Pre Monsoon 1984 & 1998

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Pre Monsoon 1984 & 1998 RAJASTHANWATER RESOURCES CONSOLIDATION PROJECT SECTORALENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FINAL REPORT VOLUME3 E-411 Public Disclosure Authorized VOL. 3 / ~~d Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Preparedfor: The WorãdBank, Washíngton D.C and Project Preparation unit, RWRCP,Jaipur Prepared by: UMA Engineering Ltd, Calgary, Canada ln Association with AGRA Earth & Environmental, Calgary, Canada Project Office: Kota, Rajasthan, India Contract # A49096 Public Disclosure Authorized File # 9255-004--02 April 30, 2000 t-::~ ` Engineering Ltd. - fi4 `-s-Engineers, Planners & Surveyors UMA EngineeringLtd. Enaineers,Planners & Survevors 2540 Kensington Road N.W., Calgary, Alberta, CanadaT2N 3S3 (403) 270-9200 FAX 270-0399 Aprl 30, 2000 9255-004-00-02 The TeamLeader ProjectPreparation Unit RajasthanWater Resources Consolidation Project lrrigationDepartment SinchaiBhawan, J L N Marg Jaipur302 017 DearSir, Re: RWRCP-Sectoral Environmental Assessment Study: Final Report UMAEngineering Ltd is pleasedto submitthe FinalReport for the abovestudy. The report is in threevolumes: Summary report (Volume 1); MainReport (Volume 2); and, Basin-wise EMPs(Volume 3). The excellentassistance provided by you and your colleaguesenabled us to preparethis reporton time. We thank you for the opportunityto associatewith your organization on this project. Yours sincerely Dr N A Visvanatha,P Eng Director (Environmentaland Water Resources) E-mail: [email protected] CC: Mr S Rajagopal, World Bank, New Delhi Mr Geoffery Spencer, Wortd Bank,Washington D.C. Dr Rafik Hirza,World Bank, WashingtonD.C. ProjectOffice: P.O. Box 112, New Grain Mandi Phone: 091-744-500781 Kota- 324007 Fax: 091-744-500609 E-malu: TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONA: BACKGROUNDFOR BASIN EMPs SECTIONB: CHAMBALBASIN EMP SECTIONC: OUTSIDEBASIN EMP SECTIOND: MAHIBASIN EMP SECTIONE: BANASBASIN EMP SECTIONF: BASINGROUP 5 EMP (SHEKHAWATI& SABI) SECTIONG: BASINGROUP 6 EMP(RUPARAIL, BANGANGA, GAMBHIR & PARBATI) SECTIONH: LUNIBASIN EMP SECTIONK: SABARMATIBASIN EMP SECTIONL: BASINGROUP 9 EMP(WEST BANAS, SUKLI & OTHERNALLAHS) SECTIONM: IMPACTSOF GROUNDWATERMANAGEMENT REFERENCES SECTIONA BACKGROUNDFOR BASIN EMPs 1 y~ aóed ooo O£Iudv £ auwnfllA- uodad leui-4y3S ------------ ---.... - --------------.- su!sHgcíf3 ueqls<el po den :l deWi SdtlW JIO1911 £~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~ ÁOfelISa t' L 1--'----'------------------------ .- ---------- '--£ 3Wfl1OASO SlN31NOO £ I. e.)v... ------ --------- ---.................................................................... a dosL cn s Z ' LVs.------------ su!sH9~ JO bU!dflw9 ----- l'Z1I LV.----------'-------'---'-''---- -- '--' '-------SdW3E 3S!MNISV9 Z L V........ -- -------. .... e -n0 -- -0 ----VL I £'I 1 .. 3dODS ONV 3SOddnd V L ....-...... .... CNnoE ns 0L SIN3INO: JO I19V1 SdIN3 NISV9diO CONfNnOdIomov» SECTION A BACKGROUND FOR BASIN EMPs 1.0 STUDYBACKGROUND The Govemmentof Rajasthanis undertakingto improveirrigation policyreforms and water resourcesplanning activities under the proposedRajasthan Water ResourcesConsolidation Project (RWRCP) to increase the economic, technical, environmental,and social sustaintabilityof Rajasthan'sirigation sector.The RWRCPis in the projectpreparation stage for possiblefunding by the World Bank. The SectoralEnvironmental Assessment (SEA) study of the states' water sector is one of several preparationstudies undertakenin the project preparationphase of the RWRCP.Basin-wise Environmental Management Plans (EMPs)are preparedas part of the SEAstudy to assistin identifyingthe cumulativeimpacts at the sectorlevel. The SEAreport is preparedin threevolumes: summary report (Volume 1); main report(Volume 2); and, basin-wiseEMPs (Volume 3). 1.1 PURPOSEAND SCOPE 1.1.1 Purpose EMP is an instrument(or tool) that details a) the measuresto be taken during the implementationand operation of a proposedproject (or a seriesof projects)to eliminateor- offset adverseenvironmental impacts, or to reducethem to acceptableleveIs; and, b) the actionsneeded to implementthe mitigationmeasures. The EMPsare preparedfor the water sectorprojects. 1.1.2 Scope lhe EMPs consistof a set of mitigation,monitoring and institutionalmeasures to be taken during and post-projectimplementation. Environmental monitoring during the project implementationprovides informationabout key environmentalaspects of the project, particularly environmentalimpacts of the project and the effectivenessof mitigation measures.Institutional measures for capacitydevelopment and trainingwill addresstimely and effectiveimplementation of environmentalaspects of projectcomponents and mitigation measures. 