Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2 PARISH MAGAZINE (The of East Brent consists of East Brent, Rooksbridge and Edingworth)

Dec. 2014/Jan. 2015 Issue 2

100 Years - The Parish Remembers

A voluntary non-profit publication, free to Parishioners [ ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

[ 2 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Editor’s Notes Welcome to the second edi- you’ve got to go shopping for those tion - we hope you enjoyed the first, Christmas presents. Now I don’t know even though for some of you there about you, but for me the shopping is may have been some distribution just about the worst time of the year, problems, not with the distributors I and it really is a relief on Christmas hasten to add, but with us the produc- Eve when the shops are closed and tion team, for which I apologise. We THERE IS NO MORE SHOPPING. are confident that we have now over- However, if you are looking for come them; but if you can see where a Christmas present for an ex- we haven’t, please let us know. resident, what better than a postal You will see that this edition subscription for the magazine. It will covers both December and January, cost you just £12, and for that we will this is because there is not normally send a copy, by post, of each edition, much to report on in January - after to any address in the UK. We can also the Christmas and New Year celebra- arrange for copies to be sent to any- tions it is somewhat ‘flat’. So apart where in the world. from the diary and anything we may Talking about future editions, hear of before going to print, there will are there any photographers out there not be much for January. that have some good photographs of Well it looks as though the places or events of interest within the Indian summer that we have been en- Parish? If so, get in contact with me joying has finally ended. The good and, if possible, I will arrange to have thing is that it will have, hopefully, it put on the cover of a future edition. shortened the winter, but we are, of I would like to conclude my course, experiencing longer and ramblings by wishing each and every- darker nights and in that vein, may I one of you a Merry Christmas and a draw your attention to the security ad- Happy New Year from the ‘Editorial vice offered by the Police further into Team’ - Judith, Colin, Ron and myself. this edition. The next big event is Christ- Bill Walker mas but before you can enjoy that, Editor

The East Brent Parish It is intended that they will All enquiries to : Magazine is produced be distributed at the EAST BRENT PARISH MAGAZINE and distributed free of beginning of each month Address : charge by a team of and contributions and “Aventine”, The Mead, East Brent, TA9 4JJ volunteers who give their advertisements should be Telephone : 01278 760896 free time throughout the provided by the 10th of E-mail: year to ensure the the preceding month. [email protected] magazine is published. A Large Walled Vegetable Garden In private grounds available free of charge. Would suit active pensioner. Tel:- 01278 760619

[ 3 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

December/JanuaryDecember 2014 Diary DiaryDates Dates

Day Date Event Monday 1st East Brent Parish Council Meeting. East Brent Village Hall 7.30pm. All Parishioners are welcome. Tuesday 2nd Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm

Wednesday 3rd East Brent History Group Meeting. East Brent Village Hall 7pm. A talk on ‘A day trip to Burnham by Train’, by John Strickland. Thursday 4th Mobile Library Stop Rooksbridge. 'Little Acre' 10.30-10.50am

Friday 5th Friday Active Living Day Centre. for 'The Older Generation' 9.30am - 4pm. Lunches available. Sunday 7th Quiz night at Knoll Inn - 7pm With a Christmas Carol interlude.

Tuesday 9th Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm

Thursday 11th Mobile Library Stop East Brent. Telephone Box 11.15- 11.40am,East Drive 11.45am – 12.10pm. Thursday 11th Thursday Club Meeting. East Brent Village Hall. 7.30pm

Friday 12th Friday Active Living Day Centre. for 'The Older Generation' 9.30am - 4pm. Lunches available. Saturday 13th Bazaar & Farmers Market 10am - Noon

Tuesday 16th Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm

Thursday 18th East Brent Village Hall Management Committee Meeting. All Parishioners are welcome to attend and join in. Friday 19th School Term 2 Ends

Friday 19th Friday Active Living Day Centre. for the ‘Older Generation’ Christmas Lunch & Entertainment. 9.30am – 4pm Sunday 21st ‘Carols for Christmas’ at St Mary’s the Blessed Virgin at 5.30pm. Tuesday 23rd Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm

Thursday 25th Christmas Day

Friday 26th Boxing Day

Wednesday 31st New Years Eve

[ 4 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

January 2015 Diary Dates

Day Date Event Sunday 4th Quiz night at Knoll Inn - 7pm Monday 5th School Term 3 Starts Monday 5th East Brent Parish Council Meeting. East Brent Village Hall. 7.30pm. All Parishioners are welcome. Tuesday 6th Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm Wednesday 7th East Brent History Group Meeting. East Brent Village Hall 7pm. A talk by Andrew Janes “From Farmer’s Field to Flanders Field”. All welcome to come to this great talk.

Thursday 8th Mobile Library Stop East Brent. Telephone Box 11.15- 11.40am, East Drive 11.45am – 12.10pm. Thursday 8th Thursday Club Meeting. East Brent Village Hall. 7.30pm Friday 9th Friday Active Living Day Centre. 9.30am – 4pm for 'The Older Generation' Lunches available. Saturday 10th Brent Knoll Bazaar & Farmers Market 10am - Noon Tuesday 13th Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm Thursday 15th East Brent Village Hall Management Committee Meeting. All Parishioners are welcome to attend and join in. Friday 16th Friday Active Living Day Centre. 9.30am – 4pm for 'The Older Generation' Lunches available. Tuesday 20th Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm Wednesday 21st East Brent Harvest Home Annual General Meeting. 7:00 pm East Brent Village Hall. All are welcome. Friday 23rd Friday Active Living Day Centre. 9.30am – 4pm for 'The Older Generation' Lunches available. Tuesday 27th Carpet Bowls Club. East Brent Village Hall. 7.15pm Thursday 29th Mobile Library Stop Rooksbridge. 'Little Acre' 10.30- 10.50am Friday 30th Friday Active Living Day Centre. 9.30am – 4pm for 'The Older Generation' Lunches available.

