Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM Dear parents What a term it has been! This term we have tried to provide as normal as possible community for our students. Events that may have been taken for granted in the past, have been successfully retained such as district sporting days, Harmony Week celebrations, National Science Week, National competitions, R U OK Day, Senior Visual Arts Curation, and at this stage, the Year 12 formal will be held on 17 September. Term 3 signifies the start of the transition for our Year 12 students who are almost at the end of their IB Diploma journey. This term, Photo left to right: Jane Manwaring, Kath Kayrooz, Kerry Bullock, Tanya Haggarty (Russell Hams absent) students submitted the last of their internal assessments, completed their Extended Essays, finalised their CAS reflections and sat their Mock Exams. As this term closes, we know that our job as educators is almost complete and it is with a mix of pride and caution that we let go of our Year 12 students, as they move into SWOTVAC to prepare for their final exams. Term 3 also marked the commencement of the leadership process for all of our students. With the growth of our school, we have refined our leadership offerings as well as the number of school houses. Due to the significant importance QASMT places on student welfare and wellbeing, from Term 4, we will have two new houses bringing the number of houses to eight. This will mean we will have eight House Deans each looking after a smaller number of students to ensure every student grows, develops and thrives at QASMT. The leadership offerings for students now includes four Academy Captains (two Year 12s and two Year 9s) as well as 16 House Captains. Each house will have a Captain from Year 12 and Year 9 as well as Ambassadors. We will also have 10 leadership teams comprising of a Captain and Ambassadors from across all year levels. This is our largest offering of leadership positions and enables students to start their leadership journey from Term 4 in Year 7, and develop their leadership skills in readiness for Senior Leadership positions. The new Academy Captains will be announced at the awards evening in Term 4, with other leadership roles announced soon after. In Term 3 of the DP Preparation Programme, our Year 10 students selected subjects that they will take at higher and standard level in the Diploma Programme in Years 11 and 12. For those who are new to the Diploma, students select six subjects - three at higher level and three at standard level. Our focus this term was to ensure that each student has made his or her best choice. It has been encouraging to see our MYP students embrace the IB Learner profile this term. The Year 8 students have challenged themselves, successfully collaboratively working together and

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020 practising their dance moves across the school for the dance component within Physical and Health Education. When commencing in Year 7, they start learning how to be inquirers, thinkers and good communicators. It is rewarding to see the impact of the middle years pedagogy as the projects grow in complexity and the students develop their thinking and problem-solving skills. Moreover, we can see the positive impact these skills will have once the students commence the Diploma Programme. Term 3 is always our busiest term with several special events designed to connect, inspire and challenge our students through a range of rich learning experiences. This year’s celebration of Harmony Week started with our exciting flag bearing ceremony, and was followed up with activities throughout the week, such as musical performances, cultural games and activities. The Refectory also participated by providing cuisine with an international theme each day. National Science Week, was an excellent showcase of Science and STEM-related activities supported by all year levels. We were delighted that so many Year 7 students were involved and we were inspired by their enthusiasm and leadership skills. This year also saw us celebrate some of the many eco-sfriendly components that QASMT practises. This was quickly followed by our R U OK Day and our new Adopt-a-Cop Assembly. QASMT’s graduating Year 12 Visual Arts students hosted a phenomenal exhibition demonstrating the creative talents of our student community. As part of our goal to be a single use plastic school by 2021, as a community we are working to address plastic waste by challenging society’s perception that this indestructible substance can be treated as ‘disposable’. The Academy began promoting this during National Science Week, where we had Plastic Oceans displays, videos and pop ups, and we also started a single use plastics audit.

After such an eventful term, we wish all our students and families a safe and restful break. Stay well and we look forward to celebrating the commencement of Term 4 on Tuesday 6 October. Kath Kayrooz, Principal, Kerry Bullock, Deputy Principal, Tanya Haggarty, Deputy Principal, Jane Manwaring, Dean of School Culture, Russell Hams, Dean of School Operations

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

2.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SENIOR YEARS We are used to hearing teachers say that Term 3 is the busiest term of the year. This was indeed the case for the term just past.

Reflective With our Year 10 students, after three terms of learning in QASMT and preparing for the Diploma Programme, they finally have been able to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the various assessment tasks in more breadth and depth. Some will feel very rewarded by the consistent effort they have been putting in; some will feel surprised by how well they have done, as they might not have been at all confident about their assessments; and some will be disappointed by the less than satisfactory results achieved. Regardless of which category the students ended up in, the most important thing is that they are able to reflect upon this experience and formulate a plan for future improvement. Year 10 students would have completed their subject selection and I would like to congratulate them for the choices they have made, and I am looking forward to working with them to reach their potential in the Diploma Programme. Inquirer Starting from the second half of the year, our Year 11’s will have started to experience a significant increase in demand in terms of syllabus content and also assessment. This term, the Year 11 students have had a very real experience of attempting some IB assessments, including a Theory of Knowledge presentation and English A Individual Oral practice test. While many have done well and have their confidence boosted by this experience, some would have underestimated the demands of these assessments. I would encourage parents to discuss with your students how they can learn from their successes or setbacks to better prepare for the many similar assessments in the next nine to 12 months. Another mini-milestone our Year 11 students achieved this term, was the completion of the Extended Essay proposal. Over the next nine to 12 months, students will be working through the various stages of writing a major research essay. This is a challenging task that can be made easier with your encouragement and support.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Balanced To say that this term is the busiest term for the Year 12’s in their Diploma journey would be an understatement. Not only have they been finalising their assessments submission, they were also intensely preparing for their Mock Exams and working through their university and course choices. Amidst all of these, they also had to spend time and energy on the ‘minor’ task of getting ready for their formal celebration. I am proud to say that the students have risen to the challenge with the support of our teachers and the student wellbeing structure we have in place. Our House Deans play a pivotal role in providing pastoral and wellbeing support to all our students, paying special attention to our Year 12’s at this important juncture, making sure our students are balancing the different aspects of their lives. I would encourage you to continue to work closely with our House Deans in the coming months to consolidate this support. Caring As you would know, one of the strategies to support our Year 12 students prepare for their November exams is SWOTVAC, which allows students to revise at home. We recognise that some students may require extra assistance. Hence, SWOTVAC tutorials will be running in Term 4 to support Year 12 students. They will be held online so students will be able to access this help easily from home. The tutorials are being led by alumni from our Learning Success tutoring program and will be organised as drop-in sessions. Year 12’s will be able to get help with any questions or concerns they may have. A timetable will be sent to all Year 12 students shortly.

It has been a challenging but fruitful term. Our students and staff are appreciating the relative normality we have enjoyed in Term 3. I am hopeful that this normality will continue and I am looking forward to working with you in Term 4 to provide the best education possible for your son or daughter. Meng-Yin Leong, Director of Senior Years

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

3.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DIRECTOR OF MIDDLE YEARS QASMT Young Einstein Club 2020 In support of the growth and development of primary school students who have been identified as highly-gifted or exceptional learners, our school runs an afterschool program, fondly known as the Young Einstein (YE) Club. The Club is in its third year of operation and seeks to support the specific and diverse needs of these exceptional children by providing an opportunity for the students to interact and work with like-minded students who have similar interests and mindsets. At the heart of the program is the mentoring program; each Young Einstein member is buddied with a QASMT Senior Years student to guide and grow their skills and knowledge. The QASMT Senior mentors report that they value this opportunity to give back to bright young learners in ways that have been previously afforded to them. As well, many of our school support staff share their expertise and pedagogical practices to shape the program in its design and delivery. Our QASMT mentors provide individualised attention designed to challenge and inspire our Young Einstein Club members to think for themselves as they grasp complex concepts and solve high-level problems. The YE Club provides an opportunity for these gifted students to ‘go deep’ as they investigate and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge, driven by the student’s own passions and areas of excellence. Club members learn as much about themselves as learners as anything, with many of them experiencing failure for the first time. In 2020, the Club’s focus is on students designing creative solutions to real-world problems using a design-thinking approach that promotes divergent thinking, ideation, pro-typing and evaluation - leading to human-centred creative solutions, using LittleBits and recycled materials. Students will be given the opportunity to showcase their work as part of a student-led exhibition for other students, teachers, parents and invited guests on conclusion of the program. The exhibition is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 8 October, commencing at 4.00pm in our STEM Precinct. Many of our YE Club members will be submitting their final projects into the CSIRO, 2020 CREST Awards – Technology and Engineering Project category.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

