District: Application no: P17/V1336/O-2 Location: Land North West of Abingdon-on-Thames Land bound by Wootton Road, Dunmore Road and the A34 Abingdon-on-Thames Proposal: Development of up to 200 dwellings means of access and associated works, with all other matters (relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) reserved. As amplified by additional information received 12 July 2017

Response date: 08/09/2017 Signed off by: Aron Wisdom Title: Principal Infrastructure Planner

This report sets out the officer views of County Council (OCC) on the above proposal. These are set out by individual service area/technical discipline and include details of any planning conditions or informatives that should be attached in the event that permission is granted and any obligations to be secured by way of a S106 agreement. Where considered appropriate, an overarching strategic commentary is also included. If the local County Council member has provided comments on the application these are provided as a separate attachment.

Application no: P17/V1336/O-2 Location: Land north west of Abingdon-on-Thames Land bound by Wootton Road, Dunmore Road and the A34 Abingdon-on-Thames.

Strategic Comments

This site is part of a strategic allocation in the Vale of White Horse District Council’s Local Plan Pt1. Oxfordshire County Council is supportive of the site in principle. However, in its current form, OCC has a Transport objection to the application.

The Department of Transport had previously identified the Wootton Road Roundabout as an accident spot for cyclists and subsequently provided funding to make alterations. This should be borne in mind when redesigning the junction to ensure the safety of cyclists and other vulnerable road users.

It is also essential that this site links up seamlessly with other development sites in area with regards to walking and cycling. This will ensure these modes can be promoted effectively particularly to schools, local centres, premium bus routes and Railway Station.

Please see detailed Transport comments below.

Officer’s Name: Aron Wisdom Officer’s Title: Principal Infrastructure Planner Date: 8 September 2017

Application no: P17/V1336/O-2 Location: Land north west of Abingdon-on-Thames Land bound by Wootton Road, Dunmore Road and the A34 Abingdon-on-Thames.


Recommendation of approval contrary to OCC objection: If you are minded to recommend approval of the application contrary to an objection made by OCC in this response, OCC should be grateful if you would re-notify OCC (via MPAT) to explain why material considerations outweigh OCC’s objections and also give OCC the opportunity to make further representations.

Outline applications – The impact of a proposal upon infrastructure and services is assessed based on the number and type of dwellings and/or the floor space. If mitigation of such impacts is required the S106 contributions/measures set out in the Schedules to this response are based on the unit mix / floor space stated in the Assessment Criteria set out on the first page of this response. Where mitigation measures/contributions are appropriate and once the unit mix/floor space is confirmed a matrix (if appropriate) will be applied to assess any increase in contributions payable. For smaller/medium size developments where unit mix is established prior to commencement of development the matrix sum can be fixed prior to commencement of development (with scope for higher contribution if there is a revised reserved matters approval).

Where a S106/Planning Obligation is required:

 Index Linked – in order to maintain the real value of s106 contributions, contributions will be index linked. Base values and the index to be applied are set out in the Schedules to this response.

 Security of payment for deferred contributions – An approved bond will be required to secure payment where in a S106 agreement the triggers for payment of S106 contributions (in aggregate) deferred to post implementation of the development exceed £1m.

 Administration and Monitoring Fee - £5000 is an estimate of the amount required to be secured to address the corresponding extra monitoring and administration associated with the S106 agreement. The final amount will be determined prior to the completion of the S106 agreement in accordance with OCC’s scale of fees adjusted to take account of the number of obligations and the complexity of the S106 agreement.

 OCC Legal Fees The applicant will be required to pay OCC’s legal fees in relation to legal agreements whether an agreement is completed or not.

CIL Regulation 123 OCC may conclude not to seek contributions to mitigate the impact of this development on certain infrastructure referred to in the Schedules to this response because of the constraints of pooling, (Regulation 123 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended). That decision is taken either because: - OCC considers that to do so it would breach the limit of 5 obligations to that infrastructure type or that infrastructure project or - OCC considers that it is appropriate to reserve the ability to seek contributions to that infrastructure type or that infrastructure project in relation to the impacts of another proposal. The district planning authority should however, take into account the impact of the proposed development on the infrastructure, and the lack of mitigation in making its decision.

