
استمارة تقييم الرسائل البحثية ملقرر دراس ي اوال : بيانات تمأل بمعرفة الطالب اسم الطالب : سارة أحمد قطب عبدهللا كلية : التربية الفرقة/املستوى : الثانية الشعبة : اإلنجليزية اسم املقرر : )نقد ( كود املقرر: ..E223 استاذ املقرر : د\ جمال التالوي

البريد اإللكتروني للطالب : [email protected] عنوان الرسالة البحثية : Poetic Justice In Drama

ثانيا: بيانات تمأل بمعرفة لجنة املمتحنين هل الرسالة البحثية املقدمة متشابه جزئيا او كليا ☐ نعم ☐ ال في حالة االجابة بنعم ال يتم تقييم املشروع البحثي ويعتبر غير مجاز تقييم املشروع البحثي م عناصر التقييم الوزن التقييم النسبي 1 الشكل العام للرسالة البحثية 2 تحقق املتطلبات العلمية املطلوبة 3 يذكر املراجع واملصادر العلمية 4 الصياغة اللغوية واسلوب الكتابة جيد

نتيجة التقييم النهائي /100 ☐ ناجح ☐ راسب

توقيع لجنة التقييم 1. .2 .3 .4 .5

ترفق هذه االستمارة كغالف للمشروع البحثي بعد استكمال البيانان بمعرفة الطالب وعلى ان ال تزيد عن صفحة واحدة

Poetic Justice In Drama

Introduction: The English literary critic and historian Thomas Rymer coined the phrase poetic Justice in his essay the tragedies Of the last age considered , 1678 . Rymer had strong views on how Tragedy should be written and performed and wrote expensively On the subject . Poetic Justice or, as Rymer expressed it , poetical Justice, demanded that those of good were rewarded And that the evil were punished . He was also of the view that plots Should not be implausible and that dramatic works should have ... Poetic Justice definition in literature , poetic justice is an Ideal form of justice , therefore , writers employ poetic Justice to Conform to moral principles. For instance , if a character in a is malicious and without Compassion in the novel ,he is seen to have gone beyond Improvement . Then, the principles of morality demand his Character to experience a twist in his fate and be punished . Similarly, the character who have suffered at his hand must Be rewarded at the same time Example of poetic Justice in Literature. Leer us analyzed a few examples of poetic Justice in Literature is to adhere by the universal code of morality , in that Virtue triumphs vice . The idea of justice in literary texts manifests The moral principles that virtue deserves a reward , and vices earn Punishment. In addition to , readers often identify with the good Characters . They feel emotionally attached to them, and feel for Them when they suffer at the hands of wicked character . Naturally, Readers want the good characters to triumph and be rewarded , but They equally wish the bad characters to be penalized for Their Evilness.

First element : "The English writer of tragedy " As Addison says are possessed with a notion , that when they Represented a virtuous or innocent person in distress , they should Not to leave him they have till they have delivered him without any Troubles , and save him from enemies . This fault they have been Led by a ridiculous doctrine in modern criticism and that they Obliged to an equal distribution of punishment and rewards , And impartial execution of poetical justice . And we find that good And evil and happen for all men on this side of sad and Grave , so as the principles design of tragedy is to rise commiseration and terror in minds of , and we will defeat the great End we have Aristotle and Plato speak about and Tragedy for example Aristotle in order to appreciate Aristotle's Criticism of and the fine arts it is

essentially to have some Knowledge of literary criticism in antiquity prior to him, of the curr- Ent critical theories methods , and of the general , it is also essent- Ial to have an idea of views of Aristotle on ethics and morality in General . And Plato was the most important literary critic before Aristotle , he marks the culmination of a critical phrase in history Criticism , he also inaugurates a new academy to which pupils From distant , parts of country , and his ideal was to turn out young Men of well-formed personalities fit to be leaders and rules of an Ideal state . Hence to attack on poetry

