SEPTEMBER, 1910 Coronation Oath Buddhism in Italy China Anti
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CARIBBEAN WATCHMAN • ej...k , SEPTEMBER, 1910 Coronation Oath Buddhism in Italy China Anti-Manchu Is World Peace at Hand? Millennium or Armageddon? Is the World Growing Better? Flying Machines vs. Dreadnaughts Home Treatments The Resurrection The Lord's Day PRICE, FIVE CENTS GOI.1) Watchman Publishing Assn., Cristobal, C. Z., Panama o.&,madadat&atwatmat&adadaecm.adatm atfto .* Jesus Is Coming Again. C. P. WHITFORD. F. S. STANTON, M1.15. Bac. 1. Je - sus the Saviour is corn - ing, This is the message pf love; 2. He who was born in a man - ger, And up - on Cal- va - ry slain, 3. Signs ev'rywhere are ft 1-fill - ing, Hearts of men failing for fear; 4. Help us,dear Saviour,to love Thee, Help us to feed on Thy word; -o-. ffffff, • r -KM :num egoonammiumm V • • Who would not welcome the Saviour, Coming from bright worlds a-bove? Soon will be seen in the heav - ens, Corn- ing to earth once a gain. Troub-les on earth are in-creas - ing, Showing Christ's advent is neat. Comfort our hearts while we're waiting,Waiting for Thee, blessed Lord. -do- r r CHORUS. 0' • • • V Je - sus is corn - ing, Je-sus is corning a - gain; .... Je-sus is coming,is coming a-gain, a - gain; -0- • t t e • • 0 I V V V—V V V 11--• I —1:1 Sound it a-broad o'er the na - tions, Je-sus the Saviour will reign. • - AI- -IF • All rights reserved to Charles P, Whitford, THE Caribbean Watchman Vol. 8 Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama, September, 1910 No. 7 THE OUTLOOK Last Words about Halley's Comet by a country that has, within the hemi- We had not expected to talk any more sphere where it is located, no neighbor about Halley's comet, but we find in the capable of endangering it; debts that rest Signs of the Times a note so interesting that crushingly on many a land and are counted we copy it. by billions of dollars:—such figures, as "On the morning after we were supposed quickly cited, make no adequate impression to have passed through the tail of Halley's on the mind, but if pondered at leisure, comet the different astronomers gave in reveal the dimensions of an evil which it their verdict of the phenomena. They said: would not seem possible that civilization 'We passed through safe and sound.' We should knowingly tolerate." haven't passed through yet, but we will.' 'We missed it entirely' 'It has two tails.' The King's Oath 'It hasn't any tail.' If it had a tail it would England's twelve million Catholic sub- be made of cyanogen."It is still faintly jects are making a big stir over the objec- visible in the east.' It is a glorious sight tionable clauses in the coronation oath, in the western sky.' which reads as follows: "Now when the facts(?) are thus all stated, know about the comet ? And I, George, by the grace of God, King of what do you England, etc., do solemnly in the presence how much more do the astronomers know • of God, profess, testify, and declare that I than they did before ?" do believe that in the sacrament of the Lord's supper, there is not any transubstan- tiation of the elements of bread and wine What War has Cost into the body and blood of Christ, at or There is a striking comment on what after the consecration thereof by any per- son whatever. Secondly, that the invoca- war has cost our world in the last publica- tion or adoration of the Virgin Mary or tion of the American Association for Inter- any other saint, and the sacrifice of the national Conciliation, from which we quote: mass, as they are now used in the Church "Fifteen billions of lives destroyed with- of Rome, are superstitions and idolations. in the historic period by a process that Thirdly, I do solemnly in the presence selects the more vigorous for destruction of God, profess, testify, and declare that I do make this declaration and every part and the weaker for survival. Who can thereof, in the plain and ordinary sense of measure that effect ? Forty billions of dol- the words read to me, as they are com- lars expended and as much more lost by monly understood by English Protestants: checks on production; three billions of without any evasion, equivocation, or men- dollars spent in our own country for pen- tal reservation whatsoever, and without any dispensation already granted to me for this sions and two more still to be spent as a purpose by the Pope, or any other authority result of wars now past; two hundred or person, or without any hope of such dis- milliong' annually spent on army and navy pensation from any person or authority 9S THE CARIBBEAN WATCHMAN whatsoever, or without