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Jeff Goldberg Chants "shut up Bad makeup Gronk Jarrett Suprise cole!" is said application during the Appearance Pancakes is here Attacks HOF class more than 5 on Ronda Elias of 2018 times Rousey again?

At least 6 Braun American Universal Trips comes Happy Strowman successfully Championship in with an suplexes cashes in her Badass lasts longer over the top during the Rusev destroys his Undertaker than 5 minutes Reigns vs. tag team MIB contract entrance Lesnar match Day! partner

They brag A choir or about At least 4 NXT stars Fight The spanish symphony announce The beating 5 title during both forever Boogeyman some battle royals during an table is appears record changes chants entrance broken

Jinder Mahal You take a has that look Kid bathroom Kelly break during like her Rock the US farted a Championship Kelly stinker "sings" match Bingo Card ID 001 Bingo Card ID 002

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

A choir or Happy At least 6 Jeff Kid Carmella suplexes The successfully Suprise symphony during the Kelly Jarrett Suprise cashes in Appearance Rusev Boogeyman Rock Appearance during an Reigns vs. appears Attacks her MIB entrance Day! Lesnar match Kelly Elias "sings" contract

Goldberg Kid Jinder Goldberg Bad The At least 6 Chants The Mahal has At least Chants makeup spanish suplexes during the Rock Boogeyman that look like 5 title during the application Pancakes announce during the HOF class appears her farted a HOF class on Ronda table is Reigns vs. of 2018 "sings" stinker changes of 2018 Rousey broken Lesnar match

The Bad spanish makeup Trips comes 4 NXT stars Universal Universal Fight American 4 NXT stars Gronk in with an during both Championship Championship during both announce application over the top battle lasts longer lasts longer forever Badass battle is here table is on Ronda entrance than 5 minutes than 5 minutes Undertaker royals broken Rousey royals chants again?

"shut up You take a "shut up Carmella A choir or Trips comes successfully cole!" is Gronk bathroom Fight At least cole!" is Happy break during symphony in with an cashes in said more the US forever 5 title said more her MIB is here during an over the top Rusev than 5 Championship entrance than 5 contract times again? match chants changes entrance times Day!

Braun Jeff They brag Braun They brag Jinder You take a Strowman American about Strowman about Mahal has bathroom Jarrett Kelly break during destroys his Badass Pancakes beating destroys his beating that look like the US tag team Undertaker Attacks some tag team some her farted a Championship partner Elias record Kelly partner record stinker match Bingo Card ID 003 Bingo Card ID 004

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Jinder The Jeff Fight Gronk Trips comes Happy spanish At least Mahal has The in with an Jarrett Pancakes that look like Boogeyman forever announce 5 title her farted a is here over the top Rusev Attacks appears entrance table is stinker chants again? Day! broken changes Elias

They brag You take a At least 6 A choir or Trips comes 4 NXT stars Jinder about suplexes bathroom Mahal has Universal The during the break during symphony in with an during both that look like Kelly Championship beating the US over the top lasts longer Boogeyman some Reigns vs. during an battle her farted a appears Lesnar match Championship entrance royals than 5 minutes record match entrance stinker Kelly

Bad Jeff You take a Bad makeup 4 NXT stars Kid bathroom makeup American application Jarrett Suprise during both Suprise break during application Badass Attacks Appearance battle Rock Appearance Pancakes the US on Ronda royals Championship on Ronda Undertaker Rousey Elias "sings" match Rousey

Braun The "shut up Carmella Carmella At least 6 They brag Goldberg Strowman spanish cole!" is successfully Universal Fight successfully about Chants Championship suplexes destroys his announce said more cashes in lasts longer forever cashes in during the beating during the tag team table is than 5 her MIB than 5 minutes her MIB Reigns vs. some HOF class partner broken times contract chants contract Lesnar match record of 2018

Happy Goldberg At least Kid A choir or Gronk "shut up Braun Kelly Chants American symphony cole!" is Strowman Rusev during the 5 title Badass Rock is here said more destroys his HOF class Undertaker during an than 5 tag team Kelly Day! of 2018 changes "sings" entrance again? times partner Bingo Card ID 005 Bingo Card ID 006

