
Board of Governors Sisters in Spirit — Meeting — page 2 page 6 -

Soccer and Pain — ACC Student Elec page 3 tions — page 7

Brandon University’s Student Newspaper: drunk with power since 1910 Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014

2-4-6-8 No More Violence; No More Hate! is a public issue. I’d like students to re- lence. speeches were uplifting and inspiring, dis- As h l y n Pe a r c e a n d Je n n a Va l i q u e t t e alize that just because it doesn’t happen The event featured speakers includ- cussing the importance of shedding light Night is an annual to you, doesn’t mean there aren’t women ing Cathy Mattes, Assistant Professor of on this topic, and how unity and discus- march taking place in over 30 countries everydayTake struggling with Back these issues; to theVisual and Aboriginal Night Art at BU and Craig sion are the keys to ending the violence worldwideake Back and thebegan in the 1970’s fea- eliminate sexual violence we need to work Miller, pastor at Knox United Church, as against not only women but anyone who is turing speakers from the community on together.” According to takebackthenight. well as Frank Tacan who spoke as well experiencing domestic or sexual violence. theT subject of violence against women. On org at least 1 in 3 women worldwide has and also performed a ritual blessing “It was a great group of people, tons of September 18th approximately been the victim of sexual or domestic vio- and smudge with all in attendance. The women and men and culturally diverse 120 members of our commu- too” said Mattes about the nity and university gathered at group who then picketed Princess Park to show support the streets of Brandon. for women everywhere dealing The Women’s Collec- with domestic and sexual vio- tive plans to hold more lence and to raise awareness. events like this in the future The Women’s Collective such as the Sisters In Spirit here at BU worked with the walk and vigil in the fall with Women’s Resource Centre BUASC honouring missing to put on this event. Racheal and murdered Indigenous Wu, The Women’s Director in women, and their annual BUSU, states that “We want candlelight vigil in Decem- to make our community a safe ber. For more information on place for all self-identified how you can help, visit take- women so we’re doing [the backthenight.org or contact march] to bring awareness to the Women’s Collective at something that people may 204-727-9660. § not know is happening in our community, or may not think The smudge ceremony at Take Back the Night. Photo credit Ashlyn Pearce.

External advisory committee formed for oversight never really seen the lime-light. Classes been involved in a committee at BU be- tremely valuable for the program. Involve- Re i d Ogilvie, r e po r t e r receive good reviews from former students fore said he was very excited to be includ- ment from the work forces the students L for the A.D.E.S. but it is just not one of the better known ed. “It’s an excellent opportunity to learn of any program will be entering is a rare Program met with representativesA.D.E.S from a courses.Getting Hopefully the attention National this about the A.D.E.S program. Attention We hope that and valuable resource that the science numberast Tuesday, of Provincial, Staff Federal, and Private new committee brings will change that. we can have some influence with the pro- faculty will be taking full advantage of. agencies to communicate with the hope Despite being a relatively new pro- gram, but we also hope to be influenced in By offering very generous financial that everyone involved would benefit from gram, A.D.E.S. is one of the first in the some ways.” Mr. Finley continued by say- resources for organizing such meet- the arrangement. Since its inception in Faculty of Science, and the University to ing that he strongly believed that the pro- ings in the future, Dr. Egan stated that 2001, Applied Disaster and Emergency receive external oversight. This includes gram would benefit from the oversight of he hopes the committee would serve Services has been a program that has over 15 agencies participating from, the committee. Many of which, including as a model for the other branches of Manitoba Emergency the previously mentioned National Energy science, believing that the faculty, and Measures, Public Safe- Board, employ former A.D.E.S students. by extension the students, would all ty , Red Cross In-between an amazing lunch pro- benefit from an outside point of view. Canada, The Brandon vided by the culinary staff and the elec- For the time being though, A.D.E.S. city Council, and The tion of Lee Spencer as the co-chair of will hold regular meeting with its new- Disaster Recovery Infor- the committee, the Dean of Science, Dr. ly formed advisory committee so that mation Exchange. When Andrew Egan, BU President Dr. Gervan they can continue to learn from one an- asked about his agen- Fearon, and Professor Jack Lindsay of the other in all forms of disaster prevention. cy’s involvement, Chris- A.D.E.S Program gave short speeches to For now with this highly decorated list topher Finley of the Na- the group. Dr. Egan thought the commit- of individuals visiting our campus, BU tional Energy Board, an tee meeting went very well, and that the will be fine should a disaster occur. § A.D.E.S. meeting in progress. Photo credit Reid Ogilvie. agency that has never input from the representatives was ex-

Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014 — 1 News – 2 Changes, changes, and more changes! • Fleming School Project has been under departments have more graduates above Wh i t n e y Ho d g i n s , s e n i o r r e po r t e r Opening Board of Governorsconstruction for the past Meeting 2 years in col- the national average. Currently, 96% of A Governors meeting was laboration with MB Housing. The Board is Psychiatric Nursing students passed their editorialstaff held on September 27th to talk about the unsure of what will happen now with a new licensing exam, and 100% of Registered Editor in Chief | Alex Murray accomplishments Board of we have made as a uni- Minister and Deputy Minister. Nursing students passed. [email protected] versity. Here is a lot what transpired during • Scott Lamont announced that as of Octo- At the meeting, Gervan Fearon said, Assistant Editor in Chief | Holly Kalyniuk th the meeting but not everything. ber 17 , the University will be opening up a “since my appointment as BU President [email protected] walk-in clinic in Healthy Living Centre. This two months ago, I have gone to events - General Manager | Elinor Murray • There are new Master’s programs avail- clinic will consist of four to five doctors for [email protected] able on campus, such as Masters in Psy- such as Rock the Block - as well as had the Senior Reporter | chiatric Nursing. 1 ½ days a week. Based on need, they may chance to work with a bunch of wonderful Whitney Hodgins • Gaining tenure within a faculty is now a be open more frequently. individuals within the university as well as Senior ACC Correspondent | little more difficult. It will take five years and • Campus Manitoba has undergone a lot within the community. We are doing a great Karleigh Paul within the third to fourth year you will be of changes recently, now becoming more of job, but there is still room for improvement. Quentin | an information centre rather than an aca- Our goal is to promote academic success [email protected] put under review from your peers, internal Classifieds | and external review committees. If perfor- demic interdisciplinary program. Now if you as well as make it easier for a full time stu- [email protected] mance is satisfactory, you will gain tenure. want to take a course through Campus MB, dent to finish their degree of choice in the Advertising | If you gain tenure elsewhere, you will have you will have to register with the university same institution; instead of transferring to [email protected] it carried over into the next position no mat- where the course is offered before you can other institutions.” contributors ter what faculty or institution you are from. start your education. Before adjournment of the meeting, the • BU is currently bidding to host the Wom- Board also made nominations for different Da k o t a Bi c k l m e i e r , Ho l l y Ka l y n i u k , Ar i e l e To reach tenure through the collective en’s National Volleyball Tournament in positions on the board, including the Vice Ke h l e r , Kr i s t a Mi l l s , Al e Mu r r a y , agreement Professors will need to teach, Co u r t n a y Ny c h u k , Re i d Ogilvie, Ka r l e i g h research and provide services. 2016 against three other major bidders. Chair, Bea Jolly, Secretary, Kristin Phillips, Pa u l , As h l y n Pe a r c e , Cl a i r e So n g , Je n n a • Presidential instillation is to take place • BU is facing great change in regards to Treasurer, Bill Schaver, Board Executive, Va l i q u e t t e , An t h o n y Labo n t e , Kr i s Go u l e t Homecoming weekend on the Friday, Octo- population. Recently we have seen a 3% in- Rosanne Gas and Student Representative, b u g a , Tr e vo r ‘T-Da w g ’ Ve n n b u g a , Ja c ob ber 17th. crease since last year. The Health Studies Joel Springer § Wo l f e b u g a , Jo c e l y n My r a n b u a s c . The Quill is published weekly by The Quill, Inc., and is printed by The Kil- larney Guide in Killarney, MB. Dub Poetry: Music for People Who Can’t Sing long standing tradition in Jamaica and the Now the internationally renowned two As h l y n Pe a r c e , r e po r t e r NOTE: Editorials, letters, and view- form of dub poetry evolved around this cen- time Juno Award winner is regarded as point articles do not necessarily The Mothera Jamaican of born Dub wom- tralPoetry idea and crystallized. Rap music is also the mother of dub poetry. On Sept. 26th reflect the opinion of The Quill staff, L a descendant of dub poetry and in a way she came to BU to help launch her new The Quill, Inc., or the faculty, staff, or an who migrated to North America in the illian Allen is also rose from Jamaica with it’s techniques CD Anxiety. She gave a spoken word per- administration of Brandon University. 1970’s looking for what she described as “the better life”. As a young girl she had be- such as the double turntable. “People re- formance in The Gathering Space of the The Quill is a member of Canadian come enamoured with poetry and that love sponded well and that was too good to give Library and then in the evening performed University Press (CUP), one of the had carried through her life. In her teenage up” Allen said. In her work she claims to at the Works In Progress cabaret with other world’s largest student organiza- years reggae music became popular, and use all manner of language including its artists such as Michael Bellmore, Greg Ga- tions, with a membership of over 70 current, past and future forms. When she tien, Lisa Lysack and our own Dr. Gervan student newspapers in Canada. from this movement dub poetry also started thinks of poetry she says “it isn’t about the Fearon. Some of her performance was spo- Advertisers wishing to buy space in to develop. She jokes “if I could sing I’d do both this newspaper and other CUP- that, but I can’t sing” still she had wanted answer, it’s about the question.” And she ken word, and at times she was accompa- affiliated newspapers should contact to express herself and what was happening firmly believes that “the world renews itself nied by Gatien (on saxophone) and Fearon our multi-market ad representative: around her in a musical form. Poetry was a through music” therefore making all music (on the bongo drum) in an improv fashion. important and relevant. § FREE Media 11629 105th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5H 0L9 A silence you should know of Phone: 780-421-1000 at BU was “...a homecoming of sorts.” She knowledge is still there” in reference to the [email protected] Ar i e l e Ke h l e r , r e po r t e r Gender Frontiers Series:went on to receive Dr. an MAMyriam in English Litera- Chancysilencing of women in these countries, go- For online advertising inquiries, O 23rd, Bran- ture from Dalhousie University and a Ph.D ing on to explain that she is not interested please contact: don University played host to Dr. Myriam in English from the University of Iowa. In her in silencing the people but rather in finding Rouge Media Group Chancyn tuesday as she gave September a presentation on her career, she has written six books. out what that silence represents. 250 The Esplanade, The Keep Her most recent book, which was pre- Another subject that ties in to the Toronto, ON M5A 1J2 book, From Sugar to Revolution: Women’s sented to a full audience in the Elephant distinctly male identity of Haiti, Cuba, Phone: 416-360-8120 Visions of Haiti, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Chancy spoke Room, is the last in a tril- and the DR is the misrepresentation Local advertisers can also contact both on her book, as well ogy on Caribbean Wom- in the media of the violence against us directly at the address below: as the topic of how women en’s Literature. Published women. Chancy demonstrates that while The Quill in 2012, From Sugar to these nations are still trapped in battles of th were violated in the 1994 270 18 Street Revolution: Women’s Vi- self-determination, recreating the way the Brandon University genocide of Rwanda. sions of Haiti, Cuba, and female gender is perceived may begin to Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Chancy is a Haitian- Office: 204-727-9667 born Canadian professor the Dominican Republic open doors to less exclusionary social and Fax: 204-571-0029 of Africana Studies. She explores Haiti’s exclusion political identities for Caribbean people as received her first degree, in contemporary Latin a whole. a Bachelor of Arts with a American studies, as For more knowledge of women’s gen- double major in English and well as the innately male der roles in less developed nations, Chancy Philosophy, from University national identifications recommended a graphic novel by Belgian of Manitoba. Upon introduc- Haiti, Cuba, and the Do- artist JP Stassen, Deogratis: A Tale of ing the subject of her work, minican Republic repre- Rwanda as well as the film “Sometimes in @quillbu The Quill Dr. Myriam Chancy. Photo Credit: Ariele Chancy said that presenting Kehler. sent. Chancy says, “(t)he April”, now available to stream on Netflix. §

Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th 2014 — 2 Sports/Community – 3 We stole her from the U of M sons teach you about the game? TQ: What are you looking Ho l l y Ka l y n i u k , a s s i s t a n t e d i t o r -in-c h i e f Bobcat Spotlight: BaileeBailee Ploshynsky: Ploshynsky Being on the Univer- forward to this year as one amid a flurry of prac- sity of Manitoba Bisons Womens’ soccer of the team captains? tices and games, The Quill had the oppor- team not only gave me a ton knowledge BP: This year I am look- tunityhis to past sit down week, with soccer sharp shoot- about the game of soccer, but it taught ing forward to seeing the er Bailee Ploshynsky, an ex-University of me a lot about life. … The Bisons’ are a growth of our little team— TManitoba Bison turned Brandon Univer- very physical and vocal team, so from that there is a lot potential. As sity Bobcat. While growing up in the small I was forced to learn how to use my body one of the captains, I hope town of Rossburn, Manitoba, Ploshynsky to gain possession and keep possession, to offer the necessary lead- began playing soccer in grade two, and as well my voice for effective communica- ership the coaches expect, played both forward and midfield for her tion during the chaos a game frequently and meet the needs of the hometown collegiate, the local Dragons brings. … I learnt quickly that the body athletes on the team. Ev- club team, and eventually for the Univer- has limits. You are your own keeper, and ery practice you can feel sity of Manitoba Bison Women’s Soccer as hard as it is to listen to your body when the intensity grow on the Team. Struggling through her fair share of it is hurt, you have to. As an athlete I find field, and that is applying injuries and choosing to transfer to BU in that is the toughest aspect to playing a to the games. … The team order to focus on her studies, Ploshynsky sport. is very positive—that is key TQ: How are these skills transferable to to success. again found herself shin pad-deep in the Game Time. Photo Credit: Holly Kalyniuk beautiful game when the university began BU’s new club soccer team? TQ: How will the experience a club team and she couldn’t resist. Ear- BP: Every experience is valuable and has with BU be different from lier last week, she was named Athlete of something to offer. I hope that I am able your time with the Bisons? the Week by Manitoba Colleges Athletic to contribute to the development of the BP: Every team is differ- Conference (MCAC), and currently holds team alongside the great athletes I am ent in the sense of playing Bailee Ploshynsky Photo Credit: Holly Kalyniuk. ing to see what we are able to build. We the record of most goals scored by the BU able to play with. Every player has had a style, coaching staff, and have the opportunity to send this program women’s and men’s soccer teams. different experience, and that is how you having a different group of players. This in any direction we choose—I think we are The Quill: What did your time with the Bi- score goals—no one has the exact same will differ in the sense that it is not CIS; playing style. we are a young team, and it will be excit- going to own it. §

