Elder Law MCLE Meeting Attorney Resource Center January 17, 2018

11:45 AM – Noon Welcome/Introductions Kimberly Myers, Section Chair

Noon – 1:00 PM Program

Drug Use Among Older Adults Colleen Ceh Becvar, Trinity Advocacy Group

Colleen Ceh Becvar is a gerontologist and certified geriatric care manager through the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. Colleen’s 25+ year career of advocating for older adults includes published research on elder abuse and neglect, numerous awards for leadership in the aging network and a meaningful pursuit of improving the lives of older adults and the disabled. Most recently, her career culminated in co- founding Trinity Advocacy Group, which provides geriatric care management, professional fiduciary services and elder mediation. Her experience provides clients and families with the resources and support they need to navigate through the inevitable challenges that can accompany aging, disability or caring for a loved one. Colleen also teaches “Gerontology: Assessment and Intervention” to graduate level social work students at Aurora University.

Recreational drug use can lead to drug issues at any age. What does drug addiction look like for older adults? Why are seniors prime candidates for drug abuse? What can you do to help?

Next Meeting: February 21, 2018

DCBA Events: 1/18 – Happy Hour at Ditka’s in Oak Brook featuring Estate Planning & Probate Section & Senior Lawyer Division

2/3 – Mega Meeting 2018 at Sheraton in Lisle

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DCBA OnDemand CLE is Now Powered by IICLE The Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICLE®) and the DuPage County Bar Association (DCBA) are excited to offer a new IICLE®Share collaboration to provide DCBA members a high quality and reliable online learning experience. Members can find the link to The Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICL) on the DCBA website under “Legal Community”OnDemand CLEOnline CLE Catalog.

February 3, 2018 register online at www.dcba.org, * mail in your registration form and payment, $150 Members | $350 Non-Members or register with the DCBA staff member includes up to 5.5 mcle/prmcle credits, state of the courthouse at the attorney resource center between luncheon, mega expo, and cocktail reception 8:30 and 10:30 AM. *After January 7: $225 Members | $425 non-members 1/16/2018

Presented by: DRUGS & SENIORS Trinity Advocacy Group

SCOPE OF PRESENTATION? Medical Social Prescription Drugs Illicit drugs Poly-pharmacy Recreational use Addiction Addiction Abuse Abuse Access Access

1 1/16/2018

Baby Boomers now join our older adult population: History of illicit drug use, relatively tolerant attitude toward drug use; raises the stakes even higher to better understand & respond to drug use and abuse. WHY DO WE CARE? (NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse)


2 1/16/2018

PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Rx use among Adults 65+ years = 13% population. total population [CATEG ORY All NAME] other s ages [PER… [PERCE NTAGE]

(NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse)

BENEFITS Life! Extension & Quality Immunizations

Chronic Disease Management

Pain Control

Symptom Management

3 1/16/2018


How Many is Too Many? Poly-pharmacy Addiction Abuse Access


Misuse (by patient) Misuse (by practitioner) . Dose level more than prescribed . Prescription for inappropriate . Longer duration than prescribed indication . Use for purposes other than . Prescription for unnecessary high prescribed dose . Use in conjunction with other medications or . Failure to monitor or fully explain appropriate use . Skipping doses/hoarding drug

(Administration on Aging, 2012)

4 1/16/2018


Abuse Addiction

. Use resulting in declining physical or . Use resulting in tolerance or social function withdrawal symptoms . Use in risky situations (hazardous . Unsuccessful attempts to stop or use) control use . Continued use despite adverse . Preoccupation with attaining or social or personal consequences using the drug

(Administration on Aging, 2012)

MISUSE & ABUSE Are NOT medication mismanagement, like: • Forgetting to take medications • Confusion or lack of understanding about proper use.

Medication mismanagement problems can also have serious consequences for older adults, but they have different risk factors and typically require different types of interventions.

(Administration on Aging, 2012)

5 1/16/2018

Medications most commonly involved in older adults’ ED visits involving medication misuse. PAIN RELIEVERS 43.5% ANXIETY & INSOMNIA 31.8% (Administration on Aging, 2012)


Act primarily on the central nervous system: . affect brain function resulting in changes in . mood, cognition, behavior, and consciousness . block the perception of pain . Some produce euphoric effects by acting on the pleasure center of the brain.

(Administration on Aging, 2012)

6 1/16/2018

PSYCHOACTIVE OPIOID ANALGESICS AKA “narcotics” analgesics) AKA sedatives or tranquilizers Used for pain relief Used primarily for anxiety/nervousness and insomnia Examples include: Examples include: Codeine (Xanax®) Oxycodone (OxyContin®, Percocet®, (Valium®) Percodan®) (Ativan®) Hydrocodone (Vicodin®) Morphine

(Administration on Aging, 2012)


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

7 1/16/2018



-Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

8 1/16/2018

ACCORDING TO W.H.O.? The World Health Organization defines illicit drugs as: “…non-medical use of a variety of drugs that are prohibited by international law.” These drugs include:  -type stimulants  Cannabis,  Cocaine,  Heroin and other opioids, and  MDMA (“ecstasy”).

(Degenhardt, Hall, Warner-Smith, & Lynskey)

WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? Estimates are that 17% of older adults are substance abusers As the number of older adults suffering from substance abuse climbs, it remains: underestimated, under-identified, under-diagnosed, and

under-treated. (Source: Beal)

9 1/16/2018

There is a general lack of evidence- based treatment approaches for substance abuse in the elderly. As a result, interventions have only been validated in younger populations WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? (Bogunovic, 2012)

Consequences for older adults remain hidden and do not present the same way as younger populations, which often manifest socially and are very visible: .Job loss .Marital strain or divorce, .financial ruin, .Dependent-child SOCIAL VS MEDICAL neglect MANIFESTATIONS .Homelessness.

10 1/16/2018

In older patients, substance abuse problems are often misdiagnosed. Part of the challenge when working with the older population is to confront one's own biases and beliefs. Another challenge is denial of substance use by the elderly, which can make accurate diagnosis and treatment more difficult.

COMMON MEDICAL CONSEQUENCES Liver damage; immune system impairment; and cardiovascular, GI, and endocrinological problems. Elderly patients often present to the emergency department with severe illness. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal are missed and are easily attributed to a cause other than alcohol abuse. Alcohol withdrawal disorders include tremulous syndrome, hallucinations, seizures, and delirium tremens. Although there is no evidence that the disorders occur at different rates in the elderly, data from animal studies show increased severity of symptoms.

11 1/16/2018

EFFECTS OF ABUSE Alcohol, opioids, and benzodiazepines contribute to cognitive deficits and impairment that range from confusion to delirium to . (Bogunovic, 2012)

Although the exact relationship remains unclear, coexistence of substance abuse & psychiatric illness is well established in several studies,. Estimates suggest between 21% & 66%. 25% elderly patients have comorbid depression. 10% to 15 % of elderly also cognitive disorders and anxiety MENTAL HEALTH & disorders. SUBSTANCE ABUSE (Bogunovic, 2012)

12 1/16/2018

IS IT: AGING OR SUBSTANCE ABUSE? . falls, . irritability, . loss of appetite, . poor sleep patterns as symptoms of the aging process, . rather than as symptoms of a substance abuse problem… .so no one is questioning what’s going on” (Beal)

WHY IS IT HAPPENING? Substance in deadly combinations are being used to dull feelings of:  Isolation,  Boredom, and  Loss of:  family members and friends;  work,  professional, and economic status;  of physical function and mobility. (Beal)

13 1/16/2018

Dramatic increases in illicit drug use in older adults, including nonmedical use of prescription drugs among women aged 60 to 64.


#2 Opiates

14 1/16/2018

These individuals also had the highest proportions of inpatient admissions for cocaine, marijuana, and stimulant abuse (Bogunovic, 2012)

15 1/16/2018


. Solitary or secretive drinking . A ritual of drinking before, with, or after dinner. . A loss of interest in hobbies or pleasurable activities. . Drinking in spite of warning labels on prescription drugs. . Immediate and frequent use of tranquilizers.

 Slurred speech, empty liquor and beer bottles, smell of alcohol on breath, change in personal appearance.  Chronic and unsupported health complaints.  Hostility or depression.  Memory loss and MORE SIGNS OF RISKY confusion. BEHAVIOR

16 1/16/2018


•There are 2.5 million older adults with an alcohol or drug problem. •Six to eleven percent of elderly hospital admissions are a result of alcohol or drug problems — 14 percent of elderly emergency room admissions, and 20 percent of elderly psychiatric hospital admissions. •Widowers over the age of 75 have the highest rate of alcoholism in the U.S. (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc, 2015)


• Older adults are hospitalized as often for alcoholic related problems as for heart attacks. • Nearly 17 million prescriptions for tranquilizers are prescribed for older adults each year. Benzodiazepines, a type of tranquilizing drug, are the most commonly misused and abused prescription medications. • Early 50 percent of nursing home residents have alcohol related problems. (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc, 2015)

17 1/16/2018


Older adult substance abusers can be categorized as early- onset or late-onset abusers. In early-onset abusers, substance abuse develops before age 65. In these individuals, the incidence of psychiatric and physical problems tends to be higher than that in their late-onset counterparts. It is estimated that early-onset substance abusers make up two-thirds of the geriatric alcoholic population. (Bogunovic, 2012)


In late-onset substance abusers, these behaviors are often thought to develop subsequent to stressful life situations that include losses that commonly occur with aging (eg, death of a partner, changes in living situation, retirement, social isolation). These individuals typically experience fewer physical and mental health problems than early-onset abusers. 5 (Bogunovic, 2012)

18 1/16/2018


1. Polypharmacy —using 3 or more prescription medications dramatically increases potential for inadvertent abuse 2. Change in mental function —slowed reaction times, slurred speech, irritability, confused and irrational behavior 3. Decline in physical function/health : Falls, un-explained bruises, uncontrolled diabetes or blood pressure 4. Self-neglect —striking change in hygiene, personal appearance, desire to socialize, housekeeping patterns 5. Denial —strong and angry denial that a problem exists, even when presented with positive proof, such as a filthy house, empty OTC and/or liquor bottles, etc.