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Bad "shut up A choir or At least 6 You take a Happy At least Trips comes makeup cole!" is Happy bathroom in with an symphony Suprise suplexes break during 5 title application said more during the Rusev over the top Rusev during an Appearance Reigns vs. the US entrance on Ronda than 5 Championship Day! changes Rousey times Day! entrance Lesnar match match

Carmella 4 NXT stars They brag Bad Jeff Kid about American Kid makeup successfully The during both Jarrett The cashes in Boogeyman Rock beating Badass Rock application Boogeyman her MIB appears battle some Attacks appears royals Undertaker on Ronda contract "sings" record "sings" Rousey Elias

You take a A choir or Goldberg Jinder "shut up bathroom Universal Chants Gronk Mahal has cole!" is Gronk break during symphony Championship that look like Kelly the US during an lasts longer during the is here said more Pancakes is here Championship than 5 minutes HOF class her farted a than 5 match entrance of 2018 again? stinker times Kelly again?

The Goldberg At least 6 Jinder Carmella Trips comes American Mahal has Fight successfully spanish Universal Chants suplexes Suprise in with an Championship during the Badass that look like forever cashes in announce lasts longer during the Reigns vs. her farted a Appearance her MIB over the top Undertaker table is entrance than 5 minutes HOF class Lesnar match stinker chants contract broken of 2018

Braun The Jeff They brag Braun spanish Fight At least 4 NXT stars Strowman about during both Strowman destroys his announce Jarrett Kelly destroys his Pancakes forever beating 5 title battle tag team table is Attacks some tag team partner broken Elias Kelly chants record changes royals partner Bingo Card ID 007 Bingo Card ID 008

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

The You take a Carmella Goldberg "shut up Universal American spanish bathroom Universal successfully Chants cole!" is Championship Kelly break during Championship Suprise cashes in lasts longer Badass announce the US lasts longer Appearance during the said more than 5 minutes Undertaker table is Championship than 5 minutes her MIB HOF class than 5 Kelly broken match contract of 2018 times

Braun At least 6 Kid Gronk American Trips comes 4 NXT stars Happy At least Strowman The suplexes in with an during both destroys his Boogeyman during the Badass 5 title Rock Reigns vs. is here over the top battle Rusev tag team appears Undertaker entrance partner "sings" Lesnar match again? royals Day! changes

Bad Goldberg Jinder 4 NXT stars Jinder Bad At least 6 makeup Chants Mahal has makeup during both that look The Mahal has suplexes application during the Boogeyman that look like during the Pancakes battle like her Pancakes application on Ronda HOF class appears her farted a on Ronda Reigns vs. royals farted a Lesnar match Rousey of 2018 stinker stinker Rousey

Jeff "shut up They brag A choir or You take a Happy Fight cole!" is Trips comes about bathroom Gronk Jarrett in with an symphony break during Kelly Rusev Attacks forever said more over the top beating during an the US is here than 5 entrance some Championship Day! Elias chants times record entrance match again? Kelly

Carmella They brag A choir or Braun Jeff The successfully At least about Fight Strowman Kid spanish Suprise cashes in symphony Jarrett Appearance 5 title beating forever destroys his Rock announce her MIB some during an tag team Attacks table is contract changes record entrance chants partner "sings" Elias broken Bingo Card ID 009 Bingo Card ID 010

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Carmella Jeff The The A choir or Fight spanish 4 NXT stars Trips comes spanish American successfully Jarrett during both in with an Kelly symphony cashes in forever announce announce Badass her MIB Attacks battle over the top during an table is entrance table is Undertaker contract chants Elias broken royals broken Kelly entrance

Happy At least 6 Gronk Kid Braun Bad 4 NXT stars "shut up At least suplexes Strowman makeup cole!" is during the Suprise during both Rusev 5 title is here Appearance Rock destroys his application battle said more Reigns vs. tag team on Ronda than 5 Day! changes Lesnar match again? "sings" partner Rousey royals times

Jinder Bad Jeff You take a Mahal has Universal makeup Kid bathroom Fight The that look like Championship Jarrett break during Suprise Pancakes lasts longer application Rock the US Appearance forever Boogeyman her farted a than 5 minutes on Ronda Attacks Championship appears stinker Rousey "sings" Elias match chants