My First Workout Experience at HLC... and Ever posed to the infamous purple couches power 80’s tunes, and was just about to I used muscles I didn’t even know I had, Je n n a Va l i q u e t t e , r e po r t e r Sweat and Regretsthat somehow tended to swallow music step foot on the big bad walking machine and found a huge appreciation for people I my morn- students’ afternoons whole, would be an when someone tapped me on the shoul- who hit the gym every day. But aside from ing classes have gone just as planned; a okay plan. So, on that beautiful sunny day, der. A man with a clipboard informed me the screamingly sore thighs and abs that fewt’s pages Tuesday of notes, afternoon, not enough to cramp I gathered my brand-new runners, some how boring that treadmill is, and asked if came out of hiding, I plan to head to the my wrists, a few assignments, not too workout clothes and my water bottle, en- we were interested in joining one of his fitness classes at the HLC more often! My many to ruin my weekend, and I only listed one of my more-athletic buddies, circuit classes in a few minutes. Being so only regrets about my experience are not spilled just a little bit of my coffee on the and crossed the street into the unknown. naive and too enthusiastic to get sweaty, starting out with something lighter! It was elevator. Things are looking up, I’m gon- Okay, it wasn’t completely “unknown”, I we said sure and followed him up the an eye-opening experience, and I’m sure na try something new and adventurous, suppose. Last week I attended the man- stairs to the circuit room. my tense, sore muscles will thank me I thought to myself in a fit of optimism. datory gym orientation, where I learned Squats. Kettle bells. Punching bags. later. The circuit training is offered Tues- Little did I know what I was getting myself the name or function of most of the gym Blue mats. I was pouring sweat by the days at 5:00 PM at the HLC, and you can into... equipment. Honestly, I zoned out for most first rep of 4 exercises, and by the third, learn more or register at the Healthy Liv- My gym rat friends had been pester- of it, distracted by the passing traffic or I didn’t know if it was sweat or tears ing Centre (HLC) Customer Service Center ing me to start working out with them for our tour guide’s rapid arm movements. streaming down my cheeks. Yeah, it was or call 204-727-9756. Come check it out, about a week. After doing some research, Anyways, off I went to change and men- intense. The instructor, Jordan Guilford, and say hi if you see me on the next mat (aka creating a motivational Pinterest tally prep myself to get my groove on. It was super awesome and motivating, be- lungin’ it out! § board), I had made the conclusion that was walkin’ time. I found a good playlist ing strict but encouraging as he corrected a few minutes on the treadmill, as op- of spandex-wearing, sweatband-donning our form and pushed us to do our best.

Wherein Brandon University takes second place to ACC

Ka r l e i g h Pa u l , s e n i o r a c c c o r r e s po n d e n t 2014 mcacathletics.ca). has three points in the league and is in a free shuttle that comes on the half hour. ACC Soccer: A Mixed BagMen’s Team for Results: the The Cougars men’s second last place, above Brandon Univer- It leaves from the Vic East Campus. So if team has played 4 games this season. sity (Sept. 26th, 2014 mcacathletics.ca). people do want to go out [to Shilo], they’re They’ve played 3 games this season. On Their first game, September 13th, they The Cougars face a few difficulties welcome to jump on the shuttle.” Saturday,he Women’s September team 13th, they results: played lost 6 -1 against Red River College in Win- with the soccer program right now. Last The teams are also dealing with mul- Red River College in Winnipeg, where nipeg. The next day they won their first season the team’s used the Optimist Park tiple injuries, which may set them back theyT lost 8-1. The next day they tied Col- game of the season, 3-2, against College soccer pitches, this season those pitches for a few games this season. Clark said lege Mennonite University, in Winnipeg, Mennonite University in Winnipeg. The are unavailable due to flooding. The only that in the men’s game against Provi- each team scoring a goal. Sara McDonald following weekend they played 2 games. available pitches for the team to use are dence University College, Pedro Manuel scored both goals for the weekend. The September 20th they lost their first home in Shilo, not Brandon. This makes it hard Dominguez went down with a knee inju- ladies versed Providence University Col- game in Shilo, 6-0, to Universite de Saint- to get fans out to the games to watch. ry, so he’s out for the time being. There lege in Shilo the following weekend on Boniface. They next day they lost a game “We probably only had 15 people have also already been two concussions Sunday, September 21st, which they lost against Providence University College 8-0. in the crowd,” said Beth Clark, Athlet- on the women’s team, and various pulls 5-0. Currently the team holds one point Andriy Kozoriz has scored 2 goals this ics Manager at ACC. “Last year we had a and strains on both teams. More off sea- in the league, tying with Canadian Men- season and Brian Rodriguez has scored couple hundred and we think that’s due son training is something that Clark says nonite University for last place (Sept. 26th, one this season so far. Currently the team to it being out in Shilo. Although, there is would benefit the teams in the future. §