And the winners are… QASMT Deep Blue, Short Film Competition Congratulations to Diya George in Year 7 for taking out first place in our short film competition with her entry entitled, ‘Born to Chase Fish.’ The runner-up was Aaron Wei with his entry ‘The Glorious Great Barrier Reef!’ Both students took home JB Hi-fi vouchers and proved themselves to be extremely creative and innovative in capturing the theme, ‘Deep Blue’. Lunch-with-a-Scientist During National Science Week, 50 of our students had lunch with eight esteemed mathematicians and scientists. Students speed-dated their way around the room, listening to each scientist tell their personal story, outlining their work and career path, whilst answering probing questions from the students! Students appreciated the opportunity to learn about a diverse range of occupations; some they never knew existed! Turns out our visiting forensic scientist was a crowd favourite! Lunch on the STEM Terrace followed, allowing the students to ‘grill’ our scientists even further! Café Scientifique Thank you to the 685 online viewers who have viewed our streaming of this event! It was a true showcase of the outstanding research work undertaken by our students. Their ability to communicate their understanding of complex scientific concepts was commendable, as was their displayed passion for Science! Following each student’s presentation, one of our university researchers reflectively interviewed them on their work and provided feedback on their outstanding achievements. Thank you to Professor Mary Glasson, UQ, Dr Jennifer Bannan, DOE, and Assoc. Professor Chamindie Punyadeer, QUT, for your valued input on the evening! Keynote speaker, Mr Peter Gash was equally inspiring and informative as he spoke of his transformative approach to restoring Lady Elliot Island back into a vibrant ecosystem. Art in Action! It was a delight today to stumble upon Year 7 artists working on their charcoal drawings of Improbable Creatures. The students were totally immersed in the activity-at-hand, intensely focusing on bringing their design interpretations to life. Well done students! I can’t wait to view the completed works! Sandra Davey, Director of Middle Years

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020


This term, students had the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom. I would like to share a number of these learning experiences with you and to celebrate student effort and engagement in all things Language and Literature. At the beginning of term, Year 10 students watched a live performance of Romeo and Juliet Reimagined from Grin and Tonic Theatre Company in the Lecture Theatre. Students enjoyed the modern interpretation that employed puppets, projection and prose – see what I did there? The theatre performance introduced students to different concepts of love and society’s influence, which culminated in an extended written response at the end of term. The bard is alive and well!

Our Year 7 students went back in time to experience life at the end of the 1800’s at the Caboolture Historical Museum. Students dressed as a character who knew Ned Kelly in preparation for their speech to defend or defame the outlaw at the end of term. Students particularly enjoyed the initial morning parade and introduction to gem stones.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

In the last few weeks of term, Year 8 students worked in groups to shoot a scene from their observational documentary proposal. A selection of student work was also screened to the student cohort with some of our executive leaders present. It is amazing to see how well students have used language to pitch their proposals and worked collaboratively in groups to turn their ideas into reality. And now, it’s time to turn to ‘all things reading’. I do bang on about this, but reading regularly and reading widely really is one of the best ways to improve student achievement and progress in English, and in other subject areas. We are currently making preparations for Book Week activities which will occur in Week 3 of Term 4. The Children’s Book Council’s theme for this year is ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds’. Our faculty will be hosting a range of activities in the courtyard, a character parade and an author visit during the week. To support reading we have also invested heavily in new additions to our e-library. Some new additions include: Kathy Freeman’s autobiography Born to Run, Claire Zorn’s post-apocalyptic Sky So Heavy, laugh out loud with The World of David Walliams, Hilary Mantel’s epic historic fiction The Mirror and the Light and Lauren Child’s steam-punk-girl-power Ruby Redfort: Catch Your Breath, to name a few. During this term, Year 11 students submitted their Individual Oral proposals for approval. Year 11 students should use the holiday break to prepare their Individual Oral which accounts for 20% (HL) or 30% (SL) of their total result in IB Language and Literature. Students will deliver their Individual Orals in Week 6 of Term 4. This task is student led so it is important that students dedicate sufficient time to preparation and utilise the wealth of resources on Depot. On a final note, our Year 12 students have also completed their mock paper 1 and 2 tasks, in preparation for November exams. When Year 12 students return in Week 1 of Term 4, teachers will be providing final feedback to support student growth and progress during SWOTVAC. It was also pleasing to see that a large number of students resubmitted their Works In Translation (WIT) essay, seeking to improve their result in Year 12 Literature. We wish all of our Year 12’s well, as they work through exam preparations. The efforts of our Year 12 students and their teachers have been truly inspiring this term.

Zachary Lurje, Head of Department Language and Literature

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

5.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Term 3 is coming-to-a-close and we have much to celebrate. We say farewell to our Year 12’s and hope that they make the most out of their SWOTVAC time. We invite them to attend online tutorials to ask questions and receive individual feedback from teachers. We are very pleased that our students are taking advantage of the language opportunities that are offered to them in order to develop their international mindedness and global citizenship. Due to COVID, most language opportunities have moved online. The MLTAQ Languages Competition was held through Education Perfect and was great fun for students - 198 students entered the competition online.

In the northern hemisphere, schools are back in session for the new school year. Different countries have different rituals and traditions to start the school year. With COVID changing the way schools approach education in the classroom, these rituals and traditions bring together the cultures in a time of need. Below, I have outlined some different countries and their rituals.

Germany Starting elementary school is a big deal in Germany. It's a rite of passage - almost like graduation or a wedding. Parents invest lots to shower their first-grader with gifts. The most important gift is the so-called "Schultüte," literally school or cone (pictured). Christiane Cantauw, a German folklore expert explains: “The first references to the cone date back to the late 18th century. There were no pre-made cones. Instead, people used the paper cones that were used in shops to wrap up sweets. The cone itself is not a tradition, it's an element used in a tradition and it's also simply packaging. It's sometimes also presented to young adults starting vocational school as well. That shows that it's seen as a symbol for a new beginning. Back then, usually the same things that are put in the cones today. Then it was called ‘Zuckerzeug’ - literally ‘sugar stuff’, or basically candy. Today, you'll find sweets, things to play with and school supplies.”

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

France In France this is called “la rentrée”. “La rentrée” used to mean the start of the school year, as well as the return to work after the summer holidays during the first week of September. In France, many people - especially those with children, take the summer holidays off. Additionally, important places such as boulangeries, cafes and restaurants usually take their own long summer holidays. After two months of things quietening down, there is often a general excitement about “la rentrée”. This year there is a sense of nervousness to “la rentrée”, as schools and workplaces put in place extra measures, which they hope will contain the spread of Covid-19 infections once everyone is back at work or back in the classroom. The first day of school in Japan is a little different. In Japan the school year is usually April through March. There is a 1.5 month break from the end of July to August, but the year officially ends in March. Schools have their entrance ceremonies for the new students in early April across Japan when the school year starts. In Japan, children carry all of their school supplies in a “randoseru” to school. This hard-sided is filled with books, origami paper and a special pencil case called a “fudebako”. For students who bring their own lunch to school, the tradition on the first day, thought to bring good luck, is to bring a lunch of rice with seaweed sauce and quail eggs. Also, since outdoor shoes are not permitted inside the school, students will bring their own pair of slippers. Mexico Every Mexican school, no matter what type of school it is, has regular flag ceremonies. The flag ceremony on the first day of school is the most important. Most schools have a central courtyard where the flag ceremony takes place and everyone lines the courtyard and salutes the Mexican flag while the students that have been chosen to be in the honour guard, march with the flag around the middle of the space. Everyone sings the national anthem. It’s all about instilling a sense of national pride and showing respect towards patriotic symbols and traditions.

Have a happy and safe holiday. Stephanie Berlage, Head of Language Acquisition

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

6.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND THE ARTS It's been a very productive term where our students, and teachers, have really benefited from being back together for collaborative learning experiences. Here is a snapshot of this term's learning.

