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Themes Revealed from Figurative Language in Billie Eilish’S Ep Don’T Smile at Me

Themes Revealed from Figurative Language in Billie Eilish’S Ep Don’T Smile at Me




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By EA GITTHA JUNIOR Student Number: 16421409




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By EA GITTHA JUNIOR Student Number: 164214091



“There are always going to be bad things. But you can write it down and make a out of it.”

Billie Eilish





Firstly, I am grateful to Allah SWT for his blessing and mercies, so I have finished my thesis, entitled “Themes Revealed from Figurative Language in Billie

Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me”.I would like to express my gratitude to Arina

Isti'anah S.Pd.,M.Hum. as my thesis advisor for helping, supporting, and encouraging me to finish my undergraduate thesis. Also, I would like to thank to my co-advisor, Scolastica Wedhowerti, S.Pd., M.Hum for giving me further advice and supports to finish my undergraduate thesis.

My special thanks for my mother, Eny Kesumawati for her support and pray for my success. I would like to thank to the company I work for, Jogja

Translator, for giving me extra time to finish my thesis, while I am on duties. I also would like to thank to Bobby, for giving me his time to support me and help me to finish my thesis. Last but not least, thank you to my friends: Fritha, Recza,

Bunga, Aling, Stefanny, Samo, Rimbo, and Jito for helping me to get through these around forty-five months in English Letters.

Ea Gittha Junior




CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION...... 15 A. Background of the Study...... 15 B. Problem Formulation...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study...... 19 D. Definition of Terms...... 19

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE...... 21 A. Review of Related Studies...... 21 B. Review of Related Theories...... 24 1. Semantics...... 25 2. Figurative Language...... 27 a. Simile...... 27 b. Metaphor...... 28 c. Personification...... 29 d. Metonymy...... 29 e. Synecdoche...... 30 f. Symbol...... 30 g. Irony...... 31 h. Allegory...... 31 i. Paradox...... 32 j. Apostrophe...... 33


k. Hyperbole...... 33 l. Litotes...... 34 3. Theme...... 35 4. Song...... 22 C. Theoretical Framework...... 36

CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY...... 24 A. Object of the Study...... 24 B. Approach of the Study...... 25 C. Method of the Study...... 25 1. Data Collection...... 255 2. Data Analysis...... 26

CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS...... 288 A. Figurative Language in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me...... 288 a. Metaphor...... 29 b. Hyperbole...... 355 c. Simile...... 39 d. Personification...... 422 e. Symbol...... 444 f. Paradox...... 46 g. Apostrophe...... 477 h. Allegory...... 488 B. Theme in Billie Eilish’ EP Don’t Smile at Me...... 500 1. Love...... 511 a. “Love” Seen through Metaphor...... 511 b. “Love” Seen through Hyperbole...... 522 c. “Love” Seen through Simile...... 544 1. “Sorrow”...... 544 a. “Sorrow” Seen through Metaphor...... 555 b. “Sorrow” Seen through Hyperbole...... 555 c. “Sorrow” Seen through Personification...... 566 d. “Sorrow” Seen through Symbol...... 577 e. “Sorrow” Seen through Paradox...... 578





APPENDIX 1: Literal and Non-Literal Meaning of Figurative Expression found in the song lyrics...... 64 a. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “COPYCAT”...... 64 b. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “”...... 65 c. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “my boy”...... 66 d. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “watch”...... 66 e. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “ocean eyes”...... 67 f. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “hostage”...... 67 g. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “&burn”...... 69 APPENDIX 2: Summary of Theme Revealed Through Figurative Language in the EP Don’t Smile at Me...... 70 APPENDIX 3: Song Lyrics...... 71 1. Billie Eilish - COPYCAT...... 71 2. Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore...... 72 3. Billie Eilish - my boy...... 73 4. Billie Eilish - watch...... 74 5. Billie Eilish - party favor...... 75 6. Billie Eilish - bellyache...... 76 7. Billie Eilish - Ocean Eyes...... 77 8. Billie Eilish - hostage...... 78 9. Billie Eilish ft. Vincent Staples - &burn...... 79



Table 1. Summary of Figurative Language in Song Lyrics...... 288 Table 2. Song Lyrics Contain Metaphor...... 29 Table 3. Metaphor in “COPYCAT”...... 300 Table 4. Metaphor in “COPYCAT”...... 300 Table 5. Metaphor in “COPYCAT”...... 311 Table 6. Metaphor in “idontwannabeyouanymore”...... 322 Table 7. Metaphor in “idontwannabeyouanymore”...... 333 Table 8. Metaphor in “my boy”...... 333 Table 9. Metaphor in “watch”...... 344 Table 10. Metaphor in “Ocean Eyes”...... 344 Table 11. Metaphor in “Ocean Eyes”...... 355 Table 12. Metaphor in “hostage”...... 355 Table 13. Song Lyrics Contain Hyperbole...... 366 Table 14. Hyperbole in “idontwannabeyouanymore”...... 366 Table 15. Hyperbole in “idontwannabeyouanymore”...... 377 Table 16. Hyperbole in “watch”...... 377 Table 17. Hyperbole in “watch”...... 388 Table 18. Hyperbole in “hostage”...... 388 Table 19. Hyperbole in “hostage”...... 39 Table 20. Song Lyrics Contain Simile...... 400 Table 21. Simile in “my boy”...... 400 Table 22. Simile in “my boy”...... 411 Table 23. Simile in “bellyache”...... 411 Table 24. Simile in “hostage”...... 41 Table 25. Song Lyrics Contain Personification...... 422 Table 26. Personification in “idontwannabeyouanymore”...... 433 Table 27. Personification in “Ocean Eyes”...... 433 Table 28. Personification in “&burn”...... 444 Table 29. Song Lyrics Contain Symbol...... 444 Table 30. Symbol in “watch”...... 455 Table 31. Symbol in “Ocean Eyes”...... 455 Table 32. Song Lyrics Contain Paradox...... 466 Table 33. Paradox in “COPYCAT”...... 466 Table 34. Paradox in “idontwannabeyouanymore”...... 477 Table 35. Song Lyrics Contain Apostrophe...... 48 Table 36. Apostrophe in “Ocean Eyes”...... 488 Table 37. Song Lyrics Contain Allegory...... 49 Table 38. Allegory in “COPYCAT”...... 49 Table 39. “Love” Seen Through Metaphor...... 522 Table 40. “Love” Seen Through Hyperbole...... 544 Table 41. “Love” Seen Through Simile...... 544 Table 42. Sorrow” Seen through Metaphor...... 555


Table 43. Sorrow” Seen through Hyperbole...... 566 Table 44. Sorrow” Seen through Personification...... 57 Table 45. Sorrow” Seen through Symbol...... 577 Table 46. Sorrow” Seen through Paradox...... 588



JUNIOR, EA GITTHA. (2019). Themes Revealed from Figurative Language in Billie Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Language is important for human beings to communicate with one and another. In literary works, human beings use language to express their feelings or their mind. For the example, in the lyrics. Song writers use language to explore things they want to achieve. Figurative language is one of the important things that helps song writers express their thoughts. In this study, the researcher try to identify the figurative language in Billie Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. There are two objectives of this study. First is to reveal what types of figurative language found in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. In analyzing the types of figurative language, the researcher discussed the relation among words, phrases, and sentences to understand its meaning and find its semantic feature. Second is to reveal the theme of the EP from the figurative language that have been analyzed. In revealing the theme of the EP, the researcher observed how the people, image, and action are depicted in the EP. The researcher applied qualitative method in doing the research. The researcher also applied purposive sampling method to collect the data. Semantic approach was also applied in this research to find the relation between words, phrases, and sentences. The result showed that there are eight types of figurative language found in Billie Eilish’s EP “Don’t Smile at Me” which are metaphors, hyperbole, symbols, simile, personifications, paradox, apostrophes, and allegory. From the nine songs that the researcher analyzed, there is only one song that did not contain figurative language which is “party favor”. From the figurative language that has been analyzed, the researcher found the possible themes of the EP which are “Love” and “Sorrow”.

Keywords:figurative language, semantics, themes, EP.



JUNIOR, EA GITTHA. (2019). Themes Revealed from Figurative Language in Billie Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa adalah suatu alat yang penting bagi manusia untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain. Di dalam lingkup karya sastra, manusia menggunakan bahasa untuk menyatakan perasaan atau apa yang ada di dalam pikirkannya. Contohnya, dalam lirik lagu. Penulis lagu menggunakan bahasa untuk menyelidiki atau menjelajahi suatu hal yang ingin mereka raih. Bahasa kiasan adalah salah satu hal penting yang digunakan seorang penulis lagu untuk menyatakan apa yang sedang dia rasakan. Pada penelitian kali ini, peneliti mengidentifikasi bahasa kiasan yang terdapat di dalam lirik lagu Billie Eilish dari EP “Don’t Smile at Me”. Terdapat dua tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, mendeskripsikan jenis- jenis bahasa kiasan yang terdapat di dalam EP “Don’t Smile at Me”. Dalam menganalisis bahasa kiasan, peneliti mendiskusikan hubungan antara kata, frasa, dan kalimat untuk memahami artinya dan mencari fitur semantik dari bahasa kiasan tersebut. Kedua, mengungkapkan tema EP melalui bahasa kiasan yang telah dianalisis. Dalam mengungkapkan tema EP, peneliti mengamati bagaimana orang, gambaran, dan tindakan disampaikan dalam EP. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Kemudian, peneliti menerapkan metode purposive sampling dalam mengumpulkan data. Peneliti juga menerapkan pendekatan semantik dalam penelitian ini untuk menemukan hubungan antara kata, frasa, dan kalimat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan delapan jenis bahasa kiasan di dalam EP “Don’t Smile at Me” milik Billie Eilish, yaitu metafora, hiperbola, simbol, simile, personifikasi, paradoks, apostrof, dan alegori. Dari sembilan lagu yang telah dianalisis oleh peneliti, hanya terdapat satu lagu yang tidak mengandung bahasa kiasan, yaitu “party favor”. Dari bahasa kiasan yang sudah dianalisis, peneliti menemukan dua kemungkinan tema yaitu “Cinta” dan “Penderitaan”.

Kata kunci: figurative language, semantics, themes, EP




A. Background of the Study

Language is important for human in communication and in the development of the civilization in this world. Language is a code that is socially acceptable or a common system to convey concepts through the use of symbols and the combination of symbols that regulated by the provisions (Owen, 2006, p. 1). It is the meaningful symbols that used to communicate. People use language to communicate, express their feelings and their mind. By communicating with others, people can understand one and another and learn new things. People also could express their feelings by writing songs, such as the feeling when they are sad or happy. People also writing songs to opine about humanism, and social life.

Listening to songs is a part of our life. It also has some impacts to our life when we pay attention to the lyrics. When the listeners are truly pay attention to the music and the lyrics, the listeners will find that there is a song that has a fascinating music, but the lyrics are simple and easy to understand. The listeners could also find a song that has a beautiful music with magnificent and meaningful lyrics. However, the listeners usually will only focus on the song because they only like the singer or they only like the genre.