3 — Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014 Features – 4 Genre: Action-Adventure, Zelda Developers: Nintendo, Monlith Soft Platform: Nintendo 3DS Rating: 4.92 / 5 sheds a brand new light on a world once a “rent first, buy Kr i s Go u l e t , b u g a The Legend of Zelda:explored, A makingLink you Betweenthink in an entirely Worldslater” system, you must Worlds is the new- different way about traversing the unique decide which items and est installment in the Zelda series by Nin- and beautiful areas this game has to of- tools will be most useful tendo,link and between is a spiritual successor to the fer. With stunning visuals, excellent con- to you at that moment. Super Nintendo title Link to the Past. Ex- trols, and challenging dungeons contain- But renting these items Aploring the land of Hyrule as our age-old ing tough-as-hell bosses that will test your comes at a price (not hero Link, a new evil arises in the form of wits and abilities, this game makes you just the toll it takes on an irritated sorcerer with a passion for art. feel like you are making real progress in your wallet) -- if you die, With this artistic menace turning all of the saving the world around you. you lose every item you Sacred Sages into paintings to decorate Normally, Zelda games are fairly lin- are currently renting, ear in which order you must complete giving you a punishment his apartment, (condo, whatever,) Link items, so you don’t get screwed over. But dungeons and assorted challenges -- how- for dying. This gives the player a sense of must undertake a fantastic adventure to that is merely a small blemish on an oth- ever, A Link Between Worlds kicks it up a danger and makes you feel like you can save the beautiful kingdom! erwise perfect game. To be totally honest, notch and lets the gamer have full control be basically screwed over by the simplest Link gains the ability to turn himself this review is fairly biased because A Link over which dungeons they want to tackle, enemy if you aren’t careful. into a painting and uses this fantastic Between Worlds is my favourite game in whatever order they please. Even the However, this leads to my one and power to travel to new areas, explore dan- ever. I guess that makes me the perfect way you obtain items to complete the dun- only negative point towards this game: the gerous dungeons, and solve challeng- person to talk to about it, doesn’t it? § ing puzzles. This new game mechanic geons is completely up to the player. With necessary grinding for rupees to buy the

Studious students study studies class ended around 10 at night. After the society and the education system encour- Woo Jin “Cl a i r ” So n g , c o l u m n i s t cause these two countries hold different Different Perspectiveslast class, studentson Children’s could either stay an agedEducation it. perspectives on children. In Korea, I think in a school zone, I laughed extra couple of hours at school to study But, I have seen that children in Cana- people see children as a future labor. It at a sign that said 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM be- or go home. I usually went straight to an da are expected to study less and to have is children’s obligation to study and they causehen if this i was had been in Korea, the time academy where I could meet with a tutor more fun. Children are out every weekend are more referred to as students rather would read 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. until midnight, and after that I went home to experience new sports and activities or than children. In Canada, based on my W I remember being in school or an to finish my homework and go to bed. to catch a movie with family and friends. own experiences, children are more ap- academy most of the time. It was continu- This is a very common routine for stu- On the other hand, I had to go to the sci- preciated by existence itself. Children are ously about studying, from elementary to dents in Korea or most East Asian coun- ence museum or art gallery even I was not viewed less as a labor and most western high school. My first class in high school tries, if this happened in Canada, parents studying. education systems or societies are fo- started at 8 in the morning and the last might be accused of abusing children. I To me, the education system seems cused toward expressing appreciation to- was forced to study non-stop, and Korean different between Korea and Canada be- wards children. §