[ 5 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Magazine Advertising Rates

Our list of tariffs is below and I hope you will jump at the chance to advertise in this highly cost effec- tive way which also supports the local community. To make accounting and budgeting easier, we will offer annual advertising from 1st April so any adverts taken out during the year will be charged on a pro-rata basis. Because we are non profit making, we may be able to reduce these charges but this is obviously dependent on the response we get.

If you wish to make use of a professional service to create your advertisement, there will be a one- off charge of £30.

Annual charges: Full page b/w £200 full colour £240 (3 pages only available) 1/2 page b/w £125 full colour £150 1/4 page b/w £75 full colour £90 1/8 page b/w £45 n/a

One off charges: 1/2 page b/w only £24 1/4 page £12 1/8 page £6

We do request payment in full in advance and we reserve the right to refuse any advertisements which are deemed inappropriate for East Brent Parish Magazine. Please contact the Advertising Editor as below for more details. Adverts must be received at the latest by 10th month prior to publi- cation. Adverts which require compilation/ art work must be submitted well in advance of that.

If you have any questions at all about our advertising including outstanding advertisements, please contact me.

Judith Webb - Advertising Editor. Tel: 01278 760219 BRENT KNOLL BAZAAR FARMERS’ MARKET & PARISH CAFÉ SATURDAY 13th, December, at Brent Knoll Parish Hall - 10.00am to 12.30pm

Locally produced Fresh Beef, Pork, Chicken, Eggs, Cheese, Pickles and Preserves. Vegetable Stall, Specialist Bread, Westcroft Cider, Homemade Cakes and Savouries, Phoenix Cards, Handmade Cards, Silver and Beaded Jewellery, Children’s Games, Toys and Puzzles, Local Crafts, Textiles, etc., CDs, DVDs, Books, and Bric-a-Brac; plus Raffle The Parish Café will be serving Bacon and Sausage Butties & light snacks Entrance FREE

[ 6 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

IS IT TIME FOR A FINANCIAL WORKOUT? excellent tax- efficient way of saving, so don’t miss out on this major tax advantage. A checklist of things you should consider. Are you getting the best mortgage deal? It’s worth Making time to review your personal finances makes reviewing your mortgage from time to time. With sense and helps to keep you on track. The plans you interest rates likely to rise sooner rather than later, it put in place a while back may need to be revised, makes sense to check with your adviser in case especially if you’ve experienced any life-changing there’s a better deal available for you. events such as marriage or additions to your family. What state is your Will in? Dying without a will is Here are some key questions you need to consider. referred to as dying ‘intestate’. Not having a will could leave your family vulnerable, and means that your Do you have the right life cover? Our life assurance estate would be distributed under the rules of needs change as we get older; if you died would your intestacy. This means your money and possessions family have enough to live on? Have you got sufficient may not end up where you would have wished. If you mortgage cover? Would your income be protected if have a will, it’s worth reviewing it regularly to ensure it you were diagnosed with a critical illness? If you’re not reflects your current circumstances. sure, then you should ask your adviser or broker to review your current arrangements. As I was putting together this article a flyer dropped through our door targeting those who may be Is your Pension on track? Recent far-reaching concerned about the possibility of losing our homes to changes in pension legislation give more options on fund care fees. There are straightforward things you retirement. from April 2015, those with defined may be able to do now to protect your financial future contribution pensions who are aged at least 55 (rising in this respect. Certainly something many of us should to 57 from 2028) will be able to access their whole consider during our "financial workout" pension fund as a lump sum if they wish. So it may be time to revisit your retirement plans and make sure Regular financial check-ups make sense. you’re putting away as much as you can comfortably As always, talk to an Independent Financial Adviser afford. for an unbiased view of the range of options available Are you saving Tax-efficiently? The annual limit for to you. It will be time well spent. New Individual Savings Accounts (NISAS) is, from Nick Bashford July 2014, a massive £15,000. NISAS represent an

Pub Quiz Night 2/11/2014 Okay we’ve done it again and this time with eight teams....Great time was had by all with loads of laughs.....but the winners didn’t open the black ox....Ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was another fun night and the results are as follows..... 1st with 101 ½ points was Church Road Mafia 2nd with 95 ½ points was Tasty Pippins 3rd with 95 points was Lost in Knoll 4th with 92 points was Them in the Corner 5th with 90 ½ points was A few Too Many 6th with 84 ½ points was Four into Five 7th with 63 ½ points was Let’s Get Quizzical 8th with 50 ½ points was George and the Girls

So having raised £173.00 for St Mary’s Church everyone was happy and Church Road Mafia each went home with a bottle of wine....Our next quiz is 7:00 pm, Sunday December 7th at the Brent Knoll Inn. Please bring your decorated Christmas hat for the competition and to wear in the Parade. There will be a Quiz Night on 4th January 2015 The black box now contains £175 and will be definitely opened on 7th Dec. Many thanks to Kasia and Brent Knoll Inn for their support with the Black Box...... And thank you all for your continued support. Kathy.

