Declared Rare and Priority Flora List
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DECLARED RARE AND PRIORITY FLORA LIST for Western Australia · KJ Atkins 20 December 1999 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT DECLARED RARE AND PRIORITY FLORA LIST for Western Australia CONSERVATION CODES R: Declared Rare Flora- Extant Taxa Taxa which have been adequately searched for and are deemed to be in the wild either rare, in danger of extinction, or otherwise in need of special protection, and have been gazetted as such. X: Declared Rare Flora - Presumed Extinct Taxa Taxa which have not been collected, or otherwise verified, over the past 50 years despite thorough searching, or of which all known wild populations have been destroyed more recently, and have been gazetted as such. 1: Priority One - Poorly known Taxa Taxa which are known from one or a few (generally <5) populations which are under threat, either due to small population size, or being on lands under immediate threat, e.g. road verges, urban areas, farmland, active mineral leases, etc., or the plants are under threat, e.g. from disease, grazing by feral animals, etc. May include taxa with threatened populations on protected lands. Such taxa are under consideration for declaration as 'rare flora', but are in urgent need of further survey. 2: Priority Two - Poorly Known Taxa Taxa which are known from one or a few (generally <5) populations, at least some of which are not believed to be under immediate threat (i.e. not currently endangered). Such taxa are under consideration for declaration as 'rare flora', but are in urgent need of further survey. 3: Priority Three- Poorly Known Taxa Taxa which are known from several populations, and the taxa are not believed to be under immediate threat (i.e. not currently endangered), either due to the number of known populations (generally >5), or known populations being large, and either widespread or protected. Such taxa are under consideration for declaration as 'rare flora' but are in need of further survey. 4: Priority Four- Rare Taxa Taxa which are considered to have been adequately surveyed and which, whilst being rare (in Australia), are not currently threatened by any identifiable factors. These taxa require monitoring every 5-l 0 years. Note, the need for further survey of poorly known taxa is prioritised into the three categories depending on the perceived urgency for determining the conservation status of those taxa, as indicated by the apparent degree of threat to the taxa based on the current information. 2 * = species which also occur outside Western Australia x = species presumed to be the result of hybridization ms = manuscript names. These names have not been published and must be indicated as being manuscript names whenever used, either by the standard fonnat of the addition of ms after the name, or the inclusion in inverted commas. CALM REGIONS CF Central Forest GLD Goldfields K Kimberley MW Midwest P Pilbara SC South Coast SF Southern Forest SW Swan WB Wheatbelt Recommendations for additions, deletions or changes to the Declared Rare and Priority Flora List should be forwarded to the Administrative Officer Flora or Principal Botanist, Wildlife