Oct/Nov 2020 Newsletter 248 Council Meeting Snippets Please refer to the Council Minutes & Agenda Reports available on the Council website mtr.sa.gov.au for full details.

At the Ordinary meeting held in September and October 2020 Councillors resolved:

Fines & Interest Waiver of fines and interest on rates as per the resolution made in the April meeting 2020 due to circumstances with COVID-19 and drought was lifted. Fines and interest will once again be raised in accordance to Section 181 (8) of the Local Government Act 1999.

GM Crops Council resolved not to apply to the State Government to ban genetically modified crops from the Council area.

Community Hall, Weeroona Island A deputation was put forward to Council by a local resident of Weeroona Island outlining the proposal for funding for a community hall in Weeroona Island.

Kerbside Bin Pickup Council approved a contract for kerbside waste and recycling with Clare Valley Waste until 2029.

Governance Advisory Panel Council has approved the establishment of a Governance Advisory Panel. The panel is designed to further enhance Councils overall governance, providing additional accountability and transparency.

Booleroo Centre Swimming Pool A one-off increase to the existing grant payable to the Booleroo Centre Memorial Pool Management Committee to an amount of $30,000 per annum was approved.

Mid North Health Advisory Council Inc Mayor Heaslip and Cr BJ Richards were nominated for consideration for appointment as a Local Government nominee to the Mid North Health Advisory Council Inc.

Citizen of the Year Nominations now open!

Do you know a hard working, selfless and community minded person? What about an event that made a difference to the community? Why not nominate them for recognition through the Citizen of the Year Award!

Applications can be found on the Council website or hard copies printed from the Council office at 3 Stuart St Melrose SA 5481

Applications close 5pm Friday 4 December 2020

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Congratulations to Lyn and the Northern Passenger Transport Network (NPTN) workforce for their commendation award from the Minister for Health and Wellbeing Excellence in Public Health Awards 2020 received on 29 October 2020. The award was held in conjunction with the Local Government Association (LGA) AGM and presented by the Minister for Health, the Hon MLC. The winner of the category were neighbours District Council of Orroroo Carrieton who won with their event, Mayor Phillip Heaslip and NPTN Manager Lyn Forster Despite the Dust Muster. (centre) accept the award on stage The award was timely as Northern Passenger Transport Network celebrated their 20th anniversary with a high tea on Saturday 31 October 2020. In attendance on the day were local Members of Parliament, and ; current and past CEO and Mayors of District Council of Mount Remarkable as well as committee members, volunteers and office employees. Lyn was also presented her 20 year service to Local Government certificate with a gift from Council.

Above: Lyn Forster, Manager of NPTN at the LGA AGM Centre: Lyn with office staff, Cynthia Arthur & Heather Graham standing with their anniversary cake Right: Lyn being presented with her 20 years of service to Local Government by Mayor Heaslip & DCMR Manager of Community & Economic Development, Ebony Rodda. Catch and Release Fishing in waters off Port Germein and Weeroona Island

On 14 October 2020, Mayor Phillip Heaslip and CEO Sam Johnson met with Port Pirie Regional Council Mayor Leon Stephens, Minister Dan van Holst Pellekaan, and Minister , Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development. At this meeting discussions outlined the 12-month fishing closure that was put in place on 15 September 2020, which affects fishing in waters in our Council near Port Germein and Weeroona Island. For more information, a media release was provided by Minister Basham https://www.pir.sa.gov.au/ alerts_news_events/news/ministerial_releases/ (L-R) Dan van Holst Pellekaan, Mayor Phillip Heaslip, catch_and_release_fishing_to_be_allowed_at_port_pirie PPRC Mayor Leon Stephens & MP David Basham 2 OUT AND ABOUT Council's CEO and Manager of Community and Economic Development met with the Booleroo Centre community to catch up with members of the Booleroo Centre Bowling Club and Memorial Swimming Pool. October is a busy month with summer sport starting up for another season with bowling and swimming not being an exception, so it is a necessary for Council to stay informed of any ideas or concerns within these local recreational spaces to ensure they are accessible to whole community. The Booleroo Centre Bowling Club is becoming a fantastic community hub for all ages. Why not become a social member and have a roll on the social nights. Keep an eye out on their Facebook page for when social nights start up. The Booleroo Centre Swimming Pool & Wilmington Swimming Pool will both open to the public on 16 November 2020.

E.O.I. MELROSE MEDICAL ROOMS The District Council of Mount Remarkable is seeking expressions of interest from suitable persons, businesses or community groups for the use of the Melrose Medical Rooms located at 28-30 Stuart Street, Melrose. A copy of the expression of interest document is available for viewing on the Council website or from the Council Office, 3 Stuart Street Melrose. Submissions are to be received by 12.00 noon on Friday 13 November 2020.