[ 7 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

[ 8 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Christmas Stuff Mobile Library Dates and Times A blizzard blew in Christmas eve, And just as St Nick went to leave, East Brent. “That’s great” Santa said, “I’m back off to bed, The Mobile Library will stop at East Brent It’s lucky I’m just make believe!” Telephone box (TA9 4HZ) between 11.15am and 11.40am and at East Drive, off Strowlands (TA9 4JQ) between Why did Santa’s helper see the doctor? 11.45am and 12.10pm on the following - Because he had low ‘elf esteem’ dates: 2014 - 11 December What happened to the man who stole an Advent calendar? 2015 - 8 January, 5 February, 5 March, 2 - He got 25 days! April, 30 April, 28 May, 25 June, 23 July, 20 August, 17 September. How does Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas? One that’s deep pan, crisp and even! Rooksbridge. The Mobile Library will stop at Little Acre What do you get if you eat Christmas (BS26 2UG) between 10.30 – 10.50am on decorations? the following dates:- - Tinsilitis! 2014 - 4 December Why is it getting harder to buy Advent calendars? 2105 - 29 January, 26 February, 26 March, - Because their days are numbered! 23 April, 21 May, 18 June, 16 July, 13 Au- gust, 10 September.

6 9 5 Sudoku No 001

There will be a new 4 3 7 8 6 Sudoku Puzzle in the next edition together 8 5 2 3 7 with the solution to this one. 7 8 Best of luck – Ed. 2 9 6 7 4 9 6 5 9 4 3 8

[ 9 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

NS GARDEN SERVICES Nick:- Telephone 07813037742

KLC SUPPLIES Kindling/Logs/Coal Keep warm with ’s Leading Supplier

Tony 0781742012 David 07815810194 Email: [email protected] Web:

There was a young man from Leigh Who said he would empty the sea. He started quite soon But before it was noon said - ‘I’ll finish it after tea’.

[ 10 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Ann’s Fennel and Mushroom Flan - Serves 4

Pastry Ingredients This is a shortcrust pastry, made with 4 oz (225gms) plain flour and 4oz (225gms) wholemeal spelt flour. You can use all plain flour but the spelt flour gives a crisper pastry. It is best to make the pastry case and filling the day before you need them to allow for cooling. 4oz (225gms) unsalted butter, softened at room temperature. The yolk of one egg. 2 tablespoons of cold water. Small pinch of salt.

Method Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C Put all of the ingredients into a food mixer and mix until it forms a ball. Let the pastry rest for 30 minutes, then roll out to fit a 20cm diameter flan dish, trim the edges, prick the base all over with a fork, line with baking parchment and fill with rice or baking beans to weight it down. Put in the middle of oven and bake for 10 minutes, turn the heat down to 180 degrees C and bake for about 15 minutes or until the pastry is set but not browning. Remove the parchment paper and rice/beans. Allow to go cold.

Filling Ingredients A small block of goat's cheese, grated. Enough thinly sliced chestnut mushrooms to nearly fill the pastry case. 1 Fennel bulb, topped, tailed and thinly sliced. About 2 tablespoons of crème fraiche. 1 medium onion, thinly sliced. 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried mixed herbs (optional). Salt & pepper (to taste). Knob of butter or 2 tablespoons of oil.

Method Gently fry the onions and fennel in the oil/butter. Add the sliced mushrooms and continue frying for a couple of minutes or so until the mushrooms are cooked through. Turn off the heat. Add the crème fraiche and stir until it melts, then add the salt and pepper. Allow to go cold (to prevent the pastry going 'soggy'). Fill the pastry case with the cold mixture, cover the top with the grated goat's cheese and put under a moderate grill until the cheese begins to brown. Serve hot or cold with salad or vegetables.

School Term Dates

There once was a man called 2014-15 Academic Year

Clyde Term 1 1 Sept. to 24 Oct. 2014 Who went to a funeral and cried. When asked who was dead, Term 2 3 Nov. . to 19 Dec. 2014 he stammered and said “I don’t know, I just went along Term 3 5 Jan. . to 13 Feb. 2015 for the ride.” Term 4 23 Feb. to 27 Mar. 2015

Mark Miller Term 5 13 Apr.. to 22 May 2015

Term 6 1 June. to 20 July 2015

[ 11 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Village Hall Lottery Results

The lottery was drawn at the East Brent Village Hall Committee Meeting held on 22nd October 2014.

Drawn on 22nd October 2014

1st Draw - 01.10.14

1. £10.00 - 04 Margaret Liddington 2. £10.00 - 118 Gillian Ham 3. £10.00 - 31 Kath Simms

2nd Draw - 15.10.14

1. £10.00 - 91 Mario Dolcezza 2. £10.00 - 02 Graham James 3. £10.00 - 119 Keith Bellingham

East Brent Village Hall Has two rooms available for hire. Suitable for functions and meetings.

Charges include cost of heating and use of well equipped kitchen. (cooker extra)


[ 12 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Village Agent The Community Foundation for Somerset are once again organising their Sur- viving Winter grant scheme. People who receive a Winter Fuel payment from the government but who feel that they do not need to use it can donate it to the Community Foundation. The money is then passed on as grants to people in Somerset over 60 who are having difficulty meeting their winter fuel costs and who run the risk of becoming very cold. If you would like to donate please con- tact the Community Foundation direct 01749 344949 [email protected].

If you would like to apply for a grant as you are finding it hard to meet your win- ter fuel bills please contact me so that we can discuss making an application for a grant.