They brag Braun Goldberg They brag about Strowman American Chants Gronk Universal Happy about At least Kelly Championship beating destroys his Badass during the is here lasts longer Rusev beating 5 title some tag team Undertaker HOF class than 5 minutes some record partner Kelly of 2018 again? Day! record changes

"shut up You take a Goldberg Jinder A choir or Trips comes Carmella At least 6 Mahal has cole!" is The bathroom Chants successfully suplexes symphony break during in with an cashes in during the that look said more Boogeyman the US over the top during the Pancakes like her than 5 appears during an HOF class her MIB Reigns vs. Championship entrance Lesnar match farted a times entrance match of 2018 contract stinker Bingo Card ID 011 Bingo Card ID 012

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

A choir or They brag 4 NXT stars At least 6 Kid Braun Jinder A choir or Bad about suplexes Strowman Mahal has makeup symphony Suprise during both during the that look like symphony beating Appearance battle Rock destroys his application during an some Reigns vs. tag team her farted a during an on Ronda entrance record royals Lesnar match "sings" partner stinker entrance Rousey

Jinder Carmella Happy Jeff Fight Jeff Goldberg They brag At least 6 Mahal has successfully Jarrett The Jarrett Chants about suplexes that look like cashes in Rusev Boogeyman forever during the beating during the her farted a her MIB Attacks appears Attacks HOF class some Reigns vs. stinker contract Day! Elias chants Elias of 2018 record Lesnar match

You take a You take a Braun 4 NXT stars Strowman Universal bathroom Gronk Gronk The bathroom Universal Championship Kelly break during during both break during Championship destroys his lasts longer the US is here is here Boogeyman battle the US lasts longer tag team than 5 minutes Championship appears Championship than 5 minutes partner Kelly match again? again? royals match

The Trips comes Trips comes Carmella Kid spanish American Happy successfully American Pancakes announce Badass in with an in with an Suprise cashes in Badass Rock over the top Rusev over the top Appearance her MIB table is Undertaker entrance entrance Undertaker "sings" broken Day! contract

"shut up Bad Goldberg Fight "shut up The cole!" is makeup At least Chants cole!" is Kelly spanish At least said more application 5 title during the forever said more Pancakes announce 5 title than 5 on Ronda HOF class than 5 table is times Rousey changes of 2018 chants times Kelly broken changes Bingo Card ID 013 Bingo Card ID 014

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

You take a Carmella You take a Jeff The bathroom At least successfully Fight Fight bathroom At least Gronk break during break during Jarrett Boogeyman the US 5 title cashes in forever forever the US 5 title is here appears Championship her MIB Championship Attacks match changes contract chants chants match changes again? Elias

Jinder Jinder Jeff At least 6 Goldberg American Universal Mahal has American The Chants Mahal has Jarrett suplexes Championship that look that look Badass during the lasts longer like her Badass Boogeyman Pancakes during the like her Attacks Undertaker Reigns vs. Undertaker appears HOF class Lesnar match than 5 minutes farted a farted a Elias stinker of 2018 stinker

The Bad Braun Bad They brag "shut up Kid spanish makeup makeup about Kid cole!" is Happy Suprise Strowman Rock announce Appearance application destroys his application beating Rock said more Rusev table is on Ronda tag team on Ronda some than 5 "sings" broken Rousey partner Rousey record "sings" times Day!

"shut up 4 NXT stars Goldberg At least 6 The cole!" is Chants Trips comes 4 NXT stars Trips comes spanish during both in with an during both in with an suplexes said more Kelly during the Kelly during the announce battle over the top battle over the top Reigns vs. than 5 HOF class entrance entrance table is times Kelly royals of 2018 Kelly royals Lesnar match broken

A choir or They brag Carmella Braun A choir or Gronk Happy about Universal successfully Strowman symphony Suprise Championship cashes in symphony during an is here Rusev beating Pancakes Appearance lasts longer destroys his during an some than 5 minutes her MIB tag team entrance again? Day! record contract partner entrance Bingo Card ID 015 Bingo Card ID 016

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Bad Braun Carmella A choir or 4 NXT stars Jinder Strowman successfully Happy Kid Mahal has Gronk Universal makeup during both Championship destroys his cashes in symphony that look like application Rusev Rock during an battle is here lasts longer tag team her MIB her farted a than 5 minutes on Ronda partner contract Day! "sings" entrance royals stinker again? Rousey