19 1/16/2018


In addition to a clinical interview, several screening instruments can be used (eg, the CAGE questionnaire, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test—Geriatric Version [MAST-G]). 12 A comprehensive evaluation should include a thorough physical examination along with laboratory analysis and psychiatric, neurological, and social evaluation. An increased focus on successful identification and subsequent treatment is warranted because research indicates that elderly patients reduce substance use when encouraged by their physician. (Bogunovic, 2012)


National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends: Men aged 65 or older: No more than 1 drink daily

12 oz of beer at 5% alcohol, 5 oz of wine at 12% alcohol, or a 1.5-oz shot of hard liquor at 40% alcohol), a maximum of 2 drinks on any occasion,

and even lower limits for women. (Bogunovic, 2012)

20 1/16/2018

Long-standing substance abuse situations may require substance abuse education programs and hospital- based/ in-patient treatment . Covered by Medicare Out-patient treatment , group or individual therapy, counseling by a physician or social worker, and/or follow-up care may be all it takes to turn around a less severe problem. This is especially true for those who do not have a history of alcohol abuse and for those abusing prescription drugs. To make sure there isn’t a relapse, you must root out the root cause. GET TREATMENT

• Addiction support groups can help older people build a life away from substance abuse, where they can find fellowship and support from other people dealing with the same difficulties. • Therapists can also be beneficial for those who are battling addiction, helping the individual examine the causes of the problem and guiding them toward a solution.


21 1/16/2018

Participation in Alcoholic Anonymous meetings is an important part of treatment. Meetings that have an age-matched cohort provide mutual support, allow for peer bonding, and foster the establishment of peer sobriety networks . (Bogunovic, 2012)


Addiction rehab can be another option for seniors who are dealing with substance use disorders. (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc, 2015) Groups of patients of similar ages are ideal because they increase patient comfort and adherence. (Bogunovic, 2012) SUPPORT IN ALL SIZES

22 1/16/2018


Motivational interviewing has been validated as an effective method to ascertain an individual's willingness to change and to enhance motivation for change. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is also widely used in the treatment of substance abuse. In addition, initial studies of brief therapeutic interventions have shown promise in older adults. (Bogunovic, 2012)

OTHER BARRIERS TO IDENTIFICATION AND TREATMENT Transportation - (may be available to go to a hospital but not to AA or aftercare or evening programs; especially in rural communities or in poor urban communities Shrinking social support network : Fewer friends to support them, participate in the treatment process, or take them places Time : Despite the assumption that older adults have an excess of free time, they may well have to provide 24-hour supervision to a spouse, other relative, or friend, or have to care for grandchildren while the parent works. Lack of expertise : Few programs have specialists in geriatrics, treat many older adults, or are designed to accommodate functional disabilities such as hearing loss or ambulation problems. Financial : The structure of insurance policies can be a barrier to treatment. The carving out of mental health services from physical health services under managed care in particular can prevent older adults from receiving inpatient substance abuse treatment.

23 1/16/2018

Bibliography Administration on Aging. (2012). Older Americans Behavioral Health Issue Brief Number 5: Prescription Medication Misuse & Abuse Among Older Adults. Retrieved from Administration on Aging: Programs: https://aoa.acl.gov/AoA_Programs/HPW/Behavioral/docs2/Issue%20Brief%205%20Prescription %20Med%20Misuse%20Abuse.pdf

Beal, E. (n.d.). The Invisible Epidemic: Senior Substance Abuse. Retrieved from The Benjamen Rose Institute: Successful Aging: http://www.benrose.org/SuccessfulAging/sa_0705.pdf

Bogunovic, O. M. (2012, July 27). Substance Abuse in Aging and Elderly Adults. Retrieved from Psychiatric Times: http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/geriatric-psychiatry/substance-abuse- aging-and-elderly-adults/page/0/1

Degenhardt, L., Hall, W., Warner-Smith, M., & Lynskey, M. (n.d.). Illicit Drug Use. Retrieved from World Health Organization: http://cdrwww.who.int/publications/cra/chapters/volume1/1109- 1176.pdf

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (2015, June 26). ALCOHOL, DRUG DEPENDENCE AND SENIORS. Retrieved from NCADD: https://www.ncadd.org/about- addiction/seniors/alcohol-drug-dependence-and-seniors

NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse. (n.d.). National Institute on Drug Abuse. Retrieved from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/prescription-drugs/trends-in- WorksCited prescription-drug-abuse/older-adults: https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research- reports/prescription-drugs/trends-in-prescription-drug-abuse/older-adults


24 1/16/2018



American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults By the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel

older adults is one strategy to decrease the risk of adverse The 2015 American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Beers Criteria events. Interventions using explicit criteria have been are presented. Like the 2012 AGS Beers Criteria, they found to be an important component of strategies for – include lists of potentially inappropriate medications to be reducing inappropriate medication usage.3 5 avoided in older adults. New to the criteria are lists of The AGS Beers Criteria for PIM Use in Older Adults select drugs that should be avoided or have their dose are one of the most frequently consulted sources about the adjusted based on the individual’s kidney function and safety of prescribing medications for older adults. The select drug–drug interactions documented to be associated AGS Beers Criteria are used widely in geriatric clinical with harms in older adults. The specific aim was to have a care, education, and research and in development of qual- 13-member interdisciplinary panel of experts in geriatric ity indicators. In 2011, the AGS assumed the responsibility care and pharmacotherapy update the 2012 AGS Beers of updating and maintaining the Beers Criteria and, in Criteria using a modified Delphi method to systematically 2012, released the first update of the criteria since 2003. review and grade the evidence and reach a consensus on The AGS has made a commitment to update the criteria each existing and new criterion. The process followed an regularly. The changes in the 2015 update are not as evidence-based approach using Institute of Medicine stan- extensive as those of the previous update, but in addition dards. The 2015 AGS Beers Criteria are applicable to all to updating existing criteria, two major components have older adults with the exclusion of those in palliative and been added: 1) drugs for which dose adjustment is hospice care. Careful application of the criteria by health required based on kidney function and 2) drug–drug inter- professionals, consumers, payors, and health systems actions. Neither of these new additions is intended to be should lead to closer monitoring of drug use in older comprehensive, because such lists would be too extensive. adults. J Am Geriatr Soc 63:2227–2246, 2015. An interdisciplinary expert panel focused on those drugs and drug–drug interactions for which there is evidence in Key words: Beers List; medications; Beers Criteria; older adults that they are at risk of serious harm if the drugs; older adults; polypharmacy dose is not adjusted or the drug interaction is overlooked.

OBJECTIVES The specific aim was to update the 2012 AGS Beers Crite- ria using a comprehensive, systematic review and grading he American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Beers Criteria of the evidence on drug-related problems and adverse drug Tfor Potentially Inappropriate Medication (PIM) Use in events in older adults. The strategies to achieve this aim Older Adults is an explicit list of PIMs best avoided in were to: older adults in general and in those with certain diseases • Incorporate new evidence on currently listed PIMs and or syndromes, prescribed at reduced dosage or with cau- evidence from new medications or conditions not tion or carefully monitored. Beers Criteria PIMs have been addressed in the 2012 update. found to be associated with poor health outcomes, includ- • Incorporate two new areas of evidence on drug–drug 1,2 ing confusion, falls, and mortality. Avoiding PIMs in interactions and dose adjustments based on kidney func- tion for select medications. • Grade the strength and quality of each PIM statement From the Special Projects & Governance, American Geriatrics Society, New York, New York. based on the level of evidence and strength of recom- mendation. Address correspondence to Mary Jordan Samuel, Manager, Special Projects • & Governance, American Geriatrics Society, 40 Fulton Street, 18th Floor, Convene an interdisciplinary panel of 13 experts in geri- New York, NY 10038. E-mail: [email protected] atric care and pharmacotherapy who would apply a DOI: 10.1111/jgs.13702 modified Delphi method to the systematic review and

JAGS 63:2227–2246, 2015 © 2015, Copyright the Authors Journal compilation © 2015, The American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614/15/$15.00 2228 AGS 2015 BEERS CRITERIA UPDATE EXPERT PANEL NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 JAGS