To understand the meaning of the word, in language, there is a study called linguistics which study about how languages are put together and its function. It also talks about the meaning of language, the form of language, and the context of



language. There are many branches in linguistics. Semantics is one of the branches in linguistics which study about the meaning of a language. Semantics can also be defined as the study of word and sentence meaning which separated from the use of contexts (Griffiths, 2006, p. 6).

In linguistics, meaning is the important things for the sender to deliver or convey the message that they want to show. In semantics, meaning is divided into two parts which are literal meaning and non-literal meaning. Literal meaning is the real meaning of sentences or an utterances. Literal meaning also could be defined as the explicature and implicature meaning that the sender wants to inform to the addresses based on the context (Griffiths, 2006, p. 90). It means that the sentences or utterances does not have any other meaning. In the other hand, non-literal meaning is the hidden meaning of sentences or utterances.

Figurative language is a part of semantic study. Figurative language describes as a way of saying something in unusual way (Perrine, 1991) . The use of figurative language is to make imaginative effects to the listeners or to the readers. It makes the listeners or the readers argue with themself about what the sentences actually mean. Figurative language uses figure of speech in delivering sentences or even speech that can not be taken literally (Arp & Johnson, 2009).

Many use figurative language to make a new sense in their lyrics. Songwriters use figurative language to beautify the lyrics. Nevertheless, songwriters also use figurative language to urge the listeners to assume the meaning of the lyrics by themself. Therefore, the songwriters and listeners become more interactive. From many female songwriters, the most phenomenal PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


one in this era is Billie Eilish. According to the musical website, Thrillest, Billie

Eilish is one of the biggest and the best young solo pop singer and from , (Bell, 2019) . Bell add that Billie Eilish has hypnotized teenagers with everything she does, especially with the hypebeast outfit that she wore.

Don’t Smile at Me is Eilish’s first debut (EP) released in

August 11, 2017. This EP includes nine songs which are “COPYCAT”,

“idontwannabeyouanymore”, “my boy”, “watch”, “party favor”, “bellyache”,

“Ocean Eyes”, “hostage”, and “&burn”. In writing her songs, his brother, Finneas

O’Connell has an important role to her. Her single, Ocean Eyes and bellyache are the songs that Eilish and Finneas wrote which successfully caught public’s attention. In her interview with , Eilish stated that she uploaded this song in SoundCloud with no intention for make it popular, but then people started to sharing it all around the world (Marsh, 2017) . Then, a musical website called

Hillydilly found it and posted it, so it became more popular.

The researcher chose Billie Eilish’s songs as the object of the research is because all the songs that she wrote are easy listening and the lyrics are a little bit difficult to understand for the listeners and the researcher, herself. The other reason is the lyrics contains figurative language. It makes the songs attractive and has interesting hidden meanings when the listeners carefully pay attention to the lyrics. The researcher is interested in identify Billie Eilish’s also because she is a young talented girl who can wrote beautiful songs that could be enjoyed and relate to all ages. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


In identifying figurative language in the song lyrics, the researcher uses the theory of figurative language by Perrine to support this research. According to

Perrine (1991) figurative language is a way of saying something that can not be understood literally. Usually, figurative language used in writing a poem. With the use of figurative language in a poem, it makes the poem more aesthetic and sometimes make the readers wonder what is the actual meaning of the words.

However, figurative language is not only use in a poem, but also in song lyrics.

Figurative language has relation with semantics and theme that the researcher discuss in this research. The relation among semantic, figurative language, and theme is how to interpret the meaning of figurative language contained in all the songs in the EP Don’t Smile at Me. Since Perrine states that figurative language is adding special effect in words or sentences, it must be interpreted because figurative language used an imaginatively words rather than in the actual sense. By interpreting those types of figurative language, the researcher could reveal the theme of the EP.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the research background and the research focus, the problems are formulated as in the following:

1.What types of figurative language are found in Billie Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at


2.What themes are revealed from the use of figurative language in the EP Don’t



C. Objective of the Study

Related to the research problems above, the researcher has two purposes in doing the research. The first is to reveal what types of figurative language found in Billie Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. After the researcher finished analyzing the types of figurative language that found in Billie Eilish’s EP, the researcher tried to answer the second research question by revealing the themes of the EP from the figurative language that found.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms that the researcher uses in this research. To avoid the misconception and misunderstanding in this research between the researcher and the readers, the researcher will define several terms in this research.

The first is EP. EP is the abbreviation for extended play which means a musical recording that contains one until six track, but not eligible to become an . According to , EP or extended play is the shorter version of an album, but longer than a single (Letang, 2019) . EP is usually released as a vinyl, but now it could also released as CDs, digital download EPs, and others format. It is used by the musicians to raise a confidence in their musical talent.

The second is theme. Theme is the main idea of the discussion. It means that theme is the fundamental or basis of the story. Theme also could be defined as the general idea or insight expressed by the whole story (Kennedy & Gioia,

1999, p. 75). Theme is also applied by songwriters when they are writing songs in order to make the songs have a good plot. Songs contain someone’s idea, feeling, or even their life experience. So, that is why theme is important in songs in order PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


to make a song more meaningful and have more values. To reveal the theme in the song, the readers should identify who the character is, what action that he/she do, and how its representation to the work. Usually, theme reflects the main idea of the story, such as love, life, depression, society, hatred, madness, hesitation, etc.

The last is figurative language. Figurative language is a language which use figure of speech which means the meaning is not literal. Figurative language uses to deliver the implicit meaning of a sentence. Figurative language describes as a language that could not be taken literally or should not be taken literally or say something in order rather than the common way or say a thing and means another (Perrine, 1983, p. 565) . Figurative language is how someone expresses his/her thoughts through the discussion in a common way, so that it can be determined through the personality and the author’s soul (Keraf, 2009) . In short, the writer assumed his thought in a sentence, so that the language that comes out is a representative of his mind. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter provides the review of related studies, review of related theories and theoritical framework. There are four related studies that the researcher uses as the reference of this research. In this chapter, the researcher also explained the theory of figurative language by Perrine and enlighten the types of figurative language. Besides using Perrine’s theory of figurative language, there are some theories of the experts that helps the researcher to support the research. In the theoretical framework, the researcher explained how the theories answer the research questions. It helps the researcher to relieve misunderstandings with the readers.

A. Review of Related Studies

There are several research about identifying figurative language which has done by previous researcher. The first is an undergraduate thesis written by

Harmastuty (2016) , entitled A Study of Figurative Language in ’s

Album No Sound Without Silence. There are two purposes of the research. The first is to identify the types of figurative language in the lyrics of The Script’s album No Sound Without Silence. The second purpose is to find out which types of figurative language predominate in the of The Script’s album No Sound

Without Silence. In this research, Harmastuty uses qualitative method to gather and analyse the data. The result of this research is that Harmastuty found ten types of figurative language in The Script’s album No Sound Without Silence. These are metaphor, simile, hyperbole, meiosis, idiomatic expression, rhetorical questions,



metonymy, irony, sarcasm, and personification. Hyperbole and rhetorical questions are the types of figurative language that most frequently used in The

Script’s album No Sound Without Silence.

The difference of the present research with the previous is the object and the second objective of the research. In the present research, the object that used to analyse is Billie Eilish’s EP, while the previous research is used The Script’s album as the object of the study. Also, in the present research, the second objective is to reveal the theme of Billie Eilish’s EP through figurative language that has been analyzed, while in the previous research is to reveal which types of figurative language predominate in the lyrics of The Script’s album No Sound

Without Silence. The similarities between the previous research and the present research research is on the approach of the study and the method of the study.

Both of the research uses semantic approach and qualitative method to conduct the study.

The second previous research is an article written by Marhamah (2018) , entitled “Figurative Language in ’s Selected Songs”. The aims of this article are to identify the types of figurative language and to state how the figurative language is in Rihanna’s selected songs. Marhamah uses qualitative method to collect and analyse the data. In her research, Marhamah found that there are ten kinds of figurative language in Rihanna’s selected songs which are hyperbole, personification, simile, metaphor, symbol, repetition, imagery, alliteration, metonymy, and assonance. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


There is a difference between the previous research and the present research in the second objective of the research. The second purpose of the previous research is to describe the describe how the figurative language depicted through Rihanna’s selected songs, while the second purpose of the present research is to reveal the theme through figurative language in Billie Eilish’s song lyrics. The similarity in both of the researches is on the method that used which is qualitative method. The researcher also adopted Perrine’s theory of figurative language that Marhamah used.

The third is an article written by Yulidar (2014) , entitled “Figurative

Language Used in Owl City’s : A Pragmatics Perspective”. The objectives of this research is to identify the types of figurative language and illocutionary act in the lyric of Owl City’s Albums. Yulidar uses qualitative research method in collecting and analyzing the data. The findings of the research are hyperbole is the most dominant type that used in Owl City’s albums, then personification, simile, metaphor, symbol, and the last is paradox. There are also thirteen illocutions of figurative language in Owl City’s albums which are thanking, asserting, stating, suggesting, boasting, complaining, ordering, requesting, advising, recommending, blaming, praising, and condoling. The result of the speech act that Yulidar concludes is that there is asserting that mostly appear in the analysis.

The difference between the previous research and the present research are on the approach of the research. The previous research use the pragmatic approach while the present research use the semantic approach. There are two similarities of the previous research and the present research which are identifying the types of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


figurative language and the qualitative research method that used in collecting the data.

The last research is an undergraduate thesis written by Pirenaningtyas

(2019) , entitled “A Semantic Analysis”.The purposes of this research are to discover what types of figurative language in Sympathy poem, along with the discussion of its meaning and to reveal the theme of the poem. Pirenaningtyas uses qualitative method in collecting the data. The result of the research is that

Pirenaningtyas found five types of figurative languages that occurs in twelve expressions. These are personification, metaphor, simile, metonymy, and symbol.

There are two possible themes of the poem which are “oppression” and “hope”.

Pirenaningtyas concludes that the two themes are combined and become a dominant theme which is “Someone hopes to get free from the oppression”.

The difference of the previous and the present research is on the object of the research. The present research use the Billie Eilish’s song lyrics in the EP

Don’t Smile at Me, while the previous research use a poem entitles Sympathy by

Dunbar as the object of the study. The similarity of the previous and the present research is on the purposes of the research and on the approach of the research.

Both are revealing the theme through figurative language by using semantic approach.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, the researcher explains the three theories which are relevant to this research. These are theory of semantics, theory of figurative language, and theory of theme that support this research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


1. Semantics

Understanding the meaning of a word or sentence is useful for us. By knowing the meaning of a word or sentence, we could understand what the author wants to say. In linguistics, it is called semantics.

Semantics is the study about the meaning of language. Semantics also can be defined as the study of words, phrases or sentences meaning. The meaning of words is really important in learning a language. By learning the meaning of those words, then the words could be combined into phrases and sentences.

