Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 16 May 2019 In the Committee Room of the Memorial Hall at Cheddon Fitzpaine TA2 8JY.

Present: Cllrs Webber, Isaacs, Woollacott, Baker, Batsch, WM Cllr Hall (Chairman of Working Party for Country Park). SCC Cllrs Fothergill & Fraschini. D Cllrs Pritchard & Tully (part). Clerk: Mrs J Pearson. Eight members of the public. 1. Confirmation that a quorum was present with more than three councillors. 2. Cllr Webber was elected Chairman: Proposed Cllr Isaac and seconded Cllr Batsch. Vice-Chair, Cllr Isaacs to step down for business reasons. Cllr Woollacott was elected as Vice-Chair: Proposed Cllr Isaacs and seconded Cllr Baker. Declaration of Office Acceptance forms duly signed. It was resolved that all in agreement. 3. Parish Councillors were elected uncontested prior to the recent elections, and all have duly signed the Declaration of Office Acceptance forms. 4. Apologies for absence: D Cllr Cavill & Assistant Clerk Mrs T Cavill 5. Declarations of personal/prejudicial/disclosable pecuniary interests/amendments to the Register of Interests. Parish Councillor Lee Baker was elected as District Councillor for Priorswood at the recent elections. This is outside the area of the Cheddon Parish boundary. For clarity, Councillor Baker considered Parish matters only within the Parish Council meeting. District Council business or questions were dealt with outside of this PC meeting held on 16.5.2019. To note: planning application 08/19/0129 covering both Priorswood and Cheddon Fitzpaine areas was considered under Planning matters further down the agenda. Cllr Woollacott declared interest in 08/19/0129 Lyngford Lane planning application as Chair of Governors of Cheddon School. 6. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11 April 2019: It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the meeting. All in agreement. 7. Delegations to the Clerk: In consultation with the Chairman, it was resolved to grant dispensations to the Clerk.

The Chairman welcomed residents to the meeting; and also welcomed the two new District Councillors for the newly created West Monkton & Cheddon Fitzpaine Ward in the new West & Council.

Public Question Time: Lyngford Lane residents asked questions relating to 38/19/0129 - Request the ‘connecting’ section of road be built first to reduce construction traffic on Cheddon Road - What are the reasons for the roundabout at Lyngford Lane? Two T-junctions would be better. - Crossing points at the Lyngford Lane end to allow for pedestrian and ‘safe route’ to school. - Car headlights shining into houses at proposed roundabout - Request existing footpaths and hedgerows are retained.

8. Co-option of Parish Councillor. Parish Councillors left the room for brief discussion. Alan West of Cheddon village had come forward to fill the vacant role, and it was unanimously resolved to approve this Co-Option. Proposed Cllr Isaac and seconded Cllr Woollacott. The rules allow for Co-option within the 35-day period following elections. A Declaration of Office and Register of Members Interest form was duly signed. 9. Reports: SCC Cllr Fothergill: Somerset Day 11 May 2019 – fell on a Saturday and many events countywide took place. Somerset Education Business Partnership awards took place for the first time. Young Carers: new proposals to identify and support young carers with specialist support put in place.


Primary School places – 98% have a place of their top three choices. BT taken to court and fined £36,000 for road safety incidents in Taunton. West Somerset Railway track is owned by SCC, and repair work at Seaward crossing undertaken £1m. Underspent budget: able to relax the spend at present time. School bus procurement: 6 x 52 seaters; can be used in daytime as well. Cllr Fraschini: BBC Panorama programme on decision making processes within adult social care due to be broadcast on 29 May and 5 June 2019. Priorswood Library; open on 17 May 2019. SWT D Cllr Tully & Pritchard: The Chairman welcomed the two new District Councillors. The new Council is taking shape, but with the forthcoming European elections Councillors are still in Purdah and therefore there are no reports this month.

