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The Byron Shire THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 31 #03 Wednesday, June 29, 2016 Phone 02 6684 1777 SCHOOLSCHOOL HOLIDAYSHOLIDAYS 23,200 copies every week PAGE 18 CAB REMEMBER: STOP VOTING FOR SOCIOPATHS PAGE 18 AUDIT Mungo looks over the Book reviews for Are you entertained? Online in netdaily Pollies dash madly around remains of a long, long the upcoming Seven will make sure electorates as poll looms political campaign – p10 Writers Fest – p17 that you are – p31–37 around-electorates-poll-looms Within a crystal galaxy Bypass ahead Hans Lovejoy Sorry, Butler Street residents – you are about to make way for a bypass. The last hurdle for the $10m Byron Bay project was cleared last Wednesday night in the Mullum- bimby Council Chambers by an ‘in- dependent’ panel. It is called the northern Joint Re- gional Planning Panel (JRPP) and is one of six NSW government-ap- pointed panels that determine large- scale developments across the state. Th is panel is headed by former National Party MP, Garry West. Political appointment With such a political appoint- ment, The Echo asked NSW plan- ning minister Rob Stokes how the panel could be considered ‘inde- pendent’, which is a description Estimated to be 120 million years old, two of the world’s largest known crystals have a new home at the Crystal Castle in Byron’s hinterland. Both published on the JRPP website. are 5.5 metres and are a smoky quartz geode and an amethyst geode cave. Manager Naren King says it’s the result of a ‘monumental deal with a The Echo is yet to receive a reply; Uruguayan farmer and long-term friend of the Castle.’ Pictured are Molly-Rose and Roxy. Photo Jeff ‘I Said Atheist, Not Amethyst’ Dawson however, the minister’s office did say that he was appointed by former Labor premier Kristina Keneally. And as for the panel’s track re- State govt refuse seawall funding cord? According to JRPP’s own website, 56 major NSW regional By the time you read this, council- its outcome may have enormous legal standing and compliance with then puts a diff erent complexion on developments have been approved lors who hold the majority of power implications. According to Cr Paul legislation remain unanswered. the extent of funding Council will by all six panels since 2013, with one will have met on Wednesday and Spooner, adopting this Coastal Th e latest cost blowout is $4.8m, need to contribute to the CZMP refusal and three deferrals. presumably voted to forward its in- Zone Management Plan Byron Bay with the Offi ce of Environment and BBE, changing the funding model Nonetheless, an upbeat press re- complete coastal policy to the state Embayment (CZMP BBE) could Heritage (OEH) advising staff with- to landholder and Council contri- lease by Mr West that followed failed government for consideration. send Council broke and force an in a report that it will not commit to butions only.’ to mention any opposition to the While the long-running saga eventual amalgamation. funding the plan. Those who have consistently project and instead concluded with, of building a 1.1km Belongil Beach From start to fi nish, it has been Staff say in this week’s report, pushed for the seawall are Crs Ibra- ‘Th e bypass will help cars, cyclists seawall may well have exhausted redrawn, recalibrated and rewrit- ‘Without the assumed funding from him, Woods, Hunter, Cubis and and pedestrians to move around public interest, the signifi cance of ten, while questions regarding its the NSW government via OEH, this continued on page 3 continued on page 5 Here We Are Northern Rivers 6686 1100 VOTE 1 VOTE 1 dawn.walkergreens @greensdawn 2 June 29, 2016 The Byron Shire Echo Byron Shire Echo archives: Local News Council in Get fit the FUN way! A song for Solstice We offer court again classes in Belongil landowners will again • Beg to Advanced take Council to the NSW Su- Pole Dancing preme Court over a ‘signifi cant • Group Fitness fi nancial loss and diminution • Private Tuition in value of their properties,’ • Hens/Birthday and other issues that have Parties arisen from ‘works in front of Ph.0413 326 901 TERM 5 STARTS 4 JULY the Jonson Street carpark.’ For classes, special offers and how to book visit Council will go into confi - dential session in the meeting YOU DON’T PAY ME… of June 29, and the agenda says ‘the proceedings have THE LENDER DOES been ongoing since late 2010.’ Janice Ryan It reads, ‘Council’s solici- tors, Council’s Legal Services Mortgage Broker Diploma of Financial Services team and staff have been con- 27 years’ lending experience sidering a settlement proposal E: janice@wpff put by the [sixteen] plaintiff s.’ M: 0400 364 723 ‘Council’s solicitors will apprise councillors of the pre- sent state of the settlement proposal in a confidential The Byron Community School’s annual Winter Solstice Lantern Night was held on Friday in presentation to councillors.’ blustery winter conditions. It was a feast for the eyes and ears as the children performed Th ere is no recommenda- songs for the turn-out of more than 300 parents and friends braving the chilly temperatures. Homestay tion from staff tabled in the On Saturday, the Pocket School also held their Winter Festival, while thousands attended the agenda. annual Lismore Lantern Parade, held at Oakes Oval. Photo Donatella Parisini. families needed In July and August we will welcome young UAE and Japanese high school students Coastal policy blows out another $4.8m needing friendly host families! The students are aged 14–16 years and study at BBELS for 2–6 weeks. Like our regular homestay continued from page 1 Cost now doubled program, hosting students is a great cultural Wanchap, while those against experience for you and your family. are mayor Richardson, Crs Ballina’s CZMP adoped Cr Paul Spooner told The PLUS you also receive $260 per week. Cameron, Dey and Spooner. Echo that the most recent de- Ballina Shire Council’s Coastal Zone Management Plan Please contact Clare for information: It also comes with great velopments see Council’s costs (CZMP) has just been certifi ed by planning minister Rob now doubled to $9,387,296, Phone 6680 8253 haste; there appears two rea- Stokes, and will include an ‘upgrade to the Lennox Head Email sons – council elections are which is inclusive of all works seawall to protect the road and other public facilities.’ planned within the CZMP looming and a new Coastal The minister said in a press release there will also be Management Act 2016 will BBE, not just the seawall. ‘investigations into beach nourishment and ongoing He says after the new soon become law and this monitoring at the site as part of the plan.’ CZMP was written to comply costings were reconsidered, it would put the Fit for Th e with soon-to-expire legislation. ishment will be needed, and he cent were for. Future strategy ‘clearly at risk’. timber windows & doors estimates the total cost could The Echo asked staff for a ‘Th ere is no income to pay Dept feedback be as high as $36,115,520. breakdown of residents ver- for this CZMP,’ he said. As expected, state govern- Similar concerns are sus visitors but those data was ‘Council would need to ment agencies have fl agged raised by National Parks and not provided. cut $10 million in existing major concerns over the plan Wildlife Service (NPWS). Director sustainable en- programs and services over – even before it gets formally Th ey wrote, ‘Th e plan does vironment and economy, the next ten years to pay considered. Within the agen- not address the high potential Shannon Burt, said the sub- for this CZMP. Th is CZMP da, staff have responded to for coastal erosion to occur missions on the draft CZMP should be withdrawn.’ feedback from department within the Cumbebin Swamp were not weighted according agencies and the public. Nature Reserve and Tyagarah to residents versus visitors. GM replies Th e NSW Department of Nature Reserve as a result of ‘Many submissions [were] When asked if this plan Planning and Environment seawalls being built along Be- emailed in, and had no ad- would put Council at serious say they ‘do not believe [in] longil Beach.’ dress location. Th is is not an fi nancial risk, general manag- the inclusion of our organi- Quality windows & doors since 1946 Staff replied, ‘As per the unusual occurrence,’ she said. er Ken Gainger did not reply sation as a support organisa- Phone 6621 2734 requirements of the Environ- but told The Echo that should tion in the implications of Legal advice mental Planning Assessment it be fi nally approved, Coun- these actions’. Act 1979, investigations con- Th e status of long-awaited cil will have to factor the costs WINTER HEALING WORKSHOPS Meanwhile the NSW Of- cerning impacts on coastal legal advice will also be dis- into its Long Term Financial by Jutta Kellenberger fi ce of Environment and Her- processes and the environ- cussed at Wednesday’s meet- Plan (LTFP). itage told staff that the draft ment will be undertaken as ing. An original motion on ‘Th e plan is renewed regu- July 1–2, 2016: Fri & Sat, 10am–5pm CZMP ‘must make provision part of the approvals process February 4 sought explanation larly and the outcomes from Healing Love/Female Healing Develop inner beauty and outer radiance.
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