Sponsored Research Projects 2D.FPPP S.No. Financial Year Titl

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Sponsored Research Projects 2D.FPPP S.No. Financial Year Titl Institute Name : Indian Institute of Science Banglore India Rankings 2017 ID : IR17-I-2-18243 Discipline Overall Parameter : Sponsored Research Projects Amount Name of Faculty (Principal Name of the Funding S.No. Financial Year Title of the Project Sanctioned order no. Sanctioned date Received(In Amount received (in words) Investigator) agency 2D.FPPP Rupees) JOULE JOTTER : COLLECTING POWER UTILIZATION DATASETS FROM HOUSEHOLDS AND Seventeen Lakh Fourteen Thousand 1 2013-2014 T V PRABHAKAR ACMS BUILDINGS NIL 1-Sep-13 1714661 Six Hundred Sixty One AERODYNAMIC STUDIES OF PERFORMANCE OF LCA WING WITH VERTEX GENERATORS (VG) USING ADA/ARD/2010 DTD 2 2013-2014 P S KULKARNI ADAO CFD TOOLS 24.3.2011 25-Jul-11 600000 Six Lakh FEASIBILITY STUDY OF METHOD OF MOMENTS- BASED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF CONFORMAL PHRASED ARRAY ANTENNA PLACED ON A SERC/NBK/ADA-X:565 DTD 3 2013-2014 N BALAKRISHNAN ADAO STEALTY FLYING PLATFORM 22.01.13 9-Jan-13 725000 Seven Lakh Twenty Five Thousand LYSIMETER BASED Sub-Surface INVESTIGATIONS TO ASSESS THE tRANSPORT BEHAVIOUR OF CONTAMINANTS IN THE VADOZE ZONE SURROUNDING NEAR SURFACE DISPOSAL AERB/CSRP/Proj. Six Lakh Forty Two Thousand Five 4 2013-2014 SUDHAKAR M RAO AERB FACILITY at KALPAKKAM No.46/02/2011/798 DTD 3.3.11 13-Apr-11 642504 Hundred Four Electrochemical investigations on graphene and lithium phthalocyanine as catalysts for reversible oxygen Award No FA2386-13-1-4006 Eighteen Lakh Ninety Five Thousand 5 2013-2014 MUNICHANDRAIAH AOAD reduction reaction in Li-O2 Cells dtd 25,4,13 25-Apr-13 1895006 Six Award No FA2386-13-1-4015 Twenty Three Lakh Seventeen 6 2013-2014 S SAMPATH AOAD Organic materials as Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries DTD 15.5.2013 1-Aug-13 2317867 Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Seven DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL RAMAN SPECTROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES LIKE SERS & SORS ARMREB/EMCB/2010/126 7 2013-2014 S UMAPATHY ARBO FOR DETECTION OF EXPLOSIVES DTD 23.12.2010 24-Jan-11 3251000 Thirty Two Lakh Fifty One Thousand ©DEVELOPMENT OF SMA-COMPOSITE BASED DARO/08/1051591/M/I DTD 8 2013-2014 DEBIPROSAD ROY MAHAPATRA ARDB COMPLIANT VARIABLE AREA PLANE-FORMS" 8.06.2011 28-Oct-11 630000 Six Lakh Thirty Thousand DEVELOPMENT OF OPEN SOURCE CFD PAKAGE DARO/08/2021605/M/I DTD 9 2013-2014 M R MURALIDHARAN ARDB FOR MICRO AERIAL VEHICLE (MICAV) 19.9.2011 31-Jan-12 306000 Three Lakh Six Thousand ACECOST Ph-III - NOVEL NDE METHODS FOR POROSITY & MOISTURE CONTENT DARO/08/1051636/M/1 DTD Twenty Six Lakh Twenty Two 10 2013-2014 M R BHAT ARDB DETERMINATION 23.11.11 21-Mar-12 2622000 Thousand BRAINE MACHINE INTERFACE FOR THOUGHT DARO/08/2021687/M/I DTD 11 2013-2014 SANJIV SAMBANDAN ARDB BASED CONTROL 17.4.13 12-Aug-13 718000 Seven Lakh Eighteen Thousand DEVELOPMENT STUDIES ON HYDROXYL AMMONIUM NITRATE (HAN) MONOPROPELLANT DARO/08/1041694/M/I DTD 12 2013-2014 CHARLIE OOMMEN ARDB MICRO THRUSTERS, PART-I 7.6.13 24-Oct-13 1906000 Nineteen Lakh Six Thousand AR & DB AERODYNAMIC PANEL COORDINATOR©S Seventy Three Thousand Seven 13 2013-2014 G.JAGADEESH ARDB GRANTS Dept. LTR DT 2/1/14 21-Jan-14 73761 Hundred Sixty One Game Theoretic Approaches to Influence Modeling in the 14 2013-2014 Y NARAHARI ASIP Presence of Strategic Competing Campaigns Adobe dtd 12.3.14 17-Mar-14 500000 Five Lakh NATIONAL HUB FOR HEALTHCARE DST Lr.No.IDP/Med INSTRUMENTATION DEVELOPMENT BY ANNA Hub/2009-2010, DT. Twelve Lakh Seventeen Thousand 15 2013-2014 N S DINESH AUOO UNIVERSITY 28.01.2011. 15-Jul-11 1217433 Four Hundred Thirty Three SAMPLE PREPARATION / NUCLEIC ACID Six Lakh Nine Thousand Five 16 2013-2014 DEBIPROSAD ROY MAHAPATRA BIGT EXTRACTION FROM BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES LTR DT 8/8/11 3-Oct-11 609516 Hundred Sixteen AEROSPACE NETWORK RESEARCH CONSORTIUM One Crore Eleven Lakh Sixty Two 17 2013-2014 T V PRABHAKAR BOCO (ANRC) PI LTR. DT.24/01/08 1-Jan-08 11162956 Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Six DEVELOPMENT & STUDY OF A CRYOCOOLER BRFST/NFP/2012/FEB/N/09 18 2013-2014 UPENDRA BEHERA BRFS BASED CRYOSORPTION PUMP OPERATING AT 4.5K. dtd.5.4.12 2-May-12 160000 One Lakh Sixty Thousand THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY STUDIES OF CRYOPANELS COATED WITH ADHESIVES & ACTIVATED CARBHON ADSORBENTS DOWN TO BRFST/NFP/2012/FEB/13 19 2013-2014 UPENDRA BEHERA BRFS 4.5K. dtd.5.4.12 2-May-12 283000 Two Lakh Eighty Three Thousand EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES & CHARACTERIZATION OF ADSORBERS DOWN TO 4.2K FOR DEVELOPMENT NO.IPR/NFP/2009-10/AUG/12 20 2013-2014 UPENDRA BEHERA BRFS OF CRYOSORPTION PUMPS AT IPR. dtd.12.8.09 9-Sep-09 110000 One Lakh Ten Thousand EXPERIMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION OF AERODYNAMIC LOADING ASPECTS OF A SCALED RADOME ON CARRIER AIRCRAFT FOR 21 2013-2014 J DEY CABS SURVEILLANCE APPLICATIONS NIL 30-Nov-13 630000 Six Lakh Thirty Thousand DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT OF FSS MINIATURE MODELS IN EDUCATIONAL PEG/FSSMini/01/2013 DTD 22 2013-2014 G Narayanan. CDAC INSTITUTES 30.04.2013 17-May-13 825000 Eight Lakh Twenty Five Thousand A FRAMEWORK FOR EFFICIENT EXECUTIONS OF Six Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand Seven 23 2013-2014 SATHISH S.VADHIYAR CDAC IRREGULAR APPLICATIONS ON HYBRID SYSTEMS ORDER DT 1/6/13 1-Jun-13 658750 Hundred Fifty PARALLELIZING COMPILER AND RUNTIME 24 2013-2014 UDAY KUMAR REDDY B CDAC TECHNOLOGY FOR HYBRID MULTICORE SYSTEM ORDER DT 1/6/13 1-Jun-13 650000 Six Lakh Fifty Thousand INVESTIGATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY FOR DESSICATED COCONUT Two Lakh Sixteen Thousand Six 25 2013-2014 J R MUDAKAVI CDBO INDUSTRY EFFLUENT WATER TREATMENT No.1345/2011 DT. 27.10.2011 3-Nov-11 216682 Hundred Eighty Two Cognitive symptoms in Schizophrenia:Biological and Five Lakh Eighty Nine Thousand Two 26 2013-2014 NarenRao CIHR Clinical correlations CH1213246 DTD 25.07.2013 1-Sep-13 589275 Hundred Seventy Five Two Crore Forty One Lakh Seventy CENTRE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty 27 2013-2014 J M CHANDRA KISHEN CIST TRANSPORTATION & URBAN PLANNING NO.R(RO)/2009 dtd.19.8.2009 1-Oct-09 24171726 Six ASSESSING THE GROUND WATER STORAGE CHANGES & SUSTAINABILITY DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE SEMI-ARID WATERSHEDS OF CM/IISc/Proj 04/200-11 DTD 28 2013-2014 M SEKHAR CSIR SOUTH INDIA 10.06.2010 22-Nov-10 960000 Nine Lakh Sixty Thousand ©TRANSITION METAL CATALYZED REACTIONS (CHIRAL & ACHIRAL) : DESIGN, SYNTHESIS & No.01(2415)10/EMR-II DTD 29 