The faces of the 2009–2011 2 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT FACES 20092011 ■ ■ andtheir chairs ■ Conference ofPresidents politicalgroups ■ European Parliament ■ ■ The Secretariat-General ■ ■ Delegations ■ ■ Parliamentary committees ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Political bodies ■ ■ The European Parliament Preface by thePresident utltrlprimnayasmle 21 assemblies Multilateral parliamentary The EPdelegations andtheirchairs Special Committee The EP’s standingcommittees Parliament’s Bureau The Quaestors The Bureau ofthe Members The Conference ofPresidents The MEPs andthe The President ofthe Contents Contents 10 19 18 16 13 12 12 10 22 19 16 10 5 3 6 5 3 President President Preface by the by Preface Preface by the by Preface In tackling the economic crisis, Europe must speak with one once: was streets the cryin the Curtain, Iron the Behind voice. ‘There can be no freedom without solidarity’. Now we can ‘Withoutsay: solidarity there can be no nor community’, can the against guard must We Europe. strong modern, a be there temptation of protectionism and the re-nationalisation of EU policies. The cohesion policy must therefore remain a prior- nancial framework, if we want to ity in the next multiannual fi continent. of our reunited full integration achieve The The European Parliament, 500 million citizens in the 27 which Member States, is the heart of represents our democratic system. It has both close an institutional and a so- to cial role. It also has another l task — to that fulfi of creating a vision of a new Europe, at a time a number of challenges. when it is faced with With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009 new chances and opportunities will occur. The single market is our great achievement. We must protect and consolidate it to ensure that Europe remains competitive. We are facing an energy and climate crisis. The time has come for the Union to have a real common energy policy.

In this context we also must develop a coherent and eff ec- tive foreign policy which includes a vision of the global order and partnership. The stands for human rights and minority rights. The Sakharov Prize set up by Parliament to honour human rights defenders is a good example of this.

With the Lisbon Treaty in place Parliament enjoys much wider PREFACE BY THE PRESIDENT THE BY PREFACE powers. It therefore needs to ensure that it listens carefully and takes appropriate action. Our priorities in this connection must be more lively debates in plenary and a closer partner- ship with the other institutions and with the national parlia- ments of the 27 Member States.

My election as President of the European Parliament is sym- bolic of the dream of a united continent held by the citizens. Old and new Europe are no more. This is now our common Europe, a project that calls for energy and hard work, and one that a generation of Europeans has dreamed of. I am ready to play my part in this work, because those dreams were also my dreams.

Jerzy Buzek President of the European Parliament 4 ■ The European ParliamentParliament

The European Parliament is the parliamentary institution of the European UnionUnion. (EU).The presentThe present Parliament Parliament, has 785elected mem- in Junebers from2009, all has 27 736 EU memberscountries. fromNearly all one27 EU third countries. of them Over are onewomen. third The of Europeanthem are Parliament,women. The whose European seat isParliament, in Stras- whosebourg, seathas isthree in Strasbourg, places of haswork: three , places Luxembourg of work: Brussels, and LuxembourgStrasbourg. and Strasbourg.

The President of the European Parliament The PresidentPresident of of the the European European Parliament Parliament is elected is elected for afor renew a re-- ablenewable term termof two of and two a andhalf years,a half i.e.years, half i.e.the half term the of lifetimea Member of ofa Parliamentary the European term.Parliament. The President The President represents represents the Europeanthe Euro- peanParliament Parliament vis-à-vis vis-à-vis the outside the outside world world and in and its inrelations its relations with withthe other the other Community European institutions. Union institutions. The President The chairs President the chairsplenary the sittings plenary of Parliament,sittings of Parliament, the Bureau the of ParliamentBureau of Par-(in- liamentcluding (including14 Vice-Presidents) 14 Vice-Presidents) and the Conference and the Conference of Presidents of Presidentsof political ofgroups. the political groups.

