00 Fundin to Ppromote; note effective volunteerin g I gLb2in League of Greater Madison 151 East US Armed Forces Tribute Foundation, Inc P 0 Box 490 Centre AL NONE $6 71 Fund; to effective volunteen. POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State _ Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE USA Baseball 403 Blackwell Street Durham NC NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g USA Cares, Inc 1309A N Wilson Road Radcliff KY NONE $40 26 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective USA Shooting One Ol ym pic Plaza Colorado S pring s CO NONE $107 21 Fundin g to promote volunteering Useful Vision Useful Vision Riding Mill Northurr berland NE44 6AA NONE $31 83 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g US-Ireland Alliance 2800 Clarendon Blvd Arlington VA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g USO of Metro politan New York Port Authority Bus Terminal New York NY NONE $26 03 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering USO World Headquarters (United Service Org anizations) 2111 Wilson Blvd Arlington VA NONE $2,080 40 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Utah Grizzlies Children's Charities 3200 South Decker Lake Drive West Valley City UT NONE $2225 Funding to p romote effective volunteering UTD WAY OF GREATER CINCINNATI, VOL CONN Attn Robert Bell Cincinnati OH 45202 NONE $1,74000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteeri ng Utd Way of Palm Beach County Vol Ctr 2600 Quantum Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33426-8627 NONE $5,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering effective Utd Way and Vol Cntr of Clare County Post Office Box 116 Clare MI 48617 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to p romote volunteerin g Uld Wa y of Calvert Cty Vol Res Ctr 530 Main Street Prance Frederick MD 206 78 NONE $13,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Valle y River Humane Society PO BOX 658 MURPHY NC NONE $671 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Val paraiso community Schools 2727 N Camp bell Val paraiso IN 46383 NONE $25,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Vanderbilt Children's Hos pital 2525 West End Avenue Nashville TN NONE $1,042 59 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Vanderbur h Humane Society, Inc PO Box 6711 Evansville N NONE $1278 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Vane - The Children's Chan ty 3100 W Sahara Las Vegas NV NONE $3204 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g effective VCU Masse y Cancer Center P 0 Box 980037 Richmond VA NONE $18 36 Fundin g to promote volunteerin g to effective volunteering V-Da y 388 Market Street, Suite 400 an Francisco CA NONE $62 54 Fundin g p romote Vegan Outreach 211 Indian Drive Pittsbu rgh PA NONE $2030 Fundin g to promote effective volunteeri ng Venice Communi ty Housing Corporation 720 Rose Avenue Venice CA NONE $31 70 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Veteran Horse Welfare Society Limited Hendre Fawr Farm Cardi gan Pembrokeshire SA43 3LZ NONE $3786 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Veterans for Common Sense 1101 Penns yl vania Ave SE Washin gton DC NONE $720 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Veterans Leadershi p Pro g ram 7601 South Kostner Chica go L NONE $33 55 Funding to promote effective volunteering Veterans of Foreign Wars 406 West 34th Street Kansas City MO NONE $599 52 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home for Children 3573 S Waverl y Road Eaton Ra pids MI NONE $76 53 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g VFW Post 1197 645 S River St Batavia L NONE $7 20 Fundm to romote effective volunteering VHI Save The Music 1515 Broadway , 20th FI New York NY NONE $32093 Funding to promote effective volunteering effective VHL Famil y Alliance 171 Clinton Road Brookline MA NONE $5490 Fund i ng to promote volunteerin g effective Victim Res ponse, Inc /The Lodge 5040 NW 7 Street Miami FL NONE $149 47 Fundin g to promote volunteering Victim Support Cranmer House London London SW9 6DZ NONE $12645 Funding to promote effective volunteering Victor R Volkman Traumatic Incident Reduction A Ann Arbor MI NONE $3592 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering effective Victo ry Junction Gang Cam p 4500 Adam's Way Randleman NC NONE $7,005 46 Fundin g to promote volunteering Vida Verde Nature Education 1043 Tunitas Creek Road Half Moon Bay CA NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Vietnam Veterans Assistance Fund 1023 15th Street, NW Washington DC NONE $8035 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering effective Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund 1023 15th Street, NW Washington DC NONE $2968 Funding to p romote volunteering Vietnam Veterans of America Cha pter NJ 899 PO Box 263 Bordentown NJ NONE $141 88 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Vietnam Veterans of California PO Box 378 Santa Rosa CA NONE $2071 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g to effective Virgin Unite (The Virg in Foundation ) 5th Floor, The Communications London London W6 9 ER NONE $4276 Funding promote volunteerin g Fundin to effective volunteerin g Virg ini a Breast Cancer Foundation 5001 W Broad Street, Suite 20 Richmond VA NONE $86 11 promote to effective Vi rg inia Creeper Trail LTD PO Box 2382 Abingdon VA NONE $671 Funding promote volunteerin g effective Virtual Theatre Project 1314 Sunset Rd Colorado Sp rin gs CA NONE $9724 Funding to promote volunteerin g Vision Care International Ministries. Inc 5695 Main Street 300C Elkrid a MD NONE $6689 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Vista (The Royal Leicestershire, Rutland and Wycliffe Society to Margaret Road Leicester Leicest trshire LE5 5F U NONE $503 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Visual Communications 120 Jude John Aiso Street Los Angeles CA NONE $44834 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering VITALISE essential breaks for disabled peo ple and carers jubilee lod ge a ppeals office ch well Essex i 7 6d NONE $34 10 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g effective volunteerin VMC-Volunteer Mana gement Centers, Inc 280 W Hanover Avenue Morristown NJ 07960 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote g to effective volunteerin g Voce of the Retarded 5005 New port Drive Rollin Meadows L NONE $2632 Funding p romote VOL CENTERS OF MICHIGAN 1048 PIERPONT, SUITE 3 1 1-ansin g MI 48911-5976 NONE $10,000 00 Furiding to promote effective volunteering Vol Connections of the San Luis Valle y PO Box 1093 Aiamosa CO 81101-1093 NONE $8,250 00 Furid i ng to promote effective volunteering Fund^n to effective volunteenn Vol Ctr of Utd Way of Lake County 330 S Greenleaf St, Gumee L 600313389 NONE $2,688 17 promote STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206841 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 - FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 2006

RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code $4,188 17 Fundm to p romote effective volunteerin g Vol Ctr Utd Way of Central Massachusetts 484 Main St, Ste 300 Worcester MA 16081817 NONE NONE $11.40000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Vol Ctr , Utd Way of the Capital Reg ion 2235 Millenium Way, Enola PA 17025-1497 $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Vol Action Center of Northeastern Penns ylvania 538 Spruce Street, Ste 420 Scranton PA 18503 NONE $15,443 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering VOL & INFO SERV OF THE RAPPAHANNOCK UT 3331 Shannon Airport Circle Fredericksburg VA 22408 NONE 17 g to promote effective volunteering VOL ACTION CTR OF THE MID-OHIO VALLEY 521 MARKET ST #6 Parkersburg WV 26101-5150 NONE $2,688 Fundin $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g VOL CENTER/ NW MICHIGAN 521 S UNION STREET Traverse City Mi 49685-0694 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteering VOL CENTER/ SILICON VALLEY, INC 1922 THE ALAMEDA, STE 100 an Jose CA 95126-1457 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Vol Cntr of Ltd Way -Volusia-Fla ler Crity 3747 W International S peedwa y Daytona Beach FL 32124 NONE $64,802 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g VOL CTR OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA Attn Dave Chandler TUCSON AZ 85711-1018 NONE $2,700 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g VOL CTR OF LOS ANGELES 8134 VAN NUYS BLVD STE 200 PANORAMA CITY CA 91402-4818 NONE effective volunteering VOL CTR OF UTD WAY OF CENTRAL CAROLINAS, INC 301 S Brevard Street Charlotte NC 28202 NONE $1,950 00 Funding to promote NONE $10,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Vol Ctr South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach 1230 Cravens Avenue Torrance CA 90501-2619 $1,011 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering VOL CTR UTD WAY - THOMAS JEFFERSON AREA C/O Shaele Wood Charlottesville VA 22902-5126 NONE effective volunteering VOLUNTEEER SERVICES OF MANATEE CTY 5131 MANATEE AVENUE WEST Bradenton FL 34209-3740 NONE $44,000 00 Funding to p romote Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer & Commun ity Resource Center 50 SE Kindred Street Stuart FL 34994-3033 NONE $7,000 00 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Action Center 1915 Front Street, Box 317 Manchester NH 03102-8533 NONE $7,038 $2,500 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Action Center of Bartholomew County 1531 13th Street, Ste 1100 Columbus N 47201-1300 NONE $10,993 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Ascension P 0 Box 1564 Gonzales LA 70707-1564 NONE NONE $75,635 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Volunteer Baton Rouge 460N 11th Street Baton Rou ge LA 70802 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Broward 1300 S Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale FL 33316-1838 NONE $2,500 $5,000 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center Association of Wisconsin 984 Ninth Street Green Bay WI 54304 NONE $10,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g VOLUNTEER CENTER INC OF BROWN COUNTY 984 9th Street Green Bay WI 54304-3441 NONE NONE $5,000 00 Fundm to p romote effective volunteering Volunteer Center Network of Oregon PO Box 751 Portland OR 97207 $5,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Allegany Coun ty 71 Baltimore St , 3rd Floor Cumberland MD 21501-1308 NONE $6,500 00 Fund i ng to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Bergen County 64 Passaic St Hackensack NJ 07601-4309 NONE NONE $2,500 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Burlington County , Inc Parker Center 135 Pemberton NJ 08068 00 g to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley 2101 Kimball Ave, Ste 126 Waterloo A 50702-5052 NONE $5,000 Fundin 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Clearfield County 103 N Front Street Clearfield PA 16830 NONE $2,688 Fundin to promote effective volunteering VOLUNTEER CENTER OF DURHAM 136 EAST CHAPEL HILL STREET Durham NC 27701 NONE $5,000 00 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Gloucester County 1400 Tan and Road Sewell NJ 08080 NONE $2,688 $20,100 17 Fundi ng to p romote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Greater Milwaukee 2819 W Hig hland Blvd Milwaukee WI 53208 NONE Funding to p romote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Houston 1300 - A Bay Area Blvd, Ste220 Houston TX 77058 NONE $5,000 00 $16,400 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Mancopa County 722 E OSBORN RD SUITE 400 Phoenix AZ 85014-5279 NONE NONE $50,800 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Morgan County 708 6th Avenue SE Decatur AL 35603-3020 $13,500 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of North Central Florida 703 NE 1st St Gamsville FL 32601 NONE $62,946 00 Fundin to Promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of North Texas 2800 Live Oak Street Dallas TX 75204-5750 