thinking I am, 'or itself in the Orient, but it is said that can be„ acquitted before God or man, or ab- Buddhism has made more converts in solved of this declaration, or of any part America than Protestantism has in Japan. thereof, although the Pope, or any other Buddhist temples have been erected in person or power whatsoever, should dis- pense with, or annul, the same, or declare many occidental cities, but only recently that it was null and void from the begin- has it gained a foothold in Europe. A ning. German Catholic monk who went to Ran- A bill for amending the King's declara- 'goon nine years ago to study the doctrines tion has been introduced by Premier As- of Buddhism has accepted the eastern reli- quith in the House of Commons which gion and adopted the Hindu name Nyana- provides for the omission of the offensive tiloka which signifies "One who has mas- passages, and as proposed it will read: tered the science of three worlds." He has "I, George, by the grace of God, King of now gone to Lugano, Italy, where he ex- England, do solemnly and sincerely, in the pects to superintend the erection of a mon- presence of God, profess, testify, and de- astery. In the Review of Reviews we find clare, that I am a faithful member of the the following interesting description of the Protestant Reformed Church as by law monk.: established in England, and I will, accord- "Nyanatiloka in his nine years' practice ing to the true intent of the enactments of Buddhism has succeeded in adopting which secure the Protestant Succession to not only the spirit and thought, but also the Throne of my realm, uphold and main- the outward form. He has shaved his tain the said enactments to the best of my head and face completely, and with his powers according to law." slender body swathed in the ample yellow All true Protestants must agree that any robe of the Buddhists, he has a very strange religious declaration should have no part appearance. The mise-en-scene is perfect. in the oath of a king. The Protestant Maga- . In the monastery the inmates will de- zine says : vote themselves to meditation and to the "This whole difficulty grows out of the spread of Buddhism by means of the trans- nominal union of Church and State in Eng- lation of texts and also by preaching." land by virtue of which there is an ecclesi- astical establishment. The purpose of this Anti-Manchu China objectional clause in the coronation oath is There is deep-seated unrest in China to preclude the possibility that a Roman and while the causes may be many and Catholic sovereign should ever become the. varied, one of the most harassing is that for legal head of the Protestant Church in Eng- three hundred years there has been seated land. The only permanent solution of the on the Dragon Throne an alien dynasty. blem will be found in unconditional Japan, though younger, and in fact the stu- disestablishment, and the absolute separa- dent of Chinese civilization, can trace her tion of Church and State. 'This radical royalty back for twenty-five centuries, and change has been discussed for years, but its the present Mikado is the hundred and realization seems as far off as ever." twenty-third in the succession; and the 6,000 Chinese students who yearly return Buddhism in Italy from Japanese colleges feel keenly the dif- A moment's study of the deplorable con- ference in the two countries in this respect ditions in India should convince the most and are filled with an anti-Manchu spirit. obstinate that Buddhism has already caused This hatred towards the reigning power is enough of misery for one world. But •we strengthed by the superstition that all see this pagan cult not only strengthening famines, pestilences etc., are indications of THE OUTLOOK 99 the wrath of the gods for tolerating this for- channel at will; and in both continents eign usurpation of the holy throne. these daring aircleavers out-speed the ex- The Chinese hatred of foreigners is press trains, mounting skyward for more based upon her hatred of the Manchu, and than a mile with the grace of a winged the anti-foreign demonstrations which oc- animal. A contest is now being. planned between six areoplanes, the race to be between New York and Chicago. Mr. Walter Well- man, the well known newspaper man, financed by three great newspapers, now proposes to cross the Atlantic in the motor balloon "America," which was tested in the Arctic region. With reference to the possibilities of use- fulness in service to the public of this won- derful invention, it seems a pity that men's minds should turn so instinctively to war; The little Bi-Plane nevertheless it is true.