The Ukrainian Weekly 2005, No.42

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The Ukrainian Weekly 2005, No.42 INSIDE:•A history of linguicide of the Ukrainian language — page 10. • First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko visits Chicago — page 13. • Photographs of Ukrainian Canadian Edward Burtynsky — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIII HE No.KRAINIAN 42 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2005 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine Yushchenko promotes business development T U Well-knownW lawyer Serhii Holovatyi at International Economic Forum in Lviv tapped as new minister of justice by Zenon Zawada “I will do everything so that this sec- by Zenon Zawada 900 letters during his presidency from ordi- Kyiv Press Bureau ond step will be made and Ukraine will Kyiv Press Bureau nary Ukrainians – more than half of which become a member of the WTO in are complaints about corrupt or incompe- LVIV – President Viktor Yushchenko December,” Mr. Yushchenko said. The KYIV – Serhii Holovatyi is Ukraine’s tent judges, prosecutors and police. visited Lviv on October 6 to encourage first step is attaining market economy new justice minister, tapped to replace Mr. Holovatyi will be productive and business and economic development, as status, he said. Roman Zvarych, the American-born honestly serve the Ukrainian people as a well as to promote the Our Ukraine The United States will grant Ukraine politician whose tenure was marred by result of his “experience, coupled with People’s Union for the March 2006 par- market economy status by the end of the several scandals. his devotion to national interests,” Mr. liamentary elections. year, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the President Viktor Yushchenko signed an Yushchenko said. The Lviv Chamber of Trade and U.S. Commerce Department Eric Stewart order appointing the 51-year-old lawyer “I don’t want any falsification to take Industry held its fifth annual said earlier this year. to head the Ministry of Justice. Mr. place within these walls,” the president told International Economic Forum “Ukraine The same day in Lviv, Mr. Holovatyi is one of the founders of Rukh Mr. Holovatyi. “It’s very important that the – EU” on October 5 through 8, with more Yushchenko signed a memorandum to and previously served as Ukraine’s jus- people refer to you as the truth itself.” than 120 representatives of business construct BrodAgroOil, an oil-refining, tice minister between September 1995 Most significant about Mr. interests in nine European nations attend- agro-industrial integrative complex in and August 1997 under former President Holovatyi’s selection, according to polit- ing. Brody, a city directly east of Lviv in the Leonid Kuchma. ical experts, is his active role in the More than 500 Lviv business projects same oblast. Among the biggest expectations of Heorhii Gongadze case, as well as his worth several hundred million dollars in The construction’s projected cost is $3 Mr. Holovatyi is that he will renew the obvious antipathy toward Procurator investment, were displayed at the forum. billion, and carries enormous potential to Ukrainian people’s faith in the authority General Sviatoslav Piskun. Mr. Yushchenko urged international boost the Lviv economy, of the law above all else, Mr. Mr. Holovatyi has served as a lawyer for businessmen not to give bribes in Currently, 7.5 million tons of light oil Yushchenko said when introducing the Lesia Gongadze, the mother of the enter- Ukraine. He also assured them that his products are manufactured at the plant. new justice minister on October 10. prising journalist murdered five years ago, government would adequately prepare Once the oil refinery is constructed, it “The main characteristic of the last apparently for his provocative articles. itself to pass the remaining 14 amend- will produce 8 million tons of gas per four to five years has been the Ukrainian In the European Court for Human ments to Ukrainian law that will pave the year, Interfax reported. people’s lost faith in the supremacy of Rights, Mr. Holovatyi also represented way for Ukraine’s accession to the World the law,” Mr. Yushchenko said. Mykola Melnychenko, who complained Trade Organization. (Continued on page 3) Mr. Yushchenko said he has received that his right to run for the Verkhovna Rada was illegally denied him. “I appointed ... a man whom it is diffi- cult to accuse of bias in this matter and Latest Harry Potter book, in Ukrainian, is launched in Kyiv in other matters,” Mr. Yushchenko said by Yana Sedova few weeks after its English-language is his mentor of magic, Prof. Dumbledore. on October 7, referring to the Gongadze Kyiv Press Bureau release in July 2006. However, the pirated In fact, Harry Potter’s trademark own- case. “I am sure that Ukraine will make translation was of a rather low quality. ers in Great Britain have deemed significant advances in this issue, based KYIV – A Ukrainian-language version More than 200 Ukrainians, mainly moth- Vladyslav Yerko, the artist who created on his authority and his capabilities.” of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood ers and their