NONE $24,250 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Northwestern Ohio 511 Pe rry Street Defiance OH 43512-2123 NONE $3,250 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Otsego Count y 590 East 5th Ga yl ord MI 49735 NONE romote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Ozaukee Cou nty 885 Bad g er Circle Grafton WI 53024 NONE $2,688 17 Funding to p NONE $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Porta ge County 1100 Cente rpoint Or Stevens Point WI 54481 Funding to promote effective volunteering VOLUNTEER CENTER OF REDWOODS 3300 GLENWOOD STREET Eureka CA 95501 NONE $3,250 00 $26,500 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Rhode Island 55 Bradford St Ste 302 Providence RI 02903-1677 NONE romote effective volunteering VOLUNTEER CENTER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY Attn Bel i nda Jones RIVERDALE CA 92517 NONE $12,300 00 Funding to p $2,500 00 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of San Gabriel Valle y 464 E Walnut St #208 Pasadena CA 91101-1632 NONE $2,500 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of Sonoma County 153 Stony Circle Ste 100 Santa Rosa CA 95401-9516 NONE $12,750 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of Story County 130 South Sheldon Ave Ames A 50014 NONE $13,200 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g VOLUNTEER CENTER OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY 2121 CITY LINE RD Bethlehem PA 18017-2150 NONE 17 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center of the United Way 742 Delaware Avenue Buffalo NY 14209 NONE $2,688 $2,688 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center of United Way 843 North President Street Jackson MS 39202 NONE $12,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Center Of United Way of Acadiana 215 East Pinhook, Lafa yette LA 70505-2033 NONE 7754 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Center Orange County Attn Carol Stone Santa Ana CA 92705-3918 NONE STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP $36.00000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin Volunteer Center Southwest Louisiana 1023 Common Street Lake Charles LA 70601 NONE 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Centers Minnesota 2300 Orleans Street W Stillwater MN 55082 NONE $5,000 $44,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Centers of California 1110 K Street, Suite 210 Sacramento CA 95814 NONE $5,00000 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Centers Virg inia C/O Utd Wa y-Thomas Jefferson A Charlottesville VA 22902 NONE promote effective volunteering Volunteer Centers Washington 222 Columbia Street, NW Ol ympia WA 98501 NONE $50,000 00 Funding to $2,688 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Connection of Northwest Ohio 511 Pe rry Street Defiance OH 43512 NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Council Bluffs 915 N 16th Street Council Bluffs IA 51501 NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering VOLUNTEER CTR OF SOUTHERN NEVADA 3075 E FLAMINGO ROAD Las Vegas NV 89121-7473 NONE $26,43817 $10,589 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Ctr for Anne Arundel Count y Attn Fay Mauro Annapolis MD 21401-7345 NONE $35,000 00 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Excambia 1301 W Government St Pensacola FL 32501 NONE 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g VOLUNTEER FAIRFAX 10530 PAGE AVENUE Fairfax VA 22030-4002 NONE $2,688 $41,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Flonda 401 S Monroe Street Tallahassee FL 32301 NONE $6,250 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g VOLUNTEER FREDERICK, INC 31 W PATRICK ST, STE L2 Frederick MD 21701-5568 NONE $17,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Frederick, Inc 31 West Patrick Street, Ste L2 Frederick MD 21701-5568 NONE $73,700 00 Fundin to promote effective volunteering VOLUNTEER HOUSTON ATTN CARRIE MOFFIT Houston TX 77056-6248 NONE NONE $2,688 17 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Intergenerational Center 2117 Broadway Ca pe Girardeau MO 63701.4401 $7,323 62 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering VOLUNTEER JACKSONVILLE. INC 6817 South point Pkwy , Ste 1902 JACKSONVILLE FL 32216 NONE $48,563 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Volunteer Macon, Inc 194 Holt Avenue Macon GA 31201-1224 NONE $57,050 00 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g VOLUNTEER MEMPHIS 22 N FRONT ST STE 780 MEMPHIS TN 38103-2179 NONE $153,500 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Mobile, Inc 1050 Government Street Mobile AL 36604-2404 NONE $5,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer Muskegon 880 Jefferson St , Su ite A Muskegon MI 49440-1245 NONE $2,500 00 Fundin to promote effective volunteering VOLUNTEER RESOURCE CENTER 2021 E HENNEPIN AVENUE Minnea polis MN 55413-1868 NONE $15,300 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteer San Dieg o 4699 Mu rp hy Canyon Rd an Diego