- King Tides in Bismarck and Solomon Seas Affected Areas Reported as of 12 December 2008, v2

Legend Tides have affected numerous Affected location islands off the north coast of National capital Manus, including Ponam, The coastline betwen Major town and Namatanai Pityluh, A’hus, Andra and Bipi Most-heavily affected EmirauTench in Affected PonamPityluh International boundary Province boundary MANUS Kavieng This map shows regions Atoll communities including Konos and specific locations Kimadan Tasman, Mortlock, Nuguria NEW IRELAND reportedly affected by ’King WEST m a r c and the Carterets i s k Namatanai Tides’ in Papua New SEPIK B S e a Tasman Guinea as of 12 December EAST 2008. SEPIK EAST NEW Mortlock BRITAIN Please refer to the latest Madang Nuguria OCHA SitRep for more Mur detailed information on ENGA WESTERN WEST NEW The northern coastline each location. HIGHLANDS BRITAIN of Bougainville is also expected to be affected CHIMBU MOROBE SOUTHERN AUTONOMOUS REGION Map Doc Name: HIGHLANDS EASTERN OCHA_PNG_King_Floods_v2_081212 OF BOUGAINVILLE GLIDE Number: n/a HIGHLANDS Flooding is being reported at locations Creation Date: 12 Dec 2008 Projection/Datum: Geographic / WGS84 GULF along the entire coastline from West Web Resources: http://ochaonline.un.org/roap Sepik in the northwest to Oro in Nominal Scale at A4 paper size: 1:8,196,352 WESTERN the southeast 050100150kms

Map data source(s): S o l o m o GAUL, PNG National Statistical Office (NSO), GEBCO, n S United Nations Cartographic Unit e a Disclaimers: CENTRAL The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the ORO United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or MILNE BAY concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Alotau