Application no: P17/V1336/O-2 and 0-3 Location: Land north west of Abingdon-on-Thames Land bound by Wootton Road, Dunmore Road and the A34 Abingdon-on-Thames.

Transport Schedule

1.0 Recommendation:

Objection for the following reasons:

 The Local Highway Authority require the applicant to explore possible options related to capacity of the Wootton Road North Arm and explore possible options for cycling improvements at Wootton Road Roundabout. Please see paragraphs 4.1.4 and 4.1.5 of this report for the discussion.

If despite OCC’s objection permission is proposed to be granted then OCC requires prior to the issuing of planning permission a S106 agreement including an obligation to enter into a S278 agreement to mitigate the impact of the development plus planning conditions and informatives as detailed below.

2.0 S106 Contributions

Contribution Amount £ Price base Index Towards (details)

Highway Works 700,000 November Baxter Construction costs of 2016 the Lodge Hill South Facing Slips

Public transport 95,636.00 September RPI-x Improvements to bus services 2015 services serving this proposed residential development.

Public transport 9,320.00 November Baxter Provision of two bus infrastructure 2016 shelters and two bus stop flag poles to be located on Dunmore Road Public transport 9,320.00 November Baxter Future maintenance of infrastructure 2016 the two bus shelters (Commuted Sum) and two bus stop flag poles to be located on Dunmore Road. Radley Railway 6,000.00 November Baxter Improvements to cycle Station Cycle 2016 parking at Radley Parking. Railway Station.

Travel Plan 1,270.00 September RPI-x Local Highway Monitoring 2015 Authority’s reasonable costs monitoring the Residential Travel Plan Total 821,546

3.0 Key points

a) The Local Highway Authority responded to the Local Planning Authority in regard to the original outline planning application on 30th June 2017 with concerns in regard to the matters below. Signposting to where in this report an update is provided next to the item of concern:-

 Trip Rates – see paragraph 4.1.1 in this report  Trip Distribution  Off Site Junction Capacity Assessments  Wootton Road / Dunmore Road / Copenhagen Drive Junction Improvement Scheme and Off Site Cycle Improvements  Proposed Site Access Details see paragraph 4.2.4  Speed Survey see paragraph 4.2.2 in this report  Refuse Collection Vehicle Swept Path Analysis see paragraph 4.2.3 in this report  Fire Engine Vehicle Swept Path Analysis see paragraph 4.3.1 in this report  Wootton Rd Footway / Cycleway fronting the application site see paragraph 4.4.2 in this report  Foot and Cycle crossing facilities on B4017 Wootton Road) see paragraph 4.2.1 in this report  Clarification whether existing site access will remain or be closed see paragraph 4.2.1 in this report  Bus Stop Facilities – see paragraph 4.4.2 in this report

b) The Local Highway Authority is now recommending the Grampian planning condition restricting dwelling occupations to progress on the delivery of the Lodge Hill South Facing Slips recommended in the original response dated 30 June 2017 is now not attached to the outline planning permission, if the Local Planning Authority are minded to grant planning permission. Paragraph 4.1.7 in this report provides the justification for removal of this Grampian planning condition.