grading to reach consensus on the updated 2015 AGS clinical practice guidelines.6,7 Specifically, the framework Beers Criteria. involved the appointment of a 13-member interdisciplinary • Incorporate needed exceptions in the criteria as the expert panel with relevant clinical expertise and experience panel deemed clinically appropriate. These exceptions and an understanding of how the criteria have been previ- would be designed to make the criteria more individual- ously used. This framework also involved a development ized to clinical practice and be more relevant across set- process that included a systematic literature review and tings of care. evaluation of the evidence base by the expert panel. Finally, the Institute of Medicine’s 2011 report on devel- oping practice guidelines, which included a period for pub- INTENT OF CRITERIA lic comments, guided the framework. These three The primary target audience for the AGS Beers Criteria is framework principles are described in greater detail below. practicing clinicians. The criteria are intended for use in all ambulatory, acute, and institutionalized settings of care for PANEL SELECTION populations aged 65 and older in the United States, with the exception of hospice and palliative care. Consumers, A panel with expertise in geriatric medicine, nursing, phar- researchers, pharmacy benefits managers, regulators, and macy practice, research, and quality measures was con- policymakers also widely use the AGS Beers Criteria. The vened comprising members of the previous panel and new intentions of the criteria are to: improve medication selec- members. Other factors that influenced selection of panel tion; educate clinicians and patients; reduce adverse drug members were the desire to have interdisciplinary represen- events; and serve as a tool for evaluating quality of care, tation, a range of medical expertise, and representation cost, and patterns of drug use of older adults. from different practice settings (e.g., long-term care, ambu- The goal of the 2015 AGS Beers Criteria continues to latory care, geriatric mental health, palliative care and hos- be improving the care of older adults by reducing their pice). In addition to the 13-member panel, representatives exposure to PIMs. This is accomplished by using the criteria from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as an educational tool and quality measure—two uses that National Committee for Quality Assurance, and Pharmacy are not always in agreement. These criteria are not meant to Quality Alliance were invited to serve as ex-officio mem- be applied in a punitive manner. Prescribing decisions are bers. not always clear-cut, and clinicians must consider multiple Each expert panel member completed a disclosure factors, including discontinuation of medications no longer form at the beginning of the guideline process that was indicated. Quality measures must be clearly defined, easily shared with the entire panel at the start of each panel applied, and measured with limited information and thus, meeting and call. Panel members who disclosed affiliations although useful, cannot perfectly distinguish appropriate or financial interests with commercial entities are listed in from inappropriate care. The panel considered and vigor- the disclosures section of this article. Panel members were ously discussed both roles during deliberations. The panel’s asked to recuse themselves from discussions if they had a review of evidence at times identified subgroups of individu- potential conflict of interest. als who should be exempt from a given criterion or to whom a specific criterion should apply. Such a criterion LITERATURE SEARCH may not be easily applied as a quality measure, particularly when such subgroups cannot be easily identified through The literature from August 1, 2011 (the end of the previ- structured and readily accessible electronic health data. In ous panel’s search) to July 1, 2014, was searched to iden- these cases, the panel felt that a criterion should not be tify published systematic reviews, meta-analyses, expanded to include all adults aged 65 and older when only randomized controlled trials, and observational studies certain subgroups have an adverse balance of benefits versus that were relevant to the project. The initial literature harms for the medication or conversely may be appropriate search was conducted on PubMed and the Cochrane candidates for a medication that is otherwise problematic. Library. The drugs, drug classes, and conditions included Despite past and current efforts to translate the crite- in the 2012 criteria were used as initial search terms and ria into practice, some controversy and myths about their were generally focused on “adverse drug events” and “ad- use in practice and policy continue to prevail. The panel verse drug reactions.” Individual drugs, drug classes, and addressed these concerns and myths by writing a compan- conditions were searched individually and in combination. ion piece to the updated criteria to address the best way Search filters included human subjects, English language, for patients, providers, and health systems to use (and not and aged 65 and older. Case reports, case series, editorials, use) the 2015 AGS Beers Criteria. Alternative suggestions and letters were excluded. Clinical reviews were included to medications included in the current Use of High-Risk for initial screening as potential background information Medications in the Elderly and Potentially Harmful Drug- and for reference list review. The initial searches identified Disease Interactions in the Elderly quality measures are 20,748 citations, of which 6,719 were selected for prelimi- presented in another companion paper. Both papers will nary abstract review. The panel co-chairs reviewed 3,387 be published online in this journal. citations and abstracts, of which 2,199 were excluded for not meeting the study purpose or not containing primary data. At the time of the panel’s face-to-face meeting, the METHODS co-chairs had selected 1,188 unduplicated citations for the For this new update, the AGS employed a well-tested full panel review. Subsequent searches (defined by panel framework that has long been used for development of workgroups) were conducted until December 15, 2014; JAGS NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 2015 AGS UPDATED BEERS CRITERIA 2229 some of these searches included studies published in the Each panelist independently rated the quality of evi- prior 10 years. The AGS also gave its members and mem- dence and strength of recommendation for each criterion bers of the public a chance to submit evidence they felt the using the American College of Physicians’ Guideline Grad- panel should consider. Any evidence submitted had to be ing System11 (Table 1), which is based on the GRADE evidence based and published in a peer-reviewed journal. scheme developed previously. AGS staff compiled the pan- Panel members reviewed abstracts, and evidence tables elist ratings for each group and returned them to that were developed for 342 studies, including 60 systematic group, which then reached consensus in a conference call. reviews and meta-analyses, 49 randomized controlled tri- Additional literature was obtained and included as needed. als, and 233 observational and other types of publications. When group consensus could not be reached, the full panel reviewed the ratings and worked through any differences until consensus was reached. The panel judged each crite- DEVELOPMENT PROCESS rion as being a strong or weak recommendation on the Since the previous update, the AGS had created a group basis of the quality of supporting evidence, the frequency to monitor the literature and to advise the 2015 expert and severity of harms, and the availability of better treat- panel of any articles relevant to the 2012 criteria and ment alternatives. For some criteria, the panel provided a respond accordingly. Two members of the expert panel “strong” recommendation, even though the quality of evi- (MS, SL) led this group, which was composed of mem- dence was low or moderate, when the potential for harm bers of the AGS Clinical Practice Committee and other was substantial and safer or more-effective alternatives expert members of AGS. The 2015 expert panel convened were available. for a 2-day in-person meeting on July 28–29, 2014, to After consensus was reached within the expert panel, review the groups’ findings and the results of the litera- the updated guidelines were circulated for peer review to ture search. Panel discussions were used to define terms relevant organizations and societies and posted to the AGS and to address questions of consistency, inclusion of infre- website for public comment. Organizations that partici- quently used drugs, strategies for evaluating the evidence, pated in peer review are listed in the Acknowledgments consolidation or expansion of individual criterion, and section of this article. The panel reviewed and addressed development of renal dosage and drug–drug interaction all comments. tables. The panel then split into four groups, with each assigned a specific set of criteria for evaluation. Groups were assigned as closely as possible according to specific area of clinical expertise (e.g., cardiovascular, central ner- Table 1. Designations of Quality of Evidence and vous system). Groups reviewed the literature search, Strength of Recommendations selected citations relevant to their assigned criteria, and determined which citations they wanted to see the full- Quality of Evidence text article for and which should be abstracted into an High Evidence includes consistent results from well- designed, well-conducted studies in representative evidence table. The groups then presented their findings populations that directly assess effects on health to the full panel for comment and consensus. After the outcomes (≥2 consistent, higher-quality randomized meeting, each group participated in a series of conference controlled trials or multiple, consistent observational calls to continue the literature selection process and studies with no significant methodological flaws resolve any questions. showing large effects) An independent researcher led the effort to prepare Moderate Evidence is sufficient to determine risks of adverse evidence tables and relied on the assistance of one other outcomes, but the number, quality, size, or consistency researcher for the initial drafts of evidence tables. The evi- of included studies; generalizability to routine practice; or indirect nature of the evidence on health outcomes dence tables included a summary of the study, as well as a (≥1 higher-quality trial with >100 participants; ≥2 quality rating and rating of the risk of bias for selected higher-quality trials with some inconsistency; ≥2 articles. The quality rating system was based on the consistent, lower-quality trials; or multiple, consistent Cochrane Risk of Bias8 and Jadad scoring system.9 The observational studies with no significant ratings were based on six critical elements: evidence of bal- methodological flaws showing at least moderate anced allocation, allocation concealment, blinded outcome effects) limits the strength of the evidence assessment, completeness of outcome data, selective out- Low Evidence is insufficient to assess harms or risks in come reporting, and other sources of bias. Following the health outcomes because of limited number or power of studies, large and unexplained inconsistency Cochrane approach, each article was assigned a quality – between higher-quality studies, important flaws in score (1 6 points) and a risk-of-bias rating. Low risk of study design or conduct, gaps in the chain of evidence, bias was indicated by a low risk of bias in all six domains, or lack of information on important health outcomes unclear risk of bias was indicated by an unclear rating on Strength of Recommendation one or more domains (others low) or a high risk of bias Strong Benefits clearly outweigh harms, adverse events, and on one domain (others low or unclear), and high risk of risks, or harms, adverse events, and risks clearly bias was indicated by a high risk of bias on two or more outweigh benefits domains. The independent researcher reviewed all evidence Weak Benefits may not outweigh harms, adverse events, and risks tables and proposed quality and risk-of-bias ratings before Insufficient Evidence inadequate to determine net harms, adverse they were distributed to the expert panel to use for the events, and risks Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development, 10 and Evaluation (GRADE) rating process. Adapted from11. 2230 AGS 2015 BEERS CRITERIA UPDATE EXPERT PANEL NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 JAGS