Presidents of the European Parliament (1958–2011)(1958–2009)

1958–19601958 –1960 1960–19621960 –1962 1962–19641962 –1964 1964–19651964 –1965 1965–19661965 –1966 1966–19691966 –1969 1969–19711969 –1971 5 5 6 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ROBERT SCHUMAN parliamentary assistants. parliamentary have staff Members own the their and have groups Political Members’.as ‘non-attached known are groups the of any to belong not do who Members Parliament. European the in groups political seven currently are There Members. 25 of minimum a has and countries EU the of quarter one least at cal affiliation. A political group comprises Members elected in political in sit groups — they are Parliament not organised by nationality, but by politi- European the of Members The The MEPs andthepoliticalgroups Buzek Jerzy Pöttering Hans-Gert 2009–… JosepBorrell Fontelles 2007–2009 2004–2007 Fontaine Nicole 2002–2004 Gil-Robles JoséMaría 1999–2002 Hänsch Klaus 1997–1999 Egon A.Klepsch 1994–1997 Barón Enrique Crespo 1992–1994 Lord Plumb 1989–1992 Pierre Pfl imlin 1987–1989 Pieter Dankert 1984–1987 1982–1984 EmilioColombo 1979–1982 Georges Spénale 1977–1979 1975–1977 1973–1975 1971–1973 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 7 NI Non-attached Members (NI) Confederal Group of the European United United of the European Group Confederal Left Green Left/Nordic (GUE/NGL) and Democracy Group of Freedom Europe (EFD) European Conservatives Group European and Reformists (ECR) Group of the Progressive Alliance of the Progressive Group of Socialists and Democrats Parliament in the European (S&D) of the Alliance of Liberals Group Europe and Democrats for (ALDE) Alliance Free of the Greens/European Group (Greens/EFA) Group of the European People’s Party People’s of the European Group (ChristianDemocrats) (EPP) 6. 7. 5. 2. 3. 4. 1. List of political groups 8 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT The make-up oftheEuropeanThe Parliament make-up EPP 265 NI 28 S&D 184 EFD 31 NI ALDE 84 NGL GUE/ 35 EFA Greens/ 55 Greens/ ECR 54 THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 9 6 5 6 8 6 7 17 72 17 22 33 13 13 18 72 22 22 13 99 12 22 50 72 12 22 25 50 736 Total 2 5 3 2 1 3 9 1 1 2 EFD NI 2 5 1 18 2 1 31 2 5 1 3 NGL 9 4 1 1 15 ECR GUE/ 1 2 EFA Greens/ 13 11 5 25 1 12 5 36 24 5 2 5 2 1 5 4 4 2 3 23 2 4 13 3 1 1 2 2 1 15 3 16 1 3 1 4 6 3 1 2 1 4 5 6 52 4 51 7 5 4 41 1 34 18 2 3 3 8 4 1 1014 7 11 5 2329 2135 14 2 21 6 2 7 14 14 4 28 7 42 23 12 14 265 184 84 55 54 35 31 28 EPP S&D ALDE Total Sweden (SE) Sweden Kingdom (UK) United Slovenia (SI) Slovenia (SK) Slovakia (FI) Finland Portugal (PT)Portugal Romania (RO) Netherlands (NL) Netherlands (AT) Austria (PL) Hungary (HU) (MT) Latvia (LV) Latvia Lithuania (LT) (LU) Luxembourg (IT) (CY)Cyprus Spain (ES) (FR) France Estonia (EE) Estonia (IE) Ireland (EL) Greece Denmark (DK) (DE) Germany Belgium (BE) Bulgaria (BG) (CZ) to have 751 Members. have to NB: The , which came into force on 1 December 2009, provides for the European Parliament Parliament the European for on 1 December 2009, provides force Lisbon, which came into of Treaty The NB: Distribution of seats by political groups and political groups by Distribution of seats after June 2009 elections the Member States 1969 –1971 Mario Scelba Mario Alain Poher 1969 –1971 Victor Leemans 1966 –1969 JeanDuvieusart 1965 –1966 Martino Gaetano 1964 –1965 HansFurler 1962 –1964 Schuman Robert 1960 –1962 1958 –1960 (1958–2009) Presidents ofthe European Parliament of politicalgroups. ConferencePresidents14 the of cluding and Vice-Presidents) (in- Parliament of Bureau the Parliament, of sittings plenary the chairs President The institutions. Community other the Parliament vis-à-vis the outside world and in its relations with European the representsPresident term. The Parliamentary a of lifetime the half i.e. years, half a and two of term newable re- a for elected is Parliament European the of President The European Parliament The President ofthe Strasbourg. and Luxembourg Brussels, work: of places three Stras- has bourg, in is seat whose Parliament, European The women. are them of third one Nearly countries. EU 27 all from bers mem- 785 has Parliament present The Union. European the of institution parliamentary the is Parliament European The Parliament ■ The European

