Congressional Record—Senate S6961
June 24, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6961 McCain, McCaskill, McConnell, Menendez, SEC. 6. The Secretary shall provide the an- SEC. 4. During proceedings conducted Merkley, Mikulski, Murkowski, Murray, swer and the replication, if any, to the Pre- under Rule XI the chairman of the com- Nelson (Nebraska), Nelson (Florida). siding Officer of the Senate on the first day mittee is authorized to waive the require- Reed (Rhode Island), Reid (Nevada), Risch, the Senate is in session after the Secretary ment under the Rules of Procedure and Prac- Rockefeller, Sanders, Schumer, Sessions, receives them, and the Presiding Officer tice in the Senate When Sitting on Impeach- Shaheen, Shelby, Snowe, Specter, Stabenow, shall cause the answer and replication, if ment Trials that questions by a Senator to a Tester, Thune, Udall (Colorado), Udall (New any, to be printed in the Senate Journal and witness, a manager, or counsel shall be re- Mexico), Vitter, Voinovich, Warner, Webb, in the Congressional Record. If a timely an- duced to writing and put by the Presiding Of- Whitehouse, Wicker, Wyden. swer has not been filed, the Presiding Officer ficer. Mr. REID. Mr. President, any Sen- shall cause a plea of not guilty to be entered. SEC. 5. In addition to a certified copy of the transcript of the proceedings and testi- ator who was not in the Senate Cham- SEC. 7. The articles of impeachment, the answer, and the replication, if any, together mony had and given before it, the committee ber at the time the oath was adminis- with the provisions of the Constitution on is authorized to report to the Senate a state- tered to the other Senators will make impeachment, and the Rules of Procedure ment of facts that are uncontested and a that fact known to the Chair so that and Practice in the Senate When Sitting on summary, with appropriate references to the the oath may be administered as soon Impeachment Trials, shall be printed under record, of evidence that the parties have in- as possible to that Senator.
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