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The review officer North .

I note that eight councilor posts are to be lost in a re-organisation which one assumes is District councilor posts, however I wish to comment on the parish wards whilst changes are being considered.

I would suggest that the ward of Little Ryburgh be added to the parish and separated from .. Many Years ago Little Ryburgh Ward had it's own little council this being, Little Ryburgh, May Green and Langor Bridge but were forced to align with Great Ryburgh, the only thing that we have in common with Great Ryburgh is the name Ryburgh.

We are separated by the River Wensum and are a small Hamlet with roughly thirty to thirty five properties mainly situated along a narrow country lane and a few properties along the main road and have nothing in common with the larger Village of Great Ryburgh. All residents have to pay a very high precept charge because Great Ryburgh supports the following.

Street lighting and ongoing costs costs( Little Ryburgh has no lighting or dog bins), playing field, Great Ryburgh has dog bins,village hall,, Insurance and ongoing costs for these facilities, longer hours for parish clerk which has an extra cost. Why should the residents of Little Ryburgh, May Green and Langor Bridge have to pay this high precept cost when we get NOTHING in return for our money. One or two properties in Langor Bridge already come under the ward of Kettlestone which is a small hamlet like ours and so I would ask that the ward of Little Ryburgh be aligned with Kettlestone which directly abuts our small ward where as at present the River Wensum separates the two Ryburgh's some distance from the main residential area.

Residents in the district do their main grocery shopping in as well as leisure activities such as restaurants, pubs, football ground, as is other essentials such as fuel for vehicles and garages for servicing and new and second hand vehicle purchases. My opinion regarding district wards is that Wensum ward and Astley ward should ward be amalgamated to reduce the need for one councilor who would not be missed.

Yours sincerely

Allan Pink