CA 92123-4320 NONE $5,00000 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Volunteer Services Agency. Inc 5500 Market Street, Ste 106 Young stown OH 44512 NONE $15,188 17 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g VolunteerLEON 918 Railroad Avenue Tallahassee FL 32310-4348 NONE $25 18 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Volunteers of America 1660 Duke Street Alexandria VA NONE $50,958 97 Funding to promote effective volunteering Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans 4152 Canal Street New Orleans LA NONE NONE $20 13 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteers of America Michigan 618 E Walton Pontiac MI NONE $60 78 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Volunteers of America-Greater New York 340 West 85th Stree New York NY $1061 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Voter Information Services 90 Sunnyside Avenue Reading MA NONE $6 71 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g VSA arts 18 Connecticut Ave Washington DC NONE NONE $33 55 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g VSA arts of Missouri 800 North Providence Columbia MO to promote effective volunteerin g Wadesboro Elementa ry School 321 Camden Road Wadesboro NC 28170 NONE $20000 Funding $221 15 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Wakefield Hos pice Wakefield Hospice Wakefield West'torkshire WF1 4TS NONE NONE $161 60 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Wales Air Ambulance Plas Elusen Wrexham Industrial Est Wrexham LL13 9UF $48 91 Funding to promote effective volunteering Wallace & Gromit's Children's Foundation 24 U pper Maudlin Street Bristol Avon BS2 8DJ NONE Funding to promote effective volunteering War Child War Child Kentish Town London NW5 3DG NONE $32021 Funding to p romote effective volunteering War Horse & Militana Heritage Foundation, a p roj ect of National 11416 Orcas Ave Lake View Terrace CA NONE $4246 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g War on Want Fenner Brockway House London London SE1 OES NONE $464 08 $1585 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation PO Box 519 Halifax VA NONE $31 78 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Warm Blankets Orphan Care International 5105 Tollview Drive Rolling Meadows IL NONE NONE $50000 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin Warren and Nadine Heaps 21 Woodrid ge Lane Ashland MA 01721 $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteering Wasatch Homeless Health Care, Inc 404 South 400 West Salt Lake City UT NONE NONE $4340 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Washin gton Air Search & Rescue Po Box 2174 Renton WA NONE $89 52 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Washington Animal Rescue League 71 Ogletho rp e Street, NW Washin gton DC $5,000 00 Funding I promote effective volunteering Washington District of Columbia Jewish Community Center 1529 16th Street NW Washin gton DC 20036 NONE NONE $288 30 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Washington Renegades Rug by Football Club PO Box 2067 Washi ngton DC NONE $18 52 Fundin to promote effective volunteering Washington State CASA 603 Stewart St #206 Seattle WA 17 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g _ NONE $2,688 Washington-Idaho Volunteer Center 1424 Main Street Lewiston ID 83501 $7468 I Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Waste to Chan ty , Inc 15 East Center Street Woodbu ry NJ NONE NONE $3098 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn Water and the rural poor - GlobalGivin g 1816 12th St, NW Washin ton DC STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP 03 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Water For Africa 12 The Midway Newcastle-Under-L yme Stafford hue ST15 8FG NONE $5 NONE $56504 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Water For People 6666 Quincy Avenue Denver CO NONE $1,50140 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering WaterAid 2nd Floor London London SE11 5JD $9960 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Watershed Public Art Project 5715 Cornish Houston TX NONE $2684 Funding to promote effective volunteering Watoto Child Care Mini stries PO Box 1320 Lutz FL NONE $2240 Funding to promote effective volunteering Watson Children's Shelter 2901 Fort Missoula Road Missoula MT NONE NONE $10000 Funding to promote effective volunteering Waukesha County Corporate Volunteer Council 2220 Silvemail Road Pewaukee WI 53072-5529 $8 67 Funding to promote effective volunteering WDET-FM 101 9/ Wane State University 4600 Cass Avenue Detroit MI NONE NONE $246 46 Funding to promote effective volunteering WDIY - Lehi g h Valle y Communi ty Public Radio 301 Broadway Bethlehem PA NONE $671 Fundin to promote effective volunteering We are here to Hel p P 0 Box 8508 Hermita ge TN NONE $66 83 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Weekday Education Minist ry of First Ba pti st Church of Tucker (Ma ) 5073 LaVista Road Tucker GA NONE $58 90 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering We ener's Granulomatosis Assn P 0 BOX 28660 Kansas City MO NONE $2,593 50 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering WellChild 16 Royal Crescent Cheltenham Gloucer tershire GL50 3DA $2241 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Wessex Cancer Trust Bellis House Southampton Hampshire S017 1 DL NONE NONE $76 15 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering West Berkshire Menca p Enbome Gate Newbu ry Berkshi a RG14 6AT NONE $5536 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering West London YMCA 25 Ealing London W5 5RG NONE $25000 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g West Runnin g Brook Middle School 1 West Runnin g Brook Lane Derry NH 03038 NONE $1399 Funding to promote effective volunteering West Vi rg inia Museum of American Glass P 0 Box 574 Weston WV NONE $16677 Funding to promote effective volunteering West Virg inia Statew i de Inde pendent Livin g Council 54 Main Street Danbury CT 06810-3009 NONE $754 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Westie Rescue Scheme 176 Folly Lane Manchester Greater Manche M27 ODD NONE $6 71 Funding to promote effective volunteeri ng Westmoreland County Food Bank 100 Devonshire Drive Delmont PA NONE $20000 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Wheatland Chili Middle School 940 North Road Scottsville NY 14546 NONE $1,540 15 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Wheelchair Foundation 3700 Blackhawk Plaza Circle Danv lle CA NONE $146 93 Funding to promote effective volunteering Wheels 4 Life P 0 Box 21 Laguna Beach CA NONE $7 39 Funding to promote effective volunteering Where Next Association Wellesboume Close Redditch Worcestershire B98 8ER NONE $200 00 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Whittier School 945 Hawthorne Avenue Cincinnati OH 45205 NONE $5 19 Fundin to promote effective volunteering WHITWORTH PLAYGROUP hallfold united reform church whitworth Lancas lire OL12 8TL NONE $81958 Funding to promote effective volunteering Whizz-Kidz 10-12 Allin ton Street Victoira London SW1E 5EH NONE $94 10 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Wider O pportunities for Women 1001 Connecticut Ave NW, Suit Washington DC NONE $1933 Funding to promote effective volunteering Wiggle Buttz Boxer Rescue 29820 Autumn Lane Warren MI NONE $231 89 Funding to promote effective volunteering Wild About Britain 7 Albany Road Bramhall Cheshne SK7 INA NONE $6 71 Funding to romote effective volunteerin g WildAid-SF Office 450 Pacific Ave San Francisco CA NONE $28 72 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Wildlife Education & Rehab i litation Center P 0 Box 1105 Morg an Hill CA $671 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn Wildlife Orphanage, The P 0 Box 4706 Stamford CT NONE $21629 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Wildwood Trust Herne Common Heme Ba Kent CT6 7LQ NONE NONE $979 59 Funding to promote effective volunteering Willamette Humane Society PO Box 13005 Salem OR NONE $10 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering Willow Creek CARS Minist ry 67 E AI on um Rd South Barrington IL $455 10 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Willow Foundation 18 Salisbu ry Square __ Hatfield Hertfordshire AL9 5BE NONE $14253 Funding to promote effective volunteering Willow Wood Hos pice Willow Wood Close Ashton-under-Lyne Lancashire OL6 6SL NONE $200 00 Funding to promote effective volunteering WINCHELL PTO 3334 Fair Oaks Dr Kalamazoo MI 49008 NONE NONE $40 70 Funding to promote effective volunteering Windham Area Interfa ith M i nistry (WAIM ) P 0 Box 221 Willimantic CT NONE $21 27 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Win -It Productions 5510 S Universi ty Way NE Seattle WA NONE $3355 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Wins For Iraq , Inc o box 48816 Fort Worth TX NONE $61 88 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Wins For Kids Foundation, Inc P 0 Box 506 Allenhurst GA NONE $45 58 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Wing s of Hope-NJ Post Office Box 214 Jackson NJ NONE $31 25 Funding to p romote effecti ve volunteerin g WINGS Pro g ram , Inc 887 E Wilmette Rd Palatine IL NONE $6 71 Fundm to p romote effective volunteerin g Winifred Haun & Dancers 228 S East Avenue Oak Park IL NONE $131 95 Fundm to promote effective volunteering Wisconsin Humane Society 4500 W Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee WI NONE $1477 I Fundin g to promote effective volunteering WISE WISE Islamic Learning Centre Hi h Wycombe Buckm hamshir HP13 6DQ NONE $47 54 Funding to promote effective volunteering Witness Justice PO Box 475 Fredenck MD NONE $2,954 58 Fundin to promote effective volunteenn WLRA Education Foundation P 0 Box 1003 Che enne WY POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION STATEMENT 3 EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 - FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006