They brag You take a Trips comes Jeff At least 6 4 NXT stars Trips comes Jeff suplexes about The bathroom in with an Jarrett during the during both in with an break during Jarrett Pancakes over the top over the top beating Boogeyman the US Attacks Reigns vs. battle some appears Attacks entrance Lesnar match royals entrance Championship Elias record match Elias

Jinder The "shut up Mahal has At least spanish The cole!" is Happy Fight that look like Suprise Kelly 5 title announce Boogeyman Appearance Pancakes said more Rusev forever her farted a table is appears than 5 stinker changes broken Kelly times Day! chants

You take a Goldberg Bad "shut up Goldberg Carmella The bathroom Chants makeup Universal cole!" is Kid Chants successfully spanish break during Championship Suprise cashes in the US during the application lasts longer said more Rock Appearance during the announce Championship HOF class on Ronda than 5 minutes than 5 HOF class her MIB table is match of 2018 Rousey times "sings" of 2018 contract broken

They brag Gronk Fight At least Braun A choir or At least 6 about American Kelly Strowman symphony suplexes American beating Badass is here forever 5 title destroys his during the Badass some Undertaker tag team during an Reigns vs. Undertaker record Kelly again? chants changes partner entrance Lesnar match Bingo Card ID 017 Bingo Card ID 018

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Jinder You take a "shut up Happy At least 6 Universal bathroom Gronk A choir or Mahal has suplexes cole!" is At least The that look like during the Championship break during symphony Rusev lasts longer the US is here during an said more 5 title Boogeyman her farted a Reigns vs. than 5 minutes Championship than 5 appears Day! stinker Lesnar match match again? entrance times changes

Braun A choir or The Carmella Jeff Jinder At least Strowman spanish successfully Mahal has symphony cashes in Jarrett Suprise that look like Kelly 5 title destroys his announce Appearance Pancakes tag team during an table is her MIB Attacks her farted a changes partner entrance broken contract Elias stinker Kelly

Jeff "shut up Goldberg Goldberg Carmella Fight cole!" is Chants Kid Trips comes Happy Chants Fight Jarrett in with an successfully forever said more during the during the forever cashes in Attacks Rock over the top Rusev her MIB than 5 HOF class entrance HOF class chants Elias times of 2018 "sings" Day! of 2018 chants contract

Gronk They brag The Bad Braun At least 6 American about Kelly spanish makeup Strowman suplexes American is here Badass beating Pancakes announce application destroys his during the Badass Undertaker some table is on Ronda tag team Reigns vs. Undertaker again? record Kelly broken Rousey partner Lesnar match

Bad They brag You take a Trips comes 4 NXT stars 4 NXT stars makeup The Kid about Universal bathroom Suprise in with an during both during both Championship break during Appearance over the top application Boogeyman Rock beating lasts longer the US battle appears battle entrance royals on Ronda royals some than 5 minutes Championship Rousey "sings" record match Bingo Card ID 019 Bingo Card ID 020

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Bad Goldberg You take a Jeff The Bad Jinder "shut up makeup Chants bathroom Gronk Fight spanish makeup Mahal has cole!" is break during Jarrett application during the the US is here forever announce application that look like said more on Ronda HOF class Championship Attacks table is on Ronda her farted a than 5 Rousey of 2018 match again? chants Elias broken Rousey stinker times

Carmella At least Jeff Kid Braun Happy A choir or American successfully Jarrett Strowman symphony Badass cashes in 5 title Rock destroys his Rusev Undertaker her MIB Attacks tag team during an contract changes Elias Kelly "sings" Kelly partner Day! entrance

The You take a They brag Goldberg Carmella Universal At least 6 bathroom Gronk suplexes spanish about Chants successfully Championship Suprise during the break during cashes in Pancakes lasts longer Appearance announce the US beating during the is here than 5 minutes Reigns vs. table is Championship some HOF class her MIB Lesnar match broken match record of 2018 again? contract

"shut up Braun 4 NXT stars Trips comes Kid Strowman The cole!" is The American Universal during both in with an Championship Rock destroys his Boogeyman battle said more Boogeyman Badass over the top lasts longer Pancakes tag team appears than 5 appears Undertaker entrance than 5 minutes "sings" partner royals times