4.0 Detailed Comments:

The Local Highway Authority has received further information relating to this proposed outline planning application registered with the Local Planning Authority on 7th August 2017:-

 Design and Access Statement July 2017  Traffic Distribution Diagram Version 3  Marcham Road Blocking Back Diagram  Drawing No. 16192-09 Revision A Proposed Pedestrian / Emergency Access – Dunmore Road with Proposed Signalised Crossing  Drawing 16192-06 Revision B Proposed Wootton Road Site Access with land west of Wootton Road Junction Option  Drawing 16192-06-1 Revision B Proposed Wootton Road Site Access Refuse Collection Vehicle (11.220 metres in length)  Site Access Junction Assessment 4/08/2017 09:19  Wootton Road Roundabout Existing Junction Assessment (No Slips Slips) 4/08/2017 09:30  Wootton Road Roundabout Existing Junction Assessment (With Slips) 4/08/2017 10:02  Wootton Road Roundabout Improvement Junction Assessment (No Slips) 4/08/2017 09:42  Wootton Road Roundabout Improvement Junction Assessment (With Slips) 4/08/2017 10:07  Colwell Drive / Marcham Road (west) / Marcham Road (east) 4/08/2017 12:32 and further information registered with the Local Planning Authority dated 25 August 2017:-

 Drawing 16192-07 Revision B Proposed Cycle Improvements Wootton Road / Bath Street  Drawing 16192-06 Revision D Proposed Wootton Road Site Access with land west of Wootton Road Junction Option  Drawing 16192-09-1 Revision A Proposed Pedestrian / Emergency Access Dunmore Road Fire Tender Vehicle Tracking  Drawing 16192-06-1 Revision B Proposed Wootton Road Site Access Vehicle Tracking (11.997 metres in length)

4.1 Transport Assessment

4.1.1 The Local Highway Authority has revisited the Transport Assessment and confirms the trip rates and generation shown in Table 8 used to provide the predicted development traffic for the junction capacity assessments is acceptable.

4.1.2 Traffic Distribution Diagram Version 3 prepared by the applicants transport consultant has been reviewed by the Local Highway Authority and is considered to be acceptable.

4.1.3 Due to the change in traffic distribution leaving the site access the applicant’s transport consultant has carried out a revised primary site access junction assessment (4/08/2017 09:19) and Wootton Road (North) / Dunmore Road (East) / Dunmore Road (South) and Copenhagen Drive roundabout junction which have been reviewed by the Local Highway Authority. No concern is raised in regard to junction capacity in regard to the primary site junction access, however the Local Highway Authority concerns in regard to the roundabout junction.

4.1.4 The proposed roundabout with no slips shows some arms of the roundabout junction being over capacity in almost all future scenarios as shown in Table 1 below:-

Table 1 Wootton Rd (North) / Dunmore Road (West) / Dunmore Road (South) and Copenhagen Drive Junction Assessment Output (No Slips)

As is to be expected, the proposed roundabout with slips in scenario in Table 2 below shows an improved situation, but the Wootton Road North arm is still over capacity in future scenarios

Table 2 Wootton Rd (North) / Dunmore Road (West) / Dunmore Road (South) and Copenhagen Drive Junction Assessment Output (With Slips)

4.1.5 In the “with slips” scenario base year + development (2031) shows the Wootton Road North Arm is over capacity. It is acknowledged base year + development separately also including committed development and sensitive development (proposed 100 dwellings on the land to the west of Wootton Road) separately and combined brings the Wootton Road North Arm further over capacity. The Local Highway Authority do not expect this proposed residential development to mitigate the total over capacity (RFC 0.93) of the Wootton Road North Arm but to make a reasonable contribution to mitigating the over capacity of the Wootton Road North Arm. It is noted the applicant has not committed themselves an actual cycling scheme in Drawing No. 8150282/6114 (DTA Ref Drawing 16192-10) Revision B Wootton Road / Dunmore Road / Copenhagen Drive Roundabout Mitigation. In addition to making a reasonable contribution to mitigate the over capacity on the Wootton Road North arm the applicant should make a reasonable contribution to improve cycling facilities in the vicinity of the roundabout junction.

4.1.6 The Local Highway Authority has carried out its own traffic surveys on the Marcham Road corridor. These do not accord with the future year assessment by the applicant. This would result in a larger impact than suggested by the applicant. Notwithstanding this, the Local Highway Authority is satisfied that the Lodge Hill South Facing Slip Roads will help to mitigate the site traffic impact by allowing a redistribution of traffic generated elsewhere in Abingdon. This frees up capacity along Marcham Road for the predicted traffic derived from this proposed residential development.