Branch, CALM. KA:PERM:PRIORITY 2311211999 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT Page 1 DECLARED RARE AND PRIORITY FLORA LIST 20 December 1999 CONS CALM FLOWER SPECIES I TAXON CODE REGION DISTRIBUTION PERIOD Abutilon sp. Cape Range (AS George 2 p Cape Range, Yardie Creek, Learmonth 1312) Abutilon sp. Hamelin (AM Ashby 2196) 2 MW Shark Bay, Hamelin Pool, Yaringa Stn Jui-Sep Abutilon sp. Onslow (F Smith s.n. p Onslow Sep 10.9.1961) Abutilon sp. Quobba (H Demarz 3858} 2 MW,P Quobba, Cape Range, Minilya Jui-Oct Abutilon sp. Warburton (AS George GLD Warburton 8164} Abutilon trudgenii ms 3 p Marillana, Warralong, Woodstock, May-Aug Hamersley Range, Karratha, Pt Sampson, Newman, Pannawonica Acacia acanthoclada subsp. 3 MW,GL Mt Gibson Stn, Three Springs, Jui-Sep glaucescens D Evanston, Paynes Find, Koolanooka Hills, Mt Correll, Mt Jackson Acacia adinophylla 1 GLD Helena and Aurora Range Sep-Dec Acacia aemula subsp. aemula 4 sc Stirling Range, Condingup, South May-Jun Stirling, Esperance, Cape Arid, West Mt Barren, Munglinup Acacia alata var. platyptera 1 MW Mogumber, New Norcia Jun-Aug Acacia alexandri 3 p Cape Range, Exmouth Jun-Sep Acacia ampliata 1 MW Mullewa, Coolcalalaya Acacia amyctica 2 sc Peak Charles NP, Salmon Gums Acacia anarthros 3 SW,MW, East of Wannamal, Hay Flat NR, May-Jun WB Calingiri, Yerecoin, Lake Mears, Pingelly Acacia ancistrophylla var. perarcuata 3 WB Bruce Rock, Carrabin, Mukinbudin, Korbel Acacia anomala R sw Darling Scarp Aug,Sep Acacia aphanoclada p Nullagine Aug-Sep Acacia aphylla R sw Perth - Northam Aug-Sep Acacia aprica R MW Carnamah - Coorow Jun-Aug Acacia arcuatilis 2 WB Camel Peaks, Kulin, Jitarning Jui-Sep Acacia argutifolia 4 sc S of Ravensthorpe Jui-Jan Acacia aristulata R MW Moora, Jingemia Hill Sep-Dec Acacia ascendems 2 WB Chiddarcooping Hill Jui-Oct Acacia asepala 2 SC,WB Frank Hann NP, Marvel Loch, Lake Sep Cronin, Forrestiana Acacia ataxiphylla subsp. ataxiphylla 3 SC,WB Albany, Cranbrook, Jingalup, Kojonup, Dec Chillerup Acacia ataxiphylla subsp. magna R WB Charles Gardner Reserve, Cunderdin Jul Acacia auratiflora R WB Newdegate, Lake Grace A~acia auricoma 3 . GLD,* Anne Range, Mannanana Range Aug-Apr Acacia auripila 2 p Rudall River Acacia awestoniana R sc Stirling Range N.P. Oct-Nov Acacia balsamea 3 GLD,P Mount William Lambert, Paterson Jun Range, Gibson Desert, Clutterbuck Hills, Leinster Downs Acacia benthamii 2 sw Wanneroo, Kings Park Acacia bifaria 3 sc Ravensthorpe, Fitzgerald Aug- Oct, Dec Acacia botrydion 1 WB Wongan Hills Jui-Dec Acacia brachyphylla var. recurvata 3 WB,SC Jerramungup, Nyabing, Kukerin, Pingrup, Highbury 23/12/1999 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT Page2 DECLARED RARE AND PRIORITY FLORA LIST 20 December 1999 CONS CALM FLOWER SPECIES I TAXON CODE REGION DISTRIBUTION PERIOD Acacia brachypoda R sw Brookton, Beverley, Darkin Swamp May Acacia browniana var. glaucescens 2 MW,SW Bindoon, Julimar, Mogumber Acacia caesariata 1 WB Wyalkatchem, Kununoppin, Tammin, Jui-Sep Korrelocking, South Kumminin, Yorkrakine Acacia calcicola 4 GLD Blackstone Rg, Morgan Rg Acacia campylophylla 2 WB,SW York, Northam, Tammin, Jun-Sep Wyalkatchem, Dowerin, Quairading Acacia carens 2 MW Eneabba, Cockleshell Gully, Gairdner