Volume 105, Issue 3 — September 16th, 2014 — 4 5 — Volume 105, Issue 5 Study Break – 5 Genre: Action-Adventure, Zelda Developers: Nintendo, Monlith Soft Platform: Nintendo 3DS Rating: 4.92 / 5 sons and they should respect your choic- es. Ask Quentin If this does not work, perhaps you could try cursing them with Scrofula. Pig’s feet under their mattress marked with a Dear Quentin, Sigil of power usually accomplishes this. I am trying to move out of my parent’s Once they are good and Scrofulaed, ex- house but they think I should stay living tort money and perhaps a nice goat out at home. What can I do to convince them of the deal. Then, take your leave, com- that this is a good idea? munity of family be damned. Oh and Jackie Portils careful you don’t contract Scrofula while items, so you don’t get screwed over. But doing this. It’s the worst. Dear Jackie, Quentin that is merely a small blemish on an oth- In God’s Name why would you want erwise perfect game. To be totally honest, to move out of your parent’s house? To Quentin Quill is an 18th century time this review is fairly biased because A Link say nothing of fostering a good commu- Between Worlds is my favourite game traveler trapped in BU. He has not yet de- nity within your extended family, you can clared a major or even attended class in ever. I guess that makes me the perfect remain suckling on the teat of parentage person to talk to about it, doesn’t it? § the last several months. He passes the until they die and you get their house. time hunting French spies in the Univer- If, however, you have married and sity and training a hawk to retrieve beer need to go live in your husband or wife’s from SUDS. household, or establish one somewhere If you have a question for Quentin else, then you must explain to your par- cause these two countries hold different please email him at [email protected]. ents that you are leaving for your own rea perspectives on children. In Korea, I think He promises not to yell. people see children as a future labor. It is children’s obligation to study and they are more referred to as students rather Who by Fire As part of the Hawkweed Literary Forum than children. In Canada, based on my Kr i s t a Mi l l s , r e po r t e r own experiences, children are more ap- Hawkweed Forum: heFred stopped byStenson Brandon University to give preciated by existence itself. Children are was the students and the community a taste of rd viewed less as a labor and most western official release date of Albertan author his new book. uesday September 23 education systems or societies are fo- Fred Stenson’s latest book Who by Fire. Who by Fire follows Tom Ryder and cused toward expressing appreciation to- his family as they wards children. § T deal with the arrival of a sour gas plant dustry stating “It was a topic that I didn’t vice is to find a good mentor, and to read near their farm in want to leave unexplored.” As a boy he a lot. Different styles and ways of telling southern Alberta. The grew up near a sour gas plant, when little stories are ways aspiring authors can be toxic emissions from was known about the harmful effects. He teaching themselves all the time. Don’t the gas plant poison is also the author of Waste to Wealth: A rush the process either. Success isn’t al- Tom’s livestock and History of Gas Processing in Canada. Re- ways overnight, Stenson’s novel The Trade cause tension within search for this book involved interviewing took him fifteen years to write. his family. Moving the engineers who used to be in charge of Who by Fire is available at our very forward into the pres- the gas plant he grew up near. own campus bookstore for $32.95, as ent the story shifts Stenson is also a writer of Histori- well as Fred Stenson’s other works, he to Tom’s now grown cal Fiction and is often asked “How do was even kind enough to sign them. If you up son Bill, who be- you write about the 19th Century, if you have never owned a signed book, it gives gins working for an oil weren’t there?” to which he will always re- you special powers, so head to the book- company in Fort Mc- spond “neither were my readers.” store and pick a copy up before they are Murray, and his rise During the interview the Quill asked if gone. § through the manage- there was anything essential to Stenson’s rial ranks. writing process… For the longest time Inspiration for Stenson resisted the idea of composing this book came from on the computer, now he hardly writes Stenson’s own experi- by hand. ences with the oil in- For aspiring author’s Stenson’s ad- 004 - Dr. Bernadette Ardelli Area: 3-12 BB Cry: Everyone is someone’s weirdo. A Bio-type Professor, Ardelli has been known to appear around campus for the past eight years. Ardelli has a 3 stage Special Move that is super effective against genomes – Sequence, Assemble, and Annotate. Her conversa- tional weaknesses include Shark Week, shoes, and renovation projects, and can be drawn out into the open with books. 5 — Volume 105, Issue 5 BUSU/Clubs – 6 Some “RPGs” to blow your mind! able to create and act out almost anything ties, including com- Tr e vo r ‘T-Da w g ’ Ve n n , b u g a Let’s Talk About Games:we can imagine, Role-Play and explore its outcomes bat maneuvers and H mentioned at the through group narrative. magical spells. Char- end last week, this week I plan to talk The best-known tabletop RPG (some- acters can also ac- aboutey tabletop folks! role-playing As games. Role- times called pen-and-paper RPGs) is quire new equipment, playing games, often called RPGs, (and Dungeons & Dragons, (abbreviated D&D) some which may be not always to be confused with Rocket- and is often regarded as the first modern magical, (or cursed,) Propelled Grenades) are games in which RPG and serving as the basis from which allowing them to be- players take on the role of a character in a many of today’s best known RPGs began. come stronger and fantasy setting. The player is responsible It was first published in 1974, and has more versatile with for the decisions of the character, as well seen several revisions and new editions their available tool- th as the character’s development. These to its rules ever since, with 5 edition re- sets. When D&D re- the rule system used, the best tabletop games normally follow a system of rules cently released now in 2014. The game vised its rule system th RPG sessions come from the imagination that determine the physics of the world, features a set of rulebooks containing the upon the release of 4 Edition, Paizo, who and creativity of the group’s members. including the capabilities of the player basic rules on which the game’s system had been publishing D&D magazines un- Equally important is the need to make characters (often called PCs) and the non- operates. Characters in the game form til that time, published Pathfinder, which all participants feel included -- which is player characters (often called NPCs) as a party which interact with the GM’s set- picked up where 3.5-edition D&D left off especially important when introducing well as the probability that their actions ting, through adventuring, puzzle-solving, and continued to revise and expand on new members, particularly players new will succeed. In tabletop RPGs, a detail loot-collecting, combat with all manner the gaming system. As such, Pathfinder is to tabletop RPGs. Once the creativity is of a character’s capabilities are often re- of creatures, and dialogue with PCs and often referred to as “3.75-edition”, even flowing, and everyone is getting involved, corded on a sheet of paper, and the suc- NPCs alike. Characters have a number of though it is backwards-compatible with a tabletop RPG session can be one of the cess or failure of actions and events are statistics that are kept track of using a 3.5. most fun experiences anyone can have in determined with dice. One player, desig- character sheet. As players progress, their There are a number of additional tools gaming! nated the game master, (aka. GM, or DM characters earn experience points (EXP or that can be used to enhance the game, in- I’ve barely scratched the surface of for dungeon master) acts as part-Deity, XP), and once they have earned enough cluding game boards and maps, and figu- the information on these games, but I’ll part-narrator, designing and developing XP they rise in level, which is a basic sta- rines to indicate the characters present. stop here for now. Try these games for the setting that the others explore in ad- tistic to keep track of the player’s overall Adventure modules detailing an adven- yourselves! BUGA hosts regular sessions dition to controlling the environments and ability. As a character’s level rises, their ture setting, the events taking place, and every Wednesday, and everyone is wel- NPCs that are encountered through the statistics rise, and they gain the potential the NPCs present are also available. De- come to come out and game with us! § game. Overall, the fun is found in being to learn and perfect new skills and abili- spite all supplements, and regardless of

