[LINCOLN.] Limbett (GREAT)

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[LINCOLN.] Limbett (GREAT) [LINCOLN.] LIMBEtt (GREAT). 166 POST OPFiCE :LIMBER. (GR.BAT) is a parish and pleasant village 10 1849 by the Earl of Yarborough, for this and the parishes miles west of Great Grimsby, 5 south of Ulceby station, of Brocklesby, Habrough, Keelby, and Kirmington. This and 10 miles east of Brigg, in Yarborough hundred, and school is supported by the Earl of Yarborough and gentle­ deaneryfdiocese and archdeaconry of Lincoln, union ofCaistor, men in the adjoining parishes. A good Library has been · parts o Lindsey, and North Lincolnshire. The living is a established, chiefly for the working classes, supported by a vicarage, value £623, with 58 acres of glebe and residence, yearly subscription of 2s. Here was an alien Priory, under held by the Rev. John Browne, M.A., and in the patronage the Abbey of Aveny, in Normandy, but afterwards appro­ of the Lord Chancellor; the Rev. H. G. Southwell, B.A., is priated to the Carthusian Abbey of St. Anne, near Coventry. curate. The church of St. Peter is an old building, with a The population in 1851 was 531, with about 5,100 acres of tower and 3 bells. The Wesleyans have a chapel here. land. The Earl of Yarborough is lord of the manor. Brocklesby Park school is in tl1is parish; it was built in Browne Rev. John, M.A. [vicar] Crow Robert, shopkeeper & carriet Hopkins William Bonner, farmer Nelson Mr. George Cutting James, shoemaker Howe James, parish clerk Southwell Rev. Henry Glanville, B.A. Dawson Joseph, carpenter Marris William, farmer {cm·ate] Frankish William, farmer Raven Robert, farmer, Little Limber COMMERCIAL. Fytche Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Richardson Wm. (executors of), farmer Anderson Geo. butcher & cattle dealer post office Roebuck Charles, blacksmith Cooper Henry, tailor Hedley William, farmer Sparrow Elizabeth (Mrs.), New inn PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Catherine Fytche, receiver. Letters are received from Ulceby; arrive at 10.30 a. m.; dispatched at 3 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Ulceby Brocklesby Park National School, Robert Hanly, master; :Mrs. Mary Hanly, mistress CARRIBR-Robert Crow, to Barton, on mon.; to Hull, tues.; to Brigg, thurs.; to Grimsby, fri.; & to Caistor on sat .An ancient clty, the see of a bishop, and assize town, and lesser transept' is 170 feet in length and 44 in width, in... capital of the county to which it gives name, capital like- eluding the side chapels; and the church is 80 feet wide. wise of the Lindsey division and of North Lincolnshire, The height of the vaulting of the middle tower is 125 feet, and a great railway station, is 18 miles south-east of Gains- and that of the nave 80. The two western towers are 180., borough, 36 north-west of Boston, 34 south of Barton- and the central tower 270 feet high; the former are each upon-Humber~ and 132 north-by-west of London. The 35 feet broad, and the latter 53. The cloisters enclose an cxty is pleasantly situated on the summit and declivity area of 118 feet by 91; and the interior diameter of the of a bold eminence, which rises on the north side of chapter-house, which is a decagon, is 60 feet 6 inches. The the navigable river Witha.m, at the confluence of the g-rand western front consists of a large square-shaped fa<;ade~ :Foss-Dyke canal. Lincoln was the Roman station Lin- the whole of which is decorated with doorways, windows, dum, the form of which may be clearly traced. It was a arches, and niches; it has a pediment in the centre, and two parallelogram strongly walled, divided into four equal octangular staircase turrets at the extreme angles, sur­ parts by two str.eets, which cross it at right angles. mounted by plain spire-shaped pinnacles. The three door. The northern boundary of the Roman city reached ns ways in this front are of handsome proportions, with semi· far as where the southern extremitiM of the British circular arches, ornamented with various architrave mould­ one had extended, and here they built a strono- wall ; ings, carved figures and foliage, and on each side are columns this waH had only one entrance or aperture, which is still decorated with sculpture. _.