News from St Mary’s: 25 – 31 July 2021

Worship on Sunday

Service in church today, James the Apostle: Holy Communion at 10.30am led by Revd Michael Gentry. The service will be livestreamed on Facebook and available on YouTube later today. Today’s Readings: Acts 11.27-12.2, Matthew 20.20-28. Thoughts on a Sunday will be available to read after the service.

With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, the PCC agreed the following:

Social distancing – Please be aware of others when choosing where to sit. We have reserved one area where we are using alternate rows for seating. Please ask one of the sidespeople if you would like a seat there. Mask wearing – The decision whether or not to wear a mask is entirely yours, however, out of consideration for others you may choose to wear a mask particularly when entering and leaving the church and when moving around in it, such as during Communion. Hand sanitiser is available at the church entrance and prior to Communion. The choir will now comprise up to ten singers and congregational singing can also take place – both when organist and singers are available. The church will now be open from 9am each day for private prayer and visitors.



Saturday 24 July from 3.45pm: our female bell ringers will attempt an all-girls quarter peal. Good luck!

Next Sunday, 1 August, 9th after Trinity: Holy Communion at 10.30am led by Revd Adie McCall. Readings: Ephesians 4.1-16, John 6.24-35. 8 o’clock Communion services will be held on the second and third Sundays of each month until further notice.

Worship during the Week

Morning Prayer: Tuesday at 9am led by Revd Wendy Harvey


Good News! Our new Priest-in-Charge has been appointed!

Following last week’s announcement in church, we look forward to welcoming Revd Dave Fox-Branch and his wife Jo to St Mary’s and Westerham. We do not yet know a date for their arrival, but will keep you updated.

Dave came to faith fairly late, being baptised in 2009. Prior to ordination he worked as a cathedral verger and parish administrator. He trained at St Mellitus College in London and, since ordination, has served in Glastonbury and Epsom.

Dave is really looking forward to taking up this post and getting to know everyone. He is likely to be licensed in August, although this is entirely dependent upon Covid- 19 restrictions. He and Jo would very much appreciate your prayers at this time.


A message from Bishop Simon to the Diocese: With the summer holidays almost upon us and the vacancy in see legally beginning on 1 August, Bishop Simon has shared a message with the Diocese.

He expresses his ‘deep admiration and appreciation’ for the way people across the Diocese have acted as a ‘light in the world’ during this time of pandemic. You can read the full letter here.

Archdeacon Julie was consecrated as last Monday, 19 July in a service at York Minster. The presided over the service and Julie was consecrated alongside the Revd Canon , who became the Bishop of Stockport. We pray for Julie and her family as she now makes the move to the and wish her well in this next stage of her ministry.

Churchill School Leavers 2021: Please pray that the Year 6 Leavers will enjoy the summer and move on to their secondary school with confidence, excitement and an eagerness to learn. May God bless each one of them.

Toilet Twinning – Update

Following the recent appeal in church, we have now passed our initial target of £120 - the sum needed to twin the two toilets in the John Fryth Room. Thank you!

Our Tearfund Team who visited Uganda back in 2012 saw the positive effects of schemes like this everywhere. Whilst we are no longer directly supporting Tearfund's work and have now reached our target for our twinning the church toilets, this is a global need very high on the World Health Organisation’s agenda. So why not 'twin' your own toilet/s at home? Visit


Donating to St Mary’s: we give to our church in a variety of ways, but with the closure of all our buildings we cannot receive all the gifts that we usually would, so we really need your help now. If you are able to give more at this time, please click here to visit our online donations page. If you require any information on regular giving by standing order, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you.

Turn your everyday online shopping into FREE donations to St Mary’s

As summer is now in full swing, whether you are staycationing, enjoying your garden or improving your home, why not raise funds for St Mary’s by shopping via Easyfundraising. You can shop at a whole range of high street businesses and help us, at no extra cost to you. Just click here to register.

Our CMS Mission Partner – for the latest news from Pat Blanchard and details on how to support her, please click here.

August Newsletter: please note that our next newsletter will cover the whole of August, so if you have any news for inclusion, please send it to the Parish Office by next Thursday. Thank you.

Parish Office 01959 561 330 / [email protected] Weekday mornings, 9am – 1pm