10 chairs of the political groupschairs ofthepolitical President ofParliament and Conference ofPresidents ofthe Members third institutions, organisations. andextra-EU countries EU other the and Parliament the between European relations the in role important an has also It legislative planning. • thecompositionofcommittees anddelegations, • sittings; thetimetableandagendafor plenary • planning: legislative to relating matters all on and work Parliament’s the of organisation the regarding decisions makes It Parlia- ment. European the of President the and groups political the of chairs the of up made is Presidents of ConferenceThe The Conference ofPresidents ■ President BUZEK Jerzy and theirremits;

Political bodies 5 EPP, PL Joseph DAUL EPP, FR Chair of the Group of the European People’s Party POLITICAL BODIES

Martin SCHULZ S&D, DE Chair of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament

Guy VERHOFSTADT ALDE, BE Chair of the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe

Rebecca HARMS Greens/EFA, DE Co-chair of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance

Daniel COHN-BENDIT Greens/EFA, FR Co-chair of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance

Michał Tomasz KAMIŃSKI ECR, PL Chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group

Lothar BISKY GUE/NGL, DE Chair of the Confederal Group of the European United Left/Nordic Green Left

Nigel Paul FARAGE EFD, UK Co-chair of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group 11 12 POLITICAL BODIES infrastructure necessary to exercise theirmandate.infrastructure necessary the have Members that ensure they and advisors as Bureau the fion The sit Members. Quaestors to ve concern direct of fiand administrative for responsiblematters are nancial They The Quaestors anditsservices. theSecretariat-General • • the European Parliament’s budget estimates;• guidesParliament’sIt functioning, internal including: andahalfyears.of two period renewable a for assembly the by elected status, server fiob- the with and Quaestors Vice-Presidentsve 14 the ment, The Bureau is made up of the President of the European Parlia- The Bureau and Democracy Group and Democracy oftheEurope ofFreedomCo-chair Francesco SPERONI Enrico administrative andfinancial organisation; EFD, IT 13

POLITICAL BODIES 13 (S&D, EL) (S&D, ES) (EPP, DE) (S&D, (S&D, IT)(S&D, (EPP, PL) (EPP, Alejo VIDAL-QUADRAS Alejo Miguel Angel MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ ES) (S&D, ROTH-BEHRENDT Dagmar Stavros Rodi KRATSA-TSAGAROPOULOU EL) (EPP, Vice-Presidents President Parliament’s Bureau Parliament’s 14 POLITICAL BODIES Silvana KOCH-MEHRIN Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT Pál SCHMITT ANGELILLI Roberta Libor ROUČEK (ALDE, DE) (EPP, DE) (NI, UK) (EPP, HU) (ALDE, UK ) (EPP, IT) (Greens/EFA, BE) (S&D, CZ) POLITICAL BODIES 15 (S&D, PL) (S&D, IE) (EPP, LU) (EPP, CZ) (GUE/NGL, UK)(ALDE, Jim HIGGINS LULLING Astrid Jiří MAŠTÁLKA Bill NEWTON DUNN Lidia GERINGER Lidia GERINGER de OEDENBERG Quaestors ■ The European ■ Parliamentary Parliament committees

