Miimkiimllia the Magazine of Landscape and Golf Course Design, Construction and Care Since 1962
AN IfßJ PUBLICATION July 1983/$2.00 MiiMKiiMllia The Magazine of Landscape and Golf Course Design, Construction and Care Since 1962 The State of the Golf and Landscape Industries Report From Iron Country: Record Year for New Models McLoughlin Resigns at GCSAA About the only bug you have to worry about with Dursban. If you've been having trouble con- DURSBAH insecticide costs less than trolling a certain squatty German bug most other brands. In fact, you can do a with rubber legs, don't call us. 1000 sq. ft. area for as little as 35<£. Which But, for just about any other bug prob is probably why many courses are using lem, DURSBAH* insecticide is the answer. DUKSBAn on tees and around the club- It's labeled for all the major insects house as well as on their greens. you'll be battling this year: chinch bugs, DURSBAH is also gentle on desirable cutworms, armyworms, grubs, sod web- grasses, ornamentals and the environment. worms, chiggers, clover mites, turfgrass Choose DURSBAri insecticide in regular weevil, earwigs and more. 2E and double-strength 4E liquid formu- no other insecticide lights them longer, lations. Plus, new 50W wettable powder. either. While other brands quit after lour DURSBAH. There's hardly a bug it or six weeks, DURSBAH keeps going strong won't get. for eight weeks. And that could mean up Available Irom your Dow distributor. to six fewer applications per year on year- Be sure to read and follow all label direc- round courses. tions and precautions. Agricultural Products But, even though it lasts longer, Department, Midland, Michigan 48640.
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