1.2 BASIN-WISEEMPS 1.2.1 Groupingof Basins For purposesof developingbasin-wise EMPs, the Rajasthan'sstate's river basinshave been groupedinto nine EMP basins. This groupingconsidered the levei of on-goingand planned projects implementation,as well as the physiographicand hydrologícfeatures of the respectivebasins. The nine EMPBasins (Map Ai) are: Chambal;the Outside;Mahi; Banas; Group 5 (Shekhawatiand Sabi); Group6 (Ruparail,Banganga, Gambhir & Parbati);Luni; Sabarmati;and, Group9 (WestBanas, Sukli and OtherNallahs). The necessaryinstitutional strengtheningand policyreforms to be undertakenare addressedat the state leveI and are discussedin the mainSEA report (Volume 2). 1.2.2 Methodology The basin-wiseEMPs have been developedwith interdisciplinaryinput from professionais experiencedin the areasof environmentaland lrrigatior.Water Managementand Drainage Engineenng,Hydrogeology, EnvironmentalBiology, Plant Ecology,Sorial Development (Anthropology),Agronomy and Soils, and HRDand PublicConsultation. River basin'sagro- imgationsystem and watershedare continuouslyaffected by a wide rangeof naturalfactors SEA:Final Report- Volume3 Aprl 30, 2000 PageA. 1 such as climate, terrain, hydrogeology, domestic, municipal and industrial activities and effluent discharges. This means that the imgation system is a part of broader environmental, water, agnculture, industrial and watershed management issues. lt is an ongoing activity as part of the dynamic process of environmental management to evaluate, select and implement appropriate management options based on their ability to meet environmental standards, costs of implementation and maintenance, appropnate technology, and ease of implementation. The environmental and social issues for different basins are categonzed in accordance to their present extent and possible impact as a result of implementation of RWRCP and planned projects to the year 201S. The EMPs mainiy focused on the primary and secondary environmental issues impacted by the implementation and operation of proposed irrigation development projects. These include the RWRCP and other planned projects. 1.3 CONTENTS OF VOLUME 3 1.3.1 Basin-wise EMPs The EMPs are presented under sections B to L with a sub division into the following four chapters. Chapter 1 - Project Description: incdudesbasin features, water development projects - present and planned, proposed RWRCP and planned projects, including the non-imgation development projects. Chapter 2 - Environmental Baseline Overview: includes an evaluation of current environmental situation focused on typical environmental and social issues. Chapter 3 - Potential Environmental lmpacts of RWRCP Chapter 4 - Environmental mitigation measures to sustain the positive impacts and mitigate the negative impacts. The reader is advised to refer to individual chapters in Volume 2 of this report for sector- wide details in respect of the following: o Environmental Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework (National and Rajasthan Sector): Chapter 2 o Environmental Issues: Chapter 5 o Impact Assessment:Chapter 6 o Analysis of Altemative Water Development Scenanos: Chapter 7 Public Consultation: Chapter 8 WMitgationPlan: Chapter 9 Institutional StrengttaeningPlan: Chapter 10 Environmental Monitoring Program: Chapter 11 * FoIlow-up work: Chapter 12 1.3.2 Section M The basin-wise EMP preparation activities identified the díre need to concentrate on a holistic approach to integrated water resources management, cons.denng the surface and groundwater resources. Management of either one of the resources will impact on the sustainability of the other. A major issue that is common to ali basins is the identifrcation of the present status of groundwater exploitation and management. Within thís context, the reader is advised to refer to the main SEA report ( Volume 2. Annex 4.12). lI contains a SEA. Final Report - Volume 3 Apnl 30. 2000 PageA. 2 discussion on the gaps in methodology for long term estimates of groundwater potential or the safe yield of the groundwateraquifer systems in various river basins. The data base revieweddurng the sectoral EA and the EMP preparation activities essentially reflected the existing concemsand constraintsin evaluating environmental impacts related to groundwater development changes. The existing data do not adequately represent the current status of exploitation and management of the precious resource, considering the cumulative effects of the industrial, domesticand agricultural interventions in respective river basins and local and regional contaminationaspects of aquifer systems. Based on the above rationale, Section M is a complementary discussion to Annex 4.12 (SEA report Volume 2 )on groundwater management. it is intended to be a stand alone section that presentsa summary of the existing groundwaterconditions and the associated impacts for the projected developmentchanges to the year 2015. 1.4 STUDYTEAM The SEA study
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