Name Address city State Zi p Code RELATIONSHIP Amount PURPOSE Wolakota Foundation P O Box 687 Eagle Butte SD NONE $1447 Funding to promote effective volunteering Wolf Haven International 3111 Offut Lake Rd Tenino WA NONE $869 55 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Woman lace Inc P O Box 216 McKees port PA NONE $6659 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Women and Children in Africa Willow House Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 2TH NONE $48 74 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering Women for Sobriety , Inc PO Box 818 Quakertown PA NONE $3598 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Women for Women International 1850 M Street, NW Washin gton DC NONE $6966 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Women Hel ping Women 224 Main Street Metuchen NJ NONE $5095 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Women In Minin g , Washington DC Cha pter 9723 Co peland Drive Manassas VA NONE $67547 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g Women of Hope Project 4876-118 Pnncess Anne Road Vi rg inia Beach VA NONE $671 Funding to p romote effective volunteering WomenHeart the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease 818 18th St, NW Washington DC NONE $34 12 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Women Aid ( Federation of England ) Women's Aid Bristol Bristol BS99 7WS NONE $16904 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Women's Crisis Center, Inc 835 Madison Avenue Covington KY NONE $62 33 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Women's Health Services 901 W Alameda Santa Fe NM NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Women's Mountain Passa ges 192 W Jackson Street Quin CA NONE $3939 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Women's S ports Foundation, Inc 55 West End Ave New York NY NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering Woodland Trust Autumn Park Grantham Lmcolns sre NG31 6LL NONE $174 15 Fundi ng to promote effective volunteerin g Woodrow Wilson House - National Trust for Historic Preservation 5 Vaughn Dnve #300 Princeton NJ NONE $31 86 Funding to promote effective volunteering Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctua ry PO Box 1329 Woodstock NY NONE $16338 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Wootton Bassett School Association Lime Kiln Swindon Wdtshirt SN4 7HD NONE $7 54 Fundin g to promote effective volunleenng Workmen's Circle Educational Center 1980 South Green Road South Euclid OH NONE $329 08 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g World Burn Foundation 409 N Camden Dr. Ste 106 Beverl y Hills CA NONE $12605 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g World Cancer Research Fund 19 Harle y Street London London NONE $79 56 Funding to promote effective volunteering World Concern 19303 Fremont Ave N Seattle WA NONE $79 30 Funding to promote effective volunteering World Extremities 3992 Riviera Grove #204 Colorado S pring s CO NONE $10 19 Funding to promote effective volunteering World Federation for Mental Health 2001 N Beau re and Street, 12 Alexandra VA NONE $671 Funding to promote effective volunteering World Ho pe Foundation 375 Helroy Arroyo Grande CA NONE $17708 Fundin to romote effective volunteerin g World Land Trust BI h House Halesworth Suffolk IP19 8AB NONE $1037 Funding to promote effective volunteering World Learnin g Forum PO Box 903 Volcano HI NONE $2,869 36 Funding to promote effective volunteering World Libra Partnershi p 3101 Guess Rd Durahm NC NONE $22 16 Funding to promote effective volunteering WORLD MEDICAL FUND PO BOX 323 PINNER Middlesi'x HA5 4YB NONE $1241 Fundin g to promote effective volunteenn World Mission, Inc 1701 Porter St Southwest Wyoming MI NONE $671 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g World Orp hans 1880 Office Club Point, Suite Colorado S p rings CO NONE $1,413 84 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering World Relief 7 East Baltimore Street Baltimore MD NONE $1342 Funding to promote effective volunteering World Society for the Protection of Animals 34 Deloss Street Framin gham MA NONE $4259 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering World Trade Center Survivors' Network World Trade Center Survivors' New York NY NONE $3391 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering World Vision 34834 Weyerhaeuser Way South Federal Way WA NONE $3,736 35 Funding to p romote effective volunteering World Vision UK World Vision House Milton Ke ynes Buckin liamshir MK15 OZR NONE $10 12 Fund i ng to p romote effective volunteering World Vision Emergency Relief Fund 34834 Weyerhaeuser Wa y South Federal Way WA NONE $2,823 93 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering WSPA 89 Albert Embankment LONDON London SE1 7TP NONE $420 34 Funding to p romote effective volunteering WWF-UK Panda House Godalmin g Surrey GU7 1XR NONE $11,140 98 Funding to promote effective volunteering Y 