The European Parliament is the parliamentary institution of Preparatory work for the Parliament’s plenary sittings takes the European Union. The present Parliament has 785 mem- place in the Parliament’s 20 committees, which cover every- bers from all 27 EU countries. Nearly one third of them are thing from women’s rights to health and consumer protec- women. The European Parliament, whose seat is in Stras- tion. A committee consists of 24 to 76 MEPs, and has a chair, bourg, has three places of work: Brussels, Luxembourg and a bureau and a secretariat. Parliament can also set up sub- Strasbourg. committees and special committees to deal with specifi c issues as well as committees of inquiry under its supervisory remit. Debates in the committees are open to the public. The President of the European Parliament The President of the European Parliament is elected for a re- The EP’s standing committees newable term of two and a half years, i.e. half the lifetime of and their chairs a Parliamentary term. The President represents the European Parliament vis-à-vis the outside world and in its relations with ■ Committee on Foreign Aff airs the other Community institutions. The President chairs the Gabriele ALBERTINI (EPP, IT) plenary sittings of Parliament, the Bureau of Parliament (in- ■ Sub-committee on Human Rights cluding 14 Vice-Presidents) and the Conference of Presidents Heidi HAUTALA (Greens/EFA, FI) of political groups. ■ Sub-committee on Security and Defence (EPP, FR) Presidents of the European Parliament ■ Committee on Development (1958–2009) Eva JOLY (Greens/EFA, FR) 1958 –1960 Robert Schuman ■ Committee on International Trade 1960 –1962 Hans Furler Vital MOREIRA (S&D, PT) 1962 –1964 Gaetano Martino 1964 –1965 Jean Duvieusart ■ Committee on Budgets 1965 –1966 Victor Leemans Alain LAMASSOURE (EPP, FR) 1966 –1969 Alain Poher ■ Committee on Budgetary Control 1969 –1971 Mario Scelba Luigi de MAGISTRIS (ALDE, IT) 5 16 ■ Committee on Economic and Monetary Aff airs Sharon BOWLES (ALDE, UK)

■ Committee on Employment and Social Aff airs Pervenche BERÈS (S&D, FR) PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES ■ Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Jo LEINEN (S&D, DE)

■ Committee on Industry, Research and Energy Herbert REUL (EPP, DE)

■ Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Malcolm HARBOUR (ECR, UK)

■ Committee on Transport and Tourism Brian SIMPSON (S&D, UK)

■ Committee on Regional Development Danuta Maria HÜBNER (EPP, PL)

■ Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development Paolo DE CASTRO (S&D, IT)

■ Committee on Fisheries Carmen FRAGA ESTÉVEZ (EPP, ES)

■ Committee on Culture and Education Doris PACK (EPP, DE)

■ Committee on Legal Aff airs Klaus-Heiner LEHNE (EPP, DE)

■ Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Aff airs Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR (S&D, ES)

■ Committee on Constitutional Aff airs Carlo CASINI (EPP, IT)

■ Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Eva-Britt SVENSSON (GUE/NGL, SE)

■ Committee on Petitions

Erminia MAZZONI (EPP, IT) 17 Special Committee

■ Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis Wolf KLINZ (ALDE, DE) PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES PARLIAMENTARY 18 ■ DelegationsThe European