Visual Art Congratulations to Year 12 Visual Art students on a successful final exhibition. In Week 6, the school hosted an opening of this exhibition to showcase the work of these talented artists to students, staff and parents. Thank you to all who attended, I’m sure you’ll agree that the work of these students was outstanding.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

This term, Year 10 students have investigated the intersection of Art and Psychology in the unit “The Psyche”. Students have investigated this topic and applied their understanding of this theme to a folio of artworks which included a claymation, a self-portrait investigating colour and tone, and a series of surrealist drawing techniques. Students also explored this theme through related artists and movements to develop their first comparative study. We look forward to seeing the creative work of this group in the future. Our new semester of Year 8 students have ventured into the creative narratives of portraiture. They have been working with a series of experimental drawings and printmaking works, that explore self-portraiture through innovative symbols and media, and use inspiration from research and analysis of key artists. We have recently celebrated our first Year 8 exhibition on the virtual video pole in the Research Centre. It was exciting to share the semester one artworks with the whole school community. Year 7 students have taken on the role of Visual Effects designers to invent improbable beasts that can flourish in our changing world. These have been realised in charcoal drawings, annotated scientific drawings and pastel drawing. Students will be presenting all of their artworks as digital design treatments ready for pitching and production. MYP Music (Year 7 and 8) Classroom Music students have enjoyed performing in the Lecture Theatre as they arranged pieces for specific instrumentation in groups. This also enabled students to develop their theoretical skills to ensure texture and balance suited the piece and all ability levels. Drama In Year 8 Drama, Mrs Curran, Mr Thompson and M. Wisowaty have guided the students through an inquiry into ways to approach turning a story into a performance. Students have investigated theatre styles from around the world and ways of using a stage to present Drama. Students have been challenged to articulate their ideas in a pitch for production. In Term 3, Ms Lane and Ms Wisowaty have had the pleasure of teaching a new group of Year 7 Drama students a unit on Improvisation. Working as a whole class group, as well as in pairs and small groups, students have participated in improvisation games and learnt how to apply quick thinking skills in order to create interesting and dynamic scenes in a short amount of preparation time. Design Students in Year 7 have been working on developing mobile application prototypes. They have been very engaged and seem to have enjoyed the process. Their inquiry is around how functionality is important for stakeholders. Their initial design was without a client. They are now interviewing their clients and learning how having a stakeholder will change the design process. This term, Year 8 students have been learning about website design. Students have learned some algorithmic thinking skills and their application to HTML and CSS in order to develop a personal website project. This has led to many students demonstrating their creative skills to express their ideas.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) In Year 10, our students have been developing animation storyboards and scripts. They have been learning about the different media formats for sound, images and movies, including how files are compressed. As we move into the next term, students are going to produce their animation ideas. We look forward to displaying their finished animations in the Resource Centre. In Year 11, our students have had a productive term as they complete their products for their Internal Assessment where students work with a client to create an authentic solution to address a real-life problem or need. Solutions include a video of the Arts Exhibition, a promotional video for Agnesi, an animation for the IB Learner profile and a host of relational databases. Computer Science In Year 10 Computer Science this term, students have been developing collaborative programming skills in the OOP language Java. Throughout this term, students have been working in groups to develop skills in modular programming, the result of which has been text-based adventure games.

Enrichment Opportunities

Senior Improv. Club Beginning in Term 1, Ms Lane and a group of very enthusiastic Senior students created the Senior Improv. Club as a Theatre CCA initiative. Improv. Club fast became one of the highlights of an otherwise challenging year because it was a safe place for students to be creative, take risks, laugh, get to know other students and build their confidence. When we bid farewell to our wonderful Year 12’s last week, we all expressed our hope that the Year 10’s and 11’s would pass the torch and keep the Club going in 2021. Robotics What a pleasure it has been to be back in L Block on Friday afternoons with all our robotic teams. Students in Junior Robotics have been forming their teams for the upcoming internal competitions for First Lego League and RoboCup. We took delivery of six new EV3 core sets and expansion sets that are now in rotation with the students. In exciting news, we called for expressions of interests to form a Junior First Tech Challenge (FTC) team. This team is now meeting on Friday afternoons and is planning to enter the competition in Term 4. During Term 3, our Senior students have been assisting in mentoring roles with Junior Robotics. A huge thank you for sharing your expertise and time with our robotics program. A few of our mentors will now be moving into full competition mode as the outreach component ends in preparation for FTC. We wish them well in their preparation for the First Tech Competitions coming up and thank the new mentors for stepping in. From the Engineering Ambassadors This term has seen the Engineering Ambassadors, with help from the Technology Ambassadors, develop our High-Performing Computer (HPC) prototype. With a bit more work, this HPC will be able to allow students to test processor intensive projects. The team has also joined with the other Ambassador teams to organise and manage science week.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

From the Technology Ambassadors During the last term, the Virtual Reality (VR) Program has continued to grow. Together with Ms Snell, we have taught eight Year 7 students to build their own virtual reality experiences. Our plan is for these students to pass down their knowledge to the rest of the class, so students can each build an experience surrounding a character they have been learning about and then explore it in VR. In addition, the headsets continue to be used in the Spanish Club to help students learn to communicate in Spanish in a fun and interactive way. VR is also being used to assist students with their internal assessment. A Year 11 student, Gabriel Field, is using the headsets to immerse the participants of his Psychology IA experiment. In the future, we are looking into providing VR training for teachers to help them incorporate this new technology into their lessons.

Finally, for those of you with Netflix accounts and are looking for an interesting documentary to explore over the break, I highly recommend the documentary, The Social Dilemma, which raises a number of thought- provoking questions. Questions that would make for a good debate in both Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) classes, such as, 'To what extent is social media an existential threat to society?' Madeleine Brookes, Head of Department, Technology and The Arts

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

7.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETY Year 12 Our Year 12 students have completed all of their courses and have been working hard in class preparing for Mock Exams. In TOK, students have completed their essays and they will hopefully see elements of TOK in everything they do. In Term 4, students will review their mock results as a means of planning for the final exam. Students will be offered online tutorials leading up to the November exam. Parents can assist by going through key terms with students and asking them to discuss their courses. Year 7 Students completed their liveability report on an aspect of their choice relevant to QASMT. We were impressed with their engagement in the topic. They have commenced study on a History unit. This comprises archaeology, ancient Rome and medieval Europe. The topics in the medieval unit include social structure, conflict, religion and the Black Death.

Some examples of student work for Year 7 (above)

Year 8 Students had a deadline of Friday in Week 9 for their Geography assessment. This assessment looked at landforms, landscapes, human geography, population growth and the use of geographical tools such as mapping.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Year 10 This term, Year 10 commenced a Business Management course and students have taken to this subject with enthusiasm. They have quickly understood key concepts and are implementing analysis and evaluation skills in their work. Year 10 Economics have been looking at international trade and exchange rates. This involves understanding the impact of exchange rates on trade and tourism. Year 10 Psychology have studied abnormal psychology and looked at four conditions in particular: generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and bipolar disorder. Year 11 In Economics, students were introduced to the Macroeconomics unit. In Term 4, they will focus on the key macroeconomic objectives and be introduced to macroeconomic policy. They will also commence the process of writing their second IA. Year 11 TOK students have completed their presentations. Students have worked incredibly hard and have embraced the opportunity to engage in the world around them through a knowledge focused approach. Year 11 Psychology students finished their unit on cognitive psychology. For the remainder of the term, they have been undertaking their IA’s, which involve conducting an experiment - students are captured (below) undertaking their research.

Brock Cullen, Head of Department, Individuals and Societies

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

8.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES As I write this, our Year 12 students have almost finished their Mock Exams, Year 11 students are preparing for the end of term exam block and our Year 7, 8 and 10 students are finalising assignments and other tasks. We wish all students the very best as they complete Term 3 assessment. In particular, we think of our Year 12 students who have had an extraordinary final year of schooling, and look forward to working with them next term as they finalise their preparations for the November IB Exam Session. A number of Science extra-curricular and enrichment activities have recommenced this term, albeit in slightly different formats to ensure we are operating in a COVID safe environment. Twelve dedicated senior Chemistry students have been diligently training before and after school with Mr Pearce in preparation for this year’s RACI Titration Competition. Rather than compete at a university site this year, participating schools were posted samples for analysis. Our students competed as teams of three, completing the three hour in-school titration task in Week 8; we eagerly await their results. Fifteen Year 7 to 10 students have been growing alum and copper sulphate crystals this term in Crystal Growing Club. Their best crystals will be entered in the RACI Crystal Growing Competition at the end of term. Astronomy Club Astronomy Club has recommenced on Tuesday evenings. We would like to thank the QASMT P&C Association for the funds used to purchase two new telescopes and accessories. This investment will allow us to expand the number of students that can be involved in this popular extra-curricular activity, and enhance the experience for our budding astronomers. R2D2, the school’s observatory, needed to be moved as part of the new STEM Precinct development. We are excited that R2D2 is to be relocated to the QASMT Courtyard, which will give excellent views of the night sky. The concrete slab for R2D2’s new home was poured this week. National Science Week – Group 4 Project National Science Week occurred in Week 6 of Term 3. This year’s National Science Week theme was Deep Blue: innovations for the future of our oceans with a focus on the blue economy. A blue economy is one that balances sustainable economic benefit from the world’s oceans and coastlines, with the need to protect their long-term health. Year 11 students completed their IB Group 4 Project requirements by designing and running workshops on this theme for our Year 7 students. The Year 7 students really enjoyed these activities, thanking our Year 11 students via email: “We wanted to say thank you so much for taking the Igniting Science Workshop. We had so much fun, learnt a lot and had one of the best experiences ever. Thank you for taking time out to teach us and to organise the workshop.” Well done, Year 11 students!

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

National Science Week – Shark Tank (by Rosalita Rosenberg, Year 11 student) During National Science Week, the SMT Science Ambassadors ran our very own QASMT Shark Tank for Junior school students. Students were given a month to think of an Earth-shattering scientific innovation, develop a pitch, and present it to a team of SMT sharks (aka Mr Moore, Mrs Waters and Mr Pearce) and the rest of the student body. Our three finalists who presented during Science week were Hayden Abraham, Anushka Valal and Bhavesh Thyaganathan. Not only did these Juniors rise to the challenge intellectually, they all developed entertaining, dynamic pitches. If we were able to implement these scientific innovations right now, we would be able to better defeat the Coronavirus, improve our military and revolutionise the window industry. I think this competition proved that our Juniors are ready and willing to change the world. National Science Week – Watermelon Implosion Experiment (by Dr Hogg, Director Watermelon Operations) During Thursday lunch of National Science Week, QASMT conducted a BIG watermelon experiment. Four teams with Captains from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Ambassadors, undertook to implode a watermelon using the power of their scientific minds and about 1000 rubber bands. Which STEM discipline achieved ultimate watermelon implosion glory? The Technology team was first to implode their watermelon, requiring just under 200 rubber bands. The Engineering team achieved an astonishing three metre blast height, showering the team and audience with watermelon juice. The Science team’s watermelon was particularly robust, requiring in excess of 600 rubber bands before it succumbed to the forces of physics. Thanks to the Science Ambassadors for event organisation and to the members of the four teams for their enthusiastic participation. Opti-MINDS QASMT had four teams of Year 7 and 8 students prepare for this year’s Opti-MINDS Challenge. Opti- MINDS ran as a virtual event this year, with students submitting videos for their response to both the Long- term and Spontaneous Challenges. Thank you to Ms Josey-Napier and QASMT Senior students for their mentoring of our teams. Congratulations to Team 2 (Katie Bray, Jasmine Peng, Mai Huynh, Tiya Krishna Kumar, Deeya Luchmaya, Mia Puscasu) and Team 4 (Sana Shah, Kelvin Chan, Ardy Brookes, Felix Leeson and Rolan Lange) on receiving Opti-MINDS Spirit Awards.

Thank you to staff and students for your extraordinary efforts in Term 3, I hope you enjoy some restful time across the September break. Cheryl Pearce, Head of Department, Physical Sciences

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

9.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCES Curriculum In Biology, students have been working with their teachers to submit the final internal assessment proposals. This has seen the students working collaboratively with Dr Kate Slessor, the Laboratory Research Educator, our laboratory technicians and Biology teaching staff, to best prepare for this task. They will conduct their individual investigation in Term 4, with their draft submitted early in Year 12. Internal assessment is an integral part of the course and is compulsory for both SL and HL students. It enables students to demonstrate the application of their skills and knowledge, and to pursue their personal interests. The internal assessment contributes 20% of student’s final grade and the requirements at SL and at HL are the same. In Health Science, students have been exploring the importance of health and physical activity and completing various tests to evaluate fitness. They headed to UQ this week to use their facilities to further explore sport health and exercise science by taking part in fitness testing using specialised equipment. In PHE, Year 7 students have been learning about the historical and cultural significance of traditional games and dances. Student have applied their learning by producing informative pamphlets about a traditional game of their choice. In practical lessons, students have been playing a range of new and exciting games such as Parndo and Kho Kho. Year 8 PHE students have been displaying the IB Learner attributes of open mindedness and risk taking this term, choreographing dances that they will perform in front of their peers. They have done a fantastic job and should be proud of their efforts.

Sport The Sport Program has returned this term much to the pleasure of our Sport Coordinators, Yanah Floridis and Sean Conway. The program continues to run at maximum capacity and once again parents are reminded to submit their Term 3 preferences early to ensure students can be allocated their first preference.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Our first interschool event of the year, the Senior Gala Day, took place on Thursday 20 August, with QASMT once again hosting the Open Girls Volleyball here in our auditorium. Teams achieved great success across a number of sports, with the Open Girls Volleyball team winning back to back Premierships in 2019 and 2020. A massive congratulations also to the Open Girls Basketball team who took out their Premiership for the third time in a row. They continue to dominate, winning every year they compete. The Year 10 Boys Volleyball team was also victorious, well done boys!

Senior Gala Day Results

Open Girls Basketball Premiers Open Girls Volleyball Premiers Open Boys Basketball 5th place Open Boys Volleyball 5th place Year 10 Girls Volleyball 4th place Year 10 Boys Volleyball Premiers

The Junior Spring Gala Day occurred this week on Monday (Week 10). We fielded a record number of teams across badminton, ultimate disc and Australian Rules Football (AFL). Congratulations to the Year 7 Girls Badminton, and Year 8 Boys and Girls Badminton teams for taking out the premiership! Year 8 Girls AFL and Year 7 Boys AFL also nabbed second place, with the Year 7 Boys Ultimate Disc taking out best team spirit. Well done and thank you to coaches and staff for your ongoing support of the Sport Program. Finally, congratulations to Anushka Valal in Year 7 who has received an invitation to play at the Australian Fustal Association Nationals in January 2021.

Judo As with sport, CCA returned with a bang this term, and we are excited to announce the introduction of Judo run by the UQ Judo Club before school on Wednesday (continuing next term). This has proven to be quite popular and is an ideal sport for all ages which can build confidence and self- as participants set and achieve training goals.

Catherine de Freitas Pessoa, Head of Department, Life Sciences

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

10.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Engaging learners and ensuring student success has been a priority for Maths teachers in Term 3 with everyone enjoying a full term back in the classroom. Observation and interpretation skills practised by Year 7 students, in the topics of statistics and algebra, were used in their unit “How we represent relationships”. They were then able to apply this to real life data in their Criterion B & C assessment, which focused on investigating patterns and communication. Year 8 students have been busy working on all things measurement, from length and area to volume and surface area. They completed an interesting Criterion B & C assessment investigating fractal patterns and finished the term taking a chance on probability. Year 10 students have settled into their new Maths and Extension Maths classes covering topics like functions, logarithms and bivariate data. Activities have focused on ensuring students are using their TI-nspire GDC (graphic display calculator) both correctly and effectively. DP students in Year 11 have continued to move through coursework with HL students in both Maths AA and AI already beginning a revision program. Year 12 students, having finished their coursework, engaged in a revision program and made final touches to their IA’s (internal assessments). They have just completed their Mock Exams, which will give them valuable feedback on areas of strength and where they need to target their revision for November exams. Enrichment Programs The Mathematics Department has had a number of events to celebrate this term. Over 100 eager Year 7 and 8 students competed in Round 1 of the QAMT Year 7/8 Quiz in Week 3 this term. Last year, we were only able to send one team to this competition so it was wonderful this year to be able to open this to all Year 7 and 8 students here at QASMT. The huge amount of interest certainly means we will try to run this event, or something similar, every year here at QASMT. During the afternoon, the room was buzzing with excitement as students used estimation skills for problems, for example, watching a cartoon and then working out “how long did Giovanni hold the high G notes from the time Leopold (Bugs Bunny) starts the note until the door slams?”. In Round 2 and 3, groups completed a two minute speed test, with 12 questions to answer as a team, and then had 15 minutes working individually on problem-solving. The final two rounds were short answer questions in a round robin style and then five general knowledge questions such as, “When talking about computer memory, what does the abbreviation ‘gig’ stand for?” Congratulations to the top three teams: 1. First place - Elizabeth Lee, Katherine Lu and Nerissa Do 2. Second Place - Ian Lai, Coe Hsu and Aaron Wei 3. Third Place - Kelvin Chan, Bela Varsani and Kalil Gaffa-Sharma

These three teams went on to compete in the next round of this state-wide competition in Week 8. The winning team this time was Kelvin, Bela and Kalil. Congratulations and good luck for the next round!

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Photos (above) from the QAMT Year 7/8 Problem Solving Competition

On Thursday 30 July, all students competed in the online AMT’s Australian Mathematics Competition. Year 7, 8 and 10 students also sat for online ICAS Mathematics Competition on 3 September. Results for both of these competitions have not been published yet but we have our fingers crossed for some excellent results. The final competition for the term is the Australian Intermediate Maths Competition. We have invited 16 students to compete in this problem-solving competition based on their performance in the Maths Challenge and AMC competitions. These students enjoyed a challenging four hour exam, made up of 10 questions. Performance in this exam will serve as part of the selection process for other AMT Olympiad- level competitions in the future.

As Term 3 draws to a close, and students relax after finishing their assessments for the term, I wish everyone a restful spring break to unwind and reenergise ready for the final term for the year. Jane Gorman, Head of Department, Mathematics

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

11.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE HOUSE DEAN OF AGNESI What a whirlwind Term 3 has been! We have accomplished so much in such a short time, I hope you are all looking forward to a well-deserved rest.

Agnesi Award winners The Academy’s Senior and Junior award ceremonies were held at the beginning of the term. It was with great pride that I was able to welcome so many Agnesi students to the stage to be presented with their awards for Academic achievement by the principal, Ms Kayrooz. The ceremonies were live streamed to parents and guardians so that they could participate remotely in the event. Congratulations to all the recipients. I also need to congratulate Jason Wang from INA03. Jason who is a mathematical whizz kid, was awarded a perfect score in the Australian Maths Olympiad. This competition is by invitation only and only about 20 students are invited from across Australia. In a lighter vein, Aarav Mahto excelled in the ARC Table Tennis Tournament and was only just pipped at the post in the Junior competition.

Harmony Week 2020 This year, Harmony Day was replaced by Harmony Week, which provided Agnesi House an opportunity to celebrate, not only our diversity, but also international mindedness. The week kicked off with an exuberant flag parade at the whole school assembly. This year the parade had more countries represented than ever before, and was proudly led by Amali Jose and Angus Pearson from Agnesi carrying the Indigenous flag.

The highlight of Harmony Week for me was the Agnesi war cry. Those who have been with Agnesi House for a while will be aware that the Agnesi war cry has gone through a number of iterations. The House Captains this year, have worked hard on developing a rousing war cry that has been embraced whole heartedly. The war cry was debuted during Harmony Week Spirit Day, with great gusto and banging of drums. The new war cry is a fitting legacy from our House Captains, as we say farewell to Shishir Khanal, Jarvis Leeper, Alvaan Monem and Mia Santos. We thank them for their dedication and service to Agnesi House and continuing the Quest for Zest!

Trivia The Inter-House Trivia Competition is where Agnesi House excels, and true to form, this Agnesi tradition continues to flourish.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Congratulations to INA09 for bringing the points home for Agnesi by dominating the competition. I must also thank all of the Agnesi InSteps for turning up at the event and helping to consolidate Agnesi’s third place position in this inter-House competition.

Leadership 2020 I would like to thank all the Agnesi students who put their hand up for leadership positions for the coming year. The students who were short listed presented some enthusiastic and thoughtful speeches to the house. The results of the ensuing voting and interview process will be unveiled in Term 4. Good luck to everyone involved.

PEP Curriculum Focus Our PEP program in Year 7 and 8 took on a new format this term, as we moved to a modular program as part of PEEC (Positive Education Enhanced Curriculum). The Year 7 modules were ‘Bullseyes for goal setting’ and ‘Mindfulness’. Goal setting allowed students to develop a Growth Mindset and to develop skills in perseverance for positive accomplishment. The mindfulness module challenged students to focus on being present in the moment. In this they explored the positive effect on their wellbeing of: mindful meditation, mindful walks and mindful colouring. Meanwhile, the Year 8 modules were ‘Stepping it up’ for leadership and ‘Failing Well’ for positive accomplishment.

In ‘Stepping it up’ students looked at the characteristics of a good leader, while at the same time exploring how knowing their own top character strengths can help them develop their leadership potential. ‘Failing Forward’ focused on how to deal with disappointment and managing challenge. As part of this, all Year 8 Agnesi students accepted the challenge of learning how to juggle. Year 10 PEP lessons this term have focused on the important process of subject selection in preparation for the IB Diploma Programme. They also investigated the best diet for maximising brain function for positive health.

Agnesi Purple Hearts During the last Agnesi House Assembly for the term, a number of Agnesi House members were commended for their caring and kindness to their fellow house members. These Purple Heart recipients were Joshua Waghorn, Jiwon Seo, Dominic Shearer and Ashleigh Westmoreland. There was a special mention for Mr May, Mr Panousis and Mr Alexander, although there were some claims of coercion in the last of these nominations!

Year 12 As we near the end of Term 3, I am excited to be heading to Movie World on 17 September with our Year 12 students for the QASMT Formal. I am looking forward to an evening of magic and fun. It is one of the highlights of the year, seeing all the Year 12 Agnesi students metamorphise into sophisticated young adults in glamourous evening wear. The Year 12 students in particular, have been challenged through the uncertainty that Covid-19 has brought. I am so proud of how Agnesi students have adapted and thrived though this period, and how well they have come through their Mock Exams.

Wishing all our Agnesi family a safe and relaxing break.

Aileen Davis, House Dean, Agnesi

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

12.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE HOUSE DEAN OF CURIE After a restricted first semester, Term 3 allowed the students the opportunity to get involved in a myriad of activities and experiences. It has been wonderful seeing the students’ smiling faces and the buzz of activity that is audible during breaks and outside of school hours. Below is a snapshot of what has taken place across the term. Harmony Week After canvassing the students following Harmony Day in 2019, it became apparent that this event was such a highlight for the SMT community, that a week was needed to do it justice. The theme was international mindedness and it provided an opportunity for the school community to come together to celebrate our cultural diversity. The week began with a whole school assembly in the Auditorium and this year we were fortunate to welcome Derek to open the assembly with a welcome to country. Derek used his didgeridoo playing and storytelling to impart his knowledge of how the land which the school is situated on was shaped. This was followed by the festive flag parade and of course, Bollywood and K-pop dance items. The students left the Auditorium buzzing with excitement and ready to participate in a wide variety of activities throughout the week. On Wednesday, students were encouraged to wear traditional dress and the school came alive with an explosion of colour.

House Spirit Day After the cancellation of both the Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals earlier in the year due to online learning, it was decided that the students needed a fun event to demonstrate their house pride. On Thursday in Week 5, under clear blue cloudless skies, the school came alive with purple, green, blue, orange, yellow and of course pink! The morning provided an opportunity for staff and students to let their hair down, put away their computers and enjoy an hour or two of fun activity in the great outdoors. Students participated in a number of activities, such as ball games, comic relays and tug-of-war, culminating with a war cry competition. After Curie’s success in winning the war cry at the 2019 Athletics Carnival, the stakes were high, and the other houses were keen to dethrone the Panthers. The House

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Captains did a great job in rallying the house and teaching everyone the choreography. There had been significant improvement in the other houses and the competition was tight. However, as in most competitions this year, the students did an outstanding job and Curie came home with the goods. Now it is time to start planning for how Curie is going to win the trifecta in 2021!

House Day was a fun way to take a break from school work and was an exciting way to celebrate house spirit and community. Throughout the day we changed into our house colours and we separated into year levels. We played different activities such as tunnel ball and then each house assembled to take part in the war cry competition, showcasing their dance moves and singing to the other houses and the judges. Each house sang their song and eventually Curie house got in their positions and ended up winning extra house points. As the competitions ended, lunch started, and Leo’s club sold hot dogs, chocolates and drinks. Overall, House Day was a great way to bring the community together and spend time with your friends. (by Sana Shah)

PEP (Positive Education Program) Term 3 saw the launch of the newly written PEP curriculum for the Year 7’s and 8’s. The curriculum focusses on the PERMA domains and is designed to equip the students with the skills needed to flourish.