RESULTS Noteworthy Changes to Drug–Disease and Drug– Syndrome PIMS The panel’s recommendations are presented in Tables 2– 7. References, as evidence tables, supporting the recom- The , receptor agonist mendations appear in the online appendix posted on the hypnotics have been added to the list of drugs to avoid in AGS website (www.americangeriatrics.org). Consistent individuals with dementia or cognitive impairment. Opi- with the 2012 AGS Beers Criteria, Tables 2–4 list PIMS oids have been added to the list of central nervous system for older adults outside the palliative care and hospice (CNS) medications that should be avoided in individuals setting, including medications to avoid for many or most with a history of falls or fractures. Antipsychotics are to older adults (Table 2); medications for older adults with be avoided as first-line treatment of delirium because of specific diseases or syndromes to avoid (Table 3); and conflicting evidence on their effectiveness and the potential medications to be used with caution (Table 4). New to for adverse drug effects (Table 3). the AGS Beers Criteria are potentially clinically impor- tant non-anti-infective drug–drug interactions (Table 5) Drugs to Be Used with Caution and non-anti-infective medications to avoid or the dosage of which should be adjusted based on the indi- Table 4, medications to be used with caution in older vidual’s kidney function (Table 6). Tables 8-10 document adults, has not been changed. The panel determined that the differences between the 2012 and 2015 AGS Beers the medications listed in this table did not rise to the level Criteria. of meriting inclusion in Tables 2 and 3 and should not be considered key elements of the criteria. Nevertheless, the panel believed that there was sufficient uncertainty or con- Noteworthy Changes to PIMs and Older Adults cern about the balance of benefits and harms for the listed Based on two retrospective studies, the recommendation to medications that clinicians should be aware of potential avoid the anti-infective nitrofurantoin in individuals with a problems and exercise caution when considering their use. creatinine clearance of less than 60 mL/min has been revised, given evidence that it can be used with relative Drug–Drug Interactions safety and efficacy in individuals with a creatinine clear- ance of 30 mL/min or greater. The long-term use of nitro- New to the AGS Beers Criteria are drug–drug interactions furantoin for suppression should still be avoided because (excluding anti-infectives) that are highly associated with of concerns of irreversible pulmonary fibrosis, liver toxic- harmful outcomes in older adults.12 The list is selective, ity, and peripheral neuropathy (Table 2). and not comprehensive, and is not intended to diminish The recommendation to avoid antiarrhythmic drugs the clinical importance of known drug–drug interactions (Classes 1a, 1c, III) as first-line treatment for atrial fibrilla- not listed. Examples of drug–drug interactions included in tion has been removed in light of new evidence and guide- this new section include peripheral alpha-1 blockers used lines that suggest that rhythm control can have outcomes in combination with loop diuretics, which increases the as good as or better than those with rate control. Never- risk of urinary incontinence in women, and taking three or theless, certain antiarrhythmics remain in the criteria. more CNS-active drugs concomitantly, which increases the Amiodarone is still to be avoided as first-line therapy for risk of falls. Other interactions manifest as extensions of atrial fibrillation unless the individual has heart failure or both drugs’ known pharmacological effects (e.g., angioten- substantial left ventricular hypertrophy. Dronedarone is to sin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and potassium- be avoided in individuals with permanent atrial fibrillation sparing diuretics without indications for use in systolic or with severe or recently decompensated heart failure. heart failure (amiloride and triamterene), which together Disopyramide, a Class 1a antiarrhythmic drug, should also increase risk of hyperkalemia). Other interactions increase be avoided because it is highly anticholinergic. Digoxin the risk of a drug’s toxicity (e.g., lithium in combination should be avoided as first-line therapy for atrial fibrillation with an ACEI or loop diuretics) (Table 5). or heart failure and should not be prescribed in daily doses greater than 0.125 mg for any indication. PIMs Based on Kidney Function The nonbenzodiazepine, benzodiazepine receptor ago- nist hypnotics (, , ) are to be Also new for 2015 are drugs that should be avoided or for avoided without consideration of duration of use because which the dose should be adjusted in individuals with a of their association with harms balanced with their mini- specific degree of kidney impairment to avoid harm. This mal efficacy in treating insomnia. The recommendation to list was adapted from published consensus guidelines that avoid sliding-scale insulin is retained, and further clarifica- an expert group including two AGS Beers Criteria pan- tion of what constitutes a sliding-scale regimen is pro- elists developed.13 The AGS Beers panel reviewed the evi- vided. An addition to Table 2 is the avoidance of the use dence and selected medications from these earlier of proton-pump inhibitors beyond 8 weeks without justifi- consensus guidelines for inclusion; added additional medi- cation. Multiple studies and five systematic reviews and cations, including several anticoagulants; and included meta-analyses support an association between proton- spironolactone and triamterene, which in the 2012 criteria pump inhibitor exposure and Clostridium difficile infec- had been listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The crea- tion, bone loss, and fractures. Desmopressin for the treat- tinine clearance thresholds below which use of apixaban, ment of nocturia or nocturnal polyuria is another addition edoxaban, and rivaroxaban are to be avoided are based on because of the high risk of hyponatremia. clinical trial exclusion criteria and may not be the same as ASNVME 05VL 3 O 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER JAGS Table 2. 2015 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults

Organ System, Therapeutic Quality of Strength of Category, Drugs Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Anticholinergics First-generation Highly anticholinergic; clearance reduced with Avoid Moderate Strong Brompheniramine advanced age, and tolerance develops when Carbinoxamine used as hypnotic; risk of confusion, dry mouth, Chlorpheniramine constipation, and other anticholinergic effects or Clemastine toxicity Use of diphenhydramine in situations such as Dexbrompheniramine acute treatment of severe allergic reaction may Dexchlorpheniramine be appropriate Dimenhydrinate Diphenhydramine (oral) Doxylamine Meclizine Triprolidine Antiparkinsonian agents Not recommended for prevention of Avoid Moderate Strong Benztropine (oral) extrapyramidal symptoms with antipsychotics; Trihexyphenidyl more-effective agents available for treatment of Parkinson disease Antispasmodics Highly anticholinergic, uncertain effectiveness Avoid Moderate Strong Atropine (excludes ophthalmic) Belladonna Clidinium- Dicyclomine Hyoscyamine Propantheline Scopolamine Antithrombotics CRITERIA BEERS UPDATED AGS 2015 Dipyridamole, oral short-acting May cause ; more Avoid Moderate Strong (does not apply to the extended- effective alternatives available; intravenous form release combination with aspirin) acceptable for use in cardiac stress testing Ticlopidine Safer, effective alternatives available Avoid Moderate Strong Anti-infective Nitrofurantoin Potential for pulmonary toxicity, hepatoxicity, Avoid in individuals with creatinine Low Strong and peripheral neuropathy, especially with long- clearance <30 mL/min or for long-term term use; safer alternatives available suppression of bacteria Cardiovascular Peripheral alpha-1 blockers High risk of orthostatic hypotension; not Avoid use as an antihypertensive Moderate Strong recommended as routine treatment for hypertension; alternative agents have superior risk–benefit profile

(Continued) 2231 2232

Table 2 (Contd.) G 05BESCIEI PAEEPR PANEL EXPERT UPDATE CRITERIA BEERS 2015 AGS Organ System, Therapeutic Quality of Strength of Category, Drugs Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Central alpha blockers High risk of adverse CNS effects; may cause Avoid as first-line Low Strong Clonidine bradycardia and orthostatic hypotension; not antihypertensive recommended as routine treatment for Avoid others as listed hypertension Reserpine (>0.1 mg/d) Disopyramide Disopyramide is a potent negative inotrope and Avoid Low Strong therefore may induce heart failure in older adults; strongly anticholinergic; other antiarrhythmic drugs preferred Dronedarone Worse outcomes have been reported in patients Avoid in individuals with permanent atrial High Strong taking dronedarone who have permanent atrial fibrillation or severe or recently fibrillation or severe or recently decompensated decompensated heart failure heart failure Digoxin Use in atrial fibrillation: should not be used as a Avoid as first-line therapy for atrial Atrial fibrillation: moderate Atrial fibrillation: strong first-line agent in atrial fibrillation, because fibrillation more-effective alternatives exist and it may be associated with increased mortality Use in heart failure: questionable effects on risk Avoid as first-line therapy for heart failure Heart failure: low Heart failure: strong of hospitalization and may be associated with increased mortality in older adults with heart failure; in heart failure, higher dosages not associated with additional benefit and may increase risk of toxicity Decreased renal clearance of digoxin may lead If used for atrial fibrillation or heart Dosage >0.125 mg/d: moderate Dosage >0.125 mg/d: to increased risk of toxic effects; further dose failure, avoid dosages >0.125 mg/d strong reduction may be necessary in patients with

Stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease JAGS 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER Nifedipine, immediate Potential for hypotension; risk of precipitating Avoid High Strong release myocardial ischemia Amiodarone Amiodarone is effective for maintaining sinus Avoid amiodarone as first-line therapy for High Strong rhythm but has greater toxicities than other atrial fibrillation unless patient has heart antiarrhythmics used in atrial fibrillation; it may failure or substantial left ventricular be reasonable first-line therapy in patients with hypertrophy concomitant heart failure or substantial left ventricular hypertrophy if rhythm control is preferred over rate control Central nervous system

(Continued) ASNVME 05VL 3 O 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER JAGS

Table 2 (Contd.)

Organ System, Therapeutic Quality of Strength of Category, Drugs Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Antidepressants, alone or in Highly anticholinergic, sedating, and cause Avoid High Strong combination orthostatic hypotension; safety profile of low- dose (≤6 mg/d) comparable with that of placebo Desipramine Doxepin >6 mg/d Paroxetine Protriptyline Antipsychotics, first- (conventional) Increased risk of cerebrovascular accident Avoid, except for schizophrenia, bipolar Moderate Strong and second- (atypical) generation () and greater rate of cognitive decline disorder, or short-term use as antiemetic and mortality in persons with dementia during chemotherapy Avoid antipsychotics for behavioral problems of dementia or delirium unless nonpharmacological options (e.g., behavioral interventions) have failed or are not possible and the older adult is threatening substantial harm to self or others High rate of physical dependence, tolerance to Avoid High Strong sleep benefits, greater risk of overdose at low dosages Mephobarbital

Pentobarbital CRITERIA BEERS UPDATED AGS 2015 Benzodiazepines Older adults have increased sensitivity to Avoid Moderate Strong Short- and intermediate- acting benzodiazepines and decreased metabolism of Alprazolam long-acting agents; in general, all benzodiazepines increase risk of cognitive Lorazepam impairment, delirium, falls, fractures, and motor vehicle crashes in older adults

(Continued) 2233 Table 2 (Contd.) 2234

Organ System, Therapeutic Quality of Strength of PANEL EXPERT UPDATE CRITERIA BEERS 2015 AGS Category, Drugs Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Long-acting May be appropriate for seizure disorders, rapid eye movement sleep disorders, benzodiazepine Chlordiazepoxide (alone or in withdrawal, ethanol withdrawal, severe combination with amitriptyline or generalized anxiety disorder, and periprocedural clidinium) anesthesia Diazepam High rate of physical dependence; very sedating Avoid Moderate Strong Nonbenzodiazepine, benzodiazepine Benzodiazepine-receptor agonists have adverse Avoid Moderate Strong receptor agonist hypnotics events similar to those of benzodiazepines in Eszopiclone older adults (e.g., delirium, falls, fractures); Zolpidem increased emergency department visits and Zaleplon hospitalizations; motor vehicle crashes; minimal improvement in sleep latency and duration Ergoloid mesylates Lack of efficacy Avoid High Strong (dehydrogenated alkaloids) Endocrine Androgens Potential for cardiac problems; contraindicated Avoid unless indicated for confirmed Moderate Weak Methyltestosterone in men with prostate cancer hypogonadism with clinical symptoms Desiccated thyroid Concerns about cardiac effects; safer Avoid Low Strong alternatives available Estrogens with or without Evidence of carcinogenic potential (breast and Avoid oral and topical patch Oral and patch: high Oral and patch: strong progestins endometrium); lack of cardioprotective effect Vaginal cream or tablets: acceptable to Vaginal cream or tablets: Topical vaginal cream or and cognitive protection in older women use low-dose intravaginal estrogen for moderate tablets: weak

Evidence indicates that vaginal estrogens for the management of dyspareunia, lower JAGS 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER treatment of vaginal dryness are safe and urinary tract infections, and other vaginal effective; women with a history of breast cancer symptoms who do not respond to nonhormonal therapies are advised to discuss the risk and benefits of low-dose vaginal estrogen (dosages of estradiol <25 lg twice weekly) with their healthcare provider Growth hormone Impact on body composition is small and Avoid, except as hormone replacement High Strong associated with edema, arthralgia, carpal tunnel after pituitary gland removal syndrome, gynecomastia, impaired fasting glucose

(Continued) ASNVME 05VL 3 O 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER JAGS

Table 2 (Contd.)

Organ System, Therapeutic Quality of Strength of Category, Drugs Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Insulin, sliding scale Higher risk of hypoglycemia without Avoid Moderate Strong improvement in hyperglycemia management regardless of care setting; refers to sole use of short- or rapid-acting insulins to manage or avoid hyperglycemia in absence of basal or long-acting insulin; does not apply to titration of basal insulin or use of additional short- or rapid- acting insulin in conjunction with scheduled insulin (i.e., correction insulin) Megestrol Minimal effect on weight; increases risk of Avoid Moderate Strong thrombotic events and possibly death in older adults Sulfonylureas, long-duration Chlorpropamide: prolonged half-life in older Avoid High Strong Chlorpropamide adults; can cause prolonged hypoglycemia; causes syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Glyburide Glyburide: higher risk of severe prolonged hypoglycemia in older adults Gastrointestinal Can cause extrapyramidal effects, including Avoid, unless for gastroparesis Moderate Strong tardive dyskinesia; risk may be greater in frail older adults Mineral oil, given orally Potential for aspiration and adverse effects; Avoid Moderate Strong safer alternatives available Proton-pump inhibitors Risk of Clostridium difficile infection and bone Avoid scheduled use for >8 weeks unless High Strong loss and fractures for high-risk patients (e.g., oral

corticosteroids or chronic NSAID use), CRITERIA BEERS UPDATED AGS 2015 erosive esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagitis, pathological hypersecretory condition, or demonstrated need for maintenance treatment (e.g., due to failure of drug discontinuation trial or H2 blockers) Pain medications Meperidine Not effective oral analgesic in dosages Avoid, especially in individuals with Moderate Strong commonly used; may have higher risk of chronic kidney disease neurotoxicity, including delirium, than other opioids; safer alternatives available

(Continued) 2235 2236 Table 2 (Contd.)

Organ System, PANEL EXPERT UPDATE CRITERIA BEERS 2015 AGS Therapeutic Quality of Strength of Category, Drugs Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Non-cyclooxygenase-selective Increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding or Avoid chronic use, unless other Moderate Strong NSAIDs, oral: peptic ulcer disease in high-risk groups, alternatives are not effective and patient Aspirin >325 mg/d Diclofenac including those aged >75 or taking oral or can take gastroprotective agent (proton- Diflunisal parenteral corticosteroids, anticoagulants, or pump inhibitor or misoprostol) Etodolac antiplatelet agents; use of proton-pump inhibitor Fenoprofen or misoprostol reduces but does not eliminate risk. Upper gastrointestinal ulcers, gross Ketoprofen bleeding, or perforation caused by NSAIDs Meclofenamate occur in approximately 1% of patients treated for 3–6 months and in ~2–4% of patients Meloxicam treated for 1 year; these trends continue with Nabumetone longer duration of use Oxaprozin Piroxicam Sulindac Tolmetin Indomethacin Indomethacin is more likely than other NSAIDs Avoid Moderate Strong to have adverse CNS effects. Of all the NSAIDs, indomethacin has the most adverse effects. Ketorolac, includes parenteral Increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulcer disease, and acute kidney injury in older adults Pentazocine Opioid analgesic that causes CNS adverse Avoid Low Strong effects, including confusion and hallucinations, more commonly than other opioid analgesic drugs; is also a mixed agonist and antagonist; safer alternatives available Skeletal muscle relaxants Most muscle relaxants poorly tolerated by older Avoid Moderate Strong JAGS 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER adults because some have anticholinergic Chlorzoxazone adverse effects, sedation, increased risk of Cyclobenzaprine fractures; effectiveness at dosages tolerated by Metaxalone older adults questionable Methocarbamol Orphenadrine Genitourinary Desmopressin High risk of hyponatremia; safer alternative Avoid for treatment of nocturia or Moderate Strong treatments nocturnal polyuria

The primary target audience is practicing clinicians. The intentions of the criteria are to improve the selection of prescription drugs by clinicians and patients; evaluate patterns of drug use within populations; educate clinicians and patients on proper drug usage; and evaluate health-outcome, quality-of-care, cost, and utilization data. CNS = central nervous system; NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. ASNVME 05VL 3 O 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER JAGS Table 3. 2015 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults Due to Drug–Disease or Drug–Syn- drome Interactions That May Exacerbate the Disease or Syndrome

Strength of Disease or Syndrome Drug(s) Rationale Recommendation Quality of Evidence Recommendation

Cardiovascular Heart failure NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors Potential to promote fluid Avoid NSAIDs: moderate Strong Nondihydropyridine CCBs (diltiazem, verapamil) retention and exacerbate heart —avoid only for heart failure with reduced failure CCBs: moderate ejection fraction Thiazolidinediones (pioglitazone, rosiglitazone) Thiazolidinediones: high Cilostazol Dronedarone (severe or recently decompensated Cilostazol: low heart failure) Dronedarone: high

Syncope AChEIs Increases risk of orthostatic Avoid Peripheral alpha-1 AChEIs, TCAs: strong Peripheral alpha-1 blockers hypotension or bradycardia Doxazosin blockers: high Peripheral alpha-1 Prazosin Terazosin TCAs, AChEIs, blockers, antipsychotics: Tertiary TCAs antipsychotics: weak moderate Central nervous system Chronic seizures or Lowers seizure threshold; may be Avoid Low Strong epilepsy Chlorpromazine acceptable in individuals with well- controlled seizures in whom alternative agents have not been Olanzapine effective Thioridazine Thiothixene CRITERIA BEERS UPDATED AGS 2015 Delirium Anticholinergics (see Table 7 for full list) Avoid in older adults with or at Avoid Moderate Strong Antipsychotics high risk of delirium because of Benzodiazepines the potential of inducing or Chlorpromazine worsening delirium Corticosteroidsa Avoid antipsychotics for behavioral H2-receptor antagonists problems of dementia or delirium Cimetidine unless nonpharmacological options Famotidine (e.g., behavioral interventions) Nizatidine have failed or are not possible and Ranitidine the older adult is threatening Meperidine substantial harm to self or others Sedative hypnotics Antipsychotics are associated with greater risk of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and mortality in persons with dementia 2237

(Continued) Table 3 (Contd.) 2238

Strength of Disease or Syndrome Drug(s) Rationale Recommendation Quality of Evidence Recommendation PANEL EXPERT UPDATE CRITERIA BEERS 2015 AGS

Dementia or cognitive Anticholinergics (see Table 7 for full list) Avoid because of adverse CNS Avoid Moderate Strong impairment Benzodiazepines effects H2-receptor antagonists Nonbenzodiazepine, benzodiazepine receptor Avoid antipsychotics for behavioral agonist hypnotics problems of dementia or delirium Eszopiclone unless nonpharmacological Zolpidem options (e.g., behavioral Zaleplon interventions) have failed or are Antipsychotics, chronic and as-needed use not possible and the older adult is threatening substantial harm to self or others. Antipsychotics are associated with greater risk of cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and mortality in persons with dementia History of falls or Anticonvulsants May cause ataxia, impaired Avoid unless safer High Strong fractures Antipsychotics psychomotor function, syncope, alternatives are not Benzodiazepines additional falls; shorter-acting available; avoid Opioids: moderate Opioids: strong Nonbenzodiazepine, benzodiazepine receptor benzodiazepines are not safer anticonvulsants except for agonist hypnotics than long-acting ones seizure and mood disorders Eszopiclone Zaleplon If one of the drugs must be used, Opioids: avoid, excludes Zolpidem consider reducing use of other pain management due to TCAs CNS-active medications that recent fractures or joint SSRIs increase risk of falls and fractures replacement Opioids (i.e., anticonvulsants, opioid- receptor agonists, antipsychotics, , benzodiazepine- receptor agonists, other sedatives

and hypnotics) and implement JAGS 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER other strategies to reduce fall risk Insomnia Oral decongestants CNS stimulant effects Avoid Moderate Strong Stimulants Amphetamine Armodafinil Methylphenidate Modafinil Theobromines Theophylline Caffeine

(Continued) ASNVME 05VL 3 O 11 NO. 63, 2015–VOL. NOVEMBER JAGS

Table 3 (Contd.)

