
Introduction to Chapter 9 ETH Zurich, HS11 Prof. N. Beisert

9 String Backgrounds

Have seen that string spectrum contains . Graviton interacts according to laws of . General Relativity is a theory of . Strings can move in curved backgrounds. How are strings and related? • Should we quantise the string background? • Is the string graviton the same as the Einstein graviton? • Is there a backreaction between strings and gravity?

9.1 Graviton Vertex Operator

Compare graviton as string excitation and background. Assume q and polarisation µν.

Vertex Operator Construction. Graviton represented by closed string state

L,µ R,ν L,ν R,µ |; qi = µν α−1 α−1 + α−1 α−1 |0; qi. Corresponding vertex operator reads

Oµν = :(∂Xµ∂X¯ ν + ∂Xν∂X¯ µ)eiq·X : p αβ µ ν iq·X ∼ : det −g g ∂αX ∂βX e :. Insertion into string Z 2 1 µν V = d ξ 2 µνO .

Background Metric Construction. Flat background with plane wave perturbation iq·x Gµν(x) = ηµν + µνe + ....

Strings couple to background by replacement ηµν → Gµν 1 Z S = − d2ξp− det g gαβ 1 G (X) ∂ Xµ ∂ Xν. 2πκ2 2 µν α β

Same replacement ηµν → Gµν in NambuGoto action. Perturbation of metric same as vertex operator

1 S = S − V + ... 0 2πκ2

9.1 Conclusion. Graviton mode of string is the same as wave on background. string on at space contains . Gravitons introduce and deform at background. contains . Large deformations away from at background represented by coherent states of gravitons. String theory can be formulated on any background. String quantisation probes nearby backgrounds. Low- depends on classical background. Full quantum string theory is background independent, contains all backgrounds as dierent states (same as QG).

9.2 Curved Backgrounds

Consider strings on a curved background Gµν(x), curious insight awaits. Action in conformal gauge 1 Z S = − d2ξ 1 G (X) ηαβ∂ Xµ ∂ Xν. 2πκ2 2 µν α β For generic metric G, e.o.m. for X are non-linear. Type of model called non-linear . String background called target space. Metric eld Gµν(x) is sigma model coupling. Innitely many couplings (Taylor expansion of G). In most QFT's couplings are renormalised. Problem here: • Classical action has conformal . • indispensable to remove one d.o.f.. • Renormalised coupling G(x, µ) depends on scale µ. • New scale breaks quantum conformal invariance. !

Renormalisation. Compute the . Background eld quantisation:

• Pick (simple) classical solution X0 of string e.o.m.. • add perturbations X = X0 + κY . Quantum eld Y . 2 3 Expansion of action S[X] = S[X0] + Y + κY + ... in orders of Y 0 • Value of classical action S[X0] at Y irrelevant. • No linear term in Y due to e.o.m. for X0. • Y 2 is kinetic term for quantum eld Y . • Order Y 3,Y 4,... are cubic, quartic, . . .

+ + + ...

Use target space dieomorphisms s.t. locally Z d2ξ S = − ηαβ η ∂ Y µ∂ Y ν + 1 κ2R ∂ Y µ∂ Y νY ρY σ 2π µν α β 3 µρνσ α β 9.2 Rµρνσ(x) is target space curvature .

Kinetic term and quartic vertex: + + ....

At one loop we get tadpole diagram. Insert two-point correlator

2 µ ν ρ σ κ Rµρνσ∂αY (ξ)∂βY (ξ)hY (ξ)Y (ξ)i

but we know for ξ1 → ξ2

ρ σ ρσ hY (ξ1)Y (ξ2)i ' −η log |ξ1 − ξ2|. Not exact, but UV behaviour xed by conformal symmetry. Logarithmic singularity responsible for renormalisation. Gµν is running coupling, µ∂G = β = κ2R ,R = Rρ . ∂µ µν µν µν µρν

Anomaly. Scale dependence breaks conformal symmetry: Trace of stress energy tensor after renormalisation 1 ηαβT = − β ηαβ∂ Xµ∂ Xν. αβ 2κ2 µν α β Anomaly of Weyl symmetry! (gauge xed already) Conformal/Weyl symmetry is essential for correct d.o.f.. Remove by setting

βµν = 0. Einstein equation! Rµν = 0. Quantum strings can propagate only on Einstein backgrounds. General relativity! -2 at level 1 are gravitons.

