Bulletin #16 April 20, 2019
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Columbus City Bulletin Bulletin #16 April 20, 2019 Proceedings of City Council Saturday, April 20, 2019 SIGNING OF LEGISLATION (Legislation was signed by Council President Shannon Hardin on the night of the Council meeting, Monday, April 15, 2019; by Acting Mayor, Jennifer Gallagher on Tuesday, April 16, 2019; All legislation included in this edition was attested by the City Clerk, prior to Bulletin publishing.) The City Bulletin Official Publication of the City of Columbus Published weekly under authority of the City Charter and direction of the City Clerk. The Office of Publication is the City Clerk’s Office, 90 W. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, 614-645-7380. The City Bulletin contains the official report of the proceedings of Council. The Bulletin also contains all ordinances and resolutions acted upon by council, civil service notices and announcements of examinations, advertisements for bids and requests for professional services, public notices; and details pertaining to official actions of all city departments. If noted within ordinance text, supplemental and support documents are available upon request to the City Clerk’s Office. Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 04/20/19) 2 of 228 Council Journal (minutes) Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 04/20/19) 3 of 228 Office of City Clerk City of Columbus 90 West Broad Street Columbus OH 43215-9015 Minutes - Final columbuscitycouncil.org Columbus City Council ELECTRONIC READING OF MEETING DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE DURING COUNCIL OFFICE HOURS. CLOSED CAPTIONING IS AVAILABLE IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. ANY OTHER SPECIAL NEEDS REQUESTS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 645-7380 BY FRIDAY PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING. Monday, April 15, 2019 5:00 PM City Council Chambers, Rm 231 REGULAR MEETING NO. 19 OF COLUMBUS CITY COUNCIL, APRIL 15, 2019 AT 5:00 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. ROLL CALL Present: 7 - Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel Remy, Priscilla Tyson, and Shannon Hardin READING AND DISPOSAL OF THE JOURNAL A motion was made by Shayla Favor, seconded by Priscilla Tyson, to Dispense with the reading of the Journal and Approve. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel Remy, Priscilla Tyson, and Shannon Hardin COMMUNICATIONS AND REPORTS RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1 C0011-2019 THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING COMMUNICATIONS AS OF WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019: Stock Type: C1, C2 To: Khurram LLC DBA Mobil Fifth Av 1773 E Fifth Av Columbus OH 43219 Permit# 4621325 Transfer Type: D5 To: WNC of Columbus 2 LLC DBA Wine and Canvas 132 Graceland Blvd Columbus OH 43214 From: WNC of Columbus LLC City of Columbus Page 1 Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 04/20/19) 4 of 228 Columbus City Council Minutes - Final April 15, 2019 DBA Wine and Canvas 132 Graceland Blvd Columbus OH 43214 Permit# 9326565 New Type: D5J To: Pins Mechanical Co Easton LLC DBA Pins Mechanical Co 4117 Worth Ave Columbus OH 43219 Permit# 6933540 New Type: C1 To: Kafe Karryout LLC DBA Kafe Karryout 2240 N High St Columbus OH 43201 Permit# 4434750 Advertise Date: 4/20/19 Agenda Date: 4/15/19 Return Date: 4/25/19 Read and Filed RESOLUTIONS OF EXPRESSION E. BROWN 2 0129X-2019 To Oppose and Condemn the Enactment of the 133rd General Assembly’s Six-week Abortion Ban through Substitute Senate Bill 23 Sponsors: Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel V. Remy, Priscilla Tyson and Shannon G. Hardin A motion was made by Elizabeth Brown, seconded by Emmanuel V. Remy, that this Ceremonial Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel Remy, Priscilla Tyson, and Shannon Hardin E. BROWN/DORANS/HARDIN 3 0127X-2019 To Recognize and Celebrate April 18, 2019, as AEP Ohio Lineworker Appreciation Day Sponsors: Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel V. Remy, Priscilla Tyson and Shannon G. Hardin City of Columbus Page 2 Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 04/20/19) 5 of 228 Columbus City Council Minutes - Final April 15, 2019 A motion was made by Shannon G. Hardin, seconded by Priscilla Tyson, that this Ceremonial Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel Remy, Priscilla Tyson, and Shannon Hardin REMY 4 0126X-2019 To recognize and celebrate Monday, April 22nd, 2019 as Earth Day in the city of Columbus Sponsors: Emmanuel V. Remy, Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Priscilla Tyson and Shannon G. Hardin A motion was made by Emmanuel V. Remy, seconded by Shayla Favor, that this Ceremonial Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel Remy, Priscilla Tyson, and Shannon Hardin TYSON 5 0132X-2019 To recognize and celebrate the 2018-2019 Columbus Africentric Early