excited children, swarmed the However, political experts are puzzled Prince” rolled off the presses on October all the covers for the Ukrainian transla- presentation party, in Kyiv, catching their tions, as the novel’s best international about why Mr. Yushchenko would appoint 6, joining German and French as the first first glimpse of the bright, colorful cover. someone who would clearly conflict with translations of the latest novel in J.K. illustrator, Mr. Malkovych said. Every translation has its own unique Mr. Yerko’s depiction of Harry Potter Mr. Piskun. Just two days after his Rowling’s wildly popular series. cover, and the Ukrainian version depicts appointment, Mr. Holovatyi referred to “Don’t be a Muggle, support Ukrainian has grown increasingly similar to English Harry Potter seated in an aquamarine-col- actor Daniel Radcliff, the young man who the procurator general as an illegitimate because it’s cool!” read the book’s slogan, ored rowboat, holding a magic wand and prosecutor who should be replaced. printed on one of the back pages. crossing a lake in a cave. Seated behind him (Continued on page 4) “Therefore everything depends on To meet the frantic demand, Ukrainian whoever fills this position not turning booksellers bought up 70,000 copies of out to be the next scoundrel in line,” Mr. the series’ sixth installment before its Holovatyi said. official presentation at the Ukrayinskyi President Yushchenko may be laying Dim in Kyiv. the groundwork for Mr. Piskun’s firing, The official 574-page Ukrainian trans- said Volodymyr Fesenko, the chairman lation arrived two months ahead of the of the Penta Center for Applied Political Russian version. Research, which contracts its services to “This is very important for promotion of various political parties in Ukraine. Ukrainian reading,” said Ivan Malkovych, An increasing avalanche of criticism the director of the nation’s biggest publisher has been heaped upon the procurator of children’s literature, A-BA-BA-HA-LA- general, he said. Internal Affairs Minister MA-HA, which has been active since 1992. Yurii Lutsenko recently accused Mr. “It was very important to publish the Piskun of blocking cases involving elec- book earlier than the Russian translation tion fraud committed by those in former in order to engage tens of thousands of President Leonid Kuchma’s circle. readers who would read at least 600 pages “Piskun became a risk figure and a of Ukrainian in their life,” he explained. conflict figure, and there are many nega- The original English-language “Harry tive factors connected with him – espe- Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” was cially as regards the Gongadze matter,” released on July 16. In the first 24 hours Mr. Fesenko said. “I think Holovatyi is it was available, Americans bought 6.9 supposed to play the role of a key count- million copies, making it the fastest sell- er-factor: from one side create pressure ing book in history, according to book- Yana Sedova on Piskun, and from the other side initi- seller Barnes and Noble. ate the end of this matter.” The most impatient fans could read the Kyivan Harry Potter look-alike Valentyn Tykhenkyi, 12, examines his copy of the latest novel on the Internet, in Russian, a Ukrainian-language version of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.” (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2005 No. 42 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS PACE asks for full investigation NEWSBRIEFS Yushchenko signs immunity bill purportedly specified that President Viktor Yushchenko personally, Mr. Yushchenko’s of the stalled Gongadze case KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko Our Ukraine People’s Union, Ms. on October 5 signed into law a controver- Tymoshenko’s bloc and Mr. Lytvyn’s by Taras Kuzio September 20). Asked why the prosecu- sial bill that grants immunity from prosecu- People’s Party would each supply one- Eurasia Daily Monitor tor’s office had not reacted to the three- tion to deputies of local councils, Ukrainian fourth of the list’s candidates. Meanwhile, a year-old report, Procurator General news media reported. Under the legislation, poll conducted by the Kyiv International On October 5 the Parliamentary Sviatoslav Piskun simply said he had not a local councilor may be arrested or crimi- Institute of Sociology on September 18-25 Assembly of the Council of Europe received it, as it was still in the mail nally prosecuted only after approval is concluded that seven Ukrainian parties (PACE) issued a resolution requesting that (Ukrayinska Pravda, September 29). given by his or her respective council. The would be able to overcome the 3 percent the Ukrainian authorities deal with differ- Yaroslav Koshiw, author of the only law, which the Verkhovna Rada passed on voting threshold for parliamentary represen- ent aspects of the investigation into the Western book on the Gongadze murder, September 8, extends such immunity to tation: Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of the murder of journalist Heorhii Gongadze “Beheaded: The Killing of a Journalist” some 200,000 regional legislators.
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