According to Griffiths (2006, p. 6) , semantics is the study of word and sentence meaning. Semantics is studying the literal meaning of a sentence. It means that the meaning of the sentence is based from the information of people’s knowledge in English.

For example:

That was the last bus (Griffiths, 2006, p. 6).

From the sentence above, the meaning is that is equated, was is a past tense which means that the event has already happened, and last means the final or the recent bus which just came in. The meaning is exist without asking who say or write the words, when or where. In that sentence, no consideration of context is involved.

Meaning is a part of semantic study. According to Yule, meaning in semantics is divided into two which are conceptual meaning and associative meaning (2010, p. 113). Conceptual meaning is the basic components of meaning from the literal use of word that the dictionary provides. Yule (2010) states that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the conceptual meaning of a word needle has the basic components which are

“thin, sharp, steel, and instruments”. However, some people will have different associations and connotations to the word needle.

In semantics, semantic features is important for knowing the element of meaning. Semantic features are the the specific features of a word that helps adjust based on the context of the sentence. It represents the basic conceptual parts of meaning for each lexical item. In order to find the semantic feature easier, there is a semantic feature table that helps to show if a subject has a specific features or not.For the example :

Table Horse Boy Man Girl Woman

Animate - + + + + +

Human - - + + + +

Female - - - - + +

Adult - + - + - +

(Yule, 2010, p. 114)

From the example above, we can conclude that part of the meaning of the word horse consist the elements [-animate, -human, -female, -adult], part of the meaning of the word horse consist the elements [+animate, -human, -female,

+adult], part of the meaning of the word boy consists the elements [+animate,

+human, -female, -adult], etc. The feature also could be characterized that is necessary in a noun, so it can appear as the subject of a particular verb, completing syntactic analysis with semantic features. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


According to all the definition above, it can be conclude that semantics is the study of word, phrase, and sentence meaning in literal. There are two types of meaning in semantic which are conceptual meaning that is the basic components of meaning and associative meaning that uses to beautify the meaning of a sentence. The meaning is exist without considering the contex of a sentence.

2. Figurative Language

Figurative language is a part of semantic study which talks about language which use figure of speech that means the meaning is not literal. According to

Perrine (1991), figurative language is a way of saying something in unusual way.

Figurative language attracted the readers to become more imaginative when they read it. Using figurative language means that the meaning can not be interpreted literally.

According to Perrine (1991) , there are twelve types of figurative language which are simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, irony, allegory, paradox, apostrophe, symbol and litotes. The explanation of those types of figurative language are presented in the following. a. Simile

Simile is the comparison between two things by using the words such as like, as, than, similar to, or resembles (Arp & Johnson, 2009, p. 705) . It means that simile expresses the similarity between two things. In simile, it uses connective words to compare things. It also needs the different kinds of thing to be compared.Simile compares two things directly. It makes the readers more easier to understand the meaning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


For example : Shine bright like a diamond

The sentence above is taken from Rihanna’s song, entitled Diamond. The example above shows that the author used simile by using the word like. The writer compares the act of shining bright to a diamond. Diamond is known that it shine bright and sparkling (Marhamah, 2018). b. Metaphor

Metaphor is a comparison between two different things, like simile. Perrine

(1992) states that metaphor is a comparison between two different things which has the same equality. Rozakis affirms that metaphor is a comparison without using the word as or like (1995, p. 33) .The difference is that metaphor is more directly in compared things. It makes metaphor more difficult to be recognized.

Metaphor and simile have a close relation because both are comparing two different things. In simile, the comparison could be seen clearly, while metaphor is more abstract in comparing things. Simile says the thing X is like Y, while metaphor say the thing X is Y. In this case, metaphor is created more vivid imagination to the readers when they read it.

For example : My mother’s face curdled.

In the example above the writer used the metaphor to express his mother’s reaction after saw the writer’s grandfather pour tea from his cup into a saucer.

This metaphor would make the sentence more provoke the reader’s thought rather than write it in a common way such as My mother grimaced (Griffiths, 2006, p.



In Britain, tea is usually served together with curdled milk in common consent. The taste of the tea is sour and bring a bitter feeling. The reaction after tasting the tea is could be a grimaced. The writer uses the metaphor to described his mother’s hatred and fearfulness. c. Personification

Personification is figurative language which attaches human characteristics into inanimate objects. It makes the inanimate objects have properties like living things. Personification also could be defined as giving human’s attribute to an animal, object, or ideas (Arp & Johnson, 2009, p. 708) . It means that the use of personification is to make the inanimate object behave like an animate object.

For example : Relax your back and let the noise Sing to you to sleep in my arms

The example above is taken from Owl City’s song, entitled “Air Traffic”.

The meaning of the sentence above is the word noisepretend it can sing like human. In fact, sing is human’s activity, but in the sentence above noise is given the characteristic of human being (Yulidar, 2014). d. Metonymy

Metonymy is a figure of speech whose the object are someone name or ideas that subtitute with other thing that closely associated with it. Metonymy also could be defined as the use of something which represent other things that has a close relation (Arp & Johnson, 2009). It means that the represented thing has the same meaning with the actual word.



In the line above, the word ecstasy uses to represent the object itself. The use of metonymy here is to let the readers or the audiences think about what object that has related meaning to the word ecstasy. The sentence a vision of ecstasy represents Rihanna and who have no secret in taking drugs together that was seen in the , entitled “”(Marhamah,

2018). e. Synecdoche

Synecdoche is a figure of speech that focuses on the whole and the part of the things. According to Kennedy, synecdoche uses a part of thing to replaced the whole thing and vice versa (1979, p. 479) . It means that the part stands for the whole or a part of things refers the whole. Usually, the writer uses synecdoche to briefness a sentence.

For example : The eyes around – had wrung them dry

The example above was taken from the first stanza of Emily Dickinson’s poem, entitled I heard a Fly buzz – when I died. Dickinson’s used synecdoche in her poem which is the word the eyes. The word the eyes refers to the audience who gathered Dickinson’s deathbed. She does not directly refer to the people who gathered her bed, but rather to their eyes which are dry because they run out of tears and breath. f. Symbol

Symbol is a figurative language that use things to represents an idea.

Symbol is also can be an object or action that depicts something beyond its literal self (Diyyani, 2004). The use of symbolism makes a literary work more PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


meaningful and colorful. In literary work, everything can have their own symbol with a deeper meaning. Usually, the use of symbol is depending on the context of the sentence.

For example : Ah Sunflowers, weary of time, Who countest the steps of the sun; Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the traveler’s journey is done– William Blake

In the example above, the poem, entitled Ah! Sunflower by William Blake contains a figurative language which is symbol. The word sunflower is a symbol for human being and the word the sun represents life. Those symbols are represents the cycle of human life and their longing of the life that never ends. g. Irony

Irony is the word expression which the actual meaning is the opposite from the literal meaning. Irony appears when someone get a difference result from what they expected to happen (Diyyani, 2004). In short, irony is a figure of speech that shows difference between the appearance and reality. Usually, someone used irony to make a humor or give empathy to others.

For example : I love your voice when you stop .

In the sentence above, the speaker actually not loving someone’s voice when she/he sing a song. However, the addressee keep singing by the speaker statement (Perrine, 1974, p. 626). h. Allegory

Allegory is a figurative language which use characters, art, or events to described abstract ideas. Arp & Johnson affirms that, allegory is narrative or PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


description that has other meaning within the surface one (2009, p. 734) . The other meaning within is different with its story or description. Usually, the purpose of using of allegory is to give a moral lesson or explaining someone’s ideas.

For example : No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be? The example above is taken from Animal Farm by George Orwell. This story is about the farm where the animals kick out humans to become the equal workers and the revival of pig Comrade Napoleon to destroy any possible equality.

The example of allegory is on the words Comrade Napoleon. Comrade Napoleon represents Stalin, while the other outstanding pigs represent Lenin and Trotsky. i. Paradox

Perrine states that paradox is an explicit contradiction that is somehow true

(1991, p. 1). Paradox contains two opposite things that may be true or not. It is a contradiction between a statement and fact. The statement that appears is contradict public opinion or truth, but in reality it contains truth. In short, paradox has premise that seems to be contradictory in one or with the conclusion.

For example : Heavenly Hurt, it gives us

The example above was taken from the first line in the second stanza of

Emily Dickinson’s poem, entitled There’s a certain Slant of light. The word

Heavenly and Hurt are two contradictory words. The word Heaven has positive a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


connotation, while the word Hurt has a negative connotation. In fact, heaven doesn’t hurt humans, but instead gives happiness for humans. j. Apostrophe

Apostrophe is a figure of speech which use to deliver words to an inanimate object or an abstract idea as if exist and able to understand feelings. Perrine

(1992) mention that apostrophe consist of mentioning someone absent or something inanimate as if it were alive and present and also can give response of what is being said. In the other words, the speaker uses apostrophe to addressed the entity which can not give a respond.

For example : This is my letter to the world

The example above was taken from Emily Dickinson’s poem, entitled “This is My Letter to the World”. Actually, Dickinson does not really addressing herself to all the people in the world. In the other hand, the world could not act like humans, because it has never been discussed that the world never give Dickinson feedback or response. k. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a figure of speech which use to exaggerate things. Murfin and

Ray stated that hyperbole is a figure of speech that exaggerated words deliberately to get an effect, whether serious, comic or ironic (2003, p. 205) . Perrine affirms that hyperbole is merely exaggerating the service of truth (1987, p. 102) . The meaning of the sentence is not taken literally. It means that hyperbole is a figure of speech that exaggerates a sentence to obtain the ideas. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


For example : We played golf on the moon And tennis on the sun

The example above is taken from Owl City’s song, entitled “Super

Honeymoon” which contains hyperbole. The sentence above shows that the author can play on the moon and the sun. However, in fact, to reach the space is not easy and need more strength. It is also impossible to play golf and tennis on the moon and the sun (Yulidar, 2014). l. Litotes

Litotes is the opposite of the hyperbole. Litotes is the expression of understating the actual condition. It brings a positive thing to a negative thing.

The speaker uses the negative words to express something which the meaning is the opposite. In the other words, litotes is the expression of saying something which is the opposite of someone’s thought, it is to make someone’s statement remarkable (Hornby, 2000).

For example : I’ve been reading books of old The legends and the myths The tastements they told The moon and its eclipse Superman unrolls, a suit before he lifts But I’m not the kind of person that it fits

The example above is taken from ’s song, entitled Something Just

Like This. The word But I’m not the kind of person that it fits explain that the songwriter doesn’t have power to attract people, but actually he has good music that he used to express his thoughts and ideas . PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3. Theme

Theme is the main or central idea of the discussion. According to Kennedy and Gioia (1999, p. 175) , theme can be defined as the general idea or insight expressed by the whole story. Theme is what the author decided in the beginning before she/he write the story. Holman and Harmon (1986, p. 502) affirm that theme is the abstract concept made concretely through its representation, in person, action, and image in the work.

