ASUS Republic of Gamers Announces Partnership with World-class professional gamer to serve as ASUS ROG brand ambassador and product consultant


 Partnership serves to help ASUS ROG get closer to its gaming audience to better understand their wants and needs

 Grubby will co-work with ASUS ROG in developing the next generation of gaming laptops

 Grubby will be making his first public appearance as ASUS ROG brand ambassador at the 3-day Play It Cool streaming marathon

Taipei, Taiwan 29th April, 2015 — ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG) today announced an exclusive partnership with professional gamer Grubby, who will serve as an ASUS brand ambassador and product consultant. This partnership aims to get ASUS ROG closer to its target audience to better understand their gaming wants and needs. Grubby has been a professional gamer on the European circuit for over 10 years, and is known for his prowess in gaming titles like Warcraft 3, StarCraft 2, and . His first appearance as ASUS ROG brand ambassador will be at the 3-day Play It Cool streaming marathon in Cologne, Germany.

ASUS ROG brand ambassador and product consultant

The partnership between ASUS ROG and Grubby helps bridge the gap between the company and its gaming audience, allowing ASUS ROG to find out more about what gamers want when it comes to games and gaming laptops.

As brand ambassador, Grubby will be endorsing and promoting ASUS ROG products through his social media platforms. He will also be co-working with ASUS ROG designers and engineers in product development, where his first-hand knowledge will provide useful insight into what goes into the next generation of ASUS ROG gaming laptops.

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Grubby will be making his first public appearance as ASUS ROG brand ambassador at the 3-day Play It Cool streaming marathon in Cologne, Germany on 1-3 May, 2015. He is scheduled to participate in a 24- hour Heroes of the Storm marathon that will be streamed live on the Play It Cool campaign site, along with regular updates on Grubby’s social media platforms.

Over a decade of pro-gaming expertise

Grubby has been on the European pro-gaming circuit for over a decade, and is one of the best in the world in games like Warcraft 3, StarCraft 2, and Heroes of the Storm. He has received numerous awards and accolades throughout his gaming career, including:

2014 (First place)  Electronic Sports World Cup 2005 (First place)  BlizzCon 2005 (First place)  ESL WC3L Season 5,7,8,9 Most Valuable Player (Starcraft 2)  2013 WCS Season 2 Europe (Third-Fourth place)  2012 IEM Season 7 – Singapore (Second place)


ASUS, tra i primi tre vendor a livello worldwide di PC portatili consumer e leader nella produzione delle schede madri più vendute e premiate al mondo, è uno dei principali protagonisti della nuova era digitale. Sinonimo di qualità in tutto il mondo, ASUS offre soluzioni in grado di soddisfare le più diverse esigenze, dal segmento office a quello dei personal device e della digital home, con un portafoglio prodotti estremamente ampio, che include anche tablet, smartphone, schede grafiche, drive ottici, PC desktop, server, soluzioni wireless e di networking. Nel corso del 2014 ASUS ha ottenuto 4326 riconoscimenti da parte della stampa di tutto il mondo, affermandosi sulla scena globale per la creazione di nuove categorie di prodotto che hanno rivoluzionato il mercato IT, come l’Eee PC™ e le serie Transformer. Nell'ultimo biennio diverse ricerche indipendenti hanno qualificato ASUS come n.°1 per affidabilità nella classifica dei produttori di PC portatili, a testimonianza dell’impegno verso l’eccellenza tecnologica e della qualità costruttiva dei propri prodotti. Con oltre 13.600 dipendenti, un reparto di R&D all'avanguardia che vanta 4.500 ingegneri, ASUS ha chiuso il 2014 con un fatturato di circa 14,5 miliardi di USD.

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