Strength of Disease or Syndrome Drug(s) Rationale Recommendation Quality of Evidence Recommendation

Parkinson disease All antipsychotics (except , -receptor antagonists Avoid Moderate Strong , clozapine) with potential to worsen Antiemetics parkinsonian symptoms Metoclopramide Quetiapine, aripiprazole, clozapine appear to be less likely to Promethazine precipitate worsening of Parkinson disease Gastrointestinal History of gastric or Aspirin (>325 mg/d) May exacerbate existing ulcers or Avoid unless other Moderate Strong duodenal ulcers Non-COX-2 selective NSAIDs cause new or additional ulcers alternatives are not effective and patient can take gastroprotective agent (i.e., proton-pump inhibitor or misoprostol) Kidney and urinary tract Chronic kidney disease NSAIDs (non-COX and COX-selective, oral and May increase risk of acute kidney Avoid Moderate Strong Stages IV or less parenteral) injury and further decline of renal (creatinine clearance function <30 mL/min) Urinary incontinence Estrogen oral and transdermal (excludes Aggravation of incontinence Avoid in women Estrogen: high Estrogen: strong (all types) in women intravaginal estrogen) Peripheral alpha-1 blockers Peripheral alpha-1 Peripheral alpha-1 Doxazosin Prazosin blockers: moderate blockers: strong

Terazosin CRITERIA BEERS UPDATED AGS 2015 Lower urinary tract Strongly anticholinergic drugs, except May decrease urinary flow and Avoid in men Moderate Strong symptoms, benign antimuscarinics for urinary incontinence (see cause urinary retention prostatic hyperplasia Table 7 for complete list)

The primary target audience is the practicing clinician. The intentions of the criteria are to improve selection of prescription drugs by clinicians and patients; evaluate patterns of drug use within populations; educate clinicians and patients on proper drug usage; and evaluate health-outcome, quality-of-care, cost, and utilization data. a Excludes inhaled and topical forms. Oral and parenteral corticosteroids may be required for conditions such as exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but should be prescribed in the lowest effective dose and for the shortest possible duration. CCB = calcium channel blocker; AChEI = acetylcholinesterase inhibitor; CNS = central nervous system; COX = cyclooxygenase; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; SSRIs = selective reup- take inhibitors; TCA = tricyclic . 2239 2240 AGS 2015 BEERS CRITERIA UPDATE EXPERT PANEL NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 JAGS

Table 4. 2015 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medications to Be Used with Caution in Older Adults

Quality of Strength of Drug(s) Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Aspirin for primary prevention of Lack of evidence of benefit versus Use with caution in adults aged Low Strong cardiac events risk in adults aged ≥80 ≥80 Dabigatran Increased risk of gastrointestinal Use with caution in in adults aged Moderate Strong bleeding compared with warfarin ≥75 and in patients with CrCl and reported rates with other <30 mL/min target-specific oral anticoagulants in adults aged ≥75; lack of evidence of efficacy and safety in individuals with CrCl <30 mL/min Prasugrel Increased risk of bleeding in older Use with caution in adults aged Moderate Weak adults; benefit in highest-risk older ≥75 adults (e.g., those with prior myocardial infarction or diabetes mellitus) may offset risk Antipsychotics May exacerbate or cause Use with caution Moderate Strong Diuretics syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion or Carboplatin hyponatremia; monitor sodium Cyclophosphamide level closely when starting or Cisplatin changing dosages in older adults Oxcarbazepine SNRIs SSRIs TCAs Vincristine Vasodilators May exacerbate episodes of Use with caution Moderate Weak syncope in individuals with history of syncope

The primary target audience is the practicing clinician. The intentions of the criteria are to improve selection of prescription drugs by clinicians and patients; evaluate patterns of drug use within populations; educate clinicians and patients on proper drug usage; and evaluate health-outcome, quality-of- care, cost, and utilization data. CrCl = creatinine clearance; SNRIs = serotonin- reuptake inhibitors; SSRIs = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; TCAs = tricyclic anti- depressants. those in their labeling. As with the drug–drug interaction to avoid in older adults and the fourth update of the crite- – table, this list is not meant to be comprehensive but to ria since their original release.18 21 The criteria were first highlight potentially important but sometimes overlooked published in 1991, making them the longest-running crite- dose adjustments that are of particular concern for older ria for PIMs in older adults. The process improves with adults. Anti-infective drugs were not included because the each update. The literature search has become more tar- focus of the AGS Beers Criteria is on medications often geted and refined, identifying new and important support- employed for chronic use and because such information is ing evidence. The evidence review and grading available from multiple other sources (Table 6). methodology has been adjusted according to best practices and evolving approaches recommended by expert organi- zations. As in 2012, this resulted in some changes to the Drugs with Strong Anticholinergic Properties criteria in 2015, including drugs that were modified or Numerous scales are available to rank anticholinergic activ- dropped and a few new additions. The 2015 update intro- ity. The panel used a composite of several scales to draft duced two new areas to improve drug safety in older Table 7, which provides an updated list of drugs with adults: 1) drugs for which dose adjustment is required – strong anticholinergic properties.14 17 Investigators who based on kidney impairment and 2) drug–drug interac- developed the scales that the panel used in 2012 were asked tions. Rather than create numerous individual caveats for whether any changes had been made, and the panel consid- each criterion excluding individuals in palliative care or ered those. The most notable drug to be removed from the hospice settings, the panel chose to exclude individuals in list was the second-generation loratadine. these settings from the criteria. The panel felt justified making this decision because of the shift in benefit-to-harm ratio in end-of-life decisions and paucity of evidence avail- DISCUSSION able for avoiding drugs in these populations. The 2015 AGS Beers Criteria for PIMs is the second such Compared with the 2012 update, the 2015 update has update by the American Geriatrics Society of medications fewer changes and new medications, likely because of the JAGS NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 2015 AGS UPDATED BEERS CRITERIA 2241

Table 5. 2015 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Clinically Important Non-Anti-infective Drug–Drug Interactions That Should Be Avoided in Older Adults

Object Drug and Interacting Drug Quality of Strength of Class and Class Risk Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

ACEIs Amiloride or Increased risk of Avoid routine use; reserve for Moderate Strong triamterene Hyperkalemia patients with demonstrated hypokalemia while taking an ACEI Anticholinergic Anticholinergic Increased risk of Avoid, minimize number of Moderate Strong Cognitive decline anticholinergic drugs (Table 7) Antidepressants (i.e., ≥2 other CNS-active Increased risk of Falls Avoid total of ≥3 CNS-active Moderate Strong TCAs and SSRIs) drugsa drugsa; minimize number of CNS- active drugs Antipsychotics ≥2 other CNS-active Increased risk of Falls Avoid total of ≥3 CNS-active Moderate Strong drugsa drugsa; minimize number of CNS- active drugs Benzodiazepines and ≥2 other CNS-active Increased risk of Falls Avoid total of ≥3 CNS-active High Strong nonbenzodiazepine, drugsa and fractures drugsa; minimize number of CNS- benzodiazepine receptor active drugs agonist hypnotics Corticosteroids, oral or NSAIDs Increased risk of Peptic Avoid; if not possible, provide Moderate Strong parenteral ulcer disease or gastrointestinal protection gastrointestinal bleeding Lithium ACEIs Increased risk of Avoid, monitor lithium Moderate Strong Lithium toxicity concentrations Lithium Loop diuretics Increased risk of Avoid, monitor lithium Moderate Strong Lithium toxicity concentrations Opioid receptor agonist ≥2 other CNS-active Increased risk of Falls Avoid total of ≥3 CNS-active High Strong analgesics drugsa drugsa; minimize number of CNS drugs Peripheral Alpha-1 Loop diuretics Increased risk of Avoid in older women, unless Moderate Strong blockers Urinary incontinence in conditions warrant both drugs older women Theophylline Cimetidine Increased risk of Avoid Moderate Strong Theophylline toxicity Warfarin Amiodarone Increased risk of Avoid when possible; monitor Moderate Strong Bleeding international normalized ratio closely Warfarin NSAIDs Increased risk of Avoid when possible; if used High Strong Bleeding together, monitor for bleeding closely aCentral nervous system (CNS)-active drugs: antipsychotics; benzodiazepines; nonbenzodiazepine, benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics; tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs); selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); and opioids. ACEI = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. shorter time span since the criteria were last revised. Only the exception of amiodarone) antiarrhythmic drugs as first- three new medications and two new drug classes were line treatment for atrial fibrillation. Constipation was added to Tables 2 or 3, although several were modified or removed as a drug–disease, drug–syndrome category, had some changes to the rationale and recommendation because this condition is common across the age spectrum statements. In a few instances, the level of evidence was and relevant drug–disease, drug–syndrome combinations to revised based on new literature and the improved modified avoid are not predominantly specific to older adults. grading methodology. Some notable changes were the 90- Some other important additions in the 2015 update day-use caveat being removed from nonbenzodiazepine, were the addition of long-term proton-pump inhibitor use benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics, resulting in an in the absence of a strong indication because of risk of unambiguous “avoid” statement (without caveats) because C. difficile infection, bone loss, and fractures and the addi- of the increase in the evidence of harm in this area since tion of opioids in the diagnosis and condition table for the 2012 update.22,23 In some cases, the rationale or word- older adults with a history of falls and fractures. If opioids ing of an avoid statement was modified or clarified because must be used, it is recommended that reducing the use of the panel and AGS had received comments regarding some other CNS-active medications be considered.24,25 This confusion about a medication in the criteria. For example, statement is in recognition of the need to have adequate the term “sliding scale” insulin was defined more clearly pain control while balancing the potential harms from opi- when referred to in the criteria. Other changes included oids and untreated pain. The panel balanced the difficulty lowering the creatinine clearance at which nitrofurantoin and challenges of poorly treated pain with the harms of should be avoided to less than 30 mL/min from less than opioids and available alternatives in older adults. Another 60 mL/min. Also, removing Classes 1a, 1c, and III (with critical change was to the language for use of antipsy- 2242 AGS 2015 BEERS CRITERIA UPDATE EXPERT PANEL NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 JAGS

Table 6. 2015 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Non-Anti-Infective Medications That Should Be Avoided or Have Their Dosage Reduced with Varying Levels of Kidney Function in Older Adults

Creatinine Clearance, Medication Class mL/min, at Which Quality of Strength of and Medication Action Required Rationale Recommendation Evidence Recommendation