4.1.7 The applicant is required to pay a financial contribution of £3,500.00 per dwelling towards the construction of the Lodge Hill South Facing Slip Roads for 200 dwellings which equates to £700,000.

In the original response to this outline planning application, the Local Highway Authority recommended to the Local Planning Authority a three-stage Grampian Planning Condition be attached to the outline planning permission restricting housing occupations to the delivery of Lodge Hill South Facing Slips.

The Department for Communities and Local Government has recently confirmed to Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) that the funding shortfall for Lodge Hill South Facing Slips will be provided in order to unlock growth in this area. Due to recent experience of successfully delivering a very similar scheme (Chilton North Facing Slips), OCC expects to deliver the scheme by the end of 2020. In order to achieve this, OCC is providing forward funding to enable the scheme to progress without delay. Taking into account the size of this site and the likely build out rate, and in agreement with the Local Planning Authority, OCC does not propose a Grampian Condition linking this site to the delivery of Lodge Hill South Facing Slips. The Department for Communities and Local Government funding is predicated on accelerated delivery of housing in the area. Now that funding has been received, it would not be appropriate to delay much-needed housing any further.

4.2 Primary Access Arrangements

4.2.1 Revised drawing 16192-06 Revision D Wootton Road Site Access shows an indicative horizontal alignment of a 3 metre in width footpath and cycle path within the application site beyond the land drainage ditch to provide pedestrian and cyclist route long the frontage of the application site. The actual horizontal alignment of this 3 metre in width footpath and cycle path will be considered as part of a reserved matters application directly related to the residential development layout details. The applicant has confirmed that the existing vehicular access will become the northern site access from Wootton Road onto the footpath and cycle path fronting the proposed residential development for the use of pedestrians and cyclists only. The proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossing of Wootton Road to be carried out as part of the Section 278 highway works is considered acceptable by the Local Highway Authority. It is also noted there is an existing uncontrolled pedestrian crossing on the Wootton Road approach to the roundabout.

4.2.2 Wootton Road has a posted speed limit of 40mph in the vicinity of the proposed site access. Review of the seven day speed survey data shows the highest average 85th percentile speeds were 38.9 mph (TA p.107) and southbound was 39.6 mph (TA p.125). The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges is considered appropriate to identify the visibility splay dimensions for each side of the primary site access as shown on Drawing 16192-06 Revision D of 2.4 metres x 120 metres is considered appropriate. The Local Highway Authority recommends to the Local Planning Authority, if they are minded to grant outline planning permission, that a suitably worded planning condition is attached to the outline planning permission to ensure adequate visibility splays are provided and maintained clear of obstruction.

4.2.3 Revised drawing 16192-06-1 Revision B supporting this submission showed a refuse vehicle swept path analysis for a 11.220 in length vehicle, the size of the vehicle and the lack of all four movements being shown were reasons the Local Highway Authority were not satisfied with the information submitted. Subsequently further revised drawings 16192-06-1 Revision C and 16192-06-1 Revision D have been submitted by the applicant’s transport consultant and considered by the Local Highway Authority. Drawing16192-06-1 Revision D shows a swept path analysis for a 11.997 metres in length refuse collection vehicle showing all four movements carried out in forward gear. A one metre in width over-run area is shown adjoining each side of the primary residential street before, during and after the primary residential street carriageway passes over the land drainage ditch to ensure adequate vehicle body clearance. Drawing16192-06-1 Revision D is acceptable to the Local Highway Authority.

4.2.4 Drawing 16192-06 Revision D Wootton Road Site Access as a preliminary design stage drawing is acceptable the Local Highway Authority.