SECOND ELEMENT : ADDISON'S REVOLT we always make virtue And innocent happy and successful , and there are three observation Are to be made in regard to the foregoing quotation . In the first Place , it is clear and evident that Addison had in mind Aristotle's Definition of tragedy , then , is an imitation of an action that is Serious , complete , and of an a certain magnitude , in language Embellished with each kind of artistic ornament , the several kinds Begins found in separate parts of , in the form of action , not Of , through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation Of these emotions .Now as tragic imitation implies person acting , It necessarily follows , in the first place that spectacular equipment Will be a part of tragedy . Next, songs and , for these are The medium of imitation . By diction i mean the mere metrical Arrangements of words .and ADDISON'S words mean and refer Distinctly to the last of syllables of this definition, and give us Reasons therefore to conclude that the study of the development Of the idea of poetic Justice must be taken into consideration the Views of commenters on the part of Aristotle's definition refer to Fear and pity . Addison reply to this thought that these emotions Could not be aroused if the dramatist always rewarded the virtue And with like regularity punished vice . And there were others Maintained that this same emotional and the rule for rewards and Punishment in regard to all the characters of the play . but most Important of all is the structure of the incident . For tragedy is an Imitation ,not of men , but an action of life , and life consists in Action and it's end is a of action ,not a quality.

THIRD ELEMENT: FEAR AND PITYIN POETIC JUSTICE fear and pity Is considered as function of drama and may be aroused by specta- Cular means; but they may also

result from the inner structure of The piece , which is the better way , and indicates a superior poet. For the ought to be so constructed that, even without the aid of The eye , who he hears the tale told with thrill with horror and melt To pity at what takes place . This is the impression we should Receive from hearing the story of the Oedipus , actions capable this Effect must happen between persons who are either friends or Enemy or indifferent to one another . If an enemy kills an enemy is Nothing excite pity either in the or the intention , except so far As she suffering in itself is pitiful . So again with indifferent Persons . But when tragic incident occurs between those who near Or dear to one anther-if, for example , a brother kills or intends to kill , a brother , a son his father , a mother deed of kind is done _ these era they are the situations to be looked for by the poet and The second observation to be made concerning the quotation front Addison is to the effect, that he evidently holds that Aristotle Neither in statute nor recommended the doctrine of poetic Justice The sweeping charge that this doctrine has no foundation in the Tragedies of the Greeks , is followed by an argument based on Aristotle's idea of tragedy and Addison understood the poetics Well enough to realize that Aristotle regarded the spectacle of un- Rewarded virtue as suitable means of arousing the emotions of pity And the speak of the origin of poetic justice as one of the problems Of literary criticism . And Dennis , who wrote a reply to Addison , did Not regard the problems as difficult one . But who were the first Who established this rule he is not able to tell . And the action may Be done consciously and with knowledge of the persons , in the Manner the older poets . It is thus too that Euripides makes Medea Slay her children. Or, again , the deed of horror may be done, but Done in ignorance , and the tie of kinship or friend ship be Discovered after wards .and i take it from granted , that a man who Is ingenious ,and who tells us expressly in thirteenth chapter of his Critical spectator, which pedants call his poetic , that since a Tragedy .

FOURTH ELEMENT: poetic Justice in drama.....an essay on the genius and witlings of Shakespeare with some letter of criticism to the spectator , issue, especially since it doesn't appear That Addison made any formal objection to the proposition that Aristotle was the originator of the doctrine of poetic Justice..... That Addison was somewhat impressed by the weight of the Arguments advanced by the various critics in favor of theory. It was One of his most irritating characteristics . He amused himself, Indeed, in an essay , printed about a week later than his previous One , by citing a couple of lines which he called humorous, from Translation of boil au made

by Dennis . Towards the close of the year, when the spectator was nearing its end , Addison Returned to the subject . He defended his former position , though Without mentioning his critic .the reference suggested the impress- Sion that he considered the critic a dunce ;but it could be Constructed into, Dennis was puzzled by its end though he could Not from indulging in further comment, and it is clear he did not How to take what he side. The he reply of Dennis , in which Aristotle Was mentioned as the author of poetic Justice, was practically Ignored by Addison . He recognized his opponent only indirectly . And does not the same deluded philosopher tell us in the very Same chapter that the to which he gives the second Preference , is that what has a double Constitution , and which end By double , thus Aristotle was the first who establish This ridiculous doctrine of modern criticism.