Genre: Action, , Black Comedy Studio: Rating: 4.5 / 5 doned by his boss, who considers him ex- other law-abiding citizens in lar is that the character develop- Ja c ob Wo l f e , b u g a Game Review: Blackpendable. Lagoon Rokuro is then captured by the the city of Roanapur. ran for ment is well-balanced with the action, and B a 2006 seinen an- “Lagoon Company” -- but before they can two seasons, the latter of which is aptly the pacing of the anime never suffers any ime adapted by Studio Madhouse (Death kill him, Rokuro helps them out of a dan- named “Second Barrage”. In addition to sudden jolts or lulls. Note,lack , Lagoon is Ultimate) gerous situation, earning their respect. this, a 5-episode sidequel OVA was pro- Black Lagoon feels like Cowboy Be- from Rei Hiroe’s still-running of the Rokuro is then offered a position on board duced, titled “Roberta’s Blood Trail”. bop -- That alone should be a statement same name. The story follows Rokuro Oka- The Black Lagoon as a pirate-mercenary Black Lagoon is a fantastically well- that excites any anime fan. This Tarantino- jima, a salaryman charged with delivering for hire, and is reborn as “Rock.” produced anime. The visuals are stun- inspired anime has enough of a western a package for his company in the South Over the course of the show, Rock ning: fight scenes are beautifully- cho influence to it that makes it accessible to Sea. While there, Rokuro is aban- serves as the viewer’s guide into the bloody reographed, characters display emotion newcomers of the media, while still hav- part of the world Lagoon is set without looking goofy, settings and back- ing the energy that has drawn long-time in, and manages to befriend grounds are beautiful, and the animation anime watchers in. Between the gunfights his crew mates at Lagoon Com- is fluid. Sound design and mixing are done and car chases, the adrenaline that this pany: Dutch, the cool-headed fantastically: guns are loud without drown- anime exudes is staggering. Without a leader; Revy, the short-tem- ing out dialogue, fights are hectic, and the doubt, Black Lagoon is worth watching. pered gunslinger; and Benny, acting in BOTH the English Dub and Origi- It’s an entertaining and violent romp with the comparably pacifist tech nal Japanese are phenomenal. Writing a high body count that I would recom- wiz. Lagoon Company faces off and scripting are handled very well with mend to anyone who can enjoy that. § against the , the this series, and each major character gets South American Cartels, the enough screen time and character devel- , Neo-Nazis, a weapon opment to make them lively and loveable. smuggling church and many What really sets Lagoon apart from simi-