4.3 Secondary Access Arrangements

4.3.1 Drawing 16192-09 Revision A Proposed Pedestrian / Emergency Access – Dunmore Road with Proposed Signalised Crossing shows a swept path analysis for a 7.0 metres in length fire appliance vehicle showing the left turn movement in only. The size of the vehicle used to carry out the swept path analysis and the lack of all four movements being shown were reasons for the Local Highway Authority not being satisfied with the information submitted. Subsequently a further revised Drawing 1692-09-1 Revision A has been submitted by the applicant’s transport consultant showing all four movements for 8.680 metres in length fire tender which has been reviewed by the Local Highway Authority and considered by the Local Highway Authority to be acceptable.

4.4 Passenger Transport Infrastructure

4.4.1 Currently no bus service serves Dunmore Road but it is intended to introduce a bus service serving Dunmore Road in both directions as discussed by the Local Highway Authority in their original response to the Local Planning Authority regarding this proposed residential development dated 30th June 2017.

4.4.2 The Local Highway Authority would prefer to see a new bus stop in the northbound direction fronting the site with a footway connection to the secondary site access. The hardstanding, any ducting required and the footway connection would be carried out as part of the Section 278 highway works. The bus shelter and bus stop pole and flag would be secured by the payment of a financial contribution towards their supply and installation and a commuted sum towards the future maintenance of this bus stop infrastructure.

The fall-back, if the new bus stop cannot be provided, would be to reuse the redundant bus stop situated near the Tilsley Park access which residents could possibly be able to access using the Tilsley Park Footpath and Cycle Path Link. If the fall-back position is activated the Local Highway Authority would be seeking a new bus shelter and bus stop pole and flag secured by payment of a financial contribution towards their supply and installation and a commuted sum towards the future maintenance of this bus stop infrastructure. Evidence will need to be provided as to why a new stop cannot be provided at the site frontage before the Local Highway Authority will agree to the fall-back position.

The existing redundant bus stop on the opposite side of Dunmore Road in the vicinity of Parsons Mead is intended to come back into use the Local Highway Authority will require new bus stop flag and new bus stop shelter are provided again funded by a Section 106 financial contribution.

4.5 Residential Development Layout.

Layout, appearance, landscaping and scale are not matters of detail at this stage. However, subject to outline planning approval being granted by the Local Planning Authority, would be considered as such by a reserved matters application(s). The Design and Access Statement dated July 2017 does provide a conceptual framework for these reserved matters which the Local Highway Authority wish to advise upon.

The car parking requirement for each dwelling should be accommodated within the curtilage of each plot in relation to houses and car parking courts in relation to apartments. An adequate amount of visitor car parking provision should be provided distributed evenly across the proposed residential development. The Local Highway Authority has prepared a guidance document in regard to car parking provision requirement (see Appendix C) and car parking space design requirements which are available by following the link below:- ocuments%2Froadsandtransport%2Ftransportpoliciesandplans%2Fnewdevelo pments%2Fparkingstandardsfornewresidentialdevelopments.pdf&usg=AFQjC NGN1b5zicl_tNQ2aJoBKe3q3xC0sA&bvm=bv.118353311,d.ZWU

The Design and Access Statement dated July 2017 states that shared streets are between 4.8 metres and 5.5 metres in width, Oxfordshire Residential Road Design Guide requires shared surface streets to be 6.0 metres in width. This guidance is available by following the link below:- sandtransport/transportpoliciesandplans/newdevelopments/DesignGuidePubli cation.pdf

4.6 S106 obligations and their compliance with Regulation 122(2) Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended):

4.6.1 Highway Works Contribution

£700,000 Highway Works Contribution indexed from May 2017 using Baxter Index

Towards: The financial cost of constructing the A34 Lodge Hill Roundabout South Facing Slips

Justification: The A34 Lodge Hill Roundabout South Facing Slips will provide relief to the existing highway network in Abingdon and the surrounding area and enable housing and economic growth to meet the future projected increase in population. In relation to the Vale of the White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 Strategic Sites and Policies adopted December 2016 policy justification for this financial contribution is provided by:-

 Core Policy 34 A34 Strategy

Connecting Oxfordshire (LTP) provides policy justification for seeking the financial contribution by Policy 1

