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September 30, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 17 23461 Whereas, in 2006, there were an estimated Whereas, on August 10, 2008, Natalie Whereas, on August 15, 2008, Michael 396,000 reported home structure fires result- Coughlin of Vallejo, California, Lacey Phelps set a world-record time of 1:54.23 and ing in 2,580 civilian deaths and 12,500 civilian Nymeyer of Tucson, Arizona, Kara Lynn won the gold medal in the men’s 200-meter injuries, and $6,800,000,000 in direct damage Joyce of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and Dara individual medley event, and Ryan Lochte in the United States; Torres of Los Angeles, California, set a won the bronze medal in the same event; Whereas home fires cause 80 percent of ci- record time for athletes from the United Whereas, on August 15, 2008, Ryan Lochte vilian fire deaths and 76 percent of injuries; States of 3:34.33 and won the silver medal in set a world-record time of 1:53.94 and won the Whereas heating equipment and smoking the women’s 400-meter freestyle relay event; gold medal in the men’s 200-meter back- are the leading causes of civilian home fire Whereas, on August 10, 2008, Larsen Jensen stroke event, and Aaron Peirsol won the sil- deaths; of Bakersfield, California, set a record time ver medal in the same event; Whereas children under 5 and older adults for athletes from the United States of 3:42.78 Whereas, on August 15, 2008, Rebecca Soni face the highest risk of home fire death, but and won the bronze medal in the men’s 400- set a world-record time of 2:20.22 and won the young adults face a higher risk of home fire meter freestyle event; gold medal in the women’s 200-meter breast- injury; Whereas, on August 11, 2008, Michael stroke event; Whereas electrical distribution and light- Phelps, Garrett Weber-Gale of Milwaukee, Whereas, on August 15, 2008, Natalie ing equipment were involved in an estimated Wisconsin, Cullen Jones of Irvington, New Coughlin tied the record time for athletes 20,900 reported home fires in 2005; Jersey, and Jason Lezak of Irvine, Cali- from the United States of 53.39, which she Whereas home fires in 2005 resulted in 500 fornia, set a world-record time of 3:08.24 and herself set, and won the bronze medal in the civilian deaths and 1,100 injuries, with an es- won the gold medal in the men’s 400-meter women’s 100-meter freestyle event; timated $862,000,000 in direct property dam- freestyle relay event, with anchor Jason Whereas, on August 16, 2008, Michael age per year; Lezak coming from behind to edge the team Phelps set an Olympic-record time of 50.58 Whereas working smoke alarms cut the from France by 8⁄100 of a second in 1 of the and won the gold medal in the men’s 100- risk of dying in reported home structure most dramatic finishes in Olympic swim- meter butterfly event, tying 1972 Olympian fires in half; ming history; Mark Spitz for the most gold medals, 7, won Whereas 65 percent of reported home fire Whereas, on August 11, 2008, Katie Hoff by an individual in a single Olympic Games; deaths in 2000 through 2004 resulted from won the silver medal in the women’s 400- Whereas, on August 16, 2008, Margaret fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no meter freestyle event; Hoelzer won the silver medal in the women’s working smoke alarms; Whereas, on August 11, 2008, Christine Mag- 200-meter backstroke event; Whereas Fire Prevention Week is the long- nuson of Tinley Park, Illinois, won the silver Whereas, on August 17, 2008, Brendan Han- est running public health and safety observ- medal in the women’s 100-meter butterfly sen of Havertown, Pennsylvania, Aaron ance on record; event; Peirsol, Michael Phelps, and Jason Lezak set Whereas we have honored firefighters for Whereas, on August 12, 2008, Michael a world-record time of 3:29.34 and won the educating the American public since Presi- Phelps set a world-record time of 1:42.96 and gold medal in the men’s 400-meter medley dent Harding declared the first Fire Preven- won the gold medal in the men’s 200-meter relay event; tion Week in 1922; freestyle event, and Peter Vanderkaay of Whereas, on August 17, 2008, Dara Torres Rochester, Michigan, won the bronze medal Whereas the National Fire Protection As- set a record time for athletes from the in the same event; sociation has designated the week of October United States of 24.07 and won the silver Whereas, on August 12, 2008, Natalie 5–11, 2008, as Fire Prevention Week; and medal in the women’s 50-meter freestyle Coughlin set a record time for athletes from Whereas educating Americans on methods event; the United States of 58.96 and won the gold to prevent home fires continues to be a pri- Whereas Dara Torres then teamed with medal in the women’s 100-meter backstroke ority