In order to understand the theme, the readers need to read the whole story carefully. Moreover, there are some ways for the readers who would like to consider the theme (Arp & Johnson, 2006). First, the theme should be written in a sentence that contains a subject and predicate. Second, theme should be stated in general and avoid using name, place, or event. Third, theme generalizations should not be larger than the story. In writing the theme, it is better to avoid using the word like every, all, and always. The word like some, sometimes, and may are more accurate used for writing the theme. Fourth, the theme is the main idea of the story, so it is not contradicted to the story. Theme also can not depend on the facts that it supposed to be. The last is the story provides a view of life that fitted into the condition which view can be explained in more than one way.

The use of theme in a song is really important. Theme comes from the writer’s thought and it should be explicitly formulated in a long sentence, such as in a song lyrics. Theme is the main foundation of every song. Song actually has a story, so theme is really important to determine the storyline. It is the weapons for the songwriters to make a powerful lyrics. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


According to Richard (2002) a song describes as a short musical arrangement for the human voice, which presents words or lyrics. A song is followed by music instrument to beautify it and make it more alive when the audience listen to it. Every songs has their own style and sung in different tones, rhytms, speeds, and style.

Sometimes, in a song, the lyrics has rhymes and uses a language style which is different from the language that is used in everyday life. The language style that uses in a song is uses to convey the writer’s feelings, experiences, or ideas. The language style uses in a song is called figurative language which has many types. The use of figurative language in a song is to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the meaning (Setiawati & Maryani, 2018). The effect of figurative language in a song is important (Siallagan, Manurung, & Sinaga, 2017). It uses to beautify the lyrics and the meanings of a song. Therefore, the audience can simply enjoy the song.

C. Theoretical Framework

The researcher uses the three theories to support this research which are the theory of semantics, the theory of figurative language, and the theory theme. The three theories helped the researcher to answer the two research questions.

The first theory is the theory of semantics that the researcher uses to answer the first research question. This theory uses to identify the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence. The researcher needs to find the literal meaning first by using the dictionary. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The second theory is the theory of figurative language which helped the researcher to classify the type of figurative language in the first research question.

After classifying the types of figurative language and understanding the literal meaning of the sentences, the researcher analyzed the non-literal meaning based on the context by using the theory of figurative language.

The last third theory is the theory of theme that the researcher uses to answer the second research question. According to Kennedy and Gioia (1999) , theme is the general idea or insight expressed by the whole story. Theme can be revealed after analyzing all the figurative language in song lyrics and its meaning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



This chapter provides the explanation of the object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. The first part is the researcher explains the object of the study analyzed in this research. The second part is the researcher explains the approach of the study that used in identifying the data. The last part is method of the study which is divided into two parts, data collection and data analysis. In the data collection, the researcher explained the method used in collecting the data.

In the data analysis, the researcher explained the steps of analyzing the data.

A. Object of the Study

The data of the research are from Billie Eilish’s song lyrics. The song lyrics that used in the research were taken from her first debut EP (extended play), entitled Don’t Smile at Me. This EP was released in August 11, 2017. The researcher chooses this EP because all of Eilish’s songs in the EP Don’t Smile at

Me has the lyrics that fit into all ages. Moreover, the song lyrics are contains figurative language that makes the researcher interested in identifying the song lyrics.

The EP Don’t Smile at Me contains nine songs. These are “COPYCAT”,

“idontwannabeyouanymore”, “my boy”, “watch”, “party favor”, “bellyache”,

“Ocean Eyes”, “hostage”, and “&burn”. Each song in the EP Don’t Smile at Me has beautiful lyrics which has hidden meanings. The songs also contains figurative language. That is the reason why the researcher chooses Eilish’s EP



Don’t Smile at Me as the object of the research. All of the song lyrics is enclosed in the appendix.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach of the study uses in the research is semantics. This approach is discussed with objective or general meaning and avoids trying to explain subjective or local meaning. Studying semantics is trying to decipher what we know when we act as if we share knowledge of the meaning of a word, a phrase, or a sentence in a language (Yule, 2010, p. 112) . This research uses semantic approach to analyse figurative language in Billie Eilish’s songs lyrics in the EP

Don’t Smile at Me in order to get and understand the meaning.

C. Method of the Study

The researcher used qualitative research method in doing the research.

Qualitative research is a method that does not need a statistical analysis (Marczyk,

DeMatteo, & Festin, 2005, p. 17) . Qualitative research uses observations in identifying the data. Qualitative research method is fit into this research because the researcher observed the figurative language in the song lyrics.

In this part, the method of the study is divided into two parts. The first part is data collection which provides the method of how the researcher collect the data.

The second part is data analysis which provides the steps in analyzing the data.

1. Data Collection

Before the data are collected, the researcher had to decide the population.

Polit and Hungler (1999) mention that population is the totality of all the objects, subjects, or members that suit to the set of specifications. The population of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


research is Billie Eilish’s song lyrics in the EP Don’t Smile at Me. There are 9 songs in the EP, these are “COPYCAT”, “idontwannabeyouanymore”, “my boy”,

“watch”, “party favor”, “bellyache”, “Ocean Eyes”, “hostage”, and “&burn”.

However, the researcher only uses the lyrics that contain figurative language to identify.

In this research, the researcher uses purposive sampling method. Miles,

Huberman, and Saldana (2014, p. 31) states that in qualitative research, the data is chosen purposefully. Purposive sampling method also can be defined as selecting sample by the specific purpose. Purposive sampling method is fitted in the research because the researcher only uses Billie Eilish’s song lyrics that contains figurative language in the EP Don’t Smile at Me.

2. Data Analysis

In this part, the researcher elaborated the steps in analyzing the data. There are some steps that the researcher took in doing the research. The first is the researcher chose the object of the study which is Billie Eilish’s song lyrics from the EP Don’t Smile at Me. Then, the researcher gathered all the song lyrics from .com.

The second step is the researcher identified the types of figurative language that found in Eilish’s song lyrics to answer the first research question. Then, to ease the researcher in the data reading, the researcher classify the figurative language found based on its type by using Perrine’s theory. To find the figurative language, the researcher read Perrine’s theory and fit it into the data found. The researcher classified the types of figurative language from the most data found. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


After that, the researcher found the literal meaning of the by using Oxford

Dictionary. Then, the researcher interpreted the meaning of the figurative language in Eilish’s song lyrics. The researcher identify the relation of words, phrases, and sentences in the sentence based on the context to find the figurative meaning. The result of the second step is the researcher found the types of figurative language and its literal and figurative meaning.

In order to answer the second research question, the researcher read all the interpretation of the figurative language that found. In order to reveal the theme of the EP, the analysis processes used semantic features. After that, the researcher revealed the theme of the Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



In this chapter, the researcher presents the analysis and discussions of Billie

Eilish’s song lyrics in the EP Don’t Smile at Me. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first subchapter is the analysis of figurative language in Billie Eilish’s song lyrics. The second subchapter is discussed the theme of Eilish’s EP Don’t

Smile at Me.

A. Figurative Language in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me

This part contains the explanation of figurative language in Eilish’s song lyrics from the EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher classifies the type of figurative language from the most data found. In order to find the meaning of figurative language, the researcher find its literal meaning from the dictionary.

The researcher use Oxford Dictionary to find the meaning of each word. Then, the researcher relate the literal meaning with the figurative language based on the context. The summary and the analysis are presented below.

Table 1. Summary of Figurative Language in Song Lyrics

No. Type of Figurative Frequency Language 1. Metaphor 10 2. Hyperbole 7 3. Simile 4 4. Personification 3 5. Symbol 2 6. Paradox 2 7. Apostrophe 1 8. Allegory 1 Total 30



a. Metaphor

Metaphor is a comparison between two different things. Rozakis states that metaphor is a comparison without using the word as or like (1995, p. 33) . The difference is that metaphor is more directly in compared things. It makes metaphor more difficult to be recognized. Here are some lyrics containing metaphor that Billie Eilish uses.

Table 2. Song Lyrics Containing Metaphor

No. Song Song Lyrics 1. “COPYCAT” Push my button anytime You got your finger on the trigger But your trigger finger’s mine 2. Silver dollar, Golden flames Dirty water, Poison Rain 3. You’re Italic,I’m in Bold 4. “idontwannabeyouanymore” Was I made from a broken mold? 5. Told, “A tight dress is what makes you a whore” 6. “my boy” My boy is bein’ sus, he was shady enough But now, he’s just a shadow 7. “watch” Your lies will never keep, I think you need to blow ‘em out 8. “Ocean Eyes” Burning cities and napalm skies Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes 9. Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes 10. “hostage” Gold on your fingertips Fingertips against my cheek Gold leaf across your lips Kiss me until I can’t speak Gold chain beneath your shirt The shirt that you let me wear home Gold’s fake and real love hurts But nothing hurts when I’m alone When you’re with me and we’re alone PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there are nine metaphors found in the song

“COPYCAT”, “idontwannabeyouanymore”, “my boy”, “watch”, “Ocean Eyes”, and “hostage”. The explanation of the metaphors above are presented below.

Table 3. Metaphor in “COPYCAT”

Figurative Literal Figurative Semantic Expression Meaning Meaning Feature A small part of a Push my button machine that The emotion [+trigger] anytime you press to make it work

The metaphor above show that the word button compares to Eilish’s emotion. Eilish’s clone try to annoy and hurt her, but it will never be them who did it. Because her clone always acted like what Eilish did and would end up being an “Eilish”. It is about Eilish controlling her emotion. It is also about the people who try to control her, but she’s already in control because that other people is just her clone. The previous lyrics but your trigger finger’s mineis interpreted as everything that they got are from Eilish too because everything they do is just the same like what Eilish do. So, the researcher decides that the feature of the figurative expression above is [+trigger].

Table 4. Metaphor in “COPYCAT”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A chemical element. Silver is a grayish- white precious metal Silver dollar Precious [+valuable] used for making coins, jewellery, decorative objects. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Golden flame Made of gold Precious [+valuable]

Dirty water Not clean Worthless [-valuable] A substance that causes death or harm Poison rain if it is swallowed or Worst [+] absorbed into the body

Eilish uses that metaphor to compares herself to the one who tried to copy her. Eilish compares herself with silver dollar which means the way she is precious and the she looks is luxurious and in the second phrase, Eilish compares her clone to golden flame which means her clone is precious and special to her because they are the one who make Eilish known all over the world by copying her everything and the result will never be as good as what Eilish’s got. Eilish also compares herself to dirty water and compares her clone to poison rain which means even Eilish did something wrong and worthless, her clone will always be worst than her. Silver dollar and golden flame has the same semantic feature which is [+valuable], while the feature for dirty water is [-valuable] and poison rain is the opposite which is [+dangerous].

Table 5. Metaphor in “COPYCAT”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature (of printed or written You’re Italic Inconfident [-strong] letters)leaning to the right (of printed words I’m in Bold or letters)in a Prominent [+strong] thick, dark type PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Italic and bold are the terms of typography. When the text written in Italic, it is slanted and thinner, but when the text written in Bold, it is more prominent because the text is thicker and stokes.