They brag Jinder A choir or At least 6 Happy about Trips comes 4 NXT stars At least Fight Mahal has in with an symphony during both suplexes Suprise beating that look like during the 5 title forever Rusev her farted a over the top during an battle Reigns vs. Appearance some entrance Day! record stinker entrance royals Lesnar match changes chants Bingo Card ID 021 Bingo Card ID 022

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

The Jinder Braun "shut up spanish Mahal has Strowman Gronk cole!" is At least Fight Kelly that look like Suprise Kelly announce destroys his Appearance is here said more 5 title forever table is her farted a tag team than 5 broken Kelly stinker partner again? times changes chants Kelly

Happy Trips comes At least 4 NXT stars Happy Kid A choir or Carmella 4 NXT stars in with an during both symphony successfully during both Pancakes 5 title cashes in Rusev over the top battle Rusev Rock during an her MIB battle Day! entrance changes royals Day! "sings" entrance contract royals

At least 6 You take a They brag Goldberg American suplexes Universal bathroom Fight Universal The about Chants during the Championship break during Championship Suprise Badass lasts longer the US forever lasts longer Boogeyman beating during the Appearance Undertaker Reigns vs. than 5 minutes Championship than 5 minutes appears some HOF class Lesnar match match chants record of 2018

Kid "shut up Jeff Gronk Jeff The At least 6 Braun The cole!" is Jarrett American Jarrett spanish suplexes Strowman Rock Boogeyman said more is here Badass announce during the destroys his appears than 5 Attacks Undertaker Attacks table is Reigns vs. tag team "sings" times Elias again? Elias broken Lesnar match partner

Bad Goldberg They brag You take a Bad A choir or Carmella Trips comes Jinder makeup Chants about successfully bathroom Mahal has makeup symphony in with an break during application during the beating cashes in Pancakes that look like application during an her MIB over the top the US her farted a on Ronda HOF class some entrance Championship on entrance of 2018 record contract match stinker Rousey Bingo Card ID 023 Bingo Card ID 024

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Goldberg Fight "shut up Kid They brag Bad A choir or Goldberg Chants cole!" is American about makeup symphony Chants during the forever said more Rock Badass beating Pancakes application during the HOF class than 5 Undertaker some on Ronda during an HOF class of 2018 chants times "sings" record Rousey entrance of 2018

The You take a Trips comes Carmella Jinder Trips comes spanish Universal successfully Mahal has bathroom Happy Championship in with an Kelly break during in with an announce Pancakes cashes in that look like lasts longer over the top her MIB her farted a the US over the top Rusev table is than 5 minutes entrance Championship entrance broken contract Kelly stinker match Day!

Bad Braun You take a Jeff Braun Carmella The Gronk makeup Strowman bathroom Strowman At least Gronk successfully break during Jarrett Boogeyman is here application destroys his the US destroys his 5 title is here cashes in appears on Ronda tag team Championship Attacks tag team her MIB again? Rousey partner match Elias partner changes again? contract

Jeff They brag Jinder At least Kid "shut up Fight At least 6 Jarrett about Kelly Mahal has cole!" is American suplexes beating that look like 5 title Rock said more Badass forever during the Attacks some her farted a than 5 Undertaker Reigns vs. Elias record Kelly stinker changes "sings" times chants Lesnar match

At least 6 4 NXT stars A choir or The 4 NXT stars Happy spanish The Universal suplexes Suprise during both Suprise during both Championship during the symphony announce Boogeyman Appearance battle during an Rusev Appearance battle lasts longer Reigns vs. table is appears than 5 minutes Lesnar match royals entrance Day! broken royals Bingo Card ID 025 Bingo Card ID 026

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Jeff "shut up Braun Bad Trips comes At least American cole!" is Fight makeup in with an Strowman The Jarrett Badass said more destroys his Boogeyman application Pancakes Attacks over the top 5 title forever entrance Undertaker than 5 tag team appears on Ronda Elias changes times partner chants Rousey

Carmella "shut up 4 NXT stars The Goldberg successfully Gronk cole!" is Fight Universal Universal Gronk spanish Chants cashes in said more Championship during both Championship announce during the is here forever lasts longer battle lasts longer is here her MIB than 5 than 5 minutes than 5 minutes table is HOF class contract again? times chants royals again? broken of 2018