The community are advised that Fire Ban season begins 1 November and Council are required to undertake Fire Prevention inspections. Due the recent wet weather around the district, the Council has pushed back the 2nd round of scheduled inspections to 10 November 2020. Please ensure that you have tidied your yards in time for Fire Ban Season. If you require any assistance with cleaning up your properties, Council have a contact list of local handy man/gardening businesses that may be able to assist you.

3 Stuart Street / PO Box 94 MELROSE SA 5483 T: 08 8666 2014 E: [email protected] 3 W: www.mtr.sa.gov.au


The District Council of Mount Remarkable work hard to maintain the infrastructure within our Council area with the resources available. Council staff have put together a detailed report describing works undertaken during September and October.

The report includes topics such as: Recent repairs to Wirrabara CWMS Construction of Willowie bridge  drumMUSTER in High Street by-pass  Building/Planning/ Environmental Health  Fire Prevention  Flood Repair  Incoming Customer Service Requests (CSR)  Grader map  List of roads graded

A copy of this report is available on the council website www.mtr.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0043/784699/September- 2020-Infrastructure-Update.pdf or by contacting the office for a hard copy. Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park On 9 October, Council's Mayor Phillip Heaslip and CEO Sam Johnson attended the "Breaking the Ground" ceremony for the Iberdrola Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park, located just south of Port Augusta which integrates part of the District Council of Mount Remarkable. This project, supported by the Marshall Government aims to create over 300 jobs and help make the region become a nationally recognised clean energy hub. Read more on the Premier's Media Release - https://bit.ly/36UEBSY

DCMR Mayor Phillip Heaslip with SA Premier DCMR Mayor Phillip Heaslip, SA Premier Steven Marshall, DP Steven Marshall Energy’s Catherine Way, Minister for Energy Dan van Holst Pellekaan, Port Augusta Council Mayor Brett Benbow Hard Waste Collection

The Hard Waste Collection for this financial year

is proposed for March/April 2021. Development Application Fees Due to no rate increase in the 2020/2021 Budget, The online Planning SA Portal is well and truly up and running there was insufficient funding to allow for waste for our Council. This initiative is to encourage the applicant to vouchers as previous years. lodge their own application online. In the August Council meeting, Council approved a further $80 Stay tuned for more information on administration lodgement fee on top of any Plan SA fees for any confirmed dates when hard waste hardcopy applications lodged at the Council reception.

collection is coming to your town. If you require assistance lodging your application, please Council on 8666 2014. 4 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL TOWN OF THE YEAR 2020

The District Council of Mount Remarkable were exceptionally lucky to have not 1 but 3 towns nominated by the general public for the South Australian Agricultural Town of the Year 2020. Congratulations to our nominees — Booleroo Centre Melrose Wirrabara The Agricultural Town of the Year Award, proudly presented by the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) and Solstice Media, highlights the vital role that agriculture plays in the regional landscape – being the backbone of most regional communities. 70 nominations were received from across the entire state. South Australian residents and an independent judging panel then hold the power by voting for a town they believe helps grow primary industries to drive regional development, have an agricultural contribution to the SA economy, have community spirit and resilience and have agricultural practices and innovation/initiatives. Voting closed on 30 October 2020 and the top 5 are expected to be announced sometime during November/December. These top 5 towns then have the opportunity to promote their town for regional visits. The winner will be announced in February 2021.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 was adopted by Council at a Special Council meeting on 26 October 2020. Part Five Section 16 of the SA Disability Inclusion Act 2018 outlines the requirement for all State authorities, including Councils, to have a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). This Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) represents the District Council of Mount Remarkable’s commitment and contribution towards progressing the objectives of the Act. The Council is committed to creating and supporting an environment that is free of discrimination and pro-active about facilitating access and inclusion. The plan can be viewed on Council’s website www.mtr.sa.gov.au/documents/disability-access-and- inclusion-plan-2020-2024 or by contacting the office for a hard copy. 5 Mt. View Old & New Op Shop ‘Mt. View’ Homes, Booleroo Centre, the only Aged Care Facility in our Council, have opened an op shop in Booleroo as a way to raise funds. Cr. Barry Richards met with ‘Mt. View Homes’ CEO Jenny Deer to congratulate ‘Mt. View’ Homes on the open- ing on 9 October. The op shop is located on the corner of Stephens St and Arthur St, Booleroo Centre. For further information, ring ‘Mt. View’ Homes on 8666 2207.

New op-shop display Jenny Deer, ‘Mt. View’ Homes CEO with Cr Barry Richards at Op Shop opening New Kerbside Bin Calendar