Please remember that the fire service are very keen to make sure that every home has a working smoke alarm as these are so effective in preventing death by fire. They will visit elderly and sick or disabled people in their homes to install and check smoke alarms. I also have a supply of useful leaflets about fire pre- vention and services to help so please do contact me if you would like me to refer you on to the Fire Service or would like more information

Kim Wilcox, Village Agent [email protected] or 07943 555519

Somerset Waste Partnership Recycling & Refuse Collections Bank Holiday Changes Christmas and New Year 2014/5 Usual Collection Day Revised Collection Day Monday 22 December to Wednesday 24 December No Change

Thursday 25 December Saturday 27 December

Friday 26 December Sunday 28 December

Monday 29 December to Wednesday 31 December No Change

Thursday 1 January Friday 2 January

Friday 2 January Saturday 3 January

No change to subsequent dates, all collections resume on usual days. (Revised collection days above also apply to Clinical Waste Collections) Garden Waste Collections will not take place Monday 29 December - Friday 9 January, resuming from Monday 12 January on usual days. Decoration-Free Natural Christmas Trees under 6ft Can Be Composted Take to your local recycling site or if you pay for garden waste services, put them out on your usual garden waste collection day from 12 January.

Recycling Centres are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day. Open all other days on their usual schedule.

[ 13 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

East Brent Church of First School Headteacher: Ms N J Hare, BSc (Hons); PGCE Church Road, East Brent, Nr Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 4HZ Tel: 01278 760490: Fax: 01278 760168 E-Mail: [email protected] Web:

Primary Spaces – Press Release EAST BRENT C of E FIRST SCHOOL GIVEN FUNDING BOOST TO IMPROVE OUTDOOR SPORTS FACILITIES East Brent C of E First School is set for a major boost after it was successful in gaining just under £30,000 to develop new outdoor sports facilities at its site. The funding is part of Sport England’s £18m National Lottery funded Primary School Facilities Fund which is helping more schools to provide outdoor multi-activity play ar- eas across the country. The investment is designed to support those schools which are in greatest need of fa- cility improvements and will benefit both pupils at the school and the local community. At East Brent C of E First School the new investment will go towards completely updat- ing and re-vamping our current playground. Ms Hare, Headteacher said “We are absolutely thrilled that the children will have this superb new space to play in. The softer ball rebound playground surface with activity markings, enclosures and hoops and goals will revolutionise play times for our chil- dren.” Nick Bitel, Sport England Chair, said: “Having the right space to play sport and be physically active as a child is vitally important. We are delighted to be investing this funding in East Brent C of E First School to improve the spaces that will give children the space to start enjoying PE and sport” Sebastian Coe, CH KBE, the Prime Minister’s Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Ambas- sador, added: “A positive first experience of PE and sport at primary school is crucial to encouraging young people to be active throughout their lives, but for those schools with little or no outside space this can be extremely challenging to deliver. “This funding will provide better outdoor multi-activity play areas at East Brent C of E First School that can be used both within the curriculum and outside school hours by local communities. I am convinced this will boost the opportunities for young people to be physically active. This fund builds on and complements the Government’s £150 million a year Primary PE and Sport Premium. Primary School Facilities Fund The fund will provide outdoor multi-activity areas which can be used both within the curriculum and out of school hours. As well as providing sports facilities, staff and vol- unteers will receive information on how best to use the new facility. The fund aims to help schools make good use of relatively small spaces and provide facilities which are low cost but provide a degree of enclosure, colour and innovation that will:

sport PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION on 01278 760490 [ 14 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

An Interesting Story! - cont’d Two Men in a Boat (part 2 of 2)

It must have been in the early hours of the morning when we had Padstow off on our starboard beam when the waves seemed to get higher and one hit us and completely filled the cockpit and laid us right over. We recovered but we could hear, rather than see, more coming. Then another one hit us and again laid us flat on to our starboard side and when the boat righted itself I called out Barry, who had been sitting on the starboard side of the cockpit - but he wasn’t there! I stood, up to my knees in seawater, to see Barry on the end of his lifeline about 10 feet off of the stern, being dragged along through the water. I threw all of the sheets and main over the stern at Barry and he managed to grab them and I started to haul him in. He helped by pulling himself in to the boat and, after what seemed an age, we finally pulled him up over the stern. When he had sat himself down and I had retrieved and stowed the sheets and main Barry, because of course he was soaked through, started to shiver, so we got the washboards up and he went down below to change into something dry. Barry told me afterwards that when he went down below and I had closed up the washboards again he had no lighting save a torch which, when he switched it on, showed everything that had been stowed tidily away, food, clothes, books and charts had all been tossed together on to the deck together with the sea- water that had come in when we opened the washboards. He then had to fight to get his wet weather gear off, find some dry clothes, some his some mine, and then put his wet weather gear back on. Now all this time the weather had not abated at all and the boat was still being swamped, but perhaps not so often, but it was the violence of the sea that staggered me; when waves hit the boat it shook and shuddered, when waves hit me it hurt and above all this was the constant noise, of the screaming wind and turbulent water. After what seemed an age Barry eventually banged on the washboards from inside and we got them open enough for him to crawl out into the cockpit again, tie himself on and just sit and like me, look and hope. We sat like this for another hour or so until the dawn came. With the dawn things got a little better in that at least you see what was happening and be prepared for when the waves were going to hit and occasionally glimpse the Cornish coast. After a while the weather did abate some to, we estimated, gale force 7, and we could see Lundy Island about ten miles ahead. Between Hartland Point and Lundy there is a ‘race’, which because of the storm, we knew would be much worse than normal, so we decided to stay under storm sails until we reached it and then motor through it. Just before we reached the race Barry started the engine but after twenty minutes it stopped. Fortunately we had not taken down the storm sails so we managed to sail through and, finally, get into the lee of Lundy. You cannot imagine the relief. From waves that seemed as high as the mast, from winds that you hardly stand up in, to complete calm in just a few hundred yards, yet you could see the gale still blowing outside the lee of the Island. We gently sailed to the anchorage, moored on two anchors, made sure that the boat was safe and went to bed. We woke about lunchtime, fixed the engine, which turned out to be quite easy - in a calm anchorage, had a meal and tidied up the boat. Barry and I debated our situation but as we had run out of time we decided that we could not attempt Falmouth again and that we would have to return to Burnham On Sea. We set out in the evening for home and, although the seas were still lumpy, they were nothing like we had experienced the previous couple of days. We reached Blake’s boat yard in Highbridge the next afternoon, tied up to the pontoon, cleaned the boat and, very thankfully, went home. Anon.

[ 15 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2


Minister: To be confirmed

Stewards : Mrs. Jill Legg (01278 751417)

DECEMBER 2014 SERVICES 10.30 a.m. (unless shown)

7th Morning Service Mr John Trebble

14th Holy Communion Rev Carol Gill Carols by Candlelight at 7PM 19th Followed by Coffee & Mince Pies. Everyone is Welcome 21st Morning Service Rev Robert Channon

25th Short Christmas Service - 10AM

28th Morning Service Mr Norman Lester

JANUARY 2015 SERVICES 10.30 a.m. (unless shown)

4th Covenant Service Rev Carol Gill Joint Link Service 11th St Michael’s Brent Knoll 18th Morning Service Mr Horlock

25th Morning Service Mr Brian Dalymore VESTRY DUTY Not known at the time of going to print

FLOWER ROTA Not known at the time of going to print

THE LINK VILLAGE FELLOWSHIP meets at 2.30 pm in the Methodist Hall. Everyone welcome. Not known at the time of going to print

[ 16 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

THE PARISH OF THE THREE SAINTS WORSHIP LOCATION CHURCH BUILIDNG KEY STYLE OF WORSHIP Brent Knoll St Michael’s Church HC Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) - Traditional language / no music East Brent St Mary’s Church E Eucharist - Holy Communion - Modern and traditional music St Christopher’s Church AW All-sorts-Worship – No holy communion - Modern music, relaxed AW-E All-sorts-Worship + Eucharist - Modern music, relaxed EP-S Evening Prayer–Said (Book of Common Prayer) - Traditional language / no music IW Iona Worship - Variety of prayer, stillness, reflection, song from the Celtic tradition MIDWEEK WORSHIP We are sorry for the inconvenience caused when on occasions Day Time worship is cancelled or a venue is changed – there will be a Tuesday 2.30pm notice on the church building door Wednesday 10.00am SUNDAY WORSHIP Theme 10.00am 11.00am 6.30pm Other DECEMBER 7 Advent 2 St Mary-AW 14 Advent 3 St Mary-E 21 Advent 4 St Michael-E Carols for Christmas 5.30pm St Mary 24 Christmas Eve Crib Services First 3.30pm St Mary Communion of 5.30pm St Christmas Christopher 11.30pm St Michael 25 Christmas Day St Mary-E Thanksgiving 28 The Holy Innocents St Christopher-E

JANUARY 4 Epiphany St Mary-HC St Christopher-AW Epiphany Reflections St Michael 11 Baptism of Christ St Michael-HC St Mary-E 18 Epiphany 2 (Week St Christopher- St Michael-E of Prayer for HC Christian Unity) 25 Conversion of Paul St Mary-HC St St Michael-EP-S Christopher-E Who’s who in the Parish of the Three Saints Priest-in-Charge Reverend Simon Lewis The Rectory . 3 Ash Trees . East Brent . Somerset . TA9 4DQ T: 01278 760496 E: [email protected] Parish Administrator Mary Ford Church Office . Church Road . East Brent . Somerset . TA9 4HZ T: 01278 769082 E: [email protected] Office open: Tuesday & Wednesday: 10.30am-3.30pm Churchwardens St Christopher, Lympsham Gwen Hatton: T: 01934 750416 E: [email protected] Jim Hanmer: T: 01934 750076 E: [email protected] St Mary, East Brent Katherine Quinnell: T: 01278 760031 E: [email protected] St Michael, Brent Knoll Frances James: T: 01278 760287

[ 17 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Remembering World War 1 We are now past this year’s very special Remembrance time with this year being the Centenary of the start of The Great War or more usually known as World War 1. I think it very fitting that our new Parish Magazine should record some of these events. On the front cover page you will see a montage of photographs taken by several people recording the events in their own way. The top two pictures are taken from the display set up in St. Mary’s Church during the week leading up to Remembrance Sunday on the 9th November. The display was left in place until the “Eleventh day of the Eleventh Month” was past. The first photograph is of the banner put together by pupils from the Church of England First School and I am sure will long be in the School as a reminder. The second is a general view of part of the display remembering all those from the Parish that went to War and died as a result. The display gave details of their link to the Parish, their service details and the date they died with the war grave location they are buried in. There was a also a display of WW1 recruiting posters. This famous one was designed by Alfred Leete of Weston-Super-Mare. The middle two photographs were taken at the Ceremony of Remembrance at our very special East Brent Parish War Memorial. Prayers were said and the names of all the servicemen who died in various wars were read out. Wreaths were laid at the Memorial followed by the reading of the poignant words for “For the Fallen” by Robert Laurence Binyon. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. This was followed by the sounding of the “Last Post” and two minutes silence. The remaining two photographs were taken at the Tower of London and are of the “Field of Poppies” which has been much shown on television. Something is excess of 5 Million people visited the Tower with at least three from East Brent! Please note that the Muffled Bells are still being rung in the various churches of the “3 Parishes”. For details, see the list in this publication. Please do try and listen out for them – 7:00 pm for 10 minutes. Thanks to John Rigarlsford, Kathy Quinnell for their photographs in addition to my own.

[ 18 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Remembering WW1—Muffled Bells Bell will be Village War Memo- Name Date of Death Rung rial December 15 LLOYD, A A 15/12/1915 Brent Knoll January 4 POPHAM, Ralph 04/01/1918 East Brent 18 STONE, Walter 18/01/1917 Brent Knoll February 10 COX, Charles 10/02/1918 Brent Knoll April 10 NURSE, Len 10/04/1916 Brent Knoll 23 POPLE, Charles 23/04/1917 East Brent 30 CREES, Bertram Frank 30/04/1915 East Brent Does East Brent need more protection from speeding traffic? We moved into The Elms on Weston Road just under a year ago and we love our rambling old house on the edge of the village. However, there are some scary times when the sounds of cattle lowing and buzzards mewing are pierced by the screeching brakes of a lorry hurtling towards the traffic lights. It makes you realise just how dangerous the road here really is. Our fears came to a head recently when our eldest daughter had a collision with fast approaching motorbike when turning onto Weston Road. Thankfully no-one was badly hurt, but they so nearly could have been and it shook us all up. The speed of traffic passing through is, I suspect, a real issue for many people in our village. That’s why I would like to pose this question: Does East Brent need more protection from speeding traffic? Weston Road has speed camera signs but, until we requested it recently, we hadn’t seen any police action to enforce speed limits in almost a year. This makes the signs pointless. In 2010 a young man of 19 was tragically killed on this road and I believe, even more tragically, that this was shortly after the speed camera there was removed. Other communities nearby have, quite rightly, got their own protection in the form of lower 30 mph speed limits and flashing speed warning signs. In the case of Rooksbridge, in our own parish, I am aware that this was the result of campaigning following yet another terrible tragedy. Surely the main route through East Brent, from the Jarvis Lane area through to The Elms and Manor Farm, is also deserving of such protection? Would it be possible to re-install the speed camera on Weston Road? Or at least a flashing warning sign as you approach the traffic lights by the Village Hall? Is it even worth considering whether the speed limit approaching the traffic lights should be reduced to 30 mph? I have discussed my thoughts on this with the Parish Council at their last meeting and I know they would be keen to know the opinions of as many East Brent residents as possible. If you do have any comments or opinions on this I would be happy to receive them and pass them to the Parish Council or you can obviously contact them directly at [email protected]. If anyone would like to contact me regarding this, my phone number is 07789 642457 and my e-mail is: [email protected]. With best wishes Neil Ellis, The Elms

[ 19 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

[ 20 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Advice from the Avon & Somerset Police Secure your shed Advice from the Avon & Somerset Police. Issued 5 November 2014.

Your shed or garage is part of your home Alarms are well worth considering. Shed and often stores valuable things like bikes and garage alarms are inexpensive and or tools. But is your shed or garage as are sold by most DIY stores and chains. secure as your house? Could they be an Quality cycles should be secured within easy target for opportunist burglars, sheds and garages using a chain or ‘D’ especially now that the nights are darker lock certified to Sold Secure standard. earlier? Shed and garage breaks are likely Bikes should also be chained to a to occur where access is easily gained to ground/wall anchor. Do not use cable the rear or side of your property, using locks. adjoining alleyways or footpaths. It is important to try and prevent this. High It is important that not only are desirable value bicycles, motorcycles/mopeds, items, like quality bicycles, properly power tools and sports equipment are the secured, but that we are able to identify most likely to be targeted. Here are some them if stolen. tips to help prevent theft from your shed or Check your insurance policy to confirm garage: that you are adequately covered. Do any of the points above impact upon your Layered security is recommended for all policy? property. Start by looking at the perimeter of the property, followed by the buildings The national database, within it, then the things stored inside. allows you to record the frame or serial numbers of any It is pointless having a robust padlock if uniquely numbered items, such as bikes or the hasp and staple it is secured to are laptops, free of charge. The website also easily broken or cut. It is also important to offers crime prevention advice in relation ensure that any security fixtures, including to bicycles. ‘T’ hinges, are robustly fitted using dome- headed coach bolts rather than screws. If Further advice is available from the screws must be used consider using websites and security (clutch head) screws, which, where police- cannot be removed easily approved security products can also be

Neighbourhood Watch General Reminder - we are sure that many of 0 theft from motor vehicles you will have either started shopping for Christ- 0 theft of motor vehicle mas or soon will be. Please remember that your 0 theft of pedal cycles vehicle can be like a shop window and at remainder miscellaneous times an open invitation to the would-be crimi- nal. In brief, don't make their life easy - ensure Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) - 3 reports. that you never leave any items on display when the vehicle is unattended. Always make sure the Beat Surgeries: vehicle is locked, that windows are secure and 3 December, Brent Knoll village hall, alarm/immobiliser activated. 10.30-12noon 4 December, Lympsham Pavilion, Monthly Overview - October 10.30-12.30pm Total calls made to the police from your area - 4 December, Church Office, East Brent, 94. 2.30-4pm Total crimes reported - 5, including: If you have any information about suspicious 0 Assault incidents or activity please telephone the police 0 Assault on Police on the general number 101. Please remember 0 dwelling burglary to ask the call handler to mark, or tag, your call 4 non dwelling burglary NHW' (Neighbourhood Watch) 0 criminal damage (property/vehicles) NHW office 01278-644799

[ 21 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

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[ 22 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2


As indicated, the November meeting was cancelled due to it clashing with the WW1 events. I do hope you were able to get along to one of them. How- ever, we have been able to re-schedule the talk by John Strickland entitled “Day Trip to Burnham by Train”. This will now take place at the meeting on:

Wednesday, 3rd December 2014, 7:00 pm in East Brent Village Hall.