4.6.2 Public Transport Service Contribution

£95,636.00 Public Transport Service Contribution indexed from September 2015 using RPI-X

Towards: The improvement of bus services serving Abingdon on Thames

Justification: The four strategic housing sites (North West Abingdon, North Abingdon, North West Radley and Kennington) allocated in the Abingdon on Thames and Oxford Fringe Area of the Vale of the White Horse Local Plan 2031 consisting of 1,673 dwellings will put increase pressure on the existing bus services on the Oxford to Abingdon bus corridor. To mitigate this positive discussions have been held with bus operators regarding the extension of the existing 35 bus service (Oxford – Kennington – Radley – Abingdon). By increasing the frequency of the service splitting the route, Dunmore Road and Twelve Acre Drive could be served by two buses per hour in both directions. This requires two extra buses at an operational cost of £800,000 over a five year period. At the outset of operating this bus service the operational cost will be fully met by Section 106 financial contributions but overtime the Section 106 funding will be reduced as the bus services becomes commercial. A financial contribution of £478.18 per dwelling is required from the four strategic sites below to enable the bus service improvement to be provided. Therefore, this proposed residential development of 200 dwellings is required to pay a bus service contribution of £95,636.00.

Policy Justification for the financial contribution:-

Vale of the White Horse District Council Local Plan Part 1 Strategic Policies

 Core Policy 33 Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility  Core Policy 35 Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

Connecting Oxfordshire (LTP4) Updated 2016

 Policies 3, 7, 17, 19 and 34

4.6.3 Public Transport Infrastructure

£9,320 Public Transport Infrastructure Contribution indexed from November 2016 using Baxter Index

Towards: The provision of two premium bus stop poles each with a flag and a two premium bus shelters on Dunmore Road .

Justification: To encourage residents to use the new bus service being provided along Dunmore Road for employment, shopping, recreational and cultural purposes in Abingdon and Oxford bus stops need to be provided within a reasonable walking distance of all part of the residential development. To increase the attractiveness of the bus service and provide a comfortable and positive experience for bus users weather proof waiting facilities need to be provided. Bus users could potential travel onwards from Abingdon Town Centre by bus and Oxford City Centre by bus and train to access opportunities within Science Vale (Harwell, Milton Park and Didcot) and wider the Oxford area respectively.

Vale of the White Horse District Council Local Plan Part 1 Strategic Policies

 Core Policy 33 Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility  Core Policy 35 Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

Connecting Oxfordshire (LTP4) Updated 2016

 Policies 3, 7, 17, 19 and 34

4.6.4 Public Transport Infrastructure Commuted Sum

£9,320 Public Transport Infrastructure Commuted Sum indexed from November 2016 using Baxter Index

Towards: The future maintenance of the two premium bus stop poles each with a flag and a two premium bus shelters on Dunmore Road funded by a separate Section 106 financial contribution.

Justification: To ensure the bus stop infrastructure funded by the Section 106 financial contribution is well maintained to retain the attractiveness of using the bus service by providing the bus user with a comfortable and positive experience and retain a positive public realm appearance a commuted sum is sought for the initial maintenance of the public transport infrastructure.

Connecting Oxfordshire (LTP 4) updated 2016 Policy 34 requires financial support towards the maintenance of highway infrastructure normally by the payment of a commuted sum.

4.6.5 £6,000.00 Radley Railway Station Cycle Parking Contribution indexed from November 2016 using Baxter Index

Towards: Provision of additional cycle parking spaces at Radley Railway Station

Justification: The application site is within a 5km distance of Radley Railway Station offering regular train services to the towns of Oxford and Didcot which are within the Science Vale Employment Area. A dedicated footway and cycleway connecting this application site and Radley Railway Station. To encourage and enhance the attractiveness of cycling to Radley Railway Station from this application site, North Abingdon and North West Radley, all strategic sites in the Abingdon and Oxford Sub Fringe Area within Vale of the White Horse Local Plan Part 1 2031 are all required to provide a financial contribution to provide additional cycle parking provision at Radley Railway Station.