10. Country Park: WM Cllr Hall reported: Design plans progress with discussion for the Open-Air Theatre, the ‘safe route to school’ footpaths through the Country Park, power supply to the site, architect meetings, topographical survey undertaken, and a presentation to Taunton Cultural Forum. Wessex Water connection completed, and new access to car park under discussion with SCC Highways. A spreadsheet for one year contains information on the breakdown of all the actions to be required. The Tripartite agreement is with the SWT solicitors, requiring settlement before other matters can progress. Grant funding is being researched. The new Nerrols Primary School Head Teacher has been briefed. All projects to be included in one planning application in due course. Public Open Spaces Protection Order: WM Clerk contacted TDBC/SWT regarding dog fouling: M Hill responded: “I can confirm that in the old area the Dog Fouling of Land Act still applies, and this covers dog fouling on all public open space. Therefore, there is no need to create a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for the park. (for information, in the West Somerset Area, there is a PSPO regarding dog fouling, and this covers the whole of the old West Somerset Council area, and there are also two PSPOs in place for drinking/legal highs which cover Taunton and Wellington town centre areas) There is an exemption where the dog fouling legislation doesn’t apply to agricultural land, however, I have checked with Planning and there has been a change of use from agricultural land to a park/public land some of the land (see attached plans) and so there would be no problem applying the legislation in these areas. The Council does have a contract with a Dog Warden service to carry out some fouling patrols in the area. There are also some “no fouling” signs available that could be put up if needed.” 11. Cheddon Ward: Wessex Water: Cllr West advised on the recent issues in Cheddon village, and will follow up. Upper Cheddon notice board – lengthsman undertaking repair. Grass cut at South Lodge and other sight lines within parish. De-designation of Gadds Valley (16 May 2019): ‘ Notice is hereby given that, following the expiry of the Management Agreement between the former Taunton Deane Borough Council and the owner of the land, the Local Nature Reserve declared on 16 September 2010, comprising approximately 3.9 hectares of land situated at Gadds Valley, Cheddon Fitzpaine, Nr Taunton in the County of Somerset has been de-designated with immediate effect. There will be no public access to the site from 20 May 2019.’ Governance Manager.

12. Maidenbrook Ward: Gabians update:Information received from Bovis which suggests this matter is progressing to the EA. New Head Teacher for Nerrols School announced: Rhian Locker, currently Deputy Head at North Town School takes the new role; a briefing in the Country Park by Alan Hall was enthusiastically welcomed. Northwalls Grange notice board: the locks have jammed, DWH to repair. Priorswood Industrial Estate (PIE) – broken post and rail fence near bus stop to be repaired by JLL. Crosslands Farm – access issues with SCC/Developers to be resolved to satisfy local neighbour.

13. Highways: Summerleaze Crescent parking problems: Cllr Batsch & Clerk met SCC Steve Deakin, Parking Services, who will promote the yellow zigzags outside Nerrols Primary School, and it is understood is considering improving 2

the sight lines to Summerleaze Crescent with double yellow lines. Meeting proposed for Cheddon School re local issues. SCC Highway grass cutting schedule released. Western Relief Road: Work commenced 15.4.2019 on joining Aginhills estate to A3259 near Tudor Park (south of the Country Park).

14.Planning Applications: -to consider applications received from SWT (ex TDBC), and to consider any others to date 38/19/0129 - Erection of a residential development of up to 347 No. dwellings (87 No. affordable) with associated access, infrastructure, open space (formal and informal) and landscaping on land off Lyngford Lane, Taunton The Councillors discussion and comments mirror the local resident’s concerns raised in PQT. Cllrs Batsch, Woollacott & Clerk to draft response to planning application to be circulated via email to Parish Councillors for approval before submission on 20.5.2019. Response is available on SWT website. 08/19/0012 - Erection of single storey extension to rear of The Gatehouse, Tudor Park – no objection.

15. Planning Decisions: 08/19/0005 Erection of first floor to garage with erection of shed to rear of Medicia Cottage, Maidenbrook Lane, Cheddon Fitzpaine – conditional approval 08/19/0006 – Erection of single storey extension with alterations to roof line and insertion of dormers at The Joshua Tree, Cheddon Fitzpaine – conditional approval 08/19/0008 – Erection of a detached double garage at Park View, Tudor Park, Cheddon. - Refused.