College High School Lady Nubians Girls Basketball Team for winning the Ohio Division III State Girls Basketball Championship. Sponsors: Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Shannon G. Hardin, Emmanuel V. Remy and Priscilla Tyson A motion was made by Priscilla Tyson, seconded by Shayla Favor, that this Ceremonial Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel Remy, Priscilla Tyson, and Shannon Hardin FROM THE FLOOR: 0134X-2019 To honor, recognize, and celebrate the unique achievements of Ms. Jordan Horston who was named and recognized as the Most Valuable Player of the 2019 McDonald's All-American Girls Basketball Game. Sponsors: Priscilla Tyson, Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel V. Remy and Shannon G. Hardin A motion was made by Priscilla Tyson, seconded by Shayla Favor, that this Ceremonial Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: Affirmative: 7 - Elizabeth Brown, Mitchell Brown, Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Emmanuel Remy, Priscilla Tyson, and Shannon Hardin ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA City of Columbus Page 3 Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 04/20/19) 6 of 228 Columbus City Council Minutes - Final April 15, 2019 FR FIRST READING OF 30-DAY LEGISLATION A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCILMEMBER REMY, SECONDED BY PRESIDENT PRO TEM E. BROWN TO WAIVE THE READING OF THE TITLES OF FIRST READING LEGISLATION. THE MOTION CARRIED THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AFFIRMATIVE: 7 NEGATIVE: 0 FINANCE: E. BROWN CHR. TYSON M. BROWN HARDIN FR-1 0949-2019 To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into two (2) Universal Term Contracts for the option to purchase Small Electric Motors with Grainger and GD Supply; and to authorize the expenditure of $2.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001107. ($2.00). Read for the First Time FR-2 0974-2019 To authorize the Finance and Management Director to establish purchase orders from an existing Universal Term Contract with Fujitec America, Inc., for elevator maintenance and emergency service for the Facilities Management Division; and to authorize the expenditure of $40,000.00 from the General Fund. ($40,000.00) Read for the First Time FR-3 0989-2019 To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase Waste ID, Disposal, & Emergency Response Services from Environmental Remediation Contractor, LLC; and to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001107. Read for the First Time PUBLIC UTILITIES: DORANS, CHR. E. BROWN M. BROWN HARDIN FR-4 0727-2019 To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with the Elite Excavating Co. of Ohio, Inc. for the Woodward Avenue Sanitary Sewers and the Woodward, Wildwood, & Woodnell Storm Sewer Improvements Projects; to authorize the appropriation and transfer of $698,246.40 from the Sanitary Sewer Reserve Fund to the Ohio Water Development Loan Fund; to authorize an appropriation within the Storm Recovery Zone Super B.A.B.s Fund; to authorize the expenditure of $698,246.40 from the Ohio Water Development Fund; to authorize the transfer within and expenditure of up to $442,471.05 from the Storm Recovery Zone Super Build America Bond Fund; to authorize the transfer within and the expenditure of up to $2,783,402.55 from the City of Columbus Page 4 Columbus City Bulletin (Publish Date 04/20/19) 7 of 228 Columbus City Council Minutes - Final April 15, 2019 Storm Sewer Bond Fund; and to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget. ($3,924,120.00). Read for the First Time FR-5 0866-2019 To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew its contract with Cornerstone Maintenance Services, Ltd. to provide HVAC and Air Purification Equipment Maintenance Services for the Department of Public Utilities, and to authorize the expenditure of $425,000.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund and $30,000.00 from the Power Operating Fund. ($455,000.00) Read for the First Time FR-6 0878-2019 To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned modification of the 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement with PRIME AE Group, Inc., for three Division of Water Projects, to authorize an expenditure up to $851,857.62 within the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to authorize an amendment to the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget. ($851,857.62) Read for the First Time FR-7 0946-2019 To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to execute a construction contract with Travco Construction, Inc. for the 2019 Main Line Valve Replacements Project; to authorize a transfer and expenditure up to $1,891,536.00 within the Water General Obligations Bonds Fund; to provide for payment of prevailing wage services to the Department of Public Service, Design and Construction Division; for the Division of Water; and to authorize an amendment to the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget.