
Beyonce: All Hail the Queen!

By Rachael Finney and see what all the hype is about, with the Queen BEY! Her pure soul this album is beautiful from begin- and humility shines through every Beyonce Knowles managed ning to end. song, video and performance she to delight us all with her 14- track, 17- If I had to change anything has done to support this album. , 2013 self-titled album about it I wish that it would never Her music speaks a lot that dropped Dec. 13, 2013. It’s Fri- end. about her personality as well. Be- day the thirteenth and guess who’s Beyonce makes music that yonce makes great songs and man- playing Freddy? Not Mrs. ages to expand her Carter! She surprised the base at the release of world with her beautiful every new project and work of art. “This album makes you want to album she drops. I Beyonce has have seen big cocky been known for over 15 football players break years for breaking change the world, get up and down and sing the high boundaries in the music pitch vocals of “Drunk industry, but this time dance, get drunk, have sex and In Love,” and every girl she was going out to in the world wants to be capture hearts and wake up and do it all over “Flawless” now. minds with her angelic I had the voice. pleasure of seeing her Columbia Re- again!” twice this summer. cords says 823,773 cop- Once at her Baltimore stop of the is understandable and relatable to ies of “ Beyonce” were sold world- “ On the Run” tour, and as a sur- people of all walks of life. This CD wide in just three days. And in the prise appearance at “ The Global isn’t just words put to a melody, United States, Beyonce Knowles- Citizen’s Festival” in City. meant to be sung in front of an audi- Carter broke the United States She walks onto stage and you are ence. It is a production, a 5 PLUS iTunes sales record by selling able to experience world peace for star masterpiece. 617,000 downloads from the time of those few moments. She collaborates with - the unannounced midnight album You can tell through her ryone from , , release on Friday December 13 until music she wants to be free of socie- , and her immediate the close of business on Dec. 15. tal norms. She has the power and a family Jay-Z and . The launch of this album voice to change lives. This album makes you want was the second-largest digital sales Beyonce embraces the idea to change the world, start a family, week EVER! Second behind Lady of being a feminist and for all to get up and dance, fall in love, get Gaga, but who cares! stand up for what they believe, and drunk, have sex, make a baby, As if all these stats aren’t that is a little encouragement we all wake up, and do it all over again! enough to make you want to run could use. There are no boundaries