Awaiting Decision: 08/17/0040 -Outline Planning Application with all matters reserved, except for means of access, for the erection of up to 180 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point off Cheddon Road, Taunton (Gladman) – (registered May 2018) 08/18/0028 Relocation of Conquest Equestrian Centre with the erection of office facilities, flat, cafe, indoor and outdoor arena, stable block, parking facilities and associated works on land at Maidenbrook Lane, Cheddon Fitzpaine 08/19/0001 Application for approval of reserved matters following outline application 08/10/0024 in respect of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 237 No. dwellings with associated works on land off Nerrols Drive, Taunton

16. Reports: Church: -Pauline Stone advised she has stepped down as Church Warden after 15 years. She will continue some duties but will not undertake the legal matters. -Tracey Hallett has completed her training, and will be Ordained on 30 June 2019 at Wells Cathedral; lives in the Northwalls community and will be the Curate for the next four years. -Deep church clean was very successful, and the churchyard tidy-ups are regular summer events. -a new toddler group will be set up in Northwalls. Pastoral Care Group: Liz Thompson continues in this role and will forward reports from time to time. Cheddon School: SATs tests have been completed; spelling is a challenging one. -children are to attend Kilve for a three-day residential stay. -interview taking place covering maternity leave -a full compliment of children is on the register for September 2019. Memorial Hall: The disputed land boundary is resolved in principle and requires legal completion. - Hall occupancy remains high with weddings and functions being a popular venue.


17. Parish Councillors reviewed items 17 – 23: It is confirmed the following documents have been reviewed and adopted without change: Standing Orders, Financial Orders, Code of Conduct as available on Cheddon Fitzpaine website. It is recorded by Minute of Council that the conditions of the General Power of Competence are satisfied. 18. It is confirmed that summons, agendas and other documents will be accepted by email as proper service. 19. It is confirmed the Register of Assets remain unchanged for 2018-19 for insurance purposes. 20. It is confirmed that the Council is insured with Came & Co: (three-year policy review 2021) 21. It is confirmed for continuation of annual subscriptions to SALC, SLCC, CCS. 22. It is confirmed to support for charities: CAB, Love Musgrove, Arc, MIND, St Margaret’s Hospice. 23. It is noted that procedures for dealing with Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 and DP Act 1998 requests and other policy documents are published on the Cheddon Fitzpaine website 24. Administration SWT -Paperless planning applications; SWT advise that no drawings will be sent to Parishes. It will be possible for large applications to have drawings requested by local Parish Councils. -Clerks attended SALC 12.4.19 and gave Somerset Wood presentation; well received. -WM Assistant Clerk & CF Clerk to attend meeting 22.5.19 re Somerset Wood. -Electric Charging Points including the funding and grants available for them – would the Memorial Hall be a suitable location? Cllr Woollacott to research. -Parish Councillors completed election expense form, Clerk to return to SWT; -new print supplier for newsletter agreed as Character Graphics who are matching the current price. 25. Annual Governance Statement for Audit 2018-19 was read out and approved in accordance with guidelines. It was resolved for the Chairman to sign as appropriate. All in agreement. 26. Finance: - The Statement for Internal Audit Control has been undertaken and signed by Chairman. - The Clerk produced Receipts & Payments Statement, Notes Attached, Insurance Assets, Variances, Notice advising Electors Rights to view accounts, on the External Audit Form 2018-19. All have been checked and verified by the Internal Auditor. It was resolved for the Chairman to sign on behalf of the Parish Council. Proposed Cllr Woollacott and seconded Cllr Baker - Precept received from SWT £12,425.50 (½ now & ½ Sept 2019) - CIL received £814.69 for Millbrook, Tudor Park - VAT to be claimed £820.78. Clerk to undertake. 27. Payments for Authorisation: to approve payments: Payments May 2019 Amount VAT Pay Date SALC – Councillor Training (LBaker) £25.00 17.5.2019 Lengthsman – B Keal £118.80 £19.80 17.5.2019 Came & Co Insurance 2019-20 £396.08 17.5.2019 Brian Howe, Internal Auditor £261.00 17.5.2019 Mrs P J Pearson – mileage expenses £46.80 Homeworking £18.00 £64.80 17.5.2019 Mrs P J Pearson – May Salary £707.98 (Apr Tax/NI £0.00 minus) £707.98 Mrs P J Pearson – April overtime £ 93.36 £801.34 31.5.2019 HMRC May Tax/NI £0 + £0 = £0.00 Inform HMRC RTI (May) £801.34 31.5.2019 Total: £1,667.02 Proposed Cllr Woollacott, seconded Cllr Baker


28. Matters raised by Councillors: Cllr Isaacs suggested the purchase of a Projector to aid the Parish Council using less paper, and for viewing maps and planning. New photos of Councillors to be undertaken at next meeting. 29. Correspondence: circulated:

Next Parish Council meeting: 13 June 2019. Meeting closed: 9.31 pm

Denise Webber (signature on original)

…………………………………………… Chairman