Range Acacia carnosula 2 sc Cocklebiddy Jui-Oct Acacia cerastes 1 MW MtGibson Acacia chapmanii subsp. australis 2 MW,SW Bolgart, Wyening Acacia chapmanii subsp. chapmanii 2 MW Three Springs, Marchagee Acacia clydonophora 4 MW,SW Gairdner Range, Cataby, Gingin, May-Oct Wannamal, Mt Lesueur Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. cochlocarpa R MW Watheroo Jun-Jul Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. velutinosa 1 WB Man manning Jun-Aug Acacia concolorans 2 WB Marvel Loch, Parker Range, Karlgarin Jui-Sep Acacia congesta subsp. cliftoniana 1 MW Arrino, Yandanooka Aug-Sep Acacia congesta subsp. wonganensis 2 WB Wongan Hills, Elphin Aug-Sep Acacia cowaniana 2 WB Mt Caroline, Mooranoppin Rock, Apr-:-$ep Jilakin Rock, (Kellerberrin) -·. ~~~ Acacia crenulata 3 WB,GLD Southern Cross, Carrabin, Bullabulling, Sep-Oct Walyahmoning Rock, Chiddarcooping Acacia cummingiana 3 MW,SW Moora, Barberton, Badgingarra, Wannamal, Dandaragan, Watheroo N.P., Boonanaring Acacia cuneifolia 4 WB,SW, Pony Hill, Boyagin Rock, Wandoo CP, Sep-Oct CF Collie Acacia cylindrica 3 WB,GLD Southern Cross, Mt Correll, Kulja, Hunt Range Acacia cyperophylla var. omearana 1 p . Nullagine May Acacia daweana 2 p Hamersley Range, Karijini N.P. Jul Acacia declinata 3 sc Borden, Boxwood Hill, Kalgan Aug-Oct Acacia deflexa 3 WB Toolibin, Bendering, Wickepin Aug Acacia deltoidea subsp. ampla 2 K Bougainville Peninsula, Lawley River Jun Acacia denticulosa R WB Beacon-Mt Churchman Aug-Nov Acacia depressa R WB W of Lake Grace Dec-Jan Acacia desertorum var. nudjpes 1 WB Ghooli, Southern Cross, Yellowdine Acacia diaphana 1 sc Niblick Hill, Clyde Hill, Mt. Buraminya Acacia dictyoneura 2 sc Cape Riche, Pallinup River, Fitzgerald Jui-Nov River Acacia didyma 3 MW Dirk Hartog Island, Tamala Station, May-Oct East Wallabi Island Acacia diminuta 1 sc Scaddan, Truslove, Fitzgerald Oct-Nov Acacia dissona var. indoloria 3 WB,SC Kulja, Bruce Rock, Muntadgin, Frank Aug-Sep Hann N.P., Ballidu Acacia disticha 2 sc Thumb Peak, Middle Mt Barren, Sep-Feb Corackerup Creek Acacia dorsenna 1 sc Norseman, Lake Cowan Aug Acacia drepanophylla 3 MW Overlander, Billabong RIH, Coburn Stn, Hamelin, Yaringa 'i i .,:I I! I 23/1211999 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT Page 3 DECLARED RARE AND PRIORITY FLORA LIST 20 December 1999 CONS CALM FLOWER SPECIES I TAXON CODE REGION DISTRIBUTION PERIOD Acacia drewiana subsp. minor 2 WB Wongan Hills, Newdegate-Lake King Acacia drummondii subsp. affinis 3 MW,SW Bindoon, Muchea, Julimar, Wannamal, Mullewa Acacia drummondii subsp. elegans 4 sc Porongurup Range Aug-Oct Porongurup variant (RJ Cumming 938) Acacia dura 2 WB Piawaning, Wongan Hills; Aug-Oct Elphin,Yerecoin Acacia durabilis 3 sc Ravensthorpe Range, Jerdacuttup Oct-Apr Acacia effusa 2 p Mt Bruce, Hamersley Ra., Karijini N.P., Juna Downs Acacia empelioclada 4 sc Fitzgerald River NP, Cape Riche Acacia epacantha 3 MW Dandaragan, Badgingara, Eneabba, Lesueur Acacia epedunculata 1 GLD Caenyie Rock Acacia eremophila numerous-nerved 3 GLD,SC Norseman, Neale Junction, Great Sep,Jul variant Victoria Desert, Balladonia, Plumridge Lakes Acacia eremophila var. variabilis 3 WB,GLD Ardath, Comet Vale, Zanthus, ,SC Balladonia Acacia errabunda