Tour Link Conference
JANUARY 2016 // ISSUE 1 Tour Link Magazine 1 officer, Eric Stuart, as he explained the mathematics involved in determining crowd size, and why num- Event Safety Alliance Event Safety bers alone are insufficient to predicting and prevent- Summit 2015 Recap ing potential issues. We applauded Professor Emma Story by Shelby Cude, Photos by Nicholas Karlin Parkinson of Bucks New University in the UK, as she explained near-miss and accident reporting in the This past December, industry professionals from all development of an effective safety culture, challeng- over the globe gathered in Lititz, Pennsylvania for ing the industry’s taboo that “the show must go on.” Closing out the Summit, Jim Digby left the group the 2nd Annual Event Safety Summit, hosted by The with a single, powerful statement – that true leaders Event Safety Alliance. Checking their competitive empower others to do the right thing. For those that agendas at the door, nearly 200 attendees repre- presented and participated in the 2015 Event Safety senting every inch of the event industry sat under the Summit, Tour Link thanks you for taking the initiative massive roof of rehearsal venue Rock Lititz to en- to actively promote life safety first. gage in three days of discussion on issues related to safety at live events. From crowd management tac- University Meteorologist, Kevin Kloesel, of the Okla- tics, to safe pyrotechnics practices, to severe weather homa University Office of Emergency Prepared- plans, to current and future technical standards, an ness demonstrated how little we understand when elite group of presenters took the stage to share their it comes to “predicting” the weather and strategies expertise, and issued a call to action to improve the for evacuating outdoor events in case of emergency.
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