FIVE ELEMENT: ARISTOTLE'S INFLUENCE IN LITERARY CRITICISM: Aristotle's definition of tragedy does not involve an ethical considerations such as that which is implied in the idea of poetic Justice . The character of the ideal , he says , Commenting on the chapter of poetics is deduced not from any Ethical ideal of conduct, but from the need of calling forth the blend- Ed emotions of pity and fear , wherein the proper tragic pleasure Resides. The catastrophe by which virtue is defeated and villainy In the end comes out triumphant condemned by the same criterion ; And a similar principles the the poetic Justice , misnamed poetical , Which rewards the good man and punishes . It can hardly be Denied that Aristotle recognized a form of dramatic art which Exhibited the reward of virtue and the punishment of vice ; but that He was the author of the doctrine or that he recommended in any Form is not admitted by the majority of present day critics . Many Go so far to contend that Aristotle ascribes to poetry no ethical Function whatsoever . Professor butcher, of university of Edinburgh One of those who hold ....volumes have been written on these few Words he says referring to the last clause of Aristotle's definition Of tragedy the chief crux being , of course, the word . Aristotle's influence and we have their origin in this eighteenth century controversy about doctrine of rewards and punishments in poetry one of these questions concerns the beginning of the doctrine in the critical stature of Greece the other concerns introduction of the doctrine into England , the first question of these questions is to receive our immediate . Aristotle the poetics a poem should be judged on how it is written

rather than what it is written about while there are several different types of poems , all forms imitation . When human imitating human subject in art there is an association of the individuals integrity ranging from goodness to according to Aristotle and he says a poetry emerged from two human instincts , and which through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions because tragedy is an imitation of action , reversal and recognition scenes are part of the plot , Aristotle assigns this the first principles 9f tragedy , after the plot 8n order 9f importance , according to Aristotle , there is no possibility that a hero would have one destiny , especially since there are various incidents which make the hero life and journey complete . Aristotle believes that poetry written by Heraclea , and homer are full of errors because the structural union of the poem is omitted and focused on a unified moral decision . Aristotle introduces the quantitative parts of tragedy which dictate the traditional form to which tragic plays must conform prologue Episode ,Exude ,choric, song first comes the prologue , which Aristotle explains : precedes the parade of the chorus , the parade begin the first undivided utterance of the chorus the episode is next , and is defined as that entire part of a tragedy which is between choric songs . The exude is the entire part of a tragedy which has no choric song after it . Aristotle articulates a series of rules he believes the poet should observe as he develops character in a poem . First Aristotle divides tragedy into parts , the complications , where the story begins to take shape .in terms of structure, an poem should focus on a single action and be comprised of a begging , middle, and end . Developing the idea of plot and time unity , Aristotle distinguishes narrative poems from historical composition by their treatment of time .

Conclusion: poetic Justice in drama , Aristotle's theory of poetry and fine art the word catharsis is the Greek equivalent of the English word purgation in clause , through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions some translators must use the word purification in the place of purgation, buy they are in minority .the interpretation which this essay supports calls for the use of the latter word . English tragedy was not inferior to that upon which the laws were founded by Aristotle and he judged that a true interpretation of those laws would serve not only to justify the practice of artist like Shakespeare but also to correct the mistake Which later dramatist had made. He did not propose that the dramatist should be free from all moral restraint but he did object to the limitation imposed on tragedy by such a law as that poetic Justice . ADDISON'S so far as can be ascertained was the first formal expression of revolt in England against this doctrine . Poetic Justice in drama

Another writer of our own times , professor Sainsbury of the university of California has expressed his opinion in regard to this much debated questions . You almost as well define fire in terms strictly appropriate to physics and then add , effecting the cooking of in a manner suitable to such object .and a difference of opinion such as is here indicated , complicates in a special manner the difficult problem of interpreting the famous pity and fear . Fear and pity clause im Aristotle's definition of tragedy is no passage in poetics has created more discussion than this and none has been more variously interpreted . When we come to discussion of Aristotle's view on the ethical function of poetry , we shall explain Aristotle's reference to the emotions of pity and fear . And the second observation to be made concerning the quotation front Addison is to the effect that he evidently holds that Aristotle neither instituted nor recommended the doctrine of poetic justice. The sweeping charge that this doctrine has no foundation in the tragedies of the Greeks, is followed by an argument based on Aristotle's idea of tragedy for he says that we adhere to this role poetic Justice, we shall defeat the great end . ADDISON'S revolt enough to own his ignorance , is willing to be instructed . Let me tell him then , that the first who established this ridiculous doctrine of modern criticism, was a certain modern critic and we have already shown that the existing these passion is the proper effect of a tragically imitation it follows necessarily that we not choose a very good man to plunge him from a prosperous condition into adversity , for instead of moving compassion and terror. And the propose of poetic justice is an ideal form of justice , in which the good character are rewarded and the bad character are punished , by an ironic twist of fate . It is a strong literary view that all forms of literature must convey moral lesson . Therefore , writers employ poetic Justice to conform to moral principles.