The next meeting will take place on 7th Jan. 2015 when there will be a talk by Andrew Janes entitled “From Farmer’s Field to Flanders Field” which, I am told is an excellent talk.

You don’t have to be a member of the History Group to come and listen to these talks or indeed to come to our general meeting (next is on 4th Feb. 2015).

Everyone is welcome especially if you have any stories, documents or pho- tographs from East Brent Parish.

Colin Loader.

EAST BRENT HARVEST HOME The next meeting of the East Brent Harvest Home Committee will be the Annual General Meeting and is open to everyone who wishes to come along. Tea/Coffee and biscuits will be available. The AGM will be on :

Wednesday, 21 January 2015, 7:00 pm in East Brent Village Hall. We are looking for new recruits to assist this “Somerset Institution” now com- ing up to its 158th anniversary year. This year, the Harvest Home Committee have produced a calendar for 2015 (£5) which is full of photographs from past Harvest Homes which is truly described as a “Somerset Institution”.

Please take this opportunity to purchase one (or more) of the remaining copies. They will make a great Christmas present for friends or relatives near or far. Copies are available from Betty Griffin tel: 01278 760754. They can be posted free to any UK location. Please ask for prices of International destinations.

[ 23 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

PAW PRINTS CATTERY Adam Popham Director

A M P Electrical (SW) Ltd “Home from Home” Domestic/Commercial/Agricultural at The Mallards, Edington Road, Burtle, local Electrical contractor Nr Bridgwater TA7 8NX All aspects of electrical work under- Tel: 01278 722252 taken in a courteous, friendly and professional manner Fully licensed with choice of luxury large heated chalets Cat loving family run with flexible opening hours Mark, Somerset, Quiet country location 4 miles from A39/6 miles from A38 07738221754 Email:[email protected] Collection and delivery service available

[ 24 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

East Brent Parish Council Meeting 10th November 2014

Planning Applications access had now been completed. Cllr Just one this month for South House, Lake Lloyd-Jones reported that the kerb at the House Lane (24/14/00032) this was discussed entrance would be ‘dropped’ when SCC and agreed unanimously. adopted the road. He further said that some maintenance work had been car- Confirmation of Minutes ried out and that the PC should consider The minutes from the meeting of the 8th Sep- who would carry out the tasks on the tember 2014 were approved and accepted Work List circulated. unanimously. 5. Pilrow Wind Farm. Cllr Walker reported that as the time limit for appeals against Matters Arising the decision by the Secretary of State 1. The Pavement/Footpath adjacent to had expired, it was not expected that Building Development opposite The Broadview Energy would be continuing Knoll Inn. A meeting was attended by with their application for a wind farm. Cllrs Rawles & Walker at 6. Village Green. Cllr Lloyd-Jones told the District Council offices together with meeting that the newly installed football Stuart Houlet & Bob Filmer to discuss goals were being enjoyed by many the unfinished state of both the footpath young people. He has tried to contact and the site in general. A plan of action SDC to finalise the jobs/installations still was agreed upon. Progress to be re- to be done and would report further at ported at next PC meeting. the November meeting. 2. Parish Magazine. Cllr Webb told the 7. Risk Assessment. Cllr Lloyd-Jones circu- meeting that there was a meeting be- lated his initial risk assessment report. A tween herself, Colin Loader, Ron Cham- lengthy discussion ensued. He also cir- pion & Cllr Walker to discuss the possi- culated copied of the Asset Register for bility of restarting the Parish Magazine. It comment. The main subject for discus- was decided that Cllr Walker would be sion was the War Memorial and the the editor, with Cllr Webb controlling the costs of adequately insuring it. advertising & finances. Colin Loader would compile the magazine with Ron Financial Matters Champion looking after the technical The list of proposed payments was approved side of email/internet. It was hoped that unanimously. the first edition of the ‘East Brent Parish Magazine’ would be published for No- Correspondence vember. There will 10 editions each year None with December combining with January and July combining with August. Matters of Report 3. Defibrillator Equipment. Cllr Webb re- The following items were reported: Grass ported that the second defibrillator had cutting, war memorial and traffic control at the now been located outside the Doctor’s Remembrance Day Service, Cllrs to visit all Surgery in Brent Road. A familiarisation parts of the Parish to determine works to be session had been arranged for 20th done - possibly appoint an ‘Environment/ October. It was hoped that a further Landscape Officer, dog waste bin services, defibrillator would be installed with funds the date of next meeting changed to 10th No- from Brilliant Harvest - who did say they vember, PSCO hours, possibility of having the would provide one if they received per- Village Fete in the Village Green, conduct of mission to build the Solar Farm in Pill Councillors re planning advice and the annual Road. precept. 4. Playing Field off of Pill Road, Rooks- bridge. The Clerk informed the meeting Next Meeting - 10th November 2014 that the legal side of the deed and site

[ 25 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2


[ 26 ] CPL Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

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EAST BRENT 60 YEARS AGO by Grace Hudson

At the centre of the village, and nestling at the foot of Brent Knoll, stands the lovely Parish Church of St. Mary's as it has done for many hundreds of years. The spire, with the golden weather vane, gives an imposing background to the surrounding roads and houses. The entrance gates were given and erected to the memory of Prebendary A.P. Wickham who, with his wife, were well loved and highly respected in the village. The Vicarage was at the centre of village activity in those days and the Women's Institute was founded and monthly meetings were held there for many years.