0 U T H Program, Inc Shady Pines Farm Felton PA NONE $3045 Funding to promote effective volunteering Yad Ezra 2850 W 11 Mile Road Berkley MI NONE $41 07 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Prog ram PO Box 644 Westminster CO NONE $23343 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Yellow Taxi Productions, Inc PO Box 1515 Nashua NH NONE $1885 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue 7036 Balsam Way Oakland CA NONE $865 Funding to p romote effective volunteering YMCA England YMCA England London London E17 3DZ NONE $1879 Funding to p romote effective volunteering YMCA Of Metro politan Los Angeles 2000 Market Street Philadel p hia PA NONE $6635 Funding to promote effective volunteenng YMCA of Philadel phia & Vicinity 2000 Market Street Philadel p hia PA NONE $14 77 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g YMCA of Sarato ga 262 Broadwa y Saratoga S p rings NY NONE $38 34 Funding to promote effective volunteering Y-ME Illinois 203 N Wabash Ch icago IL NONE $19017 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Y-ME National Breast Cancer Or an^zation 212 W Van Buren Chicago IL NONE $657 14 Fundin to promote effective volunteering STATEMENT 3 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN 65-0206641 STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF FORM 990 FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006 Amount PURPOSE Name Address city State Zip Code RELATIONSHIP NONE $1005 Funding to promote effective volunteerin YORK BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED SOCIETY BOOTHAM HOUSE YORK North Yoi kshire YO26 5JG NONE $17396 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g York County humane society 2036 Carolina place fort mill SC NONE $25 46 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Yorkshire Children's Spine Foundation Room 5 10, Level 5 Leeds West Yoikshire LS9 7TF 5050 9FD NONE $1005 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Young Ente rp rise South East Wessex House Eastlei gh HeHam shi NONE $4901 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Young Imaginations 70 Skyview Terrace San Rafael CA NONE $1630 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering You ng Life of Allen Texas 2301 N Central Expwy Piano TX NONE $746 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Young Life of Greater Hartford P O Box 337 West Simsbu ry CT NONE $745 Funding to promote effective volunteering Youn Onset Parkinsons Association 1229 Woodland Avenue Albuq uerque NM GU1 4TR NONE $60374 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Young Peo ple's Trust for the Environment 3 Walnut Tree ParkWalnut Tree Guildford Surrey NONE $7,999 49 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Young Storyt ellers Foundation 15260 Ventura Blvd Sherman Oaks CA NONE $18,209 85 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Youn Survival Coalition 155 6th Avenue New York City NY NONE $2754 Fundin g to promote effective volunteerin g Your Choice Unit 9 Richmar Trading Centre Sturmmster Newton Dorset DT10 1AZ NONE $3769 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering Youth & Community Foundation of S pencer Van Etten PO Box 600 S pencer NY NONE $1342 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Youth at Heart 6026 S Sheridan Tulsa OK NONE $1921 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteering Youth for Christ International Ministries 7670 South Vaug hn Court, Suite Englewood CO NONE $56653 Fundin g to p romote effective volunteerin g Youth for Christ of Kern County 2131 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA NONE $5640 Funding to promote effective volunteering Youth for Christ/USA 7670 South Vaug hn Court Englewood CO NONE $5641 Funding to promote effective volunteerin g Youth In Crisis, Inc 7139 W 34th Street Be rwy n IL NONE $294 11 Funding to p romote effective volunteerin g YOUTH MATTER, INC P 0 Box 396 Portsmouth VA NONE $1,01211 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering YouthAlDS 1120 Nineteenth Street, N W Washington DC DC NONE $1,745 77 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering YWCA Bellingham 1026 N Forest St Bell i ngham WA $1,302 00 Funding to promote effective volunteenn YWCA Brandford 24 West Corydon Street Bradford PA NONE NONE $11,012 39 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering YWCA USA 1015 18th St NW Washin gton DC NONE $8947 Fundin g to promote effective volunteering ZACH'S ANGELS Foundation 20 Earlwood drive Pou ghkee psie NY NONE $3003 Fundi ng to p romote effective volunteering Zero to Three Nad Ctr for Infants Toddlers & Fam 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 200 Washington DC 9DA NONE $4858 Funding to p romote effective volunteering Zoe's Place Trust Crossbeck House Normanb y Cleveland TS6 NONE $8 70 Funding to promote effective volunteering Zoolo Ical Society of Florida 12400 SW 152 Street Miami FL NONE $36,000 00 Funding to promote effective volunteenn Others