Higher Corrections. There are corrections to the beta function from higher perturbative orders in κ2   2 4 κ + κ  + +  + ...

2 1 4 ρσκ βµν = κ Rµν + 2 κ RµρσκRν + ....

Also corrections from the expansion in the string coupling gs.

Corrections to Einstein equations at Planck scale: βµν = 0.

9.3 9.3 Form and

What about the other (massless) elds? Two-form Bµν and dilaton scalar Φ? Two-form couples via antisymmetric combination

1 Z 1 Z d2ξ 1 B (X) εαβ∂ Xµ∂ Xν = B. 2πκ2 2 µν α β 2πκ2 In fact, canonical coupling of two-form to 2D worldsheet. Analogy to charged in electromagnetic eld. String has two-form . Dilaton couples to worldsheet Riemann scalar

1 Z d2ξ p− det g Φ(X) R[g]. 4π Interesting for several reasons: • Euler characteristic χ of the worldsheet appears. • Not Weyl invariant. • Scalar can mix with gravity. • Can get away from 26 .

Low-Energy Eective Action. First discuss the various beta functions (trace of renormalised stress energy tensor T ) 1 gαβT = − p− det g βG ηαβ + βB εαβ∂ Xµ∂ Xν αβ 2κ2 µν µν α β 1 Φ − 2 β R[g] with

G 2 2 1 2 ρσ βµν = κ Rµν + 2κ DµDνΦ − 4 κ HµρσHν , B 1 2 λ 2 λ βµν = − 2 κ D Hµνλ + κ D ΦHµνλ, Φ 1 2 2 2 µ 1 2 µνρ β = − 2 κ D Φ + κ D ΦDµΦ − 24 κ HµνρH .

Quantum string consistency requires βG = βB = βΦ = 0. Standard equations for graviton, two-eld and scalar. Follow from an action Z 26 p −2Φ 1 µνρ µ  S ∼ d x − det g e R − 2 HµνρH + 4∂ Φ ∂µΦ .

String low-energy eective action. Encodes low-energy physics of string theory. Further corrections from curvature and loops.

Trivial solution: G = η, B = 0, Φ = Φ0 (at background). Can also use torus compactication to reduce dimensions.

9.4 String Coupling. Suppose Φ = Φ0 is constant, then dilaton coupling term is topological Z d2ξp− det g R[g] ∼ χ.

Measures Euler characteristic χ = 2h − 2 of world sheet.

iΦ0 Set gs = e . Then action yields χ factors of gs.

iS iΦ0χ χ e ' e = gs . Expansion in worldsheet .

−2 0 2 gs + gs + gs

String coupling gs determined through background: Asymptotic value Φ0 of dilaton eld Φ.

String Frame. Notice unusual factor of exp(−2Φ) in S. Scalar degrees of freedom can mix with metric. Could as well dene

0 Gµν = f(Φ)Gµν. Remove exp(−2Φ) through suitable choice of f. Go from string frame to Einstein frame. Standard kinetic terms for all elds.

Noncritical Strings. We have seen earlier that D 6= 26 breaks Weyl symmetry. D enters in eective action as worldsheet

1 µνρ µ 2 −2  S = ... R − 2 HµνρH + 4∂ Φ ∂µΦ − 3 κ (D − 26) . Can have D < 26, but requires Planck scale curvature.

Dilaton Scaling. Dilaton coupling to worldsheet is not Weyl invariant and has unconventional power of κ. • Consistent choice. • Moves classical Weyl breakdown to one loop. Cancel quantum anomalies of other elds.

9.4 Open Strings

Open strings to additional states, elds and couplings. • Additional string states; e.g. massless vectors ():

µ |ζ; qi = ζµα−1|0; qi.

9.5 • Additional vertex operators; e.g. photon Z µ V [ζ, q] ∼ dτ ζµ∂τ X exp(iq · X)

• Additional elds to couple to string ends. Background couplings can be identied as for closed strings. Vertex operator has same eect as background eld. Coupling depends on string boundary conditions: Dp-.

Neumann Boundaries. For all coordinates Xa, a = 0, . . . , p, with Neumann conditions: couple a one-form gauge eld A to end of string Z Z ˙ a dτX Aa(X) = A. end end • natural coupling of a charged point-particle to gauge eld. • string end is a charged point-like object.

Gauge eld Aa exists only on Dp-brane. Okay since string ends constrained to Dp brane. Classical coupling of A respects Weyl symmetry. Quantum anomaly described by beta function A 4 b βa ∼ κ ∂ Fab b Absence of conformal anomaly requires Maxwell ∂ Fab = 0. Associated low-energy eective action Z 4 p+1 1 ab S ∼ −κ d x 4 FabF .

For planar Dp-brane can also include higher corrections in κ. BornInfeld action: Z p+1 p 2 S ∼ d x − det(ηab + 2πκ Fab).

Leading order is Maxwell kinetic term. Corrections at higher orders in κ.

Dirichlet Boundaries. Coupling of Dirichlet directions Xm, m = p + 1,...,D − 1, dierent. • Xm xed, but X0m can be used. • Dual eld Ym describes transverse Dp-brane displacement. • Dp- are dynamical objects! Beta function at leading order: massless scalar

m βa ∼ ∂ ∂mYa Eective action for higher orders: DiracBornInfeld action Z p+1 p 2 S ∼ d x − det(gab + 2πκ Fab).

9.6 µ Induced WS metric gab = ∂aY ∂bYµ. Embedding coordinates Y for Dp-brane. Combination of • Dirac action for p-branes and • BornInfeld action for gauge elds.

D-Branes in a Curved Background. Can even add eect of close string elds. Z p+1 −Φp 2 S ∼ d x e − det(gab + 2πκ Fab + Bab).

• gab is induced metric from curved background. • Bab is pull back of 2-form eld Bµν to Dp-brane. 0 • combination 2πα Fab + Bab is gauge invariant. • dilaton couples as prefactor like for closed string.

Coincident Branes. For N coincident branes gauge enlarges from U(1)N to U(N). Gauge eld should couple via Wilson line Z T exp A. end Resulting eective action at leading order is Z p+1 1 2 1 2 1 2 S ∼ d x tr − 4 (Fab) + 2 (DaYm) + 4 [Ym,Yn] . YangMills, massless adjoint scalars, quartic interactions.

9.5 Two-Form Field of a String

We have seen that strings couple to various elds. A string also generates a eld conguration. Analogy: charged generates Coulomb potential.

Fundamental String. Consider an innite straight string along 0, 1 directions: 1-brane. Generates a two-form potential B = (f −1 − 1)dx0 ∧ dx1 Interactions with metric G and dilaton Φ require 2 −1 2 2 2Φ −1 ds = f ds2 + dsD−2, e = f . The function with 2 2 2 reads f r = x2 + ... + xD−1 g2NκD−4 f = 1 + s . rD−4 This satises the low-energy eective string e.o.m. because f is a harmonic function. Note: Source at the location of the string (r = 0).

9.7 • E.o.m. follow from combination of spacetime action and worldsheet coupling to two-form Z Z H ∧ ∗H + B D 2 Source term δD−2(r) absorbed by worldsheet. • Charge of string measured by Gauss law via ∗H. Put (D − 3)-dimensional sphere at xed r. Z Q = ∗H = N. D−3 Above string has N units of charge (quantised). The fundamental string is not a D1-brane: Open strings do not end on it. It is the string itself. Solutions with more than one centre permissible.

Magnetic Brane. Another solution of the string eective e.o.m. describes a (D − 5)-brane. It uses a dual (D − 4)-form potential C dened through

H = dB, ∗H = dC.

It carries magnetic charge Z Q = H. 3 The source is located on the (D − 5)-brane(s). The coupling of (D − 5)-branes to C compensates source.