Cardiovascular or hemostasis Amiloride <30 Increased potassium, and Avoid Moderate Strong decreased sodium Apixaban <25 Increased risk of bleeding Avoid Moderate Strong Dabigatran <30 Increased risk of bleeding Avoid Moderate Strong Edoxaban 30–50 Increased risk of bleeding Reduce dose Moderate Strong <30 or >95 Avoid Enoxaparin <30 Increased risk of bleeding Reduce dose Moderate Strong Fondaparinux <30 Increased risk of bleeding Avoid Moderate Strong Rivaroxaban 30–50 Increased risk of bleeding Reduce dose Moderate Strong <30 Avoid Spironolactone <30 Increased potassium Avoid Moderate Strong Triamterene <30 Increased potassium, and Avoid Moderate Strong decreased sodium Central nervous system and analgesics Duloxetine <30 Increased Gastrointestinal Avoid Moderate Weak adverse effects (nausea, diarrhea) Gabapentin <60 CNS adverse effects Reduce dose Moderate Strong Levetiracetam ≤80 CNS adverse effects Reduce dose Moderate Strong Pregabalin <60 CNS adverse effects Reduce dose Moderate Strong Tramadol <30 CNS adverse effects Immediate release: reduce Low Weak dose Extended release: avoid Gastrointestinal Cimetidine <50 Mental status changes Reduce dose Moderate Strong Famotidine <50 Mental status changes Reduce dose Moderate Strong Nizatidine <50 Mental status changes Reduce dose Moderate Strong Ranitidine <50 Mental status changes Reduce dose Moderate Strong Hyperuricemia Colchicine <30 Gastrointestinal, Reduce dose; monitor for Moderate Strong neuromuscular, bone marrow adverse effects toxicity Probenecid <30 Loss of effectiveness Avoid Moderate Strong

CNS = central nervous system. chotics26 in the dementia and delirium drug–disease, drug– Beers Criteria—A Guide for Patients, Clinicians, Health syndrome category and the addition of avoiding antipsy- Systems, and Payors, published online in this journal. chotics in persons with delirium as first-line treatment. Recent work illustrates that prescription drug use has With increasing evidence of harm associated with antipsy- increased in older adults over the past 20 years, with chotics27,28 and conflicting evidence on their effectiveness poorer health in older adults associated with being on mul- in delirium and dementia, the rationale to avoid was modi- tiple medications.31 Using data from the Medical Expendi- fied to “avoid antipsychotics for behavioral problems ture Panel Survey (MEPS), it was found that at least 41% unless nonpharmacological options (e.g., behavioral inter- of older adults still filled a prescription for a PIM in ventions) have failed or are not possible, and the older 2009–10 according to the 2012 AGS Beers Criteria. Even adult is threatening substantial harm to self or others.”7 though the rate of PIM use declined from 45.5% in 2006– The table of medications with strong anticholinergic 07 to 40.8% in 2009–10, almost half of older adults still properties has been updated. Anticholinergic burden and filled a PIM presecription.32 Despite their potential to measurement is an area of literature that is continually increase the risk of falls, fractures, and cognitive impair- evolving. Use of anticholinergic medications remains a ment, the use of benzodiazepines remains high (~9%).32,33 concern because it is associated with impaired cognitive The 2015 AGS Beers Criteria are an essential evi- and physical function and risk of dementia.29,30 dence-based tool to use in decision-making for drugs to These criteria continue to be useful and necessary as a avoid in older adults, but they are not meant to override clinical and public health tool to improve medication clinical judgment or an individual’s preferences, values, safety in older adults and to increase awareness of and needs. There may be cases in which the healthcare polypharmacy and aid decision-making for choosing drugs provider determines that a drug on the list is the only rea- to avoid in older adults. The AGS is publishing a compan- sonable alternative or the individual is at the end of life or ion piece to this update Beers Criteria; How to Use the receiving palliative care. The criteria were developed in a JAGS NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 2015 AGS UPDATED BEERS CRITERIA 2243

Table 7. Drugs with Strong Anticholinergic Properties Table 8. Medications Moved to Another Category or Modified Since 2012 Beers Criteria Antihistamines Antiparkinsonian Skeletal muscle Brompheniramine agents relaxants Considering Disease or Carbinoxamine Benztropine Cyclobenzaprine Independent of Diagnoses or Syndrome Interactions Chlorpheniramine Trihexyphenidyl Orphenadrine Condition (Table 2) (Table 3) Clemastine Cyproheptadine Nitrofurantoin—recommendation Heart failure—rationale and Dexbrompheniramine and rationale modified quality of evidence modified Dexchlorpheniramine Dronedarone—recommendation Chronic seizures or epilepsy— Dimenhydrinate and rationale modified quality of evidence modified Diphenhydramine Digoxin—recommendation and Delirium—recommendation (oral) rationale modified and rationale modified Doxylamine Benzodiazepines— Dementia or cognitive Hydroxyzine recommendation modified impairment—recommendation Meclizine and rationale modified; new Triprolidine drugs added Antidepressants Antipsychotics Antiarrhythmic Nonbenzodiazepine, History of falls or fractures— Amitriptyline Chlorpromazine Disopyramide benzodiazepine receptor agonist recommendation and rationale Amoxapine Clozapine hypnotics—recommendation modified; new drugs added Clomipramine modified Desipramine Olanzapine Meperidine—recommendation Parkinson disease— Doxepin (>6 mg) modified recommendation and rationale Imipramine Thioridazine modified Nortriptyline Trifluoperazine Indomethacin and ketorolac, Chronic kidney disease Stage Paroxetine includes parenteral—rationale IV or less (creatinine clearance Protriptyline modified <30 mL/min)—triamterene Trimipramine moved to Tables 5 and 6 Antimuscarinics Antispasmodics Antiemetic Antipsychotics—recommendation Insomnia—new drugs added (urinary incontinence) Atropine (excludes Prochlorperazine and rationale modified Darifenacin ophthalmic) Promethazine Estrogen—recommendation Fesoterodine Belladonna modified Flavoxate alkaloids Insulin, sliding scale—rationale Oxybutynin Clidinium- modified Solifenacin chlordiazepoxide Tolterodine Dicyclomine Trospium Homatropine (excludes ophthalmic) Table 9. Medications Removed Since 2012 Beers Crite- Hyoscyamine ria Propantheline Considering Disease and Scopolamine Independent of Diagnoses Syndrome Interactions (excludes or Condition (Table 2) (Table 3) ophthalmic) Antiarrhythmic drugs (Class Chronic constipation—entire 1a, 1c, III except amiodarone) criterion as first-line treatment for atrial way that facilitates a team approach (physicians, nurses, fibrillation pharmacists, therapists, and others) to prescribing and Lower urinary tract—inhaled monitoring adverse effects. anticholinergic drugs The 2015 AGS Beers Criteria encourage the use of non- —no longer pharmacological approaches when needed to avoid drugs marketed in United States — that have a high risk of causing an adverse event. The evi- hydrate no longer marketed in United States dence base for specific nonpharmacological approaches using a person-centered approach to care is growing, espe- cially in older adults and in persons with dementia and delirium.34-36 A nonpharmacological toolkit for reducing significant reductions in delirium incidence and a reduction antipsychotic use in older adults by promoting positive in the rate of falls.37 Several studies have also illustrated behavioral health, developed by investigators at The Penn- effective interventions to improve sleep.38,39 sylvania State University and the Polisher Research Insti- The AGS Beers Criteria are one component of a com- tute, was recently released. This toolkit can be accessed prehensive approach to medication use in older adults, and online (www.nursinghometoolkit.com). Nonpharmacologi- they should be used in conjunction with other tools. The cal strategies for hospitalized older adults and their Screening Tool of Older Persons’ potentially inappropriate caregivers can also be accessed online (www.hospitalelder Prescriptions (STOPP) and Screening Tool to Alert doctors lifeprogram.org). A 2015 systematic review and meta-analy- to Right Treatment (START) criteria, first developed in sis of nonpharmacological strategies in older adults with 2008, are an explicit tool for assessing prescribing in older delirium found that 11 of 14 studies demonstrated adults in Europe. They were updated in 2015 to include 2244 AGS 2015 BEERS CRITERIA UPDATE EXPERT PANEL NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 JAGS