RelationsParliament with countries outside the European Union are vital for the European Parliament. It therefore has a series of dele- gationsThe European which interactParliament with is the the parliaments parliamentary of countries institution that of arethe notEuropean members Union. of the The European present Union.Parliament They hasplay 785 an impor-mem- tantbers rolefrom in all helping 27 EU to countries. develop Europe’sNearly one infl uencethird of abroad. them are women. The European Parliament, whose seat is in Stras- Therebourg, are has diff three erent places types of delegations:work: Brussels, Luxembourg and •Strasbourg. interparliamentary delegations, whose task is to maintain relations with the parliaments of countries outside the Eur- opean Union that have not applied for membership; • delegations to the joint parliamentary committees, which Themaintain President contact with of the the parliaments of countries that are Europeancandidates for Parliament accession to the European Union and states that have association agreements with the EU; The President of the European Parliament is elected for a re- • delegations to the multilateral parliamentary assemblies. newable term of two and a half years, i.e. half the lifetime of a Parliamentary term. The President represents the European Parliament vis-à-vis the outside world and in its relations with Thethe other EP Communitydelegations institutions. and The their President chairs chairs the ■plenary Europe, sittings Western of Parliament, Balkans and the TurkeyBureau of Parliament (in- cluding • EU–Croatia: 14 Vice-Presidents) Gunnar HÖKMARK and the (EPP,Conference SE) of Presidents of political • EU–Former groups. Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Jorgo CHATZIMARKAKIS (ALDE, DE) Presidents • EU–Turkey: of Hélènethe European FLAUTRE (Greens/EFA, Parliament FR) (1958–2009) • Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and European Eco- nomic Area (EEA): Pat the Cope GALLAGHER (ALDE, IE) 1958 • , –1960 Bosnia Robert and SchumanHerzegovina, , 1960and –1962 : HansEduard Furler KUKAN (EPP, SK) ■1962 Russia, –1964 the Eastern Gaetano Partnership Martino States, 1964Central –1965 Asia and Jean Mongolia Duvieusart 1965 • EU–Russia: –1966 Knut Victor FLECKENSTEIN Leemans (S&D, DE) 1966 • EU –1969–: AlainPaweł Poher Robert KOWAL (ECR, PL) 1969 • EU–Moldova: –1971 Mario Monica Scelba Luisa MACOVEI (EPP, RO) 19 • Belarus: Jacek PROTASIEWICZ (EPP, PL) 5 • EU–, EU– and EU–: Milan CABRNOCH (ECR, CZ) • EU –Kazakhstan, EU–Kyrgyzstan and EU–Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Mongolia: Paolo BARTOLOZZI (EPP, IT) ■ Maghreb, Mashreq, Israel and Palestine • Israel: Bastiaan BELDER (EFD, NL) • Palestinian Legislative Council: Proinsias DE ROSSA (S&D, IE) • the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union: DELEGATIONS Pier Antonio PANZERI (S&D, IT) • the Mashreq countries: Mário DAVID (EPP, PT) ■ the Arab Peninsula, Iraq and Iran • the Arab Peninsula: (EPP, DE) • Iraq: Struan STEVENSON (ECR, UK) • Iran: Barbara LOCHBIHLER (Greens/EFA, DE) ■ the Americas • United States: Elmar BROK (EPP, DE) • Canada: Philip BRADBOURN (ECR, UK) • Central America: (S&D, NL) • Andean Community: José Manuel GARCĺA-MARGALLO Y MARFIL (EPP, ES) • Mercosur: Luis YÁÑEZ-BARNUEVO GARCÍA (S&D, ES) • EU–Mexico: Ramon JÁUREGUI ATONDO (S&D, ES) • EU–Chile: María MUÑIZ DE URQUIZA (S&D, ES) ■ Asia/Pacifi c • Japan: Johannes Cornelis VAN BAALEN (ALDE, NL) • the People’s Republic of China: Crescenzio RIVELLINI (EPP, IT) • India: Graham WATSON (ALDE, UK) • Afghanistan: (S&D, NL) • South Asia: Jean LAMBERT (Greens/EFA, UK) • South-east Asia and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN): Werner LANGEN (EPP, DE) • the Korean Peninsula: (EPP, DE) • and : Mara BIZZOTTO (EFD, IT) ■ Africa • South Africa: Michael CASHMAN (S&D, UK) • the Pan-African Parliament: (EPP, DE) 20 DELEGATIONS 21 ACP–EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Parliamentary Joint ACP–EU BE) (ALDE, MICHEL Louis Assembly Parliamentary Euro-Mediterranean (EuroMed) PL) Jerzy BUZEK (EPP, Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) Assembly Parliamentary American Euro-Latin ES) (EPP, SÁNCHEZ-NEYRA SALAFRANCA José Ignacio Assembly Parliamentary EuroNest BG) VIGENIN (S&D, Kristian Assembly Parliamentary with the NATO Relations PL) (EPP, Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI ■ ■ ■ Multilateral parliamentaryMultilateral assemblies ■ ■ ■ The European ■ The Secretariat-General