Year 7 Bullseye! Setting a goal and hitting the mark | Positive Accomplishment This unit looked at the importance of realistic goal setting in achieving success. The students were taught how to write SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely) goals and strategies to achieve these goals. This led to the Year 7’s reflecting on their first semester at SMT and identifying areas for improvement. They then wrote their PLP’s (Personal Learning Plans) for the first time and set meaningful goals that they wanted to achieve across Semester 2. Once the PLP’s had been written, the students discovered the power of the brain and its importance in achieving their goals. Fixed and growth mindsets were looked at with a focus on stopping negative “I Can’t” statements and learning how to change them into “I Can” statements. Mindfulness | Positive Health Over the second part of the term, the Year 7’s have been looking at mindfulness and learning the ability to be present in the moment. The students have taken part in a wide array of mindfulness activities such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, Tai Chi and mindful walking.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Year 8 Stepping It Up! Becoming a Leader | Positive Relationships The Year 8’s started the term with a unit on leadership and investigated what makes a good leader. Students undertook numerous practical tasks that required them to work in teams to accomplish set tasks. The students thoroughly enjoyed having to design and construct a bridge using only paper straws and sticky tape, that was tall enough for a bowl to fit under, was 50cms in length and could take the weight of a of spaghetti. The unit culminated with Ms Kayrooz and Ms Bullock speaking to the students about their leadership journeys and beliefs and their vision for student leadership at SMT. Failing Well - Dealing with disappointment and managing challenge | Positive Health & Emotions Following on from the leadership unit, the students have been looking at the need to develop resilience and self- control. Dealing with disappointment is an area for growth for many SMT students and the students have been identifying what internal and external resources they have and can utilise when facing disappointment and challenge. Juggling with three balls has been a new and challenging skill that they are all learning. Golden Paddle Table Tennis Competition Congratulations to Harry Lipscombe in Year 12, who took out both the Senior division as well as the Champion of Champions title at this year’s Golden Paddle Table Tennis Competition. It was an exciting tournament that saw SMT’s best table tennis players battle it out for one of the most prized titles. This is the second year in a row that Harry has been victorious and with Harry finishing his schooling at the end of this year, hopefully there will be another person in Curie who can pick up the paddle in 2021. Thank you to the ARC, for another engaging and fun competition.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Year 12’s Our Year 12’s are quickly coming to the end of their schooling journey. Over the last week, they have been participating in Mock Exams and before they know it, the final exams will be upon them. I feel privileged to have been able to assist them over the last year, and I am proud of the gentleman and ladies that they have matured into. We wish our Year 12 cohort all the best as they knuckle down and prepare for their final exams in November. Remember Marie Curie’s famous quote, “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less”. Café Scientifique I was privileged to be able to attend the culminating event of the 2020 National Science Week, Café Scientifique. This year the event took place in the Lecture Theatre and was live streamed to students and parents. The event is designed to showcase the outstanding research that our students undertake as part of their Extended Essays as well as those students who have completed research projects and presentations for the International Science School Fair (ISSF). It was educational listening to Kat Wheadon talk about her findings on synthetic bone grafting using degradable polymer-based synthetic bone, and Murphy McDonald-Smith and Hayden Greer enlighten the audience with the program that they wrote and presented at the ISSF in Thailand - to determine the density of interstellar asteroids in our Solar System. Congratulations to Aaron Wei who was a prize winner in the Deep Blue Short Film Competition.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Art Exhibition On the same afternoon as Café Scientifique, the Year 12 Visual Art students held an exhibition to showcase the provoking pieces that they have created across their two Diploma years. Congratulations to Richelle Hodson for the stunning work that she presented.

Take the time over the spring break to recharge the batteries and spend time with those you love. I wish all Curie families a relaxing and refreshing holiday, and I look forward to seeing you all again next term. If you need to contact me, please don’t hesitate to do so via email ([email protected]). Yours in pink Dean Fanning, House Dean, Curie

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

13.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE HOUSE DEAN OF DA VINCI It always astounds how me how quickly we reach the end of a term. Thankfully, Term 3 has allowed us to resume some level of normalcy within a world that is still struggling with a pandemic.

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

This is a timely reminder to reflect on how fortunate we are in our circumstances; no matter how grim things may get, there are always those whose lives are exceptionally unfortunate. With our service initiate kicking off this term, our Da Vinci students have the opportunity to do, to give back. I encourage families to continue with their donations – thank you for your support. Da Vinci students were elated when acknowledged at the Awards Assembly at the beginning of this term for their hard work and dedication to their students over Term 2. Congratulations to all award recipients! Pictured below are the Year 7 and 8 awardees

One of our highlights this term was most certainly Harmony Week. The week consisted of wonderful events such as traditional Maori dance, Bollywood dancing, authentic fare and international foods served from the Refectory, games, face painting, traditional music performances, and a welcoming Assembly, celebrating cultures with a flag parade and much more. One of the main highlights of the week for me was our House Spirit morning where students and staff came dressed in all their house coloured glory, competing in year level competitions. Da Vinci students did our community proud by placing second in the war cry competition. The chant was strong, united and loud – a fantastic way to finish Harmony Week. Well done team!

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Our very proud Year 12’s are pictured below

Our Positive Education Program (PEP) continues to run strong with explicit (PEP classes) and implicit (InStep) sessions aligned with the Positive Education Domains. A snapshot of PEP classes this term across Years 7 to 10 explored growth mindsets, goal setting, mindfulness, coping with adversity and learning to be resilient, how to be physically and mentally prepared for upcoming exams and assessments, just to name a few. Recently some staff attended a Rite Journey PD in preparation for a fantastic PEP program for our Year 9’s. The program in 2021 consists of deep reflection and growth as our students enter into a new phase of their development. Watch this space! As you would have seen, our Da Vinci Newsletter also kicked off this term, which has lots of updates and information about our wonderful house. Two newsletters each term will be sent with information about how our House is going, including celebrating our fabulous students and staff. Correct uniform, high attendance and respectful behaviour continue to be an important part of our school community, so your continued support of these important aspects is much appreciated.

Finally, a massive GOOD LUCK to all our students, particularly our Year 12’s who have now finished classes for the year, Mock Exams, other exams and assessments. Wishing you all the best. I hope all families have a safe and wonderful upcoming break and that students will return well rested and happy for the final term of 2020. Neha Reddy, House Dean, Da Vinci

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

14.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE HOUSE DEAN OF FRANKLIN Term 3 has been a busy term, as it always is at QASMT. With so many events happening, it is hard to know where to begin! Franklin students received their first awards for the year at the Semester 1 Academic Awards Assembly. This Assembly in itself was a technological feat, as we livestreamed it for our community to watch. Congratulations to all awards recipients (pictured below)! With so much going on globally, it is great to see so many continuing to maintain their academic focus.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Year 7’s and 8’s attended an information session on online safety by the Queensland Police as part of their PEP program. This was very informative and was a great start to a positive partnership with our local station. Harmony Week was a great success this year! Being spread over four days allowed for so many excellent cultural experiences. Monday was the annual flag parade and students were able to showcase their cultural heritage through their traditional dress. Tuesday saw students performing cultural dances and musical numbers. Wednesday allowed for students to experience cultural activities run by other students - some of the experiences were Maori Hip Hop Dance, Bollywood Dance, Tai Chi and Origami. Harmony Week culminated in a House event where Franklin was able to demonstrate our house spirit and engagement. National Science Week also allowed for many opportunities for students to be involved in SMT life. Tuesday was a great opportunity for our Year 11’s to engage with the Year 7’s and 8’s, as part of their Group 4 Project day. With so many events, all of our students were able to engage with many aspects of science and get involved in fun activities. Year 12’s have begun their final stretch as they have Mock Exams. This means a time of change in leadership with students applying for the various positions within the House. Leadership changeover will occur in Term 4 and I am looking forward to working with the new Franklin leaders! Term 3’s inter-House competition was Trivia and it was so much fun! All InSteps participated well and had a great time! Franklin didn’t get the win; however, participation and having fun is what matters! Term 3 was rounded out by starting to meet our new members for 2021 with the incoming Year 7’s and 10’s coming to campus and getting to know their cohorts.

I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable break! Looking forward to what Term 4 will bring! Kate Oxenford, House Dean, Franklin

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

15.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE HOUSE DEAN OF HAWKING Hopefully you all agree with me that it has been so good to do some whole school and house events this term! Hawking House has come back fighting and didn’t we let the other houses know?! It all started with The Golden Paddle competition and it was a fighting battle to the end! The competition saw Andre Ganasen crowned the King of the Junior Golden Paddle - well done Andre!! Eat Up Hawking House was the first to establish a House Charity. The students chose ‘Eat Up’, a charity which focuses on providing lunch to students whose families are unable to do so. One of the fantastic things about this charity is that rather than just do a gold coin donation, students are able to take part in a fundraising event. We launched this with the Senior students who made sandwiches for the charity. This event was a huge success and I am now working with the charity to find a time in Term 4 for them to come in and work with the Years 7-10 students on another sandwich making event. A HUGE thank you to our Service Captain, Tina Wu, as without her hard work this would not have happened. Anisha Mujib’s (Year 12) CAS reflection: When we were first told that we would be making sandwiches on a Monday lunchtime, I must admit I was initially quite apprehensive as to how 50 or so Senior students were to coordinate themselves into a lean, mean, sandwich-making machine. However, as we filed into the auditorium, on a slightly-less-than-toasty morning, we had the opportunity to learn more about the cause we were volunteering with. Sure enough, we felt more than b-ready for the challenge upon hearing that we could be helping kids in the Brisbane region go without an empty stomach. I think I speak for some of my fellow House-mates when I say the day did inspire further involvement with the Eat Up organisation when other events may arise. As the minutes ticked on, like yeast, the piles of finished sandwiches kept rising. My initial fears had not been realised because we were on a roll. There was absolutely no loafing around. It was a pleasant surprise to see everyone working together so well. If anything, it became a bit of a competition to see who had the largest pile of sandwiches. We exceeded our goal of 1000 by 200 sandwiches!