Eilish uses this term to compare herself and her clone. She compares her clone to the term Italic which is slanted and thinner. It means that her clone is weak. Then, Eilish compares herself to the term Bold which is prominent. It means that Eilish is strong and notable personthat could control her clone.

Therefore, the researcher decided that the feature of the word Italic is [- confidence], while the feature of the word Bold is [+confidence].

Table 6. Metaphor in “idontwannabeyouanymore”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A container for Broken mold pouring liquid or soft Inferior [-strong] substance into it

The lyrics above show that Eilish compares herself to the broken mold.

Mold is the thing used to shape the candle. By using mold, we could make a beautiful candle with varieties shapes. For example, when we want to make a candle wax, we need to pour the liquid wax into the mold and let it dry. To get the perfect candle, we have to broke the mold and get the candle with the shape of the mold was.

Eilish here compares herself to the broken mold. She is wondering was she made from a broken mold that makes her feel inferior. She was not born as a candle which is whole and perfect.The semantic feature for the figurative PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


expression above is [-strong]. The researcher found that Eilish hesitate herself and think that she is like a broken mold which is imperfect and reckless.

Table 7. Metaphor in “idontwannabeyouanymore”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A piece of woman’s clothing that is made Told, “A tight in one piece and dress is what covers the body Whore [+protect] makes you a down to the legs, whore” sometimes reaching to below the knees, or to the ankles

Eilish uses the word tight dress as a symbol of cultural misconception towards sexuality. Tight dress is a woman’s cloth that is considered negative because it show off their body’s curves. People usually see a girl or a woman who wear tight dress as a whore. A whore is an idea of prevalent in business or modeling industry. So, the researcher decides that the feature is [+protect].

Table 8. Metaphor in “my boy”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature The dark shape that somebody/something’s form makes on a But now, he’s The past that surface, for example [+untouchable] just a shadow remains on the ground, when they are between the light and the surface

Eilish uses the word shadow to represent her boyfriend. The metaphor that

Eilish uses above is to express her boyfriend existence. Eilish compares her boyfriend existence with the shadow. It means that Eilish’s boy is not around her anymore, but the memories still follow her everywhere she goes.. The researcher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


chose that the feature of the figurative expression above is [+untouchable] because Eilish’s boy is just a part of her past that now live in the background of

Eilish’s life.

Table 9. Metaphor in “watch”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature I think you need To send out air To stop lying [+release] to blow ‘em out from the mouth

The metaphor lies in the word lies and blow ‘em out. Eilish compares lies with a candle. The meaning of the candle is that candle could hurt us if we play with it by putting our finger in the flare for too long. It is the same like the lies.

Eilish’s boy keep his lies for too long and it will hurt her if someday she knows the truth. So, Eilish ask her boy to stop lying to her. Therefore, the researcher states that the feature is [+release].

Table 10. Metaphors in “Ocean Eyes”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature Fiery Burning cities Very hot [+warmth] personality A substance like jelly, made from Fiery Napalm skies petrol/gas, that [+dangerous] personality burns and is used in making bombs To burn brightly, Fifteen flares but usually for inside those The boy’s eyes [+warm] only a short time ocean eyes or not steadily

Eilish compares the color of the boy’s eyes to the color of large-scale saturation. She compares the boy’s eyes with the words burning, napalm, and flares. It shows the emotion that comes out when she looked into the boy’s eyes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


She had mixes feelings to the boy. She is scared and deeply in love at the same time when she looked into the boy’s eyes. So, the researcher states that the feature of the figurative expression above are [+warmth] and [+dangerous].

Table 11. Metaphor in “Ocean Eyes”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature The mass of salt Fifteen flares water that covers inside those Affection [+deep] most of the earth’s ocean eyes surface

Eilish represent her lover with the ocean which is blue, deep, calm, but sometimes it is cruel. It means that her boy can make her feel calm but in the other times Eilish can easily make him shed tears. Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature of the figurative expression above is [+deep].

Table 12. Metaphor in “hostage”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A chemical element. Gold is a yellow Gold on your precious metal used fingertips Precious [+valuable] for making coins, jewellery, decorative objects, etc

In the lyrics above, Eilish consider herself as a gold. Gold is the precious and most valuable thing in the world. So, she conveys herself as the gold that is precious for his boy. Therefore, the researcher decides that the semantic feature is

[+valuable]. b. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is a figure of speech which use to exaggerate things. Murfin and

Ray states that hyperbole is a figure of speech that exaggerated words deliberately PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


to get an effect, whether serious, comic or ironic (2003, p. 205) . Perrine affirms that hyperbole is merely exaggerating the service of truth (1987, p. 102). Here are some lyrics containing hyperbole that Billie Eilish uses.

Table 13. Song Lyrics Containing Hyperbole

No. Song Song Lyrics 1. Don’t be that way,fall apart twice a day “idontwannabeyouanymore” 2. If teardrops could be bottled Lips meet teeth and tounge 3. My heart skips eight beat at once “watch” Go ahead and watch my heart burn 4. With the fire that you started in me But I’ll never let you back to put it out 5. “Ocean Eyes” Falling into your ocean eyes I wanna be alone Alone with you does that make sense? 6. I wanna steal your soul “hostage” And hide you in my treasure chest And let me crawl inside your veins 7. I’ll build a wall, give you a ball and chain

The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there are seven hyperboles found in the song

“idontwannabeyouanymore”, “watch”, “Ocean Eyes”, and “hostage”. The explanation of the hyperbole above are presented below.

Table 14. Hyperbole in “idontwannabeyouanymore”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature Feeling sad and Fall apart twice a Two times; on annoying at the [+time] day two occasions same time.

In fact, people can’t physically fall apart two times in one day. The word twice a day is the exaggeration of Eilish’s feelings. The next lyric I just wish you PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


could feel what you say shows that she hates the fact that nobody cares about her feelings. That is why she feels sad and so annoying at the same time. Therefore, the researcher decides that the semantic feature of the figurative expression above is [+time].

Table 15. Hyperbole in “idontwannabeyouanymore”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature If teardrops could Sold or stored in Sad [-strong] be bottled bottles

The lyrics above contains hyperbole by looking at the word bottled. In fact, tears can not be put in a bottle. No matter how much the tears come out, it is impossible to be put into a bottle. The word bottled exaggerating Eilish’s sadness.

The hyperbole above means that Eilish cried so many times because she felt very sad. Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature is [-strong].

Table 16. Hyperbole in “watch”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature My heart skips The organ in the Love [+valuable] eight beat at once chest

The lyrics above is the expression of Eilish who feels very happy because she is deeply in love until she feel like her heart is beating not as usual. Eilish’s heart is uncontrollable because of the love that she feels. However, heart can not skip eight beats at once. In fact, heart beats so many in times at once. So, the researcher decides that the semantic feature of the figurative expression above is



Table 17. Hyperbole in “watch”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature Go ahead and To produce watch my heart Suffered [+dangerous] flames and heat burn

The word my heart burn is exaggerating Eilish’s feeling that she suffered because the boy never asked or did anything serious to her. So, she did not want to be attracted to extinguish her anger and revenge towards her boy. She let her boy watch her suffering from what he has done to her. Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature is [+dangerous].

Table 18. Hyperbole in “hostage”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature To take something from a person, I wanna steal shop/store, etc. without To take the boy’s [+obsessed] your soul permission and without heart intending to return it or pay for it To put or keep And hide you somebody/something in my treasure in a place where they/it Feeling anxious [+worried] chest cannot be seen or found

The lyrics above contains hyperbole that express how much Eilish loves his lover and how much she wants to be alone with her lover. She want to take the boy’s soul because she want him to be hers, so no one can’t bothered him. That is why she wants to steal her lover heart and locked it in a chest. Eilish tends to keep her boy away from the others because she’s too anxious that she will lost him. So, the researcher decides that the feature are [+obsessed] and [+worried]. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 19. Hyperbole in “hostage”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature To move forward on your hands and Let me crawl To approach your knees, with your [+motion] inside your veins life and your heart body close to the ground A long vertical solid structure, made of I’ll build a wall, stone, brick or give you a ball concrete, that A locked heart [+protect] and chain surrounds, divides or protects an area of land A heavy metal ball I’ll build a wall, and chain attached to give you a ball A locked heart [+protect] the prisoner’s leg to and chain prevent their escape

Eilish wants to crawl inside the boy’s veins means that she wants to be his blood that controls and keeps him alive. She exaggerate the feeling of how much she wanted to be the part of her lover’s life. It shows that Eilish wants to keep her boy seriously.

Eilish also exaggerating her feelings toward the boy in the lyrics I’ll build a wall, give you a ball and chain. It shows that she wants to keep her lover like in a prison, so he couldn’t go anywhere. She just want to be with him everytime. So, the researcher decides that the features are [+motion] and [+protect]. c. Simile

Perrine states that simile is the comparison between two things by using the words such as like, as, than, similar to, or resembles (Arp & Johnson, 2009, p.

705). It means that simile expresses the similarity between two things. In simile, it PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


use connective words to compare things. It also needs the different kinds of thing to be compared. Here are some lyrics containing simile that Billie Eilish uses.

Table 20. Song Lyrics Containing Simile

No. Song Song Lyrics My boy loves his like I love my split ends 1. And by that, I mean he cuts ‘em off My boy’s bein’ sus, and he don’t know “my boy” how to cuss 2. He just sounds like he’s tryna to be his father 3. “bellyache” The way I wear my noose like a necklace 4. “hostage” Just let me hold you like a hostage

The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there are four simile found in Eilish’s song, entitled “my boy”, “bellyache”, and “hostage”. The explanation of the simile above are presented below.

Table 21. Simile in “my boy”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A hair on your head My boy loves his that has divided into friends like I love parts at the end Toxicity [-good] my split ends because it is dry or in poor condition

Eilish compares the way her boyfriend maintain their relationship with her unhealthy hair. As hair get longer, it becomes unhealthy, dry, and frayed. Usually, the hair will cut off. It is the same like her boyfriend that will cut off any friends that he makes. The lyrics that depicted toxicity of Eilish’s boyfriend in maintaining their relationship. Therefore, the researcher states that the feature is [- good]. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 22. Simile in “my boy”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A male parent of a He just sounds child or an animal; a like he’s tryna to person who is acting Dominant [+mature] be his father as the father to a child

Eilish compares his boyfriend with his father. The previous lyrics is My boy’s bein’ sus, and he don’t know how to cuss, it shows that Eilish’s boy is trying to be mature by cursing someone because he felt superior in their relationship, but he ended up embarrassing himself. Although he tried so hard to be mature, but he still acted like a child. Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature is


Table 23. Simile in “bellyache”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A piece of jewellery The way I wear consisting of a my noose like a chain, string of Sorrow [+precious] necklace beads, etc. worn around the neck

A nooseis a tied rope used to commit suicide. Eilish here shows that she wears it like a necklace which is something valuable and to be proud of. The wearing of the noose represent Eilish’s sorrow and regret. Eilish regretted her past with her boy. So, the researcher decides that the feature is [+precious].