Parliament The European Parliament is assisted by a secretariat. Its task is to coordinate legislative work and organise part-sessions and The European Parliament is the parliamentary institution of other meetings. The Secretariat-General is located in Luxem- the European Union. The present Parliament has 785 mem- bourg and Brussels, whilst plenary sittings of Parliament are bers from all 27 EU countries. Nearly one third of them are held in Strasbourg and Brussels. The Secretary-General of the women. The European Parliament, whose seat is in Stras- European Parliament is . bourg, has three places of work: Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. The Secretariat-General consists of just under 5 400 offi cials and temporary and contract staff . Its main organisational units are the Secretary-General’s Offi ce, 10 directorates-general and The President of the the Legal Service, as follows: European Parliament The Directorate-General for the Presidency is responsible for organising and running plenary sittings. The President of the European Parliament is elected for a re- newable term of two and a half years, i.e. half the lifetime of The Directorate-General for Internal Policies is responsible for organising the work of Parliament’s committees in the fi eld a Parliamentary term. The President represents the European of internal policies. Parliament vis-à-vis the outside world and in its relations with the other Community institutions. The President chairs the The Directorate-General for External Policies is responsible for organising the work of Parliament’s committees and inter- plenary sittings of Parliament, the Bureau of Parliament (in- parliamentary delegations in the fi eld of external policies. cluding 14 Vice-Presidents) and the Conference of Presidents of political groups. The Directorate-General for Communication ensures that information is disseminated to the public, the media and opin- ion leaders. Presidents of the European Parliament (1958–2009) The Directorate-General for Personnel helps ensure that Par- liament’s other directorates-general have the human resources 1958 –1960 Robert Schuman necessary to carry out their work. 1960 –1962 Hans Furler The Directorate-General for Infrastructure and Logistics is 1962 –1964 Gaetano Martino responsible for managing infrastructure and logistics in Parlia- 1964 –1965 Jean Duvieusart ment’s various places of work. 1965 –1966 Victor Leemans The Directorate-General for Translation prepares the Euro- 1966 –1969 Alain Poher pean Parliament’s documents in all the offi cial languages of the 1969 –1971 Mario Scelba European Union. 5 22 THE SECRETARIATGENERAL 23 Directorate-General for Interpretation and Confer- Directorate-General for Finance draws up Parliament’s Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Technological and Innovation for Directorate-General Legal Legal Service provides legal assistance for Parliament’s politi-

Alongside this Secretariat-General, all the political have groups to the according in size varies which own of their a secretariat in the 700 some are staff There in of the MEPs group. number parliamen- 1 just 000 over accredited Lastly, secretariats. group tary the picture. assistants complete cal bodies and its Secretariat-General. It also assists represents and work the legislative their par- in committees liamentary courts. national and European in Parliament European the The The multilingualism of requirements political the meet helps ences in Parliament. The budget, supervises its implementation, accompanies the dis- charge procedure and keeps and closes the accounts. It pro- nancial vides and fi budgetary expertise for all delegated au- cers in nances Parliament, manages fi thorising Members’ offi the Internal body. and administers Audit The Support is responsible for information and communication technologies and for publishing and distribution services in Parliament. the European QA-30-09-214-EN-C

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This publication was produced by the European Parliament‘s Directorate-General for Communication.

Manuscript completed in April 2010.

Photographic credits European Union, cover, pages 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,16,18, 21, 22; European Union/Architect: Architecture Studio, pages 8, 19; European Union/Architect: Association des architectes du CIC: Vanden Bossche sprl, C.R.V. s.a., CDG sprl, Studiegroep D. Bontinck, Façade and Hemicycle Interior Design- Arch. Michel Bouquillon, pages 17, 20, 22; Yves Fonck/Architect: Architecture Studio, page 2; Bernard Rou gnac/ Architect: Architecture Studio, page 23.

More information on the European Union is available on the Internet ( Luxembourg: Publications O ce of the European Union, 2010 © European Union, 2010 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Germany


ISBN 978-92-823-3043-2