<\. Roma:R pavement, in the area standing, and is now called Newport gate, the arch of of the cloisters, was discovered some years ago. Over the which is sixteen feet in diameter. Parallel to this, on north cloister is the library, which contains some ancient the south and very summit of the hill, they built books and manuscripts, and curious specimens of Roman art. another wall, where they erected a gateway about ninety The great tower is allowed to be one of the finest specimens feet north of the present Bail gate, which was taken of Decorated architecture in the country. Over the south down about the beginning of the 16th century. On the porch is a representation of the Day of Judgment, in bold east and west, these walls were connected by two others relief. In the east window is stained glass, which was filled having each of them a gate distinguished as East and West in by Mr. Peckitt, of York, in 1762, and over the altar is a gate, the former of which was entire so late as the year fine picture representing the Annunciation. There are two 1740. Many remains of the ramparts and ditches are still peals of bells, one in the great tower, and the other in the discernible, notwithstanding the severe and numerous sieges south-west tower; and in the centre or rood tower hangs and attacks the city sustained, especially in the wars of the Great Tom, now the fourth largest bell in England; its pre­ Empress Maude. Lincoln was taken by the English, and decessor, which was taken down and recast in 1834, weighed in 585 became one of' the capitals of Mercia, or the Middle 9,894 pounds, was ·22 feet in circumference, and a tall man English. About the year 630, Edwin, King of N orthum- could stand in it upright. It had been gauged, and berland, obtained possession of Lindsey; and at this period would hold 424 gallons ale measure; it had not been St. Paulin us, under Edwin's authority, first preached Chris- swung for the last twenty years, on account of its tianity in Lincoln, when Blecca, the governor, and his having shaken the tower, but the hours were struck upon family, with many others, became converts to the faith. it with a hammer. The elastic stone beam, as it is called, Paulinus afterwards built a handsome church of stone in the connecting the north and south walls of the cathedral city, supposed to have been the first stone church built in above the vaulting of the nave and chancel, is esteemed England. In the year 1068, William the Norman built the by architects a masterpiece of masonry. It consists of a castle, to keep the inhabitants in awe. It occupied nearly a number of large stones laid together, extending like a beam fourth part of the Roman city, and to make room for it 240 of timber from one wall to the other, and is so sensibly elastic mansions were destroyed. The gate wall and keep of the as to vibrate considerably when leaped or trodden upon. castle still remain, and on the west is an entrenchment The city formerly abounded with monasteries, churches, thrown up by King Stephen. The city is partly on a hill, &c., so that many barns, stables, and even hogsties, seem to and is about two miles long·, and consists of the City, the be the ruins of them, from the stone walls and arched win­ Bail, and the Close. It contains many ancient and hand- dows and doors; and now, of the fi.fty-tw<J churches which some buildings. In the Domesday Book it is said to have once existed, twelve only remain; and, with the modern contained 1,070 houses, and to have been one of the most church of St. Nicholas, have little claim to notice from the impor1 ant cities in England, and in the reign of the Confessor possession of any architectural beauties. St. Benedict's to have contained 52 parishes. and St. :Mary's-le-Wigford are N onnan. There is also a From the earliest establishment of Christianity till tbe Roman Catholic chapel in Silver-street, and various year 1088, Lincoln had formed part of•the diocese of meeting-houses for the different denominations of Dis­ W essex, the seat of' which see was at Dorchester; but at that senters. period Remigius de Fescamp was translated from Dorchester The Bede houses, Monk's-hill, were erected in 1847, at to Lincolrl, where he immediately commenced the founda- the sole expense of and endowed by the Rev. Richard Waldo tion of the cathedral, which was completed in four years, Sibthorp, B.D. A neat range of fourteen small houses, each but he died before its consecration. The present cathedral of having three rooms and a garden attached. The recipients Lincoln is one of the largest sacred structures in England, have an allowance of £18 a year, with fuel, and occasionally and the magnificence of its architecture corresponds with the some wearing apparel. There is a chapel (St. Anne's) for magnit11cle of its proportions. The exterior length of the the use of the occupants, built by the same founder; a neat, building ~24 feet, and of the interior 482; the width of stone-faced building; it contains a fine-toned organ, and the west front 174 feet; the great transept, to the extremity has a beautiful stained glass window, descriptive of the of the com61' buttresses, 250 feet long and 66 wide; the I transfiguration.
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