Table 24. Simile in “hostage”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature Just let me hold A person who is A feeling of fear you like a captured and held [+worried] of loss hostage prisoner by a person PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


or group, and who may be injured or killed if people do not do what the person or group is asking

Eilish compares her lover to the word hostage which means she wants to keep her lover away from other girls. Eilish’s wants to keep her lover only for herself because she loves him so much . It because she did not want to loose her lover. Here, Eilish describers herself as a possessive person. So, the researcher decides that the feature of the figurative expression above is [+worried]. d. Personification

Personification is figurative language which attaches human characteristic into inanimate objects. It makes the inanimate objects have properties like living things. Personification also could be defined as giving human’s attribute to an animal, object, or ideas (Arp & Johnson, 2009, p. 708) .Here are some lyrics containing personification that Billie Eilish uses.

Table 25. Song Lyrics Containing Personification

No. Song Song Lyrics Tell the mirror what you know she’s 1. “idontwannabeyouanymore” heard before I’ve been walking through a world gone 2. “Ocean Eyes” blind I still remember that 3. “&burn” Heaven sent a present I won’t ever forget your laugh

The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there are three personification found in Eilish’s song, entitled “idontwannabeyouanymore”, “Ocean Eyes”, and “&burn”. The explanation of the personification above are presented below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 26. Personification in “idontwannabeyouanymore”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A piece of special Tell the mirror flat glass that reflects A feeling of what you know images, so that you [+insecurity] worry she’s heard before can see yourself when you look in it

The phrase tell the mirror is inanimate that given the ability of human that can listen. The word mirror represents Eilish’s appearance. It seems like she doesn’t like herself everytime she sees herself in the mirror. As she was grows older, she becomes more self-conscious about her appearance. She’s also feel that there is something wrong with her. So, the feature of the figurative expression above is [+insecurity].

Table 27. Personification in “Ocean Eyes”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature I’ve been walking The earth, with all its through a world countries, peoples Lost [+location] gone blind and natural features.

The word world is personified by the phrase gone blind. Eilish expresses her fiery feelings towards the boy. A world gone blind means Eilish’s lost her mind because she could only thinking about her lover. The lyrics above followed by the sentence Can’t stop thinking of your diamond mind which means that she could only think about the boy’s beautiful personality until she forgot about herself.

Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature is [+location]. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 28. Personification in “&burn”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature The place believed to Heaven sent a be the home of God Happiness [+please] present my way where good people go when they die

The word heaven above represents happiness that Eilish and her boy have been through before. The previous lyric is I still remember that shows that the boy remembers all the good times with Eilish. The next lyrics I won’t forget your laugh also shows that he did not want to erase all the beautiful memories with

Eilish. The meaning of the figurative expression can be concluded that all the good memories still remains in the boy’s mind. So, the researcher decides that the feature of the figurative expression above is [+please]. e. Symbol

Symbol is a figure of speech that use things to represents an idea. Symbol is also could be an object or action that depicts something beyond its literal self

(Diyyani, 2004) . The use of symbolism makes a literary work more meaningful and colorful. Here are some lyrics containing symbol that Billie Eilish uses.

Table 29. Song Lyrics Containing Symbol

No. Song Song Lyrics I’ll sit and watch your car burn 1. “Watch” With the fire that you started in me But you never came back to ask it out Can’t stop thinking of your diamond 2. “Ocean Eyes” mind PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there are two symbols found in the song “watch”, and “Ocean Eyes”. The explanation of the symbols above are presented below.

Table 30. Symbol in “watch”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature The flames, light and heat, and often With the fire that The emotional smoke, that are [+anger] you started in me suffering produced when something burns

The word fire represents the emotional suffering that Eilish felt. She blames her boy for everything that happened when they are together. Eilish states that her act of revenge is a reaction to what her boy had been done before. Therefore, the researcher states that the feature is [+anger].

Table 31. Symbol in “Ocean Eyes”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A clear precious stone of pure carbon, the hardest substance Can’t stop A strong and known. Diamonds thinking of your unbreakable [+precious] are used in jewellery diamond mind person and also in industry, especially for cutting glass

The word diamond mind represents that the boy is brilliant and luminous.

The boy is like a diamond which is strong and unbreakable. It means that Eilish can’t stop thinking about how adorable the boy is. Therefore, the researcher states that the feature is [+precious]. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


f. Paradox

Paradox is an explicit contradiction that is somehow true (Perrine, 1991) .

Paradox contains two opposite things that may be true or not. It is a contradiction between a statement and fact. The statement that appears is contradict public opinion or truth, but in reality it contains truth. In short, paradox has premise that seems to be contradictory in one or with the conclusion.

Table 32. Song Lyrics Containing Paradox

No. Song Song Lyrics Why so sad, bunny? You can’t have 1. “COPYCAT” mine There’s be swimming pools filled by 2. “idontwannabeyouanymore” models

The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there are two paradox found in Eilish’s song, entitled “COPYCAT” and “idontwannabeyouanymore”. The explanation of the paradox above are presented below.

Table 33. Paradox in “COPYCAT”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A weak and Why so sad, A child’s word annoying [+small] bunny? for a rabbit creature

Eilish uses the word bunny to compare her clone as a small cute fluffy and nothing. The reason why the lyrics above contain paradox because the meaning of bunny are contradict public opinion. Usually, people see a bunny as a cute fluffy, but in her song, Eilish represents her clone as a bunny which is small, weak, and annoying creature. She is mockingly her clone that her clone is so annoying PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


because she always copying Eilish but in the end her clone can not have everything that she has. Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature is


Table 34. Paradox in “idontwannabeyouanymore”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature A person whose job There’s be is to wear and show The saddest swimming new styles of clothes people in the [+sorrow] pools filled by and be photographed world models wearing them

The reason why the lyrics above contain paradox because the meaning of models are contradict public opinion but in reality it contains truth. The word models above represnts the saddest people in the world. Usually, modls are the standard or role model to all the people around the world. Models must be look perfect in front of public, because they are the people that everyone will always looked up to. Even models look perfect in public, there are lots of pressure that unseen. Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature is [+sorrow]. g. Apostrophe

Apostrophe is a figure of speech which use to deliver words to an inanimate object or an abstract idea as if exist and able to understand feelings. Perrine

(1992) mention that apostrophe consist of mentioning someone absent or something inanimate as if it were alive and present and also can give response of what is being said. In the other words, the speaker uses apostrophe to addressed the entity which can not give a respond. Here are some lyrics containing apostrophe that Billie Eilish uses. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 35. Song Lyrics Containing Apostrophe

No. Song Song Lyrics Careful creature 1. Ocean Eyes Made friends with time

The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there is one apostrophe found in Eilish’s song, entitled “Ocean Eyes”. The explanation of the apostrophe above are presented below.

Table 36. Apostrophe in “Ocean Eyes”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature What is measured in Made friends minutes, hours, Be at peace [+moment] with time days, etc

The phrase made friends with time refers to the boy who deal with every moment that he has been through. The previous lyrics careful creature describes that the boy is someone who is careful when he act or when he want to decide something. So, he always tries to deal with himself. Therefore the researcher decides that the feature for the figurative expression above is [+moment]. h. Allegory

Allegory is a figure of speech which use characters, art, or events to described abstract ideas. Perrine(1987, p. 88) affirms that, allegory is narrative or description that has other meaning within the surface one. The other meaning within is different with its story or description. Here are some lyrics containing allegory that Billie Eilish uses. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 37. Song Lyrics Containing Allegory

No. Song Song Lyrics I'm so sorry, now you know Sorry I'm the one that told you so 1. “COPYCAT” Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry, sorry Psych

The table above shows the result of the analysis in Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. The researcher found that there is one allegory found in Eilish’s song, entitled “COPYCAT”. The explanation of the allegory above are presented below.

Table 38. Allegory in “COPYCAT”

Figurative Figurative Semantic Literal Meaning Expression Meaning Feature Short for An imitation of Psych psychiatrist or [+sanity] Eilish psychologist

Psych is a show that Eilish uses to represent her ideas about the one who tried to copy her. Psych is a comedy drama series in America about young policewho solved crimes with the strong power of observation. What he did when he solved crimes makes the detective thinks he is a psychic.

Eilish compares her clone with a character in the drama which is the young police. Her clone did the same thing like him who observed everything that

Eilish’s did and had. So, Eilish think that her clone is a psychic like the young police. Therefore, the researcher decides that the feature of the figurative expression above is [+sanity]. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


B. Themes in Billie Eilish’ EP Don’t Smile at Me

From the previous discussion, the researcher found that there are nine figurative language contain in Eilish’s song lyrics. The meaning of each type of figurative language have been discussed in the previous part. In this part, the researcher focuses on how the researcher reveal the theme of Eilish’s EP Don’t

Smile at Me through figurative language which have been discussed above.

Theme is the general idea or insight expressed by the whole story (Kennedy &

Gioia, 1999, p. 175).

Holman and Harmon (1986) affirm that theme is the abstract concept made concretely through its representation, in person, action, and image in the work.

The representation of person, action, and image are identified through the three elements which are noun uses to see the person, predicate uses to see the action, and adjective uses to see the the image described in the song lyrics.

According to Arp and Johnson (2006), theme must be written generally and avoid using name, place, or event. The theme also should be written in a sentence that contains a subject and predicate and should not be larger than the story. Since theme is the main idea of the story, so it should not contradicted to the story and depend on the facts that it supposed to be.

By analyzing the meanings of figurative language in the previous discussion, the researcher concludes that there are two possibilities subjects that could form a theme of the EP. These are “love” and “sorrow”. The discussion of the two subjects for the theme are presented below based on the use of figurative expression that have been discussed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


1. Love

The first theme that is revealed through the use of figurative language is

“Love”. The theme “Love” can be seen from the use of metaphor, hyperbole, and simile, in the previous discussion. The explanation are presented below. a. “Love” Seen through Metaphor

The theme “Love” is depicted from the use of metaphor in Eilish’s song lyrics. The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled “Ocean Eyes”. The explanation are presented below.

i. Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes

The lyrics above is from Billie Eilish’s song, entitled “Ocean Eyes”. The researcher decides that the lyrics is fit into the theme “Love” because on the phrase fifteen flares it represents the beautiful mixture of colors in the boy’s eyes that makes Eilish falling in love. This figurative expression of flares has semantic feature which is [+warmth]. Usually, when someone is falling in love, they will feel comfortable just by looking into her lover’s eyes. Therefore, the feature warmth here represent the feeling of pleasure and comfortable just by looking into the boy’s eyes.