The Church stables can still be seen, but part is now used as a Church room. These stables housed the horses during church services, as they had brought their owners to Church in pony-traps from outlying parts of the village. The Wesleyan Church, too, had stables where the traps were left in safety while their owners attended church.

The village was mainly self-supporting with many small farms. These were named often after trees such as Yew Tree Farm, Ash Tree Farm, Chestnut Farm and Poplar Farm. Sadly, these are no longer farms but private dwellings. Knoll Farm still re- mains a farm but Church Farm and Manor Farm are farms no longer.

(Taken from “East Brent Memories of Life in a Somerset Village”)

[ 27 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

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[ 28 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2

Recollections of a Magistrate According to Gilbert & Sullivan “A police- court to tell his tale and we had to deter- man’s lot is not a happy one” but from my mine his punishment. Having taken all the personal experience this is also true for that circumstances into consideration the bench of a Magistrate!! However after nearly decided that he should be fined a small twenty years on the bench I will say that amount. His comments followed as “My there were occasional moments when it mate was with me and he also had an out According to Gilbert and Sullivan “A police- of date licence. He was in this court last man’s lot is not a happy one” but from my week and was fined £150 – I’ll settle for the own personal experience this is also quite £20 quid you’ve charged me. Oh often it was hard to remain straight faced. Yes” (What we did not know of course was So here is the story of a few of those mo- the circumstances in the previous case) ments. The Expert Witness Public house licence. There was a trial regarding cruelty to ani- When giving a lady a new licence the chair- mals and at his trial the defendant em- man was at pains to ensure that she fully ployed an Expert Witness. Early on the understood the duties of a licensee when prosecution asked the witness whether “it he said “The buck stops with you”. would have been obvious that the animals What’s funny with that you might say - noth- were suffering?” His reply was that” it would ing except that the lady’s name was Mrs have been obvious to anyone who knew Bunny! what he was doing”. Our decision was ‘Guilty as charged’ and we assumed that he The Fishing Licence still had to pay up for the support(?) given. Fishing without a licence is a serious of- fence which covers anything from a little lad The Little Friends with a rod or net through to someone at the The defendant was squirming and wriggling other end of the scale with a large net or in the dock so the court chairman asked if even a boat or larger craft. he was in distress. The defendant promptly In this instance a chap, who was out of explained that he had body lice. At the end work, followed his wife’s advice that since of the case the chairman asked him to try to they had had no holiday for a couple of ensure that he took all his little friends with years and he needed a break he should get him! a one week licence to give him a bit of After he had left the court his solicitor ex- pleasure. This he did, so when the bailiff plained that he had some concern at an asked him if he had a licence he happily earlier interview with his client when he had said “Yes”. However he was not able to said “I don’t think I’m supposed to be left produce it so he had to get it from home alone with you in a small room”. However and take it to the Bailiff’s office. Unfortu- the lice came as something of a relief! nately when he did that it was seen to be Anon. out of date by one day. He now appeared in Parish Clerk Due to retirement, an opening has occurred for the position of Parish Clerk to East Brent Parish Council. All inquiries to: Mrs V Rawles, Edingworth Cottage, Edingworth road, Edingworth, Weston super Mare. BS24 0JB Tel: 01934 751108, Email : [email protected]

[ 29 ] Dec.2014/Jan.2015 - Issue 2


Brownies 01278 760655 Day Centre – June Jessop 01278 792208 Doctor. Brent Area Medical Centre – East Brent 01278 760313 Pre-School, East Brent – Emma Allen 7849062469 East Brent C of E First School 01278 760490 Hugh Sexey Middle School – Normal Enquiries 01934 712211 - Absence line for pupil 01934 714290 Kings of Wessex Academy – Normal enquiries 01934 742608 Email: [email protected] - Absence line for pupils 01934 745304 Email: [email protected] Village Hall – East Brent (Info & bookings- Betty Griffin) 01278 760754 Parish Council Chairman – Val Rawles 01934 751108 Parish Council Clerk – Martin Shobbrook 01278 421210 Parish Council Website – Sedgemoor District Councillor – Andrew Gilling 01934 750580 Sedgemoor District Councillor – Bob Filmer 01278 760760 Somerset County Councillor – John Denbee 01934 712304 Email: [email protected] – Tessa Munt 01934 710748 Email: [email protected] Police. Brent Beat Manager – PC1916 Pete Wills Emergency – PCSO - Pauline Dixon 999 – PCSO – Tracy Grobbeler Non -Emergency -101 Rooksbridge Post Office – Sandy & Danny Lawrence 01934 750221 Editor - East Brent Parish Magazine 01278 760896 [email protected] Advertising Editor – East Brent Parish Magazine 01278 760219 [email protected]

POSTAL SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVERTISING FOR SALE The East Brent Parish Magazine is delivered free to all properties within the Parish which includes East Brent, Rooksbridge and Edingworth. Outside the Parish, it can be deliv- ered by post by taking out a Postal Subscription at a cost of £12 per annum. This cost includes delivery to U.K. and Northern Ireland addresses only. Please contact the Editor for subscription costs in other parts of the world. E-mailed copies can be sent free of charge (.pdf). Advertising rates and details are shown elsewhere in this Magazine. Past advertisers will be contacted for future editions and if you wish to advertise, please contact the Advertising Editor.

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