Goldberg Jinder A choir or The They brag At least Kid Happy Chants Mahal has symphony spanish about American Kelly during the that look like announce beating 5 title Rock Rusev Badass HOF class her farted a during an table is some Undertaker of 2018 stinker entrance broken record changes "sings" Day! Kelly

You take a They brag You take a Jinder At least 6 Jeff Mahal has The bathroom suplexes about bathroom break during during the Suprise Kelly Jarrett break during that look Boogeyman the US Appearance Pancakes beating the US like her appears Reigns vs. some Attacks Championship Lesnar match Championship farted a match Kelly record Elias match stinker

Braun Bad Carmella A choir or At least 6 Happy Kid 4 NXT stars makeup Trips comes Strowman during both Suprise successfully suplexes in with an destroys his application cashes in symphony during the Rusev Rock battle Appearance her MIB during an Reigns vs. over the top tag team on Ronda entrance partner Day! "sings" royals Rousey contract entrance Lesnar match Bingo Card ID 027 Bingo Card ID 028

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Goldberg Bad Braun Trips comes Jeff Happy Strowman Universal Chants Universal Kid makeup Championship in with an Jarrett Suprise Championship Rusev destroys his lasts longer over the top Attacks during the Appearance lasts longer Rock application tag team than 5 minutes entrance HOF class than 5 minutes on Ronda Day! partner Elias of 2018 "sings" Rousey

The "shut up You take a They brag The They brag "shut up Jinder spanish 4 NXT stars cole!" is bathroom about spanish about Trips comes cole!" is Mahal has during both break during in with an that look announce battle said more the US beating announce beating over the top said more like her table is royals than 5 Championship some table is some entrance than 5 farted a broken times match record broken record times stinker

Carmella At least Gronk American American The Fight successfully Suprise cashes in 5 title Pancakes is here Badass Appearance Badass Pancakes Boogeyman forever Undertaker Undertaker appears her MIB changes again? chants contract

Carmella Jinder Fight Goldberg At least A choir or Braun At least 6 Jeff successfully Kelly Mahal has Chants symphony Strowman suplexes Jarrett cashes in that look like forever during the 5 title destroys his during the her MIB her farted a HOF class during an tag team Reigns vs. Attacks contract Kelly stinker chants of 2018 changes entrance partner Lesnar match Elias

Bad You take a A choir or At least 6 4 NXT stars Kid The makeup bathroom Gronk Happy symphony suplexes break during Kelly during both Rock Boogeyman during the application the US is here Rusev during an appears Reigns vs. on Ronda battle Lesnar match Championship royals entrance "sings" Rousey match Kelly again? Day! Bingo Card ID 029 Bingo Card ID 030

WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo WWrreessttlleemmaanniiaa BBiinnggoo

Goldberg A choir or They brag "shut up Braun Bad Chants about cole!" is At least 4 NXT stars makeup Trips comes symphony Kelly Strowman during both in with an during the during an beating said more 5 title destroys his battle application over the top HOF class some than 5 tag team on Ronda entrance of 2018 entrance record times changes Kelly partner royals Rousey

Braun 4 NXT stars Carmella At least 6 Jinder The Goldberg Strowman American Gronk successfully Mahal has spanish Chants Universal during both suplexes Championship destroys his Badass is here cashes in during the that look like announce during the lasts longer tag team battle Undertaker her MIB Reigns vs. her farted a table is HOF class royals Lesnar match than 5 minutes partner again? contract stinker broken of 2018

You take a Bad Jeff Jinder Trips comes Jeff A choir or Mahal has bathroom makeup Happy At least Jarrett break during in with an Suprise Jarrett symphony that look like application 5 title Attacks her farted a the US over the top Appearance Attacks Rusev during an Championship entrance on Ronda Elias stinker match Rousey Elias Day! changes entrance

The At least 6 The spanish Universal Gronk The Fight American suplexes Championship Pancakes Boogeyman announce during the lasts longer is here Boogeyman Pancakes forever Badass appears table is Reigns vs. than 5 minutes appears Undertaker broken Lesnar match again? chants

"shut up They brag Carmella You take a Kid Fight Happy cole!" is about Kid successfully bathroom Kelly Suprise cashes in break during Rock Appearance forever Rusev said more beating Rock the US than 5 some her MIB Championship Kelly "sings" chants Day! times record "sings" contract match