The other figurative expression which represent the theme “Love” is the phrase ocean eyes. In this case, Eilish’s talks about falling in love with the boy’s . The researcher decides that the feature is [+deep] because the subject (Eilish) is attracted with the boy’s eyes which look beautiful like an ocean and bring the warmth when he stared deeply into her eyes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 39. “Love” Seen through Metaphor

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature

Fifteen flares inside The boy’s eyes [+warmth] Love those ocean eyes Fifteen flaresinside those Affection [+deep] ocean eyes b. “Love” Seen through Hyperbole

The theme “Love” is depicted from the use of hyperboles in Eilish’s song lyrics. The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled “watch” and “hostage”. The explanation are presented below.

i. My heart skips eight beat at once

The researcher decides that figurative expression above is fit into the theme

“Love” because heart has figurative meaning love. The word heart represent the subject’s feeling of love. Therefore the researcher decides that the feature of the figurative expression above is [+valuable] because heart has the literal meaning the organ in the chest which is very valuable for every people. It is the same like the feeling of love. Love is important and valuable in our life because with love we can make a close relationship with people in every situation to achieve happiness in life. ii. I wanna steal your soul

When a person is falling in love, usually she/he wants to be the part of the lover’s life. The subject shows the feeling of wanting to be the part of someone’s life with the lyrics I wanna steal your soul. The word steal has the literal meaning to take something from a personwithout permission and without intending to return it or pay for it, while the figurative meaning of the phrase steal your soul is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


to take the boy’s heart. Based to the literal and figurative meaning, it creates the

semantic feature [+obsessed] because the subject is obsessed with wanting to be

the part of her lover’s life. iii. And hide you in my treasure chest

The lyrics above is fit into the theme “Love” because it means the subject

feels anxious of losing her lover. The word hide has the literal meaning which is

to put or keep somebody/something in a place where they/it cannot be seen or

found. This literal meaning create the feature [+worried] and relate to what the

subject feels about losing her lover.

iv. I’ll build a wall, give you a ball and chain

Love is having an interest or affection towards a person. Falling in love with

someone will create the feeling of wanting a person’s whole life or the feeling of

fear of losing. In Eilish’s songs, entitled “hostage”, it talks about loving someone

too much until it create possessiveness. The lyrics above show that the subject

wants to protect her lover from others. The semantic feature of the figurative

expression above is [+protect]. The phrase a ball and chain has the literal

meaning a heavy metal ball and chain attached to the prisoner’s leg to prevent

their escape. It is the same like what the subject do to protect her locer. The

figurative meaning of the phrase a ball and chai is a locked heart which means

that the subject wants to keep her lover only for her and feels worried about losing



Table 40. “Love” Seen through Hyperbole

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature My heart skips eight Love [+valuable] beat at once To take the boy’s I wanna steal your soul [+obsessed] heart And hide you in my Love Anxious [+worried] treasure chest I’ll build a wall, give you A locked heart [+protect] a ball and chain I’ll build a wall, give you A locked heart [+protect] a ball and chain c. “Love” Seen through Simile

The theme “Love” is depicted from the use of simile in Eilish’s song lyrics.

The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled “hostage”. The explanation are presented below.

i. Just let me hold you like a hostage

The lyrics above is from Eilish’s song, entitled “hostage”. The researcher decides that the lyrics is fit into the “Love” theme because the subject here is feeling anxious about losing her lover. Therefore, it has the feature [+worried] because the subject is falling deeply in love until she has a feeling of fear of lost towards the boy.

Table 41. “Love” Seen through Simile

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature Just let me hold you like A feeling of fear of Love [+worried] a hostage lost

2. “Sorrow”

The second theme that is revealed through the use of figurative language is

“Sorrow”. The second theme is related with the first theme because love is not PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


always about being happy all the time, but we also can feel the sadness or sorrow sometimes. The theme “Sorrow” can be seen from the use of metaphor, hyperbole, personification, symbol, and paradox in the previous discussion. The explanation are presented below. a. “Sorrow” Seen through Metaphor

The theme “Sorrow” is depicted from the use of metaphor in Eilish’s song lyrics. The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled “idontwannabeyouanymore”.

The explanation are presented below.

i. Was I made from a broken mold?

The lyrics above is from the song “idontwannabeyouanymore”. The researcher decides that the lyrics is fit into the theme “Sorrow” because the subject feels she is inferior. The feature of the the figurative expression above is [- strong] because the literal and figurative meaning of the word mold . The literal meaning of mold is a container for pouring liquid or soft substance into it that breakable and the figurative meaning of mold is inferior. The subject feels that herself is weak and easily break.

Table 42. Sorrow” Seen through Metaphor

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature Was I made from a Sorrow Inferior [-strong] broken mold? b. “Sorrow” Seen through Hyperbole

The theme “Sorrow” can be seen through the use of hyperbole in Eilish’s song lyrics. The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled

“idontwannabeyouanymore”. The explanation are presented below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


i. If teardrops could be bottled

The researcher decides that lyrics above is fit into the theme “Sorrow” because the word bottled has the literal meaning sold or stored in bottles which exaggerating the word teardrops . It means that the subject feels so sad and cry so many times. This figurative expression creates the feature [-strong] because the subject feels so distressed and weak.

Table 43. Sorrow” Seen through Hyperbole

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature If teardrops could be Sorrow Sadness [-strong] bottled c. “Sorrow” Seen through Personification

The theme “Sorrow” can be seen through the use of personification in

Eilish’s song lyrics. The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled

“idontwannabeyouanymore”. The explanation are presented below.

i. Tell the mirror what you know she’s heard before

The lyrics above is from the song “idontwannabeyouanymore”. The figurative expression above creates the feature [+insecurity] because the literal meaning of the word mirror is a piece of special flat glass that reflects images, so it actually explain abouthow the subject worried about herself while looking at herself on the mirror. The subject feels insecure about how she looks like and she’s also feel that there is something wrong with her that makes her sad. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Table 44. Sorrow” Seen through Personification

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature Tell themirrorwhat you Sorrow A feeling of worry [+insecurity] know she’s heard before d. “Sorrow” Seen through Symbol

The theme “Sorrow” can be seen through the use of symbols in Eilish’s song lyrics. The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled “watch”. The explanation are presented below.

i. With the fire that you started in me

The lyrics above is from Eilish’s song, entitled “watch”. It is fit into the theme “Sorrow” because it talks about the emotion suffering that the subject felt after she broke up with her boyfriend. The figurative expression above creates the feature [+anger] because the word fire has the literal meaning which is the flames, light and heat that are produced when something burns. From the literal meaning, the researcher conclude that fire is the symbol that trigger the subject’s feeling of hatred and anger.

Table 45. Sorrow” Seen through Symbol

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature With the fire that you The emotional Sorrow [+anger] started in me suffering e. “Sorrow” Seen through Paradox

The theme “Sorrow” can be seen through the use of paradox in Eilish’s song lyrics. The evidence lied in Eilish’s songs entitled “idontwannabeyouanymore”.

The explanation are presented below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


i. There’d be swimming pool filled by models

Sorrow is a feeling of sadness and distress. The lyrics above are represent sorrow because model is symbolized as the perfect role model for public but in fact there is a deep distress inside their heart. This figurative expression creates the feature [+sorrow] because even models look perfect in public, there are lots of unseen pressure that we could not see it.

Table 46. Sorrow” Seen through Paradox

Semantic Theme Figurative Expression Figurative Meaning Feature There’d be swimming The saddest people Sorrow [+sorrow] pool filled by models in the world PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI



In the last chapter, the researcher presents the conclusion based on the previous chapter discussions. The data of this research are taken from Billie

Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. In this research, the researcher focuses on finding the types of figurative language and reveal the theme of the EP. The researcher applies semantic approach in conducting this research. This approach helps the researcher to find the meaning of figurative expressions in Eilish’s song lyrics and also helps the researcher to reveal the theme of the EP.

According to the discussions in the previous chapter, there are two results of the discussions. The first is, the researcher found that there are eight types of figurative language found in Billie Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me. These are metaphor, hyperbole, symbol, personification, symbol, paradox, apostrophe, and allegory. Metaphor is the dominant type found in this research that occurs ten times, while apostrophe and allegory appear only once. The researcher also found that from the nine songs in Eilish’s EP, there is one song that did not contain figurative language which is “party favor”.

The second is the researcher found that there are two possible themes of the

EP which are “Love” and “Sorrow”. The theme “Love” is depicted from the use of metaphor, hyperbole, and simile in Eilish’s songs entitled, “Ocean Eyes”,

“hostage”, and “watch”. There are some features that proved the theme “Love” which are [+warmth], [+deep], [+valuable], [+obsessed], [+worried], and

[+protect]. The theme “Sorrow” is depicted from the use of metaphor, hyperbole,


personification, symbol, and paradox in Eilish’s song entitled,

“idontwannabeyouanymore” and “watch”. There are some features that determined the theme “Sorrow”. These are [-strong], [+insecurity], [+anger], and


From the two major themes that the researcher found, the researcher finds the connection between the two theme, “Love” and “Sorrow”. By reading and understanding Eilish’s EP Don’t Smile at Me, the researcher finds that Eilish talks about being loved or falling in love is not always bring happiness, there is a hidden sorrow deep inside your heart. In the other words, Billie Eilish wants to share her feelings when she’s being loved and giving her love to someone and also she wants everybody knows that love also can hurt your feelings. Therefore, the researcher concludes that the combination of the two possible theme formed a dominant theme of the EP which is there is a hidden sorrow behind the feeling of being loved or falling in love.

Finally, the researcher can provide the evidence that linguistics can be used to analyze the literary work such as song lyrics. The researcher hopes that this research can help student to understand linguistic study and also help the student to understand many types of figurative language. The researcher also hope that the research will do the analysis deeper about figurative language in the song lyrics.



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APPENDIX 1: Literal and Non-Literal Meaning of Figurative Expression found in the song lyrics

a.Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “COPYCAT”

Type of Shared Figurative Non-Literal Figurative Literal Meaning Semantic Theme Expression Meaning Language Feature A small part of a Pushmybutto machine that you The emotion [+trigger] - n anytime press to make it work A chemical element. Silver is a grayish-white precious metal used Silver dollar Precious [+valuable] - for making coins, jewellery, decorative objects, etc. Golden flame Made of gold Precious [+valuable] - Dirty water Metaphor Not clean Worthless [-valuable] - A substance that causes death or harm if it is Poison rain Worst [+dangerous] - swallowed or absorbed into the body (of printed or written You’re Italic Inconfident [-strong] - letters)leaning to the right (of printed words I’m in Bold or letters)in a thick, Prominent [+strong] - dark type A weak and A child’s word for Why so sad, Paradox annoying [+small] - a rabbit bunny? creature

Short for An imitation Psych Allegory psychiatrist or [+sanity] - of Eilish psychologist



b.Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “idontwannabeyouanymore”

Type of Shared Figurative Non-Literal Figurative Literal Meaning Semantic Theme Expression Meaning Language Feature A container for Was I made pouring liquid or from a broken Inferior [-strong] Sorrow soft substance into mold? it A piece of woman’s clothing Metaphor that is made in one Told, “A tight piece and covers dress is what the body down to Whore [+protect] - makes you a the legs, sometimes whore” reaching to below the knees, or to the ankles Feeling sad Fall apart Two times; on two and annoying [+time] - twice a day occasions at the same Hyperbole time. Ifteardrops Sold or stored in could be Sad [-strong] Sorrow bottles bottled A piece of special flat glass that Tell themirror reflects images, so A feeling of what you Personification [+insecurity] Sorrow that you can see worry know... yourself when you look in it A person whose job is to wear and ...swimming The saddest show new styles of pools filled by Paradox people in the [+sorrow] Sorrow clothes and be models world photographed wearing them PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


c. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “my boy”

