Committee Report Planning Committee on 16 July, 2008
Committee Report Item No. 2/02 Planning Committee on 16 July, 2008 Case No. 08/1174 __________________________________________________ RECEIVED: 28 April, 2008 WARD: Willesden Green PLANNING AREA: Willesden Consultative Forum LOCATION: BT Telephone Exchange, St Andrews Road, London, NW10 2QS PROPOSAL: Installation of 3 panel antennas, 4 cabinets, 1 antenna pole and the relocation of existing 3 antennas at roof level as accompanied by a declaration of conformity, statement in support of planning application incorporating the design and access statement and technical justification and plots APPLICANT: O2 (UK) Ltd CONTACT: National Grid Wireless PLAN NO'S: 19483_00_003_M20_20; 19483_00_001_M20_20; 19483_03_100_M24_24; 19483_03_150_M24_24. __________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION Approval. EXISTING The subject site is a part 2 and 3 storey building located on the junction of St Andrews Road and Harlesden Road, the corner building 'Exchange House' was converted to residential use in 2004, whilst the rear of the site is the Telephone Exchange. PROPOSAL The applicant has proposed the installation of 3 panel antennas, 4 cabinets, 1 antenna pole and the relocation of existing 3 antennas at roof level as accompanied by a declaration of conformity, statement in support of planning application incorporating the design and access statement and technical justification and plots. HISTORY Relevant planning history for BT Telephone Exchange: 06/3670: Full Planning Permission- Granted, Proposed erection of a 2.4m high x 3.0m wide x 3.0m long, GRP enclosure, serving as a housing for a new transformer, including excavation for cabling which will run from the enclosure to a new single-storey brick enclosure adjoining the west elevation of the telephone exchange.
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