HOW TO SOLVE THE FIRST WORLD PROBLEM As the term arose in the Internet, the material that you see and listen to is collected from the Internet, from people sharing content and by that sharing knowledge and opinions with the community. In this PDF, the guide to the guide, you find the sources of each video and audio piece. Furthermore, it con- textualizes the material. You find a Wikipedia article next to every quote, explaining not only the audio piece but also my choice of each. Video pieces are listed by #number and audio pieces are listed by (number). I do not own the rights for the material that has been used for the video guide. This is a non-profit project in a scientific context. Please contact me if you see your owner rights violated. I do own the rights for this specific arrangement of video and audio pieces. If you would like to use any of the content, please contact me as well.
[email protected] STORYTELLER How to solve the First World Problem. tries. A country does not have to be rich, to have some parts of it’s society live in the First World. The Dear observer, it is December 2015. As you are ob- First World describes not only a life quality but a serving this guide, you might be an inhabitant of the state of mind of individuals living in several different First World. You might ask yourself: What exactly countries on the world, but sharing the same prob- is the First World? In this guide, we will try to find lems.