On a more serious note, I am really glad I had the opportunity to take part in such an endeavour. I have always bought food from the tuckshop if I didn't bring any to school, so it was a moment of realisation to consider all the kids who would not be able to do that. I would like to keep volunteering with this organisation, and if not, others like it.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Harmony Week Postponed last term, Harmony Week was finally able to get underway in Week 5. Based upon student feedback, we extended the celebrations across the week starting off with the traditional flag assembly with some cultural performances. We had lots of students audition for these spots, and both performances were by Hawking Year 11 students. Congratulations and well done to Ruby Kim for another great K-Pop dance and Tvisha Patel, Angel Babu and Arpita Kapoor for their beautiful mix of Bollywood dancing. Throughout the week, we had plenty of other activities taking place before finishing off with a House event on the oval. Hawking House were reluctant to practice the war cry but (my-oh-my) did you show who meant business when it came down to it! We came third which was a fantastic achievement and we had lots of feedback that we should have won overall. I’ve got a feeling that next year will be our year for the war cry! Trivia Week 6 saw the school come together for the Inter-InStep Trivia competition. All InSteps took part in this and there was some great attendance from you all during the lunchtime too. Unfortunately, we didn’t win this time round, but as you all know, we are super close to fourth place overall, and still have a shot with attendance and awards points, as well as the Mario Kart competition! Let’s go Hawking! PEP Our PEP program this term has had Years 7, 8 and 10 working on their teamwork and leadership as well as practising their juggling skills, as a combination of mindfulness and resilience! It’s amazing how long it can take to learn a new trick, but some students got the hang of it straight away. I’m still practising mind you, but it’s been a great opportunity to relax, build relationships and be mindful - all characteristics of an IB Learner! Year 12 This term has been like no other for the Year 12 students. They have reviewed IA’s, submitted all inner core assignments, completed their mocks and had their formal! It’s been a HUGE term and I’m so glad that I was able to have one house event with you all. I feel like my time with you has been robbed this year and hope you are happy with your efforts this term. YOU HAVE BEEN OUTSTANDING and as I write this before Formal, I can’t wait to celebrate with you and have some fun at Movie World, you deserve it! Tiger of the Term Tiger of the Term is an initiative exclusive to Hawking House and is awarded to one student each term. Students are able to nominate others and this term the award went to Lucas Lim for his caring, considerate and helpful nature. Well done Lucas! Do you want to be Tiger of the Term in Term 4? Think about how you can impress those around you! Should you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected] or x382. Rebecca Parker, House Dean, Hawking

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

16.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE HOUSE DEAN OF NEWTON Congratulations on the completion of Term 3, 2020. It has been a busy term, full of big events and significant achievements for the students in Newton house. Harmony Week and House Spirit Day SMT celebrated Harmony Week during Week 5 of this term. The week was opened by our annual Harmony Week assembly and flag parade where students acknowledge and celebrate the cultural diversity in our community. Over the course of the week, students were treated to a wide array of food prepared by our refectory staff, shared in cultural performances and participated in activities such as henna painting, Bollywood dance and origami. We also had the SMT House Spirit Day on Thursday of that week, where Newton house enjoyed a day full of teamwork, activity and healthy competition. It was a joy to watch all students engaged and participating in the activities and supporting each other and Newton house.

Newton Committee Update (by Chloe Arthur and Aysha Shahid, Committee Co-Chairs) The Newton committee has worked hard this term in a number of areas with an aim to increase the spirit in our house. This term we introduced the inaugural INSTEP trophy which is awarded to the INSTEP in our house that gains the most points through attendance, participation in house activities and nomination for our Shark of the Month award. The Shark of the Month is an award that is given to a member of our house that best represents Newton and our school, whether that be through a random act of kindness or simply being a good friend, and this term we were overwhelmed with nominations that showed just how amazing the students of Newton house are. Our committee has been determined this term to improve participation in our INSTEP competition and nomination for our monthly award, however, we have also started to focus on service in our house. This week we conducted a survey in Newton to determine a charity we will be supporting next term, and the cause our house has decided to support is Beyond Blue. Our committee has already begun brainstorming ways to get our house involved with this organisation and we are excited to put these plans into action next term.

Sharks of the Month This term, the students below were awarded Shark of the Month awards for positive contributions to their school community. Tiya Krishna Kumar (Year 7) Participated and engages with everyone in InStep. Kind. Respectful and modest. Helps people with their work. Shlok Dani (Year 7) Nice and a good friend. A wonderful understanding person. Shows IB attributes. Picked up rubbish that wasn’t his. Anna Fei (Year 7) Always friendly towards others. Always smiling and willing to help others. Nice human. Acts of kindness. Anna Kim (Year 10) Supported students with study. Acts of kindness. Supportive of friends.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Positive Education Program (PEP) It has been a successful 10 weeks for PEP, with our Year 7, 8 and 10 students learning about essential skills for flourishing.

Year 7 Topic 1: Mindsets Topic 2: Mindfulness Students explored the ideas of growth, Each week students have been exploring fixed and mixed mindset. We learnt about different ways to be mindful including the value of a growth mindset and meditation, yoga, Tai Chi and walking in identified the times where we are more nature. likely to have a fixed mindset. We also learnt techniques such as positive self-talk to help us move into a more growth mindset. Year 8 Topic 1: Leadership Topic 2: Resilience Students prepared for their role as middle What makes a person successful? school leaders in Year 9 by exploring Research confirms that a key component different aspects of leadership such as of success is the ability to show grit and teamwork and kindness. We also had a resilience when faced with challenges. member of the executive leadership team The students have been learning to talk to the students about their leadership demonstrate resilience and put their skills journey. into practice by learning how to juggle! Year 10 Students have been learning about the different domains of positive psychology and the role these play in the skills of flourishing. This term, we learnt about Positive Accomplishment through goal setting and organisation, Positive Health through sport and sleep and Positive Engagement through exploring Flow.

Newton War Cry and House Spirit Day – Year 11 students

Finally, I would like to express how incredibly proud I am of our Year 12 students. During this term, the Year 12’s have shown dedication to their study, coupled with impressive perseverance and relentless hard work. I know this will continue throughout your SWOTVAC, and I am looking forward to celebrating all of your achievements with you at the Formal in Week 10. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you in Term 4. Rebecca Skarshewski, House Dean, Newton

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

17.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM THE GUIDANCE OFFICERS FROM THE SENIOR GUIDANCE OFFICER It has been great to have a full term at school for Term 3. I have been so impressed with the resilience and flexibility shown by the students who have come by my office this term. There have been many inspiring conversations, as students explore the many options available, both here at school and after they graduate. Universities have also embraced the current circumstances with creative opportunities for students to engage with learning. Numerous virtual open days and tours have allowed our students to explore campus life and fields of study across Australia and overseas without needing to leave their homes. In addition, universities have offered increasing numbers of presentations from Photo left to right: Helen Fawcitt, Katrina Judge their diverse faculties, available to all, on many current and stimulating topics. For our Year 12 students, tertiary applications are now open. Universities are working particularly hard this year to offer entry pathways that are accessible and mindful of current conditions. Many universities are making early offer processes available to provide certainty for students. Congratulations to the many Year 12 students who have already received offers for courses in 2021. These offers are supplementary to the usual major round offers which will still be released in December and January. Free Resources The Guidance Office has a range of free resources available for students to access. There are currently handbooks and factsheets on careers, universities, and general wellbeing. Students are welcome to come by and take a look. Why not consider taking something home for holiday reading? Options Career Bulletin The latest edition of the Options Career Bulletin is attached to this email (accompanying this school newsletter), with many updates, links and ideas to help with pathway preparation. Be sure to have a look and take note of any points of interest.

A positive reflection on the 'state of play' for Year 12 students

Linda Brown, the President of Torrens University believes that this Year 12 group will be a generation to watch - they will redefine what we mean by resilience and grit. She says that it seems almost a cliché to describe these times as extraordinary, yet they are. She understands the upheaval and challenges facing students seem tough and unfair. Linda thinks there is something else about these extraordinary times that must be named. These learners will emerge more resilient, more creative, and with more determination than any generation before them. Click here to read the full article.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

Exam preparation Exam time can be a busy, stressful and exciting time for students and parents. It’s important to help students look after their mental health and wellbeing during this time, to help minimise stress and maximise achievements. With this in mind, the following resources have been developed to support student wellbeing. • 12 ways to look after your wellbeing during senior assessment (PDF, 402KB) • 11 ways to support your child’s wellbeing during senior assessment (PDF, 194KB)

Connect to the right support and get back on track For children to develop and grow in healthy and positive ways, they need life to be stable, even when their family faces tough times. If you feel that you’ve lost your way, Family and Child Connect can give you a hand to get back on track. Family and Child Connect can connect you to local services that can help with:

• managing your child’s behaviour • building better family relationships • stopping any violence at home • budgeting and managing money • alcohol, drug or gambling problems • housing, health care or other community or government services.

Family and Child Connect services are provided by trusted, local organisations who are experienced in working with families. You can use this service as often as you need. There is no limit and no cost. Call 13 FAMILY (13 32 64), it’s confidential, free and worth the call, or visit Family Child Connect website.

I encourage you all to be kind to yourselves and to each other! Katrina Judge, Guidance Officer (Senior Years)

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

FROM THE MIDDLE YEARS GUIDANCE OFFICER You made it to the end of Term 3, congratulations! My name is Helen Fawcitt and I am the new full-time Guidance Officer, replacing Ms Christine Street at QASMT. My role for Term 4 will be to get to know the students and to provide guidance support to middle years and new students to the service. I also work closely with our unique learners – those students who identify as gifted, or students with special education needs. I can be contacted via [email protected] or (07) 3377 9333. A bit of background on me:

• I was a Biology, Chemistry, Science, Maths and IB Psychology teacher for 12 years; • I studied biomolecular science and worked in cancer research prior to becoming a teacher; • I love reading, painting, crafting and most of all – learning! • I am passionate about supporting all students to succeed.

At the end of a busy term and before the final term of the year, it can be helpful to reflect on where we have been and how far we have come. As Socrates said:

Mindful Self-Reflection Mindful reflection allows one to reflect without judgment but with curiosity and openness to our experiences, thoughts, feelings, and actions. Without self-reflection, we simply go through life without thinking, moving from one thing to the next, without making time to evaluate whether things are actually going well. We don’t pause to think. To analyse. To determine what is going well and what isn’t working. The unfortunate result is that we often get stuck. Self-reflection is about asking yourself thought-provoking questions so that you can develop a deeper level of understanding yourself.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

The holiday break is a good time to take some time to reflect on the recent past. Journaling is a popular self-reflection tool - why not encourage your student to start one this break? They can try answering the following seven self-reflection questions in their journal:

How would you describe your character and actions?

What small and large victories did you have this year so far?

What are 2-3 things you did that made you proud?

What is something you did to improve your health?

What is something you did to improve your school performance?

What is something you did to nurture an existing relationship?

What is something you learnt about yourself this year?

How Mindful Self-Reflection Can Help Test Anxiety Anxiety is an undesirable and vague feeling which is felt when a person anticipates or predicts uncertain danger. Test anxiety is an important educational problem affecting millions of students worldwide, and is an undesirable emotional reaction to the situation to be evaluated. One of the most effective treatment methods is the reflection method. This method assists students in related emotional recognition. Research has shown that reflective practices can decrease test anxiety. Johns model (Johns, 1995) is based on five cue questions which enable you to break down your experience and reflect on the process and outcomes. Have your student answer these five questions about their most recent exam experiences: 1. Describe the experience and the significant factors; 2. What was I trying to achieve and what are the consequences? 3. What things like internal/external/knowledge affected my decision making/performance? 4. What other choices did I have and what were those consequences? 5. What will change because of this experience and how did I feel about the experience? How has this experience changed my ways of knowing?

Helen Fawcitt, Guidance Officer (Middle Years)

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

18.THE TERM AHEAD FROM INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC With students back on campus and school life seemingly back to normal, the Instrumental Music department made the most of the many school events that took place across Term 3, by creating performance opportunities for our students. Many of these performances helped our community celebrate events such as the Senior Art Exhibition, R U OK Day, National Science Week, Café Scientifique and a variety of school assemblies.

As part of the Harmony Week celebrations, every ensemble performed in the courtyard during the lunch breaks for the SMT community. This provided a great learning context for our students and allowed them to gain an understanding that each performance is different, along with the need to be flexible as performers, particularly when environmental factors are involved.

Participation in ensembles and lessons has continued to gain momentum throughout Term 3, with ensembles large and small rehearsing before and after school, in addition to lunchtimes. Juggling time with other commitments is a skill we all continue to develop, and we commend our students for their dedication and focus even in busy times with competing priorities.

2020 has seen the introduction of classroom Music into the MYP program and it has been great to see that many of our MYP students have chosen classroom Music in addition to instrumental music, allowing for further development of practical and theoretical skills.

Over the holidays, a group of our students will participate in SHEP (State Honours Ensemble Program) at the Queensland Conservatorium. Stay tuned for event times in Term 4 when students showcase their efforts and talents with their instructors.

Greg Thompson – Instrumental Music

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

19.THE TERM IN REVIEW FROM CORPORATE SERVICES Thank you to all of our families and staff for their continued support throughout Term 3. Virtual Academy Tour In August, in lieu of our ‘in person’ October Open Day, the Marketing Department was pleased to present our Virtual Academy Tour on our website.

Photo left to right: Sheila Adsett, Kelli Gallagher, Sharon Prentice

Inviting Applications Year 10 (2021)

Due to the opening of our STEM and Languages Precincts, our Academy has spaces available for Year 10 students next year (2021). We invite applications from high performing current Year 9 students. Prospective families wishing to join an ‘in person’ campus tour with Mr Meng-Yin Leong, our Director of Senior Years can Book a Year 10 Campus Tour via Eventbrite. These tours are scheduled during the first three weeks of Term 4, after the Sept/Oct holiday.

Website and Social Media We continue to update news on our website and social media feeds. Our Facebook page can be accessed directly from our home web page. We strongly encourage you to utilise these services to ensure you have access to all the latest information. Simply click on the links below to follow us:




We invite our parents to share good news stories with us! If you have any news you wish to share via our social media platforms, please email the details to [email protected]

Corporate Services

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020


The Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) aims to help enrich every student's experience by supporting Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology (QASMT) events, activities and projects. The P&C provides a platform for parents to contribute to the success of QASMT with as much or as little time as you can spare to volunteer.

MESSAGE FROM THE P&C This year has been very different with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We are very lucky to have had a full term of school where the staff and students have been able to go about their schedules with a sense of normalcy with the new expansion project now complete. The P&C would like to thank the school leadership team and all who worked so hard towards completion of these fantastic new buildings and world class facilities for our students. It has been busy on the P&C front. We re-started our face-to-face P&C meetings in July. Many thanks to all who attended in person and via Zoom. The meeting also included our AGM which was cancelled in March. P&C Officers were elected for the remainder of 2020. President: Doug Rosenberg; VP: Winand D’Souza; Secretary: Christine Chew; Treasurer: Rob Westmoreland. In the next couple of months, we will be asking P&C members to come forward for the roles of President/ Vice-President/ Treasurer/ Secretary for 2021. Please email your interest to the P&C Secretary at [email protected] The P&C Opportunity Fund has been created to fund initiatives that benefit all our students. Contributions to this year’s Fund are looking like bettering the 60+ % we had last year. A big thank you goes out to all those who have contributed!! We encourage parents who have not yet done so, to send in their $100, by paying the invoice from the school. This is a great way for the P&C to make a difference to every child at the school and to enhance their experience. So far, we have been able to sponsor extra table tennis tables, line-marking of the handball courts (refer right), bench seating for the courtyard, shade seating shelters and a new water fountain. More initiatives are in the pipeline. Thank you for your continued engagement and support for our wonderful school.

P&C Executive Committee Photographed from above (via drone), are the sparkling new handball courts installed in September 2020, with funds from the P&C Opportunity Fund.

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Term in Review Term 3 18 September 2020

CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE P&C: Facebook - closed group for parents, peer support/discussion, news, event details, resources and photos PandC Association - P&C web page introduction, member details and contacts.

P&C SPONSORS The QASMT P&C would like to thank our sponsors, who pay to advertise their services at the back of our newsletters.

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