Provision of additional cycle parking facilities at Radley Railway Station is supported by the following policies in the Vale of White Horse Local Plan Part 1 (2031):-

 Core Policy 33 Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility  Core Policy 35 Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

Vale of the White Horse Local Plan 2006  TR4 Safe and Convenient facilities and secure and covered cycle parking

Connecting Oxfordshire (LTP 4) updated 2016

 Policies 3, 17 and 19

4.6.6 Travel Plan Monitoring Fee

£1,240.00 Travel Plan Monitoring Fee indexed from September 2015 using RPI-X

The Travel Plan Monitoring Fee is used to cover biennial monitoring over five years of the life of the Travel Plan and are based on Oxfordshire County Council officer time to do the following:-

• make records and set up systems to ensure monitoring takes place at appropriate times. • review monitoring outputs • review the Travel Plan progress in light of monitoring results, and • discuss the results and future measures with the Travel Plan Co-ordinator for the site

Oxfordshire County Council Cabinet meeting 18 March 2014 it was decided to approve the Transport Assessments and Travel Plans Guidance Document (March 2014) and monitoring fee charging schedule for publication and approve the charging of fees to cover staff costs for other non-statutory Travel Plan related services on an hourly basis by agreement (minute reference 27/14)

In relation to the Vale of the White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 Strategic Sites and Policies adopted December 2016 policy justification is provided by the following specific policies below which the Travel Plan Monitoring Fee facilitates in enabling specific policy aspirations to be realised

Core Policy 33 Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility Core Policy 35 Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

4.6.7 Tilsley Park Footpath and Cyclepath Link

This will be secured by a suitably worded planning obligation in the Section 106. The footpath and cyclepath will connect the application site with Tilsley Park on land in the applicants control and on third party land in The Vale of the White Horse District Council’s control. The footpath and cyclepath must be a minimum of 3.0 metres in width, provide a direct route for future connection to the land west of Wootton Road, (to be delivered by another party), and future connection from Tilsley Park to Radley Railway Station (to be delivered by another party). A plan showing the route of Tilsley Park Footpath and Cycle path within the application site and the Vale of the White Horse District Council land will need to be prepared by the applicant and agreed by the Local Highway Authority, Local Planning Authority and Vale of the White Horse District Council (as landowner). A timetable for implementation of the footpath and cyclepath will need to be included in the Section 106 and future dedication of the footpath and cyclepath link to the Vale of the White Horse District Council will also need to be agreed.

4.6.8 Footpath and Cyclepath fronting Wootton Road.

This will be secured by a suitably worded planning obligation in the Section 106 as indicatively shown on Drawing 16192-06 Revision D Proposed Wootton Road Site Access.

4.7 S278 Highway Works:

An obligation to enter into a S278 Agreement will be required to secure mitigation/improvement works, including:

a) Primary Site Access Highway Works on B4017 Wootton Road indicatively shown on Drawing 16192-06 Revision D Proposed Wootton Road Site Access. b) Secondary Site Access (emergency vehicles, pedestrian and cyclist access) and provision of a Controlled Crossing on Dunmore Road indicatively shown on Drawing 16192-09 Revision A Proposed Pedestrian / Emergency Access – Dunmore Road with Proposed Signalised Crossing c) Wootton Road / Dunmore Road / Copenhagen Drive Roundabout Improvements indicatively shown on Drawing No. 8150282/6114 (DTA Ref Drawing 16192-10 ) Revision B Wootton Road / Dunmore Road / Copenhagen Drive Roundabout Mitigation d) Off Site Highway Works providing Improvements for cyclists indicatively shown on Drawing 16192-07 Revision B Proposed Cycle Improvements Wootton Road / Bath Street

Commencement of development cannot place until the Section 278 legal agreement has been entered into. Identification of areas required to be dedicated as public highway and agreement of all relevant landowners will be necessary in order to enter into the Section 278 agreement especially in regard to the land drainage ditch fronting the application site on B4017 Wootton Road and in relation to land in control of Vale of the White Horse District Council behind the Abingdon College bus stop (southbound) on Wootton Road to provide a cycle track (as shown on Drawing 16192-07 Revision B.