from the AGS will allow for the criteria methodology and Table 10. Medications Added Since 2012 Beers Crite- ria evidence for PIMs to be evaluated regularly and to remain up to date, relevant and valuable. Considering Disease and Independent of Diagnoses Syndrome Interactions or Condition (Table 2) (Table 3) PANEL MEMBERS AND AFFILIATIONS The following individuals were members of the AGS Panel Proton-pump inhibitors Falls and fractures—opioids Desmopressin Insomnia—armodafinil and to update the 2015 AGS Beers Criteria: Donna M. Fick, modafinil PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN, College of Nursing and Medicine, Anticholinergics, first-generation Dementia or cognitive impairment The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (co- antihistamines—meclizine —eszopiclone and zaleplon chair); Todd P. Semla, PharmD, MS, BCPS, FCCP, AGSF, Delirium—antipsychotics U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Pharmacy Benefits Management Services and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (co-chair); Judith drugs affecting or being affected by renal function, similar Beizer, PharmD, CGP, FASCP, AGSF, St. Johns University, 40 to this update of the AGS Beers Criteria. Similar tools New York, NY; Nicole Brandt, PharmD, BCPP, CGP, 41 have been developed in Europe. The current update of University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Robert Dom- the AGS Beers Criteria confirms and extends this work browski, PharmD, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser- with a rigorous independent evidence grading process, an vices, Baltimore, MD (nonvoting member); Catherine E. open peer-review comment period consistent with Institute DuBeau, MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School, of Medicine standards, and the addition of drug–drug Worcester, MA; Woody Eisenberg, MD, Pharmacy Quality interactions and renal dose adjustment. Alliance, Inc., Baltimore, MD (nonvoting member); Jerome The 2015 AGS Beers Criteria have several important J. Epplin, MD, AGSF, Litchfield Family Practice Center, limitations. Older adults are often underrepresented in drug Litchfield, IL; Nina Flanagan, PhD, GNP-BC, APHM-BC, 11,42 trials. Thus, using an evidence-based approach may Decker School of Nursing, Binghamton University, Dun- underestimate some drug-related problems or lead to more, PA; Erin Giovannetti, National Committee for Qual- weaker evidence grading. The GRADE process was used for ity Assurance, Washington, DC (nonvoting member); evidence grading, which allowed for rigor and greater trans- Joseph Hanlon, PharmD, MS, BCPS, FASHP, FASCP, 10 parency in the evidence grading process. The criteria can- FGSA, AGSF, Department of Medicine (Geriatric Medicine) not account for all individuals and special populations; for School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh and Geriatric instance, they do not comprehensively address the needs of Research, Education and Clinical Center, Veterans Affairs individuals receiving palliative and hospice care, in whom Healthcare (GRECC) System, Pittsburgh, PA; Peter Holl- the balance of benefits and harms for many drugs on the list mann, MD, AGSF, Alpert Medical School, Brown Univer- may differ from those of the general population of older sity, Providence, RI; Rosemary Laird, MD, MHSA, AGSF, adults. Finally, the search strategies used might have missed Geriatric Medical Leader for Florida Hospital, Winter Park, some studies published in languages other than English and FL; Sunny Linnebur, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, CGP, Skaggs studies available in unpublished technical reports, white School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univer- papers, or other “gray literature” sources. sity of Colorado, Aurora, CO; Satinderpal Sandhu, MD, The process had many noteworthy strengths, including Summa Health Care System and Northeast Ohio Medical the use of a 13-member, geographically diverse interdisci- University, Akron, OH; Michael Steinman, MD, University plinary panel with ex-officio members from the Centers of California at San Francisco and San Francisco Veterans for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Committee Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA. for Quality Assurance, and Pharmacy Quality Alliance; the use of an evidence-based approach using Institute of Medi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cine standards and independent grading of the evidence by panel members followed by a consensus approach; and the The decisions and content of the 2015 AGS Beers Criteria continued development of a partnership with AGS to are those of the AGS and the panel members and are not update the criteria regularly. necessarily those of the U.S. government or U.S. Depart- In conclusion, the 2015 AGS Beers Criteria have several ment of Veterans Affairs. important updates, including the addition of new medica- Sue Radcliff, Independent Researcher, Denver, Color- tions, clarification of some of the 2012 criteria language, ado, provided research services. Jirong Yue and Gina the addition of selected drugs for which dose adjustment is Rocco provided additional research services. Susan E. required based on kidney impairment, and the addition of Aiello, DVM, ELS, provided editorial services. Elvy Ickow- selected drug–drug interactions. Careful application of the icz, MPH, Zhenya Hurd, and Mary Jordan Samuel pro- criteria by healthcare professionals, consumers, payors, and vided additional research and administrative support. And health systems should lead to closer monitoring of drug use. as always, the late Mark H. Beers, MD. Dissemination of the criteria should lead to increased edu- The following organizations with special interest and cation and awareness of drug-related problems, increased expertise in the appropriate use of medications in older reporting of drug-related problems, active patient and care- adults provided peer review of a preliminary draft of this giver engagement and communication regarding medication guideline: American Medical Directors Association—The use, targeted interventions to decrease adverse drug events Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, in older adults, and improved outcomes. Continued support American Academy of Family Physicians, American Acad- JAGS NOVEMBER 2015–VOL. 63, NO. 11 2015 AGS UPDATED BEERS CRITERIA 2245 emy of Geriatric Psychiatry, American Academy of Neu- 8. Higgins JP, Altman DG, Gotzsche PC et al. The Cochrane Collaboration’s rology, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials. BMJ 2011;343:d5928. 9. Jadad AR, Moore RA, Carroll D et al. Assessing the quality of reports of American Association of Diabetes Educators, American randomized clinical trials: Is blinding necessary? Control Clin Trials College of Clinical Pharmacy, American College of Obstet- 1996;17:1–12. rics and Gynecology, American College of Physicians, 10. The GRADE working group. GRADE guidelines—best practicrs using the American College of Surgeons, American Osteopathic GRADE framework. J Clin Epidemiol [on-line]. Available at http://www.- gradeworkinggroup.org/publications/jce_series.htm Accessed April 14, Association, American Pharmacists Association, American 2015. Society of Consultant Pharmacists, American Society of 11. Qaseem A, Snow V, Owens DK et al. The development of clinical practice Health-System Pharmacists, American Urological Society, guidelines and guidance statements of the American College of Physicians: – the Endocrine Society, Gerontological Advanced Practice Summary of methods. Ann Intern Med 2010;153:194 199. 12. Hines LE, Murphy JE. Potentially harmful drug-drug interactions in the Nurses Association, Gerontological Society of America, elderly: A review. Am J Geriatr Pharmacother 2011;9:364–377. National Committee for Quality Assurance, National 13. Hanlon JT, Aspinall SL, Semla TP et al. Consensus guidelines for oral dos- Gerontological Nursing Association, NICHE, Pharmacy ing of primarily renally cleared medications in older adults. J Am Geriatr – Quality Alliance, Society for Women’s Health Research, Soc 2009;57:335 340. 14. Duran CE, Azermai M, Vander Stichele RH. Systematic review of anti- and Society of General Internal Medicine. cholinergic risk scales in older adults. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2013;69:1485– Conflict of Interest: Dr. Beizer is an author and editor 1496. for LexiComp, Inc. Dr. Brandt is a consultant for Omni- 15. Campbell N, Boustani M, Limbil T et al. The cognitive impact of anti- – care, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and cholinergics: A clinical review. Clin Interv Aging 2009;4:225 233. 16. Rudolph JL, Salow MJ, Angelini MC et al. The Anticholinergic Risk Scale University of Pittsburgh and a Section Editor for the Jour- and anticholinergic adverse effects in older persons. Arch Intern Med nal of Gerontological Nursing and received a grant from 2008;168:508–513. Econometrica. Dr. Fick is a paid consultant for SLACK 17. Carnahan RM, Lund BC, Perry PJ et al. The Anticholinergic Drug Scale as Inc., is an editor for the Journal of Gerontological Nurs- a measure of drug-related anticholinergic burden: Associations with serum anticholinergic activity. J Clin Pharmacol 2006;46:1481–1486. ing, and has current R01 funding from the National Insti- 18. Beers MH, Ouslander JG, Rollingher I et al. Explicit criteria for determin- tutes of Health and the National Institute of Nursing ing inappropriate medication use in nursing home residents. UCLA Divi- Research. Dr. Linnebur is a consultant for Colorado sion of Geriatric Medicine. Arch Intern Med 1991;151:1825–1832. Access and Kindred Healthcare. Dr. Semla serves on the 19. Beers MH. Explicit criteria for determining potentially inappropriate medi- cation use by the elderly. An update. Arch Intern Med 1997;157:1531– AARP Caregiver Advisory Panel, is an editor for Lexi- 1536. Comp, and is a consultant for Omnicare. Dr. Semla’s wife 20. Fick DM, Cooper JW, Wade WE et al. Updating the Beers Criteria for holds commercial interest in AbbVie (at which she is also Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults: Results of a U.S. – an employee), Abbott, and Hospira. Dr. Semla receives consensus panel of experts. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:2716 2724. 21. The American Geriatrics Society 2012 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel. honoraria from the AGS for his contribution as an author American Geriatrics Society updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inap- of Geriatrics at Your Fingertips and for serving as a sec- propriate Medication Use in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc tion editor for the Journal of the American Geriatrics Soci- 2012;60:616–631. ety and is a past president and chair of the AGS Board of 22. Berry SD, Lee Y, Cai S et al. Nonbenzodiazepine sleep medication use and hip fractures in nursing home residents. JAMA Intern Med 2013;173:754– Directors. Dr. Steinman is a consult for Iodine.com, a web 761. start-up company. 23. Hampton LM, Daubresse M, Chang HY et al. Emergency department visits Author Contributions: All panel members contributed by adults for psychiatric medication adverse events. JAMA Psychiatry – to the concept, design, and preparation of the manuscript. 2014;71:1006 1014. 24. Rolita L, Spegman A, Tang X et al. Greater number of narcotic analgesic Sponsor’s Role: AGS staff participated in the final prescriptions for osteoarthritis is associated with falls and fractures in technical preparation and submission of the manuscript. elderly adults. J Am Geriatr Soc 2013;61:335–340. 25. Soderberg KC, Laflamme L, Moller J. Newly initiated opioid treatment and the risk of fall-related injuries. A nationwide, register-based, case-crossover REFERENCES study in Sweden. CNS Drugs 2013;27:155–161. 26. U.S. Government Accountability Office. Antipsychotic Drug Use: Report to 1. Stockl KM, Le L, Zhang S et al. Clinical and economic outcomes associ- Congressional Requesters. HHS Has Initiatives to Reduce Use among Older ated with potentially inappropriate prescribing in the elderly. 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33. Olfson M, King M, Schoenbaum M. Benzodiazepine use in the United 38. McDowell JA, Mion LC, Lydon TJ et al. A nonpharmacologic sleep proto- States. JAMA Psychiatry 2015;72:136–142. col for hospitalized older patients. J Am Geriatr Soc 1998;46:700–705. 34. Livingston G, Kelly L, Lewis-Holmes E et al. Non-pharmacological 39. Kamdar BB, Yang J, King LM et al. Developing, implementing, and interventions for agitation in dementia: Systematic review of randomised evaluating a multifaceted quality improvement intervention to promote controlled trials. Br J Psychiatry 2014;205:436–442. sleep in an ICU. Am J Med Qual 2014;29:546–554. 35. Resnick B, Kolanowski AM, Van Haitsma K. Promoting positive behav- 40. O’Mahony D, O’Sullivan D, Byrne S et al. STOPP/START criteria for ioral health: A nonpharmacological toolkit for senior living communities. potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people: Version 2. Age J Gerontol Nurs 2014;40:2–3. Ageing 2015;44:213–218. 36. Fick DM, DiMeglio B, McDowell JA et al. Do you know your patient? 41. Renom-Guiteras A, Meyer G, Thurmann PA. The EU(7)-PIM list: A list of Knowing individuals with dementia combined with evidence-based care potentially inappropriate medications for older people consented by experts promotes function and satisfaction in hospitalized older adults. J Gerontol from seven European countries. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2015;71:861–875. Nurs 2013;39:2–4. 42. Hanlon JT, Sloane RJ, Pieper CF et al. Association of adverse drug 37. Hshieh TT, Yue J, Oh E et al. Effectiveness of multicomponent nonphar- reactions with drug-drug and drug-disease interactions in frail older macological delirium interventions: A meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med outpatients. Age Ageing 2011;40:274–277. 2015;175:512–520.