Type of Shared Figurative Non-Literal Figurative Literal Meaning Semantic Theme Expression Meaning Language Feature The dark shape that somebody/somethi ng’s form makes on a surface, for ...he’s just a The past that Metaphor example on the [+untouchable] - shadow remains ground, when they are between the light and the surface A hair on your ...loves his head that has friends like I divided into parts at Toxicity [-good] - love my split the end because it ends is dry or in poor Simile condition A male parent of a He just sounds child or an animal; like he’s tryna a person who is Dominant [+mature] - to be his acting as the father father to a child

d.Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “watch”

Type of Shared Figurative Non-Literal Figurative Literal Meaning Semantic Theme Expression Meaning Language Feature ...you need to To send out air - Metaphor To stop lying [+release] blow ‘em out from the mouth My heart The organ in the skips eight Love [+valuable] Love chest beat at once Hyperbole ...watch my To produce flames Suffered [+dangerous] - heart burn and heat The flames, light Withthe and heat, and often The firethat you Symbol smoke, that are emotional [+anger] Sorrow started in me produced when suffering something burns PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


e. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “ocean eyes”

Type of Shared Figurative Non-Literal Figurative Literal Meaning Semantic Theme Expression Meaning Language Feature Fiery Burning cities Very hot [+warmth] - personality A substance like jelly, made from Fiery Napalm skies petrol/gas, that [+dangerous] - personality burns and is used in making bombs Fifteen Metaphor To burn brightly, flaresinside but usually for only The boy’s [+warm] - those ocean a short time or not eyes eyes steadily The mass of salt Fifteen flares water that covers inside those Affection [+deep] - most of the earth’s ocean eyes surface ...walking The earth, with all through a its countries, Personification Lost [+location] - world gone peoples and natural blind features. A clear precious stone of pure carbon, the hardest substance known. A strong and ...your Symbol Diamonds are used unbreakable [+precious] - diamond mind in jewellery and person also in industry, especially for cutting glass What is measured Made friends Apostrophe in minutes, hours, Be at peace [+moment] - with time days, etc

f. Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “hostage”

Type of Shared Figurative Non-Literal Figurative Literal Meaning Semantic Theme Expression Meaning Language Feature A chemical Gold on your element. Gold is a Metaphor Precious [+valuable] - fingertips yellow precious metal used for PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


making coins, jewellery, decorative objects, etc To take something from a person, shop/store, etc. I wanna steal To take the without permission [+obsessed] Love your soul boy’s heart and without intending to return it or pay for it To put or keep And hide you somebody/somethi Feeling in my treasure ng in a place where [+worried] Love anxious chest they/it cannot be seen or found To move forward Let me crawl on your hands and To approach inside your knees, with your your life and [+motion] - veins body close to the your heart ground A long vertical solid structure, I’ll build a made of stone, wall, give you A locked Hyperbole brick or concrete, [+protect] Love a ball and heart that surrounds, chain divides or protects an area of land A heavy metal ball I’ll build a and chain attached wall, give you A locked to the prisoner’s [+protect] Love a ball and heart leg to prevent their chain escape A person who is captured and held prisoner by a person or group, ...hold you like A feeling of Simile and who may be [+worried] Love a hostage fear of loss injured or killed if people do not do what the person or group is asking PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


g.Literal and Non-Literal meaning of “&burn”

Type of Shared Figurative Non-Literal Figurative Literal Meaning Semantic Theme Expression Meaning Language Feature The place believed Heaven sent a to be the home of present my God where good Happiness [+please] - Personification way people go when they die PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


APPENDIX 2: Summary of Theme Revealed Through Figurative Language

in the EP Don’t Smile at Me

Type of Shared Figurative Theme Song Title Figurative Semantic Expression Language Feature My heart skips Watch eight beat at [+valuable] once I wanna steal [+obsessed] your soul And hideyou in my treasure [+worried] Hyperbole chest Love I’ll build a wall, give you a ball [+protect] Hostage and chain I’ll build a wall, give you a ball [+protect] and chain Just let me hold Simile you like a [+worried] hostage Was I made Metaphor from a broken [-strong] mold? If teardrops Hyperbole [-strong] could be bottled Tell the mirror idontwannabeyouanymore what you know Personification [+insecurity] Sorrow she’s heard before There’d be Paradox swimming pool [+sorrow] filled by models With the fire Watch Symbol that you started [+anger] in me PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


APPENDIX 3: Song Lyrics

1.Billie Eilish - COPYCAT

Don’t be cautious, don’t be kind You committed, I’m your crime Push my button anytime You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger’s mine

Silver dollar, golden flame Dirty water, poison rain Perfect murder, take your aim I don’t belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name

By the way, you’ve been uninvited ‘Cause all you say are all the same thing I did

Copycat tryna cop my manner Watch your back when you can’t watch mine Copycat tryna cop my glamour Why so sad, bunny? Can’t have mine

Call me calloused, call me bold You’re italic, I’m in bold Call me cocky, watch your tone You better love me, ‘cause you’re just a clone

Mine I would have to see you go Hate to be the one that told you so You just crossed the line You’ve run out of time I’m so sorry, now you know Sorry I’m the one that told you so Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry Psych PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


2.Billie Eilish - idontwannabeyouanymore Don’t be that way Fall apart twice a day I just wish you could feel what you say Show never tell But I know you too well Got a mood that you wish you could sell f teardrops could be bottled There’d be swimming pools filled by models Told, “a tight dress is what makes you a whore” If “I love you” was a promise Would you break it, if you’re honest? Tell the mirror what you know she’s heard before I dont wanna be you anymore

Hands getting cold Losing feeling is getting old Was I made from a broken mold? Hurt, I can’t shake We’ve made every mistake Only you know the way that I break PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


3.Billie Eilish - my boy

My boy’s bein’ sus, he was shady enough But now, he’s just a shadow My boy loves his friends like I love my split ends And by that, I mean he cuts ‘em off

My boy, my boy, my boy Don't love me like he promised My boy, my boy, my boy He ain’t a man as sure as hell ain’t honest

My boy's bein' sus and he don't know how to cuss He just sounds like he's tryna be his father

My boy's an ugly crier but he's such a pretty liar And by that, I mean he said he'd change

My boy, my-my boy, my friends I love-love, I-I love-love my split ends My boy (Love, love, love, love, love, love) My-my boy (Love, love, love, love, love, love) My boy, my (Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love) (Alright, dude, go trip over a knife)

You want me to be yours? Well, then you gotta be mine And if you want a good girl, then goodbye You want me to be yours? Well, then you gotta be mine And if you want a good girl, then goodbye PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


4.Billie Eilish - watch

Lips meet teeth and tongue My heart skips eight beats at once If we were meant to be, we would have been by now See what you wanna see, but all I see is him right now

I'll sit and watch your car burn With the fire that you started in me But you never came back to ask it out Go ahead and watch my heart burn With the fire that you started in me But I'll never let you back to put it out

Your love feels so fake And my demands aren't high to make If I could get to sleep, I would have slept by now Your lies will never keep, I think you need to blow 'em out

When you call my name Do you think I'll come runnin'? You never did the same So good at givin' me nothin' When you close your eyes, do you picture me? When you fantasize, am I your fantasy? Now you know Now I'm free

Never let you back Let you back, let you back Never gonna let you back Let you back PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


5.Billie Eilish - party favor Hey, call me back when ya get this Or when you've got a minute We really need to talk Wait, you know what? Maybe just forget it 'Cause by the time you get this Your number might be blocked

"Stay" and "blah blah blah" You just want what you can't have No way I'll call the cops If you don't stop, I'll call your dad

And I hate to do this to you on your birthday Happy birthday, by the way "It's not you, it's me" and other bullshit You know that's bullshit Don'tcha, babe? I'm not your party favor

Look, now I know we coulda done it better But we can't change the weather When the weather's come and gone Books don't make sense if you read 'em backwards You'll single out the wrong words Like you mishear all my songs PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


6.Billie Eilish - bellyache

Sittin' all alone Mouth full of gum In the driveway My friends aren't far In the back of my car Lay their bodies

Where's my mind? Where's my mind?

They'll be here pretty soon Lookin' through my room For the money I'm bitin' my nails I'm too young to go to jail It's kinda funny

Maybe it's in the gutter Where I left my lover What an expensive fake My V is for Vendetta Thought that I’d feel better But now I got a bellyache

Everything I do The way I wear my noose Like a necklace I wanna make 'em scared Like I could be anywhere Like I'm reckless

I lost my mind I don't mind Where's my mind? Where's my mind? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


7.Billie Eilish - Ocean Eyes I've been watchin' you for some time Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes Burning cities and napalm skies Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes Your ocean eyes

No fair You really know how to make me cry When you give me those ocean eyes I'm scared I've never fallen from quite this high Fallin' into your ocean eyes Those ocean eyes

I've been walkin' through a world gone blind Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind Careful creature made friends with time You left her lonely with a diamond mind And those ocean eyes PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


8.Billie Eilish - hostage I wanna be alone Alone with you, does that make sense? I wanna steal your soul And hide you in my treasure chest

I don't know what to do To do with your kiss on my neck I don't know what feels true But this feels right so stay a sec Yeah, you feel right so stay a sec

And let me crawl inside your veins I'll build a wall, give you a ball and chain It's not like me to be so mean You're all I wanted Just let me hold you Like a hostage

Gold on your fingertips Fingertips against my cheek Gold leaf across your lips Kiss me until I can't speak

Gold chain beneath your shirt The shirt that you let me wear home Gold's fake and real love hurts But nothing hurts when I'm alone When you're with me and we're alone PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


9.Billie Eilish ft. Vincent Staples - &burn Lips meet teeth and tongue My heart skips eight beats at once (That's better) If we were meant to be, we would have been by now See what you wanna see, all I see is him right now

I'll sit and watch your car burn With the fire that you started in me But you never came back to ask it out Go ahead and watch my heart burn With the fire that you started in me But I'll never let you back to put it out (Thanks)

Your love feels so fake My demands aren't high to make If I could get to sleep, I would have slept by now (Ahh) Your lies will never keep, I think you need to blow them out

7-4-2008 I still remember that Heaven sent a present my way I won't forget your laugh Packing everything when you leave You know you coming back Wanna see me down on my knees But that was made for a ring I try to wait for the storm to calm down But that's stubborn, baby, leading to war We droned down on each other Tryin' to even the score We all been found guilty in the court of aorta

Watch your car, watch your car burn I won't forget your laugh Go ahead and watch my heart, watch my heart burn You know you coming back, you know you coming back Watch your car, watch your car burn (Go ahead and watch my heart, watch my heart burn) Tryna even the score Go ahead and watch my heart, watch my heart burn Found guilty in the court of aorta