4.8 Planning Conditions: In the event that permission is to be given, the following planning conditions should be attached:

HY1 Access Wootton Road

Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed design of vehicular access to the site; 3 metre in width footpath and cyclepath fronting the Wootton Road, ghost right turn lane on Wootton Road and uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, indicatively shown on Drawing 16192-06 Revision D, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include visibility splays in both directions. The access and all associated highway works shall be provided prior to the first occupation or use of the new development.

HR1 Reason: In the interest of highway safety (Policy DC5 of the adopted Local Plan).

HY1 Access Dunmore Road

Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed design of the emergency access to the site from Dunmore Road ; a controlled crossing on Dunmore Road footway links to the controlled crossing and uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, indicatively shown on Drawing No. 16192-09 Revision A, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include visibility splays in both directions. The access and all associated highway works shall be provided prior to the first occupation or use of the new development.

HR1 Reason: In the interest of highway safety (Policy DC5 of the adopted Local Plan).

HY5 Specified Visibility Splays

Prior to the use of the new vehicular access on Wootton Road shown indicatively on Drawing 16192-06 Revision D, visibility splays shall be provided in both directions measuring 2.4 metres by 120 metres. Such splays shall be designed to ensure there is no obstruction to vision above 0.6 metre in height relative to the centre line of the adjacent carriageway over the whole of each visibility splay area. Thereafter, the visibility splays shall be permanently maintained free from obstruction to vision.

HR5 Reason: In the interest of highway safety (Policy DC5 of the adopted Local Plan).

Construction Method Statement

Prior to the commencement of any development (including demolition works), a Construction Method Statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved statement shall be complied with throughout the construction period, and shall provide details of the following:-

1. Vehicle parking facilities for construction works, other site operatives and visitors. 2. Site offices and other temporary buildings; 3. Loading and unloading of plant and materials; 4. Storage of plant and materials used during construction; 5. Vehicle wheel washing facilities; 6. Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt. 7. A scheme for recycling and / or disposing of waste materials arising from the demolition and construction works 8. Installation and maintenance of security hoarding /fencing

Reason: In the interests of visual and residential amenity and highway safety (Policies DC1, DC5 and DC9 of the adopted Local Plan).

Surface Water Drainage

Development shall not begin until a surface water drainage scheme for the site based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydro-geological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed. The scheme shall also include:

 Discharge Rates  Discharge Volumes  Maintenance and management of SUDS features  Sizing of features – attenuation volume  Infiltration in accordance with BRE365  Detailed drainage layout with pipe numbers  SUDS (detailed drainage strategy)  Network drainage calculations

Reason:- To ensure the effective drainage of the site in the interest of public health and the avoidance of flooding (Policies DC9 and DC14 of the adopted Local Plan)

Travel Information Packs

Prior to the occupation of the development a copy of the Sustainable Travel information Pack (STIP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority following consultation with the Local Highway Authority. The approved STIP shall then be provided to each household initially to occupy the dwellings to be built and shall include information on the alternatives to single-occupancy car use available to residents, walking and cycle route maps, discounts, and public transport information.

Reason:- To encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport (Policy GS10 of the adopted Local Plan).

Travel Plan

Prior to first occupation of any dwelling a Travel Plan shall be drawn up, and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; such plans to include proposals for all travel by modes other than the private car for journeys to and from site.

Reason: To promote the use of non-car modes of transport in accordance with Policy Policy GS10 of the adopted Local Plan.

4.9 Informative:

As stated in the original submission dated 30th June 2017

Officer’s Name: Simon Wellbeloved Officer’s Title: Transport Engineer South and Vale Locality TDC Team Date: 6th September 2017