Board of Governors Sisters in Spirit — Meeting — page 2 page 6 - Soccer and Pain — ACC Student Elec page 3 tions — page 7 Brandon University’s Student Newspaper: drunk with power since 1910 Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014 2-4-6-8 No More Violence; No More Hate! is a public issue. I’d like students to re- lence. speeches were uplifting and inspiring, dis- ASHLYN PE A RCE A ND JENN A VA LIQUETTE alize that just because it doesn’t happen The event featured speakers includ- cussing the importance of shedding light Night is an annual to you, doesn’t mean there aren’t women ing Cathy Mattes, Assistant Professor of on this topic, and how unity and discus- march taking place in over 30 countries everydayTake struggling with Back these issues; to theVisual and Aboriginal Night Art at BU and Craig sion are the keys to ending the violence worldwideake Back and thebegan in the 1970’s fea- eliminate sexual violence we need to work Miller, pastor at Knox United Church, as against not only women but anyone who is turing speakers from the community on together.” According to takebackthenight. well as Frank Tacan who spoke as well experiencing domestic or sexual violence. Tthe subject of violence against women. On org at least 1 in 3 women worldwide has and also performed a ritual blessing “It was a great group of people, tons of September 18th approximately been the victim of sexual or domestic vio- and smudge with all in attendance. The women and men and culturally diverse 120 members of our commu- too” said Mattes about the nity and university gathered at group who then picketed Princess Park to show support the streets of Brandon. for women everywhere dealing The Women’s Collec- with domestic and sexual vio- tive plans to hold more lence and to raise awareness. events like this in the future The Women’s Collective such as the Sisters In Spirit here at BU worked with the walk and vigil in the fall with Women’s Resource Centre BUASC honouring missing to put on this event. Racheal and murdered Indigenous Wu, The Women’s Director in women, and their annual BUSU, states that “We want candlelight vigil in Decem- to make our community a safe ber. For more information on place for all self-identified how you can help, visit take- women so we’re doing [the backthenight.org or contact march] to bring awareness to the Women’s Collective at something that people may 204-727-9660. § not know is happening in our community, or may not think The smudge ceremony at Take Back the Night. Photo credit Ashlyn Pearce. External advisory committee formed for oversight never really seen the lime-light. Classes been involved in a committee at BU be- tremely valuable for the program. Involve- REID OGILVIE, RE po RTER receive good reviews from former students fore said he was very excited to be includ- ment from the work forces the students L for the A.D.E.S. but it is just not one of the better known ed. “It’s an excellent opportunity to learn of any program will be entering is a rare Program met with representativesA.D.E.S from a courses.Getting Hopefully the attention National this about the A.D.E.S program. Attention We hope that and valuable resource that the science numberast Tuesday, of Provincial, Staff Federal, and Private new committee brings will change that. we can have some influence with the pro- faculty will be taking full advantage of. agencies to communicate with the hope Despite being a relatively new pro- gram, but we also hope to be influenced in By offering very generous financial that everyone involved would benefit from gram, A.D.E.S. is one of the first in the some ways.” Mr. Finley continued by say- resources for organizing such meet- the arrangement. Since its inception in Faculty of Science, and the University to ing that he strongly believed that the pro- ings in the future, Dr. Egan stated that 2001, Applied Disaster and Emergency receive external oversight. This includes gram would benefit from the oversight of he hopes the committee would serve Services has been a program that has over 15 agencies participating from, the committee. Many of which, including as a model for the other branches of Manitoba Emergency the previously mentioned National Energy science, believing that the faculty, and Measures, Public Safe- Board, employ former A.D.E.S students. by extension the students, would all ty Canada, Red Cross In-between an amazing lunch pro- benefit from an outside point of view. Canada, The Brandon vided by the culinary staff and the elec- For the time being though, A.D.E.S. city Council, and The tion of Lee Spencer as the co-chair of will hold regular meeting