for all firefighters: Now, therefore, be Natalie Coughlin, Rebecca Soni, and Chris- event, and Margaret Hoelzer of Huntsville, it tine Magnuson to set a record time for ath- Resolved, That the Senate— Alabama, won the bronze medal in the same letes from the United States of 3:53.30 and (1) supports the work of firefighters to edu- event; won the silver medal in the women’s 400- cate and protect the Nation’s communities; Whereas, on August 12, 2008, Aaron Peirsol meter medley relay event; and of Irvine, California, set a world-record time Whereas Caroline Burckle, Larsen Jensen, (2) supports the goals and ideals of Fire of 52.54 and won the gold medal in the men’s and Allison Schmitt each won 1 bronze Prevention Week, October 5-11, 2008, as des- 100-meter backstroke event, and Matt medal; ignated by the National Fire Protection As- Grevers of Lake Forest, Illinois, won the sil- Whereas Matt Grevers, Kara Lynn Joyce, sociation. ver medal in the same event; Whereas, on August 12, 2008, Rebecca Soni and Lacey Nymeyer each won 1 silver medal; f of Plainsboro, New Jersey, won the silver Whereas Ricky Berens, Brendan Hansen, SENATE RESOLUTION 700—CON- medal in the women’s 100-meter breaststroke Cullen Jones, and Garrett Weber-Gale each GRATULATING MICHAEL PHELPS event; won 1 gold medal; Whereas, on August 13, 2008, Michael Whereas Margaret Hoelzer won 1 silver AND THE MEMBERS AND COACH- medal and 1 bronze medal; ES OF THE UNITED STATES Phelps set a world-record time of 1:52:03 and won the gold medal in the men’s 200-meter Whereas Christine Magnuson won 2 silver OLYMPIC SWIMMING TEAM FOR butterfly event, edging Laszlo Cseh of Hun- medals; THEIR RECORD-BREAKING PER- gary by the width of a fingernail; Whereas Peter Vanderkaay won 1 gold FORMANCE AT THE 2008 SUMMER Whereas Michael Phelps then teamed with medal and 1 bronze medal; OLYMPIC GAMES IN BEIJING, Ricky Berens of Charlotte, North Carolina, Whereas Katie Hoff won 1 silver medal and CHINA Ryan Lochte, and Peter Vanderkaay, to set a 2 bronze medals; world-record time of 6:58.56 and win the gold Whereas Jason Lezak won 2 gold medals Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Ms. MIKUL- medal in the men’s 800-meter freestyle relay and 1 bronze medal; SKI, Mr. LEVIN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. event, beating the team from Russia by more Whereas Aaron Peirsol won 2 gold medals MARTINEZ, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. DOLE, Mr. than 5 seconds and winning the tenth and and 1 silver medal; MENENDEZ, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. SHEL- 11th gold medals of Michael Phelps’s career, Whereas Rebecca Soni won 1 gold medal BY, Mr. FEINGOLD, Mr. BUNNING, Mr. more than any other athlete in history; and 2 silver medals; NELSON of Florida, Mr. BURR, Mrs. Whereas, on August 13, 2008, Natalie Whereas Ryan Lochte won 2 gold medals BOXER, and Mr. LAUTENBERG) sub- Coughlin won the bronze medal in the wom- and 2 bronze medals; mitted the following resolution; which en’s 200-meter individual medley event; Whereas Dara Torres— (1) is the first swimmer from the United was considered and agreed to: Whereas, on August 13, 2008, Katie Hoff set a record time for athletes from the United States to compete in 5 Olympic Games, rep- S. RES. 700 States of 1:55.78 and finished fourth in the resenting the United States in the Summer Whereas, on August 10, 2008, Michael women’s 200-meter freestyle event; Olympic Games of 1984, 1988, 1992, 2000, and Phelps of Baltimore, Maryland, set a world- Whereas, on August 14, 2008, Allison 2008; record time of 4:03.84 and won the gold medal Schmitt of Canton, Michigan, Caroline (2) won 5 medals at the 2000 Summer Olym- in the men’s 400-meter individual medley Burckle of Louisville, Kentucky, Natalie pic Games in Sydney, Australia, as the old- event, and Ryan Lochte of Daytona Beach, Coughlin, and Katie Hoff set a record time est member of the women’s swimming team Florida, won the bronze medal in the same for athletes from the United States of 7:46.33 at the age of 33; event; and won the bronze medal in the women’s (3) at the age of 41 is the oldest member of Whereas, on August 10, 2008, Katie Hoff of 800-meter freestyle relay event; the women’s team by 15 years; Towson, Maryland, won the bronze medal in Whereas, on August 14, 2008, Jason Lezak (4) won the silver medal in all 3 events in the women’s 400-meter individual medley tied Cesar Cielo of Brazil for the bronze which she competed in the 2008 Summer event; medal in the men’s 100-meter freestyle event; Olympic Games; VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:46 Apr 14, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S30SE8.002 S30SE8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 23462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol.