CSE Study: Mercury Pollution in Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh and its Health Impacts Mercury Pollution in Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh and its Health Impacts INVESTIGATORS Mr. Ramakant Sahu Ms. Poornima Saxena Dr. Sapna Johnson Ms. Soundaram Ramanathan Ms. Sugandh Juneja ADVISORS Prof. (Dr.) H. B. Mathur Prof. (Dr.) H. C. Agarwal October 2012 CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT 41, TUGHLAKABAD INSTITUTIONAL AREA, NEW DELHI –110062 TEL: 91-11-2995 6110/5124/6394/6399 FAX: 91-11-2995 5879 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: www.cseindia.org POLLUTION MONITORING LABORATORY CORE-6A, FOURTH FLOOR, INDIA HABITAT CENTRE LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI – 110003 1 CSE Study: Mercury Pollution in Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh and its Health Impacts CONTENTS 1. Pollution Monitoring Laboratory of CSE 3 2. The Study 3 3. Introduction 4 4. Review of Literature 10 5. Health Effects 16 6. Objectives of the Study 19 7. Materials and Methods 19 8. Results and Discussion 26 9. Conclusions 36 10. Recommendations 38 11. Annexures 46-47 Annexure 1: Village Wise Distribution of Mercury in Human Blood, Hair and Nail in Singrauli Annexure 2: Concentration of Mercury in Human Blood, Hair and Nail in Singrauli on Gender basis 2 CSE Study: Mercury Pollution in Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh and its Health Impacts 1. POLLUTION MONITORING LABORATORY OF CSE The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a non-governmental organization based in New Delhi, has set up the Pollution Monitoring Laboratory (PML) to monitor environmental pollution. PML is an ISO 9001:2008 certified laboratory accredited by SWISO, CH-5610, Wohlen, Switzerland, conducting Pollution Monitoring and Scientific Studies on Environmental Samples.