Support the National Sisters in Spirit Walk! a dish or simply come meet our council n held on Oct. 4th Annually. Opening Cere- Jo c e l y n Lo r e e Da w n My r a n , b u a s c BUASC: Elections andcheck outThe the centre. Annual Generalmony starts Meeting@ 4:30 PM at Dinsdale Park. B Aborignial From now until Oct. 7th our By-Election All are welcome to attend. Student Council (BUASC) is having our nomination period and campaign period Please join our Facebook Page @ Bran- semi-annualrandon Annual University General Meeting will open up for 2 BUASC positions: Public don University Aboriginal Student Council (AGM) on Oct. 8th, 2014 in the evening in Relations and Cultural Coordinator. Voting News & Events to keep up with what’s th th the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre (IPC). This will take place on Oct. 7 and 8 , and can- happening around IPC and BUASC. evening we will also be accompanied by a didate winners will be announced on Oct. For further questions or information th Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner, All are wel- 8 at the AGM/Thanksgiving Potluck! come to the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre come to attend! Please feel free to bring The National Sisters in Spirit Walk is or ask one of our council members! §

Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014 — 6 ACC – 7 Online voting and the improving the voting process have their phone in their hand. Making it be able to get their Co u r t n a y Ny c h u k , a c c c o r r e s po n d e n t ACC Election Resultseasy to check their email and cast their vote in, but they will the 2014-2015 Gen- vote. At the other campuses’ such as the be doing it with the eral Council Elections, Assiniboine Com- Parkland campus (in Dauphin), the Adult ballot format. munityhis College, year for had introduced the online Collegiate, and the North Hill Campus, Now for the win- voting process and kyboshed the ballot they didn’t see a major improvement in ners of this year’s format.T They found that at the Victoria East the voting process. The reason being is General Council Campus, had more voters than any other because they are less likely to be in front Elections for ACC; year, due to the fact that the students are of a technological device that would allow Activities Repre- more likely to be in front of a computer or them that access. Those campuses will sentative: Karleigh Paul Business Represen- tative: Femi Oriola Health and Human Representative: Mi- chelle Coutts Mature Student Representative: Ch- antelle Baraniuk Agribusiness Rep- resentative: Nikki Bender Multicultural Rep- resentative: Carlos Ramirez MICA Represen- tative: Jung Ming Yang Trades and Tech- nology Representa- tive: TBA and Technology Representative was so The positions that had more than one close that it was a 50/50 and there will Genre: Action, Crime, Black Comedy Studio: Madhouse Rating: 4.5 / 5 person running were very close. The Busi- be a bi-election sometime in the upcom- lar anime is that the character develop- ness Representative had three people ing days. § ment is well-balanced with the action, and running and the results were between the pacing of the anime never suffers any three to four votes difference. The Trades sudden jolts or lulls. Black Lagoon feels like Cowboy Be- bop -- That alone should be a statement that excites any anime fan. This Tarantino- inspired anime has enough of a western influence to it that makes it accessible to newcomers of the media, while still hav- ing the energy that has drawn long-time anime watchers in. Between the gunfights and car chases, the adrenaline that this anime exudes is staggering. Without a doubt, Black Lagoon is worth watching. It’s an entertaining and violent romp with a high body count that I would recom- mend to anyone who can enjoy that. §

Support the National Sisters in Spirit Walk!

Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014 — 6 7 — Volume 105, Issue 4 — September 23rd, 2014 Quill Classifieds Champions BU Hawkweed Literary Fo- e rum Fall Calendar ‘14 Of Hooe you can find sone. Nothing worse thn little one having their heart (1) Scott Thomson & Susan- E-Brandon: set on theme & not being able to find. na Hood, music/dance duo Know anyone good at drawing... they could do snowman? ( sorry... of Montreal Celebrating our names not my long suit...I know the snowman has a name..). “Setting PK Page’s poetry pillars of to music and dance move- intelect. st ment” Friday, October 31 What? I can’t... I just... 12:40-1:30 PM BU Library what? Gathering Area (2) Scott Thomson & Susan- na Hood, “The Muted Note”: Poetry/Music/Dance perfor- mance Poetry/Music/Dance Per- formace; along with lecture on the Wu Ballads, by visit- ing Chinese professor Yang Junguang, Friday, October 31st 7:00-10:00 PM. Works in Progress Cabaret. $8 Admis- sion (3) Scott Thomson & Su- sanna Hood, Poetry/Music/ Movement Workshop Multimedia Pry/Music/Move- ment Workshop Sat, Nov. 1st 1:00-4:00 PM Refreshments $20. (scholarships available for students) (Pre-register for Workshop with Di Brandt [email protected]) (4) Afua Cooper, award-win- ning poet and scholar of Hali- fax, Cultural History Lecture, Thurs, Nov. 21st 11:40-12:30 PM. BU Library Gathering Area Refreshments (10) AFUA COOPER, award- winning poet and scholar of Halifax. POETRY READING, Friday, November 29th 11:40- 12:30 PM BU Library Gather- ing Area. Refreshments

Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014— 8