WHAT’S INSIDE 3...................WELCOME FROM THE MUSIC DIRECTOR 5............WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 7....................... WELCOME FROM THE BOARD CHAIR 8-11 ......................ABOUT THE ALBANY SYMPHONY OCTOBER 19, 2019: 15...................................PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION NOVEMBER 9, 2019: 25.........................RACHMANINOFF SYMPHONY NO. 2 DECEMBER 7 & 8, 2019: 37.................................MOZART’S “LINZ” SYMPHONY 46........................................CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE 47.............................................. INDIVIDUAL GIVING 50..................IN HONOR, CELEBRATION, & MEMORY 51................................................ENCORE SOCIETY 53.......................................2019–2020 SPONSORS ALBANY SYMPHONY MUSICIAN 55 ............................................ HOUSING PROGRAM ADVERTISING Onstage Publications Advertising Department 937-424-0529 | 866-503-1966 e-mail:
[email protected] www.onstagepublications.com This program is published in association with Onstage Publications, 1612 Prosser Avenue, Dayton, Ohio 45409. This program may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Onstage Publications is a division of Just Business, Inc. Contents ©2019. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. ALBANY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA | 1 2 | ALBANY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA In November, we’ll celebrate one of the most unusual musical instruments ever created—the theremin. This very first electronic instrument was invented 100 years ago by the Russian scientist, Leon Theremin. The world’s leading theremin virtuoso, Carolina Eyck, will join us for a new concerto by Dalit Warshaw, the centerpiece of an evening that will also include Borodin’s Prince Igor Overture and Rachmaninoff’s gorgeous, deeply moving masterpiece, his Symphony No. 2. In December, we mark the beginning of the holiday season with Mozart’s festive “Linz” Symphony, Pachelbel’s Canon, and a thrilling work by Andre Myers in collaboration with Albany High School.