with its new- Disaster Recovery Infor- the committee, the Dean of Science, Dr. ly formed advisory committee so that mation Exchange. When Andrew Egan, BU President Dr. Gervan they can continue to learn from one an- asked about his agen- Fearon, and Professor Jack Lindsay of the other in all forms of disaster prevention. cy’s involvement, Chris- A.D.E.S Program gave short speeches to For now with this highly decorated list topher Finley of the Na- the group. Dr. Egan thought the commit- of individuals visiting our campus, BU tional Energy Board, an tee meeting went very well, and that the will be fine should a disaster occur. § A.D.E.S. meeting in progress. Photo credit Reid Ogilvie. agency that has never input from the representatives was ex- Volume 105, Issue 5 — September 30th, 2014 — 1 News – 2 Changes, changes, and more changes! • Fleming School Project has been under departments have more graduates above WHITNEY HO DGINS , SENI O R RE po RTER Opening Board of Governorsconstruction for the past Meeting 2 years in col- the national average. Currently, 96% of A Governors meeting was laboration with MB Housing. The Board is Psychiatric Nursing students passed their editorialstaff held on September 27th to talk about the unsure of what will happen now with a new licensing exam, and 100% of Registered Editor in Chief | Alex Murray accomplishments Board of we have made as a uni- Minister and Deputy Minister. Nursing students passed. [email protected] versity. Here is a lot what transpired during • Scott Lamont announced that as of Octo- At the meeting, Gervan Fearon said, Assistant Editor in Chief | Holly Kalyniuk th the meeting but not everything. ber 17 , the University will be opening up a “since my appointment as BU President [email protected] walk-in clinic in Healthy Living Centre. This two months ago, I have gone to events - General Manager | Elinor Murray • There are new Master’s programs avail- clinic will consist of four to five doctors for [email protected] able on campus, such as Masters in Psy- such as Rock the Block - as well as had the Senior Reporter | chiatric Nursing. 1 ½ days a week. Based on need, they may chance to work with a bunch of wonderful Whitney Hodgins • Gaining tenure within a faculty is now a be open more frequently. individuals within the university as well as Senior ACC Correspondent | little more difficult. It will take five years and • Campus Manitoba has undergone a lot within the community. We are doing a great Karleigh Paul within the third to fourth year you will be of changes recently, now becoming more of job, but there is still room for improvement. Quentin | an information centre rather than an aca- Our goal is to promote academic success [email protected] put under review from your peers, internal Classifieds | and external review committees. If perfor- demic interdisciplinary program. Now if you as well as make it easier for a full time stu- [email protected] mance is satisfactory, you will gain tenure. want to take a course through Campus MB, dent to finish their degree of choice in the Advertising | If you gain tenure elsewhere, you will have you will have to register with the university same institution; instead of transferring to [email protected] it carried over into the next position no mat- where the course is offered before you can other institutions.” contributors ter what faculty or institution you are from. start your education. Before adjournment of the meeting, the • BU is currently bidding to host the Wom- Board also made nominations for different DA K O T A BICKLMEIER , HO LLY KA LYNIUK , ARIELE To reach tenure through the collective en’s National Volleyball Tournament in positions on the board, including the Vice KEHLER , KRIST A MILLS , ALEX MURR A Y , agreement Professors will need to teach, CO URTN A Y NYCHUK , REID OGILVIE, KA RLEIGH research and provide services. 2016 against three other major bidders. Chair, Bea Jolly, Secretary, Kristin Phillips, PA UL , ASHLYN PE A RCE , CL A IRE SO NG , JENN A • Presidential instillation is to take place • BU is facing great change in regards to Treasurer, Bill Schaver, Board Executive, VA LIQUETTE , ANTH O NY Labo NTE , KRIS GO ULET Homecoming weekend on the Friday, Octo- population. Recently we have seen a 3% in- Rosanne Gas and Student Representative, B UG A , TRE vo R ‘T-DA WG ’ VENN B UG A , JA C ob ber 17th. crease since last year. The Health Studies Joel Springer § WO LFE B UG A , JO CELYN MYR A N B U A SC . The Quill is published weekly by The Quill, Inc., and is printed by The Kil- larney Guide in Killarney, MB.
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