Research Library Miscellaneous Publications Research Publications 9-1994 Pastoral resources and their management in the north-eastern goldfields, esternW Australia H J. Pringle Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Environmental Monitoring Commons, and the Soil Science Commons Recommended Citation Pringle, H J. (1994), Pastoral resources and their management in the north-eastern goldfields, esternW Australia. Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, Perth. Report 22/94. This report is brought to you for free and open access by the Research Publications at Research Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Miscellaneous Publications by an authorized administrator of Research Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Miscellaneous publication 22/94 ISSN 0725-847X September 1994 PASTORAL RESOURCES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT IN THE NORTH-EASTERN GOLDFIELDS, WESTERN AUSTRALIA;a An interpretation of findings from the rangeland survey of the North-Eastern Goldfields (Pringle, Van Vreeswyk and Gilligan 1994) prepared with support from the Kalgoorlie and North-Eastern Goldfields Land Conservation District Committees H.J.R. Pringle Natural Resources Assessment Group a DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1aCCII WESTERN AUSTRALIA Miscellaneous publication 22/94 ISSN 0725-847X September 1994 PASTORAL RESOURCES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT IN THE NORTH-EASTERN GOLDFIELDS, WESTERN AUSTRALIA An interpretation of findings from the rangeland survey of the North-Eastern Goldfields (Pringle, Van Vreeswyk and Gilligan 1994) prepared with support from the Kalgoorlie and North-Eastern Goldfields Land Conservation District Committees H.J.R. Pringle Natural Resources Assessment Group ~ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE d'cll\ WESTERN AUSTRALIA CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 1.