2013-2014 PRABHU K R CSIR APPLICATIONS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS© 5.01.11 1-Oct-10 315000 Three Lakh Fifteen Thousand DISCRETE & EXTENDED METAL COMPLEXES : No.01(2414)/10/EMR-II DTD Three Lakh Thirty Two Thousand Two 30 2013-2014 PARTHA SARATHI MUKHERJEE CSIR SYNTHESIS & PROPERTIES 5.1.2011 1-Oct-10 332255 Hundred Fifty Five No.22(0520)/10/EMR-II DTD Eighty Three Thousand Five Hundred 31 2013-2014 ALOKE PAUL CSIR ©INTERDIFFUSION STUDY IN THE Fe-A1-X SYSTEMS© 28.12.10 1-Oct-10 83553 Fifty Three ©PHOSPHOTRANSFER PROFILING OF TWO COMPONENT SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION SYSTEMS OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS & ESTABLISHING THEIR INTER-COMMUNICATION No.37(1435)/10/EMR-II DTD Ten Lakh Twenty Five Thousand Four 32 2013-2014 DEEPAK KUMAR SAINI CSIR PATHWAYS© 15.12.10 1-Nov-10 1025471 Hundred Seventy One ©EXPLORING THE DYNAMICS OF THE ACOUSTIC LANDSCAPE IN FIELD CRICKET CHORUSES USING No.37(1434)/10/EMR-II DTD 33 2013-2014 ROHINI BALAKRISHNAN CSIR MICROPHONE ARRAYS© 15.12.2010 15-Dec-10 604094 Six Lakh Four Thousand Ninety Four OPTICAL DIZGNOSTICS OF BIOFUEL SPRAY No.22(0548)/11/EMR-II DTD Three Lakh Twenty Nine Thousand 34 2013-2014 SAPTARSHI BASU CSIR DYNAMICS IN A PREMIXER 11.04.11 1-Apr-11 329391 Three Hundred Ninety One No.22(0550)11/EMR-11 DTD Three Lakh Twenty Eight Thousand 35 2013-2014 GOVIND S GUPTA CSIR PHYSICAL MODELING OF THE ACHESON PROCESS 11.04.2011 1-Apr-11 328943 Nine Hundred Forty Three DEVELOPMENT OF CATALYTIC ENANTIOSELECTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS BASED ON CHIRAL COUNTERANION DIRECTED No.01(2505)11/EMR-II DTD Three Lakh Twenty Two Thousand 36 2013-2014 SANTANU MUKHERJEE CSIR ASYMMETRIC INDUCTION 5.5.2011 1-May-11 322702 Seven Hundred Two EVALUATION OF PSYCHO-PHYSICAL TRAITS OF DRIVERS AND APPLICABILITY OF ITS BASED TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR IMPROVING No.70(0067)11/EMR-II DTD Nine Lakh Eighty Three Thousand 37 2013-2014 ASHISH VERMA CSIR ROAD SAFETY AND MOBILITY IN INDIA 11.05.11 1-May-11 983080 Eighty NOVEL DIBORACYCLE AS A CHEMOSENSOR FOR Three Lakh Fourteen Thousand 38 2013-2014 P THILAGAR CSIR ANIONS No.01(2478)/11/EMR-II 1-May-11 314026 Twenty Six SYNTHESIS, DIELECTRONIC, FERROELECTRONIC & PIEZOELECTRIC CHARACTERIZATION OF NEW FERROELECTRIC ALLOYS BASED ON BiAIO3 No.22(0549)/11/EMR-II DTD Two Lakh Forty Seven Thousand Five 39 2013-2014 RAJEEV RANJAN CSIR MODIFICATION OF FERROELECTRIC PEROVSKITES 11.04.2011 1-Apr-11 247500 Hundred SOLUBILITIES & ADSORPTION OF PHARMACEUTICALS IN SUPERCRITICAL CARBON No.01(2477)/11/EMR-II DTD Two Lakh Ten Thousand Five 40 2013-2014 M GIRIDHAR CSIR DIOXIDE 16.5.11 1-May-11 210500 Hundred GRAIN BOUNDARY SLIDING A MODEL STUDY WITH No.22(0543)/10/EMR-II DTD Four Lakh Forty Two Thousand Five 41 2013-2014 ATUL H CHOKSI CSIR BICRYSTALS 28.12.10 1-Apr-11 442516 Hundred Sixteen SYNTHESIS, STRUCTURE & PROPERTIES OF No.01(2476)/11/EMR-II DTD Three Lakh Sixty Five Thousand Nine 42 2013-2014 SRINIVASAN NATARAJAN CSIR INORGANIC-ORGANIC HYBRID COMPOUNDS 27.7.2011 14-Jul-11 365972 Hundred Seventy Two INFECTION WITH JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS(JEV) ROLE OF SOLUBLE CLASSICAL AND NO.37(1436)/10/EMR-II Five Lakh Twenty Four Thousand One 43 2013-2014 R MANJUNATH CSIR NONCLASSICAL MHC-1 MOLECULES.
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