After the Smoke has Cleared: Evaluation of the Impact of a New Smokefree Law A Report Commissioned and Funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Health ` Editorial team Advisory Group 8 Richard Edwards 1 * Shane Allwright 9 Chris Bullen 2 John Britton 10 Des O’Dea 1 Becky Freeman 2 Heather Gifford 3 Hayden McRobbie 11 Marewa Glover 4 Leigh Sturgiss 2 Murray Laugesen 5 Yannan Xiang George Thomson 1 Anaru Waa 6 Nick Wilson 1 Alistair Woodward 7 *Corresponding author:
[email protected] 1. Department of Public Health, Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago 2. Clinical Trials Research Unit, School of Population Health, University of Auckland 3. Whakauae Research Services, Whanganui 4. Auckland Tobacco Control Research Centre, School of Population Health, University of Auckland 5. Health New Zealand Ltd, Christchurch 1 6. Health Sponsorship Council Research and Evaluation Unit, Wellington 7. School of Population Health, University of Auckland 8. Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Trinity College Centre for Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland 9. Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK 10. ASH New Zealand, Auckland 11. New Zealand Drug Foundation, Wellington 2 Contents Contents 3 Acknowledgements 6 Executive summary 8 1. Introduction, scope and approach to the evaluation of the Smoke-free Environments Act Amendment 16 Summary 16 1.1. Introduction 16 1.2. Scope of the evaluation 17 1.3. Approaches to policy evaluation 17 1.4. Evaluation approach adopted in this report 18 1.5. Models of evaluation for tobacco control interventions 19 2. The Smoke-free Environments Act (1990) and Smoke-free Environments Amendment Act (2003) 20 Summary 20 2.1.