$6,691 ,722.00 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN: 65-0206641 FYE: 09/30/06



Its mission is to engage all people in volunteer service; to build a strong, unified network of local Volunteer Centers and Corporate Volunteer Councils to significantly increase the quantity and quality of volunteering, while effectively mobilizing people in communities to solve local problems; to connect and convene the most appropriate organizations at both national and local levels to focus on resolving critical community issues. Program Service Expenses: $5,899,498


Its mission is to enable organizations to engage volunteers more effectively in achieving their organizational missions and priorities; to develop local leadership for 1__^t_ __ _ _ i • rr ciiccuvc vOi _uii^ccilliii g; to ^ieaic Gj:rpoi uiiiiiies iCii Peopleto iiiat^c a lull uillcicliLIc III their communities ; and to provide leadership and consultation in helping develop volunteer programs and delivery systems in the United States and worldwide. Program Service Expenses : $4,441,943


Its mission is to ensure that volunteering is part of the public consciousness, that its value to the community and to those who volunteer is well understood, and that people know what they can do and how to get connected with the work that needs to be done; and to recognize the outstanding volunteer efforts of individual and organizations. Program Service Expenses : $2,183,071


Its mission is to support web-based programs to promote volunteering and donations to not-for-profit organizations. Program Service Expenses: $9,616,329

(E) BUSINESS STRENGTHENING AMERICA Engaging industry and community leaders in a campaign to encourage civic engagement through volunteer service. Program Service Expenses : $ 139,246 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION EIN: 65-0206641 FYE: 09/30/06


(F) WE ARE FAMILY The foundation parnered with producer Rodney Jerkin to release a recording , with the proceeds going to benefit the displaced victims of hurrican Katrina, and to help on- the-ground organization to prepare to manage and deploy significant increases in volunteers during crisis situations.

Program Service Expenses : $1,916,787

Other Program Service Expenses $78,710

$24,275,584 Supplementary Statements For Year Ending 09/302006


Statement 5 Depreciable Assets

Property Date of Depreciation Cost or Prior Years' Depreciation Beginning Net Endng Net Balance _ - - - Book Balance - Description - _ Service- _ Method - -- -Other Basis -Depreciation _ Expense __Book ...... Depreciation Life or Percentage

EQUIPMENT VARIOUS 2,722,959 2,645,060 29,580 51,314 48,319

LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS VARIOUS 1,046,442 755,623 111,712 288,609 179,107

------•------TOTAL 3,769 ,401 3,400 , 683 141,292 339,923 227,426 EIN: 65-0206641 STATEMENT 6* 09/30/2006

Board of Directors Points of Light Foundation

Marc Bemoff Evem Cooper Epps Honorable Mitt Romney Chairman and CEO President Governor The UPS Foundation State of Massachusetts Vice President, Corporate Relations Honorary Member Charles G. Berry Partner Edward L. Gardner Sam Singh Arnold & Porter President President and CEO Secretary Industrial Solvents Corp. Michigan Nonprofit Association

Marcia Bullard Mark D. Gearan Louis Sullivan, M.D. President and CEO President President Emeritus USA Weekend Hobart and William Smith Colleges Morehouse School of Medicine

Honorable George Bush Robert K. Goodwin Julie Thomas 41st President of the U.S. President and CEO Executive Director Honorary Chairman Points of Light Foundation Volunteer Center of North Texas

Neil Bush John Griffin Samuel Torrence Chairman and CEO Director & President President and COO Ignite! Inc. Momentum Solutions Group Just Born, Inc.

Andrew H. Card, Jr. Adele Hall Kathleen Kennedy Townsend Former Chief of Staff to the President Vice Chair Former Lt. Governor of the United States State of Maryland Honorary Member Marian L. Heard President and CEO Terry Williams Kevin Carroll Oxen Hill Partners Retired Director Senior Manager McKinsey & Company Worldwide Community Affairs Frances Hesselbein Vice Chair Levi Strauss & Co./Levi Strauss Chairman of the Board of Governors Foundation Leader to Leader Institute Hams Wofford Chair, National Council on Workplace Volunteerism Jeff Hoffman Travis Wright, Ph.D. Vice President, Disney Worldwide Harvard University Raymond G. Chambers Outreach Chairman The Walt Disney Company Marilee Chmmci-Zuercher Amelior Foundation Executive Director Founding Co-Chairman Bernard J Milano FIRSTLINK Honorary Member President & Trustee Chair, Volunteer Center National KPMG Foundation Network Council Chaney David M. Steven L. Miller National Director Chairman and President HOPE Worldwide SLM Discovery Ventures, Inc. *None of the above directors and Chair, Connect America Partner Chairman trustees, except the CEO and President Council of the organization, received any J. Richard Munro compensation during the year, and all Stephen Covey Dr. Retired Chairman contributed approximately 1 hour per Franklin Covey Company Genentech, Inc. week to this position. Member Honorary Founding Co-Chairman Honorary Member Stephen Cranford CEO Whisper Inc.

December 13, 2006 POINTS OF LIGHT FOUNDATION FYE 09/30/06 STATEMENT # 7 EIN: 65-0206641












93 Program Service Revenue A B C D E

a Publication Sales 57,272 b Training and Consulting 492,316 c Conferences 828,960 d MissionFish 2,242,514 e Certificate fees 386,798 f 1-800 Volunteer 71,386 g Miscellaneous 50,545 4,129,791