Congressional Record—Senate S11317
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September 10, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11317 As Minnesota continues to clear the the rollcall vote on the confirmation of and questions, to inadequate commu- path for a new bridge, I know this William Lindsay Osteen, Jr., to be U.S. nications from Federal authorities body, as they promised that evening, District Judge for the Middle District about new facilities and procedures. stands ready to ensure that the appro- of North Carolina. Had I been present Such a top-down approach does not priate funding is made available to re- for this vote, I would have voted to work well in interwoven communities build it. It is one of the most heavily confirm this nomination. along the border where people cross traveled bridges in the State and vital f daily from one side to the other for to our economy. If anyone would imag- jobs, shopping, and cultural events. PRESERVING STRONG RELATIONS ine the most major bridge in their met- I live an hour’s drive from the Cana- WITH OUR INTERNATIONAL ropolitan area, the most major high- dian border. Traditionally in my State, NEIGHBORS way overpass, suddenly falling into a as in most border States, people go river, you would understand. It is a Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, among back and forth all the time. Many of us bridge that takes people downtown, the important issues I wish to discuss have family members in Canada. We that brings students to one of the big- this morning is an important issue, an have enjoyed an over 5,000-mile-long gest universities in this country, and it international border issue with our unguarded frontier. Canada has been an brings hard-working Minnesotans to friends and neighbors in Canada and important trading partner. It has been their jobs every day. But most impor- Mexico, that could have severe impli- a friendly neighbor not only to tant, it is the bridge that connects cations for the social and economic Vermont but to the rest of the United countless people with their families ways of life for border communities in States for more than 200 years. It is in and friends. my own State of Vermont but all the best interest of both of our coun- On August 3, this Congress made a across the country. tries to keep those relationships as promise to the people of Minnesota In the wake of the September 11 ter- positive and productive as possible. that we would help rebuild the bridge. rorist attacks, a number of new border Post 9/11, everyone on both sides of the Today I come to the floor to ensure security measures have been put in border recognized the potential threat that we make good on that promise. place, all with the express goal of pre- and security needs. We have hardened I am very happy with and I supported venting another terrorist incident. I security around the U.S. Capitol, hard- this effort to look at repairs across the worked hard to provide balance and ened it around the White House, and country. That is what we just voted on needed resources and to ensure that in built fences near San Diego. But those today, and it passed. But I think we the intervening years we did not focus procedures do not work on Canusa Ave- should make clear that appropriation solely on our southern border. I also nue in Beebe Plain, a two-lane road did not include the money that Con- have tried to convey to the administra- where one side of the road is Vermont gress promised for the Minnesota tion and to this body something of the and the other side is Quebec. That is bridge. It was used as the key example special relationship we have with our actually true. This is a street, an ave- of why we needed to make repairs northern neighbor, Canada. nue. On one side, you are in Vermont; across the country, but it did not in- It is convenient to forget that most on the other side, you are in Quebec. clude the money to repair our bridge. of the 9/11 hijackers entered the United What are we going to do, put an enor- The last time I addressed this body, States with legal visas. They would not mous barrier down the middle of the the day after the bridge collapsed, I have been stopped at any border. Some street? People are used to going back said the rebuilding effort is going to be were on secret watch lists by this Gov- and forth to their neighbors to borrow a long process. It is not just going to ernment, but they were not being a cup of flour or something such as end tonight. Today I am here to take watched. And even later on, the Bush that. Are they going to take two hours the next step in that rebuilding proc- administration sent them official let- to go through some kind of an unneces- ess. Our goal is to get this bridge re- ters after they had killed themselves sary, baseless search? built and to get our metropolitan area and thousands of innocent people in And we have the Haskell Free Li- moving again. their attacks. The Bush administration brary and Opera House in Derby Line, The Minnesota Department of Trans- had them on a watch list but did not VT, and Stanstead, Quebec. The library portation concluded that the loss of watch them. In reaction, after these and opera house is half in Derby Line, this critical bridge costs our economy mistakes, the administration has de- VT, half in Stanstead, Quebec. It strad- $400,000 per day. This is primarily due manded billions of dollars for con- dles the international border. Mr. to lost travel time for commuters, for structing border fences, seeking to de- President, I invite you to come see commercial truckers, for businesses velop and to deploy surveillance tech- that some time. It is a beautiful piece closed down. This means our economy nologies, and adding troops along our of architecture. has already lost well over $8 million borders. Now in doing this, we have That is why I am so troubled by the since the bridge collapsed. snared some illicit drug shipments, we so-called Western Hemisphere Travel As this fiscal year comes to a close, have snared a few criminals. We have Initiatives, which would require indi- I am dedicated to getting the funding not picked up many terrorists. viduals from the United States, Can- for our State and the entire Midwest. Nobody questions that any country ada, Mexico, and the Caribbean to We need to rebuild this bridge. We has a right to protect its borders, as we present passports or other documents would like to rebuild this bridge as do to protect ours, but we should do it proving citizenship before entering the soon as possible, as I know this country sensibly and intelligently. Instead, the United States. This is a dramatic wants to do and this body pledged to administration’s policy threatens to change in the way border crossings do. That is why we will work on this fray the social fabric of countless com- have been processed in the western bill and whatever other bills we need to munities that straddle the border. hemisphere since the Treaty of Paris work on to get this funding for this They have needlessly offended our set up the international boundary to bridge. neighbors, they have sacrificed much of Canada in 1783. That is already costing I applaud the efforts of my colleagues the traditional good will we have en- us greatly. to get bridge repair for every State joyed, and they have undermined our The Departments of State and Home- across the country, but we are devoted own economy in border States. Local land Security have been charged with to ensuring that Congress make good chambers of commerce along the bor- implementing this law. They should be on its promise and rebuild this bridge der estimate that the costs of the ad- coordinating their efforts with our that is the symbol for why we need to ministration’s plans will amount to neighbors in Canada, Mexico, and the make infrastructure repairs across this hundreds of billions of dollars and, I Caribbean to ensure a smooth transi- country. might say, the loss of thousands upon tion at our borders. Unfortunately, as I f thousands of American jobs. detailed to Secretary Rice and Sec- I have heard from many Vermonters retary Chertoff on several occasions, VOTE EXPLANATION about problems they have encountered there are serious problems in the ways Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, this at U.S. border crossings, from long in which their agencies have pushed morning, due to flight delays, I missed traffic backups to invasive searches forward with implementation of the VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:50 Sep 11, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10SE6.077 S10SEPT1 bajohnson on PROD1PC71 with SENATE S11318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 10, 2007 Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, tify and target terrorists. I would dress the national security concerns before any of the necessary technology much rather see, instead of wasting the administration had identified. As installation, infrastructure upgrades, tens of billions of dollars on a program elected representatives of the Amer- or training takes place in our border that is not going to work, lose hun- ican people, we need to consider wheth- stations. If these critical features of dreds of billions of dollars in jobs in er there are more effective mechanisms deployment are not in place, we are America, that we spend a tiny fraction to ensure appropriate oversight of sur- going to see severe delays at our bor- of that talking about our northern bor- veillance involving U.S.