SUNDAY MASSES TIMES WEEKDAY MASS TIMES The Partnered Parishes of All public celebrations of Mass All public celebrations of Mass are restricted to 10 people only are restricted to 10 people only St. Gabriel, Reservoir in addition to the priest, server, reader(s), musicians. in addition to the priest, server, reader(s), musicians. and Entry by ticket only to allow the recording of the names Entry by ticket only to allow the recording of the names of those present to monitor Covid-19 virus. of those present to monitor Covid-19 virus. St Stephen of Hungary, East Reservoir Sat. 6 p.m.Vigil St Stephen’s from 30 May ST GABRIEL’S: Tues., Thurs., & Fri. at 9 a.m. Parish Priest: Fr. Shane Hoctor Sun. 8:30 a.m. St Stephen’s cancelled at present 8:30 a.m. St Gabriel’s cancelled at present ST STEPHEN’S: Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. St Gabriel’s (ticket entry only) St Gabriel’s 17.05.2020 1 Viola Street, Reservoir, 3073 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE FERIALS, FEASTS & INTENTIONS— (Confessions) 6a Domenica Orario sante messe feriali During times of Exposition in each church. Ph: 9460 6036 / 9460 9634 di Pasqua Email:
[email protected] BAPTISMS Mon. 6th week of Easter NO MASS Website: In the Risen Lord, his disciples were confronted by God’s St Gabriel’s final achievement in a transformed creation. The over- Tues. 6th week of Easter Parish Secretaries: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 11:30 a.m. whelming and mysterious nature of this experience - an Intention: Sr Maureen Mitchell SGS-Rec.